sustainability of non-renewable energy

Sustainability of Non-Renewable Energy By:Sohaib.T The sustainability of non-renewable energy is a major problem in modern society and cannot be overlooked. Sustainability is meeting the needs of today without jeopardising the needs of future generations. Meaning we must save resources today so future generations may be able to use it in an identical or in an enhanced manner. Non-renewable energy resources need to be sustained so future generations are able to use it. Non- renewable energy cannot be reproduced or reused, so sustaining it is crucial. Fossil Fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear energy are all non-renewable and cannot be replenished or reproduced in any way. The problem is that that these fossil fuels are major contributors of energy production not only in Canada but in the whole world The non-renewable energy employs many human activities because of its vast variety of jobs within the non-renewable energy industry. The vast variety includes activities in the oil

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Sustainability of Non-Renewable EnergyBy:Sohaib.TThe sustainability of non-renewable energy is a major problem in modern society and cannot be overlooked. Sustainability is meeting the needs of today without jeopardising the needs of future generations. Meaning we must save resources today so future generations may be able to use it in an identical or in an enhanced manner. Non-renewable energy resources need to be sustained so future generations are able to use it. Non-renewable energy cannot be reproduced or reused, so sustaining it is crucial. Fossil Fuels such as oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear energy are all non-renewable and cannot be replenished or reproduced in any way. The problem is that that these fossil fuels are major contributors of energy production not only in Canada but in the whole world The non-renewable energy employs many human activities because of its vast variety of jobs within the non-renewable energy industry. The vast variety includes activities in the oil industry, nuclear industries and many other industries related to fossil fuels. One human activity that this industry employs in coal mining, the west of Canada comprises of many coal reserves. Places such as British Colombia and Alberta have many coal mines, coal is valued because it is a vital energy source, but it pollutes the environment a lot, Energy (John Stinger) states that coal will only last another 160 years. 160 years seems like a lot of time but it isnt if you look at it on a larger scale. Also if we continue to abuse it, instead of 160 years itll become 140 or even less. So it is essential to sustain it so future generations are able to use it. Another human activity that this industry employs is drilling for crude oil. Oil is the most consumed energy source in the world, so it is critical to have an enormous quantity of it. Canada has the largest tar sand deposit in the world. It has about 500 billion barrels enough oil to provide the world with oil for 15 years. Canadas oil sands are in Western Canada in Alberta. Energy (John Stinger) also states that oil will only last for another 40 years. The most consumed energy resource is being consumed more than it is being produced. It is really important that we sustain this because not only does it provide energy but it is the reason we can from place to place. The last human activity that this industry employs is the extraction of natural gas. Natural gas is one of the three most consumed and produced energy resources. The other two being coal and oil. Natural gas gives us warm water, electricity and it heats our home. Natural gas is known as the cleanest fossil fuel, cleaner then coal and oil; it lets out the least carbon dioxide, less than oil and coal. The extraction of natural gas is a long and tough process. Extracting the natural gas to converting it into electricity. The book Energy (John Stinger) states that natural gas will only be around for another 65 years, meaning sustaining it is essential. All of these human activities are an important part of the Canadian economy and energy industry worldwide, so sustaining these resources so future generations are able to use it in the same way we do is necessary.Non-renewable energy resources have a negative effect on the environment but, they are an important part of the economy and without it we wouldnt be able to run all this stuff as efficiently. Despite harm on the environment it is an important part of modern society. Mining/burning coal is the largest emitter of Co2 emissions in the world. Also the coal-fired power plants let out tons and tons of waste. The burning of coal is one of the causes for global warming. Not only do these coal-fired power plants harm the environment but harm the health of the people who work in these plants. Oil also has a major effect on the environment; it has many different effects on the environment .The burning of oil, releases CO2 into the air causing global warming. Not only that there is a lot of toxic waste disposed into water. This waste is killing plants and wildlife around it. Lastly, as people drill into the ground there is a chance of an oil spill. An oil spill is the release of oil into the environment due to human activity. These spills have an enormous effect on the environment. Killing all plant and animal life around, polluting the water/land around it. The last human activity also has an effect on the environment but not as immense of an effect like the effect from coal and oil. Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel and it lets out the least carbon dioxide, but it still lets out a greenhouse gas which harms the earths atmosphere. Also natural gas is a greenhouse gas itself but releases into the atmosphere in smaller quantities. As more and more countries get industrialized, the effects of non-renewable energy resources will get worse. So we need to switch to renewable energy as it would make a big difference in sustaining these non- renewable energy resources.In order to lessen the impact of these fossil fuels on the natural environment we have to take drastic measures. It is key that we use our natural resources wisely as they are non-renewable and cannot be replenished. These fossil fuels have a major impact on the environment; these greenhouse gasses must be reduced. The coal industry has long been one of the energy top producers, but the amount of damage it causes to the environment is absurd. One easy thing we can do that will help the environment a lot is not use up as much energy. Doing little things like turning of the lights when you dont need them, or driving to places you can walk to can make a big difference. Meaning we must stop abusing or non-renewable energy resources. One thing is to stop using coal abusively, use it this resource but dont over use it because it causes severe damage to the environment. Also there are alternative energy sources. The same for oil stop relying on it so much because then its neither sustainable nor good for the environment. If we want to sustain these we must use the alternatives resources we have. Both these resources are the most produced energy resource in the world but, that doesnt mean we have an abundance of these resources; they both are non-renewable so eventually we will run out and on top of that they might be the most produced but they are the most consumed. Same with natural gas it doesnt emit as much pollution as the other two but, is still bad for the environment. To stop these from harming the environment we must stop using these resources as much as we do. We cant stop using these resources because without them we wouldnt be able to do half the stuff our modern society has done. The needs of these resources are crucial but, we have to use these to a reasonable extent and find alternative resources. That is where renewable energy comes in. Clean energy that has little effect on the environment and which can be renewed. Such as solar (sun) wind energy and hydro (water) are some examples of renewable energy. You might ask, Why dont we just stop using fossil fuels then? but the problem is that renewable energy is fairly new and hasnt been developed as much, so it cant power a whole city by itself. That is why it is crucial that we sustain our non-renewable energy resources because we need them so future generations are able to use it. As technology progresses further, there is potential for developed renewable energy, and then the need of non-renewables will decrease. So we need to try to sustain these non-renewables so future generations are able to use it and with this effort it will help our environment significantly. In conclusion we must sustain our non-renewable energy resources so future generations are able to use it. If we continue to use abusively use these resources will run out and non-renewable resources cannot be renewed, reproduced in any way. Non-renewable energy resources are mostly fossil fuels. Fossil fuels have a major impact on the environment, letting out greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. Oil, coal and natural gas are all the leading energy producers in the world; they are also consumed the most. In order to sustain these non-renewables we must find some alternative energy resources. Renewable energy is the solution; it is clean and renewable energy resource. These can be used as alternatives to non-renewables. Renewable energy is not developed enough to be used to provide energy for whole cities but it still helps a lot. Also if we do little things like using less energy like turning of the lights of your home when they are not needed can help. Doing this we are sustaining non- renewable energy resources and we are protecting the environment from the harms of the pollutants caused by the factories, plants etc We must all work on doing little things and little by little by little it will become something much larger.

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