sw 2013 closing out your cncs grant

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  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Closing Out

    Your CNCS Grants

    12013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013

  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    You need to know . . .The information in this session is based onCNCS and Federal laws, rules, andregulations; CNCS grant terms and

    provisions; and generally acceptedaccounting and financial principles and


    Some state commissions, national grantees, orparent organizations may imposeadditional requirements.

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Session Objectives Understand the closeout process

    Learn about closeout requirements

    Understand the roles & responsibilitiesduring the closeout process

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


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    Record retention



    Close out process& documents

    Refund &de-obligation

    Notification & audit

    Topics of Discussion

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013

  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Overview of the Close Out ProcessGrantee Responsibility:

    Complete grant close out within 90 days of the endof the project period

    Seek a no-cost extension from the OGM or FFMCfor activities that will extend beyond the projectperiod end dates

    As a subgrantee, you must go through yourCommission, Parent, or other primary organization

    Senior Corps no-cost extensions are rarity

    Must request 90 days prior to end of 3 year grant end

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


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    Grantee Responsibilities

    Complete the following steps:

    Pay outstanding obligations

    Closeout sub-grants

    Submit close out documents as necessary

    Enter final Federal Financial Report (FFR) in eGrants

    Return unobligated funds

    Ensure all final amounts are equal FFR in eGrants

    FFR in Payment Management System (PMS)

    Drawdown in PMS

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


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    CNCS RoleCNCS takes the following steps:

    Verifies completion of program & financial

    requirements by grantee De-obligates unobligated funds

    Accounts for equipment & supplies as

    necessary Reviews final amounts for reconciliation

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Gathering Required Documentation

    Final FFR

    In eGrants

    In PMS Equipment inventory form, as necessary

    Residual supplies form, as necessary

    Subgrantee certification, as necessaryAvailable in PDF format at:


    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Preparing Final FFR (SF-425)

    FFR: Final & Cumulative

    Covers entire project period

    Usually 3 years Accounts for total funds awarded

    Verifies that FFR figures are supported byaccounting system and documentation

    Ensure amount you have drawn from PMSequals amount disbursed and expended

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Equipment & Supply Inventory Forms Required for individual equipment with

    current market value of $5,000 or more,

    purchased with CNCS funds If Not Applicable no need to submit

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Subgrantee Certification Required for grantees with subgrants

    Procedures for subgrant closeout are the

    same as for grantees closeout Grantee submits one certification to

    CNCS that covers all subgrant

    Establish written procedures forsubgrantees to follow with closing outgrants

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


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    Reconciling the Grant Reconcile all expenditures and draw downs, so

    that funds expended are equal to fundsdisbursed and advanced

    If these reports do not reflect the sameexpenditure amounts the Corporation cannotclose your grant until you make adjustments

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013




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    Handling Match Deficiency Federal Share of Award is reduced by

    proportion of match that is below therequired level

    Refund amount = difference betweenoriginal and reduced award when matchdeficiency exists

    If necessary, submit written request forwaiver, including reasons for failure tomeet match

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConferenceJuly 24 25, 2013


  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Refunding Unobligated Funds Review all obligations at closeout to ensure that funds

    have been drawn to cover the obligations

    Return unobligated grant funds at end of project

    period Accompany refund check with a letter stating that the

    money reflects a refund

    Send refund checks directly to:HHS

    Division of Payment Management

    PO Box 6021

    Rockville, MD 20852

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConference

    July 24 25, 2013


  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Refunding Unobligated Funds(contd) Include the following information in the refund


    PMS account and subaccount numbers

    CNCS grant number to be credited

    Amount of interest included (if any)

    Send a copy of the refund letter & check to the

    Office of Grants Management or Field FinancialManagement Center with close out documents

    OGM or FFMC will initiate a refund request withcorrespondence that explains reason for collection

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConference

    July 24 25, 2013


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    De-obligating Funds CNCS will de-obligate any authorized

    grant funds not drawn down at the end of

    the project period De-obligation reduces the amount of

    authorized funds to equal the amounts

    disbursed and drawn down Grantees do not have access to de-

    obligated funds

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConference

    July 24 25, 2013


  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    Notification of Closeout Grantee receives written notice from

    CNCS when a grant is officially closed

    Notification is sent when a grantee hasmet all programmatic and fiscalrequirements

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConference

    July 24 25, 2013


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    Subsequent Audit CNCS retains right to conduct a

    subsequent audit or other review of a

    grantclose out does not change thisright

    Notice of audit may extend the three yearrecord retention requirement

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConference

    July 24 25, 2013


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    Retaining Records

    Retain all records for three years fromsubmission of the final FFR

    Requirement is included in the CNCSRegulations

    Electronic recordkeeping is acceptable

    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConference

    July 24 25, 2013


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    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConference

    July 24 25, 2013


    Taking it Home!

    1. Ensure your grant records reconcile toyour accounting system

    2. Complete all applicable closeout forms3. Retain and store all grant records for the

    required amount of time

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    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConference

    July 24 25, 2013



    Wrap Up


  • 7/28/2019 SW 2013 Closing Out Your CNCS Grant


    2013 Southwestern National Service TrainingConference

    July 24 25 2013


    For More Information Contact your State Commission

    Contact your CNCS Grants Officer E-mail or call your Grants Officer

    Visit the Resource Center Online tools and training www.nationalserviceresources.org/financial-and-grants-management