syllabus 2011-2012 mcu 404

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  • 8/4/2019 Syllabus 2011-2012 MCU 404


    Secondary 5 Mathematics Cultural, Social, Technical


    2011 - 2012

    Teacher: Miss T. Ausman

    Room: Lab C ; Extra help hours: by appointment on Days 2,4,6

    Homework Homepage:

    In this math course, we will be continuing with your knowledge from mathematics 404 (CST or TS). The

    following subjects will be covered over the duration of this school year in the terms indicated:

    1. Arithmetic and Algebra: Linear Relations, Inequalities, Optimization, Polygon of Constraints (Term 1)

    2. Graph Theory: Euler, Hamiltonian, Weighted, Directed, Degree, Distance, Path, Circuit (Term 2)

    3. Geometry: transformations, areas/equivalent figures, distance (Term 2)

    4. Probability: Conditional Probability, Set Notation describing Random Experiments, Venn Diagrams

    (Term 3)

    5. Statistics and Voting Procedures: Borda Count, Majority Rule, Plurality, Condorcet Method,

    Elimination (Term 3)

    In July, 2011, The Ministry of Education, Sport and Leisure (MELS) introduced new Frameworks of

    Learning for the Math CST course. They are listed below. As well, the final exam will be weighted, as

    will the terms. The final exam is now a uniform exam (mandatorily included in the final grade). Exam

    weighting is TBA.

    You will be evaluated on the following two criteria in this course in each term.

    Solves a Situational Problem 30% Uses Mathematical Reasoning 70%

    Course and Term Weightings are as follows:

    Term One Term Two Term Three

    Competency 1Solves a Situational Problem 6% 6% 18%

    Competency 2

    Uses Mathematical Reasoning

    14% 14% 42%

    Total 20% 20% 60%

    Your final exam will be weighted 50% against your final course mark to reflect your overall mark for

    Mathematics 404 CST.
  • 8/4/2019 Syllabus 2011-2012 MCU 404


    Class Procedures:

    I have very few explicit rules in my class, except to say that we all must respect one another. My

    foremost request is that you do not talk while I am speaking whether it is during attendance or when I

    am at the front of the room speaking to you. It is terribly rude and makes the class long and difficult if I

    have to stop and ask everyone to be quiet all the time.

    I will ask that you do not listen to iPods in my class; however, I do permit you to bring water to drink.

    Your responsibilities include bringing paper and pencil to class, everyclass. You need your math binder

    and all of your texts and homework. I will be providing notebooks and memory aid paper which will be

    part of an in-class file. You will take all notes in this notebook and it remains in class. You may sign

    out your notebook to take it home to study and you must return it to the class the next day. Far too

    many students have terrible binders, poor note-taking and no memory aid (or one developed at the

    last minute). I will help you pass this course using strict strategies for your own personal organization.

    You will not be permitted to go to your locker, as per school rules. As well, you must hand in all

    assignments on time. While I am somewhat flexible about late assignments due to illness or other

    excused absences, I expect you to see me the day you return from illness, whether we have math that

    day or not, to get your missed work. You need to be caught up at all times because I will not accept a

    pile of late assignments or unfinished quizzes/exams at the end of term.