survival camping – 5 things you'll want to learn quickly

Survival Camping – 5 Things You’ll Want To Learn Quickly WWW.SURVIVALGEARAUTHORITY.CO M

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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In terms of what we’ve brought into the woods with us, it was different

every time and the gear you take with you

into the woods is appropriate for

whatever scenario you’re duplicating.


Those were two shelters I’ve made in past survival camping adventures. On the left, was a typical A frame shelter, where my buddy and I slept on a mylar survival

blanket, on the ground.


On the right, was a more complex shelter

where you’ll notice the three of us had

suspended sleeping platforms achieved in a very simple way, cross beaming logs, lincoln

log style.


The first several times I made my survival

shelters I slept directly on the ground, and I couldn’t figure out

immediately why it got so freezing cold when I

tried to sleep.


The answer was conduction. Simply

put, the ground sucks the heat right out of you and replaces it with cold ground

coldness. Even if the air is 70 degrees

Fahrenheit, the ground isn’t.


So, from now on, I only do survival camping in scenarios where I can get off the ground, or I

make it a priority to build a platform of

some sort to get off of the ground.


ITEM OF NOTE: Hammocks and

suspended sleeping can be an issue as the

cool air passes beneath you because you’re then dealing with



If you think you’ve gathered enough

firewood to get you through the night, take a look at the pile, then make that pile 5 times

the size it is now.


Make fire a priority, even in the summer

when it’s 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. The

night brings cold, and in droves.


To combat this, don’t just make that typical

and utterly useless “camp fire” you see in

the movies and cartoons. You know

the one, a fire surrounded by a rock



The reason for this is because you’re not

controlling the heat. I’m sure you’ve seen or

heard of “reflecting walls” with fires.


This can be a stack of wood behind the fire, or typically a rock wall built behind the fire, or even building your fire in front of a big slab of



I don’t care what the survival TV programs show you, or what the books say, you aren’t

tripping on berry patches every two feet you walk in the woods.


Additionally, all the wonderful creatures of the forest that are so high in protein and

taste so great on the BBQ don’t magically

appear to people who are survival camping,

or even hiking.


And mushrooms… just stay away from

mushrooms. The margin for error is too great. If you’re wrong, you’re dead. They’re

not on the menu.


It became apparent right away to me that

building shelters out of what I had or what was

around me, and building fires the same way was like being a

kid again.


Knowing you were directly responsible for

your comfort by affecting your situation using your know how

and ingenuity is thoroughly satisfying

and the best part… the journey is the fun!