t-76.115 project review ego pp iteration 29.10.2003

T-76.115 Project Review eGo PP Iteration 29.10.2003

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Page 1: T-76.115 Project Review eGo PP Iteration 29.10.2003

T-76.115 Project Review

eGoPP Iteration


Page 2: T-76.115 Project Review eGo PP Iteration 29.10.2003


T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review


Project status (15 min) achieving the goals of the iteration project metrics

Used work practices (5 min) Completed work (20 min)

presenting the iteration’s results Plans for the next iteration (5 min)

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Status of planned goals of the iteration

learning to know project team members, individual strengths and weaknesses, special interests etc.

OK constructing the IPR agreement

OK, agreement done (IF the last persons have sign the agreement in the project review)

understanding the domain and the customer needs OK, the project team feels it has a good overall understanding of the domain

planning the project, including: project team members' responsibilities

OK phasing of the project into four iterations

OK, phasing has been accepted by all stakeholders creating preliminary tasks for the next iteration

OK, see below selecting the most important tools and processes to be used in the project

Partially OK, questionnaire input tool selection postponed to I1 defining project group's own goals in the project


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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Status of planned goals of the iteration, cont. requirements specification on general level, identifying the use cases and

describing in greater detail the ones selected to be implemented in the first implementation iteration


arranging communication channels: group web server, group e-mail address

OK, Hiekkalaatikko operational and yahoogroups address chosen familiarizing in the technologies and development tools to be used in the

project JBoss & J2EE

Not OK, all project members don’t have sufficient skills Eclipse + plug-ins

OK using CVS

OK installing the development environment to the development server and

building the project skeleton to CVS so that starting the actual work is as fluent as possible


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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Status of planned deliverables of the iteration

Project Plan OK, all relevant chapters and phasing for I1 ready

Requirements document OK, most important requirements in general, and project manager interface in

detail (use cases 1 through 4) Functional requirements only specified to the parts implemented in I1

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Realization of the tasks

Time scheduled well, total difference is minus 14,65 hours

Problems with using Trapoli in the beginning Tasks not descriptive enough People kept forgetting to report their hours Hours vanished (technical problem in Trapoli) Lots of Trapoli features were misunderstood

”Plan work methods and tools” was superseded by ”write the project plan”, because it’s hard to tell planning from writing in this case

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Working hours by person

We managed to keep within the scheduled time

No modification were made to the future iterations plans at this stage, the 16 hours saved are left as a reserve for future allocation

Note that task and personal hours don’t match, someone reported hours while writing this...

Real Plan DiffAHA 56,5 55 +1,5JKA 39,5 35 +4,5SLE 33,5 35 -1,5LHE 44 45 +1JKO 31 35 -4HTO 36 40 -4SLA 23,5 35 -11,5Total 264 280 -16

Realized hours in this iteration Plan in the beginning of this iteration

PP I1 I2 I3 DE TotalAHA 55 45 60 30 15 205JKA 35 50 60 30 15 190SLE 35 50 60 30 15 190LHE 45 40 60 30 15 190JKO 35 45 60 30 15 185HTO 40 45 60 30 15 190SLA 35 40 60 30 15 180Total 280 315 420 420 170 1330

Latest plan (inc. realized hours and other updates)

PP Sub-total

I1 I2 I3 DE Total

AHA 56,5 56,5 45 60 30 15 206,5JKA 39,5 39,5 50 60 30 15 194,5SLE 33,5 33,5 50 60 30 15 185,5LHE 44 44 40 60 30 15 191JKO 31 31 45 60 30 15 181HTO 36 36 45 60 30 15 186SLA 23,5 23,5 40 60 30 15 169,5Total 264 264 315 420 420 170 1314

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review


The responsibility of risk management is handled by a group of three persons: Hannes Tolvanen, Lauri Helenius and Juha Koivula. These three are attending the SoberIT Risk Management Module (T-76.633) and hence have the best knowledge of this area

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Work practices

work practices used in the PP iteration: time reporting

Because it took time to understand how to use Trapoli effectively in our group, time reporting experiences were at first very negative

Now, with added knowledge and more specific tasks, we hope to improve time reporting

version control CVS on the customer’s premises was harnessed into use from the

beginning, in this phase mostly used for documents Eclipse+CVS integration works very well, only few minor problems have

been encountered personal SE assignments have been selected and planned in the project plan,

but none of the assignments have started yet so there’s nothing to report.

In the next phase the personal assignment practices are started all the other practices mentioned in the project plan are started

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Results of the iteration

Nothing to demonstrate yet, we’ll focus on the documents produced

Deliverables for the iteration were (discussed in the following slides) project plan requirements this project review

Other results development environment ready for implementation start group members have development tools installed (Eclipse, Lomboz, JBoss) an initial project skeleton has been created in CVS and source generation and

build automation work

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Project plan

Stakeholders include four parties: Radar, project group, Karuko and mentor Karuko acts as the technical advisor team Each project team member has his own responsibility area

The top goals of the customer are:1) Quality2) Improving efficiency of the screening process3) Improving efficiency of the segment size approximation of large crowds4) Improving efficiency of small-scale ad hoc market data gathering5) Having a central storage and improving communication in a marketing research project6) Ease of administration

Also the project outcome will possibly be used as a base for future projects by Karuko, and therefore quality of documentation, adherence to domain best practices and reusability of components is important

The project team’s goals are strictly educational, building a quality product with interesting contemporary technologies and getting a good grade

Most of the recommended (by the course) work practices will be used Personal assignments include

1) Heuristic evaluation2) Design patterns3) Pair Programming4) Automated unit tests5) Meeting practices6) Communication practices7) Documentation practises

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Project plan, cont.

The project is divided into three implementation iterations I1: project manager interface, marketing research project “definition phase” I2: screening and interviewing, wap and web I3: data export, triple-S to external systems, better info about ongoing projects

Risk management is done in the external course T-76.633 by three project member. Top-5 risks identified

1) project group members busy with work, studies or private life2) customer finds a better solution3) customer neglects server administration4) group is not familiar with intended technologies5) test plan is inadequate

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

User Requirements Document

The business domain is described in detail terms and their relations core competencies of the customer

System overview

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

User Requirements Document, cont.

Use cases and user groups shown in picture

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

User Requirements Document, cont.

Functional requirements Functional requirements were identified and discussed grouped by the use

cases Also general functional requirements were identified All functional requirements are named according to the MRRx.x –scheme for

trackability Usability requirements

Web GUI for project manager Mobile phone used in screening Web browser used in additional interviews

Quality and reliability requirements Data integrity, stability, error tolerance

Also performance, scalability, documentation and further development requirements are discussed

Constraints and limitations Student project limitations, Free software used in development Given user interface constraints

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Plan for the next iteration

Goals Have a fully working

implementation of the ”definition part” of the marketing research project system

Testing done according to the testing plan

User interface evaluation and design for project manager interfaces

All technology evaluation and selection is finished

Specification of all protocols and external interfaces is done

Deliverables Technical specification of the

core architecture Test case specifications Test report Software core Use cases 1, 2, 3 and 4
