
Chapter 2: Species The available species have the following species traits. For species not listed, special referee permission may be gained, and species traits updated to match extant species. Species Characteristics Your character’s species determines some of his or her qualities. Ability Score Modifiers Each species has one or more ability score modifiers, reflecting their natural proclivity towards certain competencies. Size A being’s size has many effects. A creature’s size modifier influences its Basic Lift, Reflex Defense, Stealth skill checks, and Damage Threshold. Further, droid characters of size Large or larger gain bonus hit points based on their size. Droid Reflex Stealth Damage Basic Bonus Size Defense Checks Threshold Lift Hit Points Infinitesimal +28 +32 -24 x0.07 0 Quantum +24 +28 -20 x0.10 0 Nano +20 +24 -16 x0.12 0 Wee +16 +20 -12 x0.17 0 Fine +12 +16 -8 x0.24 0 Diminutive +8 +12 -4 x0.32 0 Bantam +4 +8 -2 x0.42 0 Tiny +2 +4 -1 x0.56 0 Small +1 +2 +0 x0.75 0 Medium +0 +0 +0 x1 0 Large -1 -2 +2 x2 10 Huge -2 -4 +4 x4 20 Gargantuan -4 -8 +8 x8 50 Colossal -8 -12 +12 x16 100 Enormous, Colossal (frigate) -12 -16 +16 x32 200 Vast, Colossal (cruiser) -16 -20 +20 x64 500 Awesome, Colossal (station) -20 -24 +24 x128 1,000 Zounds -24 -28 +28 x256 2,000 Planetary -28 -32 +32 x512 5,000 Speed a creature’s Speed is determined primarily by its species, but may be modified by Talents or Feats. Your Speed is measured in Squares. Each Square represents an area about 1.5 meters across.

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Chapter 2


  • Chapter 2: Species The available species have the following species traits. For species not listed, special referee permission may be gained, and species traits updated to match extant species. Species Characteristics Your characters species determines some of his or her qualities. Ability Score Modifiers Each species has one or more ability score modifiers, reflecting their natural proclivity towards certain competencies. Size A beings size has many effects. A creatures size modifier influences its Basic Lift, Reflex Defense, Stealth skill checks, and Damage Threshold. Further, droid characters of size Large or larger gain bonus hit points based on their size.

    Droid Reflex Stealth Damage Basic Bonus

    Size Defense Checks Threshold Lift Hit Points Infinitesimal +28 +32 -24 x0.07 0 Quantum +24 +28 -20 x0.10 0 Nano +20 +24 -16 x0.12 0 Wee +16 +20 -12 x0.17 0 Fine +12 +16 -8 x0.24 0 Diminutive +8 +12 -4 x0.32 0 Bantam +4 +8 -2 x0.42 0 Tiny +2 +4 -1 x0.56 0 Small +1 +2 +0 x0.75 0 Medium +0 +0 +0 x1 0 Large -1 -2 +2 x2 10 Huge -2 -4 +4 x4 20 Gargantuan -4 -8 +8 x8 50 Colossal -8 -12 +12 x16 100 Enormous, Colossal (frigate) -12 -16 +16 x32 200 Vast, Colossal (cruiser) -16 -20 +20 x64 500 Awesome, Colossal (station) -20 -24 +24 x128 1,000 Zounds -24 -28 +28 x256 2,000 Planetary -28 -32 +32 x512 5,000 Speed a creatures Speed is determined primarily by its species, but may be modified by Talents or Feats. Your Speed is measured in Squares. Each Square represents an area about 1.5 meters across.

  • Known Languages The primary language used throughout the known galaxy is called Basic. Most species can speak Basic, and all characters of the following species understand it even if they cannot speak it. Nonhuman characters can also speak, read and write the language associated with their species; for example, Bothans speak read and write Bothan, as well as Basic. Characters with an Intelligence bonus know how to speak, read, and write other languages as well. For each point of Intelligence bonus, a character can speak, read, and write one additional language of his choice. Common Languages The Star Wars galaxy is home to millions of languages. but picking languages for your character doesnt need to be daunting. A few of the more common languages are listed below. Among these, Basic is the most widely spoken. Other prevalent languages include Huttese (particularly common in the outer rim), Binary (used by droids and programmers), and Bocce (a trade language that can be spoken by almost any species. Basic Binary Bocce BoSS Bothese Cerean Dosh Durese Ewok Gamorrean Gungan High Galactic Huttese Ithorese Jawa Kel Dor Mon Calamarian Military Sign Quarrenese Rodese Ryl Sith Shyriiwook Zabrak Species Traits Game mechanical effects of species traits for many common species are listed below. Full information on appearances, personalities, and the galactic importance of these and other species can be found at wookiepedia. Bothan Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Cha Size: Medium Speed: 8 squares Iron Will: +2 to Will Defense Conditional Bonus Feat: A Bothan trained in the Networking Skill gains Skill Focus (Networking) as a bonus feat. Automatic Languages: Basic and Bothese.

  • Cerean Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Intuitive Initiative: A Cerean gains the Scout's Improved Initiative talent as a bonus talent. Conditional Bonus Feat: A Cerean trained in the Initiative skill gains Skill Focus (Initiative) as a bonus feat. Automatic Languages: Basic and Cerean. Chiss Ability Modifiers: +2 Int Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Bonus Trained Skill: Chiss are versatile and accomplished at many tasks. A Chiss character chooses any one skill to become trained in at 1st level. Low-Light Vision: Chiss ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness. Cold Tolerance: Chiss gain a +4 bonus to Endurance checks to endure extreme temperatures in cold environments. Talented: Chiss gain the Talented feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. Automatic Languages: Basic and Chiss. Duros Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Int Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Traveler: Whenever a Duros makes a Computers check to Astrogate or a Science check to determine orbital positions, he may roll twice, using the better result. Conditional Bonus Feat: A Duros trained in the Pilot skill gains Skill Focus (Pilot) as a bonus feat. Automatic Languages: Basic and Durese. Ewoks Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Con Size: Small Speed: 5 squares Primitive: Ewoks do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) at first level, even if their class normally grants them. Scent: Ewoks have a keen sense of smell. At close range (within 10 squares), Ewoks ignore concealment and cover for purposes of Perception checks, and they take no penalty from poor visibility when tracking (see Survival skill). Sneaky: An Ewok gains the Scout's Improved Stealth talent as a bonus talent. Conditional Bonus Feat: Ewoks are skilled foragers. An Ewoks trained in the Survival skill gains Skill Focus (Survival) as a bonus feat. Automatic Languages: Ewokese (spoken only).

  • Gamorreans Ability Modifiers: +2 Str, +2 Con Size: Medium Speed: 5 squares Primitive: Gamorreans do not gain Weapon Proficiency (pistols, rifles, or heavy weapons) at first level, even if their class normally grants them. Great Fortitude: Gamorreans gain a +2 species bonus to their Fortitude Defense, accounting for their great physical resistance. Bonus Feat: Gamorreans gain Improved Damage Threshold as a bonus feat. Bred for War: A Gamorrean gains the Soldier's Weapon Mastery talent as a bonus talent. Weapon Familiarity: A Gamorrean with the Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) feat is also proficient with the Gamorrean war axe. Automatic Languages: Basic (cannot speak) and Gamorrean (spoken only). Gungans Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, -2 Int Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares, Swim 4 squares Expert Swimmer: A Gungan may choose to re-roll any Swim check, but the result of the re-roll must be accepted, even if it is worse. In addition, a Gungan may take 10 on Swim check even when distracted or threatened. Hold Breath: Gungangs are at home either in air or underwater. A Gungan can hold his breath for a number of rounds equal to 25 times his Constitution score before he needs to make Endurance checks to hold his breath (see the endurance skill). Lightning Reflexes: Gungans gain a +2 bonus to their Reflex defense, accounting for their uncanny ability to avoid danger. Low-Light Vision: Gungans ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness. Weapon Familiarity: A Gungang with the Weapon Proficiency (simple weapons) feat are also proficient with the atlatl and the cesta. Automatic Languages: Basic and Gunganese. Humans Ability Modifiers: +2 to any two ability scores. Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Bonus Trained Skill: Humans are versatile and accomplished at many tasks. A Human character chooses any one skill to become trained in at 1st level. Bonus Feat: Humans gain one bonus feat at 1st level. Automatic Language: Basic.

  • Ithorians Ability Modifiers: +2 Wis, +2 Cha Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Iron Will: Ithorians have above average willpower and gain a +2 species bonus to their Will Defense. Bellow: As a Standard action, an Ithorian can open all four of its throats and emit a terrible subsonic bellow. The Ithorian makes a special attack roll (1d20 + its character level) and compares the result to the Fortitude Defense of all creatures and unattended objects in a 6 square cone. A successful hit deals 4d6 points of sonic damage; if the attack misses, the target takes one-half the damage instead. Each use of this ability moves the Ithorian -1 step along the condition track. An Ithorian can choose to add more dice to the damage it deals with its bellow, but each additional 2d6 of damage moves the Ithorian another -1 step along the condition track. Survival Instinct: An Ithorian may choose to re-roll any Survival check, but the result of the re-roll must be accepted even if it is worse. Conditional Bonus Feat: Ithorians like to maintain close ties with nature. An Ithorian with Science as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (science) as a bonus feat. Automatic Languages: Basic and Ithorese. Jawa Ability Modifiers: -2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int Size: Small Speed: 5 squares Darkvision: Desert Dweller: Scavenger: Whenever a Jawa armed with an ion weapon successfully damages a droid or vehicle, the jawa deals additional damage equal to its level (instead of one-half its level) Skills: Mechanics is always a class skill for Jawas. A Jawa can choose to re-roll any Mechanics check, but must keep the second result, even if it is worse. Automatic Languages: Jawa and Binary Kel Dor Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Keen Force Sense: Kel Dor may choose to re-roll any Use the Force check made to search their feelings or sense the Force, keeping the better of the two results. Low-Light Vision: Kel Dor ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness. Special Equipment: Kel Dor suffer limitations outside their native atmosphere. Without protective goggles, a Kel Dor is considered blind. Without an antiox breath mask, a Kel Dor begins to suffocate. A replacement mask costs 2,000 credits (500 on Dorin, and a year's supply of filters costs 200 credits (50 on Dorin). Kel Dor characters begin play with these items at no cost. An antiox breath mask is

  • poisonous to other species. Automatic Languages: Basic and Kel Dor.

  • Mon Calamari Ability Modifiers: +2 Int, +2 Wis Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares, swim 4 squares Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Mon Calamari can't drown in water. Expert Swimmer: A Mon Calamari may choose to re-roll any Swim check, but the result of the re-roll must be accepted, even if it is worse. In addition, a Mon Calamari may take 10 on Swim check even when distracted or threatened. Low-Light Vision: Mon Calamari ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness. Conditional Bonus Feat: Keenly perceptive, a Mon Calamari with Perception as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (perception) as a bonus feat. Languages: Basic and Mon Calamarian. Quarren Ability Modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Cha Size Medium Speed: 6 squares, swim 4 squares Breathe Underwater: As amphibious creatures, Quarren can't drown in water. Expert Swimmer: A Quarren may choose to re-roll any Swim check, but the result of the re-roll must be accepted, even if it is worse. In addition, a Quarren may take 10 on Swim check even when distracted or threatened. Low-Light Vision: Quarren ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness. Conditional Bonus Feat: Adept traders and negotiators, Quarren with Persuasion as a trained skill gain Skill Focus (persuasion) as a bonus feat. Automatic: Basic and Quarenese. Rodians Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Wis Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Heightened Awareness: A Rodian gains the Scout's Acute Senses talent as a bonus talent. Low-Light Vision: Rodians ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness. Conditional Bonus Feat: A Rodian with Survival as a trained skill gains Skill Focus (survival) as a bonus feat. Automatic Languages: Basic and Rodese

  • Sullustans Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Int Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Darkvision: Sullustans ignore concealment (including total concealment) from darkness. However, they cannot perceive colors in total darkness. Heightened Awareness: A Sullustan gains the Scout's Acute Senses talent as a bonus talent. Expert Navigators: Sullustans possessed exceptional innate sense of direction and intuition. When an Sullustan makes a Computers check to set a course or for astrogation, he may roll twice, keeping the better result. Automatic Languages: Basic and Sullustese. Twi'leks Ability Modifiers: +2 Dex, +2 Cha Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Deceptive: Naturally gifted at manipulation, a Twi'lek may choose to re-roll any Deception check, but the result of the re-roll must be accepted even if it is worse. Great Fortitude: Twi'leks gain a +2 species bonus to their Fortitude Defense. Low-Light Vision: Twi'leks ignore concealment (but not total concealment) from darkness. Automatic Languages: Basic and Ryl. Wookies Ability Modifiers: +4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Cha Size: Medium Speed: 8 squares Extraordinary Recuperation: Wookies regain lost hit points at double the normal rate. Expert Climber: Wookies are adept at climbing in their treetop homes. A Wookie may choose to take 10 on Athletics checks made to Climb even when distracted or threatened. Weapon Familiarity: Wookies with the Weapon Proficiency (rifles) feat are proficient with the bowcaster. Zabrak Ability Modifiers: +2 to any one ability Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Heightened Awareness: A Zabrak gains the Scout's Acute Senses talent as a bonus talent. Superior Defenses: Zabrak gain a +1 species bonus to all of their Defenses. Warrior Culture: A Zabrak may take the Weapon Focus feat for one class of weapons for which he possesses the Weapon Proficiency feat at 1st level. Automatic Languages: Basic and Zabrak.

  • Droids: When building a droid character, you should use the "build from scratch" option, because non-heroic levels have been changed, and should not be applied to PC characters whatsoever. Further, droid characters are assigned fewer ability bonus points, due to the advantages of being non-living. Droid characters use a total ability bonus of +6. After you have assigned your ability bonuses, then apply any modifiers for your droid's size and degree.