syzransky kremlin (1)

Syzransky Kremlin Attractions Samara Region

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Syzransky KremlinAttractions Samara Region

Page 2: Syzransky kremlin (1)


Syzran Kremlin - the only surviving Kremlin throughout the middle and lower reaches of the Volga. From him to have survived only one tower. On the territory of

the Kremlin hill survived as one of the oldest surviving to the present day churches province - Church of the


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The origins of the tower

The construction of the fortress began one of the first orders of Tsar Peter Alekseevich. And it was built to

protect these rich fields. They were subjected to constant robberies. On the Samara bend near

Perevoloki wielded Cossacks. Not less problems the state was brought nomadic peoples.

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View of the towerOriginally the building had five towers: four wooden and main Spasskaya - stone. The tower height of 27 meters has a standard for Moscow architecture of the XVII century octagon shape on the quadrangle. Inside the tower is interesting vaulted arch.

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Architectural complex

In the Spasskaya Tower is the main gate of the Kremlin. In 1717, the Kremlin has risen Nativity Church. Along with the Spasskaya Tower, the Church forms the architectural complex.

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The strategic importance

Despite the strategic importance of the places, fortress only once to participate in hostilities. She, troops captured Pugachev. Soon after the peasant war, the fortress was completely lost its defensive significance. The Kremlin's Spasskaya tower was

converted into a Church in the name of the Saviour. Instead of in the church tower now houses the

Museum of Syzran Kremlin.

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