synthetic sugar for sustainable power?

OPINION ARTICLE published: 25 March 2014 doi: 10.3389/fchem.2014.00013 Synthetic sugar for sustainable power? Khaled Moustafa* Institut Mondor de la Recherche Biomédicale - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Créteil, France *Correspondence: [email protected] Edited by: Wenzhen Li, Michigan Technological University, USA Reviewed by: Xinhua Liang, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA Zhiyong Zhang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Keywords: artificial photosynthesis, bioethanol, biofuels, carbon dioxide recycling, green environment, sustainable bioenergy, synthetic sugar Energy is a major challenge for the future with important consequences on the eco- nomic and political stability, food security, water supply, energy independence, pol- lution, and global ecosystem. Owing to increased industrial activities and grow- ing population, the reserve of oil and other fossil resources will become, at best, rare, and costly for extraction and commercialization. For these reasons, sustainable energy is on the top interests of scientific and politi- cal programs in many countries where eco- nomic and industrial activities are main contributors of the emission of green- house gases. High accumulation of these gases is predictable to affect agriculture and to sharpen climate change in the next decades. To alleviate these effects, scien- tists and stakeholders need to addresses all potential hypotheses and approaches to develop sustainable energy systems that minimize the pollution and the negative effects of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) on the biosphere. Toward this objective, different approaches are currently under investiga- tion based on various platforms such as water, microorganisms, plants and pho- tovoltaic devices. Splitting of water, for example, is used to generate gaseous hydrogen using molecular catalysts such as molybdenum-oxo complex (Karunadasa et al., 2010), copper oxide photocath- ode coated with an amorphous molybde- num sulphide (Morales-Guio et al., 2014) or Silicon/Hematite core/shell nanowire array covered with gold nanoparticles (Wang et al., 2014). Various microorgan- ism genera are also investigated such as microalgae (Gong and Jiang, 2011), bac- teria (Kalscheuer et al., 2006), cyanobac- teria (Quintana et al., 2011) and yeast (Buijs et al., 2013). Other options include genetically modified plants such as sugar- cane (Arruda, 2012), maize (Torney et al., 2007), sunflower and soybean (Dizge et al., 2009). Each of these platforms has its own pros and cons. The production of biohydrogen for example encounters two major challenges relating to high pro- duction cost and low-yield (Gupta et al., 2013). Important sustainability issues also obstruct the production of biofuel from algae and plant platforms at industrial viable scales, admitting that a severe com- promise would be accepted for biofuel production from crops to the detriment of food production. Moreover, crops-based biofuels can provide only a small portion of the huge amounts of fuels needed annu- ally, estimated at the equivalent of 31 bil- lion barrels of crude oil (Rhodes, 2009). Plant-based biofuels also require precious sources (water and arable lands) that are increasingly scarce, and it is much wiser to save them for more vital needs than energy. Algae, on the other hand, have greater potential than plants to be good alternative resources for renewable energy. However, algae require substantial amount of water and fertilizer resources for scalable pro- duction of fuels (Edmundson and Wilkie, 2013). Algal fuels also cannot be produced in large volumes in an environmentally sustainable manner, although crude oil has been produced in various experimental scales (Chisti, 2013). Moreover, there is a permanent need to fully recycle the nitro- gen and phosphorous nutrients that are necessary for the sustainable algal biofuel system. Other alternative energy resources include nuclear and solar-based plat- forms. Nuclear is a highly risk adventure at local and global level, especially under unpreventable environmental disasters and uncontrollable climate change. The other safer approach is sunlight and its applications with photovoltaic devices. An ideal energy system, however, should offer the possibility to produce sustain- able power while reducing CO 2 emissions at the same time. An enhanced artificial photosynthesis protocol that uses CO 2 , water and sunlight to produce fermentable organic matter (sugar), in the same way that plants do for their own natural pho- tosynthesis, would be an ultimate, or at least a complementary solution to other potential bioenergy alternatives, for both the production of biofuels and the reduc- tion of CO 2 levels. Figure 1 illustrates a streamlined scheme for a conceptual energy system inspired from photosynthe- sis process, starting by capturing sunlight and CO 2 and ending by the synthesis of sugars. The synthetized sugar can then be conducted to a chamber (i.e., fermentation reservoir) where it could be converted to bioethanol by fermentation. Once realized, such an approach would not only offer the advantage to save valuable lands, freshwa- ter and crops, but also to reduce CO 2 levels and make industrial activities as desirable activities rather than culprit operations, because the CO 2 emitted will be recy- cled permanently to feed the artificial system and produce bioethanol. In other term, the more CO 2 emitted by indus- trial activities, the more sugar synthesized, and the more bioethanol produced. To enable maximum fixation of CO 2 , such a system is expected to be implemented near industrial factories that emit CO 2 intensively. The composition, size, chemical, and physical properties of appropriate devices and materials intended for such a technology need to be scrutinized and March 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 13 | 1

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Page 1: Synthetic sugar for sustainable power?

OPINION ARTICLEpublished: 25 March 2014

doi: 10.3389/fchem.2014.00013

Synthetic sugar for sustainable power?Khaled Moustafa*

Institut Mondor de la Recherche Biomédicale - Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Créteil, France*Correspondence: [email protected]

Edited by:

Wenzhen Li, Michigan Technological University, USA

Reviewed by:

Xinhua Liang, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USAZhiyong Zhang, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

Keywords: artificial photosynthesis, bioethanol, biofuels, carbon dioxide recycling, green environment, sustainable bioenergy, synthetic sugar

Energy is a major challenge for the futurewith important consequences on the eco-nomic and political stability, food security,water supply, energy independence, pol-lution, and global ecosystem. Owing toincreased industrial activities and grow-ing population, the reserve of oil andother fossil resources will become, atbest, rare, and costly for extraction andcommercialization.

For these reasons, sustainable energy ison the top interests of scientific and politi-cal programs in many countries where eco-nomic and industrial activities are maincontributors of the emission of green-house gases. High accumulation of thesegases is predictable to affect agricultureand to sharpen climate change in the nextdecades. To alleviate these effects, scien-tists and stakeholders need to addressesall potential hypotheses and approachesto develop sustainable energy systems thatminimize the pollution and the negativeeffects of carbon dioxide (CO2) on thebiosphere. Toward this objective, differentapproaches are currently under investiga-tion based on various platforms such aswater, microorganisms, plants and pho-tovoltaic devices. Splitting of water, forexample, is used to generate gaseoushydrogen using molecular catalysts such asmolybdenum-oxo complex (Karunadasaet al., 2010), copper oxide photocath-ode coated with an amorphous molybde-num sulphide (Morales-Guio et al., 2014)or Silicon/Hematite core/shell nanowirearray covered with gold nanoparticles(Wang et al., 2014). Various microorgan-ism genera are also investigated such asmicroalgae (Gong and Jiang, 2011), bac-teria (Kalscheuer et al., 2006), cyanobac-teria (Quintana et al., 2011) and yeast(Buijs et al., 2013). Other options include

genetically modified plants such as sugar-cane (Arruda, 2012), maize (Torney et al.,2007), sunflower and soybean (Dizge et al.,2009). Each of these platforms has itsown pros and cons. The production ofbiohydrogen for example encounters twomajor challenges relating to high pro-duction cost and low-yield (Gupta et al.,2013). Important sustainability issues alsoobstruct the production of biofuel fromalgae and plant platforms at industrialviable scales, admitting that a severe com-promise would be accepted for biofuelproduction from crops to the detriment offood production. Moreover, crops-basedbiofuels can provide only a small portionof the huge amounts of fuels needed annu-ally, estimated at the equivalent of 31 bil-lion barrels of crude oil (Rhodes, 2009).Plant-based biofuels also require precioussources (water and arable lands) that areincreasingly scarce, and it is much wiser tosave them for more vital needs than energy.Algae, on the other hand, have greaterpotential than plants to be good alternativeresources for renewable energy. However,algae require substantial amount of waterand fertilizer resources for scalable pro-duction of fuels (Edmundson and Wilkie,2013). Algal fuels also cannot be producedin large volumes in an environmentallysustainable manner, although crude oil hasbeen produced in various experimentalscales (Chisti, 2013). Moreover, there is apermanent need to fully recycle the nitro-gen and phosphorous nutrients that arenecessary for the sustainable algal biofuelsystem.

Other alternative energy resourcesinclude nuclear and solar-based plat-forms. Nuclear is a highly risk adventureat local and global level, especially underunpreventable environmental disasters

and uncontrollable climate change. Theother safer approach is sunlight and itsapplications with photovoltaic devices.An ideal energy system, however, shouldoffer the possibility to produce sustain-able power while reducing CO2 emissionsat the same time. An enhanced artificialphotosynthesis protocol that uses CO2,water and sunlight to produce fermentableorganic matter (sugar), in the same waythat plants do for their own natural pho-tosynthesis, would be an ultimate, or atleast a complementary solution to otherpotential bioenergy alternatives, for boththe production of biofuels and the reduc-tion of CO2 levels. Figure 1 illustratesa streamlined scheme for a conceptualenergy system inspired from photosynthe-sis process, starting by capturing sunlightand CO2 and ending by the synthesis ofsugars. The synthetized sugar can then beconducted to a chamber (i.e., fermentationreservoir) where it could be converted tobioethanol by fermentation. Once realized,such an approach would not only offer theadvantage to save valuable lands, freshwa-ter and crops, but also to reduce CO2 levelsand make industrial activities as desirableactivities rather than culprit operations,because the CO2 emitted will be recy-cled permanently to feed the artificialsystem and produce bioethanol. In otherterm, the more CO2 emitted by indus-trial activities, the more sugar synthesized,and the more bioethanol produced. Toenable maximum fixation of CO2, sucha system is expected to be implementednear industrial factories that emit CO2

intensively.The composition, size, chemical,

and physical properties of appropriatedevices and materials intended for sucha technology need to be scrutinized and March 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 13 | 1

Page 2: Synthetic sugar for sustainable power?

Moustafa Synthetic sugar for sustainable power?

FIGURE 1 | General scheme of an artificial biosynthesis for the

production of bioethanol from synthesized sugar. To save valuable crops(e.g., maize, beet) and water for more vital applications, an artificialphotosynthesis can be used to produce fermentable sugar from CO2 andwater in a kind of artificial plastids (shown here as Chlorophotocell) as aphoto bioreactor for sustainable energy production. An artificialphotosynthesis system could be composed of a large unit with artificialplastids to capture solar light and atmospheric CO2 and then convert theminto sugar by chemical reaction. Produced sugar will be collected in another

unit (fermentation unit) where microorganisms can ferment the sugar andproduce bioethanol in optimized fermentation conditions. To insure CO2

auto-feedback, in case of insufficient atmospheric CO2 concentration, aportion of the synthesized sugar can be conducted to another fermentationchamber to produce CO2 by yeast and store it to feed the system at theneeded moment. Adding natural plant debris as a source of minerals formicroorganisms would be necessary to improve the fermentation efficiency.An adapted reservoir can be designed to capture and filter the rain water tosupply the requirements of water.

custom-made for the specific projectedtask. This will entail efforts at the inter-face of multidisciplinary fields includingbiotechnology, chemistry, physics, engi-neering and plant biology. Moreover, inan ideal conception, a good sustainableenergy platform should combine artificialphotosynthesis with photovoltaic devicesto take advantages from both settings in allcircumstances.

Unlike the natural photosynthesis,whose rate is relatively low and depends

on plant species and ambient conditions,the artificial system should enable bettercontrol and management of the bioenergyyield. In fact, natural photosynthesis yieldis not necessarily low, but just adaptedto the needs of photosynthetic organ-isms. Artificial photosynthesis, on theother hand, is needed to offer more flex-ibility on the control of the productionyield and to satisfy great energy demands.Yet, one of the foremost challenges ofsunlight-based technology is what to do

when there is little or no sun? To addressthis intermittent nature of sunlight, anefficient photosynthesis system shouldmimic plants in their perfect absorptionand tackling the light spectrum for theirown photosynthesis. From hot and wet tocold and rainy environments, plants cap-ture light efficiently and develop intensevegetation with important organic mat-ter produced (e.g., equatorial and borealforests). Similarly, an artificial photosyn-thesis should be optimized to operate

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Page 3: Synthetic sugar for sustainable power?

Moustafa Synthetic sugar for sustainable power?

in all circumstances of light shifts andintensity. To achieve such an objective,future multidisciplinary advancementsand doubled efforts will be necessary tobuild an effective artificial photosynthesisthat could be scalable for industrial pro-duction of bioenergy. The conversion ofCO2 →sugar→bioethanol may result inloss of some energy efficiency. To avoidsuch potential losses and take advantageof a shorter way to convert CO2 to fuel,another option would be the conversionof CO2 directly to ethanol (United StatesPatent 8,313,634).

Some other drawbacks may alsoencounter the outlined approach.Developing innovative technologyrequires great efforts at basic and appliedresearch until an efficient protocol isreached to reduce CO2 to C6 sugars.As for any new or unexplored researchareas, a substantial investment also will beneeded, at least at the first stages beforean optimization and automation reducesthe cost and augments the sensitivity ofthe system. The approach will demandgreat versatilities and sophisticated set-ting with several phases. For example,to circumvent the issue of CO2 dilutionin the atmosphere, CO2 can be injectedinto the system after either chemical or,preferably, biological production of CO2

by the system itself (e.g., yeast fermenta-tion) (Figure 1). If the CO2 concentrationis under an optimized threshold, deter-mined for an efficient photosynthesisoutput, an injection of stored CO2 canbe programmed to feed the system at theright moment. As such, the system willinsure its auto feedback permanently; thefermentation of synthesized sugar by yeastwill produce CO2, which in turn feeds thephotosynthesis system to produce sugarfor bioethanol production and so on. Acombinatory system can also be imaginedin which a starting amount of “naturalsugar” might be added sparsely to improvethe fermentation quality.

There is no doubt that earth’s cli-mate will change inevitably over the nextdecades due to intense anthropogenicactivities. The negative effects of fos-sil energy combined to unsustainable

practices in agricultural and industrialactivities will continue to cause damages.To avoid such damages, it is urgent toreduce the emission of greenhouse gasesat local and global levels. In the lightof the depletion of fossil fuels, consider-able investment is mandatory to developsafer and sustainable energy source to avertworst-case scenario. The establishment ofnew sustainable energies will require biol-ogists, chemist and physicists to narrowlycollaborate and examine a wide rangeof approaches. Artificial photosynthesis toproduce synthetic sugar for fermentationand bioethanol production would be aworthy option to focus on. The apparentbenefit of such an approach is to reduceCO2 levels and to provide renewable cleanbioenergy. As supplementary advantages,it is not necessary to use freshwater waternor arable lands, since artificial photosys-tem could be implemented anywhere. Rainwater could also be collected and storedin the same setting to answer the needs ofwater required for the production of sug-ars, so an important burden on freshwatercan be avoided.

Such an approach holds great poten-tial to be used at least as a complementaryapproach to the other investigated meth-ods. Further advantages include energyindependence and new jobs created as aresult of an implementation of new indus-try and researches for continual optimiza-tion and improvement at both basic andapplied levels.

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Received: 06 January 2014; accepted: 06 March 2014;published online: 25 March 2014.Citation: Moustafa K (2014) Synthetic sugar for sus-tainable power? Front. Chem. 2:13. doi: 10.3389/fchem.2014.00013This article was submitted to Green and EnvironmentalChemistry, a section of the journal Frontiers inChemistry.Copyright © 2014 Moustafa. This is an open-accessarticle distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, dis-tribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted,provided the original author(s) or licensor are creditedand that the original publication in this journal is cited,in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use,distribution or reproduction is permitted which does notcomply with these terms. March 2014 | Volume 2 | Article 13 | 3