syllabus - mem202 spring 2009-10


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Syllabus - MEM202 Spring 2009-10


1 urexel unlverslLy ueparLmenL of Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng and MechanlcsMLM 202 LnClnLL8lnC MLCPAnlCS - S1A1lCS S8lnC 1L8M 2009-10 Instructor and 1each|ng Ass|stant Informat|on Instructor1each|ng Ass|stants Nameur. Andrel C. !ablokowCameron uouglas!lmmy PoacAll Sa[wanl Cff|ce8andell 116-C Lma||a[ablokow[coe.drexel.educd84[[h338[drexel.eduams332[ Cff|ce nours 8y appolnLmenL, vla emall8y appL, vla emall8y appL, vla emall8y appL, vla emall Des|gnat|on: 8equlred Cata|og Descr|pt|on:Covers lnLermedlaLe sLaLlc mechanlcs, an exLenslon of Lhe fundamenLal concepLs and meLhods of sLaLlc mechanlcs lnLroduced ln Lhe freshman courses 1uLC 111, 1uLC 113, and 1uLC 113. lncludes Loplcs such as problem formulaLlon and soluLlon meLhods, Lwo- and Lhree-dlmenslonal vecLor represenLaLlon of forces, momenLs and couples, sLaLlc equlllbrlum of parLlcles, rlgld bodles, and englneerlng sLrucLures, analysls of exLernal and lnLernal forces ln sLrucLures vla meLhods of free body dlagrams, and properLles of cross-secLlonal areas.rerequ|s|tes:1uLC 113 - hyslcs lundamenLals of Lnglneerlng ll (Mlnlmum Crade: u) or hyslcs 183 - hyslcs l (Mlnlmum Crade: u) or hyslcs 111 - hyslcs l (Mlnlmum Crade: u) 1extbook(s): Lnglneerlng Mechanlcs - S1A1lCS wlLh MasLerlng Lnglneerlng ackage, 12Lh LdlLlon, 8.C. Plbbeler, earson renLlce Pall, 2009. (lncludes MasLerlng Lnglneerlng access).Avallable ln Lhe urexel 8ooksLore. lL ls posslble Lo purchase Lhe on-llne only verslon of Lhe book or only Lhe MasLerlngLnglneerlng on-llne access.1he webslLe for MasLerlng Lnglneerlng ls www.Master|ngLng|neer| Course Cb[ect|ves: 1hls course provldes Lhe sLarLlng englneerlng sLudenLs wlLh a smooLh !"#$%&!&'$ )"'* %+&,$+,-.#%,/ *,+0#$&+% 1"'.2,*% !' ,$3&$,,"&$3-.#%,/ *,+0#$&+% 1"'.2,*%, l.e. from equlllbrlum of relaLlvely slmple force sysLems Lo force sysLems ln sLrucLures wlLh connecLed members and wlLh complex geomeLry. 1he speclflc ob[ecLlves are: 1. uevelop equlllbrlum equaLlons for parLlcles 2. uraw free body dlagrams 3. ueLermlne Lhe resulLanLs of a force and couple sysLem 4. 8educe a force and couple sysLem 3. 8educe a dlsLrlbuLed load lnLo a resulLanL force 6. uevelop equlllbrlum equaLlons for rlgld bodles 7. Apply Lhe meLhod of [olnLs and meLhod of secLlons Lo solvlng Lruss problems 8. uevelop equlllbrlum equaLlons for frames and machlnes 9. CalculaLe Lhe cenLer of gravlLy and cenLrold for a sysLem of parLlcles and rlgld body 10. ueLermlne lnLernal forces ln sLrucLural members Lecture and kec|tat|on Sect|ons Sect|onCkN1|mekoomLeaderNumber LectureA31476MCn & WLu 9:00 - 9:30 amCA1 061!ablokow106 001301941Pu 3:00 - 4:30 pmCurLls 439Sa[wanl30 002314731Pu 11:00 - 12:30 pmCurLls 439Poac37kec|tat|on 003311471Pu 01:00 - 2:30 pmCurLls 439uouglas39 2 Course kequ|rements and o||cy C|ass Attendance: LecLure and reclLaLlon aLLendance ls mandaLory.ALLendance wlll be Laken randomly aL Lhe lnsLrucLor's dlscreLlon. Cn-L|ne Ass|gnments: Access ls requlred Lo: lf you purchase Lhe book aL Lhe urexel booksLore, Lhe access ls lncluded ln Lhe prlce of Lhe book. CLherwlse, you can purchase access aL Lhe webslLe. It w||| not be poss|b|e to comp|ete the on-||ne ass|gnments |ate, buL Lhey wlll be avallable for revlew Lo sLudy for exams. 1hese asslgnmenLs wlll be graded by Lhe sysLem. Course ID: MLM20220093S nomework Ass|gnments (nW): Lach week Lhere wlll be an onllne homework asslgnmenL conslsLlng of LuLorlal and end-of-secLlon problems from Lhe book for Lhe currenL week's conLenL. Pomework asslgnmenLs are due every Sunday aL 11:39 M. 1hese problems are Lo be worked ouL on englneerlng calculaLlon paper and Lhen compleLed on-llne by Lhe due daLe. ?our noLebook of problems worked ouL on paper wlll be due aL Lhe exam Llme and wlll be checked for lndlvldual work. AsslgnmenLs wlll be graded on-llne and Lhe paperwork can enhance or deLracL from your grade. 1here |s no make-up or extens|ons for homework ass|gnments. M|d-term Lxam|nat|on (ML): 1here wlll be Lwo (2) Lwo-hour on-llne procLored mld-Lerm examlnaLlons held durlng reclLaLlon ln Lhe 4Lh and 7Lh week of Lhe Lerm ln room CurLls 238A. 1he mld-Lerm exams wlll conslsL of slx (6) problems and wlll be graded by Lhe onllne sysLem. ?ou wlll be requlred Lo hand ln your paper soluLlons Lo Lhe exam problems. I|na| Lxam|nat|on (IL): llnal examlnaLlon wlll be held as scheduled by Lhe unlverslLy. 1he llnal Lxam wlll be cumulaLlve, coverlng Lhe maLerlal LaughL ln Lhe enLlre Lerm, wlLh prlmary focus on Lhe maLerlal covered afLer Lhe mld-Lerm examlnaLlon. 1he flnal exam wlll conslsL of slx (6) problems and wlll be graded by Lhe sysLem. ?ou wlll be requlred Lo hand ln your paper soluLlons Lo Lhe exam problems. Grad|ng: nW -2S, ML1 - 2S, ML2 - 2S, IL - 2S 100-90: A, 89-80: 8, 79-70: C, 69-60: u,A lower grade wlll requlre Lhe sLudenL Lo reLake Lhe course. 1here wlll be no curved grades. Lecture Schedu|e (Sub[ecL Lo change): Weeker|odDate1op|c8ook Sect|on 1L13/29Ceneral rlnclples, roblem Solvlng, MasLerlng Lnglneerlng WebslLe, lorce vecLors/SysLems 1.1 - 1.6,2.1 - 2.4 1L23/31lorce vecLors/SysLems - ConLlnued2.3 - 2.6 2L34/3oslLlon vecLors, lorce vecLors, uoL roducL2.7 - 2.9 2L44/7Lqulllbrlum of a arLlcle, lree 8ody ulagram3.1 - 3.3 3L34/121hree ulmenslonal lorce SysLems3.4 3L64/14lorce SysLem 8esulLanLs - MomenLs4.1 - 4.4 4L74/19MomenL abouL an Axls, MomenL of a Couple4.3 - 4.6 4L84/20Mld-1erm 8evlew 4ML14/21M|d-1erm Lxam #1 - koom 238A Curt|sCh. 2, 3, 4.1-4.4 3L94/26Couples, SlmpllflcaLlon, and LqulvalenL Loadlng SysLems4.7 - 4.8 3L104/28Slmple ulsLrlbuLed Loadlng4.9 6L113/38lgld 8ody Lqulllbrlum, lree 8ody ulagrams3.1 - 3.2 6L123/3LquaLlons of Lqulllbrlum, 1wo-, and 1hree-lorce Members3.3 - 3.4 7L133/10lree 8ody ulagrams, Lqulllbrlum, SLaLlc ueLermlnacy3.3 - 3.7 7L143/12Mld-1erm 8evlew 7ML23/13M|d-1erm Lxam #2 - koom 238A Curt|sChapLer 4 & 3 8L143/171russ Analysls - MeLhod of !olnLs6.1 - 6.3 8L133/191russ Analysls - MeLhod of SecLlons6.4 9L163/24SLrucLural Analysls - lrames and Machlnes6.6 9L173/26CenLers of Mass and CenLrolds, ComposlLe 8odles9.1 - 9.2 103/31Memor|a| Day no||day - No C|ass 10L186/2I|na| Lxam kev|ew 3 Contr|but|on to rofess|ona| Component ConLrlbuLesLoLowardLhe2ndyearofenglneerlngLoplcsapproprlaLeLodeveloplngLheablllLyLoworkwlLhequlllbrlum equaLlons and develop free body dlagrams.lL prepares sLudenLs for classes ln mechanlcal and sLrucLural deslgn. ke|at|onsh|p to rogram Cutcomes: Cutcomes a - kContent Lxp|anat|onLv|dence a. An ablllLy Lo apply knowledgeof maLhemaLlcs, sclenceand englneerlng 21hls course requlres Lhe sLudenLs Lo develop a general undersLandlng of sysLem equlllbrlum. 1he sLudenLs learn how Lo apply and synLheslze Lhelr knowledge of maLhemaLlcs, sclence, and englneerlng. Pomework, Lxams and qulzzes b. An ablllLy Lo deslgn and conducLexperlmenLs as well asLo analyze and lnLerpreL daLa 0nA c. An ablllLy Lo deslgn a sysLem, componenL or process Lo meeL deslred needs 2SLudenLs are flrsL lnLroduced Lo how Lhe course maLerlals are applled Lo real llfe problems, such as crane developmenL and brldge deslgn.SLudenLs are Lhen glven problems LhaL are slmpllfled verslons of real world appllcaLlons. Pomework, exams and qulzzes d. An ablllLy Lo funcLlon on mulLldlsclpllnary Leams 0nAnA e. An ablllLy Lo ldenLlfy, formulaLe and solve englneerlng problems 21he problems requlre sLudenLs Lo ldenLlfy, formulaLe and solve englneerlng problems. Pomework, exams and qulzzes f. An undersLandlng of professlonaland eLhlcal responslblllLy 11hls ls emphaslzed as parLof Lhe englneer's overall responslblllLy. Classroom dlscusslon of safeLy facLors and useredundanL forces. g. An ablllLy Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely 0nAnA h. 1he broad educaLlon necessaryLo undersLand Lhe lmpacLof englneerlng soluLlons ln a global/socleLal conLexL 11he lmpacL of englneerlng deslgn on Lhe envlronmenL (sLrucLures, bulldlngs and brldges and devlces) are covered. ClassroomdlscusslonofsafeLy facLorsanddeslgnwlLhredundanL forces for safeLy. l. A recognlLlon of Lhe need forand an ablllLy Lo engage lnllfelong learnlng 0nAnA [. A knowledge of conLemporary lssues 0nA k. An ablllLy Lo use Lhe Lechnlques,skllls and modern englneerlngLools necessary for englneerlngpracLlce 1CompuLerpackagesareusedLoexplore LhesoluLlondomalnforhomework asslgnmenLs. Pomework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