survey monkey results power point ryo panis

Survey Monkey Results By Ryo Jordan Panis

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Post on 23-Jul-2015




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Survey Monkey Results

By Ryo Jordan Panis

Page 2: Survey monkey results power point ryo panis

Before gathering my results for my audience research I had to create the questions for the survey. Here is an example of one of the questions I made. Figure 1 shows a simple closed questions having 2 answers for it. Also in figure 2 question 3 is also a closed question but has several answers to answer it e.g. urban drama, horror etc.

However in figure 3 for question 4 is a open question where the survey taker could choose a answer but expand on it, so for this question if you picked yes you would explain what movies you watched recently etc.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

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In order to gather information and receive feedback I had to choose a ‘collect response’ which is basically choosing where to upload your survey link to for users to answer it and give you feedback. So I decided to choose Twitter and Facebook as they were the most used social networking sites around the world.

So by doing this I make name for my collect response and click on next step.

Here it would give you the survey monkey link which you then copy and paste onto the social networking site and post it.

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For my first question I started with a straight forward question to start my survey off. At the end my result was that 7 took the survey and that 4 were male and 3 were female.

For this question my results was that 71.4% who took my survey was aged 13-18. This could be because where I advertised my survey which was on social network sites like twitter and Facebook which have more of this age barrier because they use it more. Although 28.6% were 19-24 year olds which could mean it hit a different age barrier.

For the third question the results I got was that 2 people like Urban Drama and 2 people like Action. Also 1 person likes zombie films but 3 people said other which they like comedy and romance.

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For this question 4 people said no they don’t like watching Urban Drama films, however 3 people said they do because it discussed about the Urban environment, entertaining and that it relates to our generation.

For question 5 four people said that prefer American Urban Drama films rather than UK Drama films.

For question 6 six people said that they would see a male gender in Urban Drama films rather than a female gender, this could be because there are more Urban Drama films with male gender’s instead of female’s.

For question 7 four people chose that the main image would be part of a Urban Drama poster, this could be because it explains what the film could be about and that it is the first thing we see on a poster. Although two people said they would see the tag lines, this could be because it attracts the reader and viewer attention.

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For question 8 five people chose that crime would be the convention that they would mostly associate with Urban Drama films. This could be because Urban Drama films revolves around the urban environment and how crime happens every day. Although 1 person chose romance, this maybe that some urban drama films have romance in it, mostly associated with young teenagers. Also 1 person chose social realist, this could be because it shows how we live in a urban environment.

For the last question 71.4% of the people chose that Africans are most likely to be in a cast of an Urban Drama film. This could be because there are more Africans living in a urban environment so they are more associated with being in a cast of a urban drama film. Also white and mixed as well as Europeans are likely to be in a cast of urban dramas but unlikely. However Hispanic wouldn’t be a choice to cast in a urban drama film, this could be because there are not much films that have them.