syncoplan marketing brochure

Imagine your school achieving unparalleled suc- cess. Imagine your parents and alumni becom- ing more engaged. Imagine productivity increas- ing from your employees. This is all possible but it requires that you think differently and call on Syncoplan. Syncoplan is a comprehensive one-stop consulting firm designed with you in mind. No matter what the stage of your school is we can assist you. Whether you are celebrating your 10th year or your 175th year, Syncoplan has what it takes to provide you with great service. think differently Simple Solutions to Tough Questions

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Syncoplan Marketing Brochure


Page 1: Syncoplan Marketing Brochure

Imagine your school achieving unparalleled suc-cess. Imagine your parents and alumni becom-ing more engaged. Imagine productivity increas-ing from your employees. This is all possible but it requires that you think differently and call on Syncoplan.

Syncoplan is a comprehensive one-stop consulting firm designed with you in mind. No matter what the stage of your school is we can assist you. Whether you are celebrating your 10th year or your 175th year, Syncoplan has what it takes to provide you with great service.

think differentlySimple Solutions to Tough Questions

Page 2: Syncoplan Marketing Brochure

About Us

Every company out there will say that they are different but at Syncoplan, we are not only different but we think differ-ently about our line of work and we get our clients to think differently as well.

How do we do that? It is simple. We think BIG. We look at all the possibilities and solutions out there for your school and say Why Not? All too often in large firms, there is a casebook approach to things. From the beginning, we imagine that you are who you are: an unique school.

We are in the business of making sure your school succeeds.

Who Do We Serve

Our clients are:

educational institutions


sole proprietorships

limited liability companies

religious institutions




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Services Provided

Donor Cultivation & Stewardship

Proposal/Grant Writing

Development Plan Creation

Feasibility Survey

Interim Director of Development &

Database Management

Foundation & Giving Campaigns

Individual & Major Gift Campaigns

Capital & Mini Campaigns

Mailings & Solicitations

Board Development/Training

Our Philosophy

Fundraising is a key element to your success

and Syncoplan can help you along the way.

Whether you need assistance in creating,

and/or implementing a development plan or

a major gift program, or you need a full fund-

raising solution, Syncoplan can work with you

to make that happen. The bottom line is that

you can get an individual, major gift, corpo-

rate, and foundation giving program, as well

as your communication needs for a reason-

able price.

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Social Media

Services Provided

Optimized Blog Development and Design

Virally Enabled, Emotionally Charged

Content Writing

Optimized Twitter Campaign

Robust Brand Monitoring

Analytics and Metrics

Social Media Marketing Plan

Social Media Audits

Social Media Fundraising

Our Philosophy

Social Media has changed how we do fund-

raising forever. As opposed to being reactive

and following trends years after everyone

else, Syncoplan will work with you to identi-

fy which avenues of social media are best for

your school. Syncoplan will also help you use

Twitter, Facebook, videos, and other social

media platforms to enhance your fundrais-

ing program and bring more exposure to your


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Services Provided

School Branding

Logo Design



Message Development

Public Relations Campaigns

Website Design, Development & Maintenance

Annual Reports


Marketing Plans

Our Philosophy

Any successful school needs a cohesive and

comprehensive image. Every piece of market-

ing material and anything that presents your

message is a part of your branding. Syncoplan

will work with you to ensure that you are on

the right path to marketing your school. Even

with the best teachers and curriculum, you

must be able to brand yourself and project an

image that will make your school the must at-

tend school.

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For More Information pleasecontact Eric Lamar Riversat [email protected] or


Syncoplan Corporation

MAILING ADDRESS:Old Chelsea StationPO Box 1129New York, NY 10113-1129


PRINCIPAL: Eric Lamar Rivers

LOCATION: New York City

We have had the pleasure of working with:Congressional Black Caucus FoundationCreative GeersFore I’m a Versatile Entertainer ProductionsGlamrockGrandma’s HandsJamtown FilmsI.O.Y.Lewiston SocietyLiVelocity, Inc.Replenish EnterprisesStronghold PropertiesVoices of Rwanda, Inc.

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Syncoplan Corporation


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Project:Create postcards that advertised the various program offerings.

concePt:Greenhope needed a way to quick-ly be able to reach potential clients and provide them with materials that laid out the case for coming to Greenhope.

The intention was to create post-cards that represented the women served by Greenhope.

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Project:Create a marketing publication to highlight various ways of donatingto Greenhope.

concePt:Greenhope had never produced abrochure solicitation and wantedone that was lively, bright, and colorful. With this brochure, Green-hope was able to speak boldly and loudly to its constituents. To the right is the back panel of the brochure.

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Gift ClubsThe Leadership Circle- Angel $10,000 or more- Benefactor $5,000 - $9,999- Sponsor $1,000 - $4,999Greenhope Friend- Patron $500 - $999- Supporter $100 - $499General Contributor $1 - $99

Ficient aut exero minctaeceri officidunti berrupt atibus qui qui dolorem con prerumquides ea eos alitam, est et incit rectiscil ipsam et ero inum quid molorro videstis eum excea

Agnihiti cones autem ut ent, cus ipsunto conestius auta-quia volomnim recusan daeperf errorit atumquia velluptae.

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Syncoplan is able to create com-puter/digital art from a variety of sources. The object to the right is a computer rendition of a Picasso painting and to the far left is com-pilation of an actual picture of a person, pictures of buildings in NYC, and graphic elements.

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Project:Create an Accepted Students Guide for incoming students.

concePt:Hofstra Law wanted different compsthat placed more emphasis on stu-dent life and less emphasis on the use of its traditional school colors of gold and black. With the use of dominate pictures, these comps are bold and full of life.

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Syncoplan is able to help you re-member the moments that are important to you. Whether it be for a wedding, party, night out on the town or a causal scroll, Syncoplan can take perfect pictures for you.

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EndaeUciliqui aut in consed quia


Here is a markup of a magazine cover and newsletter created by Syncoplan. Syncoplan is able to take pictures supplied by clients as well as text and place into a for-mat that is creative and enjoyable to read. Syncoplan can create documents for you that changes with each issue or remain constant with only pictures and text being replaced.

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The intention was to use text to create an image that conveys the meaning of the book. These book cover shows how easy it is to use text to aid in marketing and selling a book. Two covers were created and presented.

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Syncoplan was asked to create posters to increase interest in a film that was being shown. The posters to the right are the first posters created in the PR cam-paign.