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June 2018 www. [email protected], PH: 0484-2425649, 9400846997 SYRO-MALABAR MATRIMONY NETWORK MARRIAGE GUIDE Widest choice.. Absolute reliability.. Vol. 4 Issue- 3 MARRIAGE GUIDE

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June 2018

www. [email protected], PH: 0484-2425649, 9400846997

Syro-Malabar MaTrIMoNy NETWorKMarrIaGE GUIDE

Widest choice.. absolute reliability..Vol. 4 Issue- 3


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Syro-Malabar MaTrIMoNy NETWorKMarrIaGE GUIDE

Vol.4 Issue - 3 June 2018

PatronMar George Cardinal Alencherry

ChairmanMar Jose Porunnedom

Executive DirectorRev. Fr. Joby Maprakavil MST

Editorial BoardRev. Fr. Joby MaprakavilRev. Fr. Augustine Kallely

Published BySyro-Malabar Church Internet Mission

Mount St Thomas P B No. 3110, Kakkanad P.O.

Kochi 682 030, India P H: 9400846997, 04842425649

E-Mail:[email protected].

Printed at: St. Francis Press,

For private circulation only

Cover: Abin & Nidhi

MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSES - 2018-19 F¶ am{SntamWnb s\ävhÀ¡v hnhn[ kotdm ae_mÀ cq]XIfnse IpSpw_t{]jnXXz

Un¸mÀ«psaâpIÄ Iq«mbn \ÂIp¶ Hcp tkh\amWv. kotdmae_mÀ k`bnse bphP\§Ä FhnsS Bbncp¶mepw CtX k`bnepw kap­

Zmb¯nepw s]« PohnX ]¦mfnIsf Is ï ̄ m³ klmbn¡pI F¶ e£yt¯msSbmWv Cu kwcw`w \S¯s¸Sp¶Xv. Hmtcm cq]Xbnepw

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F¶v IcpXp¶Xv F¶v \n§Ä¡v kwibap ï mImw. ap³ Ime§fn AXv GhÀ¡pw hfsc hyàambncp¶p. ImcWw hnhml¯nÂ

H¶mIp¶ ]¦mfnIfpsS IpSpw_]Ým¯ehpw hnizmk]Ým¯ehpw AhcpsS Zm¼XyPohnXw kpKaam¡p¶Xn henb ]¦v hln¡p¶p­

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hfÀ¨¡pw A\nhmcyamsW¶v GXv a\imkv{XÚt\¡mfpw AhÀ a\Ênem¡pIbpw sNbvXncp¶p.

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Hcp ]cn[nhscsb¦nepw Ipd¡pI F¶XmWv kotdmae_mÀ am{SntamWnb s\äv hÀ¡nsâ e£yw. AXnsâ `mKambmWv Cu amknI

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]dbpIbpw sN¿p¶p. PohnX ]¦mfnIsf tXSp¶hsc kvt\l]qÀÆw Cu s\äv hÀ¡n cPnÌÀ sN¿m³ £Wn¡pIbpw sN¿p¶p.

_nj¸v tPmkv s]mcpt¶Sw am\´mhmSn cq]XbpsS sa{Xm³ & sNbÀam³ kotdm ae_mÀ NÀ¨v CâÀs\äv anj³

Message from the Chairman

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Syro-Malabar Matrimony NetworkSMCIM MATRIMONIAL SERVICES

Syro-Malabar Matrimony NetworkSMCIM MATRIMONIAL SERVICES

4 5


Silviya K VAge,Height: 23 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Tellicherry &ThaliparambaEducation: Web technology & graphic designingJob/Place: Web Designer,ErnakulamPartner Pref: Good Job


Anjali jomole georgeAge,Height: 27 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Mananthavady, MananthavadyEducation: B.Tech in E & C from vjcet, vazhakulamJob/Place: DBA in InfosysPartner Pref: Engineering


Roslin GeorgeAge,Height: 30 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Mananthavady &WayanadEducation: B.TechJob/Place: UST Global CochinPartner Pref: Prefers someone who works in same field.


Liz ThankachenAge,Height: 27 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kalyan &KottayamEducation: Not AvilableJob/Place: Not AvailablePartner Pref: No Preference


Rincy JohnsonAge,Height: 26 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur &PeechiEducation: MSc., B.Ed BotanyJob/Place: StudentPartner Pref: Degree LIF201849284

Soniya SunnyAge,Height: 23 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur &ThrissurEducation: M.ComJob/Place: StudentPartner Pref: PG, Professional


Alphonsa PhilipAge,Height: 29 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& PonkunnamEducation: B.A EnglishJob/Place: Not AvailablePartner Pref: No Preference


Amel JobAge,Height: 24 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: B.Sc NursingJob/Place: Nurse,PunePartner Pref: No Preference


Anu JosephAge,Height: 29 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&KavalamEducation: GNM, Post B.Sc NursingJob/Place: Staff Nurse, Abu DhabiUAEPartner Pref: No Preference


Anu Tresa T ZachariasAge,Height: 27 Yrs&151|4 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& ChanganacherryEducation: C.AJob/Place: Chartered Accountant ThrissurPartner Pref: No Preference


Diana P VargheseAge,Height: 27 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&MaduraiEducation: B.Tech Engineering IT, M.Tech With DistinctionJob/Place: Software Developer in HCLTamilnaduPartner Pref: No Preference MMC201849267

Dr.Teena JosephAge,Height: 26 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery Education: MBBSJob/Place: Doctor, PathanamthittaPartner Pref: No Preference


Elizabeth Mary GeorgeAge,Height: 27 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: B.Sc NursingJob/Place: Staff Nurse,UAEPartner Pref: No Preference


Emily KurianAge,Height: 25 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& AlappuzhaEducation: M.Sc MathasJob/Place: Guest Lecturer,AlleppeyPartner Pref: No Preference


Irine RajuAge,Height: 23 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry, changnacherryEducation: Plus Two & Montessori TTCJob/Place: working in a Montessori schoolPartner Pref: No Preference MMC201849172

Jennie Maria JamesAge,Height: 25 Yrs&159|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry, KottayamEducation: B.Sc Chemistry, B.Ed, Pursuing M.Sc ChemistryJob/Place: Not AvailablePartner Pref: No Preference


Jissy P JoseAge,Height: 36 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: B.A Economics B.Ed Social ScienceJob/Place: Not workingPartner Pref: No Preference


Jomol JosephAge,Height: 22 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: B.Sc ChemistryJob/Place: Not AvailablePartner Pref: No Preference


Julie AntonyAge,Height: 25 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: B.Sc NursingJob/Place: NurseDelhiPartner Pref: No Preference


Julie VargheseAge,Height: 24 Yrs&153|5 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: ICWAI, Semi Qualified CAJob/Place: Internal AuditorChennaiPartner Pref: No Preference


Merin BoseAge,Height: 25 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&-Education: MA Economics, B.Ed (Social Science)Job/Place: Not AvailablePartner Pref: No Preference


Neethu Joy VetticadAge,Height: 28 Yrs&151|4 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: Masters- ArtsJob/Place: Not AvailablePartner Pref: No Preference


Nimisha JosephAge,Height: 22 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry, ThrickodithanamEducation: B.Com, TallyJob/Place: Teacher ,Uttar PradeshPartner Pref: No Preference


Sneha Aney JoseAge,Height: 24 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry, KurisummooduEducation: M.Pharm, B.PharmJob/Place: Pharmasist, ChanganacherryPartner Pref: No Preference

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Syro-Malabar Matrimony NetworkSMCIM MATRIMONIAL SERVICES

Syro-Malabar Matrimony NetworkSMCIM MATRIMONIAL SERVICES

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Tinto M JosephAge,Height: 31 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native:Changanacherry& ChampakaraEducation: GNMJob/Place: Staff Nurse,KasaragodPartner Pref: No Preference


Aji Tresa JamesAge,Height: 30 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & KuttiyadyEducation: BCA+MBAJob/Place: Supervisor PR Holder (Australia)AustraliaPartner Pref: Software,Banking,Govt.employee


Albitta BabyAge,Height: 26 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThodupuzhaEducation: BSc NurseJob/Place: BSc Nursing ChandigarhPartner Pref: Nurse,software,engineer NIR201848940

Amrita BenoyAge,Height: 26 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native:Ernakulam-Angamaly & ErnakulamEducation: Integrated MSc, pursuing PHDJob/Place: Research Scholar pursuing PHD (full scholarship)Partner Pref: Prefered to Scientist or Engineer


Anuja M.RAge,Height: 29 Yrs&156|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThodupuzhaEducation: M.TechJob/Place: Assistant Manager, KottayamPartner Pref: Assistant Manager NIR201849651

Ashmy K ThomasAge,Height: 28 Yrs&159|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThodupuzhaEducation: B.Sc nursingJob/Place: B.Sc nursing, MaldivesmaldivesPartner Pref: Engineer,Nurse


Cintu JoyAge,Height: 24 Yrs&156|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThodupuzhaEducation: B.Com, TallyJob/Place: Co-Ordinator,ThodupuzhaPartner Pref: Bank,Company Staff


Greeshma JosephAge,Height: 26 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & KothamangalamEducation: BSc NurseJob/Place: BSc Nurse,KothamangalamPartner Pref: Work Abroad, Govt.employee


Jissa JoseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & VannappuramEducation: BSc nurseJob/Place: currently not workingPartner Pref: Govt.Employee


Minu MichaelAge,Height: 27 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Idukki &KattappanaEducation: M.Sc B.Ed in MathsJob/Place: TeacherPartner Pref: Accountant (Branch Manager)


Nimisha JoseAge,Height: 27 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThodupuzhaEducation: M.TechJob/Place: Probationary Officer, BangalorePartner Pref: Software,Banking, Govt.employee PAN201849212

Jincy V.GeorgeAge,Height: 26 Yrs&150|4 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & PoonithuraEducation: MAJob/Place: ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Anju BijuAge,Height: 24 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& KottayamEducation: CAJob/Place: ConsultantPartner Pref: Employed boys withprofessional or matching qualifications PAN201849430

Anju TomyAge,Height: 26 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & KoodalappadEducation: Bsc NursingJob/Place: Nurse, Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Abroad


Ann Merin ThomasAge,Height: 26 Yrs&154|5 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& KorattyEducation: B.TechJob/Place: Asst. Manager,ThrissurPartner Pref: Good Character, Good Family PAN201849910

Anna AvarachanAge,Height: 24 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& NarakkalEducation: M.Sc,Net,(B.Ed Doing)Job/Place: Study B.Ed, Net Exam.June 17thPartner Pref: No Preference


Annie PaulAge,Height: 25 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& ThrippoonitharaEducation: MBAJob/Place: Tax consultantHyderabadPartner Pref: Professional


Anu MathewAge,Height: 29 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, VengolaEducation: Msc NursingJob/Place: NurseUSAPartner Pref: Qualified


Anu PaulAge,Height: 23 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& KaladyEducation: McomJob/Place: Not workingPartner Pref: Good job or good business


Anu Priya JamesAge,Height: 27 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& ChalakudyEducation: M.Tech - Environmental EngineeringJob/Place: Assistant Professor CoimbatorePartner Pref: Godfearing, Lovable, Qualified


Anu RajanAge,Height: 27 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& NarakkalEducation: B.Sc NursingJob/Place: Staff nurse, MumbaiPartner Pref: 29-34yrs, Employed abroard,God fearing, well behaved, educated and emloyed boy of traditional family.


Anu VargheseAge,Height: 22 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, MalayattoorEducation:, MBA FinanceJob/Place: Not workingPartner Pref: Good character,Professionals, Well settled


Asha PiusAge,Height: 28 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& ThripunithuraEducation: B.Com CA Inter passJob/Place: Accounts Manager, ChennaiPartner Pref: No Preference


Aswathy BabuAge,Height: 24 Yrs&150|4 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& AluvaEducation: TTC Passed, BA English LiteratureJob/Place: TeacherPartner Pref: Good Character

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Syro-Malabar Matrimony NetworkSMCIM MATRIMONIAL SERVICES

Syro-Malabar Matrimony NetworkSMCIM MATRIMONIAL SERVICES

8 9


Bincy JoseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& ManjapraEducation: MCAJob/Place: Software professional, AngamalyPartner Pref: Any good job PAN201849122

Binumol XavierAge,Height: 29 Yrs&152|4 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KarukuttyEducation: BSc nursingJob/Place: Staff NurseThrissurPartner Pref: No Preference


Chippy KunjumonAge,Height: 23 Yrs&156|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& KadukuttyEducation: Bachelors-EngineeringJob/Place: Software Professional, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Professionals PAN201849955

Dajy DevassykuttyAge,Height: 28 Yrs&169|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ManjapraEducation: Bsc NursingJob/Place: Nurse (MOH),Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: European Countries


Dr Ashima GeorgeAge,Height: 26 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, MuttuchiraEducation: BDSJob/Place: DentistPartner Pref: No Preference


Fiji JosephAge,Height: 26 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, PerumbavoorEducation: B.Tech,M.EJob/Place: Senior Systems Engineer KarnatakaPartner Pref: God fearing educated and em-ployed professionals


Geethu MariyaAge,Height: 25 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly& AngamalyEducation: Bsc NursingJob/Place: Bsc Nurse,WhitefieldPartner Pref: Good Job


Gloria SebastianAge,Height: 25 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: LatinDiocese & Native: Verapoly&PalarivattomEducation: B.Com+Tally & Accontant CourseJob/Place: Accountant,ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Hemin MaryAge,Height: 25 Yrs&152|4 Ft 11 InCommunity: LatinDiocese & Native: Verapoly&EdapillyEducation: BSc, MCAJob/Place: Asst. Business AnalystPartner Pref: Good character


Greeshma RaphelAge,Height: 25Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & MookkannoorEducation: BSc OptometryJob/Place: Assistant Professor, Ernakulam Partner Pref: Professionals


Jissmol MathewAge,Height: 27 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, UdhayamperoorEducation: MA, B.edJob/Place: TeacherPartner Pref: No Preference


Limna ThomasAge,Height: 24 Yrs&157|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly , PuthiyakavuEducation: TTC,MA DoingJob/Place: StudyPartner Pref: No Preference


Merin ValsanAge,Height: 25 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & KaladyEducation: M.Sc PsychologyJob/Place: Psychologist, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Professionals


Merly ChackoAge,Height: 25 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KanjoorEducation: B.E CSE + MBA HRJob/Place: Digital MarketingPartner Pref: No Preference


Merry AntonyAge,Height: 27 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & ErnakulamEducation: M.Com. DoingJob/Place: Accountant IndiaPartner Pref: Minimum Degree, Good job, good charecter PAN201848932

Neema DominicAge,Height: 26 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly , ThuravoorEducation: B.TechJob/Place: EngineerPartner Pref: Professionals


Neenu PouloseAge,Height: 24 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, MattoorEducation: Msc Bio ChemistryJob/Place: Not workingPartner Pref: Minimum Degree


Neethu JosephAge,Height: 26 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KanjoorEducation: AMIE Mechanical - EngineeringJob/Place: TutorErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Neha SevyAge,Height: 24 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, AngamalyEducation: M.ComJob/Place: Not workingPartner Pref: Good Job


Reena VargheseAge,Height: 27 Yrs&159|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly , ErnakulamEducation: Msc MathematicsJob/Place: Career CounselorPartner Pref: Educated,Employed,Good Family,Good Character,27-32 Age


Ria palamattamAge,Height: 26 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KorattyEducation: MSC, MLTJob/Place: StudentPartner Pref: Good Job PAN201849633

Rincy LonappanAge,Height: 26 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur &OllurEducation: M.Tech (Power electronics)Job/Place: Asst. professorPartner Pref: Professionals


Rose MariaAge,Height: 25 Yrs&161|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KochiEducation: MSc Bio Polymer ScienceJob/Place: Presently doing MPhil, ThiruvananthapuramPartner Pref: Educated PAN201848861

Sheethal Maria JAge,Height: 26 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & ErnakulamEducation: B.Tech,MBAJob/Place: Business Development ExecutivePartner Pref: Professionals

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Shilpa JohnsonAge,Height: 27 Yrs&159|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & KidangoorEducation: Doing PHDJob/Place: Not working,KarnatakaPartner Pref: Qualified PAN201849853

Siby RoyAge,Height: 24 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KolencheryEducation: BBAJob/Place: Technician,MuvattupuzhaPartner Pref: Any


Simi JoyAge,Height: 21 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & UdayamperoorEducation: B.Com , M.Com DoingJob/Place: ExecutivePartner Pref: No preference


Sona BabuAge,Height: 25 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & AluvaEducation: BSc, MCAJob/Place: SEOPartner Pref: Good Job


SumiAge,Height: 25 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & AluvaEducation: B.Sc. Opthalmology, MSc Opt 3rd SemJob/Place: Optometrist,ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849455

Tessy ThomasAge,Height: 25 Yrs&149|4 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & Kochal,ValluvallyEducation: M.TechJob/Place: Net Work Engineer, ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Alphons Tess KuruvillaAge,Height: 26 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &MoolamattomEducation: MSC BioTechnologyJob/Place: Trainer in a Central Govt. Funding project, IdukkiPartner Pref: Age 27 to 30,Height 170 to 180,Middle class family,Degree and above,Local employees only PLA201848813

Anisa AntonyAge,Height: 27 Yrs&161|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &BharananganamEducation: Bsc NurseJob/Place: Bsc Nurse,Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Bsc Nurse or graduate


Ans MathewAge,Height: 26 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &ManalumkalEducation: Doing M.AJob/Place: South Indian Bank,KeralaPartner Pref: Age 27 to 31,Height 165 to 178,Upper Middle class family,Degree and above,-Bank employees,Govt employees,Teachers,Local employees PLA201849731

Ansa Maria SebastianAge,Height: 25 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &UllanadEducation: M.TechJob/Place: Software Enginee, HyderabadPartner Pref: Age 26 to 30,Height 165 to 178,Middle class family,M.Tech,B.Tech,M-BA,Mphil,MCOM,MCA


Anu Elizabeth JosephAge,Height: 27 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &AnthinadEducation: B.A,TTCJob/Place: Teacher, KeralaPartner Pref: Age 27 to 30,Height 165 to 178,Middle class family,Degree and above,Teachers,Bank employees,Account-ant,Local employees etc PLA201744494

Anu JoyAge,Height: 27 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &ThodanalEducation: GNM NurseJob/Place: Staff Nurse, PalakkadPartner Pref: Age 27 to 30,Height 165 to 175,Middle class family,Degree and above


Anu K JoseAge,Height: 26 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KottayamEducation: M.ComJob/Place: Guest LecturerPartner Pref: Age 27-31, 162cm to 175cm, Middle Class Family, Minimum De-gree and above, Lecturer, Teachers, Bankers PLA201849019

Anupama ThomasAge,Height: 26 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KothanalloorEducation: BDSJob/Place: Doctor, BangalorePartner Pref: Age 27-31,Height 170 - 185,BDS,MBBS,B.Tech,,CA etc


Asha Ann JoseAge,Height: 26 Yrs&166|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&PunalurEducation: MSc(Electronics), PGDBFJob/Place: Assistant Manager,ThrissurPartner Pref: Age 26 to 31,Height 170 to 182,Post Graduation,Professional Degree,Govt service,College Lectures,Doctors,Engineers,Bank employees etc PLA201849297

Christine De AbeAge,Height: 27 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &MonippallyEducation: MBAJob/Place: Assistant Manager, HyderabadPartner Pref: Age 27 to 31,Height 167 to 178,B.Tech,Post graduation,Abroad first preference , Outside Kerala,


Dr.Maria AugustineAge,Height: 24 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KaroorEducation: BDSJob/Place: Studying for MDSPartner Pref: Age 26 to 30,Height 165 to 180,BDS,MBBS(First Preference)


Gilda MathewAge,Height: 26 Yrs&157|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KunnonyEducation: GNM NurseJob/Place: GNM NurseDelhiPartner Pref: Age 27 to 30,Height 160 to 175,Middle class family,Degree and above


HELENA THOMASAge,Height: 25 Yrs&147|4 Ft 9 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry EttumanoorEducation: M.TechJob/Place: StudentPartner Pref: Age 26 to 30,Height 155 to 175,Upper Middle class family,Post Graduation ,Local employees etc PLA201849756

Jesna JoseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &MelukavumattamEducation: B.AJob/Place: Junior ExecutiveKeralaPartner Pref: Age 29 to 33,Height 162 to 180,Middle class family,Degree and above,Local employees,


Jincymol JoshyAge,Height: 27 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &ElanjiEducation: BSC NurseJob/Place: Bsc Nurse-MOH Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Age 27 to 31,Height 160 to 178,Middel class family,Degree and above,Abroad,Gulf countries Except Saudi PLA201849466

Jismol JosephAge,Height: 26 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KeezhoorEducation: BSC NurseJob/Place: BSC Nurse, MOH Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Age 27 to 31,Height 167 to 180,Middle class family,Degree and above,Abroad first preference


Jisna JamesAge,Height: 25 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KottayamEducation: System EngineerJob/Place: System Engineer, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Age 25 to 30,Height 158 to 175,Middle class family,B.Tech,M.Tech,MCA etc PLA201849480

Kochurani MathewAge,Height: 25 Yrs&156|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KanjiramattamEducation: BSC NurseJob/Place: BSC Nurse,ErnakulamPartner Pref: Age 27 to 30,Height 165 to 180,BSC Nurses,MSC Nurses with family visa holders,Govt employee,Bank employee etc

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Leeshal KunjachanAge,Height: 28 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KottayamEducation: MSc Bio-TechnologyJob/Place: PSC Rank Holder,CochinPartner Pref: Age 29-33, 165cm-177cm, Upper Middle Class Family, Minimum Master Degree,, B.Tech, MCA, MBA PLA201849200

Maria P VargheseAge,Height: 24 Yrs&153|5 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &PothiEducation: BSC NurseJob/Place: BSC Nurse, KottayamPartner Pref: Age 26 to 30,Height 160 to 175,Degree and above,Local employyes,Teachers,Bank employees and others


Marykutty ThomasAge,Height: 24 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &VellikulamEducation: GNM NurseJob/Place: GNM Nurse -malappuramPartner Pref: Age 25 to 29,Height 165 to 175,Abroad First preference and others etc


Minnu JoyAge,Height: 24 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &TeekoyEducation: BSC NURSEJob/Place: BSC Nurse, DelhiPartner Pref: Age 25 to 29,Height 165 to 182,Degree and above,Abroad and local


Nithya JoseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&157|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &VayalaEducation: Post BSC NurseJob/Place: Post BSC Nurse,ErnakulamPartner Pref: Age 29 to 33,Height 162 to 175,Middle class family,Degree and above,BSC Nurses,First preference Abroad and others PLA201849411

Noble MathewsAge,Height: 25 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KezhuvankulamEducation: BSC Nursing(hon)Job/Place: BSC Nurse,MumbaiPartner Pref: Age 26 to 31,Height 165 to 178, Middle class family,Degree and above,Abroad first preference


Priyanka TomyAge,Height: 24 Yrs&152|4 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &MoolamattomEducation: M.A(English)Job/Place: Job SeekingPartner Pref: Age 25 to 30,Height 162 to 178,Middle class family,Graduation and above,Local and Abroad PLA201738844

Sharlet Maria MathewAge,Height: 27 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KottayamEducation: BSc ZoologyJob/Place: Trainee bank,PalaPartner Pref: Age 27 to 32,Height 165 to 185,Degree and above,Abroad or local


Silpa JoshyAge,Height: 27 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &PravithanamEducation: BSC NurseJob/Place: BSC Nurse, MOH,Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Age 28 to 32,Height 165 to 178,Middle class family,Degree and above,Abroad first preference PLA201849105

Sojimol CyriacAge,Height: 27 Yrs&156|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KurumulloorEducation: BSC NurseJob/Place: Saudi MOH,UAEPartner Pref: Age 28 to 32,Height 160 to 178,Middle class family,Degree and above,Local or abroad,any


Anju AugustianAge,Height: 26 Yrs&154|5 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery &CalicutEducation: MA (Political Science), B.EdJob/Place: Teacher,CalicutPartner Pref: Educated


Jesmy BabyAge,Height: 23 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery &CalicutEducation: GNM NursingJob/Place: Staff Nurse,CalicutPartner Pref: good family,educated, god fearing


Anchu Maria Thomas (Twins)Age,Height: 26 Yrs&169|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KanjirapallyEducation: M.A, B.EdJob/Place: Teacher,KanjirapallyPartner Pref: Age:27-31, Height:170-185,Education:Degree/ P.G, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle Class, Work region:Any VML201848920

Bintu K VargheseAge,Height: 26 Yrs&152|4 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &ThodupuzhaEducation: MCAJob/Place: Software Engineer, ChennaiPartner Pref: Age:27-29, Height:155-175, Education:Degree/P.G, Occupation:Any,Family:Middle class, Work region:Any


Dimple JoseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &MukkulamEducation: BSc NursingJob/Place: Staff Nurse, MOHSaudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Age:29-32, Education:Degree/P.G, occupation:Any, Height:159-175, Family:Middle class, Work region:Any VML201849739

Jiya JijoAge,Height: 26 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KottangalEducation: BCAJob/Place: System Enginee,TrivandrumPartner Pref: Age:28-30, Education:Degree/P.G, Occupation: Any, Family:Middle class, Work region: Any, Height:169-180


Josina Mol K JosephAge,Height: 26 Yrs&159|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KurichyEducation: BSc NurseJob/Place: Nurse,MOHSaudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Age:27-30, Education:Degree/P.G, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class, Work region:UAE, Height:160-175


Tintu MathewAge,Height: 26 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &PonkunnamEducation: MSc BotanyJob/Place: PSC CoachingPartner Pref: Age:27-31, Height:156-175, Education:Degree/P.G, Family:Upper middle class, Work region:Kerala, Occupation:Any


JineshAge,Height: 37 Yrs&184|6 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery &kallanodeEducation: PDC combuter hardwareJob/Place: Planter, KozhikodePartner Pref: Accounting


Jinto K JacobAge,Height: 30 Yrs&174|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Tellicherry &PervoorEducation: Plus Two commerce & maritime studiesJob/Place: Seafarer,DenmarkPartner Pref: Degree or Above


Justin ThomasAge,Height: 30 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Tellicherry &irittyEducation: Bsc Computer ScienceJob/Place: Branch Manger Union Bank of India Iritty Branch kannurPartner Pref: Degree and above


Vibins P.SAge,Height: 34 Yrs&171|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Tellicherry &PayyavoorEducation: B.ComJob/Place: Accounting,Education Dept.KannurPartner Pref: Plus two or above


Bino JohnsonAge,Height: 31 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Irinjalakuda &MapranamEducation: Electrical & Electronics EngineeringJob/Place: Engineer, OmanPartner Pref: Nursing,teacher,engineer,IT CMB201849459

Santhosh T.JAge,Height: 27 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Irinjalakuda,PuthenchiraEducation: Plus Two, DiplomaJob/Place: Heavy EquipmentMaintenance Engineering, CraneOperator, Oman Partner Pref: Degree,Diploma,Nurses

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]cnip² adnbs¯t¸mse, ]ckv]cw t\mhn¡m¯,

Ipäs¸Sp¯m¯, XÅn¸dbm¯ kvt\l¯neqsS,

\nc´capÅ t{]mÕml\w AwKoImcw, Xncp¯Â,

Xm§v, XWev, ChsbÃmw AXntcm Afthm CÃmsX

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Ênsâ DSaIfmIWw Z¼XnIÄ. Xs¶¡mÄ t{ijvTmbn,

t{ijvTbmbn ]ckv]cw ImWm³ Ignªm AhÀ

hkn¡p¶nSw kzÀ¤amIpw.

ssZhs¯ Adnbp¶hcpw ssZhIev]\IÄ

]men¡p¶hcpw ssZhhN\¯n A[njvTnXamb

PohnXw \bn¡p¶hcpw Bbncn¡Ww Z¼XnIÄ. sshhm-

lnIPohnX¯nsâ ]caamb e£yw Z¼XnIÄ X§fpsS

Zm¼XyPohnX¯neqsS ssZhs¯ alXzs¸Sp¯pI

F¶XmWv. Z¼XnIÄ X§fpsS Zm¼Xykvt\lw hgn

ssZh¯nsâ \nXyXbv¡v, A\´Úm\¯n\v alXzw

\evIpIbmWv sN¿p¶Xv. AhnSps¯ A[nImc¯n\v

X§sf¯s¶ Iogvs¸Sp¯ns¡m ïpw A\pZn\PohnX-

¯n ssZhw CSs]«v BhiyambhsbÃmw \ÂIp¶p

F¶v km£yw \evIns¡m ïpamWv AhÀ ssZh¯n\v

alXzw \ÂtI ïXv. Npcp¡¯n X§fpsS kÂ{]

hy¯nIfneqsS ssZh¯n\v alXzw \ÂIphm³ hnfn¡

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(a¯m ----:5:16)

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alXzamWv F¶p ]dªphtÃm. AXn\mÂ

kvXpXnIfpsS knwlmk\¯n hkn¡p¶h³

Zm¼Xykvt\lw ]q¯pebp¶ IpSpw_¯n\pÅnepw

hkn¡p¶p. IpSpw_¯n\pÅnse B\µ¯nepw {]Xym

ibnepw ssZh¯nsâ km¶n[yapï v. AXpt]mse Xs¶

A\pZn\ t¢i§fnepw {]mcm_v[§fnepw AhnSps¯

km¶n[yapï v. Cu Xncn¨dnhmWv IpSpw_ PohnXs¯


IpSpw_PohnXs¯ {]tim`n¸n¡p¶Xv AXnÂ

A´Àeo\ambncn¡p¶ kvt\lamWv. kzmÀ°XbnÂ

\nt¶m ̀ b¯n \nt¶m Ima¯n \nt¶m DSseSp¡p¶

kvt\laà adn¨v kzbw iq\yhXvIcn¡p¶ FÃmw \

ÂIphm³ CjvSs¸Sp¶, Xncn¨v H¶pw {]Xo£n¡msX

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kàamIpIbpw ]¦mfn¡pth ïn kzbw iq\yam¡p¶,

FÃmw kaÀ¸n¡p¶ kvt\lw am{Xw {]kàamIpIbpw

sN¿pw. CXpt]mepÅ IpSpw_¯nse kvt\l¯nsâ

\ndhn \n¶mWv kvt\l¯nsâ \oÀ¨m Ab¡mc\n

te¡pw kaql¯nte¡pw HgpIp¶Xv.

{InkvXphnsâ Ipcnint\mSv tNÀ¶v \n¡p

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Xn_Ô§tfbpw AXnPohn¨psImï v apt¶dphm\pÅ

iàn kwe`yamIp¶Xv. BIbm IpSpw_PohnX¯nÂ

IpSpw_{]mÀ°\IÄ¡v henb Øm\amWpÅXv. ssZh

]nXmhnsâ ap¼n Hcp a\tÊmsS, Htc {]mÀ°\tbmsS

Z¼XnIÄ Hcpan¨v ap«paS¡pt¼mÄ B IpSpw_w ssZh

km¶n[y¯m \ndbs¸Spw. IpdhpIsf \ndhpIfm¡p¶

ssZh]nXmhnsâ km¶n[yw B IpSpw_¯n\v

{]Xymibpw ØncXbpw {]Zm\w sN¿pw. IpSpw_{]mÀ

°\IÄ IpSpw_mwK§fpsS ]ckv]c_Ôs¯

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IpSpw_w H¶n¨p \ne\nev¡pw.

IpSpw_PohnX¯nsâ BWn¡ÃmWv

hnizkvXX F¶Xv. CXn\v cï v am\§fpï v. H¶maXmbn

]ckv]capÅ hnizmkw. cï maXmbn hmKvZm\§fnÂ

hnizkvX\mb ssZht¯mSpÅ hnizkvXX. Zm¼Xy

kvt\lw AXnsâ kzmX{´y¯nsâ D¨ØmbnbnÂ

F¯p¶Xv Xsâ ]¦mfn XtâXv F¶Xnt\¡mÄ X¼p-

cmsâ Zm\w F¶ Xncn¨dnhnemWv. ""D¯abmb `mcy

al¯mb A\p{KlamWv; IÀ¯mhns\ ̀ bs¸Sp¶hÀ¡v

e`n¡p¶ Zm\§fn H¶mWhÄ. "" ({]`m:26/3) AXp

sIm ïpXs¶ ssZhZm\amb PohnX]¦mfnsb¡pdn¨v

]ckv]cw A`nam\n¡p¶Xv Z¼XnIÄ X½nepÅ

_Ô¯n\v ZrVX \evIpw.

ss{IkvXh IpSpw_§Ä Pohsâ hnf`qanbmWv.

Poh³ \evIp¶Xn\pw AXv ]cn]men¡p¶Xn\pw ]cnt]m

jn¸n¡p¶Xn\pw ssZh]²XntbmSv klIcn¡m\pÅ

hnfnbmWv {InkvXob Z¼XnIÄ¡v e`n¡p¶Xv. Cu hnfn

IpSpw_¯nsâ BßobXbpsS `mKamWv. IpSpw_¯nÂ

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ssZhkvt\l¯n\v aqÀ¯cq]w \evIp¶p. Z¼XnIfnÂ

\n£n]vXambncn¡p¶ ]caamb D¯chmZnXzamWv

Ipªp§Ä¡v P w \evIpI F¶Xv. ssZhw Zm\ambn

\evIp¶ Ipªp§sf ssZhIc§fn \n¶v kzoIcn¡p

t¼mÄ AhÀ ssZh¯nsâ krjvSnIÀ½¯n ]¦pImcm

hpIbmWv sN¿p¶Xv. hnhml¯neqsS DSseSp¡p¶

IpSpw_w temIamIp¶ tKmX¼pamhns\ ]pXpPoh³

\evIn InfnÀ¸n¡p¶ ]pfnamhmbn hÀ¯n¡Wsa¶

{^m³knkv ]m¸bpsS HmÀ½s¸Sp¯Â C¯cpW¯nÂ

A\pkvacWmÀlamWv. Npcp¡¯n Xq¡Wmw Ipcphn

Isft¸mse Xsâ {]nbs¸«h\pth ïn {]nbs¸«hÄ¡p

th ïn ssZht¯mSv tNÀ¶p \n¶v kzbw CÃmXmIp¶

apdn¨p\evIp¶, sh¨phnf¼p¶, IcpXensâ Imh¡mc

\mbn Imh¡mcnbmbn amdm³ \n§Ä¡v km[n¡s«

F¶v {]mÀ°n¡p¶p; Biwkn¡p¶p.

\n§Äs¡´m C§s\ Bbn¡qsS?

ln¨pt]mbn... kvt\ln¡pt¼mÄ In«p¶ kpc£nXXzw.

AXv asäÃmw ad¡m³ Ahsc t{]cn¸n¡p¶p.

kvt\l¯nsâ Cu kpc£nXheb¯nÂ

Ft¸mÄ Im]Syw IS¶pIbdp¶pthm AhnsS Bcw`n¡pw

XIÀ¨IÄ. Im]Sysa¶Xv kulrZ\mSyamWv AsænÂ

kulrZ¯nsâ cq]w [cn¨ i{XpXbmWv. AXpasænÂ

kvt\l¯nsâ Ip¸mbaWnª AkqbbmWv, kvt\

l`mth\ \s½ kao]n¡p¶ shdp¸mWXv.

I]Samb \ bmWv. AXv ]pdwtamSnIfnsemXp§n \nÂ

¡p¶ [mÀ½nIXbmWv. AXpasæn kXy¯nsâ cq]

aWnª h©\bmWv. CXn \n¶pw hyXykvXambn

kvt\ln¡s¸Sp¶Xnt\¡mÄ kvt\ln¡p¶, kzoIcn¡

s¸Sp¶Xnt\¡mÄ sImSp¡p¶, a\Ênem¡s¸Sp¶Xn

t\¡mÄ a\Ênem¡p¶ bYmÀ° kvt\lamWv IpSpw_

PohnXw AYhm hnhmlPohnXw Bhiys¸Sp¶Xv.

kvt\l¯nsâ AįmcbnemWv IpSpw_w

]Wnbs¸tS ïXv. At\ym\yw a\Ênem¡p¶ `mjIÄ

kwkmcn¡p¶ CS§fpamIWw IpSpw_w. Hcp IpSpw_w

\à IpSpw_amIWsa¦n B IpSpw_mwK§Ä

GsäSpt¡ïnhcp¶ XymK¯n\pw kl\¯n\pw

IWs¡m¶panÃ. GXp {]XnIqekmlNcy§fnepw

kzbw ad¶v kvt\l¯nsâ _enbÀ¸n¡m\pÅ

hnfnbmWv IpSpw_PohnXw apt¶m«phbv¡p¶Xv.

IpSpw_PohnX¯nsâ kt´mjw Cu XymKat\m`mh¯n

emWv {]IminXamhp¶Xv. hn.butk¸nXmhns\t¸mse,

hfsc kq£vaambpw kpµcambpw IqSpIq«p¶

IpcphnIfmWv Xq¡Wmw IpcphnIÄ. I®n\v IuXpIw

XoÀ¡p¶ Cu IqSpIfpsS \nÀ½mWw hfsc AÀ°

]qÀ®amWv. B¬IpcphnIfmWv IqSv \nÀ½n¡p¶Xv.

Xsâ XpWsb BIÀjn¡m\mWv IqSv \nÀ½n¡p¶Xv

F¶XmWv CXnse {]tXyIX. IqSv \nÀ½n¨pXocpt¼mÄ

B¬Ipcphn Xsâ CWsb B Iq«nte¡v £Wn¡pw.

CWbmb s]¬Ipcphn¡v B IqSv CjvSs¸«nsænÂ

AXnÂ\n¶pw Cd§nt¸mIpw. Cd§nt¸mIp¶

s]¬Ipcphnsb {]oXns¸Sp¯m³ B¬Ipcphn

]ns¶bpw asämcp IqSv \nÀ½n¡pw. A§s\ B s]¬

Ipcphn¡v {]nb¦camIp¶ IqSv D ï m¡p¶Xphsc

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Syro-Malabar Matrimony NetworkSMCIM MATRIMONIAL SERVICES

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Jineesh CKAge,Height: 27 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native:Mananthavady &wayanadEducation: Diploma in mechanical Engineering & BAJob/Place: Manager in a Musical AcademyPartner Pref: Degree GBM201849768

Sam Simon AntonyAge,Height: 29 Yrs&188|6 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Mananthavady &QatarEducation: Computer ScienceJob/Place: Program Developer, QatarPartner Pref: No Preference


Aebel SimonAge,Height: 30 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur &MattomEducation: Auto Mobile DiplomaJob/Place: Auto Mobile Electrition, PalakkadPartner Pref: Any


Alby FrancisAge,Height: 35 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur & AmballurEducation: In voice designingJob/Place: Program producer, TrivandrumPartner Pref: Any


Anumol SalanAge,Height: 23 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Adilabad &OllurEducation: M.Com FinanceJob/Place: StudentPartner Pref: Any LIF201848821

Ginto JohnyAge,Height: 32 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & ChalakudyEducation: Electronics & InstrumentationJob/Place: CCTV Survelliance & Computer Hardware,CochinPartner Pref: Diploma & Degree


Jaison FrancisAge,Height: 34 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur &ThrissurEducation: B.ComJob/Place: Sales Manager, KeralaPartner Pref: Any LIF201849680

Jakson ThomasAge,Height: 27 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur &OllurEducation: Marine Engine MechanicalJob/Place: Engine Room OilerbrazilPartner Pref: Degree


Joffy DavisAge,Height: 29 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur &ThrissurEducation: B.Com BankingJob/Place: AccountantPathanamthittaPartner Pref: Any


Joseph C AAge,Height: 32 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur &ThrissurEducation: EconomicsJob/Place: Store AssistantPartner Pref: Any


Shyjeesh ThomasAge,Height: 26 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur, thrissurEducation: MCAJob/Place: Teacher, MaharashtraPartner Pref: Degree LIF201848839

Vijoy VincentAge,Height: 29 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur & ChoondalEducation: M.comJob/Place: Accountant, Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: B.ed / Nurse


Abey JosephAge,Height: 28 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&-Education: B.A History, Diploma in Civil EngineeringJob/Place: Contractor, KottayamPartner Pref: No Preference MMC201848800

Bibin Wilson JOYAge,Height: 28 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& KottayamEducation: Electronics & Communication EngineeringJob/Place: Senior System Engineer ChennaiPartner Pref: Professionally Qualified, Employed, Preferably Working in Chennai


Bijo MathewAge,Height: 29 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry & ThiruvallaEducation: B.A History, Electronics Computer Net WorkingJob/Place: I.T Computer, Service Engineer, ChanganacherryPartner Pref: No Preference MMC201849211

Binoy ThomasAge,Height: 37 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: Plus Two, Diploma in Mechanical EngineeringJob/Place: HVAC CoordinatorQatarPartner Pref: No Preference


Blesson KuriakoseAge,Height: 29 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: Plus Two, Diploma in Lift TechnicianJob/Place: TechnicianOmanPartner Pref: No Preference MMC201849092

Dr.John Jacob KuttykandathilAge,Height: 32 Yrs&188|6 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalankaraDiocese & Native: TiruvallaEducation: MBBS, MD(General Medicine)Job/Place: DoctorThrissurPartner Pref: No Preference


Gisin SivichanAge,Height: 26 Yrs&179|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& ChanganacherryEducation: MBA in HR & MarketingJob/Place: HR Executive,ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Jaibu VargheseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: GNMJob/Place: Staff Nurse, DelhiPartner Pref: Nurses General or BSc


Jeeju SajiAge,Height: 24 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalankaraDiocese & Native: TrivandrumEducation: Hotel Management, Pursuing Health & Social CareJob/Place: Team Leader, UKPartner Pref: No Preference


Jibin K.CAge,Height: 26 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native:Changanacherry& KottayayamEducation: B.Sc Tourism & Hospitality ManagementJob/Place: Clerk, Uttar PradeshPartner Pref: No Preference


Jibin MathewAge,Height: 29 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&-Education: PDC, ITC X-Ray Welding, Diploma in Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Chef,UAEPartner Pref: No Preference


Jiljo JacobAge,Height: 30 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly &ThaneermukkamEducation: Plus Two, Diploma in RadiologyJob/Place: Radiographer,CochinPartner Pref: No Preference

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Jins JamesAge,Height: 31 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&AmbooriEducation: civil,Auto cad, Computer Hardware& SoftwareJob/Place: Designer, Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: No Preference


Jinto JoseAge,Height: 31 Yrs&179|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: Post.B.Sc NursingJob/Place: Nurse,KuwaitPartner Pref: No Preference


Jinto K VargheseAge,Height: 33 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& NedumkunnamEducation: M.Com, SAPJob/Place: Accountant,KottayamPartner Pref: No Preference


Jintu K josephAge,Height: 27 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& ThiruvallaEducation: M.Tech VLSI Design & Embedded SystemsJob/Place: FPGA Design Engineer, KarnatakaPartner Pref: No Preference


Jinu josephAge,Height: 27 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& ChethipuzhaEducation: Civil EngginerJob/Place: Drafting,UAEPartner Pref: No Preference MMCMFM10688

Jobin P JacobAge,Height: 32 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: MA, B.Ed MalayalamJob/Place: Teacher,ChanganacherryPartner Pref: No Preference


Johnson JosephAge,Height: 36 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& kumarakomEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Ration Shop, KeralaPartner Pref: No Preference


Joice JosephAge,Height: 27 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: Diploma in Fire & Safety Mechanical MachineriesJob/Place: Supervisor,ChanganacherryPartner Pref: No Preference


Jojo JoseAge,Height: 32 Yrs&174|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: B.Sc BotanyJob/Place: Safety Officer,KuwaitPartner Pref: No Preference MMCMPM11114

Lijo ThomasAge,Height: 34 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai Education: PDCJob/Place: Private Bank Employee, KottayamPartner Pref: No Preference


Mathew JamesAge,Height: 28 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&PalaEducation: B.E Civil EngineeringJob/Place: Relationship Manager at NEXA & Home Appliances Shop, KollamPartner Pref: Degree or above , Employed/unemployed Age23-26,Ht.158-168cm, Employed in kerala


Rajeev JamesAge,Height: 32 Yrs&176|5 Ft 9 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry& KottayamEducation: B.Com, MBA HRJob/Place: Accountant,Canada work Permit Applied ,ThrissurPartner Pref: Lovable, Caring


Shine JosephAge,Height: 29 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: ChanganacherryEducation: B.A History,ITI FitterJob/Place: Permit Receiver, Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: No Preference MMCMFM11739

Tirin VargheseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&171|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&KumarakomEducation: Bachelors in Electronics & Communication EngineeringJob/Place: Senior Product Engineer, PunePartner Pref: No Preference


Tony MathewAge,Height: 32 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&KottayamEducation: B.A History, M.S Office,TallyJob/Place: Accountant, KottayamPartner Pref: No Preference


Aby JosephAge,Height: 36 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam,ThodupuzhaEducation: S.S.L.CJob/Place: Business, ThodupuzhaPartner Pref: Any/Not Necessary


Anoop JoyAge,Height: 28 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam &PerumbavoorEducation: MBAJob/Place: Marketing, KollamPartner Pref: IT Officer,software,engineer


Bibin ChackoAge,Height: 28 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & KothamangalamEducation: ITI/ITCJob/Place: Co-ordinator&Driver, United Arab EmiratesPartner Pref: Working in India


Biju E JAge,Height: 36 Yrs&185|6 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & VannappuramEducation: BA ElectronicsJob/Place: Business, ThodupuzhaPartner Pref: Any


Binto BabyAge,Height: 28 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThodupuzhaEducation: BBMJob/Place: Sales Officer, IdukkiPartner Pref: Nurse,Teacher,GovtEmployee,Any


Boney SunnyAge,Height: 29 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & VannappuramEducation: BSC NurseJob/Place: NursedelhiPartner Pref: Nurse NIR201632520

Centil JoseAge,Height: 36 Yrs&166|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam& CheenikuzhyEducation: MA Economics & MLISCJob/Place: LibrarianPartner Pref: Any


George AbrahamAge,Height: 28 Yrs&185|6 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThodupuzhaEducation: Computer scienceJob/Place: Currently working in USA,Partner Pref: Software,Banking,Govt.employee NIR201744120

Jerin GeorgeAge,Height: 28 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & MuthalakodamEducation: BBA, MBAJob/Place: ThodupuzhaPartner Pref: Software,Banking,Govt.employee

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Johnson C ThankachanAge,Height: 26 Yrs&182|5 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & vazhakulamEducation: mechanical engineerJob/Place: Company Staff, thodupuzhaPartner Pref: Any NIR201848569

Libin GeorgeAge,Height: 35 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & KodikulamEducation: MSWJob/Place: Project ManagerPartner Pref: Software,Banking,Project Manager


Lijo JoseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & KothamangalamEducation: BSc Hotel ManagementJob/Place: SSI Unit, MaharashtraPartner Pref: Good pleasing Personality NIR201849922

Lijo JosephAge,Height: 30 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & KothamangalamEducation: Ma SociologyJob/Place: Claim Executive, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Teacher,Nurse,Any


Majo JoyAge,Height: 31 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & PannimattamEducation: S.S.L.CJob/Place: Sales Professional, ThodupuzhaPartner Pref: Working/Not Working NIR201632793

Nash AbrahamAge,Height: 41 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & MuvattupuzhaEducation: Diploma(ITI)Job/Place: ElectricianPartner Pref: Nurse,company staff, accountant


Paul K JoseAge,Height: 27 Yrs&183|6 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & MuthalakodamEducation: Higher Secondary, ITIJob/Place: Mechanic Driver, ThodupuzhaPartner Pref: Any NIR201849374

Raju JosephAge,Height: 31 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThazhuvamkunnuEducation: BA(History),Computer Networking Hardware,DiplomaJob/Place: Company Manager,MuvattupuzhaPartner Pref: Any


Robin VargheseAge,Height: 32 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & KothamangalamEducation: S.S.L.CJob/Place: Cable T V Technician, KothamangalamPartner Pref: Any NIR201741212

Rony JoyAge,Height: 35 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThodupuzhaEducation: ITIJob/Place: Private,ErnakulamPartner Pref: Any


Stebin BabyAge,Height: 26 Yrs&174|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & UdumpannoorEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Driver, ThodupuzhaPartner Pref: Any


Thomas BenoyAge,Height: 29 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & ErnakulamEducation: Integrated Msc, PhdJob/Place: Scientist on Work VisanorwayPartner Pref: Prefered to Scientist or Engineer


Abin BabuAge,Height: 32 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & vaikomEducation: BTech in electronics & CommunicationJob/Place: Electronic Payment & Services Partner Pref: God fearing PAN201849413

Aby IssacAge,Height: 44 Yrs&185|6 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalankaraDiocese & Native: Pathanamthitta & KumbazhaEducation: SSLCJob/Place: Automobile Engineer, PathanamthittaPartner Pref: No Preference


Ajeesh AntonyAge,Height: 26 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & ManjaparaEducation: Plus Two, ITCJob/Place: Mobile crane operator, KuwaitPartner Pref: Any Case PAN201849049

Ajesh K TAge,Height: 34 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & Fort-KochiEducation: B.Com, PGDCA & Diploma ComputorJob/Place: Lariex Change Currency Cash,UAEPartner Pref: No Preference


Akhil IssacAge,Height: 26 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & PalluruthyEducation: B.Com, IATA, FIATA/UFTA, Airline ManagementJob/Place: Outbound Tour Operations, ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Akhil VargheseAge,Height: 27 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KaippattoorEducation: Plus Two, NILT Diploma Job/Place: ElectricianBahrainPartner Pref: Any


Alex JohnsonAge,Height: 28 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & ChunangamveliEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Technician, Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Any cases


Anand JosephAge,Height: 28 Yrs&176|5 Ft 9 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & KalamasseryEducation: BTech(EC)Job/Place: Senior team lead, MaharashtraPartner Pref: Smart looking, god fearing


Anand wilsonAge,Height: 29 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly ThripunithuraEducation: MBA , B.comJob/Place: Accountant,Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849252

Anish . P.ThomasAge,Height: 30 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam & ThodupuzhaEducation: Auto mobile engineering& PlusTwoJob/Place: Automobile Mechanic & Driving,ThodupuzhaPartner Pref: Also preferring twin sisters for my twin brother too


Anish P JoseAge,Height: 36 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & KaladyEducation: MSWJob/Place: PRO, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Minimum Degree PAN201849266

Anoop AlexAge,Height: 29 Yrs&176|5 Ft 9 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & kalamasseryEducation: Diploma in IATA Job/Place: Supervisor ,UAEPartner Pref: Minimum Plus Two,nurses

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Anson V A (Amith)Age,Height: 29 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: LatinDiocese & Native: Alleppey&KandakkadavuEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Merchant Navy (Sea man)Partner Pref: Any


ANTO THOMASAge,Height: 35 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & KadukuttyEducation: SSLC, ITCJob/Place: Thomson IndustriesPartner Pref: Any


Antony LovinAge,Height: 25 Yrs& 162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam Angamaly, PallippuramEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Manager, ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849805

Arun ThampyAge,Height: 28 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & PerumbavoorEducation: BAJob/Place: DubaiPartner Pref: Minimum Degree


Benny V DAge,Height: 39 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & VellarapillyEducation: ITCJob/Place: FitterQatarPartner Pref: Any PAN201849878

Benny VattolyAge,Height: 37 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & KadukuttyEducation: SSLCJob/Place: Event ManagementPartner Pref: Any


Jintu VargheseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&173|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly Education: M.ComJob/Place: AccountentPartner Pref: No Preference


Bijin JohnyAge,Height: 32 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KurumasseryEducation: Plus Two, ITCJob/Place: contractorAngamalyPartner Pref: Any


Bijith babuAge,Height: 31 Yrs&157|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly CherthalaEducation: NET holder in CommerceJob/Place: PrincipalPartner Pref: Good Charecter PAN201849456

Bijoy. K.JosephAge,Height: 28 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 In

Community: Syro-Malabar

Diocese & Native: Trichur &Trichur

Education: B.Sc. Chemistry

Job/Place: Process Technician,Ernakulam

Partner Pref: Good Character, God fearing


Biju JoseAge,Height: 33 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & South ParurEducation: SSLCJob/Place: SacristianPartner Pref: Any PAN201849214

Binu K OuseppachanAge,Height: 27 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & MattoorEducation: BSc Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Starbucks, Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: working in European Countries


Denol M DAge,Height: 29 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, MattoorEducation: M.COM, MBAJob/Place: Analyst, BangalorePartner Pref: Smart looking PAN201849355

Fredin ThomasAge,Height: 30 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ManjapraEducation:, Diploma Fire & SafetyJob/Place: Safety Officer Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Nursing


Friji FrancisAge,Height: 36 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, AluvaEducation: DiplomaJob/Place: BusinessPartner Pref: Any PAN201630153

Geno TomAge,Height: 31 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, AluvaEducation: Graphic DesigningJob/Place: Graphic designer,ErnakulamPartner Pref: simple, God fearing,strongly religious preferably Jesus Youth


Geo MathewAge,Height: 34 Yrs&153|5 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &MuttuchiraEducation: SSLCJob/Place: Vaidhiyan,KottayamPartner Pref: No Preference


Geo PaulAge,Height: 28 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & ThrissurEducation: Btech (EEE),PGDMJob/Place: Team LeaderPartner Pref: God fearing & smart looking


George CyriacAge,Height: 51 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &PalaEducation: B.TechJob/Place: Sr.System Analyst,CanadaPartner Pref: No Preference


Jackson V JohnyAge,Height: 27 Yrs&171|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, AngamalyEducation: ITI ElectricalJob/Place: Service in charge ,CochinPartner Pref: Smart looking


Jaimon JosephAge,Height: 37 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, CherthalaEducation: Plus Two, ITCJob/Place: Sales manPartner Pref: Any Case PAN201849426

Jean George VargheseAge,Height: 27 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, NaduvattomEducation: PGDM- Marketing & OperationsJob/Place: Oil and gas sector,UAEPartner Pref: A good God fearing girl & family which keeps traditional values. PG degree; MBA, M.Tech./ B.Tech, MBBS/ MBBS with PG prefera-ble.


Jeffin JoseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Irinjalakuda &IrinjalakudaEducation: Plus Two, Hotel ManagementJob/Place: UAEPartner Pref: Any PAN201849703

Jeffin P JamesAge,Height: 28 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ThaikattukaraEducation: MBAJob/Place: wholesale vegetable shop, ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference

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Jerin JoyAge,Height: 28 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KarukuttyEducation: Diploma in Electrical and Electronics engineeringJob/Place: Operator in kseb substation , AngamalyPartner Pref: Nurse & other qualification PAN201849886

Jerry ChackoAge,Height: 33 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, PuliyanamEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Spray PaintingPartner Pref: Any


Jibin GeorgeAge,Height: 29 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Mananthavady,KolavayilEducation: B.Com.Completed Dip. A/C. MechanicJob/Place: Sales Man,ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849671

Jibin GeorgeAge,Height: 30 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ParavurEducation: ITC,DTPJob/Place: Polishwork , Driver, ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Jiby GeorgeAge,Height: 35 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, CherthalaEducation: SSLCJob/Place: DriverAlleppeyPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849617

Jijo JoseAge,Height: 37 Yrs&174|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam, MuvattupuzhaEducation: ITC,DiplomaJob/Place: Driver, KuwaitPartner Pref: Any


Jijo SebastianAge,Height: 35 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, MalayattoorEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Travel desk supervisor and guest relation ,ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849431

Jijo T.JAge,Height: 33 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, PazhanganadEducation: Plus2 , ITIJob/Place: Aleena Curtain, DubaiPartner Pref: No Preference


JijoJosephAge,Height: 29 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly &KalamasseryEducation: B.Tech.(ECE)Job/Place: Area Manager ,ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849818

jimmy georgeAge,Height: 28 Yrs&184|6 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly , AngamalyEducation: DiplomaJob/Place: Technician , UAEPartner Pref: No Preference


Jimmy JosephAge,Height: 36 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, CherthalaEducation: BA.Completed,ITI,Plus2Job/Place: Building Metrials,CherthalaPartner Pref: Minimum Degree PAN201849276

Jinson K VAge,Height: 38 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly NayathodeEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Business,ErnakulamPartner Pref: Any


Jinson ThomasAge,Height: 32 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ErnakulamEducation: BSCJob/Place: Public Ltd CompanyPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201848868

Jinto GeorgeAge,Height: 35 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, AimuryEducation: ITC Electronics, Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Own a home appliance shop since 2011Partner Pref: God fearing


Johnson Antony Age,Height: 47 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: LatinDiocese & Native: Verapoly&PonjasseryEducation: PDCJob/Place: Real Estate,Shopping Complex, ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849256

Jojo JoyAge,Height: 28 Yrs&166|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, NayarambalamEducation: Bsc chemistry , MBA MarketingJob/Place: Medical representativePartner Pref: No Preference


Jomon M MAge,Height: 29 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, VaikomEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Construction Compan, AlleppeyPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201848858

Jose MathewAge,Height: 38 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &PALAEducation: studied in palaJob/Place: Doing busines in BangalorePartner Pref: No Preference


Josemon MVAge,Height: 31 Yrs&183|6 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ChalakudyEducation: IIMSJob/Place: ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849216

Joshy FrancisAge,Height: 36 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Trichur &OllurEducation: SSLC, ITCJob/Place: CrusherPartner Pref: Any


Joshy PappachanAge,Height: 40 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ThottuvaEducation: PDC, ITCJob/Place: TechnicianDubaiPartner Pref: Any PAN201849167

Jostin VargheseAge,Height: 31 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, MeloorEducation: SociologyJob/Place: Event Management KeralaPartner Pref: Smart looking


Jubin PaulAge,Height: 31 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: LatinDiocese & Native: Kottapuram&KadukuttyEducation: B Com+ITIJob/Place: Doing self business,con-structional Engineering workshop ThrissurPartner Pref: Any PAN201849414

Justin JoseAge,Height: 31 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly NaduvattomEducation: B ComJob/Place: Circle Finance HeadPartner Pref: No Preference

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Jinto ThomasAge,Height: 28Yrs& 170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam Angamaly , KizhakkambalamEducation: BCAJob/Place: Airline Professional , DelhiPartner Pref: Delhi Based Job PAN201746484

Jose Paul VAge,Height: 29Yrs& 178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: LatinDiocese & Native: Cochin,KochiEducation: Bachelors EngineeringJob/Place: Associate in Sate Bank of IndiaPartner Pref: Looking for Partner Working in Govt or PSU with similar Job Profiles.Hailing from a good family, should have some moral values


Justin JosephAge,Height: 30 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, NarakkalEducation: B.Com, ITCJob/Place: ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201848791

Lijoy cheriyachanAge,Height: 28 Yrs&154|5 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, PoovathusseryEducation: Diploma in hotel ManagementJob/Place: Income Auditor, QatarPartner Pref: Nurse, Teacher, others


Linto AntonyAge,Height: 30 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ThuravoorEducation: ITCJob/Place: Auto Mobile Mechanic (Govt.)DubaiPartner Pref: Minimum plus two PAN201849399

Lipson MichaelAge,Height: 32 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly , CochinEducation: MBA, PGDHSMJob/Place: AdministratorErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Lit GeorgeAge,Height: 30 Yrs&188|6 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Idukki &IdukkiEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Mechanic, AngamalyPartner Pref: Any Case PAN201849570

Manoj P.JAge,Height: 31 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KuttipuzhaEducation: Plus Two , ITIJob/Place: Welder, ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Manu K SunnyAge,Height: 34 Yrs&171|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ManjapraEducation: B.comJob/Place: BusinessPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849065

Mervin KuriakoseAge,Height: 29 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angam, CochinEducation: BCom TaxationJob/Place: Accounts Assistant ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Midhun JohnAge,Height: 26 Yrs&156|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamal, EdappallyEducation: B.Com not completedJob/Place: ErnakulamPartner Pref: Degree PAN201849733

Moses P.JAge,Height: 42 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: LatinDiocese & Native: Verapoly&ThaikoodamEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Contractor(Govt) , ErnakulamPartner Pref: Age 30 - 40, Any Qualifica-tion


Naijo VargheseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KorattyEducation: ITCJob/Place: Forman,DubaiPartner Pref: Any Case PAN201849625

Nibin BabyAge,Height: 29 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ManjapraEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: BusinessPartner Pref: Any


Nibin JoseAge,Height: 29 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, VallomEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Manager,KeralaPartner Pref: Any PAN201849319

Paul CherianAge,Height: 32 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ParavurEducation: BBAJob/Place: PHONIQ International. Traiding Co KuwaitPartner Pref: No Preference


Pratheesh AbrahamAge,Height: 34 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, VaikomEducation: ITIJob/Place: Hotel sales and services, United Arab EmiratesPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849821

Rijoy JoseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angama, ChampannoorEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Others,DubaiPartner Pref: Any


Robin RappaiAge,Height: 32 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KodusseryEducation: Nursing-General/B.Sc/M.ScJob/Place: Nurse, MumbaiPartner Pref: Nurse PAN201745590

Robin VargheseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&156|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ManjapraEducation: BAJob/Place: Engineering works,tErnakulamPartner Pref: God fearing, Any Qualification


Sabin TomsAge,Height: 37 Yrs&174|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, NedumbasseryEducation: Computer Science(VTU)Job/Place: ManagerPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849482

Saji DevassykuttyAge,Height: 35 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Irinjalakuda, KaduppasseryEducation: SSLCJob/Place: Diesel MechanicPartner Pref: Any


Sajo VargheseAge,Height: 29 Yrs&174|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Irinjalakuda &MalaEducation: ITCJob/Place: Cable Jointer,QatarPartner Pref: Any PAN201849109

Saneesh XavierAge,Height: 41 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KalamasseryEducation: All.India Idea Mobile LeaderShip, ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference

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Santhosh VargheseAge,Height: 35 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamal, AngamalyEducation: SSLC, ITCJob/Place: BusinessPartner Pref: Any PAN201848760

SarangAge,Height: 31 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, AluvaEducation: MBA FiJob/Place: Business,ErnakulamPartner Pref: Smart looking & God fearing


Scariya V JAge,Height: 69 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Tellicherry &ThalasseryEducation: SSLCJob/Place: Security, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Divorcee, Widow PAN201849245

Sebastian DevassyAge,Height: 36 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, MattoorEducation: PDCJob/Place: AgriculturePartner Pref: Any


Sebastian DominicAge,Height: 33 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, NeduvannoorEducation: Plus Two, DiplomaJob/Place: Aero bridge operator, AngamalyPartner Pref: Any Cases PAN201523595

Sebin MathewAge,Height: 35 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ErnakulamEducation: B.Com,Plus 2Job/Place: Whole Sale,PDDP. Owner,CochinPartner Pref: Age -23 to 29,minimum degree


SHAJI VARGHESEAge,Height: 49 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, AluvaEducation: SSLCJob/Place: Sales manPartner Pref: Divorce, widow PAN201849532

Shaju JosephAge,Height: 43 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KottamamEducation: ITIJob/Place: BusinessPartner Pref: Any


Shergle MichaelAge,Height: 39 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: LatinDiocese & Native: Verapoly&KoonammavuEducation: Graphic DesigningJob/Place: Printing press ownerPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849347

Shibu K AntonyAge,Height: 45 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, karukuttyEducation: ITCJob/Place: BusinessPartner Pref: No Preference


Shibu P MAge,Height: 40 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly MeloorEducation: SSLCJob/Place: ThrissurPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201848886

Shijo PaulAge,Height: 33 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, MattoorEducation: SSLCJob/Place: OthersPartner Pref: Any


Shinju KurianAge,Height: 36 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, PanangadEducation: Diploma in phorography .PlusTwoJob/Place: Photographer,ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201847800

Sibin JoseAge,Height: 34 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ErnakulamEducation: Plus Two, ITCJob/Place: Ground Staff,DubaiPartner Pref: Any


Sibin ThomasAge,Height: 32 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Irinjalakuda &MeloorEducation: Plus Two, ITCJob/Place: Technician,KuwaitPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201848931

Sifin C CAge,Height: 33 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly &ManickamangalamEducation: SSLCJob/Place: Karatte InstructorPartner Pref: Any


Sigil FrancisAge,Height: 30 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ThirumudikunnuEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: DriverPartner Pref: Any Case PAN201848850

Sijo K JAge,Height: 33 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly NeeleeswaramEducation: Plus Two, ITCJob/Place: welder,Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Any case


Sijo PauloseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, AlapuzhaEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Lift Technician,OmanPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849600

Sinu SebastianAge,Height: 35 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KizhakkambalamEducation: GNMJob/Place: Staff nurse,KuwaitPartner Pref: Abroad


Simson PaulAge,Height: 32Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam Angamal , ChempuEducation: Diploma ITIJob/Place: Fitter (Commercial Vehicle)Partner Pref: No Preference PAN201848885

Sunil VargheseAge,Height: 41 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly AngamayEducation: SSLCJob/Place: contractorPartner Pref: Any


Teejo VargheseAge,Height: 29 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KanjoorEducation: B.COMJob/Place: Manager, ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201848762

Tijo K JAge,Height: 31 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly ManappuramEducation: S S L CJob/Place: ElectricanPartner Pref: Any

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Tinu JoyAge,Height: 30 Yrs&171|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ManappuramEducation: BcomJob/Place: South MIS, CoordinatorPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849590

Trivin VargheseAge,Height: 27 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, MookkannurEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: OthersPartner Pref: Any


Varghese AntonyAge,Height: 36 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, VaikomEducation: SSLCJob/Place: Light & soundPartner Pref: Any PAN201849822

Varghese K DAge,Height: 32 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, KurumasseryEducation: SSLCJob/Place: DriverPartner Pref: No Preference


Vinil PouloseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&158|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ManjapraEducation: Plus Two, ITCJob/Place: TechnicianPartner Pref: Any PAN201848806

Vinod DavisAge,Height: 28 Yrs&176|5 Ft 9 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly , KarayamparambuEducation: B.TechJob/Place: Network Engineer, BangalorePartner Pref: God fearing, Good looking


Vinz VargheseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly, ParavurEducation: PlusTwo,Heavy Equipment Operator CourseJob/Place: Lottery Agency, Past : Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: No Preference PAN201849697

Vipin JohnyAge,Height: 30 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly &KanjoorEducation: SSLC , Plus Two ,ITI ElectricalJob/Place: ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Vipin k AbrahamAge,Height: 30 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & AlappuzhaEducation:,MBA Job/Place: Senior Financial specialist Partner Pref: No Preference


Vipin N XAge,Height: 29 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Ernakulam-Angamaly & ErnakulamEducation: BA EconomicsJob/Place: Accounts Executive ernakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Abichan MathewAge,Height: 30 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &PalaEducation: Fire and SafetyJob/Place: spare parts shop, PalaPartner Pref: Age 25 to 28,Height 154 to 165,Middle class family,Plus two and above


Ajomon P JAge,Height: 28 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &EttumanoorEducation: Completed from SJCET PalaiJob/Place: ErnakulamPartner Pref: No Preference


Akhil JosephAge,Height: 26 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &PalaEducation: Diploma- ElectricalJob/Place: Foreman,OmanPartner Pref: Age 22 to 25,Height 160 to 168,Diploma or Degree,Any Paramedical courses PLA201849150

Albin MathewAge,Height: 27 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &MattakkaraEducation: BSC Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Senior Chef, DubaiPartner Pref: Age 23 to 26,Height 155 to 168,Middle class family Degree and above,Nurses,BCOM,Hospitality,Accounting


Alphin GeorgeAge,Height: 28 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KottayamEducation: B.TechJob/Place: SBI Clerk , PalaPartner Pref: Age 25- 27, 155cm-165cm, Teaching PLA201849079

Alwin MichaelAge,Height: 30 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai & PalaEducation: BSc PhysicsJob/Place: Team LeaderPartner Pref: Degree and above


Amal AbrahamAge,Height: 27 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KottayamEducation: BSc Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Hotel Professional, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Age 23 to 26,Height 154 to 178,Upper Middle class family,Minimum Degree and above,Nurses, Other employees etc PLA201849208

BABY THOMASAge,Height: 26 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KottayamEducation: MBAJob/Place: AccountantsPartner Pref: Any


Benson JohnAge,Height: 35 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &palayamEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Supervisor, DubaiPartner Pref: Age 28 to 33,Height 158 to 170,Middle class family


Bijo JoseAge,Height: 34 Yrs&177|5 Ft 9 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &manvettamEducation: BCAJob/Place: Contract , KottayamPartner Pref: Age 27- 31,Height 160 to 172,B.A BEd,BSC BEd,BSc Nurses


Dr. Jomon JoyAge,Height: 32 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &MaridomEducation: M.Phil & Ph.D in PsychologyJob/Place: Assistant Professor & HOD, CalicutPartner Pref: Age 24 to 30,Height 150 to 162,Degree and above,Teachers,Nurses etc PLA201849657

Filson JacobAge,Height: 30 Yrs&179|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &PalaEducation: Bcom ,MBA Job/Place: Cashier, UAEPartner Pref: Age 25 to 29,Height 150 to 165,Middle class family,BSC Nurses,UAE,Canada,Australia,First preference and others etc


Geo JosephAge,Height: 30 Yrs&166|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &ElanjiEducation: GNM NurseJob/Place: GNM Nurse, IsraelPartner Pref: Age 25 to 28,Height 155 to 165,Middle class family,Nursing


George MathewAge,Height: 43 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &PuliyannoorEducation: PDC,ITIJob/Place: Care Taker, IsraelPartner Pref: Age 30 to 41,Height 152 to 164,Any qualification,GNM Nurses and others

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Jais JacobAge,Height: 32 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &BHARANAGANAMEducation: BA, Malayalm + PSC CoachingJob/Place: Accountant & Supervisor Partner Pref: Age 25 to 30,Height 155 to 169,MIddle class family,Degree and above PLA201849181

Jais MathewAge,Height: 32 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &ElamthottamEducation: ITIJob/Place: Electrician,PalaPartner Pref: Age 26 to 30,Height 152 to 165,Middle class family,Plus two and above,Working or non working


James V.RAge,Height: 30 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &kadanadEducation: Diploma hotel managementJob/Place: Hotel Service -Manager, DubaiPartner Pref: Age 24 to 29,Height 149 to 160,Cheramar christian,Plus two and above,Nurses and other job PLA201849029

Jebin JoseAge,Height: 29 Yrs&177|5 Ft 9 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &palaiEducation: B comJob/Place: Tour Operator &Guest Relation, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Age 23 to 28,Height 157 to 172,Degree and above,Working or non working


Jephin jacobAge,Height: 30 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &palaiEducation: GNMJob/Place: Dialyasis Staff Nurse,KarnatakaPartner Pref: Age 24 to 30,Height 150 to 170,Middle class family,Gnm Nurses,Bsc Nurses PLA201740998

Jerin GeorgeAge,Height: 27 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KOTTAYAMEducation: Polytechnic diploma and part time doing B.TechJob/Place: Quality Engineer,TamilnaduPartner Pref: Age 22 - 26,Height 152 - 162,Middle class family,Lower,GNM,BSC nurses,Lab Technician,Pharmasist,Degree holders etc


Jerin K JacobAge,Height: 27 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kothamangalam &VazhakulamEducation: MBA(Hospitality)Job/Place: Assistant cook -Ship United KingdomPartner Pref: Age 22 to 26,Height 150 to 160,Middle class family,BSC Nursing ,Abroad


Jino AugustineAge,Height: 27 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &palaiEducation: Msc. electronicsJob/Place: Telecom engineer United Arab EmiratesPartner Pref: Age 23 to 27,Height 152 t162,UAE first preference,Degree and above,Employ-ees only


Jins JosephAge,Height: 27 Yrs&174|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KottayamEducation: BSc RadiologyJob/Place: Accountant & Marketing Manager, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Age 23 to 26, 158cm to 170cm, Minimum Degree and above, Nurses, etc.... PLA201849410

Jinson VargheseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&182|5 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &JaigiriEducation: GNM NursesJob/Place: GNM Nurses, DelhiPartner Pref: Age 25 to 30,Height 160 to 175,Middle class family,GNM Nurses,BSc-Nurses


Jiss JoseAge,Height: 33 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &ArakkulamEducation: BSC NurseJob/Place: BSC Nurse, BangalorePartner Pref: Ag e27 to 32,Height 157 to 170,Middle class family,BSc Nurses,Abroad or localers etc PLA201849437

Jobin AugustineAge,Height: 30 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &EdappadyEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Own shop, IdukkiPartner Pref: Age 25 to 29,Height 152 to 165 ,Middle class family,S.S.L.C and above,Any


Julian Baby MathewAge,Height: 27 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &RamapuramEducation: B.TechJob/Place: CRM BangalorePartner Pref: Age 23 to 26,Height 152 to 167,Middle class family,BSC Nurses,Doctors etc PLA201849931

Justine IssacAge,Height: 31 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &koodalloorEducation: GNM NurseJob/Place: GNM Nurse -KuwaitPartner Pref: Age 25 to 30,Height 157 to 168,Middle class family,BSC Nurses


Justine Jose TonyAge,Height: 27 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &EttumanoorEducation: Hospitality AdministrationJob/Place: ManagerNew ZealandPartner Pref: Age 22 to 26,Height 150 to 163,Degree and above


Libin TomAge,Height: 31 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &AnthiyalamEducation: BSC NurseJob/Place: BSC Nurse, KuwaitPartner Pref: BSC Nurses,MOH Kwait,European countries,IELTS passed


Melvin P JoseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&160|5 Ft 2 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &VallichiraEducation: Diploma Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Chef, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Age 24 to 27,Height 149 to 159,Middle class family,Diploma and above,Local employees PLA201849018

Prince GeorgeAge,Height: 31 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &PravithanamEducation: Post BScJob/Place: Working in Oman Partner Pref: Age 26 to 30,Height 150 to 161,Middle class family,Nurses


Sahil PhilipAge,Height: 29 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KozhuvanalEducation: B.A,MSWJob/Place: Bank employeeKottayamPartner Pref: Age 24 to 28,Height 157 to 172,Middle class family,


Sajo K JoseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&166|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &BharananganamEducation: B.Tech ,MBA Job/Place: Development officer,PalaPartner Pref: Age 25 to 29,Height 150 to 164,Degree and above,Employeed,Local employees first preference,Teachers,Bank employees,Govt service etc


Sanjay AntonyAge,Height: 31 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry & ThottakadEducation: Diploma,Fire & safetyJob/Place: Fire alam Technician,OmanPartner Pref: Diploma and above,Nurses,Teachers,Abroad or local,Muscut members first preference PLA201849425

Sanu ThomasAge,Height: 29 Yrs&171|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &VariyanikadEducation: Plus Two,Pre-sea Training courseJob/Place: Merchant Navy,USAPartner Pref: Age 24 to 28,Height 155 to 168,Middle class family,Plus two,Nursing,De-gree,Office work,(Except Teachers)


Seby SebastianAge,Height: 33 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &BharanaganamEducation: Diploma in Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Hotel servicePartner Pref: Age 25 to 30,Height 155 to 168,Middle class family,Any PLA201848818

Shinto ThomasAge,Height: 39 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Idukki &KeerithoduEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Estate Manager, IdukkiPartner Pref: Age 28 to 38,Height 152 to 163,Middle class family,Plus two and above,Any

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Siby ThomasAge,Height: 33 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KezhuvankulamEducation: MBAJob/Place: Marketting Officer,BangalorePartner Pref: Age 27 to 31,Height 155 to 160,Middle class family,First preference Ban-glore employees,Medical,Engineering etc PLA201848370

Sijin SebastianAge,Height: 27 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &AreekkaraEducation: Plus twoJob/Place: Driver cum owner (Torrez), Business, KottayamPartner Pref: Age 23- 27 ,Height 157 to 168,Middle class family,S.S.L.C and above


Siju JosephAge,Height: 30 Yrs&182|5 Ft 11 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &BharanaganamEducation: Diploma in Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Salesman, UAEPartner Pref: Age 25 to 29,Height 162 to 175,Middle class family,Diploma and above,Any PLA201521967

Sojan MichealAge,Height: 29 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &KonnakkaduEducation: Dip. in E.C.Job/Place: Ministry of Defense,Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Age 22 to 26,Height 157 to 165,Middle class family,GNM,BSC Nursing,Teach-ing..etc. I need a God fearing,Simple,and Loving Girl.Work and Education are Secondary


Sonu JoseAge,Height: 31 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &UllanadEducation: B.TechJob/Place: Business, BangalorePartner Pref: Age 25 to 30,Height 160 to 175,B.Tech,MBA,MCA,BBA Field


Winze JohnAge,Height: 33 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Palai &MattakkaraEducation: S.S.L.CJob/Place: WeldingPartner Pref: Age 28 to 32,Height 152 to 165,Middle class family,S.S.L.C and above,Not working


Shinto jeromAge,Height: 32 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Mananthavady &IrityEducation: HVACJob/Place: contract,BahrainPartner Pref: No Preference TKM201849429

Anoop JoseAge,Height: 34 Yrs&169|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery &CalicutEducation: BA (Economics)Job/Place: CCTV Technician, Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Any


Daniel GeorgeAge,Height: 28 Yrs&162|5 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery &CalicutEducation: Diploma In Hotel Manage-ment, Diploma In X-ray WeldingJob/Place: Cashier In Airlines , Saudi ArabiaPartner Pref: Fair,God fearing TKM201849463

Jaison PSAge,Height: 31 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery & VettilapparaEducation: BAJob/Place: Technical supporterPartner Pref: Any


Jesso joseAge,Height: 31 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery & ThiruvampadyEducation: B.Sc ITJob/Place: Teacher, CalicutPartner Pref: Educated, god fearing, Middle class family TKM201848807

Manu Alex SebanAge,Height: 26 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery &CalicutEducation: B.Tech EEEJob/Place: Engineer, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Working In Abroad, Nurse


Nitin ChackoAge,Height: 29 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery & PerintalmannaEducation: M.Tech. in Electronics and Communication EngineeringJob/Place: Software ProfessionalPartner Pref: Educated TKM201849453

Prasanth V ThomasAge,Height: 35 Yrs&155|5 Ft 1 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery & ChempanodaEducation: Computer engg.Job/Place: Php devoloperPartner Pref: God Fearing Girl


Sachin BabyAge,Height: 29 Yrs&185|6 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery &CalicutEducation: Diploma In Auto Mobile EngineeringJob/Place: Automobile Field, ErnakulamPartner Pref: Any TKM201518636

Sonish AntonyAge,Height: 28 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery & KodencheryEducation: M.Sc MathsJob/Place: KSFE , MalappuramPartner Pref: God Fearing,Educated


Stephin joseAge,Height: 29 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery & ChempanodaEducation: B comJob/Place: Prvt, ThiruvananthapuramPartner Pref: Any


Tuby ThomasAge,Height: 29 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Thamarassery &CalicutEducation: B A ( English), Diploma In Data EntryJob/Place: Office Work, CalicutPartner Pref: Fair, Educated, God fearing


Anto JosephAge,Height: 27 Yrs&179|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KanjirapallyEducation: B H M,MBA Tourism ManagementJob/Place: Chef , UAEPartner Pref: Age;25-27, Education:De-gree/P.G, Occupation:Nursing, Family:Middle class, Height:150-175, work region:Abroad VML201849824

Arun ThomasAge,Height: 29 Yrs&180|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally & MundakayamEducation: BSc Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Chef, UAEPartner Pref: Age:20-28, Height:160-175, Education:Degree/Diploma, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class


Binu ThomasAge,Height: 32 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &MukkulamEducation: Post BSc NursingJob/Place: NurseDelhiPartner Pref: Age:20-30, Education:Degree/Di-ploma, Height:155-170, Occupation:Nurse, Family Middle class, Work region:Any VML201849272

Dhanoop BabyAge,Height: 26 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KanjirapallyEducation: B.comJob/Place: BusinessPartner Pref: Age:20-25, Education:Diploma/ Degree, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class, Work region:Any, Height:150-170


Dibin K JoseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &PalaiEducation: (Finance)Job/Place: Accounts Manager, PathanamthittaPartner Pref: Age:20-28, Height:150-170, Family:Middle class, Occupation:Any, Educa-tion:Degree/P.G VML201849667

Georgekutty ThomasAge,Height: 26 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KattappanaEducation: MBA in Tourism & HospitalityJob/Place: Executive Manager, KattappanaPartner Pref: Age:20-25, Education:De-gree/P.G, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class, Work region:Any, Height:150-169

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Githin M ThomasAge,Height: 28 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KanjirappallyEducation: MBAJob/Place: Business, PalaPartner Pref: Age:20-26, Education:Diploma/ Degree, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class, work region:Any, Height:150-169 VML201738793

James JosephAge,Height: 30 Yrs&165|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KonniEducation: Plus Two& ITI DiplomaJob/Place: Driver, KottayamPartner Pref: Age:20-27, Height:150-165, Education:Degree/Diploma, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle Class.


Jinosh ThomasAge,Height: 34 Yrs&167|5 Ft 5 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KanjirapallyEducation: B.A (Economics)Job/Place: Accountant, KanjirapallyPartner Pref: Age:24-32, Education:Diploma/ Degree, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class, Work region:Any, Height:150-166 VML201746474

Jinu ThomasAge,Height: 24 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &PalakkaduEducation: Plus TwoJob/Place: Gunner Army, West BengalPartner Pref: Age:20-24, Education:Diploma/ Degree, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class, Work region:Any


Jithin VargheseAge,Height: 30 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KottangalEducation: B.comJob/Place: Own Business, IdukkiPartner Pref: Age:20-28, Education:Diploma/Degree, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class, Work region:Any, Height:150-169 VML201849647

Jobin JohnAge,Height: 35 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &ErumelyEducation: GNMJob/Place: Not workingPartner Pref: Age:26-33, Height:150-175, Education:Degree/Diploma, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class, Work region:Any


Jogi SebastianAge,Height: 30 Yrs&192|6 Ft 3 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KumilyEducation: M.comJob/Place: Accountant,KottayamPartner Pref: Age:20-28, Height:160-175, Education:Degree/P.G, Family:Middle class, Work region:Any, Occupation:Any VML201849168

Joji Mon JosephAge,Height: 30 Yrs&170|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KanjirapallyEducation: Diploma / Degree in Hotel ManagementJob/Place: Chef ,UAEPartner Pref: Age:20-29, Education:Diploma/ Degree, Family:Middle class, Work region:Any, Height:150-169


Jomon JoseAge,Height: 27 Yrs&178|5 Ft 10 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally & MukkoottutharaEducation: Diploma in Hotel ManagementJob/Place: House Keeping Excicutive, QatarPartner Pref: Age:20-26, Education:Diploma/Degree, occupation:Any, Family:Middle Class Work region:Any VML201848730

Joshy JoseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&172|5 Ft 7 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &PalaEducation: BHMJob/Place: chief chef in merchant navy NetherlandsPartner Pref: Age:22-27, Height:150-170, Education:Degree, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class, Workregion:Any


Manoj JosephAge,Height: 34 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KottayamEducation: BSc B.Ed.Job/Place: Principal,GujaratPartner Pref: Age:26-32, Height:155-172, Education:Diploma/Degree, Occupation:Any, Family : Middle class VML201737203

Rintu K SebanAge,Height: 31 Yrs&173|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KumilyEducation: MBA FinanceJob/Place: Accountant, UAEPartner Pref: Age:25-29, Height:150-170,Education:Degree/P.G, Occupation:Any, Fami-ly:Middle class


Robin JosephAge,Height: 30 Yrs&183|6 Ft 0 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KanjirapallyEducation: With Co operationJob/Place: Customer Service Officer, KanjirapallyPartner Pref: Age:23-29, Height:160-175, Education:Degree, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle class


Sabu MathewAge,Height: 44 Yrs&168|5 Ft 6 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &VechoochiraEducation: ITI electrical engineeringJob/Place: Sales, KottayamPartner Pref: Age:38-43, Education:Any,Family:Middle class, Occupation:Any,Height:150-167


Saji VargheseAge,Height: 35 Yrs&164|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Changanacherry&ManimalaEducation: M.Com and TallyJob/Place: BusinessKottayamPartner Pref: Age:26-34, Education:Diploma/ Degree, Occupation:Any, Family: Middle class, Work region:Any


Sijo JosephAge,Height: 29 Yrs&177|5 Ft 9 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KanjirappallyEducation: B.Com, prusing M.comJob/Place: Accountant, UAEPartner Pref: Age:22-28, Height:160-176, Education:Degree, Occupation:Any, Family:Middle Class,work region:Any.


Tibin ThomasAge,Height: 27 Yrs&175|5 Ft 8 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally & MundakayamEducation: Diploma In Electronics & TelecommunicationJob/Place: Operation And MaintenancePartner Pref: Age:22-27, Education:Diploma/Degree, Height:150-170, occupation: Any, Family:Middle class VML201848763

Vinu VargheseAge,Height: 28 Yrs&163|5 Ft 4 InCommunity: Syro-MalabarDiocese & Native: Kanjirapally &KanjirappallyEducation: Diploma in CivilJob/Place: Civil Engineer, KollamPartner Pref: Age:20-28, Education:Degree/Diploma, Occupation;Any, Family Middle class, Height:150-162

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Syro-Malabar MatrimonyMount St Thomas, P B No. 3110, Kakkanad P.O., Kochi 682 030, P H: 0484 [email protected].

Diocese of IrinjalakudaCana Marriage BureauC/of Pastoral Animation Centre For Studies (PACS), Near Industrial Estate,Kalletumkara P.O, Kerala State, India Phone - + 91 480 288 0439, 288 0878Email:- [email protected].

Diocese of Kalyan God’s Own Choice Matrimony C/O The Lantern, Bishops House, Plot No B 38, IIT P O Powai , Mumbai 76, Maharashtra, 022-25785515,25782385, [email protected]

Archdiocese of TrichurLife MatrimonialFamily Apostolate CentreThe Archdiocese of Trichur,Catholic Archbishop’s House,Trichur-680005,Kerala, India0487-2336066 [email protected].

Diocese Of MananthavadyGod Bless MatrimonyFamily ApostolatePastoralCentre Dwaraka, P.B. NO. 42Mananthavady - 670645 Tel.

Archdiocese of ThalasseryAnugraha Marry Matrimony Sandesha Bhavan,Thalassery - 670101Kannur Dt,P H: 0490-2343414 [email protected]

Archdiocese of ChanganasseryMadhyasthan MatrimonyPastoral Centre, AramanapadyChanganassery, Kottayam Dt, 686 [email protected]. madhyastanmatrimony.comPh: 0481-2410101, 8547785285

Diocese of KothamangalamNirmala MatrimonyFamily Apostolate CentreNESTT Pastoral Centre,Muvattupuzha,Kerala, IndiaMob:9495011191www.

Diocese of KanjirapallyVimala Matrimony Family ApostalatePastoral Centre, KanjirapallyKottayam, Kerala- 686 507 Phone: 04828 201100Mob:8281423681,82,83 [email protected].

Chicago St. Thomas DioceseUSA Syro Malabar MatrimonyFamily Apostolate372, S. Priarie Ave, ElmhurstIllinois, 60126Phone:+1 (630) 279-1383 / +1 (630)

Diocese of FaridabadKristurajaMatrimony Bishop’s HouseB-1/32, N.E.A, Karolbagh,New Delhi-110060Phone: +91-11-25759160, 25812346 [email protected].

Diocese of BelthangadyBelthangady MatrimonyFamily Apostolate,Jnananilya, Udayanagara, P O Box 13,P.O.Belthangdy 574214Dakshina Kannada DistrictKarnataka , India , P H: 08256232090www.

Diocese of MelbourneAusm MatrimonyFr. Varghese Vavolil55 Franklin St, Forrest, ACT,2603 0431748521, [email protected]@ausmmatrimony.comwww.

southernafricansyromalabarmatrimony273 Pendent Street, Laudium, Pretoria, South AfricaPhone: +27 - 619248966 [email protected]

Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly Pankali Matrimony, Renewal Centre, Azad Road, Kaloor, Kochi, 682 017.

0484-2462607,2346437+91 8281544111

[email protected]

Diocese of PalghatCana Matriony Palghat

Mount st Thomas,P B No. 3110, Kakkanad P.O.,

Kochi 682 030,IndiaP H: 0484 6462997

[email protected].

Diocese of PalaiPalai Matrimony

Shalom Pastoral CentrePalai P.O, Kottayam Dt, Kerala, India

Pin – 686 575Phone –+91 4822-200065,

+91 [email protected].

For Pravasi Syro MalabarPravasi MatrionyMount st Thomas,

P B No. 3110, Kakkanad P.O.,Kochi 682 030,IndiaP H: 0484 6462997

[email protected].

Diocese of RamanadhapuramRamanadhapuram Matrimony

Catholic Bishop’s house,Holy Trinity Cathedral, Coimbathore, 641045

Ph: [email protected]


Diocese of ThamarasseryThirukudumbam Matrimony

1st Floor, Matha Towers,Main Road, Thamarassery,

Kozhikode (Dist.) Pin : 673573P H: 0495 2223012

[email protected].

Diocese of ThuckalayPulari Matrimony

KalluvilaiMulagummoodu P. O.,K. K. District - 629 167

Tamilnadu, IndiaPhone: 9400846997

E-mail:[email protected]

[email protected]


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Syro-Malabar Church Internet Mission, Mount St Thomas , P B No. 3110, Kakkanad P.O, Kochi 682 030, India , P H: 0484 6462997, 2425649, E-Mail:[email protected],www. syromalabarmatrimony.orgPrinted at: St. Francis Press, Ernakulam,