systems p4.3

BY:Alekhya Class:Humility 3 <3

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Post on 18-Jul-2015




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Class:Humility 3


Your body needs food to grow and grow.

The food you eat cannot be used as it is.

The food has to be chewed or chopped

up,and broken down into simple substances

before it can be used.

This process is called Digestion.

Digestion is a process where by

food is broken down into simpler

substances and absorbs by

the body.



The teeth in your mouth chew and grind food

into simpler substances.

The saliva in your mouth helps to soften the

food so that it can be swallowed easily by

the gullet.

Saliva contains a small amount of digestive

juices which digests the food alittle.

In the stomach, the food is digested further

and mixed with other digestive juices.

The stomach contains more digestive juice

than the amount of digestive juices in the


The food now looks like ‘thick soup’.

In the small intestine, more digestive juices are combined with the food to make the ‘thick soup’ digest into even more simper substances.

Digestion of the food is completed here in the small intestine.

As the food substances are very small now, they can pass through the wall of the intestine.

The blood then carries the digested food to different parts of the body through the body’s circulatory system.

Undigested food that cannot be digested is

brought to the big intestine.

Here, water from the undigested food is

absorbed for various reasons for the body to

use as.

After the undigested food has the water

removed, they are then passed on to the


The anus is a part of the body that is used to

remove the waste that is not needed from

the body.

The undigested food in the anus is stored

until it is ready to be removed from the


The circulatory system contains the

heart, blood vessels and the blood.

Digested food, waste from the body,

oxygen and other gases are transported

around the body through the blood in the

blood vessels.

A plant system contains the leaves, the stem,

the roots, the flowers and the fruits.

A plant is a system as it carries out various

activities on its own.

The leaves of the every plant is different but

they all carry out the same activity which is

to make food for the plant.

The process is called photosynthesis where

the leaves make food in the presence of

sunlight, water and carbon dioxide.

The roots of the plant are also different but

they also carry out the same activity.

All roots help to absorb water, mineral salts

and nutrients form the soil.

The stem supports a plant.

It hold the leaves up so that they can get sunlight

to make food.

In some plants the stem store food.

Stems connect the leaves and the roots of a plant


Water and mineral salt taken in by the roots tarvel

up the stem to the other parts of the plant.

4 of 19

Your body needs food to grow and grow.

The food you eat cannot be used as it is.

The food has to be chewed or chopped

up,and broken down into simple substances

before it can be used.

This process is called

Your body needs food to grow and grow.

The food you eat cannot be used as it is.

The food has to be chewed or chopped

up,and broken down into simple substances

before it can be used.

This process is called

The roots of the plant are also different but

they also carry out the same activity.

All roots help to absorb water,

form the soil.

The roots of the plant are also different but

they also carry out the same activity.

All roots help to absorb water, mineral salts

and nutrients form the soil.