synopsis november 10

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  • 8/3/2019 Synopsis November 10



    Paul M. Perkins 80,000 words,

    150 Blueberry Lane Synopses

    West Kingston, Rhode Island 02892 Religious Thriller


    [email protected]


    Seth, at thirteen is fascinated by the Third Secret of Fatima, and how the True

    Cross of Christ will reveal the Secrets mysterious revelations; which, has not been

    revealed in its entirety. Seth spends his whole life in search of this illusive prize;

    which by discovering the many similarities and differences of the three

    monotheistic religions of the World, finds pieces of the puzzle.

    He befriends a Muslim boy, Aabin, and learns that Muslims revere Mary and

    Jesus; but deny the Trinity. Seth believes the True Cross holds the DNA. Christ

    blood will be extracted and cloned, in order to bring on the twelfth Imam. This will

    be done by the Iranians who believe by cloning Christ, their Mahdi, the Twelfth

    Imam will return to the Earth and restore love, order, and peace after the great

    judgment. The Third Secret of Fatima, Seth believes will reveal the sequence of

    events will take place revealing for the first time, a Secret hidden for almost one-

    hundred years.

    In year three-hundred-twenty four, a caravan left Rome to retrieve the almost

    sought after relic of Christianity, (the True Cross of Christ). This wood contains a

    secret, which means more to the world as it contains the blood and water spewed

    from the human heart of our God and Redeemer. The wood absorbed all the

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    retributions of the world, for we were all present at the foot of the cross, with all

    the saints in heaven and human beings yet to be born. For Christ was the sacrificial

    Lamb given up for us, so we may have life in us. Blood type in the wood would

    determine the truth of the crucifixion; the DNA would reveal a rare blood type and

    someday get the final piece of the Third Secret.

    "Whoever drinks the water I give will never be thirsty; no, the water I give shall

    become a fountain within him, leaping up to provide eternal life."

    The woman said to him, "Give me this water, sir, so that I shall not grow

    thirsty...."Jn 4:14-15

    Saint Helena, mother of Constantine, the Emperor of Rome, at sixty-three,

    converted to Christianity and travelled to Palestine on caravans in search of the

    True Cross of Christ, sacred sights and religious artefacts. She was in search of

    Sacred Relics, which would return favours and wealth. They would bring back to

    Rome where large basilicas built to show off the bounty of the Roman Catholic


    St Helena, told by a Jew named Judas, he knew the whereabouts of the True Cross,

    and advised raising the temple of Veins, a pagan temple, dig down about thirty

    feet, and they would find a cistern, where three crosses are buried beneath the ruins

    some three-hundred, years before. This cistern was known as Golgotha, in Hebrew,

    The Place of the Skull. St Helena instructed fifty people to start digging; after three

    days, three crosses were unearthed. One of the crosses contained wooden titulus

    with the inscription Jesus Nazarenes Rex Iudaeorum. This title given to Jesus by

    Pontius Pilot: Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews.

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    A man, close to death was placed on the first cross, which had no effect on his

    condition, the same with the second cross, and when his body touched the third

    cross he stood and walked away cured of his iniquities. The phenomenon was

    evidence that St Helena had found the True Cross, after the body of Jesus hung and

    was crucified.

    In the year three-hundred-twenty-six, workers excavated a sight at the temple of

    Jupiter Capitolinus and discovered the remains of the tomb of Our Lord Jesus

    Christ. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre was constructed; where today you may

    find the reliquary of the True Cross of Christ, His tomb and the tomb of Adam.

    The tradition is that Adam is buried at Calvary. When our Lord died, His Precious

    Blood dripped down on His skull. Again, in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in

    Jerusalem, one finds the Chapel of Adam under the Chapel of Golgotha.

    St Helena returned with half the True Cross to Rome where it remains today; the

    second half stayed in Jerusalem. The supernatural power the cross-brought to

    anyone in possession was unique. Armies of the Catholic Church during the

    Crusades would bring it into battle with them, which would insure victory.

    The final Crusade, Wood Made Flesh, is a thriller, which takes the reader back

    some two-thousand years with the discovery of the True Cross, and how the Power

    of the Cross won battles for Christians and gave them hope for the defeat of the


    The miraculous power of the True Cross sought after by churches throughout

    Europe, and in eleven-eighty-seven, Saladin, who was a Kurdish Muslim, became

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    the first Ayyubid Sultan of Egypt and Syria, and retrieved the True Cross from the

    Christians. The loss of the Cross-was Gods way of telling the Christians of their

    leprosy of their souls: Wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony, all ran

    ravage and many Christians had taken pagan wives. Their influence was not

    pleasing to God, who showed His disassociation with their actions, allowing the

    True Cross to fall into the hands of Saladin.

    The despairing infantry fled to the Horns of Hattin and the Christian cavalry,

    despite valiant charges, may not break out of the trap that encompassed them.

    Saladin ordered his warriors to start a fire encompassing the Christians camp. The

    army of the empire were annihilated; King Guy was captured, enabling Saladin to

    conquer the kingdom.

    The True Cross fell into Saladins possession and held for many years. Saladin had

    a copy of the cross crafted, and the reproduction is returned to the Christians, who

    believed in its authenticity. Saladin had the original True Cross hidden and

    revealed the location to his son; this revelation was given upon Saladins death

    bed. Under the cover of the night, Saladins son opened the wooden coffin and

    placed the True Cross on top of Saladins corpse. The tomb was sealed.

    Following the onset of humankind, our association with the adjectives, secret,

    stealthy, covert, clandestine, furtive, and surreptitious, has spiked our curiosity.

    They have a galvanic impact on our emotions, and combine speculation will rack

    your mind. These adjectives are synonymous with our everyday life; however, The

    Third Secret of Fatima is not been revealed until now; this, Third Secret, will

    overwhelm you with suspense.

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    Seth, at thirteen, finds himself troubled with lucid visions of and encounters with

    demonic, angelic reptiles. It is the last day of the year, nineteen-hundred and sixty

    and the eve of the revelation of the Third Secret of Fatima. Seth is tossing in his

    bed as his teeth chatter and his knees knock as the fear of death plagues Seths

    young body. The Catholic Church alludes to either January 1 nineteen- hundred

    and sixty, as the time the Third Secret of Fatima is revealed, as prognosticated. The

    stars will fall from the heavens; a raging fire will destroy all living matter; and

    non-living matter will disappear or become eradicated. No living creature will

    avoid this terrible and catastrophic event.

    Seth is dressed, as he charged down the long hallway. He stopped in front of a

    picture hanging on the wall; a gold framed photograph of his father Lieutenant

    Robert Walsh, and Admiral Grenfield (Commanding Officer of Wes Pac Pacific),

    shaking hands on the deck of the USS. Bluegill.

    Seths father was receiving ribbons for his dedicated service to sub pack, thePearl

    Harbour Flotilla.Seth passed this picture several times. This morning it had an

    attractive draw. Lieutenant Robert Walsh spent six months at a time away from

    home doing duty in the submarine fleet somewhere in the world and this first day

    of January, was no exception. Seth's mother Anna told him his father was on patrol

    east of the island of Guam. As Seth gazed at the photograph, he noticed the

    reflection of himself in the glass; his hair was white, from fear. Seth recalled the

    details of the horrific nightmare.

    Seth does not sleep, however, manages to submit to a coherent state of ecstasy.

    Seth is now looking back at his body on his bed as his soul heads off on a sojourn.

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    This sojourn takes Seth into the South Pacific Ocean where a demonic force pulls

    his soul into the Erebus, a round hole in the earths surface as dark as thousand

    moonless/starless nights. Seth drops forty thousand feet below the Earths surface,

    deep into its core. As he falls deeper toward the center, the heat intensifies to two-

    thousand degrees.

    At the exit to the cone, there is a large hole where a conflagration is glowing with

    white-hot gas coming from the large lakes within. The lakes were in shapes of

    Venus Fly Traps, whose splendour would encourage the condemned through the

    heavy iron gates and once inside trap its victims.

    Seth passes through the two large iron gates that allow for egress. He felt pathetic,

    upon notice of legions, men, women, and children of all races, religions standing

    inside the gate feeling strife and restriction. Ok we got the quota lets lock up, a

    demonic voice is heard as this sent fear through the minds of all whaling, whining

    and whimpering; which is heard above the gnashing of teeth.

    The broad iron gates each weighing ten tons slammed shut with force, it shook the

    foundation of the Earth; there massive hinges shrieked with a sound of fear. This

    would cause a quake on the surface of the Earth.

    Looking up, Seth can see the black smoker he entered at the top. It now looked

    closed off with no way out. Growls, groans, and grunts are heard coming from the

    tenants; throngs of people, were now coerce becoming metamorphosed of the

    demonic creatures. In time, all become pique from the sanctions. Satan needs all

    the help he may get, as these herds increased by the thousands. Gahanna will

    always able to sustain it capacity, with a plethora of energy, and real estate.

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    You have entered through the wide gate and are free to continue your sinful

    ways. You have now lost all spiritual contact with God. You will now spend

    eternity in this sad and forsaken swamp of torture. A deep penetrating demonic

    voice uttered.

    On this same hour, aboard a United States submarine, USS. Bluegill, Robert, Seths

    father, is preparing to dive on the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean aboard the

    United States Navy Trieste. The Trieste left the Navel Electronics Laboratory, San

    Diego, California, aboard the FreighterSanta Maria. Her destination is the mid-

    Pacific, two-hundred miles, southwest of the island of Guam.

    The Trieste Bathyscaphe was modeled for analysis of deep-water oceans. It met the

    DestroyerUSS. Lewis (DE-535) and the Submarine USS. Bluegill(SS-242), the

    three vessels involved in a top-secret mission what is known by the navy as,

    Project Nekton. This project would take US Navy Lt. Robert Walsh and ocean

    explorer Jacques Ernest-Jean Piccard to the abyss of the Marianas Trench, seven

    miles below the surface of the ocean.

    You need to keep your ass dry as possible Piccard, and watch your step the deck

    is slippery. Robert shouted as both climbed out the forward hatch of theBluegill

    hampered by heavy seas.

    The two men were wearing, black inclement weather gear, over their naval


    Is this tiny piece of shit all you guys have? Piccard shouted at the four muscle

    bound sailors holding the ropes of a small two-man raft tethered to the side of the


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    Je m'attendais grand, long, lviathan yacht de luxe; je m'attendais mail, a diet

    Piccard en Franai.

    We speak English aboard this ship, and no top brass is going to belittle me, with

    some French bull ****, an explosive sailor exclaimed.

    OK, shouted Piccard. "Oh, let me change that, it means you stupid **** heads

    can **** up a wet dream. Sorry, that is not true. I was expecting a large, long,

    leviathan luxury yacht, said Piccard. Yes that is correct; I get confused with

    English; it is a complex language to learn.

    Be careful Piccard, theyll throw you and your ass to the sharks if you are not

    careful, this crew is tough, Walsh answered in a chuckling voice.

    All four were dressed in blue denim dungarees, their skin, exposed to the weather

    from the waist up, displaying inked artwork from every corner of the world.

    The two managed, after several tries, push themselves away from theBluegill, in

    tacked with their provisions.

    Bon voyage, shouted one of the four sailors holding the safety lines in their

    hands as they departed.

    Good luck, you crazy bastards, one of the sailors is heard saying.

    These mother ******* will never see the dawn of day. A burly sailor took a

    large deep drag off his Lucky Strike and flicked it overboard. That butt will have

    a better chance of seeing daylight than the butts of those two brevets.

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    Once Walsh and Piccard were on board the raft, they began to paddle toward the

    Trieste tethered two-hundred feet behind the USS. Lewis. Three scuba divers

    waited for the two men to board the Trieste.

    Toolkit, tape, wire, towels, flashlight, cigarettes, matches, candy bars, extra warm

    clothing, are we missing anything else Piccard? Walsh asked, as Piccard went

    over the checklist.

    Everything is here Walsh, everything but my courage; Im afraid I left that back

    on theBluegill, Piccard exclaimed.

    The two men left the submarine, battered by six-foot seas, and thirty knot winds to

    rendezvous with the submersible Trieste. The two men boarded, and secured the

    hatch for their first of two descents, to the world hidden beneath the Seven Seas,

    going to depths where people had never gone; or they thought.

    Release the chains; let me know when we are clear. Welsh commanded the

    radioman on the Lewis.

    The chatter of the chains clanging against the hull of the Trieste battled the nerves

    of the two men, as the submersible, plunked, into the Pacific. Swoosh, clunky-

    clank, these were the sounds of the three Navy divers freeing the Trieste from its

    safety chains. The pumps and pneumatics lowering the Trieste on its first descent

    were heard as two electric lights disappeared thirty feet down. The lifeline between

    the surface and the seven-mile canyon was a one-inch diameter cable, once the

    chains freed the Trieste from the Destroyer.

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    I want to warn you Walsh, once we hit the first mile down brace for a sudden

    jolt. The first of seven jolts would be experienced in the first mile of the descent.

    Piccard knew what to expect. He had spent many years aboard the Trieste.

    As the two men began their descent, every murmur and fizz underwater is

    amplified. Every mile the submersible would come to a complete halt hitting what

    some believe are currents of temperature change. Every time the submersible hit a

    shelf or stair, Lt. Walsh, would pull a lever, which would release gasoline from one

    of the ballast tanks getting it to sink deeper. The gauges were monitored every five

    minutes enabling Walsh to adjust to prevent a potential disaster.

    The descent left both men with a sense of timelessness, causing them to get

    frazzled and bewildered.

    Seths father had his masters in Bioacoustics. He was communicating with the

    surface ships, using a sonar hydrophone and voice communication system. This

    series of small copper cables with repeaters sent voice communication to the

    surface. It took seven seconds for their voices to cover the seven miles to the

    surface above. These hydrophones will be secured to the ocean's floor and left,

    enabling the US Navy to detect any enemy action in one-thousand miles of the

    island of Guam. These hydrophones were set up at three points, enabling the Navy

    to triangulate and reveal coordinates of any vessel.

    The second part of the mission ordered to report recording of any sea life that

    existed below. The descent would take about four hours, forty-five minutes, and

    quarters confided to the observation gondola, below the hull of the Trieste, which

    had room for two.

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    When the Trieste reached a depth of nine-thousand meters, the two-inch thick

    acrylic observation window imploded from the enormous pressure jarring and

    jolting, destabilizing the Trieste. The imploded fractured fragments, which had

    been in place, began a bludgeon bombardment terrorizing the two.

    Communication with the vessels above was lost; the cable possible severed. The

    communication link was broken placing the project in intimate danger. The two

    men felt their destruction would be short lived.

    Once the Trieste reaches the ocean floor seven miles down, the clacking, cracking,

    and gurgling, sounds of ice crystals forming were deafening. The temperature

    inside gondola dropped to forty-five degrees Fahrenheit; the gondola went into full

    darkness. Without power, the temperature in the Trieste would lose ten degrees

    every half-hour.

    Communications with the vessels above has been lost, and no one was sure if the

    cable severed. The nerves of the two men sent messages of fear through their every

    cell. This feral was now in danger of disaster. Making a blind sweep for the

    provision bag, Walsh managed to retrieve a silver handheld flashlight; which he

    switched on and searched and retrieved two chocolate candy bars; he tossed one to

    Piccard, and removed the foil covering on his; they began to munch them down.

    This should get us by until we return to the ship, Walsh said in a pessimistic


    Both men began to reach for warmer clothing, which would help prevent their

    bodies from contracting hypothermia. Walsh believed the power cable was severed

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    from the tremendous pressure; however, two hours passed and Robert regained

    contact with the surface ships, power was restored.

    Robert, by means of the automation arms and external radiance of quartz arc-light

    bulbs, enable Robert to secure seven super sensitive, top-secret, surreptitious

    hydrophones, to harden molten floor of the trench. They secured the equipment to

    the ocean floor enabling the sonar and hydrophones to complete the first

    assignment of three planned.

    It is near this hour Seth is now entering a vast, secret world in the shape of a ring,

    which has no beginning or end. Time does not occupy space in the daunting and

    arid world. It is filled with thousands of lakes of fire hot enough to melt the flesh

    right off the human bodies, fighting to keep their heads above the burning twisting

    spouts of flames, feeding the lakes. The fire resembled brimstone, falling from the

    sky. Ravened and plagued by demons, along with the nefarious, fallen angels, evil

    winged creatures of all sizes and shapes, with voracious appetites, fight one

    another for the dripping flesh falling from the bones of the condemned. Soothsayer

    serpents protect the succubus. Every spirit that enters through the gate will become

    Permanent Residents, and subjected to the mutilation of the human body and the

    emptiness of the flesh-eating vultures. Women were vigilant against abounds of

    incubus who strike at will.

    Seth looks at perhaps billions and billions of lost souls being consumed and

    reconsumed after the flesh passes through the bowls of the monsters of the abyss.

    Seths flesh began to sag and drop off the bones of his arms. Seth screams and

    said! "The pain is unthinkable."

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    Father, Im, frazzled, fried, flustered, and want to come home and let go of this

    Erebus inferno, a pandemonium of a pit, the magma of the avenues abyss. I want to

    come home to your comforting arms. Seth said in a shaken voice. This abyss of

    horror is greater than I have ever imagined.

    Saving souls form this inferno is my calling to the priesthood; it is Gods way of

    confirming my purpose to His Holy Church and I will never forget the horror of

    this sojourn. Seth thought to himself.

    Seven miles above the surface the Captain of the USS. Bluegillhad ordered the

    sonar man to conduct acoustic listening on the ocean's floor; the Chief sonar man is

    documenting all data on tape and on the spectrum analyser.

    Dead silence, a horizontal black line, confirmed, no audible noise results. He took

    one look about, shaking his head from side to side and holding up his palms, Im

    speechless, I have no answer. The tape runs for the next three hours before it

    ends. The Captain orders the sonar man to replay the tape, which he does. Nothing

    was audible, the normal burble should have been heard, and high frequency

    crackling and whines were not present.

    Seth heard that crackling voice again. It was the same one he heard on awaking,

    Seth your breakfast is ready.

    Seth backs away from the photograph on the wall and regains his composure. It

    was Anna hurrying him along. Seth returned to his room and grabbed his New

    York Yankee baseball cap off his headboard, put it on, and headed for the kitchen.

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    Dont forget Seth today is a Holy Day of Obligation and you will need to go to

    Mass. The ship will be leaving the dock at 7:30 said Anna.

    Thanks for reminding me Anna. Seth made his way out the front door, picked

    up two-hundred newspapers and carried them into the house, set them down on the

    living-room floor, cut open the straps; and took a copy into the kitchen where his

    hot oatmeal; and a glass of Ovaltine was waiting. Anna went back to her room.

    It was not normal for Seth to read the articles before he did his route; however, this

    was the day the pope was to reveal the Third Secret of Fatima; and, Seth was eager

    to read about it. This was the Secret that kept Seth from getting any sleep the night

    before. He scanned the headlines and saw no mention of the Secret. What was

    going on? Why was there no mention? Was it lost somewhere in the Vatican? Did

    the Pope decide not to divulge the Secret to the faithful? Was the story of the

    Secret so terrible the Vatican decided not to publish it? The world was anxious for

    what would happen. The day was not over.

    Seth finished his paper route and changes into his Sunday suit. Seth arrives at Mass

    with his mother and two younger siblings; makes a straight line for the

    confessional. If the world was going to end that day, he wanted to make sure his

    soul will die in the state of Gods Grace and by confessing and professing; his life

    will change from all occasions of sin. As the day progresses, no signs of darkness,

    stars falling from the sky, nor the sea turning red; no evidence, the world was about

    to end as the Third Secret of Fatima had professed.

    Later that day Seth goes to visit his friend Aabin who was an Islamic Muslim.

    Aabin appeared in a pair of blue wool Izars, a bright red Thobe and a white Kufi

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    cap; he discovers Omar, an older man with a long black and white beard, Aabins

    father. He is in the study of the house gluing back together a statue of Our Lady of

    Fatima. Omar brought it home from the city dump, where he was employed. The

    statue was been run over by a bulldozer and is brought home in an orange crate, in

    pieces no larger than a buffalo nickel.

    Two, one-hundred watt light bulbs suspended from the ceiling on long wires

    illuminated the room with all intrinsic light. At the end of the wires, were half

    round tin shades; the ones they use for criminal interrogation. In the far corner, a

    small potbelly stove warmed the room to warm seventy degrees. Old photographs

    and paintings of Syria covered the walls. One small window on the back wall gave

    any sense of escape. The room was Omars haven; however Seths sense of the

    room was cell like.

    Omar that Muslims honour Mary and Jesus tell Seth. Seth is confused seeing a

    statue of Our Lady of Fatima being assembled in a Muslim house. Seth thought

    Mary belonged to the Catholics. Omar invites Seth back to the house to discuss

    their religions: What is common to all three Monotheistic religions of the world

    and what differences they have. They discuss the Statue and the origins of its

    name. Why God chose the city of Fatima to manifest His Holy Mother.

    Mohammed daughters name was Fatima; she was revered as the second most

    revered woman in heaven, after Mary. Seth spends a few months helping Omar

    repair the statue and asking astute questions about Islam. Omar and Seth have

    many arguments over the months; Omar becomes vexatious, and one night Omar

    throws Seth out of the house and tells him never to come back. After Omar and

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    Aabin leave for Syria, Seth has an affair with Aabins stepmother Fatima who is

    fifteen years older.

    I have had a firm and insatiable desire for you since I saw you, Fatima told Seth.

    He is aware of the mortal consequences. She mentions how she is lured to his

    beautiful colour eyes, one blue, and one brown, noted as (heterochromia), this is

    rare in humans. Seths adolescence gets the best of him as he falls for Aabins

    young and beautiful mother. Later Omar, Aabin and Aabins mother Fatima have

    to return to Damascus, Syria where Omar inherits his brothers estate. Fatima gives

    birth to twins, a boy Ishmael, and a girl Fatima. They both have the same eyes as

    Seth; Omar becomes suspicious and confronts Fatima. Fatima is truthful and tells

    Omar about her affair. Omar tells Aabin he wants revenge on Seth and one week

    later Omar dies. Aabin is instructed to kill Seth.

    Ishmael and Fatima are both brought up in the Islam faith and are schooled

    together up through High School.

    Ishmael and Fatima both join the Hezbollah. Fatima, Ishmaels twin, marries

    Hassan, the leader of the Hasrallah.

    Seth goes on and joins the Army and is sent to Vietnam where he befriends Adam,

    his sergeant. They both are fighting for Hamburger Hill one of many bloody

    conflicts, both are shot and Seth dies on the battlefield and has a life after death

    experience. Seth finishes college and feels a calling to the priesthood. He is sent to

    the North American College in Rome where he continues to write and explore the

    Third Secret of Fatima, a supranational event which Father Seth believes will occur

    during his lifetime.

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    Father Seth learns the obelisk in St Peters Square and a lunar alignment will be

    useful in gathering more information about the Secret. He will be infatuated until

    the secret is unlocked.

    After his ordination to the priesthood, Father Seth requests the parish of Our Lady

    of Fatima in Sudbury, Massachusetts. His request is accepted, Father Seth is


    The Wilson's who bought Omars home in the Sixties, was told the story by the

    neighbours, how the statue had been rebuilt by Omar, Aabin and Seth and

    returned it to Anne, fifty years later. Anna sends the statue of Our Lady of Fatima

    to Father Seth, in Boston. Father Seth places the statue on a table in the corner of

    his room. The statue is a constant reminder of all the apologetic, arguments, and

    harmonious times which took place in the study of Omars room.

    Because of the worlds disconnect from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran's

    determination to create chaos in the Middle East; including his comment that

    Israeli be wiped off the face of the Earth, decides to enlist the Hasrallah to recover

    the True Cross of Christ. He will have the DNA extracted and cloned into a Christ

    figure which will enter the world, with the Twelfth Imam. This will induce the Day

    of Judgment fulfilling the belief of the Shiite Moslems who want to destroy the

    world and have their Mahdi to raise them all to heaven to be with Allah.

    In the fall of 2016, Father Seth receives a phone call from his mother Anna,

    informing him of his father death. Father Seth flies home to San Diego, where he

    celebrates the mass at St. Ritas church, the congregation in which he grew up.

    Days after the funeral Father Seths mother asks him to go open the locked cabinet

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    and takes all his dad's belongings, she needs to consolidate and move into more

    adequate quarters.

    Father Seth finds a box marked top-secret, dated December 31, 1960. It contains a

    ten inch reel to reel tape. It is identical to the reels used by the US Navy. Father

    Seth tucks it under his arm and tells Anna he is returning to Boston and will listen

    to it when he gets home. Father Seth does not know of anyone who had the

    electronic equipment required to perform antiquated recordings, Father Seth takes

    it to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston Massachusetts. There,

    Father Seth has a meeting with Dr. Charles, who advises him to alter the tape into a

    digital format which in turn may listen to on a PC.

    Dr. Charles has finished the digital disk and comments to Father Seth the

    background noise is encrypted and cannot be interpreted; however, he will send the

    disk ready to be played on a personal computer.

    Father Seth is told by the professor who digitized the tape that it contains an

    encrypted coding which was garbled and nebulous. The professor said it would not

    play and was not worth listening too.

    Father Seth searches and finds a tautology which will record an audio signal

    synthesizer which will I interpret and replayed the English language. It was

    developed by Dr. Fish, Dean of the School of Oceanography, at the University of

    Rhode Island. This program was developed to explain the wavelength of utterance

    made by whales, porpoises and other mammals and can transform their language of

    whistles, screeches and grunts into a language which may be understood by

    English speaking human beings.

    Father Seth obtains the program and in three hours the information is decrypted

    and is ready for listening. Father Seth has become nervous as the disc begins.

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    Father Seth hears a voice announcing the ships coordinates range, time, name of

    the vessel, and name of the sonar people who recorded the details, whose voice is

    his father's. The huge surprise, it is the voice of a young boy: Father, Im,

    frazzled, fried, flustered, and want to come home and leave this Erebus inferno, a

    Pandemonium of a pit, the magma of the avenues abyss. I want to come home to

    your comforting arms. Father Seth is shaking with fear. It is his voice in his words

    which he spoke some fifty years earlier, the night of New Years Eve nineteen

    hundred and sixty.

    Father Seth is shocked the hair on his arms stood on end; as he begins to tremble

    with fear. Father Seth jumps out of his chair and removes the disk from his PC,

    throws it into his top dresser drawer slams it shut. Father Seth considers this

    information valuable clue to the Third Secret.

    It takes Father Seth two weeks to overcome the shock to his senses as he tries to

    forget everything that was occurring.

    Aabin, Googles Seth Welsh and discoveres he has become a Catholic Priest,

    living in Boston Massachusetts, and has studied the return of Christ and the

    Twelfth Imam and believes he has a great deal of information about The Third

    Secret. Aabin has the perfect opportunity to put Father Seth in harms way, by

    involving him in the Hezbollahs plan, and revere Omars request.

    The phone rings, Father Seth has a gut feeling this call is not going to be good;

    however, he answers it.

    This is Aabin Nasrallah; I am calling from Damascus Syria. Is this Seth Walsh

    who lived in San Diego in the Sixties? Aabin asked.

    Hello, Aabin how may help you? Father Seth replied.

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    I had been told by my brother Ishmael, the Shiite Hassaballa, through the

    direction of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Shiites of Iran, about the attack on

    Jerusalem, stealing the True Cross and extracting the DNA. This DNA will be used

    to clone a Christ, capable of taking over the world. Because of the worlds

    disconnect from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Iran's determination to create chaos

    in the Middle East; including his comment, that Israeli will be wiped off the face

    of the Earth, decides to enlist the Hasrallah to recover the True Cross of Christ.

    This wills side-track his involvement. He will have the DNA extracted and cloned

    into a Christ figure which will enter the world, with the Twelfth Imam. This will

    induce the Day of Judgment fulfilling the belief of the Shiite Moslems who want to

    destroy the world. Their Mahdi will raise them all to heaven, to be with Allah.

    Aabin had a dream the night before about Omar and Father Seth working together

    on the Fatima Statue and is trapped between Seth and his friendship and Omars

    final request.

    Father Seth will have to ask the Bishop for a leave of absence and will allow him

    know the next day. Father Seth begins to pack his bags for the long trip to Syria

    and as he opens the top dresser drawer he discovers the disc. Father Seth removes

    the disk and believes now is the time he should listen to it. He puts it into his

    computer and fast-forwards past the words he had heard and begins the part he

    feels he must hear before he leaves the country.

    The tape reveals every event which took place in hell during Father Seths visit;

    where, the screaming, yelling, swearing, cursing relatives, friends, saints, are

    heard. Father Seth hears Satan revealing that an individual may provide the latent

    powers locked up in the soul. Satan also reveals The Third Secret of Fatima and

    reveals the details of the way of how the Muslims and Jews will reveal their

    saviours. He reveals that time is short and he is instructing all the demons in hell

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    to work overtime and devour as many souls as possible. Satan reveals the secret of

    the latent powers and how they can be obtained through the sale of a soul. He

    knows his time is short and the story from creation to ruin is revealed. Father Seth

    is listening to this in disbelief. He feels his latent powers beginning to grow

    manifest from in. He has no desire to make a deal with Satan, he becomes


    In the comfort of his four bedroom apartment in Southern Beirut, Hassan into

    deep slumber, a slumber deep and real it took him back thirty some years, when he

    lived with his father, a roaming merchant, and eight siblings, seven brothers and

    one sister.

    This night Lebanons Hezbollah chieftain, Hassans dreams consisted of his years

    attending school, the love he had with Islam and his mentor Imam Mousa al Sadr

    whose picture hung on a wall of his fathers store. The dream was suddenly

    interrupted by a surreal vision, of a woman clothed in a brilliant white mantle

    speaking Arabic. Hassan said, I have seen an Icon in Your image in the Sacred

    Mosque of Kaaba, in Mecca; you are Mary, the Mother of Jesus; why do you seek


    Be not afraid Hassan, I have come to you, a man of strength, leadership and a

    strong belief to your cause; you will, as your faithful brother, Muhammad, who

    came before you, bring a new revelation to your people, thru me.

    But how can I, a firm and faithful believer of Allah, accept your beliefs in the

    Christian Trinity? Many of Your beliefs are not acceptable to Islam. Mary said.

    You will convince the entire Muslim world that My son is the Way, the Truth,

    and the Light; He is the Alpha and the Omega. As the Heavenly Father used Saul

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    the mighty Christian persecutor, as the apostle who galvanize the Jews, Pagans and

    non-believers in the early years of Christianity, I am asking you to be my modern

    day apostle who will proselytize the Middle East Muslims to convert and accept

    my Son, Jesus Christ, as the Son of God and The Saviour of the World. I am your

    Mother and the Mother of all humankind. I have many names, but tonight I appear

    to you under the title of Our Lady of Fatima.

    You were born one year after the Fatima letters were opened in nine-hundred and

    fifty-nine, and revealed by Pope John XXIII; however, the third secret has not yet

    been publicly divulged. You will play an important part in Our Fathers Plan for

    the future of the world. I will reveal this plan to you in time.

    The wood upon, my Son Jesus hung will be made flesh once again and will be

    found under the one who kicks the wooden cenotaph and says. The Crusades have

    ended; awake, Saladin, we have returned. My presence here consecrates the victory

    of the Cross over the Crescent. This event took place in Nineteen-Hundred and

    Twenty in the month of July, in the city of Damascus, where the light of the world

    will proceed from. It is said, each day you make the impossible possible, creating

    a world which has no limits, a world which nothing can contest your desires. We

    were all made in Gods image and you all want to be gods.

    Suddenly, Hessian awoke from his sleep in abject terror, his whole body griped as

    if by a vise. Quickly he rose from his bed, ran to the window slamming it closed.

    Hassan for the first time in his life was frightened half to death. He did not know if

    he should awaken his wife

    Fatima and share his supernatural dream with her, or wait until he had a chance to

    absorb what he was told.

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    He ran to the edge of the bed where Fatima was fast asleep. Sitting himself on the

    edge of the bed he began to shake her, calling out her name. Fatima, Fatima,

    please wake up my dear I have to tell you about my dream.

    Fatima had never heard Hassan voice stressed as she rolled over to see her

    husbands face; it was aglow, as bright as the mid-day sun. What has happened to

    you Hassan? What is the matter with you? Fatima had never seen Lebanons

    Hezbollah chieftain, perhaps the most enigmatic and magnetic leaders in the

    Middle East, acting in a confused and frightened manner. She recalled the accounts

    of Muhammads first revelation in the cave, as if, face to face with the angelic

    being, back in the year six-hundred and ten, AD. Was this Hassans first


    Hassan placed his arms around Fatima and lies his body down next to hers.

    Fatima, tell no one of this dream; I need some time to come to terms with this


    Hassan, Fatima said. We will have to wait to see if the Lady will manifest

    Herself again. Lets wait and see what becomes of this; in the mean time I will find

    out what this Third Secret of Fatima entails.

    Father Seth is told, by Aabin, Hezbollah will arrive the night of Holy Thursday to

    the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and establish the plan. Father Seth is concerned,

    going with an untrained force, verses a will organized and well-armed species as


    Father Seth will mobilize his militia from a group of Greek Orthodox Catholics

    from a church in Damascus, Syria. In nineteen-hundred and eighty-six, The

    Blessed Mother under the name of Our Lady of Soufanieh had said, The light of

    the world will come from this church.

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    This is the same church in which Saul was converted and baptized before

    spreading the Gospel throughout the land. Father Seth requests that the militia be

    left behind. Fathers Seth and Adam will do it with the trained thirteen soldiers

    from Fort Dixx.

    With all men in place and the plan orchestrated by Father Adam, the team waits for

    Hezbollah from behind buildings and street venders carts. Father Adam informs

    everyone in the area the Hezbollah will be present and to be vigilant, which they

    do. Street fighting has been on-going for the past two-thousand years.

    The table on which the Reliquary of the Holy Cross is placed outside the Church of

    the Holy Sepulchre and urns filled with flowers adorn the table. Sixteen chairs

    surround the table where deacons from the Catholic Church will be sitting to guard

    against any attack on the Holy Relic.

    One hour before the ceremony of the Adoration in the streets of Jerusalem, the

    Franciscans unlock the Treasure Room. In the center, of the room is where the

    True Cross reliquary was kept. Side walls are where other relics are kept.

    To their surprise the Reliquary is missing, and the Franciscans begin to question

    the whereabouts of the reliquary. A Muslim who has the key to the church is

    questioned and tells of their encounter with the Hezbollah the night before, where

    they are awakened in the middle of the night at gunpoint, and are told they would

    be killed if they did not cooperate with the terrorist.

    Pandemonium strikes as the word of the loss of the True Cross hits the streets.

    Father Seth asks one of the Franciscans if the story is true, and it is confirmed,

    affirmative. Now that Father Seth's plans have failed, the group will ask Aabin for

    information about how to counter the Hezbollah, and retrieve the Cross. They did

    not know a Muslim kept the key to the church, that plan failed. Father Adam, now,

    needs a new plan to thwart the Hezbollah from succeeding in their plan to extract

    DNA from the Cross. The Cross is transported to Damascus by Hezbollah and is

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    now in the hands of Dr. Majeed Mohsen Al Alawi, who plans to obtain human

    DNA from the cross and clone a second Christ.

    Dr. Majeeds staff is working through the night; however this AB blood type is not

    found in the wood of the cross and Dr. Majeed makes a phone call to Hassan

    Hasrallah notifying him of the outcome.

    Mr. Majeed went on to explain, that according to Catholics Human and Divine

    character of Christ's Blood, poradic, as to be unique, with an occurrence of one in

    200 billion.

    A young Syrian woman named Myrna has been employed at the clinic and knew

    Dr. Majeed. The plan is to overrun the medical center and retrieve the True Cross

    and return it to Jerusalem. On the third night, following the detailed plan Father

    Seth and his army assemble in the rear of the center and storm the building housing

    the Reliquary. Majeed, at work the laboratory is spotted by Myrna who notifies the

    rest of the group. Dr. Majeed, is forced at gunpoint, takes the group to the room

    which the reliquary is kept; Father Seth and his army retrieve the Reliquary.

    On the way out, Father Seth is greeted by a Hezbollah soldier who fires shots at

    Father Seth.

    Father Seth runs out the door of the clinic with the reliquary where he sees an

    armed soldier who fires on him. Father Seth takes a bullet to the arm; however,

    manages to get off three rounds, wounding a soldier, who is now facing down in

    the streets of Damascus.

    Father Seth approaches the wounded gunman and rolls him over.

    Father Seth is now face to face with the gunman, and as Father Seth looks down at

    the gunmans eyes they are the same colour as his.

    The gunman reaches for his sidearm and now the two are face to face, and both

    ready to kill.

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    He speaks to Father Seth and announces he is Ishmael Nasrallah, brother of Aabin,

    son of Fatima. Father Seth now realizes Ishmael is Aabins brother, Father Seths

    son. He is bewildered. Why has Fatima kept this secret from him? He hesitates.

    Does he kill Ishmael; or chance that Ishmael will kill him? As an armed group of

    Syrian soldiers arrived and surround the Medical Center. Father Seth shoots

    Ishmael in the head six times and leaves him in the streets for dead. The fight goes

    on for three hours, and many are killed. Father Seth and his army escape to the roof

    where there is a helicopter awaiting their rescue. The Reliquary is returned to the

    Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem where Father Seth tells the Franciscans

    to hide the reliquary because of the plan to extract the DNA and clone a second

    Christ. The reliquary is hidden in the church.

    Mr. Nasrallah is told by Mary, through a theophany, the True Cross of Christ was

    buried in Saladins tomb. "Remember the Cross, over the Crescent? Awake,

    Saladin?" said Fatima. Did the True Cross somehow get buried with Saladin? The

    mausoleum was built by Saladin's son; Al-Adil I. Saladin's body was interred at the

    Citadel of Damascus until the construction of the building was completed in

    eleven-hundred and ninety-six. The madrasah was built later by Saladin's other

    son, Al-Aziz Uthman. The mausoleum was rebuilt in eighteen-hundred and ninety-

    eight, under the patronage of the German Emperor Wilhelm II who financed the

    repairs after he visited Damascus and found the tomb in a state of disrepair.

    The mausoleum itself is small and modest. The room holds two cenotaphs. The

    original one, a wooden tomb, decorated with geometric and astral patterns, holds

    Saladin's body. The second, a marble coffin, was a gift from Emperor Wilhelm II.

    Fatima Nasrallah had said the reason Saladin was not removed from the wooden

    cenotaphs and moved into the marble cenotaphs would show disrespect for Saladin

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    and his remains. The Imam agreed that an offence would open secrets from the

    past would dishonour Saladins reputation. Maybe the Third Secret of Fatima.

    Fatima, call Aabin and have him come over I need to discuss this problem with

    your brother. He will have to be told, or we will be forced to end the plan, as Mr.

    Nasrallah paced the floor with his hand on his chin and his other hand holding up

    his elbow.

    The same night Mr. Nasrallah sent his highest ranking generals in the Holy

    Mosque and open Saladins tomb to see what Gouraud was talking about when he

    said as he stood on Saladins tomb and announced that; this is the place where the

    Cross will overcome the crescent and the light of the world will come from


    As the soldiers entered the Mosque, they find their way to the tomb. They opened

    the tomb and discovered a wood cross lying over the bones of Saladin. "We have

    found the cross," exclaimed one soldier.

    Mr. Nasrallah was notified by phone what the soldiers had discovered.

    There were two crosses. Mr., Nasrallah remembed every word of his revelation of,

    The Mother of Jesus?

    Mr. Nasrallah told his army generals to deliver the cross to Dr. Majeed at the clinic

    in Damascus without delay. The cross is wrapped in a heavy canvas and is placed

    in and armoured truck and brought to the clinic where Dr. Majeed is waiting. The

    soldiers remove it from the truck and carry it into the clinic where Dr. Majeed is

    waiting the wood. It is placed on a stainless-steel table in a sterile environment in a

    room on the third floor.

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    Mr. Nasrallah tells his Generals that this mission is top secret he wanted every

    piece of evidence wiped clean, including any evidence of intrusion into the


    Dr. Majeed examines the cross and finds various blood types on the wood;

    however, after six hours of searching he finds the AB blood type. He calls Mr.

    Nasrallah and notifies him he has found the correct blood type and will with his

    permission extract the blood samples and proceed with the process. Mr. Nasrallah

    agrees, and the project will be complete in Nine months.

    Father Seths next objective is to announce to the Jew's of the Syrian plot; if

    successful would force a worldwide Apocalypse. The Jews believe the Messiah has

    to come; they discount Father Seths suggestions. They refuse to believe Father

    Seth and continue to rebuild the third temple. The Jews clone the red heifer, the

    second of many requirements necessary in the fulfilment of the restoration of the

    Jewish kingdom, and extend the Messiahs rule over all the Earth. Father Seth

    knows, if the third temple is constructed, it will induce the labour pains the world

    would suffer with a cloned Christ? Persuade by reason the Jews not to build the

    third temple is going to be far more complex than the raid on the clinic in

    Damascus. He has asked fellow Christians to lay down their lives and get involved

    in thwarting some strange Moslem belief in manifesting the twelfth Imam; how is

    Father Seth going to prevent the Jew's into believing, Jesus Christ is the worlds

    true Messiah?

    Meanwhile, the Jews were responsible for having Christ crucified. Had he not died

    on the cross the Jews would have to believe and accept Him as their Saviour and

    King? They do not believe in the Resurrection for their Messiah had to be a living,

    breathing king. Father Seth believes Divine Intervention is the way to resolve this

    problem. Archbishop Fulton Sheen believes that the Blessed Virgin chose to be

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    known as Our Lady of Fatima as a pledge and a sign of hope to the Muslim

    people, and as an assurance that they, who show her much respect, will one day

    accept her Divine Son, too. This has not happened to date.

    Father Seth and his soldiers are convinced they were successful in their mission;

    however, the plan is in full operation. Dr. Majeed has extracted the DNA he needs

    to clone Christ, forcing the manifestation of the twelfth Imam or the prophesied

    Mahdi. All applications are implanted into a young Catholic girl, against her

    will. She is terrified of the plan but concedes.

    The Child is born in Damascus Syria on the thirteenth day of October, 2017; one-

    hundred years after the miracle of the sun at Fatima, Portugal. Three days after the

    birth, relatives bring the Child to the church of Our Lady of Soufanieh, to be

    baptized. Minutes after the priest pour the Holy water over the head of the Child; a

    Spirit rises out of the Child taking on the illumination of a large cross as it ascends

    into the heavens and continues to illuminate the entire world day and night. I am

    the light of the world, it will shine for you and for all humankind this will be done

    for the remission of sin. A Human voice is heard. The cross is seen by all

    humankind throughout the world day and night. The Body of Christ is seen

    descending on a cloud from haven accompanied by a host of angels illuminated by

    incandescent source of intense light. In the flicker of an eye, everyone who sees

    this miraculous sign begins to experience peace and serenity. The cells in their

    body become illuminated with love, peace, and happiness. They now see their soul

    as if they were peering through the eyes of Almighty God. They see all their

    sinfulness and experience all the passions Christ experienced at Golgotha. He

    asked for repentance, and that humankind turns to God; if not He will pour out his

    wrath on the face of the entire Earth. Humankind will experience times the world

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    has ever produced including the Third World War. My brothers and sisters, you

    have had six-thousand years to govern this world, and now I will take the reins into

    my hands and show the world real peace. Millions will accept Jesus Christ and

    millions will not.

    Each human after three days begin their routine tasks, awaking from their slumber

    begin to shower, shave, iron clothing, or feed animals and so forth moments pass,

    and each begins to take on the characteristics of either a sheep or a lamb. Each is

    transformed into one of six animals: A chosen Catholic will take on the look of

    sheep/human wearing a Vintage Catholic Crucifix/with Skull and Crossbones, or, a

    non-chosen Catholic, agoat/human wearing a Vintage Catholic Crucifix/with

    Skull and Crossbones. A Moslem will be wearing a turban and will be either a

    goat/human or asheep/human. The same with the Jews. They will be wearing a

    Yamacas and will be either agoat/human or asheep/human.

    All of the animals human features are revealed; therefore, everyone will be

    identified by how they looked as human. There will be no conversations. All will

    walk toward the mountain which has the illuminated cross at its peak, which is

    split by an enormous abyss, and can not be crossed. The lamb/human will

    approach the right side and thegoat/human to the left. All will divide at the abyss

    and start the five mile climb to the top where they will greet Jesus coming down

    from heaven on a cloud along with his army of angles. He will then take the Great

    Judgment Seat. The twelfth Imam is a no show. He is in line with the goat/humans

    As Father Seth, a sheep/human wearing his Vintage Catholic Crucifix/ with Skull

    and Crossbones, is standing on the side of the path leading up the mountain. He

    sees off in the distance a pair of blue wool Izars, a bright red Thobe and a white

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    Kufi cap; this was Aabin signature. As he approached Father Seth it was obvious

    it was Aabin walking alongside his sister Fatima, and brother in law Hassan, Omar,

    and Ishmael. They were all wearing the traditional Muslim clothing; however, all

    five were goat/human. Father Seth recalls a statement Aabin made back in January

    of 1960: (Aabin had a speech impediment) Lets recite a few prayers from de

    Quran and den some from de Bible. I want to make sure we have all our bases

    covered; for if we die today I would want to be in heaven wish Allah and ya, Seth.

    Not a word is spoken the emotional feelings of all are felt, whether mortified and

    frightened or jaunty and nirvana. All are cognizant of each humans disposition.

    When the entire world dead and alive in heaven and hell are judged; it will be at

    force; it will cause the impious to be shaken loose, and become swill fallen for

    doors of darkness. The doors will envelope and seal the abyss.

    Father Seth: As for me, my life is already being poured away as a libation. I have

    fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to finish; I have kept the faith;

    all there is to come now is the crown of righteousness reserved for me, which the

    Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me today. (2 Timothy 4:68)