supreme court upholds key provision of affordable care act

FOR RELEASE: June 25, 2015 Supreme Court Upholds Key Provision of Affordable Care Act Austin, Texas—On Thursday, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling that prevents many Texans from losing their health insurance. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the defendant in King v. Burwell, a lawsuit that sought to strip premium tax credits from people who live in states that have a federal insurance marketplace under the Affordable Care Act. NARAL Pro-Choice Texas Executive Director Heather Busby made the following statement in response to the ruling: “Texans need the Affordable Care Act now more than ever. Extremists in the Texas Legislature have refused to set up a state exchange or expand Medicaid, and their attacks on reproductive health care are relentless. The Affordable Care Act gives millions of people access to a wide range of birth control options and prevents women from being charged more for their health insurance. Today’s Supreme Court ruling protects the health insurance that many Texans rely on and can’t count on their state government to provide.” ### Contact: Zoey Lichtenheld, [email protected], o: (512) 462-1661, m: (512) 920-2046

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Post on 14-Sep-2015




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Supreme Court Upholds Key Provision of Affordable Care Act


  • FOR RELEASE: June 25, 2015

    Supreme Court Upholds Key Provision of Affordable Care Act Austin, TexasOn Thursday, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a ruling that prevents many Texans from losing their health insurance. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the defendant in King v. Burwell, a lawsuit that sought to strip premium tax credits from people who live in states that have a federal insurance marketplace under the Affordable Care Act. NARAL Pro-Choice Texas Executive Director Heather Busby made the following statement in response to the ruling: Texans need the Affordable Care Act now more than ever. Extremists in the Texas Legislature have refused to set up a state exchange or expand Medicaid, and their attacks on reproductive health care are relentless. The Affordable Care Act gives millions of people access to a wide range of birth control options and prevents women from being charged more for their health insurance. Todays Supreme Court ruling protects the health insurance that many Texans rely on and cant count on their state government to provide.


    Contact: Zoey Lichtenheld, [email protected], o: (512) 462-1661, m: (512) 920-2046