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AGENDA BILL Beaverton City Council Beaverton, Oregon SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to Sign an Intergovernmental Agreement No. 934312 with Metro Regional Government for Implementation of the Annual Waste Reduction Plan and Recycle at Work Program, Accept $75,867 in Grant Funding and Authorize Appropriations Through a Special Purpose Grant Budget Adjustment Resolution PROCEEDING: CONSENT AGENDA FOR AGENDA OF' NO' 16215 MAYOR'S APPROVAL: t-10 DEPARTMENT OF ORIGIN: Mayor's Office DATE SUBMITTED: 10/06/2106 CLEARANCES: City Attorne'f7k"' EXHIBITS: CAO f Finance · 1. Special Purpose Grant Budget Adjustment Resolution 2. Intergovernmental Agreement BUDGET IMPACT EXPENDITURE REQUIRED $75,867 AMOUNT BUDGETED $-0- APPROPRIATION REQUIRED $75,867 *The $75,867 Appropriation Required is funded by an increase in the Annual Waste Reduction Plan and Recycle at Work allocations through the attached Intergovernmental Agreement with Metro Regional Government and the necessary appropriations will be established through the attached special purpose grant budget adjustment resolution. RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign, in a form approved by the City Attorney, the Intergovernmental Agreement with Metro Regional Government for implementation of the Recycle at Work Program and Annual Waste Reduction Work Plan for the period July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2018 and approve the attached Special Purpose Grant Budget Adjustment Resolution that will provide the necessary appropriation to carry out the grant's objectives. HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: All jurisdictions in the service area of Metro are required under Metro's Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (RSWMP) to implement an annual waste reduction work plan. The regional plans emphasize waste prevention and reduction, and resource conservation with a commitment to public education, technical assistance and consistent cooperation with local governments. Representatives from each jurisdiction create partnership plans for waste reduction and meet regularly with one another and private industry representatives throughout the year to coordinate waste reduction efforts. Participating jurisdictions are asked to approve an intergovernmental agreement and work plan. INFORMATION FOR CONSIDERATION: Agenda Bill No: 16215

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Beaverton City Council Beaverton, Oregon

SUBJECT: Authorize the Mayor to Sign an Intergovernmental Agreement No. 934312 with Metro Regional Government for Implementation of the Annual Waste Reduction Plan and Recycle at Work Program, Accept $75,867 in Grant Funding and Authorize Appropriations Through a Special Purpose Grant Budget Adjustment Resolution


FOR AGENDA OF' 10-~LL NO' 16215


DATE SUBMITTED: 10/06/2106

CLEARANCES: City Attorne'f7k"'


CAO f Finance ~ ·

1. Special Purpose Grant Budget Adjustment Resolution

2. Intergovernmental Agreement





*The $75,867 Appropriation Required is funded by an increase in the Annual Waste Reduction Plan and Recycle at Work allocations through the attached Intergovernmental Agreement with Metro Regional Government and the necessary appropriations will be established through the attached special purpose grant budget adjustment resolution.

RECOMMENDED ACTION: City Council authorizes the Mayor to sign, in a form approved by the City Attorney, the Intergovernmental Agreement with Metro Regional Government for implementation of the Recycle at Work Program and Annual Waste Reduction Work Plan for the period July 1, 2016, through June 30, 2018 and approve the attached Special Purpose Grant Budget Adjustment Resolution that will provide the necessary appropriation to carry out the grant's objectives.

HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE: All jurisdictions in the service area of Metro are required under Metro's Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (RSWMP) to implement an annual waste reduction work plan. The regional plans emphasize waste prevention and reduction, and resource conservation with a commitment to public education, technical assistance and consistent cooperation with local governments. Representatives from each jurisdiction create partnership plans for waste reduction and meet regularly with one another and private industry representatives throughout the year to coordinate waste reduction efforts. Participating jurisdictions are asked to approve an intergovernmental agreement and work plan.


Agenda Bill No: 16215

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This is the 27th year (FY 16-17) Metro will provide funding to local jurisdictions to support regional solid waste and recycling efforts. The scope of work remains consistent with the previous agreements, with continued focus on waste prevention and includes provision of assistance to local government jurisdictions to assure that governments lead by example in waste reduction and recycling efforts. This year's scope, however, also includes an increased focus and effort on reducing food waste at businesses.

In accordance with Metro requirements, staff submitted and Metro accepted Beaverton's FY 2016-17 Local Government Annual Waste Reduction Work Plan (Metro IGA No. 934312). For implementation of these programs, Beaverton originally budgeted $48,008 for annual waste reduction services and $48,750 for Recycle at Work services. We will now be receiving and additional $75,867 in order to focus more heavily on addressing expanded goals.

Staff recommends hiring a limited duration Support Specialist 2 for the period November 2, 2016 through June 30, 2017. The total cost for this position, including salary, payroll taxes and benefits is $25,867. Staff also suggest adding $25,000 to special services for consulting services pertaining to both commercial and residential organics. Lastly, staff recommends a $25,000 increase to materials and services for printing, mailing, and tools and resources related to the program.

Oregon Budget Law [ORS 294.338(2)] permits the acceptance of special purpose grants and their associated appropriations through a resolution. Attached is a special purpose grant budget adjustment resolution that establishes the receipt of the special purpose grant revenue and provides the appropriations for the associated expenditures.

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WHEREAS, the City Council reviews and approves the annual budget; and,

WHEREAS, during the year the Council may authorize the acceptance of special purpose grant funds and the associated appropriations through a special purpose grant budget adjustment resolution; and,

WHEREAS, an increase to the funds provided through the Intergovernmental Agreement with Metro Regional Government was awarded to Beaverton in the amount of $75,867 and the Council desires to appropriate the grant award to support the stated objectives; now therefore,


Section 1. The Finance Director is hereby authorized and instructed to adjust the General Fund's budgets to reflect receipt of the increased grant revenue and the associated appropriation:

Revenues: Intergovernmental Revenue 001-03-0000-329

Expenditures: Personnel Services - Limited Duration Position Support Specialist 2 001-10-0657-221 Payroll Taxes and Fringe Benefits 001-10-0657-299

Materials and Services Special Expense Professional Services

001-10-0657-461 001-10-0657-511

Adopted by the Council this ___ day of ______ , 2016

Approved by the Mayor this ___ day of ______ , 2016

Ayes: __ Nays: __


$ 75,867

$12,799 $13,068

$25,000 $25,000


Resolution No. 4410 Agenda Bill No: 16215

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Intergovernmental Agreement

eMETRO 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

Metro Contract No. 934312

THIS AGREEMENT, entered into and under the provisions of ORS Chapter 190, is

between Metro, a metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the

Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736, and CITY OF

BEA YERTON hereinafter referred to as "City", whose address is PO Box 4755, Beaverton, Oregon


In exchange for the promises and other valuable consideration set forth below, the parties

agree as follows:

1. Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the responsibilities of the

parties in implementing the FY 2016-17 & FY 2017-18 Metro and Local Government Annual Waste

Reduction Plan and the Recycle at Work Program.

2. Term. This Agreement shall be effective July 1, 2016, and shall remain in effect

through June 30, 2018 unless earlier terminated in conformance with this Agreement, or extended by

written amendment signed by both parties. Costs for this project may be incurred from date oflast

contract signature.

3. Services Provided and Deliverables. City and Metro shall perform the services

described in the attached Scope of Work, which is made part of this Agreement by reference, and

otherwise fully comply with the provisions in the attached Scope of Work (Attachments A, B, C and D).

4. Payment for Services. For fiscal year 2016-17, Metro shall pay City for Annual

Waste Reduction services performed and materials delivered in the maximum sum of FORTY-EIGHT

THOUSAND EIGHT AND N0/1 OOTHS DOLLARS ($48,008.00), and for Recycle at Work maintenance

and Targeted Business Sector Grant services performed and materials d_elivered in the maximum sum of


DOLLARS ($128,750.00) in the manner and at the time designated in the Scope of Work. Funding for

subsequent fiscal years will be determined annually.

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Intergovernmental Agreement 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

5. Insurance. City is insured for liability and self-insured for worker's compensation

insurance coverage. A certificate of insurance is available for Metro upon request.

6. Indemnification. Subject to the limits of the Oregon Constitution and Oregon Tort

Claims Act, City shall hold harmless Metro, its officers and employees from any claims or damages

or property or injury to persons or for any penalties or fines, which may be occasioned in whole or

in part by City's actions under this Agreement. Subject to the limits of the Oregon Constitute and

Oregon Tort Claims Act, Metro shall hold harmless City, its officers and employees from any

claims or damages or property or injury to persons or for any penalties or fines, which may be

occasioned in whole or in part by Metro's actions under this Agreement.

7. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by either party without cause upon

giving 90 days written notice of intent to terminate. This Agreement may be terminated with less than 90

days notice if a party is in default of the terms of this Agreement. In the case of a default, the party

alleging the default shall give the other party at least 30 days written notice of the alleged default, with

opportunity to cure within the 30-day period. Termination shall be without prejudice to any obligations

or liabilities of either party already accrued prior to such termination.

8. State Law Constraints. Both parties shall comply with the public contracting

provisions of ORS chapter 279A, B &C and to the extent those provisions apply, they are incorporated

into this Agreement by reference. Specifically, it is a condition of this Contract that all employers

working under this Agreement are subject employers that will comply with ORS 656.017.

9. Notices. Legal notice provided under this Agreement shall be delivered personally or

by certified mail to the following individuals:

For City; Scott Keller City of Beaverton PO Box4755 Beaverton, OR 97076

Metro Contract No. 934312

For Metro; Office of Metro Attorney Metro 600 NE Grand Avenue Portland, OR 97232-2736

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Intergovernmental Agreement

~METRO 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

Informal coordination of this Agreement will be conducted by the following designated Project


For City; Scott Keller City of Beaverton PO Box 4755 Beaverton, OR 97076 (503) 526-2217

For Metro: Jennifer Erickson Metro 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232 (503) 797-1647

City may change the above- designated Project Manager by written notice to Metro. Metro may change

the above-designated Project Manager by written notice to City.

10. Assignment. This Agreement is binding on each party, its successors, assigns, and

legal representatives and may not, under any condition, be assigned or transferred by either party without

prior written approval by the other party.

11. Integration. This writing contains the entire Agreement between the parties, and may

only be amended by written instrument, signed by both parties.

12. Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is found to be illegal or

unenforceable, this Agreement nevertheless shall remain in full force and effect and the offending

provision shall be stricken.

This Agreement is dated as of the last signature date below.


By: ____________ _

Print name and title Print name and title

Date Date

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Intergovernmental Agreement 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

Metro Contract No. 934312

Attachment A

SCOPE OF WORK: Annual Waste Reduction Plan

a) Term: Julyl,2016toJune30,2017

b) City's responsibilities. City shall:

1. Provide to Metro a copy of City's Resolution or Ordinance approving this Intergovernmental Agreement including all of its attachments.

2. Ensure that by June 30, 2017, the activities specified in Attachment A and D have been completed.

3. On or before August 1, 2017, submit the following:

A) A completed reporting worksheet. B) Demonstrated compliance with OAR 340-090-0040 and the Regional Solid Waste

Management Plan.

c) Metro Responsibilities. Metro shall:

1. Provide technical assistance to City as necessary to develop, execute, monitor, and evaluate the project.

2. Provide assistance to City on promotional and educational activities.

3. Monitor the general project progress and review as necessary City's accounting records relating to project expenditures.

d) Budget and Terms of Payment:

1. Upon completion of section (b)(l) of this Scope of Work, Metro shall pay City $48,008.00 in one lump sum. City's billing invoices shall include the Metro contract number, City name, remittance address, invoice date, invoice number, and invoice amount. City's billing invoices shall be sent to Metro Accounts Payable, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736 or [email protected]. The Metro contract number shall be referenced in the email subject line. City's billing invoices for goods and services through June 30 shall be submitted to Metro by July 15. Payment shall be made by Metro on a Net 30 day basis upon approval of City invoice.

2. City and Metro recognize that the Metro and Local Government Annual Waste Reduction Plan is a multi-year program and that future rounds of funding will depend in part on City's performance in implementing program activities during the term of this contract.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Scope of Work - Exhibit A

Attachment B

600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

SCOPE OF WORJ(: Recycle at Work Maintenance Funding

a) Term: July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017

b) City's responsibilities. City shall:

1. Hire and train individuals as staff or contractors who work in the City's offices or external contractors whose primary responsibilities and duties are to provide technical assistance and business recycling requirement compliance services to businesses.

2. Develop a Work Plan that identifies the City's strategy for targeting and recruiting businesses for assistance and compliance with Business Recycling Requirements.

3. On or before August 1, 2017, submit a completed Work Plan reporting worksheet.

4. Make resources available to businesses as appropriate for the City.

5. Collect data for each business assisted that summarizes contact information and type of assistance provided. Data will be submitted in the Excel worksheet provided by Metro.

6. Prepare an annual progress report on the accomplishments of the business assistance including completed spreadsheet provided by Metro, staffing and expenditures and successes and challenges of commercial program and assistance.

7. Establish a compliance program for the Business Recycling Requirement consistent with Section 2.6 of the administrative procedures for Metro Code Chapter 5.10 and provide written description to Metro

Successes and Challenges _I>rovide narrative on successes and challenges in achieving desired outcomes.

Administratiye Information-Expenditures and Staffing Provide overall commercial expenditures to date and Metro grant funds spent for the current program year (July 1 through June 30). List staff working on business assistance, FTE, and source of funding for staff (Metro or local government).

c) Metro Responsibilities. Metro shall:

1. Provide resources and staff time to City to develop, execute, monitor, and evaluate the Recycle at Work maintenance program.

2. Monitor the general program progress and review as necessary, City's accounting records relating to Recycle at Work program expenditures.

3. Notify the City of Metro business assistance or pilots and any other business recruitment scheduled for the term of the IGA.

4. Provide the City with standardized reporting forms for annual progress reports. The reporting forms will be used to record quantitative data generated from the information system and qualitative information.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Scope of Work - Exhibit A

~METRO 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

5. Review and revise the program goals and budget as needed in conjunction with the Solid Waste Directors.

6. Conduct an evaluation of the program as needed, which may include on-site visits to businesses by Metro staff or independent third-party contractors.

d) Budget and Terms of Payment:

1. Upon completion of section (b)(2) of this Scope of Work, Metro shall pay City $48,750 in one lump sum. City's billing invoices shall include the Metro contract number, City name, remittance address, invoice date, invoice number, and invoice amount. City's billing invoices shall be sent to Metro Accounts Payable, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736 or [email protected]. The Metro contract number shall be referenced in the email subject line. City's billing invoices for goods and services through June 30 shall be submitted to Metro by July 15. Payment shall be made by Metro on a Net 30 day basis upon approval of City invoice.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Scope of Work - Exhibit A

Attachment C

~METRO 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

SCOPE OF WORK: Tan:eted Business Sector Grant--Food Scraps

a) Term: July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017

b) City's responsibilities. City shall:

I. Hire and train individuals as staff or contractors who work in the City's offices or external contractors whose primary responsibilities and duties are to provide technical assistance for composting, food waste prevention and donation with food-generating businesses.

2. Participate in the Commercial Work Group (CWG) for the purpose of collaborating on multijurisdictional food-generating business assistance.

3. Provide Metro with list of businesses jurisdiction intends to add or delete from list provided by Metro. The focus should be on large food waste generators, businesses that help in building routes or multi-tenant facilities.

4. Provide quarterly reports of assistance provided that will be included on the spreadsheet provided by Metro and any other success or challenges in a narrative form.

c) Metro Responsibilities. Metro shall:

I. Provide resources and staff time to City to develop, execute, monitor, and evaluate the grant.

2. Monitor the general grant progress and review as necessary.

3. Convene and facilitate the quarterly CWG.

4. Provide the City with standardized reporting forms for annual progress reports. The report forms will be used to record quantitative data generated from the information system and qualitative information.

5. Review and revise as needed the program goals and budget in conjunction with the Solid Waste Directors.

6. Conduct follow up survey of businesses engaged by the program, which may include on-site visits to businesses or phone calls by Metro staff or independent third-party contractors.

d) Budget and Terms of Payment:

I. Metro shall pay City $80,000 in one lump sum. City's billing invoices shall include the Metro contract number, City name, remittance address, invoice date, invoice number, and invoice amount. City's billing invoices shall be sent to Metro Accounts Payable, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736 or [email protected]. The Metro contract number shall be referenced in the email subject line. City's billing invoices for goods and services through June 30 shall be submitted to Metro by July 15. Payment shall be made by Metro on a Net 30 day basis upon approval of City invoice.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Scope of Work - Exhibit A

Attachment D


600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700


Jurisdiction: City of Beaverton Contact: Travis Dutton

1. Program Overview Narrative

Beaverton's Recycling & Solid Waste Program provides franchise oversight, waste prevention and recycling education, solid waste and recycling planning, and general assistance to city operations and events. Our programs reach single and multifamily residents, and the commercial sector. Program staff participate in various regional work including Metro's Solid Waste Directors, Solid Waste Alternatives Advisory Committee (SWAC), Commercial Work Group (CWG), Local Government Waste Reduction Coordinators (LGWRC), regional organics discussions, as well as the Washington County Technical Wasteshed Committee. We strive to create a basic level of consistency with neighboring jurisdictions through project participation and collaboration. Beaverton also has representatives participating in Metro's Data Workgroup.

The City of Beaverton has 4.35 FTE assigned to the Recycling & Solid Waste Program in the Office of the Mayor, though not all positions are funded through this grant. The program manager is 0.6 FTE (remaining time is housed in other programs) and performs overall program planning supervision. The Waste Reduction Coordinators (1.0 FTE RAW and 0.75 FTE Organics limited duration position) and two Recycling Specialists (1.0 FTE Recycle at Work and 1.0 FTE Residential/multifamily) provide educational and technical assistance to residents and employees within the City of Beaverton. Together, the staff work on a number of issues that include, but are not limited to, maintenance of the solid waste and recycling franchises, communicate with independent recyclers, an annual review of residential and commercial rates, production and distribution of recycling education materials, and oversight of the solid waste ordinance and rules.

City curbside residential services includes weekly collection of garbage, commingled recycling, glass, and yard debris as required by the Regional Service Standards. A phone line dedicated to solid waste and recycling issues in published in directories, on the city website and in city publications. This phone line is actively used by citizens as a main source of information about recycling issues and franchised hauler services. City staff is in frequent contact Metro RIC staff to provide accurate information to citizens and businesses.

The Recycling & Solid Waste website (beavertonoregon.gov/recycling) provides information about single family, multifamily, and commercial programs, what is recyclable curbside in Beaverton, preparation instructions, rates, non-curbside recycling, toxics disposal, and composting. Visitors can review FAQs on special topics and download resources. Easy online forms allow visitors to request printed resources and technical assistance in single family, multifamily, and commercial sectors.

A city newsletter, Your City, is published six times a year. Each regular issue is distributed to 60,000 mailboxes, including businesses, multifamily and single family, and contains articles dedicated to recycling and waste prevention topics. In addition to Your City, an annual mailer, Every Day is Recycling Day, has been developed to share information on current waste prevention and recycling topics.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Scope of Work - Exhibit A

~METRO 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

Furthermore, program information and educational brochures are distributed at various city events and at self-help stands in City Hall.

Residential Outreach Initiated in late FY 14-15 and continued through 15-16, the interactive Eat Smart, Waste Less campaign is marketed to residents to assist in tracking and reducing food waste at home.

Basic recycling, recycling depots, PaintCare, Oregon E-cycle, and the Metro RIC will be promoted in city fliers distributed at events and kiosks.

Multifamily outreach There are 18,910 multifamily units housed in 269 properties in Beaverton. The breakdown of properties is as follows:

Total Complexes with 5+ units - Shared service only (as of 5/19/16)

Cumulative %of %of

#of Total total Total total #of total % of total Unit range complexes units units units units complexes complexes

600-699 1 630 3% 630 3% 1 0.37%

500-599 2 1,072 5% 1,702 9% 3 1.12%

400-499 3 1,306 6% 3,008 16% 6 2.23%

300-399 5 1,667 7% 4,675 25% 11 4.09%

200-299 13 3,215 14% 7,890 42% 24 8.92%

100-199 39 5,320 23% 13,210 70% 63 23.42%

50-99 41 2,645 11% 15,855 84% 104 38.66%

25-49 41 1,531 7% 17,386 92% 145 53.90%

5-24 124 1,524 7% 18,910 100% 269 100.00%

Totals 269 18,910

Construction and Demolition City staff will encourage the recycling and reuse of construction and demolition debris by promoting Metro's Construction Salvage and Recycling Toolkit. The toolkits are available to the public at the permit counter in the Community Development Department in City Hall.

Toxicity Reduction Through the distribution of brochures, the city educates residents about less toxic options in the areas of green cleaning and yard care. Additionally, proper disposal of household hazardous waste and electronics is promoted through brochures, the website, and the regularly mailed Your City and Every Day is Recycling Day newsletters.

Other Reusable bags - the Recycling & Solid Waste program distributes Beaverton branded reusable tote bags to the public at events throughout the year and has incentives for participation in certain programs.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Scope of Work - Exhibit A

Curbside Recovery Levels

~METRO 600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

Beaverton strives to maintain or increase curbside recovery levels through ongoing education efforts. Recovery levels are reported at the county level so we do not have access to numbers specific to Beaverton. The recent Single Family Recycling and Waste Composition Studies showed that 13% of the materials going into the trash would have been accepted in the curbside program. Additionally, curbside recycling had only 9% contamination. Further details of this reports will be analyzed and mined for future program decisions.

Compliance with Regional Service Standard The City of Beaverton received Compliance Certification in February, 2012.

2. Budget Information Recycling & Solid Waste Budget Information _ The total FY 16-17 funding allocation for the City of Beaverton is $176,758. This includes funding for Recycle at Work and general program maintenance. This represents approximately 32.5% of Beaverton's currently approved $544,478* Recycling and Solid Waste Budget.

*T.his amount does not include the additional $80,000 being provided by Metro for organics as it is not currently included in our approved budget.

Recycle at Work Budget Information The FY 16-17 Metro allocation for Recycle at Work is $128,750. This represents 23.6% of the total Solid Waste and Recycling budget (see note above). We have specific line items dedicated to Recycle at Work projects, but do not have a separate budget for this program. Beaverton has 2.85 FTE primarily dedicated to the Recycle at Work program. Details can be provided upon request.

3. Annual Work Plan Task Tables

Complete the following Maintenance & Expansion of Existing Programs tables, separately listing specific waste prevention and recycling activities planned for completion during this fiscal year. ·Add rows as needed. Complete the Regional Service Standard table for your jurisdiction or cooperative members.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Scope of Work - Exhibit A

600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

Maintenance & Expansion of Existin2 Prn2rams


Description of Activity: What is the activity you are planning to implement?

(0) Ongoing--minor administrative updates and changes only.

Goals: Why is the activity important and what do you expect to achieve?

(R) Revised--major program policy or implementation adjustments (provide details).

Strategy and Indicator of Success: How will you implement and how will you measure success?

(N) New--brand new program, or substantially revised or reconstituted (provide details)

Single-family Residential (Include home composting programs)

Waste Prevention Status Description of Activity: Promote food waste prevention through the Eat Smart, 0 Waste Less Challenge outreach campaign. Goals: Food purchased by residents in Beaverton is eaten and not wasted. Strategy: Ask people to make commitment to action at community events and presentations. Challengers will receive emails for four weeks with tips, tools and resources to reduce food waste. Several webpages will be maintained to provide additional resources to Challengers and other interested residents.

Continued focus on the Smart Storage strategy and expanding to the other four strategies (Smart Shopping, Smart Prep, Smart Saving, Get Smart) for residents that identify as already completing Smart Storage.

Indicator of Success: Receive 500 pledges (both multi and single family) to participate in the Eat Smart, Waste Less Challenge.

Description of Activity: Distribute existing and new education and outreach 0 materials to residents (multifamily and single family). Materials will be distributed at targeted locations and events (including but not limited to Picnics in the Park, the holiday open house, information kiosks, and farmers' markets). Goals: Through the distribution of a variety of education and outreach materials, all residents in Beaverton are familiar with what is accepted in their recycling containers and how to reduce their overall generation of waste. Property managers can are familiar with and can easily order the resources available to them. Strategy: Distribute reusable grocery bags at 6 events; Publish 4 articles in Beaverton's Your City newsletter (topics including, but not limited to: toxics, food waste, e-waste, paint, green cleaners, home composting, recycling, and waste reduction); Author and distribute annual Every Day is Recycling Day mailer; Distribute the Construction and Demolition toolkit at the permit desk of the city's Community Economic Development Department; Monitor and maintain Beaverton's website to convey easily accessed and clear information about opportunities for waste reduction and recycling.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Scope of Work - Exhibit A

600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR 97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

Indicator of Success: Six Your City newsletters and annual Every Day is Recycling Day mailer is distributed to over 57,000 mailboxes; reusable bags and printed materials are distributed at 6-10 events throughout the year and track distribution; website is evaluated quarterly and modified to be more user-friendly; outreach materials targeting specific waste sectors ( e-waste, toxics, green cleaners, C&D, etc.) are available at locations visited by target audiences.

Description of Activity: Support the development and implementation of Beaverton Repair Fairs

Goals: fucrease residents' knowledge about the importance of repair, reduce and reuse.

Decrease the disposal of repairable household goods through Repair Fairs and education. Strategy Assist volunteers in planning Repair Fairs by:

• Securing venues • Assisting with the development and printing of printed materials (flyers) • Help advertise and market the event in city newsletters, website calendars

and social media that is available to the city.

Indicator of Success: Two Repair Fairs are held in Beaverton with a minimum attendance of 50 people each.


Required: Distribute existing and new education and outreach materials to residents (multifamily and single family). Materials will be distributed at targeted locations and events (including but not limited to Picnics in the Park, the holiday open house, information kiosks, and farmers' markets). Goals: Beaverton residents are provided with tools and resources to help them be familiar with what is accepted in their recycling containers.

Strategy: Publish four articles in Beaverton's Your City newsletter (topics including, but not limited to: toxics, food waste, e-waste, paint, green cleaners, home composting, recycling, and waste reduction). Author and distribute annual Every Day is Recycling Day mailer. Distribute the Construction and Demolition toolkit at the permit desk of the city's Community Development Department. Monitor and maintain Beaverton's website to convey easily accessed and clear information about opportunities for waste reduction and recycling.

Indicator of Success: Four Your City newsletters and annual Every Day is Recycling Day mailer is distributed to 60,000 mailboxes Reusable bags and printed materials are distributed at 6-10 events throughout the year and track distribution; Website is evaluated quarterly and kept current; Outreach materials targeting specific waste sectors ( e-waste, toxics, green cleaners, C&D, etc.) are available at locations visited by target audiences.

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Intergovernmental Agreement Scope of Work - Exhibit A

600 NE Grand Ave. Portland, OR97232-2736 (503) 797-1700

Description of Activity: Research the feasibility of residential organics/curbside N food scrap collection. Including education and outreach methodology. Goals: Determine if there is the processing capacity and other logistics required for Beaverton residents to participate in an curbside organics collection program Strategy: Communicate with local stakeholders including haulers, processors and residents to determine the barriers to residential organics collection and how to address them. Research other local program's outreach and education models to determine Beaverton's education approach.

Indicator of Success: A finding was made and residential food scrap collection is either implemented, planned or a clear reason is provided as to why it cannot move forward.

Multi-family Residential

Waste Prevention Status

Description of Activity: Promote recycling and waste reduction to property 0 managers. Goals: To provide recycling and waste reduction tips and strategies, to property managers, that are applicable for multifamily communities. Strategy: Send bi-monthly e-newsletters to property managers; reach out to all 100-199 unit complexes (39) to update contact information, provide technical assistance, enroll them into the e-newsletter and re-educate about our free resources and tools.

Indicator of Success: Successfully contact 100% of the target audience, educate them about the free resources available to them and update all contact information.

Description of Activity: Promote food waste prevention through the Eat Smart, 0 Waste Less Challenge outreach campaign. Goals: Food purchased by residents in Beaverton is eaten and not wasted. Strategy: Ask people to make commitment to action at community events and presentations. Challengers will receive emails for four weeks with tips, tools and resources to reduce food waste. Several webpages will be maintained to provide additional resources to Challengers and other interested residents.

Continued focus on the Smart Storage strategy and expanding to the other four strategies (Smart Shopping, Smart Prep, Smart Saving, Get Smart) for residents that identify as already completing Smart Storage.

Indicator of Success: Receive 500 pledges (both multi and single family) to participate in the Eat Smart, Waste Less Challenge.

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Description of Activity: Distribute existing and new education and outreach 0 materials to residents (multifamily and single family). Materials will be distributed at targeted locations and events (including but not limited to Picnics in the Park, the holiday open house, information kiosks, and farmers' markets). Goals: Through the distribution of a variety of education and outreach materials, all residents in Beaverton are familiar with what is accepted in their recycling containers and how to reduce their overall generation of waste. Property managers can are familiar with and can easily order the resources available to them. Strategy: Distribute reusable grocery bags at 6 events; Publish 4 articles in Beaverton's Your City newsletter (topics including, but not limited to: toxics, food waste, e-waste, paint, green cleaners, home composting, recycling, and waste reduction); Author and distribute annual Every Day is Recycling Day mailer; Distribute the Construction and Demolition toolkit at the permit desk of the city's Community Economic Development Department; Monitor and maintain Beaverton's website to convey easily accessed and clear information about opportunities for waste reduction and recycling.

Indicator of Success: Four Your City newsletters and annual Every Day is Recycling Day mailer is distributed to 57,000 mailboxes; reusable bags and printed materials are distributed at 6-10 events throughout the year and track distribution; website is evaluated quarterly and modified to be more user-friendly;

. outreach materials targeting specific waste sectors ( e-waste, toxics, green cieaners, C&D, etc.) are available at locations visited by target audiences.

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Multi-family Residential

Recycling Status

Description of Activity: Maintain a multifamily database that stores and tracks 0 information about the property, contacts, services and materials provided, enclosure setup, collection schedule and performance evaluation. Goals: To have an accurate record of outreach attempts, service levels, and resource requests. Strategy: Maintain and regularly update database.

Indicator of Success: Database accurately reflects up-to-date information about all targeted multifamily properties and their participation in waste reduction and recycling.

Description of Activity: Promote recycling and waste reduction to property 0 managers. Goals: To provide recycling and waste reduction tips and strategies, to property managers, that are applicable for multifamily communities. Strategy: Send bi-monthly e-newsletters to property managers; reach out to all 100-199 unit complexes (39) to update contact information, provide technical assistance, enroll them into the e-newsletter and re-educate about our free resources and tools.

Indicator of Success: Successfully contact 100% of the target audience, educate them about the free resources available to them and update all contact information.

Description of Activity: Participate in regional and state-level projects and N activities associated with materials recovery at multifamily communities. Goals: Collect data to inform regional and statewide rulemaking to ensure that future development of multifamily recycling rules and regulations focus on the most important program elements on increase and improve recovery. Strategy: Participate in the Metro Multifamily Project to assess recovery at multifamily communities. The project team will use representative waste composition data and current service level information to create a plan to address multifamily specific issues related to materials recovery.

Indicator of Success: Beaverton contributes to the Multifamily Project Team's completion of the frrst phase of its work plan.

Beaverton contributes to the Oregon DEQ and Metro's waste composition studies focusing on the multifamily sector.

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Construction & Demolition

Waste Prevention Status

Description of Activity: Promote donation and reuse of building materials 0 Goals: Residents and businesses recycle C&D materials. Strategy: Distribute toolkits and Metro-provided asbestos containing materials documents to city building departments. Provide toolkits, ACM docs (see below), and contractors pencils to building materials and reuse stores. Promote donation and reuse of building materials and the locations to purchase them such as PaintCare and Habitat ReStores in print and electronic materials.

Indicator of Success: C&D Toolkits are distributed to and available at all locations visited by target audiences. Beaverton will work with haulers and solid waste facility operators to prevent asbestos-containing materials (ACM) from being accepted at neighborhood and community clean-up events where waste is collected. If a waste load from a clean-up event arrives at a Metro transfer station with suspected ACM, the load may be turned away from the transfer station and or the clean-up event organizers may be held liable for costs associated with testing or abatement if ACM is found after the load is dumped.

Recycling Status

Description of Activity: Promote Metro C&D toolkits 0 Goals: Residents and businesses recycle C&D materials. Strategy: Distribute toolkits at display tables, community events and to city and county building departments. Provide toolkits to building materials and reuse stores.

Indicator of Success: C&D Toolkits are distributed to and available at all locations visited by target audiences.

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Toxicity Reduction

Waste Prevention Status Description of Activity: Promote alternatives to and-proper disposal of toxics. 0 Goals: Reduce the purchase and use of household hazardous waste. Strategy: Author articles in regular publications promoting alternatives hazardous waste; distribute green cleaning guides upon request and to targeted audiences; maintain information on website promoting above topics plus PaintCare, Metro Paint, and regional toxics programs and organizations.

Indicator of Success: Four Your City newsletters and annual Every Day is Recycling Day mailer is distributed to 57,000 mailboxes; materials are distributed at 6-10 events throughout the year and track distribution; website is evaluated quarterly and modified to be more user-friendly; outreach materials targeting specific waste sectors (e-waste, toxics, green cleaners, C&D, etc.) are available at locations visited by target audiences. Recycling Status Description of Activity: Promote proper disposal of toxics. 0 Goals: Paint and other hazardous wastes are properly disposed of. Strategy: Author articles in regular publications promoting alternatives hazardous waste; distribute green cleaning guides upon request and to targeted audiences; maintain information on website promoting above topics plus PaintCare, Metro Paint, and regional toxics programs and organizations.

Indicator of Success: Four Your City newsletters and annual Every Day is Recycling Day mailer is distributed to 57 ,000 mailboxes; materials are distributed at 6-10 events throughout the year and track distribution; website is evaluated quarterly and modified to be more user-friendly; outreach materials targeting specific waste sectors (e-waste, toxics, green cleaners, C&D, etc.) are available at locations visited by target audiences

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Required Elements (mav be addressed here or in narrative portion of the plan) Status 1. Demonstrate compliance with the Regional Service Standard (including

individual jurisdictions within cooperatives) by completing RSS: Frequency of Service Table.

2. Maintain or increase curbside recovery levels (total tons and per capita tons recovered and disposed). See narrative under Residential (single and multi-family) programs. We will also explore reTrac to see if any reliable data pertaining to Beaverton exists.

3. Participate in at least one regional waste reduction planning group. (please provide details) See Recycle at Work narrative.

4. Description of Activity: The City of Beaverton (and Washington County) propose to provide additional funding to DEQ for the inclusion of more Beaverton and Washington County samples, resulting in greater precision of the City of Beaverton waste composition data. Samples will include additional garbage samples delivered to disposal sites in or near Beaverton and samples from both garbage and recycling collected at multifamily communities in Beaverton. Goals: Acquire data that will assist in improving and developing targeted programs and outreach. Strategy: DEQ will coordinate sample collection with disposal sites, garbage haulers, recycling collectors and recycling facilities, will designate the samples to be selected for the disposal site portions of the study, and will assist in training the sort crew. DEQ will also be responsible for verifying all the data collected by Contractor, analyzing the data supplied by Contractor and for preparing written reports giving results of the disposal site portion of the 2016/2017 Study. The City of Beaverton will be responsible for arranging the samples to be directly collected from multifamily communities in the Beaverton area. Indicator of Success: Data which will assist in the analysis of local waste reduction and recycling education programs, as well as help identify local targets for reducing components of our waste stream.

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Recycle at Work

Complete the following table listing specific efforts planned for completion during this fiscal year. For additional goals, strategies and indicators, copy and repeat the table format. For final report, include a narrative of successes, challenges and enforcement actions taken on Business Recycling Requirements.

Status Key: (0) Ongoing (R) Revised (N) New (C) Complete

Annual Outreach Plan

Tar2et audience, goals, and outreach strate!!V

Government Facilities (required) Activity: Offer technical assistance and seek opportunities to encourage waste reduction at city facilities. Goals: Increase waste prevention and ensure adequate recycling service and systems are in place at all city facilities. Strategy: Educate all new city employees about our recycling system at new employee orientations; Provide annual outreach to all employees; Maintain reuse station for used office supplies and central supply system at City Hall; Encourage the use of durable dishware at meetings in City Hall; Officially kick-off Green Team and establish goals, activities and targets. Indicator of success: All new employees receive recycling and waste reduction system overview; employees use reuse station for office supplies and materials; Green Team membership is established with members from throughout City Hall departments; all city employees receive recycling, composting and waste reduction information.

New Businesses (required) Activity: Identify new target businesses through new business license reports (large employers, food waste generating) and provide resources and technical assistance in composting, recycling, waste prevention and toxics reduction. Goal: Increase awareness and utilization of technical assistance offered by Compost at Work and Recycle at Work programs. Strategy: Run quarterly reports on new businesses and vet for target businesses; initiate direct contact to pitch assistance to all new target businesses; identify new opportunities to interact with new and existing businesses. Indicator of success: Direct contact with all new target businesses in Beaverton.

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Target Businesses that are Underserved or Underrepresented Activity: Ensure Recycle at Work and Compost at Work services are available N and accessible to all businesses. Goal: Increase participation in geographic areas and/or sectors which are typically low. Strategy: Work with internal Cultural Inclusion program to ensure all necessary materials are drafted according to city policy. Indicator of success: All outreach materials and messages meet the goals set in Beaverton Cultural Inclusion policy.

Target Business Sectors, Institutions or Materials (such as organics) Activity: Update food waste generators list; Develop, test, and implement new 0 outreach materials, messages, and strategies targeted at large food waste generators. Goal: Increase number of businesses diverting their food waste through the various means of recovery. Strategy: Work with consultant to develop, test, and implement outreach materials, messages, and strategies targeting large food waste generators. Continue outreach to top food waste generators; Promote food donation options; Provide technical assistance to interested businesses, including an initial assessment, internal collection setup, training, check-ins, service level advisement, and on-call help. Indicator of success: 44 new businesses are diverting their food waste through the various means ofrecovery. Other commercial waste prevention, or waste reduction activities (optional) Activity: Select and implement new customer relations management database. N Goal: Beaverton will be replacing the current RA WIS system prior to its expiration at the end of 2016. In order to increase the effectiveness of a CRM system, we will expand the requirement of our new system to also include residential solid waste and recycling information. In addition, builds will be created for other departments within the City that also interact with residents and businesses, in order to increase the efficiency of city communications. This system will track all communications and resources with residents and businesses.

Strategy: Work with Metro to identify reporting requirements. Work with other city departments interacting with businesses to determine their needs and requirements of the new system. City will be demoing solutions and selecting a vendor in summer of2016. Indicator of success: Communication and resources database is in place and used by applicable city departments to track interactions and resources shared with businesses and residents by end of 2016.

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Activity: Create and maintain an online Story Map tool highlighting participants N of the compost program on the city's website. Goal: Story Map will allow the city to share information (business names, stories, photos and other details) about businesses participating in the compost program. This tool can be used for sharing information, recognizing participants and connecting interested businesses with current participants. Strategy: Work with GIS to create tool and compost participants for content, if they choose to be listed in the Story Map. Indicator of success: We will evaluate usage of site by tracking website hits and checking in with highlighted businesses to see if they receive business from website visitors.

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