survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

Cardinal Stritch University Stritch Shares Master's eses, Capstones, and Projects 1-1-1972 Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the use of programmed instruction in the teaching of reading to primary students Shirley Hazard Follow this and additional works at: hps:// Part of the Education Commons is Research Paper is brought to you for free and open access by Stritch Shares. It has been accepted for inclusion in Master's eses, Capstones, and Projects by an authorized administrator of Stritch Shares. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Hazard, Shirley, "Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the use of programmed instruction in the teaching of reading to primary students" (1972). Master's eses, Capstones, and Projects. 814. hps://

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Page 1: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

Cardinal Stritch UniversityStritch Shares

Master's Theses, Capstones, and Projects


Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness ofthe use of programmed instruction in the teachingof reading to primary studentsShirley Hazard

Follow this and additional works at:

Part of the Education Commons

This Research Paper is brought to you for free and open access by Stritch Shares. It has been accepted for inclusion in Master's Theses, Capstones, andProjects by an authorized administrator of Stritch Shares. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Recommended CitationHazard, Shirley, "Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the use of programmed instruction in the teaching of reading toprimary students" (1972). Master's Theses, Capstones, and Projects. 814.

Page 2: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

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Page 3: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

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Page 4: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

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Page 5: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the
Page 6: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

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I. DI!IOI)UCfIOI........ •• • • • • • •••• 1

Ita...." et the ProbJAtaLt1I1uU••StpU1oaa_Det1n1Uon ot~'-r7

II. BYDW • ilLATU UfIItAt'UU. • • • • • • • • • • 6

"W7 ofPr~ 1ead1q•• 1\111..'1.. of trop_d lUtr,.u.aJItd1a v•• 18 ApplleaUea of .h'orcr-.a IBatruet10a.....1ptiorl ot j.Ya11a14e "'0__Aooeptaaoe of~ raa-.uoaIe8alw or \he UtW8t.toa of ITogr-.d ID.tftot,1eD

III. ItDtIIAIY All) COIiCW8101 •••••••• • • • • • •

BIBLIOGiAPHr. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


Page 7: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the
Page 8: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

_CtI.,...,. thaa .... Won ....... Yari.ecl ....

of _aoh1q 181' a pNt1uIua of .ter1e1e. !be cpeat te dU-

....... ell ~. aM ..wiala \0 _~ * vptllOF of

tM ebJaJi1..p ef~ reaciiDI 1rIa"~ w It'"... oR1l4'a

pMeaUA1 18 -ead1B1.

Ie _ CIt the .,WSaa Mhoo1 popdat1oa .........

lIpoa ... 6114 ",.".bc •....c1aI to au ald1i:\7, it, 18 ..,

........1aiDI - aetA' that pr• ...a w..... tau enWl-ed tile

tle1cl of re.uaa.1M read1DI ,... ia -. ~talt1e to

,.-po••, 18 tee t4 aadB1aUoa thea .., .the

aecli... of '-. ua4d\l1aM....ppea1 of readiJal. __•

ef the Ul,"_ of ..ter1a1e. it .,.... ....aiq tf1U auns.w.. the ...,.~ ot tile ._ID,..t1oa d ••

It 18 a .ur 1'800p1sed tAat~ 11 t ... t._09'__ ill cUaa be....... 0VIwl__• there an ...,.

......etbee -me utUiMd. !he .ttl... of ... DeW ..__•

appreaoa, ....t.en.a1 pI'e8eIltN to tM.. 1IlY.u.YMt 11& tM lieU of

reM1• depeada .. pod. teacrA1Dl. .". .......__ the

,..lld.1lt1el of progr8llllJaa tor ....bias "'Milll at, tbe pr~


Page 9: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


AU th••• 1a the reacl1aa tield rea11•• that 111•••hel_

baeM. .. a- lW1Do1p1ee of leandJal, OIl •• r ..ep1Uora et

1Dd1Y1dlaa1 dUt...... -11I1......., _ evledp .t \he

•..,.teace of t.eaobe..a v1U eODU1Ne to be _t \1al ill \H


Ibe wr1_ \lDCIertook th1I .tud7 '- detendJle ..\her •

DOt procra1Bllll caD N \17 the te........ tool to r.1Df....

•tteot1ye17 oh1lcl, r.l etd1dIw, •• laree er01lp of

eb11GJtlD, ." a1.1oIr1aI tM -'.\1ea of ... U1Ie '- iacJ1y1C1va1....the ..-iter ale....... t.eftdeaoe of •• eftleao7 of

t.he ... of ,...__ 111ad1Bc 18 d1apeab aDd .......t1ea.

8 '-. Itt tAe· lTebl... I 1 '. ~

DdJJ ......, of~..... sa 1he .... fd JI'OP"II_d1D8tnle-~

t1ea hal ...~8 18 .,. of 418......181 helptlal .'1IIt....

t101l GIl the efteetlft__ of ..18& • .nOUl prear- 1D the teaehilll

et read1DC .. the~ 18".1.

Ihe wnw par-.l tAU' ......,. 18 ..._r to deterJa1ae _ ••

or DOt. ,..._4 1IIatruou.oa De 11\il1_ adT.D~1F till:

reUter.....\, re1ieY1q the el teach.. '- C1Te .... atteDUoa

to 1Df11Y14u4 ...... that .a••We.' .,. eadiJ¥ aoh1eYft

b18 poteatial. •• w.r1_ a1Io wi•• 'to vb.-'- thU .,.

et 1Jletract1oa .., -.1 t • ....earoh &iaIcl at, \1IlderetaDcl-

. '.. , .

Page 10: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


_ .. Upr 1,. ,........, til. -Wtd.Ida& 1. ds.,.

_'\1.......dMl Y4...

,..,. _ ...t~ ,._tfI w __ ....l6nd ill tile

-tUluu. Of p"p_d.~ ...

1. .. _,. thlI .'-111 11' .tAt •~...,.._ ,., .., --.u. .. M_' -.., ,........."). .." ld.8d et pat.- -.lit '- _in~

....leafliJe .,..u" Wf1n1u.. la 1'.....Ibl. n-, hal .. UalW te 11._" .., ...__ ...

..... .. llt4UuU.. of ,..••1.11e1 ....uaa sa __~ .1M wi_ .....,-.,w \0 u.t., .. N'Itew or ..... to tile


'MB£.·.·..··.···lEa.··'.'11t;WU·· ,

".--- iutnfa't4ea _WI • dilt..., -"'1 '-

atl'- te..... ,. NWiflWbl .... .r __ ...uat4e, 11.___

•.1. Wi_ .,. \0 .......~. 1MJn '- aUla.. ,"p._4 ...

t4.ia_~,....1D to ...tda.~" .... • 1_ .......a tile of ,..._ ...W .uow ~

'- ..., ..~ ., tDdlytcl»a1e. .. •..- '.. alto ,....

ill \be aaUdpauea tMttlle 11-..... ...u~ .. aIItn ,

taqIl' .... ",.....,~,.

Page 11: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

,._ ..1£.-

tile '.u.iIaa tletb1tl..:.. _ ... ill _ ..., ..-sa__ ., '- " the wnw '- 6trUl4MI.

........~ ., -~ -llJIR .,•• MS1k iato -.-D~ ._ lit loP- __ ., ..,. ,of ..... .,11__•_.1111'_·

-..-=r-...:..-=..s:.::::s.n::-.-=-=1-._ .. _Wl4 tAl~ !lie , t.u.. .. ••- .....'.. tll'1d8.. ,.,.,... A ..,_ ._.r ...~., lead a......,..,. ....-1 '_'.~.~ .., ,"..,..........,... .,................11II._'F.,a-·

-. ... __te. U.~•• lIhl. _••"", k

"1__, .. "••• t• ....1dIII ........... ..,....••f I. b' .'. I. f nr I r I' • t

Page 12: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

J_ '- ....1&.1led-

• _ ••-. - 4etiAiU.. of t tlr ........

lltentMN. ~ 11111 rdaW 11-.-• .-

~ ..~- 1.. at 111 -"UI eMIt .. '.-..

Page 13: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

CMPta 1,1

BfUW or BLAt. LIfllAfUU

,aa,. sL!£_.tb~• ~ &1Mr SopJU;. bad tM, ...-, fit

~.-d Pi ,....,. 0--. .\1.,.__........ '" preen-i"- IIftoN t. _-..uas~ ....ire ,t1Iftd1oae ....~ iD the tiN, .... of tM~

'..-.,.,.~ .t P"P'_d iaI'....... _ ......

lIIa••.-t .. tIae tin, .,...u.. _u.1IPt to i.,t.••• ,....

leaioal~ ., 1eeJWaI vi 1 at_ tile tatuau.of .. fir.' ca.. e.tlaabJat 1a ia U07 dldeeu _

.." ••tM .... ...,. of "ear.-.s .-..u.. of a

la1Mk of 'wood •••• M1M fit clUt t a..w., .,. ttl_

__ .,11tl1Iw. to '* pl latnctu.d. tAb ..-1_.,..., ,... 1...-" MU." t. ita .... 1_ .. ..u••......u '11__ 1_.__ ........ ,papil. CMN1cl ., -.•

• .,1JJIdeIt iIlto 1M -U • _lAt. It tile __d.Mf plMted _. ,. __

'-II • hele, tMn wn1d -. • ...ut.1tI 1IbUh -W.. tt,

bt.o ..~ lM4a let..).tnt J' U b IF

Ita.1 e.ett:Lw....... fit ........~,•

•.~~.~e-... -.' " ... ~. ,p..,

Page 14: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

.,Aaotberdeft.. ,,\111__ ...». of .... ,.. aM sa­

.... At- band:aI -. place tile ps.- 1ato podtMa .''- .-

........ tile ·CIbUd 11" ...t ef ~

.i3·~_ of \be ,.... .. .. t.l1twct _ .-•

.... u hoa17 1a..., .. U-.

ftM1Jl'·. tt. ,.u nodftd hcM1DI \be 1ft a tt..-

b1\1e ua.. 1M .t-..t bed to pia ttrft ...

\be .......-_.~_ -- .. h..i1f' .- ,

aM It..l17 .... the 11ae *-!lIp,. at.......... iUet .

ttte ..,.,111I eiu..t us. -.t17, u .. ,..u. et "-

l4M tM 1eanwJ' Met ........

In_•., ""W•cIArI10e aftU.pauaa ..~•••i., ...iDe .t .. UIS of the .AII8riMD ~1oa1

»....-.. tb1I Mel t..,,_~ u_ ..

..... 1a , .. t.. JIep. If \he , ' tM

•••_ _ _ '~_ .. pn It

tbU - l"iItlf;, .. Red 4.. If.' ...... 1DeNnn, "a. 1D1t.Ul ",-1• ..-1_ 1D -'

•• 1...- ,..u., _U1 ........,~ .. die "

....... of aU ....... .,..,-.)1[' b I" .. I ..' n '. .)

Page 15: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

ho \IIWl1le t ..... ., tbiI ••_ 8ft....un ,....11...A lilltle ~aal~t. It ,..tb1e to Ut\ • 1...

_tell~... tile aot1w , ... tM ••as. iah • ..u.--ua.~, -t4aI ..s.. Alto, ••~ .,....,

... poatfiltla •• p1ae_ of ••••..a cUa1 ..t. t • ., dednd· ,Iel­

.... WblOb. U .,.u.s, ••'-,tiul_ ,... ..~ • ...".1.... ,.....,.. 4eY1... -,11'· w _ PftY14SaI ..

..uate ,eM__ -. tile~ ., '- , 1....., ..

tHt.. plMe."III tM -u., PrM.... t ... •t.....,....•

....ted ill ._ tile~ _eIIIc1 !UeW. of

...... \0 aalUp1e _.u- ••• "'. Islldtlll , • .,

...-..• laIUDtaae_27 __ "" ... "'1•• __ ltbe. ". ...

law~ • puwbltolN cleYl.. _ • ee1Mt1Ye-nY1ew ..

ua1III.... JD ..........,,... r... .., __."UeD, tIIdMl ..n.d t• ••ole ..." of ,u.-d • ft_... teleft••, to 'be uect sa ~Uea


A of deYlMI ... deWl'" • In.... ..•.,..iJMate -.s '" awa •• _.-VWUoa "rc _1,.'. aad \be .._ 1I)OIa, .t -tb1DI ", .-."..... ..01...

. .1 I' l' '1.1 .• U'" .11 'N

1a.IM., ,. 11

'aaew......m.LI.......a••LlU•••,. 11,.

Page 16: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

,a...... fit 1a* of ,.. we lir.' __ of hl.... ,.. ttt U....a

1ft 11)1. 18 the .,..~ ,...., bad ,,..., _, .., 1M .

u.. bi U. "'''''' _ ooatifJeD\ ..~ _"-_4_~ 1fOf4cl

.....117 ~ ....1au.e sa .-.u.. "....,..•1fIJft _ .~ , __..- ..u ~' ., 1art'aJttS, UDi......_

.u.a1aW • ,_ ..-p of sm.w, lR prop-.l _-.u.. 1a ..

tddd14t 1JSO'a.

~. ""1' of tbe 008-.,..,~ Ia t4oa

~••lIPP11ed b ttn, a1pUl to .

~ .............,. '-1 IldaMI't.• teotml.. •

_, ea\1n1F -.~ .. tM tun _ .u ...'.\1oa of \tit

....... _Id,tr to tbe .-.Uoael ,...Ud11U.. saer.t ia

tbla trPI of ..~ eM .. tin, to __.ate • a1Jlt1e.

praet1G11 1aandnI .nee .... \be ·1ao1pl•• of .,.._ ....u.-,iIII.

1M bU1e .,..... to prop...., .-..\1__ 8ki~ sa

..., • the ae\l.ot ."... fIOIIdi't.l_t-a ill 1IhiOb \he "....••

....,.... an ·,ebapMP "~ •• '- wi_ ....,_•• ......-

.. ......, au~ 1••••' yan.u tcJpe. ·of

...tnl. A .-1auftlr ...u .., of sat u., ea1W • rr_,18 pr•....., '- -.. , .......' .u.... .. 1.... 18 th-.

It. J fl' '.•••

Page 17: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

•~ '- .......... to tbs. 1at Uoa '"~ •

•_'-a' .,~ •• t 1t. I¥. , • .,._.

VIe ..., 1aJ uatWlllCl of tM~••f .. nlPOD". If __

.... U -081, \be lear.. ., ... '- teJd wttr. It the .... 1a

...._ .....W .._, ., _ :r..,.... 18 .13".,. the latIrMr- 1a

\hell pna_W ••• _. tr- ....ft1-.1u....,........,...

_t .,.. 18 "peeW ,..t,11 • -n•• of htaldnd. of t.hea8uMIe .,

,..... p ..... ..,1Me ,..... 1a • 101lea1~ fit 1IIt..U ••

.... .,. of 'prop. ]1111, 4 _til ea-••r,

11 ..ned la l ......iac ,..,......'.,. 18 \be pnsrl_'... tIbltIl tIda approaeb, ct4ple.... an pr.1dM.

act latIrMr tinow Ida to • att pap-

a .. lIook. 1M -book 1a taM .. _le u u-

ftC'I1ar_. u tU ---Ur, W1U

at.. 'b. ,.,u new sat u. ad d -.__•

.. 111...._ the 1 '- ..-dia2 r.... _W, --.' __ . 7

tile ...... cpaa1itJ the~ to ..... '- tile IIIdJl~•

.-n_ ....11 .......~ .low W adept pro-

an-.l .Waet4oa. u 1ft,~ Me .. DO .tcJe.-_ .tta" 8P'- tel \rua ..... 18 tile ... et ,r ..

,..81 ...._, \0 1IItnclue pnp~ - __\loa.. 1ft . r I J•

Page 18: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


%8, U6I ad ... 111 UQ... c.ter t", i'NIra-.t

ca.__ • ...., -. 4e pat'" 01 _ of ,",,"1_,' ......

tia sa MhOCJJa _, VIe ...,.

£1 _, of~d tala sa-

a-W '" .. 1.,-6) ...., W,e .ehMl '. "-

,.,esn- _ted la -, acYl_d•• ..n .-,e

of u, tbM. W1 1.·••••

.. ,.8&~ ., J"Ir-'~...,.

10• -Wit". tala --if .,...- of

b._ 1110'•.8ld lJ)O l t, PNP-' ..--..... tim ..,1"" Ie tall- ...t4oa•••~ '''u, ••~of .....~ ,.,ebtt101J tfIIIItl -, 1Id... _lellad

.~ ,....a _...., • 1fJ1. .. p*•.., .. fit sn-I"...d~u. 1ft It~ .-.u.. fa UJl1J1MD -_•..., .. ; of tM 1JId....,'" .,. Pit_•• JW.1atM .____

SA a ",_ t.-t -118M '- alala• ....-..~•., .... Un, _'-taM ... of ,......d w-.u. 18 • ,.bUe

.1........,..-..lwa- ., .. ,..U.·1obMl kl1f1MhNter.IIN....

• - sa 1"1, .. ,..~,-- .. ., ., ..b .U 111 I .

Page 19: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


u. t. Ollie. et IchleeU.., • ,...1oftI.,.~ sa --iDI .,.u­tal 1a ......... tb1r'd pade,l.

o. pUG,U .obtM1 .,... 01 »-tv,~.... __ \he

tin, 18po1tr .,.... '- 1WftIUI•• the ,...UdJit* fit~

...... I' ..~..,.~OtIed&oltMr" per..-l

......., sa UdI '\be tiN• ..... .,... "-

tnt Ina el '- lie wa1Md •• proen_.Ill""'" tM ear_ ,... .,.s-'

., -...., it 1••~ Utat tn.,s..1 .....u..

... ~.4. Pertla,. .. _ ...,U.. '- thll a-n1b.uea

..' '" t.-.ct 18 .. 1eataMe. of tlea et. teaeldal .

....u.., of • __ tal""l•• te 1 .-

.-peratt-.~•• '" ' to .Ie• ..,.


..... "tln~pb_ .r _ "n~.-d...." •

....-t. 1D ~s.. ....u.. we t......s • V.~~

of tile 1 the CIafttal.~, \aU••f ..",..

.'., tile bae __ -.aeur1H4 OR lfM1'1111J1

.~ tM 1eaftdaI...-.. ttU of d*"",* sa per-

u,. .., m w '" Mapr'. 1161 p81i..tta• .".._

ObJeeu•• f. Pn_.-...tx.~. fa ".-" .... tile "..Pi L J. 1 "'Ill 1 jJ 11

Page 20: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

_It.JUlllf _, -. ...__ •••~ 44alUdJaI ..~ lie-

..., ., the 1..... 1IIa..n iIIIfld~a1

~.. \hat, teu. •• ,..,... WIn he U~ to _. wlaat

IWI ,.,,,1,_'~ et ....-pta1t3al~ ,.,.... 1a to - • .-

__ ." ...uti l' vUl -. aohJA9H. A111eanlal _.j8ft1..

.., .,.." .-n, .......,...ItA sa ""'11''''- .....u. ....." of •

.,.~W __ '" __~ - _ ...., of .--


........ w - po-...ur - of -- ..t. ." wrt fit

........1..-__ it ott 14de ,,..DilltUI

t. taM •......, fit ......lou ia 1Mnd.aI 11

,1tlI_.DtlII')''', II.npwW... .,.... wt41iU111 ,..

cn'III'~l.~ sa .. taMldaa ., ""--'

r.......-~ ....'Wed sa U. •.,..... ..,.. 'I, i'li'" 1,I'llJ ' •• '

...... "", •.. ItSMtd.w Sa .......-. ..........IeMtdDl _.._flt', " ' .. ala L .tII.~........ ' ..... ,........... I.UJ..... :a.("'k, lea.-llaWnauOMl a.dilll u••u., 216", pp. Ill',' "

Ua.w...__.~",p.,).' ' ",,"" " ,_Ity ". ','

Page 21: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

1Hl.-1"~ _1.., a1eW .......... 1.."" ,.,.1au.o.of eld1drea sa 1dDde,.wa .. tint, cr- t. ,.rUde lIP to .­

_. Wtth the~ ., _ ...fII1- tin, ..... __•

tat, ., e11, et • 11''' ., eiWna 1fl'" let.·. M1w SO, • -~

eudNa tdW \0 -

·De •• ." -.1~ S.lIdieaW ,.,~

___ ... _t .,1I1 ... ~t \e .- ..-.~._ 'tn8l_ ,_ ia tie •• it

,...... Iipitl..., -... ~ ._ ttIt1.~

aiCI&' nMtltl, ...". aDd •• ,,-Ila•.. ,.,.... 11IaIl1tI ill -. .,.~ta tna ,. praoUoal.

po1d fit fteW _ ..~ ett..UYeDele ~ tbe ,","III.'

- __~. , .. ,.' teeots'lIIo1 ,.t_ readiaI to ..,

obU __ dUtioGltr 1. -11DIdAI ,..,tlll_

tI'o,-.a ..~ ••••41 to .w We ftlub1e ......s--

i8U. 01••". it~ ..tnl ..~.

ldlltf' of \be ..- __ 'WdAIII "'iJII ia __, .. 1\ ,...

ftdM .W1tt4 .. ·-aU.,. -.. of trbe ....-1.. 1UNa,!lJl• .,1&DIIIll.

,.,..... _.., ia ..,. tUt ..... t __ •-. Sal ,......•. - 1" , ._ .. lit ~,.Uft".....~••td1w_ ,...... __,.,., ..•~.... laM ....~ 1a...,.U

• LI I ill.' I • l.' J' I

Page 22: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


1M 8II1D -tar_ ..1l'" ., ,....~~ tU_ d11

• ....,ua....... -- 1a 1• ..,.t4Utr of .....11taa­

tioIIII wbl* wew.. 1t ... 1•••l1t1. .. ••••.• ..,.,.....-tltIa tt. .....1_, 1\ U ,..db18 '- '- qdte.,uelt ...,

.tIler __ •••"'111 Mded. te t1ll.....tap U

ttae\ of ..,.-.1lt111tr et tM ...u .., ... i\ PNt4.

to .-. --ue 1tMlt til • ., 'ba' ••odd DO\ ,. sa the paM.

laYol...a ie .. ,...111111. of doiIaI ~

_of ......·.,er....u•• "" _ ·the ..

..-•••tIl At, ,......1lu. ,~ -.

... ett•.- -. ~ tAen ua 1dWaldAl _ ..,

sa .-. ,... sa tM pee'. lip to _ .,.td11" tfll ....

1\ diAl: eo' ede-. I~ it "". the pndleu. 1e '*\we tdJ1 _ .,.a-. fit ..~ -. ., • .uw.. ill.....

... _\Mr. tbU td11..- ....Y•• ., -.otlil. PD\lSM poMll1t1­


IIIIxlllt.&I t.IJ»II••·.t.~..la__MIIPr..__ ~UIaU • p1Iraed ....- of~.

1••JIII '" ""1"'" sa ., .u.a1.....,.... ..ta\i Id,..2a ........ ,..... t 'load deYl , Will .

• --••, '- JIl'OIfta. ttIJ'oeIb • ...u. ., ..,. thft .. pro-

____ tte11ew. 11111 1.. -. __ ...." •• pretia..,. !be ...,

Page 23: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


_, parUotlM'. 18 t1Mt~ ,.......1' 18 aM e,'" tU,

ttle .... wn -. at\ldea\ •__it ..."-'. 8Xp8rl ' the7

..n __ tale ...., •• _. "..~ iUtJ1Ieu..l sal ft-

__.. .tton~ tM ....-. ... tM daft. *_.ts.1a_ ......,.'. fIt,-, ia • tea__, • book•• .,..

.u4e JIN_ta,UoD, _ • eoIIPIlwr SIt ~wnal, .. lore __ tlla

~ -OOIIP1a 1tt 15

n.-d i.,lt.. "-, .. ,.... ....,tre --prOiftli haa~ aM .,.•, • .,.n ,~..., _tr 81M 111 ., ..... a.t4d "pl-..J .....

Of .,.i.... J.eM1III -. ""1--." of ItS._

~.,... ft1a~. A , __ • ".._<.:I'

lUIU1, ..... h ,PNYea 1' ....

PrOP_I" __ ...da,. of the 1tade ...

tift...,.......... ....~ pi_ ......,~ _)dill

......., ....,.... • ten. \be atllttllat that ..

_ired ft.,.... bee •• _ , ~ ~.

I&eh u.. ......, ..,.... baa Ii"-, the 1. peal' !be.~•• drl.. f 1e auatW. &Mia

u.. tidM *1.. t • ........ baa ... Mtiatied. \he ,"1ta_i1.IVI. 1.IL . I ·.·.r 'I


Page 24: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


_____ tbat '\be .~1lder1~ tI1U .. \Iut ....., ,...,.... \0 ..

_ .......1.. ill I 4-._.1Mb u.. a ' .......~ reap_ tel •

• 141111.. 1f1wa .. " , \ba' -n.,... IMd .. e1sas..W .. tM

~~'. t'tWJ At. 1. __ .. ea\1DoUoa Whlob sa.....,u-..a _ t&Slilll to~ pHiU. "Wor...d. Iaetl

tiIII • ...,... ,. .t. "tIIt..-, - po1Ia\d11tf *' the ...,

11111 ...,.., .. ...,... .

J4ka~ tM fit ,..••••I••d

laa _ ••11•• 1a t kh'-7. 1II11ct ..

.... 1Dto tID ....tum ..thod lD 1'-11 ia , U-,

...,~u..of \hie .......... ." "tile.... tile ••.-pt.., atMte ,,--i. at tMehtaI aDd~_til_ b .n6Ha_ ia t.M __11ecI lAt ira Or....~ U. tiM

of 01..... .. .'tiMMt4ee1 tea 1&"~ _tfte'\t...

tile ada. Ape __.alW~. .. ..... 111 __ lev

Iaa1aat ,..,... 16

Wl ...,_ of •..,..... .. ott.r teebeo1oPea1 ••

__ *t, baC ~1Dt1i... f. u_ ,r...... ..terlala t.

wtn~~'t • iaa .. -_ •

••- ..., ,.rtlfl\llar1J'" uta .....1ealoa1

~t• ...ttaal_1"', ( , •. u ,f

Page 25: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

_ 01 \be 11.' ...twllH .,/t_1a1a trM ·~a1Id.,

~ter.. 1\ I.U....s _ ..,. other ~

aU of t-.. an .~.1. 18 tlw. ,....•• t. Htih, eM m.1

_"U.· .ucae. 8D4 __ pnMDtId tit 1ad1..w.l otdJAra

.wa .. 1ft of '...... .. a1H ..- alldl•• -.u,

.,... tile ....ia1I. la. tMa.

!be tpJaltv of Use .._W *' 11.~ b~

1""'t. SIwaW til• ..u" 1ftP.-cI s.traeU.. be ,.....

.. tile oea' of ...W ......~ 1t Ie Y8I7 poe-" ., ,....,... W1U _ .. _1tt nadia" 1a....t1oa, wl*".......,

lf__ .....w • "" ...,.ten ••_ ~-.t ...ia~.

1wat8.1J7••- "op.I'III'."""". tIlIar ..It we,...paN ,...__leI .\eWe "- .''It•., ia ...~...

.....'" ... _ \be __It of 1,-,.,....-dlutraeUoa b ..,1111 Wltll •..,...••

....."41J.r, _.Wa,~ ... 1M like !

........ til _. an .......tIa tu ,"...'tl..

of_~ ill.., ..u aM....,~.....-a(",....a)

.-,..ITepaMed ..wsa·:a. .., t.. • eVte_ ,...u. •

)JapUUe .",. or a .....U. of \MIl. .. ..fAtK.t. that

G1t ,. .a1J •• 'oed •• tbes. at41ltr '- ...sat.. ...1.11' •. 11 • ,I

1~ IWk1a ...._.., ("tat &"n_ MIl.. ' '. y..... •....,) . f,'_~ ~~ fIll n , .. Eli.'. tW?Vt' ....,.•.' ".-..., ...... .,fW , pp. u· " '.

,- .;.

Page 26: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

Ii" ald1l•

.. ,......1111_ of .alA e1.1tdDat,ea .., of ....1aIhMte'

cIlftr1\11.ttJd .'-., .S1Area .. *11. tM 18". 1, , _

.tiber I"'IP. ,".-4.m... tiIMI ... p1aee aloIII-Va tire

baea1 ....r t. D.'. -.W••_t of 1ea1dJaI.


r.a.~,!fIrIfI, ,...,..4 _ .-.- .. SaUl..

M ....... 1a liIIpU\iea1~ or.1M • tMt. ... aN ......,.

1a pat-.- of of .1.0. .,.111.,- _ ••, .,Udna en

aJMI ....' the of ..,.... 1e-..•• 1a .-.. .... ,a.iu.

Spellll11 1U111 .. .-J the~ fit tile

,...... .. ob114 1e enea nq" '- 17' •••__ letter ill

.~"'_U-."'~""1a"._ .tM' ..~ of .. ...u. u 1ara- ...- .. VIa'

ehUdre... Wp tid. aaor\ awu•• deearlpttw ,........


~ 1 fit the ,.••, at perl• ., ,...,..~

won,~, Vlat· Vte al1dNa .un 111 pep "'-* .\ttW


let..~~ ... tale prtlter·, eh11dNa •• plded, ___

we ,.,.,....,..__.. file tlrn ... ia...... tM IWooplUGa

'.. .-1U111 of tba a1ptaa.~. Alpballe\"'''. a1J*alJn ...

Page 27: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


.. pr~ tw' tAw te_.'. _.fa ,. tap, ia wbloh the ia ..~ _al,

MUcsr. 1-.a \Ile IOWlIla ., A, II. I. I, -. I. AI_. eb11tl

11Dlab.•• .. ,.... ,.-W M 18 Ii." •••-. It be ....

., ., leaat • be 1ft.... to ..II •• Ieok 1. It Ilia la

.1w uaaea '- we tat ". ...

IT......... Altb-a1' _, ebUcINa ..k~_ en. .wt-

'1a& .. 1, who • an ..tia1Mt -. ..._ .tIl ... __.. t.

au... • 1J1da,.s.,- 1a.~•• cbUtI ,........,

hle ... ra••

Ieriat I ....sa_ of ..... ,..-.1~ .., _,-'-7 --. Ie., booklftl are abo __111M.

len.. ) .--. ...-.1 booke. sao1tad1q. 1dAIe ...u.of' ..W1I1 ,..... p1eJt"lbf81. .\ode., ..a ..1ectti_

_.., pde .. t. of 0rHk .,--1oIJ'. tb1a ......1410 iaol..

'\he fun~ 1, .at _,",,~'" ,_~I

~t _. JftIr... t.. clUt••t, .....' en ..11.t.. Ia" fta_ * flbW U .."•• \0 ...,1 " _

a6Uaa • ".1.,1.'w. III thfI ,.un.,.- _ ••,,-ias - of - ,..... • ,..... he .,.. or ....

...,..... la taM la' tr- he __ka A, p1 to~ • ptIr_•.

..._ •• an 11W11l 111 .. paae1 011 ,. 'left a1te ot tlaa pep.

Page 28: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

!be '*114 u prOYtcled _-. •••1lW" .ttl 1Ib1e1l ........

....-. .. M taM .-1\.. hU ....... tbe plIJI11 .-....1a _

___ '" pa111D1 tile .UcIer .. '- .. lt1actk 11Iw a\ 1M lid_

., tM e.-.iDS., tbt...... tINa .. t~ .,~...

__ , .............,.. .... bM1a .......11

1~>!!!!!ell~~!!!Z"~' ret..- tAt .. "Ill- U •

.a1~1 ...... -111*1 fer p" .. ..1... au

....h8 1af4wtea ,.will' .11"" 1latea1ac .JdJ1-.11der. *1eJl

..........108, ....u ..- fit u.e _ at. tile

pri.II87 1ftYe1.U

~: !!!!!eI BJ!!! !!!eI, a1N .. -.- ,..., u •em.- ., '-tr-t.. ..-Nq. "1pe4 \0 M1p '-'1cIp .-

atNDItMa etdldlw." l1fteDial .bl1lU.. INa , .. ___

_ill. ... 18 ...... pN-_t and pe*'-te" uti '*- ......,..... a¥aUa1d.e 1D tRee t...... .,. .....,*..,......1 -,.•


'" Dou1l1eMJ' ... 11aWIdaI ."...••leel,.. t. J.d.J»IR,.. ..., prs-, ebl1 ..., .. __

. tIl III

~ hUt.,. Aaeoda ~~ (.. l..-kl lea 1U1 -:;;;::;

~.WZ , (CIlkaIoI .......Maooia_. _

~..·.mwl~ (CIlkaIoI ............_od...... > ••~

Page 29: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


ohUciND ... u..- aDd ... a10III .\' ..... ,••tills_~,""""-."","."'"~oa __.tthw ...... pta,.. .. .,. .... cUtt.., .elf-.-tam••_ OGG __..~. _1, .,..•.-

, " 11....... iMlwkMl•.. !6.~.,.I'.• ,.... __w.. )I .....14..

lea...· la, 1ft_,aM_ ......s.-. 10 ,"pan .. tbiW te

.. leU. it _y. bSa pnoUtte • 4u~u:bbl1ft"-

t ... '*- _tIl_. ewpbiM lIba' 1....., •• hliIIIdaI

at • 'J*Ma, ..-eI, ....... bltI,1et~ ......1_ t.

II _....... .. prfIII'aa ala. Ii... bill pa-a.u. • W1tI

.,.. ...teea\ .. __ the~ • ..., '" ...- .....

..-'d. .. ..tea. aN .. vp 01 ..., fit 16, ..... leal­

p_laI r..... IYeI7 ,..~ tau • -OtIJIlfte t1ttee1a-ldaltM

1 81M, UIlr"._ 1ea._ 1Il au. ......., ....t ., ttl... 's. t,., tAUt dvpU"'1JlI _ ....

A ttI.-.• pitle ldMutl , 18 __ ' 11& *_......10•• ., lor .urc .. ,.,118' .

.. ,-., two 1M tM .iXUl~ dMSII*I '-• b .1 f J' I "f lli'l[ I) -I" '

Page 30: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


_ .. "u ....~wt~ an- lit ..

tha, Wi11 .. ,1..- _ til........-. \bne. 1ft 11-

.. pap11_~ f. llal'kiDa bU , .. .,lalla tit the

• tile YU'l ~ '- -. 1UIed. .. papU> 1e .. '-

neue. tM\ ...t, ""~ to. .. ••_ ..t sa....,.. \he n.., Ie~ to 1M paJdlle P6I*'

U W •• 'the no_ .n. the ..

~ " tbat, .. papI.1 " tHII _

.., \0 ,.... .. --eta1l7~ eo tbat .. papI.1

.....poIItI \be .....~. .. pftDolpl• .,

i ...... ...,.__ of~ 1. 1141l.~

..... __".w. 1eaMIIe tba\ lift dd18l. ' ••'-SIII

.. ,..uee OIl the ... ., '. 1.-... .. ...a ,'-.-- -sac sa ..,. let• ......, ~

'lMIItaU'" ). A.Uaale~ 1ftloa 1e tJae ___

'ot ... ., ~_.

til prttcna" ... - .....,... ......, .....tile pn_l.. ...-._ ••1"""_."~ ...,., \he papill. WOI1r ttrtap OM fit , t of -.

•....-lW.~ ..-lWl '- aid" of " _


Wcllab... ttlft an PftPI"d tf/6 ,.,ilI of W. .,. .-.l

.. ::

Page 31: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

•• _priaW tIlJtM\loDe • tMa ....... \he papl1t ..., "

..,..weI -. ,read u-. 0re1 Cllr..U- are -..........., -.

Ii- aMI .. _'\W' ••~....,... -' ---.

... ,.ut. ,_,. 1M 161.,.-11 dinftl ...,le.GIl ......41..... ctIIWttlou ha_ sa ...roM" .. .-.dl WId ..~. A~ .. lea...

an .., ia"'*«l t.o '- _. t. lalUMl -.--.a, __ •... .. Ii- pnftl.. .., alae- pr..ue • MUtl ... t •

........... dltfted.u..-

..,~J....t ... b .... '- bell' ,..iIIaI7.__ papUa -., yal71Dl 1eaft1aI -WU••~ ,... 111 wed

""IIdU.... wcw4 at...,..., ..,. ., .,,... ftadiIC

~ ...., tb8 ......,. ald11. ia .. ...-eietAaN8Ill et~ .tI_.. ..,......Wbtle la OR pbtaattta --. eldJ1At......

sa thea .....W cleMdtlll PNIfta la

\bat it a1Io~ • atdUt, \IdJ.iII .P"1dIII

alit! ftAdiIaI lru1ade .

... ..,efta1tI ia IIdUU l'D!RII _..a.,ot ..... il1aatratM ,.,..... wnte-&a- ..,..,s.aa

" -,- III 1 f 'nl I JJ lUll

Page 32: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


.,""a eAu.., aM ........,. vhMb _-- theiaaWtanMa t.

-r~- -l41DI the papi1e to· pr ~ir w1'-

...... _.... Db,roar.. 1 __ ltadlD. d'

ft--' at.\1IU.. SA • ".SaI of '''I ,.,... .,~...

1111... ie UIIpitIU.ur-~ It u Wi- '" ••_4

~ aldU.,~, .,U..U .., or1 ~ 1e8ftled ,MS11_, .. _s. .t. 1al po1Irtia.

~ p--.s _ ..... ,..... I. 1alUal~ ..W ....

-'fIMI.......At.,.. 18__ t. the_~ "11, 1\ W1U a1M

,... taaeh1 'fir 1Ildd1e popila 18 of r••dSal ..Ie III

ntad'lrc- 1M tpatad, 1IT"1AmIlaw... of

..... ,. t.lnqh law.......·Ur -. ,... to the

l...waa'ra. ;of 1adiYiAlaa1 ,.u. ..4 '""" 1Jitlda ... e1M..


U ......1 ... ot _ipIJ.,aUw deft..

"'del ebi1*eD sa -"14pUlg --W7 a4ylIMl *llMrltllaat.1ea.

a.... _tal. tift 14M ...... lIdS., tela • .,..., _

ia attll.~ ~, • .,., pio\1Ir. of _~. ~

.. paincl '" .Ii'-" .,.., •.-Ie. Pap11l.., wea10ee .. sa pain, ~t,laI t tile· ... fit ... ..". -.

••• '11 J , J.I I. III

Page 33: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


-. pl iDW'....... 1__ tJa_• ...,

• 1Mv ,.. ., '"-, • ee1f....Id·1II '...

1ttdAb '_*- tM ........\ Sa•••a __ .

,.. •• tor '" ' ,.......1118. ,...

~, pr1JIIr aad leYel _. laM ••, 1M1-. • ~af1.' .,........u..t..........•

11ILtla,. !I..~!II •• "'lopN " lIoOI'e '.. Kobler.

J" U -.tao.. 111 ..ut_ ·LDontonAt.. I&oD.~l..~_. ala .ret..- \0 .. 1.1.1•.• prOY1delJ ,..- -.I

~, ut , ,......liD .,..UJII ,.........wtaUa opIJU\loaW JlMrDlfal .,..... ..

tallda,~t_ U _.uw, aulU-...,. (dab'_

...., WUM) 1MndaI .,... t. ---_ .. 1apeae ....

",deW .:IdUa. It''''''''''"ft17 .,t..\1__ •• aona1•

..........., eMcUW .bi1.... J\ - ....\SlS_ ......

tllUr .till ...loW-to-l..., .-.ur ....., aDd ••1rMI-aec1

iaA.dala1a. l' fttPlkU .. ""'''••1 .kill... .-. lmew1AMlle

ttI.-.a. .,..uu,~ 'JpIwftw ., ..~ __

eat aet ..... \0 ., W.Wleatl.. Ie~~.....i ,II J t ' I U . . 11

Page 34: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


t1a&enaaUe paiate4 18 COft'e.~..... '!be kerboartl ooeta1U

aU the ...1. alpha......neal .. antAlleUea1 87JIb01a that~". Sa

Nth upper .. lover .....

!he 4trft... 1. ale. equ1pd vita • .,...... re.~ eq1l1p.

_t, • al1cle pro"""', .. aD .xb11d.te.

1D it••iJlpl••' .,...1;1., - c1epre"1aI of .., .... \be

pupil .11 renlt 1ft 1Jaed1ate prOllllDOiat.loa of the pa-Ueu1.aT -7­~ .. ala. ill lu~ tndDI of taa, Q1Ibo1 .. the

papeI' 1D ..... 1_&+ fne--Vla.

I.' oD17 NUt the ke7bo81f4 '* •jaa-proet" .'•••t~.~~

.1ft... ke7 baa ... depre.", .. other ., of the totral~

NIl be _pres_ ..m tM atld1.__--tloa 11 •..,leW. Other-

vUe, W. vollla lead to av:Ud \Jp1ql" ami j1bberlJ1h &1ld10 pre- >" ,

0.. of the ...t ~...'''••• o.t 'tbe 1cI1••.leap..l .... "

1rJY1I'o_' 1a the ta.t, 'b.\ _ .-01 pe1aW W 18 alee ....oded"

1R 1ta lce)'bo8rcl. t1l1I -.. ••, thU ,..Ucna1Ar ·Ieer 18 tM oal7

.ne *1...... operaW '" _ ,.,11 *1. win \De 1. Q1IIJo1 ..

the pa•• 6U. aU the .ta.. Up an 1aoper.U~ (blooked).

A t.Jplea1 oper•.t1oD weald .. f. IdUoD leapoaalTe laY1roD­

_t to poUt oat • ,..\101&1. letter. to proao.....18 letter to

the ,.,11, .4 '- tn. the .. eiDale. part1ft1ar t.,. eorreapoadiDI

Page 35: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


+.0 ttda ""1 f • ....-l ....'100 .. "'. pap11., !be -" tile

pttpi1 ..... tau •• the ",w W1U -. .

~ 1\, .. ,.... .. 001Y• .,..ctaa _ ~•

.M .. JNP11 pro." In.- \0 "-,A..UeMl

.... .,._ '*- .._ 1dlieb, al 1\ .. be pnp.-d '- ...

.r,..,*' .., __ • .,..w ,.., ., .. ,..... 1I1"~

..u_w ... tile -.,..-bIr" U .,...... '" the ,.,11. lsa.

\he .,.-..1oa of tile •.,...... 1d.._ .. end ., • vel.

IUeoIa fMpoaal"~, wU1 ., tN, po- pr••'M... .,.n..~~.n., ...1J

IUBa"~_LJ2_. _ ~

rNd......-..a a ....1_" of ~ tape ....

1l1li, aIM! U ,.ate. fbie,..... U ..,..1aUF~ I •

...lClb1ltl ......1eMea of ...........16

~ ..1.... aw..- U offfll'fAt .. L. W. It.,. •

B!If_l.-. Ib1a prop.. ott•• ptW .-.-_

1ad1daalS•• pre... ' ...... 11• .." ..r 'j .. rt' ,"II' f

Page 36: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

"_tiod wa1UUoa '*loll -.alA prowu. \he .)~ tw..., ••11.,. 1Mb .. , f.... 'bIIk .' ..t· of ..

...~ 1M\ ., --".. ,..t .. __ uad t. tie .

" .' '. ·17P4d1 ctoar..._.

!1_Ita.IBI.&.__...... a.tI!UU.-l~ t.r_. aa.. .. pr~,..... .., -- --•• tid,

~'" .... u-. bmt • 1Ol1I1U-.,. t. .. .tu••18 ttU eftU--. "*' 1t .,' __~ 1.... fJf"., ....... '"'"-.a 11M • ttl

__iW dilt..- .~,.. .r tbe ••'. _- -- ,.,..e.

,. ....,pa. ,m .., *_,..... to., _ tIWNl4 __

1M"'" _, dft~ ., nt_ -. '

~ pert ~I __ ia 1.,.-.1.. \0 lit

...." __ .. u.. ,,_01 bill 1ft... ,_

1&-..__ ......~ t. tM 1I'Idl". 18.-.,1M, ot Jdttqr•.., PHPII..I" iaa-.u. .to _

... MTS._ u 1111__ -. lImtlw """ tM'P t • .,....JAJN~ of .... u "- _t ..........-.1 I. ,. I .., I . 'IJI'r .I HUI

Page 37: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

t.~. !be iDtap,u• ., ,"",_ad~u. sa • ..,•

...a.1.. WlU .. _--..a 1ar__ .. 1\1 wrtabS1l. UMI YldltlU.ill eM ootJPl.-uaa * -- .. -.1&1-~ ...u1a1ila t. 1AtM'tdJII.d

___ - &UW aDd. ~.ptW ....t. w11l1l1du. ..,.,..

fit povpial 1d11 .... -- 111-". ftU shodd an .....tile ya1u of' ".._.-.a. Pnp"'111 dU _t .. --of ..

1att1Y1d1Mt1 ....\.

~ .-..1.,.,~ th..... ..".n_..

cra-4 ".1111 who \e... lI.ua1 rNd1lll ,.._--

... le ,.,..u..., wtd. ,..... 110ft ....._

_ te ar the w.,.-- _.te. tbat ,....._ ••ft • .,.adftCl ana_

te -~ .. at .. -'1111 ....". 10~ U ..

... tea ,. __ ..... to.~ .. PeafIiDI •.0&11\.

"aU~."" • ....a~U. sa lilt we to ...,la. tM ....,

'*' .. ,.. ber fit ~s_ Wbieb eM • cl_ ,,-uM111. ·nue, J . ! I .1'1 n rJ . J JT

Page 38: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


.. 1tIe1n8• ., dlll.. till-~ t.~ • 8ttl-UII •


____• .,..... taw .•lap . ~ of

,......,. fit tile .e._.~hft ....,

_tan ... .tint ._ •• ..u ~ ••_--luf. ,".•,·ti. Iftd\tallf' \0 1--. •.,. .....,' ,t-a_ ,._.btl ..lMVaa. c.ntd -...., 11 "*"'., • ...." __~

__.a•••'111. __~n-l_. ,.., -~.•'• I. ,8•• Ie'~ . 'MR ,.•••_ '~_u.:. ..1_ 18oM.a. p ••.- -.n .._ or __ •••i ••••• ."., t. .. '."••• 011'1'- au, .....-,_ 01 __81_ c.. ..~ 11M -u .1v u ltrtft_t4I,IJ

-' ._ to "..••1.1111.

a.MtiIll""'.... 1aII -- ....,.• ., ____....... .., ••••eet. ·OM et' .. __ 01 ..n.-_ ..,.. -l&b .'u.a • '-'Ile '- . :ftd8li.. _ .....

it *' u... 1..... ..- I. __ " ...' ttl ....,. __

.... '... ..1....... ""''''''''.':tIW"_*' ei10D -- ~,.. •..-.,~.. ...-l2r." ....

., ...... " ,.""to

Page 39: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

•......1Ifl4 1eIr8ial s...... ..n .....81 poapa ,.tIler

tMe 1a ...__ 01 .

It of pnar-Slll ie a1NttdJ par' of ,- natl-

1., taaW.UoD , •• VIa ~Ual att..... .... pro-

.~_" aDd.~ .... of iDa Ned1DIt

j wrkMok voal3r' 'dOM Mt WHh' 1t" ...1. praetl•

....... t. *111. 1f .. ,.11 .. aot 1..-..1 rna __sa-....u .. '" ...... or",.. ..~........

..nee 80 p.,.... S:laM.~ de,._ .,. * tea.. --

...... tM ....... 1AfM Ie.,... .., u.. .. 1Na_

..~ patten. 1M papU ear,.... .,•• '-vail .,. or -. 1«tu'ta ea, .. U --...-_ II tbIa. ""

t ....._ filii tot bte _ NUt...................,

..._.loau- 11&.. ,...." __ -. '•• ' • ..,Net _I'

-. eent1neCll~ W1U -- .. Ukttb' to It- \Ia .,",

__ tbe, -' t... .,.oUl••au.,. 1a wJrM.

a. _.' ta. 1ftIr....a .... att., tr...~t

.t,.~ ...1••' tat ., ., .., aot M'" _01_ "1_ 1•

..-at. !Jla __u.a u "._W • ttl. pap... 1\ U •..-4

" tbe .-. ~t -.......... _tt 1" __ reM.

__ dOH __ reqUn a ...,... trOll ta...... A ,.._,

• tbe .... bMMl, nq\dft .' r..,... tftII the .....

Page 40: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

3'A~~a1~ ... GbUd t.o 1..-. at b1t.. ft- ..d ..1ec' ..~ ••rial *1_ Ile at tJllf\l1 '-

h,1a at. • ,.~ _ •• taU ..~'- ...n~~ .. _t aU \he Wi" at, ,. 1a~J

.... late taN. o__pta, - idHI sa. tile ....

'e- of papi1t ., ... 'PllPQ·••tIp of 1lM11Mt1l&1 1.,•••t.

ODe -..-. tl1ItI11 ...,. ..~. an~t£. ia a

eta....... t1drir cld.)A.Na."

A \e&Qook ... -' ntat.. Itt..- at .. ••• a,....... ""'. _~__.., .......... at tile

.. of .. ..,. (1It.dAtIl ia • __ u • _~iDl r.-' ...___ pr......). ta ,..11111' iUWo\ioa ~ S.

bft1Y8d 18 • .,. _tep of the pn.... Ie.n '- ••

m. laia ,...... (nbt.....,) Nt..~.

-. the tnae., __ ot·......,. _

the aat.hor (•• 1111lW Wiele •• ftude..>, that.

1M a\1J.dImt ltDCIeNtltlda • .....,.. "COD••', .. ,....• - itt -.elOP1a& • _ .....~ 1IWo1•• the .....

1be 1IrlU81 ., 'be ted " _.., 1dJI ....., et t '\0 nMlII HilL,' I I t .UI

...n ..~.~. (....,.."., ,. '., ' ..•. ','. ..• . fbP&k·. '.' '..'" . ',' .. ' ' • . ....I'M• ..... 01~~ ~.~: :::uti .


Page 41: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

•.....,. \0. <a tM- •••f "- ...,....'. of tM .........

~., ftY1ae .. ,......

.,..."..., ....1DI, bUM OIl ....., fit Sr••••ten·

W ...·•••~ ot.W ."...... ia \be .~ of ....

1DI. aew , of \be oor,M\ .... 1. i .....te. __~

,..1... tM tat -. area'-r -- lturWII.

lDdlys.a.1 18..- .t s. .. ,... .ad 81:411\7.

---.t aM VUU_ po1aW .., tU' pnp'" 1Atan-

iJJI~~..U08 te 1IIdU. PftIIU- aer~ MaW tAlet 1••a.a. , fit 1at•..u.. tat .

• 'tadtM&\ ., h1 ~. tie Niat __

..., ...._ ••, 1.... trOll -1tII 11It..-c1 of

rllk' aM of __ ..-.w. la ..u.n. ar••' .. WSl.1i-_

_.·tAd .., ""'••1114 kwldal 811_ '- .,.. ,

.. JNPU' ate .. tat ".,,-..dlll t.ID tqt tI

ladt9S8a1 tUtf .

a.cHlII~ .t all ....u..l 1ege~~ '­

.laId ., help._ ... p11p11 ...~~ 1M .,.:1'_,of p .... _'-DCV' ill ."Sea-

111~81_....,14~ U IleJ4 _., .,

1ft 11 I L I II .. ,1 .. 11

Page 42: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

,stile .low 1earaer, who II1pt ........18..... 1004 a.dAmt, 18

draagea t0rttar4 too ql11ok17. Progra_4 1Detl'uet1oa 18 )a-a-aer­

_wed, and eRco...p_ ea" attadea't to work at hi... bee\

Progr_.a WWueUOIl oaaaot tea. the entire ollJT1cll1ua

tor the e1aple r..... that it t ._ate a per.OD. 10 ..tn_o! 1DeWuetton CaB •••b a,. ho" to ..1. or th1Dk ..a'1_-

13, t. auoh tbiDla clepert4 t t • ....~ ..,.,.. at nW....

aeat 'thaD • "... alOM -In pI"O'f1de.!il

......... 1DtI..J. ca lite .... te reUew the ......~

1&& laacl er the prof••'loa4 waober aD. to •.,1_' .. ezteacl

her ..... !he el.-UI7~'"..._ nth ea. poup.' eIISI....

Su.perfUloa .t thla sreap c+ M pnnided '" edGMl

...1ataftta. Progr-.lw U Np1aoe tb8 ,

bat, 1t _ be uaed ,. tree her tor lIOn u... th1DB••

A "'er'. pollUoa 18 IlOt wef11e11e4 111 the procr--.,tMhD14'le. JIore 1Dd1ftAM11lf1N"kahoultl be able to lie .oooapliahecl

.,. the tea-..r -ainI ,..op--« laater1a1a ••• ..,~. U 18

true 1f1ttl .., pro,...-. 1M te... 18 the oae _0 .... tAe pr••

.....ed ... taU.

Page 43: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

•_ ...' -. ... of taWll"•• '.. d1Wtr~_ IIdlla•

.. ,.,.. of .. atAMtI ... t6 ill_Up. __ .a-U...

... of ..~ ad ..£Itt..., clW* ft. ttnt ..,..

n_ftaI taa:"4--"8I"~ ...w. -.• ..,., ....1 II "SII*' .' __ taMU of .--u.a~• ., iJliual '..... . theM ..1IId'

... ...,. '" irI'UaI or WJ'fl .-

....Ie .

..' MJra MIl .... ..n....... --..,.,..., ...u•• t • • ,... ...,.....W _.. CIW1Ie ..

.......... ,.....,• ..W .., .IIIBI••

.. •~, ...w ..... 1M_ .s.l • a .. w

•~ -.a. ,. " as u ..~ ••IIM --.

leUr_alnllat, .-lA, III turd.. sa tM" ..~ 00tIM

......" h1e~ ...,.... .a. '" d--tJaI ''-twMn tM aa1 ....,

...... \be ...... at AU "Itt'" ........-Wi_ ..

,..,,-, ,.....-- .-1.1M I"IP iIDU~hi,- • the ...

., ....sre .., , .-U.k., •• tat. ... 01 ....

..........JJun .,WI Ii If I PJ' II J • Ui' "

.......... (--... JtU .._n, 1166)•............._ .....a.iaf........ .,.s.daIs • J ;.s•••!.I", W, (4.....",1..).". ~' •

.. ~....~~. ".


Page 44: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

IfIttaell.. '"~ WId .•••• poiat, "., \bat. ---wee of

1e__ ...... of 1...., ftla\" it ••ipSA"

t ... - pncI1eU.. of sa tint -..- naclJaa. .

pupil lea.. .,.11 he~ .. ,...,..\a1 a1d1le t1a1

f ....._ 1a ...I.ullli

1. .'\.\108 .. ,..ut.eaot 18 1eaftdaI

I. .aw\7 to t.u.r~It 1. \be -ttwJ of .... w. *ill_, __ otbWa, ttaa_

a1U.te1¥ r...:&.te 1ft IMI&t.Dalac .....u.aa• ...,.. of \btl ta1.tdal .",...1_ 18 •

.-..l d1atr1ft __ AlG,_ • .%a U6I ....ra..""'iq~ to" ••UIUI tldr4 1.1-

... ",..-1- 11 dHlped. eo \bI' it. "Ult_ • ..n.trof ....., ._11,* • tbe Ys-ea1, ....toI7. ad~. 0-

of tM etJhf ..... ., tile .. 1a that l' ..."'" .t_u..,aD .... _blUff' to f.U.~_.

Alter .a ...11daa ",....1_ tile obt·1dIwl

sa t.bta MIl. tIleWift ..are __ \0 • .-dated ......1Ibt*- ..,.., t • ...-r••••••t aDd .. the .._1.-.' of.1 u na It· J '. J I k J

Page 45: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


aU the 1.aDau&e aeecIecS t • aDd. wit.te _1oaUea.3S

Be••ar. 18 ...., 1ft "IaN to the etf.eti..... of

prop&-' lIateriala \Wed witho'at .,.,..t,1ea 1ft the olaa......

teaehiDI at pJ'11uI7 eb1ldr-.. ODe .eleIlt1t1eau,y-eoatr.Uecl

1D:YMUCat4oa _ ... raporW 1a ''eat108 Uteratare'llp to

1"'. !hi. ata47 1IU _auoW .. &uckleU who ...- ~SulU...

lTocnu-ct leadi8' .eri•• 11l au elaa...- IJ1d the She14oa~ Iae1tl.,

"..... 18 au ew..~. Ia" other 11'''- 01 e1a8ttro_

I:adde1l hPP~UapUtlf.a aneda1. the~" ob-

tait_ frOil -1a& \he prog•••11l1altnloUOI1 sr..,. d\1l the

baa&l ..... arouP8 - ., ...... lip lIT .tatas that the titt..._

..... aot G.p1tlua'- .\4 aroupa U4 about a. weU aaoh1l".

vou1d lie ....te4 to .. at. V. .ad of the ..... par."A t. art.t.. aYe Mea reporta4 • haY1nl baea eollClaeW

... 1acI1Y1cl1ll1 eb11dreD or rith older..,. r...u.a1 P'oapaI \lIbI

proarUilled wtnoUea.

BU... ueed, prosra-4 -willi ••• *lIPP1e-' to OOllYell­

t101aal teaeh1ftl- Ia P"II'1IIII8Cl ".-181 both the teaob1rc ater1a1a

'Ja.. I ...... and lelda Lltv1D. a!l1k1q ".,...1_ • AS.. 1ft and Attellt1ea Or... of 1_ OhUdna,· 11!!!!Ha;lal1M!l. LVII, (F•..." 1'10), pp. 2)0-6. .

~1, CamIq) x.... 114 1eY., p. 612.

'~,r,.:"'':. :":

Page 46: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

aM .....SIll ••UY1U8a t4 -.-01..1-.1 pre-

g.-c&. Ja" atadlM la ......... pan... ett ..

of .....Uaaal -"18& .loDe •• ..,•• w1. tba\ fit ...

\t1naU• ., prqr...-l ,.__ tioMl -..-. III

....,.... total of 110 tu.\ lD -...-1" .ehoob

.." ~ aM \Mir ,..1.-_ ..,... •• tMt of

..teIIed ooatn1a. .. ...\\1. ef •• at ..,· .1'1&1••

;2M~ Mhlett.-t ot .. _.. ,..,. ... •1pUl__

IftaW \baD that of tbe ...tnl If"..' '" U..l

pa-...... al... Ia _til et...... 81 MDeftW

Me' ,... --_OIr.~.lcl _..-,.:. tile pr ____

."... '- .... ."•.u..., the 1cJwIW .. of * a1dUtr


... .. .. .u. ....,'1_ ••w.. ibe 1Mreatt8 1a

....sUI ~t,. ~ .. C..-.... t.~, to\lDd DO diU ill .~c_, .fjf __

.be... -'~ , ad tlad · .1pitl~t. 1••' ••••, 1a tbI ...... of be­hw10r ••ldl1. t • .. ei14ND~ '" • ,...••••d •.• Ill ..... of ...., te.... saP*Ue .-..-••''''.'-, -.d .-- ,..-. sa •tMUw•• t. ntaNld.~..~1ft ~1l."t.,~ ., honiUtt'.., .•••, W1dAD............ ,....-4~ 18~U .., II..__ .**tabM \0 t 11& tile ,.....!be ebUdNa ' iadt _ , ....-aM PhP•••, ala _rat.. trope __

Page 47: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

____ to \he ohUd -- •• nflUinCl w 1..-..~._ .. ,ada ooua_t3r ad sa-....__ iMtl, end ...,.Utioa .....CIhU eltMU",- .J·tai..-a. fa~__101 Mild tdaMlt. .....t.ue. Wliedt tt........_.... .......n1F ..-. _. ,"",*.Jl

to date, llt\1e ~ 18* .....taW ."..... !he l1't1e _at hae 1Mea ..

~ _ • .., -n. _ Of cmildna .. adalt.. .. t.

r....*' are aft11altla de DOt _ ............ipUou of

popalaU eoaWo1 .. ..,.~. Tbla W ..u. Ie

dltt1eu1' t. U. " otIUia••• \lie t • •Wiea ....

,leW all __ p1aee ia wp __ ,..._ hip_

__1-' pcIptI1_U_ ...... an ,clitti8t4~ .. , .

u..~ .. .ftone 18 __ tan .., .lD· a4dl-

u.. -. • thUd .-JdDI ~ flptwriter , ••~

-... 1e8ae... __ W1'M -. h1a 81...... lad. _ ", ..,.no'....1.. MdlUfIDItl _ ••tA. ·fna .. ·eta••_ ..... 1'biI.

yer1at4e U _t 4ur:L.-1' ......1. .... t.,. tha, "- DOt

,.at. Mea ...l1e4t 1a .. eft.- the qaaUt, et •• ,..... __

ettl1d 18 .,... to Me • Ala ald1tt¥ to I.e... .. IOed utile

,ncr- ltae1tt ,...,. ...... 1a 18 wee~ .,..., •..~et ..~...... 9*11\7'" etteeu......• '-'._" J 1 r 1

Page 48: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

of the ,..... the obUcl reoel....

A lle1f e1Y1l1aaUoD 18 r:lllQa' 18 the we., ....,reacl1al

..u__~, the ...lfl • • o.1Y1l1aat4oa tbat 18 eoa1ll& ..

'- ea11ed. 1Dduatlial - a o1Y111aaU88 eo atraap ill 1.U f_, 10

..., ia 1ta rea••, eo cOJIP1,ea 111 1t. patWraa, cd 1·0 1I1Iht7

1ft ita .--li••, that tboqhVlll aad"... teer tAat the ._

,"1 of 1tI operaticma ., pr to 1tebeT- the power.'" ita

er••tor. !he t." ..t '- i .. that 1D ap1te et tile ••_.~

ret...... to the -._ial reyolllt-ioD· __ & l1JdW eerl•• .,>i

eha•• 1Ja .... of produeUOD wb1eh took pl... 111 1a&1aacl 1Jl VIe

18th cea.,. _1ft .\her oouatrl•• at late ,u.., the rfIYoluUoa

•• aot,lI&117 Nell catber1a1 _twa nth -'NT ..... IadaewW

,....1uUoa 18 pr__ aUll1a its iDtaa•• Wbat it 1f1ll be W.

1a the IlltJ1are ... 0"_' ....heba.lear 1apre.... 1ta .,.o1a1 obaracWr •• OGltan

ami OIl 'J» bod1ea, 1I1ad8, aDd Mane of ~ 8 it. •

t.biDk of \eehao1c ao1e1¥ 111 teJ-ae of it tena1 probetl, .t

ita tl1a...eriea -.4 1DYeat1... 1I'O\lld 1» a er." enor. Ia .....

it, it a pro...., • __ of --1daI....tho4 of attaeJt1Dl pro1:4 ,

.... of "t'1ew1Dc tae ...14.)'L j I

Page 49: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

1fId1e ...wt.t ." tealbial fIIHb1Dea .. Jet to

• td1r~'.W. fit SMWUUoa 1I01I1tt .".. to -.wdl-nlttd to \hi ,.. ohUd .. ., ,.__ ••en at-te_•

.,.. .... att1Di1r t • ..spa1a'_ the ntiJr.._, o-trol1e4

ft•••• 18 .-lid ••· t t. the poaetltUitr of tM~

If""' ad .u. 1at1 ',

!hla de \be _-Sill of ..,.. ia

"IGIII-~. 1ba1r -' ilia -.

tiler baft .t. .,...t.1. 1-e .....

1M tit 1tltI1Y1dad .. p..,_~ td11

1'eCl" •-- n.a* .M*1. -- 11 1•.- 18 Wtr'-~'.

...... '" .hee, w ,eeetiCII. '" ...,.,•• It

.-1__ f icIeU, __., .... fit .. 'II'O"P... tt

~ _ , pol.' of ftMv w111 .. to M pn:t1.defl.

a u boped .., • .,. wt11 -. t..- '- -i4&e tile I8P

- ....0Mt4 .. etw .ebMl ".., eo that atMdeaU d11

..,. taw t.b4d:r a«hIlt Ut........,.... •• iateN.,.

\IIa' 1IU11Mue tM~ .. ., rtta4UJII•. 1 "I ,"11 'j" I, j

- '.. ,~ , .

:,. .

Page 50: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the AU COJICLU8lO1

., ~ ~fA'!!!!I!I_"

..... _ tift..- of ,....... IIao144

Mp.... .,. Us 01 .. tendaa1 ...s.~. the

'oPbS.U...ttoa ~... of U. .'''''... tbI .

_ ... -...., ,. 1 *'*1cl _ ~, tal iee.

e. of ,.,......, Uoa .,.. .. tal :

....tnoU.. .- ' of .. nbJeet ..titer _-.rial. ftU

".,tal .., 1M bail' "' neb • ..,. •• to ,...-, 1eeaiBl ...

.. eapers.-,I to 1M ..., • tile ptap11 pert....U9J:u.•

••t eoaWl_te to JAaenial eb.tee'l.... !be u.tnot4oD of ..

pJrear.-4 iM...tioaal ...... 18 the 1lIpeI'''' ...... fit

,..,. .., 'uv. 1rII'o1.-t ia ......U.eap1..1.

18 Mat .•••d _ Dele·,

1M l'ftJ01au. ia ._ad..uoB· .. tHbao1oIr __~ lcleu ,.w we __• tIIeIwilalac ........t \0,. _ ..~._.. __• .... t .. ._,~..t.octl. \hall aMt -beIII10l ........X.W._ioul 1oIr la • .....,uoa to '·aun1e. . ~ an ~'" _ pile .,. bdtile .Pl¥ ekU1ld ...,.__ aeetIM '- ..1--', ..,aad thea U 1__.,. _ "11~ ia.udal U DOt tMt ., __... ",..u.••

Page 51: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


1\ 1e ....... ...,lex1. iaYolW4 SA tI7UtI MUuI7 \be '*-I, atI.... __ehlldNa, .. to~•• .,.-.-tie~W,..... t. -uaa .... Iltt...... ft 1. -.="..:~=r::.-=~ of .. bu'

keI7 edlleaUea.11e_l dU· -.t1t t .. _ ..~.

sa pn__• .,... aDd fItltfrial. ot iMtra0t4_. a. role fit __

....."111 ...... tbe adoptl. Mel ... of ...... ,.....

...... sa lledia, ,...•••, ....te~ • iMW eoft-

..... MrdIr....., ,.._. w111 ... the N1e of ttMa ....

11'.. that. ef tM __her of tM .ea.UOD8l ..U tMtl e1aM-

..... \e --ac Vi.~ ., 1eanWII .,. , lII' ao\

the ao1e ,..... .,..1. t.- •••:lac-Al, \be tea.. 1d11 al".,.~a _ ..-tor ., •

100d~ .-var_t, 1IaeeM1DCJl' tbe 1Dl\1aU.. t. le..­

irII Win ...t .... .,..pr1atdr v1ta tbt ohUd,. ~1... _

.....111 "I'&*, •• tM ....,..iei11V of "."\1aI

.. obaU-.,_ , , \0 1...... 1..- ~., to

1... fl1l10-.r, au '- 1e .,n.U8t1J." Jr•• _ ... 111 t•• 11 -.t ..,.....

j'" In It Ii 1m

Page 52: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


it ie pre_ted ta.~. aere .. tiro ...1leIl\ ..,. '-

.U1be ....... 18 .-..cIS81' (1) ..~.1 tleftoe. ta -­

•." of \be NMl1ftI ,.....J .. ("I) 1. "tUl..\1011W ......-

.........~. '" ."1t-1II her to ••1 Wi "

\DaIl •• b a1t1. to _.-U7 Uridle. hrel, ttad t._tdJIe • ,~_t, U'lWa1oa t • • ,.. '- --,

of ....., to _ u., atlJdeata ... ...,._ ttae t • •kIll-


III * "'......~.nUoawl11 .. ,dca to Htildal

par,..• ., __ ..~ tlexDtlU. 11l ..-.. ..

••• M' ..., apeoifl. ,.,....

~ _ill *ina will lie uparadM• .ad ......1.

1IUl -. Upn9tMl _e. the "Ul1.·Uoa of tM· _leta- .,

118p:leU. pr1ae!p1ea aDd tbrcrqb \be. diI1Mt\ "ob1al ., ..

••no.a eW1e ., er1Uee1 .....1aI.

nu...." ,ahGald ..u.. 111 \lIe p, t1_, .,

r...-al ,...... vU1 araftall1 ,... oat 1., *1Ue •••t.. ta\18ht· .., .. "'oU....le with .,..Uto ,..blnt 1a

•.,.. et Nacl1aI, ""UD1 laftY1Aal. \0 cor... c1UttCRl1U.

vi•• 1Il1d_ .f cIlnet. •••1' _tnaaee.JB!•••

laeat'loul~ 11 DOW • aq. tleW of ..,...


Page 53: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the


ft....... 1.......'. a, 1. _t ..- the -'1..,.. tWi-,..,-l&f.«rtuwe .. ant 1IlYolftCl, W, .. anat yar1e_ of~••

'loDe, .., of --11"., .. trM.tAIe1 oa1a ,.

pl\W8h1lll tint, who .. 4ineUD1 '\heU eft to ._...t_~.t.r. tM n.ldirta -..W,. the fl\JPll'Yieor. or _e eUalGAa.

taU 1•• tiae 01 I'm~_.. hbllo _\wa, la .'..-

ill t .... of~ .., .. -. c_ '- .'"" ..a4tJII Rilla.

-- I. tb8 ~au "la, ... __ ."Ow_u,. t.ta_ .... "ad1DI del"" '- ldertUA,_......., .-

_",M\ed.. .&...ud deteta1aet1. *\ •~ 11 ., eft.ot1..

t. •• Yalua.lAI ........u. that 1t 1• .rl._t,... .._leea '" our lUte_ .. well .. .., ....-.... 1ftI7,....

iaUllllte1¥ 1DYol,. ill V. pN1J1ea of~ reMlDI let''''

u. U. ...po.-lld11\1 1D~ .t-..0elMl prop rWe _odd laoJade ........ -.1

Wd.a iptUa .f U. 1ooa\* la, vida tile __ ue4, wi..., \Jpe Gf .t...... •

......" wbat, eoacI1U._,~ __ ~oa, .. _

... _ .\odeD" -"'14....-. -.1'_~ 1M \ of

1ft..... U. .\tt... fit 1M ..... 1Irfttl..-. \he ......, fit

tM ..~.., "'., --.allUl'J. "". -- • _- of •••

", ..

Page 54: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

"1, .......1lcN1d .....icIer. bet.. ,...._ •• "" ill ••'••

OIl • lara- aoaJM.

Jtleal1¥, • JW~ '-' ...~ ...., tile 1.11.-

tal. ,... , ttl,. - __ ,".~ of • ,.rtlea1eJ' "".~J

and __ of \be ,.-.. _,ee' '- lie '" .

a,.ds...... lboa14 be betw at pra"...s.aa _

~ UYe • ..n.. of we•• treII whleh ,r........w lie -..lopec1•

.,..1.... "a4U1 ....n .'" tale.~.. of - --3Mt__ aad aklU 18 ,..-.-.\1011, _pod .tart .. 1lMII ..

pra.u. • __ wrttiel of,.. ...rrocr-lhGBW -- ..1t* .. u. --4- .u.~.

10 .~U..-1dIrfi. abed" .. al1AM1d \0 dina. the •__

1JII of .',..-. ,...••• of .., dfJ'ft aeaera1~ CIt a

F •• .u.14: ., W -ua, of \bet ,....

....n4 IMWUUOD.

,a- 01 ,..,r-.'III ...1. • ., ..- ••.a.r. -.1d 'M •..uaI»1. '- .".,-

••• ' . '••, .., \tae. It u ......Itd, .,

.u_""••_~"".1It ~_ •

......u u..t••

I. • 1f0111A .• nleMM troa fIrlU 1IWk ..

ita S••• t to -' • 11_~.

Page 55: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

,. .. .... WOGlG ,""eel ., &drI .. ,.••

fa.. aatat__t ..__ .' ,,1WRtJ 1Mft4d be _ .. to

..., ....' • ...,.."of~

s. .. ....u.o .... -.w lit '.'••'1')'- ,.u.t••__ papU.

6. A· ' ...w III ......" 11._ ..,....

• elJae _ \0 , 1. M" dUll""'_ .. __......- _....1 ~ etoa1d ......... """ ., ,.......1

....u. ." ••_", ••IIIa.,.WU••,... at-..,- '- ".".. OOlI1d ·MrGr td1 to ...-1\

iii • e1MHr -.·ftIIad• ., U. ....... ttl ....:11

_idUa· .......... of ...a'DI'" AU U. .., \hMrtAI

..., ..·.a_ Nliliac tcII1d .. _w \IIltI.W ... _tftl tMa

11M ... Mea ,..., ....... ~'. ,.....uti' .,.-n,Mel -. .~...uI,Nttsae t.~. wd.4 '- ,..... •

,.... 1M ,-...ta ....... t• .... .-.. a•• of_Ill.", In r .' Ii[ ,n. ..••

Page 56: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

__tAtd tor t ...rabl. rellUlta Vh1eh ..... notcbJpl1eated .8ftother. tried her ..thode.


It, s. attU too .... to ..11... the ett••t1 of

prosrUM4 1.ana1DlUl the f1fa1Al of "afire 18 pr1JUl7 cr .Ve17 "-ofteD, jae' th8 DOYelV .. _1....t of a ... approa*

... .u.ulate .tuIieat~ to grea_ aeb1eYllllell\. Bat,J teo .ftea.lx

... , ...o1U-' ..... ott leara1rC • ..".... theft

1Iq .. peat .-uU.. tbat.up. 1aIp4riaD' ''-''~

to 4181 1Dat.r&lotioD, aacl~•• Vial aa4 ...w vU1 we

uee _at the7' an.

Jfaeh18e. haYe tM a8Y8Dtap of bema •...t-pr0Gt,'•

• 1808 the COlTaft, ...... to q...Uoaa are eapeaM o~ at_ ..•••at he. &1.,.8 h1I "'8p"... Appereat17 th1a teat1ale 1••t

toe 1IIportant M pre8flllt r...areh ah_ that the ... .,

..ob1... ,... 80 better ...au1ta VMaD ...rt.. of .aU-

aad eaplanatl_ 18 the lora et a tlprogtaJIIH textbo*.· BoeJcleta

aDd textbooU haYe tAe adYmttap of 0.1111 poruble. 1'he7." be

earr1ec! \0 the .le...... or~. A.~ ... VOI'k at • ,.....

18 hie tree t1Jle. Io.....w a8IIllfjIIeBte .. lie 11... trOll


Page 57: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

Prop.-cl ..ter1all, aooorct1Dg to Deohaat.. haYe tile

toUow188 .bv1o~ adraatq...

1. Pregr_ prm_ :J....u.te lmowlectc. of ....... or


hU eva 8.8..._ rate.

J. !be pupU 111 requ1recl to Pl'ocr••••ea_ a 1.g1ea1

8eqge•• of atep_ of 18......_ 'd1tt1tn1l"', ... aMp be1lll ..

•..u that. it ... be ..t .U8__~ aad7ttt l ••d tM pup11

to •• atep Vi_.., aaateI7.

4- "'0_-_4 ...1&1. prM1b1t the • .,...181 of ..

I.p without ter7.

s. ., br1"8 the ,.,11 into .-.ot wi. the

beat atndl--thoee who ,...,ared th...terlala.

6. froer- requ1re tbe P9u to be ooaetantl1aotl-wt ..

alel-t and to eoa.tr8ft hi. 01ID ....po_.1. leatUae•• 1, pr••1.4 t • .,. preaeaUng ..ter181 of

appropriate d1ft1eu1~7.

8. Progra_c1 ..terial. prO'f1de the tea••r with • ~.tt1er

acourate of where th4t papU 11 aad. tbua 1187 lead w __-1aata1 ho k ...tea-- ....~••

Page 58: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

Af. •• pupil 18,~. '- u... \0 or reM :",..

~ act· '" pwtt41 .'.aU.. ~ Sa ...1&.....

-- --_ .W'W __ 11M a....., -- JI1PA". '.tie. fte. .....\8 iGe it ..~ b _, ........

• 'tbe· , ..

1t. - ~_ .. padUl"..,al ., ..~.

au 1be4 .. , __•

n. "'.-4.~ ~_P9D..... --_•••a., itt "'1,." .., ...w vae~tl... pte ..1-.-'

11. rrep_ ,.., \0 Mlp ..._~ ..'..

all paptla .. ..,. 1a \M ...

u... ,.,u~ ~ ,."..'""~oal_,prep.II••14~~ ..~

....,.. ..-1U01 tna ...,... '- ..-sa ,._lp1Aae "1...., .

1. .~ 1etni8I

I. ~ ., ...."

,. ..aW -- IWltNiJIl Urc••~ '" __• __ ltI -. of ,...-..t a-....

'n' It. .• til 11 nut. I u t . tullll

Page 59: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

•!ai, "- obSW 11 r"""" '" .tu.e M\_...- ,.. ,or~~,.~tMa·

5. _'-ft. pnriA-a t. UMtl~ ditt.... fat


-..w.a. \0 oat. a. ettMt8 til

,.,.••~.~•.- 1oIMll ..._-. .. __

felt,. .. fit ,.,...._ t. "-~ til ..".

~ 111 __ pen ,...,..11tJM t. .....

....11 • ,., 1*_. ,~tl.._ SA .,ue;eu-

.... ,.....-cI SDaVttetMa ., _"..._ ....

..,~... \1. a .... U .. sa ..n.1.......u.,

......... ., .. \M," __ ...,.•

.. "18 u Mt ....-. ...·.n - """,sa __ sa , .. MU...u.". e • .,.,..••tlatJJtr 1dU .'~ - ,t-. -of __ AMrl_ .-..1

..........'Ie .-1_ U ,...... ..,~

1.tI'tMIU e1p&tu.\~.. to .. --III ffI

"_:111 te.~ sa ..~ p".'-. au~ 1Ml.-IU Ij,AI .11 - [l_,n.

• .: ,:' t ~". •...

Page 60: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

J).. NaU1ta of ...,.._•••~.. tdIlOh 1ftcl1... -.'t __ ..."- na4iaa ..i ••••••, ...,lw ... Ina. pnp••••C

.....\loa .. "..~-.w-..uoa. '*'-.•0.- ....

au.. pr• ...., tMtndkta it .. ~.. ett'e.M4w .. CIOIt'IW-

Uoaal .tneu... 1\ ••••.•cIia1 .11_, ,.. .

,.II..U.. .... of ftumaa .._.~ elaa , .

1~ 1•• ueld \oel t. ne." a1aeIt .,~ _ ..

,....., taMb1D1 ,......

Page 61: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

...,-..,L.i=: V:::t=c::"IWt-tJ»~..!1t,~•

........i.;~' ... w::..u:e~: 4W!f..

a.u, =.lIPII.,.;·"~iIU'~i4!1· "':r.k,1ItCbaat,==-,.,...,.....~.


"Li..r_I_'~.....•.... >: ...•..,& ..• 1'!M;MM·· ..·..···.·,.d 1•• "'m. Btllt,., ~,.;

1JRkla, Do1ortNI. tt.!S!dIJ'" ~ ,!lI!!. Iee_. AUp" _ ....~:.. l'm' '. 11 IF .. JI .• · ........., ..

....... ---..1_... WiU...,.•. aw.. IZLYf1fIMLh..........' <. -.....•. .H:eW'~...• PalO 1110. ,lfiD]' ..1 , ..JiliIIifi.., . ".;lJi"f;

--'~J; ~'1U.1dretll, .......~ !!fI.M!B. .. twtu ...,. Io1t

-- c..,.." BU•.-, OWl.'.. •• "1·_ C1tara•.•• of Jul« aeadill& 11:'-14:,.-

Itft!rlii.''-· G1a¥$aW,

Page 62: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

~, J_ ....11. WLe\" h __ Pn_....- leadUl& x..\I\loUoa.-!tII..,....,.~.~'T: -. vuu.

Jpauabt"., ....,'''. '.': '.. ,- ... _,'.' WiI.li_, .~,....' ..•,' .'."JiM.'•.•~."",~..,"i,. "." '.' ..... '.1M.eMII- .. 1..-. JctJm WUti iiiI __,~

...., Pftl....!!ISM!~.~~.t •....~~ ~... ~lIilftIDr~.-ug;

..............,.it.~~el.!!Ii •. _loa-In~

IaetUer":..Pal·...•.,' •.--. Ii.••.....of.,'..'".',p , %W'net1',.::... ~!IIl',...~.'. "J-.......•..~net.... ' ~.~' ~~..... .• lew Yorkl .......-gum:iiin'imilIaa r...." lJlJ;

S~, a. r. ··IM kieaee of~ ·and the An of 7eNIWtI••ae...£~w":.~~:o.,1Id.\b, al•.IMton. .. ~"J'..1ta~.' _k, hlava'n'

Iatenat.lOlMll IMili; IMOiliilii.~

.., -*••~:W;!~.~ Cua.•

...._~, _. 'Wlok18atl, 1lIUl. ·Pftp.-dXUtneUoa •• a_slIIMatu1A1a:.·· . . •. to 'Waeb1,.,-, II.C••"'....u. t. 18 t.»-1. 116'.

11W!er, a.DenC. ·WUl h:. • __"'lOa ...\tMt .r.aP.~.btaI.. adlW '" U:beft IMll .. o. I'll••IM~W:1:i* laU..-l 0...11. ldtloa:tl. A••••la.*'-.1166·.

Page 63: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

........~ .......1.- :11. a......,

.U.aJlIJ.IltUl • --~,_. w.t4It,:

ua., a.. I. ad .1&.., J. -.lld.., ,,:,..1., I ' ... ___................~ .... ..,....­.!IJM8, DID (,,--..,. U!O).1J04.

..,. I. ,.' • '"P" t., .,. GIr41dna '" ,....,~.... . . .. ' ... "'au.- ..,.., '. .' , aN-•.-s,., UtI, ,an L _. 1Id_- ~'ifMa1

hiltUtl A••-.U.• .,.

,......., ,', , '-' lIZ. __-. w • ....u..a"-III ,.__u.;.. U6I.

""''- A. , A.-fR•• I." )'._ ft., -.t _.~ '.a 1M.... "'-', ,:., lU car. 1f8), ....

.., .::;::.: =:::~.:.. ......"""~~""1L ,•.....,., --,. rr..••f_ .4.

_'••, --.,. $.. .,...__ .... fMlt••a.,&td Iwel....•aW1ltr--_ .. --.--,IM.,UM.

1Ile. -,.. -,a••i_ Ift"-fIt IMp ~.

!!~l!lIe..~ .., t •.-." lit .., ' .. ' '.'. 1tM4r III ' "~ IW\ II.""...Iel"-" .,~ ,.... _f, Sa.e.

Page 64: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

..'t.....--IJ· ..·.·~u:-=Ae~ft 8-.., of IcJIIoaUoa, , .. 11. Cld.oaI••tJoi.....altr of CAl..,. m.., 1t66,18f•

.....,. Val_. .Aceo&atabllSt¥. .. taM, .. fcKtJa, ..•• PlVdJa.· !!Idea'tae.., U1V (.-.." 1m).2t1-.. .

'.1cImIua. I. -PnclioUoa. ef a..cll!.A~' "I" In­____ ... tMdl'~l IIIa.__••- ~,._,.un'l creft..,. lftO), Wa6-a•.

n,., Jelm L .u;-~,~>: ~:--.. !tlP~

'ft7t IdIre4. ••• Itfe.1.. U "..•••4 x....u. sa r....SIal a.edire'-. .~ . '. &11_ tv lOaa. Wtb, JDWdi . . •••sap, un, Pan I., ....~. Iate..UOMlBeadiDI A.....uea, 116'.

-...~.... ."••MIN ..waeu. end .1...... ill,."..... t , t 1 -: . . aut .' . :' ,', > .' '.

.......... . . ....1.11......

eoar•••_ ~,.' III, ,an IU•. Itwaft,~.Ia_...u..l IeMUJaI A.....U.. 3168.

• -.. " .. of htaratl8d z...., 1a .. haebiDI of

~,~..~.....1!:.:::aconr.....~. 'tIl., Pu-\ I. l8..t, De1awaNalD__U.-1leadtDl A.:....U.. 116'.

Ga'-8, A. I. ,."•• 1ea41a1 ,..,.•• 1_. ~!!S. U11X,(V....., U6,l-. 131-8•.

Page 65: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

Godkin, Le.ser G•• and KeSveenq, Joseph. 8 Learn1ng' trom Teaoh..1D& HacbiDee.- ...... lDatruot1.oD. S4x:ty-a1xthYearbook of the '~0iiiI ·sea.v lor ':me stlJdT of Educa-t1oa, Part II. Ch1oacOI UDiTera1t7 of Chi.cap Pre••,1961 t 201-).

_lor, Kar11lD. -leadina ID.truct1oD ThrotIch the Kult1-aeUaAp~ob.· RaMi!1 feac_, XlIV (Hq, 1'11), 7S1-60.

It1obardaOD, I., and 1IcS...De7. J. ftAna17a18 ot the I.a.&!a11d:D1 !Jpew.rlter .a·. Den.. tor tea.iDs Beahm1D11ead1rc Sk1lla.· Eduoat1.-1 Tedmolog. X (rebrwll7,1'70),81-8.

Rtlddell, R. B. "Lob&1tu41J1al Stu.. of Four !'roar." of aeacl1DlIDstructi·ODJ 'Extaadec1 into 1'h1r4 Or••- Cur". 18....1DRe~ Id1ted b7 1Ua. B. S1I1th, IDternaUOiiilGia­Iii XSaocm,loD Ccmterenoe Proceecl1DC8 , lIII, Pert. 1.Newark, Delaware, Internat10aal ReadiD& Assoc1atiOll,1969.

Stea, D. -Itteeta of Ibd.1Y1daa1 ProsraJltld IDatrucUoa OIl IDitial'.ead1DB Sk1U8 aDd LaDpap Behavior 1D Earll"Ch1ldhoocl.·Current ~8\18.~1eac1!H.Ed1te4b7IUa B. SJI1th,SternatiOiiiAl 1i8aaIiii AS8OCiat.1oa Contereaoe Proceed1Dp I

XIII, Par' II. letrark, Delaware. IDternat1cmal ReadiDIAaeoc1at1oa, 1969.

stolurGW. 1. x. aI1lpllcatloDa of Current a•••arch aDd hturefrende. 8 JoUftlal0F Educatt~onal a.••arch, LV (Iuae-J~, 1962', JlR'.

Taber, Jul1aa aDd Gl&eer, aobert. -AD laploratol7 Evaluation of• D1acr1a1Da:t.:LYe 1raa8£er Learn1Dg Pr... V-iDa LiteralPrOllpta.· JOUI'DIIl!!. Eduo,aUonal a.aearch., LV (JUDe"Ju17, 1962), ~t1t-D.

Tobia., 5igDmd. • Teacbere' Att1tude. Toward Prosr-el IDatruo­tlona1 'erma." .Jol!FlJf!1 of Pr._, Ipatruet101. n(Mq, 1963) J 230-4.

Page 66: Survey of recent literature on the effectiveness of the

Wen..-, D-. -_baS", IMelial "...... A1ICIU-f1a1ll4 1e1at...=-=<=,.=1: I· iJiliiiiiii.,t'iiiiiiiii_

WlttiU. 111dnc\,. 81Daoft,UoQI sa a.M2'1II JM'~ t.1eeS'-.­IbtrJ'awa. ,e•... of 14M.~1Pm II. CId.....Chi... "...•• 1JOO, ft,•

..... " .... Cldap.~ ............, Iee..

,&It" ~~.fII. lev reft. IUd.. -, 1968.