t is t*hm? i) s5s-ja -...

m**mmmmtm**m**"* •mmmm 11 . ! //% .-.. • 0 r-» E* \'- tK^, ,XT- -J IS r ; . *. id t! II n '-/') L. » r R m ".-•;,- 8 * ^"* .<S t * i f * ,4 f •.. S-^..:,.-d /• I— •**> *tk *•*?* *-,£.V'* Vol. XI. No 31. ft«Qft*gto. * If* ^tiitfcJa^i I * * * & I0OOJ ••^i.iij^lilf.1. * >_,.._ J ... i • i ••- . • ' • *-• ^ '• >' l i n » T i U M n i j TII I it |p|W>^W»lit»ll^j»|l»i.,.^Aitt^^illl^pg,.tll|#|MWtl^ IjjlJ S']«l»llftl»»Wl sc ul •••' - • ! - •• ' - 1 MISSION WOBK. THE APGSTOLATE AMONG NOt*0A>' HOUQS STEADILY ADVANCING An lutei-^tln* ClMftMr of Iocld«t» Draw* rr«in Beports «rft&» *»&**• Ens*3P<d U» tka GrMt C»tb»ltO Enterprise M»Bf .*aw ; Il^hUaed »ncl Pr^Judloed Beunped. t h e Mtealoaery. a marine of the Paulist fathers, gives a v*CT- interest- tag collection of tales from the mis- sloii to ltsr)cttrrenr issue,:;"The fl*st report presented is that of the New fork apostoiate, In which the follow- ing priests were engaged: Revs. Thom- M F.;Cusack, James T. Mclntyre, P; R.; W. J. Chunon, tt D,; James E, Ooggin, Michael J. Duffy and Daniel C. Connionu These prieste in their re- ports say; Some of the cases were touching, es- pecially that of a, mother and son from St Louis. Th mother, who was in difficulties with her spouse, hearing of the services, dropped in, as she said, In desperation; to receive some com- tort for her distracted soul. Grace was given her, and. she called to 3ee one of the fathers. It developed that her leaning for some time had been to* ward the church,and that ahe had read much in a religious line. Her own doubts solved, she expressed anx- iety for the boy, who had come under the raluence of the father and his in- fidel teachings. Bright beyond his rears, it seemed providential, when the boy was questioned* that be had an Instinctive repugnance to his parent's diabolical doctrines. Naturally drawn In affection to the Father, his young mind hovered in perplexity despite the mother's Christian teaching and her effort to undo the husband's attempt towr eck the boy's faith. The ques- tioni that he asked, the doubts he pro pounded, were all beyond the nor men- tal condition of one of his years. Grace and. mother love prevailed In bis case. He consented to leave the father, and* coming to New York, was happily brought, through this Incident of the mother , 8>under correct influence. The peculiarities of the case are such as to preclude a detailed account; suffice It to say that our young neophyte is now progressing rapidly in Christian doctrlno, to the surprise and ..admira- tion of Ms teacheaf, and will be bap- tteed, before Eastertide. There has been no urging or uadqe Influence: brought to bear, upon him..in fact. It- was, pointed out to him that, though he was but 12 years of age, he was to decide the matter for himself. Ml* final, answer, after all his questions, (Was that he could not believe that there .was no God, and that, thdugh his. father was "smart and gemd to know a freat deal," there was some* thing always sayingtohis mind that there must be a God and that ties should pray to Hint. The works of precosity were fully visible in this lad's case, yet without any boldness to mar the effect May God give him perse- twtng grace! because bis Innocent na- ture and cleverness will need careful nurturing. , r The Alabama mission was under the direction of Be*. Henry B. O'Grady and Hev. Dr. Ghlsholm, Jfix.their re- port tfeey say: -*••.-.-. -., : Tite Cfaiholics of* Mount Iionis are mostly Creole. They form an ideal community. The contrast between the morals of these people and those of the noa-Cathollc Creoles and negroes Is marked to the last degree, and bears fcstlmony to the elevating and reflnins trtto&m *>i the ChurcJi. Bvery Sun* $ i & when' the prjieict cannot tisit them the good oreoleK; gath«# ; t*o\6r tb^ef ahd some reoa^lxed commentary on f e^$o**^a>:fjM|^ : WW T^^i»wee|iy,:4i8d ^Baeli'^'etr; gmlldfen' the x*techlHm. In truth, it phe wishes to see what the Catholic cniwch can do for the 'w&fop&pA Ijtt;fet-Mount Lewis on M#We: fiajv tmefrene wJMfindftcomnltinity where crime hun known and: where faith and *eli«lott4hA3p* this ilvisB of the peoplft ttett ask oftentimes whether there is $&&*$.tit saving the negro? whether thfre Is any aoliitifon for the; negro problem? The answer Is here rtjfht k at hand. That influence—the influence of. the Catholic church—which hat Hrrought such Ttnarvellous thteir for iEhe Mount Louis creole can save the negro everywhere and solve the negro, problem. It ha* savsd the Creoles here, it has saved the negroes of LoniB- lana, 80,000 of whom are practical Catholics and law-abiding citi*ens\ Given a free hand, it can do the same tor all the nSgroe* of the South. Truth ito tell, they sadly need regeneration. ' »v. Thomas F, JPrlce; who wjas in charge of the North Carolina mission, 'jwaettet:. U*efe were Ueveral Incidents which may be of some interest I came across a man who, with his daughtr was placed under Instosetlon. "There were m& things, father, which have brought 1 - said he. •$&H&&&.-- : 4-know'tfcat this is pecnliar, . i f e a a one in tills countty has had any knowaedge 0% tiae Catholic doctrine on :-i»W«tt|de^X«taMB alw*ys-«eit it to>%* : mm W»fflrtM<& W i t -This I have -alwaftid^ne^miit^thoaist. .being nn- ;^r--the^'^l»FeM6tt-.*at the' Methodist tod ^ J^rd^^pber among them. IB> tet real incl&Btlon, however, to fee Catholic church eame frottt readi* •|ngTrath;yot*«^ttle'fe»^sdne. About two years ago I eaate across a copy, and I temmeager^. -Slaee that time - .;-I.-.have «»rne«# swrnsed every «ppy : I xxrald obtain, l&tt* with yoor lee* tores, have made It Unpoeelble for me i o l o n t * ^ :f t*vp Wt» and hiif daagk- hope that when Father CTBrten ne» comes on that mission he will find them >uiicleBay initouctedl for ban* torn, ; •,;"• '-, A second incident will point well the truth that In our work w« sow a»eh teed of which we wer« not at Hi* tthii aware. Whilst giving the lectures in knmbertoit there trove into the town a, farmer.who hai come many, mile*. When he saw the notices of the lec- tures he eagerly fought out a <Jatholle gentleman. '%ook f>*h»re,** iaaid he, *«l can stay in town only a iittle whtt#i forward and uta* *Wot*«r» M t T»M |«Ml tl«t *tmi<S-«w th* naertajeat •""«« shMce hsnds with ym, . Ijm twL |,|NHU|» Ajgalni Jstna #*ihrt'lit -the bJwui liwwaneat won »u>« to itswilt ®m (ffonan h*JttMJpJVjNc* wOm *itik [ OhrUrt, nut fc«t kth*N-« Heth^ltss; iei«ne,:.*ierft to-night X shall mftm* *J long m itt*% m mvtiim tafldni 'wmi of your tshnreh; - T*HM? ie«ts»* wa» «»* Quisltely heanaful* •** jwnr I ,.»•* , _ . ... , ... things as I n§ve* «w fh«n* lM^rfj»|ail(fttetfiMtfttt h«e to. h^fef* If Omik God bless you,!" I thsnked MmfOir hU |»ni His atons««nt Bat this nsvtr kind word*, oa«e him good by, and hsfwas «nowh> The Idea of thj |»rtak- left, -hot, thank Godl not aa hi oam*.|ln« hy faith of Chriat .in tti ijord'a . Mm»im*cm*mmt*omc»sf^&*rf^t^-'WB^'-** 1 ^^^' . -tostlttt^: for meiPHwtflaae*. the p a s ^ r i . | ^ . » f « i W ^ » . J » w * w tmwt&mt- __ f:«t. and-wthwiaatto 'wojkfr; m v , «taps«#9# «•?.- mt%-;. It w . 4 k ;^ •^K-WT';^-! %*n Vle^fure"*oveFlii"' : tial" "&% afSlr""i:''wll 'ii»ibliS:ii^ : ittjE- :njB.i : i" v -j^^Dsii«» s* at JacksonvUls, l-intt- * tf wWeWSew«va Bion In fine Blttf. <^M>^>fMf«(^:«i«bli m:timm*d8?'<•'&$$ ask. you 1 to. he^-sie.-- , ^ k ; t l l t : e j k t f c * l ^ ;«to'Jp^ssCi^ve''" Wrk 0 a^a^bor^nJlnVweji^ very B * # 4fi «K # <te tk» a%wta|»||aii^^fr*bsitt»tllj«^ * ^ftl||W!»i h f was s h ? l a S *way. He ? S« he eveningto.m^mjm. wlio. h»4|*tks#|n4 aether threatened » dauib- &t^n»^rwr^al»tttthat-:«i o|«b^hOBt W thj i « « i # r^n|rt^^^^ Catoo^doc^aefandU«at6bM home tie b&to&.m^&*Z^Jtemm WiW him••« catechishi^ which 0»sprlM| ?^'*?*2fe-*Si22S? *$&'JffiSSfe - give him«V*-W«--bo.th- reaf.that ; «f;.*****. ^^f&ISJS?^'. -*** ** WF3* -Mt abo^ icfor^to u , M g j ^"SStil^; mm^M after;- vrtrfani- a t fhort' mp t J JtifeHi. ahoiit ^*o-.honr*', to Vttm, «K8 wWi was -'said was received with evident 1** '•twin by;ttwB.''Th|i'--liftlf 1 ; taIk. ^r*t- the victim, of exagg««te<i complimeni to kieep It Finally i; tflk 1^ hat hb made me solemnly plromijBe that Td, fetch it back. 1 have read It* froitt kiver td kiver^ and thar atnT nofibin* wrong in it^aary aSjrJtoWje, Thefao* ti-uth is it's wuttt its weight in gold. and I wouldn't be without^ it fer nbifcy _, ^A ^_^*_ «* ^.s^. A.** % . in*. Now. can't you get that irieat-to « &***£ Wg* 1 "'^ OT^Jf** % let n « hev */<ri^£/rf^* Of ^ ^ f S ^ ^ ^ I ^ course, suppUed. and hei la how ^•&^^. t ^SJS^S^^irSt- « Cathelio aoul. tostractlng Wmseif ;ta 1^*g&$*3*£^S$L2to«& m^^m fttjte eates* W*.** Catholic .faith.. •,.-.- .- ,.;; -, .- :_,., Mdto$^*$^*d&£&l^^ UWK.fttawir Another striking incjaen*r 91»^ lee-^^ ^ W ^ * S . , ^ S ^ ^ S * ^ L T L S ** P^ejlfil Jr * ««>«* «l» «« MCTHODISM IN ITAMI MIKg! 1 l ""l tK06ps»r i) r*4THR* ttIH«AI^-er CAM©tN ^JflT030a«rAUt «TAT«WNTt A, WhMsaia«a«fta^a1lAak'a^am^'a4alMs^saflaW^Ba4BW' 'VaMsia* ClMaU jR'ICTs^PafllpW^al^^w-wW'aF ;<W^ , »/ , 4MawWSf^»-_^"^FW, , •__** ~ .* *^"'*t ; oj^g^ii- '^jf |Lg Utaa^attaHa^^-IaflbiaWtfaa aflMtt- - fl^^sjp^jpajp^ T^Pf ^g^BBB; ^pBj^VB^pa^aia^B^ar' ^»f>r^i^aTw^>t _ a*ar^RS^ Oarndta,: in reply to sosss letter sppsssrsft Ha>-:.-li<.- Ti, _i3^» if VPK^WF*^ "V* AlllMIII I ilil>i II =af» VSO|k, B4 fS'iKMS'i S5s-Ja Iwflstv flar leslssMi wit ^a^p saa\ wp^a^^^s^ •hare otsmr ostr moasr *lf .'Wt»*5^t»w®?..*5s- , s«ft.S'-. said the .p^rilated-: in IblaisttfiV ^ai- ; •<5s^o|i» church, . She w » . {rs* to ^ t s w* bar ^theri»isjp-»whJcli -jaht- did?«bi»t the ^bufek of Stem* »*it aot M thoaiht' -T*A,^ v ^s^sa> i sji^l , -j<a^si^^BSP^' ^wp^^ffVfJP^P^a^w^ s^av ^A^a / w^n|S|vs"PW% ^TV*V mfo&& '-tia'Uiss «tMF aaiwf,- MiNkk' mentton another Ibaptlfsd who, aitsr, tottsuia»«. * - minliter -la - do«bt, wat seat %y htttt, # pit* to-.ifil|h .1«th-«ids» &'Vb'teVcmKftl * njwasUo*.- '. ,M lf yott a^'in, 4fftlfe ife- s .#- ir«*K'-'«wt»- •*» -1-* atatrt**.. s a i d .pk&t. |sM*-:.^xM^rtortalt- ;si»ijjftrtir»..'.•• .... •'•-. ,;<- . tnrea Wero attended bfyiitki^mW B^^^S^Jl^^^Vj^S, ^Sdm IHt*tt*«*o©l| atttlsJM hT of negroes wh^caine Mry jnlfht.; i>h* • ^ j ^ S g ^ f t ^ S f i W a S i S ' ^ ^ W»m negro— a Methodttt njinlstor^waip d#« a^ d*t rott^>Bl <i 'flSMfl % » ^ -***. ^ ^ ;J^. 7WW •^*^*»!«>«^"""«»1W^ "•'•• *••••' «^*S«»TT»n* fitispels la tjarrjAYj 3ritrr*iLiDcaB. lighted with the lectures, and eagerly on dejfa Whsh 3»u gwlnji to «soiaf sought all the literature ha could s e t , Towards the end of the mission hs came and sued he had held a meeting in hi* church, and they had resrolved *»«»«v* -**• -"•^•' , i^ j, «^ ihe world. to adopt the Catholic catechism In T|to.inceeja^wtt*m»^ their Sunday school, 'and besough me psipers* both JBngII»h and jBrtncbi *ven fo fuiitah^eT^thfla . ^ l ^ ^ M l f ^ l H W * which ttwolMw par. I *iadly ftttt vary fnvoraMrof the wcrk mm t^&M&m&mmf*t$,-1*, compUed with" their' request. \-\'mt^i^Wt^&m*'*&&A m*te**j^f**g***J* WtoM* ' Before leaving Lumbertott 1 received o « k / m * h i t e m^n^^t^^o^^m^U^ jM^^W llttgriir the an invitation-' from - the Croats* -In- -i», til* .ininiatiw too*- .fOarsiu • .• .Watt; ^S^L^SS^ "*%***£** ** •diajM--to'l.ecture.on- th* Catholic-ehinx*-i-t^ 4o ipvan^ «MwV lloataiaartrstjif W JM£v #**<* for them. rcbul4p,ot m s n w m i ^ lions, Thtywaa^ «*,wat -«th^i thaea the «t* with their request,.*#,promised fe.46-.^.»^^a|l^ t W^;to»gfc g"gJ!*^gS!^.y»«%r^A*fr ao- at my first -opportanfty. -,- - - •. they-*tta*k»d the Mlsatottary^ • W»*Wr ***$ 31 ^l^ fc 5^* > fi* i * 1 ftS l4 * The'^worktoJPennsyltahia{theHa*' -they,aiu«w»^ia4h*^paffi»»ffMa^ je|th»MthJsdWts^.aavft.-imslaiat risburg Eocene) watf -pettorpied by timtmisjlp^ «qp-Ck|iMk^'««4-«f«J|-. %n*«la«,"J9«al«| *k*m*-fmtm Revs, Xavier Sutton and Richard Bar* atoosedsf i o ^ at to brinftewKiw snahT »• »JI» am« a»*st t*a al«*t la -rett,'i»a8sioniats. They, write: '. . ' vYork-it-^te^oJS.*iBeitaMJi«^ ^^^J*J^S^i The question •-.-box, -which, it- aver an lumlaate. and'vilify ;tha chwrch* »afeisi> ta#. Bwiis*«-' wsMcaiaesst sayeset intereetlnt" fenture, ^was'.;w«tt : - patron-i; -6f««x»ur»»-thar#'WBfiiwar-lht^^ islowetofc In tok«a of patltaee lsed by the nauai class of qneatlon»;'ing iwcldenta, *, hoy of niw^Mtia-«o-'thw m* m>mm f»M««M wat One enterprising person asked: '^Thy plnde4 tfce fown of mtihw mm *mm m nWtt f Batonlay, March do Catholics beiieyoi*».dUte3eei>tly from' CnUsghan, and hoadinjr * UAjt taa^f, flwuthw wh«4« Oatbolis worta via -'the .Jews. wJieh^'.I«>rd**--rao^^ -*»14 ttimMtiti •*!*I , *f <*» psM*,*m^tmmt « t the tk'-ivntT .-"«•-" '"• --'-"' •' ^^ 4 a:lav*•»^l^sl5fathfJ>;;lMl li -atrial* Vfnsa/b ««ovBmat «** asfcJMk. Another: *fWhy do yon believe that] of mine and * 'aw mlim to hWJCff * Martin Luther wenttohell, and, all his conver- of him. VMv jaohsr has hia followert?" ; . It goea without saying tituii l^tthar for they are all transgressing the de- cree Of Go4^ii|«>oid|j^Ato i h i i l d ^ fie then prooeedsd to show the audi- ence -the ' aseardity of - - taldnj. - tisee words in each a- sense, taking this oc- casion as an Ulu*tratlon also of the errors and absurdities into which one may be led who follows private inter- pretation of the acriptnres, " 'Father--Xafier' next visited Iiahc«a> PERTlNiCNT IIGtJiUBS, Xavier,had a ready/reepOwtoteihiit question, which took the form Of his earing to give $i00 to any oMe "tho could show him,in i n authorized Oath* olic text -l>ooh-that.i!rhnh"^rM'.flttt bo* And another: *^fonr church forblda nrieata to laarryj^thia ir^diame^caliy opposedtothe decree of God: 'It is hot good for, mantolive alons," *?-.!'• * 1 *'Then-God;hrtp-.-th*'.old'-3aaiaa'-aid\ .. -oid'ha<*elbr«i'*-s^^^|h«r:-.-"^vie4lA «*-.- Hov n ^ ^ of t h ^ a r e ^nvvUf C«J>- j j & *i80 xtmm ftp. 1 ?: ^wr;ffai»itaft^ B »att. tJSht&iji htbinate« fbrieaS' $*'&*? S»h%^1S2&^SK»eim' •m'mm>?m wh«»-fai^r.or*>eia|':^^^ tfeajSwrJdir gain, or hnmwt mm , » £ ^^^Ji5S >*$ :Jtt ; Ms\*0!Jr-.-tn*ea •wh#h4dJttih».-» «•*» -.^.aboietrt' ?fwmt-to',<imwm'* <kthoU#:'i»»eif to' marry ,*' .CaUfeMe w-v^Wi™HMPJW^flF •rS^^sw^p^v^Wsi" »£•%.'- wW™ ^a^w«ws"y?^'a\aw^- Coaf«rs««« keid mseatiy in that city: ' ----**33fe^ ooni«rwo»of the Northsra «iw York Diatrkt of the MeOwUat eharyi is now in ssaeioa : in your elty, and many able and sacJoni' aUniatar an preaeat; i hava read wiU lat*r*st. tai a^yjs^ffia ws^g> ^paajaipa^^Bajpaji -^^s^^ ^^ a^^a>^[ * #>^•ss•a^^a , ajp^aaaejBw* ley, |% !*,-•** natjgt'!». |«¥a£-»**J alvo that of »«v, WllUaJK Bart P. % Btaaionary to Italy. Whiut this eos- eonm of riverend g««U«Bs«a are oo«- sldering ths wort of the past yaw, aes wntstmplatittg iBcraased workfcrHa„ futnr*, in lUly u eJsewhtr*. I rstnaw ( the kindness of a mtttt epsoe U roat' ***#awf PHwsjs^*^ weajag^gj iMfli^ Mas ^ ^aaj|aB)e-^Bj w^f ^ayBj^a^gr 4Mi^|a\_ -jewK«^P^|MHjFt^^a^nv% ia^aa^^SiS*a^B^^Ba saawes^a^^ 4* ^sa^^ >§v T! ^apaajasjr appaMBaajpaM^pai^ ^^^^wse^aK ^n^p^w^p^sa w* a^fMHS #anpaaa>4pai# 'asY wssa ^ajw^^aaawav ^^*^Raasavw^s ^a^^^saw"! aSjua a\nsipw ^avr^^paai ^aa>4 ajaa^ssf ^psa^aw ap^e^n^sseaasaaa^ ^W*^"*^Pw*^™*W Wa> ^™"1K aw^a'a^aa}f TF" aaassja; -Chriitianlty was parntftW ta «p under tU iWaM «a* the .. rsligioa. it aot baiag ths twitay «f RosMjto liiavstft **th «Mff# U|^|il9« PIVMMIww W PWHWa- ••awaajpT»aw^W| s Borajiea « fttip*a*f of hk^arr, mm -atimoaM" < t saavrvw hi w * ss^ewjaaqi 14- 1fewit» iwtt %o .jsjtjl -iw th» twsj(i> "va^ps»w!lf-yjwaKjjr Will spsaj^saaaapw ^pipasBw - a»_s^p^a ^F^^f^^* ^*J» iaa^pa^ajBasg* s]p wiiaeaa^ wsawMS ^hsanai* ^a^aapaw^^aaw ^^^PW- martyrs txm Wsro, ttowajpValwI.* ay*) sara^BittkiBa <" w*^>aisa> •^s^SJ^'^^w^w^^'^a^w tittavhr esaatfavart trail ^ M A u d M t tlM aa4 tjat aa^staa. walaa- piWu**a| Islha 4ffH tins) Ihfl sswaV Hi heat AfaftHh ^P^^dUMi aajgaibdi HBj va*s0BaBja.^ \ i v* : ^Baa9aF^p, ^pa^ajajp'^ssBi ^P**alHawaajp^Psi^^HaBw^a^aa- -^aw'*jph*-' taft the n m . l t "Watlla-ttltaV laf tksft ' aTaaa*ataaMehaa^a% Jt-^^a^ksil tha. laA. aMasav.<taav •^••as»a**aaaeag^v^B^Bajaj^ppajBf v^ssaaw^ alM.aVWOS'faV^ap- 1 .. Bat Hfi .tai svUeBttoa- " " this _ _.r»,'i'3 *»**-*^-"-i ( . •»**...• n«j"iKHii>- -«->-i f^af •W**WMI}> *.« wawa* ^aav" TSjflg^P' 'Aw^jpr^Mr^'--' aajyl. i the 1 a*" 1 it ' "' '''J ' 's! ' •*#«^»-«»-ite-. •Ir thlskva lafsTwtl thSfwsv'j la. r^,^*' '-, 1 . .^.^ . ...... ^ 1 E^allwli'iH Mil — , •"•• - «^ i««B; i *v(fc'^rf' 1 rv '• m i »u *fy**g*" ~ ~>*t t - «M iSWii *>»• ry^. »^dM»w^^.^-^r- - tend m^mm^mSmV^m Jf«f«» ; '' : bf>"»igo*«y:. and ,**t*»d" ••*#>mt... A t Catholic church. - A pkmi - CathoUe lady ahetalnad front: meat -fe*> sight daystogain a certain oonvswt. Bha •ucoeded. X nen-Cathollc opaarr confsseed to haviag c«U*d tke cattreh Vila naniei and to havs wished "that prisat(tttMwImgtaePanliirtaaai«aary)| out of Montr^ as soon as aoeslUa," 80,000. Thla -WSMS (Jefora the coawsrt woTeiasnt took ditnltt. ahap».__-tt w^f J^W 1 *^•^"•"^•T w*^^™ wffia* a^aa^ ^^aipsw aaaaw saawayTrap^ xaant of tarn ysarw alto laf aa lasfirafi* •d la lumbers thst twfes• «fc»t jMBa> A ^ m jMw*jf V* wTrjr^WWF' 'JsWaasy,, W ^ a s \ , S^PapkPHavv #w~< t^feaalav* Brett, this is * vary soaasenaar^aaet* f $£/* xaaat Stx£r thttawuril oaawula* la a\ year aneaa, «n sua average, oady ttx It ajpwafl»i« suawkBy*aaaa*. 4^ai ^i^aww a^a^aaiaaa*ia/*s : "* c . ..,.. . L o ;. A praaa oablagraa frwa Farl* aays^ Ths raps's 4MK9^Masal arelsa '*""—** ter. It was while thia rolwlon waa in She ti now a cottrart k s a i n W a*(41 *rogrea«.-':ihat -F«therx *»ti«« .«<5eilr#« m:ttMjM**&** -^flN *(«) "t|i« ill the special i blesaing and encouraga- to teU that terrible sum te fat em- -mM-^|h-iot- ! 'h1ap»m ; Md-; ##: ^^,%^•>l|hptt••ll»-.-a»s* ,«*,h* ;pa1aF]^ij CE>asst^^awJ#iii'^M *<* If :«nd'ioal ; :-.i* ih«;*6W-W--»6h^ti^ : 'MMip^ flie* ., IttsV , ;,.- : 1 ": : -^ ..:.„v;, . : :.;>;>-;:f»uriar;^i|-is1^^ is one of the leading A. P. Father Teitaai^atae reports f the city. I was in Ms slon. in Ullnels. ^ He wiaUs: - tat. apfsasaaahag: aaa.; , **aharB¥ waas aiaaaaiaF0 . ^i»^f-j^-ff- to' gsaxeral »eaea will h* iaaaat aaftra. — ••"""""-«» - ' wW «airwwl the HSATMI' fh« ssMQrailsal w¥ af paasahsM ^•yiH!--*"! »»', t*>-' ' *WawaV*y«tf atisaay i S y W ^ * * ^ , ~>y«' J * ^ -^ : wax. that it wm cup aot^- to lic^u<^aish«]a a j j / u n i i f i to in uaj^tJwa'S»afla» ajV'*fcawa* ~eas>a> ajaaa^aaa-a .ae^p^w/war aaaw^ (ja^paa^^^aaaw*^ fualoa if th* prlndaies of awes* asd - :-^&io««;^*ii i __ i . so*r School gnmaadi, cai« aaavsaw », ?eariw«;- Y. ' Tha rock is all ready far th* -as-- f p t ** 1! He Y. ' Tha rock is all ready far ta*. -as-- «sst **r wav'f pialUag of ths reaea. *ad ths aw»> * ^ " J « r * » * Sod: neaJiag aomaietkia. lewetaV ^«MaV-wewas) new bnildlnga wifl be atartaal as sawn faJhara, aa an aa suilnk o»sss The flnmnsaT Itasaatt : faasiW ahavw; 'lab»r|nj^'--tn^«JB»|; ~~ ~""" audience was one A. lights of the city. _ r .._.^ __„______. _ „_., . . 'mission^ and IwugM «mie amele* rrom' CathoUc iais«ia« at th^ town of, ,.him,,'.bttt'had;-:i!0^ the Catholic church. .1 engated him attract the non-Catholics of taa towavj In conversation, told him my businesa As .a. result w* had a -olass *t> lit) to Little Rock, and promised that If adults to ?repars far D»t coafsssieav he would come around to the Cathe-.and ^ convert*. < K .'drarthe'foiiowiair.aiKht that I ironldl St i* inWreatingtotee the varioos p* sprtng «rsas. -«a* Anaaat* try-to-keep-him twf^^.J^.^Wlsed'jB^vat that lod thee* 10 aoula to taa .^i^^M*mttJkf*+&&*!?' to'-come - I'-'Was-aft«rwardB;toid W ehnrcav ^ i n a m t ^ a . a t a u ^ / ^ f i a a f ? , , awrtsn wtU Majfctaw nnUI iiffc^r- " J tho S e who knew- him that, to wre their i7 was aeelor my gaod Catholic wife - A.mng«.iirt» wlll.b, made for these expression.: he would never "shov up." go to h«r man*- Sunday after Sunday,, wiihiog aocowmodationa 4ariw ta* . But, true to Lie promise, he was pres-, even when the We&ther *m* W t ^te#^vt$9mmA*wm^MM&ffi&*m m, and occupied*front sesttblaidse,'ith^J4^«w*ht^notf^ wal-tl ^ " " .--..-—.— ^.^—. Th«j: following night'fce.wa* al*0 on made me faei the power #f th^'iraa* „. _ ^ __, ^,_ _ .. __-,_ ___ __ v , hand.' The-.ne*t.nith.t Ae ohinft' tost« olC-*h«r«h,f W**>* laafom « t « « ! • * : « « e sft*1f<J*agi«e>wlL «W#, « J»a' ^ P a Tf trifle late, and being defarinihed tohiiva nte for Catholle wives! , Mew York oah», at Bsa< flfUsth Mawah m^ aaeet-wheroh*'*^^^^ mtersiott h,|*«r*ei TJ^ ' mm* lMV«aaatl-«w-^1llaM^-0^at T , ^f * * |^T night I preached dn pariatofy. m « n W-ts a t e » i r a$hj*£ •*« * » M t* -*|J„** ja^yihi maea «| ,beiiedictioh -wat.over-*-went-on*to0*^^Gfe^ons 7 "?*^ «f««rH»* iQ««&i7iueorwsa^dentaay.: _ -tlie'-tobMfor.niy-viatoh,'-«la«iej :«nf w g > ^m^jmlik&*>.>"$$*< SS^aStSSXSSmfkm *"*"•*'n** hooks, where he came to me. eytended «•, i took t tt» indifferentiy after It S s i t o 2 * ^~Z!» ^irt*! - tar, * "inasliil aermon eaves me fromheih**!* nthe- ^ r S ^ i l l m U i S i I ffiS#lf*k i?S*K?l' 1st or an infidel." j:toW .hint: l w » g t t i i t S i l a V l o a « t »an » 6 » l « ^ V f f i ^ S w a f S ? S ^ ^WmXg* ft aarsiy af Urn *fv-^*»-"« t - w **"-^ , *>^-' tflp^^-if -^*-* - 4 * 41 * w " - ' 'WftaaatsaOi S: .5*toT»ot so 4*09** •IsaskbaiT-'-i (were _ . that leg had ^0 ar#vi* *h#ddctrtae of tn* : w»fJJ mif M m ^thedral, and when I olic poattioa !* want awaytoWno Blntr to give a ads* tm that w» aion there, he wrote, « *tohe certain ^ ««» j,^ |gM to^l-andBee-himaa/l^ftasse^lhrauth |»ealto»^eWii„ _, _ UW*. noepmrnx *»F;.fe Fort Sm/ta, nm*&^ffltf - f*i£2p* - -^- , t :frienas. »e-ha«- heea -ftading outr by tachr ncwarytoguaraatee thr, readin,,how :»a^-'-*hJs- didn't laMJW* t»',sflL and that toacheTtne Gbm*mraa^~?m\^i*^^^••<*»** abont-that .^Id-Ca^oliocintrch^and J U S , m ^ m ^ m Z " ^ ^ ^ l l ^ ^ * l & & ^ I ^ thus another stone was- crumbled te a i ^ g B ^ T K '-wailB^IWiW^raii ^JcBRstfi?^Z'V the A. F. A. d t o m I met fkdii $m$*> aafSaTW.iCJa^^ ' man'a son tn JMtt.Smith, -who .called, ^ aVJhtaaVlaW S a a * I f t ^ ^ tAAH-wrti ba«»tta»:>y»-Aither had atx « i L J L ! H * ^ » ^ 3 ? ^ f c T ^ j ! l f c * i r - ft***'***, * , 3BtH IMal A* ;ths> «•«*». S:a9aSla«»a%Wifl : npda at* baptise Idf iather had •*•' pressed, as he said, th© greatest admi- ration far,• j&sev. .X .^A&V ; . '•.' - j / ^ : «M.Bawpa^&eva^ cathedral with the erstwhile A. P. A. ||jp>aaas;aate/:I-ta«t.Ha»)^ wsapiaaaaa* nrpTrW •aaa*aap ^aaaaaa» ajgaejp! *tSBaS ^•m^.'^m^Kpt^x'-'r.m^y-i-» Lf *§5i!tej JJJM I. sBISi the ^ d «Jav?:i ianvaa\ L - lawMaf^ ^ Wtih- %m'

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Vol. X I . No 31. ft«Qft*gto. * If* ^tiitfcJa^i I * * * & I0OOJ ••^i.iij^lilf.1.

* > _ , . . _ J . . . • i • i ••- . • ' • *-• ^ ' • • > ' l i n » T i U M n i j T I I I it |p|W>^W»lit»ll^j»|l»i.,.^Aitt^^illl^pg,.tll|#|MWtl^ IjjlJ S']«l»llftl»»Wl sc u l • • • ' - • ! - •• ' - 1



An l u t e i - ^ t l n * ClMftMr of I o c l d « t » Draw* r r « i n Beports «rft&» * » & * * • Ens*3P<d U» t k a GrMt C»tb»ltO Enterprise M»Bf .*aw

; I l^hUaed »ncl Pr^Judloed B e u n p e d .

the Mtealoaery. a marine of the Paulist fathers, gives a v*CT- interest-tag collection of tales from the mis-sloii to ltsr)cttrrenr issue,:;"The fl*st report presented is that of the New fork apostoiate, In which the follow­ing priests were engaged: Revs. Thom-M F.;Cusack, James T. Mclntyre, P; R.; W. J. Chunon, tt D,; James E, Ooggin, Michael J. Duffy and Daniel C. Connionu These prieste in their re­ports say;

Some of the cases were touching, es­pecially that of a, mother and son from St Louis. Th mother, who was in difficulties with her spouse, hearing of the services, dropped in, as she said, In desperation; to receive some com-tort for her distracted soul. Grace was given her, and. she called to 3ee one of the fathers. It developed that her leaning for some time had been to* ward the church,and that ahe had read much in a religious line. Her own doubts solved, she expressed anx­iety for the boy, who had come under the raluence of the father and his in­fidel teachings. Bright beyond his rears, it seemed providential, when the boy was questioned* that be had an Instinctive repugnance to his parent's diabolical doctrines. Naturally drawn In affection to the Father, his young mind hovered in perplexity despite the mother's Christian teaching and her effort to undo the husband's attempt towr eck the boy's faith. The ques-tioni that he asked, the doubts he pro pounded, were all beyond the nor men­tal condition of one of his years. Grace and. mother love prevailed In bis case. He consented to leave the father, and* coming to New York, was happily brought, through this Incident of the mother,8>under correct influence. The peculiarities of the case are such as to preclude a detailed account; suffice It to say that our young neophyte is now progressing rapidly in Christian doctrlno, to the surprise and ..admira­tion of Ms teacheaf, and will be bap-tteed, before Eastertide. There has been no urging or uadqe Influence: brought to bear, upon him..in fact. It-was, pointed out to him that, though he was but 12 years of age, he was to decide the matter for himself. Ml* final, answer, after all his questions, (Was that he could not believe that there .was no God, and that, thdugh his. father was "smart and gemd to know a freat deal," there was some* thing always saying to his mind that there must be a God and that ties should pray to Hint. The works of precosity were fully visible in this lad's case, yet without any boldness to mar the effect May God give him perse-twtng grace! because bis Innocent na­ture and cleverness will need careful nurturing. , r

The Alabama mission was under the direction of Be*. Henry B. O'Grady and Hev. Dr. Ghlsholm, Jfix.their re­port tfeey say: -*••.-.-. -., : Tite Cfaiholics of* Mount Iionis are

mostly Creole. They form an ideal community. The contrast between the morals of these people and those of the noa-Cathollc Creoles and negroes Is marked to the last degree, and bears fcstlmony to the elevating and reflnins trtto&m *>i the ChurcJi. Bvery Sun* $ i& when' the prjieict cannot tisit them the good oreoleK; gath«#;t*o\6r tb^ef

ahd some reoa^lxed commentary on

f e^$o**^a>:fjM|^ :

WW T^^i»wee|iy,:4i8d ^Baeli'^'etr; gmlldfen' the x*techlHm. In truth, it phe wishes to see what the Catholic cniwch can do for the 'w&fop&pA Ijtt; fet -Mount Lewis on M#We: fiajv tmefrene wJM find ft comnltinity where crime hun known and: where faith and *eli«lott4hA3p* this ilvisB of the peoplft ttett ask oftentimes whether there is $&&*$.tit saving the negro? whether thfre Is any aoliitifon for the; negro problem? The answer Is here rtjfhtk at hand. That influence—the influence of. the Catholic church—which hat Hrrought such Ttnarvellous thteir for iEhe Mount Louis creole can save the negro everywhere and solve the negro, problem. It ha* savsd the Creoles here, it has saved the negroes of LoniB-lana, 80,000 of whom are practical Catholics and law-abiding citi*ens\ Given a free hand, it can do the same tor all the nSgroe* of the South. Truth ito tell, they sadly need regeneration. ' »v . Thomas F, JPrlce; who wjas in charge of the North Carolina mission, 'jwaettet:.

U*efe were Ueveral Incidents which may be of some interest I came across a man who, with his daughtr was placed under Instosetlon. "There were m& things, father, which have brought

1 - • said he.

•$&H&&&.--: 4-know'tfcat this is pecnliar, . i f e a a one in tills countty has had any knowaedge 0% tiae Catholic doctrine on

:-i»W«tt|de^X«taMB alw*ys-«eit it to>%* : mm W»fflrtM<& W i t -This I have -alwaftid^ne^miit^thoaist. .being nn-;^r--the^'^l»FeM6tt-.*at the' Methodist tod ^ J^rd^^pber among them. IB> tet real incl&Btlon, however, to fee Catholic church eame frottt readi*

•|ngTrath;yot*«^ttle'fe»^sdne. About two years ago I eaate across a copy, and I temmeager^. -Slaee that time

- .;-I.-.have «»rne«# swrnsed every «ppy:

I xxrald obtain, l&tt* with yoor lee* tores, have made It Unpoeelble for me i o l o n t * ^ :f t*vp Wt» and hiif daagk-

hope that when Father CTBrten ne» comes on that mission he will find them >uiicleBay initouctedl for ban* torn, ; •,;"• '-,

A second incident will point well the truth that In our work w« sow a»eh teed of which we wer« not at Hi* tthii aware. Whilst giving the lectures in knmbertoit there trove into the town a, farmer.who hai come many, mile*. When he saw the notices of the lec­tures he eagerly fought out a <Jatholle gentleman. '%ook f>*h»re,** iaaid he, *«l can stay in town only a iittle whtt#i

forward and uta* *Wot*«r» M t T»M |«Ml tl«t *tmi<S-«w th* naertajeat •""«« shMce hsnds with ym, . Ijm twL | , | N H U | »

Ajgalni Jstna #*ihrt'lit -the bJwui liwwaneat won »u>« to i tswi l t ®m (ffonan h*J ttMJpJVjNc * wOm *itik [ OhrUrt, nut fc«t kth*N-« Heth^ltss;

iei«ne,:.*ierft to-night X shall mftm* *J long m itt*% m mvtiim tafldni 'wmi of your tshnreh; - T*HM? ie«ts»* wa» «»* Quisltely heanaful* •** jwnr I ,.»•* , _ . ... , ... things as I n§ve* « w fh«n* lM^rfj»|ail(fttetfiMtfttt h«e to. h^fef* If Omik God bless you,!" I thsnked MmfOir hU |»ni His atons««nt Bat this nsvtr kind word*, oa«e him good by, and hsfwas «nowh> The Idea of thj |»rtak-left, -hot, thank Godl not aa hi oam*.|ln« hy faith of Chriat .in tti ijord'a

. Mm»im*cm*mmt*omc»sf^&*rf^t^-'WB^'-**1^^^' . -tostlttt^: for meiPHwtflaae*. the p a s ^ r i . | ^ . » f « i W ^ » . J » w * w tmwt&mt-

__ f:«t. and-wthwiaatto 'wojkfr; mv, « t a p s « # 9 # «•?.- mt%-;. It w . 4 k ; ^ •^K-WT';^-!

%*n Vle^fure"*oveFlii"':tial" "&% afSlr""i:''wll 'ii»ibliS:ii^:ittjE- :njB.i:i"v-j^^Dsii«» s* at JacksonvUls, l-intt-

* tf w W e W S e w « v a Bion In fine Blttf. < ^ M > ^ > f M f « ( ^ : « i « b l i m:timm*d8?'<•'&$$

ask. you1 to. he^-sie.-- , ^ k ; t l l t : e j k t f c * l ^ ;«to'Jp^ssCi^ve''"

W r k 0 a ^ a ^ b o r ^ n J l n V w e j i ^ very B * # 4fi «K# <te tk» a%wta|»||aii^^fr*bsitt»tllj«^ * ^ftl||W!»i h f was s h ? l a S *way. He ? S« he evening to .m^mjm. wlio. h»4|*tks#|n4 aether threatened » dauib-& t ^ n » ^ r w r ^ a l » t t t t h a t - : « i o | « b ^ h O B t W thj i « « i # r ^ n | r t ^ ^ ^ ^ Catoo^doc^aefandU«at6bM home t i e b & t o & . m ^ & * Z ^ J t e m m WiW him••« catechishi which 0»sprlM| ?^'*?*2fe-*Si22S? *$&'JffiSSfe

- give him«V*-W«--bo.th- reaf.that ;«f;.*****. ^ ^ f & I S J S ? ^ ' . -*** ** WF3*

-Mt abo icfor^to u , M g j ^"SStil^; mm^M after;- vrtrfani- atfhort' mpt J JtifeHi. ahoiit ^*o-.honr*', to Vttm, «K8 wWi was -'said was received with evident 1**

'•twin by;ttwB.''Th|i'--liftlf1;taIk. r*t-

the victim, of exagg««te<i complimeni

to kieep It Finally i; tflk 1^ hat hb made me solemnly plromijBe that Td, fetch it back. 1 have read It* froitt kiver td kiver^ and thar atnT nofibin* wrong in it^aary aSjrJtoWje, Thefao* ti-uth is it's wuttt its weight in gold. and I wouldn't be without it fer nbifcy _, ^ A ^_^*_ «* ^ . s ^ . A.** %. in*. Now. can't you get that irieat-to « &***£ W g * 1 " ' ^ OT^Jf** % let n « hev * / < r i ^ £ / r f ^ * Of ^ ^ f S ^ ^ ^ I ^ course, suppUed. and hei la how ^•&^^.t^SJS^S^^irSt- « Cathelio aoul. tostractlng Wmseif ;ta 1^*g&$*3*£^S$L2to«& m^^m fttjte e a t e s * W*.** Catholic .faith.. •,.-.- .- ,.;; -, .- :_,., Mdto$^*$^*d&£&l^^ UWK.fttawir

Another striking incjaen*r 91» lee- ^ W ^ * S . , ^ S ^ ^ S * ^ L T L S ** P^ejlfil Jr * « « > « * «l» ««


MIKg! 1 •l""l



r*4THR* ttIH«AI^-er CAM©tN H» ^ J f l T 0 3 0 a « r A U t «TAT«WNTt

A, WhMsaia«a«fta^a1lAak'a^am^'a4alMs^saflaW^Ba4BW' 'VaMsia* ClMaU jR'ICTs^PafllpW^al^^w-wW'aF ;<W^,»/,4MawWSf »-_^"^FW,, •__** ~ . * *^"'* t ;

o j ^ g ^ i i - '^jf | L g Utaa^attaHa^^-IaflbiaWtfaa af lMtt -- fl^^sjp^jpajp^ T Pf g BBB; pBj VB pa aia B ar' »f>r i aTw >t _ a*ar RS^

Oarndta,: in reply to sosss

letter sppsssrsft Ha>-:.-li<.- Ti,

_i3^» if V P K ^ W F * ^

"V* A l l l M I I I I i l i l>i II =af»

VSO|k, B4 fS'iKMS'i

S5s-Ja Iwflstv flar leslssMi wit

^a^p saa\ wp^a^^^s^

•hare otsmr ostr moasr *lf

.'Wt»*5 t»w®?..*5s-,s«ft.S'-.

said the

.p^rilated-: in IblaisttfiV ^ai-; •<5s^o|i» church, . She w » . {rs* to ^ t s w* bar ^theri»isjp-»whJcli -jaht- did?«bi»t the ^bufek of Stem* »*i t aot M thoaiht' -T*A,^ v s sa>isji l, -j<a si BSP ' wp ffVfJP P a w s av A a/w n|S|vs"PW% ^TV*V

mfo&& • '-tia'Uiss «tMF aaiwf,- MiNkk' mentton another Ibaptlfsd who, aitsr, tottsuia»«. * - minliter -la - do«bt, wat seat %y htttt, # pit* to-.ifil|h .1«th-«ids» &'Vb'teVcmKftl * njwasUo*.- '.,Mlf yott a ^ ' i n , 4 f f t l f e ife-s .#- ir«*K'-'«wt»- •*» -1-* atatrt**.. s a i d .pk&t. |sM*-:.^xM^rtortalt-;si»ijjftrtir»..'.•• ....•'•-. ,;<- .

tnrea Wero attended bfyiitki^mW B^^^S^Jl^^^Vj^S, ^Sdm IHt* tt* «*o©l| atttlsJM hT of negroes wh^caine M r y jnlfht.; i>h* • ^ j ^ S g ^ f t ^ S f i W a S i S ' ^ ^ W » m negro— a Methodttt njinlstor^waip d#« a ^ d*t rott^>Bl <i 'flSMfl % » ^ -***. ^ ^ ; J ^ . 7WW •^*^*»!«>«^"""«»1W^

"•'•• *••••' « ^ * S « » T T » n *

fitispels la

tjarrjAYj 3ritrr*iLiDcaB.

lighted with the lectures, and eagerly on dejfa Whsh 3»u gwlnji to «soiaf sought all the literature ha could s e t , Towards the end of the mission hs came and sued he had held a meeting in hi* church, and they had resrolved *»«»«v* -**• -"•^•' , i ^ j , «^ ihe world. to adopt the Catholic catechism In T|to.inceeja^wtt*m»^ their Sunday school, 'and besough me psipers* both JBngII»h and jBrtncbi *ven fo f u i i t a h ^ e T ^ t h f l a . ^ l ^ ^ M l f ^ l H W * which ttwolMw par. I *iadly ftttt vary fnvoraMrof the wcrk mm t^&M&m&mmf*t$,-1*, compUed with" their' request. \-\'mt^i^Wt^&m*'*&&A m*te**j^f**g***J* WtoM* t» ' Before leaving Lumbertott 1 received o « k / m * h i t e m^n^^t^^o^^m^U^ jM^^W l l t t g r i i r the an invitation-' from - the Croats* • -In- -i», til* .ininiatiw too*- .fOarsiu • .• .Watt; ^S^L^SS^ "*%***£** ** •diajM--to'l.ecture.on- th* Catholic-ehinx*-i-t^ 4o ipvan^ «MwV lloataiaartrstjif W JM£v # * * < * for them. rcbul4p,ot m s n w m i ^ lions, Thtywaa^ «*,wat - « t h ^ i thaea the «t* with their request,.*#,promised fe.46-.^.»^^a|l^tW^;to»gfc g " g J ! * ^ g S ! ^ . y » « % r ^ A * f r ao- at my first -opportanfty. -,- - - •. they-*tta*k»d the Mlsatottary^ • W»*Wr ***$ 3 1 ^ l ^ f c 5 ^ * > f i * i * 1 f t S l 4 *

The'^worktoJPennsyltahia{theHa*' -they,aiu«w»^ia4h*^paffi»»ffMa^ je|th»MthJsdWts^.aavft.-imslaiat risburg Eocene) watf -pettorpied by timtmisjlp^ «qp-Ck|iMk^'««4-«f«J|-. %n*«la«,"J9«al«| *k*m*-fmtm Revs, Xavier Sutton and Richard Bar* atoosedsf i o ^ at to brinf tew Kiw snahT »• »JI» am« a»*st t*a al«*t la -rett,'i»a8sioniats. They, write: '. . ' vYork-it-^te^oJS.*iBeitaMJi«^ ^^^J*J^S^i

• The question •-.-box, -which, it- aver an • lumlaate. and'vilify ;tha chwrch* »afeisi> ta#. Bwiis*«-' wsMcaiaesst sayeset intereetlnt" fenture, was'.;w«tt:- patron-i; -6f««x»ur»»-thar#'WBfiiwar-lht^^ islowetofc In tok«a of patltaee lsed by the nauai class of qneatlon»;'ing iwcldenta, *, hoy of niw^Mtia-«o-'thw m* m>mm f»M««M wat One enterprising person asked: '^Thy plnde4 tfce fown of mtihw mm *mm m nWtt f Batonlay, March do Catholics beiieyoi*».dUte3eei>tly from' CnUsghan, and hoadinjr * UAjt taa^f, flwuthw wh«4« Oatbolis worta via -'the .Jews. wJieh^'.I«>rd**--rao^^ -*»14 ttimMtiti •*!*I ,*f <*» psM*,*m^tmmt « t the tk'-ivntT .-"«•-" '"• --'-"' •' ^^4a:lav*•»^l^sl5fathfJ>;;lMl l i -atrial* Vfnsa/b ««ovBmat «** asfcJMk.

Another: *fWhy do yon believe that] of mine and * 'aw mlim to hWJCff * Martin Luther went to hell, and, all his conver- of him. VMv jaohsr has hia followert?" ; .

It goea without saying tituii l^tthar

for they are all transgressing the de­cree Of Go4^ii|«>oid|j^Ato i h i i l d ^ fie then prooeedsd to show the audi­ence -the ' aseardity of - - taldnj. - tisee words in each a- sense, taking this oc­casion as an Ulu*tratlon also of the errors and absurdities into which one may be led who follows private inter­pretation of the acriptnres, "

'Father--Xafier' next visited Iiahc«a>


Xavier,had a ready/reepOwto te ihiit question, which took the form Of his earing to give $i00 to any oMe "tho could show him,in i n authorized Oath* olic text -l>ooh-that.i!rhnh" rM'.flttt bo*

And another: * fonr church forblda nrieata to laarryj^thia ir^diame^caliy opposed to the decree of God: 'It is hot good for, man to live alons," *?-.!'• * 1 *'Then-God;hrtp-.-th*'.old'-3aaiaa'-aid\ .. -oid'ha<*elbr«i'*-s^^^|h«r:-.-"^vie4lA «*-.-

Hov n ^ ^ of t h ^ a r e ^nvvUf C«J>- j j & * i 8 0

xtmm ftp.1?: ^wr;ffai»itaft^B»att.

tJSht&iji htbinate« fbrieaS' $*'&*? S » h % ^ 1 S 2 & ^ S K » e i m '

•m'mm>?m wh«»-fai^r.or*>eia|':^^^

tfeajSwrJdir gain, or hnmwt mm , » £ ^ ^ ^ J i 5 S > * $

:Jtt;Ms\*0!Jr-.-tn*ea •wh#h4dJttih».-» «•*»

-.^.aboietrt' ?fwmt-to',<imwm'* <kthoU#:' i»»eif t o ' marry ,*' .CaUfeMe

w-v^Wi™ HMPJW^flF •rS^^sw^p^v^Wsi" • »£•%.'- wW™ ^a^w«ws"y? 'a\aw -

Coaf«rs««« keid mseatiy in that city: ' ----**33fe ooni«rwo»of the Northsra «iw York Diatrkt of the MeOwUat eharyi is now in ssaeioa : in your elty, and many able and sacJoni' aUniatar an preaeat; i hava read wiU lat*r*st. tai a^yjs^ffia ws^g> paajaipa Bajpaji - s ^ ^^ a^^a> [ * #> •ss•a a, ajp aaaejBw*

ley, |% !*,-•** natjgt'!». |«¥a£-»**J alvo that of »«v, WllUaJK Bart P. % Btaaionary to Italy. Whiut this eos-eonm of riverend g««U«Bs«a are oo«-sldering ths wort of the past yaw, aes wntstmplatittg iBcraased work fcr Ha„ futnr*, in lUly u eJsewhtr*. I rstnaw ( the kindness of a mtttt epsoe U roat'

***#awf PHwsjs^*^ weajag gj i M f l i ^ Mas ^ aaj|aB)e- Bj w^f

^ayBj a^gr 4Mi^|a\_ -jewK«^P |MHjFt^^a^nv% ia^aa^^SiS*a^B^^Ba saawes^a^^

4* ^sa^^ >§v T! apaajasjr appaMBaajpaM pai ^^^^wse^aK n p w p sa w *

a fMHS #anpaaa>4pai# 'asY wssa ajw aaawav ^^*^Raasavw^s a ^ saw"!

aSjua a\nsipw ^avr ^paai aa>4 ajaa ssf psa aw ap e n sseaasaaa

^W*^"*^Pw*^™*W Wa> ^™"1K aw^a'a^aa}f TF" aaassja;

-Chriitianlty was parntftW ta «p under t U iWaM «a* the .. rsligioa. it aot baiag ths twitay «f RosMjto liiavstft **th « M f f # U|^|il9« PIVMMIww W PWHWa- ••awaajpT»aw^W| s

Borajiea «f tti p*a*f of hk^arr, mm -atimoaM" <t saavrvw hi w* ss^ewjaaqi 14- 1fewit» iwtt %o .jsjtjl -iw th» twsj(i> "va^ps»w!lf-yjwaKjjr W i l l spsaj saaaapw ^pipasBw - a»_s p a F^^f^^* •

*J» iaa pa ajBasg* s]p wiiaeaa wsawMS ^hsanai* a aapaw^ aaw ^^^PW-

martyrs txm Wsro, ttowajpValwI.* ay*) sara^BittkiBa <" w* >aisa> •^s^SJ^'^^w^w^^'^a^w

tittavhr esaatfavart trail ^ M A u d M t tlM aa4 tjat aa^staa. walaa-p i W u * * a | I s l h a 4ffH tins) Ihfl sswaV H i heat AfaftHh ^P^^dUMi aajgaibdi HBj va*s0BaBja. \ i v*:^Baa9aF^p, pa ajajp' ssBi

^P**alHawaajp^Psi ^HaBw^a^aa- - aw'*jph*-'

taft the n m . l t "Wat l la - t t l taV laf tksf t

' aTaaa*ataaMehaa^a% Jt-^^a^ksil

tha. laA. aMasav.<taav • ••as»a**aaaeag^v^B^Bajaj ppajBf v^ssaaw^


.. Bat Hfi .tai

svUeBttoa- " " this

_ _.r»,'i'3 *»**-*^-"-i(

. •»**...• n«j"iKHii>- -«->-i


•W**WMI}> *.«

wawa* aav" TSjflg P' 'Aw^jpr^Mr^'--'

aajyl. i


1 a*"1 it ' "' '''J ' 's! '


•Ir thlskva lafsTwtl



r^,^*' '-,1. . . . ...... 1 E^allwli'iH Mil — , •"•• -

« i««B;i*v(fc' rf'1 r v '• m i »u *fy**g*" ~ • ~>*t t - «M iSWii *>»•

ry^ . » dM»w . - r- -

tend m^mm^mSmV^m Jf«f«» ;'' :bf>"»igo*«y:. and ,**t*»d" ••*#>mt... A t Catholic church. - A pkmi - CathoUe lady ahetalnad front: meat -fe*> sight days to gain a certain oonvswt. Bha •ucoeded. X nen-Cathollc opaarr confsseed to haviag c«U*d tke cattreh Vila naniei and to havs wished "that prisat(tttMwImgtaePanliirtaaai«aary)| out of Montr^ as soon as aoeslUa,"

80,000. Thla --WSMS (Jefora the coawsrt woTeiasnt took ditnltt. ahap».__-tt w^f J^W1*^•^"•"^•T w*^^™ wffia* a^aa^ ^^aipsw aaaaw saawayTrap^

xaant of tarn ysarw alto laf aa lasfirafi* • d l a l u m b e r s t h s t twfes• «fc»t jMBa> A m jMw*jf V * wTrjr WWF' 'JsWaasy,, W^as\, S^PapkPHavv #w~< t feaalav* Brett, this i s * vary soaasenaar^aaet* f $£/* xaaat • Stx£r thttawuril oaawula* la a\ year aneaa, «n sua average, oady ttx It ajpwafl»i« suawkBy*aaaa*. 4^ai ^i^aww a^a^aaiaaa*ia/*s : "* c . ..,.. . L o ;.

A praaa oablagraa frwa Farl* aays^ Ths raps's 4MK9 Masal arelsa '*""—**

ter. It was while thia rolwlon waa in She ti now a cottrart k s a i n W a*(41 *rogrea«.-':ihat -F«therx *»ti«« .«<5eilr#« m:ttMjM**&** -^flN *(«) " t | i « ill the special i blesaing and encouraga- to teU that terrible sum te fat em--mM-^|h-iot-!'h1ap»m;Md-; ##: ^^,%^•>l|hptt••ll»-.-a»s* ,«*,h* ;pa1aF]^ij

C E > a s s t ^ ^ a w J # i i i ' ^ M *<* I f :«nd'ioal;:-.i* ih«;*6W-W--»6h^t i^ : 'MMip^ flie* ., IttsV,;,.-:1"::- ..:.„v;, . : : . ; > ; > - ; : f » u r i a r ; ^ i | - i s 1 ^ ^

is one of the leading A. P. Father Teitaai^atae reports f the city. I was in Ms slon. in Ullnels. He wiaUs:

- tat. apfsasaaahag: aaa.;

, **aharB¥ waas aiaaaaiaF0 . ^i»^f-j^-ff-

to' gsaxeral »eaea will h* iaaaat aaftra. — ••"""""-«» - ' wW «airwwl the HSATMI'

fh« ssMQrailsal w¥ af paasahsM

^ • y i H ! - - * " ! »»', t*>-' '

* W a w a V * y « t f

atisaay i S y W ^ * * ^ , ~>y«'J* -^: f«

wax. that it wm

cup aot^- to

lic^u<^aish«]a a j j /un i i f i to i n uaj tJwa'S»afla» ajV'*fcawa* ~eas>a> ajaaa^aaa-a .ae^p^w/war aaaw (ja paa ^ aaaw*

fualoa i f th* prlndaies of awes* asd -

:-^&io««;^*ii i__ i . so*r School gnmaadi, cai« aaavsaw », ?eariw«;-Y. ' Tha rock is all ready far th* -as-- f p t **



Y. '' Tha rock is all ready far ta*. -as-- «sst **r wav'f pialUag of ths reaea. *ad ths aw»> * ^ " J « r * » * Sod: a« neaJiag aomaietkia. lewetaV ^«MaV-wewas) new bnildlnga wifl be atartaal as sawn faJhara, aa an aa suilnk o»sss The flnmnsaT Itasaatt :faasiW ahavw;

'lab»r|nj '--tn «JB»|; ~~ ~""" audience was one A. lights of the city. _ r . . _ . ^ _ _ „ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ „_., . . 'mission^ and IwugM «mie amele* rrom' CathoUc iais«ia« at th^ town of, ,.him,,'.bttt'had;-:i!0^ the Catholic church. .1 engated him attract the non-Catholics of taa towavj In conversation, told him my businesa As .a . result w* had a -olass *t> l i t ) to Little Rock, and promised that If adults to ?repars far D»t coafsssieav he would come around to the Cathe-.and ^ convert*. < K

.'drarthe'foiiowiair.aiKht that I ironldl St i* inWreating to tee the varioos p* sprtng «rsas. -«a* Anaaat* try-to-keep-him twf^^.J^.^Wlsed'jB^vat that lod thee* 10 aoula to t a a . ^ i ^ ^ M * m t t J k f * + & & * ! ? ' to'-come - I'-'Was-aft«rwardB;toid W ehnrcav ^inamt^a.atau^/^fiaaf?,, awrtsn wtU Majfctaw nnUI i i f f c ^ r - " J

thoSe who knew- him that, to wre their i7 was aeelor my gaod Catholic wife - A.mng«.iirt» wlll.b, made for these expression.: he would never "shov up." go to h«r man*- Sunday after Sunday,, wiihiog aocowmodationa 4ariw ta* . But, true to Lie promise, he was pres-, even when the We&ther *m* Wt ^te#^vt$9mmA*wm^MM&ffi&*m m, and occupied*front s e s t t b l a i d s e , ' i t h ^ J 4 ^ « w * h t ^ n o t f ^ w a l - t l ^ " " . - - . . - — . — ^ . ^ — . Th«j: following night' fce .wa* al*0 on made me faei the power #f th^'iraa* „ . _ _ _ , „ ^ , _ _ .. __-,_ ___ _ _ v , hand.' The-.ne*t.nith.t Ae ohinft' tost« olC-*h«r«h,f W**>* laafom « t ««!•*: ««es ft* 1f<J*agi«e>wlL «W#, « J»a' ^ P a T f trifle late, and being defarinihed tohiiva nte for Catholle wives! , Mew York oah», at 1 » Bsa< flfUsth Mawah m^ a a e e t - w h e r o h * ' * ^ ^ ^ ^ mtersiott 4 » h,|*«r*ei T J ^ ' mm* l M V « a a a t l - « w - ^ 1 l l a M ^ - 0 ^ a t T , f * * | ^ T night I preached dn pariatofy. m « n W-ts a t e » i r a$hj*£ •*« * » M t * - * | J „ * * j a ^ y i h i maea « | ,beiiedictioh -wat.over-*-went-on* to 0 * ^ ^ G f e ^ o n s 7 " ? * ^ « f « « r H » * iQ««&i7iueorwsa^dentaay.: _ -tlie'-tobMfor.niy-viatoh,'-«la«iej :«nf wg> ^m^jmlik&*>.>"$$*< SS^aStSSXSSmfkm * " * " • * ' n * * hooks, where he came to me. eytended «•, i took t tt» indifferentiy after It S s i t o 2 * ^~Z!» *» irt*! - tar, * "inasliil aermon eaves me fromheih**!* nthe- ^ r S ^ i l l m U i S i I ffiS#lf*k i ? S * K ? l ' — 1st or an infidel." j : toW .hint: l w » g t t i i t S i l a V l o a « t »an » 6 » l « ^ V f f i ^ S w a f S ? S ^

^WmXg* ft

aarsiy af Urn *fv-^*»-"«t-w **"- ,*>^-'

tflp^^-if - ^ * - * -4*41* w " - '


S : .5*toT»ot so 4*09**


(were _ . that leg had

^ 0 ar#vi* *h#ddctrtae of tn*: w » f J J mif M m ^thedral, and when I olic poattioa!* want away to Wno Blntr to give a ads* tm that w» aion there, he wrote, « * to he certain ^ ««» j , ^ |gM to^l-andBee-himaa/l^ftasse^lhrauth |»ealto»^eWii„ _ , _ UW*. noepmrnx *»F;.fe Fort Sm/ta, nm*&^ffltf - f * i £ 2 p * - -^- ,t :frienas. »e-ha«- heea -ftading outr by tachr ncwary to guaraatee thr, readin,,how :»a^-'-*hJs- didn't laMJW* t»',sflL and that toacheTtne Gbm*mraa^~?m\^i*^^^••<*»** abont-that .^Id-Ca^oliocintrch^and J U S , m ^ m ^ m Z " ^ ^ ^ l l ^ ^ * l & & ^ I ^ thus another stone was- crumbled te a i ^ g B ^ T K ' - w a i l B ^ I W i W ^ r a i i ^ J c B R s t f i ? ^ Z ' V the A. F. A. d t o m I met fkdii $m$*> a a f S a T W . i C J a ^ ^ ' man'a son tn JMtt.Smith, -who .called, aVJhtaaVlaW S a a * I f t ^ ^ tAAH-wrti ba«»tta»:>y»-Aither had atx « i L J L ! H * ^ » ^ 3 ? ^ f c T ^ j ! l f c * i r - ft***'***, *,3BtH IMal A* ;ths> «•«*».


npda at* baptise Idf iather had •*•' pressed, as he said, th© greatest admi­ration far,• j&sev. .X . A&V; . '•.' -j / ^ : « M . B a w p a ^ & e v a ^ cathedral with the erstwhile A. P. A. ||jp>aaas;aate/:I-ta«t.Ha»)^


nrpTrW •aaa*aap aaaaaa» ajgaejp!




J J J M I.

sBISi the ^d«Jav?:i


^ Wtih-
