supervision and evaluation: investing in excellence fresno unified is a performance-based...

Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

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Page 1: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Supervision and Evaluation:Investing in Excellence

Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization

Namita S. Brown, PartnerFagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Page 2: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Module 1 Purpose

Build leadership competency and confidence in supervision and evaluation processes

Outline steps for writing meaningful and relevant evaluation documents

Understand and be responsible for ensuring effective and timely evaluations


Page 3: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

FUSD Evaluation Goals

Recognize the performance of outstanding employees Enhance and improve performance through

communication that is direct, clear, honest, immediate, frequent, and evidence based

Align professional growth to employee strengths and areas of improvement

Provide an avenue for informal and formal communication that builds relationships

Promote overall school improvement and progression toward District and site performance goals and targets


Page 4: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

FUSD is a Performance-Based Organization

Board policies drive expectations for performance management

Leadership Standards, California Standards for the Teaching Profession, and classified job descriptions are the foundation for supervision of employees

Evaluations are a critical factor in all personnel decisions Evaluations are based upon results as they relate to

standards, student growth, and the FUSD data dashboard Promotion and retention decisions are based upon evaluation

data that is written in CEIJ format (Claim, Evidence, Impact & Judgment)


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Board Policies

Professional LearningCommunity of learners Fulfill FUSD’s educational mission

AccountabilityShared leadership Flows in multiple directions


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How Performance Management Supports Supervision and Evaluation in FUSD

Performance management drives employee behavior to align with the organizational goals and objectives

Performance management systems serve two primary purposes for an organization– Employee decision making – the evaluation appraisal is used for

promotions, transfers, assignments, or employment status decisions

– Employee development – the evaluation/performance appraisal is used to guide the training, job experiences, mentoring, coaching, and other developmental opportunities for employees


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Skillful Leaders in FUSD


Page 8: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Supervision and Evaluation

Think about your most recent evaluations– What were the key learnings from your most

memorable supervision and evaluation experiences?

– How frequent were the interactions between your supervisor and you?

– What was missing?– What was the impact?


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Sharpen Your Focus and Purpose

How are you utilizing the Leadership Coaching Questions?

What sources of data are collected and how are they used in supervision and evaluation?

What process do you use to connect student goals and targets and/or department or district performance goals and targets to employee evaluations?


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Preparing Career Ready Graduates

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FUSD Students Count on Our Employees


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Keep it Positive and Productive

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Legal Framework


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Evaluation Education Codes

It is the intent of the Legislature that governing boards establish a uniform system of evaluation

and assessment of the performance of all certificated personnel (Education Code §446601 et. seq.)


Page 15: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Certificated Education Codes

44660, 44662 Governing Board sets a uniform system of evaluation and


44663, 44664 Timelines

44932, 44938 Teacher (certificated) dismissal 90-day notice 45-day notice


Page 16: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Management Evaluation Authority

Board Policy and Administrative Regulation 4315 Classified management employees are evaluated based

on proficiency standards established for their position. Working with evaluators, management employees should integrate their own professional goals and objectives with those of the District. Evaluations should:– Identify and commend effective performance– Counsel and assist management employees to improve

performance– Document, appropriately, the basis for promotion, transfer,

demotion, suspension or dismissal


Page 17: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Classified Evaluation Authority

Board Policy/Administrative Regulation 4215 Examine evaluation articles contained in

Collective Bargaining Agreements


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Evaluation Who and How Often?

Certificated (Education Code, 44660 et. seq.) Temporary and probationary annually Permanent at least every two years

Classified (Administrative Regulation, 4215) Permanent at least every two years Probationary classified are evaluated at 5 and 11

months Management (Education Code, 44662c)

Annually, all management complete self assessment and develop a Professional Development Plan

During an evaluation year, the employee receives the evaluation at the end of the year


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Awarding Tenure/Permanent Positions

High stakes decision

Reliability is important


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EvaluationsGrievable or Not Grievable?

Evaluation processes and timelines


Evaluation content No


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Skillful Leaders: The FUSD Way

Leadership Standard 1

Skillful Supervision and EvaluationThe leader will demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities to skillfully supervise and evaluate staff performance and support performance improvements throughout the organization


Page 22: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Ensure Reliable Results


To provide feedback that informs practice and facilitates professional



To provide an evaluation of overall performance that determines

employment status (promotion and retention)


Results reflect consistent aspect of employee’s practice


Observations are related to work outcomes; targets, student

achievement data


Page 23: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Skillful Leaders Set a Positive Tone Regarding Evaluations

1. How do you engage each individual in identifying their strengths and areas of improvement?

2. What is the process at your site or department to communicate expectations, goals, and outcomes in relation to supervision and evaluation?

At the beginning of the year: Review and follow all

Collective Bargaining Agreements

Craft a beginning of the year memo to all employees outlining purpose, expectations for supervision and evaluation


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A Positive Tone Regarding Evaluation Empowers Employees to Own Their Improvement

Empower and encourage your employees to generate their own questions, engage in dialogue, and make sense of their evaluation data in order to set and monitor their professional development targets and goals

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Evaluation Components

Conferences (pre, post and ongoing)– Pre: set goals and targets– Post: reflect on observations and

data– Ongoing: reflect on data and informal

observations Observations (formal and informal)

– Formal: pre-arranged with employee– Informal: during day-to-day supervision

Analysis of data tied to evidence25

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Pre Conferences

During the pre-conference, discuss: Their goals for the year The data they have created or identified to

develop these performance goals and targets How they will measure and monitor successful

attainment of these performance goals and targets


Page 27: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

Ongoing Conferences

The individual employee should guide the discussion and take primary responsibility for drawing conclusions and identifying next steps

The employee and supervisor should jointly gather and identify and apply data to goals


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Post Conference

During the post-conference, consider/discuss: Use evidence/data to guide the conversation Provide time and space to collaboratively

analyze the evidence and its impact Jointly debrief next steps and

evidence/assessment Match improvement steps to strengths and

areas of need Link gaps in performance to professional

learning, goal setting, and targets28

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Skillful Leaders know that great observations promise lay in its use of a

developmental tool

Skillful leaders know that observations are most impactful when they are used as a tool

to help develop strong employees.


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Prior to Observations

Clearly communicate the purpose of observations with the employee

Identify what multiple sources of data will be collected, by whom, and when and how often prior to the observations

Share with the employee what data sources will be collected and discussed


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During Observations

Collect evidence during observations Collect literal notes that contain data points that

will translate into evidence Literal notes should include what the employee

is saying and doing; use quotes from teacher and students

Literal notes should include what other stakeholders interacting with the employee are saying and doing; use quotes


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Following Observations

Communicate with the employee early, often, and in multiple modes and focus on results and performance goals and targets

Discuss relevant work product(s) that demonstrate employee’s skills and knowledge (data, analysis of data, work product)

Identify success indicators utilizing standards and competencies Calibrate your ratings with the employee, tied to standards and

competencies; acknowledge how the employee is performing Be transparent and clearly communicate regarding the areas in

need of improvement Assess and monitor for patterns and actions that align to District

performance goals and targets


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Writing Effective Evaluations

Claim, Evidence, Impact and Judgment (Rating) Claim tied to standards and/or competencies Evidence based on data and aligned to the

claim that makes visible to the employee both strengths and areas of improvement

Impact aligned to Claim and Evidence and tied to impact on student learning and/or the learning environment

Judgment aligned to the Claim, Evidence, and Impact


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“Judgment” is the Rating on the Evaluation

Is it aligned to Evidence? Is the Evidence collected over time? Is the Evidence language clear, and does it

contain data? Are performance patterns visible to the

employee? Does the Impact align to the Claim, Evidence,

and rating? What support is provided to the employee over


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Practical Pointers

Clearly communicate with the employee, regarding employee performance

Provide feedback that is based on Evidence, meaningful and immediate

Be honest and supportive. Difficult conversations are easier when tied to Evidence and data, and anchored by a desire to help others improve

Describe in writing what the employee should be doing vs. what they are doing

Include data on the evaluation that has been previously discussed with the employee

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Practical Pointers

The Law: Adhere to timelines, CBA, and/or Education Code

Use the correct forms Reliable: Conduct enough observations to

justify the rating Valid: Collecting enough Evidence to

justify the “J” rating John Hancock!


Page 37: Supervision and Evaluation: Investing in Excellence Fresno Unified Is a Performance-Based Organization Namita S. Brown, Partner Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost

FUSD Evaluation Goals

Recognize the performance of outstanding employees Enhance and improve performance through

communication that is direct, clear, honest, immediate, frequent, and evidence based

Align professional growth to employee strengths and areas of improvement

Provide an avenue for informal and formal communication that builds relationships

Promote overall school improvement and progression toward District and site performance goals and targets


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HR.Online is created through a partnership between the

Fresno Unified School District's HR Department, the Fresno County Office of Education andFagen Friedman & Fulfrost LLP, leaders in

education law

Preparing Career Ready Graduates