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1954 October



Loren E. Gross

Copyright © 2002

Fremont CA

"UFOs are the Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse "

— Dr Lincoln La Paz

"Supplemental Notes" consist ofmaterial under

consideration for any revision of the original

UFO history volume covering this time period

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Notes on sources*

Most ofthe information that makes this supplement possible came from Robert Gnbble,

Murray Bott. George Fawcett, Les Treece-Sinclair, Barry Greenwood, Jan Aldrich, Capt.

William Nash, the CUFOS archives in Chicago, the private papers of the late Dr JamesMcDonald, and APRO records.

The NICAP files at the CUFOS archives contain valuable translations ofa number of Frenchnewspaper clippings by a person only identified as "AMD."

Many other French news clippings, plus a few Italian, are available but they have not beentranslated into English, nonetheless some have been reproduced in this supplement for the

record. The sources for most ofthe foreign language news clippings not on file at CUFOSwere Dominique Weinstein and Jean Sider t

Good sources for October European and Middle East items, as for previous months, are

Australian and New Zealand papers Nearly all come from Murray Bott's files Also, as

before, a surprising number ofUFO stories appeared in the English language Cairo, Egypt,

Egyptian Gazette, a gold mine discovered by Jan Aldrich

The first go-around on this time period did not make use of every UFO report in Aime

Michel's book, The Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery. It was hoped other

sources would provide the same information. Unfortunately that hope was not realized

Michel's book is almost 50 years old (published in 1958) and new editions seem unlikelysince the body ofthe text is built around Michel's "Straight-Line" theory that is out of

favor among mainstream UFOlogists, therefore Michel's work has been culled for anymaterial omitted earlier

Before Dr. Olaves Fontes hooked up Coral Lorenzen and APRO, the Brazilian UFO investigator worked with Robert Gribble of Seattle, Washington, who directed the group

called Civilian Flying Saucer Intelligence The Seattle organization published the Flying

Saucer Review (no relation to England's publication ofthe same name) Some ofFontes'

late October 1954 writings that appeared in the CFSI publication, have never appeared inAPRO sources. As a citizen of Brazil, Fontes' primary language was Portuguese but his

English wasn't too bad, nonetheless Fontes' writings require minor editing (Fontes, forexample, would write "an object on the sky" instead of"in the sky."). Gnbble published

a clean-up version ofFontes which makes for a better read but, according to rule I havechosen to follow, ifa primary source is available, it will be used

Special note:

A glaring error was the placement ofa Holy Land UFO clipping on page three ofthe

1953, January-February, Supplement. The clipping belongs in the October 1954 time

period The clipping service made the annoying decision to print dates in a purple ink

that fades over time, making numbers hard to read

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Octobers/November? 1954 Lubbock, Texas, (about 9:15 pm.)

Weather observer sees some "Lubbock Lights."

In a letter to APRO it says-

"This is, at least, a sketchy recollection ofmy own personal sighing ofUFOs back

in October/November 1954. I do not recall the date nor the exact month, the year could

possibly be 1953 but I'm fairly certain it was 1954 I was then a Weather Observer at

Reese Air Force Base, Lubbock, Texas. This base is (was) located approximately 15

miles west ofLubbock, and 20 miles east ofLevelland, Texas. These observations werewitnessed by other Weather Observers and though no higher military authority acted up

on them they were recorded, by the Weather Observer on duty, in the column reserved

for remarks that are not disseminated over teletype, on the official record (The WBAN10A)


"Time, about 9.15 p.m on a Sunday evening in October/November 1954 Word

came to me that the PIBAL (Winds Aloft) Observer was witnessing 'Flying Saucer

formations' from the observation platform atop the one-story Operations Building onthe Reese AFB flight-line. As I recall, there were three of us who kept with it for twohours, but there probably were more among us for a shorter time. Sergeant Robert Gift,Airman Jerome H Carney and myself were the three.

"The first sighting for me occurred at approximately 9.45 p m. A V-formation ofapproximately ten elliptical lights (not unlike blue-white reciprocating engine exhaust

flames), each the size oVA the diameter ofa dime (held at arms length), the formationbeing as wide as V% the long edge ofa dollar bill and the angle ofthe formation being120 degrees to 130 degrees. These dimensions apply when the formation was closestIn three seconds time the Mights,' keeping formation, traveled a slightly curved arcacross the star studded sky, beginning 20 degrees above the horizon at an azimuth ofabout 320 degrees reaching a zenith of20 degrees off the vertical and at azimuth 220degrees and then being lost from sight at 20 degrees above the horizon at 160 degreesazimuth There was no sound. Their swiftness and silence convinced me they wereneither birds nor aircraft No reasonable estimate of altitude was possible, even for experienced viewers such as ourselves.

"Another sighting, as I recall, occurring with in half-an-hour ofthe last, was quitesimilar with these exceptions. This V-formation came from the west, 280 degrees. Within one second one single 'light' broke off and curved to the north, disappearing at a relatively high vertical angle, 45 degrees, at 310 degrees azimuth. Holding our prime attention, the full formation veered sharply to the south as it reached our zenith (two secondsafter sighting) and was lost from view in about the same area of sky as the 9*45 sightingAll this happened within four seconds.

"Two or three more formation sightings were witnessed by me on this night; eachcontaining no less than five nor more than twelve Mights.' A smaller number of solo

lights' were observed as well, some making abrupt changes in direction 'Light* activitywaned after 11 -30 p.m. and thereafter we each drifted away, with the exception, ofcourseofthose on duty

"Ofthose that saw these strange things remarks ranged from "They are flights ofbirds reflecting the flight-line lights,' to 'They must be the Lubbock Lights.' (I never

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heard ofLubbock Lights until they were mentioned that evening) However the most

discouraging remark was made by the Airdrome Officer. He said, after we had report

ed these things to him, 'What do you expect me to do?' At least the sightings were in

dicated on the weather record."

(Signed) Norman Rohrer " (xx)

(xx) UFO Report Date ofobservation: Oct-Nov 1954. Date ofreport* January 30,

1966 Submitted by Norman F. Rohrer, (no house number given) Nichols

Road, Nesconset, N Y. 11767 APRO files.

The incredible European "saucer landing phenomenon."

Were the "saucer landing" reports being provided by people ofprobity, or as the French say

persons ofdigne defot ('worthy of being believed ')?

Information in this Supplement is intended either to provide new details or new cases

1? October. 9Chambery, France, (no time)

This incident was mentioned briefly on page four ofthe history monograph UFOs A History1954, October, page 4. Here is some additional detail: "Dr M. Martinet, of Chambery, a formerartillery observer, backed up by 15 witnesses, said he saw a dark gray mass hovering over

mountains about 6,000 feet up. When it lost height it appeared 'in the shape ofa plate, bottom-side up '" (xx.)

(xx) Auckland, New Zealand Star 1 October 54 (N Z P.A - Reuter)

1? October. Valance, France, (no time)

Circle ofvegetation crushed.

According to our source. "A Valance woman said she saw a 'flying saucer' making a whistlingnoise in a field She rushed to find witnesses, but the 'saucer' had disappeared when they returned, leaving a circle ofcrops 9 feet across broken down as if something had landed there " (xx.)

(xx.) Ibid. (Unless.otherwise designated, all New Zealand clips are from the files ofMurrayBott, Auckland, New Zealand)

1 October Untranslated French news clipping. (See page 3) (Credit: Dominique Weinstein)

1 October Bassing, France (about 11.00 p.m.)

Shifted in a fantastic fashion.

Aime Michel rells us:

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Lfi ML


FESTIVAL de soucvupes

DANS LEIIEL DE PAiiEPUIS le tempi quaux quatr* colni de France tt dant lemoTide le mam/ettent dei i loucoupei t e( autret tdgarei*volanli lei palolt commencalent a te vexer du didain tvtti

matlque dum tequel lei lenalent cei * vttiteurt interplaiUtairei tHi ont eu liter leur Itsttval De 10 heurei a 18 heuret ce tut dan* le

del dun bleu datur un veritable carroutti de point* lumtneux au*

ittCt baptitet «toucoupei volanlet ■ 5 U fallait reeuetlllr tout le* Umoignaaet de cette iournee de * tii*ttet le journal n» tut/trait pa*Aunt noui bornerom noui aux declaration! de quelque* pertonne* out— eltet lafttrvtent du molnj — ont vu dlatinctement cet engtn* Bile*etalent ptui favortsees que la multitude grace a dei jwneltti quetletont garde braquttt iur le del, tarn ccfnu dc (ortlcolU une parliede la ;ourne>

A 10 neurei ceiaU un duque

dun blauc laittux munt en toncentre d un renllemtnt couteur

rouge qui e/lcctua une rapide patroutlle a quelquei IDOUOnt il altt

tude A mtdl 1 invaivm cornmen

Ja Vne tonne ovate blanche trei

umlneute apparuf prectdantdune demi heure quotre ou Cinq

autrei ditauei duperies aus quatre coin* au ciel

Vert 13 heuret 1 objef ovate

lam honte tounia au rouge ruii

(i i en alia comme U ttatt oenu II

laltta nianmoins dans le firtna

ment de quot occuper une bonne

parti* de I aprti mldl det paloitJutou a IB heuret ceux<t le nei

en I air Is dotgt tendu te mantrutent det tachet lumtneuiei evo

luant lenlement et ouetque lot*

immobile* pendant pimleuri mlnutet II (allait de la bonne uo-lonti et une excellcnte vuc pourentrer dan* le feu Hals tonqu onaualt en/ln reperi lobjet alort

on le tentait un * tnltii > au myttire de lau-dela et Ion le raiia

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Lei thottt te -comptiquirtnl

Quelque peu du /all quait lUbvtde tapriimtdl un commtrcanteut la malencantreutt iiie de la

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imtantt plethare de toucoupt)

dam le ciel de Pau La vie tie lactti /ut IttUralement itoppte Fi

en uu mtJieu dei rue* det centalnci de vatoit ivilirenl par fiilro-cl' tecrascment El t Ut ue vtrcnt

ritn Ut eurent au msim lavan

taoe d avoir /all unr demte heured eicellente culture pnvi(<nie

NomUrcMZ auront iU hltr tatr

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rleuz abjelt f Nul ne le taurc

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*t le plus conva/ncu noui a /altune description A ta /aeon de ce

ou U ovolt tni d»cnp<ton ffui don

ne une forme o cet myttirintttttachet lumineus^t i Citait comme une boule rouge au centre

naut attldit Tout oufour (ournalt comme un volant un dUauetuminttu ■ La relation pent pa

raitre lantaitiste malt eomptetenu de la putttance del moyenttju ij mil en aevvre pour lobterva

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L nomme pottidalt en eflet demomtrueuset iumellet tie marine,touuenlr de lotntalnet campaffnei

auiil pulijanlej et petanttt qu un



t ET PEU BANALE• taiperlu (il*lwj Gy*iu)

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menibrii Je ia fstnllle tialcni

rasiemblis au pied du pilon*

linpuiasBiin iur ilo rlaquBK'ni A

leur tour d tin Clacuo^uiej en

lourliinl ia corps tie Ulovsnnif a HfcJ'e 4 *i^ isnlte tlmx hturMpint wrd mill II ttviit lmiI atfivre

coins t TranceUn u globe bleu, bnllant

et ronronnant »

k PerpignanUn ctiaulfeur de cwnion qui ef

reciuftll tiler matin le r&mustg*du JUt aux environs de Cabest*nv (Pyrenees-Oriennle*) « decla,

re avoir ftpercu ion vohlcule- «un (lobe brillvila da cau-leur blcuAtre < qui evoluait a un«

alticuds d environ IK metre* eo

produlaain u/i bourdonnemeot

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d un quart d heure puls. brusque-ment celul-ci u seralt eleva dam

1* del et aurall dispaju en dlrec*tlon de la mer

Le [aune dominedans lei D-eux-SevreiUne Mucoupe volante auralt M

apercue k Auge (Oeux-Sevr»)D autra part, M Plcaud dlrec

teur d'une bruMrit t Saioie-Po-

tenna a declare avoir apercu pendant quelquu mloutet, alori qullclrcuUlt iur la rouu de Font*-

nay le-Comte un curieux dlsquadun jaunt aUncelant.

En Haute-Marne

un engin bnllantPlutleun habitants da la com

mune de Rebtls ont declare avoirapercu un enjl/i elranga trei

brIIUnt clicutant ft ift null tornbee daas le del &u-deuui de Rebala

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, lapRa/eil. qui £ircuuut uisjloucement setait emulta dlrij« >«rtCoutommien iprea avoir tug

menta u vlteue et avail dliparuAvant hler matin det CR3

oin egolement apercu un dlsquelumlneux daru la ciel au-4ruuide Vaudoy

Un cigare dans I'HeraultMine Plwot de la Baume doml

clllee fc MontpeiUer a declaro


teletcoDC tt out lut asturirent un

luttil ul luccej une celul que rentportirent le* uoucoupeii

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de Renteignemcntt prts au Centre dc la Mitio dn Ponl Long

tcui quell/it pour cet operation*

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Matt atort j agusalt tl pro i men I

de joiicoupci votantes '



(IMiiiiu IIiij,i aux quatre coins de France

iivoir apervu * une altitude d environ 4 100 mitres un apporeli dtroime de clears brlllant it quipuraisaail entoure d un halo

Langin quelle put obterver unrminute environ dl»pnrut tout

d un coup en direction de I Eatsans ralre do bruit et tans IMsiertie (facet.

Le Maroc et I'Algeno

iont eg«lement visiteiDas temoins dignes de rot ui.t

npircu hler soir dans te ciel tieKouiugri locoilie situcr n r dron 130 kllomttrfs de Cusablnnc*un <ngin do forme circuUI <- Ue

couloir rouge (voluntu a urt il

tuude 6lcvee et a une grand' uiriia n gui scmoiait era It tlftlUmmri d jn blru vert

Ui) pngln de forme Ht linger acW apci-cu m»-credl soli \ci»30 k 30 dant le ciel de San parties Icmoins digues rie foi Uni

taret. u clcplacall a un- grandevlL*-tw d En rn Nord Quest 11null) eniouie dune lumlSrf bleutec n laissunt demere lui uneirniner lummeuse L*s tcmomsout o/firme qut cet i-ncin n ovaltt'lcim rup port aver im avion A


ainii que le DanemarkDa nombrpux habltiiis de <m

vllle cle Sirlb iFioniet ufrirmentavoir vu liler solr «un engin }auno rougeitro dont la rorme rap

pelalt un clgare • evoluant a haule altitude et lalsunt dernere lultics «languci de (eu« Dauires

« engliis lumlneux » oni ele npeicus Cfs uol> dernlers jours uiPionlr et en Suede

Dai toucoupes votantei

largueraient det tractsdnti-communntei au-deisui

de la TchocoslovaqmeVlenne — i Det soucoupri vo-

lantesi siunalces legulitiemeniaepuls qurvues temps en Auntche seralem sfIon lr t bun tripgraf» des enijins teleguidet ulHi<e* par cerlulnes putssuncei pour

laiguer tin irtcta ontirommunnin uu-dessus n> lu TchecoilovaQule

Ce Journal rapporte en efletcjue dei liacu rerliges *n languetcheque oiu tie irouvci piij tit

Eferdlin en Haute Aiunchr none sovieilquti apres If pasMBr de

deux eduques lumln*u» ■ dom lr^evolutions out ele ohvrvees purJnix Kendurmn a une lorsilicvoislnr

Crs tracts iliffusei par un kioupe a emigres appurtenant uumouvement «opposition trhcens

lovaqur • mvtient les puysant de

rthtcoMovuquie a quitter les collectiviles agncoles el les coopfrauvrs d Etat

Deux aulrcs quoUrtiens mentlonncnt egolement le temoigrtugtde plutlettri pat sans out »/flr

mem avoir vu une cM)ukOupr>pilie par le ralsceau dun proJecleur de OCA uvletlque

Page 6: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en

"M. Romain and M. Renfort.. .were standing on their doorstep when their atten

tion was attracted to a luminous object, flying through the sky toward the southeast. It

was elliptical in shape, and it shifted in fantastic fashion around a point apparently sit

uated between the two villages of Vergaville and Biderstroff. At one moment the ob

ject was motionless, at the next it descended or rose, at another it traversed a brief span

at dizzying speed. At the distance estimated (subjectively) by the witnesses, the object

appeared to be at least several yards in diameter Furthermore, the witnesses believed

they heard the sound ofa motor, so that at first one might have thought the object a

helicopter. It must, however, be pointed out that with Bassing situated between two

national highways in a close network ofroads, and with the object sufficiently far off,

the attribution of sound to the object is subject to the same caution as the observer's

estimate of its actual distance from them

"The object disappeared in a few minutes, and that was all for that night." (xx)

(xx) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery. Criterion Books-

New York, N.Y., 1958. plO3.

2 October. Dieuze, France (8*00 p.m.)

Repeat show

Michel writes

"The following day, Saturday October 2, the same show started over again above

the same region. But this time it was observed by several villages and for two consec

utive hours. The first witness was M. Rothfiiss, ofDieuze, who sighted the object at 8

p.m. For an entire hour he was able to observe its complicated maneuvers: ascensions,

sharp descents, with slow or rapid changes ofposition, all in a southeasterly direction,

towartd Maizieres-les-Vic. But this time these maneuvers were accompanied by lumin

ous phenomena and the emission of light of many colors." (xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery pp. 104-105

2 October Bassing and Blanche-Eglise, France. (9.00 -10:00 p.m.)

Michel writes*

"At 9 p.m. the Dieuze witnesses lost sight ofthe object. But at the same momenttwo villages on the opposite sides ofDieuze began to perceive it: Bassing (already visitedthe night before) and Blanche-Eglise, three miles southwest ofDieuze. The same maneuver was reported by both villages, where it was followed for one whole hour. Then, at10 00 p m., the object once more disappeared." (xx.)

(xx) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 180.

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Dating of French reports

Aime Michel shares his experience:

"The only liberty that I have taken with the newspaper accounts is that of deter

mining all dates exactly, adding them to the newspaper reports if they were missing, or

changing the date given in the paper if it was wrong Only the Pansien Libere, Libera

tion, La Croix, and the Bourgogne Republicain generally give exact dates. The small

provincial papers have always been more scrupulous than the big Paris dailies in this

respect." (xx)

(xx ) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 111.

2 October. Les Rousses, France, (about 3*45 p.m.)

School teacher, kids, see "classic cloud cigar."

According to Aime Michel:

"The village ofLes Rousses is situated on the Swiss frontier, not far from Lake

Geneva. At about 3:45 p.m, twenty-three school children were outdoors, supervised

by their teacher, Mme. Jaillet, when they saw in the sky above Mount Noirmont, in

the southeast, an elongated object in the shape of a short white trail or train. At first

it was barely perceptible, because of its height and its distance. However, it approach

ed quite rapidly, and some minutes later the phenomenon as it was described corres

ponded exactly to the classic 'huge cloud cigar ' As at St-Prouant, the witnesses saw

the object pass from the horizontal position (when moving laterally) to the vertical

position (when motionless) At one stage, they perceived very clearly for several se

conds a gleaming yellow disk which slipped out ofthe cigar, only to hide itself again

shortly. Then the cloud—the 'train,' said the witnesses—resumed its horizontal position at the same time as its motion, and disappeared at a lively speed in the direction

ofDole, that is, toward the northwest. The sighting lasted four or five minutes." (xx)

(xx) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 112

2? October. 30 miles east of Paris, France, (no time)

According to our source, a sailor named Bernard Coujon viewed an object that landed near a

road at a location about 30 miles from Paris. The thing came down about 150 yards away and hesuffered from a'prickly' sensation as the object stood still for a moment. After that, the objecttook off at high speed. No sound was heard and no trail was left behind it. Checking the site ofthe landing, holes four inches deep were found apparently from the landing gear (xx.)

(xx) Paris, October 2. (Reuters - AP)

2? October Monceau les Mines, France (no time)

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Yellow cigar?

Our source states "At Monceau les Mines, two masons said they saw a cigar-shaped object

coloured yellow take offwith a hissing noise." (xx)

(xx) Ibid

Additional data on the official French investigation mentioned on page 4 ofthe monograph

UFOs A History 1954 October

The London, England, Sunday Dispatch, noted the excitement across the channel and said it

was M. Jean Nocher, a French M P., who had asked the French government to set up a Com

mission to study the "invasion." The Dispatch informed its readers French authorities were

"disturbed" by both the variety and strangeness ofthe sightings (xx.)

(xx ) London, England Sunday Dispatch. 3 October 54.

In fact, it is claimed Charles de Gaulle had taken note ofevents and was especially concerned

about the sighting of an unexplained object in the sky over Tananarive, Madagascar, (xx.)

(xx) Bourdais, Gildas. "From GEPAN to SEPRA: Official UFO Studies in France "

International UFO Reporter Winter 2000-2001. p. 11 (The Tananarive sighting

was cited in the famous "Cometa report."

3 October. Near Saint Amand-les-Eaux, France. (12*15 am)

Large heads, luminous outfits.

Our source states

"About 15 minutes after midnight, a metallurgy worker, Marcel Senechal, was

riding his bicycle on a canal towpath when he heard voices; in a nearby meadow he

saw a spherical object some three meters in diameter near which were two beings,

one meter tall, who were talking to one another. Their heads were very large and

their outfits luminous. The witness fled. Next morning he reported it to the gen

darmes who were unable to find any traces when they returned to the site." (xx)

(xx) HumCat #1889. Also* Mesnard and Bigorne, "Les Humanoides en France "

(unpublished ms.)s p 135, citing Face aux Extraterrestres, by Chas Garreau andRaymond Lavier.

3 October. Lusens, Austria, (about 5:00 p.m.)

Official advisor for police affairs sees "saucer "

UFO researcher E. Berger found this gendarmerie report.

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"Sunday, October 3,1954, at about 1600. .Dr. Christoph Spiegelfeld, 30, saw with

his bare eye through binoculars from Lusens in Sellrain, (a valley leading into Stubaier

Alps—EB) a flying body over Lusener Ferner (glacier—EB). It remained in the same

position for 20 minutes then moved westward and disappeared behind Mt. Ferner Kogel

(3299m—EB) The body was a round, aluminum-silvery shining discs. Dr Spiegelfeld

is official advisor for police affairs at the Schwaz district authority. His credibility is be

yond doubt

"20 years later, Dr. Spiegelfeld added the following details by filling in our question


" 'Observation by chance on a walk. Weather cloudless, Form wind (a warm gusty

alpine wind flowing from the south to north over the ridges—EB) Object first stationary

for 20 minutes, then disappearing to the west within few seconds, great speed. Globular,

metallic like an aircraft. Size ofan aircraft in 10,000m height. Elevation 45 degrees

south . .as if surrounded by strong heat No sound at all. Corroborating witnesses dead.

No field glass . I was pilot in the war It was certainly no balloon as we had strong Fohn

and it would not have kept position for 20 minutes. Also the high speed take-off would

be impossible. The same goes for an aircraft. As it vanished behind a mountain (4 km

ground distance from witness—EB) it had at least 5-10m diameter in case it flew just be

hind it [?sic] Even greater size is possible " (xx.)

(xx) Berger,E. "1954/55-The Austrian Share." UFO Phenomena Ed.:R Farabone,

1978/1979 UPIAR Vol.III, No.L Editecs:Bologna, Italy, 1979. pp.99-100

3? October. Untranslated clipping (Credit: Dominique Weinstein)

Un cigare volant

s'est pose a BlanzyBier, vers 13 heures, MM. Burato

et Bastiani, habitant Blantv, dotsde 20 ans, ont apereu. & 100 metresde la route ou Us circulaient, unengin en forme d'Obus, de eouleurmarron. posi dan* une terra Jabou-rec. L'avpareil fmettait un n/fU-ment assez doux C'est d'ailleurs cequi atttra leur attention.

Sutfoquts par eette apparitionUs n'en miront pas motns pied atent pour alter voir de plus presmats I'engin Yileva soudain A laverticals et disparut a une Vitessevertiaineuae

c Ce n'ctait pas une illusion d'op-tittue » ont dit MM. Burano et deBastiant. qui sont des jeuncs genspar/aitement iquilibre's, excellent-,coureurs cycllstea bien connus enBourgogne, de jurcrott.

Une soucoupe pres

d'Avesnes-lez-AubertDeux habitants d'Avesne+4e*-Au-

oert. eireulant Vun et I'autre abord de leur voiture, ont aperou, lanulr, une lueur a quelque 40 ou

SO mitres dans les champs, au lieu-dit € U Champ des Alouettes », *urla route de Satnt-Hilaire, a Avernolex-Aubert.

Ils sont certains n'avoir pas rtv4Ce ne sont pas des farceurs et, ausurplus, ils sont connderis commtparfaitement equilibres.

klOAZ> /7/9 7/V

3.(0 . I3S-Q

3 October. Lusignan, France, (night)

Flying "egg."

Michel wrote:

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" at Lusignan, about 30 rmlesfarther west [from Leignes], an object at first

identical with that ofLeignes arrived n-om the east. Two witnesses, M and Mme.

Dutaud, watched it approach and saw it s^op. It had then, they said, an ellipticalshape—they compared it to an egg. At that moment another group of witnesses,

Miles, Goebeck and Robin and M and Mme Vion, saw it going away vertically,

'taking the shape ofa crescent'" (xx.)

(xx) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p 130

3 October. Nessier, France (night?)

Red, circular, luminous, object

Michel wrote:

"The final observation was at Nessier, a village in the commune ofBenet in

the Vendee, 40 miles farther west [ofLusignan]. M. and Mme. Guillemoteau

noticed an object on the ground, at the edge ofa swamp. It was circular, lummous,

of a red color, and at their approach took off rapidly and disappeared. The follow

ing day the police went over the ground at these places and found 'oily spots."'(xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery p 131.

3 October. La Chapelle-Hugon, France. (9:00 p.m.)

Bicycle champion sees saucer.

Michel wrote:

"Some minutes closer to 9 p.m., a car carrying several passengers and driven

by the bicycle champion Robert Verdenal, wag traveling along Route N-720 be

tween La Chapelle-Hugon and Grossouvre, in Cher.

"At this spot N-720 follows the Berry Canal and the little Aubois River, and

runs almost exactly north-south. Prolonged southward, it would touch Clermont-Ferrand.

"Without warning, Robert Verdenal and his companions saw coming from

straight ahead ofthem (that is, from the south) a luminous, circular, red object. It

approached fairly rapidly, then suddenly stopped. This immobility lasted several

seconds, after which the object took offagain speedily toward the east, making aright angle with its first trajectory." (xx.)

(xx.) Michel Aime. JFlying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 125-126.

3 October Bressuire, France, (dawn)

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Small figure in a diving suit

Michel wrote

"M. Angelo Girardo, aged 55, residing at Breuil-Chaussee (Deux-Sevres), wasbicycling toward Bressuire, five or six miles away, when, as he neared the grain

silo of the Bressuire Farm Co-operative, he found himselfalmost on top of a disk-shaped machine nearly ten feet in diameter, resting on the ground M. Girardo stop

ped, dumbfounded, and noticed next to the machine a small figure clad in a kind ofdiving suit The little creature made as though to head for M. Girardo, who startedto pedal again, terrified, but watching the mysterious visitor as long as he could. Thelatter turned back toward his machine and stepped in, and the object took off at dizzying speed " (xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p 130

3 October Epinac-les-Mines and Santenay, France (about 8:45 p m.)

Orange luminous cigar

Michel wrote*

"M. Bernard Legros, aged 25, with his wife, his mother, Mme. Rizet, and his

aunt, Mme. Rety, were in a car leaving Epinac-les-mines, 30 miles southwest ofDijon, on Route D-43. About two miles from Epinac, reaching the highway ofaLa Dree, they stopped at the crossing.

"Then they noticed, coming from the northeast in a starry sky, a ball glowingwith orange light, approaching at moderate speed and losing altitude. The wholefamily got out ofthe car. Other motorists passing by at that moment did the sameThe object kept coming. It soon passed to the east of la Dree in the direction ofSaizy-la-Foret, and continued toward the south. At the moment of its closest proxi-Mity the object could be very clearly distinguished- a kind of luminous cigar, itwas orange in color. In the middle of its upper part could be seen a kind of dark-hued dome

"At the same moment, the same object came into view over Santenay, a village ten miles east of la Dree. It is certain that the object was the same, for the time,the descriptions of form, color, and movement, were the same. The Santenay wit-'nesses simply saw the object toward the west, and those of la Dree toward the east.But the la Dree witnesses are sure the phenomenon was very near, two or threemiles at most, at the moment of its closest proximity. The orange cigar thus passedbetween la Dree and Santenay. Finally, at la Dree as at Santenay, the thing wassaid to have sped of in the direction ofCreusot, toward the southwest. At one placeas at the other the observation lasted about five minutes." (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 123-124.

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3 October. Dieuze area, France. (817 -11:45 p.m.)

Return to the area around Dieuze.

Michel writes*

" Sunday October 3, the mysterious visitor returned to the rendezvous a third

time. And for its final appearance, it put on a full-scale performance over the whole

region, from 8.17 p m. to 11:45 p m., above ten villages

'The first witness was M. Pierre Laplace ofVergaville, northeast ofDieuze.

Several minutes later, witnesses could be counted by the dozen at Vergaville, Ker-

prich, Gueblin, Biderstroff, and Bataville. And the spectacle was everywhere des

cribed as follows.

"A disk, luminous with green light, appeared at 8:17 p.m., seemingly in a

straight line above the manorial forest ofBrides, north of Kerprich It remained

motionless an instant, then suddenly sent out a purplish beam, took off, and in a

matter of seconds was discovered above Gueblin, three or four miles farther east.

The witnesses declared that they had never seen an airplane—not even a jet—move

with such lightning speed.

"Above Gueblin another pause, with changes ofcolor. Three times the object

retraced the route Kerprich-Gueblin-Kerprich in the same fashion, reproducing the

same phenomena. Once again above Gueblin, it does not return to its starting point,

but instead throws out new colors, descends almost to ground level, and at the same

time describes a half-circle in the air. A few hundred yards from Biderstroff, a ham

let lying between Bassing and Vergaville, it disappears behind the trees and seems to


"In that instant, great excitement broke out in the neighboring villages, where

innumerable witnesses had followed the object's gyrations for more than half an hour

*The flying saucer has landed!' someone cried, and people climbed into every avail

able vehicle. Perhaps, at long last, they were going to see a saucer close up! Alas,

the first arrivals were just in time to see 'it' leave the earth rapidly, on a slant, and

disappear behind the trees. It was then 9 p m."

"About three hours later, at 11 45 p.m. it passed over Gueblin again and set

down in the fields, some 30 feet from the road Two residents of this village, M

Gilcher and M Domant, were still out ofdoors, and they ran toward the place of land

ing. When they reached the road they found passersby gazing at the object withoutdaring to approach 4t. Impressed by what they saw, MM. Gilcher and Domant alsocontented themselves with looking at it

"Set down in the field, motionless and silent, was a disk emitting a faint greenlight.

"The villagers contemplated fhis bizarre spectacle long and silently. Then theyreturned to their homes..." (xx.)

(xx ) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 104-105.

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3 October. Chereng, France (7:20 p.m.)

Witnesses broke into a run.

Michel wrote.

"The first sighting was reported at Chereng, a country village between Lille

and Tournai, some six miles east of Lille. The weather was clear, the sky cloudless

Chereng was celebrating its 'ducasse,' the day of its patron saint.

"Suddenly, at 7:20, strollers a little to the west ofthe village saw in the sky a

kind of luminous oblong shape, traveling at a low altitude and at full speed When

it reached the height ofthe footbridge spanning the little Marque River, the object

stopped, emitted what seemed to be sparks, and descended.

'The witness broke into a run and headed for the bridge. But at their approach

the object immediately gained altitude and disappeared just as it had arrived. The

whole scene had lasted scarcely more than ten seconds, in total silence. Investigation

also revealed that numerous other persons in the vicinity had witnessed either the ar

rival or the departure." (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery pp. 113 -114.

3 October Armentieres, France. (9:20 p.m.)

A "kind ofcupola?"

Michel wrote*

"Rue de Fleury in Armentieres was still very much alive at that hour [9:20 p m.],

when a pedestrian, looking up in the sky, discovered a perfectly motionless luminous

object He showed it to those around him Everyone stopped. Soon the whole neigh

borhood was looking at it, commenting on it, and exchanging impressions The object

remained perfectly still. One man produced a pair of field glasses, examined the dis

tant object at length, then passed the glasses around among others nearby. With the

naked eye one could see a kind ofcupola, 'a mushroom,' some said, while others

called it a 'half-moon.' It was yellow-orange, or golden, in color, with a sort ofelon

gated greenish spot The binoculars confirmed this descrition. Observation from the

ground continued for several minutes, when suddenly the object, till then motionless,

cut loose at lightning speed and disappeared toward the south-southwest in the di

rection ofFleurbaix." (xx.)

(xx) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 117

3 October. Ablain-St-Nazaire, France. (9:30 p.m.)

"Divide itself in two?"

Michel wrote*

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"In the valley, less than a mile from the Lorette plateau, lies the village ofAblain-

St-Nazaire And residents of this village at the same hour saw the same phenomenon

[as at Lievin],

"Gliding gently through the sky, a luminous object came from the north. When it

was rather close it stopped, and seemed to divide itself in two. While the upper part re

mained motionless, its lower part descended, landed in a field between two haystacks,

and soon ascended to reatach itself to the part left in the air. Having regained its initial

shape, the object took off and rapidly disappeared." (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 117.

3 October Vron, France, (about 6:45 p.m.)

A "ship" and a "creature."

Michel wrote.

"On Sunday evening, October 3, two young men of Vron (Somme) were riding

their bicycles along Route D-27. Vron is a little village five miles from both Rue

and Quend, the area where, two and a half hours later, the second pursuit ofa car by

an unidentified object would take place

"About 6.45, as the Vron cyclists were two and a half miles from Ligescourt,

they suddenly perceived, 150 yards ahead, in the middle ofthe road, a sort of lumin

ous device emitting an orange light The witnesses, Bernard Devoisin and Rene

Coudette, both 18 years old at the time, tell the story.

" 'It was circular, three yards wide, perhaps two yards high, and called to mind

the shape ofa haystack Near it something moved, which we first took for an animal

But as we approached it we soon saw that it was a creature the height ofa child,

dressed like a diver. It entered the machine, which took rapidly to the air without a

sound when we were no further than 70 yards away from it.'

"To those who interrogated them the two boys appeared to be sincere. It should

be noted that the object they described—an orange-luminous disk with high-domed

top—strongly resembles the one reported by hundreds ofother witnesses in the hours

that followed. As for the 'little creature' they claimed to have seen, it bears an unmis

takable resemblance to those described by other persons many times in the course of

the autumn of 1954" (xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 118-119

3 October Between Herissart and Amiens, France, (about 8:45 p.m.)

This case is being included because it has more detail than the account in the monograph

UFOs A History 1954 October, page 6.

According to Aime Michel:

"Several minutes after 8 45, while the Marcoing witnesses saw the object

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disappear toward the southwest, an automobile driven by Mme. Nelly Mansart,

ofNo.8, Rue de la Marliere, Amiens (Somme), was leaving Henssart. With

Mme Mansart were two other Amiens residents, M. and Mme Delarouzee

"As the car was about to turn left into the Amiens road, the three motorists

suddenly saw, at low altitude, a luminous ball in the sky, its color a brilliant

orange On closer observation its shape seemed to be 'like a mushroom hat.'

"The upper part ofthe 'mushroom' appeared to vibrate as it changed color

from violet to greenish, while short 'cables' of some kind hung from the bottom

surface The witnesses estimated the object's dimensions at 20 or 25 feet, its

distance at 150 yards.

"Mme. Mansart made the turn at the crossroad She then perceived that the

object, now almost at ground level, had also turned and was following her car,

always at the same distance. The three motorists grew frightened Mme Man

sart speeded up, the sooner to reach Rubempre, a village about a mile away, in

hopes that the mysterious object would be intimidated by the houses and go

away. And in fact it slanted offand disappeared. But hardly were the travelers

clear of the village than they again saw behind them, still almost level with the

ground and almost no distance away, the tenacious 'mushroom.' It had detoured

the village, and now regained the road!

"The next village was Pierrgot a mile or so distant. The three motorists be

gan to wonder what this importunate follower wanted ofthem, and how it would

end At the outskirts of Pierregot, the same maneuver* it slanted off and disap

peared. Mme Mansart continues.

" *As we left Pierregot, seeing that the object had rejoined us once again, I

stopped the car. The 'saucer' continued on for three or four hundred yards, and

then it stopped too, going around in circles, almost on the ground I waited a mo

ment, then started the car again It again took up its position and pursuit.

" 'It was only as we entered Rainneville, six miles from Amiens, that we saw

the "saucer" leave us, and this time for good. It turned off toward the west, picked

up speed, and disappeared with dizzying rapidity in that direction.'

'This astounding adventure all occurred in four or five miles of driving, and

in less than six minutes." (xx)

(xx ) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery pp. 115-116.

3 October Between Waben and Rue, France. (9 05 p.m.)

Scene re-enacted

Immediately after the UFO stopped following Mme. Mansart's car, a UFO, perhaps the same

one, started to follow a vehicle just 40 miles west ofPierregot. Michel wrote:

"M. George Galland, a businessman ofRue (Somme), was driving, with his

wife and son, along Route N-40 between Waben and Rue, 40 miles west ofPierre

got. And the same scene was re-enacted.

"Like the three Amiens motorists, the three ofRue suddenly perceived an or

ange object in the sky

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"They also saw at once that the object was following them. At this place the

road, practically deserted, runs through sandy, swampy terrain The car's occupants

were not to undergo Mme Mansart's experience among the villages. M. Galland

slowed down to 30 miles an hour and could see the object do the same, following

them almost at ground level some hundred yards away. Just before Rue, after pursu

ing them for five miles, the object suddenly picked up speed, veered to the right, and

disappeared over St-Quentin-en-Tourmont in the direction ofthe sea " (xx.)

(xx) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery p 116

4 October Bruellet, France (mght)

Four little men9

According to a HumCat entry

"Some Bordelaise residents and their friends were returning to Bruellet, on the

road from Royan, when their attention was suddenly drawn to an intense red light

hovering in the sky. They stopped and got out of their cars

"About 12 or 13 meters from the ground they saw a round device (engin) about

six meters in diameter with a cupola, from which shone a yellowish-red light. There

wasn't a sound. A few seconds later the engin moved and dropped toward the ground,

behind some trees Two or three drivers went into the woods with a spotlight [flash

light] and saw, in a meadow surrounded by trees, the engin, around which four little

men one meter high busied themselves.

"The drivers moved toward the engin but the occupants entered it. There was a

blue light, then an orange, then red, which blinded them; then the engin took off mak

ing no noise " (xx)

(xx.) Sud-Quest 9 October 54. Translated by T. Bloecher

4 October The Department ofAir (Australia) and a Mr Turner. (See page 15)

4 October Untranslated clipping. (See page 16) (Credit Jean Sider)

4 October Montceau-les-Mines, France, (about 7.00 a.m.)

Twenty witnesses, including two policemen.

Michel wrote*

"The sighting at Montceau-les-Mines (Saone-et-Loire) is outstanding for the

number of witnesses—about twenty, including two policemen. Around 7 p.m.,

every one ofthese persons saw a round, luminous object rise vertically from a

place called Chavannes, not far from the colliery railroad track, and then shoot

away toward the horizon. The object moved in absolute silence. Strangely, in this

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MINUTE PAPER(This lid a only to b« written on)

114/1/197 (99A)


Department of Air. (Copy to C.A.S.

1, Attached is a copy of a report received on the

4th October, 1954, from the Department of the Navy concerning

the above sightings.

2, Since the beginning of August until quite recently,

all reports on unidentified flying objects were referred to

Mr. O.H. TURNER of the Physics Department of the University

of Melbourne, who had offered to carry out a statistical (analysis on such reports..,,, „_«. .*,-»_

3. Before his recent departure for England, Mr. TURNERstated that he would be submitting a report on the resultsof his research. The report has not yet been received.


Subject- ministerial enquiht - radar sic-htings op unidentified

objects, notra. . .

16 DEC 54_

Group caotain, D.A.F.I.

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PASSAGERS DE SOUCOUPES \fOLAMES ?Deux etrangers ohservaietit samedi

le terrain d'aviation d^AuxerreQUI N'A PAS VU5A SOUCOUJ-E VOLANTE T

Lei incredules vont aans aucui

doutc accueiljlr la litre cf-des,tut par c»tt« reflexion.Quol qu 11 en «olt, et alort-qui

let pouvoln publics (I) nont en'core rien fait pour ecloirer le

opinion* diverui de quarantimillion* de Francats, nous con

Unueions a infoimer nos Lcteuriau fur et a, mesure aue dcs run■elKiiemenU noui uurviendront


Pitts? ii'*oxtRnp

II eult IS h 45-18 heures enviion quand M Robert Cufluu

tflU dc I udjoint special do Jonchej Si Emlle CuMauL) qul tra

valllalt qvcc ton tracteur au lieu-

dlt ' Croix-aux-Moines •, entnJoncher et Egrtaelles apei-cu

deux Indlvldus a quelques centatnes di metres deux Indlvldui

vetut. de couleur claire presqueblanchi qul regard6lent dam sa

direction e est-a-dlrc celle duterrain d aviation De cet endrol

on voll egalement trea blen Au-


M Cuitftut con tinua k tourneret pendant trola tours de champ

Mna aull qultla de vuc leaIndlvldui continuerent a regurdirduns la mime direction Apresqul »jant sana doutt. suppose

que cc conducteur de tracleur leaavail petit elre vui Its inconuusten allerent derrlere une rmle

II) Cl d«MOU* una flei prsml

UnMllvu dcatlntaa t tclmref letprancali auf en phtaomtait dtrao


Question tcrlUau s«criUlr« d'Etat 4 I'alr

Parb 4 octobre — Dans une

question e'ente M Jean Nocrtccdepute de Id Loire fait purt au secretaire dElal a 1'air de 1 emotion

lusdtee dans le public par lesnombreux et divers Umoignagesconcernant les «soucoupei volan-

Ics*II lul demande * at sea prede-

cesseurs au secretariat dEtat alair setaleiit preoccupy commeaiw Etaui-Unls et en U R B 8depuls de 1ohbj« annees, d'ouvrlrune enquet* iw la presence dam

noire atmosphere d'obJeU volantsnon Identifies

< 81 out II lul demande Irs re-sullau publiablu de ces Investiga

tions 31 non II lul demande de

conitituer une coinmlsalon large-

nienteteiidue a toutcs les branchessciemlDquei lnterebsees afln d etu-dler objectlvement ce plienoineneen deifugeant la verlte des erreuraou de* my«Uflcatlons possibles >

pom contlnuer leur vrsUemblableInspection U Ouflaut lul conttuuait k travailler It etalt kII a blen let pledj *ur terreu alarm* pai taut le hameLpour si peu Quitunt son champa 10 h IS-lft h 30 11 conUnuade travailler »vec ses phares Jus

qu a pres de neuf heuresCe n eit qu k 20 h 45, trea

exo element, M Cuffaut le notqu il vkt passer venant de la d

rccUoi) ou etaienl justeineni leindlvldus un apparell couleur d

braise qul fllolt a une vtcesse diplus en plus prodlgleuse en dlrectlon de Ufiiy-le-Chitel, verle ntid est approxlmativemeni

— En 4 ou S Kcondes, II etatdeja dUparu,

VoilA les (alU •trlctement com.

me nous les a decrlt M RoberCufTaut

Le champ i une Mche apparlet\anv k M OlfftTd dAuxerre,

entouree de broussallle* da toules c&les ou presque Facile A reperer a cause d une mare Grande

A LILLE1 Ilk, 4 ot-tobrc — M Aolce

Lurocillc ou\rler ogricolc a illlan! imilr upircu inincdi «olr,

i LominvTi, un t(i gin ayanl U

furnu ilun cluarv, dc 8 i 10 m[It loniiueur iui J nictm do lur-

licur, nui c\olunlt a uue quaran-luiiu i(e meirvt Je huuliur «t Je-Uu(jtttll une ilve lucur vloletleApril a\olr turvole In villc pen

dant <iuelu.uci lecondei, i'en|Intrail Jlipitru da at le ciel

lei detlaralloni de M Cornell)*nt Hi conllrnieei pur un automo-ulule lourquiunoi*. ile poitoftCumlmn

A SA1NT-BR1EUCSuinl Urleuc, 4 octobrt — Plu-

leurs pcrionnes out ufdrme avoira 900 ou JOD metres d'elle*.

cr* 20 h 4S, un « cigaro volant »,une nllllude da SO melrei en

trim I Vug In, uut'«llci dida re,

luuvalt avoli 16 metrei de lon-

iucur ct a'eclalralt, pur in term H-encci, de lucuri roiet II to de-

lufalt itni bruit

A BRESTlircut, 4 twtobrc — if" Henry,

ltltalrke a Guetnou (Muittrre),afllrni* avoir apt.rcu deux foi»

e mile a U mime heure Uont;c elel, un engtD cjUudrlqat mou-

it qul ic ilepln;alt >«m bruit,ounl en eit

de dei* hectare* et plaote en unUeu oesert, excellent point devue ppnoratnlque

_Plui leurs*ihabltanu de Joneliea.dont M Tbomassln, orde*cham-petre, aont alles du cot* de « I*

de*-Uolne> > «t n ont vuaueupr trac« dau la frlctie

i ^ •"•M Cuffaut ne peut noui parler

du bruit car. son tracteur en pro-djlsaift, I] ni pu en Juger

II pens* que 1'engln mesurait 4* 5 metres de long « M*la ce nestqu un« Impression que Je donne ~~aJlaltj eilement vlte »

I •**Nou i n'en «aurons uns douto

JamaM ptuiA j?otre conlrere preUndwit

qu'i Pige* M"' O«oflroy et U1'*Pin elAlent en pretence <nm h«ll-caplerp «Bell-47» (II ne falsaltaucun[ bruit saru doute ce Bell-47), nous pouvons detnaoder 1 explication de cette lueur EJle neBBJt qetto foit reprewnter un be-copUre

Eubrlqnc aoucoupes — Nousavoru | recu plusteurs lettres no-tamment celle d"un corrt&pondant

afflrmant « qu II Urerait un coupe luell jur te premier engln qull'erralc»Espezon* qull Qe » trorapera

pas «' lut awul • Que en <phe-nomenea » ne pojrront pu lul rf-ppndra

l-1 ] Jaaqncs PELIWDBY

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case only the departure was seen, no one is known to have seen it come down "


(xx) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery pp. 138-139

94 October Danane, French West Africa (no time)


Our source says. "A group of Frenchmen in the town of Danane, in the depths of French West

Africa, claimed yesterday that they, too, had seen a saucer—'exactly like the ones in France.'"


(xx) (City'?) Irish Times 5 October 54. Murray Bott's files, Auckland, New Zealand

?4 October Lusignac, France


Our source says "A 'moon-shaped' machine, a type which has never been sighted in France

before, 'touched down near Lusignac,' according to another report Five inhabitants say they

saw it on the ground for a few minutes before it rose vertically into the air and disappeared "


(xx) (City?) Irish Times 5 October 54. Murray Bott's files, Auckland, New Zealand.

5 October Wassy, France, (morning)

Creature one meter tall

A HumCat entry states "Gregoire Oldut, 64, saw a golden-orange sphere with a cupola on top

plunge from the sky, and after several bounces remain on the ground. A 'creature one meter tall'

emerged, then reentered, and the craft rose and disappeared." (xx)

(xx.) Paris, France Radar 17 October 54

6 October Cozes, France (11.30 p m.)

"Shaped like a turtle?' .

A HumCat case #1890 states*

"An unidentified woman, riding a bicycle from Bordeaux to Royan, saw in a

field at Cozes an object shaped like a turtle, surrounded by a cupola. It emitted

first an orange light, then green, dimming and brightening alternately Two hu

man forms appeared nearby, one of which carried a shaft or rod and seemed to

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be looking for something A violet light from the object illuminated the beings

and the woman was able to make out two small human-like faces behind the

face-plates in their helmets But instead of noses, she could see only two small

holes just above the mouth; and instead of the two usual eyes, she saw a single

eye in the middle of the forehead. Letting out a scream, the object (and the two

beings, presumably) disappeared emitting a slight hum " (xx)

(xx) Mesnard and Bigorne, "Les Humanoides en France" (unpublished ms)

p 137, citing Sud-Quest, October 12, 1954

6 October Nouvion-en-Ponthieu, France, (about 8*00 p.m.)

"Cigar-shaped object"

A press report said.

"In the same Abbeville region, another appearance was seen last Wednesday

evening, about 8 p m., by Mme Barotte, living at Nouvion-en-Ponthieu. She was

hanging out wash in her courtyard when she saw in the sky a cigar-shaped object

gleaming in various colours (red, orange, silver, etc.) She immediately called a

neighbour, Mme Crouy, owner ofa grocery store, and both distinctly saw the

craft moving at low speed from east to west, l e., toward the sea They could fol

low it by eye until a cloud hid it from sight " (xx)

(xx.) Amiens, France Le Counter Picard 9 October 54

6? October. Near Premanon, Switzerland (daytime'?)

Tossed a stone at it

A news story datelined St. Claude said

"Three children of a Swiss family living near Premanon claim to have seen

what is believed to be a flying saucer land near their house

"The elder, aged 12, said the thing had a metallic colour, was two yards high

and one yard in diameter, and landed easily and lightly. He said he tossed a stone

at the machine which gave a metallic sound.

"His sisters confirmed his statements. They are aged eight and five respective

ly'They said the machine flew away leaving a reddish trail The children are not

cinema-goers and don't read comics. So their statements are taken seriously.—ANSA." (xx.)

(xx.) Cairo, Egypt. Egyptian Gazette. 7 October 54.

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7 October LsIes-sur-Suippes, France (very early in the morning)

Small dark form

Michel wrote

"M. Joseph Roy, mechanic in the Panhard factory, was riding his bicycle

along Route N-51 when directly in front ofhim and very low there was a burst of

intense light which he at first mistook for car headlights. The light moved little

in the darkness, then went out. M Roy continued to pedal and soon came to the

place where the light had disappeared In the field near the road an object about

three yards long, shaped like 'a giant artillery shell,' could be seen by the dim

light emanating from its 'portholes.' In front of this object moved a small dark

form which the frightened bicyclist did not stop to examine, and which he could

not describe He pedaled for dear life to the nearest police station The police

went back with him to the road where he had passed the apparition, and found

strange marks in the soft earth ofthe field Subsequent investigations revealed

that three other workmen a few miles away, bicycling to their night jobs, had seen

a ball of fire descending toward the place where M. Roy saw the 'shell' and thedark form " (xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery p. 142

7 October Near St-Jean-d'Asse, France (about 6 20 a.m.)

Motor dies, but strangely enough, the flashlight worked.

Michel wrote

"About 6 20 a m. M Alexander Tremblay was driving his truck along a side

road not far from Route N-138, the major highway running between Le Mansand Alencon Near St-Jean-d'Asse, as he was going up a slight hill, his motor

suddenly died and his headlights went out He braked automatically, put theclutch in neutral, and stepped on the starter Nothing happened. Flashlight in

hand, M Tremblay got out to investigate; strangely enough, the flashlight worked."As M Tremblay raised the hood ofhis car, he saw in the sky above the road

'an intense blue light which seemed to be directed toward me. After several seconds the light went'off. Somewhat baffled, I tried the starter again, the motor began to turn over, and the headlights came back on '" (xx.)

(xx) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p 143.

7 October. Bournel, France (no time)

Descended as low as 600 feet.

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Michel wrote*

"...a sighting with no appreciable deviation was recorded at Burnel, some 30

miles northeast of Montpezat. The two witnesses, MM. Quinaud and Lasserre, were

topgraphers, on their way to a surveying job. They saw 'a circular object maneuver

ing silently in the sky, and emitting red and green lights It descended as low as 600

feet, then disappeared in a matter of seconds in a prodigious burst of acceleration "


(xx) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery p 144.

7 October Hennezis, France (no time)

"Half an egg'?"

Michel wrote

" the witnesses were children, Claude and Francoise Lansselin, aged 10 and

9 years. Both described something like 'half an egg,' red and luminous, 300 feet or

more away from them; Claude thought he had seen two men ofnormal height andappearance near the object. It was late in the day, and the sky was overcast." (xx.)

(xx) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 145.

7/8 October Jettingen, France (night)

Railway official encounters "something" no more than 20 feet overhead.

This is another instance where more detail is contained in Aime Michel's account

"Here is the story told by the witness, M Rene Ott, railway official

" 'I was riding a motor scooter along Route D-16, between Berentzwiller

and Altkirch, when just this side ofthe village ofJettingen I saw in my headlight,

very clearly, an object in the meadow to the left ofthe road, only nine or ten feet

away. It was shaped like the top ofa mushroom, or a low hut, and it might have

been ten feet from tip to tip. In the cupola-shaped silhouette I could see a lighted

rectangle, like a door, about four and half feet high by two feet wide.

" 'The thing .frightened me, and I speeded up. But maybe 60 feet farther

along, I was caught in a fierce white light from behind me, that shone at least 200yards ahead and that seemed to be coming closer at terrific speed. In feet, the

machine or whatever it was passed over my head no more than 15 or 20 feet above

the road, and I distinctly felt a very strong current of air. The thing went ahead of

me as far as the village, for several hundred yards; at the first house it went almost

straight up and then disappeared behind the village. But I had had time to look at

it; it was extremely luminous in flight, showing all the colors ofthe rainbow. I

heard nothing, but ofcourse I was wearing a helmet" (xx)

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(xx) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery pp. 144-145

89 October Urysal, Greece, (no time)

Hovered over village

A brief news dispatch said* "Flying saucer reports were not confined to France. The mayor of

the tiny Greek village of Urysal claimed a pink and white saucer hovered over the village for 15

minutes Thursday." (xx)

(xx.) Buffalo, New York. Buffalo Evening News. 8 October 54. (Reuters)

Untranslated clippings dated 7 October 54. (See pages 22-24) (Credit: Dominique Weinstein)

Untranslated clippings dated 8 October 54 (See pages 25-26) (Credit: Dominique Weinstein)

8 October Cherbourg, France (no time)

"Luminous sphere "

AFP dispatch* "At Cherbourg, several people saw a 'luminous sphere' at a rather high altitude

After hovering over the town, this [object] disappeared toward the south." (xx.)

(xx) Paris, Oct. 9 (AFP) NICAP files. Translator "AMD " CUFOS archives.

8 October Finistere, France, (no time)

AFP dispatch "In Finistere, many people were alarmed by a luminous sphere maneuvering

only about a dozen meters from the ground, which seemed to move toward them." (xx)

(xx) Ibid

8 October Indre, France (no time)

AFP dispatch' "A resident of Indre observed a grey-colored object motionless at about 100

meters altitude. The craft then departed at a very brisk pace, leaving a sort of fog behind it.

Another resident of this department declared that he saw a luminous pale red-orange object

moving along a north-south axis " (xx.)

(xx.) Ibid.

8 October Mulhouse, France, (no time)

AFP dispatch. " a road-mender ofthe Mulhouse region says that he saw a hemispherical, in

ternally illuminated cupola in a field. Before taking to his heels, he had time to notice that a door

was opening in the craft. The object maneuvered above him before disappearing " (xx.)

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Un cantonnier decouvre une soucoupevolanle en Haute-Marne

"Un petit elre poilu se lenaiUeboul a \hBzB^Xcole de I'engin" uliirnie Ie lemoiii ^TH'"-™

IM/iHt _ i ,,rf)irp

JrnporlKm^ (OiiM,|fralilr» On iv%in|

•nln Ur|nlo(urr (I ixhu naU(bernfron« clique fmi .(u* |* chot<- «l potxiulr 4 Jonncr if, |e

in»i|ni|ti dan» Ic.r mlecrtle carnoui filininnt tguc ilcvani (ri

pbcnmnrnM no.., en .omincilewi future iu n,,|e Jt | uom>«lion pure el timple

lertonne ut piui |»ou»rrllrtfiiilrnre drs ,*lijrl* vuUol.

n!/l'U|'"V '" "" vu' e" •»"menl lotiii

jp ■|urli)iir|«» clump* I« dsnn(r

)e orlaK u»e 1.1chrendue tut if )n| ftU hirn u ,rn

* dun csmprur IM«n toudnmJ fui mi iliuc ag ciiur t( n

»ai qu il laffunit dun rn(in Je

l run ((-3) nil ninlu con

irlwlri d rnufui dan* U jialurrtn dirrciimi ,!« u rlim-r I(I all pose tur Ie «ol tu lutid

dune euvrilc ou jndti < i. ,(,i.e pour la LH,,rll,m*inien»nt en rumri Oc loin

n avail vu que la calolle de

la soucoupc Volanle- qul mapliaail malnlenam en cnlirr

/rn elan a pm t,rci a IM nit-- el commiiHili t dltllnguer

lr» tliMnfL iiuaml Je vli unelre drboul ■ citir dr I rn<ln Celrlrr i>ir<unil i pfJ prf, j m ;(

dc liaul II me pnrul tout tou•«>«rt de poili uu |ijrn j| ,,

un habit *errr rn fmtrrurrilou» d« Ik tattle II purltlt une

-^•rl" de larfc cornel de cuuieur•ranee bur It Hit || avail un*

•orle dc laqiie en ptluche II (UKImmvbllc ct temhUtt rn, rtiir

der Je ne dU()n(uaii pu ittrafti Souditn jt prla coniclrnce du fill que J etm .eul tn lacerte lui J rut peur ct m irreUltde courlr rjiiiaul un crile Je

1 [nirrpellil Alan II KnjonffrtI

lliif ".souciiiipc volanle"

(Kill's Jr t id


irrd' in. "> h 3D dnjt Jim:(en* de la. IcrnUlv MM Jr

lla Pool U (,uKr|ipc lurlolun

■ luuyupr xiluilc. .1 Ul, dmiiir

Ifr dent iron IK melrct rvolmnta unr crrUfne Inotrur rl a unr

cxirenie ulr«ir |)( lormi1 uvafr

'l de coulcur J-iutie »tft rcllrUroufi» Ie m*»icneui i-nim

y ur un |lUaiu Ik ctlrr, tiUP, ,,(,r(i^J.W.I dU|>flMil Huu»»ylrr. Um.iin. um ,,

avlit* i rclle oprrtllon

>tir i rr

pour rnlrcr p», ul,

qu N avan Uci l.r»»

mif mrlr df> fnnift .1 une

ile du luiciu limli, 1|U "Mil un ».,,,

I '

ii{>nr-iblt a ce "■*"* '■

Lctir lirrin

Un. 1 »r ail,,uul,|Bt „,

de- I ...,ur lrrre

l»r(emcn( It ItrnU Soucoup( ,»,fl prcchlon Mlcrlall dc (iirme tpliermue dun

ri- apti

AumIIoI A) utter re«.rniil»a m«lq et te rrndll a jiwn clianl

I .lulre el

meme Kp

Ictiiiencc (c> dernier* I"in dun certain nuiubre main 'lenani el la plupan > d hon

mtillficilion Unnitu, tin p"u'ranict M ,\ndre Nartj are de

funnier ««i I'sniacl Chaudtpui. || ,n, den.eurani *

y ,mo|

UriBfe ■ppariiion hkrIn* appsnlini, ,,«t »jotifmcni »u JoMiFr drja

> »»«l iui(|r ,

dr hannc hmre pour

» mMo iur un cbanllc

tntlmmli «1 V» aHV II ellip,un|» » rvillc lanruttllr a Rrm,

phM,.,Hnl9le l.i,• II rU>l 7 h |J

'»•>» J»ppiorh»l,Toilfrlr gn |,fu rf


- I3SC,


"TnonTJlanienn'etaitpasrase et auait des yeux qros

comme un osuf de corbeau'La chtomqu* quor.d.cnnc d*i

• loufoupci roUntci ■ pfend de

plot en pftn d amplcur Chjqualout de wnbitmti deptchei I* pttittti 4 tflimi mrirtiieui

dint idle ou idle contra* R«it« tta*oir ii It mluiiii tempi qu« 1*1

complinemmeni >ufa gn» lnHutn(e

quelcvnqoe tur let siacieutci •*»-lutiom dct riidcur) da I ether IIne tomble pji iuiqw j prticnt

eha de m*i Avjnr quc | «■ pU I

m» de mj luipnte il m j*m upciu» I ep*ula en in.cubnr del pj-•«Ui in>ntclM«.btei •M Lucji fit prcu'C tlon d

rcm4f«u«bf« tine-traid * Em

d»ne now* jflom diKitm • j ,

Sutlep 10(1'* el 2'ro/;

done pl


n<in dm, |a eit| B

* d eatrjordinair* elnd |

.em lei • p.lolei celci

'»ff "" *c'" ' U^nth^tn>*cnci rt ippor<cr j*rc Icui

lem conume cl (run *% netlei un pimint lupplemcntxre ttic*Mi>o*e'tri tcluelle* iur b readle

« II ressemblait

a un homme »

■ phemert dc I icluilite rc>i«nt da

• ncr »oul*n|*r de Leclwdv (Finn'«n.» M Ucn

Lt.e tot cl do bon pied noireSomnte tllut puuei de I cm d^ni

■ c» leijil tint daulc pji jutrr

"»««l PFtoccupe hlii >*jii vu loul

• coup un ...d.fiHu rn la.t.r• " -.e»u,,,i 1 m 20 „,„,„,.



GABRtEL HfRfS Sl/ff tfS

" Soucoupes volontes"

Page 25: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en




- 10. I

La valse troublante continue*

Soucoupes a la fran^aise

et a I'italiennePARIS C — rUuaiavre rarUlaat *al

telatt av*lr v* taiti apraa-mldl d«t

•asMupta vtlaniaa *v*Iiiaai daat la

rial 4a U tapiial* Daa paataal* >al

ifflna* in avoir aptrta «at v*ra

II k H p>ia d« la pert* Dart*

at fiarr* Allouu rtprtMntant to

canoanaii a* randatt a au tSairw

•n itu la vthlculi fui »r*

ttu par un ftu rouft Eotaadani

diHl ud •URamaot atrUtnt U rtfar-

dn par ■■ poreitra tl *u un tniln »»■

linl qu (uyalt tn hautiur lalaaant

dana aon *11U|* uo putacoa da fu


M AJIouu daent la touooup* com

ma uo dlkqua piui (ro* qu ud tvlon

normal il da couUur aritnt**

L* mama t*molfa*ft att tppona

par U. OUMrt Baaoo dtmturwt M

UitUouri Bi-AnLotot it par M Paul

Justin , pauiin aa bhUna&l qul £*-—' 1, ru* dt la Fompa c* daroiw

•Min* qu U t a|U ooa a"vot•ciucotipt mail dun* all* volant* qul

affMta la tarai* d un inaofla au*

seroerac i — ic jtaa Otiu

pompl*r a Btrttrac, ct U Jtta L»-

Donn* oat ttUrm* avoir vu aa poatr

duaa it Jardln du iceond ua dlaqut

■umintus d ■nvlroa trala mttru dt

liuuatra toutaou par troit btquUJaa

L1ZIONAN 6 - Dcus tiabltMU

a* UMiaan UM Andr* OardU il

AndrtlDanau qui raulaleni in ea

rnion *ur la rout* dtpanaounuut 1

out aftrat avoir aperfu uo totu «o

(orma |da dUqut at poitr dant uochamp' aotn It vlll*(a dt Lajnaaa ai

i| banaau da VUUmaina (Audi) .

L apptrtli onHU d*:l»/t maiurui

*n«Uoa <Ux n*tr*« d« AUmilrt Avani

qu IU pltAl pu t in approchtr, U le»

mvaloopa d'tio lucur aclataat* at ilia-

panit,]DINAH • — A Maim (CoU*4u-

Nordljun Jtuna culllvawuf U U*n-

n LaharUat • Wtnnt avoir *u daoi

l» eour dt M lannt un apaartU di

1 mttra to*Iron da diamttn t 1 us-

uriaur duqtMl kpparwuanni dtuz

formal humainat immobllw tt 4# I*

unit Quo talaot







Votr no/re iniormatlon page t

"Won TJlartien n'etait

pas rase...(Suilf dr In f rtitnr bage)

40 ll»i iitt C*r I inctnnu Ic tv<*il4mt If laurml Li on v 'trill lourdt mimt uk pru pltit <<*n «t i*ni

•(•••■Of It - MjMifn ■ i<j l*>t<4


C til rneort M LuC*i qui s*flc i* II JIHH li fiturt orjl* lagtt

»w*vr»« dt peilt ct in v«ub de

'* ireiteui 4 un trul dt cofb*«u ' .Le kuih hommr ipptU ion sa-

• «On mm I rncannu rilirni i*m

doult out I tnttct.t* ivnf iiirt

in'* I* Itmpi gut M Lucai te

•t»dt d*nl Itiolitr noilf prtvtnt*fo« pilron *vrt mrniirntitli

I Kgmntt e\ la machine trtitnt dn-D

Ouelques soucoupesparmi lanl daulres

Cel <<*«■ 4Dpafihani tclipttnlt»id*mwnnt In « •mem » du tour

Notaitt ctp*nd>nt out let * ivu-

l«l Itnneiu* boulti comtnii tt•Kl'tt dijtei ont tinct wm «-,.

>'t ttUQua de <»»od «Mt pwdnu iln ttl «ut«urd hui oueitian quo 4 elIn •

Cell* de S*inl Dnruc i ril lui

NIVKRS I — A Navtra cinq na-

aiuota da Chattau-CtUnOD out d*cJ»-

(t avoir *u hltr toir a tr*a twut*

tltltudt uo* aorta da lacha lumlntu

m qui it acUida tn dtua dlsquti

Ctu»cl dlitnt-IU m ralrtot a lou^

oar ea cbui|taoi pluuaun (ol* dt


DUNKIRQUK • - Un ottociaotdt Dunkarqu* antli II ) t plutwura

laun, didari avoir apartu dtmnru

objtu lumlOtux dao« la dal da Bray

Ount* Unt tnqutta avail tW ouvt^

U Ula a conclu qu II 11|lit all dc

dtux avlona mUltalret dont It rt**t»

mem meikUUa avail pu (am Ulu


SAINT DRIEOC « - Plwtturt

Brlochalni onl »p*r(u la null d«mla-

rt unt Mucoupt volanta qui pnt la

Connt d un cl«art avaot dt OUparal


p qf p«l

dutlturi d t»(im erfin««M on(

'••<"« huxmnt m*ti Mill* J tnlint tl tfinblt t il iviitmo iftleuidt*tl«PP«

Conliipniiien noui ri tit dennrt»*f M Nrnn Lch^fMc ,ru»c culr.

•»)tw dr Mrfru iCAH. <fu Ntf<M

dtol It d«" d obir'vJtion n x ptiUltndu le otmhrr dn •kkhi

*»t« br*u<«up dc tifti «tn* (an«»B*rtil i lu< dtnt tt domttrt nc

dtptitxl on un mtl'C t eit poicd*m li <our dt i> lermt Dew*XBtftt I 4((U0»(f»t immobllrt im-

t Ijb Rschtllt trmr de M n

l h tr«p ■mn,til.oniM«lft It tuffUitrv, « f(|e,e ,(„ ,raeel

hg*r»uin dJi« I hrrh«

A ltn<o*n rll« thu ■ (i fa,,

v»l»»t(( n (rxntt ri<i Mcttti dedumrtrt ' Tfp.t mrtrri itulenttnlC«ll« qui i ril petrc d«x< It iifdtndt M fran (.'bonne i BtTtrt»t"••it »vt( )<»» bcov-lln

[nfm In a toucouBct • nt it

I»'it"t pit tnuttuit »pe(other eel-1* He Ltti(n*» t»c*'t i-llt * cut*.

lopp« MM Andrt Cardtj «l And*Diritm d wot lucur eclatantt avan4* ditparailr* Ctllt? da Clermenrftrttni | Itttfralemcnt clou* i«r

pUc* Itt lant«ini qut **w|atfnr Itvoi» 4* ttfti tl t d*t»ti unt l«rltod*wr d* ntlro •»•■)• me

Qwand Uni'D i tlolffna It m*l»f|* ctita **«c I odtur

la belle hisfoiredu pauvre pecheur

Odottnttt col«rc«i tt ksbltittIn a i»ucoMB»i ■ torn xiui intar-

naliOMltl A Mantewt tll«i »•»(P«(l**t tn lormtllam <trrt*i tlI vxe d ttltt i til dtl«ek«4 duiroup* ptur fjirt u<t s>ttit ntintt-»• d« <*rt*«ttl ttntn qul « dutc»"• n«ure tt t bloqu* la orculi

t.on d»nt It ttnlrc dt U vill« Itt

Itmotnt tlint dtictndut dan* la

A Rortrbtllt tnFin mm »>N*r«Dtchtur nt tntf* tn canvcrtallon»*te un « Mtrtltn > v^tu dt '•»-«t min iU nt it lent pu car*»fli

tt ttn inte'lncurtvr « ditvaru 4U««d■I • vW »»p.Mtt*e I. fcrnm* du »l(Sfuf Mrie-«l(i,,.


tn Hi onl pu I obKrvir pendutplui a un« n«un

LA ROCHCLLE I - M tl Mm*all cnt d«vam

Itur rtrme lunqu IU om aptr(u a unmtira environ du tol unt toucoupt

iphtnqut pouvanl m«»unr 3 t j'mtire* dt tmuitur ti dun dlamtirt dtI ititint L»n(in qul nt produlialt

■ueun bruit « arrlta qutlquti minu

tvi puu moma a i> v«nicait UOulllcmouau It l.niuroun H nudit * | undroit ou il tviit vu 1 engin

" put feitver uti imcti huileuMi iuri lit roc |


MELON I — La journal de Couluimnien ■ Le P.yi Brurd ■ BUOl!

teur* U i. F.rmtr m.mKr, d«

Soeitu dra innenicyn cinu He Kr«nCt au tujct d una lauuup* volsntDaiu citia linn U firmer prt

cu« qu il « vu »u dcuua d« ia uro-

pniu a Jouy »ur Munn un gros dii>qut dt I k 10 mttrca a* diam

i lournitni iur pl.c, tn Uu

•vec u<i Mld.iii.nt rapptUnl un pcu

t»rnv*« dun miun a rtaciiun L on|tn iuii t tnviron «00 mtirti dt hau

itur at puna piui dt 3D minuiti Bgdeuua dt niol J k| done dli M Par

nltr tu lu.m at blm I tiamintrLtiiiin dliparui tiuuitt tn dirtctlonde Cuulommiirt •

Dun* *■ ttitrc M Karmtr prte*M• Ancitn lommiualr* auprta di

I Atro Club dt Pranct tytnt wrvdan» I avuuon )■ n m p« tit iicunu

dunt hitllucinaiion il ett entin n t-lalt pu un ballon londt man un<

■Ht tpuiut circuiairt pltnant tui

plact tt m aiplac.nt a iret «randi

■ iteut tn prtnant pro(rtuivem«nt dc


MANTOUk. e - Le iro/ic attt tnterrompu pendant piutdune hcurt au centre dc Man-tout par dc* groupa de personnet ratsemttieet pour ooterver unetrange * objet blanc a vu! a untlone hauteur te detachatt nette-ment tut le fond du cttt bleu

Aprtt avoir effectut det evotuttont tstrtmtment raptde* I tn9"i <lt tnrme tpherique — tt quldapret certain* ttmotnt fauattpauie » dune formation d9 toucouptt votantet m — ett rcste

pendant ijuelque temps immobiledam te ciel avant da tfuparot-tre a 1 homon

Dautre part let ■ Marttent »tembient voutotr vtstter autsiUtatte in effet un ptcheur deRoverbetla en province de Mantout a ieclart avoir itt appro-che la nun dernlert par un« myttirieux indtvldu » vitu dtrouge qul lut aurau adrette it detmott \nintelHg\blei * et qul teteratt raptdement ctoigni avantqtie le pecheur alt eu le temptdappeier la femme

Page 26: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


Directeur Raymond DUBREUIL

fUdocteur en Che( A BUGNICOUKT


et les yeux comme un "oeuf de corbeau1

tel est apparu I'occupant d'une soucoupe

a un mitron du Finistere

Qulmper — Veis i hmr« mardl nmiin M Pierre Lurua ouvrier

boul ft Lociudy (Unisieic)

dans ij tour de la boulint,cm

le del avani de dlsp&raltre a 1 ho-rlton

D nutre purl lea < Murtltrui ■

ouksI 1 I

de 3 metrra SO ft 3 metre* (le din- _. ,. ri-

ir* II en m sortlr un Indlvldu h vldurim rntlron 1 ii.elre 30 qui

renim ou lournll ou I Incnnnu lasumi

AlnliUMiire Tl T ucnx put rievl

siljer le vLiieur tt milt le vlsjige ovnlr ioul comrii <Je polls

tl dct de Ift grnsscnr d uit

ren( de coibiMii Lr jrnne Itninme

npiieln um puiioo mitia uiitnt que

celnl-cl uli tu lo iein|ti de diMtn

(tro I liicoium a\all duparu ainal

<iue an snin-uune <lnnt on lie ic-irouvH nucunc irate

Un mnr-Jund ue h\tre de Con

n\olr vu dun^ le del dmx dL<>iiiicalunilneiix de la lonne de Ublesrondea prolong ifes d uiie Aorte de

queue L un 6t\ iliaquea eialt Un

Lo soucoupo"*

le Iransformo «n cigar*

S"»lnl Dilcnr — Pliuteiirfl Drlo-

cltlns ont Mpcrvn la null demltreinncoii|ic vdI-inin qui prlt la

ie d un cIkik ilvdiiI d« (IK|m

e lln ont pu I ouau-ver pen. plus d une ln*ure

inOmc piienoiiiene a tit rona-A hrgneux nu un rvdlMe e^lre chti lul eflin>e par ce qu tl

■ vu

Clouds mr placo




En Ilalio qusm

Mamoue — I i tront a tit In[triompu pendniit ptus d uc lirum

mi cinire de Mnniuite par diagroupei de personnes rnssetnbltn

pour oL 'r\er un eirnnge < ob]rtItlnnc > t\w\ h u, z wie hauteursr (Miacltoit neliemcm jiir le louddu del bteu

Aprta avoir effectut d« e*tolullona extienieinent rnplde^ I enSin de Iontie aphtrlqut — et qui•pres certains lemoins, faLtftlt

pArLle i dune lormatlon de soucoupe* volaniea i - eat r«.t* pen

diklar* que U-i>«ln xe mpproctiad eux cl dcvhK de moim en moinabrlllam Qunnd II nt (ul plua qu ft

150 meirei 1H resacntltent une■ curlrtUB sensBllon » -t furenleouiine ciuutfa aur place A ca moment « dtfvHftttvU uno odeur da

nllro bentlne Blrni-Al lintfln t 6-lolgnB le malaUe ctsaa . ( la aoucoupe O^ptrui

Lauhe aomotipe a iu apercueau-dessuj dea c6Wj de ChaiHur-gue prta de CIcnnont Elle evo-luait a la vertical* et italt duoblanc brltlint

Une aoucoupp a #KBlement titapcr;ue a Billon par un groupede 30 penonnea Lengln *volualt

au-dcMiu da la vllie II s« d

call ft iriorlzAnule II a titl>l« pendAiii 3 ou 1 minute^ nvam

de dLipuralUe Une liiimtre m•• so dfaagealt Uc I apoareil ___

Vii tcnoin serFcuxLa Journal de Conjoin inters « Le

Pays UrUrd > publle une leltradreAi^a par I un de to* letlcur^M E Pnrnlrr inembie de la &o

O1C14 dcs IiiKenleurt CIvlU d

Trance au aujct, d une notKOupYotonts

i Daiu rett« leltre M Farolerprtcl-vi qu II a vu au-devsnn de aa

proiirlaM a Jouy sur Morm

Cros dLiqu* de 8 ft 10 mMres d<dliinieLrea c lournnnt sur jjlace en

InLsam eVliappcr dex lurum rungei vIolollM avee mi .iKIItnient

rappoUnt un ik-ii I nrriv#* cl un

kvlon a i*in.Lion Lrnpln ('tall \

environ 100 mctir^ <le hnuleur el

pluna dIiw de JO uilniids auilisvia de i)iol J al dnne ilit M Pur

nler m Inlalr de Ulm IcxunlinrLjojln dltpuruL '■tiMiile in dln-ctUni «le Coulomiiilers ■Djnj aa I ell re M F»niler pf<

« Anclen conimluatre eupres da

1 Aero-Club do Prance ayant servtdiwia I avlailon Js n al piu ei« vieLima d unc halluclnntion ec cet

entfin n elalt pat un ballon «ondeni«U unp alia epnKse ilrrulntru

rlnnnnt aiir pIkci et se ili*|ilMCtmtItta grand* vlte&te en prenutit

proereuivedient de la luutcur >

LE H0Ur/7/?A.A/4/S

Page 27: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


L'esr scca/a. (TroycsJ

?- JO.

Tout flnlt par so savolr

"La semaine derniere nous avons vu

trots soucoupes voiantes sor la vole rerrfie

pres tfe Saint-Etlenne-sous-BarBulsB I!"nous onl dil deux omiets iTAicis-sar-Mbe'

A «tl tl" os (oamiattii *dtuiui .uta a.ul ■>«» ■ " " ** ««• au» lamp*. »• <"*• •• ■"*truiM twnmr Mut in «*Mi«it«w

ou>« itittrnuM* «»■• wufsup*fgjIU «u d UB «UlltO4iq>l* «BI ■

4 l)l


*)«lil »1o«i ««


U •' Mir

««l* ■ *KI» 'M Bull liBtetaltllaB h ariclia

Cltt nu !■ »«• driM I"** duMtH|( * flliMU IllUt » I* tOflU

•a II (Uhbi Min-lMtBulM lur l»rout* out u«»a I *«>* qvi •««BM1RMI. dt 4l IIIIPM If 9*n »lIt 11*. nnaui di kur uinii >p*r

i ll » • urn miumu tftjk muuitn

BilaL It* a

,Ush«cbi nut itBuaan 4* Ititumint tniUBlri Dibord 4 It idiiUlO«WHa oi lli imililtai pub 11JUIU. n«n -mm li rrjiuab b«i> aniMi »H4t M(f !•* ni


us Mr tornUK iaui (i Kl»

nalnu On iiimii 1 bicjtinu]• mt d<p*cta>li DO>>T ton. Mlrut■ 4 nlitiu turn liiinii

UkU m« li *uiv » d. u *t Ti t »p uttic oti*

Ittaai, Bib *l«riMu mil "'(■Ctai o*tn it»kp» C lull innd

ill OufOi ll«t* !■

M •l<a«il »■•

luot ■ eui bm

j* *oiu I* dit-

coomi v

ils I lnytt

"III* »«"•*uwat b 1i 1. Kal- Ila • *uw

mtllH dU pMU|l 4 BlTWU• Oil •*!-«■ qut *N> >OUl(( 4tH

M totw 4IM C"t« t* bih j (I <UIt BM BUI(« lIMH J* "1 1MB «tlHI X WIP km B(H I *l B*«»l «U*it* iim tiUl.Dt nn. n pun * Mrudi Tin iuf Hi )eun»iu sull T <»■»li hiUiI |i l-al dli sui copotai.

(I Bui*, mit 4iu >oui I* uw C*•■ >iw I •Chi (bhiIm H Alt. Jmqu** Qwnt

am bbu* <oou tan «r«atur*

• J* lull pBH* 411 (BlBUU* BBIltnsa Mn au hum* * bitmu *ipu UK 1MB i M aittiw U ll> •

t«i ItuntlN II r ao.-#t < Uu > til

doll tut us* wh>c

CMBI* •■(•• £in uwl c* «a

C«Ulib itilt •



Hit ptrBllM

i nprMUII ]■ tou* I* dint DMil.. U DHNIUIBI IMk Jlrtl mtl

»nr< du» >• p*m mJi «uii r ■urUt* I* m.lion da »1b* CMyf. «irdf Birtlitt IX M H BOuml

" Jls" efaienf comme cd

8 - IO -


■ i

Histoires de soucoupes voiantes


d'une soucoupe

et tip Marliens itrmc

terti/ip une ccoher


Bonn 7 nclobr* — I* pt\

loeallle da l)omm»rlln pr*«

M«nlrttrl • etc mlie ni rm

lit mis f*con •»!•« rrlallfc d alIruril par |p rent dun* Jrmv

rinlirre At la InrnllK Mile Mxnl

(and II am lialilUru i lira »r

parrnlt nu liamrau rir ninnVMU!Sine I ula lit rperilumfnl cl p»

ra|«4iK rn prole a U pi it* vlti

frayrur U rillclle drd tr» quo»( vrri 1 U du ni tlin n •

rriidam «u ralrrliiime quell

fut lemoln de I apparitionElle apcreut. prcciu-l rile, urn

toucoupc vulanls «ul ulaualt lou

Cr*n mu drtam d« «j ic« el di

iquelle aorllrem deui urn bl

Lfmotion de I enfant eUll fellequa foraqurllr b« rendit riiHn kI rrttln II falltil tou. It* italn* dc

•on Inntllutrlre Mil* ruvllla,nd

pour reuaslr i U »lmcr

Cependanl m«lfrt I* luic de

diUlli dont *llt cnluuralt aa deClaraMon I* flllclle rente In >culr

du pars a en Ictnolxner, maulrt hablUnl da U rnlonn«y\tit aimftle le pnu'e rla

oialndre aaucnupp

Sana doutn faul It met ire m

areur mr If cnmplp d imp rnp

vlve Im-tsnlaijon U jcun* Maul

t*nd aeUnt rrndue urulp nJour la, au vlllace, alorj Quhahltuellemeni die j a Mali en rnm

fnle da «uelquea Mmaraden

Quant am Martleni — cmqu'on u n avail Jamah vu )*•

rmei A U main n — (la e uienlparlla, d'apre. ce qu« leeollera

n h dlt. um mcrnt tnuctiererr« M p

,Un cngin mytitcrifMix

i dans lo ciel

de ChambcryChamMrr ^ ectobre — (in h*

Itltant de Uvlltvua qul n<iu» a ur(4<t* tkir* mn nnm a pu tilorrtpr ceJiiur a 1) li en rniiijiuinie de ti>u<lea mrtnltre* de w (biiiiiIp un eiiRlum)*ltrlcu« tvnluaiu « mui faiulatllrwe au ilpstut tip llPniiHilr

I englii. qul atalt une roulpuifit i> lu hi I ilium aci rltm »ouii«ln

urn tie lillltudp et ilt»p»ru( pu illHTllun He la rmii mi Mtolri

> Mil dlrp* it* I oiitPMNlrur If |>liriiniiifiip ilura ai>i>ruiniiailiri<irmtin i in Hi 111 pi

'■■aeifBllll fl one BuurxiiiT ...i*iiip_ uu dun troe aihin d*

Ujic liabil.uitc

ile L ii p r i n((tret de Tltonon)

a u r a i t vu

deux MarLiciiH !

Thonon, 1 fxtobrp — Mme Hi"HfHIir da 1 u«rln iiiflritil <iur if

11 aoni tirrnirr rile * rriiniitltaltn« liamme* pUmiicm prra a iltt:i)(ln uul rmva

d leixln uul rrnvniblall * uiip rrwirque da cninplnr en aluminium I r>

Jem |^ttt« pirr* haul* tie t in toleiu (^nvlrnn

I ■■r»|i| Mo apprrorrnt Mmr Hln'tPit*, frucncrem entttmr air* rm-hoti*

t MMlrrPMt rtflit* tnif mnrliltip (|iil

plrtM (IptPtianl rniilPiir ilr frutir iltspnrallr* iIhiii tin inini*

iiulllfiiiiircII r n •iupIiiiipb itniipp* Mmr

llmin »vili romHin im rlilpn limitiirllp nfflriiialt 'lr» Ir tl'iremlnnlp« hPlra (inivn qul r«rn«palpnl>« tr»ni"aui nu tuUla et du

laul I liablnla

Alvslcricux cngin


dans Ic ciel du Biigcv

Mt>nUtlau T octobre — Duritapres-mldl da mardl a Ion qua I"

i * parraitemrnt clalr plu

81 BnudHlede la Tour ver* Bro-

lint Hcrrlot ont apercu unnrUrleujr pnsln ■ falble hauteuru-4leMua dea mnnu du flutejOapre* la lpmol«n««e no M

««no mntelualer K MontallcuippartII de Inrme titnn«ee paiuutli mcHurer * a B m rte ina\if\it Oinrune rte atA piirr-mltAirut totlltantea comma ua rmon

e snlcllAu mene momnrti des pertan

im da St-Borllit-rn-Buser "ur '*l*a du flhAne c4U du iWpwwnent A* I Ain aurniont fait une ibiervatlon analogue

Page 28: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


GLtc,VAtnm ■"■* **• »• »u«tii«. rim.



CTOBRE19 5 4Sftlnls Brlf l(u

Ann<e — N* 163

' t IS Prases

La clef psychologique du mystere

des soucoupes volantes

non plut que de voulotr ("carter d <

ttent qut errtnt dam letpace avtfdet intentlont plut ou moini catfioli-

qutt, malt louvenoni-nout qut Tien,absoiumtnt Hen, n« juiti/u I exacts

Se rendant dt riortdt au Ttxat, le pilott dun fl-29 decouvre subttementitf Mcr«n-rod«r dt ion appareU plusieur, petltt potnti mobilet dont lififfme la viteut reeOt a environ 16 000 Jem* par new*. Sovdaln surgitdun coin dc I reran une tache plut erotte Let potntt fonctnt auttltUtur lobttt. iff Incorporenf tt le tout ditparalt en moin* de deurVn mafor amtricatn, grand ipictaUttt dt la loucouponnertt et auteur

dun betttttler tn la matiire, conclutotullardfment que Fmeldent conttitutkite t prtuve abiolut » « quun vali-leau tnterptanitalrt avail envoy* deivedettei reconnoitre It B-» et quUlei a rattembtiei devant It danger

mena^ant, comme une torlgut re-prend itt petltt >

Pat queition dattribuer rtncldenf dqutlqut phinomene Inconna de nature mileo/oiogique ou aitromolque

It v a eiactement dfux ant jat si-vnnti1 U /ait quof a observe et derrit

rfrt jouroupet totantet bten avant

1117 Depuii, det ccntatntt de cat

h}T»\TL™Jt%LY£*JJ>l'?rJl: tudt *une te"' httMthiit rt que let«*.!/. J^fiii^/^^?.01" tit Partlcularltis alliaui't en favtur dun'!*£ e£L £ L M£Z£3F*&* comportement intelligent det toucou-'iclci ecoulii par de patients cher. peM mantei trxfuotnt leur expllta*

« Wn / „ crove, pa, „. deoant '% £& ^/oJ^'o'X/^Sett ant&ioniUt terteuiet let ioucou- dorjeou* ballont-tondei alahu d*



t t ol'**n^§ pnr l*i habitantt haute- On pent juttcment titonner qu unMfi.1 civ'I'^t dun outre mnndi • On public out te Vtvt avsrti prrfts coin-r'tte stupe/ait dttmnt de pareillei blaiiamment loreille aus nlattcrlet

a"*r**1 __ „ , ... «• P^uf ab«ird«j et tt laitte bernerCtrttt, et ne melt pa* telentl/Ujut par del myittfkateur* maladrottt eu


8. /O. S(f

crtmlnellement cyniquet II paratt ivi-dent que ee n ttt pat. chei let per-tonnet idairitt une naive criduliUaul let conduit A I acceptation purtet timole den bobardt montit par delimpoUeurt ou par det perionnei qultonl dupei it tttin proprei tiluttont


les soucoupes volantes■ SUITI Ol U r PAGI

Vn ou piutiewi autret faetturi pip-chotof/iquei doivtnt itre a Vceuvr* ttnoui tichenjni den digager tuun-ttet

On sail dtpuit longtempt que cer*taint elementt ptychotoglquei com*ine lime-lion, la irayeur, le parU-prt$

Influent difavorablement tar lobfee-tlvtti dune observation Lei psycho-

logutt tavent, de plut, que lobwva*teur moycn mantre la tendance A

remplacer let impre'ctiiont de ton observation (nofammcTif (11 tagit d'unphinomine fugitif tt dt nature focon-nit»> par de* atiociatian* dkUa tou-

tet prttes qul tommctltent dans tontubcontcient

Let /oUet mfitiquei (touvent coltee*tivett du Moyen-Age tlluttrtnt bineet faitt A cette ipocue on ■dicouvritdant le del autant de demont qutnout v voyont actuellement dt toucou*pet volantet En rialltt (I tagit damlet deux cat, du mime phinominttnature! st nout itoyom, de not jourtl

det toucoupei votantet A la place de*

dtmont, c"eit vnujuemenf que, d'unipart la poitibUUi dt I'exUtence d entires mondej habttii qut nout lain*ntrevoir 1 attronomte modern* 4

dautre part, U diveloppement twationnel de I atronautujut travaUtentnotre etprtt el notre tubcomdent A

n plut haul point qut le myttictimielltiieux i

Touttt rt/lextom faitet, la ioucou*pomanie moderne n ejl autre chottit'une forme de la luperttttion dbu*

Me dune torte de pmchote collect!-'>e comparable au tarentitmt du XV*iecle


Rette 6 tavotr pourouof Ihomm*'clatr4 pre/ire touvent accepter det

typotMjtt invrohemblablet plutdt

ue d adopter une attitude critique en\ttmdent une metlleure cottnaUton-

■■e dei phtnomentt en cauteA dire vrai le malaite qul nout

irend en pritencs d un probtimt tr-itolu fie tttmule pat forcement noireetir d une tnvettigation objective,

malt nout contrafnl plut loaiwnf &

dopter unt totuHon immediate Com-tc, dautre part, oucvne restrictionett imposie a notre lantaitle dautchotx de cettt solution, noui lue-

ombons lacilement a la ten tation d»

>utser let ilimentt dant le patrtmot-'. de notre tubcontcient tt noui ettofitont pour exterfonter eertatnei

spirations rttouliet qut let rialitit

milieu social dam tequel noui «(•ont out ttnuei lour leur domina-


Du Marttent ou dei Vinutttnt pint <ivotuet qut nout I lit vent peut*itrtnow apporter tur un plateau ipJturxttcteinent tur unt toucoupet la to-tutton dei dlf/tevltit dordre lociaf et

International qut nout tommet (nca-

pab/e* de ritoudre

tt teit ainti qut let toveoupUtettt rifunient dant unt torte de para-tffj ortificiet ton goute Iturt ralsont /)

pour te dtdownager dei diefpttontque leur riservt cette pallia de ml-sire La reaction est du rule tout

a fait clatttque Cett celle de la pe<fife banns <jui par te moyen d unt lit-ttrature a vtl prix, trtmpt ton Smele toir anret avoir ntttvgA tottttt letii-vri't n Awttat. dan* It *olrll tumouret la rtchettt eterneli de Tahiti

Lt loucoupitte. tut, it miflt, a in**tt tltrt, du paradt* polyiMilen, doU-ltur$ trop procA* its U*u* dt prtdl~leetton pour txpdrtttiett atomiqun.II tt rifunit tur Mart on tur Ventuqut rettent, du moint pour un bout dtttmpi encore inaceulblet aux iitii-luttont terrtttret

Votia done pourquot la (A/m deitoucoupu pofantei nett crttlquiequ'aveo moUtttt

Tout dt mine, dtret-vout, eonrovol

alort lei ftomme* tent4i du Ptutago-M Nf t'opposent-ilt pat, par unt vat-tt campaant dt prttit par txcmptt,

a emltt «p4w at loxtcomantt pn-chujut qui lempare dtt peupltt t Shbin / eiMpei done de fnutrtr la pe-titt bonne dt ton pcradti polynitien,tout vtrret et qul tout arrtvera OuvUm$ eovp vcui feret fun petit an-gt unt megert, unt ricaleUrantt, untUvoUteCect ttant OU A qul



d'Or) ■ to lundl mIt un engln u poser

dsiu un pr* non loin de son domicile.

Silt ft dtelart queffnyev, clla ie-Ult enfule uni esurer d observerplus longtemps te phenomene et »'*Ultrtfuflee allolee ehei dts volslns TLa tendarmerle A releve des tnces

tres nettea sur le sol 4 1'endrolt Indl-gue , des mottea Rvftient ttt mrsiheeset proJeUes dans un ruroo do quttnroitrcs.

Page 29: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


(xx.) Ibid.

Untranslated clippings dated 9-10 October 54 (See pages 28-29) (Credit. Dominique


10 October. Innsbruck, Austria, (shortly after sunset)


Under the above headline in the newspaper Tiroler Nachnchten was this story

".. an absolutely reliable witness of Innsbruck writes us: 'Sunday (October 10,

1954—EB), shortly after sunset, I just enjoyed the wonderful forms of the western

horizon, the good visibili ty and the yellow tints when I spotted a bigger, glistening

"star" somewhat south ofMarchreisenspitze ridge My position was below the gen

darmerie houses near the Absam gravel pits (8 km east ofcentral Innsbruck in the

Inn Valley—EB). This startled me as it was still daylight and the horizon sunlit. A

glance at my watch 1747 In the field glass (Habicht 8x30) the star shone like burn

ing magnesium. It had an elliptical shape and stood on end. First I did not believe

my eyes when it moved. However, when it descended vertically and stopped then

moved up the ridge in an angular path keeping some distance to it, the thought

"UFO" flashed through my mind. The constantly bright body went off below Mar

chreisenspitze and disappeared behind the mountain at 1752 Although I kept an

eye on the western horizon for the rest of my walk expecting to see the phenomen

on return, nothing was to be seen; it had vanished Only when the first stars appear

ed in the night sky did I notice the enormous difference in brightness with regard to

the luminous flying object'" (xx)

(xx.) Berger,E "1954/55-The Austrian Share." UFO Phenomena pp 101,103.

10 October. Saint Marcel, France (?5.00p.m)

"Only sparks seen."

Two rural policemen patrolling on bicycles near the town of Saint Marcel became aware of the

passage ofa (tthing" spewing a shower ofsparks. No shape was viewed but a whistling, purring,

noise was heard. Whatever it was, it seem to be zooming through the air fairly close (an esti

mated 150 meters away). Investigating the phenomenon, the two policemen discovered 25

meters ofdamaged fence and a herd ofcows bellowing and crowding together for protection,


(xx.) Figuet, Dossier des Ovnis, 1979, p 200 Poher, C ; Case #625, p. 130. (1972)

Dr. Willy Smith's UNICAT files. Case # 424

Untranslated clippings dated. 10 October 54. (See pages 30-31) (Credit: Dominique


Page 30: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



sur les bords de la Loire

et j'ai parle avec son oecupaul»

nous ecrit une lectrice qui donne une relation detaillee de' son entretien

Volcl U i*l4llon iurprtn*nl» qua

C* ifut i* ml* uvu4 rwvniar n rai

hi* lu< huh roiiuin a aiiiiriviiioH

,a asm o«* ;um rwi* «ut •* aunl

illtrIM** U*V1**I IIMH • VWI •■>(•■

uikt itvu(« i^navr </"* I* '<••* • «•

■Aiuciitx, tur •'■•>> uiuat f at vw

nij mva i»itaai «4r%ifitff yu* l*I4

* )iipu>«(ida u um.ui.ici1*

n04 d* fa Linn Ituu-Mixn J

wiu tnintictir* J ur un

I OQJI/Utff |l'*a ttli C'i*"l><

4Kini in u(l*n(lcn ( /von

xi J* n vulilKrul Jt

ou ifl«iuch(inl d'm

uti nut <inioovp«r on



H*4 ywiut ailatmt ax J <lranpa vnatud Ihonnii* aabaitl pr#t da mot if*

iriwl d un air moguMir J* m*i d dvultr d* «a rititim, man it

ktt ui< rwndri d I #virf»<i<i« Jt nt

a*j pa* /<«u d pn J* rifiil* inoa

,0 /rmd j* dfiBIMult IMf/pdnti

4 d*vu>il me* C *ltMl un duqwtiuliM.idt d una ai«aln# d* ui*lr**illainlli* *iw doiu t>|4lra* da

ilmr tFiiirvn JJ 41ol( (urmenfl

n* lurl* ri* til u

(>ia A lnl*rv<inir

•t dinu It ndlra t


/I ••

Til II • ttl

iiiiMUra Jl un /If

jIji yu-1* pi*ntff>n diin« jun wi

La puritf rvulwaa mm irmrfftin un« iumUra )«mu piKa la ivMuit Un* #oi(«m-fnl * tcfiapfin d ominlw

aa (unl miluur (t* Ja eo^'t*

# i 4lrva dmitfi'ifnl d In i

eoi'i'n* un liilleoyltrt j

uU rft Jifuj ft pint vif*



fit *nrf*c

I luldrUu

cutOAi el tanipa* utrNi oilwtnO*. ap|Mrnl r*fo*ui| tur [r»4j 6«(ui(

■t NCariiiaftlM eunim* <ur l*<

iu<<w C •*! aJv-J <*«ai J* r»m*w

vai* rur la cm/i»« d«* *lpi»«i bUur•* pviiKi *n n»ir ?ut n* r«nm

ilcHinl A fliu/unf lallr* d« tanyit**

n^lant, ;* im dmitala plM I**Cln<* *n Drit*»no« d un drrt *alro

arrav^ra ^t n»* fafowrnota vtra hit.itupc*/alt« /I #nli W, brun, yrniuJ

nine* (ourtiwif Jvu/imr* rn tik*

.nlonl II o Ml otort cpi II m*it tn frltnfnli <ivi*e un accent

.. nil* Ii km d>( J* ne ytu pi 0/fraytt yit II na U9MJOi| giHtii Wu*l

Jugvi J* ma (fuprui ifurtmrf iJdj«ura arrluer d uit d«lr« tuendw

|>ai«ta* VI uontiniMiN* vni ((onti"* pa« k| I* pailr# kanpuc M/lff CnniijuKoii

h«* ov tountnl rff (

iuji «HluiiH«r v«(ra ci«l La«iur in nnnra riiwit veu* rfli

r. 1-iKM IdUnM dai

rueon(ola rnou

•/•Ha duurttl »"*• o//*r»"<•"*»■• r*WIdea auia ioaylUMni* dnooiul p*u «

pni •( «•>! lul f«4 mo pou«*4 a

#11 ai tupqnrur* u nni (I (fwi fwui

(am mii aifra itiond* J* von* ritpala7u* /» H*j *uU v>m /oiU ga /a por>

gnrttwr I unenywat pour nia priW"

nou* K'tiwv* I av^nlr ^m »»<" appO'

rnil J w» Aif*" *l rjl"*yvnit J

NDLII — On r«nnlar una

narto du (Itm Intltula « L« lour 0C1Robarf Win

d Notra rofrtapoodftnia aat paul *tr*una |i«radnni qut frcqutnt* !•■ cl

niirnai ,

Lft J>£

9-10. 10. \9SCf

Page 31: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


Tandis que son petit frete, les yeux ecarqui.tes, regordait "Le^Champ-qui-bfuie"

, 12 ans, attaqiiait, avec

pistolet a fleches une 'soucoiipe vopuis s'enfuyait, croyant voir un fantome

MOHEi [d* noire co"**rond*n| . Dw% Une ir-c«nt« £

i i'" ^nwmf mc'CCiu dt tuc e a »«nu *i un mire moid*I J'de d un de tc» mvMAiieu« flhlcit rton idrnii'ic'i oul rie''e"i #e'uell<"mr>Tl lur I Eif>00*

Enau^it Contijtannni yn lurattlen o> 12 jnj nura Mll« hiroi de <a o'«"!>*"• baMill* Inter plane 1*1 re ?

Unorca I On IQuiflurj CStle oMIfa hi*IOi<( (J« Ia Rranda h

IC're I

Un tniln mvtlerleui te itraitbl*n pott « Soui la Rethi •

Gendarme et voleursM«l| rrvenont > Ct lundi 29 te»

Itmbio 1 I haur* ou tawrfaln loul

* en c runner* («mm« dam la mait-

laur det ttmini d anticipationUn abatement d» chleft Un ilre

denfanr Raymond tori iwr 1« O»i

d« I* porte da It i.ring« rf*m U-«u*N* |jnine Chlililne tl C'*ude

Nous avors vii des fantomes

titMai* lanlno til* auiti

da I* ■la

I .

fal*»lt in«ia petiia darnere le (bibi >i i un obltt *emblable ■ cou-

Itu» d aluminium i« dtsltCAM lambruit

Qvtfaiiei mlnul«i pint tird I*• lu1! (cute dti anfint* Ctiudt Ra-

minrf *iandra la lirrt p*r la baida i* lupa I anlrainanl da**nr laIctm* p«ut lul l»,ra voir ■ la chim»

IB heute* Rifmond nt viendr* la forfl jurMtfenn* 1 aualaaei IIIpit La cjmionnciie »«•'« du bou- le-melre* dt It fronllere Irmeo'

dt - .

brvlt bnula dt f.

qui *it arm* d urt pittalat 1 M<

cht* i*>* It reprtianlanl dt I or

u t*

(Meclu* ii louinea bi-hebdom* I citraordlnalro »ventur*dana a drnui* lontltmpi duD*rit I Raymond Romlnd it

oir IIla

n a pai elui itvt i«i Ittttt «i iteuri lali It

Irtouanle I (cola an cetlc inurnea mtma*le m italt bltn iparoch* dt d

maitonnelta »lli»n«te t Soul la Ra

louant I rteu* oa* t man 1 m* *ui'

e tocixllat M,ll,

avail rtpsndu au*

! montri Ui cbI-chiouet foultaa it* matant* im lo

d mil da urn

Deoutt ct mercrtrfi bw lai* aendarmerle del Rbuii*)trampofiea • Soui la Roche

■rand mil da limn I

Sci parenn i tlaiant Iiii«i L<Jlluitl tl il n anlendait plui tarlerdt ceiic Hn»n hiiro114 da tetaira Irfeel **•< l««ual II avail

• lout a ou ■ luita • oar un loirpluvltui dtm un decor da bout

palit *ilt«ca fiith*1 dam du mande

Et pouiMnt lei 12 arlt d"a RiyLn«o«id ivilenl ct ioir-l> avec unapoit««* da cailfoua at tin pii-

lalet dt a,ei<a craehanr de* flatCht* I bent caoutcheule tolt I undel plut haauK thjteltra* du ve-lur

ntineui do*>lcr ■ Snurauptt »of

Raymond n'esl pas on ,'imaginalif , { .

Ca lundi II li famlllc Raman.lvlvalt una *olroe comma tftutet leiautre* N atait hull htu*t* trtnlavLa null lombafl at «*te ell* urt*Pttit* plulr frelj* qui annanoir

rati Hen ,u« 1 d r,che*ch* da U

(Jam It trance Ravmond IIin* lamn* 9 am Chliliina, I imat Clawda 4 am a'tani**fenl un■rand icu Mi afiiltnt en vi*ra untutr* Un Itu au* le l>lu* 'ima*!-nallf dee enfanft do ctt !«.* napaurrait creer al t*nt dovla con-nattfa f

La cftoltatnt Bru*M 4* li itctlonda Saint-Claud* nout I* dlra Mm*Ctnfllrtn Inilifutrlc* • Prjminqn

a»l*n>*it Ravmand n tit »m uitm*|1n«t)l Crand lalldt »-)Ur ton

|ura nalal (I ne l>t »ai de ravuelilluitr^** oeur enfanl* D* toute

e*tden«r il n «**lt lamali (kttendu

Vlor.'^ " '<"'CeUt<l ••*"•••Alan RavntonJ n a I »*t ttw4,

lamal* *a> nun da l'»rtflU»t« na tt

■ e«up*rant * un* ttul* fall

9-10. 10.

Un po:d< glacial el impalpableMali qu eit-c* done t La «ir-

Connal ml-lnquiet ml-curiaul

aptrcoit teudaln ■ qualqua* mttraide tui fa mouvant dam I* ptnom.

brt un a objal * brillinl

■ II atlit haul camma la portedid I enfant tl rtntmblair * un

■ r.nd r. clanala •Un pttil dal<t narraui gut em

it iui una «ichaita de i>i«taletpflur votio Una fraction de >*cen

dt durinl Uqvtlla un coeur bat a

un rvlhme fou El puil un choc ouiproduil un ion matitllque

Ravmond * enhnrdlt Un* pof-tnet dt calllout vole iei\ * ( «b-|at brilUnt n qut oroduil la memcbruit de * 'ola Import »

C en nlofi due I aporochinl *n.

dtpltcinl an o<c<ll*nr da tiueh.

droila * piwt da 200 metrti dantun art *n conlrtbai

Sim tlen dire lit te coucharanlMali da) la lcnd«m*.n » I «n-

It Mm Ctmllort iara leur tonlid**ia

■ N»«i avona *■ d>» ftnlimtt

hla« Mir ■ lul dlront-lfi It let 12an* 4t Ravmana' n auront put m«

ma la *antardtio da raoattr ou IIi tit bully avae I un 4 *u»

DtUI lour* * ■lalaitl fcowU* at

I* pluie lombjft Fouleun iotiquTI* <endjrmerii> drt floutii i auvrltlenqueit Pcur.aif* It, iraca*Non cllti ttalent eneore *tet *■•bl



dun mil

P>*en -j.qvi par l«* enlinti dp

»Jol I herbe 'aulct en un mnv>«-mcnl ci'Cula»c rontiaiit » ccluldel aivwilltt d una mantra plu*dun curleun aKl*r.onttra M pat-lta

qul lul pit* *ur I apaula Pitatii ju

(•I il cut to* ofroi cl trcmhliit*■a lint chat lul ou da carntlf'tftrma ilmmt on ptvt I *rr* dam

It menlitnt II fit rlira ticn a **

« 45 de-

Ouatr* troui dim I*m* lrian«u||ire lnt|.n,

«u« tur 15 cm i un* haiilaur de1 »" SO venaienl envore ittvttlet dlra* dci anfaM* Romand I

Quant <•» crand pirall^lenlptdoaparcu pai Rirmond at |inme ile*l permit dt *up»oi*r au il etillI* MtMl»i do I eoffln mvtterlouv

(I petlle hiit.trt de la crandaHtilolr* pewl-Clrt iinorara-i-anloulourt qu una r>ola.nfe de calllout er un elitaltt i fltehai auroiil el* tti irmr>* At I.*bfllallt. Inl.ppl.neial,. rfonr | „„(.que toldil «n ■„«„„„ d,12 an*


Un gros obus perce de huhlotsREIMS Ida *>oi'f enrrrtoondantJ 0a«* la null it msrdl 1 mar-

Pinhard da Raimt M |o*cph (tor clellt il aptrcul bruiquemeni de-

quttaue* mttrti it tj >roula

Relmt k Relhtl tor an cntmln


vW, ul udaltt it*.

Halt sur la route

i nit *u dauvertirra nl d «<•

L tmln tn d*cdl'ani

Clara ojut U toucaup* irni la tsrma& unt atilattt coanla da coultur


cupant . . _

fit aucun bruit pa* di dtilactmcnld air al na ihlnaaa o»l dt couleur

Au momant d« I app*rlt(»n ilpltuvtll al M Sou dttlira «lortaut I jnparoll % **t Her* aldliparu II «**it une *ll**i* c>ci

t«e "un *a»lor "ttKrUn I"**"L* ptu* otortnani dc I aftalra ett

qu* M Bau vl*ltar>r un client qual.

que* imtanti **ant i Mtrlebachdcclarjit i cclul-cl an " "» crovxtpti I ce* hnt«iret d* iauc«ug«i va.

Untc* If lul i »ulani »lut <ffr»vatit vartnt e*f tnajin |

Lo chauff


Arrivi *u vaint «u II availCelt* lutur II rtmarqua dan* lei

champ* un obitl aitirre da ) meIrei dt lon»< ivant la forme* obw* eerct d« hublor* aI a**nt

II dl*Mn«wa rf autre »irt una*j«,ut illhBuattt Mali prli dafraraur II t enfult Troll JUtreiouvriora auoitnt vu la meme lueurau mim* end'oit


It eaaJMIn* BohUr parsit lira 4*b«nn* fol *l ttalf aneert hl*r matin «ou* l*> eoup d Bna imatlqn vUil»'a I

Page 32: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


10. fO-'9fC

"soucoupes volanles" conlinuent de faire parler dalles

Trois qnfunts de Pournoyla-Chetiveaifirment avoir vu un engin bizarreet un curieux petit homme

qui leur adressa la paroleTrm* rnfftiiU dr Pournov In rh£tl» .l.n> a ../»Tr<iM rnranU At Potirnov In Chellvi> ilrnnrnl it kfflrmrr avoir

it il-m U iioirpp ,\t vrndrull, un nmti tiuirrc rlrnrrndrr du

lLV Vlii *niT l"'"t hnmm* "l lorllr *l '""■ »J* U SHIll* " "•«"»!« 4«l « rrpimlaii JJn* I,

II rti lafiaiail pit dune pl>ltnltrlt dt mauyatt t"<il j^-,

tnfanli «n «((el, eni apcrvo e(

feclWnnml uueluuc ehoie d anormal n fureoi irmoini d un tvontmtnl particular qui loa a trappn de (nits r«;»n uu Id ta onl

rrdy I appclil ct qu 111 »gni

rtnlrn ohr* rui Irfmblanl d*

nr tl affoUi Mala II eti |m

Mtiblc d» aavslr ill i »(ll d unfait n't) «u de U d<niuraltoQInvtlsnlalrc dun* Mint aullicnliqu* tl nllurtll* ptr ilra |ma

(Inallont lniprru|anii/fi i |«■ufU dc nombfiui rroiti

(.llb#rl Calb* II am l)»nirlIllrirh | *ni tt ,nn peut frrrr

Jtan Plerrf J ant tiaitnt *nr«

undrtdl loir Ulrt vnr parilt drI>allnt iur U ruulr diptrUmrnlali- n II i Unlfte du vlll»It•Inlitr* II Hill ii h M ,| i4

null lombail sou Iftln i provlmil* du clnitllerc !tt enfanU

aiRiiltrtnl iu phtnomene Volel(a «ctn« irlle qo« | enl ratenU*

Gilbert *t Uanfrl dtui nerlIcnlt rlivt* de M Mirlicnonllmlfluicur d« Coin *ur SrilU

- Dana It eltl nout iven* vu

qutlquc cbma dt lummcui II

■ ■llaaalt dun fii|tn rend deI m M enrtron de diamtln qu'

a allrrrl un pcu dcvanl aout

I apparrll avalt de« rtjrurtn nul

rrt jaunti tl blancht* »l ripe

■all iur Irela pied* Noun avona

altendu unt minulc ou drui tt

tin himmi tn ol lorll II atailu nr Jump* tllunite dtm unr

main uni- ljuiipe qg( lincml ilti

r*yon* <l dam 1 aulrc main un

objel lumlneux en Icrmt dc

(>ral* I htittm* avail il« |rn*

jfui un vli*»» pail a tt ttall

loul p*lil, I ni :i ptui tirt II

Hail *etu duoc rob* oairt, commi an prtlrt tl nou* rix» d>m

Ifi ytui On ivtit p*ur, malt

nooi nc pouviom pM boDftr II adli qutlque ch»*e dana un« Ian

(ua quc eout n a*oni paa eotn

prUe Quand U * tlttnl »a lamp*,noui dow aemmci lauvc* April

naiu avoni v« dam Ic cltl qucl

qua cho»« di tum)n*ui qui »«n■ Halt Uii flic >

M Gilbert Calb* ajoiila i

■ Cnl pa* pour me lain rcmarquer que k dl« crli mail Jitdui Jure qu« jt I tl vu „ »

Uq ialre habtlant d« Pouruoy Robtrt Mafuln IS am *

aptr^u ml aunl tcmblc I II, I tn

fin mvittrltuK dam It citl Tcllc*il ctUo rurlcunc rtljllon qui

lalia* perpltic

Pour ia part M DtUcour, U

i/mpathique maire de rouroey

h/«iie i it prnnonccr * Jt *oui

du (ranelirmeni Jw n y emit pm

trap iui *niicnup«i toljnlf* tt

iwl« un ptu ronimt itlnt Thn

mat N[»li aprtj lout U a pa

1 avoir cjutlijue ehoic •

Quanl a M V>t\\k l>onard ledevout ircrclalrt dr malrlt (1 nt

vitnl que le tamedi rt dan* laprtianle a(f»trt II »• conlenle

de doultr I avrnlr apprtatfripeol ttrt il lei Ireli tn/anli onlHi Id Jnuti* d unt Iniaftoalian

Irop fertile

La presence d'unie "soucoupe"

met en emoi une

locallte dies environs de MetzMaisilyavail uneexplicationplus naturelie

et assez tnattendaeMETZ — Oteidtmenl cei H\ilotrti de tovcoupt* vofantet «ilingent let Aumolni travattlent braucoup lei e«prt(j n I on tn

.!5/'f lautnturt auititniiqut arrwtt aux habitant! dun. uimncottti 6 ttil at Mtlt tt don( noui lulroni te nont par un« dl»cr<t«on


Vtndrtdi tair It brant cantonnur communal revtiiait dt tontravaU tortqu tt aperc'it tn Anutd unt cote unt mo.ut tnmttrtIrmnobiU matt d ou panatent

rayon* lumineui puiuanfi

(I timarqito egaltmtnt un« iumleri ptu* jawt ^tmOUtnt vtnir de UhUrintr if ttntin oarCt ne pouvaft itrt guun tng\n

niyifirieui tt tvr ct fond lumtnni dt v&qut* tUhouttltt

Prtfimnt nt pax approcherteul It rantonnier alia tn toutt

haft privtnir dci a»iu qut fu

gtrent pnitUnt daltrttr la gtn, Aermerte Laf/atrt tmtt Untun«( It Martehau$itt tqu\pit tt or

mi* dt<\da dt it rtndr* iur pfa

ct Lei piut touraetut dtt fiabt

tantt U loiantrent out gtitdar-miM tt un t'M¥f% flUiUvtm

\mportant it dlru}ia («Vl tedt I atuniaiage

Au Jur ti a mtiurt quilt ap-

proehount Ui nouutavx arr\uantt remarqvtrtnt qut In tndl

cation* du cttntonnitr ttattnt

exQctei Ltng\n itati vitlblt ohm

itt dtux falKtaux lu mintax

A/in dt captartr la « joucoup* iU fvt dicidi dt Uncerofcr La

manntuvri i txicuta tn tlltnce

Bttntit avtc timotion qut Ion

dtvint It groapt trrtva a prozimill d< I engtn

Man lortque It* lampet et Ian

terne* it Urngutttnt iur \ut la

dtctptmn jut grandt II nttaginatt nut dune nonniu coi

turt arrttie tons phertt alluntti

tt d linteritur tcltHrii par It

pta/onnttr dtut jeunti nxarttt

tit gaJantt conversation

Aiouttr quelaut c/ioie icralltuptr/tu

Page 33: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



Toule v6nt£ n'est pas bonne £ dire

'il avait vu


il recoit une correction!L1

hl'lnlri-i tit "oitcniipp* iWMrmrnl ponl bl^n irnuftlin

n rl nnnl pi» nni ile »u«Hlrr n>< mmmrntatrr* pa*

nnnr* Cr"m « qui rn y nlcnt ■ j crnlrnl diir mmme f

llqoea qui arhorcnl «n air un Unltnrt unrqttnl* ( r*l qu II fan1CitiifprrnHrfi la ptjclinlfijlc dc feiu " qui n rn rnlrnl pin • I

■nut Ar* >i rrnjn

■1KB Ulllmlr ilc

SI Junqit Id le* *f>iirnnpra tolanlea, *nuplrrr* lumlnru<r< rl«»rra itmil rijturc et airirr* oh

Jrii vnll«cur* nnl p««r rt> mill11 pint fnl»me' Mk n nnl Imiirfoh

pai rauie ri> rir-iaf* >l cr n rM

iiatn I equlllhrr rrrrltnl tie errflarrii I

flip (1 un i1l*qot- ilrnvlmn rlii

inMrr^ iln illnmMrn

AprA* ftlrn il"irpti.1ii Jumti

line illf*lrf ilr mrtrrw itn •<•

iTipIn qi|p Ir^ iIpiit |i molm nl

flnnrnt ^'ro iinr « uniirnupc vo-lt t l^ h

core ««mlj .It Itur rmntlon B ,» vr.fnri»lr |.«irr dloprtrniirc

II am q

vlrtlme itn tnurnl-i- fall rt rn mnlrItrnlr dlU lul *

rffllnn pMlrtnrllpdue fnrmr

rl lle trftmillnnt A HiloUr rj.ilnppr^u ah mArtin mom* nl.

ro.>p«- le clalron a eu peurCeil A I'mirnoj la thrtirr rn , r

Mobile qua I Incident ■ e»l prn QU CIOSTS

Js'twffl: "w*«i"«:r«r!ii s«ntE.mfnehould ».Meli e*l p*rl»*e en deax ramp* ni"« rorr<»pnn Junlt — VcikIit.Ctu* qal <nnt pnur le« jmicflit (" »nlr W» « hl-ilff*. M l>erfpH Tolsnlpi rl ceiiT qnl rlrnl n>'niil«l<«r A I rntrpprl-c nuhrtl*ilnueemml Jn ^Inlc-Mnn'-hniilil rt hnhiinnr

Ver« 20 heurr». ipndTfftl un A |j» f>rnngr»aui-nnl« AM»n*rtt*mIn rie II «n. Ic prtll (allm «'" «>ti* hllnntHrw >lc U TtH-rrntrft pfirlpllH^mrnl rhrt f«« rcni»lt A lilcyrlcllf enmmi- d haWp*rrnl* en rarontnnl tout e««mif l»d« A In rpppllllnn rl** rlMrnn*

flf qii II »mnll de fnlr tine ">n ile I* aaH/f* * f Aljtnnnr »nnup«< vnlanlr Son l"-re Inrrr qnnntl |mtt A rntip fnirr Cr*Ti*-

dut«L \ti* la mntn «•! pnur qu a en*nr ft t-« finnrMnu Itnl


mpnli piUrnrl

tn H«mi mm r<

tnr qite rirm <

irnjicr rn for«™i,*n(t nvn|

rr» iln Innj

I IntArlrnr ill


*•* C^p


tin figure rjni

nvirnn ■(« mn-

rneln ftrmhinll

npi>«rlllnn M

p* CW ntnri qiic I" Imh rhnmtn mM», A un apprnrhc f

nnl In* A rniilrlln. k nurlqur* ntni*hln» *f nilt rn murrhf ■ rlr

eenlainf* rtp mUrn iln HH««* r% Arm* l«-n ntr* A imp r\tr**tqitn ■• U rh»»t .< «r prniliiHH M« irrllclii(>ii«q rt dhpnnit.rlrfnt un rneln rlreul^lrr prn jrn arrlvnnt A U n p^llllnn •!

Jrunl itnf liimlrre ft»rnclanl^ rmnplolrmfitt hnufpi fr«p p»r rrl


qnnn prill hnmmr mr«nfanl

envlrnn nn meirr, *tlo de "«1fel le «l««je pnllu «*rall dfsren

da lie l» aoiie-oiipe Lfl enf»nl»forenl prln dr peur u»> *■>«•«

qul-pput frneral ifinolilt et II

rffwmerfnl lei" fnjer ()« lonleU TitmRe rte leurj jamhri rl.

un) donte, tie leitm pa<ln*rn«lttle«_

Inlc^rncrn A p«rl lt^ trti\% «»r-ennnet* nnl fill unn rlrrlari»l1»n

Irirnltqoe el -Inn nfflrmr APnnrnoT quo plmtenr* «"»' *"

e« mal»

Un dlsque orange ,

pres de RombasROMBAS (dc nntre eorrewron

dant) — T*rd dun* I* anlr*« flT

IlnmbM (MimpIIp) MT« Rnh*-"n»l<1anf laltlor rt IU»l«nd MUInt, fMtnflef A Stiirlnr M«-Ik. m-Tcndlrnl itr MM* A Rnmhn*

quitnit A hMiitoiir Hn P""t rt* vlIrj lU »p*TCiirrnt unp rl»» InrurpUnunt *n-<l^«iin 'In '« fl'lrr*.




Page 34: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


Les "soucoupes volantes" continuent de faire parler d elles

Trois enfants de Pournoy-la-Chetive

afiirment avoir vu un engin bizarreet un curieux petit homme

qui leur adressa la paroleTroi* enfanta de Pournoy la Chetlve vlennent d afflrmer avoir

vu dam la wire* de vendredt, un en|In bizarre deicendre darielfet un itriOfe petit homme en lortir et Icur adreaaer laparole Trllc Ml la nouvelle qul se repandail dam >et vllUjwde U Sellle,

a Dana )• eiel nooi avona vu eboae d* lamJacux Jl■'aituait 4 ua tniln rend det m M eavlran *e dlamftre, quta alUrri un »« d«»anl »«u<L'apparell avail dea raj>*rca nol*ici, Janata cl blancbca el rtpo-■all nr lr*U pteda. Naw avanaalUndu tio* fflinoU eu deax tlun hemmc an <il Mrll II »valluae 1mus« alJamia daiu ommain, naa lampt ««( lanfill dtjrar«OJ, el. d«n» I'aatrv mala, vn

abjct luntlnttix «n foMpa de4r«lz. L'bk^am* avalt da fn>*jf\, ua vli»i« P*U" at 4UUUut pelll, 1 n. » p«ul4tr«. II

<tail vita d'uat roba ooirt, earnni.ia prttra. U naua t\x* damlaa jnwL. On avalt pear, mailBom at paavlto* p«# baagirJladlt au»J«tM aboat dau ana Ian*

a«a oo« a>aa n'a*aiu pu com

prtat. Qoand U a tUInt la lamp*,naiia aam •amiac* •«»*• Aprct,u«u avsna va daiu I* till qvclqua flboM di lamlntui qal ata

allalt trt* vita, •

El Gilbert Calba ajoala t

• C'tal pat pour me falra remarqoet qoe Ja dli ecla, mab) Jat0bi inn qua Ja I al vu - »

Ua aittra babllanl da Faur-tmr, Rabert Maiuln II ana a

aperea, lul auul Knble III. Un■In myi(eri«a*. dana Jc tltl T#Jloast calta curlcaaa ralallea qullalaaa perpltw.

Pvnr aa part M Delacaar, laaympalblqne nalr* da Fovrnajr,

hcalla a m BranaDeer i ■ Ja v»uadla (ranebemenl, Ja> oV erola paa

Irop aua aauaoHpea velantea~. Je»yla nn pen evtnme »»lnt Tb»-maam Hals, aprci latii, U a pu1 avalr qatlqne ebaaa. >

Quasi a M Rto* Leonard ladavani »ter*talrt da aaliie, 0 navleol qac la lamedl et, dam la

. praaania affaire, II aa «»ntcatedt donler- L'avenir apprcadta

fent-4ira il lea Irola enfanti enlti Jca jawta d'ua* lm*t>a»*U>n

trap fertile



Untranslated clipping dated 10 October 54. (Credit* Jean Sider)

10? October. Near Frankfurt, Germany, (no time)

Former Luftwaffe pilots see silver disc

An INS dispatch stated. ". in Germany, pilots and pupils at a glider school near Frankfurt

claimed to have seen a 'slightly swollen silvery disc' moving noiselessly over their field Agence

France Presse said the 13 witnesses, some ofthem former Luftwaffe (German Air Force) men,

denied that they were victims ofan optical illusion." (xx.)

(xx.) New Orleans, Louisiana. New Orleans States. 10 October 54. (INS)

10? October. Buenos Aires, Argentina, (no time)

Hovered over cars.

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INS dispatch, '"three motorists in Buenos Aires Claimed they saw a luminous craft which

hung motionless above their cars for one or two minutes and the rose vertically into the air

at tremendous speed. The motorists said the 'saucer' made no noise, although it trailed a

stream offlames." (xx.)

(xx) Ibid

10? October Beirut, Lebanon (no time)

Motionless over the seashore

INS dispatch:

"The Beirut newspaper L' Orient quoted Max Favell, a representative of a German

firm, as saying he saw a disc hang motionless over the seashore while giving out a feint

white light. Favell told the newspapers the craft landed for a few seconds and then took

off vertically.

"Abdelkarim Natour, an Agence France Presse employee in Beirut, said he saw a

light red ball-shaped object moving about 600 feet above the sea." (xx.)

(xx) Ibid.

10? October. Yaounde?, French Cameroons, Africa, (no time)


INS dispatch: ". [a] report from the Cameroons mentioned a 'brilliant' object shaped like a

mushroom which hovered at a height of about 1800 feet for a few seconds and then moved off

rapidly in an easterly direction. The witnesses included the director ofthe Yaounde hospital and

several government officials." (xx.)

(xx.) Ibid.

10 October. Near St Etienne, France, (about 400 a m.)

"Responsible for ignition failures?"

This account has a few more details than that already used

"Could flying saucers be responsible for ignition failures ofautomobiles on the

roads ofFrance?

"This question is suggested by the statement ofa truck driver printed in the news

paper Le Progres de Lyon, an abstract ofwhich is given here.

"A strange adventure happened Sunday night to M. Baptiste Jourdy, a 'solid and

calm' man of about 30, who drives a milk pick-up truck ever night to St. Etienne. At

about 4 a.m., under an overcast sky, M. Jourdy was driving across an uninhabited

plateau, when his motor suddenly stalled and his headlight went out. The young man

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stopped his vehicle, and got out to examine the battery for the cause ofthe ignition

failure. All ofa sudden, he saw above him an enormous multicolored 'thing,' moving

in the sky perpendicularly to the road The witness could not be definite about the

shape of this light, which receded at great speed beneath the cloud ceiling. The passage

ofthe object lasted for some seconds, possibly a minute. When the young man recover

ed from his amazement, he noticed that, without his having touched anything, his head

lights were on again. The motor started at the first try. The battery cables were intact "


(xx) Lyon, Oct. 13, 1954 (AFP) Translation by A. Mebane


Vondata del 1954

Recommened source book

for UFO activity in Italy

in 1954

Unfortunately for American

researchers, this 500 page

volume is in Italian.


UFO IN ITALIAI'ondata del 1954


11 October. Verausse, France. (4:20 a.m.)

Crimson globe follows car.

Michel wrote:

"M. Labonde, ofEpinac-les-Mines (Saone-et-Loire), was driving between Thury

and Champignolles on Route D-104 when, as he left the Vernusse woods, he became

aware that a strange reddish glow was lighting up the dark interior of his car Glancing

around, he discovered that a luminous crimson globe almost six feet in diameter was

about 75 feet behind him above the road, and seemed to be following the car.

"M. Labonde [nervously speeded up, then slowed down. The object was still com

ing after him. He turned into Route D-14, which led toward the village Lacanche, and

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pushed the accelerator down to the floor, the object still kept pace behind him- But the

moment the car arrived at Lacanche, the luminous globe swerved, climbed into the sky,

and disappeared " (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers andthe Straight-Lme Mystery, pp. 158-159.

11 October. Beauquay, France, (dawn)

Cows panic.

Michel wrote:

"Just before daybreak, a Normandy farmer was on his way through the fields

to milk his cow. Suddenly an uncanny red light began to spread across the dark land

scape, growing rapidly brighter. The fermer, and two others nearby, watched a huge

red object, elongated but lacking any well-defined shape, coming toward them at a

very low altitude It was so close to the ground that it 'scraped the treetops,' the

witness said, and the shadows ofthe hedgerows shifted as the object moved above

them. Its speed was rapid but not extraordinary. The terrified cows, their bells jangling wildly, scattered in all directions.

"When the fantastic apparition had receded into the distance, the farmer caught

his cow, and set to work. But the cow, insulted and injured, was on strike The other

two fermers tned their hand, but had to acknowledge defeat No milk was forthcominguntil the next morning." (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 159.

11 October. Heimersdor£ France (dawn)

A grass fire?

Michel wrote*

".. .at dawn on the 11*, Miles. Anny and Roselyne Pracht, young girls living inHeimersdorf(Haut-Rhin), were puzzled, as they left their house, by a strange lightJhat seemed to come from the neighboring pasture. Thinking that there must be a

grass fire, they went toward the light, only to discover a glowing disk, six feet high

At their approach it turned incandescent red, shot up into the air, and disappeared

over the horizon. The take offand swift departure were observed by two other

villagers. There was no noise " (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery p 159

11 October. Tapignac, France (about 7.30 p.m)

Luminous orange-red dome. Hovering 30 feet above the ground.

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Michel wrote:

'Toward 7.30 p m three Bordeaux residents who prefer to remain anonymous

were driving between Royan and Breuillet along Route GC-40 They were at Tapig-

nac when they noticed a reddish glow lighting up the sky and fields. They stopped

the car, got out, and saw, two or three hundred yards from the road, a disk-shaped

object, surmounted by a luminous orange-red dome, hovermg silently about 30 feet

above the ground "It seemed to be suspended from an invisible thread, it hung there

in such perfect equilibrium,' they said

"They had watched it for several seconds when it began to move away, flying

levelly and horizontally at the same height above the ground until it slipped behind a

small woods only a short distance away The object itself was no longer visible, but

its light shone clearly through the trees

"Armed with a flashlight, two of the witnesses set off toward the woods. When

they had walked about 400 yards they saw the machine again, landed in a field sur

rounded by trees. Near it were four little creatures about three feet tall, busily engaged

in some mysterious activity or task. The motorists headed for the 'little men;' but

when they were only about fifty feet away the quartet ofhumanoids rounded the ma- -

chine and disappeared inside. Almost at once the object began to change color—to

blue, to orange, to red—dazzling the two witnesses, then left the ground at 'terrifying*

speed." (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucer and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 159-160.

11 October. Chateauneuf-sur-Charente, France (about 10 00 p.m.)

The car stalled and the headlights went out

Michel wrote.

'Two hours later, 55 miles east [of Tapignac], Mmes Julia Juste, Maria Bar-

bereau, and Marion Le Tanneur, all of Jarnac, were driving along Route D-14. 'We

were coming back from Bordeaux,' they said, 'and as we were about a mile from

Chateauneuf, at about 10 o'clock, two luminous globes appeared in the sky ahead

of us, at a low altitude. The car stalled and the headlights went out. We left the

car and stood beside the road for almost five minutes, watching the two globes.

" 'One was much smaller than the other, and at first they moved slowly, ap

parently following the same direction as the road Then they stopped, moved back

and forth to right and left several times, and stopped again. The larger one became

a brilliant white with a reddish halo. Finally both ofthem went straight down, dis

appearing from our view in the valley ofthe Charente River. We got the impression

that they landed somewhere.

" 'We re-entered the car, which now ran properly, and started for Jarnac again;

but later we were sorry that we did not wait to see if either ofthe objects would re

appear. The night was very clear. The moon was shining, a little behind us and to

the right.'" (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 160.

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11 October. Montbazens, France (about 10:00 p.m.)

"There's a fire at the Gimeno house'"

Michel wrote:

"About 10 p.m. six men were working in an automobile repair shop operated by

M. Carriere, when the owner asked his son Bernard, a boy of 17, to -bring him a tool.

To do so the boy had to walk past a window and, glancing out, he noticed a bright

glow which seemed to come from the adjacent field. There's a fire at the Gimeno

house!' he cried.

"All the men ran out, but stopped dead m amazement when they saw the disk-

shaped object, about four yards in diameter and emitting a powerful red light, that

was parked in the field beside the Gimeno house. Most ofthem hesitated to approach

it, but one, M. Gardelle, started forward for a closer look. He had gone only a few

yards when the disk lifted noiselessly from the ground, and disappeared in a terrific

burst ofacceleration. M Gardelle staggered back, his hands in front of his face The

others ran to him. He was chokmg and gasping for breath, stunned as if by a violent


"When he was somewhat himself again, all six men went to the place where the

disk had been resting, but could find no trace ofanything unusual. The whole sight

ing had lasted no more than two or three minutes. All the witnesses were men of

sound mind, steady nerves, without the smallest inclination toward 'saucermania.'

"It is significant that in almost every one ofthese 'proximity' cases the witness

es at first made a mistaken identication in the direction of the commonplace; they

thought the object a fire, a car, a haystack, or some other familiar object or phenom

enon." (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 160-161

Untranslated clipping dated 12 October 54. (See page 38) (Credit: Jean Sider)

Untranslated clippings dated. 12 October 54. (See page 39) (Credit* Dominique Weinstein)

12 October. Brazil, Olavo Fontes, and UFOs.

Fontes put pen to paper and wrote:

"During the last three weeks of October, 1954, almost without warning, the firstflying saucer's large-scale reconnaissance ofBrazil was started. From the press recordsand from Air Force files it is quite clear that this country began to experience a thoroughinspection which equaled in intensity any saucer visitation to any part ofthe world.Sufficient observations were made to give the impression that the whole country was

subjected to a careful and methodical investigation, which was carried on four months.

The viewings were so numerous that in this necessarily briefreview I shall chooseonly the most outstanding cases.

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volantes ■ ■ ■ ■

- Et pourquoi pas ?nous declare M. Louis Breguet

lecelebreconstructeurd'avionsUn awu tout <J ubord Loroqu* flu*"* rt d* roal m* rclrouvtr


■ On ■ppr^cie bcaucoup I* a>l« tr»ncsla «n Anrfriqur im

Et qw>nd )* *oi« cr qu •Yh l ihll t ^t

lime* MaU a. M,iot «?» ■*« W« •« "T^11""dan* le %e*tc bureau auiUrc en «UUJJt.._tl au Canada commc

presence de ect homme irand - Smt^TZS&f^mn "In*qui m euwJ un crawl hemmt — *"" °" *°"lCTt« '«• •*»dc cc relard brillanl d Intclliien

ee dcrr'ere In lunette* dc cetteillhouttW plelne de noblntc. <#■ne iur la bienvcillancc memequll me tcmoignalt.~ Jc n al plu_c*e Toul (implement. Et ma tol _.. .._.,. . ,_ _ _.)*al poti le* quntion* quc m«! N«w Yorh In icchnlrtcnt rt

i._i, .._. ,. . , ,, , ,„ ' d* firm** prrvotcnt pnur une

~ *?«.«-.' r*r,C? 7r'1* "* 5i«l I" *t« prorhainr* anner*.flreguet aux Etal* Urns ,. VOUI ^^^ *, „ w, ,mlr ,„„,

■raifi t luLDirnv <"* Ftanom dr ro*nparrr i rerEBIFLE AMtRiCAIN ^^ ^ diil)W_ ^^ue dr

Lc coniirueteur vicnt en ctEct vnon* nuu» lr*n.lUr avee m\dcire invfte li bm'pour I Inau rn croiinun. df faenn a mnpnriruration dune latehc dc buitet irr m nwunun gtt charm onedc* ■ Gloire* de I Acronautlquc » rvufe nWtne pnur rut Lrur*II y en a junqua present Irolf ouirirn d auire part avmi iur— dont lc *len Homm»je me tout qujlid--* pnur U f^i» L-nfrltd mail qui n eM pai n com nir 4e latiil'nm r>I 1*1 qur nrn

mun du Ja part d>« Arncnejinn n*1 rterr»(t rtre eparcnr p»mr #»4 Icndrelt dun etranjer (nrr du lemr* done de I *rarnt

t Ah! oul dlt M Srejucl dl* «u rrrlprfviurnir^t tar letLrailcment, (1* monl place dan*\» galcrie de* honneuri Bah- P^irtt vont a pai dc «cant. Auxc mi comme tltrei que iJ ivoir ««ln« Bell j ai conieinplc munilc recllement lun de« premiers dl '"nclin noire*, let i rocket* i

. m intcrcMcr k I uliijon ei pulu ° ou JjiHiwenl d ef(r«runttr III mJc me mi* occupc un pcu de lout 'y*' J» Tie croj'aii en tnfer Mill

— Aior*. qu attend on '— J e»n*re olcn qu m aaltrn

dra pa* trap Cda *craii eotit*u*matt l» FriuM ■ a bIuk une ml■■U k ycrdn d ell« vcul rejjtner un* plac* enviable duu Irrrwu aerlen mondial En loo*cu. lapv«r«il o« Mra pa* al rml*idem«nt • dCDMae a et k quo!wnriralt dc mcllr* moiiu d un*

nuit pour iravcncr lAilanUque*C* qui rivquerait 4 ttr*


on pefi*e awee de teU mnteri«K

■meindre pcul tire « a TWO kilomctrn ee wrtuni let ulcgulden qui leraient la iutrtt loutseuli Si en *ur U v M beaueoupde « Julci Verne ■ dnm cm aperCut man det cho*c« Innum icpeeparent et vli«

Satu doute une certj In* amerme m*U t b

dan* cettc branch* l-iviatiortJft lavJation millairr let hcJicopter™ Savet vou* que la quei

lion '• nvcllcopltre me panlonne * J al la deMu* quelque* id**n«t J* cral* pouvoir arriver enqulnluplant la puiuance dne Jet* ■ *lnon a rcduirc In conaommailon an \ol Immobile du - _moln* a (acillir- ct lenerjluer lum« mail turtout une belle *m-le decallagc iur place Vou* b">°n tranipaniuent dc ce» pavoj-ei lout dr tuitc lei innla ro1" Si la Frnncc pouvail a ion■et de cetic fadlile - '«" aiier dc I avant' Eilc en aA pen pre*n Jcvoque (en mol ic* Tio^eni technique* M Bre

memff) lei anlicipatloni avec luet '" >ul donnc

S^pSS1* S?'.«re." S»V " BRECUET-DEUX FONTSpe*-. Mai* M Brefuet pounuil El a°^t re^cnonx «ur U lerMm propot ct n qu il me eont\* r*~ ■ L'heure etl venue dccst irop laUrctiant pour en nrn *orienter, dam I aviation de

li*«r perdrc ]| me raconlc ion *«n*port ven le contort lc*to trouUeme aux Slat** n*ute* altitude* l«i vilcuct detitude* l«i vilc

tJOO kmi hegre asee d« iroucilMf-cci Cwt en ce *ciu que ] it

noire i S B

Ola. tea vliiiej paMionnainle*

•iUU de* (men lelcguidcct ^ludi't noire t Super &rciucl~CurtlioRcad qui conAnut lei Deux Ponls • Vou* connaim* lcmoteun d« aupcr Conntcllallon ' Breiuel-Deux Ponu ■ qul n*et projetu dc remplacer ie* jcl* >"■ "*'»* etre Tabriquc comme it* suphlr a pat dr* c turbo *- l»ur»" tallu Le i Super ■ rterCettc (oU, II nt alle jusquau Ca vr"^ Joules le* amc~liar*lion* deBa4a en iurvolant Ir* cnutn du contort ncceualres qul nc aonlNlacan II a etc la auiul mi P*> •"'•" pcnict quc dan* legninquemcni recu ct a con*(a(r Reux Ponti Mlmplt U r tvit Hlexlilcnce d Innombrables projet* Kilomcirc* de till eUcirique*. depour I aviation eoinmi-roalc Lr '■" <)ul vouj laiaM (mariner leplus unportant parali etre la com 'fie! II nest pu il facile non"•■*•* » • Brimnnia . pw» p]u» de calnler de* couchette.par Bristol aux wine* (amder et de* toilette* en lonelier duou d«* turbine* BIS marqueraieni pratlqut et dc* donncea gcnerale*une tVolution declMvr du iy*l* tnlia lout eat prtU dcpui* le littrm e Ptoicuj • de Bri.tol j „ novembre IM: Hou. pwrrlonip«uf w nt p» ire* eiacumcnl *onir Uc* rapidementWlvre cw cortii/lfrallonj fechnt

tntant pai ce *erait notre

p emuni dapparcilt de Ire*mnde daue inlernaltonale Let£rtx aont elcve» ntlurcllemcnt.

:*ii )e me permeLi dy IniUterlout le monde eat d accord poureeonnallre quc per»onnc n auralpu (air* lc Bre^utt Deux Ponu ■tncillaur marthe Malere let me-Ihodti i arttiinalei § (usquell<noui aion* recouru pour (abri

quer doi 12 appareiU Alon TEt M Brctuet ajoutc f J>

carde confiance >


C wt moi qui )uilem«n< n apluf * contlanct * L entreden «ale ttrnuner «l lc moment tolrnnet Ml venu Tant pu je plooee■ Seralt II Indixcret de voui dc

mander Monncur ce que entin- comprenci mol U pretxe a

be*oln de Mmaiionnel el jeM Bre«uel me refirde le tour

ril fronce — ie dcmnndant vitiblcment ou Je veux en venir™t Je voudral* hvq\t et que vou*

pcn»i des foucoupn volanlet #„M Brefuet nc t *il pis ijche

H a wuru douccment Et II m adeclare en pesanl »ck mot*— Volli eten la quMlion que

J attenduM Et Je vou» rcpondral« pourquoi pJt »' Ei avant tout■ pourquoi pai dc* hominci d untuirt monde i ' J Irii pluj loin

voyex vou*. Je n it la d.*,uj «ucunc intormnlion upcclalc Je tuit*n lr»in di lire un ouvrajc intltule f Let loucoupc* volanui\lennent dun aulre monde • deJimmy Culeu ill Jc ne eonn»l»pai cot tulcur Son llvre me pa

rail une compilation rifoureuacet critique do lout lc* c*i lerteuxde loucoupe* Man ■! ee e.u* r»content lei Irnelfnkfe* «*i iimi,ie pui* votu •fdrmer qu il neUurail iiflr den(in» eontlruiUpar dc* hoinmct Lc* acucoupu4i eilc* *«Rt ce eju »n dll nc mlpa« dea ea(laa urrcetrea. c* ctBMoaleur » r»U*n

Jc iuU un peu elonn* Je que*llonne i M»b lei Amencain* —ou lei Ruuc* ' »

— Qucllej Mralvnt lei pertormances d un tel appareil *— Je nc voun le* cnumcrerat

pa* Sachet ecpcndanl qu avefdn lurbo B 13 dOnt Je parlrrallout a l"h*ur« on atlcindrait 100• 10 000 metro. MaU on prupour commtnetr 1 eauioer moinrbltit

— Impouiblc Tou* le» Itmol

Mnt unanime* a. inaUtcr iur \t

(■it aua le* loucoupa t tltvcnt(lIcnelcuMmrnl Et qu cllri nonii>*i una loimc afrod nainiqipnur vuincrt ]> rttttttnet it

\ air C*U me mtlit i •> pmnntVlimrrn jetc Ira plani d u

< lur'M tuiientileur > qui t«l#v

rail iur place ct obliqumit c

I Hint tree vnc Avtc un *«ui« rclor • je pournu lut «io

la forme d une loucoupc M*U ceQu* je ne luppnmerai pai cm

Ic rondement de la ruction' II

laut quc lea (oucoupc* par conequent. empruntcnt 1 d autrei

Mureri dc puiuance quc Inn&trea.. pcul life un • champ dcform • cree a meourc dou laluaur Cot pourquoi ie vou* r*oil* ou clln neiiatenl pai ouIn lemolsnaic* aont Incucu —cc qul me turprcndrall quand il■ apt d un bruiL Ou In *oucou

pm vlcnnent duo autrc monde

Ft |*himmr d< sennet me fi«anl(ravement a ajoulr

— Avon* ncui Ic drelt dr nlcr *Quc iavon*-ftou* ivi ju*lf Nouj•omrnca dana I crtianec dr laKicac* un aieclc et denu apre:L»vo*»tcr Uoi Insenieur elretnnm t icnorr bkn m «« m I ekeirklle Je me larne irulrrnrfit drI Inut Ination ct Je raixonnc winh k«(«M. Lc* *oucoupe# ac •«■•eat peM avoir une ortfinr terreaire *i ellc* *onl « qu on rarontcMalnienanl k rout de conclure

Et ) ■• ft* lmpre*»ionneMart BOUBVFYBOU

tit Edltloiu < rieuve lotv •



12 OCTOBRE 1954,


Page 41: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en

Paris — Neite r«rurt««n«

d aclivue dci *ouen>ipe* volmtp

iu coun du dernier u i>ek end

el plu« 'eulemeni dan* le ce

At frtnre Dt* engtrut mv<tp

rleux ont en tfTcl cte apercu<

au Camprnun 1 Namur nu Li

bm en E*vptc et en AllemaaneLappurlllon <Jn Cimernun mo

rite une nirtirulierp attention A

> anunrie un eerf>lr nombre deper*nnnpi etalrnt r»>unfp» chri le

me-Wln i-hpf rt> IhApllil |p Hr

Menu cl ^aoprtl^leni a "»Hrr lu

einrma Inrtqu ellf< furpnt Intri

tinned par 1 MMHide rtu ehien qut

«e mlt *ubil*mFni a tr^zner el

Un champignon enorme

et lllum'niPPn*ant que de* clrnnter* rn

datent itiprif df sa rttmi-ure l«

IV Menu «orl>t et apercui riantle Hr! un obtel brlllant 11»pppl» Immirtlilcmrnl «r* corvi

v«i qul ln»n d^elarerenl en«tit

le avoir v\i prp«n,up a la vpfMeale du plateau ou e«t jitue I hApitnl un enorme di*qup vioirm

mem IHumIn* immobl c ft nnt

attitude rt pnvlron flnO metresCette • apparition ■ duri quln

te necondea L eniin avail trei

exactpment In forme dun cham

pUnnn ceM-fcrfire dun dl*que

ire* 6clalre dnnl le* per«onne*prewntw ne purenl exactemen

•valuer le rflametre sons leouH

» batancfttl tren Ifgerement uncyllndre d une lornueur ec*le au

dlamMre du chunmv *t (Senle

mem Ires *cla reBrunoupmenf ltn«ln pril l« dt

rectlon de I E«t el ion volumencmnla dimlmipr a vup rtmlPuls 1) * Immobile pcnrtan'

quelquei seconder avant rlc

prondre rapMcmrnt rte I all Hideel dc di<pnrnltre

Leu temoin* rle ce phenomene

»ni difnp* de fol pnl*n;ur *>«Ire le D» Menu fl f «ait rtu rolonrt Ciuvtn directnir rto* Scrv.

cp« rthv«*ne ft dp la pronhv

Inxle du Camernun de MMnumonl dirrctnir de* ^pm ip"

de Idrurll* <\\t Cnmprmin Pniltnm eon«eUler ds I A^tcmbier

lcrHorlnle du C»mernnn Morcau ndmtntetraleur malre ad

Joint de Ynounde" et de Iwifs

Deux silhouettes

dans un clgarePrii d* N«mur it facteur ru

ral fslsi t ■■ tourn6e hnbltuellelorsqul lupercut un el**re voUntQUl f'eleva dnm te del a ion appi-oche a une allure vertleln«»««. C*pend*nt II eut le fmp* de

dlotlniuer n«llement a barddeux iiihotHltes ■ npproxlnnatlvement huma'nti »Au Uban, cut un roprfsen

lant a Berroulh dune Hrm« *\\<rmandf M Max Favell oul ■ 66-elare »u journal « L Orient »avoir vu namerii tatr au bord dela mcr un enrln Immobile dons

le del el quI i>mcttali une lumlere blnnehfltre Lcnc'n alterrii

! flv

amir rle rtre'

h d«tfurs eeniimcj d h»bit"»ntj

in\ suivi ft AlcxflOride let evolu

uon* d u*i objei lumineux (jm

|u«a l du ouae A 1 orange el du

"erl au M' bleu Lob»*rvaioire

rtc Helouin prc' du Caire (ut

ilrrre mm ivanl quf li lunettf

ipir ale il pu f-\r* m *e en pii

ce pour I" r>llf>locanhlf>r 1 cn«tn

Up nnu» rlirfeirur rie 1 ob ervii

loire M Amur I'mail ». rier are

qu I i -teioAli <*n< doute d une

aurnre bor^ale car un oraae maantique etaii nb*-trvt fippim

quirinr* hint hfurc^ Une e»Riinlion sricnl HqiiP fort wrnl«em


« Quatre hommes

dans des combmaisons

de caoukhouc »Un op^mrur Oc cirn*mi de

Munnu-r M will! Hog* i dreia-

rt qhc rcaifinant son domiciledans k< (aubouris de Mun&ter,simcdl TprcJ midl it aD-*"<ui

dan* un chamo o uni> tlnjtiiu

taine dc miMrrs de n romp uneItirur bleue iwsci vlve C.r'>yintd abord qu 11 a agissaH d un avion

accident* II s approchi d* qurl-

quea m6ir«a et *>t ators un eneln

ayam la forme d'un cifiare et irrwmnnttme dans I air a i«nvtron 1 m

SO du sol

Soua 1 engirt, entoure d unelueur bleulire I oppr&teur de cl-n6ma dKtinsnia aiutr^ « fiom-

mes » doni la talllr etili ti cnvtron I fn 30 Ccs fires a^ai?selon lul un torse a*»e/ \»rgt-

une teie nroDortlonnMlfmi m irop

(trout* pour leurA corps 't deslambea fines M Hone a precisequ Us portalent une K>rle de com

blnalson dont !p tiau i*SMmblalin du caoutchouc

N osant pts s aporocher davanLabc le trmom w borns & observer I*1 minpB" dc* occupao's tic

I enuin Aprfi imc dlninp f'e mi

nutrs I fatnpiB-c fmonCi h bordft I iid^ d un^ sori^ d i^chrllp

1 rnsin * 'l^a nniii^rrcni onu A la vprtlcii- orfn»m ipres

quctqupi vcondps (1 asrension li[ormp rt un disnnp brlllini

M Wllll Hose a afllrm* snfina»olr e«ayc le solr mime de dp^

voqupr une enqix*lp mah a ajou

t* qu'aucun pol'Cler n a»ali ac-cepW do « rendre sur place pourconlrftler «s d^lart lions '

EnflT prfs dc Ffnnefort tr

cloves piloie* d une *rolc d« vol

a v<ille <uivBi"ni les e'volutions dc

leur tnonllcur lorjrju il« eurpnlleur attenllon »ltlr*c par un

• dlsaue araenle leacrement

fie • qu ie dpnincnit *sns le

mojndr* bruit.

Br^re rencontre avec un

"scaphandrier" moustachuFn France dant la Ion rue Hu

ts dts apriari(lor>K cp teles II

faut relpver loul np«elalem«nt larencontre lnoplne« que fli M

Rotter Barr-iult manoeuvre a Li

xoux (V!enne> M Barrau,! rou

Inll A blevclcllp samedi jo r^yem 19 h lor<qu (I fut tioprf

net sur la roulr par un doub'efnnccau lumlncux imant d une

sorte dc • scapinndrler ■ haul \pelne rfi* 1 m "iO nvec de« botlM

unns lalon^ lc« vi-u* tnM brll

lanls pi ure iww momliche '

Ce devan fire cependsnl un

brivc homme onr il *e r>f im»naune minute <ur h rouie *ani

falre Ic rn*» nrtre mil a M Barraull atumi irdi i'jf le vli di«

piraltr- u<i< la for*i creche

Iranqufllemen' ei * nledFait nouvpnu pfH'empnt A Mft

eon ou circulnn" «nr le poni AtSalnl Laurenl Ip* NHeon qui enjamb* U Saftne plusleur^ p«r

iionnes onl aprrcu un dlxqur qupour une fol' n AtnJt pnj brll

lant mats sombreA Tourrlers prej d Ansoule

ms et a La Fcrte Mace IOrn«>

ce »ont deux clBares qul nnt rplenu 1 aitenilon dc^ prom*ncurt

du dlmanche landU qu une bou*

le de f*u bombee rnrait la clm#dex arbren a Beauvatn dnrw

! Orn« ejalemenl. *ouf les ycuxebahls de M ChrMlan Couetl*

39Lft Cfiotx

12 . 10.


Jouratei di ■*■

1Ea Fiance/i\l court, dii Jou

mad| at do dintanchc la ■ «oucoupet • ont «U puitculJaremaDt

nortbreuiei a nirvolar noirt paja.

Enjroltl quo quei t

Lt>J Rouuu) i bicyel«tU to direction d« RLatt (Ont], M, C

Coijttte fUJ d'un plombler dcfrm-la Madalalne a tU depaotpstj !un cTaaft •nila hnUneux<juJj|« erand* vittate ruaJt laelms d*a arbrM. L ♦ofin, d en-

vlrin 4 m«tru d* dlwnltri, arajtIt (forms d uat boul« d« f*ubombtt wt U dtuua. II a pu tin

obMTvi uo* riinim da Mcoodek

I1 ' '^ A 17 kilometre* d Aaxoulem*

uo«| ueoltuie de ptnooDd da

To«rrltri »ol vu. daaa k ouft du

S au 9 uai t aont d« clean »oul

t^ifr. i d* nfttret tusltsaua d* la

U riniU utfenaU a* 10 pendantU km

jigares, etc1' V Dlnuacbff toti, alon quilc/rctilaJt »u votaat d* »»■ roltureU.'-Jno Bertrtnd, Imennlclcn ICtrcutatuit, ■ ra, volant a bcas«altitude ua endo jfpb*r(qu« dmelaj brUJint doot1 U partle ruP*r1euf« aemfaliJt ttr« en maUireplutique n t pu. | dit-U, tacll

taant diatlaruer deux forme* hum*inej dana «t apparrtl qul

dlipsnl a un* gruwf VlteaM daa*U direction Ztt. |


Un • clfira TOliiit ■ at'Uaptreupax Ja ttcUvr rural dajuJin TU-ian prt« dt Hvy *otrt>fajnuret 4J*ft La factear a Uflnn*q\M ienxln a'eUlt <*!«*« daa« )cdtt k aoo approchc mala qull

avaJt ctpcoULDt pu dlftlnyuer

EMttcnieaik bord deux illhoaettMd* forcM . appr«zlfflaUv«m«at

Vlaftalne dt mlauto, i/«afla,rUIt ooU da d#ux aiUUct,

. ..J ttuuiU decide a pwUr k vatvltc«> d aoTlraa «0 * JO0 Ulo-

<U Caltla

rout* d*


Ua automobilurU

b au*d*a«us d« U[>tm iuj Mn. un

_ qu U «rol) ttra ua* wo*

coilp* vouoWTit Msft 11 h. 14, • racoat* l'»o-

torubUliu, * lonqu*. T«n U

aaa | d*» cajunpt vt pouvaat rtn«Uj ] qua prodult la djnuma d uaVila IL* lu*ur. aoudaia, plQua tiz>U r ruU, d*n* m* dlrt«Uoo, rt ua■nf: a d* trt* frandM proportion*mlpp*niC II ; fU\t d* eoulcur

blaiuu*, ooauu etUt qul m dca-ltd, ptndam U rwrra, d«c vttr*f,p« tfUt He-, bleu. J*ai trttn* Dtt rt,4U L it UM phuw. L'eaiia- paaa*

•u < Mtua d« la reul* CtUlt U«b


hu brtikllrout*, Tfrm *i &U «b

_ i cutK ;• ru to «u-ptftltrt ti 4 c* iDoauat'U to*«

lUv* hl#ut*a fit pUct ■ ua

En Egrrpte 'Oa tnnonc* dAlfxandflt dr

•Mm offlddlt. quVa ' asclnD7ft*rWux • amount** datu lesain ta-4casua 4* la lour <f« con-trftl* dt la^rodroiDt da Mtxaba,ptntftm ttM b*ur*. itmedl »otr>L't&da. dt U forme •dtm«aooccmyt • allan<c« • ch*nt*

dt ceokur puatnt du rout* 4I*cra««k puta dn Ttrt au «tU.inal d* aTtioUiwr a uoc vlten*TWtltlatua*, , , '


Das soucoupes

volanfes sous le ciel

louDeen (?)Dinaiiiilin mnlln ([iimro mem

ms ii hum fiimBIc imiju'oiiiio

■ill «Lldndiloiil un Inln itur luijilut lie lu iraio Otit lllur^ll tllH KI0IU ilnn* It oitl mi d *•iHin 17 nuo ifiil H»nt)liiit tnurnrr

Hiir In -mAino tfUim ut rapldo-

Mienl ilaiu Im nuaiTMD uulro purl i Viuplilon un

(injrln rnjrxMrK'us unl uhmiirau ta- "Heiir* uuru I cU reiniirqjikioi-3 tgitlt I'viituull AgalumenlMom 13 voiiu relent.*

tmln i falnt-H lull deuxT< mmi)^ nnl oonxfila da ou*'Vui |j(i«iinmAn("< h ml que onu*

u rnlailiiiM d aKuun" djm no*

ire Nirorikiue t Oil d L que >

La multiplication dtt aoucottpa

et dtt dgaru votantt tout I« d*t

d« franc*, rt aua*t d £uf*-«(*t«lo(llr« touioun • creteando a (a

curiortU au pubile BUn •nii

la tigwn At La Loupe "^ pouoatiretttr &lm lonjfrmp* • m dehon

&* la count » C fit (oul d« mi-mt, tn quttqut torn, tine {

flon dt prwiipe

Soyont done talti/aitt nout

t'avont oujii no(r# ioucoup<» en-

! ILa imioiM dcrmtfre en effet

dam un prJ tit tit en bordurt du

bourp dt Saint-Sllpti una ftaoi

lanle de callt locality ap*r$ut,vtn » hrurtt da *olr, unt tormeblanche — pat ctltt ■ <jut marctia

tarn bruit tl lui ttntt It* bra* »

itu potte La sptclatric* oul c«r*

tatnement tit dt bonne lot n«

fit qu'attct vaoutmtiit tobftt qui

ttmMott itninobttUi ttaru tttpactd tu hauttur «t tuu$ Itqutt ttt*

dittlngua tltiu *artt» iapptndt?it* noir» Mutltd de tatsistemtnt

ellt t en rfiourtia bien trtte chetcllt I'rialabtement etl» avuit

npcr<,u dam it cut dm luevntnutttctiiuits

DniUturt at tui , "nhKont at

\ulnt Eli^r r'rtanina tin nu>«(

ua *alr un certain (ifii nomtnt

unt incur tttcuatrt ui paisa rorn-me un bolide devunt ta jtnttrt

Comme nn (s uoii te mj/tttrtrtitt tntltr*.

Page 42: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


"At first, from October 12th to November 3rd, for some unknown reason, the saucers took a special interest in the state ofRio Grande do Sul. By this time reports

started to come in from all over the country, chiefly from the states of Sao Paulo and

Minas Gerais. Some were caused by the growing excitement. But most ofthe cases

were caused by true UFOs." (xx.)

(xx) Fontes, Olavo. 'The Brazilian Flying Saucer Review - Part Two " Flying

Saucer Review (Seattle, Washington). Ed.. Robert J. Gribble A C F.S I.

Publication. Vol 2, No 9 p. 2.

12 October. Sao Leopoldo/ Nova Hamburgo area, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. (8.30 p.m.)

Saucer flap starts?

Fontes wrote:

"No one knows exactly when the saucer flap started. But if one can pin down a

date, it would probably be about October 12,1954.

"That night, at eight-thirty, an AF fighter—the T6-1473—scrambled from an AFB

in Rio Grande do Sul to perform a night training flight over the cities of Sao Leopoldo

and Nova Hamburge, and surroundings. The pilot, Lieut. Alexandre M Penna, had

just finished some practice passes for night fighters when he spotted an orange lighted

object, very high to the ^ast ofhis plane In his report, written immediately after he

landed (and later released to the press by the AF) he said that 'the glowing object seem

ed to have an apparent diameter of40 centimeters, and stood motionless in the cloudless

moonlit sky for twenty minutes before vanishing.' Two other pilots in the squadron—

Lieutenants Sahba and Dipp—flying over the same area had also observed it. The time,

location and description ofthe object were checked and 'there was no doubt,' he said,

'that they had seen the same craft.'" (xx.)

(xx.) Fontes original notes donated by Robert Gribble now in the author's files

12 October. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil (9:40 p.m.)

Another sighting m the do Sul district.

Fontes wrote:

"The same night [the'12th] a strange object was spotted over Pelotas, Rio Grande doSul, by members ofthe city's fire department. The fire squadron commander, Lieut. Adil

Quites, was the first to see the UFO moving swiftly through the sky, from east to west, at

9:40. He called his relatives and the fire soldiers in the area, and for a few minutes they

watched the object cross the space. All the witnesses described it as 'disc-shaped, large,

luminous, noiseless, and moving at great speed.' The sight was reported the next day by

local newspapers, but nobody was interested in the matter and no one in the AF had be-

Page 43: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


lieved the story " (xx.)

(xx.) Ibid

13 October North of Lyon, France, (about 4'50 p.m)

Multiple flashes of a very clear orange color.

Michel wrote

"Around 4 50 p m M Claudius Bennier, an insurance agent ofTrevoux, was

driving to Parcieux, north of Lyon, when he noticed, toward the east, an extremely

brilliant object that seemed slowly to be losing altitude

" 'All at once,' said the witness, 'the object, which had reached an altitude that

I estimate at about 3,000 feet, above the St-Jean-de-Thuigneux and Ranee regions in

The Dombes, lighted up violently, sending out multiple flashes of a very clear or

ange color At the same time it accelerated tremendously and disappeared '" (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery p. 169.

13 October. Graulhet, France. (4*30 p m)

"Angel hair."

Michel wrote.

"At 4 30 p m. I [M Carcenac, a tanner that worked in Graulhet] noticed at a

high altitude toward the northwest, moving southward at full speed, a white object

which seemed to have a curious shape I first thought it must be a jet plane of an

unfamiliar type Not making out any vapor trail, I went and got my opera glasses I

could then see very distinctly a sort of huge, flexible, soft disk, white, which was

swaying as it moved along at tremendous speed

" 'I had been following the bizarre craft for several seconds when it exploded in

full flight. At the same time a circular object, very much smaller and silvery, seemed

to spurt out from the mass and continued straight toward the south, where it soon dis

appeared, while the burst fragments ofthe soft disk scattered out through the sky in a

multitude ofshapeless fragments which began to fall gently like shreds ofcloth or pa


"Everyone who had seen this strange explosion rushed toward the place above

which it had happened, they were able to see the debris reach the ground, sometimes

catching on trees or telegraph wires Many witnesses picked up the fragments ofma

terial, which resembled silvery filaments clmgmg together like cobwebs, and 'wilted

away' when handled. A sample was taken to the police, and a chemist in Graulhet

tried to analyze it, but without success In the heat, the strange material evaporated

without leaving any traces When brought near a flame, it disappeared almost instan

taneously and produced neither fire nor smoke " (xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery p 170.

Page 44: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


13 October Ankara, Turkey, (about noon)

Inhabitants in "le quatier Ulus" see a saucer hover "longtemps."

The Agence France Presse reported*

...Anatolia had not previously had the privilege of seeing flying saucers above its

territory A report originating in Ankara indicates that this gap is now filled Several per

sons living in the Ulus quarter of Ankara saw, about noon, an object which remained

immobile above them for a long time Suddenly, it moved off at great speed and disappeared " (xx)

(xx.) Paris, Oct 13 (AFP) NICAP files. CUFOS archives

Untranslated clipping dated 13 October 54. (See page -43) (Credit. Dominique Weinstein)

14 October. Big research balloon crosses southern France.

Aime Michel's brother, Joseph, notified him the afternoon of October 14th a large research

balloon had been launched in the Alps near the Italian frontier and prevailing winds were

expected to carry it across southern France With "saucer panic" sweeping the French country

side, Michel expected a flood of saucer sightings. The results shocked Michel:

"Numerous witnesses did indeed call it a 'flying saucer ' But here is the

surprise, the astonishing fact which perplexed all those who at that time be

lieved—and I was one ofthem—that mass hysteria, or something like it, was

responsible for 95 percent ofthe saucer sightings reported in the previous two

months- all the witnesses, without exception—even those who thought they had

seen a flying saucer—described the object and its behavior with complete accuracy

"The sketches which I received immediately from M Ehe de Vezins, a wit

ness in Aveyron—together with a statement expressing his conviction that sau

cers exist and that he had observed one—were so exact that they corresponded in

every detail to the photograph from the Haute Provence observatory. The news

papers found no contradictory descriptions to publish, and I received no crackpot

letters. The descriptions were so unanimous and so precise that before any invest

igation was made, and long before the observatory photograph was released, the

true nature ofthe phenomenon was obvious to any informed person " (xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p 179.

14 October Beaune, France. (6:30 p.m)

Sky show

Michel wrote*

Page 45: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en

t£CT£UR A,*. N,U«NCK

ocl.on ■ - Adm.n.*.t.on


112, boulevardPour MRItH^blMI.


lei 11*57-94, H> 57-95 - c C FiSilWM OCTO 11 ,« H.«K. PAttlS <» > Til P...M. 11 «•



Un automobiliste

affirme avoir vu


traverser la route

puis s'envoler a bord de leur engm...ALB I, U oclobr* — Un aulomoblfiilt dt Briatailo (Tarn), M Jean Plarra Mlllo. agent technique

dam un* loelale expoianl a«luillemint au« t Arli managers > de Toulouia, « dtelaro avoir r«nconirl,

a It tomble do Is null iur la routa nallonale n flit In pauagm duna ioucaupo volants

• flenlranl do Toulouti, in compaunle da dcui paronti, a I II dlt | il jo u do In dlflingue dam (alaliceau de mat oliam, deux pstllt ptrtonnigti qul ont travane la rouie, a quefquei melrei a pclne

da ma vollurt J tl noppt auitllol at. a noire grind ttonneemnl noui vlmtt alori i envoler dunor* volsin un grand diique rouge dun dlamlir* d* « malrti anvlron, rnonianl a la vtrilcale Langln

dliparui dam !• cltl an quelquet itcondi*. a



MULHOU3E - AfBllt U]HT(U i<•■itr mii* mullcr* tUn* uii |i.iturateilmt Jeuur* Illfti il« HclliitrMlurf

Win; ei IKMclriit Irurlit ixttt tlr11 tl It nil" KBOiiriKlicmu |iri>>

uiit 'M'll ■ ml»-uilt a utt f»n kilouti uur un lirrirr t lira vlrtitl■ tor*, amrinriil-rllin un *nglw

duns (muifiif (jeutiriiM t infirm.A Irur »|mfiHlir I nifln rli Iwnniif tuiintuu rM»ii nu fume hum*

Jr-M-rltl Wlrvs iliuu Im ulrk ri Ul>liarul A I liofintiii l( nirnir |ilitni»

inaitc a 111 uiuetrt pur tlcuk itu

lf( l>«tXIHIIf»

MELUN — M Jlil«< Ij-ffOtii «iu

|iig)« <1« builijuc luUlUlit I »rl» a

aiieriu iltnt It cl(l H pruttmio >i>i* t n il t Jmnciilj ile T»«urt itMtitix pviiiliiiit trnlx ittliuitt» '■■tlroii tut oiijct lirlllaninieni *rlulft ilr IhKffHur mil a I II dfiljrrnull In fnfmt d mi iKtlt fanlHin <it

TllAlhllll f Ct till III lUMMCIM '"UDwuni ilrrrlfrr lnl a il'flnrt hKmnl r (rain*? t Intu.r >l>.

la tllinrii'liiii il un tufiii it* |«iHi-

lit* Unliltnnn <lc Tflluuri Hitrsiaiit mxrcti uu ciifln Itltntliiiir


Suilo un dcrnicra page

SPCOUPES VOLANTES(4|) Sulle de la premirre pageau-dri*tt« dr Mirliault tin eiuln■It lormc Urtuloire fintuaui tin*lueilr ih.(( »Ive tit inulrur »«•'

.In (lljuiftre il utie iilrlnr luiic tnt-lualt * ullure n-frt l> ulr traici

Mitt; la t.lel ft 1 linrl*nnlal«

MXLUK — M Deiuurilij i>uuclitr

n' H«lue fort (t uu ile »e» biiiIm(|ul clrculllcnt rli BUlo A Suilllrout nltrliiri avulr vu un dl'qtit litiillUBUi fiulunnt a HUU ttiMrrit mivlrui) ilallllttile In Unix timulicMMiitldntfli.lui 'I' Jr-nr tullnrn itnut mill I riMliilliin lie I ri.Glul>f nilJilt ft (ic.i iir*-' line ml nine

QUJMPER — M I ore ii 11 tiCuutrill '•» nllt dixnlrllln <tu

• rrlcult a siirrcu .lain Ir tl«i Atoo mriiri d altltuilt mi tnilii Inmlntllt dont || ne pfiil prrfUer nlU form* ut In iraudeiir. II u ilf

U'ltmti' ilr •» liirriltlt' I it'ii r ■•"i>aa nitlrrr UHmi(|..h n «tiuii

Hulfli^ rujHitemtnf \ nn kll.nn*Irr tilt II II *t rtluurnn tt vit It

lumltre arrfttr *» r»« .In *<il

TOUtOOSE — (tun It nult (in

• inic.fl A ril.iinii.i.r un (n.uloti«rr

ilr llnmiiiil 11 rf/itff-i llrlnilulr.)

irmlir km fine ii I vi-r* I nomuii Ic

■iUiiiic n uUpatu k line vltc»M >crt (IDCimc

ntOM — Au >num iJ« |j unitlU-rnttrf If* «arillcni <>t lu i>nIs

Kofrr lltevrmii <i Albert linunilt» n.rpjt ufljuln Un Ittnui <|ill il

ffilimtuit imc fitiilc <>»l »Hi-fin

Jun> le (kl uu cm1» en furuit lie■ Dart <|iil *« (Jlrlccult ilu Mnl nuSuril Truh imulti <)e (rn rumen*nt toul (HJIblIi** tt out iHuiuintp(nda(U nurhiucn linlunn uuc

lurtle ilu < Irl Ir i U»rr- finlt rt »■pnt inrliilllkuc Nrmdlalila u tlu


NANCTT — mm I 'I ■!■• illmanUir A tuinil Itt ImiiiLniloil uun ffriiif nil ue» 1 niiHitHM ipiiInliir* <K m^lrri ilu illliim ilf M-nii.'iiri fMrurllir-*l Muii-llrt nut ^1^iui« rti nnul iur un *llllrim*ni >vIfrlriir aiiDrmal A trnver* |r« prr

■ItutiM III tllvtliiiiitrrnt i>tir ImurBiruilaiile 'I'H pornlksalt Uicr aflnnc ilf cutti't •*' n»l rtl'fiiri"iinl ajirti hi i. tin a lit Vtrtli ilriiiKiil ( rt lit rrt.lnr

iIim MilrnirU" r" «llf«tl«ti ■!■!11 Fit liiilliiur |»ar k< itttinl I

fait il#ramgr Mir mi iliimlii Htirrrr .If* tat* ■!« uliltinllu i I"

ut <(•■ i

j uiu |

tltlu i »l>J>-l ril (ornmtl piiilrmi il'in in<-trt» i"enlutirt ile liieuri Irl

ull rtfUllit Oft vn

t au divan rapid* Je

Irtiflitl> .lutre iinrt unlit Iriinr^

n-nr* nut vu (mlii'r liltr uu ilr*«-iM

.If unllliir (UfK""' A »un all)(mle'ilei*! nil iihirt ru fofino iluiltarr nul ilfrrlialt ilun^ W i Idnur %+rtt ilr traim* ■< •* ■ (iiagii-1fioliiiluit ttnlt a(.ruini)acncr linn

hruit iwnipnmlile A un l^t iIp vili*uri *»ui pr(»-Jini I rmm ilUinnit liriM<iUJpiitiit *n illrrcDoh <ltiNwrt.

i itlln A rontfir solar* i W«ntnui i une iicnoiinc « un'H t il*"1le drl vtft Ir totichotit tin Hi*,itut r'Uour* a i)D lun« i"iit tir

tulneu* ft lKI«t Iniuuttiiahk l>e»-

ir mi li■!« uliltinllu i I"

lunc He» |ir*l*v-mtitl» ill tdtrr'irt ili- irrtp out '1* "iilrfi l"'»f Utt

il< 1 ilt< 'Mi'rli

i \ not iif i ► (l" i«""t"irur rtiUinlnl m Iiitlli-nifiil in '•■■<tt .Uni ill- M MiirMu

ndlrine ruinmifi <lan* I lieilrin J.>lle» llnrlinuif* tii«iifiiilpnvirun I in in lii'"ec< csntfort <n*nuir* <ii i»lr I ct ilwii Morlie ii lift >e MNIreuL ilu p.l)l« <leM Mtrlln d iruii»ritit ill i -Un«I...» i-»r Ri'li iuil>rttill, t fll tnHUlMllt 111 fct fj(l» »«l»■.[fiulrt M Moriiti mi. ilt irtvelirtt Iruceiiirnt ic inauuscrit


Woiii rnji'rom blfii iT/on fieri

dan* ann tnle Intrfifil in trllrt

qve noui ttttrrw A( fitt'cv rtfJlfertrifd qul /ut platwntf fii-(nnocfimncnt par un rfr- noi rr1

lofonte > «»(( a dielarA aiotr

me One Af fVarrv in rajjiire /Jomni* nofre co'fabofa'eur "

touiu por(f atlftnte n *n « d

pnlfd iitrf/i>lrtnf»e » /"( comme no

ire rnrr>mjinnii<tn( noui m^' ** <ort(our « »-n hrtfff • cc doiit nous

pouloni /nlrr en tante fustier jtro

fttrr woi lectrurt non» noiit i««

tidtrom comme rjuilltt encrn /u'

Mnnfilrnr le ntdnrtPurJl| 4tA tr>a flAlK dn lire rotre

Itrtide nur mnn comple nu ftiijet

dr In unufpiipr' vnlmitc !<• rroyniii3\ic vntrr loumal *Ult un Journnl

IntnrmnUona, nwla )*• mAriorr;nl«rtiie C'H plutftt nn Mll/irlnl tlrrngnia rt^ cltehw Jp ne doule bhkqne vnlrc rcportrr (un flniilflnblllpA la mnnente) aoit un Mrc supt-riPiireniTit lntr-lllBfiit ccpenrtnntJrn If<;nnit fie pn|llr»«- rt At l*»rt

ont rlu till nmnquerSI Je *nli« un InrcPnr Jr pnl pn

tout* fnrnn Jnmah norft-r ntlrln-

t» A In ttlanltt indiTldurlle e)r nul3ur eo j-o't DnnrrK vnlrc nrllrl"t re Jour < Pl»;rnni< VoIf » Jr

ptilx vniip alArmrr qiir rr nmt nn*un *nl dp rannrrh qua J nl vu car

II aiiralt nannu* rtaru rr jmitpc

In * )lnuti> Mamt LlbrrA« »Dnutrr part *l dr* informnLlnn*

*onl d^forni*ri« pur If tflAphonnrl

J- crolfl qin* \olrf nppurrll (toll

(trit fjul^mrrit pn nininalii rttit

car hi llnrilvlrlii qu« Jnl vn rf»-

fl»»ibln1t A nn Mm* Jr n ■>! px*dtt quc rrn 'Inlt tin pis pintqti un nmrMrn

Je «na prlrrnU d* bUn vulnlrfair* la nrrr-vnlr*1 pmir rAlrnrlrr

Ira propoa Lrndnnclcus mir *ouiftte? Unccr.i riniM vo* nrllflrs

A »o«i lire Rrme* Honslrur

mci RAlnlAllonaNABCY

Page 46: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


" .M. and Mme. Vitre, grocers on the Place Madeleine in Beaune, had just left

the village ofMeursanges (Cote-d'Or) to go home by car. They had driven only a

few hundred yards on Route D-111 when they noted through the window a luminous

object flying at high speed. Quickly leaving their car, they called to the people at a

nearby farm, and together they watched the maneuvers ofthe object. Their descrip

tion is fascinating when we recall such a case as that ofFrasne, two days earlier, or

many others that are as good as identical

" 'The object,' they said, 'stopped for an instant, came down slowly, balancing

and changing color, throwing out yellow, orange, and violet beams, and then resumed

its course and disappeared behind the trees ofa wood.' Next to this group of trees,

and east-southeast ofMeursanges, is the village ofChevigny-en-Valiere, here another

witness described the Meursanges object, seen at the same time. Still farther to the

east-southeast is the village ofPalleau, four miles in a straight line from Meursanges

and two and a half miles from Chevigny. At that moment M. Begin, a farmer at

Chevigny, saw passing overhead a round, green, luminous object, crossing the sky at

high speed." (xx)

(xx) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery pp 173-174.

Michel was struck by an odd fact about the Meursanges and Chevigny observations on the


" .two well-acquainted witnesses described quite different phenomena, those who

did not know each other—those at Meursanges and the one at Chevigny—described ex

actly the same sight These two reports that are in agreement were from people only a

few miles apart, people who had no connection with one another were seized simultan

eously by an identical hallucination. On the other hand two people from Chevigny, who

did know each other well and who met several times a day, were seized at almost the same

moment by different hallucinations, at different places." (xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 174

14 October. St-Germain-du-Bois, France, (night)

Luminous dome, orange-red

Michel wrote:

"M. Marcel Lonjarret was walking in the country at nightfall when a peculiar

light attracted his attention, and he went to investigate. Behind a hedge at the bor

der of a wheat field he saw, motionless and almost touching the ground, a sort of

luminous dome, orange-red. He watched it, without daring to go any nearer, and

then went home. The next day, he went back to the same place and could not find

any trace ofthe object" (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucer and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 175

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14 October Between St-Romain-sous-Gourdon and Brosses-Thillot, France. Night)

Motor stopped. "Like a plate turned upside down "

Michel wrote*

" ..M. B—, living in Montceau-les-Mines, was riding a motorcycle on the

road from St-Romain-sous-Gourdon to Brosses-Thillot, also in Saohe-et-Loire.

Suddenly without any apparent reason his motor stopped and could not be started

again. He got off, and a bright light burst out about fifty yards in front ofhim, re

vealing a circular object that looked, he said, 'like a plate turned upside down.'

"M. B— looked at the sight in amazement, then in fear, and decided to turn

back, walking and pushing his motorcycle. But when he reached the point where

his motor had stopped, it started up again." (xx.)

(xx ) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery p. 175.

14 October. Between Gueugnon and Ciry-le-Noble. (night)

Michel wrote.

"...a car was traveling on ..[Route D-60 between Gueugnon and Ciry-le-Noble],

driven by M. Andre Cognard ofCiry-le-Noble. At that point the road winds up and

down among the hills.

" 'All at once,' said M Cognard, 'at the top of a slope I found myself face to

face, so to speak, with a sort ofdisk of such brilliance that it blinded me, like a light

house beam. I had to stop. The object flew over me slightly to my right at a low

altitude and continued its route westward, where it remained visible for several min

utes before disappearing into the distance.'" (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 175.

14 October. Meral, France. (Dusk)

Dome-shaped disk. Black silhouette.

Michel wrote:

"A former who was getting ready to leave his field saw an orange-colored

ball [apparently the disk looked like glowing ball of light at a distance] arrive

and land on the ground not far away. Approaching, he saw a dome-shaped disk,

flat on the bottom, emitting a blinding light that illuminated the field for 200yards around.

'The object seemed to be translucent, and a black shape could be seen

silhouetted inside it. For ten minutes the witness watched the bizarre spectacle.

Then the color ofthe object changed from white to red; it took offand disappearedrapidly toward the north.

Page 48: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


"The witness then went to the spot where the object had been. There was a

sort of luminescent steam there,' he said, 'which was slowly falling to the ground.

I looked at it with curiosity, and then I went home. When I took offmy jacket, I

noticed that my clothes were covered with a layer ofwhite, rather sticky stuff,

like paraffin, which soon disappeared without leaving any marks.'" (xx.)

(xx) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 176-177)

14 October Angles, France. (Dusk)


Michel wrote

"In... [Angles] several isolated witnesses reported a spectacle very characteristic

ofthe passing ofa 'jellyfish' saucer.

*They said that they had seen a brilliant craft which changed shape as it came

nearer, then sent out multicolored lights and descended very low. A farmer who was

quite near tried to approach it, and saw it give off a blinding light, then rise and disap

pear." (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 177

14 October. Southend-on-Sea, England.

This case has been discussed in the monograph UFOs- A History 1954 October, pages 53-54.

In an issue ofFlying Saucer News published by a British UFO organization, there is a brief men

tion ofthe incident and a note that the case was "personally investigated" by Alex S. Jennings.

There little,new in the account except for the woman's statement she looked back after running a

100 yards and could see no sign ofthe object, apparently meaning the thing didn't stay around

very long. Jennings also include a drawing, which may (it doesn't say so) have had Miss Henn-

esey's stamp ofapproval (See drawing) (xx.) ^ •>

(xx.) Flying Saucer News. The journal ofthe

British Flying Saucer Bureau & Flying

Saucer Club. No. 7, Winter 1954/55,

page 22.

\ shimmering

■ \ v * ' ———

Pipe- -scales "



Untranslated clipping dated: 14 October 54. (See page 47) (Credit: Jean Sider)

Untranslated clipping dated: 14 October 54. (See page 48) (Credit* Dominique Weinstein)

Page 49: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



14 OCTOBRE1954, PAGE 9

REDACTION i «>, Grand* Hit*. Tsleohene f I

CIGARE OU SOUCOUPE VOLANTE ?une « boule de feu »

reposait sur une prairie«REGARDEZ, MAIS NE TOUCHEZ PAS!»

a declare le pilole au jeune Gilbert LELAY, d'Kerbray

ERDRAl (rf«* natrc 'niwyrf *pt-del P DOVCET)San* preiendre Jouer aui ei-

grit* forU. nous client- leeptlqueaKtrtmtment tceptlquciEnftn 4 rod tour. Chateoubrluiit

prennlt place dans l'lmmenseronceu du fanUntlque Chaieau-

brlant avatt, tenalt « fta a aou-

coupe volante I , .LcVim d* I'affair, le « voyant»

etntt un adolescent. II etolt enco-re ft cet Age ou Itnnocence eat laplus magntnqu* aureole dont se

parent volonilers lei plus bellesIrgendea c'etalt un enfnnt blende che* nous, un elcvetde 1'tcilfprlmalre. d'un milieu modeste ftestlme Pula lurorolt d'tnteret,

noire petit vlaionnalre se doubtaltd'un almable et deferent audlteurNon eeuleroent U avalt « vu >1'engin myst*rleui. non seule*ment U I'avalt contempt* tout 4son slue, mats encore 1'etrang* pl».lote lul avitlt purlt et en rran^ilstt 4 la d*uxi6me perionne fluplurld, ainsi quit eonvtent entrerena MuqueaLa bonne blague ! Que la ehoie

tit done cousue de nl blaoc 'Ou blen I'enfant n *t# victim*

d* son Imagination et d'uo mirage ou blen U a voulu epafer ceisetita eamarades. ou blen i.ienroI a eu affaire 4 un aourlant myt*tldcatur .Le tableau nt manquenit plus

d'ailleura d'un* certain* telnteromantlque cette bout* dt f#udans une verte prairie, soui un

clalr dt lune


Voll4 4 p*u pros et blen resume le Sot de penaAe* qul nousoccupaU durant ce. court tra<atqul nous mtnalt 4 IKcolt pubil-que d'Erbrnr. oti nous Melons ss-sure de r«ncontrer te jeune c»vedu tours du Crrtlflcat d'etiulea •Lelaj Ollbtrt, 19 ons '

Koua *ilon» blen dec!44 4 mct->re un t^rwc !k CC3 b^iiM^rncn, 4

confondre le jeune plalaanlln ou

lout au mnins 4 lul fnlre enten-lre quit in nit rtfl lo Jouet d'une

'orce trts blen nrdonnceCe qul slgnlne que uous nous

enllons bten culruss^ un'4 notta

tu mnlnM on ne nous m conte-ftit pi\a I I



' Comment ec fait>u alors 7Comment m fnlt-lt q\ie nous vol-14 mamtennnt compldtement de-sarmd, face 4 ce petje garcon qulnous raconte ce qu'll n v i et

entendu, face a cet enfant tlml-de preBQUo cralntlf qul bftltoeeontinuellement la Wte eat repu-te d'une Intellicence trea moyen-ne, dune Imagination pluiot res-trelnte qul ne lit pas les Jou-naus ou «1 peu, n'est laoinls Atau clntma ?Cw: que voyn, mw jwuji son

aspect A prori dr» plus Mimpll«tc*cettit 4 hmtolre a qnc noun raconte I'enfant pouedp piui d uncote trouhlant rt par 'te% q unlitexle comDortcmrnt R^neral du con-teur, ft par ccrtalnci de »os declarations


II parle le angogo do i*on ageet de en condition— Cetalt «nracdl imlr. dlt-11

II etait 2a h 30 II fal*alt c'olrde lune JetaU 4 bicycleue. Jcrevfnain de cbie un onclc, a 1aRousKllere, MfM parents euientdevont en 4 CV J'arrUaU pre*du vUlage de« Osrre lerw lorvjucdans un pre «ur ma gauche, JcTls un objet b'sarre— Decrls-nouji cet objet ?

— C etntt comme une boulp deffit pr.-ee sur 1 hirbp, u>r«qup Jem arretal et que Je la Tls de fac»,e"e eta't toutf en longueurpula. do cdt* le la vis touteronde Je franchls I* b-rrlere duprt n J'*t>ls 4 unc dlzalne dcra4t»et at la s boule » lorsqu unc bwnimmc t vlnt 4 mo*, mem t hi mrln <tir 1'epau'e et med't f Regard«, tonts ne touchf*pail »'— ft cp « bnnhommc • com-

mrnt et-iit'll fa'tt

— Grand vemc et pantalonvrU c|i»9?aj or.8 Aiisni main p)ujfonre If tindlt dan* unc mnlnune boule tro-wc commp une«ro«B» pnmme lancint d<>j> retireviolets II avalt den fcottn


— Alnsl, 11 l'a parle en IranCllif— Oul. tres Tlte ct avec un

fort accent I— Que:)« norte d ncmt ?— Oetui drji Breton * nut *ien-

nent chez nous vrndre drs chrvaux I

— II ne t a rlen dlt d nutrn ?— Non 1 Ktulement au moment

de partir, man je n'«l nr* rortiprl«..

— tt% comment «t-l psrii ?— II 4 omert une c-p*tc ae

po-te null a refcrmec eiuullcqvcc bruit

— Ai-iu vu 1 inWrlcur dc I'ap-porcll "»— Oul, 11 f nvalt deux sieges

d<* coutcitr rougp et en fncf d tuxdc nomiiicux boutons de tomes1(« couicurv

— A'or* I'engln a'wt envole ?Dc« gerbes de feu nont purtlcn

dnn« tonten lea directions enhnut*. en biui sur les cOtM 11) »

rut monte tout douccment dan«

le ptua nrand alienee 4 la vcrll-cnle Arrive 4 une clnquantnlnc dcmitreii II a tourne deux fols enrond puls II n dlaparu comme unetetolle illnnle •

— Et tu n'as rlcit remarqueencore de pArttculler ?

— Sf pendant qu'll selcvnlt uncercle tonrnait 4 toute vitcnpdans va portle Inferlfure I

— Alora tu en rent re chez tol '— Oul mala J'nVRla dc In ncme

4 pedaler et ]e ne pouvnU plusporter J etals comme parttlj-ao parla pcur

— Tu as dlt 4 tc* parcnU ccque tu venal* devoir °— Ila m ont trait* de fou I


Qua dire dc plus ? Quela comment»1 res apportcr 7Durant tout 1'entrctlen noun

avons ml* 1 enfnnt en garde

contre touto tentative dc euper-chcrlc de ha part le prevenant deIn portcc du «erleui de non u moi-


j ixiucer

Page 50: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


fUOACTIOH i SO Cnndi Rw T«l4ofc*ft« f M

CIGARE OU SOUCOUPE VOLANTE ?une « boule de feu »

reposait sur une prairie


a declare le pilole au jeune Gilbert LELAY, d'HerbrayERBRAY Ide notre envoy* <p«-

cist P DOUCET)Sans prelendre Jouer iux es*

priu forts, nous ttloni icepuquesExtrimement sceptlquei

EnAn a 900 tour Chiteaubrunt

prenalt place dans I Immenseconcert du fantastlque Chateau-briant avait tenalt « u • «ou-coupe volants ■.

L* biros d« I'alTalr. le t royant >etnlt un adolescent 11 etalt enco-

re a eet Age oil I "Innocence eat isplui magntflqu* aureolt dont *•

parent volontlers les plus bellesItgendes e eUlt un enfant bleud* ehex nous un elevetd* rtcileprlmalre, d'un milieu modes** ftmime PuU turorolt dintertt

notre petit vuionnalr* te doubialtd'un almable et deferent audltcurWon seuicment II avait « ru ■I'tngln mysurleui, non seule-ment 11 l*av*it conttmple tout a•on atse, mala encore I'ctrange pt-

lota lul afalt part* et en francAla«t a la deuxieme personne du

piurlel, atnst qoll convl*nt tntrv[en* eduque*

La bonne bltgu* I Que la ehoieeat donccousue do fli bUne '-

Ou blen 1 enfant n *** vlctlmed* son imagination *t d'un mira*g* ou blen U a voutu opatcr eesMUta eamarades ou blen tacoreI ft eu affair* 4 un aouriant myi-UAeatur ,Le tableau n« manquerilt plus

rf*aUI«ura d'un* certain* tcint*romanuqu* eette bout* d« i*udans un* Tert* pniri*. soui unclalr da lun* £


Volla, a peu prea et blen r**u-me l* Hot de pcnieea qui sousoccupalt durtot ct court t/a'etqul nous a ltco>* pun.i-|Ua d*Srbraj. ou nous etl^ns ss-nir« de reneontrtr le Jeuna ^evedu nun du CertlOcit d *tude» .Ulay Gilbert 13 antNous tttont blen decid4 & net-

tro wr *f^n' 4 -*t b^ iv-rne% a

U-llHc 4 lllb>r

I r J. iinr ) I Hurt I * l-\\

Iphoto Corr>Ap « O-F t)

eon fond re 'e Jeune plait* nUn ou

lout nti mr>ins fc lul f-ilre en'en-

dre qu II ittAlt de 1c Jouet dune

r»rce ires blen nrdonneeCe qul ilirnUlc quo uom nous

sentlons bleu culrns^ on a. nousnu molns on nc nom In contemn put |



Comment se ralt-tl alors ?Comment k fnit-ll que oaus vol-

14 malntenant completement de-SAnne Tsce k ce petit garcon qul

nous racODU ce qu tl a vj et „

entendu race k cet enfant Uml-

d« preaqua cralntlf qul balasecontfnuclleroent la tete eat repu-t* d*uoe Intelligence tres moyen-na dune Imagination plutot res-trelntc qul ne lit pas les Jour-naux ou si peu n'eat ]small a.le

au cinema ?

C e»t quL vovet ou* sou* sonanpe«t j. pr orl des lus ^lmpil)te«cctte i hlatoire > que nom ra-conte I enfant poisede plui d un

COt* troublant et par e« quaiitta,le comDortcment seneral du con-teur ft par ceruinci de ics de-darattoiu


n parle le sngage de non Agee« de m condition— CeUit *amedl solr dit-il

n etalt 22 h 30 11 falsalt calrde lune J etaU k bicydette, Jere* e 04*3 d* chez un oncic k la\

Bou»MU6ra Men parenu tuientdevant en 4 CV J arrlrals prejidu Tillage de* Oarre lerea lorsquedani ua pr* itur m» gauche Jevis un objet b'tarre

— Decrl*-nou.s cet objet ?— CeWlt corame une boule de

feu pc.-ee xur l"n-rbe Lorwque Jemarrital et que Je la vU de faceCl'e cU't toute en longueurpula. do coca Je U vis touteronde Je fraoch s Ui b-rr'ere dupr* et )'<t«U I un* dlzdlie dem^ftft de la t boule s lorsqu unc b?na*nnme » vlnt a mo1 meot l« raHn *nr 1 Apau e et med't t Rcyardez, m^ls ne touc&ez

— Et ce % bnnhomme 1 comment atilt-11 la't ?— O*snd *«atp et paotalonl* C11JTJ -X $ \Ul#i m* a plU»

fonce I tenilt dar* une mainune D^ule g-o e comaif unefse pnmme Ipncant dc% reflet%

Volets II avail des tottf^


— AJnal, II ta par1* en Iran-

aii ?

— Out tres Vie ft avee un

(ort accent I— Que le aorte d nc< rnt *— Celul dM Breton* nui virn

nent chez noui vcodre 6a c ir

VftUI t

— II ne t a rlen dlt ct autrc *— Non I seulement au moment

de partlr man Je n fll pn.-« rorn-

— Ct comment est I pai.l?

I' 1 outert une cipecc oe

po-te cm II a refermeo emtulte

avec Drult— >»*cu vu I inttrieur dc iap-

^^ Oul. 11 7 »»»It deux sKgcsde csu eur rouse et en face d euidc nombreux boutons de wutealo* coulcurs , m— A'OM l"en»ln a est envoi* TOej B«rb*a de leu sont parties

dan^ toute* les direction*, enjhaut^ «n baa sur lea cotes < II ■/eat mont* tout doucement dtnJle plus grand alienee a. la vertli.cole Arrtv* * une clnquanuine d*metre* 11 a toume deux tola tfirond pula II a dlaparu comma une

I t etalle alante > J

— Et tu nu rtea rematqJeencore de partlculler ? j

— SI pendant quU>elevalt u{ncercle tournalt ft toute vltewedanc sa partle inlerleure 1 \— Alor* tu en rentrt chez toil?— Out, mats J avala de la petne

a p*da!er et Je ne pouvala pluaporter J eUU comme paraijrse paa

fa peur \— Tu u dlt hie* parents ce

quc ta venal* de*volr ?-Him ont traite de - lou ■


Que dire de plus 7 QueU ccm-mentsJres apporter ?Durant tout l'entretlen nous

avons mlA 1 enfant en gardecontre toute tentative de auper-

chcrie de %a part, 1* prevenant dela portec du serlcux de ton ttmoi*


L'enqaete sar I'engu/mysterieu apcr?a k Denra!Lou connalt maintenant Icn re-

«ultats de 1 enquete mene* par teagendarme* de Derval qul ont rc-cueM.i le* declaration* de deuxpe-sonnes qul le 3 octobre. en tind apres-mtdl aurflicnc VuT * Derval un engln tnyitftrltux

[I s agit d un cultlvateur qul

revenalt des champ*, ct d'un enfant qul rentrait de 1 ecole

L« premier offirm* avoir tu, t

quelque troia cent* metre* dehauteur un apparel! de la formed un ctgire se deplacant d'aborda la verticale put* de long enlarge avant de diapanltr* derrlereun bouquet de sapln* Le garcon-net quant a lul aurait vu cet

engln a peu pres 4 la mime heurevera 18 heure*. prtclaement de1'autre cote du bol* de *apln, mat*c«tt« tola i terre. *ur une prairie,prU de peur U s«*t eatut\ Lee dlres des deux teaotns sontVssez concordant* declarant leptem'er que Tobjet eUlt d'unecou eur arise et le second d unecouHeur grtse mala parsemee detelnbes Jaune «i orange M lunnl I autre n ont tu un etre hu-maln s^

iLS, 35)

du jeu 14-10-1954 p.9:


AVIXGNON, Oct. 14.—Two FrenchAir Force Jet planen chased a '''flyinff Mticer** reported near1here today.

People who ^naw In the sky a"white dlft, jiving out white redan^ylolfct TlxhU" telephoned anearby alrbase- which sent tipt*o flprhtera to Investlftate.

The pilots radioed to base thatthry sAw the object but It movedaway too fant for them to td«Q-Ufy it^-Reutet

Page 51: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


15 October. Po River Valley, Italy, (no time)

UFO reports in the Po River Valley are discussed in the monograph UFOs' A History October,

p 56. Here some additional details:

"Eight farmhands said they saw a luminous disc settle gently on the ground

about a mile away. As they hurried toward it the disc gave out a blinding light,

shot into the air, and streaked north. They told police [they found?] a hole 20 feet

in a diameter, and scorched trees." (xx)

(xx.) New York, N.Y.(?), World-Herald 18 October 54. (Reuters)

15 October. Near Vauchelles-les-Domart (Somme, France, (no time)

Five small figures.

According to a report obtained by UFO investigator Claude Perrier

"Mme. S., her husband, and another man, M. Lourdel, were drivmg a truck on

Dept Route 216, just outside Vauchelles-les-Domart, when beyond a small thicket

on the other side of a freshly ploughed field Mme S., who was driving, stopped

the truck and she and M Lourdel ran into the field to see what it was. Suddenly

they saw four or five small figures, no more than a meter high, walking 'Indian file'

from right to left directly in front ofthe bushes, not more than 25 meters away.

Frightened, the two turned on their heels and ran back to the truck, drivmg quickly

off. The police, notified ofthe sighting, inspected the area several days later but

were unable to find any traces The figures appeared to be dressed in diver's suits

('les scaphandners')" (xx.)

(xx.) HumCat # 1892. Mesnard and Bigorne, "Les Humanoides en France" p.142,

Citing first-hand inquiry.

Untranslated clipping dated: 15 October 54 (See page 50) (Credit: Jean Sider)

15 October. Calais, France. (3:40 a m.)

Like a mushroom.

Michel wrote:

"At 3:40 am. a baker in a suburb south of Calais, on the English Channel,

came out of his oven room for a breath of cool air. He noticed a sort of yellow,

luminous object coming down rapidly and landing on the railway not far fromRoute N-43, near a place called St-Pierre-Halte. The object looked like a mush

room and was, according to the witness, twelve feet in diameter and six feet

high. It soon took flight and disappeared." (xx.)

Page 52: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


id uuuficfc"

Toulouse, a son tour,

se passionne pour

les soucoupes volantesToulouu. 14 tA-P). — Q »'«t pro-

duil luw, a Toulouse un, «r«a«in«nt

UU«m«at *xtraoxduairi aw lout la

Till* •» parlt

Ctlui qui *a fafi It Unoia. M. OO-■vicr. n**»t pas an illunua*. D «*propntlaur* d«* vtoblnsvoKnis lord

N*to, Q2mb qu* d*oa* tnoiaOK. s*s* on

102 d* kx ni« des Foolon**. C«stta joTWlml so* Jardin oJon H

r.oi/ait cfao luu t«i» 19 h. 90.ap«tcut d Carina 60 n«CT«s. ua«

sort* d» bool« laMun.oj*. da cool«wrougvalr*. p«i# sur U «aL drraMua trooe d'azb:* o proxuuti d ua

terrain d« football linutropb*I1 >'u lu auMuA* al*rl*r us >ot

*ia. M PvroBO. poor lui fair* con>-

tal«r 1* ph«aoo*a«. Mais^qutU* amful pas'ki stup*Iacnoa ilti (Uuz hoia-mci «n Torant *• jBCuvou. px*s dm|a boulm lumiovasc. un* form* bu-muisr qa. b*«a <ro« s* nararant pas

plus -d ua d«tx* na<it ♦otitoo, cUpos-aoit 1 tonjin d« la bout«ur dun* tils.W mr*un«ux p«r»on»oq* «*eot t*Iud ub* sort* d* seppbandr* d* co»

|»ur oraw?«.

M. Olin*r »'*mpr««sa d« otnstr»ur ua*> port* Taaaa* la nlhnmtfdu • Karti*n » cstimaaL »oa mus

rawoo, q»« c ttatl la I* mor«« 1«plut »ux d* «• )a gitrr«r dam lanimou*. On appartil photoqTcrptiqu«cut cvrtcuicaMat mi*ux lait I'cfbnr*.

nuns M. O1it»«t »'«n crml pc» «ntoui la mam — non p'u* d'aUJ«ur».

qu« M F«OPO — *I 1 •traaq* i»eo».bu >• ho mt pas laUt* 1* tempsdaJUr «m ch*rx**r un. S«t pour

•chopper g la cunorit* daat 3

1 objti. «oit poor t*ut* <rutr* i

coanu* a* tut s«*d Q %m awirfca

p*n*trer daas sa boul*. C«U» «i

ra imm«dlai»i>«M dans W a*l ft fculur* *u« ]•« dtus I—iout d*

sc*n* a oal pas a*st*T

d* vtrti<|M4tu*> lausant .

trauit* d^bac*il«s dusam ,

L'un dM ttmains a ana*

soucoup* *tait *ntour*» d*UU*s tt imcttmt autour -d**U* a It*'

qtt brouillcxd. IL▼oulu s'approeh«j tl uraM. it*c uo* pertain* d* mtf** p =r oat'

lore* pareirxtBt* •( V toc*w ■1 caqia s *st *lrv* dans It ctl, ttcvait *t« noltnuatnl }*tm a tvr«. •

Un* *iiqu*(* #fl *a ppart poor Ja- ^

ch«r d'ftlucidtr ctJlauis tfomts *aeac*

obscurs d« ctlt* oppariboa*Dte lrac«< HuUtuscs aurcat •**'- *

tiitvtti, c« maun, a r«axod Indv \qu* par im

L'nr /!vtf< aapro/onrffe a Af

porWt <U lout apalyiOJil la

dtrnttrt 4ofunwU» trautiitt

Page 53: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


(xx) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 180

15 October. Near Aire-sur-la-Lys, France.

Landing—powerful beams of light.

Michel wrote:

a workman in the Isbergues steel mill saw a circular, luminous craft come

slowly down from the sky and alight in a field. At the moment it landed the craft

sent out powerful beams of tight, which illuminated the sky and were noticed by

numerous witnesses in nearby villages." (xx.)

(xx ) Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 181 -182.

15 October. Between Niffer and Kembs, France, (evening)

Executed a zig-zag.

Michel wrote:

". .two motorists were driving on this road [Route N-68] when they saw a

brilliant orange-colored luminous object approaching. It slowed down, executed

a zig-zag as it descended to a low altitude (the witness estimated 1,000 feet),

changed color to white, accelerated and disappeared toward the southeast." (xx)

Michel, Aime Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, p. 182.

16 October. The meteor test.

At 9:30 p.m. on the 16th there occurred an event which supplemented the balloon test oftwodays earlier. A huge slow meteor passed over twenty departments of France and was observed

by thousands ofpeople This was another opportunity to test the "saucer panic' sweeping thenation of France. Michel wrote:

'The countless reports that were gathered show, in feet, that even though wit

nesses called this object a '-flying saucer,' the descriptions of it were very similarover the 120,000 square miles from which the phenomenon was visible: 'an orange

ball followed by a trail,' a 'huge, luminous ball with a tail,' a 'flying egg followedby a trail,' 'the bottom ofa bottle with a trail thirty times its diameter,' and the like.The same spectacle was described in much the same way everywhere." (xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime Flying Saucer and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 183-184.

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16 October Lesparre-Medoc (Gironde) France.

A being one meter tall.

According to our source.

"A history and geography teacher, driving along the road at night, saw in the bush

es along his route an orange light. He stopped the vehicle and approached on foot, dis

covering an object, about five meters in diameter and round in shape, sitting on the

ground. A moment later, a being one meter tall in a kind ofdiving suit approached the

witness, emitting several times a phrase that sounded like, 'Ka-a-lo-o-tri-t-onn' (sic)

Then the entity returned and entered the apparatus through a kind ofporthole The ob

ject then took off rapidly, going straight up." (xx.)

(xx) HumCat #1893. Mesnard and Bigorne, "Les Humanoides en France" p 143

Citing Sud-Quest 20 October 54.

16? October. Fatloria Lago in Valle Ca Pisani, Italy, (about noontime)

"It was as if a cloud passed over."

According to a press report.

'Terror and surprise paralyzed, about yesterday, some

countrymen ofthe Fatloria Lago Valle Ca Pisani ofCorta-

rina (Polesine). A dark, non-luminous object ofovoid form,

surrounded by a halo ofcrackling yellow-blue flares[?],

stopped for a moment over the house ofAntonio Crepaldi.

*It was as if a cloud had passed over. I saw a big shadow

which kept growing larger," said Antonio. A little pagliaio

at the end ofthe aia caught fire. The coloni ofthe fattoria,

terrorized, hid under a wagon." (xx)

(xx) Milano, Italy. LaNotte. 167-17 October 54. p.l.

16 Rovigo, Italy, (no time)

Flames and a hole. (See clipping) (This story seemed to be

a clearer account ofwhat the newspaper La Notta reported, or

the World-Herald story on page 49)

Untranslated clippings dated: 15-17 October 54. (See pages

53-57) (Credit. Dominique Weinstein)

Untranslated clipping dated: 16 October 54. (See page 58)

(Credit: Jean Sider)



t e; oct: is. ,„

p area- of 'Rovigo, in North-f;* em Italy, was the-sconc vrs-tferdayiof twch.of the .most spec-,tacular^shows'.of' mystery .airships., -,#-,;-'■* '!,«.», ■

' First a'peasant and'ht.Vfamlly,insisted they, saw a* fly in% pru-cer, streaking low, In a'haze of"bright \ blue-yellow , flame*"wnlon srt fire to-a heap of strawin the peasant's field , *

Then eye-witnesses in the areavOf Po'dl ..Grotta, said anothtrsaucer landed slowly, near- therlveivdlgfftng'a^hole 18 feet'Indiameter, on the Bpot where itmt the ground. When it took offflt high speed,- it left about" 20

r trees In ashes. — ANSA.

Page 55: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



_/.J?MlNlST^TlON, REDACTION t. 11 at ii. *»mm Mm-Porwr — MOHTLVCON — Ttl 9 at IBM

TAWT DLS ABONNEUZNTS. — 9 molt, UoVlr , • noli) xjlMtf ;1 as, J~W0 fr CC.P li»"clBnnoni»d.

I "" " -

Un *'scaphandner volant" se serait pose a Toulouse...oO sa soucoupe a laissS des traces 3'huile

TouIoum — Uo actphandrlcr 4c petite ulil«. a»«e un« f*U ftout par ruppori au corps, dti.

jeu» enoruei idle cst U. description qu fc talu mcrcredl soir n Touloiuftln M. OlirWr, d'un tur

lerleus perwnuf• descendii d ua to gin •pherlque qui Teoftit da M pCMr fc IS h 15 lur un urn


M Olivier, proprlAUlrc de* Eta

bliftsemcnui Jevcl {4<io, rue du

Fontaine* » TouIoum cuit »e-

«ap»|nt d uo employ* M Pera

ao, et a un Jeuna- farcon d unc

qulnxftine d aanecs. Toui troll yJ-

rent m poser J engui lumlneux dc

forms tphcrlque et de coulcur

routtitrc PuU apcrcurenl icnu-

Tcn cux li pmemuse dont le

seaptundrc ftux dire* aw Mmolns

brUlftlt comoe du terredes soucoupesr.OnVtBRB — Us eMl*M at ten

apprenti out affirm* avoir apirou

mr la vqia lerrfe JSmui Louviara■lor* qv jla rMlsieal » motocvdattivert 1 haurct in matin, no «nt;ien forma <to dod't. da S m CO amWfw da bant qui ta trmivtlt ■ nmeira au detain iln aol L'*ng<#tn*tl*U dai etoetllat Ml rafltrTerd^fN tl roniealret II lit i iborur bond ii 10 113 matrca, ItoOu qui■ailtiaaail da >a but unt Intur ortn


p»rtf* lnf*H"tr

U foriBt i on

ileux homm** pour obttriftr Ip p

mcna 'lout Iron dfelaront qua I:t elncha * demnura vinble pinOinprtt d nna hanra Pint la luwr oran$* dtnnl pin* vivo at I apparai

t 'Ufa tr*a rapid*tntnl a la verticalpranant la dir*illon da I att

_. msta/valianci fc IJunii, a ,

Si aa ttehal da I anrea mi<ll t Bunt»rtasin-do-Uf«|, a 0. on 800 oiHr*

it la route, nu rimo* o"ub boit sioStqtta ar|anli d'un dlsmetra dai i ro*lrc*. qui ■ ail ditto toadaiidtna ta dal nut broil.L« dlwiua 'Uti tnlm* dnn'moovo

monl rapIda dt rntatlon Anrtt atoiipifjit* vert ja aol d una •Itliudo d aiviroo BOO mKrt* il nat bnw|ti«mei

repsrll a IhorlKUlala i una tllan*nni|iaeut*

LA BOCHJS 8OR-TON — UnaDrooillard demturtat fc h* Roeho-

vn Yon, a dfeUK tTofr tu dam laoial, luodf toir fart 39 b 30, na aor)d InmiBAos raaaraibrtnt fc no ehamplfnon <|m I* if/|'lie>U tree rapid'reani taat bruit

NCVRII4 — Dem hahlUnte daClimecj (Niitrt) MM Henri GalIni* tt Lou!i Vintron, rowoitinJifurtist ont dial*.* sratr anercn rftneon, rift, 4 proxlmlli do Corhlin^ on/•ntta At (onaa erlindrl^na.

[I* tUdaraal qs slof* qu'llt «ft»itnta. nna tinqganlama fa metrta do

I lit oni r*Mnnti nna ds

ch*fOt slMlriqurt Unmi not la mo■cur At (#nr eamwa a arr|tal| tt <|Dtlea pharti tVlaUuiont. Lora<|D*j Tap[>ar«ll cut diapam let phartt ta rw

lumtrtBt m»b [I* durent rtmallro laraotaur to roaroba

LTON — I> Or Dnnnd eontojller c'D^ral iln oaaroo do BHIa*IIIi»-tur Baono ot M Bonr^fofa ettttitr fcSaint Goorfet da Iltooina. on I to aud«*tnt da la eharello do Dronilly udoaouocnpa roll ota

D antra port, land I »olr *ers IP b30, bW tporlilt, MM Dnbtii,lnq«or de miby tl Coalon chsnipron•la naUlion. oat tpareu, folaat al>*t*«_>ltilnila «n -/irttdon -In Monl

plualoqi* (on d| oml«n.

TOUfvOtJSP! - Doit la ImnJietm Inulnnaaint MM

J'lerro ViiUl (I "in nSTim Anq^l llur

It onl pu foir bier matin ax p*mjmif fc unt eenUin* da roMraa a rw-i

na <la laur mama nna (m't q'*nln

qui partio d un cbamp difparnl r*fiil'inent dam It oial an rngrmlranl

una el*flt d unt r«rt tnlemllr-

Let dcni bcimmpi ta randlreni en

■mlo fc I ftmlrnu an iU »ifu»itiii laEiidI itt depart du mj*\iri*ut tafia

k ila onnatalFranl qua I herbo a»attM taan't ttir wne *ur(aea circnUira

tvant 6 mMrr* Ai diametra Au enlie d* redn Mine il* it/fnuvrimnt

dana la *nl «iu»!r« ruipr^intm p*radiant avoir "4 Isuii'm par leipirtla d un lour I tppactU

L hftbn eUil ireoa*art<i >la enultciMttrt provrnant dn It c^nilcimaimn

uno o>l«nr fli» |Mlrnlad«

ilui mr It* lia>tcnnl

GHATBAnniUANT — Uu Esrcnnntl ilt 11 an* la pedt CIH)-rt

Laler, al(l(n>a avoir »u mardi tnirvtrt 99 h 90 un an|in mtil/nfutdant nna prairU fc qutlqiin C-flO mitret tin ilnmiciU Hn •(• |<arrnU nu

UUfta da eaint*-Marla »n Krbravpraa da ChalMiibrlant ,

L'rnfant ri'da e Ht* tnli dlx mi 'ntitoa fc obtorvar k un* (JiMino •!«

metroa. ett ancn qui a*ait la lorma

d ud sigara ph<«|thore*eent

On na**asitr, ua Iwtome velu d »ncomplet «t d on rhaptau (jrl« chsut*A ne botraa Ini aiifalt d'nlarr tn

(rancaia * Itafarda man na retchrpat » Jl Ini mir nna main tor I 'p»ula tandit qua iu I »atro il t*n*itnna boitU Inoeant dci lent violtta IImnnia Aian I upptrnl par una pat

litre njii il (tt 5ia*itmr Hot en qu.

poumU Ur* an «W»*n d* bnrd *orenvaicnl plutiriir* hmilon* niiiltloo*ore*

Toafmira ttleo I'trnfant, I enjino

int 4m Imii Htn* Innt^^ \*t threnInn* (it a""H knri dans In air* »tiaparnt tubllarar-nr

A UcirangtrVIENNB _fcM Rarald RrauU

•ri, ta Brtat TjiUr aulnchirn It*lUnt V*(ali| atr l>rol * ohtnn/or* qiwl ta fr'imail d*m inn jar

llo, o tit'amicoup- volanta qui a mir010 la pMlto localiti pen»nt qn*l|nei tceoniet n*tst d« at *)Irffl»i'Ora lo nnn) r| Hiirutrallra ttinlrt

Queliiifa htbuania <lt R"-(*IH nni

11 ('ill* tain'ni'iit Je pbvluSKI'liiri

P»r U lulte, M, Olivier deutnft

f \\ \* wale, d'une cunlerc uUls.unto sur uao porte. It icaprun-

drier ■ Jo n y croy*l* p*i njouta

U Per*no, mati Je 1 al vu coisoteJo vous roll ecu (alt un laert*

cboe a

Apres ua temps uti court en-

vlron une oalnuic, le ccsphandrUr

regftgnft U cohere lumtncuse qui

tutvoi* fc U vcrtlcale sans bruit

tt dlsparut d»m le del i une vl

tassti prodnieuM on Uuaaat ursllUit de feu

En ralsoa do lft nutt, b.uo*\oi

KUlftUiJoo n» pu *wo tfttie i

1'tndrolt ou so seralt pose I cnfln

Dee traces hulleuses oot etc re

levees Jcudl m«Un en pliuleurtendrolu dun terrain vstue iltuddans ua (aubou/f de loulouie

Scion les declaration! des trots

Umoins 1'engLn mystcrieux, pilot*

par un personnftfe vetu d uo tea-

phandre se seralt port sur ea ter

rain hler 4 iv b 35

Lft police de fair a intcrro?* c«

trals pcrsoanes parrol luqueUei

flfure un Industrie) qui ont auln-

tenu leur declaration co preckunt

que le myneTuux tndl?ldu meiu*.

rant environ 1 m 30 depftswit

I engin do la tele ct dcvalt, par

consequent •* rrttirnt" pr-f 7 pi


Lun des temolni ft »uur* que

la aoucoupe etall entouree de re.

flfU irlies et atnettalt autour d ell*

un lagff broulllurd tl • ajoultqu'ayant voulu s approcher 11

avail et* rtienu fc una vlnguint

do litres par une fore* parsly-

canlt et que, lorsquc Peng In i ett

'•Heve dan* lo del. U ft eU vleicrmen 1 Jete i terre

f. — Pltuieu

la commune di Saiouaodc

(Oartf) ftuuieni reccmiaent »pe/

Mpt *tr,ei nlnuicules* dont

form* rtppeUK vajuement ee

d'un corps hunuln. Lorsqu

tenUrtiu d approehcr. Its Itrei

prsclplUreot vert un engtn pht

pho'«iv«iu, mil 1 "enrol* ftUMiu

A 1 emplacement ou M UOUVftkles pUotci de 1ft Mucoups vouuii

les eluueurs dieouvrueat iuj' nt un ceruin nombrt dc |r*li

I d'upeci bturrc, qu'lU fUem **1 ntner par de< fralnctlers. Qe-c m trouvercnt dans 1 Impoui

lite d« let clftsscr dftiu une up*


Page 56: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en




V* 'clt/art"; ttt «Uf la rteonttltui netrt photovrapftt A Ga\

Nos envoyes speciaux ont reconstifue pour vous




JCUDr ■»lr,-V«» It h lacUl varoli AUll calma

quand, tCUt 4 coup, unt

< boula da ftu • It lt*-

»tr»» «n dlrwtlon du Nord

Uit ixu ptrtsut dtaa U

-V»r tl)« 4t*tt aptrgiM. at. J*»It >i, lf« eoup« d iti



Trop 4* « buterda » ou( dt}k

elreul* iur In t objatu volaiu»

mm Idtiillllli », auiil Kvoninoui m#ni unt iiinuit* mlnu

tJeuafl. ■olllcltaut Iti Umoljnu

(ci n«u, prt>T«niftl df parwu.

nti lirlruar*Comm* uoua nltom (■ valr

en U'moigu&sei concordcttlt«u*

N«ui «vona auul Uatiiandt kI* lUllon da n>et£iiralO)clr «i

uu ballon aondi avtit *l* Ucln!

ou »1 on atait enrtglitfj ilini

la rjfloti uik ihu(i da inel*ore Ih fConu rut n«ialh(

Aikuii bnlliin lonrle in Hi

lAolie Jcudl vtra II h 10 .1

imijuii iiiatiore n a do oiir*K'»ti*

Ajluh douta n m done po»-

■ihlaCa aolr Ia, ii n ohJo I voljiil

ltoulannala at vtrelt.

Lei terooignages

L* premiire peraunna quc

nuui Intarroicona rat M. Fa.1llcll Paul, dcmeuraat iu HJ3M ije R0<leillae

«ljal un cabjllnn cntra L*n«v*«t tl It Barrjge Joua

loir, II Hah 18 b, en lermaat

niotl cabnnon JjI apcrcu dana

In ctcl un Objtl IMDI la 101d ui|« boule de feu vinailt ill

1 at aa dtrlijcant vera |i

Coudou ft une tlteiae cuoildt

rabl* *

—| rouvct voui noui donjtrpiua da de I a I j "*

—. tiicn volonlicn tl tva

lu»u a uiia luulour qul m ap

|ior|it arr* volt ne d<* S a )<> COOmoire* Ca neat ccrma paa

Ullon aunda Jen al vuHomhreim it rrconnaitrul lour

fontia Cf iiclalt |>na null filul

un biateitiilc car il na « li» nboll P*i» du c i-l * II * on 1.1

Irt Wlriiieiil fronchl li mini™gnal k la vittaa* dun *«-!■ ir

|ji>iani (fcliapxr darritra luidri(flammct in Itrininioi puruna. gerbf Ln wltloti >lt ret enClOi a Jur* 1 i 3 accomlri i

palne ri II na lalnd »1 tract*

1] fta faliail oucun crulL t.rn

«cmbla ma i>iru roufa ■'(eu

Suiio «n page 4

Page 57: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


L 'esfiO/fi. (A/ice-)

Les "soucoupes" apercues en Italle

sont dansereusesHJe* braleni I'endroU ou elles so posen!

ROME — Ue norobrcux engtna

nysterleux onl tt* apercui hltrdans U cltl t ItaliaL un d« ea engins a atterrl

prti de Rovifo daru it tone dlU Po ill Qnocca 0C1 pluileur*personnel lont abservlLapparell de formt drculalre

aprei avoir lenlemem plane■ c*t pott ui Ml urn bruit

Apr** quelquet minuIM d lm>

mtblltle, II a reprte a It vertlca-U t«n vol illentleui. mtl* 4

landrail diu II I dKoilt, II y

i maintenant un m« prefanderalere da ill mtlm de dlamt-

tre. tli peupliars qul se dratulani au* aitntoun ent an ou*

Ira at* earboniaea.Lei autoritea se rendront lur

lu Unix pour virlflir lauthen-llclla du recK des Un.oin*.

Dint It riglon da Modaneun conunercanl k m un ceitare volant > trcandescent survo-lant I* campagnt a, drux centa

metres d altitude enrlron. Apresun bref arrtt. lengln m eeraitdlrtie vera ia nord-ouist. Celt*observation a elt confirmee p*rdiutrej UinoiiuEnlln unt caouooupa voltntes

aux refleta dar|ttit ti rait »ur-vola 1» tone d» Luino » 5 000

metres Lea ttmolns de cetu

obaervailon ont affirma qua la■ aoucoupa» n'enwCUlt tucunbruit et ne Ulsaait echapper »u

cuna (unite File • disptru endirection da la Sulsav




PBKPIONAW — M OamlenBlguem M »ni retralte dta

douAoea a dtelara avoir apar^u>ur U route area dc aon domtct-la daiu la lunlleua da ParplKan una grande aph^re rouge

cel)e-ct sortlt ur hommagrand, vetu tvnuni un acaphkn


Ayant fait la tour da son apparail, la <acaphandrier> y retournt preclpitamment landls quelea deux chlena de M Slguercs*« prceipltalent vera lul

L engin • eleva alon uns bruitft dlsparut a une vlleue prodl-gleuseH Slguires » trouvait alort

i une trentain* da metrea daI tngln dont aucune trace n'aM ralavie aur la sol

U. )O .

Lc Pnr.ision


alerte en Vaucluse

LE MINISTERE DE LAIR DECENT('observation d'un phenomene lufiiineux!

par deux aviateurs de la base d'OrangejiUn grand irtnrmrni f lalt lotut

(ru hlrr «ur I* deal dca soucoupes


'Ltilalr* celt d'roulft rit Van•luae duns et eltt limplde ou Itmom V^ntous doftiloe k r*tiri, audnaus <la * oitulnwlt-Vaueluw AII h. 90 dm itmoiiui ulllnnaknt

will* venalcnt dt «elr cvelutr »mdlaqiw Wa>ne wirnHmie d unr colouraplWrtqu* Lcngin pourdftll druxItui pultunu et allfrnrs numnldu bbiiM au rcvKfl <tt *u .vlolri U>»rommfniilnt illtrrM Don train pidt irta bonna lot ximbli>HI ptu*alrura prrauruira flrrnt dra rerIMqul eonlinnnlrnl In plupArt ai*innomuraolcs phdwnrfnca drjnobtwrt* par It mondr t* baMMricnnc de Curltat. tout a prechr,tut alrrUe inndls que lenfln (tallrncort rUlblt Deux avlons ft reaction prlreni lair tl Ion attvndltavre Impaitenct la rapport det oUletra

Crpandant. «Jr» imprtidcniA mqu«ieni>4 pyblicr dra noutellra

\ aintt n|<#r#

I rniiln <(■■<>■ j'riiintnu nt iIikm^M*m rrltiltt **rlmiti<«H ft mir Tl-K*v lanrmvtu «ii|ifrlnirr k !■ IfiirMl fMll*. il it rii #U»it rtru ft totr

I? inliiliUni <lf I Air ilrmrniMlV rr»i(lrn miwiw uniaiauua ■ 'hinrr«i

m« nub


* |h.u.V* immrf* m •• niur«Hirr«! la *>»ii>it|w tut* *h mfi> tnnimiBrlie I ai(riM»* • tttttrrettir* nlHludr* tl

mttml aba ire mtumn rmim im-uMnn• m rotirt dt trmtt tfttrtrhrt *^>«

dmx tutor* M'«( rffj iiffwicra npr.

nmrmltt tt MM evmptt rmrfM »l/vmi • I '

II imu ihitia r«lrr *un itritti ii» la«wiir«u|N> dr r*mii>iii'Mie>VnwliHwMain ilaiM *r dotun I tiff t|iit ollra

rn trt mitnmiit 1PM uitt v»«m in-rtwunit an moiKlr. rrla iir »niiu paaiiour cenriurr i|ii* Im HMUwiiira v»*iantn nrtMtrta |um ii rtwlt nt-Im I tfo|» dr ra* tnripHt|i^* ritnljtmr qul drmi-tir* jkv^o ita wm<br |>M |irf« <l tiff rt-MjIut ,

Dunn imii M Oaiillrntr adjointau niaire da* Itouwlllnn. a vti \rt»tl hmrra. uiw MHicimiw dr mulrurdn quna'dtafiari) rn qurlimfH

wvnidca. 'M Pitrre . Mrcior ?mn»prciHHir a nprrcu Jr mem* mala fela m*mr hour*.a CutHlt

4— A II hi i— A II h, 30, hli^, unr vmejatne

dt |HTMHti>ri ont apr-cu daiu la cutd'Apt un eiiR'H arant la lortne dimtttaro avtc nnr RrOMt lueur blanchea t avani. I, rn«ln a dUiwni bnnqu«<BWnt rn UlLuilt dmi hietirti vrrtn*- A VabNMi * UolMnr au Fontct

tH a I'lalMur-Mnrini* nm« 16 hru-wa i* II H 10 utvnan ptnmnnoidltn^a dt W ont vu «au uti'diaquoluralntua. aolfiin clgart »e d«pla<cam * itne|«itmt rrrtuintimf2.— Uu oirtrtcr houlanvCr M G)l«TMnr, ftMl da 43 ana, drnwurantnutt dt valnMtairr, A Calau, rit «rendanl a M>n dntulrite vrra 3 h Mflu matin a hixtcu aur la volt fer*

rat Ouiikrrqiia^Catais, prH du paw*nt * nltiwn da 8atiit>l>l(rrr>hniu,

0 mrtrH na lut uu rn«in him)*nrux *{ihfi|(iut denrirnn J ntftrratit liaut tul 4 inArr* da lantr. b«b>Jet ttflU cxuinirnieiit hriilanL• M fherr. qul |<am« pour UAhmmno tren etrtrug «i lort caiwelen*citui a ev< vlTttncut (uu da cetudnouverir | | ,( ■.

— A Vtinorv et i Drotira. villamde la llatito>Marnr, un oltjei dt cnu*Iritt oransM a 4t«-apct\u par dU-lerenu tenxtiiu r.Dana Iv premier ea*. <rlui-rt a Ma*

vail A uiiri allure veruxlneuM vartM rlel, la aaconde (ots. ea annt

U lalllandlar. amiMor* de* autoMiaeliaumontato. m icinma ct ut niw.demeurantfa Urottea. qul Ttmni atdeplacani \rH\ vitr unr lurur tdtn-itqut vpnaiiL de Ntuuly ti aliaalvrra ViKnofr fm* int deui cu aucua bruit

Page 58: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



Le mystere des soucoupes volantes

Un disque lumineux

a deux avions a reactionqui I'avaient pris en chasseAVIQHON II O*l*br* — All

d«bui d* I aprtt*mldl da van

drttfl | tlh 30 la papulaI leu

tfa Fonlalns d# Vaualuia, altlt

*n 4mol

In art*), un t'dtiqu* blana aplontlt la«lomant au dn»u« d«

la pBlllf all* at qua I'om !»*•)•valt dUllnguar naiiamonl avaa

da bonne* |um*H*i

Oa dliquB blan* ttall iwriMO*-t* d M»« fiUtia tpMtiqtt* ■»

mtm* ««ui«ur

La btrdura airfuiaira lnt*>

rlaura partall, par liil«rinlll*n<

rt, daui Ibui pultianli, v*>

rlani du bltita tu vioittt, paa*

lanl par la roust.La baaa oarlanna da Oarllal

(Vaualuta) alerlat, dlrlgoa lm>mtdltumtfii d*u« avion* * r*>

atllan qul, bltfittl, (Irani laur

apparition at apraa daui vlra.

■*i mr Fonlalna da Vaualuia,

prlrant da I'aititudt at plqu*»rant aur la > dlinua a.

La radio iniiaiita A bord dtt

avlom 01 qul ttall an eommunlcallon tvao It Mia, aitnOttft

qu* l'tn|ln fiait an vut, qw'ilflail prli tn ehaitt, malt qu II

■'tehappalt *ar ft vltauo aloft•uosrlBurt ft la laur,

Dt Vtuoluta, on pouvalt volr

n«llttn*itt la dliqu* a altlgnaran Man*, pourtulvl por Itt |

dru« tvlont b raaoilan

I M \f> 1'it (L«t\

0 fiuilt pa|a 3

| Les soucoupesIliancer rttiCilali a affirm* qu'H''nvalt vu I > li 40 du matin

ail lieu dlt ■ Saint Plmt lltl-w i lur la routa da Saint*Omir un tnfftn Jtitne et prtl*I ant ta poier »ur It Tola frr

I nltfrt d* (firm* eurlaiirr,

ovnll, iclon la bonlang", deux

mfliras da haul ti quBtro mt-

MMFS — Deux prrBonnai

en* it-vrtu It null dBmicro,tu r^jjqutiiii knr ilomli'Mi, fc

Mm" unit liionr \fnlaira iIbiii

iir rhnmft piioi i appr<M>hn>

r*iil r-i rittiatnttrtm la pr#ir-iteo

il'un rnsln tn t«m nnlnia ld*if

Itqnn a Un hnllon da niRby ct

partliltnt rnpiDer Bttr den M«'(initial I eiraiiKo appitrell a'*-

lava inutjAlii rfnm !•• tin anBmattani un falbl* bruit «t an^rantnt nrnsrmfvcmeni una

iolnia oratiga.

. to %

CniULHET — Un tnaglultrda Graulhet a d*dar* a\olr

!wrcu hler en (lit 4 apras ml4>bituta vliiludi, un aiigla ar-

wmt |e (llrlfonnl van la Nonl-

OurM. qu II prlt lout d'abordpour tut avion k r'nriloii, mallna dUceriiAM aueuna tratuea

A* eondenMtlon la tnaslUlarnlla. rlurchr unn mlra nt )u•■••lie* m aprrcm nuilnrtananlun lurna dlinin fitilbla. qu|opdiiUlt mr ]til-m*iita, torn an

t* <lrplM>itt > »»• E>*nd» fl>ir»ir-,

Ifut atnra <iua l>n«M| aviifftli *Mawt •<■ >l#lll vnl IJiUNuM Cracmoa.' rfa mi mm* dadUm*tr« titrlron. I'^chapM d«Fa m»«m fi tmillhtift |« raui*.dlpnfut blenifti tut refftfUi,taiidll qm la rtriio da I'auul"lombHli an pluilours morcotu*•«mblabl*i * rt«» drtpa dl dKvtntf dlmtmlani qul »Jo>nalmt dam ta clsl at dont ear*lain* * aeerftchtr-cnl tut flit t*-llfraphlquci Una qulntalnad4 paraonnn nnt ttmnlfna dact eat tlnsullar «t dtt Iran-menu da matlcra oni *I4 re*corlMIt, IU aa prtiinUnt tousIn forma da ttltmtnit araenUfn(niomtrt9 at qut • •ftrllltlllomju on laa lourba

On Va Men vu...

ballonTrta lOt ca vandrad) matin, lot

nuib*nols ant au laur raiardtouta laur aUfniion ttUrt* piun objat lumln«ua; altuO trhout daaa I* d*l *t a* dtpltcwd'tbord d'Si*i au Bud

Et oon a*iii*ia*st laa Bath. jls, attl* blan dautna do a<—eotnpttrl*tBa t«l* oarulaa paW*tanU d'VBtalnf, d* Bouaaao, Oor*

tnollot, PiMto-HouJlUr. *to

Lbb p*Ut* prrflup*a *b**rv

lei oft II, lanslo |uml»»u«, .t I a>ll do, qul avao do apparaluj

da froMl*t*m*ot plus ou mainPtrfacUonnt* ou pulasaat

futvnt Qombr*ui l*lae* 4* laClt». t no4«i. U Boutquot. opti

cian, tvatl iHtma braqu* "I'aoflB un* lunatta froaali-,.

•BTtroB 13 ou tl folB, at (natalI** au «aln da la ru* 4* la PaliOn davlna I* tucoso 4* ourtoalt<

qul *n. wt rfiulU -Quant aui comntontalr** ao

eomptKnant la vUlan d* IoMsj•0 quBallon, lla lul*at (ort

earUlns I* dlcrlvtltnt eomm*

up* opblit doQ Irradlalaut daaIqmUra* 4a cou|*ur tantot orto<

CO, ttotM rout*, tastot vlol*lt*id*autr** I* vovalent d* form*•▼old*, avM ua appandlo* prl*a<

tl v*ra I* aalDr*f, I Intarat, o* m*tla It a,

tourn* prasqu* asclualv*m*ntautour A» r* point lumlnaut pi

•Um un il»l a^lH>tlt|tt»tt|

pur otininta un* ftulla, nialB M

■ennt a la loia latlraUmant

at *n hauiaurPlait ea una aoucoup* Vnlan-

t* t W I* nmt a *i6 prnnonr* p*rbatueoup, pau d* ap*ctat*ura

(alt I'ont cru Et II wt apparu

trfia vlt* qua cat obj*t lumlnn'ttail aulr* qu un ballon da

coulaur blanch*. viol•mmant

IclaJrl par un aolall radlaux.

Four ditarmlnar av*o prlel'elaa la gro*«*ur d* ca ballon *taa naiur* (ballon mOttoroloiiqu*

ou ballon-tonda), II aurttt ftllu

tUar a^ao aiactltud* aa haulsur<

La chosa parnlHalt tr** dlfrtcll*

pulai)UB |* ehlffr* d* I altltudt,

tntendu aa ■Itualt cntra 1 tOOot~ 10 00ft m«lras I I ITamil* qu* laa convaraatlooa

allaUnt bon train at qua llnttratpr«mlar • tmouaaalt, I* ballon i—

pulaqull taut I appalar par aon

n*m — b* balancalt au frt das

v*nis at, «ar« inlilt on I* r*.

Vrtfatl itli^flliiit until mi«*l| Ami••ttdant l«Hi«>n»nl>

flltf«*tr d'UA appartllch* un nu p*rf>Bil*nn», II n*

falasli plua o* daui* qu II »'**ia>■alt blrn d un atast crop ballon,

BVnnt ta (ormo d un* a-tnpoula


Qu> avall-H au bout 4o aatappandlc* T Tour notr* part,

noua o avooa rl»n tu , mtla car-talaa tMUrant avoir tparcu una

BtMtls Et voiu* la itl#r*n


Notr* laotarna lUot alasoclalrt* — du moioa noua tou

Ion* I* crolr* —* udb quvatlon n-

condalra aa poao i d ou vanall ctballoo T

lnt*rrof* It Contro UllloroloClqua da illllau nous a d<eUr«qu* ehaqua Jour — a I h. dumatin i i l h i t ll h, . at a

II h ~ll IiH.« uu halloo do

10 cm d* alameir* d* (orma

tpbArlqoo *tUob du t«ntpa. Ca

tlit* a robMrvaoCa ballM Balda**at 4* lit | ra.

ioutM I«a Ift iwcndM at ptitfittra vialbi*. a I qJl nu tv 4***

•aa 4a f 0.0 nflraa, 4 molat dp 1«aulvr* daputo I* dtpart at jar

tanpa trta eltlr. tuqvsl ma I onP*ul I* voir aoeor* jwqu'* 1400eqttTM. ITar coatr* I* Ctolr* d* Nl>

ip*a lasba 4** baliona 4* radio-

aond* plua fro* | Im 10 ( 4adlantftr* tu pntkimum at flltI I'brdroffn* |

Xit-ea uo d» c«a ballons*io id*

v*oua d* NIbim. d» Bord* tou 4a Ulllau oonra* la b ul(fa a, ooun fc Vlll*(r*nch». qtl a

•Illoooi 1* ilal tv*vToniial« ?

Noua n*, aavopa.Bat-oa up, ballcn Uch*

•aura do man<Buvr*a mtlita r*»*M«ut**a au Lacue, e*a J

c| T A trop voulolr poiar 4*quaatlow. nou* a* voudrlont

paroor d*t a*cr»ta 4 S>na ph

" IQual qu II sn *o|t aur la pro.

vaiuno* d* oat pbj*!. la pioral*

4a tout* ottta p*UU hlit*lr*l**t•lair* i at «'**t pnorquol noualul donnona tout e* dtvolopp*-

Bt l II na la ul pa* con foodr*

bttloo *t aoucoqp* volant* \ II

taut t*ard*r b*b pl»da blan sur

lam t* •• m*(ler dm faauWtat

d*HO* Imaclnailon d^hridAa '

C* fnUaiit noua n* a#rona qu*

plua l»ria pour arcu»llllr l»a *n*

i (nlar ptantulrsa tl, davtn

tur* lla BliataiU '

lh>nil*ra honcoM A IT h 41

o» pouralt aporcBtelr I* ballon

nt tr«a ktut. dlr«tion ut«'o

Nord -

Page 59: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en




I, ACDACnON t U tt O, Avasoa aUrfcTformaj - IfOJflLBCON1!— T*L I at MJO

4IKKNTS.-I moli,u«tf.j«m«U,1400tr.;l «, I.W0 (r. COP. ittCUrmoofrW.'*—'

"gB*a5tt. ua « 'dlaquottot m d

a iwwHt »■■■■ ii ^— •- "--»—

U baaa aartenao do Carttat (Via*dim), atortao. dlrlgaa uan*dlato>

BMat daux avtoaa A raaattoa quUbteatot firaot tour apparition, otapraa daux viragos aur Footatoa-dfrVaudusa, prtront da rattttodo otptquaraat «ur to * dlaqoo •La radto nstalMo A fcord daa

avtoaa ot q«l Matt oa BBaaawmtroUaa avoa to baaa, aaaoaea quo roa-

4UU aa too, qu*U atatt prto.. cbaua. aiala qirH s*sebappait,aar u vitoaaa «UU supertouro A to

tourDa Vauduaa, oo pouvait

aaUamant to dlsqua ■'aWgntf oaOaeba, pounnM par toa dauxavtaaa A raadtoa.

Void par alltoun qualques au-traa taionnattoaa coneoniaat toaapparttlooa do aoucoupaa volaatas t

llulnouao. — Ub roprasanlant

dreutoat aa vottura blar aolr, aacowpagato d*ua ami, aatra NUfatat Kamba. apareut aoudala, daaa

dd, ua aogla iumlaaas aoua

forma d'uoo bouto da foa ovoid*.CduM. adoB to rapraoaataat, dA>erlvtt aa grand • 8 • daaa to dd.vlt aa grand 8 • dasa

d*ptec*Bt a ooa alluta rartia*at a ana altttuda d%afto«i

l t•00 matna raaaja, qul atatt pra-a4da it*<i**f liTHgiit tratada bnala*u>

aa, ebsagaa da aootouv as passant

do foranga aa bUas, poll aa 41ri>h vara te tud^rt.MsrUguas. — Uaa anfaat do ■

ana. qul aa troovait atroa aa mara

at aa taata mr to route au bamaauda Sauit^larra, praa do MarUguas,

a apareu dau to dd. ua teem to>mmaux da form* altoagaa, duqual

a>dla praalst, aortalt uao aortada (au d'artttka. Las paraata oni

eartlfM tea dAaUraUon* da tooranXant

Calais. — Ub garpra bautoagar daCalais a afOmrt qaU anlt «, A

b, 40 du matia, aa ItoudU « >ato> iPtorro4bUa », «or to rauto do

dtottesuar aattaaiont «vaa d% boaaai Jamaltea.

Co dliqua bteao Malt aumwotod*uoo catoUo apbortqua do aaamacouteur i

La borduro drcutolro mfortouro

portalW PW utarmUtoaoo* dauxfaux putnaabw vartoat da btoaoaa'vlotoea. paaaaat par to nuga.


En Vauduse, un enjiio lumlneux

deux avion; a reaction!dradi. It popuUUaa do rnatilm da V>ttdaao,

■udaiaiM da la poUta dU « w pouvait la

- AM dabot do ragiAa wlill tfhlar

8alaM)fflar, as oajfai |mm at fcriVtot r ur to «*a rtrraa8alaM)fflar, as oaj |toat aa poaar *ur to «*a rta

L'abtot d« fonaa cortooaa, anltaatoa to boutongtr, daus arttnada bant at viatia aritna da dla-atatra.

fttaaaa. — Dauc aamaaai —

aparau, to auU danttra, aa rasa-gnut tour domteUa, k «aaHooa a*loaatna. aa nord da Nbaaa. «Mbiaur TardAtra daaa us dwap.Hlta a'approebaraat at aooaU-

Uraat to pHaanea dte aDfla aatoo* potato Maattojoa * u btltaada rusby at paraataaat rapaaar aar

dM bavdUaa. Mtraaga apparaafitova aaudala daaa toa aba «inatuat oa Whto bnttt at aspraaaal pretraarivaaMBt pna taav

ta oraaga.

Oraolbat — Ua Mftator daOraulbat a dfetort «vo^ apareabtor aa fl» d-iprannidl. A liaotaltUd as aagla argasta aa «ltt

to &t V tt

Mandlte. — Daux oagma BbbVmbs valaat A haau altkada oa(M aporfBo daaa to dd da< lav*aa ddoet da raprAfratldL Laa ab-aarvatawa oat art* «oo cao aaglBa

ainuaabluaalaat qudqooa ajataataauh) raataailMtt tour vol 'Draculaaaa. — Ptuatoura haaV

lasts da Dragulgaaa oat iifaiii tj

vonto Ha do r»pra»mkn. ua ootetwarinous travaraaat to dd A to

« «_i aBalHOrfc

Casablanca. — Daa ootiicrt daa

ca, oat dlrlird avoir aparca cataprAaaridl, ndimu da la *Oa,uno aorta do dgan *boaphoraaeat

quW aprAa Atra daaeaadu douoaawataoauaa aao loullto morta a raprlaaa cettraa borttootato I oso vttaaw

vtrttgbwaaa poor flaaloawat dto>paraltro. 'Aogara. — Ua babttaat da hours

do Hani (ftUrooBal a dadar* antt

>3 daaa la dd, aaa boata brAVtoaie da caatoor araago ajol aa paaa

aortonLLa dlaqua, aptotl at aa tanam da

dOBM. d^ta dlamatra da dao, Aats aaatroa> d4gagaalt uao baoar

OfoagtoBta, artolranl to wpagaa

daaa ua rayva do lot tkatraa,

L'tagla 4talt tnasparaBt at do

natartottr oa obaanati vtm aataao

t L db ldIm dlsquo rasta alad ana

dfacdao do aitnirtm, roogav ot dav

parut rapadaewrt wtn to aard.

L^baaiiateur ao raadlt alora A

raadrdt aft robtot a*Matt poai. DImvm t avail, aaaura4a. uoa aorta da

pto-lauaga brOtoat qu| toobalt toal»

— Praa do Koatarstt, car

_ roata aaUasala H» T, oa aabVtaat da aaUa vllto, a d*d*ro vrafervu daaa to dal unada foilaata.


17. to. i9<ry

gasat van to aord«a«rt, quV pdttout d'abord pour ua artaa A raae>tton, aala bo dbesnaat aucana

tralaaa da ceadosaattea, to atfgb>alar alto obarcbar uao palra doJumoltoa ot aparcu dlatlactomaatva largo dlaquo flastbte. qul oo>dutott sur lutuamo. tout oa oa

daptecaat A uaa tmada vttaaaa.Cost alora quo V*at$a aambte

axptesar aa Plata *oi Uoa boutoargaaUo, do ua mtan do duuaatroasrlrOB. vVdMapa da ta bibbm oteoaUaaa u route, dlapamt Uao>Ut aux ragarda, taaaia qjua te rastodo rangtai tomaatt oa. aladaun

'oaaus aamblabtea A daaw dlrnnoj dlraawlmw qc- ^_ . ,

aslant dana te dd at dost etrtatoa • Mat our te aoL •.«facerocnaront us (Ua UUgrajiW-1 Arrtv* A aoa doaildte il a^par*qoat. Una qubualaa da paraoaBM gut quf aas faumaaai outoat nsolgad do ea eaa dagultor eouvortt d'aaa eoueba bUnabaat das fragmaata da matlara eat funa autiara ua pan eoDaatt•ti raetMUlfa, Ds to praaosteBt aomna da to parapbiaa, '

sous to (onaa da UtosMBta argan> pAa D- soucou*cs •

lorsqu-OB us uocbo. OU DM IXPiKATIOfttl '


Leodraa. — La auaitUra do 1'Alr

Britaaalqua no emit pas Iteajtaa*

aa daa • aoucoupaa », « dgaraa •

at aotraa ooglas Tolaata. . ,

Taut aa so rofoaaat A tout oao>BMhilatrs sur toa onglas algaallia* JTrsaes, tea portipania mttkaada aTadaraat ajao doa o*y<katt—aatardlaa aont gtalrdaaMai| doa-■aaa A aaa pbtoomtoaa oa Qraa>

•Xratagaa. at quo, aauteaj Was ax-pUsttleu buufftatntea blwarrt

gutaaiiUr U mitUri ' il'Aucua objrt avsUrteux aWaU

te dd do Qrajado*

Srougaa. aa coura daa daralaraa

Page 60: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en




Et voici les"soucoupes volantes"

l/une d'elles se serait pos€e jeudi soir a la tomble

de la nuit, sur la route de BIOT et aurajt d£coll6

a I'approche d'un eyelisle...

Presque a la meme heure, un engin semblable(le meme sans doute) a ete aperju au-dessus

de Grasse, Saint-Raphael, Opio, Gourden

Bai-sut-Loup et Roquebrune-Cap-Martin

Sur une pi»«ch« a dawn improvise*. |o«* C«u«IU tr«« U forme

da la floucmipe p»t*a au «ol (dessin du b«>, ta rarmt vua didsuoua l*u centre) at m Irijcctolrt dt decolljg* qu'il montra

^» d«'»* (Photo Biondo-Bonhomme)

Void cue k« ■ -oucoupei > /ontJeur apparition da*t notre clel,i U faut en crofre du moiru JettemoignoQti tris nombreux —et par/olt contradlctoire$ _

ffii on lira ct-dessoutNoum nous bornerom d (*» «n-

re^iitrer, en now gardant deconclure duns tr dJbat ■ hnl-Janti euf oppose I« <pro^ou

coupes » ct lei « antf loucoupejs



Hier matin, k Qloc tout le vU-laiie, iut la p'aoe da Arcades, neparlalt que wucoupes et apparitions et, d*)i, lea deux clans <U-

Mrmals dau'qucs en pareil ciu,ie formalent

Or, dang le oourant de lapresml ^. notre oorrespondant d Antlb& i pu decouvrir. rrace a Itcoaipllclti de ton chel de servico u. Courbey. receveur munlclpal d'Antlbes le Wmoin oculilnd» «et« aventure qul trouble de-

pull leudl Mir la quietude du vlll&Te olctoLs et de &t$ habitants.Car si a Biot lei tirao'na sont

nombreux a avoir vu «voluer un

engin dans Its airs, vers 18 h 15un seul eut la chance de'le volrtu moment du < Ctcoflaje > alorsqu U rentratt de son travalL

Jose Cauella est un garcon dt19 an* natlf de Blot, et y demeu

rant avec at* parents rue de isPo'ssonnerle, ton pere travKillantk la Ocmpaimle des Eaux de Uvllle i;oui les Jours matin et

soir 11 effectue, par la route d'An

tibes a Blot, le trsjet ailer ei re-tour afin de ie reodre i son

travail a la Recette mu-Helps,cboulevard d Ajzulllon a Antlbes

L tenement n'a pas troub'e lt>nervtco de compUbllltt et lors-3ue nous witrames hier apre-vm1-

I dans les loeaux de la recettechacun soccupalt & Ron travail

quotldien Joce Cauella. lul-me-me lorsque dous donnames lebut de notre visit*, ne .eva me<repas la tttfl Dependant, apres

avoir refuse de doiner son nomrefu^ tntme la molndre Indication. <le erjUnte de^Tfumeu's

desobllseant«s » de la parT~d~e sesconcltoyens. nous I'atnenames 4quelques confidences, puts a unedescription complete de I'engtnou tout au molns. de ce quilavalt eu le temp* de voir

c H eUlt done 18 h 15 Je rou-lals vers le village et allals pren-ire Ie virage de la. route de Biottin chemln Neuf, longeart le murcloturant randenne proprlete dusculpteur Bourajme Soudaln Jeme trouvals face a face avoc unemasse de forme ovate eouleuralirnintum et instlnctlvemenLconune ]e I'aura's (alt devantn'lmpcrte quel autre objet ou ve-hloile me banum la route Jefrelnala. I

f A cet Instant precis sans unbruit, mals 4 une rapid Ite Inde-'flnlssable, la soucoupe — car Ufallak blen le convenli Je venal*d'en volr une moi qul tfycroyait pas — la soucoup s'e'evavertlcaletneot, puls dlsparut dansle del

f Je dm trouvaU alors a six me-'tres et J'al parfftitement dlstin-

Bu« t» forme drculalre de lob-Jet doat la surf)3e sup&rieureetalt legerement renflee taodisque la partle inferieun reposantsur le sol etait de la forme d unedeml-sphera, le ne vis rlen d autre. aucun* ne, euctne asperite.aucun hub.ct, I'ob]« etant totale-ment llsse et brlUant sous les dernlers rayons lumlneux.

ciyapres la largeur d« la route, 1'eogln pouvait avoir 6 4 6metres de duunetra et un peuplus d'un metre de hautuur

« April son depart, aueune trace m out etre ro>ree *ur la route et lorsque Je revina <tu Tillagepeu apres. rlen ne pouvatt laissersupposer qu'une souooupe volan-

U s 6talt Dosfo U.

Page 61: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


17 October. Reims (Marne) France, (evening)

Cigar-shaped craft Three hairy beings.

According to our source;

"An unidentified man, returning from fishing along the canal at Reims, saw a

bright light resting on the grass near the canal. As he approached he saw it came

from a cigar-shaped object about 26 feet long and 7 feet high From one end came

'phosphorescent' lights which reflected on the metallic hull ofthe object. A door

appeared from which emerged three hairy beings, about 3 feet 9 inches tall, walk

ing 'crab-wise,' or sideways. Then an even smaller being a little more than a yard

high appeared, whose lower legs appeared transparent. The witness tried to ap

proach closer, but the entities rushed back inside the object at surprising speed, just

as the witness was paralyzed by a red beam of light, which turned yellow, coming

from a porthole. The object then took off and flew rapidly towards Tinquex. The

witness then recovered his freedom of movement " (xx)

(xx) HumCat #340. Mesnard and Bigorne. "Les Humanoides en France." p.24

Quoting / 'Union (Reims?) 23/24 October 54

17 October Cabasson, France. (2:30 p.m.)

Dog partially paralyzed.

Our source states:

"The anonymous witness was hunting with his dog when he saw a gray object,

about four meters and one meter high, on the ground 40 meters away It had a dome,

from which two helmeted figures emerged. The witness fled, but his dog started to

ward the object; but it soon retreated, walking awkwardly as if partially paralyzed "


(xx) Vallee, Jacques. Passport to Magonia. Chicago, Illinois. Henry Regnery Company,

1969. p.232.

Untranslated clippings dated: 17 October 54. (See pages 60-61) (Credit: Dominique


18 October. St-Cirgues, France, (late afternoon)

The "flying scales."

Michel wrote:

'To hear farmers tell it, an object composed oftwo luminous balls connected

by a 'rod,' also luminous. Had been seen high up in the sky. The middle ofthe

Page 62: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en




et etre etrangesont apparua a un habitant

de LondinieresL'MmM fart bm

a'« pas 4t4 jaseVld his g4a Home-d, leojel M M

,n |o«o pan racafaoct

81 noaa eftteodons. Men sot. q«e«ea visions de soueoupct tombentdas* to domain* d'une Imactnatlonwop fertile, d*ioM haJhadnatioa In-dMduelle ou collectiveMate void que nous vi«nt da Lon-

din(*rw unc infcrauUon qui p*utprrmMtre a notrc provlnca (I*au*)l«

monU«ralt aind ion dfefr de n'4trtpoint rttrocndv) de »e htoer au nl-vuu dca autrca reglou qui « ontvu ».

ft d*uo acat coup. voOA, tfu'on notuam quatre Kweoupcg, on clean cton ttra «t»n«a (de 1 m. 3D. commeD at dolt, pmtr M point rompra l«chariMt. ifcwnptrwa de ph4nom«-net qut. eux non pim, ncnt ricti d«ttOenent ln«it.M. Heart Roben drvuUtt en auto

sur la HJf 314. a la null tombute,entra Mnaieres tt La&dlnUrr« — ouU haUta — qtund. A BaUloIet, U•percut qtutn eflftn* fuperpMct,de eoutour crange « serabUnt etredd aoucoupeg votantea : qui ero-luaieot * 300 metres de tunteurLIibo d'eUet as detacfu, deaccndJtet vint s!(zafuer devant aa votturaavast de dlaparaltre Daru le memetetnp*. M. Bobert avmlt raeentlwrnmi nne forte eommotion tlectrl*q«a at lea coounandcf de son vchl-

cuJe avaleat ete motnentanement an*BJhOees.A peine etalt-U remit de u ror-

prlse. qu'A 3 kms de U. M. Robertapercnt dam tea phares. au milieude la ehattaaee. un etre ctnnce deI m. 3D environ, Cette fotj ce furenites phare* qu) f'etetfnirent. pufs urallumerrnt auaaltot L'automotHJIitcremtrqua alort. au bord du Ului.on eadn lon« de troto metres, polntua an deux bouts ct de forme <„ Un<drlqueLe fameux dgtre dans toute I'ae

ccptlon du terme. auquel H ne fallut« qu'une teeonde » pour dUparaltre,tous feux etelnu, dans la directiondu NordO&t k une hrure du mailn, *a-

medl, que M Robert ett venu fa Ire,A la fendarmtrie a> Londlnl^rc* l«redt de ce qu'l! svatt vu et renentlMais set propos ittalent ineoht -cnu.sea paroles sans tultr

Effet de ta commonon dont H scdlsalt avoir i\t U vtetlme quelquesheurea plus (ot. ou r6actlon cauieepar 1'amoncellcment de soucoupesd'un autrc i*nre. e( d'on rrodeleplus courant, sur quclque (u^ridon

Lei fendarmes se rrndlrent ABalllolet ou IU ne comtjt^rent rlend'anormsl. cecl etsnt ennfirmi parun nou\ tau d«plaerment tamed*nutln, de Jour Aucune trscp, surunsu*re temoln du phenomene *Ce qui ntmp*fh» p« M Hoborl.

t % hcures, de conflrmer son reclt


iw urn Ims «M«t«J«fj

Lait ]« octobre (A^J). — M

Maurice Ruant. culUvateur A filn-eanr (Ajsm). etait occupa A de-panner ta vottura, dana un pre.quand deux coupa de fusil deehaaae /ttrrat Ures dans sa direction. Lea plomfaa s'ecraaerent tur Ucarroaanie du vthlculc. non loinda ca teu. L'enqucto permit de retrouvar rapidement 1'auteur desdeux coupa da tau, no voWn. WFabaa.

J'et cm. j-t* 1 dlt, *n voyant un«tlUumttt* evoluast dona to Itmierede deux pfcarct. 4tr* en presenced'ira martien en train de reparersa somoMpe oolante. J* ml* aU4chenhcr mon /wit tt i*at ttri.

Ualfra sa bonne foL M. FaUansera poursutvL


du dim 17-10-54 «P»I*

Page 63: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



Publlclt* recua par InUr-Prtaaa-PubllelU i NIC

524-41 (4 IIBfit*) ' — ''ConipU Cheque Pottal t MARSEILLE 122 -SB,

(T41.110-43) — PARI|| |0, Rua da ChaUaudun (ff).

, ktterrissage mysterieux

[ dans iinjpre varois :



la souco^ipe s'envola (!)aouenunmi volanlM », le* « rrvplo /•omtHiiw* » kut

•MlmlI** anil ilr, *h , d*vlMni#ut d* J»ijp mi J"»r6rt» dani le*|irU «ka ItalriUnta ilca AI|M>a-Marlllinra

nunntune) vaut la atano* on #*t ^nrtire hrtti dra Jitt I .

t ariivrra aaoa ilout« WanloL t\ u y a («* d« rAlatw qu li

IV4vart rafalaalt aa 0«*-


i>l«ln«nlrrl« I I'm-

pi nrtrWiM*. VWHlitn tlit rhiwtn ■!«

Jtrttni icar II y * il«a


Mlaumse ont

16 houfra, au

tl IItrnlH


m Iluni

Jmm dll I* Iretctir *arlanl IfIqiie, i|ue vlra

fair* cea intU illwttm4a w»inoti|M ■ T Hah I Voiw

rr*t (Woo ilmilrMi I>#ji»ut*. nmiB alannliinji timt

rlaqut pnm alnai d rn lain«M«r uoo < vr»li~| di

vrel* > V

Civ nfMfin

t l b

1« dlaqtM Oo •

A Mla buul* A Monacn

plwlAi uu I a Irouv** Uo-a tlftorinalii *n liuula vu-Irfa ItrllUntr, >vm d«i

t * ill niAtnl rn fiudnii »

nt •M>n |ilumbl««r« 'gill l»ar1ml ! Mftf llettrl 1'nllnillnl ti(■••(■■i|i|<|u«i Silitltl, ilPinenrnnt •Monwu, itvl «it VH 1a • Immm 'ftp

vii Ja)ulL 4 Ik l> T »aeitauHJeania du lieu dll

ivoua parlti itjuq



mt!tWF«e tut fuad* d« f*u d art)

Ik aphire ae dlrlnalt boaknient vani I Malle fit

n« r*a vua< qua quekjuea aecoodo*


< Avutt d avoir vu catif

. rtBVCST — Caat un cba■auri )ul a apartni un cnrln }mlM ut d'uo tnitra aoviron IIlm t Uayant vu torabcr I60 m itr«a jdu lieu ou II ao Imu-|d ieu ou II a« t«iu

II y tcoiiriil rem la polouta p/nbaU« l

, y p

rt« cHuta p/nbaU« mala Da retr«UMt |wa da trarea.

iKU^Iaa' aoucoupita volao|i>anetw) rtpata I* lerttur •*rlMlkri -I « (7t«t dimodftaalatMaoC. On oa dlt plut «oueotipa. On cd Mt ravenu a, ledoturIptiooi aommatra at Imaf4b Hj|wU«nct l > )

ICqrln, tn deltora d«a A1pe>U4ra,UiMi,| «o .fait mlaux leiM !

n mo «t jr,

nrntiiryellala* tmib«iwla o n IraftrtmM* JmhH 4 I" b 40. taaummiM vnlanta f All I'dlf fanIwtMirl

I.«|t|Nirrll Mali ^m* dmiii

(Llr« l« suit* |i«ge 7)

SOUCOUPES VOLANTESpri a proxlmlt* du lieu dlt le« Chtmin Lonjt > Abwourdlilu deux motocyetUtei, M Re

pelllnl, reiitaurateur, ct M OUlavlanl, oflkler micaoleltn dcla marine marchand*, a appro-

charcnt da.lantla qul ayalt !■forma d'ua^laqua rehfll^aur ledewux avee drux' Mqultltt po

aces a Itrre II atklt doU dcdeux illettea ea forma d orttllaaur lea c6t*«Un homme fie* deux motocy-

cll>lta curent I impression qully en tvalt un Atitre d»M 1'appa-rell), raeaurant 1 m SO environvetu 4{un* cflmhlnaUon Rrl»-blttne faJtfl »v*c un Umu ctran

ge Hnii riout* i but d*mUntcou de paille da verre, rernrdftllvenlr tf.i deux ToulonnalaM Rcpclllnl I Inlcrroirea— Vmis «ii*s Merlien ?

l.hnmme r^pomllt en mon

trnnL I »(ip«ircil

— Non Jc lul.t Fr»nc»l*Llneonnu queatlonoa a aoo


~ O6 «uls Je ♦M nepelllnl reponslt *— En Provence Voulet-voui

alter a la baw du Pallvette TF^ 1« reitauratetir pointalt

aon dolct en dlreetmn d'HyercaMala llodlvldu ne temblalt pa*mtlafalt H. Rep«Ulnl pounulvlt— Voua etea. Id, entr* Toulos

et HyereiA. cm mots 1* my^Wrlfux In*

■llvldil hnehK In ft a fit de tllrlrrn vtn 1 «ppnr"il »n pn«««nl

imr le hublol de forma trlnoiru


Innnnl* prr«;iirfnt nettemrnt un

hnill d* vapeur ciimm* »\»nl

I »rr*t dune locomotive et lap

parel! a^l^va <lu «ol Ir-ntemtnllietuimmcnt A 1« \rrtlc»l* com-

mf umpire Crtn rappelAlt ie vod une becapse

Purvrnu \ 50 mftres ii« hauIrur, le dlaque Bloppa un In*Unt pula rpprlt h lout* vlt«M(

«on vol en dlrtellon d Hycrra *rlAiHMnt rVhapprr rim luflurj

orantee* et en f»l»«m un brull

enmme celul du Jet d un perco

lateur ■

M OlUvUnl a eu U t«mpt

pendant la discusilon lntervenud

entrt le myaWrKux isdlTtda «lM Repel llnl de prenflie deI enrln un croquli de prafll 4ten *16vatlon Cei croquli ost 4t4moBtr#i hler aux jouraalUUidevant qul II a malotesu act de

clarations, alnti qua dev»nt l«fMrrlctB de la i«eurlf« navaJa atia police.

Dfpnli U dMarallna do JtraaJorf C- qul 411 ■T»Jr vu, k Bf*t,nne anucnnBt vnlanir tti penmsM3u| «nt tu l« m?*i'rinm tafia mle plt»t#n jilu* n0mt>m*M.A Anllhcm, Jradl Ifir, vtn

II b >a, iippardi lonlnm a Hetu or dlrrrc ntdrellt da U vltK,lant Ai In plan De-tlsaUe, par

ricnipl* qur du cAta iW )iraip«rllrt rfr la mule Stllanalr Dana !-•*t%n%, f|itfl<|um prnennc* aat ra* <\itfli\ur t\ta%* * ) It Jmn irt-PInt.

par cnnlr* nmi* n (Y*n* mvllli

M l"<il Ir mr f'l un»nlm* nifHintrc .If I r>ftfi»rl\l*n II flat tl-

Nnalrr ifno I * si I* rttff'f^fll iur la

Inrm* rt» U tl«l»» I uniK^ilpa •• •l»nlr cimrr, Irnln/r lumln»m» rt-.

lirfl* |*r ^-nlr» l*ilt «*t I* m*m«mir Im W< iircnK \Iimm du pkta»-

Mm (Ar, un pm plrtftol, «B

park rf" la f»nt«no aaucanp* *«•laAir I.M cnnrfr*allaM rant Inntrain, tanl an r*t* At ■• Pwaie. «^j anrnlaiiMnl dra Chaitevr* »ttr Isl«ia<e tin Arcarftt, rn [are itlllMH on pro parlent La lull;, via-• Itar* pmannr* out va. ]«4l aolr,qurlqiM chaw da IgmlMns a^il tn*rmalt |p tlrl trtt rapldemait. Halt«n ie nientrt tre* rf**rr* tor !'*!•lrrrl*MB> tie lYniln »ur Itf Ml »)»•Inia, aurlnul a I endrnlt Ini1la;iia parI* Jmnr <„„ rtuJroU dr la raoU V—

MlinMil latir cl tnrm\t*t rntrn ovns

tnura rl t"l p'«» rul, Jiiil**aprtt leilrai* rn tplnttg • rhrrni

llrn« |irn>niinr<. •»»! pm/pi par

la a I* Ir II Jc r«m*nt Mir #1n nnt rlrn *"i I* a*nrnnni*T*la«H■I'll ahnrr la rtHfifuH*, Ar Aim*tin hrllrnplfr. r pnu fit fl*l > aunttl

m Rran<l mat (»i»r alt^rrlr, la »*l

'laiti inrplnpih* ■!• nimhrnw fl'»tl*rltli|iiri ft |/|i phanliurt

Premier laccei del jratieri

et pontonmers de St-Niture

1/4 pnnlnnnlrr*, (milrn rl mi.

rlfi* 'linffiin MM rhanllrra dr Ten-hnr| ■ Utn\ Saialr' 'n erf*« <<*•

pill* if ■» Ar|»hrr J».ur nil* iiifmWtalliti At Irnr aalalrr rtr \'tt*At\ 4«I frann, nnt rtprit It Irarall hlrrmaim

IU eol eM'nti i frinri d anfmfB-lallnn

U PBTfiiore 17-lf. 10.

Page 64: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


'rod' seemed to be fixed, but the two balls kept swaying like the pans ofa balance.

After this had gone on for a quarter ofan hour, the whole apparatus suddenly

started off at high speed and disappeared over the horizon. Other farmers in the

same region had described the object, not as a balance, but as a 'dumbbell.'" (xx)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, pp. 192-193.

18 October. Tel Aviv, Israel (9:00 pm)

Egg-shaped object?

A press report said: "Strollers in Tel Aviv's Mograbi Square reported yesterday that they had

seen an illuminated egg-shaped object in the skies at 9 o'clock in the evening " (xx)

(xx.) Jerusalem, Israel. Jerusalem Post. 20 October 54.

18 October. Tel Aviv, Israel, (no time)

"A flying house?'

A press report said: "Jerusalem police also have a report ofa bright brown object like 'a flying

house' that floated over Mahane Yehuda Eye witnesses claimed that it came from the direction

ofRamallah, went by at a height ofabout a hundred meters and was a meter and a half in dia

meter [?]. It disappeared rapidly over the horizon " (xx.)

(xx.) Jerusalem, Israel. Jerusalem Post 20 October 54.

Untranslated clipping dated* 18 October 54 (See page 63) (Credit: Dominique Weinstein)

Untranslated clippings dated: 18 October 54 (See pages 64-65) (Credit* Jean Sider)

19 October. Kankakee, Illinois. (12.30/12:45 p m.)


A press report states.

"Six persons reported seeing strange objects in the sky north ofKankakee about

12 30 p.m. today in the general direction ofManteno.

"One report came from William Doman, employee ofthe General Foods Corp.,

who said that he and four other workers saw 'three round white objects' during their

lunch hour.

"Another report from Mrs. Donald Brinkman ofRR1, Bourbonnais, said that she

saw one round white object about 12*45 p m, also toward Manteno. She said that at

first she thought it was the moon. The object was low and seemed to be hovering, Mrs.

Brinkman said.

"Doman described the objects as pure white and about the same in diameter as the

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n'ont existe que dans la cervelle feconde

en "blagues" de M. NARCYn'en d6plaise a noire' confrere qui, lui,

avait trouv6 les traces de Vengin

n «m « dentaement mpredati* malgTe qne rampagnt

4* premt unmmriil trehealrttCm •> IMM cwifrem a*I, tret

teeep d* farlllle, prrnd l«pbvt canard* pear det rtalltra el,N««IM plw fra«*. n liehe

tphrmlllvrmmt* leraaae Iw «•-

Im JnornalMfa M r»faarni k tn-faarrh'r It* mfmta dadaa le-•varri*.

Or dam, II j a aaeiaaea >wn>M. Narcr. eaatranter a Mertra*arrrra en relard * ean travail, anCi MHti par la rapldlle area

■tile II avail rrjelnt pmi p**

UBm ramrod**, Inlrlm** par n

pafear lal MHrrcnl taelqaeaarol

calta towilfawcr*m«T )M«a'ia boat dm M-

ffka M Warey. en vn trUlr. teartrto**, one explication logt a fall**<peaae

Nan Iain d vn* rieffle fullcricI prtilmit* dt U mU d« La-Mrarine II antl n pvh) appro*

eh*, on* naranpc votante rt aw

plitle wlo,r4 M Narrr dt fmtter le* pe

ripetia* n"e cttlo arnMllonnelltoventorr

Mlevv taH*t, int did* e»ma-

r*4*\ II rvUwraa mr I'm lien*paw, nal«rrn*mrnl nt deeoanir

iinn tran valanle

Main II m| Inaille d» remlr

boy It detail danc affair* fna

laaa Ira llaat-Mamah rannali-aeot

Arfrd par vn ranUnnltr r«<

C*Mlia|a«ajil tl II l| d*f

frlr an n«m*ra 4* mm Janrnal, li

ploa hast mdu avr I affaire

Nan cwiUnt Or ee qar tal eanUM. Ktrej (r« fall prit

paw parale d*eranrlw), rl en ban• vtfneran* fot nc cralt 4 la rt*caft« foe lorsqa II I a to* de

■r»pr*» 7mi nalra eanfrrra at

wndll M>ct4lrment mr Ita lien(appmJmatirt) ca

■c la Mitnvpc tt ploa l«n ^atIm aotrva, tnum l«a Uaeea lali-*t* par Irndd

lr« rsamrn dr trnn nlnt

prrmii de pr#Hwr anil !i*riald*an* part drnlalllra faltra itanste mI p»r sna churrne rt d notrapart, lira rmprrlni** iff natmtR da

*a«h^ *t dr rhpvaax.P* kaaani ittr U prnbtlanct da

M. Narry 4xn* Mn rftlL notra

canfrtra nt raatnt dtmardrr de aap«^llan *i arer Irnnle It fit •»-Wit

Malhrnmttmrnl poor lal ttmm avrnlr d Intrntfur I fpllnrof•# frttr titvtnlrr nr rr«rm(ile f«rlrn i dtl

L» pellet t'^Ult, eofnint fl itdolt, tmpartt da faffalrt

8*n tnneu lol permit, rapldt-ntnl, d'tiaallr ana M Ntnjni-

Tall pa, en aacana faeon, valr ana■aaeaapt volanl« ore* dt la

* VtallW TWIcrta > i T h. II <■matin, paar Itseelientt rmlata•■•am jevr dlt, A ectt* htoft, IInt a*r troonll pta <c* tfert pMa, nou dt dirt t« fl elalt aJan)

Samrdt, Idrt d oot rtilU det rt.preaentanta dt U l«l M Nan?denll recwnnalU* trit «nU.nwnt d'atlltan ant liUstali* daU •MCfipti «Ult p«f* iBUft-nation

n latalt Mnlfi paw fatrt

« mareher • ae* camarscfM t* Ir*.tbII, «ant »ntra IntenllanUraost tblatolrt aibralU, It

at tra«v» prfa dana 1'tamnact •*malnllnt aea rtlfef pesr frttcr

Mab teat a an« rln.Lai m atvotapt a dt Mtftrni n la

nenaaw It baa «emi popnlalrt lal

anil, 4 •titan, fall vn a»ri dt-ptrii as prtlcadaa apparlUta.Pvonaol done eerUIn mtnjlmr

Ttalvt-Il, afraelatatal, at eralrtplim fort vat lea aplrta Tn lit r«itt awn dt kn dsna

avn aae pour rova ea danntr I'tz*JlleaUon tt ttn torllr itn leaami«or> <!• ]» jorrre dea taoB-



It. 10. I3S(,

L £sr

Vagabond, braconnier ou " TJlartien"?

Un elre etrange, mi-hommemi-singe, faisait la sieste

a I'ombre des grands arbresPnrl< — Lm soueoupn voianlei

eonii/iuont leur rond« Infernalem*U II ^einble quv les Fratitali ncfnicnl plui teult nujtU dux « vi-

*lon* celeslM * La plupart dcinouvellts relatives bus enxlnimrnArleu* emanaicnt en c(fel

d Ilnlie au coun du week tndCm! le Icmolfnacft <te deux eul-

Uva.lrlce> de Livry nor Seine (S«i-ne rl Marne) qui dolt cependmitratenlr tout d abord I allenllon 11e*t iiiterexMnl en ce km quellMont vu un t Martlen ■ mat* pud emtn

Des yeux pedants,

mais pas d'oreillesEllea «t promenalent dam let

>oii d Urellei samedl aprei-mjdloriqu tllti apercurent un elreetrange allonge en travera dunwntler Malgre leur frayeur ellesprlrent le lempa de le rcgardrrd'aiwei pret pour en dormer It al-fnalement.

II avalt la la I He dun hornmemalf ion corjn elalt recouvert dtpotla • bondinli et rta eouleurmirran II avail una tcta ronde rtvalue mala paa d'orelllea tt de*yeux exee*flvement percanta.

« 11 nous a rait sixne avee Mn>ra> a drux reprl*ei ont-elleaijoule. maU comme noui n allon**** rauureei noui n avona piu

>$4 pBMtr devant lul et nov«ivuns (alt un erocbet de pref de

leux kllomolret pour levlter •Deux enfnnls qui i« (rouvaient

ivee I« eultlvatrfcea ont ei»le-ncnt ftpporte un t*mol«nafe el

in nixnalement tre.i precis.Alert**, les culllvaleurs aarme-

'ent de leur* (uvlla de ehmwt ettrtnt une battue main «n vain.

Deux visions

pirml fanr d'autresDana I llle-eLVllaine a Param4

un ouvricr plilrler h declare avoir»u Mmcdl tolr vert IB h 45 d»Uxdiiquea lumlneux qui monUlenlet dewendalent rian* le del t unevlletit eitraoMlnaire Un iroi-fleme diique lumlneux oemblalttulvrr unt lime parallele I Ih*.nun. a une allure betucoupjnofnit raplde qeu In deu» autrt*

talrnt derrlere eux unt queuewmblablo a celled une comele

Enfln It Dtnannel du terraindaviation rfK<olrt-le-Broe ., i.chef pllote Hcbnut qui etall en\a\ ont obwrve un enfln brtllant*■ forme elrculalre qui plana

ndant prit de deux heurei a!« haute altitude avant de tt"Uer lentement ven louul

•Ouafrepas (de Martiens)dans les nuages

p d« Vnrtit phiileurt auto.l»te« ont vu un itlxqua do■■ bleuo. ao detaehant nettc-

« dgare • nt rente immobile damle rlel pendant une heure nucoum de laquelie d aprei les 14main* || auralt change de tempa

a autre de rorme et de lumlnoiiteLrmfa a dlnparu enauite *e dlrUfranl *ertlfineu«ement vert laranet

Dt^leulne enfln on apprendque dr nombretwet personne* ha-blUnt Mir lea deux rivet du de-troit lepanint la penlmule de laSidle ont vu un « ctrcit lumlneux * Immobile din* le ciel, a1.000 metre* L'emin qui a mtetra observe durant dlx minute*.e«l dencenrfu rapldemenl veri lamer pour reprendre de I alllluda IroU reprlne* Apren cm evolu-lloni |a < rtrele lumlneux • adiKpnru a rorte allure en directionde ITtna lalnant derrlere lal vnetrainee lummeu*e

* i#lre arrel« duram ouej-

-E'1"11* " rfprlt M »«'•»f)nou*« vm le nord dlnnannl »v« un . r»rUllgut ■ Au ecurt de la

null, Ittrange obiet lumlneux ettanparu une aocondt (oil dam lem*me eelesteDe Turtn, on ilxnalt que plu-

lieuw ouvrien d un <labll»*e-ment de la zone Induitrlelle deMlraiinrl nnt apercu un f ohjetlumlneux • ayanl la forma d uncigare mr It (ond du del Le

L'avis autoi-ise*

• d'un savant ifalienToutet ee* apnarltlomi ont fait

I objet d une declaration a ItprtMe rtu proreiaeur AntonioEuta tllulalre de la chalre daero-dvnamlque a 1 Unlvertlte dtRome

Ctt Eminent »vant a notam-ment afflrme t Now ne connaU-toni paj I ffmd lei myiteres denoire ayaleme *o)aire mala nouiaavnns det a present que des etreitemblablr« h noui ne neuventexlittr mr les planete* actuelle-ment connuet Sll r en i lit ne

peuvent qutlre prorondement dll-lerenu. Austf est II abturde deparler de Martlnt capable! d'ee-tlvltes*de earactere humaln >

Et te profe**tur a conclu qu onne pouvalt. de manlfcre abwluecondure nu IU imit € d englnsexpcrfmenMu* dejtines a un vmfe mllilalre et vtnituht par nnfecret impeneirnble ■

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L D.L.N. n°97, Oecembre 1968. Cas n°81 du catalogue des R.R.3

Les enquetes de nos collaborateurs :


FONTAINES BESANCON I* p.tit village d. L. Vi(•nay »ur Us bords du lac do Saint Polnl (all aim!pallia du domain* da uolr* inlaligablo collaboraiuurat oroi

Dans i A propo* d»s soucoupos volan'es 1 4dilion Planalo M A MICHEL a deloi'locetie observation pages 239 d 2« do son ouvragiel on aural! pu pans*/ qu 11 n y avail plui rlen ddire

Cependanl M TYRODE ail paili a la i.cherched* Mil* BOURBIOT mainlonanl marii* «l ion ovanlur* ail real** gravde dans so memoir* Apres 14

ans Us delalU sonl pi6cls *l loujours presents mailUs qu*lqu*s nuancM quell* apporl* qul n« changintfUn 4 la maUriallt* das fails vonl autori»r M [YRODE d das conclusions nouvellas «l hardlas doilnous vous laisson* jugo

II a suivl pas d pas I* parcours do Mll« BOUHRIOT dopub 1 orpliellnat |uaqu d la hull* di Iniclan p*lil Iiain depa>l*m*nlal lieux da la renconl,.Vous U tilu.ras sur 1* croquls ioinl d call* relationII a prl* do nombr.use* pholos d un magnlfiquo paysag* a (all stir plac. unn .rocpnslilullon sous la diracllon d* Mil* BOURRIOT (Mm. X ) *l nout aainst donnd I occasion d un montag* qul agreneilu■on racil

El bt*n entendu nous relrouvons d proxlmMe dull*u d arlerrrssage 1 Inevlloblo lailla gdologlque ql,|(ccompogni, U p'u« «ou«*nl nos »nqu6l«t dapuU )«tour ou calls con«lo Ion o «I6 decouvada

PS — 11 un cbopeou d 1 homma d llmpatmaabl* dAlalt parvenu (rop lard

U IB ociobr* I9S4 Mil* Maria-Louis* BOURRIOTmalnlonoil Mm* X d*m*uianl d Monlporr*ux t*n raila v61omolour d* MoJbuluon oa *1U olall amployo*

A 22 h 4S d haulour d* I oiphalinal d« Ma buis-•on o'ors quail, roulall sur la R N 437 *n dimiMdu hamao.. du V6«noy all* apcijoil un* vlvt In-miai* ioug* aclaiiont loj loul* «| lei ptemi.i.t maUsons da hamcau Ell* poursuivil (on chvmin pousanl qu il aagbtail d«s pharsi dun« oulo La luraiat* s^laignll olof. qu .11* attltoli ou baa d« ,ocolt pt6codonl 1* ham»au Ell* Iravorsa La Voiannysons tlftn r^mnrnuor d anoimal

Ca n *sl qu aptit owolr d6pas»4 la dernloro inaison dun* canlnifio da mdlr«i nu clU (ul l^moin dunlail If4a corioux A call* opoqua un chBmlr, dtportnra*nlal longaall Io touto du tolo droil par rapport ou«n« do la clrculalion d* Mil* BOURRIOT A une cbtlain* d* n*lr*s du V*«nay pras d un carraiour Jopalllt chomlni to trouvoit »ur lo droile un* . hallo ,p*lil abri pour U> usag*n du C F D

Do laulia cold da la roul* sur la chou»6e si d60 cm •nvlron de I accol«mant ia lonall doboul «1

if* • u,n horao"> do '««»• «"«« n.oy*nno MllaBOURRIOT la vil poilailamenl d lo lumioro d» phw-f»* da son cycU

11 loquaall bion dun hornmo bisu qu il soil dopolit* ktUl* (11 pouvcil meiuror da 1 m SO d 1 m fiQ)II alall vju dun roonteou (ou gobardlna ou enpole)un pau sombre (A MICHEL a del un« eotnbmai•on daf» ma I, Mm. X dil roonleau ni clair u,no r) Col homme rogordoll dam la dirtcltun de .ahall* Blan qua coilo ranconfr* dun homm. d calljh*ura el son immobilil* dm slalua a.l qu.lqu* choaodimoli* Mil* BOURRIOT n *ul pas peur il n9 loregarda pas <

Ell* «appr*loi> a paj»er dovanl Jui lortquo joudaln oll. oparcul a cil. dt col homme dtu« petila#li« *nH»(«m«nl n«ui *| immobile* auist

A lapprocha da Mil. BOURRIOT coux ci s* j|

= LE V£IENAY ==:


SI Anloiai

ronl d Iravaner la roul* on marchanl a) tans ■»

halar Us patsarant d moint de 10 malrcs d*vont Invdlomolcur en en se dlrigoanl vars 1 obrl du CTD

L homma 6loll rasl< loujours Impassible .1 n* ponitd aucun moment ■ ap*rc*volr d* la presence des 2

potllf elres ri du pauaga du Ydlomo our L Insoltl*

saccrul en Intensilo •( alors Mile BOURRIOT pnl

p*ur el acceldra son allure

Ello parcourul rapldemonl environ 3 kilom*lroliaversanl la Source Bl.ito el Chaudron ou *U* quil

l» la R N 437 pour prondro la doparlrmnnlalo 204 ondirection d. Monlpcrreux

En mon'anl la cfite qul comporlo une donivelln

lion d une clnquantaine d* melr.s sur 2 km de por-cours ello ** relourna alin d observer si quclqu*choie d anormal no to produi»ail pai derridr* .11*C oil a ots qu olio apttful dam le cUl un objtl

rouge qol 1 alevail C«l objol ■emblall olra d« lormoovale ol se Irouv^r approximalivi men I au-dosius ju

hameau du Vdienay il s die vail vorticalemonl r\

assei rapldemonl

Mlla BOURRIOT bien sur racon a son avenlu a

mars las gun* du village la crureni dilliciUmont

Beaucoup donl ion Jcere vonu spdcialnmanl d« Por.larller pour lu I ■ fairs In morale • In prlrenl pour

un* illumlnd* Envors el conlre Ions olio sou lint tou

fours la v6rocll6 do so* allirmallon* Aujourd hul un

cote H ana apres slle m a dll rovoir Us ditux pelil*olres noirs couimo ■ ils otoianl Id pr6aonls 011 Irain In

paisor devanl olio

On lul fil temarquer quit dtvail sagir d* leu

noi tcouli avec un monlleur cecl d causn du chapouu

de* poll s etrot Ello ma coll* hypoth6*o

Le lond*main quelques penonna* s* rendirwul

sur les Iisuk de la renconlro el d6couvrlr*nl d.s amproinie* Ires nellei do pelits pas allunl de la roule d la

- 10 -

Page 67: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



Deux pilotes d'Air-France obscrvenfau-dessus de Draguignan le premie

«beuf Volant» apparu dans noire delkn «Mt*

tfrrtnlttt I*Dm HiI

Quolquos fours plus ielrd, Jo radarde Mont-do-Marsan do^Iont <tou>

n*T tnlro pti pumill p*e toul un

1MI11 CDteHlllti<(ran|on. Bnfln, dbon Am, urptlqdent, Irani volrdm «jfln* cnrtUrOh Itrtelu Mn

Dm MtimuyM. «*|dIanatrtn, » mlmr

IhmMfi, rolrt flirttUnnti. \jtt Mm*

MM Frjuifli Ctvim 3% in*, ft it nm*iijrt<k t*i U* onMlfhd Cltratnl Jl in*. Di pll*> ImkiM fl« t*i npH On unit (•*l«nl b 0£A nif bjUiat UfldW • «• « I* . di u*b**t «•Ortr^fiM. I *«»«t«i»«, *« M'ti'

C«tt thul au* Fnnflt Ciihu ili** |*

— A If h. II. Mm' i*nwll*iti kr*U«T(»«»n u t«H«»h*n«. On <aDraiiilffMA l«r»fM mtn <**ll*tt rta*n^ mnt, C*» tu nal radiiCMatMt tlllr* hm irtiaitMi Wf «{• »1"5»« » ,!■ •»«••* «• Itr***iirtiM •-«. *»|ti iwminivt «2«y wjjt •*»£•• '"up

••*iJ t»»«i ImmldlittimBi f«». f*ai* ■)» mii.■rMl)« im ltrm*t|*'*jfillM #vit Mtli I Mu « IN ktltnMn* *•

rahbf tUlt *kM)«iMM rttUllt"* *■*>/ >•• ■"(■■* iRfwinn. U r>«if■r InrliMlik Si Tttnk* *)■» «* "2™"* * ■*._r", •* 1*»M»'«"" tl Hptmit. L mm! .AJiS, \unu ! r*4tu»- L VHilt1 •nllinmtnl telilrt, m»i» — N«lri »»<»»« ««nn. rwCwn» hnnllr* hliMkt «•« ***»• runUnl |m (ackaltliBt, It <t«l{


17-18 OCTOBRE 1954


Page 68: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


noticed the three disc-like objects in a V-formation. He said they came irom the south

west at an estimated altitude of 1,500 to 2,000 feet, passed above the airplane, turned

eastward, and disappeared to the southwest.

"Doman described the objects as pure white and about the same in diameter as the

size ofthe airplane. He called the attention of four other workers—Willard Purcell,

Louis Raun, Ed Iverson and Melvin Domagalla—who also watched until the objects

were out of sight

" 'At first we thought they were balloons,' Doman said. 'But we decided that they

were too large and traveling too fast for balloons.'" (xx.)

(xx.) "Report More'Strange Objects'Above Kankakee.'' News clipping found in

Robert Gribble's files. Date stamped on clipping: 19 October 54. No newspaper

identified, although it might be assumed this story was probably published in the

local Kankakee newspaper.

Untranslated clippings dated: 19 October 54 (See pages 67-68) (Credit DominiqueWeinstein)

20 October. Safad, Israel. (11:35 a.m.)

"A flying cigar "

A press report stated*

"Safad-Weds (Oct 20). Several residents here reported having seen 'a flying cigar'just before noon today, and one ofthe eye witnesses, an engineer, had drawn a sketch ofthe object [sketch not available unfortunately].

"Mrs. Pearl Mitzchia shouted to her neighbors at this morning to watch a gleamingobject, shaped like a cigar, in the sky. She described it as 1 V% meters thick and emittingsmoke from its rear. It circled above the city gaining speed and finally disappearing overthe ancient fortress.

"Confirmation ofher story came from several persons, including the engineer whosaid that the cigar was shaped semi-elliptically [?] and that it cruised above the city for

two minutes [These Middle East cases badly needed investigators to clear up the details]"(xx.)

(xx.) Jerusalem, Israel. Jerusalem Post. 21 October 54.

20 October. Martians, Welcome to Paris!

The French certainly know how to greet important visitors. (See article on page 69)

Untranslated clippings dated. 20 October 54. (See page 70) (Credit: Dominique Weinsteinand Jean Sider)

21 October. Ile-de-France region, (evening) (Continued on page 71)

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Du aommet de la Lorraine jusqu'a ifa Franche-Comt6

Les "Martiens" se font de

plus en plus temeraires...WALSCHEID (de notr* correspond! nti — Chrniut provlnT

ec poor nt pas dirt ehsqoa eit*. a aa. qul *s « aoucuupe n, qulMm « elraft •. qal »on marl ten (vral oa fausl Mil a part ecrUlnea fraelasaea jeune* lilies, cei drrnlers *o prenentalenl sou*.des formes diverse* r petit*, velua 4 soohall to depuurm* dtpobia, Ulea rondes at dhproporllonniea, veox percanU. paintdorcllte, brcf des fnrmr* qol - k priori - naltlrrnl pas lairmpalhlc

A Walaeheld iMoaeUtl. poorlanl, des Haiilena d'una aolrtform*, mala venon>-en aax falls. '

...qyand ils ne prouvent

pas aux "Terriens* qu'ils

!ont I'imagination trop belle !

L» {triers a'achantl It pclne. La rfnlnlancv futrtl Mir quit |» tlii fut «lrr- el 1m inunn lens

I lei yeux rncort fonfles do aon1 unmrorll Inlrrrompu

orjtanheni ?" ll.frillMwllH.lttB l«arcoururrnl i»*nM*n.enl- d immi*\ de U pre-

InnofttmnU* poor etlalrer l« pre

mala aasrs fortes pour Influrncerm» *ne *t mrmptch'r d »ppro


fttsrrae qnl ae lrar»mli eairnnr u de* crli el dea larme*. plot d unroadrt > iic« Martlen* ^laknt la, lll ll t llSol aapprcUicnl h aUuourraUeheid-

U resistance s'organiseEl «'eat don dvlet 'remfalanU

le tImm nlwlM 6f lirmrt, mmlet bamblRP. dlsalmul^ derrlerrlea plua brave* de Iear* alnK devltnalrnt nor ane lerrnwc, ik-bmn,derrltrt la malMin, un « rommaftdo • d'nne bonne siulnt de

volonlalre smllt ntonter tn lulavr« leietlallon do combat In ,_ _

■enilment do I'herolanit el la oer- nnavrllo qul allalt le* detendre.Illnria d* la vlclnlre. , ■ pea (ttarllrn*. penara v»lr eaFt li h»i* ravint . "on! men chrvaanlhrmni-. Ut ra-u ia pan renni i Al9 Inll mBn'we4 ta f<n«, »i*n

L'amaut allalt (Ire donnn Des Jo lea »l eonverta, volla toot I »renforls «valenl surfl, qat dea ««- El dana I apalaemcnt general,fanla. a la hftla avalent ete eh«r- peal-ftr« certains rrfrelleronl-llacher auand, dana It Inmalle, It ioujuor* de »avoir pwtU les va-prosrijlalre do la malson at re- leureoi combalUnla a one noa-vellla enfln el apparol It sa portc vslle ftttrre a lechclla. ald^ralo.

La alupeur rtra b«« el I ftonne- S» nilt eorrobnrt an dire* enjen( dn anirrat rlalenl k pelne parUe. maU elle tM n»»li« afrir

U A l tl *lqut ^urvMialt eoAn la matlvt tl molna preelac. »r»ni to-"• • - ix « chfM« * dt plot loin

9vr le* ebjarratlaa* d* aa f'nt-

mi rl dea aulrc* tnrmbrpa At aa

famine. Ires apeurr* blen qu II*n alent rlen va rie Irrrlflani. MBtoelalr el «• flllo » rcOrtrenlLorsque M neaelalr tnwtrtft,

quclquo mlnntnt aprK, I npparl-

tloit a rlalt cvannole* ua manlrre

dtnt IVnstn dlsparttl rcatt donemv*teHroM.

reot qnl epfaicnl avant fhrarrreot qi

n de f-llarmalnn.■lona lamlnettHes noelorne*

mnldpilent a tel point qnt DOC*ne deoeiiprrona pa* de *olr un touren panne sur nolrt plant le I'an ■

de cea innnmbrablea dlaques on |clear** donI An altnata la prrt*a>co un n«a partoul depub qncj-qu* lempa.

Cn attendant eellt panne, al aoihalite malt Irea prnblrmallqna,

car aelon de notnbrcm temnljiBA*fee ce* en(lna mnl estrtmemebl

pericclionnea* itiua en aontniea re*

dalli t rrUler les fleelarailon* atr+oi qnl anl en la ehanee daptr

eevnlr an de cea mrstcrleux appare11*. I

llona blanche* el daulres route*.lailapoatea

■ Cea radial Inn*, dll-ll, eUlenl

aot Mocnnpe* vnlantes aura ejr*lenient augmcnie I* scepllclsme

dni autren.



Alml, dlmanche, vera It h Adel pervnnncs de VarUney III|e>Baonal at rcndanl aa Atnema^a'Conflaiu sptrftirent aprea avoirfranfM It pasaacc a nlreao. unttort* dt feu plus rnuft encore

tot It solell coaebanl, mats deforme a pea prei earrAe. *eton undes Irtnqlna Id auirra. cependanl,

•fRrmHit mat I rmrlfl #J»M ptut*larrondll II el alt en tool eaa IntmoblU k la parlle la plu» ele^ett la plua Inlnlalna lie la p»lureeltotfl tn bnrdure de la rottit rttConrlan* 4 Salnl-Louti, can ire le

Jea de ejulllcs da e»(* Btaclilr.

PerMttne, alsrt, nt s'approcnapoor *ttr ploa netlement €t qool

11 ladtnlt. H 4e*n Oeo-elalr averll par M Darrat, rardk-barrlere penftra dana la valutaet rcaia Ifc en obnrvatlan arcnmta«n# dr aa fill* ainfe Jranns,

■re de II ana, qul >e lenalt a nne

dlulnt dt melrei en arrlert, |

Sans Uisser de traces

M fleodah- tferalt HMtritavoir vu cell* tspece rio (loba

• aoprocher aant bruit. Ires vile.jnaqt)1* molni de •Mtt meirra dtlul, en deseendanl la pentt do

LE /J.

Page 70: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



19 OCTOBRE 1954

15 Francs

LA PLUS FORTE VENTE DE5 JOURNAUX DU VAR(i r v) ii t*. T'ui«h i.umii • T/i n ti ii »i ip.»i i it n abonnkmekti ii» kuhi i i mou him ,l sou iiw,in«ii ■ 41


I'ingenieur allemand Yon Zborowski fait de nouvelles revelations:


peut atteindre 2.500 kms a lheure/nterpellation d'un depute de I'Ariegej

sur les engins inconnus

stgnales dans le ciel de FranceLA rencontre forlutlt — raconUe avee

— de deux toutonnait evtc loccupanout h.-mnu a tutctt4 dti zomnuniau

61 dt nauvetut Umol|n»(ti

ict notuiunenL ceux dr MMLaure bouchcr cours U/«>rUru £IU Qandolfe Jtrdlnlrr prei

dill crest lemoteiil arcredllcr Irs

rtclis de MM flepelllnl el OtUvlaul 1 Interpretation de tcite

allatre donnee par rerttkiu Jour

naux fait preuvt d Imagination


Ctu aliul quf lun de rei

Journtux iltcpubllque puur -nepai le cllert dornie — icxluellriiwiit — I explication mlvante

i L* savant atlrmcnd IItr

nionn Olicrlh inventeur ft

tonilruclfur de la futte cV]i

a dtUan que te* t Uramidtt >nom dr* habitanti dune pla

uric ou toiygtnt n txittrraitpas t I flat poietii cc ?ui lit

Irrdil If <f*ie!opp*m*nt tfunc

tic aniuutle, icraicni d«i pion-


LE Pe-riT

un prand lose de detail*

t d un ei>(ffn a^ronauli

ei diuer*.

La flantt* en queihon it

(fouurmtt (ti dehori du tv1'*f«* taieire man let tngtnt

wvtUrieui dam (eique't ie dfutaceraitnt let « p/anlei ■ inMflpmcei poucratciK je depJa

cer a hup nr^jtc d« 300 000

km a la tteonile

Let tnylnt ■ u> au-deuu* dela tcrre leraitut lit art/it d«

tnrveillrr let jirovret lernem

Jam ftj iciciicri alurmquci

Si hi ttre* t,to«taux decidalcnr dc ;ntni attitqut' u-iut

tenonn ftin ft At fane to yutt

re 4 de* Itf/umet I ■

Alrml Otprei c RtpulHiqu* ■

1 rmm d Hytre* vi nut d mie

plancti liic-uimue cl >ei piloiri

tulrnt dtt • Urtmldt* ■ c»u

9 Sailc en p*%t 5 IL'ENOIA

*-<Jlr« dw I(*(tume* vertJi de IkUmiilt itrt polTcmu d^t rnrot-tM ou rim ti»vh*,

Dts explications raUonntUetII •ppurUcnt k Ik police <!<■

I Air ft «ux IUn^et|iiemenU Qtn*im» qtit m^nriit «rtutllen>rii(.Ienqu6tc deltbllr *l MKL rirprlItnl et OLUvlonl out dlt out ounon I» Tdrlt*

M*la dm« un cm comme ctnn*tatiCrc eel* n« dwnirr* rltir nuprobltme pout

ExUte HI un nmivMii moduleel tn«ln »*ronautlqu* mi »vloi»sml-heliroplire dont leit rR»h

dtnt le del dt Prmire xumlciitprovoqud dan* |p public c<U« Cpl-demle cfe < nournupllf > 7

Un ln(ti*P'titr nllrm»nd tr*

▼alllant <i»rm lex it^nfn rt* In

8.NECMA Tlent d« (Air* It re■ujet di nouvellrs rovelntiont

Au cwirt d tin comtrtu In^rnkttonAl dc In nnvlgitlon aftrlrnne flul test temi A DuUboiirR*Allrm«tne ofeldenUle) I inn1nletir Von Zborowski n rtvtit inMffccWrlntlqum riun nonvffiii l\h darion rrrt pur U 8NFC

Cet »pp*rell uppelfl « tuvmtroiant i aur«lt Im KvnnUtM <Ie

iptftre mnlji II pourralt nt-

J 500 km A I heur*

nu nifiiprptihiit 1p

ri |r* or«nn«"{KiMi> de pilot

de iirnpn xton

Or tea r»rncWr)sl1fj»« out pip

r?ru-rni R U prwtp trniKKLirPIIm roiiI fnmJilrrcr* i-nunne f


Eh urtriftiiirt qiir 1 hiiienlpur7i>oro«*kl nil wulcmrnt tfvplp

re qnl picr^tlv il y aiirnlt drj\In qurlque cli'itp ri luftdmlwlble

^f(tJ.« an ym nirtnmrt liiuiqlDprqitc cH ingnilmr ollemnntl mntit

ri^-u an • * b nin wcieLs »en

innolrr pt 11 prrrl" drvntit leu exl>frtx ilr «on pA)it, ftiixriurln 1


Une interptllatmn

A la Chambrt

It* cwrM dp rest enjlnt nou

\cnut p\j llmicinlfnl *|ii itn ppii

imunil rn Frnnie wMl ilr»«l(p

I appnriLloii dr ■ boules (Jf |ni ■a (iKitrra 'olnn'-n ■ el a hups wii

Unlttpiirn H In )>iill* ft* tp< »['p-xrlLiiHin innIU(ille n M iiiirf

D^Jmn di-piila dr lArlr^p vlpnldmlt-pMer i M 1" rrralrleni ctn


« VOLANTES »mttlln. tin Immma

dit vln qua llcnnmtl M H Almr

Nkttie rhemln iia 1'alnanppauk tin junrnul ImilnnnaU a lit

bin In

— *nn« »iiYft. dll II tn man

trint Ia Jmirnal Jo -mli M t)f

llrlanl 4»I K "H"»iri-iirt In •mi


«iMilf"l I) aj»u

- nn »a f'lfp c«. a»a«l mm

lllex m* iirfparar i*|>t In<ii|nII

lei ill Mane, (tun mm pprlnrfr

i man iloni!*■((• (1 fmitfavanf

ItRiirlilrrtt I n aliemlanl, ja

mm amiiorla nni hniilnlllo 1I0

rhum el un* bouiiillt il* im«111 3» *(>iit imlarnl la tnul

chai mnl

L a^t at n sparrarinl 0110 la

n. n n'axlitalt pa* hnuirvartl

lUuohlcra, «na Hi rrtmmar

(anln cfttiprIrani qu* rat lndl*l

rin, dnnt an Imora I IrifnUlp,

fm At-*(t rail*-

Cotwl! un« qitentlon exrlte luldemandant notainmTit

— a fl 11 * ft* <tp6 nu non unp*rrlpf rlnriA tie rmupinhl^r InilOPiiniriil-AUnn P\)*Uint k ce kii

]pt el tlcUKller U nature rt lorlglue dffldlLa eniliw.— a SI Im rpnwffnemfnU *r

tuellrineiit rmiHIIIa et rajuem-

hlcR prrniptlfnt dexrhtre absolu-rnetil I hvpolhexfl demlrw pllo-

ttft ou roinm*nde» par dm me?

vlvunln d r\o*rt pi d orlttne In


— « SI le (aitrrmffiipRt A mii

eotttrklre miinmnunrnt d Informatlona pour Rltrlbuer la pro

duction dc PfR cnsliu h 1 Indiii" ,trip (i un Hat pirnuprr '— ■ SI ilan^ if ilirulrr rt^ I ,

fMCorik iiit»riin'lminii3. Mi'Mi'*

li»r M Fio'ipp i til iti )A pcimlh<k« i nn mil n tint is iclntlvcn n

liillllnnll k Lrli cntliu damnn rnolllL r\pnliirl iAlnM I nlliiIre prriid un Cftrar

|K[# Jlllli All If lit P( JOII HI l#-

vIpiiI a flUr quc r<"« < iouiiMi-p<* » yomrnlPiit ilrr cii rfaltlodm enslita il un l>|>« nouvcau elhim tirrnLrra.

Page 71: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



* -, .' By ROBERT AHDER, United Press Staff Writer \ /AN OFFICIAL welcoming committee, a pr,es« conference at the Eiffel Tower^and

hat been" set up In Paris' to receive- " at 6 pm he will be Introduced to FrencW \the fJrsYmaiT.from MXH, ir and-WhM-he^"-4"*- '"•»««t , official^, Including* mWUn^cornea, and even President of tbe Republic "p""n*"v*s' at t"1* Ctrdt I"*"*"*

a^jLjf**10 *reet hlm at lh* T°p »•«*» - ***»•• «»»>«•" ^-*^ ■ '**■**• , dude s&rne." ofr the most * aristocratic-v Raymond Rodel, P«»»oent of- the - Na- - Frtnch nanwi 1Bfih t% comte' Andre He

tional committee for .Festival, and French , charbonniere. Chevalier Jein de la B&mpropaganda made the announcement. * *-

,""Of course, we go not know when and if

■ Martian will, land In France," jhe st'd,

"but we nevertheless believe that * somany people have now said they have

seen Martians that we want to do some

thing Just In case"

He saM his committee- had recefved a , Martlan/tf it's a woman, to a Paris fashion/deck of 1.000,000 franca ($2,857} to give to' show and* how to converse with him, or-/the ,&n% person, French or foreigner, her, or Up

bringing a Martian, alive, to the committee.- ■* So'many.'people have seriously reported> "As there will probably be Ian-tug* dlf- seeing Martians land In the French coun?

Acuities we will give him first what Franc* tryslde and given descriptions of* whatproduces best* a glass of wine" .' _ 'M, Whey look like that It was time one of 'Rodet said French, officials have all these Martians was brought to Pajrls, Rodel

' said 'French Martians landing from saucers,

cigars and other unworldly luminous space


and Andre de Fouqulere, as well as Presi

dent, of the French-Courtesy Committee'Theodore Val^nsl, who will give the Mar

tian the Cold Medal of Courtesy for having landed first In France v

He said there still were many questions -

remaining such as whether to take the.*

agreed to participate in the reception of

the Martian and that his first day in ParisWould ran along'these Ijnes1 the-welcom

Ing cpmmlttee and its president, the Duke ""ihlpi .differ according to descriptions^

de Brlssac. will receive him first ard give One tyas four feet ten Inches tall, withhim ar drink and a- bite to eat In, case he hair an over his face and eyes as lafge

(eel* hungry—or Is constitutionally able to ' as "cfowj' eggs "t Another was wrapped In"* ' - ■ - "a cellophane-like'bag A third wore some

thing resembling a diving helmet. All were

charactered, by their gentleness and

friendly gestures they made toward the

population s

But so far no Frenchman has stood hisground and actually spoken to a man

from Mars

Rodel said

"We'are sure with the generous offer of *distinguished guest—you might almost say *, 1,000,000- francs many people, Instead of-

unlqua," ' ,. • running away when they see a Martian;' ,At 4_pm, the. man from Mars will give will try to grab him and bring him to'tu."

«t ■ . _, -"Then Paris Municipal Council Presi

dent jlernard Laity, will receive him of

ficially at th* Paris Town Hall and have

him sign the. Cold Book of Paris," Rodel

laid. -" ' .' He wliy be-taken to a. big lunch at

Maxim's restaurant and will be gueit ofFrench President Coty at i pm. Rodel saidCoty would treat the Martian as a "very


Page 72: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


La H#i/f

20 - \O .



poujiuivoiu leur tumband,* dunj

e ciel [k la pciiinsulr el a Capri

tun da cot engirta tuyaiericux

sur t»



a St - Samson - la - PoterieAPf !■ b louviier tnipand de Quaroube, 1« martien affectueux d'Auvergne, les Mucoupea volan-

tcn Utf la Chapelle-en-ServeJ, 1'atterUwage myste'rUux do 3t-Cr6pln-TbouvUIen hsj compterI*.a i. entalnea d« manifestation* inaolltea de valsselle dlabolique, void le ciffare volant d»

St Sanwn-lu Poteria at son pa**agar uwu da U « Guerra dea Morules >

Lft (.omme a St-Cre"pln, noujnous sunimea lendus aur placeI, appaiitJun tfliut rtcente at leaUmoina prollxes Nous avona

eu la prlmeur de 1 Interview et• It's leiherthes Preaque in-f i in. tueuacs empressona • nousUe le dire suns qua cela puUaeentanur notre volonte" de re*

nouveler ce genre d enquete

La rayon lummeuxLumii aoir le tie! 6talt elaJr,

lea iJinilea brillaient II 4UUt2u h 45 M Andre Vaaaeur, 25and omner a la bnqueterie da

St Sainton-la-Poterle regagnait\ bicw lette son domicile II<rt ut in i iinipnpne" de *a femme

Pom deux venaient da passeri|ni Iqtu"* instant rhez les

l>«au.\ yneni^d \nrtre" Vasseur

Us nllaitnl aburiler la des-ien(c qui pieiidtf Hcrlcourt-Sl>iiiii-.i'ii lutHque leur alention

hil jiiiiie par une lueur rougtt

en furiin Jl iijfite Immobile'lin-. li* t it-l A une altitude Ini.jjui [jn|i

' 1» un ■•piiI i oup nuns dil

AmiJu \ ii«eui li lueui plun-

Ktf i \«'it le not il une Vitesse

vemgineuie Uis^Hnt dernereflk* nut? liaJnt..; louge formanti"it mi uiie qnei e

L ^.nuin disfjarul «J«.ri Idi e uneHjip ^ qiielqtiet centaines Ueintrlifi tie Ih route »

Lea Jeunea gtoa n'eUlent paaau bout de leur aurprtae Par-v«nua au »ominet q« la cote,

Mme Vaaaeur pouaaa. un criaffreux

— < Un cri da b«ta > pr$-cLm »on mart

Sur la bord de la route &quelqueg centimetres de aonguidon, un *ir« strange dardait«ur ella un regard impreaion-nant.

— < Je t'avais vu, mol ausslmala ja n'al paa eu ta force depoujuer un cri n avalt un me

tre environ De forma humaine,

mala trapu. la tfte coiffe> d'uncasque en/once1 dans les e"pau-lea, sea yaux munt frappe* IIs'en echappalt un faisceau lu-mlneux de couieur orange qul

nous suivalt— c Ma femme n'avalt plus

la forte de crier Ella eat torn-b4e tfana connaisaance Je I'alreleve*e et tenant lus deu*c bi-cvcietteu i la main je me suesenfui

—' SI ra avalt £lG thna la

cote J'auruls H6 Incapable do

poitrsuivre mon chemin— Je me sj.a rctoumt* 1c

falsceuu me suivait touluuri

Le < Detit bonjiomme ^ n availpj« bt>ue* Rentr^ & li mai

sun nous n avnna pu ni man

ger ni dormlr Deux heui fsplus tard J etais encore decompose1

D«vx tracM wtpacles

Nous sonvnea ravenus «ur

< les • Ueux > en compagniad'A/idx* Vasseur, qu'accompa-

gnalt sa femme ot son em*

ploveur. M Audr4 Eriard— < Vatseur, nous a dlt ca

dernier, eat un ganpn sobre,

travaiUeur, parfaitement <qui<llbre Xi est pftr'tlculiferement

courageux et (1 fajt vralmentqu'll y ait quelque chose do

senjatlonnel pour qu'll ait perdu son sang-froid

On refait le chemin parcouru

la veille par les Umolns— < C eat la qu 11 *tait nous

a/flrma Mme vasseur encore

effray^e >

Lea gendarmes de Formene,1 liupeiieur Dejean, dea reiuet-

gnements gin^raux, le garde-champitre de St Samson qul

les a rejoints Inapectent les environs A quelques1 metres de1'endrolt lnalque, on releve furle baa-c6ti deux empreintesrondea et profordes da ouel-quta centimetres de dl&matreII eat bien entendu Impowlble

d y attather la moindre importance Nous parconrong ]es

piei volsina sous les regardsindirfe'rents d un troupeau de

bovina Pas la moindre traced diierisiage pas le plus fai-

ble indice— <J*n irai plua chez ma

mirf le soir conclul Mme Vasseur Lea millions de prime nem inUiessent paa Pour rienau monde Je ne voudrais revoir

ce que J ai vm •*

Nona Insiatons pour suto'r siles e*poax Vasseur ont d'la \*udes aviona de ligne au-dessuse'e leur ullage — il nous enfont une description precise —,s its avalent lundi soir tH6 un

^\4nement quelconque— * Nous avions bu une

tasse de cafrf et nous n'avlons

pas dine ' >

D autres personnel ont vu lerigare volant MM EdmondNantier Dael t-air Us en font

line deswipilon Identique —

L heure de 1 apparition esl con-

tordanU EC Ms ne se sont pasrencontre's avant leur dtposi*[ton

Ln t^moignage e'e olu3 ajoindre 1 notre doi^ier d^ja

Impo^ant mais pas le moindre

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Page 73: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en



A French news story claimed*

"Melun—Hundreds of witnesses residing in the communities of Bray-sur-Seine,

Lagny, Moret, and Thomery, say that on Thursday evening they saw a strange pheno

menon an oval-shaped craft, yellowed-orange in color and more than 20 meters in

diameter, at an altitude of 300 - 400 meters

"The vessel remained motionless for a certain time, and [then] disappeared at a

dizzying speed

"One ofthe witnesses, M Andre L—, [name omitted] a meteorogist, who lives

in Thomery, estimated the speed ofthe craft at approximately 10,000 km/hr. M L—

stated 'I am absolutely certain, for I am quite familiar with these matters, that it was

neither an aircraft nor a weather balloon '" (xx)

(xx.) Bordeaux, France La Nouvelle Repubhcame 23 October 54.

Untranslated clippings dated* 21 October 54. (See page 72) (Credit Dominique Weinstein)

21 October Between Plougastel and Landerneau, France (8 00 p m.)

"Very luminous disc "

According to a press report

"Brest, Oct. 25—A trustworthy piece oftestimony on flying saucers comes from

the Brest region, from a superior naval engineering officer who wishes to remain

anonymous On Thursday [October 21st], about 8*00 p.m., above the hills, between

Plougastel and Landerneau, he noticed a 'very luminous' disc which appeared to be

stationary at 8,000 meters altitude To the naked eye, the disc appeared one meter

wide, and had the shape ofa biconvex lens.

"The officer's wife likewise observed the luminous pomt, while her husband went

to get the glasses But when he returned, clouds were hiding the disc

" 'It was certainly no atmospheric phenomenon,' the engineer told us 'And my

scientific knowledge furnishes me no logical explanation for such an appearance " (xx )

(xx ) Rennes, France Quest-France 26 October 54

22 October Bjuhacard, Sweden, (no time)

Two orbs

A press report datelined Stockholm said:

"Eyewitnesses in Bjuhacard village, in West Sweden, reported to the Defense

Staff that they had seen two orbs movmg, one close behind the other, from the West

to the East The orbs radiated a bright white light, which was reddish at the sides

Suddenly, the phenomena moved upwards and disappeared." (xx)

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2.1 - IO. i 35V


Apres les soucoupes

les assiettes vo/antes—Les a toucoupet uofantej » continuant de deirayer la cMontque

i vrm dire it tuQirait cettt ion noui plut ae ioucoup« mou

LE C n

2.1 S$<4

* quUques kilometres de Ville

pinte dt.s habiunts de Brarn et

de Vtllusavury ont .ip(.r;u avjni

hier enire 23 heures et 2t heures

un OLiqui lumineux qui se dc-pla

i,Jlt A UlS Vlyt illur<! II OfffJll

L parucultrne dt changer de


Avani hier soir igalement plu

sieurs habitants de Treveneuc

iCotes-du Nord) ont declare avoir

jperc.ii un dlsque volant qui pla

nuit au aessus ae la mcr Le mime

nhenomene j etc observe k Saint

(.jiidy Ponnciix pjr un bouchcr ei

unt uiiuliitrn.1

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miis li ciet illumine Quant a ten

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uonvt mi He iruLt

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celiii ci vicui de n<ut jours t-st

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une 1 » :: ~ «■_- ^ - t iC

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huolois II s ipprocha mais 1 en

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garda le silen..* sur ce talt crai

gnani d etre la n»*e de let col It

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en Indoncsio

L Aitence inaoncsienne Antara

rjpporte que mardl soir ven 31

heures locales la population de

BonaowosQ dans I Est de Java a

£16 Irappte de itrreur en apeice

vunt un uiique tiUnc et vert qui

pusid a urjnd* vitesse audosuj

de 1j vjile? et dispdrui en une

li-mi minute Lls lemoins ont Hi

ru I objet tomme une ■ grunde

isit-tic * anim*L d un mouvemi.111


C est U fleuxieme lois que les

iOitanu de 3ondo*0i0 sont te

moms a un phenomene de ce

genre La premiere uppurulon

dun 1 Strange objet » aurail eu

lieu le IS juillet 4 la oeme hiure

' ADHJN15TKAT10N K£OACTION ' U «t lS.,ykrM»C» Wvx Oonoor — M0NTLUQON — T*i 6 tH*W

TAUT DCS AJONNEMENTS. — 3 mola, tlOOlr , 6-aoU 2.100Cr , 1 «o, 9.900 (r CCP 12SClcnsoalFd.


Apres les soucoupes

les assiettes vo/anfes...Lti i (Oucoupu volanUt * contmvtnt it ddfrayv la ctvontqua

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leur orong* m dinpeant wr« ( ouut L tnom larriia ou-O**tu* du

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i/uarf lihtuti tnuiron pun reparlit et dttparuL Lti pgrtnU 6*

U lUjU'iutt avtrtu pur Uur fUt auuUrtnt A n (Uporf.

A quflquti kiloBMirrs de Vtile-

nuue Oft bkbiuiiu d< Brtm et

de Vitl*»»v»ry on I ap*rcu *»»OU

hitt entre 31 tieurct «i 2t bcurei

un disque lummeu* qul se depl»«

tall 4 tru vivf allure 11 offnil

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tieuri hjbiunu dc Treveneuc

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anerfu un dUque volant qui pla

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phtnomtuc n *l« obtcrvf I Saint

QuHy Poririmi par un boucher et

une iiulilutflcr

En (in pre* d Air»-»ur-l*-Ly* ud

ouvfiir dci AcKriei <J Jjberguu t

vu « un «njin lumineux de (orme

ronde descendre tentemtnl Quand

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de mol un eclair illumin* le

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Cependant un suire umolgntst

c*lui-ci rleux dc neul joors cit

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une « »o«ct"-p- *•?';« i . U tOoctoDrc M Roiter Thinet m ren-

Ouli ven < h 30 4 EcrouTtl Ou

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lentuire Soudtin 4 inieri un

brouilJard ouet dense It vlt une

ioucoupe couteur d ituminlum £lle

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fie d une coupole el doUc de deux

huotoLS II t 4pprochk nutU 1 en

Kin JK|?va mru bruit M Thinetg»rd« le silenc* iur ce (alt crai

■mm d etre 1* n.'e de mi cotle-

lues et at* habitant! "<u vlll*g«

Let volaritoi

«n Indonena

L Ajcnee Indoneilennc Anura

rjpporte que aurdl loir ven 31

heuru toc*lti U population de

Bonaowoso dans 1 Ts\ de Jivt a

tKt irappee de terreir en aperce

vant un disque blanc et vert qui

puu 4 Erande viieise »u-deuus

de U ville et dUparut en une

demi-minutc Lei lemoini ont dt

crlt 1 objet comme une t tr*riO(

dUiette fc anlmte d un mouvement


C est la deuxleme foil que lu

hubitiLnU de Dondowoto aont te-

■noins d oo ptienoizitnt da ce

genre La premiere apparition

d un ■ firange objei i «ur»lt eu

lieu le IS Julllet, 4 U meme hcu/e

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(xx ) Stockholm, Oct 22 (Reuters & ANSA) Egyptian Gazette. 23 October 54

22 October Leadala, Sweden (no time)

Four orbs

The same press account said.

"Observers in another West Village, Leadala, said they had seen four orbs moving

in pairs from the north-west to the south-east. They described them as 'bigger than the

biggest stars' with trails behind them.

"Similar phenomena were reported from Gothenburg, West Sweden, and Kartrine-

holm, and Karlsborg, Central Sweden " (xx)

(xx) Stockholm, Oct 22 (Reuters & ANSA) Egyptian Gazette 23 October 54

22 October Near Naples, Italy (no time)

Dog dies (I've seen some these excitable small breeds pass out

when overly stimulated—L E Gross) (See clipping)

22 October Maryland,. Ohio (3 15pm)

The Jerome School "angel hair" case

This incident is mentioned in the monograph UFOs A History

October 1954, page 79 The information presented was from a

phone call Leonard Stnngfield made to principal Rodney Warrick.

Additional information is now available from a news clipping from

a local paper, some notes made by professors C A Maney and Dr

James McDonald who made inquires

It is interesting to compare this sightmg with the ones being

made in Europe during this same time period

The Dr Maney tells us about the beginning ofthe event*

"The pupils ofJerome Elementary School had been

granted an extra recess that afternoon as a reward for good

behavior As described by one ofthe two teachers ofthe

school, Mrs George W. Dittmar, 'It was one ofthose glor

ious warm fall days and the whole sky was a clear blue '

"The attention ofthe children [The rural school went

to the 8th grade] became directed toward a strange objectin the sky circling high above the school [See note about

altitude made by Dr McDonald] The object was dazzling

bright and cigar-shaped The children watched the object a

Vf1yff«ucerkmed a Pekinese dogyesterday according

te workers at a rubber'factory at Poixoull, near Naples.They said they;

and the dog saw a J

silver object stop in!mid-air for 15.»ec-{6no>, rise vertically \with a hissingsound. . .

The Pekineseyelped at the ap-paritlou, then dropped dead.—AAP.


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while before thinking to call their principal, R R Warrick. In response to their shouts

Mr Warrick came out to the fire escape in time to observe the object at that moment

hanging high and motionless in the sky " (xx)

(xx) Maney, C A and Richard Hall. The Challenge of Unidentified Flying Objects

Privately published- 1916-17th St, N W Washington 9, D C, pp.40-41.

In regards to the altitude ofthe UFO, Dr James McDonald talked to Mrs Dittmar some years

later He didn't learn much of anything new but she said the UFO was ".. not far above them "


(xx ) "Maryville, Ohio." A-H Case Oct. 22, 1954. Dr. James McDonald papers.

University of Arizona Library, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Special Collection Division

Maney continues*

"Then the ship made off ["zoomed horizontally"—Stringfield] at tremend

ous speed, disappearing rapidly from view.

"Mr. Warrick called Mrs Dittmar, who at once came out on the fire escape

too late to observe the object, but in time to witness a most beautiful scene For,

as the object darted away there appeared another strange sight. The air as high

and far around as the teachers and children could see was filled with 'the most

beautiful soft white-looking tufts like cotton slowly floating to the ground.' Mr

Warrick said it was almost at once as the object disappeared that this material be

gan to show in the sky [If the material from the UFO, then it could not been very

high in the sky] For about 45 minutes they watched this fibrous material floating


'The children brought up pieces of it to the fire escape for Mr. Warrick and

Mrs. Dittmar to examine. In the words ofMrs. Dittmar 'the substance had long

fibers very much as if someone had taken strands of'angel hair' and pushed

some in bunches toward the middle or end, leaving a trail of fibers attached to it.

It was very fine and soft to touch. It did not stick to our hands, but when we held

two ends and pulled, it stretched without tearing. Where it stretched it had a shiny

appearance The part we held between our fingers very quickly seemed to go to


"However, we could roll it between our fingers into a very, very tiny ball In

a short while our hands had a green stain on them. I soon washed my hands in

warm water and the stain rinsed quickly off. Mr. Warrick said he was leaving his

on his hads to see what would happen. He later said his hands became clammy

and finally the color disappeared of its own accord " (xx.)

(xx ) Maney, C.A. and Richard Hall. The Challenge of Unidentified Flying Objects


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Principal Warrick died in 1958 so we have no follow up on his observation. The 1954 news

story does have some of his reaction to the event which confirms in large part Mrs Dittmar's


"Warrick said part ofthe cobweb-like substance fell in long strands and

part of it came down in balls almost like cotton Trees, bushes, and wires were


"Warrick said* 'It looked to be like asbestos and felt like asbestos.'

"Both Warrick and Mrs. Drttmar related that when they were able to catch

two ends ofa strand the stuff could be pulled out into a long thread—'so tough,'

Warrick said, 'that it couldn't hardly be broken.'

"Within less than a minute after being touched, however, the substance

would completely disappear.

"Both teachers also concurred in the report that when only one end of a

strand was touched, the substance would roll into a ball before disintegrating.

"Possibly the strangest part ofthe report is that when anyone even touched

the substance their fingertips would turn green

"Mrs Dittmar said she was able to rinse the green from her hands without

even using soap Warrick, as an experiment, didn't wash his hands. He said

that they broke out into a cold sweat but that the green color disappeared in a

half hour or 45 minutes

"Warrick said today: 'I have never seen anything like it or heard ofanything

like it It was the most unusual sight I ever saw.'

"He added that no one was frightened. The children—all 6th, 7th, and 8thgraders—considered it 'quite a lark,' he said." (xx.)

(xx.) Maryville, Ohio The Evening Journal-Tribune. 25 October 54. p.l.

n ir» tot ni

rfiTlIU «rd Urioa

we pt tor iti

'Combining th* Union

VoJ 8, No. 42. , OCTOBER 25, 1054

Saucer' Experts Stumped

Teachers, Students

Occurrence In The'.<e-il n>ini Miiccr" icofferi hivf ix-tn made In California, Ini' itump<*d todii by Dm re f Kratict aad in New Oalncit 1a Umtk.hif FntiMy afternoon ex|» r pxit Iwo yean

r n/ iwo I nlon courrijr teiclien • However, neither teacher had

>t irril do ynunfileri (heirrl of the previovu acoounU ofinr ubtervaUon A rlnir I wh»[ haa been dubbed ai "jl&j.ivd ntv*r ftb>cct iravflJim al^l'a hair"

lo th* ipoa flt*a fluff tMd In do-eontltig Cfcnttm** \r*m

McNamara iIm roporta that

fome of the auteUot* haa b«*n

«tptur*d on oJoth and plae«d iu aJar for obeerVane*

Slmllir experience* to (hat of the

fipor 1Dmd*1 KMD«Umet lo "bright

wtUdofi fllamttiti llta jiiii %oor*,

lacy ribboca," or "k Hmum ef

irblU Uef wb*t*nc« "

And In etch caat, th« *ub»UAc4rfliioUfriUd wtlh Of lottcfa <*

humia hAodi Uarlni do Ltic4 fUr

Page 78: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


Mrs Dittmar told Dr. McDonald the. ".. object took off fast and emitted a blanket of white

tufted material" (xx) One would like to know if she actually saw the substance in the pro-

(xx) "Marysville, Ohio " A-H Case Oct. 22,1954. Dr. James McDonald's papers

University of Arizona Library, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

Special Collection Division

cess of being ejected from the object, thus ruling out any other source. The wording seems to

indicate that

Something else she mentioned had to do with color. She said that although one's hand's

turned green touching the material, when the substance was rolled into a ball it was a dirty gray

color, (xx)

(xx) Ibid.

In 1958 the Marysville Journal-Tribune published a "looking back" story about the Jerome

case, for the most part quoting Robert C. White, who was a Public Information official for the

Air Force at the time ofthe school incident. White, while saying the sighting was still unexplain

ed, struck to the military's view that solving any report was "just a matter of getting enough in

formation promptly " (xx) White didn't volunteer any new information, or much information

(xx) Marysville, Ohio. Journal-Tribune. 22 July 58.

at all He did remark, or you can credit the Journal-Tribune, (you can read it both ways) that the

object wafted- " a blanket of angel hair for at least three miles." (xx.) That's a lot of spider-

(xx) Ibid

stuff but, in fact, that might be playing it down Mrs. Dittmar told Dr. McDonald the substance

was concentrated near the school but was fairly dense to three miles and she could see occasional

patches 13 miles from Dublin, Ohio (xx)

(xx) "Marysville, Ohio." A-H Case. Oct. 22, 1954. Dr. James McDonald papers.

University of Arizona Library, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Special Collections Division.

Professor's Maney's interview of Mrs. Dittmar produced even more impressive testimony

about the amount of "spider web." Mrs. Dittmar told Dr. Maney:

"When we left the school, we noticed it clinging to the grass, flagpole, and some

on the cars I believe the thing that impressed me even further was what we saw as we

drove the three miles to the Columbus road The telephone wires were completely

woven shut, as if hands had carefully spread 'angel hair' out very evenly. Not only

this, but the telephone wires were connected to the electric wires on the other side of

the road, so that it was like a misty canopy over the road for three miles No more

seemed to be coming down by this time " (xx.)

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(xx.) Maney, C A and Richard Hall The Challenge of Unidentified Flying Objects

pp 41-42

Mrs Dittmar related to Dr McDonald that the a sample ofthe material was given to the editor

of the Journal-Tribune who forwarded it Air Force authorities at Lockborne AFB, Columbus,

Ohio The editor said he never heard from the Air Force in regards to an evaluation, (xx.)

(xx) "Marysville, Ohio." A-H Case Oct 22,1954. Dr James McDonald's papers

University of Arizona Library, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona.

Special Collection Division

22 October Avellino, Italy, (no time)

Fluorescent lights dimmed

A news dispatch states.

"A report from Avellino, in Italy, says that several people there say they saw

above the railway station a flying saucer whose approach to the station building

caused all fluorescent lights to become dimmed. The lights regained their ordinary

brilliance as the flying saucer disappeared in the sky.

"Three other people claim to have seen a flying saucer above the hill of

Atripalda [at Avellino'?]. They said the object had a diameter ofa little more than

one yard [Estimating the size of small objects is hard unless one is fairly close—L

E Gross] " (xx )

(xx) Stockholm, Oct. 22 (Reuters & ANSA) Cairo, Egypt Egyptian Gazette

23 October 54

23 October Mendoza, Argentina, (daytime?)

Stopped, performed maneuvers.

A news story from Latin America said:

"Flying saucers were seen crossing the sky over Argentina. According to the

information received from the city ofMendoza, five people reported that at the

moment they were at work on the iron framework for the American Fair at Gene

ral San Martin Park, they saw something 'shiny' that crossed the sky at great


"They continued saying that during several minutes the 'objects' stopped and

effected several maneuvers, then changing course to return to their former position,

and disappearing moments later at great speed. Witnesses (among which was a

policeman) stated that the objects were 'disk-shaped' and they seemed to throw-

off 'luminous' rays that changed to different colors alternately." (xx)

(xx.) Buenos Aires, Argentina. October 23rd (AFP)

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23 October. La Cumbre, Argentina (no time)

Control tower operators see something

"A luminous object looking like a big star was observed in the sky over La

Cumbre The phenomenon was spotted by the operators ofthe airfield control

tower, who stated it reminded them ofthe famous flying saucers. They added it

moved in different directions at a high altitude and changed its brightness at dif

ferent times After ten minutes the object disappeared in a western direction "


(xx) Salta, Argentina El Tribune. 24 August 54

23? October Rome, Italy U S Ambassador Clare Booth Luce (See clipping below)

23? October 60 miles north of Rome, Italy. 'Totbelhed creature." (See clipping below)

23? October. Shabani, Southern Rhodesia. "God has come." (See clipping below)

envoy sees




3 1 0CT18W


ROME, Sat.—Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, the U.S. Ambassador toItaly, saw one of the droves of flying saucers which were reportedover Italythjs week.


Melbourne, Vic.



SHABANI.t SoutfiiRhodesia.—M panto amiAfricans wdrnng on *shift at a iVhabanlmine was believed tobeen due to asaucer "The Africans, who drop

ped their tools and ran interror to the engine room,told the manager "Oodhas come"They all said they had

seen an "illuminated object" horerfilff over themine and behavingstrangely.—Reuler.

She said today thatshe saw It "zooming

over Rome "But she added soirow-

fully "I don't know whatIt was"Saucers Beem to have

shifted theti, location.Last week hundreds wore

reported over iFranceThis week thousands of

Italians have reported seeing themIn the Italian city of

Florence 15,000 footballspectators gaped upwardsat disk and cigar-shapedobjects whistling across the

The fame was held upfor half an hour while thecrowd watched the objects'anticsThe saucers left a wispy

trail rather like a spider'swebA knowledgeable profes

sor straightened his glassesand hurriedly stooped toscoop up some of the "web"which floated to earthHe whisked It home and

analysed It.Be reported proudly that

tft'joontalned calcium and


Sixty miles north ofRome 60-year-old MrsBrmellnda Lanzlila steppedout of her house last nightto look for a cat

Then she froze with terror m front of the garden stood "a potbeuledcreature with metal arms"hanging like a chimpan-

space" wore a helmet likea deepsea diverScreaming hysterically

the woman rushed backinto the houseWhen her son came out

to investigate- there tt atnothing to be seenA different description

of the space visltois comesfrom FianceA farm laborer says he

saw a 4ft cieature inleather overalls and helmet Jump Into a "vehicle"about IS Jaerres in diameter *; '

It looked he said, like asmall saloon car withwheels

As he watched in amazement the object rose suddenly Into the air and dls*appeartd at a high speed.

FOOTNOTE! France willsoon be making genuine"flying cigars," says thenewspaper France Dim-anche

Invented by a German

rocket expert now work*Ing In France, the fastestmodels, powered by turboreactors, will fly at morethan iooo m.p h.

Clare Soothe Lu

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24? October Erba, Italy, (night)

"Mysterious being " "I was left ground-stuck, unable to move "

News out ofRome on the 24th states

"A 'Martian' has been seen by an inhabitant ofErba, near Como. The news

papers carried the news that Renzo Pugina, a 37-year-old man known as a reliable

and serious person, when entering his home during the night after driving his car

into the garage, suddenly saw a strange 'creature* standing near a tree. The 'crea

ture1 was less than five feet tall wearing a 'luminous helmet' and having a body

covered with a 'shield of scales'[sic]. The mysterious being, upon seeing Renzo,

pointed a beam of light in his direction emitted from some sort ofhand-carried de

vice 'At this moment, says Renzo, I was left stiff and ground-stuck, unable to move

I got scared and gripped hard my keys to the garage This contact with metal neu

tralized in part the fluid [?] to which I was being submitted and felt myself free from

it [I don't know what Renzo means by 'fluid.' My guess, (if it was a true event) is

that he simply overcame the beam because it wasn't strong enough to hold him—

L E Gross]. Then I went towards the strange creature, screaming.' Renzo added to

this that the 'Martian' lifted himself up in the air from the ground making a little

noise and that in the spot where he was standing there was found some sort of

'grease stain' [No mention ofwhere the creature went—L E. Gross] When Renzo

came back into his house, still under the shock ofhis experience, he told his wife

about what had just happened. He went to bed, shivering with a convulsive shak

ing " (xx.)

(xx ) Rome, Oct 24. (AFP).

Untranslated news clippings dated. 24/25 October 54. (See page 80) (Credit. Dominique


24 October. Gravatal Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, 5th Air Zone, Brazil (1 -00 p m. -3.00 p.m.)

Events leading to a starling official statement.

A very briefaccount of this case is presented on page 82 in the monograph UFOs A History

1954 October. Using Dr. Olaves Fontes' original notes, we can present a more detailed story.


"On October 24, 1924,1 was the duty officer at Gravatai AFB near Porto

Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. It was about 1:00 p.m. when a Sergeant called me to see

a flying saucer that was flying over the Base. I said *Good I want to get a look at

this thing ' We left the office, crossed the Airport and approached some buildings

around the Base (soldier's quarters). Then he pointed to the sky. I looked and saw

an object hovering over the Base. It was silvery-dull in color, like the aluminum-

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Invasion dV Martins),Imogtnains A Aiumi

VALENCIENNES M oetobraTJ*) — L*< Ouirrt dti'non-

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Ouatre .martiens sonf venus

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24- ar.

Des vuipni dans ia nuit ?...»♦«

Un cartala dlmaocb*. 4 la Pro-flaaala, tn Salm-Vlaud, at cm

loura-«l 4 Ii Oallatrala, an SalaiPira-an-RaU, daux vliioaa mar-

tlaaao aa aont produltaa, at 11faut paa plua pour dadaacbardaaa la clal palmblotln |a roada

daa aouooupaa Qu'allona-noua de-

vaalr «1 lea raoonnalaaaacaa

tatralat aa multlplUnt dana noireaapaoa aariaa t

Ifoua aa pouvoaa doutar eanan

dant du tamolsaaga da ca brava

ouvrUr, aaaploy4 cbaa un man

ebaod da- via eaprlt calma ai re*

flisbl, qul, un caruin aolr rajol-

tat 8t-P4ra-aa RaU tuivalt la_ ja PalnbtBuf-fialnt-Vlaud at vil

aoudala, 4 laWrimlta du mi rail

Bfcam la Oallatrala, uaa aoueoupa potia auf 1'barba 4 qualquadWtanct SurprU, Jambaa Macao-laataa, yeuz agraadla, I) aa pouvalt crolra la raalltl Du molnjaat-11 formal aucua Uartlta at

foulaIt notra larra awtour da laafin.Soudatn I* aoucoupa aa mlt i

lanear da patltaa flammai variaartadant alnlatra catta part la du

marala dtji dana la panombra duJour at aeeooipagnaadun doux ronronnamant. alia aalava lanlameat entoutaa d un b4lo

paaaint pa- toutaa lej coulaura du

apacira at blantot tout dUparut 4


AppuyanL jur laa pcdalaa Loula(ut vita randu 4 Salnt-Vlaud Auplua proeb.* btatrot, 11 carrtta pouraa ramattra da Ha emotion*. Laconfirmation da aa vlataa lot (ut

fa.Ha par un cuvrlar daa ualnca nul lul •ulvani la row-

la Palmbutul 8*loi ViawL availapcrcu la myaianaux tngln atla-

var au dt>»u4 da la C»lltftal» Uoa

faaima da !• rua Plerra-Jubau par

la avlia, corrobora clla auul la

fallKat-ea hallueinailon p^yeboa*

L bl


collactlva t La choaa ait troublaala Auront-Bouj ua Jour la urauv*

da la matarlallaailon da cai

andoa fLa quat'loa att poaaa aoiJial

ion* pour la tranqullllta daauprii*

palmoloilna qualU na rctta paalonitacapa aaaa rapoaja

2 4 IO I3SQ

jLa Soucoupe de Loudinicres

'l Dipul* dM Mmalnea quallr* nnt tallleur apsnrliton dana toua lei deli 6*

France le* anucoupei volnnici acmblaknt

nun11Liter un Ineomprehcntlble diiltJn

pour In Pnvi do Brar Cede lacuna tn

euDn cjmblft lo wcex md ■ e >. un eliti

manu* Par un atllui tuudain d erujln* non


e Vcndrvdl mlr U Henri Robari toe

ifur T£i#rtimlre t Londiniara* remralt

citr*a hit qnunU II ap«rtui 4 (ululo lutuutir

din.i In Chi nuaire i1Iih|<ii» supcrpntfi

Aprei avoir noid urtd Inibkisi fiohnema

du mnuur dt aa vniluro euuiUlncmaiit

■rriie II cunlliiu* aon chi.min queltiHfi

kltotneirM fiiui luin II vit sur la rnuio un

Urn (Innta qul t ton ■|i|>r«ehia — ct

h qu uqc nniitdli fni* la vniiitre o

lul Ininiotiiilifo — ■ mum lift» dnni uir

ib)ul i n lormn tin clgftfe 11 dlsparul k

un» vlicue viriiniiieuir

e Saincdl emr M Mlclia Ofwiilln cum

manatit t Neulcliltcl el prdUOem du

ruotball-Cluti a en all til 6 Aumale etier

eher le inrtien d» etiia tie mn club <rt

nant en ptrniltalon II ftaii KciMnp««ntf

ion tfliulii M Jean Luiilllrr Efoudain

— fl itolt at h 1} lr*t .tnclemcnl —

dan* Ii del qu *ei«Jrali micntdment U

iunr 11 niHTCul tin rtmque EnmBfi trxlnant

mere lul a une lullu miun. un* longus

luauf wtn*o *

at Henri Hobert deouura itupdfau a

cati* vuion lhaiundua 11 pravini la, itrc

daraarla On avail, daillaura recuauu

t'auUM UfflottaafM telui on BariMuliwr,ua ■andama mania, M pelfmna

Page 83: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


dull color from our jets, and reflected the sunlight It appeared to be moving in a very

strange way. The movements were circular but, at the same time, it maneuvered from

one side to another in an erratic 'zig-zag' course. To the observers on the ground

these motions seemed to be slow But, as a jet pilot, I know that a supersonic jet plane

flying at the high altitude the object appeared to be, between 40,000 and 45,000 feet,

would give the impression of a very slow motion. For this I am induced to believe

that the object's speed was tremendous, far beyond anything known to me It was hard

to believe but I was not alone Ten sergeants and the same number "of soldiers were

now at my side witnessing the sighting But I understood it would be wise to call for

the opinion of more skilled observers In doing so I found Major Magalhaes Mota and

reported. 'Major, there is a body over the base. I would like you to have a look at it

and give me your opinion ' He agreed and I drove him to a place where he could see

the object


"This object was sighted from several places by a number of observers. At 2 00

p m, a few moments after my arrival to the Base, I was asked by the Lieutenant to ob

serve it. When he sowed me the object I saw it distinctly with the naked eye, silhou

etted against the blue sky It was making tight turns and moving from one side to

another The motion was too fast for any aircraft because the object was very high in

the sky At the altitude it was placed, the speed had to be fantastic to convey such im

pression of motion, so clearly defined. For 15 or 20 minutes we observed, studied, and

discussed the object and its strange performance and finally decided to go to the of

ficer's canteen to get more people to see it But at that moment this was superfluous

because the Base was already in full alertness. There was a great number of soldiers

and sergeants and maybe five or six officers gathered in front ofthe hangars followmg

the object. The activity was great all over the Base. Then, I approached a group of of

ficers to discuss the sighting and Lieutenant Ferraz left for the meteorological station to

verify the possibility ofa weather-balloon At that hour the object was moving slowly

in a position about 90 degrees from the horizon. Now the Lieutenant will report what

happened in the meteorological station.


"After leaving Major Mota, it occurred to my mind that the most important thing

was to be sure about the shape and movements ofthe object And so, I headed first to

ward the Air Base Control Tower. There, at the Tower, I joined some air traffic opera

tors and we got some binoculars, very potent, the latest type. At the same time I tried to

verify the motion lying down flat and looking at the object against a reference point, the

roofs ofthe buildings in the area. I was right, the object was moving The motion was

circular—at one time to one side, at the other tune to another side Through the binoc

ulars I got a good look at the object and started to make a drawing on the back of a

match-box. The shape at first seemed to be like a five-pointed star [no doubt an im

pression due to a strong reflection of sunlight], at an angle of45 degrees. Then it was

not more like a star, the five points faded away, and I saw the right shape very clearly,

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no more doubt Then, I finished my drawing, reproducing accurately what I was seeing

Not satisfied, I left the Tower and headed towards the meteorological station We have

on the Base a section operated by Americans that launched weather-balloons to check

the winds An American sergeant was there, and I talked to him and asked for a theodo

lite I estimated the object to be higher than 40,000 feet but I wanted to establish the ex

act altitude He said he couldn't help me because it was Sunday and the instrument was

locked into a radar car [truck?] and he didn't have the key to open it Next, I asked if he

had sent up a weather balloon that day and he answered no. I asked himto come with

me to the 8th hanger to see a very interesting object flying over the Base. He did so andwas very surprised seeing the object and saying 'This thing is impossible ' I said to him-

'Why impossible, can't you see it? What exactly are you seeing right now?' The Ameri

can sergeant said 'In fact, I am observing an object a bright aluminum in color, round-

shaped and moving in circular motion from one side to another.' 'That's exactly what I

see/ I said and left, to look for the Major [Up to this point I didn't understand what all

the excitement was about It seems the object could have been a balloon—L.E. Gross]

When I found the Major I told him that there were no balloons m the air. The object

could not be a balloon ofany kind because a balloon has a spherical outline If you look

at it in the sky, and this spherical shape looks always the same (round, circular, a circle)

at any angle or perspective you look at it. Now, the object changed shape according to

its position in space in relation to the observers. It was star-shaped, circular or oval-

shaped, at different times.

" I also told Major Mota that the object was now being observed at the hanger by a

number of officers, pilots, civilians and soldiers

"Suddenly I saw another disk, I mean another object, approaching the Base area at a

terrific speed For a few hours we had only one object, hovering more or less stationary

over the Base with little circular movements. Now, we had two craft: the first one in the

same position as before and a second one moving swiftly across the sky. In a few seconds

this object approached the other one and stopped at its side above our heads (at 90 degrees

from the horizon). In a few moments it started to move again at a fantastic rate and re

versed abruptly its course, drawing an arc of 60 degrees in the sky and disappearing at an

angle of 30 degrees. It disappeared into infinity in the same strange manner as it seemed

to have dropped out of nowhere. As before, the sky was blue and clear with no clouds and

visibility was very good.

"As the second object was gradually pulling away, I saw it distinctly change in shape

At first it was round-shaped but gradually became cigar-shaped, as the object raced away

"But the most astounding fact was the speed. I've never seen such a thing with such

a tremendous velocity. I estimated the time the object spent to go from the vertical to the

30 degree angle as 8 or 10 seconds, no more than 10 seconds.

"As the object moved in the sky it brought into being and was surrounded entirely by

some kind of mistiness, or cloudiness, or halo This halo disappeared when the object

stopped in the air. When it started to move again the halo reappeared and got stronger as

the object increased in speed.

"I witnessed, the sighting until 4.30 p.m. when I left to fly on a training flight and it

was the last time I saw the object. I saw it for three hours and a half, clearly silhouetted

against the blue sky. At 9:00 p ra on the same day I showed my drawing from the object

to Major Mota. I had never read before anything about flying saucers. But my drawing

showed to be identical to an alleged photo from a disk-like object published in the maga-

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zine Cruzeiro. The Major compared the drawing with the photo and reached the same

conclusion1 They were identical My report is finished I have nothing more to say '


"I am going to finish my report. When the Lieutenant left me and was going to the

Control Tower and Meteorological Station I remained in the same place near the hanger

door and observed the arrival of a second object. It was heading northeast and it flashed

towards us at terrible speed It slowed down abruptly and stopped dead for a brief time,

near the other object. It came to a stop from a tremendous speed - all in about three se

conds It started to move in circles around the other disk that remained stationary over

the Base Suddenly one ofthe disk-shaped objects took up an east-west heading and

went from an 80 degrees height to a 30 degrees height in eight seconds I marked the

time with a chronometer Then it reversed course and came back. The chronometer re

gistered the time: ten seconds To climb up from a stopped position to that height—be

tween 40,000 and 50,000 feet—it needed only three seconds. The same time was record

ed in the first maneuver, to come down. If my numbers are right, the maximum speed

reached by the object varied between seven to eight thousand miles an hour. This estim

ation is true if my computation ofthe altitude was right But maybe I was wrong If I

was wrong by double the number, the speed would be half. If I was wrong by half the

speed would be doubled. But I think it improbable to be wrong by double or by the

half on a computation ofaltitude by the habit and training we have on that

"The apparent diameter of the objects—using as a reference point the apparent

size of a Meteor [a British jet fighter] jet plane flying at forty or forty-five thousand feet

—was three to four times the size of a Meteor As the size ofa Meteor jet from wing-tip

to wing-tip is 10 meters and 70 centimeters, I estimated the diameter ofthe objects to be

about 30 to 40 meters.

"I have also observed the halo described by Lt. Ferraz in his report and got the same

impression When the body was motionless it diminished and almost disappeared. When

the body was moving the halo seemed to grow, expanding uniformly around the object

"Through binoculars I was able to establish clearly the shape of he objects and get

some details about the structure. The shape was circular, ovoid or like a disk, according

to the relative position ofthe objects in relation to the observer. The strange craft seemed

to have some kind ofdome on the upper part and two or three swellings or protuberances

on the lower part I cannot explain better what these unfamiliar structures could be But I

saw them distinctly. The color was not the bright silvery color ofpolished metal, it was a

painted silvery aluminum-like [color].

"During the observation near the hanger door, we discussed the hypothesis of a col

lective hallucination. To check this possibility I went to the other side ofthe building, 60

meters away and there in front of the other hanger door, I found a few sergeants and a

number of soldiers and civilians I asked them: 'What do you see'?' They said* 'Major,

we see two objects: one is stationary and the other is now going slowly in a west-east

direction.' I came quickly to the other side ofthe building and asked the first group of

men the same question. The answer was identical. As the two groups were not in contact

with each other at any time, I discarded the hypothesis of a collective delusion

"One ofthe saucers disappeared towards the southeast after a number of erratic mane

uvers (hovering, accelerating for swift climbs and descending again, etc .) The other

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saucer disappeared in the heights [sky?]. It started to climb up on a straight vertical line

at tremendous speed, diminishing in size gradually. After a few seconds it vanished in

the blue sky

"No jets had been scrambled to go after the objects and try to intercept them We

had discussed the matter and had decided against it

"No photos had been taken during the sighting The Base photographic section was

closed, it was Sunday Nobody had a camera at hand—and nobody had remembered this

in the frenetic agitation ofthe moment (Author's [Fontes] note I have the. information

that at least two pictures were taken, but I cannot swear it)

"Anyway, the observation had been absolutely clear and accurate We have observ

ed two round disk-shaped objects, through binoculars they presented a distinct oval-sha

ped outline, with one projection on the upper surface like a dome, and three small pro

tuberances on the lower one No smoke, flames, propellers, engine noise, or other visible

means of propulsion were noted. When moving they were surrounded by a strange halo

or cloudiness, which almost disappeared when the motion stopped The objects were not

rotating, but changed form at intervals as if they were oscillating as they flew

"I think it impossible to mistake them for any known man-made machine or device

Definitely they were not jet-planes or aircraft They were not some secret weapon, be

cause we have none of it [know of it9] They were not balloons, at the time of the sight

ing no meteorological balloon was in the air over the region, aside from the fact that bal

loons do not maneuver in tight circles, nor can they slow down abruptly, reverse their

course, or accelerate suddenly at great speed.

"Some people suggested it might have been Venus or it could have been Venus and

a balloon As I said, all balloons were grounded that day. We checked Venus too The

answer was No. First, it was not in the same spot in the sky as the objects We had com

puted the azimuth ofthe first object as about 350 degrees at an elevation ofabout 80 de

grees The azimuth at the elevation of Venus did not coincide Second, Venus would have

been a pinpomt of light in the sky and the chances of looking for a pmpoint of light in the

sky on a clear day are very few, unless you look at just the right spot.

"It is most unlikely that so many separate persons should at that time have chanced on

Venus in the daylight sky It is impossible that so many people should have chosen this one

day to be confused to the extent ofreporting the matter Third and last, nobody can see two

Venuses in the space at the same time, side by side, one circling around and stopping at the

other side. And the color of Venus, at daylight, does not conform with the color of the ob

jects we have observed So, the answer was not Venus

"We have also checked the possibility ofa hallucination and the answer was negative

I don't know what we saw I only know it could not have been anything familiar to us And

the speed was far beyond the possibilities of any man-made devices That is what I had to

say, I have finished my report." (xx)

(xx) Testimony given at a secret conference about UFO reports chaired by Colonel Adil

de Ohveira, chiefofthe Brazilian Air Force's investigation ofUFOs. The conference

was held at the Army Technical School at Rio de Janeno. The account quoted here

appeared in the magazine O Cruzeiro in the 24 December 54 issue after approval by

Col Ohveira The translation from Portuguese to English was by Dr. Olaves Fontes

Fontes' original notes, donated by Robert Gribble, are now in the author's files The

first complete publishing of Fontes' Garvatai notes appeared in Robert Gribble's

Page 87: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


UFO publication Flying Saucer Review in the May 1956 issue

24 October Torres City and Porto Alegre, Brazil (night)

Classified reports and 24 hour air patrols.

Fontes wrote

"But that day [the day ofUFOs over Gravatai field] was not to be ended quietly

because, that very night, saucer-shaped glowing objects were watched by a number of

people over Torres City Beach, and over Porto Alegre

"These sightings changed the placid and uninterested attitude so long held by

Air Force personnel about UFOs, and changed drastically. Classified orders came

down to investigate all UFO sightings. A security lid came down tight around all AF

bases in Rio Grande do Sul, and the unauthorized transmission or revelation to the

press of any information about the matter by the military was prohibited The Air De

fense Command started a 24 hour air patrol over all military installations in the state "


(xx) Fontes' personal notes, donated by Robert Gnbble, now in the author's files

25 October. Osono, Brazil, (noon)

Major Mota misses saucer

Fontes wrote

"Next day (Oct 25) at noon, a civilian pilot alerted the Gavatai AF base about a

disc-shaped craft which was flying slowly over Osono, a nearby city. Immediately a

jet fighter was scrambled and directed to search the area where the UFO had been re

ported. The pilot, Major Magalhaes Mota, jet fighter squadron commander, searched

the area for a long time, going up to 12 thousand meters, but could see nothing He

went back to his base but later was informed that a number of ground observers from

Osono had reported the chase His plane had been seen flying just below the saucer,

but very far from it because the self-luminous craft was hovering at a fantastic height "


(xx.) Fontes' personal notes, donated by Robert Gribble, now in the author's files

25? October. Hamadan, Iran, (no tune)

The entire population ofthe town.

A press report states. "A flying saucer was reported to have landed at Hamadan, northwest of

Iran [Tehran'?]. The object was said to have been luminous and been seen by the entire popula

tion of the town." (xx.)

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(xx ) Teheran, Oct 25 (PTI)

25 October Castelione, Italy (6'00 a m)

In Vallee' Magoma is this case

"Ulderico Cardinah saw a disc-shaped craft among the reeds ofa swamp It was

six feet in diameter and near it was a small being, 41/2 feet tall, clad in yellowish-brown

coveralls This being went inside the machine, which took off at very high speed, touch

ing the tops of the reeds " (xx)

(xx) Vallee, Jacque Passport to Magoma p238.

25 October Aberdeen, Scotland (no time)

Neat formation

Our source says "A railway man and policeman saw five and three (respectively) 'silver, disc-

like things' flying silently across the sky at 6* 10 p m They were luminous, and came from the

north at a great height in neat formation " (xx)

(xx ) Aberdeen, Scotland Press & Journal 26 October 54.

Rough draft by Fontes (See page 87)

Untranslated clipping dated 26 October 54. (See page 88) (Credit: Dominique Weinstein)

26 October The Brazilian Air Force's "Flying Saucers are Real" official statement

The following press release was handed out to the news media on October 26th at GravataiAFB

"On October 24, between 1 p m and 3 p.m strange objects were observed over

the Base It was impossible to measure their altitude and speed with accuracy How

ever it is reasonable"to say the bodies' speed and altitude were far beyond anything

known to the Base General shape ofthe objects appeared to be circular and they

looked to be silvery-dull in color Considering their altitude, erratic course and re

version to former places or position in space, it is impossible to confound them with

known celestial bodies At the time ofthe sighting no meteorological balloon was in

the air over the region.

"The sighting was witnessed by a number ofAir Force military personnel* offi

cers, sergeants and soldiers And also by civilians.

"The Base reported the sighting to the Air Force General Command and asked

for an investigation

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Flying Saucer Intelligence

5108 Findlay Street

Seattle, Washington


Credit Slip

Attach To Clipping

{Please Print)

_EMCorrespondents Name

OGLOBONane of publication

Eate of publication

Corpos Estranhos Nos

Ceus de Porto AlegreMuiFo gent* acompanhou a evolucoa dos "discos voadores",

r\a torde de domingo — Registado o fato, oficialmante, p«lo co-

mando da Bass A«reo da capital gaucha

P0R10 ALEGRE, 27 (Expect*] para O GLOBO) -r, Corpos estra-

nhn* circulares e de deslocamenlo ripldo, foratn vistas nos eetudf I'nrtn Alegrc na tardf de dotnlng-o tiltlino Repetem-se obser-\*$ot*. ja. felu* cm outros pontos do pals e emftnumerosas na$oes,

Ha. America, p dc Europa, tlgadav aos "discos voadores" Faxendocuritmt e\ol»coes e desenvolvcndo aita velocldade, os referidos cor-pn* delxam atonllM os observadores, Ja encabuiados com a pers

pective de uma pslco^e colellva


Desta ve7 a vWHa dos "discos* nadoies" a capital gaficha folmaicida dc modo especial Va-tios oficlais e sold a dos da- Base

Aeiea rie Porto Alegre afirmaramter visto dois objetos estranhos

no ecu a uma altura qUe nftopudoam nvallar Um deles dls-

*e que ceica da*. 16 hoi as fotchamado a atencao pela esposa e

flcompanhon o trajeto deponto lummoso que fol balxando

atf adqulili o .tamanho de umftbniR de bilhAi Depois desapare-

ceii Quase ao mesmo tempo, ou-

trr> surgiu no scntldo horizontalcom o mesmo aipecto O oflclal

tern cetteza, de que nao fol o mes

mo anteriormente observftdo potso apatecimento foi quflse slmul-


Nola da Base Aerea

Como tuts corpo;

vados por vatios ,;

pracas e populares1!te da Base Aerea

na segulnte nota


»ldo procurado por. re

circular, Sua cor piateado-fosca,

Tendo em vista sua ftltura e aeusmovlmentos Intcrmltcnlesvoita aos locals de partlda, nao

e posslvel coniundi-ios com cor

pos celestes Ja conhccldos Nomomento da obaervacao nao ha-

vla bal6efi de sonflagens meTeoro-

16glcas sobre Porto Aiegre O la-

to loi obseivado por vartos o»-

ciais. sargentos, piacas e clvls A

um [ Base & comunlcou ao E3taa5"|e soltcttou]da AerdHSutlca . _

FgagSes a rcspelEb"'"

da imprensa de

no dla 24

peflodo "daobservada a

flm de esclarecer a ocqrten

fatos estianhos nos ceus

dade. tenho a informar o

esttannoa sooie a Haseposslvel calcular"mesmos ncm a

que se de^locavam _

i rnzoavpl dizei due «emulto flrima de qualqufique a Basf tenha conhectmento~

Seu forma to i\ de modo geral.

.' CSarik)


Ut I \ " Vf.SsTjUAl Lt(JLI HIM HAH


>f It V\ll^ Ml M .

Um imitvil • iruwii >> ni

s iijuuli I lU dmsltr uejft H'lu/iniiLUX d s -.oucoupts voUnti s

auins (utfini plus ou moms

recucllll prcnd d aulnnt plus dcvakur (|U il coni|>orii de nom

bri-ux futuU precis el i|ii lliiuii, U un hoiumi. mjuirti iu*

nngirs et dc jugimrnt pnrfiii

mr ru equlhureM Aiidrc" Chaillou csl forsc

ron au bourn de La icssouiileel tmbilf ft Loublandf <Diuk

4evr< i) C ' '.i un nnclen com

ballatit d< 39 45 el d indoUiineChaque maltn II vlent irBvaill«-r A I atelier ou tl relrouve soni»ere ct son frere 11 ce»s« leravail vers 19 hcures PourBller rl retour quotldlen, II

utilise un cyclomotciirAJr.ntoris qua Ics IftilS sl

riinl im^ts lr lundl 8 novrm»rc C<st |)"tur rvilrr li s u>minmuin-8 Inrrctlules ct lis Inr

'lUhhi « tnUtS m boltt » 'in.M riutlllitu it iiinsirvi* d-^ I-

hjnil unt comiirclicniibie iti->:rtllonLrs conslaUttons qu il h iiu

ulfL lul ont Mnibie trileineni

iidlstulablis <iu II b lint par en'ulre purl ft qmlqucs artiH Ijinouveik n fnlt lachc d hullr <idie cat vrnuc Jusqu a nous

M ('i Clmlllou a fail IfK-CIl jlllVUIlt

■ II ixtilvuil elrr 19 h 30Ayitnl ijim reunion k wir nvi-c

iji s mins 11 mi Irouvanl un n<

in rrlwrd, Ji roulals a bonne■llurc

« U cltl itftll clalr et la

lune prtsqtiL en son pit Inf A I'klloinclic environ du

bourg dc Loublande aux kbordide la route du Puy Saint-Bonnet J bI remnrqu* devant molune petite lumlere bleue

■ Le pharr du c>clomoteur

tsi pul^nm ct I eMwre d r~-MU'lllll' J 41 I* 11^1* 'I11 ll " •*!nil il un itiiinml Uuvrnmil In

roul«^jl donl Irs yeu* brlllnlrnldiitu le (alnciuu di- ma lumlrrc

■ Jc ne nir null |ms perdutonf.'l<ui|« «n Kii|i|iasliloi« f«r

i n molnn dr l' runs qu II wIc taut |M>ur Ic dirt ma inn

chine b en arrtlpc net et ] nlfile projetQ en avant sur le gutdon aiont eu Rmnd nclne aHer une chute danuereuse

■ Ma premiere pt.nse> b eleU panne Quand J al leve Icsytux a une clnquavnlalne demetres <!■ font mol el b tinehauteur du sol de I m 60 environ Ic iwint bleu Bvalt priiId dtmnctre d un pttare d nulo11 projt tall < n mu direction titie1m ur iiv. in I une comimroble *culk dun uic rlrUrintie

J) mi huIm trnuvr nlors

ii I impost hi lite a< (ufn uniiiouvruit nt, ni di jirnntnicrr

unv p^rnli Mrs Mams ruei >

u KttldiMi rt t*t utalrnl itn pi

■itrim nl iliitilnurruk iti*lKfe

■ (..rlii » t II iIiim* une inmiil'ou iiuc tn-uiidi ? Jl iil pull li

Ut hmitcre Mil clrlnti

isnuun. nt il J Bl rrlrouvi*

jitKC du nimivctncnt illli Inliurolc n 1 instant niemc ■

M Chulllou devalt it)ouier. J nl lit parfols lunt mr !■front qu en lndochlne dansdfijliunlions daniccrcuses el Jr

n ul psu ircmbl* moifi ccttcrois j> k dls sans honte j al

eu ucur 1 »

A ilH) rnririn I'ineiilurr


Lavcnlurc du Jcune forgcron

c w tcrmine pus la

,\J IIU lillii ) CJllOrtiuUU

d dl

i JllO

iis I iniliri d un- di

liculc1 >l « ilium m rout' i

11! nd iu|iidi mi nl um iwiill

tIIhu ConniiL on |x.ui I ImaKi

ikr il j uric culante hlie dtsr rt trouvi r clicr lul

II mil i ininm 2U0 ni^lris n

il'ii^ un > <iiiiii|i mii In chulli

it I u in iii-h i» nl flu du Ixnt

ili 11 rouii ll vull une uroasi

knurUn biulol ptnse I II mala

iininediacemeni tl usocie Iblueur A ce gul vlent de tc pu-


Notre lionitm n eit p"u un

pollroti Lc ifiti|» d arreler levclomoteur dc le K»rer buj- lebord tie Ib route et II pert 4truvcrs champs

II dlsiinttuc ku ru du aol uneforme ptHw«*f 'i lumineacrnt«

qul i* ut mtrsurer S 4 6 mAirea

de lon«Une hale s Interpose enire lul

cl I enetn, II a encore une cen

talnc de metres * fat re quand,a une vltesw vcrttgineiue et

avec un leRer slfflemenl Ibforme oblonRue s eleve a I* terilcnlc puls emprununt une

i n jfctolrr horl7.onUIe dtapftalt en une quintain* de iccon


Aujuunl liul ntcorr M Clialllou sc (lose drj questions qul

un j«ur fxuteire irouveront,

i*|>on^3 Le itfmniiifiige qu IIipiwili & il nc fail que donit r plus d ucultc bu probleme

st (irccis cl d une bonne fol:crtninc U rccul du temps nctit que lul donner une vsleuriccrui Nous ne pou»ons que

w ttcr ovee notrc simab!'tnti rlocuti ur d- ne pou»olrdonner t ccs falls une conclu



Page 91: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


"We request on the part of the civilian population to report to this Command all

information on similar sightings Reports will include, in so far as possible carefuldescrition of the object(s), time of sighting, manner of observation, location of observer, location of object(s) with respect to observer and identifying information ofob-

server(s) and witness(s) If possible, personal contact with the Base is desirable " (xx)

(xx ) Fontes' personal notes, donated by Robert Gribble, now in the author's files

26 October Rennes, France (no time)

"Cigar" gets away

A French press clipping says

"A young domestic servant of 1'Orne, M Aumoitte, 15, who lives at Chene-

Angot, saw 'a big cigar five meters long, pointed in front and rounded at the rear,'

which was seeking to land in a field

"The young man ran toward the craft, which then regained altitude, first

slowly and then at breath-taking speed." (xx)

(xx) Rennes, France Ouest-France. 27 October 54 NICAP files. CUFOS


26 October Porto Alegre, Brazil. (1 20 p nuand 9:30 p m)

Grey disc flying in vertical position

Fontes wrote

"That same day (26th), the UFOs appeared again over Porto Alegre and surroundings The first saucer was reported by an AF officer, Captain Antonio P. de Andrade.

'At 1 20 p m '—he stated in his report—'I observed a strange disc-shaped object, grey

in color, flying in a vertical position and from west to east. This object's speed and

altitude were enormous That night, at 9:30 p m.,' he said, 'I saw another UFO when

driving through the Canoas road At some place near the road I saw it as being an

orange-red glowing spherical object, flying to the west at great speed.' The same or

another UFO had been sighted, fifty minutes before, also from the ground, by another

AF officer, Captain Pedro Richard Neto In his official report he said that 'I have seen

the object for fifteen minutes. It was hovering over the Guaiba River near a place

named Belem Velno. It seemed to be round and faintly luminous, and its size (apparent

diameter) was a little smaller than the full moon's.

'After fifteen minutes, the object started to move away, diminishing gradually in

size. It changed into a pinpoint of light, but just before vanishing, it gave offa big

flash of light shinning brightly for a few seconds "' (xx)

(xx.) Fontes's personal notes, donated by Robert Gribble, now in the author's files.

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27 October Rhodes (Island of), Greece (night)

Disc listening to the "Voice of America7"

According to a press account.

"A luminous flying disc of very large size was seen last night (Oct 27) over

Rhodes. After having maneuvered for five minutes above the floating radio post

(du posts de radio flottant) 'Voice ofAmerica,' the disc disappeared with great

speed in a western direction " (xx)

(xx ) Athens, October 28 (AFP) NICAP files Translation by T Bloecher CUFOS


28 October Chateau-Neuf-Du-Pape bans UFOs

by decree (See clippings on page 91)

Untranslated clippings dated 28 October 54. (See page 92) (Credit: Jean Sider)

28 October. Corso, Missouri. (4 45 p m.)

"Mystery disc " (See clipping)

30 October Rome, Italy (daytime7)

tcNice, Shining, sparkling "

A news dispatch from Europe informed


"On October 30th hundreds ofRomans said they saw white and gray forms

which appeared to be disc-like in shape.

The host of flying objects was seen sail

ing at low altitude right over the sidewalk

cafes of the swanky Via Veneto, favorite

haunt of American tourists They passed

over the U S. embassy and disappeared in

the direction of the famed Villa Borghese


" 'They were so nice, shining, and

sparkling,' said Mrs Anna Micah, a resi

dent ofthe high-life Parioh district.

"Elsewhere in Rome, traffic was

St Louis Post-Dispatch

3 November 54

Mystery Disc Over Lincoln County

Reported by Air Force Veteran

' CORSO, Mo, Nov, »—A ihyi-i toriour object Jn the iky Whichrtnyed stJillonory from 4 46 p.m

Until dark on Oct. 96 *ti reported'lo the Po«t-DlipaUh to-

Worfd WitlUAlr force vefirunwith morie mihfiWO hotin fly;fnft Lime to hlr,»r«dJL- ' J!*'A, A aevon-yetu^oid iort;'Ihe object « '"" "•vonlnt ,^hdret ,..„.»_,. ^^nead • Ift'tbftj northweatt cornerpjttlnc«J?i;eoutity, nWmllM 'J '


ty, nixmlth Midphen», The (arm


it did

ono ipot Now what wa Hi noticewai, ai the sun set, its color

chrnifiPd from luminous to Ilfhttrlmiort ind oil to dork crtmwn

Juit beforo dark It reminded uiof thti coTor of «n ecllpied tfloon,-

■j;\Vt thought ntJiybe It was Art6bi»rv»tlon,l)alIoonLbut sine* Itwai high ftfld itijed/la'ono^ipot

It U i mystory to infri'vl wouldthink 4 balloon thti high "Wouldtravel more or leifl'cut#ird. Iknow much h*a been jatd aboutIftitttVtj ih£ .I'm pgttfrglng to


titooimucht/abotit thbuJoddeni

until tbey redd ot United,StatoaAmbBisador Clirt !Boo1h*> L

Thitiedrthem tB 'reportV

Page 93: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en





Men on Mars

please note91


29 OCTOBRE 1954, PAGES 1 ET 12

PARIS, Thursday — The mayor of

Clialeau-Neuf-Du-Pape, a wine village near

Avignon, has banned bv deciee all "fly

ing saLitcis and flying cigars" front- his

municipality of 1600 people

Hi' uideicd the ruial

lo impound

.inv that might Und

Hit Mayor, M

Jcune Sdid a munici

pal deuce v,h;> lound


ing thdl the piesence

on the temloiy of thecommunity of Chateau-*

neuf -de - Pape of;iiibhips called flying;saucers oi flying ug«ir:»;

could be dangerous" •The electee icads ;

Article 1 The!flighlb landings, and!take-offs of an bhipsj

tolled flying saucets,;

oi fU ing cigais of any;

mtioiitilitv aie forbid-;den on the lenitoiy of;'lu community of ;

Ch iiLduncuf-du-P )pe •

\ i licle 2 Any an-;

-•hip (.ailed a Hying!-chilci of flving ctgai,S

which lands on the.lemtoiy ot the tom-Iin unity of Chateau- 2neuf-du-Papc will be;

immediately impound-;td ;

Aiticle 3 The rural;cunt (able is charged;with Ldiiymg out the*

deciee ;

"Les soucoupes volantes

en fourriere et leurs

occupants convies... &

un vin d'honneur "

nous d*it le maire de Chateauneuf-du-Pape

coromentant (ironiquement) son arreteCHATEAUMEUr DU-PAPE IDa nan. anvor*1 apadoi Aad,*

BECRIAUX) — • Noua avona randu riiila Un laudi. a M LutfanI*ud« meir* d« la cbaraanl* d.6 d* Cb&waunaul-du-Pap* tali

bi* dtpuii MuJouh par too *xc*ll*nt rio *L to aulr*. YmtM d« tea malt* qul, huactUttquamani lolardlt aui aou*coup*« •! aiu dgarti volant* d*

4* po«*r nir )• UniWf* 4» tat

oaaauo* Koui a*on> daM n»

ii* prteMml numfca, publlt U

d* CM (Drill poui to meiiu


les Martiens

a un vin d'honneur"

01 «m« ■







on ai

>ai lai'qul 1

da ma

Rut* A iotoi




i 4vld

.'Cal 'anal* |a I oi *»id*in-manL prt* iut 1* »9da hunor.a

UqU*. at J aaptra bi*n qua noua

nqtireiu £o» o la loft* raipaclat(c •* un* chanca pout M Got-KBilini garda cbampclr* quLlujfanl toitkl* 1 du dit orMl*, aHieSoroa da mama laipttpoupa' Ou la elgoia »oloM *ntoHTtl'm- ) Toui 6 I haur* aaco- iuotqIi d* I* Tatt* conpcandn a un* d* >aa rallaguaiontdali** I maU *lla n* cooipii



■on) p-i

un* Angloii*.

A la iln all* m

mbl.n I* bu»o

in par jour T>o

J f

pubJleili pour noiT« crw

oucoupa ■ la lourrltra

lap Martian* •« vfn d K«nn*ut

4- Qua lam tou* da la ioucoijp* al da *** paiiogaia d.

pa( (naaarda tgneranla da feMt

orriU Una ■■ poult dona, us

daj mgnoblaa truriilnanli J

-L La gord* chomptlra matIcdi imn*dlaiam*ni langia <alourritca Ouanl aui Mwtlani.

noia U, 6 un apart

HE | d hennaur ou ceuUrrtl lachAiaounaul muga *l la cha-

laqiUMui blane

fVou. dlaant c»i moil M. L*

clan lauB* oral! d*t tllUlcull** a


CmI <£<su ta taiit d«

d* vlll* r*Mrrt* ok •MTi

qua M. Ludaa Ituo* Dalr


sou* faeavoir quoiqui Irat oo-

cup* a ripoadta pel LaUpbea*A <U acmbraui canlrtto parl-

■liu ou 4kanga;L '— Voua Hm diwndt ua«

cilabrila hd dliien>-nou> n0UUa d aatra* aa aatlara

— [• panaa bias iuui r4pandll-11. Dapuli ca aefln U !•)«•pbena na torrli* po« ■)• ion-

n*i at e» tonl tou}oufi d*> jour-

naiida* qul ma damaadanl d*«

d*lo.U. Moi qul alma tMtac

irenquiUa doo* nan coin, Ja tula

i^rvlH. IoihoIm ]• nawoiv cru

qw* a80 arril* pufii* Inllrauat

a ct polnL

— Can qutl ul pour b moliucuriaux. Mala dam qi»l aullavti vou« llahU?

— I* (u croti guira am m

caupa* •elantu. n aneara melna

crui Mattian* naui ptacUo ML

PuU. »n Ma darananl iraoLgu*

I <UITB PACB ti mil ^



4 jtunt Mtaiti ttt C/i6ttau*ruf du.t'ape gtnlretiml trtr tan prrmitr Biliaml M Ptal A men-raai, ti im fardt-thsmpitrr ill ContKmllni dn moiahlit (Tappticattait ilt i** ttiM ftnttrdit-tiea du "teacoupti tttanttf


utlra Pouitanl Inaua


olnal qu 1) larcJU tTidamnanf

iau|au>i dona I* eoa ai (I y ou-

ralt loucoupaa it MaHlani

Sauhatlon* qua laa Martian*

aaiant dai nourmata at *ol*nl a

n*n* dappr*ci*r I* Tin g*n*-

f*u> d* c* para- 0**al un R*i*tfcomma un aulra lowl an l*ui

inonlranl nob* digolU at nolr*pulaaonca ftn viatlanl tour angtn

an launltra d"*a loir* d*i ami*.

A e* p-opo* Ii praprltlalr* da

La Mula Jo Papa • now Indl

quail tou|our« trti Iranlquamint

qu il flail dUpa* a loir* us »a

nu ipaclal pour Martian*.

S II n t avail pat c*t orrlU,

noul eonltal-tl an ouln noui

aurlani pu *g«latn*nl ptvair

ov*e laid* d* kwa laa pioduc*

lauri un lout auttl apidal lw

rain d"alt*Muog*-.. •MMia quIlUon* alar* Cbdl*oo-

naul-du Pop* an panaonl qu*

c liall vrolnani un par* o& U loll

iiaiu blan anlandu.


Page 94: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


28 OCTOBRE 1954, PAGE 1


Les soucoupes vol antes viennent d'une

planefe que ses habitants appellent

" LA LUMlERE DU MILIEU DU CIEL "declare une cfilebre voyante extra-Iucide grecque,

P«u de aoueoupej blcr Ltptupatt affeaent U forme cU*

■iqu« &vec vananle < clgarta *

f.u t i CV Ktnault » Pqmc W

Djortaovlch direUeur ad)oi»t de

lobMrvaloirc de Belgrade II

peui ■ apr d unc irmi secret*

invent** p4f lea AanfrlCam* ou

l&l Rusiei

Tout eel* ne lorl pas ilu dwraaioe courant mui du nouveju

noui vienl de Ci«c« Un jouina

Hilt let! "s«i a/«t.*treJ~ HUMcoruiulter I oracle do Delphea *«f

ill* voir Mm« Katy Konstutdimdou voyuite cxtrs-Iuctde el

lui « d«me.nde ce qu II fallaitpenaer dcs aoucoupta «l du My

UcfliApril etre enlree en tr»nae.i

la reoderoe pylhle ft murmur*dun* voU lointame < 1* m*lt*vo ivk difficult* trea haul duta

U cleL 1* vole lea bommti de*

ioucoupt* C< aont d eiranjea

crealurea qui re»«mblenl aux

humains mnla w>nt plue peUta et

Onl (]» KIM DeiUCOUp ptui JfOase* Hi viennent dune autre pla

nele ou I atmotphira e»l trti

nrtfUt «t c eat la. raiton pour

Uquelle "9 ne reslent Bur ItKrr* que nuelquta «condtatus quoi Its n»quer*i«nt d«lf«

«cr*aes par la preaalwi do aotro

» Us aoucoupei voltnlei

raltes d un atllagfl mtUUlquo

ir«* r«»utahl «l doU« dun ayj-ifcaie do prewuniatlon Hie*

vtennent dune plintU quo ««habilanu tpp*ll«nt « L* lunol*

-e du milieu du del » I) y *ion3temp* qu« U* bommei d«i■oucoupu aouhalUtonl vult«r

la t»rro •*

Scion Mine KoniundlAidou

ce* « Martlana • communlquaDt

pis MMp*tht« D* eo fait tl* vt-

vucnt en parfaito InUlllgenca

aucun act* enmtnei n« Uur tiait

pnrrail pula^uo Uura ponatfoa

»onl connuu dt toua. Hi vlvcnt

rt»ni dea euornea «n boll Ufcr

10 nourrutsent duoo tort* d*

crime loujourt la iremo et la

memo pour tout , no dormantque deux ou troll bourea p*r

Jour et to reproduUcnt commo

tea bomrnea. lla nont nl rell|1on

ni cltrjf* at comrvonlquani par

1* peniie avoc I Elro Suprooi*.

Q»and llr-ioewrenl -leur 4ntP

oml^ro vers uo mend* aupfrteur

•r leur corpa m dlalntcgr* aus-

slto, PajulonDia p»r notra mon-

d« Its lobaorvtnt aana ce*M

dreiteront biontot la ayntocw

del ob«rvatiom do laura vnyt

ceura *t etabllront dei plana con

creta pour entrer en relation

avoc noua Mi'j U a tcoulere

i6fift*mpi avant quo la coaUef

aolt iUbll



Janine SiON (10 ans) a vu dimanche

une benne^volante (a vitres)

et un martien rouge aux yeux de boeuf!R1VB-DB-C1ER — Dt plmt am

flit it mmlupl't It momhrt dt ptf

tonntt aytnl *> prtlfdaml avmt

lt»~rt t'tmprtttami dt It ptm<t*mta*

dt* firtntmtmi Ctpmdanl, dams la*

tamptgmti tl ttmktt tjma ttm *Wf

mmii praJimt. m» *t ••#/•* tt am

ktiiit a dbrmtitr la ne>a*ell* Call

atnti •>»*> dtmantkt dtrmut, 24 *cto>

Art. *m 17 JL 19, mm, ItUatlt dmdm am*, Jmmmt Sfrm, 4mtmtrlUr

itmt him ftrmt an Ltudil ■ Id*Efftti •, tommunt dt Saintt^Catha.

rtmt (RMmtl. ttxtrttl prtfiptlam

mt»t tktt it* paitmlt, aptit afew

*■ tl atiltndu parttt~ fattmpa**

d"mm eigart reUml.

La nouvatle. qua 1*00 avail aolnde im pa* rbruiter noua patwticit

••uUotMti hter au flit* k I acnebiti-ta de H. Pien* Bcn)o«r, avUt-ur.

qu« ce* fatiMim paaeionnant —

nout te comprrnon* — noua (•

fniont, *m II heuree, ca roqutt

village avant de«eJade» ntt Attainrocaitteux qui devoit no** condnire

a la fefma habflea pat la petite Jatun*

Dominant !•» tana lemea du

coin, un coteau boiaa euraionti

d*una bauta n«u 1 U asm* 4m Ota-lelartL Ce*t la ejM la filWrte vft at-

temr at ■ anvolar le enyaierietja on-

et ton*noej noini etraitfa occu-



A la taraBa* naoe aw fnu>W

qu une damn, ftaM «t sympaittwajua,

la itnn de ta petite JanuM, carte

derniere etant a I'eroU duCm tit* qui devalt lanoui corner te retoor de I aslant,

tnancbe *ott, apeea cette vbion ajuia>t boutevme*

tqmt theft dt pa* —d'matf

It rlttt tomtt pilt ti mt p

pat i i txphtmtt gilt tflt ImI«


( I 4\-t»r ftarftt tl. U Itmdtmmm,



Nout frappon* entuiie a I'erola on■niltruirire M1U LMnbariltn, nout

cru(iIU irft ■imabWcnmi La |M>

in* JimiM d»|«Hne tn fompafnia

de I intniiitrice *t de draa autnalevaj qm ramm «Ue, haWrest

trap loin de I ecole pour rentret a

l« ftrm* dvreni enidf

Nou* riiayem, tn noui reppor-

rani aua declafatiMii de la lanie

tie I rnfani, de (hangar le v«r*>os

*■ de irnmper J*mrw !*•* un* *«u

le (on nnuj n ivoni rtntu a la

prendre en deteul Ctt de<larai*on*

laite* po^rment conrordem en tout

point! avrr r#ll»i qu ill* a dtje lai

in k tt* parrnt*

■ J'tlmn dmnt mon rktmp •<■(■

ptt 4 fatrt • l««rit/f • Mr* fatArf,

litriqnt |* vtt •*«■« f# c«f/ Hue ■ •/

fti't ■ ivtif* kUttfht dt form? twt

It. *»i dtKtndtil It rilnn It mat

an* * ma t hi tl it mt dt'Htun

rtr, ,», .

El I enfant nou* reeonia *n>uil<

qu tile vii un apparvil rtMemhlam

a une henn* qunqu* plui grtnd,

avac de* vltr** Ell* *• rapprorhaii

de (tlm-fl Inriqu* Mudain nn hom

ene qui luit appuyt e un lagoilitr

at qu*elle n avail pa* vu }u*qu ■<■

• appracha (ram ptur ' emperher

d'allet van I'apparetl

Cat hoama etait vetti d* rauge.

BaJt *•• veteoMhte avttenl 1'appa

mica du le* It mi rehail It* |ant

be* raidre — Janina nout mime ta

d*narche> de I'hoennie — el pe*ti

culait II avail de grand* cfcevaus

at un vltaga potlu II *Uit l*fe>»

cnent plui (rend «u ell* at on pent

penaet cjuir tnemtraii I m. 40 ro-vtrom.

a Ct mai m'a fail ptmr, ta ton I

tt* g'0* yt»* «*t /KmL tommt

ttmn dtt konft' II m a parti d"**t

vol* grtrt, malt ft *'« •** earn

prtu 4tort il m'a mmmtrt m.milqmt

tktt dt vtrt tjm'tl Wait i pitI

aftfilf m malm, t'ttl apprtxhi an-tma 4» moi, m'a r#*«*W tipamU

tl ti tit rtmonti da*t tarn appa-ttiU tl a omvtrl mm portt fw it

tramvail ft b-mt dm titan tappa-fltt a %o*Tni tnr t*t mimt pan tti

mtmH to*i 4rt*t dam It tiaL

■ II »• faitait pat plmt dt lr*u

tjm'mmt mathimt i twmdtt Arrivi 4uma emaim* kamltwt, it *■'« *tm

M *ait eamrnt dtt flammti larlitdt FappartH. t'at m dt* caultmrt

plml pii*w •


L*Mqu* la p*ttt* Janine m dirigea vet* I append, Ma deui

chien* la *uitrtrttil, enai* arrive* a

praslaiia du c'gare Im m *euv*ren<

tent mime eboyer Pouftam, ha

bifuellemtnl ilt \t font loriqu ill

volrnt dea rhatMuri

Une eutre Iillelte qui t* irouvait

par la, mat* qui ne pouvait volt

I'apparail, devait afflrmer avoiraparcu le* veche* tl It* chirni, 4amte champ dun mim



Qu«l ntdii p*«t-oa epportw ou

racit de la petite Jenmei 7 Nettil

pa* la fruit eTufia laaesmatiOD letti-

U ' C*l1e*ct a a l-«IU m* Ntvaetd cat

la hittoir* d* toutr* plica* pour m

ionnrt une rertaine Importance f

Mb Lombertlui, I matirutnee da

Janine, quattionnc*, eat penuadeia

Jn petite Jitntne

quc la hllclir e dit la »rnn

• Jtmtf noui dtt-ellr, Jt»t*t

tnvtmi dtt htilnirtt C til *"f ttf

vr trt\ pontivt am tpprrnd htt

ultr Ct n nt ptt tilt <)«t ti't

lt mvrnlrr fttttllt tiitloirt it pt

d, .,.« t,t,t .

f-l nrui noni quillt Sainlr Cl

ihtnn* Umint la petit* J*n>n#

(ft JfOin d trotirr*


Page 95: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en


stopped for half an hour that same day when a small crowd gathered under the monument to the Bersaglier elite troops in one ofthe city's busiest piazzas to gaze at the


"Some of them said they saw nothing, but others kept on staring anyway." (xx)

(xx) New York, New York World-Telegram. 11 November 54 (UP)

30 October Nhill, Australia (11 50p.m)

"I wish had never seen it "

A press report states

"There are three Nhill residents who, after their experience last Saturday night,are convinced that there must be something in the 'flying saucer' mystery after allThey are Mr Max Mann, Mr. Jack Kay, and Mrs J. Jones, who saw a strange light

in the sky above the town at about ten minutes to midnight."Mr Mann, in describing the phenomenon this morning, said that the object

was first sighted by Mr. Kay high in the sky in a northwesterly direction The three

witnesses were standing in front ofMr Mann's residence in McPherson Street.

Continuing, Mr Mann said: 'I looked up and saw a huge object, not unlike the un

der side of a saucer in shape, that was glowing with an orange-cream light, similarto a fluorescent light. The object seemed to come straight towards us, then hoveredin the sky at a height of 100 feet It remained hovering for approximately three

minutes, and then disappeared as if the light had suddenly been extinguished The

'saucer' appeared to be a huge thing, and from where we viewed it, it seemed to

measure about 10 feet across '"Mr Mann, who is now called the 'saucer man* by his workmates, is convinc

ed that the object was a 'flying sau

cer ' He said that he had always

been skeptical about reports in the

past but did not believe that he and

his two friends could all be mis

taken. His final comment was: *I

am receiving such a ragging from

my mates I wish I had never seen

the thing.'" (xx)

Yugoslav sciential

saw jet "saucer^**BELGRADE. Tuesday. — A Yugosiay' ' scientist _

suggested today/ that seven" "flying saucers'' reported to \have been seen over the northern and- central part of the,country yesterday were "some' new secret weapon of theAmericans or Russians."

(xx.) Nhill, Australia Nhill

Free Press. 1 November


30 October Russian or American9

(See clipping)

Mr Peter Djorkovic, as

sistant director of the, Belgrade astronomical ob

servatory, said the objects

could not have been parts of

a meteor, "but must be sometechnical contrivance."

, The Yugoslav Air Force todayInvestigated reports from manyparts of the countiy that up toseven "flying saucers" were-seeneaily yesterday Thev weie varitLaly destiibed as pear shaped,

clgar-shwed and round Theircolour shadlngs were given, green, orange ahtf whiteMr Diorkovlc said four of the)

objects were seen by the observatory They \\ent southeast in'the direction of Bulalujla andthen returned half 'an HOtfr laterfrom that direction, "''"'"He said their steady flight

atom? a straight line to the horizon excluded the possibility oftheir being meteors Besides, headded, "they left traces of theirrocket evhaust "-NZPA-Reuter

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Jean Sider's book Le Dossier 1954 et

L 'imposture Rationahste, and its

companion volume Cahier

Iconographque, are recommended

sources for the French wave

Unfortunately for the American

researcher, the works are in French


< - le dossier 1954

-;; , , et

l'imposture rationaliste

Late October. East Africa (no time)

A news dispatch from Nairobi informed the world"

"[There has been]... a deluge of [UFO] reports from scores of observers through

out East Africa, who claim to have seen * flying saucers.' These reports have flooded

newspaper offices in the three East African territories ofUganda, Kenya and Tanga

nyika Europeans, Asians and Africans have all variously claimed to have seen objects

in the sky stationary, zooming over the horizon, changing colour from white to red,

blue and green, elliptical in shape, and elongated with upright projections at either


"First reports of'flying saucers' came from Dar-es-Salaam, capital of Tanga

nyika on the Indian Ocean coast, and were quickly followed by 'sightings' at Mom

basa, Kampala and this city Here, in Nairobi, citizens telephoned local police police

stations to say that they had spotted 'saucers' circling the suburbs More than one

police patrol car, sent to investigate, reported following the course ofthe 'mysterious

bright objects' in the sky Two Europeans on duty at the international airport here

observed an 'aerial object' through binoculars " (xx)

(xx) Nairobi, October 29. The Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. The Bay ofPlenty Times

30 October 54 Murray Bott files, Auckland, New Zealand.

30 October Near Tapes, Brazil, (midnight)

"Playing with people "

Fontes wrote

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" .Saturday, October 30, 1954, Flavio Rebelo, age 38, a well-educated, conserva

tive, responsible civilian government jobholder, was driving his car on a weekend trip

He worked for the State of Rio Grande do Sul Administration in Porto Alegre and has

an excellent reputation in that city, where he lives

"Early on that day [the 30th] he had decided to travel to the city ofTapes, wherehe owned a summer-resort His family was with him There was his wife, Use, and

his two sons (Luiz, age 15 and Paulo Antonio, age 10) They started toward Guaiba,

a nearby town, where they took the State road toward Tapes

"At midnight they reached the Guara hill, the highest place on the that road From

there Flavio, his wife and older son (the other was sleeping) sighted a strong light like

a star, but a lot larger It was far ahead and off to the west, but they lost it when they

started to go down the hill. Soon they arrived at the plain and the road was now a

straight line through a deserted extent of level country.

"They were riding along when they saw two lights approaching from Tapes. Re-

belo thought they could be the headlights ofanother car traveling their way, returning

from Tapes But soon he noticed that they seemed to go off the road, entering into the

country beside it That observation troubled him a little for he knew that no car could

travel off the road in that area. But he didn't stop his car. It could be, perhaps, a tractor

starting a night's work, he thought A few minutes later he noticed that two more lights

had appeared behind the first ones. This time he was surprised, but still not alarmed

There was something strange in those lights, but still they could belong to tractors, two

tractors working together He kept driving on.

"The lights kept getting closer, steadily growing in size. The night was dark, no

stars could be seen through the clouds that covered the sky. A strong wind was blow

ing They came still nearer He kept driving on and watching those yellow-white lights

"When they looked to be only a kilometer away, his curiosity increased because

their size was getting very big He slowed down to see better The lights were soon

going to cross his path, passing on the nght side of road and a some distance away fromit.

"Suddenly, when the lights appeared to be about 300 meters off to the right of the

car, they began to change their color. They took on at first a bluish hue, then they

changed to violet, becoming next an orange; and lastly a fiery red like burning charcoal.

When they changed from an orange to a fiery red color, the Rebelos were passing just

in front ofthem. This time Flavio was startled, and stopped the car to watch the strange

scene with his wife and his older son. 'This change of colors was not abrupt, like a mere

substitution ofa light by another ofdifferent hue'—the Rebelos said later in their report.

'It developed softly, like some kind of fusion ofhues and tints or the slow mixing of different dyes,' they claimed.

"What happened next, according to Mr. Rebelo's written report, follows below

" 'About the time the lights started to change from color to another, it was the only

time I had a glimpse ofa shape behind those lights. To be more precise, when they

changed from orange to red, we noticed some kind of a spherically-shaped dome, a hugeone. At that moment I thought it looked like a house burning. But the vision disappeared

after a few seconds. Only the lights remained, glowing in the darkness, motionless Now

all ofthem were red, a fiery red, like incandescent charcoal They were definitely round-

shaped and sharply outlined, like a porthole light They hovered at about two meters

above the ground The oddest thing was that they didn't project a beam of light, like a

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searchlight Quite the reverse They were not reflected by the car surface, nor did they

illuminate the ground [an important point to remember]. Fascinated, we watched that

uncanny scene from our car stopped beside the road.

" 'But that was not all Suddenly the lights, now in line with each other, started to

move slowly toward the road, and toward our car. At the same time, they were pulling

away from each other as if trying to surround the spot where we were. I froze where I

stood, getting the horrible feeling of a trapped animal The lights closed in quietly, the

glow growing steadily in size, the one ahead apparently to block our only, way of escape.

We saw them getting bigger and bigger, now larger than one meter in diameter They

were unlike anything that I knew, something inexplicable in terms ofpast experience

The color was wonderful and the light, although strong, was not dazzling That moment

I confess I lost any power ofreasoning I had to run away. I was hypnotized and stood

still, watching the slow and purposeful approach of those 'things ' But at the very mo

ment they were almost over us I regained my consciousness because of my wife. She

was wild with fear, crying and squeezing my arm painfully, imploring me to get away

from there Then I started the car in a frenzy and drove away from that place as fast as I

could I was so nervous I would hardly be able to start driving on, again, if the motor

quit at that moment.'

"As the car was running away at top speed down the road, the Rebelos looked back

and saw the lights change color to a very bright white, then grow dimmer and dimmer,

and finally switch off. This happened at about 28 kilometers away from Tapes

"When the car was coming near Tapes, at about two kilometers from it, they sighted

a light again, now hovering just ahead of their car It was silvery-white and very bright

and stood motionless—not on the ground as before—but above it, about five hundred

meters high Mr. Rebelo then stopped the car to calm down his frightened wife He told

her they were quite near the city and could observe the 'phenomenon' with no danger

The light grew in size. It was now like 'polished metal reflecting the sunlight and ap

parently larger than a full moon ' After a few minutes a similar light appeared at a point

about two kilometers away from the first one (to the left of it). This one was also high in

the sky, and was moving slowly towards the other light It approached and stopped at

about 500 meters from it—at some distance from the car

"Mr Rebelo wanted to watch the 'things' a little more, whatever they were, but his

youngest son, Paulo Antonio, now awake, started to cry when he saw the two lights hover

ing in mid-air. He was, ofcourse, scared Then—considering that they had enough for the

night, that he was alone with his wife and kids in that deserted place, watching strange and

frightening events; and that his family was badly shaken—Mr. Rebelo decided to get away

as fast as possible. He drove off.

"This time the lights remained motionless and unchanged, even when the car passed

just under them Soon the lights faded into the darkness and the Rebelos finally entered

the sleeping city ofTapes." (xx.)

(xx.) Fontes' personal notes, donated by Robert Gribble, now in the author's files

This "credible" close encounter was something eerie to Fontes, and well as to the Brazilian

military The subsequent investigation, by the press and the Brazilian Air Force, during the

following weeks make even better reading. Fontes even had to ask himself "Did they want to

take specimens7"

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31 October Lages, Brazil (8 00 p m)

"Disc-shaped glowing object"

Fontes wrote

"By the night of October 31, 1954 two more 'Unknowns' were reported. The first

one had been sighted at 8:00 p m. over the city of Lages, Santa Catanna State, by a

farmer (Mr Libeno Shamedec) and his relatives It was a 'disc-shaped glowing object,'

that came from the east, hovered silently over the city for a few minutes, and finally dis

appeared toward the south, at great speed. The sighting was immediately reported to the

Flonanopohs (the capital ofthe state of Santa Catanna) Air Base " (xx.)

(xx ) Fontes' personal notes, donated by Robert Gribble, now in the author's files

31 October Porto Alegre, Brazil (8'30 p m)

"Glowing disc-shaped object"

Fontes wrote

w Half an hour later, the same (or another) UFO appeared over Porto Alegre,

Rio Grande do Sul State. It hovered over the city for about fifteen minutes and

was watched, from several places, by a number ofpersons. It was described as a

'glowing, disc-shaped object—apparent size about like a dime at arm's length—

emitting a very bright yellow-light.' The Air Force was alerted and several jet

fighters were scrambled to try and run up to it. They climbed up to twelve thou

sand meters but they could do nothing to it—the strange craft was still higher

For a time, it stood motionless in the sky, watching the futile attempts made by

our fighters to get in [?] its path [At this early date, Fontes accepted the EHT

theory without much reservation and his writings reflect that. Fontes wrote like

Keyhoe Here, for instance, the UFO is a "craft" that was "watching" futile at

tempts. A serious UFO researcher would like more evidence the report was

about true alien ship, and if it was, what the pilots of the machine were thinking

would be just a guess] Then, it seemed to lose patience and, with its usual un

expected readiness, it suddenly rushed up into the night and was gone. And no

one heard any sound come from it

"The Air Force got a flood of queries from the press, as soon as they heard

about this sighting But the reporters and writers were unceremoniously sloughed

off—the Air Force wasn't divulging any more information about the case A

security lid came down tight around it " (xx.)

(xx) Fontes' personal notes, donated by Robert Gnbble, now in the author's files

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Aberdeen, Scotland, p 86

Ablain-St-Nazaire, France p 11

Aire-sur-la-Lys, France, p 51

Almeida, Lt H Ferraz. p 79

Amiens, France p 12

Andrade, Capt Antonio p 89

Angles, France, p.46

Ankara, Turkey P 42

Armentieres, France p 11.

Aumoitte, Mr? p 89

Australian Department ofAir. p 15

Avellino, Italy p.77


Barbereau, Maria, p 36.

Barotte, Mrs. ? p. 18

Bassing, France pp.2,4.

Bataville, France p 10

Beaune, France p 42

Beauquay, France p 35

Begin, Mr.? p 44.

Beirut, Lebanon, p.33

Bennier, Claudius p 41

Berger, E p 6

Biderstroff, France, p 10

Bjuhacard, Sweden, p 71

Blanche-Eghse, France p 4.

Bournel, France p 19

Brazilian Air Force, p 96.

Bray-sur-Seine, France p.71.

Bressuire, France p. 8

Brest, France p 71

Bnnkman, Mrs Donald p 62

Brosses-Thillot, France, p.45.

Bruellet, France p. 14.

Buenos Aires, Argentina p.32

Burnel, France, p 20.

Cabasson, France p 59.

Cahier Iconographique p 94

Calais, France, p.49

Carcenac, Mr.? p.41

Cardinah, Ulderico. p 86.

Carney, Jerome p 1

Carrier, Mr ? p.37

Castehone, Italy p 86

Ciry-le-Noble, France p.45

Chateau-Neuf-Du-Pape, France p 91

Chateauneuf-sur-Charente, France


Chavannes, France p. 14

Cherbburg,_France p.21

Chereny, France p 11

Chevigny-en-Vahere, France p 44

Cognard, Andre p 45

"Cometa Report " p 6

Corso, MO. p 90.

Crepaldi, Antonio p 52

Crouy,Mrs? p 18




1 October 54

2 October 54.

3 October 54

4 October 54

6 October 54

7 October 54.

8 October 54

9 October 54

10 October 54

11 October 54,

12 October 54

13 October 54

14 October 54

15 October 54

16 October 54

17 October 54

18 October 54

19 October 54

20 October 54

21 October 54

22 October 54

23 October 54

24 October 54

25 October 54

26 October 54

27 October 54

28 October 54

Tanganyika p 94



pp 6-13, 40

pp 14-16


pp 19-20,22-24


pp 28-29.

pp 27-33

, pp 34-37


pp 41-43

. pp 42,44-48,53.

. pp.49-51,53

pp 51-52,54-58

. pp.59-61,65

pp 59,61-64

. pp 62,67-68


pp 66, 71-72



pp 79-80,85-86

pp 75,80,85.

. pp.86,88-89



Page 101: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en

29 October 54 pp 90-92.

30 October 54 pp 90,93-95

31 October 54. p97

de Gaulle, Charles p.6

Delarouzee, Mr & Mrs ? p. 13

Dieuze, France pp 4,10.

Dipp, Lt *? p 40

Ditmar, Mrs George p 73

Djorkovic, Peter p 93

Domagalla, Melvin p 66

Doman, Mrs Donald p 62

Domant, Mr ? p 10

Dublin, OH p76.

Dutaud, Mr & Mrs ^ p 8

Epinac-les-Mines, France p 9

Erba, Italy p 79

Fatlona Lago, Italy p 52

Favell, Max p.33.

Finistere, France p 21

Florence, Italy p 78

Flonanopolis Air Base, Brazil p 97

Flying Saucer News (England) p.46

Fontes, Dr Olaves pp 37,87,96

Frankfurt, Germany, p 32

Fronfrede, France p 34


Galland, George p 13

Gardelle, Mr ? p 37.

Gift, Robert p 1

Gilcher, Mr? p 10

Girardo, Angelo. p.9.

Giullemoteau, Mr & Mrs ? p 8

Goebeck, Mis.9 p.8

Gothenburg, Sweden p 73

Graulhet, France, p.41

Gravatal AFB, Brazil pp 79,86

Grossouvre, France p 8.

Gueblin, France, p 10

Guegnon, France p 45


Hamadan, Iran p. 85

Heimersdorf, France p 35

Hennezis, France, p.20

Herissart, France p. 12


Indre, France p 21

Innsbruck, Austria p 27

Iverson, Ed p 66


Jennings, Alex, p.46

Jettingen, France p 20

Jeune, M 9 p 91

Jones, Mrs J p.93

Jourdy, Baptiste. p33.

Juste, Julie p 36.


Kankakee, IL p 62

Karlsborg, Sweden p 73

Kartrineholm, Sweden p 73

Kay, Jack, p 93

Kembs, France p 51.

Kerpnch, France, p 10.

Labonde, Mr.9 p 34

La Chapelle-Hugon, France p 8

La Cumbre, Argentina p 78

Lages, Brazil, p.97

Lagny, France, p 71

Landereau, France, p 71

Lansselin, Claude p 20.

Lansselin, Francoise p 20

Lanzilla, Ermelinda. p.78.

Laplace, Pierre p. 10.

Lasserre, Mr. ? p.20

Leadala, Sweden p. 73

Le Dossier et L 'imposture

Rationaliste p 94.

Legros, Bernard, p 9

Lesparre-Medoc, France p 52

Le Tanneur, Marion, p. 3 6

Lourdel, Mr.? p.49

Page 102: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en

Lockborne AFB, Columbus, OH


Lonjarret, Marcel p 44

Lsles-sur-Saippes, France p 19

Lubbock, TX p 1

Luce, Clare Booth p 78

Lusens, Austria p 6

Lusignan, France p 7

Lyon, France p 41


p62Mahane Yehuda, Israel

Maney, C A p 73

Mann, Max p.93

Mansart, Nelly, p. 13

Manteno, IL p 62

Maryland, OH p 73

McDonald, Dr James p 73

Mendoza, Argentina p 77

Meral, France p 45.

Meusanges, Mr.9 p 44.

Micah, Mrs. Anna p.90

Michel, Aime. pp.2,42,50

Michel, Joseph p 42

Mitzchia, Mrs Pearl p 66.

Monceau-les-Mines, France pp 5,14

Montbazens, France, p 37.

Mota, Maj. J Magalhaes pp 81,85.

Moret, France p 71

Mulhouse, France p 21


Nairobi, Kenya, p 94

Natour, Abdelkarinx p 33

Nessier, France p 8

Neto, Capt. Pedro Richard, p.89.

Nhill, Australia, p.93.

Niffer, France, p.51.

Nocher, Jean p.6.

Nouvio-en-Pothieu, France p. 18.

Nowra, Australia, p. 15


Ohveira, Col Adil de

Osono, Brazil p.85.

Ott, Rene p20


Paris, France pp 5,66.

Pelotas, Brazil p 40.

Penna, Alexandre p 40

Perrier, Claude, p 49

Pierregot, France p 13

Plougastel, France p 71

Po River Valley, Italy p 49

Porto Alegre, Brazil pp 85,89,97

Pozzouli, Italy p 73

Pracht, Anny p 35

Pracht, Roselyne. p 35

Premanon, Switzerland p 18

Pugina, Rezo p.79

Purcell, Welard p 66

Quites, Lt Adil p.40

Quinaud, Mr ? p.20


Ramallah, Israel p 62

Raun, Louis, p 66

Raun, Louis p 66

Rebelo, Flavio p 95

Rebelo, Luiz p 95

Rebelo, Paulo Antonio, p 95

Reims, France, p 59

Renfort, Mr ? p 4

Rennes, France p 89.

Rety,Mrs.? p9

Rhodes (Island of), Greece p 90

Rizet, Mrs ? p.9

Robin, Miss ?p8

Rohrer, Norman p 2

Romain, Mr.? p.4

Rome, Italy, pp 78,90,94

Rothiuss, Mr ? p.4.

Rovigo, Italy p.52

Roy, Joseph p. 19

Rubempre, France p 13

Rue, France p 13

Safad, Israel, p.66.

Page 103: SUPPLEMENTALNOTES - Center for UFO Studies · roime de clears brlllant it qui puraisaail entoure dun halo Langin quelle put obterver unr minute environ dl»pnrut tout dun coup en

Saint Amand-les-Eaux, France p.6.

Saint Marcel, France p.27

Sahba, Lt. ? p.40.

Santenay, France p 9

Sao Leopoldo, Brazil p 40

Senechal, Marcel p 6

Shabani, Southern Rhodesia, Africa


Shamedec, Liberio p 97

Sider, Jean pp 16,32,38,47,50,58,64-


Southend-on-Sea, England p 46

Spiegelfeld, Dr Christoph p 7

St-Cirgues, France p 59

St Etienne, France p 33

St-Germain-du-Bois, France p 44.

St-Jean-d' Asse, France p. 19

St-Pierre-Halte, France p 49

Stringfield, Leonard p 73

St-Romain-sous-Gourdon, France



Tanganyika p 94

Tananarive, Madagascar p 6

Tapes, Brazil, p 94

Tapignac, France p. 3 5

Tedeschi, Corrado p.34

Tel Aviv, Israel p.62

Thomery, France p 71

Torres City, Brazil p 85.

Tremblay, Alexander p. 19.

Turner, OH. p 15.


UFO in Italia p 34

Uganda, p 94

Urysal, Greece p 21


Valance, France p.2.

Vauchelles-les-Domart, France, p.49

Velno, Belem. p.89

Verdenal, Robert, p.8

Vergaville, France, pp 4,10.

Vernusse, France, p.34

Vezins, Elie de. p.42

V-formation pp 1,62

Vion, Miss? p 8

Vitre, Mr & Mrs ? p.44

"Voice of America" p90

Vron, France p 12


Waben, France p 13

Warnck, Rodney. p73.

Weinstein, Dominique, pp 3,7,21,27,



White, Robert p 76



Yaounde, French Cameroons, Africa.


Yugoslavia, p 93