sycc annual report audited accounts fy 2014 2015 represent


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To be the Buddhists hub for social services, and to promote family life and wellbeing of individuals.


To serve the community with the Buddhist principles of compassion, morality, concentration and wisdom, through

professional counselling, family support services and social services

developing a pool of volunteers that supports the services of the Centre

advocating and networking for services to all sectors of the society


We serve children, families, youth and the elderly, regardless of race, religion and ability to pay. We are committed to our values to guide our decisions and behaviour.

Service Service user satisfaction is paramount

Integrity Honesty and fairness in our actions

Teamwork Teamwork in meeting the needs of our clients

Accountability Strong sense of social responsibility to the community and stakeholders

Respect Recognise that our clients are seeking support and must be respected

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ABOUT SYCC ...................................................................................................................................................... 4

Our Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Shan You History & Milestones................................................................................................................. 4

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE................................................................................................................................. 6

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REVIEW ............................................................................................................... 7

CLINICAL COUNSELLING ............................................................................................................................... 9

Yuan Yuan Helpline 圆缘助线 .................................................................................................................. 11

EDUCATION ...................................................................................................................................................... 11

Marriage Preparation and Enrichment Programme ........................................................................... 11

Public Talk & Workshop ............................................................................................................................ 12

Professional Training ................................................................................................................................. 12

Mindfulness in Singapore ......................................................................................................................... 13

SOCIAL SERVICES & WELLNESS COMMUNITY ..................................................................................... 15

Eldercare Programme ................................................................................................................................ 15

Free Meals ..................................................................................................................................................... 16

Food Rations Distribution Service ......................................................................................................... 16

Befriending ................................................................................................................................................... 17

Haircutting .................................................................................................................................................... 17

Visit to Old Peoples’ Homes .................................................................................................................... 17

Home Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................... 17

Beach Cleaning ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Kindness Space........................................................................................................................................... 17

OUTREACH & VOLUNTEERISM ................................................................................................................... 19

.............................................................................................................................................................................. 19

FUNDRAISING .................................................................................................................................................. 20

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DONATIONS ................................................................................................... 20

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF VOLUNTEERS ................................................................................................ 25

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Shan You Counselling Centre (SYCC) is a non-profit Voluntary Welfare Organisation set up in 1995 to provide professional counselling and social support services based on the principles of Compassion and Loving-Kindness, to the community regardless of race, religion or ability to pay. SYCC is a registered society and a charity with the status of an Institution of a Public Character (IPC). SYCC is a full member of National Council of Social Service and receives funding from Community Chest, Corporate and Individual Donors.

Our Objectives

1. To promote behavioural, mental and physical health of the community.

2. To encourage the development of family life and individual well-being through intergenerational bonding.

3. To provide opportunities for volunteers to render social services to the community. To provide expertise and resources to develop, train, manage and supervise these volunteers.

4. To disseminate information on behavioural, mental and physical health, social policies and community services through professional training, public education, seminars and distribution of brochures and media resources.

Shan You History & Milestones

1995 Shan You Counselling Centre was established to continue the work of Ren Ci/Tai Pei Counselling Centre

in providing professional counselling and other social support services.

Registered as a society on 17 June 1995

Registered as a charity on 28 December 1995.

Venerable Song Nian of Maha Bodhi Monastery Singapore (Phou Tai Kok Temple) penned the word 善

友 in calligraphy as present for Shan You.

1996 Became full member of National Council of Social Service.

Pilot Mentoring Scheme for Youth-at-Risk at Manjusri Secondary School.

Launched Religious counselling service provided by monks and nuns from the Theravada and Mahayana traditions.


Organised the 1st seminar at YWCA on “Popular Buddhist Beliefs and Practices-Their Therapeutic Use”.

Adopted 善护天下众 友爱一切人 (Embrace One and All with Compassion and Loving-Kindness) as Shan

You Motto. The couplet was presented by Ven Mun Cheng.


Received Community Chest funding for the Counselling & Casework programme.

Shan You new logo was designed by Disney trained artist, Mr Cheng Yew Chung. It is a golden hand representing fearlessness and the background white lotus flower with blue trim represents purity.

1999 Jointly organised Mandarin public seminar on “Coping during difficult times” with NTUC Community

Development department.

Relocated to Blk 9 Upper Boon Keng Road and the opening ceremony was graced by Mr Chan Soo Sen, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister’s Office and Ministry of Health.

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2002 Set up SunLife Youth Development Centre at Blk 41 Sims Drive and the opening ceremony was graced

by Associate Professor Yaccob Ibrahim, Acting Minister for Ministry of Community Development and Sports and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs. A joint community project with Central Singapore Community Development Council, Kolam Ayer Citizen’s Consultative Committee and supported by Venerable Seck Hong Choon Memorial Foundation.


Publication of Mandarin book “Awakening the Grief” by staff member and launched workshops on ‘Grieving with Mindfulness: From Loss to Love’.

Relocated to Blk 5 Upper Boon Keng Road after the Blk 9 was affected by HDB en bloc programme.


Launched Mind-Body Medicine audio-imagery CD for people with Cancer.

Celebrated Shan You 10 years of service and published ‘First Decade of Shan You Counselling Centre’ commemorative book.


Launched Mind-Body Medicine audio-imagery CD for people with Insomnia.

Launched the Active Ageing Mindful Living GO programme to engage more seniors to participate in communal programmes and do voluntary work.


Set up Yuan Yuan Helpline service to provide Mandarin telephone counselling to the public.

Publication of “Bully Proof Your Child with Mind-Body Tactics” by staff member and organised a seminar of same topic.


Set up Wellness Community at Blk 3 Eunos Crescent. This is a community wellness project of Shan You Counselling Centre in partnership with Cheng Hong Welfare Service Society.

Celebrated Shan You 15 years of service and published ‘Journeys of Give, Care and Love’ commemorative book.

2012 Pilot “Live-the-Moment”, a mindfulness programme for seniors under Health Promotion Board (HPB)

Mental Health Education programme. The programme combined elements of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) 8-week programme and customised to help the elderly increase self-awareness and transform negative thought patterns.


Staff members received certificate from Oxford Mindfulness Centre to teach the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy 8-week programme.

Pilot the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy 8-week programme for public.


Organised Asia Pacific Symposium on Motivational Interviewing to commemorate Shan You 10 years of conducting Motivational Interviewing in Singapore.

Pilot the 1st Mandarin Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy 8-week programme for public.

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Shan You means a Noble Friend, who embodies the four wholesome attributes of compassion, loving-kindness, appreciative joy and equanimity. Shan You is committed to reaching out to anyone who may be facing challenges in life. For those who are journeying through life’s toughest time, Shan You is here to provide professional help and emotional support. Shan You will journey with anyone on the path of change, when one is ready to make changes. For self-care, Shan You offers the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy 8-week programme. In our efforts to promote Mindfulness-In-Singapore programmes, we train and grow the pool of Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) trainers in Singapore. In 2014, three members of our staff received Certification from Oxford Mindfulness Centre as Trainers of MBCT. To further raise awareness of mindfulness and its applications towards mental health, Shan You will reach out to the wider community through public education. Shan You also offers, for professional advancement, training courses on Motivational Interviewing (MI): Basic, Intermediate and Advance training course. MBCT, MI and ACT are the core competencies of Shan You. Together, it provides a holistic care plan. Shan You is also a naturally helpful friend, providing a variety of social services and bringing positive impact to the society. Shan You distributes monthly food rations, provides three free meals daily, befriending service, organises meaningful activities to engage the community. Shan You also fosters community spirit and intergenerational bonding through social activities and events. For the seniors, Shan You organises programmes and activities to ensure our seniors remain mentally and physically active as well as socially engaged. Shan You strives to make a difference to those who are in need of a friend. To measure and quantity the goodness of Shan You, is to evaluate how she delivers services with passion and her determination to excel. Shan You is able to continue serving the community, regardless of race, religion and ability to pay, with the strong support of Community Chest, NCSS, MSF, community partners and you - our stakeholder. I thank all donors and volunteers for supporting and donating generously to our programmes; for your trust and encouragement; for believing in Shan You. I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude to our Panel of Advisors for the professional guidance; our service users for giving us the opportunity to serve; our staff members for helping us achieve our objectives through sheer dedication and excellent teamwork; my management committee colleagues for the support and encouragement. Dr Jenny Quek President Management Committee

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Shan You contributes to the behavioural and mental health of the community by strengthening their sense of well-being and encouraging their recovery through a support system that promotes mindfulness, respect and dignity. For 20 years, Shan You has lived up its name to serve with compassionate and loving-kindness. All service programmes are free of charge or at affordable fees since from start. The service environment is user friendly and accessible to anyone who needs professional counselling and social support services. Beneficiaries

There were 4,357 direct service users last year. This is an increase of 20% as compared to previous year. Shan You has established a professional service standards for counselling practices which resulted in better client care outcome and quality of services. The social services saw an increase in homes visitation as it extended Shan You services to the wider community.


Shan You was selected to be one of the participating charities in the Share and Care Movement, a programme under the Singapore government in celebration of the Republic's 50th anniversary in 2015. All donations received from December 2013 to March 2016 are eligible for dollar-to-dollar matching grant. For the period December 2013 to December 2014, we have submitted an amount of over $900,000 in applications and any approved expenditure claim disbursements will be received in tranches spread over four years. The Share and Care grant will support Shan You Counselling Centre in capability building, capacity building, new/enhanced programmes and critical existing needs.

Cost Breakdown

Shan You adopted the Charities Accounting Standard last year and the cost breakdown for charitable activities, generating funds and governance at ratio 80:12:8 for FY 2014/15 is about the same as previous FY 2013-2014 ratio 82:12:6. Shan You total operating expenditure for the last three years average of $1.3 million and funding is 30% ComChest Funding and 70% donations from corporate companies, institutions and individuals.

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Counselling (Funded Programme)

There is an upward trend in the number of cases reported with Behavioural and Mental Health concerns. This could be due to the concerted effort put in over the last two years in promoting the benefits of practising mindfulness for self-care and mental wellness. More than 30% of referrals came from self and this could indicate that people are more aware of the benefit of counselling and willing to come forward to seek help from Shan You. In the client feedback form, 70% indicated that after receiving counselling at least two of their objectives had been met. In the new FY 2015/16, we have enhanced our evaluation of client’s outcome to better rate the efficacy of our counselling service.


Highlight of the year was the 2-day Asia Pacific Symposium on Motivational Interviewing-Singapore (APSMI-SG) where we gathered the best Motivational Interviewing (MI) practitioners, trainers and researchers to share on the latest research, advance knowledge and skills training. Coming up in July 2015, we will be offering MI in Groups training and MI supervision as an addition to the yearly training on MI Basic, Intermediate and MI Advanced course. The Mindfulness in Singapore project went on track to obtain Teacher certification for our psychologist and counsellors. They are now fully certified by the Oxford Mindfulness Centre in UK to teach the Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) 8-week programme. The pilot MBCT took place in March 2014 and we went on to deliver two MBCT programmes, one of which was jointly conducted with Khoo Teck Puat Hospital. In the new FY 2015/16, we will be launching mindfulness programmes for teenagers and parents.

Wellness Community & Social Service

The Wellness Community undergone a face lift in July last year with the help of donations raised by nEbO, the junior membership arm of NTUC. With the improved facilities, we expanded our recycling programme and conducted activities for the children and youth. In the new FY 2015/16, we have introduced new programmes such as acupressure service to help people suffering from pain. There is a counsellor on hand once a week to provide pre post stress assessment and counselling for these people. Every month we conduct training class for caregivers so that they can assist their family members at home. We also introduced laughter wellness class and recruited new members to join.


It is a challenge that Shan You has to raise $900,000 annually for its non-funded programmes and to cope with the increasing staff costs each year. We will continue to make concerted effort for Shan You to obtain funding support and donations. We are extremely grateful that Shan You has been selected to be one of the beneficiaries for the President’s Challenge 2015.


I would like to thank members of the Management Committee for extending your support to our staff team and the Centre. To the clients, service users, partners and agencies that we have served through Shan You counselling and casework, education and training, wellness community and social services, I thank you for your continued confidence in our services. To the staff team, I thank you for your contribution towards the Shan You mission and appreciate your passion to care for the people we serve.

Ms Aloka Quah Executive Director

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Shan You integrate research-based Mind-Body Medicine and Mindfulness, as well as other evidence-

based counselling and psychotherapy to assist people toward a better quality of life.

In FY 2014/15, the number of new cases increased slightly by 2% and the average number of session

conducted per case was 2.9 sessions. This indicates a steady increase from last two years where the

average number of sessions were 2.6 session and 2.8 session respectively.

Figure 1: Cases and Sessions from FY 2012/13 to FY 2014/15

Shan You counselling is grouped under Behavioural and Mental Health concerns, and Relationship concerns. There is increase in Behavioural and Mental Health concerns over the last three years. Marital health concerns is constant and Relationship concerns (on parenting, family and others) has been reduced.

Figure 2: Behavioural & Mental Health concerns vs Relationship concerns

For FY 2014/15, the top three presenting concerns for referrals were

1. Marital Health (24%)

2. General Stress & Stress-related Health concerns (14%)

3. Other Behavioural and Mental Health concerns (11%)

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Figure 3: Presenting Concerns

The demographics of Shan You clients is as follows:

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Yuan Yuan Helpline 圆缘助线

Yuan Yuan Helpline was set up in May 2007 and it provides 34 hours of phone counselling each week to people who needs a listening ear or requires Information & Referral service. The volunteer team comprises of trained telephone counsellors and they receive supervision including continual training at Shan You. The number of calls increased by 30% last year due to a similar increase in the number of volunteers. There were 25 active volunteers in FY 2014/15 compared to 19 in FY 2013/14.

Figure 4: Calls to Helpline


Marriage Preparation and Enrichment Programme

This programme prepares couples for a healthy and enriching marriage and family life. It can assist

soon-to-be married and married couples to lay the foundation for their marriage, gain valuable insights

into individual strengths and weaknesses and learn practical skills on topics ranging from

communication, conflict resolution, sexual intimacy, financial management and building relationship

with in-laws.

Shan You conducts marriage preparation programme under two categories: Individual Couple and

Group Couples. The request for marriage preparation programme increased 8% last year. We

conducted 18 marriage preparation programmes for 16 Individual Couple category and 2 Group Couple

category. A total of 25 couples completed the marriage preparation programme.

Figure 5: Marriage Preparation Programme

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Public Talk & Workshop Date Public Talk & Workshop Venue Speaker Attended

20-22 May 2014

Psychotherapy by Karma Transformation (Public Talk and Workshop)

Singapore Buddhist Federation

Prof Maurits Kwee 77

23 & 25 May 2014

Psychotherapy by Karma Transformation (Public Talk and Workshop)

SYCC Prof Maurits Kwee 55

24 May 2014 Psychotherapy by Karma Transformation (Public Talk and Workshop)

Mangala Vihara Prof Maurits Kwee 76

21 & 25 May 2014

Pristine Mindfulness: Integrating and Beyond

Singapore Buddhist Federation and SYCC

Prof Maurits Kwee 33

21 May to 25 Jun 2014

“自我探索之旅”(Chinese Self-

Growth Journey workshop) (6- weeks) (Chinese)

SYCC Jane Wong 17

6 Sep 2014 Family Constellation workshop for volunteers (1 day) (Chinese)

SYCC Jane Wong 10

17 Oct 2014 “谁的心灵感冒了?”认识忧郁症讲

座(Chinese Public Talk)

People's Buddhism Study Society

Jane Wong 23

27 Mar-7 May 2015

“自我探索之旅”(Chinese Self-

Growth Journey workshop) (6- weeks) (Chinese)

SYCC Jane Wong 19

Professional Training

Date Professional Training Venue Speaker Attended

21-23 Apr 2014

Motivational Interviewing Basic & Intermediate

National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre

Dr Joel Porter 30

24-25 Apr 2014

Motivational Interviewing Advanced

SYCC Dr Joel Porter 13

26-28 Apr 2014

Motivational Interviewing (for SCORE organisation)

Training Room at Mountbatten Square

Dr Joel Porter 25

8-10 Dec 2014

Motivational Interviewing Basic & Intermediate

Training Room at Waterloo Centre

Dr Joel Porter 9

11-12 Dec 2014

Motivational Interviewing Advanced

Training Room at Waterloo Centre

Dr Joel Porter 9

5-6 Feb 2015

Asia Pacific Symposium on Motivational Interviewing (APSMI-SG)

Concorde Hotel

Dr Stephen Rollnick Dr Joel Porter Dr Christopher Wagner Dr Anya Sheftel Dr Fiona McMaster Dr Cecilia Chu Mr Paul Kong Dr Konstadina Griva


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With 2015 marking the 10th year since Shan You first introduced Motivational Interviewing (MI) in Singapore, we were proud to host the successful inaugural of Asia Pacific Symposium on Motivational Interviewing-Singapore (APSMI-SG) on 5-6 February 2015.

The symposium was attended by more than 200 special guests and delegates from 79 organisations such as Government Ministries and agencies, Voluntary Welfare Organisations, educational institutions and schools, hospitals, polyclinics and others. The overseas participants came from the United Kingdom, South Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong and Malaysia. Our supporting partner was the Social Service Institute.

The co-founder of MI was our keynote speaker and it was an honour that Dr Stephen Rollnick graced our event. The other presenters were Dr Joel Porter, Dr Chris Wagner, Dr Anya Sheftel. Dr Fiona McMaster, Dr Cecilia Chu, Mr Paul Kong and Dr Konstadina Griva.

Mindfulness in Singapore

Shan You collaborated with Oxford Mindfulness Centre (OMC) in 2010 to introduce Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) in Singapore. Last year, we finally received the Teacher certification issued by OMC to our psychologist and counsellors. In March 2014, we launched the MBCT 8-week programme pilot run. Table below shows the activities from April 2014 to March 2015:

Date Public Talk, Introduction & Taster Venue Speaker Attended

15 Apr 2014 Mindfulness In Schools (.b) Introduction Taster

Unity Sec School Ong Ee Lin 17

5 May 2014 Mindfulness Self-Care Workshop SYCC Ong Ee Lin 15

28 May 2014 Mindfulness and Self-Care Talk West Grove Pri School

Ong Ee Lin 80

18 Aug 2014 Mindfulness In Schools (.b) Introduction Taster

Westwood Sec School

Ong Ee Lin & Joan Low


18 Sep 2014 MBCT & Mindfulness In Schools (.b) Introduction Taster

Yishun Junior College Ong Ee Lin & Joan Low


16 Oct 2014 Mindfulness Talk for Seniors Geylang Serai Community Centre

Jane Wong 60

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Date Public Talk, Introduction & Taster Venue Speaker Attended

18 Oct 2014 Mindfulness Talk @ Singapore Mental Health Conference

Max Atria @ Singapore EXPO

Ong Ee Lin 150-200

29 Oct 2014 “是情绪糟,不是你很糟” 改善情绪的正

念疗法讲座 SYCC Jane Wong 25

Date Mindfulness Programme Venue Speaker Attended

3-31 May 2014

Mindfulness-Based Workshop II (4 weeks)

SYCC Dr Ng Yuen Yen


25 Sep-11 Nov 2014

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) (8 weeks)

Khoo Teck Puat Hospital

Ong Ee Lin & Dr Ong Seh Hong


30 Oct-18 Dec 2014

Live-the-Moment (LTM) mindfulness for seniors (8 weeks)

Geylang Serai Community Centre

Jane Wong 20

7 Jan-4 Mar 2015

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) (8 weeks)

SYCC Jane Wong & Charlene Teo


Date Mindfulness Practice Venue Speaker Attended

18 May 2014 Mid-Month Mindful Space @ Shan You SYCC Ong Ee Lin 14

16 Aug 2014 Mid-Month Mindful Space @ Shan You SYCC Ong Ee Lin 10

25 Oct 2014 Mid-Month Mindful Space @ Shan You SYCC Ong Ee Lin 11

20 Dec 2014 Mid-Month Mindful Space @ Shan You SYCC Wee Sin Tho 11

3 Apr 2014 Wellness Mindful Space for Elderly Wellness Community Jane Wong 23

25 Sep 2014 Wellness Mindful Space for Elderly Wellness Community Jane Wong 17

16 Oct 2014 Wellness Mindful Space for Elderly Wellness Community Jane Wong 19

26 Nov 2014 Wellness Mindful Space for Elderly Wellness Community Jane Wong 12

19 Dec 2014 Wellness Mindful Space for Elderly Wellness Community Jane Wong 11

22 Jan 2015 Wellness Mindful Space for Elderly Wellness Community Jane Wong 18

26 Mar 2015 Wellness Mindful Space for Elderly Wellness Community Jane Wong 14

The widely researched and scientifically respected 8-week programme enables individuals to become more familiar with their body, feelings, mind and experiences through learning to pay attention intentionally, in the present moment and non-judgementally. The programme since being rolled out has received positive and encouraging feedback from the participants. Examples: “The programme is important as it has given me much needed clarity to sort out the often hectic, confused mind. Also with the practices, gain much confidence in my ability to better cope with future stresses.” “This MBCT course has given me new tools (very concrete & practical ones suited to our modern, fast-paced society) … to dot and infuse my life with awareness.” “It ensured that I committed 8 weeks of my time to learn and practise mindfulness on a regular basis.” “It is important because it has helped me to reconnect spiritually with my Christian faith.” “It has helped me to see the interconnectedness of my thoughts, feelings, body sensations.” “(It has) improved (my) ability to be more aware of my trigger points & respond more in the present”

To support these MBCT participants in their ongoing mindfulness practice, we also began hosting the Mid-Month Mindful Space @ Shan You and Wellness Mindful Space for Elderly. The Mindful Space gathering provides a secular space for practice and sharing of information with regards to mindfulness. With the increasing interest in mindfulness in Singapore and positive feedback from people who have experienced mindfulness and are using it in their daily lives, we certainly hope to continue with the meaningful work to make mindfulness more secular and available for all who wish to use it to gain a greater sense of well-being in the long term.

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Shan You expanded its social services and started the Wellness Community project in October 2010. The goal of the Wellness Community is to promote the holistic well-being of the community and improve the quality of life through strengthening five different aspects of wellness for individuals and families. Our activities promote intergenerational bonding for the family, seniors, children and youth. We also encourage community spirit and inter-racial harmony. Last year, we received donations from nEbO to expand the facilities at Wellness Community to include a library drop-in, recycling and storage room for food rations. The place is well utilised with a dining cum community hall, counselling room and multi-purpose classroom. We run daily programmes for the seniors and provide social aids to the needy such as free meals and food rations distribution. Other social support services include befriending, visit to old peoples’ homes and hair cutting. We also support environmental wellness by rendering help on home maintenance, recycling and beach cleaning. Wellness Community offers volunteering opportunities and we engage individuals and groups, schools and corporate companies, to bring beneficial programmes to the community.

Eldercare Programme

Eldercare programme looks after the physical, social, intellectual, psychological and spiritual wellness of the senior folks living in the vicinity areas. In FY 2014/15, the number of participation totals 15,980. The 1.7% decrease from previous year is probably due to the renovation work where we stopped several activities and closed the Wellness Community for two weeks. Activities conducted in FY 2014/15 are classified under:

Physical Wellness Chan Dou Gong, Taiji, Tuina, Sitting Yoga, Health wellness with TCM @ Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital. Social Wellness Mahjong, Karaoke, Joget, Group games, Bonding games with volunteers, Movie day, Free haircut and Gardening. Intellectual Wellness Musical therapy, Brain workout, Documentary and Educational show, Singing class, Handicraft, Mindful Creative Hands, Wellness and health talk and monthly special. Psychological & Spiritual Wellness Live-the-Moment Mindfulness (8-week programme), Wellness Mindful Space for Elderly and Art therapy (4-6 week programme).

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Event & Outing Carnival outing, Geylang Eunos CC & RC activities, charity lunch and dinner, concert performance show, festive & occasion celebration and temple visit.

Figure 5: No. of Participation

Free Meals

Free Meals is an assistance scheme to provide free breakfast, lunch and dinner for the needy. Priority is given to the seniors; those unable to work due to health reason or unfavourable family circumstances and/or have little means of subsistence. We serve a meal with rice, meat (either chicken or fish) and vegetables. On Saturdays, we serve vegetarian lunch. The Free Meals is also a programme that encourages people to eat with others and take part in wellness activities. In FY 2014/15, we served 28,927 meals to 1,831 diners.

Figure 6: Free Meals

Food Rations Distribution Service

Food Rations Distribution Service is an assistance scheme to provide basic provisions to help the needy and low income families. Priority is given to people living in 1-2 room rental flats; who are unable to work due to old age, illness or unfavourable family circumstances; with young children and/or have little means of subsistence. Each pack of ration contains provisions, such as rice, bee hoon, instant noodles, cooking oil, canned food, sugar, milk, beverages, bread, festive goodies and sometimes special items such as milk powder and adult diapers. The food packs are delivered to the homes of the beneficiaries and by self-collection. Every month we mobilise about 150 volunteers to do sorting, packaging and delivery. In FY 2014/15, we delivered an average of 260 food packs per month. This is 8% decrease from previous year. The decline could be due to the increased number of food rations services set up in recent years.

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Figure 7: Food Rations Distribution


Befriending service is provided by trained volunteers and they care for the well-being of people who are vulnerable and/or isolated. They serve the elderly sick, patients with chronic health condition, terminally ill patients, those physically and/or intellectually challenged who have little family and/or social support. The Befriending Service expanded in March 2011 to include monthly visitations to the Society of the Aged Sick. The volunteers who are trained for this programme are called the Noble Ambassadors.


Haircutting service takes place once a month at the Society of the Aged Sick and Wellness Community. The professional hair dressers and trained volunteers come to cut hair for the seniors. They promote personal hygiene and encourage the seniors to enhance their self-image.

Visit to Old Peoples’ Homes

Last year Shan You Volunteer Event Committee organised visitations to three old peoples’ homes where they conducted group activities and special interest classes for the beneficiaries. The homes visited are United Medicare Centre, Silra Home and Blue Cross Thong Kheng Home.

Home Maintenance

Home maintenance service is rendered by volunteers to help perform house cleaning, painting, electrical work, repair of appliances and installation work for free. In FY 2014/15, we completed a total of four jobs for beneficiaries living in the Eunos and other areas.

Beach Cleaning

Beach cleaning is an opportunity for volunteers and service users to take care of our Singapore beaches and spend a day outdoor to be with nature. In FY 2014/15, we joined the Khoon Chee Vihara to complete five rounds of beach cleaning at the Pasir Ris beach.

Kindness Space

Shan You Kindness Space was set up to promote environmental values by providing a channel for people to de-clutter their space and send unwanted items for recycling. We receive donations of pre-loved items regularly and our volunteers help to do the sorting, checking and repair work before releasing for charity sale. In FY 2014/15, we organised a total of six charity bazaars at the Wellness Community.

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In Summary for FY 2014/15:

Figure 8: Social Support Services

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We continued to outreach through the monthly talk show at Radio Love 97.2 FM. Our counsellor joined DJ Violet Tan in the 1-hour air time to share on parenting skills and other educational subjects. Last year, we participated in five road shows to distribute Shan You brochure and sell handicrafts made by seniors from the Wellness Community. We set up booths on the Racial Harmony Day, World Mental Health Day, MDIS International Day and at other events. We also partnered with schools and corporates to organise activities and outings for the children, families and seniors beneficiaries of Wellness Community.

Figure 9: Volunteering opportunities

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We held one fundraising charity concert event, “Tunes of Min Nan” presented by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra on 28 November 2014 at the SCO Concert Hall. The special guest was Mr Perng Peck Seng, Vice President of Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan. The “Tunes of Min Nan” concert featured the heritage art of nanyin music that has been passed down from the ancient court days of China Southern Fujian. We raised over $80,000 for the event.


We are deeply grateful to the National Council of Social Service, the Community Chest and the Care & Share @ SG50 Movement; and to all the corporate and individual donors who have supported Shan You in cash and in-kind throughout the year. Thank you for your support! Organisations Afro-Asia Shipping Co (Pte) Ltd Aik Lian Metal & Glazing Pte Ltd Antara Koh Pte Ltd Asian Resources Centre Pte Ltd Beautiquest Beauty & Slimming Centre Buddha Tooth Relic Temple (Singapore) Buddhist Research Society Casa (S) Pte Ltd Chang Cheng Food Paradise Pte Ltd Che Hian Khor Moral Uplifting Singapore Cheng Beng Buddhist Society (Vimalakirti Buddhist Centre) Chequered Flag Media Chin Shin (M&E) Pte Ltd Colour Face International Pte Ltd Dharma Cakra Society Electromech Electrical Enterprise Co Pte Ltd Emerges-Lite Pte Ltd ESW Manage Pte Ltd Evergreen Buddhist Culture Service Pte Ltd For You Information Ltd Gaylin International Pte Ltd Hai Yin Buddhist Sangha Society Happyclothes888 Pte Ltd Hong Leong Foundation Hrithik & Dave Consulting Hui & Huah Pte Ltd Intercontinental Communications Pte Ltd Jing Hong Engineering Construction Pte Ltd Jones Day Korchina Logistics (S) Pte Ltd

Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple Kwan-In Welfare Society Lee Foundation Lee Kim Tah Foundation Loyang Tua Pek Kong Temple Make Music Pte Ltd Mangala Vihara (Buddhist Temple) Mecredo Private Limited MyNet Technologies LLP Novem Healthcare Pte Ltd NTUC Club nEbO NTUC Fairprice Foundation Ltd NUS Buddhist Society Photolink LLP Pitt Chin Hui Trust Fund Puat Jit Buddhist Temple Sagaramudra Buddhist Society Seng Heng Dragon and Lion Dance Club Singapore Buddhist Youth Mission Singapore Totalisator Board Standard Stainless Steel Pte Ltd Steven Chan Jewellery & Goldsmith Tai Pei Yuen Temple Teo Studio Photography Pte Ltd The Estate of Wong Kwan Hoe The Hokkien Foundation The organisers of 100 Million Mani Recitation Retreat Tong Tek Buddhist Temple True Dental Studio Pte Ltd Xin Qi Hang Engineering Works

Individuals Albert Ang Bee Wah Ang Beng Wei, Ken Ang Chin Lai Ang Hang Boon, John

Ang Hooi Sin Ang Hwee Ang Jui Khai Ang Kay Wee Ang Kheng Choo

Ang Lee Lee Ang Liew Kwee Ang Meng Cheat, Melvin Ang Poh Kim Ang Seong Leong

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Ang Soh Eng Ang Soo Tin Ang Swee Hoon Ang, Alan Angela Sharon Pinto Anil Kumar Ankit Goel Anthony Au Sin Au Yeong Wing Seng Aw Kim Mui Bai Fu Chun Bali Anurag Ben Ben Fong Blanchflower Buo Kong Ting Chai Family Chai Li Fong Chan Ah Eh Chan Ah Yeo Chan Cheow Wee Chan Choon Eng Chan Fook Lin Chan Hui Lai chan Jaylester, Justin Chan Jee Been Chan Keng Wah Chan Kim Sian Chan Lee Hwa Chan Lian Shing Chan Mun Faye Chan Puay Gek Chan Puay Leng Chan Sheng Poh, Adrian Chan Shou Deng Chan Song Ping Chan Wai Kuan Chan Weng Yow Chan Yiu Man Chan Yueen Kim Chan Yuen Kim Chang Ah Moi Chang Chiz Hau Chang Gim Siang Chang Hon Oie Chay Chin Leong Chay Oh Meng, Cecilia Cheah Chian Chin Cheah Lay Hoon Cheah Wah Chi Chee Chui Nin Chen Cheng Lin Chen Ming Shweh, Michelle Chen Pei Chang & Wang Shui Ji Chen Wan Chi Chen Xia Li, Xia Ping, Fu Chiu Chen Xiu Fong Chen Yue Quan Chen Yue Ting & Chen Yue Tong Cheng Kai Lin Cheng Li Huay Cheong Chelsea & Peter Teo Cheong Ming Han Cheong You Chin Cheong Yuet Ying Cheong, Jessie Cheow Ee Kwong Chern Hui Ling Chew Gee Hing Chew Hong Leong, Damien Chew Lai Hong Chew Lee Mean Chew Loo Chen Chew Seong Ngoh Chew Soo Chuah, Amala

Chew Xian Long, Jermaine Chia Ben Chia Chok Yeun Chia Gek Cher Chia Hui Erl Chia Khaim Huat Chia Mui Eng Chia Po Heng, Caroline Chia Puay Hia Chia Ser Hung, Jeff Chia Sew Kin Chia SM, Lilian Chia Swee Cheng Chia Xin Ran, Alina Chia Yeo Kheng Chia Yuan Shan Chiang May Chun Chin Ker Ching Chin Lee Huang Chin Nigel Craig Yew Ming Chin Oi Yoke Chin Poye Mee Chin Wai Hun Chin Yeen Vine Chng Hwee Hong Choa Wee Keong Chong Chun Yang Chong Hean Shun Chong Kok Hwa Chong Li Ling, Clare Chong Mae Shan Chong Wai Kung Chong Yee Shen, Adam & Friends Choo Li Min Choo Teow Lem Choo Zheng Quan Choong Soong Moi Chow Hui Ching Chow Oei Kheng Chow Ooi Lai Chow Yew Sun Chu Siat Moi Chua Bay Lee Chua Bee Hong Chua Boon Hee Chua ,Ginny Chua Guat Hwa Chua Hong Ngoh Chua Jiak Ching Chua Lay Tin Chua Li Peng Chua Lian Choon Chua Peck Kee Chua Pog Choo Chua Sing Yee Chua Suay Hoon Chua Tek Hin Chua, Calvin Chua, Candy Chua, Valerie Chuna Kim Choo Chung Hui Koon Chye Boon Seng Cui Xiao Xin David Philip Longstaff Deb Sudipto Dharma Yudha Ding Ming Huah Dong Su Hua Edweiss Ee Ling Fong Eng Guan Kheng Eng June Eng Sai Hwa Eng Siew

Eni Wongso Eryani Bte Erpan Fong May Yoke Fong Yoke Wah Foo Hee Chaik Foo Joon Pang Foo Kim Yong Foo, Kelvin Foong Chun Chee Fu Guozhang Fu Shan Nan Xin Zhong Gan Jian Min Gan Li Ling, Joanne Gan Qi Xuan Gan Shih Leng Gan Suat Yen Gandhi Suwanto Gao Man Gio Lai Chong Go Wok Tiam Goay Eng Hong Goh Chee Eng Goh Chok Hia Goh Chui Lin Goh Chwee Hong Goh Gnak Pheng Goh Keng Shun Goh Kian Tiong, Jeremy Goh Kian Zheng, Justin Goh Leng Gnor Goh Leng Lang Goh Pooi Kian Goh See Kee Goh Soon Li Goh Tiam Chye Goh Wee Choon Goh, Casar Goi Kim Choo Goi Mei Ling Gu Xia Qi Shang Xian Shen Guo Ming Yao Gwee Bah Lee Ham Shim Ying Han Wenchou Alvin Han Xiuwen Han Ya Lin Haseena Arief He Yue Yun Helen Wiryadinata Heng Poh Huat Heng, Darrel Her Lina Tony Hia Mui Tian Hiu Ay Tyng Ho Jia Ni, Elaine Ho Kim Seng Ho Kwai Keong Ho Lai Hup Ho Liong Poh Ho Mei Rong Ho Siang Yeak Ho Soke Ming Ho Wing Cheong Ho Yoke Wah Ho, Danny Ho, David Ho, William Hoe Kai Ling Hoh Jin Heng, Lucas Hoh Liong Tai Hoh, Natalie Hoh Yong Yik Hong Ghim Phong Don Hong Jiang Tao Hong Kwai Keng

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Hong Sam Leng Hong Shiu Hwa Hong Wei Kat Hoom Sim Mui Hoon Yuen Fun Huang Chen Qiong Me & Family Huang Chin Hai Huang Li Zhen Huang Loong Wey Huang Wei Rui Huang Zhi Wen Huang Zhong Xiang Hui Choi Ki Hui Liang Me Hui Sow Mooi Irving Jin Long Si & Kwan Ming Shan Jonathan Ben Witherall Joy Miichele Choynowska Kan, Margaret Kang Chin Khoon Kang Chui Jia Ke De Qing Kee Gek Ling Kee Lay Hiong, Janet Keg Lucy Keng Gek Hong Keng Sor Yeng Ker Ian Khai Kewa Nang Sang Khine Zin Tun Kho Chuan Seng Khong, Helen Khoo Bee Kuan Khoo G.L., Eileen Khoo, Raymond Khu Meow Keng Kiang Ah Kim Klavier Joeness Gavin Ko Kok Beng Koh Ah Lek Koh Bee Teng Koh Chee Boon Koh Chor Hwang Koh Kwee Seng Koh Peng Seng Koh Shi Min, Annabel Koh Siew Yong Koh Tian Khe Koh Yen Leng, Sharon Koh, Audree Koh, Mike Kok Gek King Kong, Kelly Koo Yee Kheng Kow Hwee Mei Kshitij Gupta Ku, Johnny Ku, Manfred Kuah Kim Mooi Kuan Bee Lan Kuan Li Nah Kuek Yong Chua Kurien Vinay Thomas Kwa Goillian Kwa Kim Mooi Kwa Tiong Guan Kwai Cheng Huang Kwan Wai Meng, Tracy Kwek Ah Nia Kwek, Betty Kwek Su Sen Kwok Lee Kuen Kwok Pei Ling Kwok Seng Loon

Kwua Kok Eng Lai Nam Khim Lai Sock Har Lai Soh Fun Lam Choy Shen, Joyce Lam Kim Kee Lam Lee Phin Lam Peng Choy Lam Seng Tat Lara Anne Quie Lau Boo Chu Lau Dong Neng Lau, Jean Lau Kim Sui Lau Kin Harn Lau Loo Nee Lau Mei Lee Lau Ngan Song Lau Shook Fong Lau Siew Lan Lau Sow Keng Law Mee Yeng Lay Chan Keet, Terence Lee Ah Goh Lee Ah Ling Lee Au Puay Lee Bee Hong Lee Chee Kwan Lee Chung Seng Lee, Dave Lee Family Lee Gek Eng Lee Han Wah Lee Hian Hui Lee Hui San Lee Hwee Meng Lee Kee Huat Lee Kee Leon, Jason Lee Kee Yeow, Adrian Lee Kheng Chei Lee Kheng Chong Lee Kiah Kheng Lee Kim Yiang Lee Kin Boon Lee King Ling Lee Lay Chiew Lee Lay Har, Phyllis Lee Ling Ling Lee Mee Ling Lee Oi Har Lee Peng Guan Jeffrey Lee Poh Quck Lee Quai Kuen Lee Sau Hwa Lee Seok Keow Lee Sin Fatt Lee Sok Tin Lee Soo Min, Evelyn Lee Swee Lye Lee Swee Nam Lee Swee Sian, Jane Lee Tang Ling Lee Teck Lee Tee Sin Lee Ting Ting Lee Ting Xiang, Daniel Lee Wan Yuen Lee Wee Koon, Eddy Lee Wen Mook Lee Wen Xuan Lee Wen Ying Lee Xing Ying Lee Xuan Mei Lee Yin Wah Lee, Marilyn

Lee, Will Leng Hock Soon Leong Hui Shan, Sharon Leong Kan Chia Leong Yuen Soon Leow Chiap Yong Leow Jian Quan Leow Kiat Peng Leow Yong Long Lewn Mei Kin, Christine Liang Mei Lin Liang Yan Fang Liaw Tiong That Liew Cheng Ngoh Liew Lee Sing Liew Lih Ling Liew Meow Yuen Liew Pak Siang Liew Wen Hwee Lim Ah Cheng Lim Ah Moy Lim Ai Lin Lim Bee Khim Lim Bee Kien Lim Chan Hoe Lim Cheah Ngor Lim Chee Kiang Lim Chee Leong Lim Chee Pern Lim Chek Lim Cheng Song, John Lim Chew Yen, Carol Lim Chiang How Lim Chin Guan Lim Chin Han Lim Chin Kang Lim Chor Wee, Eugene Lim Fui Nee Lim Gek Siang Lim Ghim Choon Lim Hock Tat, Bernard Lim Hup Liang @ Lim Bing Jie Lim Hwee Peng, Linda Lim, Irene Lim, Jessica Lim Jew Tim Lim Ju Cheng Lim Kah Mua Lim Kiam Leong Lim Kim Choo Lim Kim Seng Lim Kok Seng Lim Kok Wee Lim May Poh, Mabel Lim Mei Chi Lim Mei Hwa Lim Meo Huang Lim Mu Xiang Lim Mui Hoon Lim Mui Yee Caroline Lim Nee Nee Lim Ngiang Noi Lim Peh Geok Elizabeth Alison Lim Pei Yee, Erin Lim Phaik Hoon Lim Phuay Tze Lim Poh Hoon Lim Poh How, David Lim Poh Seng Lim Pui Hing Lim Qing Xian Lim See Leng, Davy Lim Sen Yuen Lim Seng Hock Lim Seow Yuin

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Lim Shu Mei Lim Siew Koon Lim Siew Leng, Don Lim Siew Pheng Lim Siew Sia Lim Siong Keng Lim Soon Kiat Lim Sor Koon, Olivia Lim Swee How Lim Teck Poo, Xin Han & Sally Yap Lim Tian Ci Lim Wan Yee Lim Yong Hwee Lim Yong Joo, Nick Lim, Agnes Lim, Bruno Lim, Emmaline Lim, Juliana Lin Le Tian Lin Tulia Yonnata Ling Chor Hoon Liu Ah Jie Liu Chai Ying Liu Fei Wen Loh Han Sing Loh Kok Meng, Ivan Loh Lee Theng Loh Maximilian, Osel & Julia Loh Thiam Hwee Loh Yoke Khuan Loke Suet Lan Loo Choon Yoke Loo Jin Kiat Loo Kuen Feng Loo Thiam Chyn Low, Chelcy Low Chong Seng Low En Xi, Lily Low Guek Eng Low Gui Fang Low Hin Choy Low Hui Bin Low Jia Sen Low Kum Cheong Low Meng Teck Low Pay Meng Low Wai Ming Low Yee Leong Low Yee Ling Low Yen Yen Low Yoon Hin Low, Philip Loy Wee Sun Lum Wai Mun M Thevarani Ma Jiaying Mah Yoke Sim Manjo Bhargava Mary Edmonds Xue Ying Mary Joan Chan Bernal Michelle Cherlie Angela Moanoj Kumar Mok Mee Yee Mong Ee Ting Mong Wai Leng Mun Cheong Yue Murphy Darren Peter Nai Mui Ling, Sharon Neo Ah Soo Neo Guo Cheng Neo Mei Fung Neo Young Leng Ng Ah Guat Ng Bee Geok Ng, Carey

Ng Chai Hoe Ng Chee Yann Ng Choon Guat Ng En Han Ng Gek Eng Ng Gek Heoh Ng Guat Hwa Ng Hock San Ng Hui Kheng Ng Kim Seng Ng Kim Yong Ng Kok Hong Ng Koon Seng Ng Lay Bee Ng Lay Eng Ng Lay Kieng Ng Lee Hwee, Sharon Ng Mei Ling Ng Pei Thing Ng Poh Lee Ng Poh Sim Ng Seow Kin Ng Siew Ng Siew Eng, Judy Ng Siew Yun Ng Siok Bin Ng Siow Yee Ng Soh Lan, Christine Ng Soon Kuan Ng Swee Horng Ng Teck Hin Ng Wee Cheng Ng Yee Kong Ng Yik Chir Ng Yuh Fei, Adeline Ng, Dhira Nikhil Naredi Oh Chin Bong, Jeffery Oh Chin Yu Oh Kar Chye Ong Ai Lian Ong, Annabel Ong Bee Eng Ong Chew Hong Ong Ee Lin Ong, Evelyn Ong, Jamie Ong, Jovan Ong Kim Chuan Ong Lay Yong Ong Lee Eng Ong Peck Kian Ong Pee Eng Ong Seh Hong Ong Siew Choo Ong Siew Hua, Audrey Ong Soon Fai Ong Yeow Chon Ong Yew Chong Ow Yong Tuck Leong Ow Zhao Hui Pan Sin Fong, Oliver Pang Fong Chin Pang Hui Ling Pang Mou Pang Yu Qi Pang Yu Ying Park Jin Ha Peh Kok Heng Peter Pey Huey Shan Phey Kian Guan Phoa Chye Hin Phoon Siew Koon Phua Cheng Keow

Phua Chin Lan Phua Poie Hone Poh Beng Chye, Alan Poh Njeo Njeo Poh Yam Hong Poh, David Poh, Mary Poo Chooi Ping Poon Tai Weng Pua Hwee Leng Pung Mei Lan Qiu Rui Luang Quah Keng Sean, Aloka Quak Chin Heong Quek Gim Soon, Tenzin Quek Guek Lee Quek Hoon Gek Quek Lee Hoon Quek Pek Noi Quek Peng Huat Rajamanickam K Vemala Rangumani Devi d/o R.K. Naidu Sam Sandar Sarina Lee Kwee York Satesh Kumar s/o Samy Raja Saw Phuay Ling Say Kin Ee Sea Soo Kim Seah Bee Hwa Seah Lee Kiang Seah Poh Har Seah Soon Seng Seah Suat Hua Sean, Heng, Leong, Adeline, Tian Xiang & Ivan See Cheng Kok See Sock Cheng See, Jeffrey (Mr & Mrs) Seetoh Mei Cheng Seetoh Swee Cheng Seow Cheng Geok Seow Jun Chyi Seow Oon Tiong She Chin How Shelia Shih, Yvonne Shivabalan Dhakshinamoorthy Siah Hock Eng Siah Hock Lai Siau Li Chao Sim Kee Leong Sim Keow Lian Sim Kwang Meng Sim Lay Hoon Sim Pei Ci Sim Soon Khin, Vivien Sim Teck Choon, Patrick Sim Wai Fong Sim, Daniel Sim, Jade Sim, Vivien & Friends Sin Kim Yong, Ronald Sin Lai Ching Sin Lin Li Sing Kar Joo, Lily Siong Hin How Siow Pei Ching Sng Peck Choo Sng Sok Moey Soh Hee Hoh Soh Keng Shun Soh Keng Yew Soh Lian Eu Soh, Eric

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Song Keng Ann Soo Mui Leng, Eleen Soong Yee Yue Stacey Molly Jo Su Xiu Zhen Sukanto Kheng Sumarlin Sung Sio Ma Suriaty Simon Sushma Jobanputra Tam Shiyun Noelle Camelia Tan Ai Hiang Tan Ai Hua Tan Bee Hong Tan Chee Ming, William Tan Chee Yin Tan Cheng Cheng Tan Cheng Quee Tan Cheng Suan Tan Cheow Mian Tan Chiew Kian Tan Chiew Koon Tan Ching Leng, Bobby Tan Ching Song Tan Chui Chuan, Rayan Tan Chung Pheng Tan Chwee Siang Tan Dennis & Friends Tan Ee Tin Tan Eng Jee Tan Family Tan Gee Wai Tan Gek Lee Tan Geok Heok Tan Geok Lan Tan Gooi Eng @ Tan Lek Eng Tan Guat Ling Tan Guat Ming, Caren Tan Guat Peng Tan Guek Neo, Jessie Tan Han Yang Tan Hiang Tiang Tan Hock Chye Tan Hock Hoon Tan Hui Yang Tan Jin Shun, Lawrence Tan Joon Thai Tan Juan Fong Tan Kei Loon Tan Keng Leng Tan Kim Choo, Selina Tan Kim Choon Tan Kim Mui Tan Kim Ying Tan Kok Leong, Alvin Tan Kwai Ling Tan Kwang Hwee Tan Lai Choon Tan Lay Hoon Tan Lay Hua Tan Lee Leng Tan Lee Sien Tan Lee Tuan Tan Lian Eng Tan Lin Jia Tan Mee Yun Tan Meow Ying Tan Mui Hong Tan Pak Lung Tan Peng Chan Tan Phuay Miang Tan Seah Lam Tan Seet Koh Tan Shau Fong Tan Shu Yi, Jewel

Tan Siew Teen Tan Sing Gek, Michelle Tan Siok Gim Tan Soo Hiang Tan Sook Leng Tan Swee Lim Tan Thung Keat Tan Tock Cheng Tan Tsang, Paul Tan Wah Lian Tan Wan Tung Tan Wee Leong Tan Wei Ling Tan Wei Tong Tan Whye Chin Tan Yang Ling, Jenifer Tan Yen Hui Tan Yew Chuan Tan Yew Seng Tan Yong Beng Tan Yong Wang Tan Youk Ha Tan Yu Boon, Dennis Tan Yue Boon Tan Ze Huei Tan Zee Chunn Tan, Jennie Tan, Jenny Tan, Lily Tan, Stella Tan, Zion Tang Jing Ying, Tracy Tang Mei Fong Tang Poh Ing Tang Poh Kwai Tang Soei Lan Tay Ai Tin Tay Boon Hau Tay Geok Hoon Tay Hai Seng, Samuel Tay Lay Eng Tay Lee Konn Tay Nam Beng Tay Sai Hua Tay Sen Ai Tay Seok Hong, Sherry Tay Sock Kiang Tay Yew Gek Teh Yicai Teng Ah Hong Teng Peng Hua Teng, Janice Teo Amanda & Benjamin Teo Teo Bee Geok Teo Boon Kwang Teo Buck Poo Teo Chee Koon Teo Chor Leng Teo Hoo Beng Teo Hui Kuan Teo Kek Lee Teo Kiat Chik Teo Kwan Wei, Samuel Teo Ming Hua Teo Perry, Celine, Lasey Teo Shu Xian Teo Siew Chern Teo Thiam Seng Teo, Tammie Teo, Veronique Teoh Geik Lee Teoh Say Heong Tham Kit Xan, Catherine The Late Chan Kim Fatt The Late Lee Bee Kheng, Jane

The Staff of Jones Day Thiam Kok Chong Tho Ching Pheng Thong Jian Jen Tin Tin Sumarta Ting Fei Wen Ting Lay Lan Toh Boon Geok, Lynne Toh Chor Kheng Jenny Toh Edmer Toh Eng Guan Toh Kwee Tin Toh Lam Yong, Eric Toh Pau Chu Toh Swee Heng Tong Moe Lan Tsai Jen Mei Tung Siok Har Vincent D Mello Vivian Wan Pak Fai Wang Chwee Leng, Louis Wang Li Xia Wang Toi Fatt Wang Xiu Rui Wee Eng Hin Wee Jun Wen Wee Koh Sian Wee Poo Choo, Janice Wee Sing Foong Wee Tai Wei Wee Tye Chuen Wee, Julian Weng Guo Ming Weng He Li Win Lai Yi Wong Chai Seng Wong Chak Pung, Kelly Wong Chiew Mee Wong Chin Hin Wong Chin Nai Wong Chin Poh Wong Choon Kew Wong Chye Lian Wong Fat Hung, Justin Wong Hon Leong Wong Lee Yin Wong Loong Tik Wong Mee Yin Wong Mui Mui Wong Mun Keen Wong Po Sim Wong Siew Peng Wong Soon Joo Wong Tzai Chian Wong Wai Khin Wong Wai Kit Wong Weng Fai Wong Wui Jin Wong Yoon Hsie Wong, Helen Wong, Lydia Wong, Stephanie Xie Li Zhen Xie Mee Hua Xu Gui Shen Xu Qiao Ping Xu Yong Yong Xu, Yvonne Yang Bao Zhu Yang Pei Shan Yang Poh Kim Yang Poh Peh Yang Yi Chau Yap Ah Ming

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Yap Gin Thiam Yap Gui Yong Yap Ham Shing Yap Jia Hao, Xavier Yap Wai Lin Yap Yee Chuai Yee Eow Lin Yee Peng Fei Yeh Chien Ee Yen Toh Yeo Ai Lian, Irene Yeo Chai Hoon Yeo Chiat Wei Yeo Choo Ling Yeo Choon Teng Yeo Guat Chiew

Yeo Guat Eng Yeo Hui Zhen Yeo Kwang Seng Yeo Pei Shan Yeo Seng Huat Yeo Siew Tin Yeo Sock Hwa Yeong Yan Kit Yeow Seng Tuck Yew Boon Heng Yi Gu Huang Yi Jing Xian Shen Yip Boon Ming Yip Calvin Yip Soon Ying Yip Tip Yee & Celine Lim Yiu Lai King

Yong Bee Hong Yong Sze Chee, Nora Yong Yark Siew Young S.Y. Yow Yin Chee Yu Lian Chu Yueh Shuek Siah Yup Tuck Keong Zara Eleanor Sadler Shafruddin Zhang Han Cang Zhang Pu Xiang Zhao Shan Feng Zhao Yong Fa Zheng Jia E Zheng Yue Ai Zhuo Zheng Yu

If we have misspelled or omitted your name, please accept our apologies and inform Shan You office at 6741 9293.


We sincerely appreciate the following organisations and individuals for assisting Shan You in big and

small ways from admin and logistic support to fundraising and service programme delivery. Thank you!


Asiainfo International

Drigar Thubten Dargye Ling

Green Haven Jones Day Lam Soon (S) Pte Ltd

Lian Shan Shuang Lin Monastery (惟俨法师)

nEbO Club and the Committed Youth Volunteers

One Farrer Hotel & Spa

Palelai Buddhist Temple

Singapore Buddhist Youth Mission

Yee Lee Oils Pte Ltd Zesprion Language Centre Pte Ltd


Ang Adrain

Ang Hong Lian, James

Ang John

Ang Lay Eng

Ang Louisa

Ang Seng Leong

Ann Ann Boo

Bak Fook Wai, Patrick

Bhairav Chopra

Bing Ho

Boh Tuang Lee, Gui Ning

Brem Mah


Chan Chay Gek, Joanne

Chan Fay Ching

Chan Guan

Chan Hing Kay

Chan Kai Ler

Chan Kim Kong

Chan Kim Sian

Chan Sieng Ka

Chang John

Chang Ling Seow

Chee Pheng Pheng

Chen Jia Yang

Cheng Yu Fang

Cheong, Chelsea

Cheong, Kenny

Cheong Ming Feng

Chew Li Li

Chia Cheng Ho, Freddy

Chia Hong Khye

Chia Mui Choon, Kelvin

Chia Ser Hung, Jeff

Chia SM, Lilian

Chin Fook Yin

Chin Lee Huang

Chiu Guan Ru

Chng Hwee Hong

Chng Teck Lam

Choi, Karel

Chong, Agnes

Chong Lian Fong

Chong, Nicolette

Chong Wei Chiang

Choo Chih Wei

Choo Lin

Chor Shy Kuan, Alethea

Chou Siew Wah

Chow Choy Yeen, Pearline

Chow Connie

Christopher Andi Wibowo

Chu Chantel

Chua Bee Hwee

Chua Boon Tee, Wendy

Chua Hui Ru, Lynn

Chua Jiak Ching

Chua Keng Chua

Chua, Kenji

Chua Kim Long

Chua Li Peng

Chua Meng Chai

Chua Peck Kee

Chua Peh Yee

Chua Xin Ying

Chua Yong Hock

Chua Yu Xuan

Chua Yuan Cheng

Chua Zhe Xuan

Chung, Carol

Chung, Cindy

Chung Lian Seng

Chye Mui Yen

Ciin Ciin

Clarise Aathar Jia Yi

Dai Shu Yang

Ding Ying Tess

Dr Bibi Jan Ayyub

Dr Chow

Ee Chin Seng

Enez Seetoh

Florianne Agathe

Fong Leighton

Fong Yee Fai

Fong Yoke Wah

Fong Zi Xi, Cyrus

Foo, Evelyn

Foo, Samantha

Ganthi Viswanthan

Goay Rong Rong

Goh Kim Buay

Goh Sing Hui

Guo Jia

Page 26 of 29

Gwee, Henry

Heng Andy

Heng Meow Ling

Heng Poh Huat, Simon

Hew Jia Liang, Richard

Ho, Elaine

Ho, Jenni

Ho, Lyn

Ho, Ron

Ho Soo Pong

Ho Sook Hwa

Ho Xiao Fang

Hong Ghim Phong, Don

Hoo Pak Wai, Francis

Hsieh Pang Fang

Huang Li Xia

Huang Mei Zhu


Jie Ying

Jo Soh


Kaan Chitranapawong

Kae Sebastian

Ken Sue


Khoo, Evelyn

Khoo, Jenny

Khoo, Kelvin

Khoo, Tiffany

Khor Gui Wei

Khu Meow Keng

Kng Kim Eng

Koh Ah Luan, Maria

Koh Chee Boon

Koh Daniel

Koh Elycia

Koh Huai Fang, Jessie

Koh Hui Ting

Koh Hwa Yong

Koh Kai Tah

Koh Kian Goek

Koh Kim Teck, Kelvin

Koh, Lawrence

Koh, Mary

Koh Sock Whee

Koh Wee Lee, Melissa

Koh, Wilson

Koi Sze Ming

Kok Weng Keong, Kevin

Koo Pau Tean

Ku, Manfred

Kuan Kwok Ling

Kwai Cheng Huang

Kwai, Pearlina

Kwee Soon Kiat, Benny

Kwek Benjamin and family

Kwek, Mary

Kwok Yoke Chee

Lai Sock Har

Lai Swee Leng

Lam, Jessy

Lau Ah Nee, Lawrance

Lau Bo Chu, Janet

Lau Hoi Yee, Jaszmine

Lau Kok Meng

Lau Mason

Lee Aloysius

Lee Ann Gie

Lee Chan Wai

Lee Cheng Soon

Lee Choo Gek, Lvy

Lee Chung Seng

Lee, Dennis

Lee, Elvis

Lee Eng Chuan

Lee Eng Heng

Lee Gek Ching

Lee Hui San

Lee Jun Yang

Lee Kai Haein

Lee Kelvin

Lee Lay Har, Phyllis

Lee Lee Khoon, Serene

Lee, Michelle

Lee Siew Nah, Stephanie

Lee Sin Fatt

Lee, Steven

Lee, Susan

Lee Swee Ngoh

Lee Thian Soon, Robert

Lee Victor

Lee Wee Chuang

Lee Wei Cheng & Mrs Lee

Lee Yin Wah

Lee Zhi Qiang

Lek Jie Ying

Lew Jon

Lew Soak Fun, Sherlis

Lewis Lo

Li Sing Yeung

Li Yik Tsun

Lim Ah Mui, Sharon

Lim Bee Luan

Lim Chong Sin, Kelvin

Lim Chor Huah

Lim, Chris

Lim, Desmond

Lim, Eddy

Lim, Eric

Lim, Flora

Lim Jae

Lim Keng Thye, John

Lim May Poh, Mabel

Lim Mei Qi

Lim Meng Kwang

Lim Oh Hong

Lim Pei Yee, Erin

Lim Siang Meng, Desmond

Lim Si Qi

Lim Soon Choy

Lim Wee Beng, Admond

Lim, Winniefred

Lim Xuan Li, Michelle

Lim Ye Kai

Lim, Bryan

Lim, Catherine

Lin, Kevin

Lin Mei Ruan

Lin Ya Ling

Linda Zee

Liu Yu Xiao

Loh Patrick

Loo Thiam Chyn, Johnny


Low Ah Sai

Low, Eileen

Low, Jack

Low, Ken

Low Kim Eng

Low Kum Cheong

Low Kwong Meng, Lance

Loy Wee San

Lu Jie Lin

Lum Wai Mun

Mah Lawrence

Maxmillion Kurniawan

Mdm Ho

Mel Veen Boo

Mong Chien Miow

Nah Ming Foo, Kenneth

Nan Goh

Navazapon Pupongbunyarit

Neo Sea King, Kelvin

Ng, Andrea

Ng, Charles

Ng Cher Soon


Ng Chuey Peng

Ng Gim Hon, Dhira

Ng Hai Jun, Nicholas

Ng, James

Ng Joo Leng

Ng, Kenny

Ng Lay Mui

Ng Meyliana

Ng Soon Kuan

Ng, Stanley

Ng Wee Khiang

Nguyen Thao


Nly Li Yun

Norinchukin Bank

Oh, Jeffrery

Oh, Maureen

Ong, Audrey

Ong Bee Tin

Ong Beng Hui, Gleyn

Ong, Chad

Ong, Glyen

Ong Lee Eng

Ong, Sharon

Ong Sok Kee, Betty

Ow Song Yeen, Maxine

Pang Chin Ching

Pang Tong Teng

Phang Hsiao Yun

Phoon Francis and Daughters

Phoon Siew Koon

Phua Poie Hone, Bright

Phylis and Family

Pimpeera Khorputtanuparb

Poh Beng Chye, Alan

Ponlawid Misari

Poon Jordan

Poon Joshua

Poon Tai Weng

Pua Lea Kien and Family

Puah, Priscillia

Qian Zhang

Qiu Buabucha

Quek Poh Choo, Ivy

Saik Chin Wen, Sharon


Seow Hui Huang

Seow Jane & Family

Seow Teck Wee

Setoh Wai Tuck

Page 27 of 29

Sim, Angela

Sim, Micki

Sim Siew Ching

Sim Teck Choon, Patrick

Sing Kar Joo Lily

Sng Han Kua

Sng Li Hwei

Sng Li Loo

Soh, Charlie

Soh Lian En

Somying Chawengpaopun

Song Li Chiu, Veronica




Tan Bee Luan, Irene

Tan Bee Po

Tan Boon Kiat, Jordan

Tan Chee Yin

Tan Cheng Kiat

Tan Chian Huay

Tan Chin Leong

Tan Chui Chuan, Rayan

Tan Dhillon

Tan Emileigh Shinyin

Tan Gooi Eng

Tan Hai Choi, Gilbert

Tan Hao Yi, Zen

Tan Hian Chye, Jacky

Tan Hiang Thong, Derek

Tan Hock Hai, Johnson

Tan, Horace

Tan Hui Yang

Tan Hui Yi

Tan Kim Noey

Tan Kwang Boon, Dennis

Tan Lay Har

Tan Ming Xiang, Alex

Tan, Peter

Tan Poh Gek , Candy

Tan Poh Hoon, Phern

Tan Puay Khai

Tan, Robin

Tan, Ronald

Tan ShinYee, Lydia

Tan Siak Huat

Tan Sioh Teow

Tan Sook Khuan, Helenna

Tan Su Yee

Tan, Tony

Tan Twee Kong, Simon

Tan Wee Meng Phil

Tan Wee Teck, Kelvin

Tan Xing Zhong, Benny

Tan Yan Bin

Tan Yeow Teck, Tony

Tan Yew Chuan

Tan Yih Lih, Jamie

Tan Yong Yi

Tan Yu Boon, Dennis

Tan Yuen Ru, Kelly

Tang Poh Ing

Tang Tin Chuann

Tay Chiew Har, Katherine

Tay Hai Seng, Samuel

Tay Hong Heng, Andy

Tay Hui Leng, Karen

Tay, Jadey

Tay, Joan

Tay, Katherine

Tay Lay Har

Tay Moon

Tay Pei Pei

Tay Sang Choo

Tay Wang Chye, Josh

Tay Zhe Ming

Teng Chia Yan, Sharon

Teng Janice

Teng Kit Yun, Jay

Teo Ah Choo

Teo, Alicia

Teo Chai Ying

Teo Cher Hoon, Grace

Teo Chor Leng

Teo, Felicia

Teo Hao Kang, Benjamin

Teo Hong Mui

Teo, Jasmine

Teo Kek Lee, David

Teo Mei Yin

Teo Wee Peng, Joseph

Teo Yong Kong

Tey Bee Hoon, Kelly

Tey Xi Yi

Tham, Janelle

Theng Kian Chung, Nigel

Thng Angie

Thoo Lee Fong

Tina Lee

Tng Jia Wei, Teddy

Toh Edmer

Toh Wendy

Tsai Jarryl

Tu Yi

Valerie Amanda

Varun Ravi Chandran

Vigineswari D/O Pasupathy

Vikaesh S/O Moorthy


Voravich Watthanarojanaporn

Wang Jia Yi

Wang Kwei Fang

Wang Yu Zhen

Wee Eng Hin

Wee, Eric

Wee, Simon

Wee, Susanna

Wee Tye Chuen

Will Lee

Wong, Alethea

Wong, David

Wong Geok Kim

Wong Ho Yin

Wong, Serene

Wong Tzai Chian

Wong Wai Sim

Woo Mei Lam

Wu Ze Rong

Xiao Mo

Xiao Yu Han

Xu, Augustine

Xu, Jacky

Yan Zhi Wen

Yap, Clara

Yap, Susan

Yeo Choon Teng

Yeo Siew Ngee

Yeo Wen Qing

Yeow Kum Hung

Yeow Wai Hun, Joan

Yeow Wai Kit, Malcolm

Ying Choy Mei

Yoke Peng, Joanna

Yong Sow Lin

Yow Yin Chee, Mike

Zhu Rui Cong

Zoe Eu Er







If we have misspelled or omitted your name, please accept our apologies and inform Shan You office at 6741 9293.

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Principal Advisor Prof. Mark Williams

Specialist Advisor Prof. G.T. Maurits Kwee Dr. Joel Porter Dr. Kotra Krishna Mohan Dr. Lionel Lim C.C. Dr. Ng Koon Hock Dr. Ng Yee Kong Dr. Ng Yuen Yen Dr. Ong Seh Hong Dr. Philip Tsui Dr. Suzanne Habib


President Dr. Jenny Quek Vice President Mr. Patrick Peck Honorary Secretary Ms. Mabel Lim Assistant Honorary Secretary Ms. Yvette Yeo Acting Honorary Treasurer Mr. Eddy Lim Ordinary Committee Member Mr. Yeo Yam How Ordinary Committee Member Mr. William Tng Ordinary Committee Member Mr. Tang Wek Soon Ordinary Committee Member Ms. Lillian Lee


Executive Director Aloka Quah Accountant Grace Lee Accounts & Admin Executive Jenny Tan Programme Executive Annabel Koh Programme Executive Lim Shu Mei Senior Counsellor Jane Wong Counsellor Winne Wong Alicia Koh Tan Kah Chun Alice Liang

Charlene Teo Clinical Admin Executive Lim Soo Hua Clinical Supervisor Dr. Wong Shyh Shin Wellness Community Programme Executive Elaine Choo Social Work Associate Light Chua Programme Coordinator Susan Chong Law Mee Yeng


Unique Entity Number: S95SS0103B ROS Registration Number: ROS 107/95 WEL Charity Registration Number: 001141 IPC Number: IPC000253 Registered Address: Blk 5 Upper Boon Keng Road #02-15 Singapore 380005 Banker: DBS Bank Ltd Auditor: Suhaimi Salleh & Associates, Public Accountants and Chartered Accountants of Singapore

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Address: Block 5 Upper Boon Keng Road #02-15 Singapore 380005

Opening Hours: Mondays, Wednesdays to Fridays: 9 am to 6 pm Tuesdays: 9 am to 9 pm Saturdays, Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed

WELLNESS COMMUNITY (A community wellness project of Shan You Counselling Centre)

Address: Block 3 Eunos Crescent #01-2591/3/5 Singapore 400003

Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays: 9 am to 6 pm Saturdays: 9 am to 1 pm Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed



Enquiry: [email protected]

Food Rations: [email protected]

Food Rations: 6745 9216 (Tel) 6745 9351 (Fax)

Wellness Community: 6745 9293 (Tel) 6745 9351 (Fax)

Shan You Counselling Centre: 6741 9293 (Tel) 6741 9352 (Fax)


Yuan Yuan Helpline: 6741 0078

Opening Hours: Mondays to Fridays: 12 pm to 6 pm Saturdays: 1 pm to 5 pm Sundays & Public Holidays: Closed