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3 Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, Fourth Edition

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3Systems Analysis and Design in a

Changing World, Fourth Edition


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 2

Learning Objectives

Menjelaskan unsur-unsur manajemen proyek dan

tanggung jawab seorang manajer proyek

Menjelaskan Inisiasi dan aktivitas project dalam

fase SDLC

Mendeskripsikan bagaimana lingkup sistem yang

baru ditentukan.


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 3

Learning Objectives (continued)

Membuat jadwal proyek menggunakan PERT

dan Gantt chart

Membuat analisis biaya manfaat dan menilai

kelayakan proyek yang diusulkan

Discuss how to staff and launch a project


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 4


Prinsip dasar manajemen proyek

Faktor keberhasilan proyek

Peran manajer proyek

Pengetahuan manajemen proyek

How information system projects initiated

Part of overall strategic plan

Merespon kebutuhan bisnis secara langsung

The project planning phase of SDLC

Project planning examples for RMO


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 5

Faktor Keberhasilan Proyek

Manajemen proyek penting bagi keberhasilan proyek pengembangan sistem

2000 Standish Group Study

Only 28% of system development projects successful

72% of projects canceled, completed late, completed over budget, and/or limited in functionality

Dengan demikian, proyek membutuhkan perencanaan yang matang, kontrol, dan eksekusi


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 6

Alasan Kegagalan Proyek

Persyaratan tidak lengkap / berubah

Keterlibatan pengguna terbatas

Kurangnya dukungan eksekutif

Kurangnya dukungan teknis

Perencanaan proyek yang jelek

tujuan yang tidak jelas

Kurangnya sumber daya yang dibutuhkan


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 7

Alasan Keberhasilan Proyek

Kejelasan tentang definisi sistem

Besarnya keterlibatan pengguna

Dukungan penuh dari pihak menejemen

Perencaan proyek yang detail dan terperinci

Jadwal kerja yang realistis


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 8

Peran Manajer Proyek

Manajemen Proyek– mengorganisasikan dan

mengarahkan orang untuk mencapai hasil yang

direncanakan dalam anggaran dan jadwal

Keberhasilan atau kegagalan proyek tergantung

pada kemampuan manajer proyek

Awal proyek - merencanakan dan mengatur

Proyek berjalan - Monitor dan kontrol

Tanggung Jawab keduanya internal dan



Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 9

Tanggung Jawab Internal

Mengidentifikasi tugas tugas proyek dan membangun

struktur pekerjaan.

Membuat jadwal proyek

Merekrut dan melatih anggota tim

Menugaskan anggota tim

Mengkoordinasikan tugas anggota tim dan sub tim

Menilai risiki kegagalan

Monev dan control proyek

Verify the quality of project deliverables


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 10

Tanggung Jawab Eksternal

Melaporkan status dan kemajuan proyek

Membangun hubungan kerja dengan orang yang

dibutuhkan dalam persyaraktan sistem

The people who will use the system

Bekerja secara langsung dengan klien (sponsor

proyek) dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya

Mengidentifikasi kebutuhan sumber daya dan

mendapatkan sumber daya


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 11

Peran Manajer Proyek(Figure 3-1)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 12

Participants in a System

Development Project (Figure 3-2)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 13

Tugas Manajemen Proyek

Awal proyek

Perencanaan Proyek secara keseluruhan

Selama Proyek

Manajemen pelaksanaan proyek

Manajemen pengendalian proyek

Project closeout

Project management approach differs for

Predictive SDLC

Adaptive SDLC


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 14

Project Management and SDLC Tasks for

a Predictive Project (Figure 3-3)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 15

Project Management and SDLC Tasks for

an Adaptive Project (Figure 3-4)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 16

Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)

Ruang lingkup manajemen

Fungsi kontrol termasuk dalam sistem

Lingkup Pengendalian kerja yang dilakukan oleh tim

Manajemen waktu

Membangun rincian jadwal untuk seluruh tugas

Memantau proses terhadap proyek

Biaya Manajemen

Menghitung analisis biaya manfaat

Memantau beban


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 17

Project Management Body of Knowledge


manajemen mutu

Menetapkan rencana dan pengendalian kegiatan mutu untuk setiap tahap proyek

Manajemen sumber daya manusia

Merekrut dan mempekerjakan anggota tim proyek

melatih, memotivasi, membangun tim

Manajemen komunikasi

Identify stakeholders and their communications

Membangun komunikasi tim


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 18

Project Management Body of Knowledge


Manajemen Resiko

Mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji ulang resiko kegagalan

Mengembangkan rencana untuk mengurangi risiko ini

Procurement Management

Mengembangkan permintaan proposal

Evaluasi tawaran, menulis kontrak, memantau kinerja

manajemen integrasi


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 19

Inisiasi Proyek dan Tahap Perencanaan Proyek

Driving forces to start project

Menanggapi peluang

Mensolusi masalah

Conform to directive

Project initiation comes from

Long-term IS strategic plan (top-down) prioritized by

weighted scoring

Department managers or process managers (bottom-up)

Response to outside forces (HIPAA)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 20

Initiating Customer Support System RMO

Strategic IS plan directs IS development’s project priorities

Customer support system (CSS) selected

John MacMurty – creates project charter

Barbara Halifax – project manager

Steven Deerfield – senior systems analyst

Goal is to support multiple types of customer services (ordering, returns, online catalogs)

Project charter describes key participants


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 21

RMO Project Charter (Figure 3-5)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 22

Activities of the Project Planning Phase


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 23

Activities of the Project Planning Phase

and Their Key Questions (Figure 3-7)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 24

Defining the Problem

Review business needs

Use strategic plan documents

Consult key users

Develop list of expected business benefits

Identify expected system capabilities

Define scope in terms of requirements

Create system scope document

Build proof of concept prototype

Create context diagram


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 25

Context Diagram for Customer Support


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 26

Defining the Problem at RMO

Barbara – Mendefinisikan masalah

Steve – melakukan penelitian awal dan rencana solusi

Barbara, Steve, and William McDougal – melakukan

proses analisis sebelum mengambil keputusan

Barbara and Steve – memulai jadwal, anggaran, laporan

kelayakan sistem baru


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 27

Membuat jadwal proyek

Develop work breakdown structure (WBS)

Daftar tugas dan durasi yang dibutuhkan untuk


Similar to outline for research paper

WBS menjadi dasr untuk jadwal proyek

Build a PERT/CPM chart

Membantu sebagai penanda tugas

Critical path method

Gantt chart and tracking GANTT chart


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 28

Partial PERT/CPM Chart


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 29

Gantt Chart for Entire Project (with overlapping phases)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 30

Gantt Chart for Iterative Project (Figure 3-14)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 31

Confirming Project Feasibility

Risk management

Economic feasibility

Cost/benefit analysis

Sources of funds (cash flow, long-term capital)

Organizational and cultural feasibility

Technological feasibility

Schedule feasibility

Resource feasibility


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 32

Risk Management


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 33

Economic Feasibility

Cost/benefit analysis

Estimate project development costs

Estimate operational costs after project

Estimate financial benefits based on annual

savings and increased revenues

Calculate using table of costs and benefits

Uses net present value (NPV), payback period,

return on investment (ROI) techniques


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 34

Supporting Detail for Salaries

and Wages for RMO (Figure 3-16)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 35

Summary of Development Costs for RMO (Figure 3-17)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 36

Summary of Annual Operating Costs

for RMO (Figure 3-18)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 37

Sample Benefits for RMO (Figure 3-19)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 38

RMO Cost Benefit Analysis (Figure 3-20)


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 39

Intangibles in Economic Feasibility

Intangible benefits cannot be measured in dollars

Increased levels of service

Customer satisfaction


Need to develop in-house expertise

Intangible costs cannot be measured in dollars

Reduced employee morale

Lost productivity

Lost customers or sales


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 40

Organizational and Cultural Feasibility

Each company has own culture

New system must fit into culture

Evaluate related issues for potential risks

Low level of computer competency

Computer phobia

Perceived loss of control

Shift in power

Fear of job change or employment loss

Reversal of established work procedures


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 41

Technological Feasibility

Does system stretch state-of-the-art technology?

Does in-house expertise presently exist for


Does an outside vendor need to be involved?

Solutions include

Training or hiring more experienced employees

Hiring consultants

Changing scope and project approach


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 42

Schedule Feasibility

Estimates needed without complete information

Management deadlines may not be realistic

Project managers

Drive realistic assumptions and estimates

Recommend completion date flexibility

Assign interim milestones to periodically reassess completion dates

Involve experienced personnel

Manage proper allocation of resources


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 43

Resource Feasibility

Team member availability

Team skill levels

Computers, equipment, and supplies

Support staff time and availability

Physical facilities


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 44

Staffing and Launching the Project

Develop resource plan for the project

Identify and request specific technical staff

Identify and request specific user staff

Organize the project team into workgroups

Conduct preliminary training and team building


Key staffing question: “Are the resources

available, trained, and ready to start?”


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 45

Launching Project

Scope defined, risks identified, project is feasible,

schedule developed, team members identified

and ready

Oversight committee finalized, meet to give go-

ahead, and release funds

Formal announcement made to all involved

parties within organization

Key launch question: “Are we ready to start?”


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 46

Recap of Project Planning for RMO

Created schedule and plans for CSS

Addressed all aspects of project management

(project planning and scope)

Included project communication and quality

Identified desired team members

Refined internal working procedures

Taught tools and techniques used on project

Planned kickoff meeting to officially launch


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 47


Tugas manajemen proyek

Memulai tahapan SDLC Perencanaan Proyek

Melanjutkan fase SDLC

Mengorganisasikan dan mengarahkan

Pencapaian hasil yang direncanakan

Gunakan jadwal dan anggaran yang telah ditetapkan

Bidang Pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan

Ruang lingkup, waktu, biaya, kualitas, sumber daya manusia, komunikasi, risiko, pengadaan


Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 4th Edition 48

Summary (continued)

Inisiasi Proyek

Kebutuhan sistem informasi diidentifikasi dan

diprioritaskan dalam rencana strategis

Fase Perencaaan

Mendefinisikan masalah (

Menghasilkan jadwal proyek (WBS)

Mengevaluasi resiko

Tenaga ahli proyek (know people’s skills)

Launch project (executive formal approval)