survey of technology and livelihood tle course offerings and teachers qualifications

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasig City 1600 632-0170/633-9346 636-4876/637-0209 Website: MEMORANDUM TO : REGIONAL DIRECTORS SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENTS REGIONAL/DIVISION TLE SUPERVISORS ATTENTION: Secondary School Heads/Principals FROM : YOLANDA S. QUIJANO Undersecretary for Programs and Projects SUBJECT : Survey of Technology and Livelihood (TLE) Course Offerings and Teachers’ Qualifications DATE : August 28, 2012 The Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) in close collaboration with the DepEd Regional and Division Offices is currently conducting a national survey to generate information on Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) such as course offerings and teachers’ qualifications among the regular secondary schools. The said survey seeks also to gather data on school resources/facilities, e.g., laboratory workshops, tools and equipment, learning materials, etc. The survey results will provide inputs in the development of a TLE Master Plan for the regular secondary schools which shall include provision of resources in the long term, teacher assessment and certification by TESDA and skills training that will be implemented by phase, starting this SY 2012. The teachers found ready to be assessed may undergo assessment before the end of this year. The rest will undergo skills training in their areas of specialization in order to prepare them for the competency assessment. Using the attached survey form and guidelines, the school heads are requested to supply the needed data. One week after its receipt, the accomplished forms shall be submitted to the Division Office through the TLE Supervisor for consolidation at the division level. The division-wide consolidated survey report shall likewise be submitted to the Regional Office for the preparation of a region-wide survey report for submission to the Bureau of Secondary Education, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City on or before November 5, 2012. For your information and appropriate action.

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Page 1: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

DepEd Complex, Meralco Ave., Pasig City 1600 632-0170/633-9346 636-4876/637-0209 Website:



ATTENTION: Secondary School Heads/Principals FROM : YOLANDA S. QUIJANO

Undersecretary for Programs and Projects

SUBJECT : Survey of Technology and Livelihood (TLE) Course Offerings and Teachers’ Qualifications

DATE : August 28, 2012

The Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) in close collaboration with the DepEd Regional and Division Offices is currently conducting a national

survey to generate information on Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) such as course offerings and teachers’ qualifications among the regular secondary schools. The said survey seeks also to gather data on

school resources/facilities, e.g., laboratory workshops, tools and equipment, learning materials, etc.

The survey results will provide inputs in the development of a TLE Master Plan for the regular secondary schools which shall include provision of resources in the long term, teacher assessment and certification by TESDA

and skills training that will be implemented by phase, starting this SY 2012. The teachers found ready to be assessed may undergo assessment before the end of this year. The rest will undergo skills training in their areas of

specialization in order to prepare them for the competency assessment. Using the attached survey form and guidelines, the school heads are

requested to supply the needed data. One week after its receipt, the accomplished forms shall be submitted to the Division Office through the TLE Supervisor for consolidation at the division level. The division-wide

consolidated survey report shall likewise be submitted to the Regional Office for the preparation of a region-wide survey report for submission to the Bureau of Secondary Education, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig

City on or before November 5, 2012.

For your information and appropriate action.

Page 2: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications


Technical-Vocational Unit, BSE National Survey of TLE Course Offerings and Teacher Qualifications


I. Rationale

The Department of Education (DepEd) is instituting an enhanced Basic Education Program through the gradual implementation of the K to 12 Program. This enhancement process is also in respond to the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) aimed at providing universal access to quality education and achieving full productive employment and decent work for all. This effort of DepEd is vital in producing high school graduates who are socially aware, proactive, involved in public and private affairs, adequately prepared for work or entrepreneurship or higher education, legally employable, globally competitive and responsible, productive, skilled, competent and functional graduates. One of the important key pathways under this transformation is the technical-vocational program and technology and livelihood education which are recognized as among the key measures in alleviating poverty and effective catalyst of change. In order to support these thrusts, the regular secondary schools offering techvoc/TLE subjects shall be provided with necessary interventions, including intensive training for teachers and skills assessment, etc., to prepare the schools in the efficient and effective implementation of the K to 12.

II. Objectives

A national survey will be conducted in all the regular secondary schools to determine their present capacities and actual requirements which will serve as bases for the prioritization and efficient scheduling of the necessary interventions. Specifically, it intends to: 1. determine the techvoc courses being offered in the regular secondary schools as areas of

specialization; 2. determine the number of TLE teachers per area of specialization; 3. assess the qualifications of teachers handling techvoc/TLE subjects; 4. determine the readiness of TLE teachers to undergo competency assessment; 5. identify training requirements of teachers teaching different TLE subjects; and 6. determine the adequacy of school facilities and other resources, such as, tools and equipment,

laboratory workshops and instructional materials. III. Expected Outputs/Outcome This project is expected to come up with the following information as inputs in the development of a TLE Master Plan: 1. List and number of teachers for competency assessment 2. List and number of teachers for skills training 3. List of tools and equipment per area of specialization 4. Support/interventions to be provided to the schools with no/inadequate resources

Page 3: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications


IV. Persons Involved and Duties and Responsibilities

This survey will be spearheaded by the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) in close coordination with the regional and division offices. Their duties and responsibilities include the following:

Office/Persons Responsible

Duties and Responsibilities

Before During After


Prepares, develops and finalizes survey form, including guidelines

Conducts orientation to concerned regional TLE/Techvoc supervisors regarding the conduct of the survey

Ensures that the soft copy of the survey form is provided to the regional and division offices for reproduction and distribution

Provides technical assistance for queries related to the conduct of the survey

Consolidates, interprets, analyzes report and integrates the findings/ recommendations in the development of TLE Master Plan

Regional Office Regional TLE Supervisor/ Coordinator

Attends orientation on the National Survey conducted by BSE, DepEd

Conducts orientation with division TLE/Techvoc supervisors/ coordinators on the conduct of the survey

Ensures that copies of the questionnaire both hard and soft copies are provided to the division supervisors for reproduction and distribution

Provides technical assistance for queries related to the conduct of the survey

Consolidates, analyzes/ interprets the findings from the division reports

Submits reports and recommendations to BSE

Ensures compliance to the timeframe set for distribution, data gathering, retrieval, data analysis/ interpretation, and reporting

Division Office Division TLE Supervisor/ Coordinator

Attends orientation on the National Survey conducted by the region

Conducts orientation with school heads on the conduct of the National Survey

Ensures that copies of the questionnaire both hard and soft copies are provided to the school heads for reproduction and distribution

Provides technical assistance for queries related to the conduct of the survey

Consolidates, analyzes/ interprets the findings from the school reports

Submits reports and recommendations to the region

Page 4: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications


Office/Persons Responsible

Duties and Responsibilities

Before During After

Ensures compliance to the timeframe set for distribution, data gathering, retrieval, data analysis/ interpretation, and reporting

School School Administrator

Attends to the briefing orientation on the conduct of the National Survey organized by the division

Accomplishes the survey form based on the real situation

Ensures compliance to the timeframe set for filling-up and submission to the division office

Submits the accomplished form to the division office on or before the set deadline

V. Schedule

Activity Office Involved – Schedule

BSE-CO Region Division School

1. Briefing – Orientation on the Conduct of National Survey

4th week, Aug. 2012

2nd week, Sept. 2012

4th week, Sept 2012

2. Distribution/Receipt/Printing of Survey Forms

4th week, Sept. 2012

3. Filling-Up of Survey Forms 1st week, Oct. 2012-

4. Data Gathering and Consolidation of Reports

1st week – 2nd week, Dec. 2012

2nd – 3rd week, Nov. 2012

3rd week, Oct. 2012

5. Submission of Reports 3rd week, Dec. 2012

4th week, Nov. 2012

1st week, Nov. 2012

2nd week, Oct. 2012

6. Development of TLE Master Plan (TMP) to include designing of priority activities based on the TMP

Oct. 2012

Page 5: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications




Survey of TLE Course Offerings and Teacher’s Qualifications

Name of School/Address: Division: Region :

Name of School Head: Designation:


A.1 TLE /Techvoc Subjects Being Offered as Areas of Specialization Direction: Put a check mark (/) on the box opposite the area/s of specialization that your school is offering.

Agri-Fishery Home Economics Industrial Arts

Agri-Crop Production Beauty Care Automotive Servicing

Horticulture Care Giving Services Carpentry

Animal Production Dressmaking &Tailoring Plumbing

Aquaculture Commercial Cooking Masonry

Food /Fish Processing Bread & Pastry Production Novelty Crafts

ICT Household Services Tiles Setting

Computer Hardware Servicing Mechanical Drafting

Others: (Please specify) Electrical Installation Maintenance

Consumer Electronics Servicing

Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning

Shielded Metal Arc Welding

Copy for the School Head

Page 6: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications


A.2 List of Teachers Teaching TLE and their Qualifications Direction: Supply the data/information required following the sample provided below. (This part of the form can be filled up by the

Teachers themselves)



(2) Major field of specialization

(e.g., Filipino, English, Home Economics)

(3) TLE/Techvoc

Subject/s Taught (e.g., Commercial Cooking,

Beauty Care, Plumbing)

(4) Qualification

(National certification acquired: COC, NC1,


(6) Preparedness for



YES NO For assessment

For skills enhancement Ex. Juan San Pedro Industrial Arts Building construction None For skills enhancement







(Please provide additional sheets, if necessary)

A.3 Laboratory Workshops

Direction: Indicate the degree of adequacy of the laboratory workshop/s used in the specializations mentioned under A.1 by putting a check

mark (/) on the appropriate column that corresponds to your answer. Be guided by the descriptions provided below:

Status Description: Workshop is Adequate available and meets/complies with the minimum standard requirements prescribed by DepEd and TESDA.

Inadequate available but is not in accordance with the minimum standard requirements prescribed by DepEd and TESDA.

None not available.

Area of Specialization Degree of Adequacy

Remarks Adequate Inadequate None






(Please provide additional sheets, if necessary)

Page 7: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications


A.4 Tools and Equipment

Direction: Based on the list of the TLE subjects/specializations mentioned in A-3, supply the tools and equipment available in each specialization and

rate its adequacy. Use the descriptions provided below as your guide.

Status Description Adequate Tools and/or equipment comply with the minimum standard tool/equipment -student ratio

Inadequate Tools and/or equipment are available but do not meet the minimum standard per student

None No available tools and equipment for the course/area of specialization

Area of Specialization List of Tools and Equipment Degree of Adequacy

Remarks Adequate Inadequate None

(Please provide additional sheets, if necessary)

Page 8: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications


A.5 Instructional/Learning Materials in TLE

Direction: Indicate the extent of adequacy of the instructional /learning materials per area of specialization by putting a check mark on the

appropriate column. Use the descriptions provided below as your guide.

Status Description Adequate Instructional/learning materials comply with the minimum standard material - student ratio

Inadequate Instructional/learning materials are available but do not meet the minimum standard per student

None No available instructional/learning material for the course/area of specialization

Area of Specialization Print Materials Non-print Materials

Remarks Adequate Inadequate None Adequate Inadequate None

(Please provide additional sheets, if necessary)

Prepared by: __________________________ Noted by: ___________________________

Designation___________________________ Designation__________________________

Date Prepared: ________________________ Date Prepared: ________________________

Page 9: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications


Technical-Vocational Unit, BSE National Survey of TLE Course Offerings and Teacher Qualifications


I. Rationale

The Department of Education (DepEd) is instituting an enhanced Basic Education Program through the gradual implementation of the K to 12 Program. This enhancement process is also in response to the Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDG) aimed at providing universal access to quality education and achieving full productive employment and decent work for all. This effort of DepEd is vital in producing high school graduates who are socially aware, proactive, involved in public and private affairs, adequately prepared for work or entrepreneurship or higher education, legally employable, globally competitive and responsible, productive, skilled, competent and functional. One of the important key pathways under this transformation is the technical-vocational program and technology and livelihood education which are recognized as among the key measures in alleviating poverty and in effecting change. In order to support these thrusts, the regular secondary schools offering techvoc/TLE subjects shall be provided with necessary interventions, including provision of resources, intensive training for teachers and skills assessment, etc., to prepare the schools to efficiently and effectively implement the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

II. Objectives

A national survey will be conducted in all the regular secondary schools to determine their present capacities and actual requirements which will serve as bases for the prioritization and efficient scheduling of the necessary interventions. Specifically, it intends to: 1. Establish a database of

a. the techvoc courses being offered in the regular secondary schools as areas of specialization; b. the qualifications of TLE teachers per area of specialization; and c. the school facilities and other resources, such as tools and equipment, laboratory workshops

and instructional materials. 2. assess the qualifications of teachers handling techvoc/TLE subjects; in order to

a. determine the readiness of TLE teachers to undergo competency assessment; and b. identify training requirements of teachers teaching different TLE subjects;

3. prepare a regional master plan to improve the delivery of TechVoc/TLE in secondary schools.

Page 10: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications


III. Expected Outputs/Outcome This survey is expected to come up with the following information as inputs in the development of a TLE Master Plan: 1. Course offerings in TLE 2. Adequacy of resources (hand tools, equipment, print and non print learning materials) 3. Current qualifications of teachers, readiness for competency assessment and proposed training

areas 4. Support/interventions to be provided to the schools with no/inadequate resources 5. Draft schedule for teacher training, assessment and certification The survey findings will provide policy decision makers a better understanding of the TLE program in secondary schools and hopefully use the findings to provide more resources and build capacities of the school community to deliver quality TLE. IV. Persons Involved and Duties and Responsibilities This survey will be spearheaded by the Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) in close coordination with the regional and division offices. Their duties and responsibilities include the following:

Office/Persons Responsible

Duties and Responsibilities

Before During After

Central Office BSE TecVoc Unit

Prepares, develops and finalizes survey form and guidelines

Conducts orientation to concerned regional TLE/Techvoc supervisors regarding the conduct of the survey

Ensures that the soft copy of the survey form is provided to the regional and division offices for reproduction and distribution

Provides technical assistance and respond to queries related to the conduct of the survey

Consolidates, interprets, analyzes report and integrates the findings/ recommendations into a National Report including a draft of the TLE Master Plan

Regional Level Regional TLE Supervisor/ Coordinator

Attends orientation on the National Survey conducted by BSE, DepEd

Conducts orientation with division TLE/Techvoc supervisors/coordinators on the conduct of the survey

Ensures that copies of the questionnaire both hard and soft copies are provided to the division supervisors for reproduction and distribution

Provides technical assistance and respond to queries related to the conduct of the survey

Consolidates, analyzes/ interprets the findings from the division reports

Submits regional report and recommendations to BSE

Page 11: Survey of Technology and Livelihood Tle Course Offerings and Teachers Qualifications


Office/Persons Responsible

Duties and Responsibilities

Before During After

Ensures adherence to the timeframe set for distribution of questionnaires, data gathering, retrieval, data analysis/interpretation, and reporting

Division Level Division TLE Supervisor/ Coordinator

Attends orientation on the National Survey conducted by the region

Conducts orientation with school heads on the conduct of the National Survey

Ensures that copies of the questionnaire both hard and soft copies are provided to the school heads

Provides technical assistance and respond to queries related to the conduct of the survey

Consolidates, analyzes/ interprets the findings from the school reports

Submits division report and recommendations to the region

Ensures adherence to the timeframe set for distribution of questionnaire to schools, data gathering, retrieval, data analysis/ interpretation, and reporting

School Level School Administrator

Attends to the briefing orientation on the conduct of the National Survey organized by the division

Accomplishes the survey form based on the real/current situation

Ensures adherence to the timeframe set for filling-up the questionnaire and submission to the Division Office

Submits the accomplished form to the Division Office on or before the set deadline

Use the data from the survey to update the SIP

V. Schedule

Activity Office Involved – Schedule

BSE-CO Region Division School

1. Briefing – Orientation on the Conduct of National Survey

4th week Aug. 2012

2nd week, Sept. 2012

3rd week, Sept 2012

2. Distribution/Receipt/Printing of Survey Forms

4th week Sept. 2012

3. Filling-Up of Survey Forms 4th week, Sept. 2012-

4. Data Gathering and Consolidation of Reports

1st week Dec. 2012

2nd week, Nov. 2012

2nd week, Oct. 2012

5. Submission of Reports 2nd week, Dec. 2012

4th week, Nov. 2012

1st week, Nov. 2012

1st week, Oct. 2012

6. Development of TLE Master Plan (TMP) to include designing of priority activities based on the TMP

Dec. 2012