sustainabella design portfolio


Upload: dorisdbs

Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Louisville Metro government and a sign company to design an entrance sign for the neighborhood.

In 2012, Sustainabella Design created 3 pole banner designs for Brookhaven Neighborhood Association. Neighborhood residents were given the opportunity to pick their favorite design by voting on the BNA Facebook page and voting at a quarterly neighborhood meeting. The banner pictured here was the one chosen by the neighborhood. The banners

mark neighborhood entrances and are hung along Brown’s Lane, as well as Hillbrook Drive and Breckinridge Lane.

When Brookhaven Neighborhood Association (BNA) was newly organized in 2007, Doris Bailey Spencer worked with the Association on branding. Doris created a logo for BNA. She also worked with

Sustainabella Design launched a redesigned website for Rooibee Red Tea in December of 2010. In 2011, Rooibee Red Tea reported a 286% increase in sales!

NEW ROOTS• Sustainabella Design

developed the website for non-profit organization, New Roots.

• Using an easy online website tool, Doris trained volunteers to update and maintain the site.

• Sustainabella Design has also worked with New Roots to develop various marketing materials: logos, signs, bags and a power point presentation.

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