sweet dreams organization analysis antoine arrouy

Antoine Arrouy MAR 4334-001, Spring 2015 Florida Atlantic University Sweet Dreams Sweet Dreams Assignment

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Antoine Arrouy

MAR 4334-001, Spring 2015

Florida Atlantic University

Sweet DreamsSweet Dreams Assignment

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MAR 4334: Creative Advertising Strategy

Sweet Dreams Assignment

Introduction Your team is charged with vying against other advertising agencies (other student teams within the class) to win the Sweet Dreams charitable organization’s account. You are charged with developing, submitting, and presenting a “deck” (PowerPoint slides) rather than a traditional typed report. Along with the original deck of slides, which includes creative pieces, make another two copies for submission. Have all 3 decks spiral bound. One will be kept by Dr. Smith and the other two copies submitted to Sweet Dreams. Team members are fully encouraged to make a copy for their personal portfolio.

Deliverables: 1. Tile page COMPLETED 2. Organization profiles COMPLETED 3. Target audience profiles COMPLETED (SEE SEPARATE PAGE BELOW) 4. Brand concept COMPLETED 5. Campaign Challenge 6. Broad goals 7. Message strategy 8. Blueprint statement COMPLETED 9. Creative concept COMPLETED 10. Brochure for Businesses 11. Brochure for Foundation and Individual Donors COMPLETED 12. Broadside 13. Social media plan 14. Video storyboard

Background Research and Assignment Information: Become familiar with the Sweet Dreams charitable organization. Next, learn about their advertising needs. Know the service and understand its donor base. The assignment does not entail a detailed background report requirement. The 13 deliverables are the only requirements. Items 10 through 14 are the required creative pieces. Executions that correctly convey Sweet Dreams in such a way that carries the human imprint of the target audience, align with the campaign challenge and broad goals, and convey the brand concept will earn high grades. Know Sweet Dreams. Learn about its services, pledge to the community, donors’ motives, and needs for advertising. Integrate those insights into each creative piece. Citations and a reference section are not required, since responses should be your own creative thoughts and work.

Since you are charged with developing a “deck,” use the bullet point format in responding to items 2 through 7. Give each item from 1 through 9 its own page. Dedicate separate pages to profiles of each of the two target audiences identified below.

1. Title Page Include client name, campaign name, team member names in alphabetical order, MAR 4334-001, semester, and year. COMPLETED

2. Organization Profile Provides new beds, bunk beds, cribs, toddler beds to youth who would otherwise be sleeping on the floor or in an unsafe, unsanitary environment. Because of our “Rapid Response” support, we are able to contribute to the reunification of families as well as keep children out of shelters and in relative care. COMPLETED

3. Target Audience Profiles

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3.1 Business Donors 3.2 Foundations and Individuals


4. Brand Concept Assignment Component:

Exhibit 1: Elements of Brand Concept Brand Concept Element Description

Brand name Sweet Dreams


Category placement strategy Donors entity

Functionality Meet the basic needs of those in need in the local area

Emotional associations Spread kindness and hope Family member feeling

Self-concept association Eliminate extreme poverty, provide those in need with basic necessities

Self-expression association Raise awareness and reach out to those in emergency situations

Lifestyle association Kindness, dignity, empathizing

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Social desires Allows children to succeed in life by changing their current environment Provide children with the opportunities they deserve Enables families to raise their children in humanitarian conditions

Associations with buyers’ aspirations

Don’t let people (especially children) living in your area to live without basic needs

Brand experience Help to balance social inequalities in extreme situations

Brand image/personality

Brand heritage The first recognized entity in Boca Raton who had never denied a demand and makes sure every child has a bed to sleep in

Brand authenticity Management and monitoring measures, expertise and goodwill, passionate, committed, nonprofit, humble

Reputation Personalized attention, division of particular needs,

Basic promise of value “immediate response to basic needs” “Helping children to sleep like children”

Differentiation strategy Functional differentiation

Rapid response and immediate assistance to the vital needs

Psychic differentiation

Allowing children to grow up as children Allowing kids to develop the “home feeling” they deserve

Positioning strategy Present sweet dreams as an imminent and indispensable tool that allows children to grow up healthy and within humanitarian circumstances

Charitable, solidarity, human, supportive.

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5. Campaign Challenge Describe the campaign challenge in bullet point format. Include the names of the target audience in the campaign challenge. Review class notes titled “Advertising Campaign Strategy” for assistance.

6. Broad Goals Review class notes Advertising Campaign Strategy. Conform to requirements for setting broad goals. Place them in bullet point format. Recall that broad goals must set direction. Advertisements and creative pieces must relate to the campaign challenge and broad goals.

7. Message Strategy Review class notes titled “Creative Brief and Message Strategy” for assistance. Consider placing the entire message strategy statement in an appendix. Use bullet points to list major elements of message strategy. Confine the list of bullet points to only one or two pages of the deck.

8. Blueprint Statement

8.1 Motives of the target audience • Understanding how a small donation from them can have a huge impact by producing positive

ripple effects in a young person’s (and possibly their families) life that opens up a “pay it forward” pathway for them.

8.2 Benefits of Sweet Dreams • Rapid response to vital needs. • Never turned down a request. • Exhausts all options to meet any/all requests for basic necessities. 8.3 Fit between target audience motives and Sweet Dream’s benefits • Donors have many charities vying for their attention, time, and ultimately their donations. As a

result donors want to know that, their contributions are going to the non-profits that will meet the greatest needs and have the biggest impact.

• That’s Sweet Dreams, providing rapid response to vital needs of families and children combating some of life’s greatest challenges.

• Sweet Dreams helps families and children rest comfortably so they can dream easy.


9. Creative Concept

Gift a good night’s rest. Assist a child today, so that tomorrow they can assist others.

The Ripple Effect- can be defined as what occurs when a raindrop or a pebble hits a body of water causing wave like elevations (ripples) to expand incrementally outward. A more textbook definition is a situation in which one event causes a series of other events to happen. While the definitions may vary,

Positioning statement/tag line Assist a child today to help them assist others tomorrow. /Gift a good night’s rest.

Competitive advantage Closeness of resources and recipients The needs are so basic and of primary order that is hard for people to refuse to cooperate They represent a big contrast to the majority of the people they are surrounded by.

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one overarching theme can be derived from both. A single event can have far-reaching effects that naturally generate further occurrences, the total impact of which can be seemingly endless.

Small deeds can spark swift changes, changes that generate substantial results that in turn leave a lasting impact on the lives of the recipients (of the initial small deed). A pebble thrown in a pond causes the ripple effect, ripples expand out further and further. The same concept can apply to donations, giving that begets giving.

As an example, say a bed is given to a child, which allows them to rest comfortably and dream away. From that dream they get an idea, from that idea comes an inspiration to learn. From that drive to learn comes a product or service that ends world hunger or cures cancer. Who knows, it all starts with a dream. A dream that started with a good night’s rest, which only came about by way of a donation, a bed, the proverbial pebble in the pond. That’s the ripple effect in action. In this way


10. Brochure for Businesses Develop a brochure to give to businesses. First, give utmost care in brainstorming items that must be included in the brochure. Revisit the list more than once. Do not omit key message points. Do not get contact information incorrect. Use relevant information from the textbook and class notes (e.g., telling stories, interplay between visuals and copy, visual hierarchy, copywriting guidelines). Guard against omissions and incorrect information. Assume that the brochure will be developed by a profession firm but make it as attractive as possible. On first inspection, the brochure should reflect the brand concept. It should enable businesses to envision themselves giving beds and furniture while benefiting both themselves and the community. Before beginning the assignment and before finalizing the response, review Felton’s Chapters 7 through 10, and class notes on “Copywriting;” “Print Ads;” and “Slicks, Brochures, and Direct Mail.” 11. Brochure for Foundations and Individuals Develop a brochure for charitable foundations and individuals. First, give utmost care in brainstorming items that must be included in the brochure. Revisit the list more than once. Do not omit key message points. Do not get contact information incorrect. Use relevant information from the textbook and class notes (e.g., telling stories, interplay between visuals and copy, visual hierarchy, copywriting guidelines). Guard against omissions and incorrect information. Assume that the brochure will be developed by a profession firm but make it as attractive as possible. On first inspection, the brochure should reflect the brand concept. It should enable foundation board members to envision benefits enjoyed by the community from their donations. Before beginning the assignment and before finalizing the response, review Felton’s Chapters 7 through 10, and class notes on “Copywriting;” “Print Ads;” and “Slicks, Brochures, and Direct Mail.”

12. Broadside A broadside is a one-sided handout used by a company or organization to get a promotional message across to an audience. It is often an 8 ½ by 11” or vest pocket-sized handout. Broadsides can convey general information about a company, specific messages and claims, and contact information. Broadsides often contain headlines, sub-headings, copy, and images. First, decide on the purpose of the broadside. Next, list and organize topics and message points to convey. Select the dominant selling message and consider visual hierarchy. To follow, decide on the size. The vest-pocket size is more suited for carrying a broadside in coats and purses and requires less display space. Larger sizes can carry more information and visuals.

13. Social Media Plan Recommend a social media plan. Draw on information from Turner and Shah’s How to Make Money with Social Media book, class notes titled “Social media Platforms and Targeting Strategy” and “Engaging, Conversing, Sharing, and Promotion,” and other sources.

14. Video storyboard

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Develop one storyboard for a video. For assistance, review Felton’s Chapters 7 through 10 and 12. Examine class notes on “Copywriting,” and “TV Commercials and Videos.” You may have an opportunity to produce the video. The video could be used in such media as, direct mail, web site, and social media like YouTube.

The grading rubric follows.

Review the grading rubric used to assess performance. Use it to refine responses.

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Grading Rubric:

Criteria Ineffective


Campaign plan Organization profile, target audience profiles, and brand concept, campaign challenge, and broad goals were correct, integrated, and helpful in presenting background perspectives and direction for the campaign.

(0-7) (8-10)

Campaign challenge, broad goals, and creative concept Met requirements, were integrated, and set a highly purposeful direction for the campaign.

(0-7) (8-10)

Message strategy, blueprint statement, and creative concept Aligned with the situation, related to campaign challenge and broad goals, and was original and intrusive

(0-11) (12-15)

Brochures and broadside Fit campaign challenge and broad goals; aligned with the creative concept; and appeared to be focused, creative, relevant, and technically sound in execution

(0-19) (20-25)

Social media program Fit campaign challenge and broad goals; aligned with the creative concept; and appeared to increase engaging, conversing , exchanging and sharing, and promoting

(0-11) (12-15)

Video storyboard Aligned campaign challenge and broad goals; aligned with the creative concept; and appeared to be focused, creative, relevant, and technically sound in execution

(0-11) (12-15)

Deck Writing quality, correct use of course information, and conformance to standards for developing and PowerPoint slides

(0-7) (8-10)

Presentation and reflection piece Preparation, control, verbal and non-verbal (body language) presence and skills Reflection was typed, well-written, and conformed to three requirements

(0-15) (16-20)

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3. Target Audience Profiles 3.1 Business Donors

• Hotels/Resorts o Located in Boca Raton, FL & surrounding areas o Highly rated, 4-5 stars o Prior giving record o Promotes charitable giving to local non-profits.

• Furniture Companies o Located in Boca, Raton, FL & surrounding areas o Sells medium-premium rated furnishings. o Prior giving record. o Promotes charitable giving to local non-profits.

3.2 Foundations and Individuals • Foundations

o Local Foundation located in Boca Raton, FL & surrounding areas. o National Foundation w/presence in Boca Raton, FL & surrounding areas. o Has annual giving campaigns. o Established record of donating to charities with similar fields of interest.

• Individuals o Affluent residents in Boca Raton, FL & surrounding areas. o Length of residency 5-10 years. o Base Salary/Income of $100K-$200K o Current Home Value of $250K-$400K o Employed at a firm that matches employee donations.