swan songs: the last dance exhibition invite


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Post on 24-Mar-2016




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An Access Space exhibition by Lou Davidson of photographs using movement, colour and abstract forms to express the living and dying acts performed by plants and trees in nature's theatre.


Page 1: Swan Songs: the last dance exhibition invite
Page 2: Swan Songs: the last dance exhibition invite

umbrellastudio contemporary arts

Umbrella Studio invites you to

Swan Songs The Last DanceLou DaviDson An Access Space exhibition of photographs using movement, colour and abstract forms to express the living and dying acts performed by plants and trees in nature’s theatre where they expend everything in a magnificent last dance before the next generation of players arrive. This is their swan song.

EXHiBiTion oPEninG 7pm Friday 19 April by Vicki Salisbury

EXHiBiTion DuRaTion 19 April - 26 May 2013

Umbrella Studio acknowledges the financial support of: The Queensland Government, through Arts Queensland, the Commonwealth Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body, and the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian, State and Territory Governments.

Umbrella Studio contemporary arts | 482 Flinders Street, Townsville(07) 4772 7109 | www.umbrella.org.au | Open Mon-Fri 9-5pm & Sun 9-1pm