supporting smallholder certification ... - sustainable palm oil (mca-i related...

Supporting Smallholder Certification through the Berbak Green Prosperity Partnership Hans Harmen Smit 26 March 2016 – ISCC Stakeholder meeting Jakarta

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Page 1: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Supporting Smallholder Certification through the Berbak Green Prosperity


Hans Harmen Smit

26 March 2016 – ISCC Stakeholder meeting Jakarta

Page 2: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder



2.1Farmertrainingandcertification 2.2Designofasmallholderoilpalmreplantingfinancescheme


2.1.1 DatacollectionandpreparationofBMPportal

2.1.2 Preparetrainingplansandmodules

2.1.3 BMPtrainingfor10,000small-holderfarmers

2.1.4 Upgradefacilitiesof4KUDstocomplywithcertificationstandards

2.1.5 DevelopapalmoilcertificationmodelforISHfarmers

2.1.6 Certificationof4KUDscovering1600ISHfarmersinPetaling

2.2.1 Design3viablesmallholderreplantinginvestmentmodels,includingdevelopment&testingofcreditscoringandpresentingtheinvestmentcasetoanimpactinvestorsandnational/localbanks

2.2.2 PrepareaFinalReport,,toolsandlessonslearned

2.3.1 Socialization2.3.2 TrainingonBio-digester

constructionandO&M2.3.3 Securesupplyoffeedstock

Introduction: Targets Palm Oil Component Berbak Green Prosperity Partnership

Page 3: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Example landscape risk assessment/ zoning Siting Tool & GRAS


Page 4: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Outputs: AkvoPedia

Online reference material for plantation management palm oil smallholders

Page 5: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Outputs: Training Materials BMP

Page 6: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Outputs: 6600 Farmers Trained on Better Management Practices

Page 7: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Outputs: Facilities upgraded to comply with ISCC requirements

Page 8: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Outputs: Training Materials Cooperative Development and internal control systems

Page 9: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Outputs: Certification module ISCC for independent smallholders

Page 10: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Outputs: 5 Cooperatives trained on ISPO, RSPO and ISCC certification

Page 11: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

•  Differentsourcesofdatausedtocalculatefuturecashflows

•  Identifyrepaymentcapacity&short-andlongtermfinancingneedsofsmallholders

Outputs: Credit Scoring 500 farmers

Page 12: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

Outputs: Credit Scoring 500 farmers

Page 13: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder


•  Cooking, lighting and electricity generation

•  Mainly at large cattle farm •  Higher than 30m3 size

•  15 houses are connected through pipeline and gas is supplied for cooking

•  Market based, sense of ownership, long term functioning, durable design (20 years) and maximization of benefits

Outputs: 15 Biogas Digesters Constructed

Page 14: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder


Outputs: 15 Biogas Digesters Constructed

Page 15: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder

•  Deepen partnerships with local governments and private sector partners

•  Additional 10.000 farmers trained on BMP •  Additional 5 Cooperatives trained on Cooperative

development and Internal Control systems •  Scale Smallholder certification •  Set up full traceability and monitoring systems at

partner Mill •  Link smallholders in need for replanting to finance

Next Steps

Page 16: Supporting Smallholder Certification ... - Sustainable Palm Oil (MCA-I related areas in Jambi) 2.1 Farmer training and certification 2.2 Design of a smallholder