syllabus 10 day safe 20 hour comprehensive pe with schedule 2015 renewal

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  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus 10 Day SAFE 20 Hour Comprehensive PE With Schedule 2015 Renewal


    20 Hour Mortgage Loan Originator SAFE Comprehensive Course

    Course Syllabus - 10 Day

    Welcome to our SAFE Comprehensive Course. We are excited to assist you in furthering or

    beginning your mortgage career and are pleased you chose Praedo Institute to satisfy youreducation requirements.

    Course Purpose

    This course is meant to satisfy the 20 hour SAFE education requirement for mortgage originator

    licensure. This course does not include any state specific content. Please contact us if you need

    to license in a state which requires state specific content so we may ensure your compliance

    with your state's requirements. This course will also prepare you for the National Component

    of the SAFE Mortgage Loan Originator Exam.

    Course Description

    In addition to the SAFE required topics, you will find information related to loan qualification

    and the loan process. This course includes discussion forums, interactive content, practice

    questions, and live instructor support.

    Course Dates and Times

    This course begins on Wednesday's at 8:00am Mountain Time and must be completed by

    midnight on the session end date. Please note: In this session, you will be required to

    complete course work and assignments over the weekend.

    Please pay close attention to the course schedule found at the end of this syllabus. You are

    required by NMLS to complete assignments and progress through the course with the other

    students in your session. If you do not submit your assignments by the required time and fall

    behind in the course, you will automatically fail the course. At that point, you may choose a

    different session date and re-start the course from the beginning.

    NMLS has made it quite clear that courses must be completed in a timely manner. Please

    consider the following from Functional Specifications for all NMLS Approved Courses: Version


    "Note: The availability of Online Instructor-Led courses is intended to ensure an option exists

    for individuals where attending a classroom course may be problematic due to geography or

    lack of availability of a local course provider. The scheduling of these courses is not intended to

    be a convenience option whereby a student can causally work at their own pace or when their

  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus 10 Day SAFE 20 Hour Comprehensive PE With Schedule 2015 Renewal


    schedule allows. Students taking these courses are required to allocate personal/professional

    time and put forth the same level of effort as would be required to complete a classroom or

    classroom equivalent course. During the time period in which the course is being offered,

    instructors are required to hold students accountable for attendance and work, and must be

    responsive to students assignments and questions just as they would be in a physicalclassroom. "

    Instructor Contact Information

    Once you register for the course, you will receive an email from the instructor assigned to your

    course. The email will introduce your instructor as well as explain contact methods and

    expected response times. All of our instructors are required to respond to student questions

    within one business day of the receipt of your question. Your instructors personal email will be

    included in the introduction email.

    Course Objectives

    Each of the individual modules in this course include learning objectives applicable to the

    individual module itself. Our course is meant to give you an introduction to the mortgage

    industry. Upon completing this course, you should be able to do the following:

    Define basic mortgage terms;

    Perform mathematical calculations common to the mortgage industry;

    Explain certain mortgage concepts to potential borrowers;

    Comply with applicable federal laws related to the mortgage industry.

    You should also be able to pass the National Component of the SAFE Mortgage Loan

    Originator Exam.

    Grading Policy

    Most of the sections in this course consist of slides mixed with comprehension questions. Each

    chapter includes a chapter quiz, and most sections include a course final. You may view the

    slides at your own pace, but you must answer all of the comprehension questions correctly and

    score 80 percent on all quizzes to receive credit for the course. You must also pass the SAFE

    practice exam with a score of at least 80 percent.

    Several of the modules also include case studies, which involve the completion of a certain

    project. The details for the individual case studies are found in the course.

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    Our course also includes 8-10 learning activities. In each of the learning activities, you will be

    required to either post comments on our discussion forum or email an assignment to your

    instructor for grading. Instructions for the learning activities are included in the course.

    Your course consists of four parts. At the end of each part, you will be required to submit anassignment to your instructor. You must submit your assignment to your instructor by

    midnight MT on the day the assignment is due. If you fail to submit your assignment by this

    time, you will fail the course and be required to reschedule your course and start from the


    Your instructor will grade your assignment by 10am MT the following day. Once your

    assignment has been graded and passed, your instructor will allow you access to the next part

    of your course.

    If your assignment is rejected by your instructor, you will need to re-do and re-submit the

    assignment. Once the assignment has been re-submitted, you will also need to email

    [email protected] to inform us of the re-submission. Your instructor will grade it in a timely

    manner and if you pass, you will be allowed to continue with the course. Please be sure to

    check your course email for your instructor's approval.

    Course Policies

    Each student is required to submit an Identity Affidavit. By confirming the Attestation, the

    student certifies that the course work was or will be completed by the person for whom the

    certificate will be issued. The student further certifies that they did or will not receive any

    assistance in completing the course. The submission of a completion certificate for a course

    they did not complete themselves may constitute fraud on the students part and is subject to

    prosecution and/or discipline.

    Technical Support

    As our course is entirely online, we do offer live technical support via telephone and email from

    8:30am to 5:00pm Mountain Time on regular business days. After hours, holiday, and

    weekend support is available 365 days a year via email from 9:00am to 10:00pm Mountain

    Time. Our telephone number is 801-492-9933 and the support email [email protected].

    Please note, our technical support staff will often be unable to answer content questions which

    are more appropriately directed to your instructor.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Using our System

    Once you purchase the course and are logged into our system, you should see a link to the

    course on your home page. This link will launch the course. Please carefully review the

    introduction module for instructions on using our online system.

    Course Outline

    This course consists of four parts, each covering different aspects of the Secure and Fair

    Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008 (SAFE Act).

    SAFE Part One: Consumer Protection

    SAFE 20 Hour Pre-licensing Course Introduction: This module will introduce you to our system.

    Adherence to the advice and instructions offered in this module will greatly improve your

    online education experience.

    Learning Activity Welcome: The student will follow the instructions to make a post about


    Consumer Protection Chapter 1: Chapter One covers the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. It consists

    of the following sections:

    Privacy Rule

    Safeguard Rule


    Consumer Protection Chapter 2: Chapter Two covers the Do Not Call Rules. It consists of the

    following sections:

    Do Not Call Registry

    Do Not Fax Rules

    Consumer Protection Chapter 3: Chapter Three covers the Red Flags Rule. It consists of the

    following sections:


    Red Flag Rule Requirements

    Identifying Red Flags

    Learning Activity Consumer Protection: The student will follow instructions to post

    information on the discussion forum regarding consumer protection.

    Identity Theft Case Study: The student will review information on the Federal Trade

    Commission's web site and answer related questions.

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    Learning Activity Identity Theft: After reviewing the information from the case study, the

    student will follow instructions to post remarks on the discussion forum.

    Fair Lending & Housing Chapter 1: Chapter One covers the Fair Housing Act, the Equal CreditOpportunity Act, and the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. It consists of the following sections:

    Fair Housing Act

    Equal Credit Opportunity Act

    Home Mortgage Disclosure Act

    Fair Lending & Housing Chapter 2: Chapter Two covers the Fair Credit Reporting Act and the

    Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act. It consists of the following sections:

    Fair Credit Reporting Act

    Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act

    Fair Lending & Housing Chapter 3: Chapter Three covers the governmental agencies whoparticipate in regulating the mortgage industry. It consists of the following sections:

    Role of the Federal Reserve

    Role of the Federal Trade Commission

    Role of the Department of Housing and Urban Developments

    Hud Case Study: The student will review information on the HUD web site and answer related

    questions with regard to Fair Housing.

    Learning Activity Fair Housing: After completing the HUD case study, the student will followinstructions to post a scenario on the discussion forum.

    Loan Fraud & Ethics Chapter 1: Chapter One will introduce you to the definition of loan fraud

    and different types of loan fraud. It consists of the following sections:

    Introduction to Loan Fraud

    Definition of Loan Fraud

    Consequences of Loan Fraud

    Types of Fraud

    Loan Fraud and Ethics Chapter 2: Chapter Two will review popular loan fraud schemes andloan fraud statistics. This chapter also discusses ways to detect fraud and licensee obligations

    when it comes to loan fraud. It consists of the following sections:

    Common Loan Fraud Schemes

    Short Sale Fraud

    MARI Fraud Index

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    Loan Fraud Case Study: The student will review information on the FBI's web site and answer

    related questions with regard to fraud.

    Learning Activity Loan Fraud & Ethics: The student will search the Internet for two examples of

    loan fraud and report their findings to their instructor through the internal email system.

    This assignment must be completed and submitted by midnight MT on the date indicated in

    the course schedule.

    SAFE Part Two: Federal Law

    Non-Traditional Mortgage Products Chapter 1: Chapter One introduces the student to non-

    traditional mortgage products. It consists of the following sections:

    Introduction to the Industry

    Definition of the Industry

    Product Overviews

    Non-Traditional Mortgage Products Chapter 2: Chapter Two covers federal guidance of the

    non-traditional mortgage industry. It consists of the following sections:

    Interagency Guidance on Nontraditional Mortgage Product Risks

    Loan Terms and Underwriting Standards

    Portfolio and Risk Management Practices

    Consumer Protection Issues

    Statement on Sub-prime Mortgage Lending Predatory Lending

    Prepayment Penalties

    Reduced Documentation

    Payment Shock

    Workout Arrangements

    Consumer Protection Principles

    RESPA Chapter 1: Chapter One introduces RESPAs provisions regarding disclosure of costs and

    record keeping. It consists of the following sections: Purposes of the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act

    Scope of RESPA

    Exempt Transactions


    Advance Disclosure of Costs - Good Faith Estimate

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  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus 10 Day SAFE 20 Hour Comprehensive PE With Schedule 2015 Renewal


    Safe Harbor

    Presenting Loan Options

    TILA Chapter 4: Chapter Four Covers the ability to repay and QM rule. It consists of the

    following section:

    Ability to Repay and QM Rule

    Learning Activity TILA: The student will follow the instructions to search the Internet to find

    mortgage ads which include trigger terms. They will complete an assignment and submit it to

    their instructor through the internal email system.

    This assignment must be completed and submitted by midnight MT on the date indicated in

    the course schedule.

    SAFE Part Three: Industry Basics

    Industry Chapter 1: Chapter One reviews the structure of the mortgage industry. It consists of

    the following sections:

    Structure of the Mortgage Industry

    The Primary Market

    The Secondary Market

    Mortgage Brokers

    Mortgage Lenders/Bankers

    Secondary Market Transactions

    The Capital Market

    Industry Chapter 2: Chapter Two discusses the basic mortgage categories. It consists of the

    following sections:

    Mortgage Industry Overview

    Purchase Transactions

    Rate/Term Refinance

    Cash-Out Refinance

    Mortgage Categories

    Conventional/Conforming FHA - Federal Housing Administration

    Advantages of FHA Lending

    Higher Debt to Income Ratios

    Non-occupant Co-borrowers

    Disadvantages of FHA Lending

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    VA Loans

    Rural Housing

    Construction Loans


    Second Mortgage/HELOC Reverse Equity/HECM

    Loan Process: Qualification Chapter 1: Chapter One covers pre-qualification. It consists of the

    following sections:


    Down Payment



    CreditLoan Process: Qualification Chapter 2: Chapter Two explores file documentation. It consists

    of the following sections:

    Assembling the File

    Income Documentation

    Acceptable Assets

    Loan Process: Qualification Chapter 3: Chapter Three reviews credit reports. It consists of the

    following sections:

    Credit Reports

    Credit Scores

    FICO Scores Case Study: The student will review credit scores and answer questions related to


    Learning Activity Credit Report: The student will follow the instructions to post a comment on

    the discussion forum regarding credit scores.

    Learning Activity Loan Process: Qualification: The student will complete an assignment based

    on qualification calculations and submit their work to their instructor through the internal emailsystem.

    This assignment must be completed and submitted by midnight MT on the date indicated in

    the course schedule.

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    SAFE Part Four: Loan Process Part II & Math

    Loan Process: Part II Chapter 1: Chapter One covers mortgage products. It consists of the

    following sections:

    Fixed Rate Mortgages Adjustable Rate Mortgages


    HELOC - Home Equity Line of Credit

    Reverse Mortgages

    Loan Process: Part II Chapter 2: Chapter Two covers appraisals. It consists of the following


    Types of appraisals

    Cost Approach

    Income Approach Market Approach

    Loan Process: Part II Chapter 3: Chapter Three covers the closing process. It consists of the

    following sections:

    Hazard Insurance

    Flood Insurance

    Mortgage Insurance

    Dropping Mortgage Insurance

    Title, Escrow and Closing

    Mortgages, Notes and Liens

    Title Insurance Policies

    Learning Activity Loan Process: Part II: The student will review the types of loan products

    discussed and follow the instructions to post a comment on the discussion forum and respond

    to another student's post.

    Math Chapter 1: Chapter One covers the types of problems contained on the S.A.F.E. national

    exam outline. It consists of the following sections:

    Interest Calculations

    Monthly Payments

    Interest Only Payments

    Down Payment Calculations

    Math Chapter 2: Chapter Two covers loan to value ratios, debt to income ratios, and ARM

    adjustments. It consists of the following sections:

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    LTV Calculations

    Debt to Income Ratios

    ARM Adjustments

    Loan Payment Case Study: The student will complete a series of math calculations.

    The student will submit their completed assignment through the internal email system to their

    instructor for grading.

    This assignment must be completed and submitted by midnight MT on the date indicated in

    the course schedule.

    Course Evaluation: Students will be allowed to give feedback regarding the course.

    Course Final: The student is required to take and pass a 125 question final exam with a score

    of 80% or higher. Once you have successfully passed your course final, your course will be


    Course Schedule

    This course consists of the four parts outlined above. The requirements for each part are listed

    in the course schedule with the time allowed to complete each learning module. You must

    follow this schedule and progress through the course with the other students in your session

    in order to receive credit for the course. Per NMLS regulations, if you do not complete the

    course as outlined in the course schedule, you will automatically fail the course. At that

    point, you may choose a different session date and re-start the course from the beginning.

    This course meets the minimum time requirement of 50 seat minutes for each clock hour the

    course is approved. This course is approved as a 20 hour course and must be completed in its

    entirety in order for you to receive credit.

    Good Luck

    Once again, thank you for choosing Praedo Institute. Your success is extremely important to us.

    Please let us know if we can be of assistance at any time. Enjoy the course!

  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus 10 Day SAFE 20 Hour Comprehensive PE With Schedule 2015 Renewal


    Course Schedule - 10 day

    ScheduleTopics and

    ActivitiesReading Due







    SAFE Part One: Consumer Protection

    Course IntroductionIntroduction &


    Verify and submit

    Online Attestation15

    Learning Activity


    Learning Activity


    Post an introduction

    on the Discussion



    Consumer Protection Chapters 1,2, & 3Complete Chapter

    Quizzes and Exam105

    Learning Activity:Consumer Protection

    Learning ActivityInstructions

    Post information

    regarding consumerprotection on the

    Discussion Forum



    Identity Theft Case



    information on the

    FTC's website

    Complete Quiz 10

    Learning Activity:

    Identity Theft


    information on the

    FTC's website

    Post remarks on the

    Discussion Forum10

    Fair Lending and

    HousingChapters 1,2, & 3

    Complete Chapter

    Quizzes and Exam80

    HUD Case StudyReview

    information on

    HUD's website

    Complete Quiz 10

    Learning Activity: Fair



    information on

    HUD's website

    Post a scenario on

    the Discussion








    Loan Fraud & Ethics Chapters 1 & 2Complete Chapter

    Quizzes and Exam80

    Loan Fraud Case Study


    Information on the

    FBI's website

    Complete Quiz 10

    Learning Activity: Loan

    Fraud & Ethics

    Search theInternet for loan

    fraud examples

    ASSIGNMENT:Report findings to



  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus 10 Day SAFE 20 Hour Comprehensive PE With Schedule 2015 Renewal



    SAFE Part Two: Federal Law


    Mortgage ProductsChapters 1 & 2

    Complete Chapter

    Quizzes and Exam80

    RESPA Chapters 1,2, & 3 Complete ChapterQuizzes and Exam


    Learning Activity:


    Learning Activity


    Post a comment on

    the Discussion

    Forum regarding








    TILAChapters 1,2, 3, &


    Complete Chapter

    Quizzes and Exam200

    Learning Activity: TILASearch Internet for

    trigger terms


    Report findings to



    MondaySAFE Part Three: Industry Basics

    Industry Chapters 1 & 2Complete Chapter

    Quizzes and Exam70







    Loan Process:

    QualificationChapters 1, 2, & 3

    Complete Chapter

    Quizzes and Exam80

    FICO Scores Case StudyReview credit

    scoresComplete Quiz 10

    Learning Activity:

    Credit Report

    Review credit


    Post a comment on

    the Discussion

    Forum regarding

    credit scores


    Learning Activity: Loan

    Process - Qualification

    Learning Activity



    Complete an

    assignment based

    on qualification

    calculations and

    submit to instructor


  • 8/10/2019 Syllabus 10 Day SAFE 20 Hour Comprehensive PE With Schedule 2015 Renewal



    SAFE Part Four: Loan Process II & Math

    Loan Process Part II Chapters 1, 2, & 3Complete Chapter

    Quizzes and Exam90

    Learning Activity: Loan

    Process Part II

    Review types of

    loan products

    Post a comment onthe Discussion

    Forum and

    comment on

    another student's








    Math Chapters 1 & 2Complete Chapter

    Quizzes and Exam130

    Loan Payment Case


    Complete math



    Submit math

    answers to






    AN 80% OR






    Course Evaluation & Final - Required

    Final day to complete/resubmit posts to Discussion Forums

    Course EvaluationEvaluation

    InstructionsComplete Evaluation 10

    Course FinalFinal Exam



    Pass Course Final

    with a score of 80%

    or higher
