swara yoga- the ancient science of breathing

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  • 8/18/2019 Swara Yoga- The Ancient Science of Breathing


    Swara Yoga: The Ancient Science

    of Breathing

    The Sanskrit word swara means sound or note. It is also a continuous flow of 

    air through one nostril. Yoga means union, so Swara yoga is a science, which

    is realization of cosmic consciousness through control and manipulation of


    Swara Yoga is the science, which is a complete study of observations, control

    and manipulation of breath or Swara. Pranayama is only related to the

    control of breath in various ways. In Swara yoga, you will find association of

  • 8/18/2019 Swara Yoga- The Ancient Science of Breathing


    breath in relation to activities of sun, moon, other astral bodies, seasons,

    physical and mental conditions of individuals etc. So Swara Yoga is more

    comprehensive in theory and practices related to breath.

     Applications of Swara Yoga as Per Sanskrti Text “ShivaSwarodaya”

    Swara yoga is useful while initiating any action starting from waking up in

    the morning, having bath, eating, involving in different works, mental

    activities, physical activities etc. Swara Yoga touches all parts of human life.

     Applications of Swara Yoga

    Swara Yoga can be used in winning friends and overcoming enemies

    Swara Yoga can be used to gain wealth, prosperity and popularity

    Swara Yoga can be used to gain nowledge of the past, present ! future

    "chieving sound mental, physical ! spiritual health

    Swara Yoga is very helpful in #aily $ife while e%ercising, eating, sleeping,

    working etc.

    Types of Swara

    There are & main swara, namely

    Ida 'adi or $eft Swara ('adi is flow of pranic energy in body)

    Pingala 'adi or *ight Swara

    Sushumna or third Swara.

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    Ida Nadi or Left Swara

    It refers to the breath through the left nostril and is located on the left side

    of the spinal cord. It represents the moon, the female energy or Shakti

    principle. It is considered to be auspicious, smooth and virtuous. The $eft

    Swara is associated with mental activities, parasympathetic nervous system

    or rela%ation.

    It is connected to the right hemisphere of the brain. It is connected to the

    left hemisphere of the brain. It is considered as rough and non virtuous. It is

    active during the bright fortnight (+ days starting from ne%t day of no moon

    to full moon day). -ne can gain fruitful results when $eft Swara is active onednesday, Thursday, /riday and 0onday.

    The active 1odiac signs during $unar flow are tauras, cancer, virgo, scorpio,

    capricorn, pisces. hen the $eft Swara is active, one should perform all

    auspicious, stable, permanent actions such as purchasing 2ewellery, clothes,

    going on a 2ourney, construction of house, office, temple, marriages,

    religious rights, peaceful work, treating incurable diseases etc.

    Pingla Nadi or ight Swara

    It refers to the breath through the right nostril and is located on the right

    side of the spinal cord. It represents the sun, the male or 3onsciousness

    principle. The right swara is associated with Pranic activities (physical

    activities), sympathetic nervous system(fight or flight response or stress


    Its dominance can be felt during the dark fortnight (+ days from the ne%t

    day of full moon to no moon). *ight Swara gives fruitful results Sunday,

    Saturday, Tuesday and the 1odiac signs active during the Solar flow are

    aries, a4uarious, libra, 5emini and Sagittarius.

  • 8/18/2019 Swara Yoga- The Ancient Science of Breathing


    *ight Swara is considered as rough, non virtuous so one can perform

    inauspicious tasks such as e%treme tantric techni4ues, mean actions, wars,

    sensual pleasures, captivatind women etc., successfully during this period.

    6esides these, one can also perform physical e%ercises like working with

    dynamism, and mental activities such as solving mathematics during this

    period as it is linked with the consciousness principle.

    Third Swara “S!sh!"na”

    It represents 7Shiva8 (pure consciousness) in the state of 7So9:am.8 It is

    located at the center of the spinal cord. The Third Swara or Sushumna issaid to be active when the $eft and *ight Swara flow together. 'o worldly

    action is recommended during this period as work gives no result. Sushumna

    indicates non9attachment to the mundane things. 0editation is

    recommended when this Swara is active.

    hyth"s of Swara

    ;ach Swara ($eft and *ight ) becomes active alternatively. ;ach Swara isactive for about + to +. hours depending on every individual on individual,

    and after the second Swara starts flowing, this cycle continues during day

    and night. These Swara "ctivities are related to 0oon phases. 5enerally for

    healthy people the Swara should change at the time of sunrise and sunset.

    The $unar < $eft Swara is active during the first three days of bright fortnight

    at sunrise. The Solar < *ight swara is active during the first three days of the

    dark fortnight at sunrise.

    ead#!sting the Swara

    3lose active nostril with finger or cotton wool

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    Inhale through active nostril ! e%hale through inactive

    "pply pressure to the armpit of the active nostril

    $ie down on the same side of the active nostril

    3old bath or hot water changes the Swara

    /ood consumed changes Swara

    3hilli, ginger = Solar < right Swara

    Yogurt, bananas = left < lunar Swara

    Swara Indication $ Physical % &ental activities

    Common Cold:

    3ommon cold indicates dominating $eft Swara, which indicates cold. -ne can

    change this dominating $eft Swara to *ight Swara and cure the common coldor other diseases.


    If *ight Swara dominates, it indicates the person will suffer from either

    acidity or fever. *ight Swara is hot in nature.

    Swara Yoga is still an une%plored area and lot of scientific research needs tobe carried out before all facts and e%act relation of Swara and physical and

    mental activities can be established.