surya namaskaras

10/26/13 Surya Namaskaras 1/4 You are here: Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskaras Read more Winter 2013 Meditation course from Dec 8th to Dec 23rd in India Traditional Yoga invites you to a 15 day meditation course held in the peaceful surroundings of a national forest in Karnataka, South India.8th December-23rd DecemberSuitable for beginner through to advanced.“The... Search... Login Tools Kriyas Asanas Pranayamas Mudras & Bhandanas Kundalini Surya Namaskaras Yoga Modules Kriya Pranayam Home Hatha Yoga Raja Yoga Yoga Kayachikitsa Yoga Diet Mantra Chants Donation Media Contact Glossary Surya Namaskaras Sun salutations were originally part of Hindu religious practices performed by priests, not part of hatha yoga. They were absorbed into hatha yoga practice because of their powerful ability to lubricate the entire spine and maintain the healthy functioning of the endocrine system. Nowadays sun salutations are mostly practiced in yoga as only postures without mantras and by hindu priests as only mantras without accompanying postures. When the two aspects are integrated they become more effective. Sun salutations are to be practiced with mantras for the effect of the sound vibrations on the energy centres of the body and also to give positive motivation to the mind when contemplating on the meaning. The first round should be practiced at a medium pace ( staying in each posture for around a few seconds) while contemplating on the meaning of the mantras, the second round with bija ( seed) mantras and the third round with full awareness of the flow of energy in the body. Following this one can practice a minimum of 5 to 7 rounds at a faster pace maintaining awareness. The final round should again be slower. Then relax in tadasana, standing posture taking deeper breaths. Sun salutations are featured on the Module 1 and 2 DVD, please email us to purchase a copy or to see an online demonstration CLICK HERE Click to play sun salutations below: Youtube Video Channel: Sun Salutations Playlist Instructions: Upcoming Events Leave your email address Name E-mail Subscribe Traditional Yoga on Facebook Find us on Facebook Traditional Yoga Like 366 Traditional Yoga Why is fast food addictive? What are the effects of it on our health? http://www.yout watch?v=AjeU- iaq0iw

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You are here: Hatha Yoga Surya Namaskaras

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Winter 2013Meditation coursefrom Dec 8th to Dec23rd in India

Traditional Yoga invites you to a 15

day meditation course held in the

peaceful surroundings of a national

forest in Karnataka, South India.8th

December-23rd DecemberSuitable

for beginner through to



Kriyas Asanas Pranayamas Mudras & Bhandanas Kundalini Surya Namaskaras Yoga Modules Kriya Pranayam

Home Hatha Yoga Raja Yoga Yoga Kayachikitsa Yoga Diet Mantra Chants Donation Media Contact Glossary

Surya Namaskaras

Sun salutations were originally part of Hindu religious practices performed by priests, not part of hatha

yoga. They were absorbed into hatha yoga practice because of their powerful ability to lubricate the

entire spine and maintain the healthy functioning of the endocrine system.

Nowadays sun salutations are mostly practiced in yoga as only postures without mantras and by hindu

priests as only mantras without accompanying postures. When the two aspects are integrated they

become more effective.

Sun salutations are to be practiced with mantras for the effect of the sound vibrations on the energy centres

of the body and also to give positive motivation to the mind when contemplating on the meaning.

The first round should be practiced at a medium pace ( staying in each posture for around a few

seconds) while contemplating on the meaning of the mantras, the second round with bija ( seed) mantras and

the third round with full awareness of the flow of energy in the body. Following this one can practice a

minimum of 5 to 7 rounds at a faster pace maintaining awareness. The final round should again be slower.

Then relax in tadasana, standing posture taking deeper breaths.

Sun salutations are featured on the Module 1 and 2 DVD, please email us to purchase a copy or to see

an online demonstration CLICK HERE

Click to play sun salutations below:

Youtube Video Channel: Sun Salutations Playlist


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1. Do total of five to seven rounds of sun salutations.

2. Do first round with the mantras given below.

3. Do second round of Sun Salutations with B-Mantra as listed below.

4. Stay in each posture for few seconds in the initial few rounds.

5. Do the later rounds of sun salutations at faster pace.

6. Relax in tadasana- ( standing on your toes and stretching your body up into the sky) taking deeper

breaths after finishing sun salutations.

This chart shows the asanas with corresponding energy centres that both the asana and bija mantra work on.

Also, the contemplative mantras and corresponding exhalation or inhalation with each asana. Below the chart

are the full mantras with meanings.

Breath Asana and part of

spine it works on

Center of activity which

Asana works on

Contemplative Mantra

"Om---Namah" and



1-Exhale Pranamasana

(Dorsal spine)


(Circulatory& Respiratory


Om Mitraaya Namah



2-Inhale Hasta Uttanasana

(Cervical spine)


(Autonomous Nervous


Om Ravaye Namah

(Shining with bubbling



3-Exhale Pada Hastasana

(Sacral spine)


(Urinary & Reproductive


Om Suryaaya Namah

(Clean & Positive energy)


4-Inhale Aswasanchalanasana

(Sacral spine)


(Hypothalamus Center)

Om Bhaanave Namah

(Illumining with your own



5-Exhale Parvatasana

(Cervical spine)


(Autonomous Nervous


Om Khagaya Namah

(No darkness)


6-Retain Ashtanga


(Dorsal & Lumbar



(Digestive system)

Om Pushne Namah



7-Inhale Bhujangasana

(Lumbar spine)



Om Hiranya Garbaaya


(Gold like Stomach)


8-Exhale Parvatasana

(Cervical spine)



Om Marichaaya Namah

(Spreading Rays)


9-Inhale Aswasanchalanasana

(Sacral spine)


(Pituitary gland)

Om Adityaaya Namah



10-Exhale Padahastasana

(Sacral spine)


(Uterus/ ovaries)

Om Savitre Namah

(Sharing all the good)


11-Inhale Hasta Uttanasana

(Cervical spine)


(Para & Sympathetic

Nervous system)

Om Arkaaya Namah



12-Exhale Pranamasana (Dorsal



(Thymus/Adrenal glands)

Om Bhaskaraaya Namah



Mantras to be said with each posture and English translation

Fill your heart with love and compassion, love and compassion for all beings.


With contemplative/ meaningful mantras:

Om Mitrayanamah (with Pranamasana)

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Om Mitrayanamah (with Pranamasana)

- Oh Sun, You are a friend of every one, let us all be friendly with every one like you.

Om Ravayenamah (with Hasta Uttanasana)

- Oh Sun, You have bubbling energy, you have sustainable energy throughout the day, let us also have the same

sustainable and untiring energy through out the day.

Om Suryayanamah (Pada Hastasana)

- Oh Sun, You possess only clean and positive energy inside. No pollution you cause while producing energy. Let

us also possess only clean and positive energy inside.

Om Bhanavenamah (Aswasanchalanasana)

- Oh Sun, You shine with your own energy. Let us all shine in life with our own efforts and achievements. Let us

try to be independent.

Om Khagayanamah (Parvatasana)

- Oh Sun, You don’t have any darkness inside, only illumination. Let us also not have any darkness inside. Let us

not have any ignorance, let us have only wisdom.

Om Pooshnenamah (Ashtanga Namanasana)

- Oh Sun, You have enormous energy and you give such a warmth for all beings, let us share only warmth to all

those around us.

Om Hiranyagarbhayanamah (Bhujangasana)

- Oh Sun, You have a gold fusion energy in the stomach. Let us also have the same fusion energy inside, consume

less and produce more, eat less and convert whatever we eat into energy. Let us consume less and leave resources

for the coming generations.

Om Mareechayenamah (Parvatasana)

- Oh Sun, You have created such a good atmosphere on the planet where all of us can live in peace and

harmony, let us also create a good atmosphere around us so that every one around us can live happily.

Om Adityayanamah (Aswasanchalanasana)

- Oh Sun, You are the initiator, you awaken the people every day in the morning. Let us also be the initiators, let

us leave our lethargy, our laziness, our boredom and let us be in the fore front of every activity in our life.

Om Savitrenamah (Padahastasana)

- Oh Sun, You have such generosity that you don’t keep any thing back but just share every thing with others. Let

us also share whatever good things we have, let us share them with others.

Om Arkhayanamah (Hasta Uttanasana)

- Oh Sun, You are selfless, You use your entire mass for the benefit of others, You burnout yourself to give

light to this world, let us also use this body to serve others. “Sareeram kadu dharma sadhanam”.

Om Bhaskarayanamah (Hands to heart in namaste) Your heart is the base of your mind, the base of your

soul. Always fill your heart with love.

- Oh Sun, You make every thing shine around you. Let us make every one around us shine and become

successful in their lives. May we all shine together.


With bija (seed) mantras:

Om Hram Mitrayanamah (with Pranamasana)

Om Hrim Ravayenamah (with Hasta Uttanasana)

Om Hroom Suryayanamah (Pada Hastasana)

Om Hraim Bhanavenamah (Aswasanchalanasana)

Om Hraum Khagayanamah (Parvatasana)

Om Hraha Pooshnenamah (Ashtanga Namanasana)

Om Hram Hiranyagarbhayanamah (Bhujangasana)

Om Hrim Mareechayenamah (Parvatasana)

Om Hroom Adityayanamah (Aswasanchalanasana)

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Om Hraim Savitrenamah (Padahastasana)

Om Hraum Arkhayanamah (Hasta Uttanasana)

Om Hraha Bhaskarayanamah, Om Hraha Bhaskarayanamah (Hands to heart in namaste)

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