swim without sharks ~ the real surfer's paradise: guide to shark attack-free destinations of the...

"Swim WithOUT Sharks ~ The REAL Surfer's Paradise: Guide to shark attack-free Destinations of the World" By the charity Israel-Light Copyright 2012 by Israel-Light Smashwords Edition *the only comprehensive guide to beaches with great surfing and no worrying (about sharks!)* For every waverider and sunworshipper. Specially dedicated to the Pirate in all of us and One in particular As a public service, our charity organization is preparing this Guide because there is NO COMPREHENSIVE LIST in existence of places people can surf without worrying as much about sharks. During these times of accelerated lifestyle, few things make people as happy as a relaxed day at the beach or enjoying the surf. What the world needs most right now is happy vibrant loving people who get back to nature so that they can be the best person they can be and elevate this planet to a higher state. 1

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As frequently seen on TV http://www.SwimWithoutSharks.com*how to avoid attracting a shark*directory of over 987 of the world's safest beaches*what to do if you see a shark*how to stop a bleeding shark biteand much more life saving info from the team that invented the world's first non-electronic shark repellent products like swimwear and surfboards.


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"Swim WithOUT Sharks ~

The REAL Surfer's Paradise:

Guide to shark attack-free Destinations of the World"

By the charity Israel-Light

Copyright 2012 by Israel-Light

Smashwords Edition

*the only comprehensive guide to beaches with great surfing and no worrying (about sharks!)*

For every waverider and sunworshipper.

Specially dedicated to the Pirate in all of us

and One in particular

As a public service, our charity organization is preparing this Guide because there is NO COMPREHENSIVE LIST in existence of places people can surf without worrying as much about sharks. During these times of accelerated lifestyle, few things make people as happy as a relaxed day at the beach or enjoying the surf. What the world needs most right now is happy vibrant loving people who get back to nature so that they can be the best person they can be and elevate this planet to a higher state.

As such, we present this Guide because people assume there are dangerous sharks everywhere and this is simply not the case. Have you ever been to a tropical destination where the water is almost as warm as a bath? Well, predatory sharks don't like warm baths. So whether it be the climate or lack of sharkbait or them sadly being hunted or latitude and longitude,

thankfully there are places on this planet where one can still swim and surf withOUT the likelihood of getting bitten by a shark.

The International Shark Attack File compiled by the Florida Museum of Natural History is just one of various reliable sources upon which we based our ratings on where to go.

Every destination we present has been researched for not just shark attacks but also for even simply shark sightings.

We must disseminate this information to the public because their fear discourages them from stepping into liquid which is why we need to let the masses know WHERE there are have been no well-documented sharks! We also know there are few things in life better than surfing so this book will revolutionize the surf industry. Too much media focuses on sharks to scare the public; this is the first FEARLESS Guide of its kind!



Make sure you get a copy for the coffee-table of every beachloving sunworshipper in your life.

How to use this Guide.First of all, our definition of shark-free in an ocean where sharks can technically go wherever they choose is that there has never been a WELL-DOCUMENTED sighting or attack there in the past century.

Next, for example, a country like Malaysia may have 10 noted great surf destinations. If we mention one in particular, such as Desaru, that is the particular location we have researched to be shark attack-free.

It does not automatically mean the other nine locations have sharks, but it just means that we can say there have been no recorded sightings or attacks at this location, and so we can say because Malaysia has at least one beach without shark attacks or well-documented sightings, it makes the list as a shark attack-free destination. Is it any surprise how so many countries (ie Tahiti) did not make the list because there is not one single shark-free beach? Even if their sharks are "way out to sea," what's to stop them from swimming close to shore one day? So we did not list that country because we cannot assume the responsibility for someone taking our word that there is no real threat of sharks and then being hurt by one. In fact, reading any further is your consent that you totally release our charity organization across the board from any liabilities associated from reading this Guide, which we have done the very best to present with Integrity because one of our founders is terrified of sharks and will not go anywhere that they have even been spotted. An avid surfer who loves nothing more in life, her fear of sharks is what gave birth to this book.

Also, in between destinations we outline either a lifesaving water safety tip in case you come into proximity with a shark or share interesting facts / anecdotes about sharks, thus making this Guide the all-encompassing go to book for a more relaxing enjoyable experience in the water. This directory is indispensable for every surfer or sunbather or watersporter or concerned parent or traveler planning a vacation.

Even if you are a tough well-seasoned surfer not concerned about sharks because you know how to handle yourself and have years of experience and talk to locals to get the lay of every new land,

why would you wanna surf anywhere not listed in this Guide (?) because if it isn't listed that means either it has shark issues or isn't as comparatively high-rated or both.

If we list a surf spot without naming the city or region it is in within a country that is because it is a very popular destination with directions easily found online. We are a Guide to WHERE one can surf safely but it is up to you to find your way there. Just like surfing, if you can't paddle yourself to the outside wave, you have no business being there.

We do our best to list a minimum of 10 beaches per country that are relatively safe in comparison to the other beaches in that country, especially if that country is famous for its waves. For example we really really wanted to qualify a lot more beaches in Brazil but simply could not because of our stringent "no well-documented-sightings criteria. But if you are willing to vouch for the safety of a surfing beach, contact us on page 19 and we will happily and gratefully add the destination.

We simply do not list a surf destination that is shark attack or sighting-free if the waves do not consistently rate at least decent or "two stars out of five" according to experienced reliable sources such as popular surf websites, magazines, and locals.Absolute beginners as we all once were who have never caught a wave LEARN in two star waves, just to give you a point of reference.

We know many beach lovers who don't surf will still use this as a shark attack-free destination reference which is fine, but this Guide specifically caters to surfers, who,

if they're going to spend money, time, and energy to get to a surf spot, prefer at the very LEAST a two star wave. Sometimes a one star wave isn't even surfable so there is no point recommending it.

Always use common sense in the water and even better, your sixth sense. People need to believe in and trust their gut more often. If you are in the water and something inside you says GET OUT, then GET OUT.

Do not ignore your hunches!

We are all one and can communicate with each other, plants, and animals telepathically when we choose to exercise this ability.

There have been several occasions when one of the researchers of this book had a feeling of unease while in the water, only to get out of the water, look up the location online and find out sharks had been recently spotted there.

This person felt something in the water had put out an "aggressive" energy, and picking up on this is telepathy.

One thing you can rest assured of is EVERY location we promote here is not just shark attack-free, but sighting free, because a sighting can mean a future encounter and the intention is to get people to places where they can relax,

without letting one's guard down. One should never let their guard down totally in the ocean anyway due to many factors aside from sharks like jellyfish, rays, riptides, big waves, etc.

To be extra careful, don't surf or be in the water before sunrise or after sunset.

The only exceptions for listing a destination with shark sightings is if the beach has since added shark nets and has never had an attack. These were only in South Africa, where the waves are too good not to list!

Some places list only basking sharks or "non dangerous" sharks but we still leave those destinations off the list because we still don't wanna swim with any. Period. More power to you if you do!

If we do not mention a location in particular, it is very easy to find out if there have been shark attacks or sightings. Simply Google "sharks in X" where "X" is the name of the beach you want to go to, and it will tell you right away the shark issues for that location.

And if you do locate a surf spot that CONSISTENLY rates decent surf and is "safe" because of your research and is somehow NOT in this Guide, please let us know!

We strongly feel the Integrity we placed into this research is comprehensive enough that if you don't see a POPULAR surf spot (always mentioned in the top 10 or 20 surf destinations for a region) with consistent waves on this list we didn't simply overlook it; it most likelyhas potential shark possibilities, in case you are wondering how for example an Epic surf country like Fiji could have only 4 beaches listed.

Believe the diehard surfer in us when we say we checked every popular surf break (listed in multiple websites) because we wanted to make this list as long as possible for our own selfish reasons: more places to surf for all of us! But please prove us wrong and send us compelling tips of shark-free beaches that we may have missed because locals know better than the Internet.

So research any surf spot you want to surf not included here yourself the way we show you how in the previous three paragraphs and then proceed with caution!

We list surf spots alphabetically unless we simply list by region.

It is possible we missed some shark attack-free beaches, but we focused on POPULAR SURF destinations that are researchable online. We truly base our research with what appears to be reliable Online sources and local surfers, which is why the number of promotable shark attack-free countries is low. In reality there are probably a lot more shark-free locations: sometimes one goes to a place that online might say has had shark sightings, but then you arrive at the location yourself and talk to the locals who assure you no one has seen anything predatory ever.

This is the case with Costa Rica, but since we visited it personally to verify the shark situation there we are able to list it, regardless of what the Internet says about sightings. If we did not visit the destination ourselves, we went with online statistics. Remember this Guide is written by someone who is unnaturally, morbidly afraid of sharks, looking for any reason to "disqualify" a destination.

If we err it is most likely in the side of caution so use your best judgment - we would go with what local surfers who surf there REGULARLY say is in the water over what the Internet says.

We would never get in the water anywhere without first talking to the locals there about conditions, hidden rocks and the like, and sharks. We recommend you do the same for extra safety - just pick a surfer there - any surfer!

Don't be too shy to ask them because surfers are generally friendly and love to talk.

If this were a different book it could be titled

"Places for Women to Meet Hot Men Who Will Always Put You Second" ;)

Guess what comes first?

We totally welcome tips for the next updated edition of this Guide - we will happily credit you and include any photo or website you would like to promote as a thank you!

If you think you know of a SURF beach that consistently rates at least decentWITHOUT nearby sharks that has been left off this Guide, please email the tip to [email protected] as we can update this Guide regularly. We know there are Endless Nameless perfect surf breaks (yes this is a Nirvana reference) hoping to stay secret spots but if you want to let the cat out of the bag, please just indicate exact coordinates such as latitude and longitude. Be sure to research the tip first to confirm it is INDEED shark attack or sighting-free by doing a Google search on the location as instructed above.

We love first hand accounts from surfers who surf the same beach all the time who can guarantee they have never seen a shark or heard of a sighting or attack there. These are the tips we really want for the next edition

because the Internet is not to be totally trusted.

Also, based on mathematic probability, a location that has never had a shark sighting or attack still has the potential to have one in the future, so please always be sensible, even in the destinations listed here. Special thanks to Pirate Burns for this reminder.

CONVERSELY IF ONE OF OUR LISTED DESTINATIONS HAS NEW A SHARK SIGHTING OR ATTACK in 2011 PLEASE EMAIL US so we can include updates in the 2012 Edition. We will issue an updated Guide as necessary.

Thank you for helping us help all of us!

Shaka Brah!

Without further ado ~ the destinations.


American Samoa












Costa Rica


Dominican Republic

Easter Island


El Salvador







Gulf of Mexico







Ivory Coast








New Zealand




Papua New Guinea








South Africa


St. Lucia

St. Martin





United States

Helpful Information:

The truth about shark nets

Dolphins and sharks

How to avoid shark attacks

Why humans are worse for sharks than they are to us

Where the word surfing came from

What to do if you come in contact with a shark

Is there really such a thing as a shark repellent?

Interesting facts about sharks / clearing misconceptions

Top 10 Lists of Surf Spots at the end of the Guide

in the World

in Indonesia

in Europe

in Portugal

in South Africa

in Australia

in America

in Mexico

in the Caribbean

in California

in the UK

in Sydney

Special bonus: SAFEST COUNTRIES of the world that have never had a fatal shark attack ever (not just for surfing this includes ALL beaches)

Shark attack-free / well-documented-sighting-free surf spots:

American Samoa: only American land south of Equator-

Lauli'ituai Beach

Liea Point

Pua Tree

Antarctica: surfable in frigid spots like Deception Island of

the South Shetland Islands but we don't recommend it because it is home to the

"strangest looking sharks in the world."

Anguilla: Cupecoy The Ledge Wilderness

Argentina: is not reputable as having very good surf but if

you must, try the beaches of

Mar Del Plata

Aruba: Rodgers Beach


This Goblin shark may be the type of strange looking shark found in Antarctic waters.

There is a debate whether or not any sharks live in Antarctica at all.

Supposedly Great White Sharks do not, just harmless salmon sharks and possibly weird ones like these.

Also the threat of global warming may turn the waters more hospitable to a wider variety of sharks.

Personally we see no reason to venture that far south to catch a good wave.

While what we said about Great White Sharks in Antarctica may be true, scientists who have tagged Great White Sharks have discovered that their swimming and eating patterns are quite irregular, and they can literally be found practically almost anywhere in the world.

So never let your guard down in the water.

All we can do is hope that by naming these locations where they have never been spotted, we at least increase your chance of avoiding them.

Australia:Of all the places in the world with consistently awesome surf, Australia is also one of the top three destinations

with consistent shark presence, along

with the United States, and South Africa.

Personally you could not pay us to surf ANYWHERE in Australia, or South Africa, or much of the United States either. But since you are paying us for location info, if we were forced to surf in this shark infested continent,

these are the only places we would feel even remotely like we are not playing Russian Roulette (which you are:)

Stark Bay at Perth

Separation Point North Perth

Cyclops in Fitzgerald River

Quarantine's Melbourne East

Three Bears and The Box in SW Aus

Matches in Southeast Australia

Dozer's in East Australia

Superbanks on the Gold Coast

Main Beach, Brisbane

Y-Steps, Trigs Beach, and The Trough in Adelaide

Blow Holes in the Northwest Coast

Blue Holes, Tarcoola, and Bowes River in Northwest Australia

New South Wales: (very dangerous in general but if you must)

Diamond Head

Old Bar

North Narrabeen

North New South Wales : Corby's Left

Banana Coast: Trapdoors

Central New South Wales: Indies and Corner

Sydney North: Gregs Point

Sydney South: Ours

Coral Coast: Menzies

Far South: Bears Beach

The truth about shark nets:

The only reason we are even able to list some destinations in Australia, the United States, and South Africa is because of the implementation of shark nets.

However, they do NOT statistically show to be as safe as people would hope. Just one good storm at any location could offset the shark nets. Also the environmental damage and the numbers of marine species they negatively impact have caused a movement against shark nets. They do more harm than good, unfortunately.

Never ever EVER feel safe just because a beach claims to have shark nets. The actual intention of shark nets is not to separate the beach from sharks, but to cruelly catch sharks, thus making their numbers fewer. Feel compassion for the multiples of innocent sea life they kill in the process.

No one who loves the sea can possibly condone the use of shark nets when one realizes what they actually do: drown sea life in their own homes.

Sharks are misunderstood creatures. Sure they are fearsome and God knows there are a million better ways to exit a planet than by shark-attack. But they are innocent life forms, simply playing their role in nature. How many people know that when Bethany Hamilton lost

her arm to a tiger shark in 2003, she was wearing a watch that when it hit the sunlight it may have looked like the scales of a fish?

The reason the Hollywood version of her life in the film Soul Surfer left this KEY information off is it does not make such a good hero story if the hero may have in any way been asking for it. Making the shark an outright villain with no conscience is what sells, cinematic history has proven.

In reality, the tiger shark was not going after a young girl. It went most likely after what it perceived to be its usual food source.

Too bad the normally numerous dolphins surrounding Hawaii were not around during Bethanys attack.

A dolphin is one of the few creatures of the sea that CAN fight off a shark, (see the numerous online uplifting stories about how they protect those in danger of shark- attacks by simply Googling dolphins rescue humans.)

Drowned to death (in a shark net.) Photo by Mark Addison.

To avoid attracting sharks, do not splash about too much or make noises that mimic their actual prey or nemesis.

Avoid provoking sharks. A little less than half of documented shark attacks result from provocation or harassment of sharks, particularly by divers.

Use common sense, and give sharks plenty of space. Do not attempt to catch or prod sharks. Don't corner them, and don't try to get close to them to photograph them.

But, if you have to get close, be sure to carry a weapon.(http://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-a-Shark-Attack)

Yeah, we know the ocean is about fun and splashing about, so if you want to splash around and make noise, please try to choose one of the destinations in this Guide in which to frolic.

We would not write such a guide without mentioning dolphins because they truly are heroes of the sea, and mans best ocean friend.

Again, simply do Internet searches on dolphins saving humans and you will see their heroic acts as they herd those in danger and circle the herd while keeping sharks at bay and even attacking sharks to scare them away from those in their protective circle.

In our opinion, the only thing that makes it ok to swim in Californias often shark sighted coast is the much more frequent dolphin sightings. The only time we feel exceptionally safe in the water is when we see dolphins. Perhaps we should have done our research slightly backwards and focused on a book titled, Guide to Dolphin-frequented Beaches of the World.

That definitely would be a Surfers Paradise.

Azores: Rabo Peixe

Barbados: Freights Bay Soup Bowl

Brazil: Galheta, Satinho, and Riozinho in Florianopolis

Saquarema Sao Francisco do Sul Sao Domingos do Capim


Camarauacu in Para

Laje do Bode in Fernando de Noronha

Futuro' in Ceara

Cruz das Almas in Alagoas

Massacre in Bahia Norte

Tiririca in Bahia Sul

Xangao in Espirito Santo

Praia de Amor in Rio de Janeiro State,

North Coast

Pauba in Sao Paulo North Coast

Taguaiba in Sao Paulo South Coast

Dereitas de Gauratuba in Parana

Laje do Jacques in Santa Catarina North

Laje do Jagua in Santa Catarina South

Tres Marias in Rio Grande do Sul

Other tips to avoid shark attacks, aside from not doing anything that mimics their nemesis or prey include:

Swim, dive, or surf with other people never alone.

Avoid swimming between sandbars, near steep drop-offs, near channels, or at river mouths where sharks are found.

Don't swim in dirty or turbid water.

Avoid wearing shiny jewelry or swimsuits that might simulate the scales of a prey fish, and also avoid uneven tanning and contrasting, bright-colored clothing.

Don't swim at dusk or at night. This is prime time feeding for sharks.

Keep pets and domestic animals, with their erratic movements, out of the water.

Don't swim near people who are fishing or spear-fishing, or near sewage outfalls.

Avoid spreading blood or human wastes in the water.

Like the title of this book implies, one can do other things to enjoy the water aside from surf. Namely, swim!

Of course, snorkeling, kayaking, scuba-diving, parasailing, sailing, kite boarding, or even just sunbathing is a lot of fun too.

This photo is in Brazil.


Don't swim where dangerous sharks are known to congregate. Or, only pick destinations in this Guide!

Refrain from excessive splashing.

If schooling fish start to behave erratically or congregate in large numbers, leave the area.

If a shark is sighted in the area, leave the water as calmly and quickly as possible. (http://www.time.com/time/2001/sharks/side_howto.html)

As a charity, we thank all the online resources that share their life-saving knowledge and tips.

If even only one life has been saved as a result of their websites and this Guide, then our mission is accomplished.

If any website feels that reprinting of their tips is not warranted, kindly email us [email protected] we will happily remove your reference from all future editions of this Guide and do our best to accommodate any reparations you may request. Thank you for working with the spirit of saving lives and loving the ocean.

We have carefully researched fair use laws and feel that we use integrity in reprinting.

Canada: has the most coastline in the world. But please stick to these shark attack

and / or well-documented-sighting-free spots.

Summerville, Nova Scotia

D-Land and Lang's Left in the Great


Twin Rivers, Wickaninnish, and Florencia Bay in West Coast

Forevers and Fisherman's Reserve in the East Coast

Chambly Rapids

Tofino, Vancouver is cold! And even though basking sharks have been spotted there, thanks to locals like Jane and Tomwho vouch for their absence, we include this tip, as stated in the Intro of this book, in case you too, would like to share your favorite Surf spot.

In general, we are pleased to announce that Canada has the distinction of never having had a recorded shark attack ever.

Besides this fact about Canada and sharks, although definitely intimidating looking, basking sharks are harmless vegetarians. They swim with a constantly open mouth that filters food non-stop.

Basking sharks do not hurt, harm, or attack humans; are very shy and will swim away if you try to get close. Still, we would not want to surf next to one of these giants of the ocean:

Our Life with the Thrill Krill Kult.

Basking sharks are the second largest fish in the sea next to the whale shark and can grow up to 33 feet!

Chile: North - El Gringo El Tojo Viego El Tubo

South - Bio Bio El Faro El Claron La Vedette Punta Quidico Tres Playitas

Columbia: El Mystic Pela Pela Pico El Oro Termales all on the Pacific Ocean

Costa Rica:

We absolutely love love LOVE Costa

Rica. So much so that every other day we half seriously plot moving there.

Why? It has the most consistent waves in the world, and many shark-attack and / or well- documented-sighting-free

beaches that are superbeautiful, pristine, and

clean. Costa Rica is on numerous Top 10 Lists for Surfing and it is our #1.

These are some of our picks for places to surf:

in Caribbean: Playa Cocles, Caca Rio

in Guanacaste: Santa Teresa, Mal Pais,

Camaronal, Labyrinth,

Los Bados, Playa Negra,

Raps, Sunset Reef, Playa Hermosa

in Pacific South: Jaco, Cutter's


Escondida, Pan Dulce,

North Playitas, Pavones,

Playa Escondida

Perhaps the reason that sharks are not the biggest problem in Costa Rica is because, unfortunately, the main terror there is crocodiles especially near River Mouths such as Tamarindo and Dominical, and especially during rainy season. A recent discussion between us here in our org had people excitedly debating whether they would rather get bitten by a croc or a shark and the vote was most people would rather get bitten by a shark. Apparently the crocodile is quite vicious.

So, perhaps a crocodile shark is the worst thing that can happen to someone? Yes, there is such a sea creature!

But they do not look scary enough to be included in this Guide. For more on the crocodile situation, check out http://www.shakacostarica.com/blog/swell-gone-murky-water-sharks-and-crocodiles

Cuba: La Setenta

Dominican Republic: Coco Nuts

La Punta

Pato Beach

Easter Island: Hangoa Roa

Ecuador: Pedarnales

El Salvador: Punta Roca and Mizata are the best but all 9 spots clear in Costa del Balsamo region

By 9 spots we usually mean the ones listed on


or WannaSurf.com

Our Guide is compiled by cross-referencing the most popular surf spots that appear on BOTH those sites, and then researching the shark occurrences (if any) at EACH and EVERY location. (Whew!)

We also reference the Top 10 Locations to Surf in every region

of the world and checked them for shark safety.

England: Bude in Cornwall

Cleveland in NorthEast



Saunton Sands

Apparently in England, once again, one might encounter the harmless but intimidating basking shark.

Other sharks worth mentioning that are harmless to humans include the whale shark, the nursing shark, and the angel shark. Many people also dont worry about reef sharks of any kind. The reason these sharks are not an issue is because their mouths are not even formed in a way that can bite a human and they are predominantly vegetarian.

Sharks in general are misunderstood creatures, and the worst part is, over 90% of them have been killed, which means only 10% of all big fish in the sea are left. Yes, thanks to inhumanity, we are decimating the ocean. Yeah, sushi used to be our favorite food too. But how can one eat even another morsel of fish when one realizes the devastating impact eating seafood is having on the planet?

Be the change you want to see in the world. If you want to continue to see food, do NOT eat sea food. Honestly, we cant understand people who claim to love the ocean and yet eat fish. Sorry if this pisses people off, but how can you love anything that you are destroying? Every animal in the sea plays an integral role. By rendering any species endangered, you are annihilating the ocean. Go vegetarian. Seriously.

Have you heard about the unusually cruel act of shark finning? Many asian cultures consider it bad luck to have a wedding without shark fin soup. So they pay top money for just the fin part of a shark. Imagine how many weddings there are in Asia. So entire fishing industries simply go out and chop the fin off a shark, which basically renders them helpless in the ocean, bleeding to death, because without a fin, they cant swim.

This is the equivalent of someone cutting of your legs and then just letting you bleed to death because you no longer have a means of transportation (walking) to get to a hospital to save you. Not only is it bad enough they just cut off the fins, but if one is going to do that, at least kill the shark and put it out of its misery first instead of letting it die a slow and needlessly torturous death, only to be probably eaten by yet another shark. The cycle has to stop. As stated, we used to eat a lot of fish. Sushi WAS our favorite food. So we had to find another source of protein and you know what, there are TONS of vegetarian protein powders out on the market that do the trick. So no excuses.

Never ever EVER call yourself a lover of the ocean or this planet if you eat fish. Period. The Empty Sea should remain only a love song by ZWAN.

You know how energy is never destroyed?Basic law of physics. What you put out you get in return.

Guess what continually killing animals leaves in store for your soul?

We dont want to find out either.

So go vegetarian.

No excuses. There are protein powders and other sources of nutrition.

Read a book titled Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin to see how cruel and useless it is to kill animals. Our bodies arent even made to eat meat or fish, actually.

If you want to know what is great for your body, read the book The Surf Diet by Chris Moe.

Nuff said.

Fiji: Desperations

King Kong Rights

Lulus Bend

Typhoon Valley

France: Le Club at Biarritz L'Horizon, La Jenny, Le Crohot des


Le Gurp, Le Truc Vert, and Le Pin Sec all in Gironde

Erretegia, Erromardie, and Sainte-Barbe in La

Cote Basque

Les Donnants, La Cote Sauvage, Guidel, and Plage du Loch

in Brittany

Le Dossen, Trestaou, Blancs-Sablons, and Boutrouilles

in North Brittany

La Torche, Fouesnou, Cap De La Chevre, La Palue, Pointe de Dinan, Pors ar Vag, Porzcarn, and Saint Tugen in South Brittany

Cul Nuls, Estagnots, Le Penon, and La Prevent

in Hossegor

St. Giron's Plage, Moliet's Plage, Contis-Plage, Labenne-Ocean, and Tarnos in Landes

"most safe decent waves - no fatalities since 1840"

Greece: Kolimphitra Bay Naxos

Guadeloupe: Anse La Borde

du Cimetiere

Le Moule

Pointe d'Antigues


Guatemala: Ocos




Gulf of Mexico: Altamira

Barre de Tordo



Playa Munecos


Iceland: Porlakshofn (the only surf spot we list in the Arctic Ocean!)

Thorli Beach

Speaking of the Arctic Ocean, we acknowledge the efflorescent song Siberian Breaks by multi-Grammy-nominated band MGMT, a 12 minute soundscape about the fantasy of surfing in the arctic circle.

It is like at least 8 songs in one, and, like any good wave, changes shape constantly and without warning.

If their record label complains about the use of the following photo ...

. in this charity Guidebook, well, the lead singer of MGMT knows how to reach the founder of Israel-Light / Eternal Youth Empire.

They were both involved during the recording of Congratulations MGMTs second album, which features, you guessed it, surfing.

India: Auroville

Big Rock

Hawas Beach

Jagganatha Puri

Kapu Beach Lighthouse


Lighthouse Beach Kerala

RamaKrishna Beach

Shivas in Murdeshwaraha

Shore Temple

Ten Thousand Peaks

*no shark attacks since 1880s*

The real reason that Krishna was born in India was possibly for the surf!

Did you know the word surfing originated

in India? It is derived from the Indian word suffe which means coastline.

This was picked up by Portuguese sailors in the 1600s, hence surf!

Indonesia: Java: 20/20s, Tiger Track Left, Tiger Track

Rights, Pangandaran, Turtles

East Java: Puncher

West Java: Timmy Turner's New Left

in Sumba: Watu Libung, Five-0, The Racetrack, The Office, Wainukaka,

Pantai Marosi

in Sumbawa: Nangadoro, Dedjoeng Wayne,

Wara Point

in West Timor: Palau Rote

The ENTIRE Aceh Region of Sumatra is clear!

in Lampung: Ujung Bocur, Jimmy's Point,

Jimmy's Right, Mandiri, Bali

Village, Ujung Walur, Way Jambu,

Ujung Siging

Nias: Hilisataro, Hiliduha / DipiSimeulue and Banyak: All surf spots fine EXCEPT

POSSIBLY Cobras and

Pulau Babi

Northern Mentawais: Nipussi, A-Frames

Southern Mentawais: The Hole, Greenbush,

Thunders, Sibigau Rights,

Rag's Left, Solawi

Central Menatawai: Lance's Left, Arriks, Ombak


Bali: Canggu, Ku De Ta Semyniak

Do'o Island

Sumatra main: Bali Village

Sumatra Islands: Rockstar

Mentawai: Rikas Rights, HTs


Hinako Islands

Telos Island

Indonesia is the dream destination for every surfer, so we are happy to be able to present many shark-attack and well-documented-sighting-free surf spots.

However, do take care, as there are ENTIRE islands in Indonesia swarming with sharks. We researched this country exceptionally close because of its popularity. We can pretty much guarantee if a surf spot is NOT on this list, there are definite reasons why. And lack of research on our part would not be one of them.

Of course since 17,508 islands make up Indonesia, if you would like to share some remote secret spot latitude and longitude that is shark-free, please see our Introduction.

Only in Indonesia can one tell their beloved, Honey, I will be staying late at The Office, again and be happy about it.

Waves can look like this at The Office surf spot, Sumba, Indonesia.

Ireland: Cregg / Moy Beach

Garywilliam Point

Lahinch - Shit Creek


Inch Reef in the Southwest

Du'n Dealgan in North / NorthEast

White Bay in the South East

Israel: Hilton Beach, Maravi Beach, and Dolphinarium Beach in Tel Aviv

Zvulun and Dabush Beaches in Herzliya

Kontiki, Beit Yannai, and Sironit Beaches in Netanya

Shonit and Sdot Yam in Caesaria

Goote and Delilah Beaches in Ashkelon

Italy: Forte de Marmi



Porto di Santa Marinella

Aci Trezza, Arenella, and San Vito in Sicily

Capo Mannu 2 and Praiola in Sardinia

Andora (Ligura)

Ivory Coast: San Pedro

Jamaica: Boston Bay

Canon Cave


Lebanon: Jieh Beach

Jonas Beach Nahr Brahim

Madagascar: Concussion Bowls Libanono


Sainte Marie Island is especially safe from Sharks

Malaysia: like many destinations with somewhat decent shark-less surf, it did not make the final cut because their wavesdidn't rank consistently at least decent (two out of five stars or five out of

ten stars) by reliable online sources and / or

local surfers, and / or surf magazines (all the

criteria in compiling this list.)

If you personally know betterwe welcome tips for the next edition as stated in

the intro of this Guide. Thank you!

Maldives: Gurus

Thaa's Secret

Mexico: Cuyutlan


Las Gatas

Playa Princess in Guerrero

San Juan de Alima in Michoacan

Rancho de las Olas in Jalisco - Colima

Patoles in Sinaloa and Nayarit

Kenzie's Point in Baja Sur

Harry's in Baja Norte

Punta Encomienda in Oaxaca

Being American, we really wished we could have listed way more spots in the nearby and inexpensive Mexico.

But sharks love it too much!

Silly surf joke:

Why arent there any waves in Las Vegas?

Because the only sea there is the Sea of Sin.

Thank you Depeche Mode for supporting the cause of Eternal Youth Empire aka


What to do if you actually come into close proximity with a shark?

The worst thing is panic. Even though that will be your natural instinct. Please try to remember prayer helps, dont care how cheesy that sounds. If you dont have a favorite, try ours: Chant the name Siva (pronounced Shee-vah.)

Siva has been known to save those in need, as having the magical powers to literally re-arrange the molecules around you.

There are numerous miracles like this story: A person was driving on a patch of ice and skidded out to certain doom. Did not know what to do so started chanting Siva and it was as if an angel picked up his car and simply moved it 50 feet ahead on the same road free from ice. Cannot explain how or why this happened, but stands by his story. Has no reason to make stuff up. Aside from chanting your favorite prayer, the following comes from WikiHow (thank you to the website and the public for this info!)

If you are in the water, remain calm.

You cannot outswim a shark and sharks can sense fear.

Keep your eye on the shark at all times. Sharks may retreat temporarily and then try to sneak up on you-If you can't get out of the water right away, try to reduce the shark's possible angles of attack

Fight. Playing dead doesn't work. A hard blow to the shark's gills, eyes, or, as a last resort, to the tip of its nose will cause the shark to retreat. If a shark continues to attack, or if it has you in its mouth, hit these areas repeatedly with hard jabs, and claw at the eyes and gills

If you are near shore, swim quickly, but smoothly. Thrashing will attract the shark's attention. NOTE: Sharks have difficulty biting things that are vertical (their nose gets in the way) so avoid leaving your hands and feet loose or going horizontal to swim away from the shark

Sharks can't breathe out of water, so, if possible, hold the bitten part of your body out of the water, and get their gills into the air and they will let go of you

Sharks tend to thrash prey around to tear chunks out of it, so you should latch on to the shark. Repress the urge to scream. Screaming will not deter the shark much and may provoke it further.

Good luck!!! Back to prayer. And staying in shark-free waters!

Morocco:El Jadida





Safi Garden

Sidi Bouzid




New Zealand: Sponge Bay and Stock Route in Gisborne

Scott Point in the Northland

Railways and Black's Beach in the Mahia Peninsula

Nicaragua: Astillero



El Transito


Hongo Reef



Playa Maderas

Salinas Grandes

Norway: Ervik

Oman: Al Ashkharah

Papua New Guinea: Polly Pipes

Panama: Kuna An

Los Olivos



Puerto Armuelles

Roca Chica


Silver Back The Point

Wizard Beach

Peru: North - Puerto Eten, Chicama, Punta


Puerto Morin, Puerto

Salaverry, Puemape, Negritos,

Punta Lobo,

Piscina, El Hueco, Baterias

Beaches in the Ancash region

South - Chincha, all other beaches in Southern Peru EXCEPT

Piedras Negras

Punta Hermosa - Pico Alto, San Bartolo, Caballeros, Playa Norte, Puntas Rocas, Senoritas, Pulpos

Costa Verde - All beaches except perhaps Makaha and El Camotal

Because we cant all surf Punta Lobo, Peru, which is known for dolphin frequency, there ARE some reasonable measures one can take to avoid shark encounters.

There are brand new devices on the market called electronic shark repellent.

You know how dog whistles work only on dogs? Apparently an electronic shark repellent emits an electronic frequency that only sharks can sense through their nostrils and it wards them off. It does not do any damage to the shark or the environment. It only works in water and can either be mounted on your surfboard or worn around your ankle.

There are various websites that sell these products. Simply Google, electronic shark repellent.

The only way we would ever surf in a spot not listed in this Guide is by having a product like this. We believe if it works correctly, then if even only one person at a surf spot is wearing this or has it on their surfboard, then the entire region is probably going to be shark-free.

Another product we like is shark-repelling decals or stickers.

Like all shark repelling devices, simply Google the terms above to find them, because we endorse them from the heart, not because they pay us.

Simply put, you know how many animals in the wild have a camouflage protection for their outer covering which allow them to survive and thrive in obscurity, such as a monarch butterfly or an iguana that easily blends into its surroundings unnoticed?

Well, scientists studied what fish are able to survive around sharks and they have found that for some reason, fish with either a thumbprint or zebra - stripe pattern can live unharmed around sharks, as do banded sea snakes.

So entrepreneurs have created inexpensive decals / stickers that cover the entire bottom of ones surfboard, making it look like a giant, UNDELICIOUS fish to a shark.

This makes absolute sense to us. Not only are we in the process of getting these for all our surfboards, but we are looking into getting wetsuits in this design and obtaining zebra striped swimsuits as well.

Ok so we may look like a choad in the surf wearing the zebra wetsuit with a zebra surfboard but hey, at least we will live to surf another day!

Philippines: Che Ches

Cloud 9




Hewies Ayuki Island



Pururan Bay

Rainbows Left

Indonesia is often referred to as the surfers dream destination, but who knew that the Philippine Islands is the 2nd best country in that region to catch a wave?








Praia de Guincho

Of all the places we researched in this guide, for some reason, Praia de Guincho seems to have virtually no shark issues anywhere near it. So we would call this seemingly most benign surf spot in the world

The Cure

from The Edge of the Deep Green Sea.

Thank you Robert Smith for supporting our cause!

Samoa: Boulders

Lion Castro


Satui'atua Beach

Special K


Scotland: Castlehill to Murkle


Fisk Helliar

Lossit Bay

Pease Bay

Thurso East, Shit Pipe, Brimms Ness, and Bay of Scail in North Scotland

Sandford in East Scotland

This is a wave chart for our favorite named surf spot:

The Shit Pipe near Wick, Scotland

Seychelles: Anse Soleil in Mahe

Anse Source D'Argent

South Africa: Avalanche








Salad Valley


Stil Bay

St. Mike's

The Fence

Tube Wave


Warner Beach



Ok ok ok, so South Africa is home to like the best surfing on the planet. Guess what, sharks love it too!

So please, if you are gonna be that ambivalent, only venture to a spot in this Guide. And still, use the shark repellent of choice!

Just so you know, having seen what we have seen doing our research, there isnt a shark repellent in existence that would convince us to surf South Africa.

The types of sharks that are most often confused about humans being food are bull sharks, tiger sharks, and the great white shark. Because there are already many books and sources of endless information about these, and because this is not what this Guide is about, we will simply cover some commonly held misconceptions about sharks.

*Sharks are not found in freshwater.

WRONG. The bull shark is notorious for thriving in both salt and freshwater and is often found in rivers around the world and the ones that lead into the Great Lakes, making them, er, not so great anymore.

*Most sharks are harmful to people.

NOT. Of the nearly 400 different species of shark, over 80% are harmless to people.

They range from 6 inches long (cigar shark) to 45 feet long (whale shark.)

*Sharks have poor vision.

Do you really want to test that? Theirs is at least 7 times better than human vision.

*The Great White Shark appears to actually go after surfboards.

Unfortunately, true. Not actually going for the surfboard, but going after what looks like

its prey. Did we mention decals supposedly help?

*Sharks have no enemies.

Yeah, if you dont count humans, or whale sharks, or parasites, or killer whales, or parent tiger and bull sharks that eat their young.

We a**holes kill 73 million sharks a year for their fins alone.

We know we already ranted about this earlier in this Guide -

just be glad we dont suggest you stop throwing toilet paper in the toilet, because that truly would be environmentally conscious, and many countries in the world, such as Costa Rica, adopt this practice. Notice how clean and awesome THEIR beaches are?

*There is an authenticated unprovoked shark attack somewhere in the world each and every day.

Does it make you feel better to know that the figure is more like one every five days?

*Even though sharks need to keep water moving over their gills to receive oxygen, some sharks need to keep moving to do this, while others don't. Either way, sharks, like other marine animals, don't seem to fall in a deep sleep like we do

Some sharks have spiracles, a small opening behind their eyes, that force water across the sharks gills so the shark can be still when it rests.

Other sharks do need to swim constantly to keep water moving over their gills and their bodies. These sharks have active periods, and restful periods, rather than undergoing deep sleep like we do. They seem to be sleep swimming, with parts of their brain less active, or "resting," while the shark remains swimming.

*Male sharks have what is like two penises and the mating ritual is pretty hot. Check out the videos on the Internet.

Spain: Izaro and Meniakos in Pais Vasco

La Zurriola

Playa de Meron

Playa de Somo

Salinas y Espartal

San Sebastian

Santa Marina


Yerbabuena and El Palmar in Andalucia

St. Lucia: Commaret Point

St. Martin: Blake's Break

Garbage Heap

North Dump

Sweden: Gotland

Tahiti: none. But still in that region of French Polynesia is shark-free Toauri

Tonga: Fishtraps

The Bowl

The Pass

Tortola in the British Virgin Islands: Lava


United States: Torrey Pines / Black's Beach in

San Diego, California

El Porto, Manhattan Beach, California

Haggerty's, Palos Verdes Peninsula, California

County Line and California Street,

Ventura, California

The land of the Beach Boys. That is because their fame grew before the Internet could show shark attack videos. California girls (should stay out of the water!)

Notorious for Great White Shark whose range is up the coast through Oregon and Washington.

Picnic Tables

Green Rooms aka The Arches

Turtle Beach(has tons of shark's


Wabasso all in Florida which is

also hailed as the shark attack

capital of the world.

But it rivals tiger shark haven

Hawai'i: Pipeline and Backdoor, Hale'iwa, Sunset Beach, and

Off-The-Wall on NorthShore Oahu

Canoes Waikiki is patrolled and hasn't has a sighting since 2005

Ma'alaea Bay in Maui

Belmar Beach, New Jersey

Remember our comment on bull sharks making them not-so Great Lakes:

Holland State, North Point, and Whiting Gun Club in Lake Michigan

Pinched Loaf and Rootbeer inOhio

Stoney Point and Brighton Beach in

Lake Superior

The Elbow in Sheboygan, WI

Union Bay

Colorado River has surfing apparently in Pueblo, CO

Pozuelo, El Cocal, Casa del Juez, and Tocones Puerto Rico

Thank you Thirty Seconds to Mars for supporting the cause of Eternal Youth Empire aka Israel-Light and for creating this faux tour poster with us in mind.

Top 10 surf spots in the World without sharks with #1 being the best wave.

You have probably seen a lot of the Top 10 lists out there and will recognize the countries we name of course, but possibly not the breaks, because while they are excellent 5 star waves, they also have to qualify as never having had a shark attack or even a well -documented shark sighting. And most of the very best waves in the world cant really claim that. So we bring you sort of the 2nd best waves but at least at our destinations you have a greater chance of living to surf another day. And to us, that more than makes up for it!

10. Bears Beach in the Far South of AustraliaThe continent famous for having more killer surf spots than any country according to Wannasurf.com also is famous for its shark infested waters. Thank God for the not so bad news Bears!

9. SpainIzaro and Meniakos in Pais VascoWondering why the renowned Mundaka did not make it?Hammerhead sharks is why. They are not considered very dangerous and most people arent afraid of them, but we arent most people. Wed rather test our luck by Running with the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain.Twice 8. IndonesiaAsk any surfer their dream destination and surely Indo is in the top 3. Even before we watched The Drifter starring Rob Machado. It doesnt hurt that MGMT graces the soundtrack. ANYWAY over 17,508 islands make up the Indonesian archipelago and many of them are home to sharks. Thankfully the favorite Mentawais region does have options with no sharks:Northern Mentawais: Nipussi, A-FramesSouthern Mentawais: The Hole, Greenbush, Thunders, Sibigau Rights, Rags Left, Solawi

Central Menatawai: Lances Left, Arriks, Ombak TidurMentawai: Rikas Rights, Hts

Remember, if it is not on this list it isnt because we somehow overlooked it. Our research is diligent. It does not make the list simply because of shark potential.

7. Blacks Beach, San Diego, California, USASurfing USA? Sure, if you wanna be shark bait.But in case you dont, bet on Blacks.If you surf the LA area try Haggertys or El Porto Manhattan Beach;Ventura County Line and California Street in Ventura.The blessed dolphins in these surf breaks keep the sharks away. Other than that, there is a reason that The OC got cancelled

6. Punta Roca, El SalvadorDoesnt this mean The Savior?We totally agree, since surfing saved us from a meaningless life of boredom.Mizata is also an excellent surf break as is most of the no-shark Costa del Balsamo region.

5. Pipeline, North Shore, Oahu, HawaiiNot just because Blue Crush was filmed here. Backdoor and Off-The-Wall also in the North Shore are remarkably shark free in Hawaii which is possibly tiger shark capital of the planet.

4. Still Bay, South AfricaWe also have a Top 10 list of shark free beaches in South Africa and each wave is so totally redeeming in its own way that we cannot rank them we only list them alphabetically. To see the Top 10 shark free beaches in South Africa visit the end lists.

3. We really REALLY wish to qualify legendary Teahupoo, Tahiti but not one single island under a Tahitian moon makes the shark free cut. May we suggest the often overlooked Toauri, also in French Polynesia?

2. Pavones, Costa RicaPersonally we were going to list it as #1 since Costa Rica is the most consistent wave in the world with 366 surfable days a year, but when we remembered that Jason Lewis surfs in Fiji, well, we would never go against that tide.We will say Costa Rica has the best surf in all the Americas and our personal favorite spot is Playa Hermosa in the tony region of Santa Teresa / Mal Pais.

1. FijiDid we mention Jason Lewis surfs here???Word of caution we are only able to approve 4 surf spots as shark free out of the dozens and dozens in Fiji. They are Typhoon Valley, King Kong RIGHTS, Lulus Bend, and Desperations.

Sorry Beqa didnt make it, Jase.