supporting research data management in uk universities: the jisc managing research data programme...

Supporting Research Data Management in UK Universities: the Jisc Managing Research Data Programme and university libraries Laura Molloy Humanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII), University of Glasgow, Digital Curation Centre and Jisc Managing Research Data programme Tuesday 29 October 2013 Utrecht 1

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Research data management in the UK: interventions by the Jisc Managing Research Data programme and the Digital Curation Centre. Specifies the importance of academic librarians for RDM. Includes links to openly available training resources. Presentation by L Molloy to ExLibris event, 'Excellence in Academic Knowledge Management', Utrecht, 29 October 2013.


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Supporting Research Data Management in UK Universities: the Jisc Managing Research Data Programme and university libraries

Laura MolloyHumanities Advanced Technology and Information Institute (HATII), University of Glasgow, Digital Curation Centre and Jisc Managing Research Data programme

Tuesday 29 October 2013



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Today’s talk

Why research data management matters

Context from the UK

The Jisc Managing Research Data programme

Research libraries > better RDM

Some useful training resources


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Why is managing research data important?

Jisc considers it a priority to support universities in improving RDM

Drivers: research funder policies, legislative frameworks, open data agenda …

Good data management is good for research

– More efficient research processes, avoidance of data loss, scrutiny can encourage better practice, research benefits of data reuse …

Alignment with university missions

– Excellent research infrastructure

– Better oversight of research outputs


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Research Data Challenges

Challenges: the ‘data deluge’… huge quantities of digital data

– But it’s not just about addressing storage issues.

Opportunities: data reuse, meta-studies, interdisciplinary grand challenges.

– Increasing awareness of research data as an asset.

– Digital research data has reuse value - important to obtain full return on public investment.

Results in policy drivers from funders.

– Need improved knowledge of how best to realise these policies.

Increasing emphasis on the role of universities and research institutions to provide infrastructure and support for RDM.


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Royal Society, UKScience as an Open Enterprise Report, 2012

‘the conduct and communication of science needs to adapt to this new era of information technology’.

‘As a first step towards this intelligent openness, data that underpin a journal article should be made concurrently available in an accessible database. We are now on the brink of an achievable aim: for all science literature to be online, for all of the data to be online and for the two to be interoperable.’

Royal Society June 2012, Science as an Open Enterprise,


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Science as an Open Enterprise Report:six key changes

1. a shift away from a research culture where data is viewed as a private preserve;

2. expanding the criteria used to evaluate research to give credit for useful data communication and novel ways of collaborating;

3. the development of common standards for communicating data;

4. mandating intelligent openness for data relevant to published scientific papers;

5. strengthening the cohort of data scientists needed to manage and support the use of digital data (which will also be crucial to the success of private sector data analysis and the government’s Open Data strategy);

6. the development and use of new software tools to automate and simplify the creation and exploitation of datasets.

Royal Society 2012, Science as an Open Enterprise,


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UK drivers: Research Funder Policies

1. Public good: Publicly funded research data are produced in the public interest should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible

2. Planning for preservation: Institutional and project specific data management policies and plans needed to ensure valued data remains usable

3. Discovery: Metadata should be available and discoverable; Published results should indicate how to access supporting data

4. Confidentiality: Research organisation policies and practices to ensure legal, ethical and commercial constraints assessed; research process should not be damaged by inappropriate release

5. First use: Provision for a period of exclusive use, to enable research teams to publish results

6. Recognition: Data users should acknowledge data sources and terms & conditions of access

7. Public funding: Use of public funds for RDM infrastructure is appropriate and must be efficient and cost-effective.

RCUK Common Principles on Data Policy:


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EPSRC Research Data Policy Expectations

Policy and expectations:

Research organisations to have RDM policy, advocacy and support functions. (i, iii)

Research data to be effectively managed and curated throughout the life-cycle (viii)

Research organisations to maintain public catalogue of research data holdings, adequate metadata and permanent identifier (v)

Publications to indicate how research data can be accessed (ii)

Data to be retained for 10 years from last access (vii)

Research data management to be adequately resourced from appropriate funding streams (ix)

Roadmap in place by 1 May 2012

Compliance by 1 May 2015


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Institutional data repositories as an elevator for data collections

The Data Pyramid: taken from Royal Society Report, Science as an Open Enterprise: Jisc MRD Blog on role of institutional data repositories


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Development of Institutional RDM Capacity

The Royal Society Science as an Open Enterprise report recommended that the JISC Managing Research Data Programme ‘should be expanded beyond the

pilot 17 institutions within the next five years.’

[Royal Society 2012, Science as an Open Enterprise, p.73]


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Building Institutional Capacity:Second MRD Programme, 2011-13

Second JISC MRD Programme, 2011-13:

Encouraged to reuse outputs from first programme and elsewhere.Mix of pilot projects and embedding projects.Holistic institutional approach to RDM.


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Components of RDM support services

RDM Policy and Roadmap Business Plan and Sustainability

Guidance, Training and Support

Research Data Registry


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DCC curation lifecycle model

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Components of RDM support services

RDM Policy and Roadmap Business Plan and Sustainability

Guidance, Training and Support

Research Data Registry


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Institutional Policies and Roadmaps – DCC resources

Institutional Research Data Management Policies:

Institutional Roadmaps to meet EPSRC Expectations on Research Data:


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Successful Business Cases

Successful business cases

– Many examples, including Bristol, 2.5 year pilot project with 5 staff; Bath (2FTE); Manchester (total of c.5FTE); Soton (total 3.5FTE); Lincoln (1.x FTE).

E.g. Bristol have set KPIs for ongoing service:

– More information at and on Bristol data.bris project / data service blog at


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Data Management Planning

Detailed guidance on funder requirements for DMPs from DCC:

DCC How to Develop a Data Management and Sharing Plan:

DCC DMPonline tool:

Jez Cope, University of Bath, R360 Project


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Institutional data repositories

Research Data@Essex;DataPool, Southampton;

RoaDMaP, Leeds;C4D, Glasgow;

Cambridge, Exeter, Herts, QMUL Data.bris, Bristol; Orbital, Lincoln; KAPTUR; iridium, Newcastle RD@Essex ReCollect App 21

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Metadata Schema for Institutional Data Repositories 22

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ReCollect App for Eprints Data Repositories


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How are libraries engaging in RDM?

The library is leading on most DCC institutional

They are involved in: defining the institutional strategy developing RDM policy delivering training courses helping researchers to write DMPs advising on data sharing and citation setting up data repositories ...


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Library skills needed for RDM

Literature searching

Literature evaluation (including appraisal and retention decision-making)

Expert knowledge of subject resources and databases

‘Background knowledge’ (i.e. discipline-specific knowledge)

Technical knowledge (bibliometrics etc)

Knowledge of information literacy and digital literacy

Understanding of the width of the information landscape and the research lifecycle

Negotiation skills

Complaints and expectation management

Coordination of practice across institution

Advocacy, promotion [of good practice] etc

RIN RILADS project (2013)


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Why should libraries support RDM?

existing data and open access leadership roles

often run publication repositories

have good relationships with researchers

proven liaison and negotiation skills

knowledge of information management, metadata...

highly relevant skill set


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Potential library roles in RDM

Leading on local (institutional) data policy

Bringing data into undergraduate research-based learning

Teaching data literacy to postgraduate students

Developing researcher data awareness

Providing advice, e.g. on writing DMPs or advice on RDM within a project

Explaining the impact of sharing data, and how to cite data

Signposting who in the Uni to consult in relation to a particular question

Auditing to identify data sets for archiving or RDM needs

Developing and managing access to data collections

Documenting what datasets an institution has

Developing local data curation capacity

Promoting data reuse by making known what is availableRDMRose Lite


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So existing skills = highly relevant

Many existing librarian skills are highly relevant to RDM

Corrall et all (2013): majority of librarians surveyed in favour of RDM training as part of professional education, including CPD


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JISCMRD Training Projects, phase 1 and 2

Need for discipline-specific research data management / curation training, integrated with PG studies

Five projects in the first programme to design and pilot (reusable) discipline-focussed training units for postgraduate courses:

Heath studies; creative arts; archaeology and social anthropology; psychological sciences; social sciences and geographical sciences:

Four projects in the second programme:

Psychology and computer science; digital music; physics and astronomy; subject and liaison librarians.


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MANTRA Training Materials, University of Edinburgh

Online course built using OS Xerte toolkit. Sections include:

– DMPs

– Organising Data

– File Formats and Transformation

– Documentation and Metadata

– Storage and Security

– Data Protection

– Preservation, sharing and licensing

Also software practicals for users of SPSS, R, ArcGIS, Nvivo

Research Data MANTRA: 30

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Sharing and remixing training materials!

MANTRA RDM Training materials:

UEL supportDM training course:

DCC / Northampton, RDM for Librarians:

Nottingham Short Course on RDM:

Summary from Laura Molloy on MRD Evidence Gatherer blog:


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Training for librarians

RDM for librarians, DCC

RDMRose, University of Sheffield

Data Intelligence for librarians, 3TU, Netherlands

DIY Training Kit for Librarians, University of Edinburgh

SupportDM modules, University of East London


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DCC training course: RDM for Librarians

3 hour course by the DCC covering:

– Research data and RDM

– Data management planning

– Data sharing

– Skills


Slides and accompanying handbook

Used UKDA guide as pre-event reading

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Jisc MRD training: RDMRose

Taught and CPD learning materials in RDM tailored for information professionals, by the Uni of Sheffield

8 sessions, each = 0.5 day of study

Strong emphasis on practical hands-on activities

Also offer a short (2hr) course called RDMRose Lite


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Data Intelligence for Librarians

A course produced by 3TU, a consortium of technical universities in the Netherlands

Combination of online and face-to-face education

Four meetings to learn and share knowledge

Theory (on website) and assignments are conducted between sessions


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DIY Training Kit for Librarians

By EDINA and Data Library at University of Edinburgh

Self-directed course, intended to be used by a group of librarians to build confidence in supporting researchers

MANTRA modules as pre-reading, short presentation, reflective questions and exercises to guide discussion

Five face-to-face sessions

– Data Management Planning

– Organising and documenting data

– Data security and storage

– Ethics and copyright

– Data sharing

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SupportDM comprises five sessions

– About research data management

– Providing guidance and support for researchers

– Data Management Planning

– Selecting which data to keep

– Cataloguing and sharing data

Each topic is introduced in a face-to-face session and explored via exercises and discussion

Learning is reinforced via an online tutorial and practical exercises


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Published reports / articles: academic librarians in RDM

Swan, Brown (2008): The skills, role and career structure of data scientists and curators

CILIP (2008): Data librarianship – a gap in the market

Lyon (2009): Open science at web scale

Pryor, Donnelly (2009): Skilling Up to Do Data: Whose Role, Whose Responsibility, Whose Career? doi:10.2218/ijdc.v4i2.105

Molloy, Snow (2011): DaMSSI final report (inc. training recommendations)

Auckland (2012): Reskilling for Research.

Corrall et al (2013): Emerging trends in library support for research. Library Trends, May 2013. doi:10.1353/lib.2013.0005


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Thank you!

E-mail: [email protected]

Twitter: @LM_HATII ; #jiscmrd ; #UKDCC

JISC Managing Research Data Programme:

JISC MRD Programme Blog:

Digital Curation Centre:


Slide acknowledgements: Dr Simon Hodson, Joy Davidson, Sarah Jones and colleagues at the DCC