system plus college foundatton

SYSTEM PLUS COLLEGE FOUNDATION Balibago, Angeles City, Pampanga FILIPINO TIME, A POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE VALUE? (Reaction Paper) Colette P. Mercado BEED/EE1A2/1 st year In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Degree of Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education In College Arts Science & Education

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Balibago, Angeles City, Pampanga


(Reaction Paper)

Colette P. Mercado

BEED/EE1A2/1st year

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

Degree of

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education

In College Arts Science & Education

February 1, 2011

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Table of Contents

Title page I

Acknowledgement II


1.Introduction 1

2.Discussion 2



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In doing my reaction paper I would like to thank my dearest instructor Ms. Erlina Salac

for giving us some ideas in this project.

I would like to thank also my valued parents and my grandma in supporting me in terms

of emotional, physical and financial aspects. Without them, I will not able to support my studies.

And also I thank them for giving me strength and motivation to be more focused in my studies.

Thank you all!!

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Chapter 1


It is an invariable joke among any Filipino organizing an event that it is wise to state the

commencement of that particular event half an hour to an hour earlier than the actual time

intended. Filipino Time, you know. It is a well known fact and an exasperating subject most

Filipino Americans have taken with resignation. "Filipino Time" is the coined phrase for the

embarrassing affliction of tardiness among Filipinos. It is curious and mind boggling how the

general population of a certain nation could possibly be chronically late. And yet, it has been

tried and tested to be true to this very day. Try having a party with the invitation stating an

arrival time of 4 pm, and people will start trickling in at 5 or 6 pm.

Why are Filipinos generally late? It is contradictory for a people equally well known for their

hospitality. It seems contrary for a group of people who would rather suffer rather than impose

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on any one's generosity. And in a country like the United States where punctuality is highly

esteemed, Filipino Time sticks out like an eye sore.

Chapter 2


Filipino Time, as we call it, is one of the most popular ideas about the Filipinos after the title of

“being hospitable”. It is both funny and annoying to know that we Filipinos have this kind of

attitude of always being late. Is Filipino time is always common to Filipinos? Yes it is really

common because few Filipinos start an event or an occasion after 1 hour or 30 minutes of the

designated time. To remedy this people tend to set appointments an hour early, anticipating

Filipino Time.

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Examples of Filipino time:

I had a J.S prom at January 29, 2010, the assembly time is 6 and at 7 pm it will be the start of the

prom but it started at 8 pm due to many reasons like teachers and students are late due to traffic

and preparation for themselves, and the preparations in the program are not ready yet.

During the time when I had a tour, they said we are leaving at 6 pm but we left at 7 or 8 am due

to late comers.

My sister had a practice for their role play, their appointed time was 10 am but her group

members arrived after 12:00 pm and some came after 3 hours of the appointed time.

A husband and wife attended a magazine launch at a club slated for 6 pm. We arrived to see an

empty place. In fact, the event started close to midnight, and they had to leave before the actual

launch ceremonies of the magazine and the fashion show took place. But they had fun watching

the preparations being made, people coming in, having our photo taken, and eating (dessert was

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served first). In the Philippines the club scene actually starts at midnight but then the invitation

was set at 6 pm.

Filipino time is really common to us even famous and superior people are sometimes late like:

President Elpidio Quirino. It was August of 1949, and Fordham University was to add another

president’s name to their famous, President’s Terrace at Keating Hall. Fordham engraves a

president’s name to which they have given an honorary degree, to a step in that terrace, to honor

her or him and the country he or she has served. Bataan and Corregidor seemed like a fresh

memory back then so, Fordham wished to honor the people of the Philippines by honoring their

president with a Doctorate in Law; the recipient: the then President Elpidio Quirino.

He was invited to New York and everyone was gathered in a hall waiting for the ceremony to

start. The ceremony was to begin at 2:00pm, and gathered in the hall were invited foreign

dignitaries, the Archbishop of New York, Cardinal Spellman an alumni who was to preside the

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ceremony, the President of Fordham was there, the Vice-President who was to read the degree in

Latin were present.

Two o’clock came, and President Quirino was nowhere in sight. Two o’clock became 2:30, no

Philippine President still. Three o’clock came, still nothing, by 3:30 the room was almost empty.

At 4 o’clock, lo and behold came inside the President Elpidio Quirino. They hurriedly arranged

the program again and the speeches, “perfunctorily” were given, and the degree was conferred

inside an almost empty room.

The excuse given was the classic, “heavy traffic”. Nobody actually believed them since they had

a procession of 7 limos, with 2 policemen mounted on motorcycles equipped sirens which could

easily swept through any traffic. But it seems President Quirino took the time for his siesta as

would he in Malacaňang.

The brilliant President Marcos also had a habit of being late for appointments. On one occasion,

President Marcos was to be the guest of honor in a fiesta in Tacloban. The festivities were late

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for an hour since they could not start without the “Hermano Mayor”, his Excellency Ferdinand

E. Marcos. Marcos merely took his time in his villa in Olot.

One of Philippine histories’ infamous punctuality offenders was the former First Lady, Imelda

Marcos. Imelda had a reputation of being late not for minutes, not for an hour, but hours. On one

occasion, the world renowned pianist Van Cliburn was to give a concert in Manila. It was

scheduled to be at the Araneta Coliseum to accommodate the thronging masses that bought the

tickets. The concert was to start at 7:00pm, so the crowds were gathered to witness the famous

Cliburn make his music. Seven became 8:00, no sign of Imelda or Cliburn. Eight marched to

nine; nine to 9:30, without a single sign of Imelda’s glory was in sight. Until 10’clock came,

Imelda the resplendent, dazzling came inside, behind him, Van Cliburn

Van Cliburn made a wonderful performance, but it ended way past midnight.

These are our famous personalities, embedded in our Republic’s history that was offenders of

punctuality. It seems from the top strata to the people at the base, our nation is plagued by this

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habitual practice of being late. Noteworthy is that during Noynoy Aquino’s Inaugural the

President was 15 minutes punctual to the planned execution of events. Perhaps, 15 minutes ahead

is the new Filipino time.

But, investigating cultures and nations, it is a well-known fact those who are time conscious are

the ones who are progressive. Americans are typified to be on the dot while Japanese are a

people who like to arrive ahead of the schedule. In fact, a train accident of 2005 in Amagasaki

that killed 106 including the driver happened because of punctuality. The engineer was believed

to be over-speeding to make up for the delay, since the train was 90 seconds late of the schedule.

Is there a correlation, between punctuality and progress? There may be. Productivity suffers

because of tardiness.

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Filipino time being a part of our history

Believe it or not, Rizal’s novel” Noli me Tangere” shows the strange trait of the people in pre-

colonial times. That strange trait is being late on time or not coming on time.

“Linares had not yet come; as a personage of such importance, he had to arrive later than

others. There are creatures so simple that by being an hour behind time, they transform

themselves into greater men.” (Chapter 6, “Wedding of Maria Clara”).

This is the proof that “Filipino Time” is been a part of our history. For Spaniards, it’s only

natural to be late on the appointed time even someone is waiting because this shows how big and

important they really are. There’s a way that some Filipinos do this because of the reasons and

influence of the Spaniards in this word. When you’re late in event or occasion, people will

notice. The concept Filipino Time was from the American people, when they hear this word, first

thing what comes in their mind is the Filipinos are late and lazy.

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Theories of Filipino time

The real reason behind Filipino time is unknown, but there are many theories and factors that

may have caused it.

One theory is that they inherited this from the Spaniards when they were colonized for more than

300 years. It was told that whenever Spanish royalty would go to a gathering, they would always

enter last. Thus, Filipinos followed suit to get a feeling of importance.

Another theory would be that traffic and travel times are invariable. The number one excuse a

Filipino would give you if he/she arrives late would be "traffic". Traffic is really bad in urban

cities like Manila.

Not having a standard time is also another possible cause behind "Filipino time". It is quite rare

to find 3 clocks with the same time in the Philippines -- there's usually a 5-10 minute difference.

There are also other theories such as Filipinos being quite shy when going to gatherings that they

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don't want to be seen as overly eager; or their easygoing nature which switches off their sense of

time and give them the mentality that their friends/colleagues will understand/accept.

Philippines is a country where traffic is notorious. It takes literally hours to get from point A to

point B. Over the years, the Filipinos have acquired an attitude that we will get there when we

get there. This attitude has neatly settled into our psyche (I would say right beside the "What

Will Be, Will Be or Bahala Na attitude) and has become a trait we translate into everyday action.

A trait we have acquired and will be passing down to future generation unless we consciously do

something about it.

The Filipinos are inherently self-effacing that they have unintentionally given new meaning to

the term "fashionably late." No one wants the burden of being the first arrivals to be entertained

by the hosts. We prefer to come at a time when we know there are already people and we could

simply blend in.

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Filipino Time is indicative of our complacency. Blame it on colonialism. In fear of insurrection,

when the Encomienda (landownership) system was introduced to the Filipino natives, goal-

setting was not part of the seminar. A cue that was taken by the later succeeding dictatorship

regime. Filipinos are not encouraged to look further than today, or even this very hour. What is

encouraged is the laid back attitude bordering on apathy. In more recent years of democracy, the

disease has still gone undiagnosed. Planners and palm pilots, definite tools of promptness, are

seen as privileges of the bourgeoisie. Unfortunately the majority of those who can afford it

regard it as accessories for show rather than tools of the trade.

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If being late is already your trademark but you happened to break that chain, it is the best chance

to congratulate yourself. You can also give yourself a treat.

If in case you came so much earlier, you can think and plans ahead or maybe read a book, or

thank God or just sit there and relax. But don’t be bored. There is a teaching that says ‘the one

who feels bored with something is the one who is boring.’ There’s nothing boring in this world.

Anyway, always remember that it’s not only the people who wait for you who are hassled. It’s a

greater loss on your part. Think about it.

FOR anti-Filipinos, the meaning of Filipino time is “always late.” It is said that the Filipino is

and will always be late for his appointments. He does not value time. He is never punctual. He

wants to be late for gatherings because he likes to get the attention of everyone. He is the one

who arrives last; thus, everybody notices him because of his untimely arrival. Are all these

negative remarks against us Filipinos true?

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No not all Filipinos are always late. Here some example to prove that not all Filipinos practice

this negative value.

No not all Filipinos are always late. Here some example to prove that not all Filipinos practice

this negative value.

Early discipline

 Classes in public and private elementary, secondary, and tertiary schools begin at 6:15 a.m. For

those in the afternoon shifts, their classes begin at noon.

Morning-shift students wake up before dawn. From the time they get off the bed, they hurry in

taking baths or showers, having breakfast, brushing their teeth, and putting on their school attire.

It is heartwarming that there are six-year-old Grade One pupils who wake up and take baths or

showers that early so that they would not be late for school.

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The children do all that to arrive in school before the flag ceremonies, which regularly

commence at 6:00 a.m. Those who live in far places, they wake up earlier to avoid being caught

in entangled traffic flows during the morning rush hour.

Most of the teachers and students arrive in schools before 6:00 a.m. For those in the afternoon

shifts, they arrive before noon. This is discipline. More than 20 million Filipino students and half

a million Filipino teachers practice it.

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Work schedule

 Work in offices, factories, stores, and other similar establishments begin at eight in the morning.

Thus, professionals, employees, and workers also hurry in taking baths or showers, having

breakfast, brushing their teeth, and getting dressed to arrive in their places of work early or on

time. Such rush is already a regular ritual for the hardworking Filipinos.

Again, it is discipline. Now that they are already in their respective bread-winning fields, they

still do what they had practiced when they were still studying.

Market vendors are all ready before dawn so that they can buy the freshest vegetables, fruits,

fish, meat, and other wet market items at the delivery centers or slaughterhouses. They have to

get the best goods, and they can only do that if they arrive early at the delivery centers or


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We Filipinos arrive early or on time in our destinations. This is the real or genuine time of the


In the rise of call centers, Filipino time may be reaching its ebb. Young people come on time to

work generally and being late is more the exception to the rule. Especially when there are threats

to deduct for every minute you are late. Filipinos are also willing to work overtime, and they

calculate how much they will earn for working overtime compared to others. What’s more, they

are amenable to having 15 minute lunches to get work done and will do this strict regimen 6 days

a week.

Spaniards are the main root why we have this kind of value; they teach our ancestors how to be

lazy so our ancestor can never improve and they can manipulate them easily?

Filipino Time is really too common to us. Filipino time does not only involve time but also it

involves a really big accusation to us Filipinos. Foreigners think Filipinos are always late, we are

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slowpokes, slow thinkers and lazy. They think we don’t value time, we don’t respect the time of

others and were lack of discipline. It is really a big accusation against us.

Why Filipinos like us are always late? It is ok to be late sometimes but not all the time. When we

organized or attend any occasion, event and etc. we should come on time. Some think that every

events and occasions start late because it’s only natural in the Philippines. Some can’t start an

event if the guests haven’t arrived. Filipinos make excuses when their late like traffic, wrong

time in their watch and etc. I know our country is notorious on traffic but that’s not an excuse,

we should leave earlier and set our watch 15 minutes or 10 minutes advance n the current time.

We should be more responsible. For me Filipino time is a negative value. We shouldn’t practice

it at all times. It destroys our image as Filipinos. Foreigners might think every Filipino are like

that. We should prove to them how discipline and punctual we really are. If prevent and destroy

this kind of value, it will be a big improvement in our country.

Here are some few tips in coming on time:

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1. Check how much time it will take you to the meeting place. Consider also the traffic, the time

used up by the driver when waiting for passengers (if you’re commuting), the time you’ll spend

walking, and a few extra minutes if in case you need to rush to the

comfort room.

2. Observe how long it takes you to take a bath, dress up, eat, brush your teeth and fix yourself.

Set enough time for preparing yourself.

3. If you have to wake up early for your appointment, try to have a complete, undisturbed sleep.

4. Set your alarm clock at the proper time and make sure it alarms and wakes you up the next day

on the set time. Don’t try to use the “five minutes more and I’ll be up from bed” tactic. It usually

doesn’t help.

5. Move quick and accurate.

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6. Do only the necessary things. Minimize doing things that are unplanned and don’t try to add

things you did not plan to do: for instance, opening your PC and surfing the net which was


7. Think that you don’t deserve to be late.

8. Have the absolute will not to be late.

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Francisco J. (June 23 2003). The article Filipino Time in Filipino-American Culture

Retrieved from american lifestyle/101594/1

Villalon M. (November 11, 2010). Atrasado Filipino Time :

Retrieved From :

Filipino Time a culture.

Retrieved From:

Fixing Filipino Time: A Punctual Revisiting. Retrieved from:

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Appendix I


1.Is Filipino Time common in the Philippines? YES /NO

2.Is there a solution in Filipino Time? YES /NO

3.Is Filipino Time a trait? YES /NO

4.Is Filipino time a part of our history? YES /NO

5.Is Filipino time destroys our image as Filipinos? YES /NO

6.Is traffic to blame for us on being late? YES /NO

7.Are we a disgrace when we have this kind of value? YES /NO

8.Are Spaniards are root of this value? YES /NO

9.Is this a good value? YES /NO

10. Are all Filipinos practices this value? YES /NO

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11.When we’re late, do we blame traffic and other excuses? YES /NO