survey analysiss

Survey Analysis

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Survey analysiss

Survey Analysis

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Looking at my results, it is obvious that there are more females who took part in taking the survey so I will mainly focus on targeting my magazine towards the female target market, however rock magazines are usually limited to the male gender, meaning I will look at what will attract the male target demographic too. Moreover, my results are heavily bias towards female so majority of the further questions I asked will reflect mainly the female demographic.

However, I believe within the music genre I want to focus on, males will be easier to provide the magazine towards due to the mass amount of males who are presented as stars and popular in the indie/rock genre.

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These results show the age range of the people who did my survey. As you can see, the age range varies from 15-18 so the results I have gathered will be based on teenage perspectives. Since the age range 16-18 was the most popular I will focus on this age range as it is the stage where teenagers will look up to musicians they have an interest in. Not only that but they will most likely have a weekend job of their own so they can afford a weekly/monthly magazine, to ensure that this will be something they buy this regularly I will give it an overall average price that will provide profit and ability for the teenagers to buy.This generation is also a stage of going through rebellion, change and many trips to festivals where parent aren't about, so this is something else I will continue to research as I want to attract the audience with elements of information that will be of interest too them x

Page 4: Survey analysiss

The most popular music genre is indie, followed by pop. This indicates the style of music I will base my magazine on as it follows the preferences of the target audience which I have detected from the past 2 slides. Moreover the magazines I researched in the textual analysis were of a similar/the same music genres and the contents were of bands that fall within these genres – especially NME and Q, where as KERRANG! focuses on punk/rock genre, but these two genres didn’t result very popular.

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I asked this question based on my textual analysis as these 3 magazines are the ones I have now gained knowledge of and want to have a magazine similar style to NME as it is one I have collected personally and contains majority of the indie genre which was the highest vote in the survey!

However, as magazines are found online now a days and not as popular, the biggest percentage of the survey takers chose ‘none of the above’. This helps me identify what viral campaigns will come alongside my magazine to ensure recognition, not only that but it indicates that some of my audience from the surveys use online/social media which is something I will consider to be apart of my magazine, whether that may be contents or promotional/advertisement techniques.

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Looking at the comments of the respondents answers of why they listen to music, it helps me understand what it means to them personally. Having a magazine that adds a personal touch will help the target reader realise this is the magazine for them, moreover it will help me decide how I should present music - something very precious, just a hobby/past time or as a source of entertainment. One teen said it was a ‘soundtrack to life’ which comes across as it does have an impact on their life, plus it gives me a chance to explore different ways to explain what music means through the demographics words - this could be through the article/double page spread or an inspirational music influencer as a focus on the cover or article/interview.

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I wanted to find out how often my target audience listened to music to see if it was something they chose to listen to on a daily basis as it will help me ensure how passionate my target reader listens to it. Adding onto that this research will indicate how often they want to “escape from reality” or listen to their “soundtrack to life”.

Looking at the results it shows an equal split between 1-2 hours, 2-3 hours and 5+ hours. This is very interesting as there is quite a big gap between 1-2hours and 5+ hours, however all of these times is a lot of time to simply listen to music. I will most likely focus on those who listen to it 2-3 hours as it falls in between the 3 most popular results.

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Unfortunately, the results that came back for this question show that majority of the people who took part of the survey never buy magazines. To solve this problem I will create an affordable magazine that suits the right age group and social class that can afford the amount of money and enhance the likes and interests of my ideal reader which I will be creating through research and an interview with my current perfect reader who will provide further information to create the perfect, affordable magazine.

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The reasoning behind this question was to find out the personality of the reader. I wanted to know this as a personality of a person can really reflect on their dislikes and likes or what draws their attention. For example on responder states they are “relaxed”. Bearing this in mind I would think about the colour scheme and the layout to attract a relaxed person i.e.. simple layout and not too many vibrant colours. On the other hand, someone who is “fun and easily distracted” will be drawn towards a busier layout with a bright colour scheme as it is more likely to catch their eye. Looking through all of my answers for this question, I have discovered that I will most likely look into more simplistic magazines, yet still induce sparks of colour here and there for a more fun approach and presentation.

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Some people love music so much they decide to take it upon themselves and learn an instrument of some sort. This doesn't necessarily mean they have more passion but stereotypically it will make them appear to have a slight higher element of passion towards the subject area. However knowing what instruments are played by the target audience will help with different features that will take a place in my magazine such as buzzwords and sub headings on the front cover or contents page and potentially competitions to win (for instance) a guitar etc. Nevertheless some of my key focus group may have more of an interest in audio or social media, enhancing new ideas for possibly aspects of the magazine that will attract them.

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This question is very straight forward and really helps withy main focus for what I should include within my magazine - especially for the double page spread. On majority of the responses I got the information that and interview with a particular musician artist would interest the target demographic. This occurred a few times as I believe that interviews are fun to read and is the actual artist speaking whereas an article is someone talking about the musician. This links back to my idea of a personal touch as if the magazine includes the words of the artist themselves it will make the reader feel as though they are there and within the conversation. Not only that but an interview can be laid out in different ways by using different colours and fonts etc, meaning the audience of ‘fun’ will find this interesting to read just for the graphology side to it, let alone the intriguing (true) information they receive from an artist/band themselves.