symbiocity sustainability by sweden

1 SUSTAINABILITY BY SWEDEN The Swedish experience in urban development GET MORE FOR LESS The Swedish experience in urban development we know how!

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SuSTainabiliTy by SWEdEn

The Swedish experience in urban development

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The Swedish experience in urban development

we know how!

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SymbioCity promotes holistic and sustainable urban development – finding potential synergies in urban functions and unlocking their efficiency and profitability.

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World of citiesUrbanisation is closely tied to economic and cultural develop-ment. The majority of the world’s 6.9 billion people already live in or near cities. This exponential large-scale urban growth has created a pressing need for more holistic planning and governance of city develop-ment. These challenges were the reason why the Swedish government and the Swedish Trade Council launched a con-cept for sustainable city devel-opment at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg 2002.

Sustainability: everywhere, always As the Brundtland Commis-sion* put it, sustainability is “development that meets the needs of the present withoutcompromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

* The Brundtland Commission, formerly the World Commission on Environment and Develop-ment (WCED), convened by the United Nations in 1983.


Welcome to SymbioCitySymbiosis in a citySymbiosis means the integra-tion of organisms in a mutually beneficial union. In Sweden, we have been focusing on holistic city planning for 50 years. For us, symbiosis means finding synergies between urban tech-nology systems that save natu-ral resources and cost less.

A Swedish trademarkSymbioCity reflects all Swedish knowledge and experience in approaching sustainability. Several hundred Swedish con-sultants, contractors and sys-tem suppliers are organised in various networks dedicated to spreading the vision of sustain-able urbanism and making the distance to implementation as short as possible. We all share the SymbioCity approach.

SymbioCity…… puts into practice a holistic approach for sustainable urban development primarily based primarily on experiences and best practice. all aspects of sustainability should be con-sidered.

… uses an integrated approach where different fields of action will be coordinated and com-bined in an optimal way.

… offers a concept which is adaptable to different develop-ment levels of cities and towns as well as different planning situations.

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World challengesWhile ecological footprints come in many sizes, we are all leaving our mark on the planet. The environment is under obvi-ous and increasing stress to which every economy contrib-utes. The main challenge areas are well known: water supply, food supply, transport systems, waste disposal; and threats to fauna and flora. Not to mention the problem of climate change and the carbon dioxide emis-sions that stem from almost any human economic activity. Spe-cialists in ecosystem research have shown how different envi-ronmental aspects depend on each other. The depletion of natural resources in most of the world today is a serious threat to our standard of living.

City lifeWorld population will likely rise to 9 billion by 2050. In 20 years, as many as 60% of the human population will live in cities. Cities already represent a major share of the consumption of non-renewable resources, produce large amounts of waste and pollute our air and water. City leaders are increasingly aware of the needs of the future: free mobility, clean air and water, waste recycling, smart energy consumption, spatial planning for green areas, and biological diversity in urban environments.

Decision timeFaced with these diverse chal-lenges, city governments are eager to take action. Today, city mayors all around the globe are planning for sustainable urban development and future human life. The challenges are enor-mous, but the benefits even greater. Policy options range from consumer behavior to large infrastructure invest-ments. Never before have urban technologies in harmony with citizens offered such promising opportunities. It is time for new decisions.

Traffic is an obvious major source of air pollution and car-bon dioxide emissions but is not alone in straining urban envi-ronments. Fossil fuel con-sumption for heating and low energy efficiency in buildings also adds to the challenges we face.


How should urban growth be managed?

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PioneersSweden was an early starter in sustainable thinking. As early as the 1960s, Sweden recognised that the rapid loss of natural resources had to be confronted. It took a leading role in organizing the first UN conference on the environment – held in Stockholm in 1972. In the 1970s Sweden was the most oil-dependent country in the industrialized world, but following the oil crisis in 1973, made tremendous efforts to find new sources of energy, create new ways to insulate buildings and develop automatic energy saving systems.

In 1996–2008 Swedish carbon dioxide emissions fell by 18% while GNP increased by 45%. Linking environmental perfor-mance to economic perfor-mance is both necessary and fruitful.

Private and publicSustainable growth is a shared responsibility. Strict environ-mental legislation and rules provide guidance for develop-ing and preserving green cities. The successful cooperation between local, regional and national authorities and private industry – as well as the crucial involvement of the public – has helped to turn ideas of sustain-ability into reality.

In the 1950s and 1960s you wouldn’t even dip a toe in the polluted waters around Stock-holm. Swimming and fishing were of course forbidden. Today, swimmers are every-where, and fishing in central Stockholm is popular.

our experIenCe

Sustainability by Sweden


CO21995 2008

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Think green save money



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SymbioCity will help you

n cut life cycle costs of system investments …n cut maintenance costs …n improve living satisfaction …n increase property values …n use land more efficiently …n reduce air pollution, noise and vibrations,

harmful substances, polluted water, sewage and waste …

n cut carbon dioxide emissions …

… for home, industrial, commercial and office areas… for any city, block, house or household… for both small and large-scale implementations… for planning, building and renovation

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Get more for lessThe most important word in SymbioCity is value. How to get more for less. By integrating different urban technology solutions, we create synergies that increase resource efficiency, optimise recovery and reuse – and saves money. Cleaner air, reduced noise, improved water quality and a safer living envi-ronment makes people happier with their housing – which in turn increases property value.

Long term gainsSymbioCity is all about the life cycle cost – the long-term benefits of investments. In a sustainable city, maintenance costs tend to be lower thanks to forethought and better planning, resulting in lower life cycle investment costs and better returns.

With a social dimensionTo ensure a successful and appreciated investment, the citizens should be involved early in the process, through information, education and communication. In the Symbio-City view, social and economic factors are as important as the ecological and technical – the recognized ultimate goal being health, comfort, safety and maximum quality of life for all citizens.

A multi-disciplinary approachSharing information is crucial to a cost-efficient and smooth process. Municipalities, public authorities, universities, insti-tutes, private companies and other networks can come together to share knowledge, skills, and organizational mus-cle. Questions of legislation and its implementation, of decision-making, transparency, and accountability are addressed and answered.

The ConCepT

Value from combinations

No more landfills! In Sweden, less than 20% of household waste is deposited as landfill. In Stockholm, 75% of all waste is collected for recycling or use as fuel. For household waste, this figure is 95%! Organic waste from restaurants and grocery shops as well as from households, toilet waste, sludge from septic tanks or waste water treatment plants – all of it can be used to produce biogas. The digested biogas contains methane, which can be used for heating and electricity production or, after refining, as fuel for transportation.

from waste to fuel!

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The building blocksAn integrated planning approach is key to unlocking hidden synergies in the city. Why manage urban sectors one by one? Instead, let SymbioCity combine them, saving valuable city resources and creating new values. Clockwise, from top:n Urban functions (housing, industries, services)n Waste management n Energy n Landscape planning n Architecture and master planningn Traffic and transport n Water supply and sanitation

Combine waste management and heat production – get a new power industry!

Combine waste-water treatment and traffic systems – get biofuel for public transport!

Combine industrial waste heat with the municipal energy plant – cut energy production costs in half!

Combine architec-ture and landscape planning – let sun-shine and shading lower heating and cooling costs!


The symbiosis in SymbioCity

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The LaYouT

Making urban systems communicateInformation and communicationInformation and Communica-tion Technologies (ICT) is an important part of SymbioCity. It’s all about easily accessing, analyzing and sharing vital information in and between all urban systems and parties – including the public. ICT increases resource efficiency in both the short and long term, which will ultimately reduce CO2 emissions across the board.

n Smart logistics can save transportation fuel as well as storage space, electricity and heating.

n Digitalized communications reduces the need for some transport altogether.

n Smart power grids avoid peak loads, save electricity, and make use of multiple energy sources.

n With smart monitoring, buildings and factories can become highly energy efficient.

n Involvement creates respon-sibility. Maintain an open dia-logue with stakeholders about public projects before and after implementation.

n Defined systems for measuring and evaluating city functions are crucial for mayors’ decisions.

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The most efficient solutions are not always the most high-tech. This simple matrix shows waste management and recycling in different scales and degrees of technology advance-ment. The SymbioCity approach can be used on any level, independently of project size, technology level or budget.

Scalable and easy to modifyRegion, city, district, building or household? depending on your needs and resources you can use the SymbioCity approach at different scales: For brand new city areas or for renewals of existing urban districts. To found a new, state-of-the-art, large scale, ultramodern high-tech district. Or to help you create a single system or building that can serve as a touchstone – driving interest in sustainable urban development – so that a district or a city can be developed step by sustainable step. SymbioCity adapts to your unique situation!



Automated waste collection for a single house

Automated waste collection system Automated waste collection network




Composting and recycling solutions Recycling centre Recycling network



Individual composts Private collectors Collection network

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Carbon down! thumbs up!



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In the 1990s, plans were made to build Hammarby Sjöstad in a former brownfield area of wharfs and docks. Today, it boasts attractive housing for several thousand Stockholmers. By 2018 the area will have approximately 11,000 apartments, 25,000 inhabitants and 10,000 work-places. The “Hammarby model” has set a new world standard for future sustainable housing development, with its integrated planning approach.

n A system based approach to architecture and planning of energy efficient housingn Automatic underground waste collection systemsn Solar-powered hot water and electricityn Biogas from household sewage water and wasten Collection and filtration of runoff watern Super-efficient buildings, triple glazed windows, green roofs, etc.

The investments have been proven environmentally successful:40% less environmental stress50% less eutrophication40% less ground-level ozone25% less water consumption

hammarby by-the-sea, a model districtMASTER PLANNING

a few SwedISh ShowCaSeS

SymbioCity in practice

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A smart grid applies digital technology to monitor and control all electricity, to save energy, reduce cost and increase reliability. When power is least expensive the user can allow the smart grid to automatically turn on selected home appliances, such as washing machines, or factory processes that can run at arbitrary hours. At peak

times it can turn off selected appliances to reduce demand. The technology can also feed small scale energy production into the main grid, to make use of it where it’s needed at the time. Today, Stockholm is planning for a smart grid system in Stockholm Royal Seaport – an area that will house 25,000 inhabitants when completed in 2025.

From December to March, the temperature is below freezing in many parts of Sweden. That’s why “district heating” has become our energy hero. District energy systems pro-duce steam or hot water at a central plant. The steam or water is then piped under-ground to individual buildings within a designated area. This provides 50% of the house-holds with an ideal indoor cli-mate. District heating is far more efficient than traditional individual household heating and thus releases much less carbon dioxide. Thanks to dis-trict heating, total Swedish carbon dioxide emissions have fallen by 25% since the 1970s. A district heating system can easily increase energy efficiency by 50% compared to individual

household boilers. When the plants also provide electricity – so-called combined heat and power – a 90% degree of energy efficiency is possible. District heating plants are also much cleaner: in Umeå, 99.5% of sul-phur and particles are filtered out. Incineration works well with most fuels, including bio-mass and waste from house-holds, construction industry and forestry. It has been calcu-lated that if the European Union reached the same level of dis-trict heating as Sweden, the Europeans could overshoot their carbon dioxide reduction targets four times.

District heating environmental performance, since 1980: 70% less carbon dioxide95% less SO2

80% less NOX


district heating – energy heroENERGY

smart electricity stockholm



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There is enormous potential in waste heat recovery – in har-nessing the heat energy from waste that would otherwise be lost. In Iggesund, in the cold north, a large paperboard fac-tory has cut its fossil fuel con-sumption by 75% by using

waste heat. Thanks to a detailed energy assessment and large investments in new technology, the company now uses a greater part of waste heat from the industrial pro-cesses as a source for the whole plant and all its buildings.

Sometimes we like it cold. On hot days, business productivity is much higher in air-condi-tioned offices. Hospitals ben-efit enormously from effective climate control. Using essen-tially the same technology as district heating, cities can cre-ate district cooling systems. District cooling has massive advantages over individual solutions. For one thing, it is often produced in the form of free cooling via a closed distri-bution system laid in the

ground to supply customers with cold water from adjacent rivers or lakes. But it can also be produced from sewage water or sludge. Compared to individual household air-con-ditioning, district cooling low-ers carbon dioxide emissions by 60%. On smaller scales, innovative companies provide system solutions for both cool-ing and warming, using solar technology combined with extremely efficient small scale heat exchangers.


The big chill


no heat lost

Biological waste and waste-water can easily be turned into biogas. In Linköping, one municipal gas company offer-ing biogas for vehicles now has 7% of the local fuel market. A full scale project with a local

biogas train is also in process. There is little waste in the process. After fermentation to gas, the bio-manure is used as an agricultural nutrient, reducing the use of artificial fertiliser.


biogas from waste

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From triple glazed windows to hot water economy, all the buildings in new districts are optimized using a life cycle cal-culus of maintenance costs. Many new designs use insula-tion techniques that allow for so-called passive energy build-ings, where the only heating

sources are household appli-ances and the residents’ own body heat. But you can also renovate sustainably. Near Gothenburg, a suburban area from the 1970s has recently been refurbished. The energy, electricity and water savings are all well above 30%.

There is much to be gained by aiming for both a safe and attractive environment. The Gothenburg area of Gårdsten used to be a rundown 1970s suburb. When the city decided on a total makeover, 40% of apartments were short of ten-ants and unemployment and crime rates were at national record levels. It was clear that social solutions and urban plan-ning had to go hand in hand

and that local people should be involved in the change process to inspire confidence in the development. Soon the figures took a new direction. Shortly after the renovations, empty apartments dropped to zero, crime rates went down by 40%, and the number of local businesses rose eightfold. Today, Gårdsten is an interna-tional model of sustainable social development.


sustainable safety


a change for life

We spent more than three decades cleaning Lake Mälaren from household wastewater, industrial pollution and traffic runoff. Water treatment tech-

niques have now become so sophisticated that even house-hold wastewater can be a resource for drinkable water production.


Clean waters

all over the


SymbioCity is an all Swedish approach, and business cases around the world testify to the success and adaptability of Swedish solutions for a sustainable urban development.

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Check our offers! Swedish companies have delivered their solutions around the globe, both high-tech and low-tech. find your right partner or supplier, read more about our cases or simply play the SymbioCity Scenarios game. enjoy

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A few inspiring ideas

n assess public transport facilities between out-of-the-way areas and city centres, commercial and industrial areas, and site new residential areas where it is favourable from a transportation and public infrastructure viewpoint, to minimise costs for transport and connections to energy and water supply systems.

n waste utilities, private actors and traffic planners can develop plans for how to make waste transportation efficient.

n Minimise the need for trans-portation by private car and motorcycle through collabora-tion between public transport, industry and urban planners.

n utilize synergies between land-use, traffic and transpor-tation to achieve good logistics for public transportation in order to minimize transporta-tion energy consumption as well as air pollution and noise.

n Manage storm water in coop-eration with road department and water utilities.

n Locate industry correctly with regard to prevailing wind direc-tion for improved public health.

n Cut energy demands for cool-ing of industries and offices through passive and energy producing building techniques.

n Let energy utilities and indus-try cooperate to cut peak loads in order to make energy supply more reliable.

n Minimize industrial waste and swap hazardous substances for less hazardous ones through collaboration between environ-mental and waste authorities.

n Combat environmental prob-lems “upstream.” Improve incoming water quality at wastewater treatment plants through cooperation with industry.

n Combine urban planning, building design, production processes and equipment, introduced in early decision-making phases, to diminish industrial demands for cooling.

n water and drainage utilities and waste collectors need to cooperate to prevent dumping of waste and septic sludge in collectors for storm water and/or wastewater.

n drinking water sources are often polluted by wastewater, sludge and toilet waste. allow cooperation between water supply and sanitation authori-ties.

n water supply and treatment and wastewater plants should be managed in a way that decreases energy demand.

n health education and hygien-ic practices, included in water supply and sanitation authority operations, can mitigate water-borne diseases.

n plan for rainwater collection during the planning and con-struction process.

n Consider designing multi-purpose buildings in urban areas to facilitate mixed use of both housing and small-scale business activities within the service sector. This reduces need for private transportation.

n reduce energy demand, energy supply needs and operat-ing costs by specially designed walls, roofs and floors (insula-tion, space and design of win-dows, etc.).

n Careful building design in relationship to the surrounding landscape. Topography, vegeta-tion and related factors are important to the micro-climate, in turn influencing energy demand, the diffusion of air pol-lution, comfort level due to sun exposure, sun shading or wind exposure for cooling winds in summertime or wind protection in wintertime, etc.

n Make entrances to buildings easily accessible from bicycle and walking paths, and include parking lots for bicycles.

n Let green roofs attenuate storm water flow and contrib-ute to cooling.





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n develop alternative solutions and ideas for integrated land use and green areas, traffic/transportation and infrastruc-tural planning.

n purify water bodies through systems connected to recre-ation and biodiversity. Integrate green areas and the attenuation of storm water by developing attractive open ponds and ditches.

n redevelop old waste dumps for ecological and recreational purposes.

n use green areas to help school children understand ecology and the environment.

n reduce air and water pollu-tion with green areas.

n Coordinate green wedges and green corridors with pleasant paths for bicycling and walking.

n fermentation of biodegrad-able waste, septic sludge or wastewater sludge may be a feasible option for small-scale energy production. Gas may be utilized for heating purposes or to produce vehicle fuel.

n Clearly allocate responsibility for dry toilet waste, septic sludge and other types of waste in cities where the waterborne sanitation system is limited and sanitation is an issue for the waste collection services.

n Incinerate waste with strict environmental controls.

n digest biodegradable waste, septic sludge or wastewater for small-scale energy production. utilize biogas for heating pur-poses or vehicle fuel.

n Make waste transportation efficient by collaboration between waste utilities, private actors and traffic planners.

n design buildings and their immediate surroundings with regard to the source separation and collection of waste – for example by facilitating waste management centers on the ground floors of multi-family housing.

n Let forestry authorities, nature conservation authorities and energy planners/utilities cooperate to stop deforestation around a city.

n Let municipal utility depart-ments cooperate to identify energy-saving opportunities for the city.

n Let the energy sector spread knowledge of potential hazards in cooking or heating with dan-gerous fuels. They may be able to contribute alternative, energy efficient solutions.

n use combined heat and power systems for waste incineration.




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For an update on cases and news, stop by


The Swedish experience in urban development

SymbioCity is an initiative by the Swedish Government through The Swedish Trade Council, in the aim for sustainable urban development worldwide.

Swedish Trade CouncilTelephone +46 8 588 660 00E-mail [email protected]