survey results

More than 60% of the participants of my survey were female, meaning that the following results may be bias to a females tastes, stereotypically. A vast majority of the respondents were of the age range between 17- 18, this could be seen as target audience and may also effect the results below in terms of taste and social media related questions.

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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More than 60% of the participants of my survey were female, meaning that the following results may be bias to a females tastes, stereotypically.

A vast majority of the respondents were of the age range between 17-18, this could be seen as target audience and may also effect the results below in terms of taste and social media related questions.

Indie/alternative is by far the most preferred genre from a large 83.33% of the respondents. This could be down to the age range of the participants being mostly 17-18 as it is a popular genre with our generation. This also meaning that the song and style of our music video will most likely be indie/alternative.

17/18 participants watch music videos on YouTube, showing that this website still stands as a popular platform to watch music videos and for many people the only platform they use to do so. This could be down to the age range, or perhaps its ease of use and wide variety.

A large majority of the respondents watch music videos quite frequently or sometimes and so the results on the rest of the survey are rather well informed. This high number could be due to the age range as I feel the age group of 17-18 are regular users of the internet and social media and so are more often exposed to music video releases .

Most of the participants said that they prefer a conceptual style of video and the second most popular was a narrative. Taking this information and planning and editing my video around this could increase the success of it.

18/20 of the participants said that they prefer an average length music video 2:20-4:20 minutes, showing that a shorter music video isn't long enough to develop a strong and interesting narrative and a longer video of around 6 minutes is too long and loses most peoples attention.

Vivid colours and scenic views were the highest voted aspects preferred by the participants, it is also shown that most people prefer heart warming endings, and fast moving clips over slow moving clips; this being important information that could be used in the production of our music video.

The highest rated way of hearing about new music videos was surprisingly in this technologically led age, word of mouth, the next is YouTube suggested and third is social media. All accessible ways of sharing our finished music video to receive feedback and as many views as possible.

Only 18/20 respondents gave their favourite music video and most videos named were of the indie/rock genre. As indie has been the undermining preferred genre throughout the survey this could inform the creation of our music video.

The survey results have shown that indie/alternative is the main genre preferred by adolescents aged 17-18, this shows that our video will be more successful with our target audience if the video and song are from the indie genre. Another aspect from the results we could plan to include in the music video would be a narrative with a conceptual style and normal narrative as these two were the most popular with the participants of the survey and will again increase the success of our video. When asked what they preferred in a music video the participants responded mostly to “scenic views”, they also said they responded positively to vivid colours in the cinematography; both of these aspects will be easy to combine by filming in scenic outdoor locations and using effects to strengthen the colours, we could also specifically film at times when the skies are a range of beautiful colours such sunrise or sunset(golden hour) to bring vivid colours into the video.