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SWOT Analysis Focus Groups

Purpose is to help guide the District Strategic Planning Committee charged with putting together the Strategic Plan

Seeking inclusiveness in the process that finds the true needs of the colleges and district

Be open and honest

Next steps: 1) Take the pre-assessment survey 2) Employees are asked to take an interest in helping to formulate strategies for the Strategic Plan goals 3) Attend review sessions once the draft goals and strategies begin to emerge and 4) Visit the Strategic Plan website on the district home page.

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What do we do exceptionally well?

What do we do better than anyone else?

What advantages do we have?

What valuable assets and resources do we have?

What do students and community members identify as our strengths?

What is working well?

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What could we do better?What could we improve?What are we criticized for or receive complaints

about?Where are we vulnerable?What should we avoid?What are people outside of the district likely to

see as weaknesses?What is not working so well?

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What opportunities do we know about, but have not been ableto address?

Are there emerging trends on which we can capitalize? Are there changes in any of the following that could lead to

opportunities:– Technology– Statewide redistricting maps released by the Citizens Redistricting

Commission– Census patterns and demographic shifts– Local issues– Achieving the Dream

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Are any of our weaknesses likely to make us vulnerable? What external or internal roadblocks exist that block our progress? Are our neighboring community colleges doing anything different? Is there any more significant change coming that we need to be

aware of such as the Federal Gainful Employment Regulations? Are economic conditions in the state affecting our financial viability? What challenges do we need to be prepared for?