sw history

Vlka Fenryka History Introduction T he Space Wolves organization, doctrines, and history are very different from the majority of Space Marine chapters. This is one of the reasons the Space Wolves are such a unique force among the Adeptus Astartes and why they can be an enigma for new players. So here is my attempt to give some insight into the history, and organization of the Space Wolves, one of my favorite chapters plus a characterful and interesting organization within the forces of the Imperium. Great Companies T he 12 Great Companies of the Space Wolves do not have set numbers and therefore the total number of marines in the Space Wolves chapter is hard to pin down. Additionally each Great Company makes use of the tactics and strategies favored by each individual Wolf Lord. No two Great Companies wage war in exactly the same way, many are significantly different. The following are the 12 Great Companies that make up the Space Wolves Chapter at present and the manner in which they prefere to fight. Bran Redmaw's Great Company -The Great Company of Bran Redmaw often operates with a hammer and anvil strategy. The furious assault of Bran's Company forcing an enemy to retreat into the grip of more Grey Hunters laying in wait behind them. Savage fighters the Redmaw Great Company will tear any foe unlucky enough to be trapped by them into shreds. Engir Krakendoom's Great Company -A very fast and mobile Great Company, Engir Krakendoom generally prefers to deploy his company in transports with Swiftclaws and Skyclaws acting as outriders to the main body of Krakendoom's Company. Additionally the Krakendoom Great Company is proficient in ship-to- ship combat and it is usually the forces of Engir Krakendoom that are called upon to lead

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Vlka Fenryka History



he Space Wolves organization, doctrines, and history are very different from the majority of Space Marine

chapters. This is one of the reasons the Space Wolves are such a unique force among the Adeptus Astartes

and why they can be an enigma for new players. So here is my attempt to give some insight into the history,

and organization of the Space Wolves, one of my favorite chapters plus a characterful and interesting

organization within the forces of the Imperium.

Great Companies


he 12 Great Companies of the Space Wolves do not have set numbers and therefore the total number of

marines in the Space Wolves chapter is hard to pin down. Additionally each Great Company makes use of the

tactics and strategies favored by each individual Wolf Lord. No two Great Companies wage war in exactly the

same way, many are significantly different. The following are the 12 Great Companies that make up the

Space Wolves Chapter at present and the manner in which they prefere to fight. 

Bran Redmaw's Great Company

-The Great Company of Bran Redmaw often operates with a hammer and anvil strategy. The furious assault of

Bran's Company forcing an enemy to retreat into the grip of more Grey Hunters laying in wait behind them.

Savage fighters the Redmaw Great Company will tear any foe unlucky enough to be trapped by them into


Engir Krakendoom's Great Company

-A very fast and mobile Great Company, Engir Krakendoom generally prefers to deploy his company in

transports with Swiftclaws and Skyclaws acting as outriders to the main body of Krakendoom's Company.

Additionally the Krakendoom Great Company is proficient in ship-to-ship combat and it is usually the forces of

Engir Krakendoom that are called upon to lead the way when the Space Wolf fleet goes to war. 

Erik Morkai's Great Company 

-Easily the most unusual in methodology, Erik Morkai's Company are stealth and covert operations experts.

None are more cunning or crafty than the warriors of Erik Morkai's Company. Employing many Wolf Scouts,

the forces of the Morkai Great Company are even noted to have stalked and ambushed the dreaded Dark


Gunnar Red Moon's Great Company

-Gunnar Red Moon's Great Company exemplify the traits most common in the Space Wolves. Loud, raucous

and straight forward. Wolf Lord Gunnar Redmoon favors the veteran Long Fangs, reasoning that the seasoned

warriors make for the best companions on the battlefield and off. A traditional and completely Space Wolf

approach to combat. 

Logan Grimnar's Great Company

-The Great Company of the Great Wolf Logan Grimnar have both great honor and great responsibility.

Fanatically loyal to the Great Wolf and ever vying and competing for positions in the vaunted Wolf Guard, the

Space Wolves of Grimnar's Great Company are ever trying to earn their lords favor. 

Harald Deathwolf's Great Company

-Harald Deathwolf rides the mighty Thunderwolf Icetooth and his Great Company as a whole is accompanied

by a veritable horde of Fenrisian Wolves and Thunderwolf Cavalry. 

Bjorn Stormwolf's Great Company

-The Stormwolf Great Company are primarily employed as

frontline assault troops, Lord Bjorn Stormwolf favoring

anything that makes a lot of noise. As a result the Stormwolf

Great Company employs many Vindicators, heavy weapons,

bikes and other weapons and wargear that can cause a lot

of destruction and havoc. 

Egil Iron Wolf's Great Company

-The Iron Wolf Great Company goes to war as a rolling mass

of Astartes armor, Egil Iron Wolf himself riding at the head

of his Company's heavy armor in his own personalised Land

Raider. Swift transports full of Space Wolves cut off escape

and retreat while Egil leads a crushing hammer blow of

armored might down upon the enemy. 

Krom Dragongaze's Great Company

-The Dragongaze Great Company is one where talent and valour are rewarded regardless of source and every

opportunity for challenge and glory in battle is siezed. 

Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company

-The Blackmane Great Company contains more Blood Claws than any other and is second in size only to the

Great Company of Logan Grimnar himself, boasting almost 200 warriors. Ragnar's Company excells at

Planetary Assaults and his Company is often picked to spearhead an invasion or counter-attack by the Space

Wolves. The Blackmane Great Company's packs have become experts of a form of Drop Pod Assault called

The Grand Annulus

the "Claws of Russ."

Sven Bloodhowl's Great Company

-Fierce in appearance and nature, the marines of the Bloodhowl Great Company tattoo themselves with

scenes of their accomplishments and runes, Sven himself is covered from head to toe with tattoes depicting

scenes from his Saga. It is said that Sven has gone so far to tattoe his latest deeds upon the skins of his

enemies. The Bloodhowl Company is nearly obsessed with flames, the marines of the Company performing

daring acts of fire-breathing and fire-swallowing at feasts, it is even rumored that the vanguard forces of the

Bloodhowl Company will breath flames upon their foes. 

Kjarl Grimblood's Great Company

-The Grimblood Great Company are fierce competitors with the Bloodhowl Great Company and boasts no less

than 12 Land Raider Redeemers along with many other flame weapons. Kjarl Grimblood is said to have

extremely accurate foresight, seemingly reading future events in the flickering of flames. In addition the Grey

Hunters of the Grimblood Great Company have a special rite where warriors who have slain a foe with flame

will paint their faces with blood before each battle and become known as "Red Hunters." 

Lost Companies


irst and most legendary amongst the Lost Companies of the Space Wolves is the fabled 13th Company.

Vanished from the dark days of the Horus Heresy the Space Wolves of the 13th Company have hunted the

traitors through the Eye of Terror itself for nigh on ten millenia. However that Company of noble warriors is

not the only one counted as a 'Lost' Company by the Chapter. The empty 13th space on the Grand Annulus of

the Space Wolves is reserved for all the 'Lost' Companies and there are many ways these companies come to

be lost. The most obvious and disheartening is the damnation of becoming lost in the warp, the ships of the

Great Company caught in a deadly Warp Storm or dragged to their doom by a predator of the empyrion, their

bodies and souls trapped within the warp for all time. Their vessels sometimes surfacing ages after their

dissapearance as ghost ships or as part of a dreaded Space Hulk, ghost ships testament to the perils of Warp


The second way in which a Company becomes lost is by choice. This seems strange to some in the Imperium

but to the Space Wolves it can be a matter of pragmatism of a difference of interests with the Chapters

current Great Wolf. At times a Great Company will find itself so far afield that return to the Fang would take

years, if not decades, or a Warp Storm might block any hope of return and in these cases some Lords choose

to forgo any attempt at a return and simply soldier on, campaigning until the last Space Wolf falls. At other

times a Wolf Lord may have a fundamental disagreement with the Chapters current Great Wolf and rather

than continue in his service will opt to take those warriors and vessels loyal to him and leave to fight the

enemies of the Emperor in whatever way he chooses fit until his warriors strength is expended. 

The last and most insidious way a Company can become 'Lost' is to turn its back on the Emperor, becoming

renegades or in the worst cases wholly embracing the corruption of Chaos. No Chapter speaks easily about

those of their number who have fallen to the grip of damnation, but only the Grey Knights can claim to have

never had a marine fall to chaos. These warriors are hated and reviled by the rest of the Chapter and no

sacrifice is too great to see these heretics destroyed and the honor of the Chapter restored. 



he Space Wolves recruit exclusively from Fenris. Those chosen by the Space Wolves may often have been

mortally wounded, and are repaired by the Chapters technology. To be reborn and have a chance at becoming

something more, a Space Marine, a Space Wolf, a son of Russ. The aspirants are taken to training camps such

as Russvik, Grimnir and Valksberg where they will learn and train in the hopes of becoming worthy. Where

other chapters simply have aspirants fight until only the strongest stand, the Space Wolves set a more

exacting standard. Skill in battle is important, but it is not the only thing that matters in becoming a Wolf. The

Aspirants are forced to train as teams, to work together as packs, to succeed or fail together, put up against

the odds. To face the harshness of nature, the depredations of the wild monsters of Asaheim, and the

exacting expectations of the training Sergeants. Only those who have proven themselves worthy are brought

into the Chapter as Blood Claws. Given the implants that transform them into Adeptus Astartes and trained

further still in the facilities of the Fang the Aspirants face one final test. To master themselves, and the gene-

curse of the Chapter, the Mark of the Wulfen. Aspirants in their final stages of implantation are taken far from

the Fang and left in the wilderness with little to aid them. If they can make their way back to the Fang without

succumbing to the call of the Wulfen or falling to the predators of the wild then they will become full

members of the Chapter, as Blood Claws. 

Blood Claw packs are not the scouts typical of other Chapters. Fully armored in power armor and implanted

with the Black Carapace, the 19th Implant of the transformation process, the Blood Claws are fully Adeptus

Astartes. However they have yet to master their skills and their lust for battle. After their initiation they are

assigned to a Great Company. Should the Wolves survive to temper their lust for battle they will ascend to the

rank of Grey Hunter, and cease their existence as initiates, and become veterans of the Chapter. Because of

the ferocious lust for battle held by all Blood Claws, their attrition rate is terrible, and not many survive to

become Grey Hunters.

The Packs of the Space Wolves


nstead of organizing into the Tactical, Assault and Devastator squads as the Codex Astartes dictates, the

Space Wolves form their troops into Packs. Each pack will generally be made up of warriors who have fought

together for some time and will work together as a pack of wolves on the hunt. For the Space Wolves their

senses of smell and hearing are just as important to them as their keen eyesight. Packs will work together to

sniff and sound out their foes, hunting their prey like the wolves of Fenris, identifying the locations of their

comrades as much by smell as by any technological means. The Space Wolves have four primary

organizations of packs. Blood Claws, Grey Hunters, Long Fangs, and Wolf Guard. There are also Wolf Scouts,

which are an oddity among the Adeptus Astartes.

Blood Claws

-Blood Claw packs are the initiates of the Space Wolves, the youngest members of the Chapter fresh from

their transformation into Space Marines. Blood Claws have yet to fully contain their lust for battle and so are

simply encouraged to let it out, and get over their battle frenzy, allowing that in time, those who survive will

temper themselves and become Grey Hunters, blooded and experienced warriors of the Chapter. In battle

Blood Claws are armed to fulfill their battle frenzy, given a variety of close combat weapons and armed with

bolt pistols the Blood Claw packs are usually at the vanguard of any Space Wolf charge. 


-A subset of Blood Claws, the Swiftclaws are called up from the ranks of the Blood Claws when the Chapter

needs a swift, hard hitting assault force. The young and ambitious Blood Claws are well suited to this role. In

addition to forming a lightning assault force, Swiftclaws will occasionally be tasked with a dangerous quest to

track down and slay a particularly dangerous enemy.


-Skyclaws are another subset of the Blood Claws, formed from the most troublesome and headstrong

members of the Blood Claw packs. Promotion to the Skyclaws is considered at best a dubious one, after all

Russ was always content to fight with his feet firmly on the ground, no self respecting Space Wolf would fight

any other way. 

Grey Hunters

-The backbone of the chapter are the Grey Hunter packs. Experienced marines who have gotten over their

lust for battle and tempered their souls with age and wisdom. Grey Hunters are nevertheless still skilled

combatants in close quarters fighting and almost always are armed to do battle both at range and in the

teeth of the enemy. 

Long Fangs

-Long Fangs are small packs of aged Space Wolves who have lived long enough for their canines to grow

exceedingly long, hence their name. Long Fangs are armed with a variety of heavy weapons and led by a

veteran pack leader who can carefully and expertly direct their firepower to the best effect. 

Lone Wolves

-Over time as Space Wolf packs take cassualties and gain experience they pass through the ranks, eventually

the last few survivors making it into the vaunted ranks of the Wolf Guard. However sometimes a pack will

suffer particularly harsh cassualties leaving a lone survivor who has not yet earned a place in the Wolf Guard.

These last standing Lone Wolves will take on an air of vengeance and doom, determined to regain the honor

of their pack in combat or die trying. Those who succeed in their quests to seek out and slay dangerous or

potent enemies and survive are accepted into the Wolf Guard, the rest have at least earned an honorable

death in combat. 

Wolf Guard

-Wolf Guard are the last variety of Space Wolves packs. The equivalent of veterans in other chapters, Wolf

Guard form the bodyguard of their Wolf Lord. Armed to the teeth with all manner of weapons and sometimes

even wearing suits of ancient Tactical Dreadnaught Armor. Wolf Guard perform a variety of roles within the

Space Wolves chapter. Forming bodyguards for Wolf Lords and other officers and specialists, but also from

time to time leading other packs into battle, or sometimes leading smaller operations in place of the Wolf


Thunderwolf Cavalry

-Thunderwolf Cavalry units are a sub group of the Wolf Guard. According to official Imperial records the

Thunderwolf Cavalry don't exist and the Space Wolves keep them as a closely guarded secret.

Wolf Scouts

-Wolf Scouts are attached to the Great Company of the Great Wolf and follow his orders, dispatched where

and when he wills. Not the recruits of other Astartes Chapters, Wolf Scouts are grizzled veterans, who opt to

go without their full suits of power armor to better scout out the galaxy for their chapter. Deployed to gather

information on battlefields before and during a campaign Wolf Scouts provide vital intelligence to their


Officers and Specialists

Great Wolf

-The Great Wolf is the Space Wolves equivalent of the Chapter Master, generally considered a steward

awaiting the return of Primarch Leman Russ. The Great Wolf leads the chapter in Russ’ absence. Chosen from

among the Chapters Wolf Lords, the current Great Wolf is Logan Grimnar, who has lead the Chapter for over

eight centuries. 

Wolf Lords

-The war leaders of the Great Companies, the Chapter includes 11 Wolf Lords. Much of the time the attrition

rate for Wolf Lords is fairly significant because of the Chapters disposition towards close combat, however

some Wolf Lords have seen their thousandth year pass. Ragnar Blackmane is one of the Chapters current Wolf

Lords and is in fact the youngest Wolf Lord in the Chapters history. 

Iron Priests

-The Iron Priests are the chapter’s equivalent of Techmarines. Sent off for training at Mars the Iron Priests

maintain the Chapters equipment, and forge replacement wargear. Iron Priests are traditionally attached to

the Great Wolf’s Company and re-assigned to other fighting forces on a situational basis. Iron Priests also

have a place in the transformation and initiation of new recruits. 

Wolf Priests

-Wolf Priests are a unique officer class within the Adeptus Astartes. A mixture of Chaplain and Apothecary the

Wolf Priests administer to the physical and mental well being of the Chapter’s warriors and also choose the

aspirants to the chapter from among the tribes of Fenris. Ulrik the Slayer is a famous Wolf Priest who

mentored many notable members of the Chapter including Logan Grimnar and Ragnar Blackmane. 

Rune Priests

-The Space Wolves do not have Librarians as such, instead the Chapter maintains a number of Rune Priests,

potent psykers who examine the minds of all aspirants to the Chapter for any sign of taint or treachery.

Armed and equipped differently from Librarians, Rune Priests do not wear the psychic hoods of Librarians, and

do not always carry force weapons, what the Space Wolves call runic weapons. The Rune Priests however are

potent psykers in their own right and fierce warriors as are all men of Fenris. 

Venerable Dreadnaughts

-The Dreadnaughts of the Space Wolves are generally ancient and wise warriors, who spend a great deal of

time in dreamless sleep beneath the fang, only awakened in times of great need. The Venerable

Dreadnaughts of the Space Wolves may sometimes even lead forces of wolves into battle in the absence of

another capable war leader, or sometimes in deference to their ancient wisdom. 

Chapter Serfs


ike all Chapters of the Adeptus Astartes the Space Wolves maintain a sizable army of mortal support staff and

specialists who keep the Chapter running. Generally referred to as Bondsmen the Space Wolves serfs crew

the Chapter's warships, man the defences of the Fang, provide medicae staff, repair crews and all the various

types of labor that allow the Chapter's warriors to travel and fight the Emperor's many foes. 


-The Thralls make up the majority of the Chapter's serfs. 


-Grooms are a sub-set of the Chapter's Thralls. 


-The Kaerls are the armed serfs charged with the defense of the Chapter's vessels and holdings. 


-The Huskaerls are the field officers of the Kaerls. 


-The senior officers of the Kaerls, each Rivenmaster commands a force of five hundred armed Kaerls. 

Ship Masters

-The mortal commanders of the Space Wolves vessels are known as Ship Masters, charged with commanding

the Chapter's warships in the absence of the Space Wolves themselves. 


-The Astropaths in service to the Space Wolves are known as Star-speakers. 


-Like all vessels the Space Wolves ships require Navigators to travel the tides of the warp. The Space Wolves

have a long standing alliance with the Navigator House Belisarius to provide guides for the Chapter's ships.

Twenty four Space Wolves are assigned to House Belisarius as guards and officers in exchange for the service

of an equal number of House Belisarius' most skilled Navigators. 

Notable Chapter Artifacts

The Axe of Morkai

-The Axe of Morkai is a legendary twin-headed axe wielded by Logan Grimnar. The axe is a trophy siezed by

the Space Wolves from a Champion of chaos and re-forged into a mighty weapon of the Imperium. 

The Pelt of the Doppleganger

-Lukas the Trickster is the only individual in the Space Wolves history who has managed to track and slay one

of the legendary chameleonic Doppleganger. Lukas wears the pelt as a trophy and uses it's innate abilities to

assist him in battle, and probably mischief. 

Staff of the Stormcaller

-The Runic Staff wielded by Njal Stormcaller, the Staff of the Stormcaller is a venerable weapon and relic of

the Space Wolves. 

The Cyber-raven Nightwing

-Njal the Stormcaller saved Iron Priest Ulf Blackbrow's life during the battle of Rust WOrld. Blackbrow was not

one to owe others favors and so the accomplished smith crafted a particularly sophisticated cyber-raven

named Nightwing for Njal. Nightwing has since saved Njal's life many times and is ever swift to aid the

legendary Rune Priest in combat. 

Runic Terminator Armor of Njal Stormcaller

-Njal alone has the skill to craft Runic Terminator armor and his suit is currently the only one of it's kind in the



-A potent relic of the Space Wolves wielded by Grimnar's Champion Arjac Rockfist. Foehammer is a rune

inscribed Thunderhammer with an inbuilt teleportation device that returns the weapon to Arjac's hand should

he throw it at a foe or far more rarely, lose it in combat. 

Anvil Shield

-The Anvil Shield is a large slab of obstinite lasted with adamantium wielded by Arjac Rockfist as much as a

weapon as a form of protection. 


-Relic Thunder Hammer crafted by Rune Priest Svasund the Golden in M38. Currently borne by Wolf Guard

Battle Leader Skallagrim of the Blackbrow of the Redmaw Great Company.

Axe Langnvast

-Relic axe borne by Wolf Lord Bran Redmaw. 

Claws of Andhrimnir

-Relic born by Long Fang Brother Skyhowler of the Redmaw Great Company.


-A mighty relic of the Chapter Frostfang was crafted by Iron Priest Fergus Forgrim a famous craftsman of the

Chapter. The chainblade teeth of this relic are fashioned from a rare metal whose secrets died with their


The Hood of Gnyrll

-An ancient relic of the Chapter granting any Rune Priest who wears it greater control of their psychic powers. 

The Helm of Durfast

-This ancient helm was crafted for the legendary hero Durfast, Champion of Mordrak. The helm incorporates a

temporal distort circuit and advanced guidance system allowing its wearer to detect enemies no matter how

well hidden and guides his hand in slaying them. 

The Wulfen Stone

-One of the Chapter's most ancient and treasured relics, the Wulfen Stone was worked into a suit of armor by

Iron Priest Fengri. Within the depths of the gem can be seen an image of the Wolf Within, the Canis-helix

found within every Son of Russ. 

Hrulf's Hood of Darkness

-An ancient device of xenos origin, when activated the hood shrouds its wearer in a cloak of darkness.

Torgarl's Plasma Blade

-Similar in function to the Foehammer born by Arjac this ancient blade incorporates a sophisticated homing

device and teleport matrix capable of returning it to its users hand after being thrown. The blade itself

incorporates a plasma generator in the handle capable of sheathing the knife in an intense plasma field able

to penetrate even the thickest armor. 

Frost Blades

-Frost blades usually take the forms of chainswords or chainaxes. Ancient and masterfully artificed weapons

made from the teeth of Ice Krakens Frost Blades are potent weapons unique to the Space Wolves, that can

carve through the heaviest armor with ease. Some Frost Axes have blades of energised diamond giving the

weapons the appearance of lethal shards of ice. 

Belts of Russ

-Each Great Company has in it’s armory a single Belt of Russ. Powerful girdles incorporating potent forcefields

that protect the wearer. Forged by the master Iron Priest Stef Blacksoul after the disappearance of Russ the

belts are important relics of the Chapter. 

Wolf Helm of Russ

-The Wolf Helm of Russ is an ancient artifact of the Chapter said to have been worn by Russ himself. The Helm

is awarded to a great company after a tournament of champions, the last winner was Ragnar Blackmane who

then presented the Helm to the Wolf Priest Ranek as a sign of respect. 

Runic Staffs

-Runic Staffs are mighty artifacts carried by Rune Priests that are imbued with the most powerful wards the

Rune Priests can devise that protect the wielder from the psychic attacks of his enemies. 

Leman Russ Exterminator 

-Normally Space Marines do not have access to Leman Russ tanks, however in honor of their Primarch the

Space Wolves maintain a small number of Leman Russ Exterminators. 

The Chapter Fleet


he Space Wolves maintain fifteen ships in their fleet, one for each Great Company and three in reserve. Each

of the fifteen ships is unique unto itself, the fleet including many different classes and configurations of

vessels. Two of the Chapters ships are massive warships akin to Imperial Navy capitol ships. The Iron Wolf is

the ship of Egil Ironwolf which he claimed in combat when his Company’s own ship was badly damaged.

Slightly larger The Pride of Fenris is the flagship of the Chapter fleet and personal vessel of the Great Wolf

Logan Grimnar. 

The Fist of Russ was the flagship of Berek Thunderfist's Great Company, badly damaged after the battle for

Hyades the ship was sidelined for repairs but brought back into service before long to carry Ragnar

Blackmane and a strike force of Space Wolves Blood Claws and Wolf Blades to Charys. The ship and its crew

sacrificed themselves to deliver Ragnar and his comrades into the Thousand Sons stronghold and save the

Chapter from Magnus' vile plot. 

Like many Chapters the Space Wolves primarily use Thunderhawks and Thunderhawk Transporters as

gunships, dropships and attack craft. Some Stormbirds likely remain in the Space Wolves arsenal and a

variant craft known as Dropfalcons saw service during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy but it is unknown

whether any remain in service. Other variant gunships and attack craft are likely to be found in the Chapter

arsenal whenever the Space Wolves can get them. 

The Space Wolves utilize a variant of the Imperial Navy Cobra-Class Destroyers known as Hlaupa-Class

escorts. The Hlaupa-class is heavily armed and capable of docking with the upper peak of the Fang. 

The Hrafnkel

-Flagship of the Space Wolves Legion during the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy. A mighty warship the

Hrafnkel was lost to the Chapter millennia ago. 


-The Flagship of Wolf Lord Harek Ironhelm. The Russvangum dates back to before the Horus Heresy and was

built using designs and technology now long lost to the Imperium. Only the Hrafnkel was larger or boasted

more firepower, even Strike Cruisers are dwarfed by the massive warship. 


-Strike Cruiser in service to the Space Wolves during the Great Crusade. 


-Strike Cruiser in service to the 4th Great Company in M32, on long patrol chasing Magnus the Red. The

Gotthammar caught nothing but shadows until it encountered the Thousand Sons in the Gangava system. 


-The only Great Ship left behind to defend the Fang with less than a dozen escort craft when the left of the

Chapter Fleet departed for the Gangava system in M32. The Skraemar was an old and seasoned vessel that

had fought through the great scouring in the days after the Horus Heresy and had earned a hundred and

more great honors since. The vessel broke the blockade of Pielos V, outfoxed a squadron of Chaos warships

for two weeks in the Aemnon Belt and destroyed the Eldar Corsair flagship the Or-Iladril. The Strike Cruiser

fought its last battle in the space above Fenris against the invading fleet of the Thousand Sons, reaping a

heavy tally of traitor warships before at last falling apart under the fire of the traitor Legion's flagship the



-Battle-Barge of the Space Wolves and flagship of Logan Grimnar during the 1st War for Armageddon. The

Gylfarheim suffered significant damage at the hands of the treacherous Inquisition multiple times in the

months after the defeat of Angron. Dating back to the Great Crusade the Scramaseax was a mighty relic of

the Imperium lost to the Chapter sometime after the 1st War for Armageddon. 


-Battle-Barge of the Space Wolves, the Gylfarheim arrived to reinforce the Chapter's fleet at Armageddon,

forcing the Inquisition to call off their attack of the Imperial Troop Transports.

The Pride of Fenris

-Flagship of the Space Wolves fleet. The Pride of Fenris is the warship of Logan Grimnar's Great Company, a

mighty Battleship and the largest of the Great Ships in the Chapter Fleet.

The Iron Wolf

-Second largest ship of the Chapter fleet and former Battleship of the Imperial Navy, under the command of

Egil Ironwolf. Captured from heretics the Imperial Navy has repeatedly requested the vessel's return and

repeatedly been refused, causing tension between the Chapter and the Navy. 

Hunter of Fiends

-Strike Cruiser serving the Blackmane Great Company.

The Fist of Russ

-Ship formerly commanded by Berek Thunderfist. Lost in the Charys Campaign.

The Holmgang

-Ship serving the Thunderfist Great Company during the Charys Campaign.

The Stormwolf

-Strike Cruiser in service to Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

The Wolf Spirit

-Battle-Barge in service with the 13th Company during the Horus Heresy. 

The Iron Wolf

-Battle-Barge in service to the 13th Company during the later days of the Great Crusade. 

The Stormblade

-Strike Cruiser in service to the 13th Company during the later days of the Great Crusade. 

The Wolf of Fenris

-Strike Cruiser of the Chapter captured in the Parenxes system by the Red Corsairs. 


-One of the Chapter's ships lost above the world of Jytor.

Gate of Garm

-Space Wolves vessel participating in the fleet battle over Fenris after the 1st War for Armageddon. 


-Great Ship of the Space Wolves Chapter during the battle over Fenris that followed the 1st War for


Sky's Hammer

-Great Ship of the Space Wolves Chapter during the battle over Fenris that followed the 1st War for



-Unknown class vessel of the Chapter fleet. 


-Gladius-Class Frigate of the Space Wolves, destroyed in the months following the 1st War for Armageddon by

the Inquisition.

Blood Eagle

-Rapid strike Frigate of the Space Wolves that inserted the Scout Teams onto the Forge World of Cambion. 


-Frigate in service to the Space Wolves during the Thousand Sons invasion in M32. Destroyed by the invading

chaos fleet. 


-Frigate in service to the Space Wolves during the Thousand Sons invasion in M32. Destroyed by the invading

chaos fleet. 


-Hunter-Class Destroyer of the Space Wolves, dispatched to bring warning of the invasion of Armageddon to

the Grey Knights. Overrun by the forces of Chaos in the warp and found drifting in the Valdasca Caul. Bound

for the Jopal and Ruis systems when Inquisitor Annika departed service with the wolves, two regions

bordering the Tisra system in which the world of Armageddon resides. More than twenty Space Wolves were

aboard the vessel including Rune Priest Angriff Blightbreaker, only one survived to deliver the ship's warning. 


-Hunter-Class Destroyer of the Space Wolves, the Veregelt was dispatched to bring warning of Armageddon's

invasion to the Grey Knights alongside the Frostborn. Though both warships were overrun by the forces of

chaos the Veregelt succeeded in emerging from the warp in the void above Titan, broadcasting its warning on

a repeated vox loop before crashing into the surface of Titan. None of the crew survived, either dying to the

enemy, the crash or were corrupted and slain by the Sons of Titan.

The Nauro

-A vessel of indeterminate classification, too small to be a frigate, but far too large to be a landing craft or

gunship. A third of the vessel's length is taken up by plasma drives and its build is sleek and dark, making it a

fast, agile and stealthy warship much favored by the Chapter's Wolf Scouts. The Nauro operates with a small

crew of five hundred serfs. 

Political Relations


he Space Wolves are a curious Chapter when it comes to Imperial politics. Logan Grimnar is completely

unafraid to defend his Chapters autonomy and will wage war even against other Imperial institutions if he

feels it is just. Most particularly Logan Grimnar has very strained relations with the Inquisition after the 1st

war for Armageddon saw the Inquisition round up the planets populace in isolated labor camps at the

conclusion of the campaign. 

The Space Wolves are also notable in that they have a firm alliance with the Navigator House Bellisarius that

predates the foundation of the Imperium. House Bellisarius provides the Space Wolves with 24 of their best

Navigators in exchange for 24 Space Wolves known as the Wolf Blade, to serve as a bodyguard for House

Bellisarius’ leadership. A significant number of Space Wolf heroes have at one time or another been part of

the Wolf Blade. Since House Bellisarius is an ancient and powerful Navigator house, they maintain a

headquarters on Terra, and thus service in the Wolf Blade provides the Space Wolves with inside experience

into the politics of the Imperium. Some of the current heroes of the Chapter that have served in the Wolf

Blade include Ragnar Blackmane and Logan Grimnar. 



he Gene-seed of the Space Wolves contains the flaw known as the Curse of the Wulfen. This genetic heritage

of Leman Russ gives the Space Wolves continuously growing canines, heightened senses of smell and

hearing, but also a terrible curse. For those battle brothers that cannot contain the beast within them, they

transform into monstrous werewolf creatures, half man, and half wolf. For this reason the gene-seed of the

Space Wolves is never used in the creation of new Chapters and no known successor chapters remain in



"I recognize my failing and will be sure to correct it."

-Penitent oath uttered by Space Wolf Battle-Brothers after an officer points out a mistake or failing.


he Space Wolves are brought up believing in mystic legends and sagas of star striding wolves, horrendous

monsters and mighty heroes. Mistrustful of technology and sorcery the people of Fenris are a brutal but noble

people and this bearing is brought to the Chapter by the recruits. Central to their belief system is Leman Russ

and the Emperor, known to the Space Wolves as the Allfather, whom they see as the greatest pinnacles of

mankind and heroes to inspire valor and honor. 

The Space Wolves beliefs are generally regarded with distaste if not outright hostility by the Ecclessiarchy,

and seen as backwards, barbarian and superstitious by many others. The Sons of Russ make no excuse for

their ways however and have come to blows and at times outright warfare with the Ecclessiarchy and others

over their beliefs and ways of life. 

Space Wolves refer to their own souls as threads, when a Space Wolf dies it is said his thread was severed. In

the past slain Space Wolves were generally burned in a pyre, rather than buried in a crypt. Following the

death of a particularly important, high ranking or respected member of the Chapter a sending away feast is

held in his honor. Before the feast the company Skjald learns stories about the deceased of variable length

and nature from every member of the Company and retells these tales during a period of ritual feasting with

lengthy rest periods between each tale. The sending feast lasts for an indeterminate amount of time,

however long is necessary to tell all of the Skjald's memorized stories and as such can last for days or even

weeks. During the feast the feasting chamber is sealed and none may enter or leave until the conclusion of

the feast. After the death of Heoroth Longfang Tra Company held a feast where 432 separate tales were told.

In more modern times the Space Wolves dead are interred or burned on the flattened peak of mount

Krakgard, or laid to rest in other locations of significance, such as the Tomb of Garm where the Spear of Russ

is held, or the Tomb of Harek Ironhelm on the flank of the Fang. 


Known as the Eye of Aversion, this symbol is used by the Space Wolves to ward

away evil and sorcery. In battle it is carved into a wall, support or whatever is at

hand to mark an area of great danger or heavy enemy opposition. When the

danger has been removed or eliminated the mark is struck out to show the area

is clear. 

Fenrys Hjolda

-Known as Rout-Masks, these leather and bone masks were worn by the Space

Wolves and their serfs during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy but had

largely gone out of use by the First Battle of the Fang in M32. The masks were

intended to scare away Maleficarum. 

Primordial Annihilator

-The term used by the Space Wolves to refer to the powers of chaos. 

Primarch Leman Russ


he sagas relating to Leman Russ are known to the galaxy largely due to the efforts of one Gnauril the Elder, a

contemporary of Fenrisian King Thengir. The sagas tell how one of the infant Primarchs came to rest on a

distant world from Terra known as Fenris. Given the harsh climate it is unlikely that any lesser man would not

have survived, but Leman Russ was a Primarch, and no lesser man. According to the Sagas Leman Russ was

taken in and raised by a Fenrisian she-wolf. Russ’ companion wolves Freki and Geri are believed by many to

be his original pack brothers, raised at about the same time as Russ himself. Russ even attested at times to

his “lupine parentage," which can perhaps attest to some of the traditions and unique organizational aspects

of the Space Wolves themselves. 

However the real tale of Leman Russ begins with Gnauril’s saga “The Ascension of the Wolf-King" which tells

the tale of when Russ first met the nobility of Fenris. The tale tells that one fateful Hellwinter, when the young

Primarch went with his pack to raid a nearby human settlement. The young primarch smashed through the

village, breaking into the store house to steal great slabs of salted meat and fighting with immense ferocity

against the villagers to allow his pack to escape with their spoils. The villagers were astounded by what they

had seen and petitioned their king, Thengir of Russ. The King sent a hunting party within the week armed

with the best weapons he could muster, razor sharp blades and drake-poison tipped arrows. 

The hunters tracked down and slew many of Russ’ pack, including the venerable she-wolf herself. Russ was

found defending the body of his pack Alpha against the hunters, even pin cushioned with poisoned arrows.

Despite his insane constitution Russ succumbed to the sheer quantity of potent poison and was subdued and

gagged. Bound and gagged Russ was brought before the King. That evening the wolf-man was brought before

King Thengir and told to grovel for his life. Instead Russ raised himself to his full height and let out a roar that

was so loud and lasted for so long that many had to leave the Kings hall rather than hear any more of it. Then

Russ spat a huge gobbet of blood and poison straight at the King, un-cowed and with golden eyes shining

with pride. 

After that night Russ was taken into the personal care of the king and was taught to fight and fish, and very

quickly to speak. Russ showed a great aptitude with weaponry and indeed anything he did. Before long Russ

even bested the Kings champion in a contest of battle axes. It was then that the King deemed Russ worthy to

receive a name, and so Leman Russ was born. 

The next years of Leman Russ’ life are mostly hearsay and legends, some of the legends tell of Russ tearing

up Oaks with his bare hands, others of wrestling a Fenrisian Mammoth single handed and roasting it whole,

and of sending armies of King Thengir’s enemies fleeing without sustaining a scratch. Whatever is really true,

the fact is that Russ’ fame spread far and wide and when Thengir died, there was no question as to the

succession. King Leman Russ took the throne. 

The remainder of the saga has never been written, but kept alive through oral tradition within the Space

Wolves and every member of the chapter knows the tale by heart. On every Allwinters eve the Rune Priests

tell the tale of Russ. It was during one such feast that Inquisitor Chalfont snuck a vox-recorder to the feast

and at the table of Great Wolf Cormack Wolftongue, a record of the tale was made. 

In short time Russ was hailed as King of Fenris, his armies unbeatable and his wisdom unquestionable none

could best the Wolf-King. Within Russ’ kingdom men and wolf lived in truce and his court was attended by

both the fiercest warlords and the fairest maidens. With his deeds spreading to legends it was not too long

before Terra came to call on the King of Fenris. So it was shortly after Russ became King that the Emperor

came to Fenris. Cloaked in disguise, both physical and psychic the Emperor came to Russ as a cowled and

bent wanderer, appearing in the great hall of Leman Russ his aura of power shrouded. The great wolves slunk

away at the Emperor’s approach however and he walked up to the throne where Russ slouched leisurely,

feasting on the roast leg of a boar and with a flagon of fine mead in hand. Freki and Geri lounging at his feet

and a pool of blood around his throne. Having recently returned from a hunt Russ was not pleased to have his

feast interrupted and the feast hall silenced at his growl. Freki stood at his master’s sound but Geri did not,

noticing that the stranger met their master’s gaze unflinchingly. 

It was then that the stranger gave Russ his challenge. Russ would decide the contest, and if the stranger won

he would sit at the right hand of Russ during the feast. Russ proclaimed that if he won, the stranger had to

serve him for a year. Grimly the stranger agreed. The first competition Russ decided would be an eating one.

With great quantities of roast meet brought forth on brass shields Russ and the stranger set to eating. The

Stranger ate a great deal indeed, consuming more than any of Russ’ warriors, but when the stranger looked

at Russ he saw that the Primarch was finished with his third Auroch already, not a scrap of meet left on the

scattered bones. Bowing his head to Russ the stranger accepted defeat. But Russ was enjoying his sport. So

Russ called for a drinking match, but before the contest could be concluded the entire feast had been drunk

dry. It was then that the wanderer had a gleam of anger come to his eyes. Calling Russ a drunkard and

glutton, at which the entire court went silent. Russ drew his great sword and stepped onto the feast table with

a growl to issue the consequences of his last challenge. 

At the challenge the wanderer threw off his disguise to reveal his golden form, clad in baroque armor the

Emperor drew forth a shimmering blade. Russ roared and charged, clashing with the wanderer in a titanic

clash of arms. The Emperor’s golden armor reflected the glow of a thousand torches, and Russ’ skin glistened

with sweat and blood, his matted hair flying wild as he charged with fury and passion. Russ fought with speed

and precision, countered by the liquid grace of the wanderer. The tempered fury and skill of Russ, learned

from a lifetime of living by his skill and wits proved without a doubt to be one of the Emperor’s lost sons,

displaying a martial skill beyond that of any mortal. Finally convinced the Emperor brought his Power Fist in a

glittering ark to connect squarely with Russ’ face, sending the Primarch straight into unconsciousness.

Nevertheless within the hour Russ was back on his feet, his head cleared. Bloody and with broken fang, Russ

smiled and swore fealty to the Emperor. 

Within weeks Russ had learned all he needed too and was proclaimed fit to lead his legion in the Great

Crusade across the stars. The Emperor introduced Russ to his legion and quickly Russ settled into the role of

leading the Space Wolves. Soon the Legion’s marines became as sons to Russ. 

Leman Russ was gifted a magnificent suit of armor thrice blessed by the Emperor, and his sword was replaced

by the magnificent Frost Blade Mjalnar, forged from the teeth of the mighty Ice Kraken Gormenjarl. The blade

was said to be able to split the mountains of Fenris in twain. 

Russ joined the Great Crusade enthusiastically, throwing himself and his legion into the forefront of every

battle, striding at the fore of his warriors slaying all before him and his presence heralded by the howling of

his pack. 

Not all was well with the Great Crusade however. Tension between the Legions was ever present, sometimes

resulting in more than a little hostility. One such conflict occurred between the Space Wolves and the Dark

Angels, but particularly between Leman Russ and Lion El’Johnson. 

On the world of Dulan, a traitor commander named Durath insulted Leman Russ, calling him the Emperor’s

lap dog. Enraged Russ vowed to take the head of Durath for his insult to the Space Wolves honor. Russ

demanded that the Dark Angels who were also participating in the engagement stand down and allow the

Space Wolves to destroy the traitor. However Lion El’Johnson had reconnoitered the fortress of the traitor

extensively and had already formed a complex and precise attack plan. Loath to let Russ spoil his plans

Johnson attacked at dawn and slew the traitor Durath in full view of the Space Wolves embattled below the

fortress battlements. Furious Russ confronted Johnson after the battle and punched him, beginning a

wrestling match that lasted several days, before Russ realized how ironic and foolish the fighting was and

stopped to let out a raucous laugh. Not amused Johnson sucker punched Russ, knocking him unconscious and

swept away. By the time Russ awoke the Dark Angels were long gone. Since then the Dark Angels and the

Space Wolves have fought duels of honor over the long standing feud. 

Another event of rivalry between the Space Wolves and the Dark Angels occurred while both legions were on

their way to Terra after hearing the news of the Horus Heresy the Space Wolf and Dark Angels fleets

encountered the world of Kalidus Secundus. The traitors had captured the orbital defense station and had

proceeded bombarding the loyalists on the planet below. Russ wanted to assault the orbital while Johnson

argued they should proceed to Terra. Arguing and fighting over the subject after interrogating a fleeing

survivor named Tarus, they only ceased their combat when a marine named Hrothgar blew off Tarus’ head

and revealed him to be a daemon. 

Famous Quotations from Russ:

“Do not underestimate the Squats. They survived for millenia cut off from the Imperium and assailled from all

sides. Their determination and resillience is an Example to all.”

-Leman Russ, Meditations on Imperial Command, Book XVI

“Only in the Space Marines of the Legiones Astartes are courage and expertise perfectly blended. In other

troops they are present in varying degrees and proportions, and many scholars have debated their reltaive


For my own part, I come down on the side of courage. For courage can sometimes make a virtue of

inexperience. I myself have commanded Imperial Guard troops whose probitor units have achieved great

things, because their courage was infinite and because they were too inexperienced to realise that their goal

was impossible.”

-Leman Russ, De Natura Belli, Book XIV

“There are those who undervalue the Penal Battalions. But they should consider this: should a man who has

wronged the Emperor be allowed to wrong him further? For each man executed is a man who can no longer

serve, and to fail in service to the emperor is the greatest of sins.”

-Leman Russ, Meditations on Imperial Command, Book XXI

“Listen closely Brothers, for my life’s breath is all but spent. There shall come a time far from now when our

Chapter itself is dying, even as I am now dying and our foes shall gahter to destroy us. Then my children, I

shall list’n for your call from whatever realms of death hold me and come I shall no matter what laws of life

and death forbid. At the end I will be there. For the Final battle. For the Wolftime."

-Leman Russ.

Horus Heresy


he Horus Heresy saw the Galaxy drenched in blood and war, as Horus and no less than nine of the Space

Marine Legions descended into treachery. As the galaxy was thrown into chaos the Space Wolves were

however not involved in many of the terrible fighting at Terra. Nevertheless the Space Wolves were heavily

involved in the foundations of the Heresy, when they forged their ageless feud with the Thousand Sons Space

Marine Legion. 

Texts and accounts recovered both from the libraries of Prospero and the histories of the Space Wolves have

been pieced together to provide accounts of what followed. 

As the Horus Heresy ripened Magnus the Red, Primarch of the Thousand Sons, sent a psychic message to the

Emperor warning him of Horus’ betrayal. However in so doing Magnus revealed the extent of his pursuit of

sorcery, affirming Russ’ deepest suspicions about the cyclopean Primarch. At Russ’ insistence the Emperor

agreed that Magnus must be brought to account for his betrayals. Gathering his entire legion Leman Russ

traveled across the stars to bring down the Thousand Sons. His suspicions further affirmed by half-truths and

lies spun by Horus, Russ swept down on Prospero with the weight of his entire Legion. Bombarding the planet

mercilessly and tearing a bloody swath across the planet to the very citadel of the Thousand Sons. Prospero

had been a paradise of a world, ice and ivory towers scraping the sky, vast man made lakes and reflecting

pools, and magnificent libraries and places of learning. Nevertheless Russ felt it was simply a veneer of

civilization over a tainted heart. The Space Wolves assaulted Prospero without mercy and the fighting against

the Thousand Sons was fierce indeed, lasting many days at the cost of thousands of lives. 

No matter how wise the Thousand Sons were, or how potent their sorcery was, they could not stand against

the sheer fury of the Space Wolves on the field of war. At the center of the Space Wolves battlelines was the

13th Great Company lead by Jorin Bloodfang. The 13th Company was comprised of those battle brothers who

manifested the curse of the wulfen, transformed into half wolf beasts in the heat of combat. Against such fury

and bestial ferocity the Thousand Sons could not hold, eventually a massive hole was torn in the lines of the

Thousand Sons and slowly but surely the warriors of Prospero were culled, cut down by the Space Wolves

sheer fury. 

The loss of every single Space Marine of the Thousand Sons is recorded in Prospero’s Lament, which while

certainly suspect, is the only account of Magnus’ terrible bargain. Watching his legion torn apart by the

bestial Wolves, Magnus roared to the heavens for salvation and help came. Magnus’ body was warped by

insane power, and ten fingered hands shot from the soil of Prospero to defend it’s fortresses, the screams of

Magnus drove hundreds of Space Wolves insane and still they fought on, their fury and willpower alone

driving them on. 

It was then that Magnus charged forth and laid into the Space Wolves, his horrific gaze petrifying anything it

fell on, turning even the stoutest Long Fangs to dust, unstoppable the Giant crashed through the Space

Wolves. Leman Russ disengaged from the swirling melee and lifted a Thousand Sons marine bodily and threw

him into the face of Magnus. Temporarily blinded by the attack Russ smashed into Magnus. Somehow the

giant did not fall and instead delivered a crushing blow to Russ’ chest, sending splinters of Ceramite into his

heart. Nevertheless Russ grabbed Magnus’ arm as it drew back for another punch and kicked the Primarch in

the eye. Howling in pain Magnus stumbled back and Russ took advantage of his opponent’s weakness to lift

Magnus from the ground and break Magnus’ back over his knee. Seeing their Primarch broken the Thousand

Sons turned and fled but as Russ prepared to execute Magnus with Mjalnar, Magnus gasped a word of power

and vanished into the ground. 

The reports on how the Thousand Sons escaped Prospero are many and varied. What is certain is that the

Thousand Sons were not destroyed, as they continue to plague the Imperium to this day. Magnus himself

even managed to survive somehow and even managed to save a great deal of the Thousand Sons learning

and knowledge. However the Thousand Sons escaped, the 13th Company, the Wulfen-kind, pursued them. To

this day the fate of the 13th Company is not known. However rumors from the 13th Black Crusade and some

few eye witness reports indicate that strange half wolf marines bearing the colors and iconography of the

Space Wolves have been seen appearing on various battlefields to tear into the forces of chaos before

disappearing once more.

In honor of the lost 13th Company however the Space Wolves keep one stone blank in the Grand Annulus, the

circle of stones depicting the Chapters Great Companies, and the 13th Company has never been replaced. 



ollowing the Horus Heresy the Imperium set out to quell the uprisings and restore itself. The Space Wolves

continued to wage the Emperor’s Wars. But at one particular “Feast of the Emperor’s Ascension" in honor of

the day the Emperor defeated Horus and ascended to the Golden Throne, Leman Russ quieted the great hall

to speak, but then froze. In horror the Space Wolves watched as their lord fell to his knees and called his

closest companions and advisors to him, all save the youngest, Bjorn. Giving his closest companions his

instructions Russ turned and left the hall with his bodyguard in tow, leaving only Bjorn behind. For seven

years the Space Wolves waited for their lord to return, but when he finally did not, Bjorn was elected Great

Wolf and led the Chapter on the first Great Hunt. The Great Companies dispersed among the stars searching

for their lord and Bjorn took his search to the Eye of Terror itself. There Bjorn was mortally wounded and

entombed in a Dreadnaught as the Space Wolves returned. Over the various Great Hunts many glorious

victories have been won, each hunt beginning when Russ speaks into the mind of a Rune Priest, granting his

sons his wisdom from time to time and sending them on new Great Hunts. None have succeeded in their final

goal, but Russ has assured his sons with his final words that he will return to them for the final battle, for the

wolf time. 

"Are we going to scrap about it now. Argue which Legion is the toughest?""The answer always is, the Wolves of Fenris," Torgadon put in. "Because they're clinically insane."

-1st Captain Sigismund of the Imperial Fists and Captain of the Luna Wolves 2nd Company.

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Posted 02 July 2012 - 05:26 AM

Famous Characters of the Space Wolves

"Fenris breeds heroes like a bar breeds drunks - loud, proud and spoiling for a


-Grand Master Belial of the Dark Angels.

Bjorn the Fell Handed

- The most renowned of the Chapters dreadnaughts is Bjorn the Fell Handed, the

first Great Wolf of the chapter following Leman Russ’ disappearance, Bjorn fought

during the Horus Heresy and the Great Crusade. Every one thousand years Bjorn awakes from his dreamless

slumbers beneath the fang to test the Rune Priests of the chapter in their knowledge of the Old Sagas to

make sure the Chapter History has been kept alive and accurate. Bjorn has also defended the fang in many a

desperate hour, particularly against the ancient rivals of the Chapter, the Thousand Sons. 

Great Wolf Harek Eireik Eireiksson Ironhelm

-Great Wolf of the Chapter leading up to the First Battle of the Fang in M32. Great Wolf Harek Ironhelm was

possessed of a near obsession with hunting down Magnus the Red, the result of a long term psychic assault

on the Great Wolf by the foul Thousand Sons. When the Thousand Sons were located in the Gangava system

the Great Wolf immediately led eleven of the twelve Great Companies there. On Gangava the Space Wolves

assaulted a reconstructed mockery of Tizca built by the Sons of Magnus. When the Wolves realized the trap

and received word from Fenris the Great Wolf led his forces back to the Fang with all due haste. Rather than

take the time to land in a gunship the Great Wolf took a Drop Pod straight onto the slopes of the Fang,

engaging the manifested Daemon-Primarch alongside Bjorn the Fell-handed. Though the battle cost Harek

Ironhelm his life the Daemon-Primarch Magnus was defeated, his corporeal form disintigrating under the

punishment of Wolf Lord Greyloc, Bjorn and finally the weapons of the Great Wolf himself. The site of Harek's

death on the slopes of the Fang became the site of a shrine dedicated to the unwavering devotion of the

Great Wolf, and also a reminder of his blindness. 

Here the thread is severed

of Harek Eireik Eireiksson,

called Ironhelm by jarls,

and his debts reckoned




4,585 posts


Location:Arlington, Virginia

On the World Spine

the Father of Mountains

The humbled god comes

hands stretched open

one eye, fire-ringed

And let it be said, brothers

let this be recorded

The betrayer of old

cripple-son of the Allfather

extends his arm

his gaze Helwinter-cold

And Ironhelm

master of the Wolves of Fenris

with fangs bared

laughs like sunrise

Great Wolf Arvek Hren Kjarlskar

-Wears a massive suit of terminator armor bedecked the pelt of a large Fenrisian

wolf. Jarl of the 4th Great Company in M32, Kjarlskar was tasked with hunting

down the vile traitor Primarch Magnus the Red. When the Thousand Sons were

discovered and the Space Wolves brought war to them the 4th Great Company

remained in the void as reserves, patrolling the system, as such it was the 4th

that discovered the arrival and subsequent destruction of the Nauro and

recovered the badly mauled body of Wolf Scout Haakon Blackwing. Receiving the

news of the Thousand Sons invasion of Fenris the Gotthammar rushed back to

Gangava and Kjarlskar made planet fall himself, fighting his way into the central

pyramid to bring word to the Great Wolf Ironhelm himself. Without delay the

wolves destroyed Gangava from orbit and rushed back to Fenris where Ironhelm

confronted the wounded Daemon-Primarch Magnus himself and was slain in the

effort. With the death of the Great Wolf the Wolf Lords chose Kjarlskar to succeed

him and so the Wolf Lord of the 4th rose to the position of Great Wolf and took

on the task of rebuilding the Chapter and the Fang.

Great Wolf Fenrik Grimheart

-Great Wolf Grimheart led the Space Wolves to Victory in the Battle of Balinor,

one of the Chapter's most renowned battles of the 38th Millenium. 

Great Wolf Gerrod Redbeard

-It was during a Great Feast of Gerrod Redbeard that Inquisitor Bastalek Grim

used an eidetic memory coil to record the Sagas recounted during the feast and

later publish them in the infamous work he called "the War of the Giants."

Great Wolf Anakron Silvermane

-Silvermane was Logan Grimnar's direct predecessor. His final stand took place

nearly four centuries ago on the world of Melkior where his command post came

under a surprise assault by an Eldar Warhost. Logan Grimnar and Wolf Guard

Pack Leader Hakon both participated in the battle. 

Great Wolf Logan Grimnar

- The current Great Wolf of the Space Wolves, Logan Grimnar has commanded

the Chapter for more than eight centuries and been at the forefront of many of

the Imperiums greatest wars in recent history. An implacable and independent

defender of mankind Grimnar is truly a legend of the Imperium. Logan Grimnar

caries the potent Frost Blade the Axe of Morkai, a weapon he tore from the grip

of a chaos champion and had re-forged into a mighty double headed axe. 

Wolf Lord Gunnar Gunnhilt

-Lord of Onn Company during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, known

informally as Lord Gunn.

Wolf Lord Gedrath Gedrathsa

-Former Lord of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. 

Wolf Lord Ogvai Ogvai Helmschrot

-Wolf Lord of Tra Company during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. 

Wolf Lord Amlodhi Skarssen Skarssensson

-Wolf Lord of Fyf Company during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.

Wolf Lord Vaer Greyloc White Wolf 

-Jarl of the 12th Great Company. Not known for his camaraderie, Wolf Lord

Greyloc is a lean, agile hunter. Pale of skin and white of hair with eyes the color

of steel Greyloc is often likened to a ghost. Unusually for a Space Wolf Greyloc

bears a Fenrisian axe from his time as a mortal tribesman named Frengir.

Though the Wolf Priests frown on such a practice, and the blade is iron and far

too soft for a Space Marine to wield, the Wolf Lord has kept the blade pristine

over the long years. During the Battle of the Fang Wolf Lord Greyloc chose to

wear a mighty suit of Terminator armor and wield a pair of Wolf Claws. The

prowess and majesty of Wolf Lord Greyloc during the 1st Battle of the Fang were

worthy of many Sagas, the White Wolf leading the defense at the Sunrising gate,

fighting tirelessly to hold the enemy back in the defense of Borek's Seal and

finally fighting free an confronting Magnus the Red in the upper reaches of the

Fang. Greyloc, Sturmhjart and the 12th Company's two surviving Wolf Guard

fought peerlessly against the fallen Primarch, wounding the mighty being

greviously before they were all finally felled. Greyloc was the last to fall before

Ironhelm himself arrived to contest Magnus, cast down and his hearts torn out

by the foul traitor.

Wolf Lord Borek Salvrgrim

-Jarl of the 2nd Great Company in M32. 

Wolf Lord Morskarl

-Jarl of the 3rd Great Company in M32. Wears an archaic heresy-era face mask. 

Wolf Lord Egial Vraksson

-Jarl of the 5th Great Company in M32. 

Wolf Lord Rjak

-Jarl of the 6th Great Company in M32. 

Wolf Lord Rekki Oirreisson

-Jarl of the 7th Great Company in M32. 

Wolf Lord Gunnlaug

-Jarl of the 8th Great Company in M32. 

Wolf Lord Hoskuld

-Jarl of the 9th Great Company in M32.

Wolf Lord Thorlakk

-Jarl of the 10th Great Company in M32.

Wolf Lord Ulfar

-Jarl of the 11th Great Company in M32. 

Wolf Lord Oja Arkenjaw

-Jarl of the 12th Great Company before Vaer Greyloc.

Wolf Lord Garm

-One of the first and greatest of the Wolf Lords who rose to fight alongside

Leman Russ during the Great Crusade. Garm fell in battle on the world that

carries his name to defend the Space Wolves Primarch and was honored with a

shrine-tomb on the planet. The Spear of Russ was entrusted to the Shrine of

Garm's Skull and worked into the ornate sarcophagus of Garm himself. It is said

that the shrine still carries a measure of the Primarch's power and many who

make the pilgrimage to the shrine leave changed. The shrine has a permanent

garrison of Space Wolves to protect it from looters and invaders. 

Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane

- The youngest Wolf Lord in the history of the Space Wolves, Ragnar Blackmane

has made a legend for himself among a Chapter of legends. Specializing in rapid

strikes Ragnar Blackmane and his company has been at the front of many a

campaign by the Space Wolves, leading the chapter’s forces at the vanguard.

Armed a the ancient and potent Frost Blade. Ragnar became the object of a

great deal of controversy early in his career. Having slain one of the venerable

black Fenrisian Wolves in his days as an Initiate Ragnar achieved what many

considered impossible. Later when the Spear of Russ was stolen on Garm Ragnar

used the spear to wound Magnus the red and send him back to the warp. Losing

the spear in such a way however was seen as an outrage by more than a few of

the Space Wolves and Ragnar was exiled to the Wolf Blade, the Space Wolves

seconded to the Navigator House Belisarius. However Ragnar managed to

recover the Spear of Russ and return it to its ancient resting place. The episode

however meant that Ragnar passed directly from Blood Claw to Wolf Guard

without ever having gone through the rites of the Grey Hunters. 

Wolf Lord Berek Thunderfist

-Wolf Lord of the Great Company to which Ragnar Blackmane was originally

assigned and served as a teacher and as inspiration for the young Blood Claw at

the time, Berek was a legendary warrior within the Chapter, named after his

bionic hand and power fist. 

Wolf Lord Sigrid Trollbane

-The principle rival of the popular Berek Thunderfist, Sigrid was a more devious

political animal and tactician and did little to hide his desire to attain the rank of

Great Wolf. 

Wolf Lord Kyrl Grimblood

-A Wolf Lord in the Space Wolves during the Time of Apostasy, when the

Imperium was set to crumble, beset by all sides and from within as numerous

dictators, heretics, and traitors subverted control and sought to usurp control of

the Imperium. As Goge Vandire swept the Imperium into anarchy other despots

rose as well. One such heretic was the rogue Cardinal Bucharis of Gathalamore.

Bucharis brought entire systems of the Imperium into complete anarchy,

bringing about a time known as the Plague of Unbelief. Bucharis lead massive

armies in a crusade towards Terra, perhaps in an attempt to sieze the reigns of

the Imperium from Vandire himself. However Bucharis had to pass through Fenris

first. So the despot laid siege to the Fang for fully three years, as the Space

Wolves, the people of Fenris and even the monsters of the wild waged guirilla

wars against the invaders. Millions died but the defenders did not give up. Till

finally the Great Company of Kyrl Grimblood that had been on a mission into the

Eye of Terror for five years returned. Launching an attack on the rear of Bucharis’

lines Kyrl slew thousands of Bucharis’ soldiers and scattered more into the wilds,

where the cold and the wolves and monsters of Fenris tracked them down and

slew them. With Kyrl’s attack weakening their enemies the Space Wovles

launched a break out and smashed through their attackers. While Bucharis was

not finished, his efforts were greatly set back by the actions of Kyrl Grimblood

and he would be eventually brought down. 

Wolf Lord Stormforge

-The Stormforge Great Company was one of the four spearhead Companies

participating in the attack on the captured Shrine of Garm's Skull. 

Wolf Lord Hef Icenheart

-Wolf Lord during the Age of Apostasy. 

Wolf Lord Finn Goresson

-Famed for his stubborn and ferocious attitude, Wolf Lord Finn Goresson was

responsible for victories like the purging of the Space Hulk Starkrusha, a battle

that was as insane as it was successfull.

Wolf Lord Osric Three-Fists

-Osric was as famed for his bad looks as he was his victories in battle, he also

had the distinction to lead a Great Hunt, which was ambushed by a massive

chaos fleet as the hunt neared it's end. Osric's ship the Voidfang was crippled by

the Chaos flagship the Storm of Hate. Despite the severe disadvantage, Osric led

his warriors out the Voidfang's airlocks and leapt at the chaos flagship. Despite

barely thirty warriors making it to the hull of the chaos ship the Space Wolves

succeeded in hammering their way inside, slaughtering a path to the bridge and

turning the chaos warships guns against the rest of the chaos fleet. This act of

unbelievable and insane bravado secured victory from certain defeat and is the

epitome of the Space Wolves tenacity and determination in the face of extreme


Wolf Lord Haken Ironchewer

-Slain during the 1st War for Armageddon.

Wolf Lord Svengar the Red

-Wolf Lord Svengar and his Company were lost after sailing into a worm hole

attempting to locate the Primarch Leman Russ. Instead the Company wound up

at the far terminus of the galaxy beyond even the Ghoul Stars. Drawn in by a

strange planetoid the Company eventually realised the inhabitants weren't

human despite their appearances and despite fighting fiercely were lost. 

Wolf Lord Thorgir Redhand

-Famous for his defeat of the Bladed Dragon that had plagued the keeps of the

Feudal World Isoulde. Despite his Thunderhawk being shot down, Thorgir

survived and though he could not harm the monstrous beast he drew it into a

massive cathedral and brought the building down on the both of them. Thorgir

survived, the dragon did not. 

Wolf Lord Gnyrll Bluetooth

-Commander of the Strike Cruiser the Wolf of Fenris, Wolf Lord Gnyrll Bluetooth

fought Huron Blackheart in hand to hand combat on the bridge of the Strike

Cruiser, unfortunately Gnyrll was no match for the chaos warlord and was torn

apart by Huron's power claws and the Wolf of Fenris became one of Huron

Blackheart's greatest prizes. 

Wolf Lord Amlodhi Skarssen Skarssinsson

-Wolf Lord of the Space Wolves during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy,

Amlodhi Skarssen participated in the Scouring of Prospero.

Wolf Lord Dvorjac

-Lord of Lukas the Trickster at one point, Dvorjac was the one who exiled Lukas

to the Elixir system where the self styled "Megamek" was building a Waagh.

Unfortunately for Dvorjac that decision resulted in one of Lukas' greatest


Wolf Lord Bran Redmaw

-Known as the Curs'd Lord, Wulfen-kin and the Bloodied Hunter. Bran Redmaw

has long been touched by the Mark of the Wulfen, a sign that the Wolf Lord is

succumbing to the Curse of the Wulfen. Should he finally succumb to the call of

the wolf within the Wolf Lord would devolve into a slavering beast, living only to

rend and tear its foes apart with fang and claw. Lord Bran bears a relic known as

the Axe Langnvast. 

Wolf Lord Engir Krakendoom

-An aristocrat from a line of chieftan warlords who reign over the southern isles

of Fenris. The people of the southern isles are dark of skin and ill of temperment

as well as being expert seafarers and explorers. Engir earned the name

Krakendoom when early in his life before he rose to the ranks of the Space

Wolves he was pulled into the sea by a Kraken. Despite the certain doom of such

a fate Engir emerged amongst the floating corpse of his foe claiming to have

literally throttled the beast. 

Wolf Lord Erik Morkai

-A master of stealth and shadow warfare Erik Morkai is a grim figure in the

Chapter, stern of nature and extremely dangerous. Erik Morkai has even

managed to hunt the Dark Eldar, a race dedicated to living in the shadows and

using the "lesser" races as little more than prey. An individual cunning enough to

get the drop on the Dark Eldar is a truly lethal foe. 

Wolf Lord Gunnar Red Moon

-A large and raucous individual, Gunnar Red Moon is a lesson in contradictions.

His chosen symbol is one of death, vengeance and doom yet the man

exemplifies anything but such a grim aspect. 

Wolf Lord Harald Deathwolf

-Unusual among Wolf Lords Harald Deathwolf rides the Thunderwolf Icetooth.

Acute of senses and feral of nature Harald Deathwolf and his warriors are almost

always accompanied by the Space Wolves feral companions. 

Wolf Lord Bjorn Stormwolf

-Subtlety is not something Bjorn stormwolf is even aware of, he is a loud and

spectacular individual far more keen on making one heck of a display than

anything. Dismissing the stealth tactics of Erik Morkai as "whelp-work" Lord

Stormwolf is barely contained by his ornate suit of Terminator Armor and has

been known to rudely interrupt Imperial dignitarries whenever they begin to bore

him, which given Imperial dignitarries must be fairly often. 

Wolf Lord Egil Iron Wolf

-Egil Iron Wolf exemplifies his name, a brutish looking man composed of more

bionics and metal than of flesh. Egil rides to battle at the head of the Space

Wolves armored might.

Wolf Lord Krom Dragongaze

-Wolf Lord Krom Dragongaze is renowned for his fierce countenance and

penetrating stare, his force of will alone proving utterly petrifying to lesser

mortals. Krom is a highly competetive individual who takes every oportunity to

test himself against his fellow Wolf Lords in any contest and is not one to suffer


Wolf Lord Hrothgar Ironblade

-Wolf Lord Ironblade captured the Mars-Class Battlecruiser the Resolute, a

warship that had formerly served in the Battlefleet Obscuras but had joined the

Arch-Heretic Vortigern during the Alphalus Insurrection of the late 39th

Millennium. With his great ship lost Lord Ironblade took control of

the Resolute during the Battle of Sestus Proxima and returned it to the service of

the Imperium under the new name the Fist of Russ. Despite the objections of the

Imperial Navy the Space Wolves retained the vessel and it continued to serve

the Great Company up through the command of Berek Thunderfist. 

Wolf Lord Haldane Ironhammer

-Lord of the Ironhammer Great Company, Lord Haldane was slain during the

Cambion Campaign in the first drop pod assault. His body was taken from the

field as a trophy for the Ork Warlord Skargutz but was eventually cleansed by

the few survivors of the battle and his death avenged. 

Wolf Lord Gunnarrsson

-Wolf Lord of the 13th Company during the Horus Heresy. 

Wolf Lord Haakon Stormbrow

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Wolf Lord Alarik Nightrunner

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Wolf Lord Skallagrim the Red

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Wolf Lord Volunda

-A renowned hero of the Chapter who participated in the Return to Kalidus. 

Wolf Lord Keurl Ironfang

-The legendary Wolf Lord who commanded the assault on the infamous Space

Hulk the Messenger of Woe.

Wolf Lord Jotun Bearclaw

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Wolf Lord Buliwyf Stormaxe

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Wolf Lord Inferno

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Wolf Lord Greylock

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Wolf Lord Lucan

-Led a five year Crusade into the region known as the Wheel of Fire. 

Wolf Lord Kruger

-Former Lord of legendary Wolf Priest Ulrik the Slayer. Kruger fought the World

Eaters alongside Logan Grimnar during the 1st War for Armageddon but fell to

the traitor Astartes. His death was avenged by Ulrik. 

Wolf Lord Grimhildr Skanefeld

-The Great Company of Grimhildr Skanefeld fought alongside the Salamanders

Chapter during the Kykaor Campaign against the hated Ork xenos. During the

campaign the fighting stirred an ancient Kraken who had slumbered beneath the

ice for untold centuries. The kraken burst forth from the ice to ravage the

Astartes, taking up a Battle-Brother of the Salamanders named Hrydor and

would have certainly slain him had not Grimhildr thrown his Rune axe and

severed the tentacle with which the beast held the Salamander. Together the

two Chapters defeated the beast and completed the Campaign but it was an

action that would forever stand out in the memories of all those who took part in


Wolf Lord Sven Ironhand

-In 815.M41 Lord Ironhand led his Great Company into exile in the Eastern

Fringe, forswearing his oaths. The Great Wolf Logan Grimnar declared Ironhand

renegade and ordered a new Company be formed to replace the Ironhand Great

Company. Sven Ironhand is only one of many Wolf Lords that have led their

Companies away from the Fang and become 'Lost' but he is noted as the most

recent to have done so. 

High Wolf Priest Thar Ariak Hraldir Wyrmblade

-Bearer of the Wyrmblade. Veteran of more than five hundred years service to

the Chapter. Wolf Priest Hraldir was responsible for selecting and transforming

Great Wolf Ironhelm from a feral Fenrisian Tribesman into a Space Wolf. Hraldir

spent several lifetimes of men working on a project he dubbed the Tempering.

Since the failure of the Wolf Brothers it became obvious that the Curse of the

Wulfen, the genetic instability of the seed of Russ would prevent any further

successors and would forever stigmatize the Wolves of Russ in the eyes of the

greater Imperium. Thus Hraldir determined to eradicate the Curse of the Wulfen

from the seed of Russ while retaining the Space Wolves strengths, to stabilize

the Chapter's gene-seed and allow hundreds of Successors to be founded. The

High Wolf Priest envisioned the Space Wolves and their progeny carving an

empire the size of Ultramar within the Imperium and surrounding the Eye of

Terror, preventing the traitors from ever leaving it again. His research was

coming to fruition when the Thousand Sons launched their attack on the Fang,

for Magnus had seen the potential future that Hraldir's work might bear and was

himself determined to thwart it and bring great harm to the Space Wolves in the

process. Even as Hraldir rushed to the Fleshmaker laboratories to salvage his

work the traitor Primarch set about destroying it utterly. When the Wolf Priest

arrived he confronted the Primarch in his grief and rage, fighting with a ferocity

he had not wielded since his youth but it was not nearly enough and he was cut

down by the fell power of Magnus.

Wolf Priest Najat Threader

-Wolf Priest attached to Tra Company during the Great Crusade and Horus


Wolf Priest Ulrik the Slayer

-A legendary Wolf Priest within the chapter and mentor to Ragnar Blackmane

and Logan Grimnar, Ulrik turned down a chance at leadership in the Chapter to

become a Wolf Priest and has been a powerful and stoic figure in the chapter for

centuries. However it was as a warrior in Wolf Lord Kruger’s Great Company

fighting on Armageddon against the forces of the World Eaters that Ulrik first

made a name for himself. During the fighting Kruger was cut down, possessed of

a mad desire for revenge Ulrik threw himself at the World Eaters, slaying three of

the terrible Khorne Berserkers in close combat defending his fallen Lord and

earning the unusual accolade of a salute from Angron, Primarch of the World

Eaters himself, as a sign of respect for martial prowess. Ulrik refused to take the

place of Wolf Lord Kruger and has since then gone on to win even greater fame

within the chapter as a Wolf Priest. Ulrik wears the legendary Wolf Helm of Russ,

given to him by Ragnar Blackmane in a sign of respect to the old Wolf Priest. 

Wolf Priest Sigurd

-A young Wolf Priest, Sigurd fought alongside Ragnar during his time in the Wolf

Blade and would later fight alongside him as a Wolf Lord of his own Company.

While initially at loggerheads Sigurd learned to value Ragnar's abilities as a

warrior and a leader and is now amongst the Wolf Lord's most trusted officers. 

Wolf Priest Rothgar

-Terminator Armored Wolf Priest of Haldane Ironhammer's Great Company, the

sole survivor of the battle for the primary drop pod landing zone. Only a single

Blood Claw Pack whose Drop Pod landed far off course survived largely intact,

Wolf Priest Rothgar himself only survived in the face of severe injury.

Wolf Priest Taal

-Wolf Priest Taal participated in the Battle of Granica.

Wolf Priest Alric Spiritwolf

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Wolf Priest Ansgar Heroth

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

High Rune Priest Odain Sturmhjart

-Bearing the Rune Staff of his calling Sturmhjart was the greatest of the

Chapter's Rune Priests in M32 when the Thousand Sons launched their invasion

of Fenris. Ordered to remain behind on Fenris and watch over Wyrmblade's

Tempering. When the Thousand Sons arrived to defile the Fang the venerable

Rune Priest was distraught with his failure to foresee the attack and kindled that

grief and shame into a cold fury that proved the bane of the Thousand Sons

through every step of the battle. At last when Magnus manifested within the

Fang itself Sturmhjart joined Wolf Lord Greyloc, his two remaining Wolf Guard

and Bjorn in breaking free of Borek's Seal and rushing to oppose the Daemon-

Primarch who was carving his way through the upper levels of the Fang.

Catching up to the traitor in the Fleshmaker laboratories Sturmhjart and the

others were in time to witness Wyrmblade's death.

Rune Priest Lauf Cloudbreaker

-One of only six Rune Priests to remain in the Fang alongside High Rune Priest

Sturmhjart when the Great Wolf Ironhelm led nearly the entire Chapter to the

Gangava system to hunt down the Thousand Sons in M32. Cloudbreaker fought

alongside the High Wolf Priest Wyrmblade in the defense of the Fangthane and

stood against the terrible power of Magnus the Red but was literally blasted into

scraps of flesh and blood by the traitor Primarch.

Rune Priest Angriff Blightbreaker

-Slain during the battle for the Frostborn attempting to deliver warning of

Armageddon's invasion to the Grey Knights.

Rune Priest Frei

-Wears the rune armor of his calling.

Rune Priest Njal Stormcaller

-The Saga of Njal Stormcaller begins on the raging world seas of Fenris. Njal’s

tribe lost their lands to the seas during the trials of Fire and Water. As his tribe

sailed across the oceans they finally found new lands freshly risen from the

turbulent seas and waged a great sea battle against other would be claimers.

During the battle Njal jumped across ships to slaughter entire decks of men, until

at last as the battle ended Njal lay exhausted, and pierced by a spear. His efforts

were noticed however and his life was saved by the Space Wolves. As he fought

battles on distant worlds as a young member of the Chapter Njal’s powers began

to manifest and he was brought into the fold of the Rune Priesthood. There he

learned under the ancient Rune Priest Heimdall. Learning quickly Njal became a

skald to the Rune Priest and fought at his side many times. It was during one

particular battle where Heimdall fell to a Bloodthirster that Njal earned his name,

defeating the Bloodthirster and calling up a raging storm that broke the enemy,

he was given the name Stormcaller. Later in Njal’s life he saved the life of a

legendary Iron Priest Ulf Blackbrow. Blackbrow was a proud warrior and to repay

his dept he fashioned a psyber raven to guard Njal and protect his life. 

Rune Priest Ohthere Wyrdmake

-Rune Priest of the Space Wolves during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.

Ohthere befriended Ahriman of the Thousand Sons in an attempt to learn about

the sorcerous tenets of the Legion and spoke against the Thousand Sons on that

basis during the Council of Nikea. Ohthere served alongside Fyf Company. 

Rune Priest Eada Haelfwulf

-Rune Priest attached to Tra Company to act as Aun Helwintr's senior. Eada

Haelfwulf succumbed to daemonic influence and was given the Emperor's Mercy

during the events leading to the Scouring of Prospero.

Rune Priest Ulvurul Heoroth Longfang

-One of the first Long Fangs of the Space Wolves, and among the few serving

during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. Heoroth Longfang was among the

last of the Terran Legionaries in the Space Wolves before his death during the

campaign against the Olamic Quietude. Heoroth served alongside Tra Company. 

Rune Priest Aun Helwintr

-Helwintr rose to the rank of Rune Priest after the fall of Ulvurul Heoroth.

Helwintr participated in the Scouring of Prospero alongside Tra Company.

Assisted in the destruction of a dread daemon manifested during the Scouring of


Rune Priest Irnist the Wise

-Brother to Erik Morkai and advisor to Logan Grimnar. 

Rune Priest Aldrek

-Rune Priest assigned to Berek Thunderfist's Great Company during the Charys

Campaign, Aldrek was captured and executed by the Thousand Sons during the

assault on the Governor's Palace. 

Rune Priest Vagnai Ravenmane

-Recorded the re-telling of Russ' disappearance by Bjorn the Fell-Handed in M35. 

Rune Priest Hrothgar

-Rune Priest serving with Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Rune Priest Heimdall

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Rune Priest Gretrir

-The foresight of Rune Priest Gretrir foresaw the return of the 13th Company

prior to Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade against the Imperium. 

Rune Priest Edrigar

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Rune Priest Loysus

-Rune Priest assigned to Ragnar Blackmane's Company by the Great Wolf


Rune Priest Skalagrim

-Rune Priest assigned to Berek Thunderfist's Great Company during the

Campaign for Garm. Skalagrim was badly wounded during the fight for the

Chaos Temple of the Arch-Heretic Sergius and is not expected to recover from his


Rune Priest Kolja Ravenblade

-Brother Kolja led the mission to Gath Rimmon. Kolja suffered mortal injuries to

the Mechanicus Logis Charis and the corrosive elements but succeeded in

destroying The Heart of Agony. 

Rune Priest Svasund the Golden

-Legendary craftsman of the Chapter responsible for forging the Thunderhammer

Maekr in M38.

Rune Priest Finnbjorn Runeforger

-Served with the Redmaw Great Company during the Betalis III Campaign and

participated in the Battle of the Tormus Delta. Destroyed an Eldar Wraithseer


High Iron Priest Berensson Gassijk Rendmar

-High Iron Priest of the Chapter in M32.

Iron Priest Garjek Arfang

-Iron Priest serving with the 12th Great Company in M32. While the rest of the

12th Great Company fought hard to hold back the Thousand Sons Iron Priest

Arfang worked tirelessly to prepare the defenses and awaken the Chapter's

Dreadnoughts. By the time the Bloodfire and Sunrising Gates fell he had woken

twelve of the mighty ancients including the legendary Bjorn the Fell-Handed.

Like many others Arfang gave his life in the defense of the Fang. 

Iron Priest Beorth Rig

-Senior Iron Priest serving aboard the Strike Cruiser Skraemar in M32. Killed with

the destruction of the vessel during the Thousand Sons invasion.

Iron Priest Anjarm

-Wears forge-darkened suit of Artificer Armor.

Iron Priest Jurgen

-Iron Priest serving with Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Iron Priest Rorik

-A senior member of the Chapter's Iron Priests, Rorik serves as an adviser to the

Great Wolf Logan Grimnar. 

Iron Priest Fengri

-Ancient Iron Priest of the Chapter who crafted the Wulfen Stone into a suit of


Iron Priest Fergus Forgrim

-A legendary craftsman of the Chapter, Fergus Forgrim crafted the mighty relic

Frostfang. The secrets used in the forging of the Frostfang died with its maker. 

Ship Master Njan Anjeborn Greyflank

-Commander of the Strike Cruiser Skraemar during the Thousand Sons invasion

of Fenris in M32. Outnumbered 54 to 1 the lone Strike Cruiser and its handful of

escorts could not hope to hold back the Thousand Sons fleet for long, selling

their lives to give the 12th Company time to prepare the Fang for war.

Wolf Guard Aeska Brokenlip

-Veteran warrior of Tra Company during the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy. 

Wolf Guard Jormungndr Two-Blade

-An accomplished veteran of Tra Company during the Great Crusade and Horus

Heresy, named for his use of a matched pair Power Swords.

Wolf Guard Varangr

-Veteran and Herald of Fyf Company during the Great Crusade. 

Wolf Guard Ranulf

-Supposedly the largest Space Wolf in the chapter’s entire history, said to have

rivaled even the mighty Leman Russ in size. Ranulf was a legend in his day and

remains a legendary figure in the chapter even now, and his Terminator Armor

rests in the Hall of Heroes, towering over all who view it. Most inspiring of the

battles in Ranulf’s saga however is that of his death. On a distant battlefield a

force of Space Wolves was retreating after a defeat at the hands of the Orks,

rare as that may be. With tens of thousands of Orks closing on the column as the

Space Wolves retreated through a mountain pass, Ranulf and a force of Wolf

Guard turned to hold a narrow pass against the Orks. With the narrowness of the

defile the Space Wolves could take on a few Orks at a time and the numbers of

the Orks were worthless. Hundreds of Orks fell to the guns and blades of Ranulf

and his Wolf Guard warriors as they defended the rear of the Space Wolf force,

piling the corpses of the Orks so deep that the defile was nearly walled off. Yet

nevertheless Ranulf and his warriors could not last forever and the Orks

eventually whittled them down till Ranulf stood alone. Even Ranulf could not

survive the fight and eventually fell. However most unusual for the Orks when

the Space Wolves retook the pass later they found the bodies of Ranulf and his

warriors had not been defiled. Instead to their surprise the Orks had hastily

constructed a cairn for the fallen Space Wolves and seated the dead warriors on

it, surrounded by immense piles of Ork wargear. To the Orks Ranulf was nothing

short of a god. 

Wolf Guard Battle Leader Mikal Sternmark

-Wolf Guard Champion to Berek Thunderfist, Mikal had to take charge of the

Thunderfist Great Company during the Charys Campaign. At the height of the

fighting and the sorcerous influence of the Thousand Sons Mikal succumbed to

the call of the Wulfen and in a fit of rage slaughtered the Imperial General Lady

Commander Athelstane. He was placed under the care of the Wolf Priests for

some time, but returned to serve as Berek's Champion one last time in his final

stand and died at the side of his Wolf Lord. Mikal wielded the relic Power

Sword Redclaw. 

Wolf Guard Battle Leader Jurgen Whitemane

-Jurgen Whitemane commanded the Space Wolf garrison on Garm. One of the

oldest living Space Wolves of the time and among the few surviving

contemporaries of the Great Wolf Logan Grimnar and Wolf Guard Pack Leader

Hakon, his death was a serious blow to the Chapter and a slight that would not

go unavenged. 

Wolf Guard Battle Leader Skallagrim of the Blackbrow

-Second in command of the Redmaw Great Company during the Betalis III

Campaign. Skallagrim typically wears a suit of ancient Terminator war-plate and

bears the relic Thunderhammer Maekr and a Storm Shield. 

Wolf Guard Olfar

-Member of Wolf Guard Pack Bane, 3rd Pack of the Redmaw Great Company

during the Betalis III Campaign. Participated in the Battle of the Tormus Delta. 

Wolf Guard Harok

-Member of Wolf Guard Pack Bane, 3rd Pack of the Redmaw Great Company

during the Betalis III Campaign. Wore a suit of Terminator war-plate during the

Battle of the Tormus Delta. 

Wolf Guard Haghmund

-Member of Wolf Guard Pack Bane, 3rd Pack of the Redmaw Great Company

during the Betalis III Campaign. Wore a suit of Terminator war-plate during the

Battle of the Tormus Delta. Significant damage to armor sustained fighting chaos

marines of the World Eaters Traitor Legion during the defense of Londal Minor V.

Wolf Guard Alar

-Member of Wolf Guard Pack Bane, 3rd Pack of the Redmaw Great Company

during the Betalis III Campaign. Wore a suit of Terminator war-plate during the

Battle of the Tormus Delta. Bears the pelt of a Kroxar beast brought down and

slain during ritual combat. 

Wolf Guard Mardr

-Member of Wolf Guard Pack Bane, 3rd Pack of the Redmaw Great Company

during the Betalis III Campaign. Credited with silencing the xenos

communications across the Tormus Delta. 

Wolf Guard Brynngar Sturmdreng

-Wolf Guard Brynngar was a senior officer of the Legion during the later days of

the Great Crusade and the beginning of the Horus Heresy. Brynngar was

stationed on the Vangelis way-station awaiting pick up along with a scattered

group of marines from other Legions including some of the grizzled Veterans

friends from the Ultramarines Legion. Captain Cestus of the Ultramarines was

fighting alongside the Space Wolves on Carthis against the Kolobite Xenos.

Brynngar had saved Cestus' life during that battle but had lost an eye in the

process, though in true Space Wolf fashion, he had the mandible of the creature

that took his eye fashioned into the Rune Axe Felltooth. 

Wolf Guard Durfast of Mordrak

-A legendary Wolf Guard leader of the Chapter, Durfast gained his reputation on

the ancient world of Mordrak. A dead world that once supported an extremely

advanced alien civilization, when discovered by exploratory fleets, armed

expeditions were immediately launched, and a force of Space Wolves was set to

defend them. However the planet lay in heavily Ork infested space and it was

not long before the green skins descended on the world, drawn to combat like a

shark to blood. With many important sites to defend the Space Wolves were

stretched thin and it was in this deadly combat that Wolf Guard Durfast excelled

beyond expectations. Durfast even led the remainder of Hurgarl’s Great

Company deep into an ancient facility, recovering a great deal of valuable

technology and escaping before the facility destroyed itself. Later going on to

lead his Great Company in many exploits, and to this day one of the artifacts he

recovered remains in the Fang. Known as the Helm of Durfast, the helm allows

the wearer to see a short distance into the past and future, granting an immense

advantage in combat. 

Wolf Guard Aesgrek

-A member of the 1st Great Company in M32. Bearer of a deadly heavy bolter. 

Wolf Guard Rangr

-A member of the 1st Great Company in M32. Auspex operator for the Great

Wolf's own Wolf Guard. 

Wolf Guard Tromm Rossek

-A member of the 12th Great Company, Rossek wore a suit of venerable

Terminator Armor and wielded a storm bolter and deadly chainfist. A red haired

giant of a warrior with a dragon tattoo marking the left side of his face. Rossek

bears six metal studs hammered into his skull, though they do not denote any

particular term of service as they would in other Chapters, the Wolf Guard simply

likes having the studs. When the previous Jarl of the 12th fell in battle Rossek

was one of the leading candidates to become the new Wolf Lord but was beaten

by Vaer Greyloc. During the opening stages of the Battle of the Fang Rossek led

a Pack of Grey Hunters in attacking the Thousand Sons landing sites. Rossek

refused the initial orders to withdraw back to the Fang and lingered too long in

the face of the Thousand Sons advance. When the first squads of Rubric Marines

and Sorcerers reached Rossek's pack they were caught in potent sorceries they

could not resist and were slaughtered. Of the eleven strong pack only Rossek

and Grey Hunter Frar survived. Rossek later took charge of an amalgamated

pack of Blood Claws in defending the Fangthane but was slain by the dread

might of the traitor Primarch Magnus, though alone among the Space Wolves

who stood against the traitor Rossek managed to land a solid blow against his


Wolf Guard Sigrd Brakk

-Member of the 12th Great Company and Wolf Guard Pack Leader to eleven of

the Great Company's Blood Claws. Alone of all the 12th Company's Wolf Guard

only Brakk chose to wear his usual Power Armor during the Battle of the Fang

instead of a suit of Terminator war-plate. Brakk led his pack of Blood Claws in the

defense of the Sunrising Gate, in that battle Brakk fell to a squad of Rubric

Marines, fighting as a berserker until he was finally overwhelmed and cut down.

Wolf Guard Brakk wielded the dread Power Sword Dausvjer, though his body had

to be left behind the blade was recovered by the Blood Claw Aesval Helfist. 

Wolf Guard Hamnr Skrieya

-Member of the 12th Great Company stationed in the Chamber of the Watch

when the Thousand Sons launched their attack on Fenris in M32. During the

Battle of the Fang Skrieya was placed in command of the forces defending

Bloodfire Gate, while Wolf Lord Greyloc led the defenders at Sunrising Gate.

Later he commanded the Grey Hunters defending the Fangthane alongside

Rossek who led the Blood Claws and Rojk leading the Long Fangs. Skrieya fell in

battle defending the Fangthane. 

Wolf Guard Leofr

-Member of the 12th Great Company. Killed during the Battle of the Fang.

Wolf Guard Arjac Rockfist

-Champion of Logan Grimnar's Wolf Guard, Arjac is a legendary figure of the

Space Wolves. Wearing massive Terminator armor, wielding Foehammer and the

Anvil Shield Arjac is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. 

Wolf Guard Kaarlson

-Kaarlson is a legend in the Chapter having reputedly survived being stepped on

by a Titan. 

Wolf Guard Lars Helltongue

-Personal Herald of the Great Wolf Logan Grimnar. 

Wolf Guard Morgrim Silvertongue

-Wolf Guard and Skald of the Thunderfist Great Company.

Wolf Guard Haakon

-Member of Mikal Sternmark's Wolf Guard Terminator Pack during the Charys

Campaign. Haakon was armed with a massive cyclone missile launcher mounted

to his back and after it ran out of missiles used the targeter built into his left fist

to guide his battle-brothers aim. 

Wolf Guard Bjorn

-Member of Mikal Sternmark's Wolf Guard Terminator Pack during the Charys


Wolf Guard Nils

Member of Mikal Sternmark's Wolf Guard Terminator Pack during the Charys


Wolf Guard Karl

Member of Mikal Sternmark's Wolf Guard Terminator Pack during the Charys


Wolf Guard Snurri

-Member of Mikal Sternmark's Wolf Guard Terminator Pack during the Charys


Wolf Guard Thorin Shieldsplitter

-Former Champion of the Thunderfist Company, the aging Thorin was replaced

by the upcoming Mikal but remained a loyal and dependable warrior. During the

Charys Campaign it was Thorin who stood over the bier of Wolf Lord Thunderfist

with his two handed Power Axe. Prepared to defend the comatose Wolf Lord with

his life if need be and should he recognize death as imminent his task was to

trigger the melta charges planted within Berek's bier and make sure that the

enemy would not get the chance to sully the body of the Space Wolf Lord. 

Wolf Guard Red Erik

-Member of Ragnar Blackmane's Bodyguard, killed fighting the Thousand Sons

on Hesperida. 

Wolf Guard Havard

-Member of Logan Grimnar's Bodyguard. 

Wolf Guard Olaf

-Member of Logan Grimnar's Bodyguard.

Wolf Guard Per

-Member of Logan Grimnar's Bodyguard.

Wolf Guard Liet

-Member of Logan Grimnar's Bodyguard.

Wolf Guard Norge

-Participated in the Return to Kalidus. 

Wolf Guard Horgrim

-Wolf Guard to Berek Thunderfist.

Wolf Guard Baldr Svelok

-Brother Baldr participated in the mission to Gath Rimmon and was its only


Wolf Guard Brand Rawthroat

-Wolf Guard of Logan Grimnar's Great Company during the 1st War for

Armageddon. Brand was one of only a handful of Logan's Wolf Guard to survive

the 1st War and the months of conflict against the Inquisition that followed.

Wolf Guard Taurangian the Cutter

-Commanded the sole remaining Strike Cruiser in orbit over the Fang when the

Inquisition's armada attempted to bring the Chapter to surrender.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Krom

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack in Berek Thunderfist's Great Company. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Tarl

-Participated in the Return to Kalidus.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Karlak

-Participated in the Return to Kalidus. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Harrek

-Participated in the Return to Kalidus. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Ranulf

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack in the Blackmane Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Tor

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack in the Blackmane Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Uller

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack in the Blackmane Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Joris

-Pack Leader Joris replaced Hakon as the commander of Ragnar Blackmane's

Blood Claw Pack during the Campaign for Garm. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Gunnar

-Leader of a Wolf Guard Pack of the Ironfang Great Company who participated in

the assault on the Space Hulk the Messenger of Woe.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Vulpen

-Leader of a Wolf Guard Pack of the Ironfang Great Company who participated in

the assault on the Space Hulk the Messenger of Woe.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Grendel

-Leader of a Wolf Guard Pack of the Ironfang Great Company who participated in

the assault on the Space Hulk the Messenger of Woe.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Loki

-Leader of a Wolf Guard Pack of the Ironfang Great Company who participated in

the assault on the Space Hulk the Messenger of Woe.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Hakon

-Senior officer entrusted with training and leading new packs of Blood Claws.

Critically wounded on Garm, the venerable wolf lived but was badly injured and

would never fight again.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Hengist

-Leader of Ragnar's Blood Claw Pack during their first deployments on Fenris,

Hengist was killed by the Thousand Sons fighting in a rearguard action to give

Ragnar and his companions time to reach the surface with a warning for the


Wolf Guard Pack Leader Urlek

-Leader of a Blood Claw Pack dispatched into the rugged wilds of Asaheim to

investigate a potential meteor impact. Instead of a routine piece of rock the pack

discovered an infiltration force of the Thousand Sons and were overwhelmed.

The fate of Urlek's pack was discovered later by Wolf Guard Hengist's Pack and

the news of the Thousand Sons presence cost many of his pack's lives as well as

that of Hengist himself. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Hogun

-Pack Leader of Ragnar's Blackmane Great Company, Hogun lost himself to the

Wulfen and killed several members of his pack. Rather than killing him Ragnar

got him under control and returned him to the Company to serve as a warrior

Marked by the Wulfen and placed him in the care of Wolf Priest Sigurd. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Einar

-Leader of Sven's Grey Hunter Pack in the Thunderfist Great Company. Lost an

arm to an Eviscerator and entered the Red Dream during the Battle for Charys.

He appears to have survived his injuries and continues to lead packs of Space

Wolves in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Anders

-Pack Leader in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Thorvald

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack of the Thunderfist Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Leif

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack of the Blackmane Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Petur

-Leader of a Wolf Scout Pack of the Blackmane Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Urlec

-Pack Leader of the Blackmane Great Company. Promoted to command after the

death of Pack Leader Vitulv, the young Urlec questioned Ragnar's decisions as

Wolf Lord in private quite often until he saw the true prowess of the Wolf Lord in

close combat with a fell Sorcerer of the Thousand Sons. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Vitulv

-Former Leader of Urlec's Pack of the Blackmane Great Company. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Skaflock Sightblinder

-Leader of a Wolf Scout Pack during the Cambion Campaign. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Magnus

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Holger

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack in Logan Grimnar's Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Ragnild

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack in Egil Ironwolf's Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Stiggar

-Leader of a Long Fang Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Thorlief

-Leader of a Wolf Guard Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Skirnir

-Leader of a Wolf Guard Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Mjollnir

-Leader of a Wolf Guard Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Varig

-Pack Leader of Berek Thunderfist's Great Company. Varig's Squad participated in

a boarding action against a Chaos warship during the Garm Campaign during

which Varig led his squad in attacking a sizable horde of chaos mutants from two

directions and keeping them pinned within a large corridor, Varig's men then

used demolition charges to collapse both ends of the tunnel and trap the

mutants inside. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Hef

-Pack Leader of Berek Thunderfist's Great Company. Hef's Squad participated in

a boarding action against a Chaos warship during the Garm Campaign. Hef's

Squad came under heavy assault and would have been overrun, but the crafty

Wolves escaped through ventilation ducts and left proximity mines to kill their

attackers when they eventually got the courage to investigate the abandoned

position. Hef's Squad acted as the rearguard for the wolves fighting withdrawal

to the Fist of Russ but could not stay ahead of the mutants attempting to run

down the Space Wolves, Hef's squad turned and made a stand, sacrificing

themselves to allow the rest of the Great Company to escape the doomed chaos


Wolf Guard Pack Leader Ferek

-Pack Leader of Berek Thunderfist's Great Company who participated in a

boarding action against a Chaos warship during the Garm Campaign. Ferek's

Squad nearly managed to fight their way into one of the chaos ship's magazines

but were at last repelled by heavy weapons fire. This was somewhat fortunate

for if Ferek and his squad had succeeded they might well have blown the entire

ship apart and the Thunderfist Great Company with it. 

Wolf Guard Pack Leader Frostclaw

-Leader of Long Fang Pack Frostclaw, bears the Redmaw marking of his Great

Company on the external vocaliser of his Mk. VII Aquila pattern helmet. 

Wolf Guard Thunderwolf Rider Skaeln Icefang

-Skaeln rides the Thunderwolf Fenrir and led the Thunderwolf Pack deployed to

Skorbad to fight against the Death Guard Traitor Legion renegades the Scions of

Pestilence. For three weeks the pack hunted the Scions and killed them one by

one, leaving just a mass of leaderless plague zombies for the Imperial Guard to

mop up. Skaeln wields a rune etched Power Axe. Fenrir was killed during an

attack on a plague zombie infested Cadian Bastion. An autocannon tore the

Thunderwolf apart just as the Wolves reached the gates. 

Wolf Guard Thunderwolf Rider Afgar Ironmane

-Afgar rides the Thunderwolf Skoll. Skoll drowned when it and Afgar fell through

the ice while crossing a frozen lake. Afgar was dragged to safety by his battle-

brothers but Skoll was far too heavy and sunk to the frigid depths. Afgar

succumbed to his many and severe wounds after he and Skaeln had cleansed

the plague zombie infested Bastion. 

Wolf Guard Thunderwolf Rider Thorgard

-Thorgard rides the Thunderwolf Magni. Magni was killed by a daemon possessed

traitor marine of the Scions of Pestilence. Thorgard himself fell trying to slay

Hagni who had become overcome by the Curse of the Wulfen. The stealthy and

jovial Thorgard wielded a pair of Wolf Claws. 

Wolf Guard Thunderwolf Rider Barak Thunderborn

-Barak rode the Thunderwolf Garrik, both were killed during the Skorbad


Wolf Guard Thunderwolf Rider Hagni

-Hagni rode the Thunderwolf Warg, but he fell to the curse of the Wulfen and

presumably killed his own mount as well as his Brother Barak and his mount. The

Thunderwolf Pack of Skaeln Icefang chased him across the frozen surface of

Skorbad until he led them to a last member of the Scions of Pestilence

possessed by a Greater Daemon who had somehow avoided the hunters


Canis Wolfborn, the Feral Knight

-A mysterious figure in the Chapter, Canis Wolfborn is the undoubted master of

the Fenrisian Wolves and figurehead of the Thunderwolf Cavalry. Raised by

Wolves and rider of the massive and powerfull Fangir, Canis is a truly feral and

monstrous opponent. 

Lukas the Trickster

-A legendary figure amongst the Chapters Blood Claws, but a figure of frustration

to the Chapters elders, Lukas is the epitome of the mischevious and reckless

nature of the Space Wolves. Constantly defiant of authority Lukas is ever the

trickster, to friends and foes alike and his exploits are manifold as they are


Myskia, Fenris Hunter

-Hero of the Space Wolves during the Horus Heresy.

Wolfblade Haegr

-Haegr's legendary size was matched only by his legendary apetite. Friend and

comrade to Ragnar Blackmane and fellow member of the Wolfblade bodyguard

assigned to the Navigator House Bellisarius, Haegr was a Space Wolf of immense

size whose bulk was the result of an abberant mutation in his development

where he simply didn't stop growing. Although many saw Haegr as a strange

simpleton, Haegr was nevertheless relentless, loyal and fiercely potent in

combat, after all stoping an angry Space Wolf is hard enough but stopping one

with the size and weight of Haegr was nigh on impossible. Haegr met his end

during the Charys campaign, but in doing so saved the Chapter with his

sacrifice, using his last moments of life to wrest the Spear of Russ from the grasp

of the Thousand Sons and thwarting their attempt to destroy the Space Wolves. 

Wolfblade Torin the Wayfarer

-The second companion and friend of Ragnar Blackmane in the Wolfblade, Torin

was a cunning if eccentric Space Wolf, who had the rare talent of understanding

foreign cultures and politics. His service with the Wolfblade was exemplary but

like many sent to the Wolfblade he was not well suited to life with the rest of the


Wolfblade Valkoth

-A senior member of the Wolfblade and superior to Ragnar, Haegr and Torin,

Valkoth is well versed in Navigator House politics and just how dangerous they

can be. 

Wolfblade Skander

-Previous bearer of the Frost Blade now wielded by Ragnar, Skander was killed in

the assassination of the Patriarch of the Navigator House Bellisarius. Ragnar

replaced him in the ranks of the Wolfblade and after losing his chainsword while

fighting to save the new ruler of the Navigator House he was gifted the blade as

a replacement and reward. 

Wolfblade Magni

-A young and impetuous youth recently assigned to the Wolfblade, Magni fought

with distinction but was killed during the Battle for Hyades. 

Dreadnought Skarrag

-Ancient Skarrag Served with the Redmaw Great Company during the Battle of

the Tormus Delta where he fell against the Eldar. 

Dreadnought Warclaw

-Mk. IV Dreadnought serving with the Redmaw Great Company during the Betalis

III Campaign. 

The Ancient Wisdom to guide the Young.

Dreadnought Aldr Forkblade

-One of the many ancients woken by the Iron Priest Arfang during the 1st Battle

of the Fang. 

Dreadnought Hrothgar

-One of the many ancients woken by the Iron Priest Arfang during the 1st Battle

of the Fang. When Bjorn, Greyloc and Sturmjart broke out from the defense of

Borek's Seal to confront Magnus the defenses were left under the command of

Hrothgar. The Venerable Dreadnought led the defenders in a controlled retreat in

the face of the Thousand Sons sorceries.

Dreadnought Ymir

-Dreadnought in service during the Horus Heresy.

Dreadnought Aesir

-Dreadnought in service during the Horus Heresy.

Dreadnought Patrekr the Great Fanged

-Assisted in the destruction of a mighty daemon conjured during the Scouring of


Dreadnought Cormek Dod

-Assisted in the destruction of a mighty daemon conjured during the Scouring of


Dreadnought Alrik

-One of the Chapter's mighty and revered Dreadnoughts. 

Dreadnought Thorir

-One of the Chapter's Ancients currently fighting alongside Kyrl Grimblood's

Great Company. 

Dreadnought Gymir the Ice Fisted

-One of the Chapter's Ancients who participated in the Battle for Hyades with the

Thunderfist Great Company. 

Venerable Dreadnought Grendel

-One of the Chapter's most ancient Dreadnoughts who participated in the Battle

of Granica. 

Pack Leader Sagen Dragonbrow

-A renowned hero of the Chapter. 

Pack Leader Bran

-Leader of a Grey Hunter Pack who participated in the Battle of Granica. 

Pack Leader Guntor

-Pack Leader of the Fenris Bloods during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Kolbyr

-Pack Leader of a Hunter Support Squad during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Sigfasti

-Pack Leader of a Seeker Squad during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Thorbrand

-Pack Leader of a Hunter Squad during the Horus Heresy. 

Pack Leader Ragvard

-Pack Leader of a Sky Claw Assault Squad during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Horgun

-Leader of a Blood Claw Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Jorlund

-Pack Leader of a Hunter Support Squad during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Garan

-Leader of a Blood Claw Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Jortan

-Leader of a Stalker Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Davyn

-Leader of a Fire Team during the Horus Heresy. 

Pack Leader Ansuarr

-Leader of a Blood Claw Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Leiknir

-Leader of a Wulfen Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Tammikk

-Leader of a Wulfen Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Ornulfer

-Pack Leader of a Hunter Squad during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Aldrim

-Pack Leader of a Hunter Squad during the Horus Heresy.

Pack Leader Leiknir

-Leader of a Wulfen Pack during the Horus Heresy. 

Pack Leader Lukkan

-Leader of a Blood Claw Pack. 

Pack leader Thorolf

-Pack Leader of Jotun Bearclaw's Great Company. 

Pack Leader Ruschil

-Leader of Pack Ruschil, 2nd Pack of the Redmaw Great Company during the

Betalis III Campaign. Honored for leading his squad into overwhelming enemy

fire and credited with 47 confirmed Eldar Guardian kills. 

Veteran Sergeant Kjvar

-Member of the Redmaw Great Company and a veteran of the Antilus


Deathwatch Veteran Henghast

-Henghast wields a Power Sword and served in the Deathwatch Team of Captain

Bannon during the Tarsis Ultra mission.

Deathwatch Veteran Orjen 

-Deathwatch Veteran serving Inquisitor Grynner's Deathwatch Team during the

Calixis Operation.

Deathwatch Veteran Kulac

-Deathwatch Veteran serving Captain Octavius during the Herodian IV

"Tyranocide" mission.

Wolf Scout Haakon Gylfasson Blackwing

-Slight of build but as deadly as any Son of Russ. Haakon prefers to pilot the

Nauro, a small but extremely fast and agile warship of indeterminable

classification favored by the scouts. Like many Wolf Scouts Haakon does not

share in the easy camaraderie shared by most Space Wolves and much prefers

the empty hours and quiet of deep space patrol missions. When he finally took

off aboard the Nauro on a system patrol days after the Space Wolves fleet

departed he had the misfortune of flying directly into the chaotic space battle

that erupted in the void above Fenris within minutes of the Thousand Sons

arrival. During the fighting the Nauro received orders to bring word to the Great

Wolf and though severely damaged managed to break the blockade and make

the trip to the Gangava system four days faster than estimated, bringing word to

Harek Ironhelm of the Thousand Sons invasion at the cost of the priceless vessel

and most of its crew. Though he suffered severe injuries with the destruction of

the ship Wolf Scout Haakon survived and was recovered by Wolf Lord Kjarlskar

and his ship the Gotthammar.

Wolf Scout Gunnar Dragonbane

-A monstrous member of Skaflock Sightblinder's veteran Wolf Scout pack during

the Cambion Campaign. 

Wolf Scout Hoskuld

-Wolf Scout assigned to assist Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Wolf Scout Hogun

-Member of Skaflock Sightblinder's Wolf Scout pack during the Cambion


Wolf Scout Varg

-Member of a Wolf Scout Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Wolf Scout Asbjorn

-Member of a Wolf Scout Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Wolf Scout Inge

-Member of a Wolf Scout Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Wolf Scout Johannas

-Member of a Wolf Scout Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Wolf Scout Torvald

-Member of a Wolf Scout Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Wolf Scout Helmar

Long Fang Torgrim Rojk

-Assigned to provide heavy-support to Wolf Guard Rossek's pack during the

opening skirmishes of the Battle of the Fang in M32. Dependable and level-

headed the veteran Long Fang Pack Leader pulled the Wolf Guard Rossek from a

near certain death in the opening ground battles of the Thousand Sons invasion

and later fought to defend the Fangthane alongside Wolf Priest Wyrmblade. Rojk

chose to paint a skull on the faceplate of his helmet, giving him an appearance

akin to that of a Wolf Priest.

Long Fang Pack Leader Old Brother Hrolf

-Senior Pack Leader of Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company. 

Long Fang Pack Leader Thorbjorn

-Leader of a Long Fang Pack of the Thunderfist Great Company. 

Long Fang Pack Leader Gunnar

-Leader of a Long Fang Pack in the Thunderfist Great Company. 

Long Fang Pack Leader Ansgar

-Leader of a Long Fang Pack during the Horus Heresy. 

Long Fang Pack Leader Freyr

-Leader of a Long Fang Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Long Fang Pack Leader Eldgrim

-Leader of a Long Fang Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Long Fang Pack Leader Olfun

-Leader of a Long Fang Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Long Fang Pack Leader Greyfell

-Leader of a Long Fang Pack during the Horus Heresy.

Long Fang Pack Leader Hrothgar

-Pack Leader of a Long Fang Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company. 

Long Fang Argnun

-Member of Pack Frostclaw, 9th Pack of the Redmaw Great Company. Assigned as

part of the Boarding Assault Forces Redmaw's Claw. 

Long Fang Harnvgr

-Member of Pack Frostclaw, 9th Pack of the Redmaw Great Company. Displayed

great courage in defending the fallen Pack Leader Frostclaw during the boarding

of an Eldar Aconite frigate. 

Long Fang Scarpelt

-Member of Pack Frostclaw, 9th Pack of the Redmaw Great Company. Participated

in the Battle of the Karina Nebula. 

Long Fang Skyhowler

-Member of Pack Frostclaw, 9th Pack of the Redmaw Great Company. Honored to

bear the Claws of Andhrimnir.

Long Fang Amon

-Member of Pack Frostclaw, 9th Pack of the Redmaw Great Company. Slew an

Eldar psyker during the Battle of the Tormus Delta. 

Long Fang Sven

-Member of Stiggar's Long Fang Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company. 

Long Fang Gunda

-Member of Stiggar's Long Fang Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Long Fang Berg

-Member of Stiggar's Long Fang Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Long Fang Tord

-Member of Stiggar's Long Fang Pack in Ragnar Blackmane's Great Company.

Long Fang Daegalan

-A Long Fang serving during the Age of Apostasy.

Long Fang Thorin

-Member of Gunnar's Long Fang Pack in the Thunderfist Great Company.

Long Fang Mikkal

-Member of Gunnar's Long Fang Pack in the Thunderfist Great Company.

Long Fang Ivo

-Member of Gunnar's Long Fang Pack in the Thunderfist Great Company.

Long Fang Jan

-Member of Gunnar's Long Fang Pack in the Thunderfist Great Company.

Long Fang Hrolf

-Long Fang in of the Blackmane Great Company.

Grey Hunter Fith Godsmote

-Recruited to the Chapter as Godsmote or Godsmack to Tra Company during the

Great Crusade. Fith earned his name after he stuck the point of an axe into the

face of an Ork Warboss. 

Grey Hunter Olafer

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Olafer's tale of Heoroth

Longfang was told first during the Rune Priest's sending away feast. His account

was set forty years prior to the feast during the campaign against the greenskins

on Prokofief.

Grey Hunter Oje

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Brother Oje was slain during

the Scouring of Prospero when a Thousand Sons Sorcerer turned him inside out. 

Grey Hunter Orcir

-Brother Orcir along with Brother Bjorn dislodged a dug in heavy weapon nest

during the capture of the Olamic Quietude's Graving Dock. Brother Orcir bore a

Heavy Bolter during the Scouring of Prospero and fought bravely against a dread

daemon when it manifested on the planet but was thrown into a warp portal and

was lost to the Legion. 

Grey Hunter Galeg

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Brother Galeg was the first

to be wounded during the assault on the Olamic Quietude's Graving Dock, losing

his left arm to a gravity pellet shot. This injury did not stop him from fighting on

with his chainaxe. 

Grey Hunter Hjad

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade, slain by a heavy gravity

weapon during the campaign against the Olamic Quietude. 

Grey Hunter Bitur Bercaw

-Member of Fyf Company during the Great Crusade. 

Grey Hunter Trunc

-Member of Fyf Company during the Great Crusade. 

Grey Hunter Adthung Greychin

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Brother Adthung was slain

during the assault on the Olamic Quietude's Graving Dock. Brother Adthung cut

his way through the Quietude's biomechanical warrior constructs with his

chainsword after his bolter was damaged, leaving a trail of corpses in his wake

until he was finally brought down with multiple shots to the torso. 

Grey Hunter Stormeye

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade, slain during the assault on

the Olamic Quietude's Graving Dock. 

Grey Hunter Tjurl-On-The-Ice

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade, slain during the assault on

the Olamic Quietude's Graving Dock. 

Grey Hunter Fultag Redknife

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade, slain during the assault on

the Olamic Quietude's Graving Dock. Brother Fultag fell fighting the Quietude's

Super Robusts, when he lost his weapons he picked up a Quietude Gravity

Hammer but the enemy had learned to prevent their weapons falling into Space

Wolf hands and the hammer overloaded, electrocuting Fultag. His body was too

badly burnt for his gene-seed to be recovered, a grave loss to the Legion. 

Grey Hunter Thel

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Brother Thel recounted the

fall of Adthung to the Company Skjald. 

Grey Hunter Erthung Redhand

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Brother Erthung recounted

the fall of Tjurl to the Company Skjald. 

Grey Hunter Ullste

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Brother Ullste recounted the

fall of Fultag to the Company Skjald. 

Grey Hunter Svessl

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Killed during the Scouring of

Prospero when a Sorcerer split him in two with an invisible blade. 

Grey Hunter Hekken

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Killed during the Scouring of

Prospero when a Sorcerer cooked him inside his own armor. 

Grey Hunter Orm Ormssen

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Slain during the Scouring of

Prospero when a Sorcerer exsanguinated him. 

Grey Hunter Vossul

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Brother Vossul was blinded

and pulped on Prospero by the foul sorcery of the Thousand Sons. 

Grey Hunter Lycas Snowpelt

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Slain during the Scouring of

Prospero, his body gutted and decapitated. 

Grey Hunter Bane Fel

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Slain by warp fire during the

Scouring of Prospero. 

Grey Hunter Sfen Saarl

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade, withered to powder by the

foul sorcery of the Thousand Sons during the Scouring of Prospero. 

Grey Hunter Aerdar

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. Transmogrified into a

twisted lump of flesh by foul sorcery during the Scouring of Prospero. 

Grey Hunter Emrah

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. 

Grey Hunter Horune

-Member of Tra Company during the Great Crusade. 

Grey Hunter Aunir Frar

-Member of Pack Rossek of the 12th Great Company. Seriously injured by the foul

sorceries of the Thousand Sons early in the Battle of the Fang, the Grey Hunter

was taken to the Fleshmaker laboratories and would have recovered from his

wounds until the dread Daemon-Primarch Magnus came to the lair of the Wolf

Priests and ended the wounded that had lain within. 

Grey Hunter Scarjaw

-Member of Pack Rossek of the 12th Great Company. Killed by the foul sorceries

of the Thousand Sons early in the Battle of the Fang while opposing the enemy


Grey Hunter Eriksson

-Member of Pack Rossek of the 12th Great Company. Killed by the foul sorceries

of the Thousand Sons early in the Battle of the Fang while opposing the enemy


Grey Hunter Vre

-Member of Pack Rossek of the 12th Great Company. Killed by the foul sorceries

of the Thousand Sons early in the Battle of the Fang while opposing the enemy


Grey Hunter Naemr

-Member of Pack Ruschil of the Redmaw Great Company during the Betalis III

Campaign. Lost to the Curse of the Wulfen. 

Grey Hunter Halus

-Member of Pack Ruschil of the Redmaw Great Company during the Betalis III

Campaign. Slain duri

The 13th Company

“The Impure shall tremble

For no hard thing may touch them,

No iron of ancient forging shall harm

The bloody battle-hand of the Ulfhednar.”

-The Prophesy of Frode, from the Lamentation of Days

The 13th Company is a force shrouded in mystery, wearing the looted armor of

chaos marines to replace damaged wargear, showing the bestial signs of the

curse of the wulfen and appearing at seeming random to wreak havoc among

the forces of chaos, the 13th Company is at the same time a terrifying and

inspiring force. 

Legends tell of the time before the Horus Heresy when the 13th Company had

been part of the Space Wolves legion, though little remains of that time but the

names of famous battles such as the First Siege of Methrix and the Battle of the

Plains of Mo-Shan, the Fall of the Paramours of the Morpheus Rift, and the

Crossing of Hangman's Void. The 13th Company are said to have chased the

fleeing Thousand Sons into the Eye of Terror where they hunted the forces of

chaos for 10,000 years, somehow surviving in the depths of the Eye of Terror

despite the odds. Each marine in the company having acquired the skills of a

Wolf Guard, and showing signs of the curse of the wulfen are both terrifyingly

brutal and skilled warriors on the battlefield. 

The 13th Company’s organization is little known, who leads them is unsure.

Whether Jorin Bloodfang, the leader of the Company in the siege of Prospero still

leads them is unknown, some wild theories even suggest that Leman Russ leads

the Company from the depths of the warp, having manifested the true form of

the curse of the wulfen as a giant werewolf of awesome power. However such

theories are unsubstantiated and the truth may never be known. 

Concluding Thoughts