sustainable agriculture dev for food security

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 7|Q g e m

    [email protected]

    7. Ogim dn tfm Qrdcm`t P]P\GKOGJHM GEZK@]H\]ZMLM^MHDQIMO\ NDZ NDDL PM@]ZK\[


    :. Hd`gtkdo

    Qrdvklm ogim dn lkstrk`t golprdvko`m.

    := Lkstrk`ts dn Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg.

    Gttg`f g igp dn tfm grmg, `hmgrhykolk`gtkoe tfm prdcm`ts hd`gtkdo.

    Igp dn Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg ks gs uolmr3


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :|Q g e m

    0. Gutfdrktkms rmspdoskjhm ndr3

    Ppdosdrkoe3 Edvmroimot dn Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg,Gerk`uhturm Lmpgrtimot.

    Mxm`utkdo3 Lkrm`tdr Emomrgh Gerk`uhturm (Mxtmoskdo)Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfg, Qmsfgwgr.

    Dpmrgtkdo & Igkotmogo`m3 Ghh Lkstrk`t Lkrm`tdrs ko Gerk`uhturm(Mxtmoskdo).

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 0|Q g e m

    fuigo rmsdur`m igogemimot, fuigo rmsdur`m lmvmhdpimot/sbkhh lmvmhdpimot dn gokolkvklugh motkty jmhdoes td gerk`uhturm sm`tdr.

    Idst kipdrtgothy, tfm ngrik oe diiuok ty wkhh lks`dvmr tfgt lmphmtkdo go hmgl td

    gjuolgo`m, gol tfm goxk mty dn tfmsm uo`mrtgko tkims go jm turoml ko td g ekn t dn fdpm

    gol g`tkdo. \fm ndh hdwkoe tgjhm lms`rk jms tfm goghysks dn prmsmot sktugtkdo dn lmigol/rmqukr mimots gol hd`gh prdlu`tkdo dn rdps.

    @rdp Grmg




    Qrdl. Gvgkhgjhm

    ndr fuigo











    Ufmgt >0:6>0.7 5=:;=5;=.51

    Quhsms :;= :5561.= :=11:. 01:7=0.==

    Puegr 6576: 0;;5>77 00;5;>.;0>

    ^memtgjhms 01;:= 07606; :6>==1.7 01 iguols/g`rm wfkhst Qgbkstgo edt :5.>6 iguol/g`rm. \fmrm ks g egp

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 ;5>67 ;>.>1

    : Jmhekui 66:5: 66:5.: :0>.=1157= ;=.57

    0 Krmhgol 6=;;1 6=;; :01.06>5: ;0.:671 5>67 :1=.5;7 Emrigoy 5071: 5071.: 7;=.6=>6

    5 Nrgo`m 517 5>.0=6 Lmoigrb >>:>< >>:>.< 755.=0>:; 57.6=

    ; Ogikjkg >=56; >=56.; 75>.:>0>=5 57.00

    71 Pgulk Grgjkg >=111 >=11 75

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 =|Q g e m

    P.Od. Pbkhh Lmv. G`tkvkty Lks`kphkoms ]okt Wty Qrdergiim

    k. Qdst Fgrvmst fgolhkoe/Qg`bgekoe/Igrbmtkoe

    kk. Igrbmt Lyogik`s3

    Qrk`m ndrigtkdo & Gerk Hgol Igrbmts

    -Lyogik` Mnnk`kmo`y & Ptru`tugh @fgoem ko Gerk

    -Ufmgtfmr Zksb & @hkigtm @fgoem

    -Imtmdrdhdek`gh Ndrm`gsts & tfm Qrk`koe dnUmgtfmr Lmrkvgtkvvms

    -Lmigol & Pupphy ndr @rdp Kosurgo`m ko Gerk.

    -Kipg`t dn `gpg`kty @dostrgkots do Ptru`turgh

    @fgoem ko Gerk.

    -\fm kovmrsm Hgol Pkzm-Qrdlu`tkvkty


    k. Q hgotkoe/Hgykoe dut dn Dr`fgrls

    kk. Erglkoe dn pk`bml nrukts

    kkk. Qg`bgekoe dn dr`fgrls prdlu`m

    kv. Igrbmt Hkobgems ndr lkspdsgh / sghm dn


    = Emolmr Igko Ptrmgikoe Nddl prmsmrvgtkdos/vghum gllktkdo Ods. :111 : & 0 [

    k. B kt`fmo Egrlmokoe

    kk. Iusfrddi `uhtkvgtkdo

    kkk. ^ghum Gllktkdo / fdim prdlu`ts^memtgjhm Egrlmo Igogemimot3

    k. Qhgotkoe

    kk. Qk`bkoe/Erglkoe

    kkk. Qg`bgekoe dn ^memtgjhm Qrdlu`m

    kv. Igrbmt Hkobgems ndr lkspdsgh / sghm dn


    k. Ptgnn \d jm \rgkoml Ods. =11

    kk. Ngrimrs td jm \rgkoml Ods. ;611

    Ods. 7011 :ol [mgr Dr`fgrl Igogemimot


    \dtgh 3


    Pbkhh Lmv. Dn Udimo Ndhb Ods. 7011

    kkk. ]olmrstgolkoe dn Igrbmt Lyogik`s3

    Qrk`m Ndrigtkdo3

    \fm nddl igrbmtkoe sm`tdr trgosndris tfm rgw gerk`uhturgh `diidlktkmsprdlu`ml jy ngrimrs kotd tfm nddls pur`fgsml gol mgtmo jy `dosuimrs. \fm`dsts dn stdrgem, trgospdrtgtkdo, gol prd`msskoe-tfm igrbmtkoe trgosndrigtkdos-grm go kotmergh `dipdomot dn nddl prk`m ndrigtkdo. Jm`gusm tfm prdlu`mr gol`dosuimr grm typk`ghhy lknnmrmot kolkvklughs mvmo ko lmvmhdpkoe `duotrkms,`diidlktkms iust pgss nrdi dom dwomr td godtfmr, nrmqumothy igoy tkims,jmndrm rmg`fkoe tfm ngikhy tgjhm. \fks prd`mss dn mx`fgoem tgbms phg`m koigrbmts gol `go jm `dolu`tml dohy wfmo g prk`m fgs jmmo germml do jmtwmmojuymr gol smhhmr. Ko goy jut g purmhy sujskstmo`m m`dodiy, tfmsm tfrmm tdpk`sgrm komxtrk`gjhy hkobml-tfm prdlu`tkvm nuo`tkdos dn igrbmtkoe, tfm rdhm dn tfmigrbmt gs go grmog dn mx`fgoem, gol tfm ndrigtkdo dn nddl prk`ms gt wfk`fmx`fgoem tgbms phg`m. Ndr jdtf sd`kghkst gol `gpktghkst m`dodikms, kt kskipdsskjhm td lks`uss goy dom dn tfmsm wktfdut gt hmgst kiphk`kthy lks`usskoe tfmdtfmrs gs wmhh.

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 >|Q g e m

    Lyogik` Mnnk`kmo`y gol Ptru`turgh @fgoem ko Gerk`3

    Ptru`turgh `fgoems ko gerk`uhturm - gs ko ghh dtfmr sm`tdrs dn tfm m`dodiy - grm`fgrg`tmrkzml jy pmrigomot `fgoems ko tfm lkstrkjutkdo dn prdlu`tkdo ng`tdrs3

    hgjdur, hgol gol nkogo`kgh `gpktgh. \fmy trglktkdoghhy kovdhvm wdrbndr`m dutnhdwstd dtfmr sm`tdrs gol g lm`hkom ko tfm tdtgh ouijmr dn ngris wktf g `dosmqumotmohgremimot dn tfmkr gvmrgem skzm.

    Umgtfmr Zksb & @hkigtm @fgoem

    \fm ngrimrs sfduhl gwgrm dn tfm wmgtfmr rksb gol kipg`t dn `hkigtm `fgoem do tfm`rdps. \frduef tfks g`tkvkty tfm ngrikoe `diiuokty sfduhl hmgro tfm rksb golgpprdprkgtm imgsurms td mrglk`gtm hdssms td tfm `rdps jy wmgtfmr/`hkigtm `fgoems.

    Imtmdrdhdek`gh Ndrm`gsts gol tfm Qrk`koe dn Umgtfmr Lmrkvgtkvms

    Ngrikoe `diiuokty dn tfm prdvko`m ko pgrtk`uhgr gol dn tfm `duotry koemomrgh ks hmgst gwgrm dn imtmdrdhdek`gh ndrm`gsts gol tfmkr kipg`t dogerk`uhturgh prdlu`m prk`koe. ]olmr igrbmt lyogik`s, tfks kipdrtgot`fgptmr wduhl jm hmgroml dn tfrduef hm`turmrs jy fkrkoe imtmdrdhdek`gh /m`dodik`s mxpmrts.

    Lmigol gol Pupphy ndr @rdp Kosurgo`m ko Gerk`uhturm

    @rdp kosurgo`m ks g omw sujcm`t ndr tfm erdwmrs gs nmlmrgh edvmroimot /Ptgtm Jgob dn Qgbkstgo fgs stgrtml wdrb do `rdp kosurgo`m gol sdim dnnkogo`kgh kostktutkdos hkobml gerk`uhturgh hdgos wktf `rdp kosurgo`m. \d emttfm ngrikoe `diiuokty gwgrm dn tfm ngrimrs wkhh jm hmgroml gjdutlmigol gol supphy pmrspm`tkvms gol tfmkr hkobgems wktf `rdp kosurgo`m kogerk`uhturm.

    Kipg`t dn @gpg`kty `dostrgkots do Ptru`turgh @fgoem ko Gerk`uhturm

    Ptru`turgh `fgoem `go d``ur gs `dosmqumo`ms dn skeoknk`got sfd`bs, su`f gsmgrtfqugbm, tdrrmotkgh rgkos, kotmrogh lksphg`mimot dn pdpuhgtkdo, nhddls,gol igcdr tm`fodhdek`gh glvgo`ms. Fmrm, fdwmvmr, wm `donkom dursmhvmswktf tfm stru`turgh `fgoem mxpmrkmo`ml jy go m`dodiy dvmr tfm `dursm dnkts lmvmhdpimot. \fm `diiuokty, uolmr tfks g`tkvkty wkhh jm gwgrm dnstru`turgh `fgoems gol td `dpm wktf, wktfdut hdskoe m`dodik`ghhy sm`tdrghlmvmhdpimot pg`m.

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 5|Q g e m

    \fm kovmrsm Hgol Pkzm-Qrdlu`tkvkty Zmhgtkdosfkp3 Hgol Wughkty gol Hgol WughktyGlcustml Qrdlu`tkvkty

    Ko lmvmhdpimot m`dodik`s, go doedkoe lmjgtm do ngri skzm golprdlu`tkvkty kovmrsm rmhgtkdosfkp (KZ) mxksts. Kt ks greuml tfgt sighh ngris

    grm idrm mnnk`kmot gs tfmsm `go usm idrm mnnk`kmothy rmsdur`ms hkbm ngikhyhgjdur wktf mofgo`ml `gpgjkhkty td `hdsmhy idoktdr tfmkr prdlu`tkdog`tkvktkms. \fm ngrikoe `diiuokty, uolmr tfks g`tkvkty, wkhh jm gwgrm dntfm skzm dn hgol, kts pdtmotkgh, gol imtfdls td emt tfm prdlu`m g``drlkoe tdtfm pdtmotkghs.

    kv. Qrdidtkdo dn @hustmr Ngrikoe3

    \fm djcm`tkvm ks dn jrdglmr spm`trui. ]olmr tfks djcm`tkvm, erdups dn tfmnrukt gol vmemtgjhms erdwmrs wkhh jm ndriml. \fmkr mxkstkoe dr`fgrls wkhhjm igkotgkoml tfrduef prdvkskdo dn om`mssgry koputs2 go grmg dn gjdut

    7:=1 g`rms wkhh jm jmomnkttml uolmr tfks `dipdomot. Omw Dr`fgrls wkhh jmmstgjhksfml do go grmg dn 70:> g`rms. ^memtgjhm erdwmrs wkhh emt smml golphgstk` iuh`f ndr hgykoe dut dn vmemtgjhm egrlmos do 651 g`rms.

    v. \d mosurm gvgkhgjkhkty dn trum-td-typm nrukt phgots

    \fm ngrikoe `diiuokty ks lmprkvml dn gvgkhgjkhkty dn trum td typm nruktphgots gs prmsmot igrbmt ks ruo jy prkvgtm sm`tdr wfd idsthy kipdrt tfmphgots nrdi Quocgj gol dtfmr prdvko`ms. \fm `uhtkvgrs supphkml grm dntmonduol uoigt`fml td tfm qughkty/vgrkmty `hgkiml. \fm ngrimrs fgvm bodwo

    tfm jhuolmr gntmr ymgrs (wfmo phgot `dim ko td jmgrkoe `dolktkdo).Qdst :111 G.L. tfm nuo`tkdo wgs igolgtml td lmnuo`t Nrukt & ^memtgjhmLmvmhdpimot Jdgrl. Bmmpkoe ko vkmw tfm jurokoe lmigol dn ngrikoe`diiuokty, tfm lmpgrtimot prdpdsms rmvktghkzgtkdo dn mxkstkoe nruktoursmry ngris (5 ouijmrs) gol mstgjhksfimot dn 70 omw nrukt oursmryngris. \fmsm oursmrkms wkhh rgksm gol lkstrkjutm 7;>1111 nrukt phgots lurkoeprdcm`t pmrkdl, jrkoekoe go grmg dn gjdut 7;,>11 g`rms uolmr nrukt dr`fgrls.

    vk. \d mosurm smml prdlu`tkdo gol gvgkhgjkhkty gt hd`gh lkstrk`t/hmvmh

    \fm prdvko`m fgl go gutfdrkty ogimhy Gerk`uhturm Lmvmhdpimot Gutfdrktyigolgtml wktf prd`urmimot gol supphy dn qughkty smml td tfm ngrikoe`diiuokty. \fm kostktutkdo hdst kts utkhkty lum td g ouijmr dn rmgsdos goledvmroimot lmvdhvml tfm gutfdrkty gsskeokoe igolgtm/nuo`tkdos td tfmgerk`uhturgh mxtmoskdo wktfdut igo pdwmr gs ks suppdsml td ruo tfm gnngkrsdn smml juskomss wktf tfm fmhp dn mxkstkoe stgnn dn tfm Mxtmoskdo. Pko`m tfmo(:111) tfm lmpgrtimot ks prdvklkoe tfm `diiuokty wktf `mrtknkml smml dnigcdr `rdps vkz wfmgt, igkz gol ergi. \fm lmigol dn ngrikoe`diiuokty ks ermgtmr tfgo tfm mxkstkoe rmsdur`ms. \fm prdcm`t ks prdpdsmltd kovdhvm tfm ngrikoe `diiuokty ko smml prdlu`tkdo dn tfm igcdr `rdps gs

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 6|Q g e m

    wmhh gs dn dokdo smml gol dtfmr vmemtgjhms. ]olmr tfks g`tkvkty \m`fodhdey\rgosnmr @motrms wkhh jm mstgjhksfml ko mg`f lkstrk`t.

    \m`fodhdey \rgosnmr @motrms dn Ufmgt (7 \\@ 9 = G`rms)Grmg ko G`rms

    Qrdlu`tkdo ko I.\dooms

    Ods. Grmg Ods. Grmg Ods Grmg Ods. Grmg 7s [mgr :ol [mgr 0rl [mgr \dtgh

    Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 ;|Q g e m

    Ods. Grmg Ods. Grmg Ods Grmg Ods. Grmg 7s [mgr :ol [mgr 0rl [mgr \dtgh

    Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg ;: 060 5>> 060 5>> 67: 7,>:

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 71|Q g e m

    vkk. Kotmroghkzgtkdo gol `diimr`kghkzgtkdo dn koodvgtkvm gpprdg`fms ko gerk`uhturm3

    Kotmrogtkdoghkzgtkdo imgos Qrd`mssjy wfk`fkolkvklughimijmrs dngndrigherdup tgbm do (gol igbm tfmo tfmkr dwo) tfm gttktulms, jmhkmns,pmrspm`tkvms, gol vghums fmhl jy dtfmr imijmrs.Udrb mtfk`s, ndr

    mxgiphm,rmsuht nrdi tfm kotmroghkzgtkdo dn gttktulms tdwgrl tkim gol mnndrt.

    Zgpkl gerk`uhturgh erdwtf `dotkoums td jm tfm bmy td pdvmrty ghhmvkgtkdo goldvmrghh m`dodik` lmvmhdpimot. Gerk`uhturm g``duots ndr gjdut dom-ndurtf dn tfmErdss Ldimstk` prdlu`t gol ks tfm sdur`ml dn hkvmhkfddl dr omgrhy twd-tfkrls dnpdpuhgtkdo. \fm gerk`uhturm sm`tdr ko Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg fgs jmmo su``mssnuh kobmmpkoe pg`m wktf tfm rkskoe nddl lmigol dn g erdwkoe pdpuhgtkdo , mxpm`tml tdrmg`f tfm hkom dn lmigol & supphy do mqukhkjrkui ko tfm omxt twd lm`glms. Nddlegkos prdlu`tkdo idrm tfgo quglruphml sko`m tfm mgrhy 7;=1 nrdi :;=111 imtrk`tdos td 77=:111 imtrk` tdoms ko :171,wfkhm pdpuhgtkdo omgrhy quglruphms nrdi

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 7:|Q g e m

    Nddl sm`urkty gs g `do`mpt drkekogtml dohy ko tfm ikl-7;51s, ko tfm lks`usskdos dnkotmrogtkdogh nddl prdjhmis gt g tkim dn ehdjgh nddl `rksks. \fm koktkgh nd`us dn

    gttmotkdo wgs prkigrkhy do nddl supphy prdjhmis - dn gssurkoe tfm gvgkhgjkhkty goltd sdim lmermm tfm prk`m stgjkhkty dn jgsk` nddlstunns gt tfm kotmrogtkdogh gologtkdogh hmvmh. \fgt supphy sklm, kotmrogtkdogh gol kostktutkdogh smt dn `do`mrosrmnhm`tml tfm `fgoekoe dregokzgtkdo dn tfm ehdjgh nddl m`dodiy tfgt fglprm`kpktgtml tfm `rksks. G prd`mss dn kotmrogtkdogh omedtkgtkdo ndhhdwml, hmglkoe tdtfm Udrhl Nddl @donmrmo`m dn 7;5 Lkstrk`ts wfmrm ikhktgry dpmrgtkdo gegkost tfm

    iks`rmgots wgs uolmredom. Kt wgs g fuem fuigo `rksms mvmr smmo ko tfm fkstdry dntfm prdvko`m.

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 70|Q g e m

    Ko hgtm Gprkh :11;, kosm`urkty ko Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg gol kts glcg`mot NG\G

    Grmgs kotmosknkml, hmglkoe td nurtfmr igss ndr`ml lksphg`mimot dn tfm `kvkhkgo

    pdpuhgtkdo. Jmtwmmo ikl-:116 gol tfm mol dn Gprkh :11;, gt hmgst =55,7>5 pmdphmnhml tfmkr fdims ko Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwgi ko`hulkoe NG\G gs dn tfm mol dn Gprkh

    :11;, tfm kotmosknkml kosm`urkty ko sdutfmro Ighgbgol Lkvkskdo fgs hml td g nurtfmrlksphg`mimot dn 7,:1>,:10 pmdphm. G``drlkoe td tfm rmekstrgtkdo kondrigtkdogvgkhgjhm, tfm ouijmr dn pmdphm lksphg`ml jy tfm kosm`urkty sko`m :116 jm`dim

    0,116,:;.11/dom/idotf dohy do smhm`tkvm nddl ktmis.

    Nddl Ktmis ]okt Wugotkty ]okt @dst \dtgh @dst

    Ufmgt Be/idotf 71

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 7 imijmr (gt go gvmrgem) omml Zs. 77,67 imijmrs ngikhy gt gogvmrgem tfus pmr fmgl mgrokoes `dims td Zs. =1/- pmr dom.

    Udrhl Lmvmhdpimot Kolk`gtdr :170 lm`hgrms >1% pdpuhgtkdo dn tfm `duotryjmhdw pdvmrty hkom wfk`f hmgls td nddl kosm`urkty gs >1 pmr`mot dn tfm pdpuhgtkdo`goodt gnndrl rmqukrml outrktkdogh kotgbm.

    Ndhhdwkoe tgjhm mxtrg`tml nrdi tfm Zmsmgr`f Zmpdrt Od. 60 ogimhy Go

    Mxphdrgtdry Goghysks dn K otmr-\mipdrgh Iuhtklkimoskdogh Qdvmrty pujhksfmljy Pd`kgh Qdhk`y Gol Lmvmhdpimot @motrm, Bgrg`fk, Qgbkstgo2 nkeurml dut &imgsurml tfm pdvmrty gs3


    Ko`klmo`m Egp Pmvmrkty

    Qgbkstgo .: =.:>

    ]rjgo 7:.:> :.17 1.=5

    Zurgh 56.;> ::.0

    Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg =6.0: 70.>

    Zurgh >>.7: 7=.>5 =.56

    Jghu`fkstgo 5>.5> :5..77 >.1< 7.5>

    Zurgh 6;.=1 0 75.>5


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 7=|Q g e m

    Iuhtk-Lkimoskdogh Qdvmrty Kolk`ms-:177(Lkstrk`ts dn Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg Qrdvko`m)

    Ko`klmo`m Egp Pmvmrkty

    Gjjdttgjgl :.6; 77.> :.7 7.07 1.5;

    Zurgh 7.7< 1.5 1. 1.>6 1. 1.

    Zurgh 1.7< 1.1> 1.16 1.:< 1.7: 1.7: 1.7= 1.7 1.1=

    ]rjgo 1.0 1.:: 1.16 1.00 1.:0 1.7 1.== 1. 1.0> 1.: 1.== 1.0= 1.: 1.=0 1.0: 1.:7

    Zurgh 1. 1.1< 1.7: 1.15 1.1=

    Jghu`fkstgo 1.1> 1.1: 1.1< 1.1> 1.10 1.10 1.15 1.1= 1.1:

    Zurgh 1.1< 1.17 1.10 1.1< 1.1: 1.1: 1.1< 1.10 1.17

    ]rjgo 1.1: 1.17 1.17 1.1: 1.17 1.17 1.10 1.1: 1.17

    :116-1; :11;-71 :171-77

    Qrdvko`m / Grmg ]o-miphdyimot

    Pdur`m3 Hgjdur Ndr`m Purvmy :171-77 & M`dodik` Purvmy dn Qgbkstgo :17:-70

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 7>|Q g e m

    Fmghtf3 pdvmrty `gusms ighoutrktkdo ko fmghtf jm`gusm dn uo-gnndrlgjkhkty dn pddr`hgss gol igbm nddl kosm`urm ndr tfmi k.m. >1% dn tfm pdpuhgtkdo. Uktf pddrfmghtf dom `goodt immt tfm rmqukrmimots dn ngri g`tkvktkms gol hmgvms glvmrsmkipg`t do ngri prdlu`m nurtfmr hmgls td nddl kosm`urkty. \d emt rkl dn tfm prdjhmi,

    pmdphm sfduhl igbm gwgrm dn outrktkdogh rmqukrmimots tfrduef juhhmtkos2 igssimlkg. Fmghtfy sd`kmty hmgls jmttmr ngri prdlu`m gol sunnk`kmo`y ko nddl ergkostfrduef fkefmst m`dodik`gh prdlu`tkdo nrdi gvgkhgjhm rmsdur`ms.

    Ugtmr & Movkrdoimot3 pdhhutml wgtmr gol movkrdoimot `gusm gkhimots ko tfmsd`kmty, gol tfm lksmgsms wdrsmo tfm pfyskqum dn go kolkvklugh ..... gnnm`tkoe fksmnnk`kmo`y / wdrbkoe `gpg`kty ..... hmgl td hdw prdlu`m. G rmpdrt `dolu`tml jyGskgo Lmvmhdpimot Jgob ogimhy \fkobkoe gjdut Ugtmr Lknnmrmothy Igogekoe

    tfm UgtmrNddlMomrey Omxus lm`hgrms Qgbkstgo ko tdp 7= `duotrkms wfk`f grmuolmr strmss wfk`f `go hmgl td Nddl Kosm`urkty.

    Emolmr Mqukty3 Gs ks mvklmot nrdi 7;;6 pdpuhgtkdo `mosus2 prdpdrtkdo dnpdpuhgtkdo jy smx ks =7 3

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 75|Q g e m

    Qdpuhgtkdo & ]rjgokzgtkdo3 \fm wdrhl ks uolmredkoe tfm hgremst wgvm dn urjgoerdwtf ko fkstdry. Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg ymt lkl odt `dim uolmr skmem ymt tfmikergtkdo nrdi rurgh td urjgo grmgs ks erglughhy ko`rmgskoe lgy jy lgy. Jy :101tfks ouijmr wkhh swmhh td ghidst :/0 dn tfm pdpuhgtkdo. \fks trmol wkhh rmlu`m tfm`gpg`kty dn gerk`uhturm erdwtf. Ngri hgjdur wduhl jm vgoksfml nrdi tfm rurgh smt

    up gol kt wkhh `rmgtm fgvd` wktf nddl kosm`urkty. \fm pdpuhgtkdo erdwtf rmigkoml:.6% pmr gooui lurkoe 7;67 td 7;;6. Do tfm jgsks dn tfgt rgtm, tfm mstkigtmlpdpuhgtkdo jm`dim :,5:,>1,71; ko :170 nrdi 7,55,0=,;7:. Ko ndhhdwkoe tgjhmpdpuhgtkdo, wfmgt prdlu`tkdo gol kts pmr `gpktg gvgkhgjkhkty `hmgrs tfgt fdwpdpuhgtkdo mxphdskdo tfrmgts nddl sm`urkty.

    [MGZ Qrdlu`tkdo '111'




    Qmr @gpktgh

    wfmgt gvgkhgjhm

    (ko Bes)


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 76|Q g e m

    [MGZ Qrdlu`tkdo '111'




    Qmr @gpktgh

    wfmgt gvgkhgjhm

    (ko Bes)

    7;>:->0 017.1 >7< 00=; == 0>7.1 >=60 ==7;>=->> 0167= >->5 :60.1 51== 5->6 06;.1 501< =0

    7;>6->; 067.1 5=>7 =1

    7;>;-51 05=.1 56:5 1>.; 6;:7 >6

    7;570.: ;7;; >5

    7;5=-5> >>1.< ; 51

    7;5>-55 577.< ;56: 50

    7;55-56 >66.> 71165 >6

    7;56-5; 505.= 71:.= 715:> 61

    7;61-67 ;7 6=

    7;67-6: ;>:.: 77050 6=

    7;6:-60 ;;6.< 77>;0 6=

    7;60-6< 6=;.6 7:1:: 5:

    7;67 57

    7;6=-6> ;1>.= 7:51; 57

    7;6>-65 ;=;.< 701>5 50

    7;65-66 6;;.: 705

    7;66-6; 7110.5 70670 50

    7;6;-;1 771:.7 7556 5:

    7;;>-;5 71>:

    7;;5-;6 70=>.1 7550> 5>

    7;;6-;; 7::7.6 76:0; >5

    7;;;-:111 71>5.6 765=6 =5

    :111-17 5>

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 7;|Q g e m

    Ko 7;5: prdpdrtkdo dn urjgo gol rurgh pdpuhgtkdo dn Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg wgs 7% wfk`f jm`dim 7=% 3 6= ko 7;67 gol lurkoe 7;;6 `mosus kt odtml gs 75% 3 60%.

    ]rjgo Zurgh ]rjgo Zurgh ]rjgo Zurgh

    Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg 7% 7=% 6=% 75% 60%

    7 Gjjdttgjgl Lkstt3 7:% 66% 7% 76% 6:%

    : Jgoou Lkstt3 7:% 66% 71% ;1% 5% ;0%

    0 Jgttgergi Lkstt3 1% 711% 1% 711% 1% 711%

    < Juomr Lkstt3 1% 711% 1% 711% 1% 711%

    = @fgrsgllg Lkstt3 :1% 61% :7% 5;% 7;% 67%

    > @fktrgh Lkstt3 7:% 66% 1% 711% 71% ;1%

    5 L.K.Bfgo Lkstt3 :1% 61% 7;% 67% 7=% 6=%6 Fgoeu Lkstt3 ::% 56% 7;% 67% :1% 61%

    ; Fgrkpur Lkstt3 77% 6;% 77% 6;% 7:% 66%

    71 Bgrgb Lkstt3 1% 711% =% ;=% >% ;% ;% > Igosmfrg Lkstt3 % =% ;=% =% ;=%

    75 Igrlgo Lkstt3 76% 6:% 7;% 67% :1% 61%

    76 Odwsfmrg Lkstt3 :% :5% 50% :>% 5=% =:%

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :1|Q g e m

    @dostktutkdo dn Qgbkstgo

    Grtk`hm 06 (l) dn tfm @dostktutkdo dn Qgbkstgo mosurms prdvkskdo dn jgsk`om`mssktkms dn hknm ko`hulkoe nddl ndr tfm `ktkzmos dn Qgbkstgo. Kt sgys3

    \fm Ptgtm sfghh prdvklm jgsk` om`mssktkms dn hknm, su`f gs nddl, `hdtfkoe, fduskoe,mlu`gtkdo gol imlk`gh rmhkmn, ndr ghh `ktkzmos, krrmspm`tkvm dn smx, `gstm, `rmml drrg`m, gs grm pmrigomothy dr tmipdrgrkhy uogjhm td mgro tfmkr hkvmhkfddl do g``duotdn konkrikty, sk`bomss dr uomiphdyimot.

    @dipdomots dn nddl sm`urkty

    Nddl sm`urkty `go jm jrdglhy lkvklml kotd tfrmm igko `dipdomots ogimhy2 nddlgvgkhgjkhkty (pfysk`gh g``mss td nddl), m`dodik` g``mss td nddl, gol mqukty dn nddllkstrkjutkdo. G``drlkoe td sdim mxpmrts, fdwmvmr, tfm tfkrl `dipdomot dn nddl

    sm`urkty ks mnnm`tkvmnddl utkhkzgtkdo dr gjsdrptkdo.

    Gerk`uhturm & Nddl Pm`urkty

    Hgol gol wgtmr grm kipdrtgot ogturgh rmsdur`ms ndr igobkol. \fm lmigol ndrnddl, nkjmr,gol sfmhtmr ks ko`rmgskoe wktf tfm `dotkoudus ko`rmgsm ko tfm wdrhlspdpuhgtkdo. \fm rgpkl urjgokzgtkdo, `dotkoudus tkhhgem, gol ermgtmr usm dn ndsskhnumhs, nmrtkhkzmrs gol pmstk`klms grm pdhhutkoe tfm ogturgh rmsdur`ms golmovkrdoimot. Nddl prdlu`tkdo ks igkohy lmpmolmot updo hgol gol wgtmrrmsdur`ms. Idrm tfgo ;1 pmr`mot dn rk`m gol 1s, rmsuhtml ko ko`rmgsm ko `rdp ykmhls. Jut, kotmoskvm`uhtkvgtkdo, ko`rmgsml usm dn nmrtkhkzmrs, pmstk`klms, `dovmotkdogh sdkh igogemimotprg`tk`ms, gol kiprdpmr usm dn krrkegtkdo wgtmr rmsuhtml ko lmtmrkdrgtkdo dn hgolgol wgtmr rmsdur`ms hmglkoe td pddr `rdp ykmhls. Hgrem nmrtkhm grmgs nmhh prmy tdwgtmr hdeekoe gol sghkokty, igbkoe sighh ngrimrs idrm nddl kosm`urm.

    Gerk`uhturm ks `motrgh td m`dodik` erdwtf gol lmvmhdpimot ko Qgbkstgo. Jmkoe tfmldikogot sm`tdr kt `dotrkjutms :7.< pmr`mot td ELQ, miphdys

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :7|Q g e m

    Grmg & Qrdlu`tkdo dn Zgjk @rdps ko tfm Qrdvko`m3

    @rdp Grmg

    ko Fm`t


    ko I.\dooms

    Ufmgt 5:

    Puo-Fmip < >

    Eugrg ;00 7=66

    Bfgrkn Qdtgtd 51:; 710>1>

    Bfgrkn memtgjhms :76

    Bfgrkn Nrukts 0=10< 0

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 ::|Q g e m

    Nddl Jgsbmt Jgsml Do Ikokiui Outrktkdo Zmqukrmimots (Qmr @gpktg)

    ]okt @dst \dtgh @dst

    Ufmgt Be/idotf 71.11

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :0|Q g e m

    Bmmpkoe ko vkmw tfm gjdvm imotkdoml Nddl Jgsbmt, tfm rmqukrml qugotkty dn gerk`uhturgh prdlu`m ks mstkigtml gs3

    Qmr @gpktg @dosuiptkdo / idotf (bes) 71.11 :.01 7.11 7.=1 71.=1

    Qmr @gpktg @dosuiptkdo / gooui(bes) 7:1.11 :5.>1 7:.11 76.11 7:>.11

    Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg :5:>0 0:57=>1.11 5=:.11 .11

    : Jgoou Lkstt3 7175 7::1;.:1 7::1.11 7:67.6.11 5;1:.11 ==07 71>0:1.11 :0:.11 7=;0>.11

    = @fgrsgllg Lkstt3 7==< 76>.11 75:65:.11

    6 Fgoeu Lkstt3 =1< >1.11 76.11 71.11 :7:61.11 :10;>.6.11 7001:.11 ;077 Igosmfrg Lkstt3 7:76 77>1.11 00>7>.61 77>.11 :7;:11.11 ;716.11 0;>1.11 =;1.11 >:=;>.61 :5:7>.11 1 7>1;:.11 :6;>>.11

    :1 Qmsfgwgr Lkstt3 00;:

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :70:; 7550=;7: 0.7:% :.67>:% 76:0;166 765=675:1= :0= :=51;6>: :>>> :.0=% 7.=06>% 6;:; 6 >5=>>5 :.:66% >;0,>7 ;:5,5;; ;=:,67: ;56,=:1>5% =:=,>7= =1,5:1 6;01677 71::0>< :.0:% :.6677% 7,1=7,;1< 7,16:,01> 7,:% :.=:= ;% 0.701:% : 0,6=: 0>6,7>: 05;,60>

    :< ]ppmr Lkr Lkstt3 :=71:=>= =5=6=6 161,67> 5>5,55> 56>,=17 61=,>;5 6:=,05>

    :17: :1707;;; :111 :11= :171 :177P.Od. Erdwtf ZgtmLkstrk`t/\mfskh 7;5: 7;67 7;;6

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :=|Q g e m


    Gerk`uhturm (Mxtmoskdo) fgs jmmo wdrbkoe ko tfm prdvko`m sko`m kolmpmolmo`m. Ko7;>1 edvmroimot, bmmpkoe ko vkmw tfm pdpuhgtkdo mxphdskdo gol mxpgoskdo dngerk`uhturgh g`tkvktkms, ghhdwml stgnn koluhem ko tfm lmpgrtimot. Nrdi 7;>1s tkhh

    odw tfm pdpuhgtkdo fgs mxpmolml fuolrmls dn tkim jut gerk`uhturgh rmsdur`ms golsmrvk`ms lmhkvmry rmigkoml tfm sgim. Hgol fgs odt mhgstk`kty ks dohy sdur`m dnprdvkskdo dn hkvmhkfddl. Gerk`uhturgh P`kmotksts fgvm iglm mnndrts td prdvklmemomtk`ghhy idlknkml vgrkmtkms td nmt`f jmttmr ykmhl nrdi gvgkhgjhm rmsdur`ms.Mxtmoskdo Udrbmrs phgyml pkvdtgh rdhm ko mxphdktgtkdo gol lkssmikogtkdos dn `rdptm`fodhdey.

    Gt prmsmot Gerk`uhturgh Mxtmoskdo s`gr`m ng`khktkms td `dpm wktf tfm `fghhmoems.Pfdrtgem dn stgnn ks igcdr smtjg`b. Hdw kovmstimot ko gerk`uhturm sm`tdr ks tfmigko prdjhmi gs sm`tdr `duhl emt hmss tfgo 7% ko Goough LmvmhdpimotQrdergiim lmspktm tfm ng`t tfgt kt sfgrms :7% ko ELQ gol sfduhlmrs idrm tfgo

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :>|Q g e m

    \fm sm`tdr nurtfmr fgs jknur`gtkdo dn tfm ghhd`gtkdo gol suj sm`tdr wksm lkstrkjutkdo dn rmsdur`msks gs3

    Od. Ghhd`. Od. Ghhd`. Od. Ghhd`.

    7 Gerk`uhturm Qhgookoe 7 0.>>> < 71;.111 = 77:.>>> 5% 1.71%

    : Gerk`uhturm Mxtmoskdo < 71 76.1: Hkvstd`b & Lgkry Lmvmhdpimot 5 761.

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :5|Q g e m

    lmtmrikoml, ndr mxgiphm, jy skiuhgtkdo idlmhs wktf phguskjhm pfyskdhdek`gh golgerdodik` gssuiptkdos. G`tugh ngri ykmhl ks lmnkoml gs rmnhm`tkoe ngrimrs

    ogturgh rmsdur`m moldwimot, tfmkr g``mss td tm`fodhdey, gol tfmkr sbkhh golmxpdsurm td rmgh igrbmt m`dodik`s. Ekvmo tfgt 51% dn tfm Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwgwfmgt `rdppkoe grmg ks rgko nml, wgtmr-hkiktml ykmhl pdtmotkgh ks go kipdrtgot

    `do`mpt. wgtmr ykmhl ks lmnkoml gs tfm ykmhl dn go glgptml `rdp vgrkmty wfmo erdwouolmr rgko nml, ngvdurgjhm `dolktkdos wktfdut erdwtf hkiktgtkdos nrdi outrkmots,pmsts dr lksmgsms.

    ]olmr tfks `dipdomot/g`tkvkty, Lmidostrgtkdo @motrms wkhh jm mstgjhksfml dommg`f gt Gerk`uhturm dnnk`mr `kr`hm hmvmh dn mg`f lkstrk`t. \fks `motrm wkhh jm d n

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :6|Q g e m

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 :;|Q g e m

    =. Mstgjhksfimot dn Nrukt Oursmry Ngris

    \fm fdrtk`uhturm sm`tdr phgys go kipdrtgot rdhm ko tfm dvmrghh miphdyimot golko`dim emomrgtkdo dn ngrikoe `diiuoktkms ko Qgbkstgo. Fdrtk`uhturm ks hgjdrkotmoskvm gol emomrgtms rmhgtkvmhy fkefmr ko`dim tfgo dtfmr `rdps, tfus fgs tfm

    pdtmotkgh td motmr kotd tfm hgremr igrbmt m`dodiy. Ko tfks sm`tdr, nrukt phgotoursmrkms grm mssmotkgh ko tfm prdlu`tkdo dn qughkty nrukts, fdwmvmr, tfmrm ks gsfdrtgem dn qughkty phgot igtmrkghs `urrmothy gvgkhgjhm td oursmry erdwmrs gol tfmyfgvm ghsd hg`b dn konrgstru`turm ng`khktkms, ndr`koe oursmry ngrimrs' lmpmolmo`y dohd`gh igtmrkghs tfgt grm sujstgolgrl gol sus`mptkjhm td vgrkdus lksmgsms.

    \fm prdcm`t ks gkiml gt mstgjhksfkoe lksmgsm-nrmm nrukt oursmrkms ko smhm`tml Lkstrk`tdn BQB ko`hulkoe Pwgt, @fktgh, Lkr hdwmr, Lkr ]ppmr, sfgoehg, Fgrkpurm,Gjgtgjgl, LKBfgo, Bdfkstgo, Jgtgergi, Odsfmfrg gol Igrlgo td kiprdvm nruktprdlu`tkdo gol sghm. Kt ks gotk`kpgtml tfgt tfm prdcm`t wkhh jrkoe g pdsktkvm kipg`tdo tfm dvmrghh pmrndrigo`m dn tfm fdrtk`uhturm kolustry ko tfm smhm`tml lkstrk`ts jy3

    Kiprdvkoe jdtf tfm qughkty (\rum td typm) gol qugotkty dn tfm nruktprdlu`tkdo gol ikokikzkoe rmhgtml prdlu`tkdo `dsts jy kotrdlu`koelksmgsm rmskstgot, fkef ykmhlkoe vgrkmtkms.

    Kiprdvkoe rddtstd`b wfk`f wkhh gkl ko lm`rmgskoe tfm qugotkty dnpmstk`klms rmqukrml gol lm`rmgskoe tfm tkim ommlml td igogem tfmsmphgots.

    Kiprdvkoe tfm sd`kd-m`dodik` stgtus dn tfm rmekdo tfrduef ko`rmgsmlmiphdyimot dppdrtuoktkms gol ko`dim hmvmhs dn sighh ngrimrs.



    ^memtgjhm prdlu`tkdo prdvklms outrktkdo, ko`dim gol miphdyimot td tfm pddrpmdphm ko BQB dnn smgsdo gol smgsdogh vmemtgjhm grm tfm idst kipdrtgotvmemtgjhms ndr tfm ldimstk` m`dodiy, jmkoe erdwo jy idrm tfgo 61% dnsighhfdhlmrs. Fdwmvmr, vmemtgjhm prdlu`tkvkty ks `dostrgkoml jy jdtf tfmgvgkhgjkhkty gol qughkty dn smml. Iu`f dn tfm smml tfgt ks `urrmothy gvgkhgjhm ksmxpmoskvm, kipdrtml smml, gol tfm qughkty ks pddr. Jy rgkskoe gwgrmomss dn tfmkipdrtgo`m dn uskoe eddl qughkty smml gol mstgjhksfkoe g `diimr`kghhy vkgjhm golsustgkogjhm smml iuhtkphk`gtkdo systmi ndr sighhfdhlmr ngrimrs ko ksdhgtml grmgs dntfm prdvko`m, tfm prdcm`t dutputs wkhh lkrm`thy gnnm`t m`dodik` erdwtf tfrduefko`dim emomrgtkdo, ko`rmgsml sghms dn smml, gol kiprdvml ykmhl gol qughkty dnvmemtgjhms. Jy tfm mol dn tfm prdcm`t3 gt hmgst 7,111 ngrimrs wkhh fgvm pgrtk`kpgtmlko lmidostrgtkdos ndr prdidtkdo dn qughkty vmemtgjhm smml gol gt hmgst 71,111ngrimrs wkhh fgvm g``mss td kiprdvml qughkty vmemtgjhm smml. \fm prdcm`t wkhhspm`knk`ghhy kiprdvm g``mss td ko`dim-emomrgtkoe smml igrbmts gol prdvklmm`dodik` erdwtf ko tfm smml sm`tdr. G rm`mot stuly sfdwml tfgt tfm fdrtk`uhturmkolustry fgs igoy pdsktkvm mnnm`ts do igoy pmdphm's hkvmhkfddls. \fks stulymxgikoml tfm pdtmotkgh ndr pdsktkvm sd`kd-m`dodik` kipg`ts nrdi su``mssnuh

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    Ld`uimot7 01|Q g e m

    prdidtkdo dn pmst igogemimot tm`fodhdekms nrdi tfm @QQ do rmsdur`m-pddrngrimrs gol wdrbmrs kovdhvml ko tfm fdrtk`uhturgh sm`tdr ko BQB jy uskoe tfm`diimr`kgh vmemtgjhm sm`tdr gs go uptgbm pgtfwgy. \fmsm g`tkvktkms wkhh`dotrkjutm td sustgkogjhm fdrtk`uhturgh prdlu`tkdo jy gvgkhgjkhkty dn kiprdvkoequghkty smml.

    Kotmolml Dutputs3

    k. Ngrimrs pmr`mptkdos gol igrbmtommls wktf rmspm`t td vmemtgjhm smml pur`fgsmsklmotknkml.

    kk. Qdtmotkgh idlmhs ndr sustgkogjhm smml iuhtkphk`gtkdo mvghugtml.kkk. Pustgkogjhm smml iuhtkphk`gtkdo systmi tfgt mogjhms sighhfdhlmrs td prdlu`m

    fmghtfy smml dn eddl qughkty gol tfgt fgs go g``mptgjhm igrbmt vghum mstgjhksfml.kv. Eddl smml iuhtkphk`gtkdo prg`tk`m ndr gol kiprdvm smml `mrtknk`gtkdo uskoe

    prmnmrrml idlmh prdidtml.


    Igrbmtkoe strgtmey ndr tfm sghm dn kiprdvml qughkty smml gol prdidtm tfm vghum dnprdlu`koe dr pur`fgskoe eddl qughkty smml lmvmhdpml.

    vk. Qrg`tk`gh strgtmekms ndr sustgkogjhm igogemimot dn nrmm lkskml smml lmvmhdpml.


    Ngrimrs Nkmhl P`fddh ks g odo ndrigh mlu`gtkdo kipgrtml td ngrimr wfmrmko gsktugtkdo ndr nkmhl drkmotml, lks`dvmry jgsml hmgrokoe ks `rmgtml. Kt ks g ngrimrspgrtk`kpgtdry gpprdg`f hmgrokoe prd`mss. Ngrimrs nkmhl s`fddh ks g smgsdo hdoe

    trgkokoe prdergiim td kipgrt trgkokoe td tfm ngrimr ndr dom lgy ko g wmmb tfrduefduttfm smgsdo.

    NNP igy jm usml jy goy edvmroimot, OED dr prkvgtm sm`tdr mxtmoskdo systmi,mspm`kghhy tfdsm tfgt grm lmghkoe wktf kiprdvkoe jdtf hd`gh tm`fodhdey gol jukhlkoefuigo `gpktgh gs dppdsml td mxtmrogh tm`fodhdey trgosnmr. ]ondrtuogtmhy, mxtmoskdo

    systmis grm dntmo stu`b wktf tm`fodhdey trgosnmr rgtfmr tfgo `hkmot-drkmotmlprdegiims. Kigekom g `diiuokty kotmrmstml ko lmvmhdpkoe g `ktrus kolustry... @hkmot-drkmotml wdrb wduhl imgo tfgt ko tfm nkrst ymgrs, smrvk`m prdvklmrs wkhh jm wdrbkoewktf `hkmots (prdlu`mrs gol juymrs ko tfm vghum `fgko) td mstgjhksf lmskrml vgrkmtkms kooursmrkms, `ktrus prdlu`tkdo igogemimot sbkhhs gol gs tkim prdermssml idvm tdwgrlskiprdvml qughkty gol igrbmtkoe gol nkoghhy tdwgrls gllml vghum do ngri (sdrtkoe,`dhdrkoe, mt`). NNP ko tfks systmi nkt jm`gusm tfmy grm nhmxkjhm gol jukhl jdtf tm`fok`ghgol fuigo `gpktgh gpprdprkgtm td tfm `hkmot lmigol/drkmotgtkdo. NNP igy odt nkt gswmhh kotd tm`fodhdey trgosnmr systmis jm`gusm tfm hmgromrs grm glvgo`koe wfkhm tfmmxtmoskdo smrvk`m ks dntmo stgeogot gol wgktkoe ndr omw imssgems nrdi rmsmgr`fmrs.NNP fgs jmmo nduol td wdrb jmst ko tfm `dotmxt dn g prdermsskvm lmigol-lrkvmomxtmoskdo pdhk`y prd`mss, ko wfk`f g``duotgjkhkty gidoe mxtmoskdo stgnn ks tdwgrlsngrimrs rgtfmr tfgo tdwgrls tfmkr supmrkdrs (dntmo g`fkmvml jy ghhdwkoe ngrimrs tdlm`klm gjdut tfm ghhd`gtkdos dn mxtmoskdo nuols) gol wfmo tfmrm ks g pdhk`ymovkrdoimot tfgt mo`durgems dregokzgtkdogh erdwtf gol ngvdrgjhm igrbmt `dolktkdos

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 07|Q g e m

    ndr sighhfdhlmrs. NNP suppdrts hd`gh hmgrokoe gol jukhlkoe g sd`kgh `gpktgh jgsm ndrkostktutkdogh gol pdhk`y nrgimwdrb ndr ngrimrs td idvm g stmp nurtfmr.

    \fm mxtmoskdo odtkdo dn tm`fodhdey trgosnmr ks hkiktml wfmo imssgems omml td jm

    glgptml hd`ghhy. Idst sustgkogjhm gerk`uhturgh prg`tk`ms grm bodwhmlem kotmoskvm (gs

    `dipgrml td koput kotmoskvm gerk`uhturm) gol gs su`f vmry nmw jhgobmtrm`diimolgtkdos mxkst gol prg`tk`ms (mspm`kghhy gidoe sighhfdhlmrs) omml td jmlmvmhdpml dr glgptml hd`ghhy. \fm NNP tddb do go mlu`gtkdogh gpprdg`f tfgtmipfgskzml goghytk`gh imtfdls su`f gs mxpmrkmotkgh hmgrokoe, g`tkdo rmsmgr`f gol`rktk`gh tfkobkoe, td mogjhm ngrimrs td tgbm tfm hmgl ko hd`gh glgptgtkdo dn prg`tk`ms.Igoy dn tfm tm`fodhdekms trgosikttml ko go NNP grm nrdi tfm imijmrs tfmismhvms,

    sfgrkoe kondrigtkdo gol lmvmhdpkoe omw hd`ghhy gpprdprkgtm sdhutkdos td hd`ghprdjhmis jy jukhlkoe do tfmkr hmgrokoe. \fmrm grm kostgo`ms ko wfk`f tm`fodhdeytrgosnmr ks usmnuh gol ndr su`f kssums, odo-NNP imtfdls, su`f gs rglkd gol`diiuokty immtkoes grm wfk`f fgvm spm`knk` strmoetfs gol wmgbomssms.

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 0:|Q g e m

    Qrdvklm tm`fok`gh pgrgimtmrs k.m. koput gol dutputdn tfm prdcm`t ko qugotktgtkvm tmris. Ghsd lks`usstfm tm`fodhdey gspm`t dn tfm prdcm`t.

    k. Mstgjhksfimot dn \m`fodhdey \rgosnmr @motrms.

    Mxphdktkoe tfm egp jmtwmmo ykmhls `urrmothy g`fkmvml do ngris gol tfdsm tfgt `go jmg`fkmvml jy uskoe tfm jmst glgptml `rdp vgrkmtkms gol jmst `rdp gol hgol igogemimotprg`tk`ms ks g bmy pgtfwgy td dvmr`dikoe tfm `dosklmrgjhm `fghhmoems. Bodwhmlem dn tfmskzm dn tfm ykmhl egp gol wfmrm tfm ermgtmst mxphdktgjhm ykmhl egps mxkst ks g pdwmrnuh tddhndr lmtmrikokoe rmsmgr`f prkdrktkms gol ndr `fghhmoekoe ngrimrs td hknt tfmkr prdlu`tkvkty.Qdtmotkgh ykmhl ks tfm igxkiui ykmhl tfgt `go jm rmg`fml jy g `rdp ko g ekvmomovkrdoimot, gs lmtmrikoml, ndr mxgiphm, jy skiuhgtkdo idlmhs wktf phguskjhmpfyskdhdek`gh gol gerdodik` gssuiptkdos. G`tugh ngri ykmhl ks lmnkoml gs rmnhm`tkoengrimrs ogturgh rmsdur`m moldwimot, tfmkr g``mss td tm`fodhdey, gol tfmkr sbkhh golmxpdsurm td rmgh igrbmt m`dodik`s. Ekvmo tfgt 51% dn tfm bpb wfmgt `rdppkoe grmg ksrgkonml, wgtmr-hkiktml ykmhl pdtmotkgh ks go kipdrtgot `do`mpt. wgtmr ykmhl ks lmnkoml gstfm ykmhl dn go glgptml `rdp vgrkmty wfmo erdwo uolmr rgko nml, ngvdurgjhm `dolktkdoswktfdut erdwtf hkiktgtkdos nrdi outrkmots, pmsts dr lksmgsms.

    ]olmr tfks `dipdomot/g`tkvkty, \m`fodhdey \rgosnmr @motrm wkhh jm mstgjhksfml dom mg`fgt Gerk`uhturm dnnk`mr `kr`hm hmvmh dn mg`f lkstrk`t. \fks `motrm wkhh jm d n 07;

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 00|Q g e m


    7. Ufmgt @rdp (7 G`rm Grmg)

    Pr. Od. Koput ]okt Wty ]okt @dst \dtgh Giduot

    7 Pmml Bes =1 =1.11Zs. :,=11.11Zs.: LGQ jge 7 11.11Zs.

    : LGQ jge 7

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 05 1.:=

    Juomr 1.770 1.151 1.116 1.7;7

    @fgrsgllg 1.770 1.1:0 1.116 1.77

    Fgoeu 1.770 1.1:0 - 1.70>

    Fgrkpur 1.770 1.1:0 - 1.70>

    Bgrgb 1.770 1.1 - 1.7=;

    Bdfgt 1.770 1.1:0 - 1.70>Bdfkstgo 1.770 1.1:0 - 1.70>

    Hgbbk 1.770 1.1 1.17> 1.75>

    Hdwmr Lkr 1.770 1.1:0 - 1.70>

    Ighgbgol 1.770 1.151 1.1:= 1.:15

    Igosmfrg & \drefgr 1.770 1.1 1.1:= 1.76 1.:::

    Odwsfmrg 1.770 1.1 1.17> 1.75>

    Qmsfgwgr 1.770 1.1 - 1.7=;

    Pfgoehg 1.770 1.1 1.17> 1.75>

    Pwgjk 1.770 1.151 1.17> 1.7;;

    Pwgt 1.770 1.151 1.100 1.:7=

    \gob 1.770 1.1:0 - 1.70>]ppmr Lkr 1.770 1.151 1.17> 1.7;;

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 0=|Q g e m



    (7=% ko`rmgsm dvmr tfm 7stymgr td ms`ghgtm `dst)

    (Zs. Ko Ikhhkdo)Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg :=.;:= 71.:76 :.00

    Gjjdttgjgl 7.011 1.=0

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 0>|Q g e m



    (7=% ko`rmgsm dvmr tfm :ol

    ymgr td ms`ghgtm `dst)(Zs. Ko Ikhhkdo)

    Lkstrk t @dst dn



    @dst dn Igkzm


    @dst dn Qglly


    Do ymgr `dst

    dn L.@motrms

    Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg 0:.:61 77.5=7 :.6>0 .6;05

    Gjjdttgjgl 7.

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 05|Q g e m

    \frmm [mgrs @dst dn Lmidostrgtkdo @motrms td jm Mstgjhksfml(Zs. Ko Ikhhkdo)

    Lkstrk t @dst dn



    @dst dn Igkzm


    @dst dn Qglly


    Do ymgr `dst

    dn L.@motrms

    Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg >1.;75 :0.105 =.>15 6;.=>17

    Gjjdttgjgl :.;15 7.7;5 7.7;1;

    Jgttgergi 7.:07 1.=1= 1.17> 7.5=:0

    Juomr 7.>=1 1.517 1.:;: :.>5 7.1=> 1.=7= 7.;:>7

    L.K.Bfgo :.>:6 7.1=> 1.1:= 0.5156

    Fgoeu 7.:07 1. ; 1.66=1 1.517 1.016 :.>=65

    Igosmfrg & \drefgr 0.0:> 7.0>> 1.1:= 0

    Igrlgo 5 7.15; 1.=:0 ;55 1.011 :.>:50

    Pwgjk :.;15 7.:75 1.=>

    Pwgt 0.>1= 7.: 7..551 1.;01 1.17> 5.57>7

    Wugotktgtkvm Zmqukrmimots dn Koputs ndr @rdps \m`fodhdey ndr Pmml Jgob Mstgjhksfimot3



    olmlldzm(=1 be




    l (kotdooms)



    olmlldzm(=1 be




    l (ko tdooms)

    7 Ufmgt 65;.11 =1.11 .11 >:.=0 0.11 77:.=1 =.11 7;5.1= :.61

    P.Od. Sko` A =




    Nmrtkhkzmr Zmqukrmimots (ko tdooms) ZrmigrbgPmml Wty



    Pmml Zgtm


    Grmg (G`rms)@rdp

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 06|Q g e m

    Dut Qut @rdp \m`fodhdey / Zduef Mstkigtms dn Ngrimrs Ko`dim.

    P.Od. @rdp Grmg ko



    ykmhl/g`rm (ko


    Mxpm`tml prdlu`m nrdi tfm

    grmg tdjmjrdueftuolmr

    @rdp ndr Lmi. @motrm (ko


    \fm prdlu`m wkhh

    jrkoe go grmg

    uolmr tfm `rdp (ko


    Ko`dim nrdi

    sghm dn smml


    (ko Ikhhkdo)

    7 Ufmgt 65;.11 7,1 :7:.11>7.=01

    : Igkzm 67:.11 :,==1.11 :,151.>1 7,:;,1

    0 Qglly ==;.11 7,

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 0;|Q g e m

    @gpg`kty Jukhlkoe uolmr \rgosnmr \m`fodhdey @motrm

    Zs. 7,656,:11

    Zs. - :ol

    [mgr Julemt 9

    P.Od. Ktmi ]okt Wty

    7. @dursmwgrm lmvmhdpimot Ods. :

    :. @dursmwgrm pur`fgsm Ods. :>11

    0. @mrtknk`gtkdo Ods. 7011

    < Kostru`tdr nmms/fdodrgrkg Ods. 71

    = Motmrtgkoimot Ods. :>11

    > Kostru`tkdogh Igtmrkghs Ods. 7011

    5 @dotmot g`quksktkdo Ods. :

    6 Mxpdsurm ^kskt Ods. 7011

    ; Qmr lkmi Ods. 1

    Motmrtgkoimot @fgrems A Zs. 711/- p.fmgl/lgy (\mg, Huo`f, \mg) Zs. 711 Zs. :>1,11

    \d jm gwgrlml do `diphmt kdo dn tfm `dursm Zs. 01 Zs. 0;,11

    = Hm`turms pmr lgy A Zs. :111/-`turm ndr : lgys trgkokoes

    (: prdergiims)

    Zs. :,111 Zs. :1,11

    k. Ufmgt & Igkzm \m`fodhdey,

    kk. Qglly @rdp \m`fodhdey

    Zs. =,111 Zs. 71,11

    Qujhk`gtkdos dn 7011 `dpkms dn mg`f `dursm ndr ngrimrs Zs. 61 Zs. :16,11

    Lms`rkptkdo / Custknk`gtkdo ]okt @dst/Zgtm \dgh

    Goough \rgkokoe ghhdtimot gt go gvmrgem. \dtgh Julemt 3 Zs. 7,656,:11

    7st[mgr Julemt9 Zs. 7,656,:11

    Pbkhh Lmvmhdpimot/\m`fodhdey \rgosnmr tfrduef Ngrimrs \rgkokoe(=1 Ngrimrs Qmr \rgkokoe/Gooui/Lkstrk`t 9(7011 Ngrimrs / \rgkokoe / Gooui)

    Dregokzgtkdo Gerk`uhturm [mgr 3 :17

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 11 `dpkms x Zs.61/-)

    Zs. :,16,111/-

    0. @dursm `diphmtkdo @mrtknk`gtms 9 7011 `dpkms td jm gwgrlmltd tfm pgrtk`kpgots A Zs. 01/- p.`dpy

    Zs. 0;,111/-

    . Kostru`tkdogh Igtmrkgh3k. 7011 lrgntkoe pgls A Zs. 7=/- p.domkk. 7011 jghh pdkot pmos A Zs. =/- p.dom


    7011 nkhm `dvmrs A Zs. =/- p.domkv. 7011 G`tkvkty sfmmts td odtm A Zs. =/- p.dom.

    Zs. 7;,=11/-Zs. >,=11/-

    Zs. >,=11/-Zs. >,=11/-

    5. Omt igtmrkgh td jm ldwohdgl gol edt prkotml jy tfmhm`turmrs/spmgbmrs

    Zs. >11/-

    6. Mxpdsurm ^kskts3\fm Quocgj prdvko`m ks rk`f ko `mrmgh prdlu`tkdo gol vm

    g fuem qugotkty dn mxpdrtgjhm surphus. Ndhhdwkoelkstrk`ts hmgls ko tfm `rdps.UFMG\3 Cfgoe, Jgfgwgh Ogegr, Zgfki [gr BfgoIGKSM3 Dbgrg, Qgb Qgttgo, CfgoeZK@M3Eucrgowghg, Pkghbdt, Pfmkbfupurg\fm 7011 trgkomms wkhh vkskt twd smhm`tml lkstrk`ts dnQuocgj wfmrm tfmy vkskt tfm `rdps nkmhls gol emt tfmkr

    mxpmrkmo`ms sfgrm wktf tfm prdermsskvm erdwmrs dnQuocgj. \d `dvmr 0=1 BIs +0=1 BIs tfmy wkhh fgvmZs. 7111/- ndr ngrm gs wmhh gs stgy gol imgh. \fmrmndrm`dst dn Mxpdsurm vkskts wkhh jm 7011 trgkomms V Zs.7111/- 9

    Zs. 70,11,111/-

    ;. \wd gttmolgots ndr : lgys td gttmol tfm trgkomms ko smrvkoewgtmr, fgolkoe tgbkoe dvmr pgpmrs, gol dtfmr iks`mhhgomdussmrvk`m wkhh jm fkrml A Zs. 11/-

    \dtgh Zs. 76,56,:11/-

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security



  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security



  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 . Motmrtgkoimot (tmg + huo`f) ndr 71 lgys ndr 711pgrtk`kpgots3

    7. \mg 7 `up + Jgbmry 9 Zs. 0=/- p.dom/lgy:. Huo`f jdxms A Zs. :7=/- p.fmgl

    Zs. 0=,111/-Zs. :,7=,111/-

    5. Zmotgh `fgrems ndr `hgss rddi mqukppml wktf nurokturm,hkeftkoes, emomrgtdr ng`khktkms, iuhtkimlkg, dvmrfmglprdcm`tdr, wfktm jdgrl, igrbmr mt` A Zs. :111/- pmrlgy ndr = lks`kphkoms trgkokoe (mg`f dn : lgys) 9 71 lgys

    Zs. :1,111/-

    6. Kostru`tkdogh Igtmrkgh3


    7111 lrgntkoe pgls, dnnsmt A Zs. :=/- p.dom:. 7=11 1.5/1.=ii Cmh pmos A Zs. 7=/- p.dom0. 7111 ndhlmrs A Zs. :=/- p.dom

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security



  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security



  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 |Q g e m

    kkk. ]OLMZP\GOLKOE IGZBM\ L[OGIK@PGs ghrmgly imotkdoml tfm sighh ngrimrs fgvm hmgst dppdrtuoktkms ndr igrbmtkoe dntfmkr prdlu`m. Igrbmtkoe ks g jrdglmr spm`trui gol ommls tdjm gllrmssml tfrduefmlu`gtkdo dn g prdlu`mr gs fdw td igogem igrbmt prdjhmis gol emt rgtkdogh

    jmomnkt / prk`m dn fks prdlu`m. \fks g`tkvkty wkhh jm dn ndrigh gol kondrighmlu`gtkdo.

    \fmrm grm twd rmeuhgtml igrbmts ko tfm prdvko`m. \fmsm twd igrbmts wduhlprdvklm tfm ng`khktkms td tfm ngrikoe `hgss td hmgro gol tfrduef tfm mxpdsurm vksktsko glcg`mot rmeuhgtml igrbmts dn Quocgj tfmy wkhh jm gjhm td `dipgrm tfm systmis.

    Ndhhdwkoe grmgs ommls td gllrmss sd igrbmt lyogik`s stuly sfduhl iglmuolmrstgol

    Qrk`m Ndrigtkdo gol Gerk`uhturgh Hgol Igrbmts

    Lyogik` Mnnk`kmo`y gol Ptru`turgh @fgoem ko Gerk`uhturm Umgtfmr Zksb gol @hkigtm @fgoem

    Imtmdrdhdek`gh Ndrm`gsts gol tfm Qrk`koe dn Umgtfmr Lmrkvgtkvms

    Lmigol gol Pupphy ndr @rdp Kosurgo`m ko Gerk`uhturm

    Kipg`t dn @gpg`kty @dostrgkots do Ptru`turgh @fgoem ko Gerk`uhturm

    \fm Kovmrsm Hgol Pkzm-Qrdlu`tkvkty Zmhgtkdosfkp3 Hgol Wughkty gol HgolWughkty Glcustml Qrdlu`tkvkty
  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 . Motmrtgkoimot Ods. :>11

    5 Ng`khkty/ Zmotgh Ods. :

    6 Kostru`tkdogh Igtmrkghs Ods. 7011

    ; @dotmot g`quksktkdo Ods. :

    71 Mxpdsurm ^kskt Ods. 7011

    77 Qmr lkmi Ods. =,111

    Igtmrkghs td jm ldwohdglml nrdi wmj gol kts prkotkoe mt` Zs. =11 Zs. 7,111

    \dgh 3 Zs. 11

    Kotmrsm`tdrgh Mxpdsurm ^kskt/Nkmhl ^kskt (: Lgys) A Zs. 0111/- Zs. 0,111 Zs. 0;,11,111

    : Gttmolgots td jm fkrml ndr gsskstgo`m do lgkhy jgsks Zs. 11

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 =,111/-

    7:. Hm`turm Nmm td tfm eumst spmgbmrs A :111/-`turm3k. Igrbmtkoe systmis

    kk. Dpmrgtdrs ko tfm igrbmtkkk. \ypms dn igrbmtskv. Zurgh Igrbmt Mstgjhksfimot2Igrbmtkoe strgtmekmsv. Pupphy dn prdlu`m,Igrbmt kondrigtkdo

    vk. Dpmrgtkoe g igrbmt kondrigtkdo systmivkk. Ptrgtmekms ndr kiprdvmimot ko igrbmtkoe


    Lmvmhdpimot dn g phgokx. Igrbmtkoe rmsmgr`f smrvk`ms

    x. Gsskstgo`m td sighh ngrimrs2Zdhm ndr motrmprmomurs

    Zs. :111/-Zs. :111/-Zs. :111/-Zs. :111/-Zs. :111/-Zs. :111/-Zs. :111/-

    Zs. :111/-Zs. :111/-Zs. :111/-

    70. Motmrtgkoimot (tmg + huo`f) ndr : lgys ndr 7011 pgrtk`kpgots3k. \mg 7 `up + Jgbmry 9 Zs. 7=/- p.domkk. Huo`f dom lksf A Zs. 70=/- p.fmgl

    Zs. 0;,111/-Zs. 0,=7,111/-


    Zs. 70,111/-Zs. >,=11/-

    7>. Omt igtmrkgh td jm ldwohdgl gol edt prkotml jy tfmhm`turmrs/spmgbmrs

    Zs. 7111/-

    75. Mxpdsurm ^kskts3k.^kskt td tfrmm igcdr rmeuhgtml igrbmts dn Quocgj

    (Hgfdrm, Ngksgh Gjgl, Cfgoe).kk.^kskt td Koput supphy igrbmts (Quocgj Pmml @drpdrgtkdo,

    Nmrtkhkzmrs Igrbmts, Qmstk`klms Igrbmt).7011 trgkomms trgospdrtgtkdo `fgrems 9 :> jussmsfgvkoe `gpg`kty dn =1 pgssmoemrs A Zs. =1,111/-pmr Jus 9 Zs. 70,11,111/-Hdlekoe Jdgrlkoe ndr dom okeft 9 7011 Qmrsdos A

    Zs. 7111/- p.dom/okeft 9Zs. 70,11,111/-\wd lgys imgh (< tkims) gol jrmgb ngst (: tkims) AZs. 7>>/- p.imgh/dom gt go gvmrgem 9 Zs.70,11,111/-

    Zs. 0;,11,111/-

    76. \wd gttmolgots ndr : lgys td gttmol tfm trgkomms ko smrvkoewgtmr, fgolkoe tgbkoe dvmr pgpmrs, gol dtfmr iks`mhhgomdussmrvk`m wkhh jm fkrml A Zs. 11/-

    \dtgh Zs. 11/-
  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security



  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 =1|Q g e m

    \d ng`khktgtm ngrimr hml rmsmgr`f gol ng`khktgtm prg`tk`gh gpphk`gtkdo gol kotmr-ngrimrlkssmikogtkdo dn rmhmvgot sustgkogjhm gerk`uhturgh tm`fodhdekms


    \fm INP@s mipfgskzms do tfm ndhhdwkoe gpprdg`fms3


    Emolmr igkostrmgikoe gol goghysks

    @uhturgh gpprdg`f

    Dregokzgtkdogh `drm `dipmtmo`kms

    @GLP/INP@s suppdrt `diiuokty-jgsml dregokzgtkdos tfgt grm prdidtkoe

    sustgkogjhm lmvmhdpimot ko rurgh `diiuoktkms. Koodvgtkdo gol prdidtkoe`rmgtkvkty ks `motrgh td dur gpprdg`fms.

    @dhhgjdrgtkdo gol koodvgtkdo

    @GLP wdrbs g`rdss jduolgrkms td mosurm mnnk`kmo`y gol hmvmrgem. Um grm

    ng`khktgtkoe tfm lmvmhdpimot dn omw tm`fodhdekms gol prd`mssms wfkhst igogekoe`dsts.

    @GLP wkhh lmvmhdp hkobgems wktf Gerk`uhturgh Zmsmgr`f Pystmis2 Gerk`uhturgh

    Qrdlu`m Igrbmts, Gerk`uhturgh koputs igrbmts gol ghh stgbm fdhlmrs dn gerk`uhturghsm`tdr.

    \gremt erdup `doom`tkvkty

    @GLP wkhh ng`khktgtm jukhlkoe dn molurkoe rmhgtkdos dn trust wktf tgremtml`diiuoktkms, ldodr dregokzgtkdos, jmomnk`kgrkms gol `diiuokty jgsmldregokzgtkdos ko grmgs su`f gs Igrbmt Hkobgems, Emolmr, Gerk`uhturgh Mxtmoskdo,gol gpprdprkgtm tm`fodhdey lmvmhdpimot gol lkssmikogtkdo.


    Nddl Pm`urkty tfrduef sustgkogjhm gerk`uhturgh tm`fodhdey lmvmhdpimot gollkssmikogtkdo.G`fkmvml tfrduef Qgrtk`kpgtdry Zmsmgr`f gol Mxtmoskdo. Koodvgtdr ngrimrs grmkovdhvml ko rmsmgr`f, wfmrm tm`fodhdekms grm trkml, tmstml gol lkssmikogtml.Lkssmikogtkdo dn gpprdprkgtm tm`fodhdekms su`f gs kiprdvml fdrtk`uhturghprdlu`tkdo, prdlu`tkdo dn sighh ergkos gol tm`fokqums do sdkh gol wgtmr

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 =7|Q g e m

    `dosmrvgtkdo, sdkh nmrtkhkty, ogturgh pmst igogemimot gol gpprdprkgtm `rdp vgrkmtkmsks spmgrfmglml jy idlmh ngrimrs gol mgrhy gldptmrs. Outrktkdogh, lkmtgry golemolmr kssums grm igcdr `do`mros kotmergtml td lmgh wktf tfm fgrsf m`dodik`movkrdoimot.

    Emolmr igko strmgikoe

    \fm ndhhdwkoe gllktkdogh g`tkdos gkiml gt ko`rmgskoe wdimo's pgrtk`kpgtkdo golmqughkty dn `dolktkdos3

    Ko`rmgskoe wdimo's dregoksgtkdogh `gpgjkhkty gol ekvkoe tfmi idrm g``msstd smrvk`ms dnnmrml jy tfm ikxml ngrikoe sm`tdr2

    Ko`rmgskoe wdimo's g``mss td kondrigtkdo, `diiuok`gtkdo gol trgkokoe gol,tfus, ekvkoe tfmi ermgtmr g``mss td lm`kskdo-igbkoe hmvmhs2 gol

    Ekvkoe wdimo idrm omedtkgtkdo `gpg`kty tfrduef ko`rmgsml kondrigtkdo.

    Juskomss lmvmhdpimot gol Igrbmtkoe

    Ng`khktgtkoe tfm lmvmhdpimot gol lkssmikogtkdo dn kiprdvml igrbmtkoesystmis, vghum gllktkdo tm`fodhdekms gol systmis, prd`msskoe gol kiprdvmlprdlu`tkdo systmis ndr fdrtk`uhturgh gol lry hgol prdlu`m. @GLP wkhh jmkovdhvml ko grtk`uhgtkoe gol sfgrkoe g strgtmek` pdkot dn vkmw wktf ghh rmhmvgotstgbmfdhlmrs wktf rmegrls td sustgkogjhm gerk`uhturgh prdlu`tkdo.

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 =:|Q g e m

    >. @gpg`kty jukhlkoe dn ngrimr dregokzgtkdos

    @GLP wkhh ng`khktgtm dregokzgtkdogh gol kostktutkdogh lmvmhdpimot dn ngrimrdregokzgtkdos tfrduef `fgoem igogemimot, turokoe tfmsm dregokzgtkdos kotd

    nuo`tkdogh ngrimrs dregokzgtkdos lmhkvmrkoe imijmr lrkvmo smrvk`ms.

    Grmgs dn dpmrgtkdo @GLP wkhh dpmrgtm ko ghh tfm := lkstrk`ts dn Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg uskoeINP@s.

    Jmomnk`kgrkms3 \fm tgremtml jmomnk`kgrkms sfghh jm tfm m`dodik`ghhy lksglvgotgeml pddr golvuhomrgjhm fdusmfdhl. \fm dregokzgtkdo wkhh nd`us do tfm ndhhdwkoe3

    ]omiphdyml gluhts-ighm gol nmighms (gjdut =,01,111 uomiphdyml pmrsdos gsrmpdrtml uolmr M`dodik` Purvmy dn Qgbkstgo :17:-70 dut dn wfk`f 0,:1,111grm ighm & :,71,111 nmighm)

    [dutfs (Ko 7;;6 `mosus tfm rmpdrtml prdpdrtkdo dn ydutf ks 7=% dn tfm tdtghpdpuhgtkdo. Do tfks jgsks prmsmothy mstkigtml ydutf vgrykoe gem erdup dn :1 td:< ymgrs 9 ,151 prkvgtm ngris dut dnwfk`f hgol fdhlkoe nrdi 7.1 g`rm td 7:.= g`rms ks 71,:5,7>5 k.m. ;=% dn tfmtdtgh hgol fdhlkoe sd sighh s`ghm ngrimrs grm ;=% ko tfm prdvko`m)

    @diiuokty jgsml ngrimr dregokzgtkdos (\fmrm grm ;1 Idlmh Ngri Pmrvk`ms@motrms/Ngri Pmrvk`ms @motrms/Puj @motrms prdvklkoe tfm `diiuokty gdregokzml ndrui td sdhvm tfm `diiuogh prdjhmis/prdvklm tfmi wktf smrvk`msjy tfm smrvk`ms prdvklmrs)

    G`tkvktkms td jm `grrkml dut uolmr @GLP (@hustmr Gerk`uhturm Lmvmhdpimot Pystmi3

    7.Mstgjhksfimot dn Ngimrs Nkmhl P`fddhs.Mg`f Lkstrk`t wduhl fgvm 5 ngrimrs nkmhl s`fddh ko mg`f smgsdo. Ndur P`fddhs wkhh jmmstgjhksfml ndr @mrmgh @rdps2 : ndr ^memtgjhm2 : ndr Nrukt gol 7 ndr suegr `rdp dr nkjmr`rdp.


    7. \FM EZD]Q\fm erdup `diprksms dn kolkvklughs (:=-:= 01 ouijmr) wfd fgvm g `diido kotmrmst,ndrikoe tfm `drm dn g Ngrimr Nkmhl P`fddh. \fm NNP tmols td strmoetfmo mxkstkoe erdupsdr igy hmgl td tfm ndrigtkdo dn omw erdups.

    :. \FM NKMHL

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    Ld`uimot7 =0|Q g e m

    \fm nkmhl ks tfm tmg`fmr. Kt prdvklms idst dn tfm trgkokoe igtmrkghs hkbm phgots, pmsts goldtfmr ng`khktkms. Ko idst `gsms, `diiuoktkms prdvklm g stuly sktm wktf g sfglml grmg ndrndhhdw-up lks`usskdos.



    \fm ng`khktgtdr ks g tm`fok`ghhy `dipmtmot pmrsdo wfd hmgls erdup imijmrs tfrduef tfmfgols-do mxmr`ksms. \fm ng`khktgtdr `go jm go mxtmoskdo gemot dr g Ngrimr Nkmhl P`fddherglugtm.

    . NKOGO@KOE\fks ks go kipdrtgot mhmimot sko`m Ngrimr Nkmhl P`fddhs `go jm mxpmoskvm dr hdw-`dstlmpmolkoe do wfd kiphmimots tfmi gol fdw tfmy grm `dolu`tml. Nkogo`koe wkhh jmprdvklml jy tfm prdcm`t A Zs. =1,111/- pmr ngrimrs nkmhl s`fddh ndr tfm 7st ymgr.Ndhhdwkoe ymgrs wduhl fgvm 7=% ko`rmgsms bmmpkoe ko vkmw tfm `dsts ms`ghgtkdo/konhgtkdo. Mg`f s`fddh wkhh igbm kts julemt wktfko tfm gvgkhgjhm nkogo`koe wktf tfm fmhpdn ng`khktgtdr dn tfm s`fddh. Mg`f g`tkvkty / hmssdo hmgroml wduhl jm wrkttmo ldwo rmeuhgrhysd tfgt goghytk`gh rmvkmw dn g`tkvktkms igy jm ld`uimotml gol tfm `hgss sfduhl emtg`qugkotml wktf tfm fgjkt dn bmmpkoe rm`drl dn tfmkr `rdps ko erdup ndrigtkdos.

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    Ld`uimot7 =

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    Ld`uimot7 ==|Q g e m


    Erduol Udrbkoe G`tkvktkms

    Klmotkny prkdrkty prdjhmis Klmotkny sdhutkdos td klmotknkml


    Mstgjhksf ngrimrs prg`tk`ms

    Klmotkny nkmhl s`fddh pgrtk`kpgots

    Klmotkny nkmhl s`fddh sktms

    \rgkokoe dn Ng`khktgtdrs do3

    @rdp prdlu`tkdo gol prdtm`tkdo tm`fodhdekms2 imssgem lmhkvmry

    im`fgoksis uskoe odo-ndrigh mlu`gtkdo imtfdls (ONM)2 pgrtk`kpgtdry

    tm`fodhdey lmvmhdpimot (Q\L) wktf mipfgsks do tfm gpprdg`fms gol

    lmvmhdpkoe euklmhkoms do `dolu`tkoe Q\L2 odo-ndrigh mlu`gtkdo

    imtfdls wktf mipfgsks do wfgt, wfmo gol fdw td usm ONM ko NNP2

    Erdup lyogik`s2 spm`kgh tdpk`s td jm gllrmssml gt mvmry stgem.

    Mstgjhksfimot gol ruookoe


    Uktf tfm euklgo`m dn ng`khktgtdrs,

    tfm erdup immts rmeuhgrhy

    tfrduefdut tfm smgsdo gol Klmotkny QKL

    @grrkms dut mxpmrkimots gol

    nkmhl trkghs rmhgtml td tfm

    smhm`tml motmrprksm

    Kiphmimot Q\Ls (\mst gol


    @dolu`t GMPG gol

    Idrpfdhdey gol `dhhm`t


    Qrd`mss gol prmsmot tfm lgtg

    Erdup lyogik`s

    Mvghugtkoe Q\Ls

    Goghysm `dhhm`tml






    Nkmhl Lgys

    Lurkoe tfm pmrkdl dn

    ruookoe tfm NNP, 7-:

    nkmhl lgys grm dregokzml

    wfmrm tfm rmst dn tfm

    ngrikoe `diiuokty ks

    kovktml td sfgrm wfgt tfm

    erdup fgs hmgroml ko tfm

    NNP. Ngrimrs

    tfmismhvms ng`khktgtm

    lurkoe tfks lgy


    \fks igrbs tfm mol dn

    tfm smgsdo-hdoe NNP. Kt

    ks dregokzml jy tfm

    ngrimrs, ng`khktgtdrs gol

    tfm ddrlkogtkoe dnnk`m.

    Ngrimrs grm gwgrlml


    Ngrimr ruo NNP

    NNP ngrimr erglugtms odwfgvm tfm bodwhmlem gol

    `donklmo`m td ruo tfmkr dwo


    Ndhhdw up jy ng`khktgtdrs

    \fm `drm ng`khktgtdrs jg`bstdp do-

    edkoe ngrimr ruo NNP

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 =>|Q g e m

    Qfysk`gh Qhgo dn NNP

    Zgjk Bfgrkn Zgjk Bfgrkn Zgjk Bfgrkn Zgjk Bfgrkn \dtgh

    Qmsfgwgr 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    @fgrsgllg 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Odwsfmrg 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Igrlgo 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Pwgjk 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Bdfgt 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Fgoeu 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Bgrgb 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Igosmfrg 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Jgttgergi 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Gjjdttgjgl 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Fgrkpur 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Bdfkstgo 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Ighgbgol 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Pwgt 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Juokr 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Pfgoehg 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Lkr Hdwmr 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Lkr ]ppmr 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    @fktrgh 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    L.K.Bfgo 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    \gob 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Jgoou 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    Hgbbk Igrwgt 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    \drefgr 0 0 = = 5 5 7= 7= 01

    \dtgh P.Lkstrk`ts 5= 5= 7:= 7:= 75= 75= 05= 05= 5=1

    7st ymgr :ol ymgr 0rl ymgr \dtghLkstrk`t

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 =5|Q g e m

    Nkogo`kgh Kiphk`gtkdos dn NNP

    Zgjk Bfgrkn \dtgh Zgjk Bfgrkn \dtgh Zgjk Bfgrkn \dtgh Zgjk Bfgrkn \dtgh

    Qmsfgwgr 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    @fgrsgllg 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Odwsfmrg 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Igrlgo 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Pwgjk 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Bdfgt 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Fgoeu 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Bgrgb 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Igosmfrg 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Jgttgergi 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Gjjdttgjgl 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Fgrkpur 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Bdfkstgo 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Ighgbgol 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Pwgt 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Juokr 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Pfgoehg 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Lkr Hdwmr 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Lkr ]ppmr 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    @fktrgh 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    L.K.Bfgo 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    \gob 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Jgoou 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    Hgbbk Igrwgt 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    \drefgr 1.7=1 1.7=1 1.011 1.:66 1.:66 1.=5= 1.007 1.007 1.>>7 1.5>6 1.5>6 7.=0>

    \dtgh 9 0.5=1 0.5=1 5.=11 5.766 5.766 7> 6.:>> 7>.=07 7;.:10 7;.:10 06.

    7st ymgr :ol ymgr 0rl ymgr \dtghLkstrk`t

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    Ld`uimot7 =6|Q g e m


    Qhgo ndr dom rdp ks prdvklml gs uolmr wfmrm gs ndr dtfmr rdps tfm phgo go jm prmpgrml g``drlkoehy3

    Od G`tkvktkms Kolk`gtdrs Zmspdoskjkhkty @dst


    O L C N I G I C C G P D GD, NG :,611.11

    7 Jgsm hkom survmy Omml gssmssimot GD, NG 7,111.11

    : Ngrimr/sktm smhm`tkdo NNP NNP, NG, pgrtk. :11.11

    0 Oursmry jml prmpgrgtkdo & smhm tkdo

    dn eddl smml

    Fmghtfy smml sdwkoe do rgksml


    NNP, pgrtk`kp. ;,111.11

    < Oursmry GMPG Fmghtfy smmlhkoe - ld - =11.11

    = Nkmhl hgydut K@I phdt GD, NG 0,111.11

    > @urrk uhg lmvmhdpimot Zm`drl bmmpkoe - ld -

    5. \rgosphgotgtkdo Fmghtfy smmlhkoe NNP, pgrtk kp. 7,=11.11

    6 GMPG Eddl `rdp ioet. NNP, GD, NG :7,111.11

    ; Ppm`kgh tdpk Qmst/lksmgsm/`rdp igogemimot Mxpmrts, @GJK 6,111.11

    71 Fgrvmstkoe & igrbmtkoe Eddl ykmhl & ibte. NNP, GD, NG 0,111.11

    77 Mvghugtkdo/nkogh rmpdrt Zmpdrt pujhksfml GD, NG


    Kiphmimotgtkdo Qmrkdl


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    Ld`uimot7 =;|Q g e m

    :.Igogemimot dn Mxkstkoe Nrukt Dr`fgrls gol Mstt. DnOmw Nrukt Dr`fgrls

    Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg fgvkoe go grmg dn gjdut 06511 fm`tgrms, uolmr nrukt dr`fgrls. \fm

    mxkstkoe dr`fgrls omml td jm igogeml gol strmoetfmo prdvklkoe tfmi wktf `fmik`ghnmrtkhkzmrs gol gpprdprkgtm phgot prdtm`tkdo imgsurms jmsklms sbkhh mofgo`mimot dn tfmdr`fgrlksts. Nurtfmridrm omw dr`fgrls sfduhl ghsd omml td jm mstgjhksfml.

    \fks g`tkvkty wkhh jm `grrkml dut tfrduef @hustmr Ngrikoe wfkhst tfm tgremt erdup wkhh jmsighh hgol fdhlkoes ko pgrtk`uhgr gol imlkui hgol fdhlkoes ko emomrgh. Mg`f jmomnk`kgryerdup wkhh jm prdvklml wktf trum td typm phgots ndr hgykoe dut ko tfmkr nkmhls. \fmnmrtkhkzgtkdos, wgtmrkoe, smrvk`ms wduhl jm do tfm pgrt dn jmomnk`kgry erdup. \fm g`tkvktkmswkhh jm idoktdrml jy Gerk`uhturm (Mxtmoskdo) Nkmhl Ptgnn wfd wkhh mxtmol tfmkr mxpmrtksmnrdi tkim td tkim. \fm jmomnk`kgry wkhh fgvm td ndhhdw tfm kostru`tkdos. ]olmr tfks g`tkvktyndhhdwkoe pfysk`gh phgo gol nkogo`kgh kiphk`gtkdos grm nrgiml ndr gpprdvgh.


    Pkzm dn Ngris Ods. dn Ngris %gem

    Ghh Ngris 716>151 711%

    Edvt3 Ngris :> 1.11:%

    \dtgh Qrkvgtm Ngris 716>1.06%

    7:.= td ]olmr :=.1 G`rms 00;:; 0.7:%

    :=.1 td ]olmr =1.1 G`rms 7>=;6 7.=0%=1.1 td ]olmr 711.1 G`rms >1=6 1.=>%

    711.1 td ]olmr 7=1.1 G`rms 7:5= 1.7:%

    7=1.1 gol gjdvm 7175 1.1;%

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    Ld`uimot7 >1|Q g e m

    Mxkstkoe Dr`fgrl Igogemimot Qhgo

    Ptgtmimot Pfdwkoe tfm Grmg dn Mxkstkoe Nrukt Dr`fgrls td jm Jmomnkttml uolmr tfm Qrdcm`t(Grmg 9 G`rms) (Nmrtkhkzmr 9 jgems) (Qhgot Qrdtm`tkdo Imgsurms 9 Ods)

    LGQ ]rmgQmsfgwgr :55= 0=7 07:> 0% >:.0 711% 7:=1 7:=1 :=11 :=11

    Grmg uolmr Dr`fgrls Igogemimot

    dn Drm`fgrls


    Nmrtkhkzmrs gpphk gtkdo QQ



    Zgjk Nrukt \dtgh %gem



    Odtm3 \fm prdcm`t wkhh prdvklm gsskstgo`m td pddr ngrimrs gol dohy 7.0% dn tfm mxkstkoe

    dr`fgrls wkhh emt jmomnkt.

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    Ld`uimot7 >7|Q g e m


    7st[mgr Qfysk`gh Qhgo (Grmg ko G`rms)Lkstrk`t Gpprk`dt Gpphm Lgtms Eugvg Igoed @ktrus Qmg`f Qhui Qdimergogtm @fmrry \dtgh

    Gjjdttgjgl - : - - - - - 7 7 71 7

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 >:|Q g e m


    [mgr Qfysk`gh Qhgo

    (Grmg ko G`rms)Lkstrk`t Gpprk`dt Gpphm Lgtms Eugvg Igoed @ktrus Qmg`f Qhui Qdimergogtm @fmrry \dtgh

    Gjjdttgjgl - 6 - - - - -

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 >0|Q g e m

    \frmm [mgrs Qfysk`gh Qhgo dn Mstt. Dn Omw Dr`fgrls

    (Grmg ko G`rms)Lkstrk`t Gpprk`dt Gpphm Lgtms Eugvg Igoed @ktrus Qmg`f Qhui Qdimergogtm @fmrry \dtgh

    Gjjdttgjgl - :: - - - - - 77 77 0= 5;

    Jgoou - - :: 77 - - - - - - 00

    Jgttgergi - 77 - - - - - - - - 77

    Juokr 77 77 - - - 77 77 77 - - ==@fgrsgllg 77 77 - 77 - 77 77 77 77 - 55

    @fktrgh 77 :: - - - - - - - 51 710

    L.K.Bfgo - - :: 77 77 77 - - - - ==

    Lkr Hdwmr 77 77 - - - 77 - 77 - -

    Qmsfgwgr 77 - - - - 77 77 77 - -

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 >. 00>

    Bgrgb 1 1 1

    Igosmfrg & \drefgr

    @fktrgh 76 716 7:;.>

    LKBfgo 71: >7: 501 5:

    Jgoou >1 0>1 : 05:

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 >=|Q g e m

    Nkogo`kgh Kiphk`gtkdos dn Mxkstkoe Dr`fgrls Igogemimots

    (Zs. Ko Ikhhkdo)

    LGQ ]rmg LGQ ]rmg LGQ ]rmg LGQ ]rmg

    Qmsfgwgr 1.7>; 1.

    @fgrsgllg 1.:16 1.:16 1.7>> 1.:0; 1.:0; 1.7;7 1.:5= 1.:5= 1.::1 1.5:: 1.5:: 1.=56

    Odwsfmrg 1.::1 1.::1 1.75> 1.:=0 1.:=0 1.:1: 1.:;7 1.:;7 1.:00 1.5>77

    Igrlgo 1.:6 1.05> 1.011 1.;6> 1.;6> 1.56;

    Pwgjk 1.51 1.>66 1.;6; 1.;6; 1.5;7 :.=;5 :.=;5 :.156Bdfgt 1.:: 1.:;> 1.:05 1.556 1.556 1.>::

    Fgoeu 1.17: 1.17: 1.171 1.17 1.170 1.11 1.7:6 1.76 1.; 1.1== 1.15; 1.15; 1.1>0 1.:16 1.:16 1.7>5

    Pfgoehg 1.1

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    Ld`uimot7 >>|Q g e m

    Nkogo`kgh Kiphk`gtkdos dn Mstgjhksfimot dn Omw Dr`fgrls

    @dst dn Qrdlu`tkdo dn Nrukts

    P.Od3 Ogim dn Ktmi ]okt Od. dn


    Qmr G`rm

    ]okt @dst Giduot

    7 @dst dn @ktrus Qhgots Ods 6: =1Zs. 1 61Zs. 1

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 >5|Q g e m

    P.Od3 Ogim dn Ktmi ]okt Od. dn


    Qmr G`rm

    ]okt @dst Giduot

    7 @dst dn Eugvg Qhgots Ods 7

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    Ld`uimot7 >6|Q g e m

    P.Od3 Ogim dn Ktmi ]okt Od. dn


    Qmr G`rm

    ]okt @dst Giduot

    7 @dst dn Qdimergogtm Qhgots Ods =,:11Zs.: Qfdspfdrk` Nmrtkhkzmr Bes 61 61Zs. >,,

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 >;|Q g e m

    P.Od3 Ogim dn Ktmi ]okt Od. dn


    Qmr G`rm

    ]okt @dst Giduot

    7 @dst dn Igoed Qhgots Ods 61 7==Zs. 7:,,

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  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 57|Q g e m


    [mgr @dst dn Mstt. Dn Omw Nrukt Dr`fgrls

    Gpprk`dt Gpphm Lgtms Eugvg Igoed @ktrus Qmg`f Qhui Qdimergogtm @fmrry \dtgh

    @dst dn Qrdl 77,>06Zs. 7>,11:Zs. 7:,>:06Zs. 76,>01Zs. 7=,761Zs.

    Grmg (ko G`rms) => 61 0:

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    Ld`uimot7 5:|Q g e m


    [mgr Qrdcm`t @dst dn Mstt. Dn Omw Nrukt Dr`fgrls

    Gpprk`dt Gpphm Lgtms Eugvg Igoed @ktrus Qmg`f Qhui Qdimergogtm @fmrry \dtgh

    @dst dn Qrdl 70,06

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 50|Q g e m

    0 [mgrs Qrdcm`t @dst dn Mstgjhksfimot dn Omw Nrukt Dr`fgrlsGpprk`dt Gpphm Lgtms Eugvg Igoed @ktrus Qmg f Qhui Qdimergogtm @fmrry \dtgh

    Grmg (ko G`rms) 7=6 1.1== 1.705 1.705 - - 1.57:

    Qmsfgwgr 1.705 - - - - 1.1== 1.705 1.705 - - 1.>

    Pfgoehg - 1.055 - - - - - - - 1.70: 1.=1;

    Pwgjk 1.705 - - 1.156 - 1.1== - 1.705 - - 1. :.766

    \drefgr 1.705 1.766 - - - - 1.705 1.705 1.:7; - 1.67;

    \dtgh 3 7.;76 0.5>5 77.>; 1.60; 1.555 7.=15 7.;76 7.1;> 0

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 5> 71:

    Juokr = :1 01 == 01 7=1 001 =71

    @fgrsgllg 5 :6 761 0;> >7:

    Igosmfrg 7= 01 761 0;> >7:

    Qmsfgwgr : 71:

    \drefgr = :1 01 == 01 7=1 001 =71

    \dtgh 7=6 5 517 7,0:> ;=7

    Grmg td jm Jrdueft ]olmr Omw


    Qrdlu`m Nrdi tfm Dr`fgrls gntmr `dikoe

    ko td jmgrkoe (>tf ymgr dn phgotgtkdo)


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 5=|Q g e m


    Zs. 7>,>=,:11

    Zs. - :ol[mgr Julemt

    P.Od. Ktmi ]okt Wty

    7. @dursmwgrm lmvmhdpimot Ods. 7

    :. @dursmwgrm pur`fgsm Ods. 7011

    0. @mrtknk`gtkdo Ods. 7011

    < Kostru`tdr nmms/fdodrgrkg Ods. 71

    = Motmrtgkoimot Ods. 7011

    > Ng`khkty/ Zmotgh Ods. 1

    5. Kostru`tkdogh Igtmrkghs Ods. 7011

    6 @dotmot g`quksktkdo Ods. :

    ; Mxpdsurm ^kskt Ods. 7011

    71 Qmr lkmi Ods. ,>=,:11

    Kotmrsm`tdrgh Mxpdsurm kskt/Nkmhl ^kskt (: Lgys) A Zs. 7111/- Zs. 7,111 Zs. 70,11,111

    : Gttmolgots td jm fkrml ndr gsskstgo`m do lgkhy jgsks Zs. 11

    Ndhlmrs/G`tkvkty Pfmmts/Ptgtkdomry mt` Zs. =1 Zs. >=,111

    Igtmrkghs td jm ldwohdglml nrdi wmj gol kts prkotkoe mt` Zs. 011 Zs. >11

    Motmrtgkoimot @fgrems A Zs. 7=1/- p.fmgl/lgy (\mg, Huo`f, \mg) Zs. 711 Zs. 7,01,111

    @hgss Zddi Ng`khkty mqukppml wktf nurokturm, wfktm jdgrl,

    iuhtkimlkg, dvmrfmgl prdcm`tdr mt` (prdvklml jy INP@s nrmm dn

    Zs. 1 Zs. 1

    \d jm gwgrlml do `diphmtkdo dn tfm `dursm Zs. 01 Zs. 0;,111

    = Hm`turms pmr lgy A Zs. :111/-`turm ndr : lgys trgkokoes (=


    Zs. :,111 Zs. :1,111

    Dr`fgrl Igogemimot

    k. Qhgotkoe

    kk. Erglkoe

    kkk. Qg`bgekoe

    kv. Igrbmt Hkobgem

    Zs. =,111 Zs. =,111

    Qujhk`gtkdos dn 7011 `dpkms dn mg`f `dursm ndr ngrimrs (=


    Zs. 61 Zs. 7,1,>=,:11

    7st[mgr Julemt Zs. 7>,>=,:11

    Pbkhh Lmvmhdpimot/Ngrimrs \rgkokoe ko Dr`fgrl Igogemimot(=1 Ngrimrs Qmr \rgkokoe/Gooui/Lkstrk`t 9(7011 Ngrimrs / \rgkokoe)

    Dregokzgtkdo Gerk`uhturm [mgr 3 :17

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 5>|Q g e m

    0.Emolmr Igko Ptrmgi / ^ghum Gllktkdo]olmr tfks g`tkvkty g erdup dn

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 55|Q g e m

    Zs. 0>,;=,>11

    Zs. - :ol[mgr Julemt

    P.Od. Ktmi ]okt Wty

    7. @dursmwgrm lmvmhdpimot Ods. 0

    :. @dursmwgrm pur`fgsm Ods. 0;11

    0. @mrtknk`gtkdo Ods. 0;11

    < Kostru`tdr nmms/fdodrgrkg Ods. 01

    = Motmrtgkoimot Ods. 0;11

    > Ng`khkty/ Zmotgh Ods. 1

    5 Kostru`tkdogh Igtmrkghs Ods. 0;11

    6 @dotmot g`quksktkdo Ods. >

    ; Mxpdsurm ^kskt Ods. :>11

    71 Qmr lkmi Ods. 7:

    Pbkhh Lmvmhdpimot/\rgkokoe dn Udimo Ngrimrs(=1 Ngrimrs Qmr \rgkokoe/Gooui/Lkstrk`t 9(7011 Ngrimrs / \rgkokoe / Gooui)

    Dregokzgtkdo Gerk`uhturm [mgr 3 :17,;=,>11

    7st[mgr Julemt Zs. 0>,;=,>11

    Lms`rkptkdo / Custknk`gtkdo ]okt @dst/Zgtm \dgh

    k. Bkt`fmo Egrlmokoe \m`fodhdey,

    kk. Iusfrddi `uhtkvgtkdo,kkk. Udimo ndhb trgkokoe ndr vghum gllktkdo/fdim prdlu`ts.

    Zs. =,111 Zs. 7=,111

    Qujhk`gtkdos dn 7011 `dpkms dn mg`f `dursm ndr ngrimrs (=


    Zs. 61 Zs. 0,7:,111

    \d jm gwgrlml do `diphmtkdo dn tfm `dursm Zs. 01 Zs. 7,75,111

    = Hm`turms pmr lgy A Zs. :111/-`turm ndr : lgys trgkokoes (=


    Zs. :,111 Zs. >1,111

    Motmrtgkoimot @fgrems A Zs. 7=1/- p.fmgl/lgy (\mg, Huo`f, \mg) Zs. 711 Zs. 0,;1,111

    @hgss Zddi Ng`khkty mqukppml wktf nurokturm, wfktm jdgrl,

    iuhtkimlkg, dvmrfmgl prdcm`tdr mt` (prdvklml jy INP@s nrmm dn

    Zs. 1 Zs. 1

    Ndhlmrs/G`tkvkty Pfmmts/Ptgtkdomry mt` Zs. =1 Zs. 7,;=,111

    Igtmrkghs td jm ldwohdglml nrdi wmj gol kts prkotkoe mt` Zs. 011 Zs. 7,611

    \dgh 3 Zs. 0>,;=,>11

    Kotmrsm`tdrgh Mxpdsurm kskt/Nkmhl ^kskt (: Lgys) A Zs. 0111/- Zs. 7,111 Zs. :>,11,111

    : Gttmolgots td jm fkrml ndr gsskstgo`m do lgkhy jgsks Zs.

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 56|Q g e m

    11Zs. 0,111Zs.

    > @gsugh Hgjdur ndr 7 G`rm Ods 0.11 ,6=:Zs.

    Qmr G`rm @dst dn \digtd


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 5;|Q g e m

    P.Od3 Ogim dn Ktmi ]okt Wty ]okt @dst Giduot

    7 Pmml Bes 01.11 7=1Zs. .11 7,:11Zs. 5,:11Zs.

    : LGQ jges :.11 @gsugh Hgjdur ndr 7 G`rm Ods 0.11 @gsugh Hgjdur ndr 7 G`rm Ods 0 ,1=1Zs.

    N[I trdhhy

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 61|Q g e m

    7st[mgr Qfysk`gh Qhgo dn ^memtgjhm Qrdidtkdo

    (Grmg ko G`rms)

    P.Od Lkstrk`t \digtd Qmgs Dokdo @u`uijmr Jkttmredurl \dtgh

    7 Qmsfgwgr

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 67|Q g e m


    [mgr Qfysk`gh Qhgo dn ^memtgjhm Qrdidtkdo

    (Grmg ko G`rms)

    P.Od Lkstrk`t \digtd Qmgs Dokdo @u`uijmr Jkttmredurl \dtgh

    7 Qmsfgwgr < < 1 < < 7>

    : @fgrsgllg < < 6 < < : Bdfgt : : 1 : : 6

    5 Fgoeu 7 7 1 7 7

    ; Igosmfrg : : 1 : : 6

    71 Jgttgergi 7 7 1 7 7 .1 >.1 :1

    = Pwgjk >.1 >.1 7:.1 >.1 >.1 0>

    > Bdfgt >.1 >.1 - >.1 >.1 :.1 - >.1 :.1 7>

    ; Igosmfrg >.1 >.1 - >.1 >.1 :.1 0>

    70 Bdfkstgo :.1 :.1 - :.1 :.1 6

    7< Ighgbgol >.1 >.1 :>.1 >.1 >.1 =1

    7= Pwgt 76.1 7>.1 56.1 7>.1 7>.1 7 Juokr >.1 >.1 - >.1 >.1 :.1 >.1 06.1 >.1 >.1 >:

    7; Lkr ]ppmr :.1 >.1 =:.1 >.1 :.1 >6

    :1 @fktrgh >.1 >.1 7:.1 >.1 >.1 0>

    :7 LKBfgo >.1 >.1 - >.1 >.1 :.1 >.1 - >.1 >.1 :.1 >.1 - >.1 >.1 :.1 >.1 - >.1 >.1 : 7=6 7 651

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  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 6=|Q g e m

    :ol[mgr Nkogo`kgh Qhgo dn ^memtgjhm Qrdidtkdo

    \digtd Qmgs Dokdo @u`uijmr Jkttmredurl

    =,77;.61Zs. 6,>:=Zs. 6,>:=Zs. 71,=Zs.Qmr G`rm @dst Jdrom jy tfm Qrdcm`t

    (Zs. Ko Ikhhkdo)\digtd Qmgs Dokdo @u`uijmr Jkttmredurl

    7 Qmsfgwgr 1.1:1 1.10= - 1.1; 1.7>>

    : @fgrsgllg 1.1:1 1.10= 1.1>; 1.1; 1.:0=

    0 Odwsfmrg 1.171 1.175 - 1.1:7 1.10= 1.160

    < Igrlgo 1.1:1 1.10= 1.10= 1.1; 1.:17

    = Pwgjk 1.171 1.175 1.10= 1.1:7 1.10= 1.776

    > Bdfgt 1.171 1.175 - 1.1:7 1.10= 1.160

    5 Fgoeu 1.11= 1.11; - 1.171 1.175 1.17

    ; Igosmfrg 1.171 1.175 - 1.1:7 1.10= 1.160

    71 Jgttgergi 1.11= 1.11; - 1.171 1.175 1.1

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 6>|Q g e m

    0rl[mgr Nkogo`kgh Qhgo dn ^memtgjhm Qrdidtkdo

    \digtd Qmgs Dokdo @u`uijmr Jkttmredurl

    =,665.55Zs. ;,;76.5=Zs. ;,;76.5=Zs. 77,;>6.>0Zs. 7;,;>;.5=Zs.

    Qmr G`rm @dst Jdrom jy tfm Qrdcm`t

    (Zs. Ko Ikhhkdo)\digtd Qmgs Dokdo @u`uijmr Jkttmredurl

    7 Qmsfgwgr 1.1:

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 65|Q g e m

    \frmm [mgrs Nkogo`kgh Qhgo dn ^memtgjhm Qrdidtkdo

    (Zs. Ko Ikhhkdo)

    P.Od Lkstrk`t \digtd Qmgs Dokdo @u`uijmr Jkttmredurl \dtgh

    7 Qmsfgwgr 1.1>: 1.71 1.:71 1.=17

    : @fgrsgllg 1.1>: 1.71 1.:71 1.5:=

    0 Odwsfmrg 1.107 1.1=: - 1.1>0 1.71= 1.:=7

    < Igrlgo 1.1>: 1.711>

    = Pwgjk 1.107 1.1=: 1.710 1.71= 1.0==

    > Bdfgt 1.107 1.1=: - 1.1>0 1.71= 1.:=7

    5 Fgoeu 1.177 1.17; - 1.1:: 1.105 1.16;

    6 Bgrgb 1.177 1.1=: - 1.1>0 1.105 1.7>0

    ; Igosmfrg 1.107 1.1=: - 1.1>0 1.71= 1.:=7

    71 Jgttgergi 1.177 1.17; - 1.1:: 1.105 1.16;

    77 Gjjdttgjgl 1.177 1.17; - 1.1:: 1.105 1.16;

    7: Fgrkpur 1.1=7 1.16> - 1.710 1.71= 1.00 1.71= 1.> 1.:55 7.00 1.71= 1.:=7

    75 Pfgoehg 1.177 1.17; - 1.1:: 1.105 1.16;

    76 Lkr Hdwmr 1.107 1.1=: 1.0:6 1.1>0 1.71= 1.=56

    7; Lkr ]ppmr 1.177 1.1=: 1.71

    :1 @fktrgh 1.107 1.1=: 1.710 1.71= 1.0==:7 LKBfgo 1.107 1.1=: - 1.1>0 1.71= 1.:=7

    :: \gob 1.177 1.17; - 1.1:: 1.105 1.16;

    :0 Jgoou 1.107 1.1=: - 1.1>0 1.71= 1.:=7

    :< Hgbbk Igrwgt 1.107 1.1=: - 1.1>0 1.71= 1.:=7

    := \drefgr 1.107 1.1=: - 1.1>0 1.71= 1.:=7

    \dtgh 3 1.566 7.05> :.:1>7 :.=>6 6.=;5

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 66|Q g e m

    Zs. 7>,>=,:11

    Zs. - :ol[mgr Julemt

    P.Od. Ktmi ]okt Wty

    7. @dursmwgrm lmvmhdpimot Ods. 7

    :. @dursmwgrm pur`fgsm Ods. 7011

    0. @mrtknk`gtkdo Ods. 7011

    =. Kostru`tdr nmms/fdodrgrkg Ods. 71

    >. Motmrtgkoimot Ods. 7011

    Ng`khkty/ Zmotgh Ods. 1

    5. Kostru`tkdogh Igtmrkghs Ods. 7011

    71 @dotmot g` quksktkdo Ods. :

    Mxpdsurm ^kskt Ods. 7011

    7:. Qmr lkmi Ods. =,:11

    7st[mgr Julemt Zs. 7>,>=,:11

    Lms`rkptkdo / Custknk`gtkdo ]okt @dst/Zgtm \dgh

    ^memtgjhm Egrlmo Igogemimot

    k. Qhgotkoekk. Erglkoe

    kkk. Qg`bgekoe

    kv. Igrbmt Hkobgem

    Zs. =,111 Zs. =,111

    Qujhk`gtkdos dn 7011 `dpkms dn mg`f `dursm ndr ngrimrs (=


    Zs. 61 Zs. 7,1=,111

    Igtmrkghs td jm ldwohdglml nrdi wmj gol kts prkotkoe mt` Zs. 011 Zs. >11

    \dgh 3 Zs. 7>,>=,:11

    Kotmrsm`tdrgh Mxpdsurm kskt/Nkmhl ^kskt (: Lgys) A Zs. 7111/- Zs. 7,111 Zs. 70,11,111

    : Gttmolgots td jm fkrml ndr gsskstgo`m do lgkhy jgsks Zs. 11

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 6;|Q g e m


    \fks g`tkvkty ks pgrt dn sbkhh lmvmhdpimot uolmr wfk`f dr`fgrl igogemimot wkhhjm hmgrot. Bfyjmr Qgbftuobfwg ks jhmssml wktf `hkigtm gol sdkh tmxturm idst

    suktgjhm ndr dr`fgrls / fdrtk`uhturm. ]olmr tfks g`tkvkty lkstrkjutkdo dn jullkoe bktstfm erdups dn ngrimrs edt trgkokoe uolmr sbkhh lmvmhdpimot prdergiim dn tfmprdcm`t gol mordhhml / rmekstmrml dr`fgrl erdwmrs dn INP@s wkhh jm jmomnktml.

    g. Grmg uolmr Nrukt gol Jullkoe Bkts @rktmrkg

    (Grmg 9 G`rms) (Jullkoe Bkts3 Ods) (@dst ko Ikhhkdo)Lkstrk t Bfgrkn


    Zgjk Nrukt \dtgh Lkstrkjutkdo dn

    Jullkoe Bkts


    7 Od. 36 G`rms

    @dst dn Jullkoe


    (A Zs. 71111/-


    Grmg td jm



    Qmsfgwgr :55= 0=7 07:=.6: 6: 7.117 >=>

    @fgrsgllg 0750 6:= 0;;6.16 71< 7.:5: 60:

    Odwsfmrg 07;1 ;66 6> :6

    Lkr Hdwmr 7716

    @fktrgh 7:50 706 7>0: 77 7= 5=7.76< :1 1.:1

    Jgoou 0105 7=>; 1=.;< 7:7 7.6

    Hgbbk Igrwgt ;=>>:.0 :=7< 01.50< :177:

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 ;1|Q g e m

    Qfysk`gh & Nkogo`kgh Qhgo dn Qrdlu`tkdo dn Nrukt \rmms jy Ergntgem tfrduef lkstrkjutkdo dn Jullkoe/Ergntkoe Bkts kiphk`gtkdo

    7st ymgr :ol ymgr 0rl ymgr \dtgh 7st ymgr :ol ymgr 0rl [mgr \dtgh

    Qmsfgwgr = 0; 06 6: 1.1=1 1. =: =7 71; 1.1>1 1.=;6 1.>5< 7.00:

    Igrlgo 6 >5 >5 7 7.505

    Pwgjk < 0= 0= 5< 1.11 1.>71 1.517 7.051

    Fgoeu 1 0 0 > 1.111 1.10= 1.1> 1.70 1.007 1.>05

    \drefgr : 70 70 :6 1.1:1 1.7=1 1.75: 1.0

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 ;:|Q g e m

    Moegemimot dn


    sbkhhml hgjdur ndr

    761 wdrbkoe

    lgys A 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry gol Qrdemoy Egrlmo

    LKBfgo 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri gol Qrdemoy Egrlmo

    @fgrjgef Pwgjk711.11 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    Lgtm Qrdemoy Egrlmo Zgbf Igoefgo

    LKBfgo 61.11 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri Jddoy @fktrgh 6.=5 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri @fgpgrk, @fktrgh 6.=5 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri, Lgregk, Ighgbgol

    Lkvkskdo7>.11 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    7.1=1 7.=7: 1.0=1 :.;7:


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 ;0|Q g e m

    Moegemimot dn


    sbkhhml hgjdur ndr

    761 wdrbkoe

    lgys A 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry gol Qrdemoy Egrlmo

    LKBfgo 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri gol Qrdemoy Egrlmo

    @fgrjgef Pwgjk711.11 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    Lgtm Qrdemoy Egrlmo Zgbf Igoefgo

    LKBfgo 61.11 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri Jddoy @fktrgh 6.=5 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri @fgpgrk, @fktrgh 6.=5 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri, Lgregk, Ighgbgol

    Lkvkskdo7>.11 1.7=1 1.:7> 1.1=1 1.

    7.1=1 7.=7: 1.0=1 :.;7:


    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri Grmg dn




    Koput @dst Dtfmr


    A =1111/-


    / gooui



  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 ;=|Q g e m

    Mvghugtkdo dn Jmomnkts nrdi Mxkstkoe Nrukt Oursmry Ngris

    J. Lkstrkjutkdo dn Nrukt Qhgots & Ko`dim nrdi tfm Pghm prd`mml

    (Zs. Ko Ikhhkdo)

    7st ymgr :ol ymgr 0rl ymgr 7st ymgr :ol ymgr 0rl ymgr \dtgh

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri gol

    Qrdemoy Egrlmo Fgrkpur =1111 =1111 =1111 7.=11 7.=11 7.=11

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 ;>|Q g e m

    @. Grmg td jm Jrdueft uolmr dr`fgrls

    (Grmg ko G`rms)

    :170-7< :17

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri gol Qrdemoy Egrlmo Fgrkpur =11 =11 =11 7=11

    Nrukt Oursmry gol Qrdemoy Egrlmo LKBfgo =11 =11 =11 7=11

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri gol Qrdemoy Egrlmo @fgrjgef

    Pwgjk=11 =11 =11 7=11

    Lgtm Qrdemoy Egrlmo Zgbf Igoefgo LKBfgo =11 =11 =11 7=11

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri Jddoy @fktrgh =11 =11 =11 7=11

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri @fgpgrk, @fktrgh =11 =11 =11 7=11

    Nrukt Oursmry Ngri, Lgregk, Ighgbgol Lkvkskdo =11 =11 =11 7=11

    \dtgh 0=11 0=11 0=11 71=11

    \dtghLkstrk`t Grmg td jm jrdueft uolmr


  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 ;5|Q g e m

    L. Mstkigtml Qrdlu`m dn tfm Dr`fgrls td jm hgkl dut

    (Qrdlu`m ko I.\dooms)

    :175-76 :176-7; :17;-:1 :1:1-:7 :1:7-:: :1::-:0 :1:0-::=

    Bdfkstgo : - 1.711 1.:11 1.::= 1.1=1 1.=5=

    Juokr : 1.1=1 1.711 1.:11 1.::= 1.1=1 1.>:=

    Lkr Hdwmr : 1.1=1 1.711 1.:11 1.::= 1.1=1 1.>:=

    Lkr ]ppmr : 1.1=1 1.711 1.:11 1.::= 1.1=1 1.>:=

    \gob : 1.1=1 1.711 1.:11 1.::= 1.1=1 1.>:=Jgoou : - 1.711 1.:11 1.::= 1.1=1 1.=5=

    1.011 7.011 :.>11 :.;:= 1.>=1 5.55=\dtgh

    :170-75= 1.7=1 7.>5=

    Odwsfmrg : - 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.=:=

    Igrlgo : - 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.=:=

    Pwgjk : - 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.=:=

    Bdfgt : - 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.=:=

    Gjjdttgjgl : - 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.=:=

    Pwgt: 1.7=1 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.>5=

    Bdfkstgo : - 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.=:=

    Juokr : 1.7=1 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.>5=

    Lkr Hdwmr : 1.7=1 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.>5=

    Lkr ]ppmr : 1.7=1 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.>5=

    \gob : 1.7=1 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.>5=

    Jgoou : - 1.711 1.>11 1.>5= 1.7=1 7.=:=

    1.;11 7.011 5.611 6.55= 7.;=1 :1.5:=

    0 [mgrs @dst dn Omw Nrukt Oursmrkms Mstgjhksfimot

    Lkstrk`t Grmg


    ndr NON(G`ms)

    \ddhs &










    \dtgh `dst

    dn NON



  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 717|Q g e m

    Mvghugtkdo dn Jmomnkts nrdi Mxkstkoe Nrukt Oursmry Ngris

    G. Lkstrkjutkdo dn Nrukt Qhgots & Ko`dim nrdi tfm Pghm prd`mml

    (Zs. Ko Ikhhkdo)

    7st ymgr :ol ymgr 0rl ymgr 7st ymgr :ol ymgr 0rl ymgr \dtgh

    Qmsfgwgr - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Odwsfmrg - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Igrlgo - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Pwgjk - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Bdfgt - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Gjjdttgjgl - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Pwgt - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Bdfkstgo - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Juokr - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Lkr Hdwmr - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Lkr ]ppmr - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    \gob - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    Jgoou - :1,111 =1,111 - 1.>11 7.=11 :.711

    \dtgh - :>1,111 >=1,111 - 5.611 7;.=11 :5.011

    Lkstrk`t \d rgksm & lkstrkjutm nrukt phgots


    Lkrm`t ko`dim td tfm edvmroimot nrdi sghm

    prd`mml (Zs. 01/- p.phgot gt go gvmrgem)

  • 8/13/2019 Sustainable Agriculture Dev for Food Security


    Ld`uimot7 71:|Q g e m

    J. Grmg td jm Jrdueft uolmr Dr`fgrl

    (Grmg ko G`rms)

    :170-7< :17

    Qmsfgwgr - :11 =11 511

    Odwsfmrg - :11 =11 511

    Igrlgo - :11 =11 511

    Pwgjk - :11 =11 511

    Bdfgt - :11 =11 511

    Gjjdttgjgl - :11 =11 511

    Pwgt - :11 =11 511

    Bdfkstgo - :11 =11 511

    Juokr - :11 =11 511

    Lkr Hdwmr - :11 =11 511

    Lkr ]ppmr - :11 =11 511

    \gob - :11 =11 511

    Jgoou - :11 =11 511

    \dtgh -