sustainability: datacentres part of the problem or part of the solution?

SUSTAINABILITY: DATACENTRES, PART OF THE PROBLEM OR PART OF THE SOLUTION? ABSTRACT Datacentres globally consume roughly 2% of all generated electricity and contribute 1.5% of the anthropomorphic atmospheric CO2 pollution. While there is much written within the ICT domain concerning the sustainability of datacentres, there is much less literature looking at datacentre sustainability from a wider interdisciplinary perspective. By reviewing an extensive body of literature, this paper explores the following faceted question: Is it possible to construct wholly sustainable datacentres; datacentres that are powered and cooled sustainably, that house sustainable computer hardware that runs sustainable software? Along with the findings presented this paper argues that despite whatever alteration to the physical attributes of a datacentre or its software is brought about, any efficacious form of sustainability will remain elusive unless uncontrolled economic growth (external to the datacentre) is put in check. This paper attempts to show that far from this argument suggesting that we should stop building datacentres, we should start using them to effect control to bring economic growth into a more steady and sustainable state. To explore and attempt to answer the research question, we shall explore how energy is resourced and distributed, how it is consumed by the datacentre as a whole, and the how the computers and associated hardware within consume that energy. Further to the above, several alternative and developing technologies will be explored along with techniques for quantifying the efficiency and the global impact of datacentres in economic terms. Kevin Anderson

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ABSTRACT Datacentres globally consume roughly 2% of all

generated electricity and contribute 1.5% of the

anthropomorphic atmospheric CO2 pollution. While

there is much written within the ICT domain

concerning the sustainability of datacentres, there is

much less literature looking at datacentre

sustainability from a wider interdisciplinary

perspective. By reviewing an extensive body of

literature, this paper explores the following faceted

question: Is it possible to construct wholly

sustainable datacentres; datacentres that are

powered and cooled sustainably, that house

sustainable computer hardware that runs

sustainable software? Along with the findings

presented this paper argues that despite whatever

alteration to the physical attributes of a datacentre

or its software is brought about, any efficacious form

of sustainability will remain elusive unless

uncontrolled economic growth (external to the

datacentre) is put in check. This paper attempts to

show that far from this argument suggesting that we

should stop building datacentres, we should start

using them to effect control to bring economic

growth into a more steady and sustainable state. To

explore and attempt to answer the research

question, we shall explore how energy is resourced

and distributed, how it is consumed by the

datacentre as a whole, and the how the computers

and associated hardware within consume that

energy. Further to the above, several alternative and

developing technologies will be explored along with

techniques for quantifying the efficiency and the

global impact of datacentres in economic terms.

Kevin Anderson

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Table of Contents Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... 3

Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 4

Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4

1 Sustainability ....................................................................................................................... 5

Figure 1 The semantics of sustainable development (Lélé 1991, figure 1, p.2) ..................... 6

1.2 Metrics.......................................................................................................................... 7

2 Power and Energy ............................................................................................................... 8

2.1 Renewables and the conventional grid ........................................................................ 8

Figure 2 Electrical Transmission Grid illustrating KCL where ign represents grid current,

iHn = current drawn by housing, iIn = current drawn by industry, iRn = current supplied by

renewables, iNn = current supplied by nuclear, and iFn = current supplied by fossil

sources (Anderson 2014) .................................................................................................... 9

(Anderson 2014a) .............................................................................................................. 11

2.3 Smart grid ................................................................................................................... 14

3 Optimisation ..................................................................................................................... 16

3.1 Software ..................................................................................................................... 16

3.1.1 PowerApi .................................................................................................................. 19

4 Computer Hardware ......................................................................................................... 22

4.1 How computers consume energy .............................................................................. 22

Table 3 Power Dissipation (Weste and Harris 2011, p.184) ............................................. 22

Figure 9 CMOS logic inverter states of operation (Anderson 2014c) ............................... 24

Figure 10 Electron Micrograph of a Silicon on Insulator device (Weste and Harris 2011,

p.361) ................................................................................................................................ 25

Figure 11 Clock Gating (Weste and Harris 2011, p.186) ................................................... 26

4.2 Utilisation ................................................................................................................... 26

4.3 PowerNap ................................................................................................................... 26

4.4 Virtualisation .............................................................................................................. 26

Table 4 Compares N+1 to N+1+1 cluster configurations .................................................. 28

4.5 System on a Chip (SOC) .............................................................................................. 28

5 Datacentre Facility Hardware ........................................................................................... 30

5.1 Datacentre Facility Electricity Supply ......................................................................... 30

5.1.1 General Trend .......................................................................................................... 30

5.1.2 Conversion Losses .................................................................................................... 32

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5.1.3 Conversion Losses and their impact on redundant systems ................................... 33

5.1.4 Facility Level Direct Current ..................................................................................... 36

5.1.5 Possible road map to greater PSU efficiency ........................................................... 37

5.1.6 RAILS ......................................................................................................................... 37

5.2 Cooling ........................................................................................................................ 38

5.2.1 Current trends in cooling technology ...................................................................... 38

5.2.3 Free cooling .............................................................................................................. 42

5.3 Corporate Policy in the Datacentre................................................................................. 43

6 Economics ......................................................................................................................... 43

Figure 22 Gordon Moore's plot which started it all (Moore and others 1965, p.83) ........... 44

7 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 45

Appendices ................................................................................................................................ 48

1 Metrics ........................................................................................................................... 48

2 Terms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................... 50

References ................................................................................................................................. 52

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While this dissertation has allowed me to develop both intellectually and professionally, it

has also been somewhat exhausting and painful. Yet the tireless support and patience

provided throughout by my module leader, Chris Johnson, has given me energy and helped

me overcome the pain. In addition I would like to thank all of my other module leaders,


Chris Sturley, whom inspired and taught me much about taking a broader look at the

world, while suffering my endless interruptions;

Liz Stuart, whom taught me much about prioritisation and personal energy


My personal tutor John Forde, for his advice and endless support;

I would also like to thank Claro, especially my two aids, Richard Weeks and Elaine

Slingsby for their cheerful and very helpful input and advice.

Of course, no man is an island, and the support of my family and loved ones has been as

essential to me as oxygen. Therefore, in addition, I would like to thank the following;

My Mother;

My three lovely daughters, Esther, Miriam, and Rebekka;

My Brother, Martin, and my good friends Becky and Gavin;

A very warm ‘thank you’ to Claudia, for her great support and her ability to mop

up my tears of frustration.

Overall this has been a wonderful and fruitful journey.

Kevin Anderson

©Kevin Anderson, 2017 Page 4 of 57

Sustainability: Datacentres, part of the problem or part of the


Abstract Datacentres globally consume roughly 2% of all generated electricity and contribute 1.5% of

the anthropomorphic atmospheric CO2 pollution. While there is much written within the ICT

domain concerning the sustainability of datacentres, there is much less literature looking at

datacentre sustainability from a wider interdisciplinary perspective. By reviewing an

extensive body of literature, this paper explores the following faceted question: Is it possible

to construct wholly sustainable datacentres; datacentres that are powered and cooled

sustainably, that house sustainable computer hardware that runs sustainable software?

Along with the findings presented this paper argues that despite whatever alteration to the

physical attributes of a datacentre or its software is brought about, any efficacious form of

sustainability will remain elusive unless uncontrolled economic growth (external to the

datacentre) is put in check. This paper attempts to show that far from this argument

suggesting that we should stop building datacentres, we should start using them to effect

control to bring economic growth into a more steady and sustainable state.

To explore and attempt to answer the research question, we shall explore how energy is

resourced and distributed, how it is consumed by the datacentre as a whole, and the how

the computers and associated hardware within consume that energy. Further to the above,

several alternative and developing technologies will be explored along with techniques for

quantifying the efficiency and the global impact of datacentres in economic terms.

Introduction Hardly a day passes without some mention of sustainability or efficiency, perhaps becoming

more common (in computing at least) is the term “cloud computing” which seems to

encourage one to think that somehow the computing gets done by some weightless entity

that requires no feeding and no space in which to exist. Seemingly entire organisations can

float effortlessly among the clouds, treading lightly leaving nothing but a sweet and gentle

breeze. The more pragmatic among us whom are interested in the mechanisms which create

and float clouds will realise that it is the datacentre industry which controls and hosts the

real earthly domain of clouds.

While it is true that Clouds save by enabling one to quickly configure and deploy massive

resources that may be used only for a short time before rapidly evaporating, paying only for

the time they are in use, however, in truth cloud technology does not tread lightly, it

requires a great deal of feeding, and leaves behind CO2 polluted air (among other wastes).

Compounding this there is evidence that with the coming of age of “Big-Data” and the

Internet of Things (IoT), datacentre construction is set to explode.

Yet datacentres and the cloud do present opportunities to reduce duplication of efforts and

improve efficiency in the wider economy. Therefore to better answer the research question

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we must look at not just the datacentre and its technologies, but its resources and the wider

effects datacentres have on the global economy. However, first we must explore what

sustainability is all about.

1 Sustainability Two terms, green and sustainable are often dropped into conversations, promotional

material and political manifestos; however, despite the passion that surrounds those;

without definition, neither term can have any useful substance. In fact, the deeper one

explores the subject of sustainability the more one becomes uncertain as to its identity.

Discovering the true meaning is difficult as even the role of the scholar will affect the

definition “1) Sustained yield of resources that derive from the exploitation of populations

and ecosystems (applied biologist's definition); 2) Sustained abundance and genotypic

diversity of individual species in ecosystems subject to human exploitation or, more generally,

intervention (ecologist's definition); and 3) Sustained economic development, without com-

promising the existing resources for future generations (economist's definition)” (Gatto

1995). Hence what appears as a simple to understand term can easily be factorised into

subtle and sometimes contradictory semantics.

The WCO’s version of Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It

contains within it two key concepts:

• the concept of 'needs', in particular, the essential needs of the world's poor, to which

overriding priority should be given; and

• the idea of limitations imposed by the state of technology and social organisation on

the environment's ability to meet present and future needs.

Lélé cautions that we must not make the mistake of using the term sustainability too literally

for this leads us into chaos and contradiction. More meaningfully our definition should

contain elements from development, its processes of change, growth, and objectives, and of

meeting our basic needs and objectives.

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Figure 1 The semantics of sustainable development (Lélé 1991, figure 1, p.2)

Mackay dedicates his book concerning sustainable energy “to those who will not have the

benefit of two billion years’ accumulated energy reserves” (MacKay 2009), this should remind

us that the effects of whatever we do, the effects of our actions (or inactions) will be felt

long after current generations have left the stage.

Our actions (big or small) have intergenerational effects, in that the actions we perform now

will have either positive and or negative reactions upon our future selves and descendants.

Furthermore, the planet cannot be saved for it is not in any jeopardy, though the friendly

environment that is favourable to our kind and the other life forms upon which we depend

could well be in danger.

1.1 What sort of state is our world in, why should we care about what ICT is

doing to it?

CO2 contributed by ICT is now above 2% of the total anthropomorphic greenhouse gas

emissions (GHG) in the atmosphere (Petty 2007). The total may, of course, be much higher

as GHGs from the embodied energy contained in datacentre structures, and hardware 's

hard to quantify even mining raw materials exposes GHGs, furthermore recycling datacentre

products to recover those materials poses another challenge which if done carelessly

exposes further pollution. Hilty categorises environmental effects in three orders;

• First order (AKA primary effects) caused by the physical existence of ICT hardware,

stemming from its production, use, and disposal phases.

• Second order (AKA secondary effects ) relate to any decrease or increase in

environmental impact caused indirectly by ICT’s forces of change, e.g. changes to

transport usage, downloads replacing physical music and video media, etc.

• Third order (AKA tertiary effects) medium or long term behavioural (e.g.

consumption habits) adaption caused by the availability of ICTs and their services.

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(Hilty 2011, pp.16–19)

Lélé points out that apart from residing in the domains of the ecological and physical

sciences, sustainability is as much rooted in social issues.

One must not conclude that sustainability lives purely in the supply side of things; demand

(in both magnitude and structure) has to be matched to supply (Lélé 1991, p.610). Therefore

it is unlikely that a sustainable society is going to be a spontaneous one. Indeed we have

most of the technological artefacts, and it is likely that we still have the resources; however,

what is still needed is a catalyst around which reaction of change occur. Göhring notes that

the Information Society is motivated by developments, chiefly, technical progress, economic

growth, and change in life styles. He goes on to cite economic competition as the driving

force to all three developments. Yet although there are daily opportunities to positively

influence development and tempt it toward sustainable development, Göhring finds

evidence that these opportunities are missed, pointing out that positive effects would be

more likely given a proper framework, perhaps it is in such a framework somewhere

between the political and scientific world where such a catalyst is to be found (Göhring 2004,


In short précis one cannot classify ICTs as either totally good or totally bad, the truth lies

between those extremes, and it may even be possible to use modelling to find the ICTs with

good or bad qualities, however as Hilty states “Information and communication technologies

should be used in such a way that the material and energy flows avoided by the ICT

application are clearly greater that the material and energy flows caused by the

application..”(Hilty 2011, p.59). These flows are not obvious and it is necessary to involve

some sort of life cycle assessment (LCA) to understand and quantify them. Despite ICTs

dematerialisation ability (where growth can be driven by information rather than natural

resources), “The level of economic activity in western countries is still correlated to their per

capita consumption of natural resources. If we do not succeed in changing this correlation,

we will be losing the life-sustaining services of Nature”(Hilty 2011 quoting WRF - Factor Ten

Institute and Empa 2008).

Ultimately we need to bring the resource flows from and too the environment into check,

ICTs (and therefore datacentres) stand in the middle and if we choose to, we can use them

to affect dematerialisation by creating a more information rich economy and lower our

resource demand which in 2008 stood at 100 billion tonnes per year. Equally though, we

could use our ICTs to drive those material flows ever higher by ignoring the delicate interplay

of efficiency and sufficiency.

1.2 Metrics

Aiming for efficiency in the datacentre is one thing but achieving it is not straight forward, an

early hurdle to this is simply measuring it.

If any attempt to economise and or improve efficiency is to succeed then an effective set of

metrics is vital. Many metrics have already been defined, but a disciplined approach is also

required when applying them, taking into account functional breakdown of energy usage;

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accounting for the consumption cost of each software, each OS, each server, and peripheral

– in fact we need to know the impact of each and every datacentre device (physical or

virtual) before we can gain any sort of meaningful insight. As yet it is still very hard to

compare two dissimilar datacentres (although boasting about PUE values seems to have

sparked competitive efficiency drives).

See appendices for further explanation of common metrics.

2 Power and Energy

2.1 Renewables and the conventional grid

Electrical energy is generated by a range of techniques, some more polluting than others.

Unfortunately, unless one is well placed and can connect directly to a private non-polluting

generator, one has to accept that the energy supplied has a mixed pedigree. Simply placing a

given amount renewable source on the supply grid does not equate to an equivalent

reduction in pollution. This is partly caused by the design of the supply grid, and in part due

to the intermittent nature of those renewable sources.

Assuming that the grid does not possess any significant storage and is not a smart grid then

renewable input will be shared equally between all consumers (domestic and industrial)

according to Kirchhoff’s 1st law which states that current entering any given node in a circuit

is equal to the current leaving that node. Stated another way for a junction with three

connections the arrangement will be thus or more formerly using sigma


Using this law we can build a simple model of a conventional electricity transmission grid.

Figure 2 represents three generating plants (Renewable, Nuclear, and Fossil), and two load

communities (Housing, and Industry). If we now add some arbitrary figures and current flow

arrows to the model we can begin to see the relevance of Kirchhoff’s current law (aka KCL).

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Figure 2 Electrical Transmission Grid illustrating KCL where ign represents grid current, iHn = current drawn by housing, iIn =

current drawn by industry, iRn = current supplied by renewables, iNn = current supplied by nuclear, and iFn = current

supplied by fossil sources (Anderson 2014)

We will assign both the Nuclear and Fossil plants 250A of current each, and the Renewable

plant will get 100A. As this is current which is drawn by the two load communities we

must be using all 600A, so we will arbitrarily assign Housing with 100A, and industry with

500A. We can now show that the balance of all the currents on the grid is as follows. Table


Formula Sum of Line


Sources & Loads Current

Ig1 = IF1 = 250A Fossil Feed Line

Ig2 = Ig1 + IN1 250 + 250 = 500A Nuclear Feed Line

Ig3= Ig2 + IR1 500 + 100 = 600A Renewable Feed Line

Ig4= Ig3 +(- II1) 600 + (-500) = 100A Industry Feed Line

IH1= Ig4 100 = 100A Housing Feed Line

IH1= IH2 100A Housing Community Load

IH2= Ig5 100 = 100A Housing Return Line

II2= II1 100 = 100A Industry Community Load

Ig6= Ig5 + II2 100 + 500 = 600A Industry Return Line

IR2= IR1 100A Renewable Generator Current

Ig7= Ig6 +(-IR2) 600 - 100 = 500A Renewable Return Line

IN2 = IN1 250A Nuclear Generator Current

Ig8= Ig7 + (-IN2) 500 +(-250) = 250A Nuclear Return Line

IF2 = IF1 250A Fossil Generator Current

Ig9 = IF2 = 250A Fossil Return Line

There are some important values that have to be maintained in a conventional grid: the end

user’s voltage at point of delivery and the AC frequency (50 Hz for domestic power in the UK

and many parts of the world). To achieve this conventional rotating AC generators have to

maintain a constant speed; to do that the energy input driving each generator shaft has to

match the energy that is being drawn from the transmission grid.

Power demand, however, is far from constant and only partially predictable. With

conventional thermally driven generators such as coal or gas fired plants the solution is fairly

straight forward, simply increase the heat input to meet increased demand, or reduce it to

match a drop in demand. If this was not done and demand increased notably, the generators

would slow, and both voltage and frequency would fall.

Normally only some of the generators are adjusted as certain kinds of generators are not

suited to constant load changes, e.g. nuclear plants can’t easily be turned down (this is

possible when fuel loads are relatively new, however, this sort of treatment contaminates

the fuel rods (Smith 2012, p.12) and there is little financial incentive and no decrease in

greenhouse gas emissions). To accommodate this variable state, a portfolio of different

generator types supply the transmission grid. Some of that portfolio is throttled, contributing

only partial effort, while others are throttled so far back that none of their input energy gets

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to the grid, these are generators held in spinning reserve during periods of excess capacity.

Anything throttled back is deemed to be held in despatch.

Intermittency is a normal state of affairs even in conventional generating systems,

everything has reliability problems, and everything requires maintenance at some point. To a

great extent, this can be planned for, and despatch is the mechanism that mitigates any loss

of supply that would otherwise occur, overriding any problem of variable supply which is an

unavoidable fact of life.

While renewable energy sources are very much in vogue an unfortunate state of affairs can

sometimes arise with renewables when there is an overabundant supply, not matched by

demand. In an ideal world, the sensible thing would be to simply turn off the cheapest

producer (regarding environmental impact), but this is possibly counter-intuitive.

Renewables in Europe have guaranteed access to grids, and as such are not despatched in

times of negative demand (Schaps and Ecckert 2014), instead other (fossil fuel based)

generators are despatched in their place. One, of course, is tempted to see this as a triumph

of sustainability, but as Smith argues, despatched generators cannot be turned off

completely, just throttled back lest their boilers loose too much heat. A cold boiler would

take hours and large amounts of energy to come back into production. Thus, while it appears

that during peaks in renewable energy production that we all live clean and free, instead, we

are in fact burning fuel and generating CO2 in our despatched plants.

Currently negative demand is not a massive problem, but in future, this may be much more

of a problem. Between 2006 and 2008 in Western Denmark wind power exceeded demand

for 2% of that period, yet according to Hedegaard and Meibom’s forecasts for 2025, when

half of the generating capacity will be wind-powered, show that there will be negative net

loads for up to 22% (Hedegaard and Meibom 2012, p.319).

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Futurists look forward to days when all of our power comes from renewables, and many see

this as a simple choice, as a recent Greenpeace email puts it “do we choose glorious, green

renewables; or climate-wrecking fossil fuels?”(Casson 2014), some large commercial

enterprises seem to agree with Greenpeace (at least in publicity bulletins). Google

announced in January 2014 that they had succeeded in purchasing the entire 59-megawatt

energy crop of four (so far unbuilt) Swedish wind farms to power their Finnish datacentre

(Google Inc. 2014).

Figure 3 Sankey diagram shows Wishfully Purchasing an Energy Crop with electrons magically crossing a shared grid. (Anderson 2014a)

Purchasing the entire energy crop of a renewable source such as wind or solar seems at first

to be a simple way of writing off one's C02 emissions. Unfortunately (or fortunately if we

expect any electrical device to operate at all) physics does not support claims such as these.

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To gain a better idea of what is actually going on we need to refer back to the diagram in

figure 2 (and the tongue in cheek Sankey diagram Figure 3). We again ignore the fact that

the grid runs on high voltage AC and uses transforming substations to provide medium and

low voltages (as used in homes), and again propose a DC analogy where the generators and

consumers all share a single voltage and ignore system losses.

Looking again at Kirchhoff’s circuits laws, the current law (KCL) shows us that electrical

current is, in fact, a flow that disperses across all routes; it is also a non-storable good. The

voltage law (KVL) states that the directed sum of all electromotive force around any closed

network is zero (which is the fundamental principle of the conservation of energy) and has

the following Sigma notation:

For this to be true there must be absolute equality between supply and demand, yet there is

no rule that tells any of those `green’ electrons to take specific routes. Therefore all the

supply inputs are shared by the entire collective load (Glachant and Pignon 2005, p.156).

A simple arithmetic model can show that any generated renewable power must be divided

into a number of shares, each representing the amount of power provided to any single

customer, i.e. if a consumer is provided with 2% of the total grid power and renewables had

contributed 5% to that grid total then the total renewable share must be part of the

consumer’s share. Of course, no datacentre consumer is hopefully ever going to demand 2%

of our generating capacity, and the ability for renewables to contribute is extremely

variable. However, the simple fact of the matter is that regardless of whether one buys

none or all a grid-connected renewables output, it will is always shared with all the other


An enterprise such as a datacentre could, of course, choose to bypass the grid and build its

own renewable power generators, however, to be totally self-sufficient the owners would

need to look into the relative power densities (the amount of power concentrated per unit

area) of the various technologies and compare against their load requirements) which

MacKay argues are insufficient to replace conventional generators to any significant degree.

Table 2 showing power densities (source MacKay 2009, p.112)

Power per unit land or water area

Wind (onshore) 2 W/𝑚2

Wind (offshore) 3 W/𝑚2

Tidal pools 3 W/𝑚2

Tidal stream 6 W/𝑚2

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Solar PV


Highland rain-water 0.24 W/𝑚2

Hydroelectric 11 W/𝑚2

Geothermal 0.017 W/𝑚2

The above figures should become interesting when one considers a rack of IT equipment

which on average - if it contains servers - consumes power at a rate of 8-10kw or blade

servers 12-16kw (and can in some cases go up to 28kw) of load, and all that load spread

across little more than ½ a square meter of datacentre floor space. To generate enough

power for the lightest of these loads using photovoltaic alone is best case 400m2, or worst

case 1,600m2 of solar cells (of course this assumes that the sun will never set)(MacKay 2009,

p.112; Wiersma 2013). Few data centres have only a single rack to power, and all need some

way to cool the equipment, therefore, the above calculation would have to be adjusted

significantly to provide power to all the datacentre cooling and ventilation plant.

Taking the power density in a slightly different direction, perhaps it would be better to

invest capital in the construction of new nuclear power plants, which although having rather

large construction costs,

• enjoy very low fuelling costs (suitable for constant base loads that datacentres


• have minuscule footprints compared to renewables (high power density)

• are extremely low GHG emitters,

• are extremely safe – when compared to other conventional energy sources.

(Smith 2012; Kharecha and Hansen 2013, p.4892)

Although atomic generators contribute comparatively little to the GHG problem, they are

none the less unpopular, and many would rather like to see them shut down permanently.

Unpopular they maybe, but the truth is there are no ‘base-load’ generators as clean and

safe as atomic power stations. Without atomics, we shall be forced to balance intermittent

renewable power sources by keeping carbon-based thermal stations in spinning reserve (hot

standby) just in case the wind drops or the sun goes in behind a cloud. Thus getting green

power from the source to destination without significant waste is a major obstacle to GHG


2.2 Carbon credits.

Carbon credits are currently popular with those keen to reduce their overall GHG impact.

Controversially some consumers seek to offset their carbon footprint by purchasing carbon

credits. There is, unfortunately, scant if any scientific evidence for the efficacy of such

indulgences and it is unlikely that there is any further benefit for offset consumers other

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than (possibly) good PR. Google have introduced many radical approaches to DC

sustainability, yet even they have invested in carbon offsets, particularly those designed to

destroy landfill gases (Google Inc 2011).

A landfill site receiving 7.5 million tonnes of household waste per year can generate 50,000

m3 per hour of methane. Google gains carbon credit by paying certain landfill sites to burn

off this methane (a GHG many times more effective than CO2) emitting only h2O and a

portion of much less harmful CO2. This CH4, however, is also an effective fuel, which

according to MacKay is capable of generating useful electricity. Although Google is

seemingly offsetting their GHG to some extent this way, Smith sees offsetting as simply a

modern indulgence (Smith 2007).

If a datacentre were conveniently located close to a landfill site and used some sort of micro

power station useful electric power could be extracted. Google already employ methane

fuel cells. However, most landfill sites are nowhere near datacentres and simply dumping

that power on the grid will only gain value to the datacentre via a feed in tariff. Even so,

making something useful rather than burning off a good does make sense.

If, however, a datacentre owner were to build or subscribe to a remote generator at a

landfill site then there would still be the problem of sharing those ‘green’ electrons with all

the other grid users (see Kirchhoff argument), this illustrates the need for some more

effective means to arbitrate the power grid. By giving the grid some intelligence, it becomes

possible a smart grid to orchestrate energy inputs and loads.

2.3 Smart grid There is a host of Smart Grid initiatives being pursued around the world (IEA 2011), the

majority of which employ signalling systems to help balance demand throughout the grid.

Perhaps instead of searching for ways to meet an ever increasing power demand, we should

be looking to economise, even ration the power that is supplied. One way to achieve this is

by the use of a Smart Grid (SG) (Tang et al. 2014). SGs are often proposed to solve issues

caused by intermittency of renewable generators connected to the grid, and to reduce

significantly the total input energy required.

In brief, by controlling when devices around the grid can draw power, energy supplies can

be conserved. A heating element (in an industrial boiler perhaps) can be powered off for a

few moments while an electric motor driving a locomotive accelerates, and powered on

again when that vehicle is up to speed; Thus in effect regulating the maximum current draw

from the grid by means of orchestration (Kats and Seal 2012). Of course orchestration and a

sense of priority is key in such a system, it would not be acceptable to momentarily power

down a hospital life support system.

By giving the grid a degree of intelligence it is possible to control maximum demand,

bringing it in line with available generation capacity without resorting to expensive spinning

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reserve generators. At times when demand is likely to outstrip the capability of any virtual

generating capacity then the Smart grid can switch on stored power resources, perhaps

calling on parked electric vehicles to sell back some of their reserves, or by using more

heavy weight centralised stores such as pumped hydro or stores such as flow cell batteries

(MacKay 2009, pp.191 – 200).

Smart power grids seem to make perfectly logical sense, yet there is little to show that any

useful consensus has formed as to how they should operate. Before they can become a

reality we need to solve some significant questions such as by whom and how they will be

controlled, how security can be guaranteed.

It is evident, however, that the sheer volumes of information necessary to drive them will

test current data processing facilities, thus requiring many new data centres to be built.

New datacentres need not be as power hungry as their predecessors, in concert with a

smart grid there is the possibility to store energy in enlarged UPS batteries, and when the

grid demands more energy the datacentre (sensitive to electricity price signals) help balance

the grid load. To this end, Nissan, working with the GreenDataNet (‘Eaton Launches

GreenDataNet’ 2014) are working on a project to evaluate the reuse of electric vehicle

batteries once their road life has ended. It is expected that these units will still be able to

store at least 70% of their original capacity and could be used as energy storage in

datacentres. Other technologies such as flywheel stores can offer a rapid response at very

low cost. More conventionally (but still polluting) the datacentres standby diesel generators

can also be used to top up the grid. Loss of efficiency is still a risk with smart grids; many

small generators increase the percentage of energy loss due to inefficiencies caused by

friction and incomplete combustion in heat engines.

Uncertainty, however, regarding the development of smart energy systems possesses

barriers to successful adoption; chiefly no information infrastructure exists. “A crucial

prerequisite of a smarter energy grid is an energy information infrastructure, which does not

yet exist. In comparison to the existing internet infrastructure, the energy information

infrastructure is critical and an outage might, depending on its size, be much more damaging

than would be the case for the breakdown of the internet. Hence, the energy information

infrastructure requires high safety standards and constant availability of its critical parts.

This yet missing information infrastructure is considered as a structural deficit that must be

overcome so that the implementation of SG technologies can be successful”. (Muench et

al. 2014) On this note, such an information infrastructure could still be thought of as part

of the greater internet, as it is unreasonable to imagine that any net can remain

unreachable from the internet. Even a network behind a firewall is accessible from the

outside, particularly by those authorised, but also by those technically capable and

unauthorised. Therefore even with the eyes of national security monitoring the grid there

would still be the potential for abuse and or attack, thus affecting the social dimension of


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3 Optimisation This section covers optimisation that can be performed inside the datacentre, although

certain aspects of this happen outside, e.g. regulating use of IT to restrict miss-use, needless

use, non-optimal use of non-despatchable green power.

Wherever there is complexity there is often room for optimisation, ICT is one field where

although much of the complexity is hidden (think world wide web hiding the internet, and

how cloud computing hides the datacentre along with its costs and complexities), there is

likely to be a significant portion that is over resourced, overly complex, and far from

optimal. Some of that potential for optimisation lies outside the datacentre, in boardrooms,

in OEMs, and in homes by way of ICT’s social consumption. This dissertation, however, is

primarily concerned with those optimisation quanta that lie inside the datacentre, that can

or should be optimised, and the actors and conditions both inside and out that affect the

datacentres sustainability.

3.1 Software

“Hardware dissipates energy because software tells it to”(Ferreira et al. 2013, p.30).

Consequently, the programmer is in part responsible for the energy dissipated by that


Unlike an aeroplane pilot that knows her/his aircraft intimately and can adjust the surfaces

and engine settings to perfectly match the demands and the conditions, the programmer

has imperfect knowledge regarding the conditions in which s/he will deploy the software,

the demands that will be placed upon it, and possibly even the design and configuration of

the physical machine. Regardless, however, the modern application programmer must not

fall to the temptation of simply drawing on seemingly endless computing resources, doing

so will likely be wasteful and may even cancel out any gains made at the lower levels of the

compute stack or among hardware (Pinto et al. 2014, p.22). In support, developers should

be in a position draw upon a wealth of proven best practices and to effectively benchmark

their software for its energy use. Noureddine et al identify three basic categories of

software energy measurement;

1. Hardware –High precision but tends to be coarse grained,

2. Power Models – may be too generic, or coarse grained, or platform based,

3. Software Measurement – Energy Application Profiling (may be most promising).

Beyond benchmarking and improving software, we may additionally want to build systems

that can dynamically adjust (and potentially quiesce) their own hardware to minimise

energy consumption, yet such a system would need to guarantee that each task has just

enough resource to meet its own SLA and or throughput. Such a system could draw on a

database of observed task performance calculating any given tasks resource requirement,

however, utilising such a technique would likely lead to conservative savings at best. Brown

and Reams suggest that a more effective approach would be to let the applications decide

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what their own throughput should be based on their service level requirements or

deadlines, before passing such data to the OS via an interface. The OS would then be in a

position to make more aggressive reductions in energy use (Brown and Reams 2010, p.55) .

Improving energy efficiency is an optimisation problem, to this end hardware resources

need to be adjusted dynamically so that only the required resources are employed in task

completion. Further to this, any optimisation needs to take account of whether the task

needs to be completed on time, or whether it is the task’s throughput that is important to

the SLA. Either way “performance and efficiency are not mutually exclusive” (Brown and

Reams 2010, p.53), even when a task requires the maximum performance from a system,

that system will still probably have resources that can be quiesced without impacting the

task. Brown and Reams identify two performance levels that must be maintained;

1. Tasks with deadlines must be completed on time. Task deadlines that are <= to the

systems best performance (using whatever resources it may have) are effectively

asking for ASAP completion, with such tasks the system therefore can only optimise

by deactivating resources that are not concerned with the processing of those tasks.

a. If, however, a deadline later than the systems best achievable deadline is

stipulated then the system has the freedom to complete the task at any time

up the deadline. In such circumstances the system is able to reduce its energy

consumption much more aggressively and find an energy minimum for that


b. Deadlines may also be considered “hard” or “soft”; soft deadlines can be met

by best efforts, while hard deadlines may be significantly more difficult for an

energy optimiser to meet.

2. Services that must operate at required throughput. Brown et al, point out that

concerning online services, that “the notion of throughput” would better

characterise the performance level than a “completion deadline”. “Since services, in

their implementation, can ultimately be decomposed into individual tasks that do

complete, we expect there to be a technical analogue (although the most suitable

means of specifying its performance constraint might be different)”.

An effective system would need to be responsive to demand i.e. it will have to possess

dynamic response capabilities so that it can manage maximum latencies within bounds

imposed by the available hardware and be relative to the task/workload performance

requirements. However there are several ways one can interpret throughput, transactions

per second (databases), or transfer rates on an I/O channel, are a couple of examples,

Brown et al suggest “Instantaneous power must never exceed power limit (P)” as a possible

constraint for a system or even an entire datacentre

Having said all that about tasks deadlines and throughput, we are still left with the biggest

question, how can we best create a solution? In pursuit of an answer to this, Brown et al

identify three required aspects;

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1. The system must be able to construct a power model that identifies what and how

power is consumed, including how to control it.

2. There needs to a method of determining an applications task/workload performance

requirements (either by explicit communication with the application or by

observation). Brown et al call this the constraints-determination and assessment


3. The system needs to implement an energy optimiser, with which the system will

configure and reconfigure the hardware while operating.

Figure 4 describes graphically the above three aspects. Even boiling the problem down to

three principle aspects, however, it is not easy to see how this can be modelled. Brown et al

suggest a division of responsibility in that the application should be responsible for assessing

its requirements, while the operating system provides an interface to which the application

can communicate those requirements. Upon receiving the requirements, the OS will be in a

position to “aggressively optimise” the hardware.

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Figure 5 shows the principle modelled according to a message-bus principle. Where OS = Operating System.

Such optimisation facilities would likely need to be built into the OS kernel (possibly as a

module), along with some improvement to the computer’s power management facilities at

chip level so that devices can be ‘varied’ between ‘power states’ rapidly and at minimal cost.

The kernel and the application could be loosely coupled via a message bus to maintain a

simple and standardisable approach.

While it is important to have an effective strategy to control a tasks energy usage during

operational lifetime, it is equally important to have an effective of probing task energy.

Measurement is important both from an end user’s perspective and from a developer’s

perspective. Whereas the end user will be rather restricted to choosing the application, the

developer has the opportunity if armed with suitably effective measuring facilities to

determine the application’s eventual energy use. Choosing whether to approach a problem

in an iterative or a recursive style may have an impact on the overall energy effectiveness of

the code. Assuming the developer chooses to develop code that is to be compiled, s/he has

the opportunity to use optimisation switches at compile time (GCC used without switches

will try to reduce the cost of compilation and not improve the codes performance

(‘Optimize Options - Using the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)’ 2014) ) (Noureddine et al.

2012, p.5).

3.1.1 PowerApi PowerAPI is a modular general architecture that monitors power by mixing sensor data and

mathematical energy models, giving energy information per software, figure 6 gives an

overview of the structure.

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Figure 6 PowerAPI Reference Architecture (Noureddine et al. 2012, p.22)

Figure 7 PowerAPI architecture showing Pub/Sub Event Bus concept (Adapted from Bourdon et al. 2013)

The central glue of PowerAPI is a common event bus, modules use this to publish or

subscribe to sending events. Obtaining a task’s energy consumption is a simple process

requiring a process id (123), a time interval (500 milliseconds) and the name of the target

listener (CpuListener).



500 milliseconds,



The user maintains complete control over which modules are involved in any measurement.

The API does, however, need to be configured to the target hardware as the ‘Formulae’

modules require local values such as the CPU’s thermal design power and an array

containing operating frequencies for each voltage.

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Noureddine et al and Brown et al have both demonstrated that reducing software energy

consumption need not be a blind guessing exercise, given that researchers have been

exploring low energy software concepts for several years now ( business owners have

always been interested in cost reduction), it may seem surprising that relatively few

programmers outside the field of portable computing have developed any appropriate low

energy programming skills (though it may be that some techniques for improving execution

speed may be relevant). Yet there seems to be little available material that gives simple

advice comparing software languages by their relative energy consumption. Pinto et al

mined StackOverflow in order to understand how the Q&A site users are interested in

software energy consumption. Pinto et al were able to show that developers are aware of

energy consumption problems, finding that developers were asking diverse and challenging

questions, yet answers were often vague and or flawed. They went on to identify three

recurring problems in the answers given; “(i) misconceptions about software energy

consumption and how it can be reduced, (ii) solutions that are applicable in certain contexts

being presented as universal, and (iii) lack of tools, in particular, measurement tools” (Pinto

et al. 2014, p.28).

Perhaps part of the problem lies in a failure to educate programmers regarding the

connection between software and energy use. It may seem forgivable that a programmer

may have only a vague understanding of the underlying concepts, after all we would not

demand that a car driver has to understand the car’s engineering along with the mechanics

of motion and thermodynamics. Yet we only expect a driver to be operating a single car at

any given time, so any poor husbandry will have limited effect. In contrast, computer

software could at any given time be run millions of times and although the energy

consumed by any single process may seem insignificant when compared to the consumption

of a car, once it has multiplied by a few million it may greatly outweigh that of the car.

Notwithstanding, many developers even if they were aware of the general processes in a

computer, may never know what sort of machine is going to execute their code, web

developers working in scripted environments could be forgiven to some extent.

Even the choice of language should be taken into consideration, from a simple Tower of

Hanoi program tested in different languages using recursive methods (Noureddine et al.

2012, p.27) were able to demonstrate that Perl and Python were around two orders of

magnitude more expensive in energy consumption than Java or C++. Whereas this is a single

example comparing the energy consumption, it does suggest that perhaps large savings

could be made if developers were able to compile more of their code, and if such savings

were universal then the implications to web serving datacentres may be huge.

By introducing some sort of dynamic energy profiling to the IDE that can highlight energy

‘hotspots’, developers may be further encouraged to refactor their code towards lower

energy consumption.

Programmers and users may be responsible for ordering the hardware to consume energy

but that does not let the system architects off the hook. Computer hardware is far from

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optimal in terms of energy efficiency, yet until recently it seems that most of the drive has

been toward improving processing performance and reducing hardware cost. In recent

times, however, the cost of the energy consumed by computing hardware has begun to

outstrip the acquisition cost.

4 Computer Hardware

4.1 How computers consume energy

“Power consumption is a function of load capacitance, frequency of operation, and supply

voltage. A reduction of any one of these is beneficial”(Sarwar 1997, p.12).

The dynamic power consumption of a CMOS computing device can be found with the

following simple formula; 𝑷 = 𝑪𝒇𝑽𝟐 + 𝑷𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒄 (the voltage V being that of VDD).

Where P is power in watts, f is the clock frequency, V2 is the square of the supply voltage,

and PStatic is the static power consumption.

𝑃𝑑𝑦𝑛𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑐 = 𝐶𝑉2𝑓

𝑃𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐 = 𝐼𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑉𝐷𝐷

Table 3 Power Dissipation (Weste and Harris 2011, p.184)

Sources of Power Dissipation


Dynamic Dissipation

Load capacitances charging and discharging during gate switching

“Short circuit” caused by the partial ON of pMOS and nMOS pairs.

Static Dissipation

Sub-threshold leakage of OFF transistors.

Gate dielectric leakage.

Source/drain diffusion causing junction leakage.

Contention current of ratioed circuits.

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Figure 8 Logic Inverter using switches to show states of operation (Anderson 2014b).

We can gain an understanding of how computers use energy by studying the operation of a

simple logic inverter. Figure 8 shows three basic states of a device that uses simple switches

in place of transistors. In state 1 the input has risen to logic 1, the top switch has opened

disconnecting positive power line (VDD), while the bottom switch has closed thus pulling the

voltage at Vout to near ground potential. In state 3 the opposite has occurred with a logic 0

input, and current is charging up the output circuit which has been isolated from ground.

State 2 shows what happens for a brief period while switching between states, which

involve both switches being momentarily closed. Therefore this short-circuit current in state

2 is the cause of some energy loss. Although it happens only for a short time when both

transistors are only weakly on, short-circuit current can consume up to 10% of dynamic

power (Weste and Harris 2011, p.192).

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Static power is another important factor; “static power arises from sub-threshold, gate, and

junction leakage currents and contention current” (Weste and Harris 2011, p.194).

Figure 9 CMOS logic inverter states of operation (Anderson 2014c)

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Since the introduction of sub 90nm processes, static power loss has become a growing

phenomenon (Weste and Harris 2011, pp.80–85,194). Figure 9, depicts a CMOS inverter

using conventional symbols. State 4 has been added to show current that passes through

transistors that are in the open (off). This loss known as Leakage is an important factor and a

growing problem with each reduction in the devices physical size. Above 90 nanometres

leakage was insignificant and was only considered an issue during sleep mode, but as

dielectrics forming the insulators in devices below that size are only a few atoms thick

electrons often tunnel through (quantum tunnelling), making leakage a significant loss


Figure 10 Electron Micrograph of a Silicon on Insulator device (Weste and Harris 2011, p.361)

The CLoad capacitor symbolised in figures 8 and 9 is a virtual device which represents the

capacitance of the entire physical device, generally this capacitance is caused by transistor

gate capacitance and by the chips internal wiring which in scale far outweighs that of any

active device in the chip (see figure 10). Wiring capacitance is anything but insignificant. If

we managed to lower the voltage on those wires down to a few millivolts CLoad would be less

of a problem to us, however, this is thus far out of reach as the transistors only operate

reliably with voltages an order of magnitude greater. This impedance mismatch between

semiconductors and their wiring is currently an area of intense research that if fruitful could

pave the way forward to significantly lower power consumption (Agarwal and Yablonovitch


Adjusting any value in the 𝑷 = 𝑪𝒇𝑽𝟐 + 𝑷𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒄 formula will affect the consumption, but as

the voltage is squared, reducing the voltage may have the greatest impact. This is the

approach of dynamic frequency and voltage scaling. DVFS has been a good strategy for

reducing energy consumption, but since the introduction of devices that require much lower

supply voltages the efficiency gain offered by DVFS has begun to erode(Le Sueur and Heiser


As in nature hibernation is another common approach we can use to reducing power. Two

major approaches to this are clock gating, and power gating. Clock gating removes the clock

timing signal from a section of the chip, while power gating powers down a section with the

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use of switching transistors that isolate the supply voltage. Both of these approaches are

often employed, but neither is without cost. Clock gating although reducing the dynamic

power of the chip, does nothing to reduce static power. While power gating can (if used

correctly) reduce both static and dynamic power, does cost energy when the logic elements

have to be powered up again, therefore if logic elements are powered off for too short a

period then the advantage is lost (Weste and Harris 2011, p.186,197).

Figure 11 Clock Gating (Weste and Harris 2011, p.186)

Figure 12 Power Gating (Weste and Harris 2011, p.197)

4.2 Utilisation

Meisner reports that “reducing power at low-utilization is critical to increasing server

efficiency” and categorises power saving techniques for servers thusly; active low power,

and idle low power modes. From modelling Meisner finds that “full system average power is

approximately linear with respect to CPU utilization”

𝑃𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = 𝑃𝐷𝑦𝑛 𝑋 𝑈𝐴𝑣𝑔 + 𝑃𝐼𝑑𝑙𝑒

4.3 PowerNap PowerNap is an architecture proposed by Meisner that seeks to aggressively power down

hardware for brief periods when CPUs become idle (several microseconds at a time). The

approach requires hardware to be constructed with PowerNap in mind and does not suit

multiprocessing architectures well, but within a single processor system the approach is

promising(Meisner et al. 2011)

4.4 Virtualisation Virtualisation is an often cited , cure for poor utilisation, however, it does not suit every kind

of workload (particularly those workloads like transaction processing facilities that need

access to physical hardware such as RTCs), but when it does suit virtualisation can

consolidate a number of workloads while reducing the total number of physical servers. As

virtual servers are effectively time-sliced, the average utilisation tends to improve


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Even so virtualisation is not a simple cure however, and even when payloads suit, the end

product may be more consuming than first imagined.

Consider a High availability cluster configuration (HA) with 2 physical hosts running 2 virtual

machines (N+1). In this arrangement it would be foolish to allow any VM to use more than

50% of the physical CPU or RAM, otherwise if one physical host should fail we would then

be running both VMs on a single host, thus in normal running we lose 50 % of each server’s

capacity (if one server exceeded this then failover could not occur). If one of the VMs needs

to grow in size, then both hosts will require upgrades we then strand more capacity and

thus utilisation suffers. The larger N+1 HA clusters get, the greater the stranded capacity

across the entire cluster, which includes not only physical hardware, but also software

licences and a great deal of energy. If however, we deliberately increase the cluster size and

adopt a strategy such as 𝑁 + 𝑋 + 1, where X represents the number of failures we are

prepared to withstand, then we can claw back most of the stranded capacity (see the green

shaded cells in table 4 which shows an 𝑁 + 1 + 1 strategy. On small clusters 𝑁 + 𝑋 + 1

seems extravagant, but as clusters membership grows, the relative cost falls and the savings


Physical Hosts in a Virtual Machine Cluster

Capacity Requirement: 3 VMs, 1 requiring 72GB, 2 requiring 128GB.








RAM If using


Physic al CPU Cores

0 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

1 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

2 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

3 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

4 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

5 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

6 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

7 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

8 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

9 512 460.8 409.6 307.2 460.8 12

Totals with


- 5120GB 4608GB to keep below

90% utilization.

4096GB allows for a

single host


3072GB allows for the

ability to

restart one 128GB VM.


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host for


10 512 460.8 Gives


12 – brings

CPU core total to




0% 10% 20% 40% 10%

Table 4 Compares N+1 to N+1+1 cluster configurations As with most solutions, virtualisation cannot solve every issue and does not fit all workloads,

the following being of significance;

• Where access to the physical hardware is required,

• Transaction systems –often require real-time clock access

• Licence restrictions may preclude VM usage

• Where security requires physical separation, etc.

Virtualisation is not the only strategy available for improving utilisation, however.

• Putting the computer to sleep, waking it quickly when there is work to be done,

• Improve storage throughput by reducing I/O latency, this can be achieved by

attaching DASD flash devices directly to the memory bus (Sandisk 2013).

• Moving main memory onto the CPU die – this is still somewhat a future technology,

but at some point in the future this is likely to be a necessary move(Ruch et al.


4.5 System on a Chip (SOC)

Although seemingly impressive when compared to early computers, current hardware

technologies are on the whole extremely wasteful. Garimella et al, citing, (Michel.B 2012),

state “that 99% of the overall energy consumption in an IT system goes toward

communication, with only 1% being used for computation.” They go on to state that “In a

typical air-cooled system, about 1 part per million of the volume is taken up by transistors

and 96% of the volume is used for thermal transport. As communication costs become more

important, so does this 96% waste in system volume. A liquid cooled system has smaller

system volume demands, making it an enabling technology for 3D chip architectures and

higher system transistor density.”

A limit to the connectivity that we can give an individual chip can be found according to

Rent’s Rule which is expresses as;

𝐶 = 𝑘𝑁𝑝

If one were to partition a chunk out of any network of nodes which will contain N nodes, the

number of connections that link that chunk to the rest of the network is represented by C.

the terms k and p are characteristic of the entire network, k being the average number of

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connections per node, and p is known as the Rent exponent and is ranged between 0 and 1

(in computers this is typically in the range .45 to .75).

Rent’s rule first identified at IBM in the 1960s while researching the connectivity of

integrated circuits has been identified in biological brains (Freiberger 2010).

Short of any way of magically making communication virtually cost free, computers will have

to become much more memory-centric “Caches, pipelining, and multithreading improve

performance but reduce efficiency. Multitasking violates the temporal Rent rule because it

puts processes in spatial or temporal proximity that do not communicate. If the underlying

hardware follows Rent’s rule, a system optimisation segregates the tasks. However, “the

breakdown of Rent’s rule at the chip boundary leads to a serialization of the data stream

and, accordingly, to penalties in performance and efficiency.”(Ruch et al. 2011, p.9).

As each chip boundary limits the Rent coefficient by essentially partitioning the network of

connections, the only way to improve this situation is to effectively bring the network of

nodes within the bounds of the chip. A further use of the Rent coefficient, however, is to

determine the wiring cost of a given network, merely expanding the chip to encompass the

entire compute network using current IC technologies would result in a high wiring cost.

“Today, all microprocessors suffer from a break-down of Rent’s Rule for high logic block

counts because the number of interconnects does not scale beyond the chip edge.”(Ruch et

al. 2013, p.162)

Concerned by these limitations researchers are looking into ways of fabricating three-

dimensional blocks of silicon wafers (known as 3DIC packages). Apart from obvious benefits

such as being able to marry the CPU with large amounts of main storage, thus dispensing

with any need for cache RAM, the most significant improvement may come in “terms of

energy, 3-D integration can reduce energy consumption by a factor of 30 and, with improved

devices, by a factor of 100.” (Ruch et al. 2013, p.163)

3-D devices bring with them many opportunities as well as some problems; foremost is likely

to be the problem of cooling them. Devices are being studied that incorporate engraved

microchannel waterways inside 3-D chips that are constructed of stacks of silicon wafers.

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Figure 13 Showing stacked integrated circuit dies and water cooling pathways (Sridhar et al. 2014, p.2579)

5 Datacentre Facility Hardware

5.1 Datacentre Facility Electricity Supply

5.1.1 General Trend

The majority of server hall computer are powered by some form of AC supply. In the EU

supply voltages nominally 230V ± 10% single phase and 400V ± 10% three phase. Up until

the early 2000s three phase power predominated in the datacentre, but more recently with

the growing dominance of rack mounted PC style servers few computers or peripherals now

directly employ three phase power. Three phase power is still widely used in datacentres

but tends either to be powering the cooling and ventilation plant, or it is terminated at the

power distribution units (PDU) which then distribute the lower 230V power to buss bars

from which individual servers and peripherals gain power.

The distribution of electrical power throughout the datacentre is not without some loss, and

there has been a fair amount of research in this area and a certain amount of controversy

regarding some of the findings, particularly when it comes to the use of bulk high voltage DC

or HVDC as it is becoming known.

Despite major changes in the technologies at the compute level of the hardware stack, the

design of datacentre electrical power systems have tended to be somewhat conservative,

though considering the value tied up in operation this is perhaps not too surprising. In more

recent times, however, with hitherto unprecedented levels of power demand, efficiency is

fast becoming the main driver of change, demanding more than conventional (largely

passive) designs can produce. While on the whole conventional datacentre supply systems

are quite effective. Datacentre UPS efficiency figures reaching up to around 95% have been

published (Rasmussen and Spitaels 2007, p.9), though it must be said that these figures are

found on relatively new installations, older equipment may achieve less than half of that,

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and in addition Rasmussen et al point out that efficiency should be expressed as a curve

detailing efficiencies at varying loads. For 2N redundant systems it is customary to use the

figures found at the 50% load factor of such a curve, and 33% for 2(N+1) systems. These

load factor percentages give one a clue as to the worst case efficiency and impose

constraints on the design engineers. Ideally the efficiency curve should be as flat as possible

between the nominal operation, and the fully loaded point.

When a Datacentre is in the planning stage, architects have to decide how to best supply the

DC. If they install enough supply capacity for a fully provisioned DC, then in the period

before the DC reaches that capacity the datacentre supply will be under-loaded, and will

operate far below the optimal band. An ideal situation is portrayed in figure 14 where the

curve marked B has a flat section from around 33% load up to 100%. In contrast the curve

marked A begins a steep decline below 50% load factor, engineers would ideally like to keep

a UPS that had the A efficiency curve loaded above 50%, as such it could be used in a 2N

system, but would perform badly in a 2(N+1) arrangement which would load it at the 33%


Owners with datacentre facilities that have just come online with a have a large proportion

of unused capacity will find themselves paying for equipment that is producing little more

than waste heat. To avoid this scenario, power plant architects often build out from minimal

installations, increasing plant capacity as the need arises. The downside to this approach

may be that some of the early use equipment is not fit for the new purpose in the

demanding environment. An alternate approach is to modularise the datacentre, matching

smaller supply plants to limited subsections of the facility (such subsets are often effectively

mini datacentres, comprising compute, cooling and power, and may even be containerised).

Figure 14 Efficiency plot to load of a typical UPS (Anderson 2014d)

Regardless of the installation scale, supply plant in the conventional form will often have

several successive stages where losses occur. Consider figure 12 which shows a highly

simplified non-redundant (N redundancy) datacentre electricity supply.

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1. Medium AC voltage is supplied to the building where it is reduced to 400V AC by a

voltage transformer.

2. The 400V AC is then rectified into DC where it feeds the power backup battery.

3. DC is then fed into an inverter which restores the current to 400V AC.

4. The 400V AC then arrives at another transformer which lowers the voltage to 220V


5. The 220V AC is fed into a Power Distribution Unit which,

6. Feeds various Cabinet power Distribution Units into which computer equipment

PSUs are connected.

7. The final stage inside the computer equipment PSUs rectifies the AC into DC and

lowers the voltage to those useful to the servers and peripherals (generally

employing switch mode principles).

5.1.2 Conversion Losses

The system described in Figure 15 has several stages where conversion loses occur, the

first of these is with the voltage transformer receiving the input from the power utility

company which drops the voltage to 400V AC (in Europe), there is yet another

transformer stage later on in the diagram that drops the voltage still further to 220V AC.

Both of these transformers suffer (as do all transformers) from the effects of;

1. Resistance of the windings - 'copper loss'.

2. Magnetic friction in the core - 'hysteresis'.

3. Electric currents induced in the core - 'eddy currents'.

4. Physical vibration and noise of the core and windings.

5. Electromagnetic radiation.

6. Dielectric loss in materials used to insulate the core and windings.

To minimise the above points transformers have to be designed carefully with the

application in mind, if the load factor were to change the transformer becomes less

efficient (Clarke 2014)

Losses also occur in the DC to AC conversion step which depends on large inverters.

The final step in the conversion chain has a very significant impact on overall efficiency

as most “1U volume servers in the market have an average of 70% PSU power efficiency.

Therefore, 30% energy loss occurs when changing from AC to DC” (Kwon 2010, p.2). 30%

loss sounds bad enough yet it is easy to miss the significance of this when one looks at

the supply as a linear chain from utility – datacentre facility supply – server. The

important fact to understand of course is that each individual server wastes 30%,

contributing to the heat load that the building’s cooling system has to contend with.

Having to work harder the cooling system also incurs losses which further compound

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the problem by imposing greater load on the facility supplies which themselves produce


Key 1 Terms and symbols used in Figures 15, 16, and 17

Figure 15 Traditional AC supply with UPS (Anderson 2014e), see Key 1.

5.1.3 Conversion Losses and their impact on redundant systems

In many situations server owners require their service to be available constantly; they see

any downtime as either lost revenue or a threat to operation. Traditionally uptime is

measured in nines where nines equate to the number of nines in the availability factor

(often state in service level agreements or SLAs), e.g. three nines = an availability of 99.9%.

Table 5 shows a comparison of uptimes. Unfortunately significantly improving reliability of

(focusing on hardware for the moment) the physical components of DC computer systems

(which are already very reliable) is a nontrivial matter. As such moving from four nines to

five nines requires much more than replacing one server with a more costly one, in fact, one

usually has to modify architecture to make such a reliability leap.

Often to gain reliability 2(N+1) facility power supplies are installed, yet although giving a

good level of redundancy, they are also relatively inefficient. IF we use a 2 PSU machine as

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an example, each supply has to be capable of running an entire datacentre, as detailed

above they are inefficient when not fully loaded.

Increasing reliability in not a simple matter of buying better stuff, but involves duplication of

assets, increased direct power consumption and a host of embodied energies.

Service failure, on the other hand, depending on the application can result in increased

energy usage as organisations can be forced to rebuild assets (loss of data, loss of business,

and loss of dematerialised resources).

Table 5 Uptime expressed as percentage and in human readable format

Number of Nines % Uptime Downtime Seconds Human Form

2 99 315,400.00 3 days 15h 36m 40s

3 99.9 31,540.00 8h 45m 40s

4 99.99 3,154.00 52m 34s

5 99.999 315.40 5m 15.4s

6 99.9999 31.54 31.54s

7 99.99999 3.15 3.15s

There being 3.154 x 107 seconds in each non-leap year

With careful planning, it is possible to achieve a good level of supply redundancy and

minimise (but not eliminate) losses. One such configuration is a Tri-isolated, Triple

redundant supply (see figure 16). To effect such a configuration the three input UPS systems

each have to capable of sustaining half of the load, yet all three are nominally online

supplying each a third of the load. The output of these UPS is fed into ‘static transfer’

switches that can switch the supplied power in less than a quarter of an AC power cycle. By

studying the diagram one can see that using this arrangement each rack has multiple supply

paths options. The equipment inside the racks are all ‘dual corded’, each possessing two

power supply units (Robert J. Yester 2006). Such configurations trade-off between efficiency

and reliability, maximising one tends to compromise the other.

Tri-Isolated Triple-Redundant Electricity Supply

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Figure 16 Tri-Isolated Triple-Redundant Electricity Supply (Anderson 2014f), see Key 1.

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5.1.4 Facility Level Direct Current

In recent years there has been growing interest in ways to tackle the efficiency/reliability

trade-off. With this in mind engineers are beginning to build datacentres that dispense with

AC almost entirely, using elevated DC voltage to feed the entire datacentre.

Figure 17 High Voltage DC Datacentre Supply (Anderson 2014g), see Key 1.

Since there are no phase differences to worry about power factor correction requirements

are entirely eliminated.

Reliability is the foremost advantage of 380 Vdc in the data centre. By eliminating the extra

conversions, the PDUs and transformers, the front end of the PSU, and, most especially, the

inverter that was on the output of the UPS in the ac design, the reliability of the power

delivery chain is improved by 1,000%”. In addition the Facility Level HVDC concept has

several potential benefits;

• Only a single transformer (assuming a single non-redundant medium voltage power

input to the datacentre), thus fewer transformer losses – copper loss, hysteresis, and

eddy currents (also vibration, EM radiation and dielectric losses).

• No need to use DC-AC conversion when running on battery power, inverting DC to

AC is also known to cause losses.

• Simpler and cheaper wiring, because “of skin effect and the reactive current

overhead, ac conductors need to be sized bigger than dc for the same voltage and

power capacity”(AlLee and Tschudi 2012, p.56).

• Reduced component count and accordingly simpler maintenance.

• Ideally DC will feed directly into computers, dispensing with the computers own PSU.

IBM began offering mainframes (z196 and subsequent models) ready fitted to accept

HVDC in the range of 350 to 550V DC (Andres et al. 2012, p.5).

• A further option is to place batteries in racks near computing hardware to improve

local fault tolerance.

Opponents cite often cite problems with such as ‘high voltage switching is difficult as

there is no zero crossing point to reduce arcing’; however this is only a problem for the

component suppliers to overcome. Shortage of skilled high voltage DC technicians is also

given as a reason to avoid the technology (though there must be plenty of expertise in

the electric railway and tramway fields where HVDC has been in use for over a hundred


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5.1.5 Possible road map to greater PSU efficiency

Increasing reliability in not a simple matter of buying better stuff, but involves duplication of

assets, increased direct power consumption and a host of embodied energies.

Service failure on the other hand, depending on the application can result in increased

energy usage as organisations can be forced to rebuild assets (loss of data, loss of business,

and loss of dematerialised resources).

5.1.6 RAILS

One approach for improving efficiency without resorting to converting the datacentre to

direct current is to ensure that all switch mode power supplies are operating at the load

factor they are designed for.

Figure 18 Power supply efficiency (Meisner 2012, p.88, fig.8.1)

Strategies such as ‘dual cording‘, giving each computer or peripheral 2 (sometimes more)

switch-mode PSUs give an effective level of redundancy, though this approach is extremely

inefficient. Using a 2 PSU machine as an example, each supply has to be capable of running

an entire machine, yet switch mode power supplies are very inefficient when not fully

loaded, and as both PSUs would be effectively sharing the load their efficiency is likely to be

at or below 20%. Power wasted as a consequence of improved reliability may result in

stranded capacity, whereby locations in the datacentre have to remain unpopulated due to

shortages in supply power, and or cooling capacity.

To improve power supply utilisation the RAILS (Redundant Array for Inexpensive Load

Sharing) (figure 19) concept has been proposed (Meisner 2012, p.103). Comprising a set of

very basic switch-mode power supplies that are capable only of operating in the ‘green

zone’ while the load is at minimum (figure 18) a RAILS device tracks the load (in the study

the load was a blade centre array), as load increases PSU devices are switched in to meet

demand. When load falls successive PSUs are isolated from both input and output. In this

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way PSUs operate only in the ‘green zone’ (see figure 18) while the overall system improves

reliability by the fact that there are a number of redundant PSUs.

5.2 Cooling

5.2.1 Current trends in cooling technology

Most datacentre servers have evolved from the humble desktop PC and as a consequence

Modern server hardware still carries many artefacts perhaps more suited to the desktop

than the computer room

While early PC servers began to expand into DC space, mainframe systems were employing

water cooling technologies to more effectively control the high temperatures of ECL TTL

(Emitter Coupled Logic – Transistor Transistor Logic) technologies (Pittler et al. 1982). The

first PC servers gained market share in the LAN file server segment, and possibly as a result

of their low cost they could be rapidly deployed using department budgets, thus avoiding IT

department ‘red tape’ and cross charges. Later as PC client/servers increased in complexity

such systems were often inherited by the IT departments to be redeployed inside the

datacentre. In the 1990s the computer halls of datacentres were populated mainly with

mainframe and/or mini (midrange) computers along with their associated peripherals

(mostly direct attached storage – DASD and tape units), but from the late 90s into the early

2000s racks of PC servers began to make up a significant portion of the DC floor space.

The changing internal landscape of the datacentre highlights an important fact, that the

datacentre building architecture is designed for the medium to long term, yet the hardware

that it is designed to support can radically change within the short term. Mismatching the

building and computer hardware can cause severe energy and cooling problems, yet over

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specifying the support infrastructure is both financially wasteful and environmentally


Perhaps though we are being unfair to the datacentre architects expecting them to house

technology that has yet to be designed, even so the modular datacentre concept may offer

some flexibility to overcome technological uncertainty.

Aspects of PC server design that can become problematic are power supply and cooling.

Generally PC servers are designed to be air cooled; therefore they have a contingent of air

moving devices and are built with widely separated components to maximise airflow and to

reduce drag. For air cooling to be effective, hot surfaces have to be as large as practicable

owing to the poor heat capacity of air which is the primary coolant (Zimmermann, Tiwari, et

al. 2012) this property forces designers to set hot components apart. In addition the intake

air has to be chilled sufficiently to allow enough heat to be removed by the air stream.

Chilling and moving large volumes of air into and around a datacentre often requires large

energy inputs, and where so-called ‘free the air cooling’ techniques are unsuitable this

cooling may consume more energy than does the data processing (see PUE and DCiE).

Figure 20 (Garimella et al. 2013, p.68) gives a proportional view of typical air cooled datacentre energy use.

It is possible, however, to water cool PC servers and there are a number of technologies in

the market providing such solutions (some even call for the total immersion of servers). Yet

simply adopting liquid cooling may only improve the cooling efficiency, and while fluid

coolants may be cheaper to circulate and chill than air, there may be greater benefits to be

gained by capturing the waste heat for reuse.

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To facilitate energy reuse the entropy must be suitably low, each conversion of an energy

tends to increase the entropy (hot things become colder, ordered things become

disordered) and “An important first step for data center heat reuse is to reduce the number

of thermal interfaces between components and their thermal resistance in the thermal

path”(Brunschwiler et al. 2009, p.11:4). In an atmospheric cooling system the exhaust air,

although warm, contains little useful heat energy (it has high entropy) and has few

secondary uses.

Before CMOS transistors began to displace bipolar TTL (Transistor-Transistor Logic) logic in

computing around the turn of the 1980s, engineers were searching for ways to cool VLSI

chips. Etching micro channel grooves directly into IC substrates Tuckerman and Pease were

able to remove 800W/cm2 while keeping devices below 85⁰C (Tuckerman and Pease 1981).

Interest in such technologies however, had waned by the end of the 1990s when CMOS

technologies having matured, brought significantly lower power consumption and

consequently lower thermal dissipation than their TTL rivals. Without any further significant

ROI, technologies tend to fall out of use. Unfortunately power densities have increased

markedly in the last few years with heat fluxes exceeding 100W/cm2 (Sridhar et al. 2014,

p.2577). With such high energy densities the possibility to reuse a significant portion of the

energy suggests that ROI may now be an effective driver toward DC sustainability.

In support of this view, there are several papers investigating the use of hot water as a

computer coolant and consequently HPC clusters have been built as proof of concept,

notably ‘Aquasar’ which features the micro-channel grooves developed by Tuckerman and

Pease. An important aspect of Aquasar is its simplicity; the entire cooling system operating

without the need for any chillers. Zimmermann et al conclude that hot water entering a

system at 60⁰C is an effective coolant “The benefits of the liquid cooled solution were the

higher exergetic output and the possibility of a direct use of up to 80% of the recovered heat

for space heating.”

Support for this concept comes from an interesting comparison in that “a brain is hot-water

cooled, and waste heat is used to raise the body core temperature to achieve better

efficiency. The pumping power for the circulatory system, provided by the heart, is about 5%

of the total energy budget; a similar level of overhead could be envisaged for such a

bioinspired IT system”(Garimella et al. 2013, p.72).

Unfortunately as with a lot of products, the designs of PC servers suffer a high degree of

inertia. While much within PC servers has changed e.g. chip, and bus architecture, the basic

construction pattern is conservative and has altered little. Glass reinforced plastic printed

circuit boards carrying discrete components soldered in place are so common place few

ever think there could be any other solution; yet in order for energy consumption to be

reduced to an acceptable level more adventurous design philosophies will have to explored,

especially if technologies such as hot water cooling are to be successful. To this end

motherboard construction will need to change radically. Incidentally GRP printed circuits

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tend to be shipped to poorer countries outside of legal boundaries, where the more

precious elements are extracted by burning which causes further pollution and harm to

those involved in the recycling process (Hilty 2011, pp.128 – 129).

In fact long before PC servers were popular, mainframe computers based on water cooled

multi-chip modules (MCM) were already successfully deployed. Apart from a large reduction

in volume, MCM technology reduces the number of interconnections between logic

elements and a huge improvement in reliability (even when failures do occur, depending on

the MCM technology chosen, rework and repair is feasible (Blodgett and Barbour 1982,


One may speculate that there may be a lack of trust when it comes to mixing expensive

electronics with water. Despite this during the late 80s and 1990s there was no technology

on the market that could offer the power densities of computers based on water cooled

MCM technology, and at the time few would have doubted the reliability of those systems.

A worry that is often heard regarding water cooling is that water and electronics don’t mix,

which may be true to some extent (in circumstances where the electronics are

unprotected), but given that systems and procedures are engineered to work reliably within

known conditions, such worries are not rational (Stephen J. Bigelow 2014).

In most situations it is better to engineer to avoid the possibility of incident than to

eliminate a risk. Considering how often sophisticated electronic systems are used in harsh

environments (marine, automotive, avionic, and industrial applications), it may seem odd to

an industry outsider that datacentre systems are so delicate. Given that electronic systems

can be and are routinely hardened against harsh environments, this situation may be a

hangover from the times when computer halls were required to be ‘clean room’

environments owing to the fact that many computer parts such as removable disc drive

packs were not hermetically sealed and even tiny amounts of fine dust could cause fatal disc

crashes and expensive data loss.

Power density is already a driving factor, yet with disruptive technologies such as ‘Big data’,

the ‘Cloud’, and the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) set to deliver hitherto unprecedented volumes

of data into the datacentre, floor space is becoming premium therefore to tackle these

massively increased workloads the datacentre industry is moving relentlessly toward higher

computing power densities, and we will soon move beyond the cooling capacity of air,

therefor modern day datacentre managers need to rid themselves of such worries if they

are to achieve the power densities the market is coming to demand (Sridhar et al. 2014). Heat Recovery

The value of any heat recovered depends on there being a market for such a good, an

organisation with a local datacentre may wish to heat offices for example or sell the heat

into a community heating scheme.

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The economic value is also dependent on the temperature of the waste heat and the

secondary reuse application. Space heating and desalination appear to offer the greatest

value, though use in refrigeration, and for generating electricity are also possible but less

efficient (Zimmermann, Meijer, et al. 2012, p.244; Zimmermann, Tiwari, et al. 2012, p.6399),

although the market price of heat has to be assessed correctly before the value of the waste

heat can be known. To this end Zimmerman et al. propose a new metric to gauge the

economic value of waste heat (VH), expressed as;

While the cost of the heat recovered is related to the value of the electricity the DC

consumed and the efficiency of the heat recovery’s efficiency, which is expressed as follows;

The final value of the waste heat is, therefore, a function of the datacentres operating

temperature (Zimmermann, Tiwari, et al. 2012, p.6398).

5.2.3 Free cooling

There are some seemingly simpler cooling technologies available. Both Google and

Facebook have built datacentres that are cooled without any refrigeration plant, employing

instead filtered ambient air to cool racks arranged in ‘hot/cold’ aisle containment. Facebook

have gone as far as to make their solutions open source in the OpenCompute Project.

Opencompute is rather radical in that the entire datacentre including the compute

hardware (servers and racks) has been custom designed to reduce the amount of energy

required for air cooling. Facebook claim that this approach is very economical. However, the

overall approach is more suited to green-field rather than inner city sites and takes some

advantage from Prineville’s location and its relatively dry ambient air. Figure 21 depicts a

vertical cross section of an Opencompute datacentre, which although dispensing with

conventional items such as false floors and air ducting, has a relatively low density of

computer hardware with computers confined in hot isles in the bottom third of the building.

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Figure 21 Vertical cross section of Facebook's Opencompute datacentre (Frachtenberg 2012, p.2)

Conventionally air cooled datacentres utilise some form of air conditioning, either based on

compressor or evaporative techniques, yet although chilling air warmed by computers is an

indirect and potentially wasteful approach to cooling, the cooling engineers need only

understand the dynamics of air cooling. Whereas with directly liquid cooled systems the

cooling engineers need also to be aware of computer engineering problems. Overcoming

this compartmentalised situation is going to become crucial if real energy savings are to be


According to Garrimella et al, datacentre development progress is slower than it could be

owing to the fact that the challenges are multidisciplinary and that some “problems are

poorly understood across boundaries which is where synergy is needed. The IT community is

diverse and scattered, consisting of end users, data center operators, chip manufacturers,

equipment integrators and others, and there is a limited understanding of the perspectives

of each. Similarly, conventionally separate electrical design for power consumption reduction

(via supply voltage reduction) and improved thermal management technologies have

provided only incremental performance extensions to current approaches”(Garimella et al.

2013, p.72).

For many years massive amounts of energy were expended keeping computer rooms within

temperature ranges relating to the days of the water-cooled mainframe when the standards

were trying to make it comfortable for people to work in those environments. “When

aircooled servers became prevalent, data center operators continued in the previous mode,

using ever more powerful air conditioning units to maintain a comfortable working

environment. The recent ASHRAE standards allow for a higher room temperature, which

enables more energy efficient air-based cooling. This evolution has come about because of a

closer dialog between data center operators and server designers” (Garimella)

5.3 Corporate Policy in the Datacentre

In some situations the political framework behind a datacentre may need to change in order

for real improvements to take place. Organisations with a near sited view on investment

may fail to achieve any real level of sustainability by affording only the cheapest solution

and not looking at the real total cost of ownership. Incorrectly assigning budgets can restrict

organisations to less than optimal architectures that run with poor efficiency and/or poor

reliability, after all a broken computer system still consumes energy. The Opencompute

project is a good example of how policy can positively affect both the organisation and the

community as a whole. Facebook’s initial bold investment is feeding back into the

organisation and has resulted in wider industry collaboration as well as the creation of open


6 Economics Datacentres do not stand alone in our environment independent of constraints, even a five

bar gate at the edge of a field has been shaped by a multitude of factors. The gate has just

enough design, structural strength, material to be effective at the lowest possible cost. If

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gates could be produced for less, however, it is unlikely that fields would get extra gates as

there could be little to be gained. In contrast machines that provide a service tend to

multiply as their cost decreases.

Sometimes it is humbling to find that scholars from past centuries had already forecast the

problems we now face. Of sobering relevance are the works of W.S. Jevons, in particular the

book “The Coal Question” (Jevons 1865) in which he forecast a rapidly increasing rate of

coal consumption caused by Britain’s industry that was benefiting from rapid development

and improvements in efficiency. Jevons realised that the heights of Britain’s achievements

would be limited by the resources that it could exploit.

Until the invention of the first practical heat engine by Newcomen in 1712, humans were

similar to almost all other animals on the planet in that the maximum energy they could

bring to bear was related to the amount they could metabolise.

Jevons was an economist, or as many would have it a ‘bean counter’ and some would

dismiss him, yet we take for granted Moore’s law which is not really a law but an empirical

observation characterising the economics of chip production. This is crucial, as it is the price

that decides how many components are to be placed on a chip, not the available

technology, thus price is the major prime mover, not our ability to build a given technology.

Figure 22 Gordon Moore's plot which started it all (Moore and others 1965, p.83)

To many of us datacentre efficiency may be the goal, but instead may well be a siren call.

Jevons noticed a relationship between steam engine efficiency and the consumption of coal

whereby efficiency improvements resulted in a counter intuitive increase in coal

consumption, the rebound effect. Jevons’ Paradox (as this became known) has been

traditionally applied to energy resources, but these days economists are seeing similar

consumption patterns within ICTs.

Hilty notes that the miniaturisation and price reduction following Moore’s law that the

consumption of technology compensated (and overcompensates) for any mass flow savings.

For example between 1990 and 2005, the mass of mobile phones fell by a factor of 4.4, yet

the number of subscribers increased which in turn increased overall mass by a factor of 8.0

(Hilty 2011, pp.94 – 95). Hilty also states that “Higher efficiency is consequently not a

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sufficient precondition for saving resources. This applies irrespective of the resources in

question (nature, time, income, etc.) If the aim is to save resources, a quantitative restriction

is also needed on the input and output sides”(Hilty 2011, p.73). As stated resources in

question matter little, efficiency improvements will result in either direct or indirect

rebound effects, therefore if “the aim is to save resources, a quantitative restriction is also

needed on the input and output sides” (Hilty 2011, p.73). To this end we must devise

“sufficiency” strategies if we are to have any hope of controlling resource depletion.

Unfortunately most business owners see growth driven profit as the driver for business, it is

hard for them to understand how sufficiency can benefit them. Such goals could and maybe

should be incentivised. Tax may be imposed as an incentive to drive operators toward

energy reuse, and or caps on the maximum energy consumption if they get tax breaks for

doing so, but some operators e.g. merchant banks running city based datacentres may be

relatively immune as the tax compared to their profits may be insignificant.

We may be forced to adopt an economy that is not based upon material growth, a hard

concept to accept in any capitalist economy, particularly as it is only recently that any

correlation between energy input and industrial output. In classical economic terms using

the ‘cost-share’ theorem, which states that “the output elasticity of a production factor as

equal to its cost share” (Kümmel 2011, p.180). Kümmel and Lindenberger later highlight that

the cost-share theorem downplays energies role, stating “According to the cost-share

theorem, reductions of energy inputs by up to 7%, observed during the first energy crisis

1973–1975, could have only caused output reductions of 0.35%, whereas the observed

reductions of output in industrial economies were up to an order of magnitude

larger”(Kümmel and Lindenberger 2014, p.4).

The increased magnitude of the effects of energy supply on production factors is far

reaching, with an abundance of cheap energy; output will rise greatly along with similar

rises in material input streams. Unfortunately increasing the efficiency of our industrial

processes will result in oversupply and further falls in energy prices, further reinforcing

Hilty’s argument for sufficiency strategies. Of course the above affects all industries, yet as

those industries seek to economise in order to become and or be seen as ‘green’, more of

their processes will become ‘cloud based’, increasing the need for further datacentre


7 Conclusions The IT industry and therefore datacentres are experiencing a massive increase both in use

and importance. The growth in datacentre numbers and density is unprecedented and

although there is a degree of dematerialisation by way of the savings that data processing

imparts on transport, manufacturing, and inside the workplace, this is so far not reducing

resource drain. Furthermore it is likely that efficiency improvement inside the datacentre is

more than likely to have negative effects by causing increased resource use. However that

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being said we should not give up on efficiency improvements, but accompany them with

effective sufficiency strategies.

Despite being the focus of much passionate debate, and the common banner of opposing

factions, there has never been a single universally acceptable definition of sustainability.

Even so, there is much focus and a great deal of money being spent in the pursuit of


Much of the effort seems to be siloed and insensitive to any holistic global view, e.g.

overemphasis on the construction of ‘sustainable’ power sources without much thought to

their impacts on distribution and despatch. While there may be opportunities to reduce

fossil fuel consumption with the introduction of “smart” power grids, these so far only exist

in concept, and while that concept is seemingly simple to understand, realising it will involve

radical reengineering of the way we resource and consume energy. Such reengineering will

introduce a massive increase in the need to process ‘Big Data’, and expose significant

security vulnerabilities, resulting in further increased growth in the datacentre sector.

To overcome the siloed views and build a common environmental model of resource

consumption, we will depend even more on data processing leading to a need for yet more

construction to satisfy it.

Smart power grids and environmental modelling are good examples of how data centres can

help impart dematerialisation, but they alone do not mean that data centres are or will

cause dematerialisation of resources. To effectively dematerialise, datacentre operators

need to be able to demonstrate dematerialisation effects both within their operations and

in the wider society.

Presently, however, software and hardware stacks are not sufficiently optimised, and

datacentres (the prime movers of ICT) are on average quite inefficient and therefore hungry

consumers of material resources. Apart from consolidating compute resources inside

datacentres, the trend is toward physical growth in the dimensions of computers, producing

ever larger clusters, this presents increasing power supply and cooling challenges.

The overall efficiency of traditional datacentres is relatively poor. The most quoted metric,

PUE does not take into account any computing work done and as such is a poor metric, yet

despite the poor nature of the metric, it does act to drive owners to improve efficiency.

Cooling is one of the most costly factors in most datacentres. While there have been several

datacentres developed around free to air cooling systems that yield a very low PUE figure

(notably Facebook with their Prineville datacentre in Oregon), however, the fact that these

datacentres are low density and need to be located where the natural environment

provides the right conditions means that the approach does not suit everybody. Where

owners require high density perhaps in urban locations we are beginning to see the limits of

air-cooling technology.

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We are reaching air-cooling limits for several reasons. An obvious one is that we are scaling

out computer hardware into ever larger clusters. Perhaps more important are the subtle

causes, such as the impedance mismatch between the optimal operating voltages of

internal microchip wiring (several millivolts) and the optimal voltage of CMOS transistors

(several volts), thus overcoming the internal resistance at the required elevated voltage

leads to greater heat generation and greater leakage currents. Overcoming this mismatch is

the El Dorado of many researchers, keen to invent the ‘millivolt switch’ that can replace the

CMOS transistor.

The millivolt switch remains, however, only a potential solution that even if it is ever

invented remains years away. Therefore much research focusses upon cooling chips

internally using liquids such as water. Along with this, researchers are developing three-

dimensional chips (wafer upon wafer) that not only enjoy water cooling, but also reduce

internal wiring lengths. Shorter wire lengths according to Rent’s rule can directly optimise

performance and therefore efficiency, by overcoming internal resistance and shortening the

time it takes to move data around the system.

With water cooled 3D-IC technology comes several potential benefits, the possibility of

bringing the entire main memory and primary storage within the processor chip, eliminating

the need for cache, and massively improving utilisation. Furthermore, if the coolant is

supplied at high temperature, the value of waste heat increases to the point where heat

reuse and marketability becomes lucrative.

Further efficiency improvements can be realised by supplying DC power in bulk throughout

the datacentre, saving much repetition in power conversion.

Despite all these technological possibilities we must not lose site of the overall goal,

sustainability. Simply introducing more and more efficient systems is tending to encourage

rapid expansion in datacentre numbers through the lowering of costs. Somehow to avoid

rebound or even back-fire effects we need to introduce sufficiency measures. Showing

sufficiency, however, is perhaps going to be among the greatest of challenges, difficult to

measure and difficult to prove.

Accordingly the state of the art in datacentre technology is hardly sustainable. Achieving

sustainability will require a massive effort, politically and technologically, to balance

efficiency and datacentre use on a global scale, yet history shows that rarely has the world

come together in such common accord. Thus realising the sustainable datacentre (as an

industry) is a bleak prospect.

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1 Metrics

The Green Grid introduced the PUE metric to help DC owners determine energy efficiency in

their DC facilities. The metric is simply;


In simple terms, Total Facility Power is the total figure recorded at the facilities energy

meter/s, and the Total IT Equipment Power is the total (measured at the PDU) power drawn

by the IT load of the facility. Both figures are in kWh. Were a facility to draw 2000kWh and

its IT load was 1000kWh then its PUE = 2.0.

An alternate form is DCIE which is the inverse expression of PUE;


Using the same figures as above would give us a DCiE of 50%, saying that a half of the

energy delivered to the DC has been consumed by the IT load, some find this expression

more intuitive that PUE, but essentially the two metrics are similar. As with a lot of

situations, the truth is far more complex and PUE figures can mislead for a variety of


• Despite the terms used in the metric, it does not measure power at all; rather it

is a measure of energy consumed as it is not instantaneous. To be meaningful it

should be reported annually.

o As such fluctuations on a daily or seasonal basis will not show up and truly

useful information is lost.

• PUE does not take useful work into account; o as a result actions such as

consolidating IT loads into virtual environments to increase computer utilisation

(normally a good thing) could result in a worse PUE figure.

o Even if PUE took this into account it is very hard to define useful work.

• PUE is not an effective means to compare datacentres (unless they are similar),

o even so across the industry PUE is used for that very purpose.

More recently the Green Grid introduced a metric with a view to measure the CO2 impact of

datacentres, known as CUE and is defined as;

Green IT formulas from “Green IT by all parties”

• DPPE – calculated from sub-metrics

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• ITEU. IT Equipment Utilisation, a sub metric designed to promote improved IT

equipment utilisation by reduction of energy consumption. o

• ITEE. IT Equipment Energy Efficiency represents the average energy efficiency of

the IT equipment.


o Total IT Equipment rated Work Capacity can be found by;

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑇 𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑝𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑜𝑟𝑘 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 = 𝛼 · ∑ 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 +

𝛽 · ∑ 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 + 𝛾 · ∑ 𝑁𝑊 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦


• GEC. Green Energy Coefficient gives the ratio of renewable energy locally

generated to total energy consumed.


• DPPE, Data Centre Performance per Energy, calculated from four sub-metrics as

a product;


Green Peace Email

Hi Kevin

Big energy companies like EON and EDF are deciding right now whether to spend millions to keep ancient coal power stations open in the UK.

If they get their way, we'll still be burning coal for decades to come -- a disaster for the climate

and the air we breathe.

But already, UK political support for coal is on shaky ground. Just last week the Lib Dems

announced they want to see "an end to dirty coal power stations" over the next 10 years.

Now we need to show Cameron and Miliband it's time they took a stand too. Sign the petition to

get them on record saying there's no future for dirty coal.

Coal power is under pressure from all sides. New EU laws could soon force some of the

worstpolluting power stations to close down completely. And with UN secretary general Ban Ki-

Moon hosting a global climate summit in New York this month, political leaders will be keen to

show what they're doing to protect the planet.

Kevin Anderson University of Plymouth Student Number:10346863

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Now's the moment for them to reveal their plans for coal. If they come out and say they won't support it, that could pull the plug on this deadly energy source in a matter of years, not decades.

The UK's energy future is at a crossroads: do we choose glorious, green renewables; or

climatewrecking fossil fuels? It's not enough to beat fracking, we need to turn off dirty coal too.

We're working together to protect our world, from the shimmering Arctic to the life-giving

rainforest, to the hills, meadows and high streets of the UK. Clean air to breathe, a beautiful world to inherit -- and that means no dirty coal.

Thank you,

Richard and the Greenpeace energy team

PS: Even the USA, one the world's biggest emitters, is moving away from coal. President Obama

has stood strong against powerful industry forces -- and he's set to oversee a dramatic 50% drop

in coal capacity. Ask our leaders to say no to coal too:

2 Terms and Abbreviations 3DIC or 3d-IC Three-dimensional integrated circuit

ACPI Advanced Configuration and Power Interface

AMD Advanced Micro Devices

AMD Air Moving Device

Anergy See Energy explanation

ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers

API Application Programming Interface

ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit

ASAP As Soon As Possible

CDU Cabinet power Distribution Unit

CUE Carbon Usage Effectiveness

C Celsius

CPU Central Processing Unit

CP Central Processor

CAGR Combined Annual Growth Rate

CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CAES Compressed Air Energy Storage

CRAC Computer Room Air Conditioner

CRAH Computer Room Air Handler

DCiE Data Centre infrastructure Efficiency

DPPE Data Centre Performance per Energy

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DASD Direct Attached Storage Device

DVFS Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling

Energy “Energy consists of useful exergy and useless anergy. Exergy can be

converted into any form of useful work, whereas anergy is heat dumped into

the environment, for instance. Entropy production enhances anergy at the

expense of exergy. Since all primary energy carriers taken into account in our

analyses (coal, oil, gas, renewables, and nuclear fuels) are basically 100%

exergy, we do not discriminate between energy and exergy, where ‘energy

consumption’ means ‘exergy consumption.’”(Kümmel and Lindenberger

2014, p.2, Footnote 5)

Exergy See Energy explanation

GRP Glass Reinforced Plastic

GEC Green Energy Coefficient

HVAC Heating Ventilation Air-conditioning

HA High Availability

HVDC High Voltage Direct Current

IDE Integrated development Environment

IoT Internet of Things

ITEE IT Equipment Energy Efficiency

ITEU IT Equipment Utilisation

LCA Life Cycle Assessment

MCM Multi-Chip Module

Millivolt Switch A conceptual nanoscale switching device that could theoretically replace

MOS and bipolar transistors, allowing circuits to operate at several

thousandths of a volt in contrast to current day technology which requires

several volts. Such a technology would allow integrated circuits to operate

with energy consumptions orders of magnitude less, thus producing far less

waste heat.

NMOS N-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor

P-Node Physical Node

P-server Physical Server

PDU Power Distribution Unit

PFC Power Factor Correction

PSU Power Supply Unit

PUE Power Utilisation Effectiveness or Power Usage Effectiveness

PSoC Programmable System on Chip

PMOS P-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor

Q&A Question and Answer

RAM Random Access Memory

RTC Real-Time Clock

RAILS Redundant Array for Inexpensive Load Sharing

RAID Redundant Array of Independent Discs (originally the 'I' stood for


ROI Return On Investment

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SLA Service Level Agreement

SSD Solid State Drive

SiP System in Package

SoC System on Chip

TCM Thermally Controlled Module (utilises MCM technology)

TCO Total Cost of Ownership

TTL Transistor Transistor Logic

UPS Uninterruptable Power Supply

VDD The supply voltage of a MOS circuit

VSS The negative supply voltage of a MOS circuit

VLSI Very Large Scale Integration

VM Virtual Machine


Voltage and Frequency Scaling

Word Count 15,310

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