t* jp fijbmcrott, ttfil, -...

Cl rm mats. nee-The Orange. It rlpen'd by the river bunks. Where, mast and moonlight aiding, Don Joans play their pretty pranks, Dark Donnas serenading. By Moorish damsel lt vas piuck'd, Bec ea 'i the golden day there:- By awain 'twas then in London sacVd, Who flang the peel away there. He conld not know In Pimlico, as little she ID Seville, That I should t upon that peel, And wish them at the devil I COIIVEHCIAL SKITS. Exporta. BABCBLOKA-Per Spanish brig ifanuel-360 bales upland cotton._ Vite Charleston cotton. Rice and N a val Stores Market. OPTICI CHARLESTON" NEWS, ( MONDAY EVENING, December IL 1871. j COTTON.-Thia staple showed a Armer charac at tba opening; when the dispatches came to hand tl as»urned a steadily hardening and active tendency, with an advance of an v@ Vc V m. Closing with a strong ard bnoyant feeling on the rut of sellers. The transactions were about 1000 bales, say 4 at 16X. l at 17X. 16 at lix, 1 at 17X, 26 at 18, 21 at ISM, at IS*. 139 at 18 V. TS at 18*. 288 at 18X, so at is,',', 271 et if, 9 at 19 vc. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinarr.IT @18X Low middling.18X©- ? Middling...I87i@19 Strict middling.19 @19V Rica-Thc transactions were fair, with a Arm market. Sales lit tierces of clean Carolina, say 70 tierces at TXc 60 at TX. 60 at TX. 40 at TXc ft ts. We quote common to fair at e*@7 *c, good 7X9TXv NAVAL STORES.-The market to-day showed a little mee activity, and the following sales were made : le» bbl* low No l at |6, so bbls extra No 2 a. $5, and 147 bb s No 3 to extra No 2 at $4 is® 15. No sales of spirits. I'EB ia HTS. -To Liverpool, by steam airee t, non: l- naloL uplands, nominal on sea islands; via New York, Xd on uplands, ld on sea islands; by sall, T-lsd'bn rolands, on asa Islands nominal. To Havr ; lc on uplands. Coast wise-to Kew York by steam Ko so uplands and lc on sea islands; $2 * Mr.rce JU rice; by eal! Xo oe cotton;- n tierce va rice; 40c il barrel on rosin ; $ 7@s «koa lam* ber; $9@io 9 M on timber. To Bolton, by sail Xo V lb on upland cotton. To Providence, by aaU $s f, Mon boards, Xo* lb on cotton;by steam (l f bale on New York rates. To Phila¬ delphia, by steam xo V lb on uplands; by san, $7 9 M on boards; $9 on timber; 18 per ton en clay. Md f8a$8 60 en phosphates. To Baltimore, by .vea m vc ? rb by sail, $6 50@7 * Mon boards; $S£* 26 <p t n on phosphate rook. Vessels are in demand by oar merchants to take lamber freights from Georgetown, S. C , Derlen ead Satilia River, Ga, and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and «10912 ft M are the rates on lumber and boards. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 00 day billa 17X@18. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks are pur- chasing sight checks at X off, ead sell et per. Gonn-oxtsiQM. Marketa by Telegrmpn. MON BT MARKETS. LONDON. December ll-Keon_Console 91%. Bonds 92V- Evening.-Consols 92. Prince of Waïea'a death has been discounted. FaANxroBT, December ll-Koon.-Bone's 97X- Palm, December îi-Noon.-Rentes 66f 60c Evening.-Rentes 66f T6c. Kaw You. December ll-Noon. - Freights dan. Stocks dall and heavy. Gold heavy at 9*a 9X. Governments unsei'led. Five-twenties or 1887 very strong. Money arm at T. Exr,auge, long 9, short »X- Evening,-Money closed stringent at T, curren¬ cy to gold worth 1-16 to a commission. The cat- flow of currency c ntlnnes. Sterling 9. Gold SK i9X- Governments steady; sixty twos iori. States steady. Freights doll. Nsw ORLEANS, December ll.-Sterling Sight X discount. Gold «X- COTTON MABXXT8. LivKRp. OL,December ll-Koon.-Cotton opened 1 strong; uplands 9%d, Orleans lcato-'d; nearly doafrom New Orleans oxd; shipping at New Or.' seana ind. Later.-Cotton active and armer; uplands »Vd Orleans lexdt eeles 80,000 ba c Bpecnlatton and export 7OOO;shipping at Savannah or Charleston 9j¿d; nearly due from Charleston or Savannah 9Xd. Evening.-Cotton cloded active and Armer: op land* 9Vd. Orleans 10Vd. Niw YOBX. December ll-Noon.- Cotton Arm; salea loco balea: spéculation T 0, part In transit Satur day availing; apian da 19X* ; Orleans 2o^c Salee of intores saturday evening 12.550 balee, as follows: December 19 T-1S, ie v. l9*c: January 19*. 19 9- S, I9X; f bruary 19X; March »X*1»X; Aprtl 20al916-16; May 20c. ' Bveatog.-Uutsoa Arm; sales 6T63 bales; up- lands 20c, Orleans icy c. Sales cotton intares to¬ day I9,e001 ales, as follows: December 19*. io*. 19 9-16 19V. 19 18-16; January IP j.. 19 is-le, 20. u-ie, ivx; FBbfoaTy i9X. 19 ls-is, 19X. 20; March 2b. 20 US, 20V. 20X- 19 1616; Aprü 20, *)X» 18 8 18. 18* ; Moy 20*, 20X- BOSTON, December IL-Cotton. slong; mid- dllnds 20tia20WC.net recelpis 66 bales; gross 2223: sale* 609; stock 7600; exports to oreat umala lal bajea PHILADELPHIA, December IL-Colton very Strong; middilsgfl 20c. BALTIMORE, December 11_Cotton active and teodlna op; uplanda I9*ai9*c: net receiPt;J soi; groes S60: exports coastwise 437; tales 695; stock -SSM be ea NORFOLK, December ll-Cotton Arm and hold¬ ers asking higher prices; low mldniings 18.wa J8XC; ari receipts 2591;'exports coastwise 2520; «alea »«0; stock 7048 bales. 1 WiLMtsoTON, December ll.-Cotton firm; mid¬ dlings ls* cu: net receipts 273 bales; exports coauwise 636; sal»fl 115; stook 1744. SA VANS' 4H lecemher ll.-cotton bnoyant. ac¬ tive ene excited; middlings 19* eta; net receipts 4053 b.M; exports to Havre 2620, coastwise 2611; eales 2000: sr oek «5.245. AUGUSTA, Deco "ber IL-Cotton Arm and in rah* deman : midi Tings lax CIB; receipts loco bales; Bülös 800. ¡Ms MavrBis, December lt-Cotton active and ex- cited, middlings 19 vc ; receipts 3526 bales. MOBILE, Deco ber ll.-Cort n active and ex¬ cite», nd aeonrate quotations cannot be given; * middlings i9*e: net receipts 3676 bales; exports to Great Bri'am 720; sales 600; stock 41,802, NTT ORLEANS. December ll -Cotton strong; mtddlln< a I9*al9*c; net receipts 7630 balea, groas 9077; exports to Great Britain 11,201, Havre 18,378; Adie* 8000; stock 118,038. ' PROVISIONS ANÖ PROOCCB MARKETS. LIVEHPOOL, December 11-Evening.-Camber- land cut 658. Bt er *ea for One Western prime. Tallow 48s 9d. NEW YoKjr, Decemb r ll-Noon.-Flour steady. Wheat Arm- Corn shade Armer, Perk Arm; mess |r8 60. Lard steady; steam OXaOXc. Turpentine Arin at 66a66c. Rosin very Arm; strained $4 95*6. Evening.-Flour-Southern unchanged; com¬ mon io.fair extra IS 80*7 35; go <d tn choice 17 40a 918. Whiskey lower. When very quiet; winter red Western $1 Wal 60. Coin cl sed dall; 77a79c. Rice 8Va9c Pork Armer at ns «0*13 70. Beer, Slam, $9*11. Lard A m ; kettle 9* e. Naval stores rm. Ta'low anchan ced. BALTIMORE, December ll_Flour unchanged. wbeat dud. Com firmer; white 'e7a72c; yellow 70a73. Rye oocall. Pork $14 25. Bacon very quiet: shoulders 7*c. Whiskey 99ca$l. , WILMINGTON, December ll.-Spirit* turpentine Arm at eic Rosta Arm at $415 for strained, f 5 for low NO 1. $4 60 for No 2, 14 26 rcr low No 2. Crude turpentine steady at $3 60 for hard, $5 26 lor yellow d ip, $5 35 for virgin. Tar, no eales. LOUISVILLE, December ll.-Bagging heavy and week -tienne. Provisions quiet and Arm. Whis¬ key 92a93c. CINCINNATI, December H.-Floor and corn nn- changed Pork tn speculative demand and high¬ er at $18 7a> lard, 9Vc asked. Bacon lu light demand and Arm. Shouldeis 7,vc; sides 7*a7*. Whisker dedtmo.. at 950. Kiw ORLEANS, December ll.-P.our Arm; super¬ fine 16 76; dobbie $7 26; treble $7 75. Corn scarce and firmer; white 82*a85c Bacon quiet; shoul¬ ders, ci>-ar nb 7*c; clear 7*asc Lard, choice la demand: poor dall; tierce 9a9Xc. Sogar cored hams dull at Muse Sugar firmer; inferior 6*a 6Xc; fair to folly fair 8a8Xc: prime 9vasx- Mo¬ lasses active and advancing: in fer.or 20326c; common 30a32c; ralr a4a38c; prime 89a40c: strict¬ ly prime to choice 41a44c. Whiskey, rectified 95c a$102*. Coffee 16VS20C. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, December 9.-SPIRITS TOBF-EN- TINE.--ale« of 66 casks at OOo per gallon for Southern casks. Ro-iN -1322 bbis sold at $4 16 for strained, $4 25 for No 2. 14 60 fdr extra No 2,15 for low Ko l, 16 75 for low pale. TURPENTINE.-Sales of 121 bbls at 13 60 ror hard, $5 26Tor yellow dip and $6 35 ror virgin, per 280 lbs. TAB -86 bbls sold at $2 60 per bbl. COTTON.-sales or 168 bales as roUows: 40 at nx. 141 at 18, 8 at 18*. and 9 at 16 Vc per lb. Charlea a. Barton's Cort >n Report, for the Week Kadina; December 8. NEW YORK. D comber 9 - HI MAVKBT.-In oar lest rep-rt tne market closed quiet and steady et 19c for middlings. Saturday, the marget was quiet und Arm; sui es 2440; middlings 19c. Mon dar, with favorable foreign art vice*, the market was filmer and prit ci a i-nade nlgbcr; holders offend a moderate -mount of stock, and In face of Ugh receipts at the ports were unwilling fli¬ ers tt quotations; buyers, however, were n<t anx¬ ious auu operated sparingly; sales 1703; middlings 119.SÍC. Tuesday, there was & go d demand for spinning «nd export at unchanged prices; sales 4265. Wednesday, the demand contloued and prices were advanced *c on all gt ade". The otTei inga were moderate and of a poor selection ; sales 3952; middlings 19*¿. Thursday, the mar¬ ket waa linn et unchanged prices; sales 8586. Yesterday, the market was more active and prices firmer; the demand from exporters was princi¬ pally lor cjtton in tranalt; sales 6772; middlings lOXc Upland and Mool e New Texas. Florida. O leaos. Ordinary.16* 16* 17* 17 V Good ordinary...18* 18* 18* 18* Low middling....18* 19* 19* io* MKnUlng.19* 19* au* 20* Sates of the week 22,673 bales-Including 6703 to spinners, 1289 to speculators, and 14,852 to to exporters. ; Gross receipts at this port for the week 21,0S6 bales. Since 1st Septemoer 266.602 bales, against 352,162 last year. .STATISTICAL POSITION- 1871. 1870. Stock m bivcrnuu..halos...445,OOO 37. ,750 Afloat from India.100,000 83,ooo Afloat from America.174,000 276,000 Stock m London.150.086 61,466 Afloat for London.148,009 17,000 Stock m Havre.137.670 70,800 Afloat for Havre. bi.ooo 2.047 stock in Bremen..... 14.000 7,250 Afloat for Bremen. 6.976 6.600 Stock in United »Utes ports.410.6:9 434.531 Stock in lu laud towns. 66,329 95,788 TOtal.1.703,108 1,414,221 Excess m visible supply as compared with 1870 . 288,887 Stock of cotton held by Man¬ chester spinners at the mills. 300,00) 125,000 Price of middling Orleans m Liverpool. 10 M6d 8%d Price ut middling Orleans m New York. 20*c 16c Price of gold. 10 IO* Haran« BEarktt. HAVANA December 2_Sro ABS-Clayed.-The demand for lots or the present stock has been moe erarte during the whole week, owing to tue exiguity of available and desirable lots and the advance of prices exacted by sel er-. The few sales reported add about 4000 box-s, for which the following prices were paid: 9 S'a 9 s rs , Nos. 6* and 9; loaios' r ? Noa. 10 and io*; 10*al0* rs., No. ll, and li * rs.. No. IA The market closes quiet, but Arm, at 10* r-, arrobe No 12, as quo¬ ted last wees, for which rea*on I abstain from reproducing the Asures then given. Many h lders are asking io* ra, but no sales have been re¬ ported above 10* e. No. 12. There ls a continued active movement In con¬ tracte for partial and foll crops for future deliv¬ ery, and prices rule high. For clayed sugars there 1- little doing, enly one sale oelug repotted for a whole crop of Derosne's process, Nos. 10 to 14, at 10% rs. for No. 12 as a b sis, wltn sn advance of $12,000. The following ls the business done this week In othei- sorts: Centrifugal-1000 linds at 10*r?; 10.000 boxes Nos. 11-13 and another crop at lo*rs; 60O0.to eooo do. same numner-. and 4000 o do do, at l0*rs; 2'joo do do do at 9*ra; a full crop at io*rs, with $:0,000 advance; 6000 boxea Nos 11-12 at 10*ra; SOO hhds No 11-18 on private terms, suppostdto be at 10*M for No 12; lOOO hhds No 16, large gram, at ll * rs, and several parcels on terms which have not be* n published. Muscovadoes-2200 hhds Inferior to common re- Anlnlng at 8rs; 500 hhds good do, 600 do do, 603 do do, and 800 do do at 8*ra; 1000 do fair to good do at 8*rs; 2000 do do at 8*rs, and 400 dr., con¬ centrated, at 5 * rs. Nothing has been done In molasses sugar of the stock available or for fm ure delivery. The receipts o1 sugar in the warehouses of the Sort since January l to date amount to 953/88 oxes and 87.002 h.'ds, against 1.292 521 boxes and 47,536 hhds in 1370. The deliveries same period were 699,534 boxes and 37,011 brid*, against 1.295.967 boxes and 49.772 hhds In 1870. Stock thi- morning, 72,445 boxes and 617 hhds, against 48,745 boxes and 229 hhds in 1870. Stock lo Matanzas, 4565 boxes and 77 hhds, against 1804 boxes and 39* hhds In 1670. There were no hhds cleared ibis week, against 831 last week, and 131 same week tn ls70, ah from Havana. Several more estates have commenced g tnd- lng, with favorable weather, but no new sugar on the market as yet. MOLASSXS.-No salea of actual stock nor par- chases by shippers for future delivery; but con¬ tracts between dealers and planters continue on a large neate at high, though liregaar prices, ac¬ cording to time and place of dellveiy. Co FF EX-Becoming scarce, and cl »sci steady at $17*al7* per qtl lor first quail y. TOBACCO.-Lnrge sales for New York md Eu¬ rope at very high prices, ranging from ti > te $68 er qtl for Vu Ita Abajo, according to quality. 1 >ealer8 are very busy, baling as fast aa they caa. The sal a inls and last week exceed 13,000 bales. FBKIOHTS.-The demand la duU, with very little doing lor he United States, and nothing for Eu¬ rope. QootattO'is close aa follow.»: Catted States 75890c per b< x for sugar, and nominal for hhds do and molasses, Falmouth85s nerton. EXCUA.SGK.-Kates have continued to advance nm-er a lively demand, prudioad by the local dis¬ turbances at the commencement of the week a d scarcity of all foreign billa Rates close as fol- !nwi>: London, sixty days, £3*a23* per cent pre¬ mium; Parla do 5*a6 per cent premium; Ham¬ borg 89 sh per dollar; Spain, etxty days, 1 :*al3 per cent premium; United states, sixty days, cur¬ rency. Kal ¿er cent premium do gold 10*all per cent premium; short sight, currency, 2*a3per cent premium; dj gold I2*al3 p r cent p> erbium. Receipts per Railroad, December ll. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 1247 bales cotton. 88 bales goods, 130 casks of clay. 1 car atock. To Railroad Agent, Pelzer, Rodgers A co. Geo W Williams A co, G H Walter A co. W W Smith, A J Salmas, A B MulUjan. J A Quaokenbusb, Frost, Adger .* co. Wis's A co. Sloan a Selgnlous. Trenn Im A Sou. W C Bee A co, A S Smith. Witte Bros, Pringle A Son, Mowry A Son, Kinsman A Howell, Murdaugh A Mathews, WP Dowling A co, W C Courtney A co, Reeder A Da vis. Gr ieser A Harmon, W B Williams A toa, G Follhi, L D DeSaassure, Warrener A Weekly, i B P Alley, caldwell A Son, W B Smith A co, Steffens, Werner A Ducker. NORTHSAflTXKN RAILROAD. 389 bales upland and 20 bags sea Island cotton, 536 bbls na al stores, esra lumber, wood, rough rice, tobacco, mdse, Ac. To G W William» A co, W U Courtenay A co, W K Ryan.TP Smith, A j -alina?, Reeder A Davis. Geo* H Walter A co, A s smith. J R Pringle A Son, GA renholm A 'Son, ca Ul A ell A Son, J C M allouée. Barden A Par¬ ker, E Welling. W C Bee A co. U C Hudgtna, F L Meyer, Raveuel A co. Howard A Bro, stoney A Lo wndes, J C H Claussen, Witts Bro*. Wagoner A Weekly, Dowling A co, H Bolwinkle, Front. Adger A co, T L Webb. Gaillard A Mlnotr, E Wills, L D De -amaure, C Emery, Wageuer A, Monsees, Rail¬ road Agent and Order. rum CILEX DAR. KOOK'S PBASKS. Last Qaarter. 5th. 1 hour, 25 minutes, morriu g New Hoon 11th, io hours 42 minutes, even tc g. First Quarter. IS tn. 3 hours. 21 run; ur e.,. eve ni: g. Full Moon, 26th, 4 hours, 15 minutes, evening. Diemaka. Monday. Tuesday..... Wednesday., Thursday Friday.-..», saturday.... Sunday. SITH RISES. «..54 8. 64 6..55 8. 56 6. 68 6.. 57 8 58 8CN 8BT8. 4. 52 4. 68 4. .63 4. id 4 .ft 4. 54. 4 64 MOOS" a. a s sets 5. 30 6..Í6 7..45 8.. 56 10.. 4 H.. 8 HIGH WATKB. Tl. 6 8.. 3 8.. 56 9..51 10..45 ll..37 morn MAMINE NEWS. - \M i. V-:---L- CHARLESTON, 8.C..DECEMBER 12. Lat 32 deg 46 min83 sec. | Lon 7»deg57 mm27 s< c ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Gulf'Stream, McCrery, Philadelphia, left - mst- Mdse. To W A Courtenay; Railroad Agents. C P Poppenhelm, Hart A co, E Perrv, P J Coogan, C L Eornahreas, S R Marshall A co, "w p Paddon, JeUords A co, J M Greer A son, Walker, Evans A Cogswell, L Chapín, A Johnson, Byrne A Fogariles Manioue A co,' C Clacos. M O'Brien, J F Taylor A cb, B Boyd. Bollmaun Bros, P Walsh, S< A 0 Railroad co, m E Railroad co. w H Chafee A oo. Macqueen A Blecke, C W Wi.liams A co. Jas R Pringle A Son, B Feld rt ann A co, havened A co, Kinsman Bros, Capt G W Brudley. J N Schede, L Elias, H W Knete, M Greenland, Dr H Baer, H A Doc J A Blake, J G Ul nor A co, Chase A Cuttino. T M Bristoll A co, FogHrtle's Book Depot, Holmes1 Book Depot, J A Wltner, Crane, Bt.jlsion A co. F L O'Neill, J C Og- lxaaan. C D hranke, Knobel. ch A Small, Pani. W elch A Brandes. S T Souder, J B Duval A Son, A W Eckel A co, Johnston, Crews A co, H Bischoff A co, 0 F Wietera, WH Welch, J U Graver A co, Steffens. Werner A Ducker, Gat« co J E Adger A Cu, D F Gleason, J G Slater, Wagener A Mon-eea, J A Quactenbusb, L Drucker, Order W Butcher A son, G J Lunn, Cameron, Barkley A co, a TiefeuthaL L Neumeyer. L F Robertson, s H Wilson A Bro. U Blatte A co, Adams, Damon A CO, T K Ghupeln, Jno W Linley, EE Bedford, T ll Cater, Thomas A Linnean, C F Panknln, Geo W A mat, and others. Merchants' Line sehr Myrover. vrown, New York, - days. Mdse. To W Roach A co* Adams, Damon A co, J E Adger A co, T W Bliss. H Cobla A c\ Bollmann Bree, H Bischoff A co. J C Brandt, G W Bradley, W C Bee A co, D Buiwinkle, Wm U Chafo A co, A F Chevreau, C Berbusse, C Ciaclus, E R Cowpertiiwait. L Dunueman, U A One. Jas M Eat< n A Bro, Howie. Moise A Dari , H Gerdts A co, D F Fleming A CO. Goodrich. Wlneman A co, J H Grav-r A co, J Gorham, R Gannon, J S Dyer. J Hurkamp A co, J U Hillen, Burt A co, Kanapacx A Gonzalez, C Kerrison, Jr, A co, H Klatte A co, J P Kiep, Klii:ck, Wickenbet g A co. P- Kressel. Jr. c L Korna'irens, C l.lllt-nihal A co, P B Lalane A co. J W Linley, Mantone A co. A McLelsh, U Crlnch, C L Mcciennahan, S R Marshall A co. B O'Neill, B K Neufvll e, J F O'Neill. D Paul A co, J A Quack enbunti, S C Railroad co, W Shepherd A co. Jno II Voller», Stttlen«, Werner A Ducker, K Th .mun¬ son A co, J H Wuhrmann, E K White, Wagener A Monsees, W G W.uuden, O W Williams A CJ, W L Webb, Otto F v leters, J N Robson. ¿ium A Miller, order and r-th»:<». Sehr Loretto Fish, willey, Ph ladelpbla-8 cays, Coal. To H -' Baker A co. Sehr Emma BUKT, Rumley. Georgetown, s C. 23<;o bushels rough rice. To J R Priagl. A Sou. Scar Southerner,-. Georgetown, S O. loco bnshel i roagb rice. To J R Pringle A Son. Scbr Anns Deas, Garbear,l. Weet Point MUL 46 tiercee rice, ioffu Bee & co, and Frost, Adger A co. Coast survey sloop steadfast, from Baltimore for st Augustine. Boat from John's Island. 8 bags Bea island cot¬ ton. To R Roper. Received from Chlsolm's Min. 83 tes rice. To w u i ee A co. CLEARED YESTEKUAY. Spanish brig Manuel, Pares, Barcelona-Jos A Enslo w A- co. SAILED YESTERDAY. Ship Nautilus, Spencer, Liverpool. British bark Lucy. Griffiths, Liverpool. Brig J L Bowen, Taylor, Liverpool. Sehr L S Davis, Bishop, Wilmington, M C. F HOM THIS PORT. Steamship Georgia, Holmes, at New York, 11th D QC t* tn bcSehr J H Stickney, Fooks, at Baltimore, Decem¬ ber 9. sehr E B Everman, Corson, at Philadelphia, 8th December. CP FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Henrietta, Burnett, at Cardin*, Wales, 2lst November. Sehr Bowdoln, Randall, at Baltimore, Decem¬ ber 9. Sehr Louise Crockett, Flanders, at Baltimore, December 9. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull at New Tork, DGC 6m t) £ r 9 Ship Albert Edward, McKinney, at Savannah, 9th December. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. Nsw YORK, December IL-Arrived, steamships City of Paris, Columbia and Atlantic Arrived oat, the Daclan and Virginia. LIST OF VESSELS DP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOB THIS FORT. FOREIGN. Ltriaroou Br ship Mascongus, Groves, sailed.Nov ss Br bark Colonist, BasBrud, cleared.Nov 24 Br ship Magdala, Black, up.Oct 24 Br bark BelMste, Williams, sailed.Oct 16 'he soeskummeren, Westergaard, sl'd.oct IT The Windermere, Yeoman. saUed.Oct IT The Hamlrja, Birkland, sailed.Oct 26 NEWPORT, ENG. Tüe Preso, Jenkins, salieJ.Sept 29 BRISTOL, ESO. Br bark Architect, Doddridge, sailed.Oct IT FLIKTWOOD, XXQ. Ship John Sidney, Bartlett, sailed.Oct 18 SARD1PP. The Little Fred, Dear, sailed.Nov IT Br bark Perseverance, Cook, cleared.< etsi Sehr Henrietta, Barnett, up.Nov 21 ANTWRBP. Br bark Celeste, Fullerton, up.Oct 21 CIENFCEQ08. Spanbtlg Joven Carmelita, Anye, sailed...Nov26 HAYAOURZ, P. R. Sehr Old Chad, -, up.Nov ie DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Brig Minnie Abbie, Harding, up.Nov 24 Brig Ida L Ray,-, up.Nov 28 Sehr s V W Williams, Slumona, up.Nov 29 Sehr J H Han<»ok, Croweu, ap.Nov 80 Sehr Lizzie Maul, Babier, ap.Dec 4 raw TORR. Brig Georgia, Swan, up. .Nov 18 sehr Guy R Phelps, Shailer, cleared.Deo 6 Sehr 0 A Bentley, Palenberg, up.Dec 4 Sehr Florence Rogers, Shepherd, up..Dec 4 FLU LADELFHIA. sehr Robert 8 Graham. Smith, up.Nov 27 Sehr Opeo Sea, Coombs, cleared.Dec 2 BALTIMORE. Sehr Matoaka. Fooks, cleared.Dec 6 Sehr Bowdoln, Randall, up.Dec 9 Sehr Louise Crockett, Flanders, up.Dec 9 SAVANNAH. Ship Albeit Edward, McKinney, cleared.. .Dec 9 Shep, ©ooùs, e?f. FOR BLACK SILK« GO TO J. R. READ'S. FOR PLAIN COLORED 8ILK8, IN POULT DE SOIE AND JAPANESE, _ J. R. READ'S._ FOR BLACK ALPACAS, AND BLACK CASSIMERES. J. R. READ'S. FOR BLACK MOHAIR C0RD8, BLACK SATINS AND BLACK MERINOS. J. R. READ'S. FOR BLACK SILK VELVETS AND BLACK AND COLORED VELVETEENS. J. R. READ'S. FOR RICH DRESS GOODS AND MEDIUM PRICED DRESS GOODS. J. R. READ'S._ FOR .GLO VES,' (HARRIS'S "SEAMLESS" KID GLOVES,)' ALSO, FRENCH KID GLOVES IN VARIETY, One and two Battons, $l, $l 25 and8l 60. J. R. READ'S._ FOR " HOSIERY. J. R. READ'S. FOR RIBBONS, FANCV NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, LACES AND EM¬ BROIDERIES. _J. R. READ'S._ FOR GENTLEMEN'S. SCARFS, NECKTIES, LINEN SHIRT FRONTS. HAND¬ KERCHIEFS AND GLOVES. _J. R. READ'S. FOR LICE Al LINEN COLLIE, SETS AND SLEEVES, INFANTS' CLOAKS AND ROBES. _J. R. READ'S._ FOR TABLE DAMASKS, NAPKINS, TOWELS AND WHITE LINENS. LINEN AND COTTON BHEETING8. _J. R. READ'S._ FOR FLANNELS, LONGCLOTH, CORSETS AND UNDERVESTS. _J. R. READ'S._ FOR CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, LADIES' SUITS, CHILDRENS' CLOAKS, LADIES" JACKETS, SACQUES, Ac. J. R. READ'S, 0Ct27-tu:;iS6m0S No. 263 KING ST. _pipping. Jp O E BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED TO PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, THE CITIES OP THE NORTHWEST, LIVERPOOL AND BREMEN. The floe Steamship FALCON, Havnie, Com¬ mander, will sall for Baltimore, ou SATURDAY, loth December, at IO o'clock A. M. MW Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that etty by railroad from Baltimore without addi¬ tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am¬ ple time to sample and sell their Gooda from the Railroad Depot in Philadelphia. For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, decl2-S_ No. 3 Union Wharves. Jp OB NElTJf OBI. »BW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIP LIVE. ESTABLISHED 1845. The splendid Side-Wheel Steamship CHARLES¬ TON, JANIS Bntar, Commander, will (all from Adger's sooth Wharf on iCTSDAY, the 13th In¬ stant, at 8 o'clock P. M. MW insurance by this line half per cent. MW Through Bills of Lading given on Conon r Liverpool, Boston, Providence and tho New Eng .and maenfacrnring towns. For Freight or Passage, apply to decll-2 JAMES ADOBE A 00.. Agents. THE PHILADELPHIA IRON STEAM LINE. THE FIRST CLASS IRON SCREW STEAMSHIPS GULF STREAM, Captain McCrery, VIRGINIA, Captain Hanter, Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first- class sea connection between Philadelphia and Charleston, and In alliance with Railroad Com¬ panies at both termini, afford rapid transportation to and from all points in the Cotton States, and to and from Cincinnati, st. Loma, Chicago and the principal cities of the Northwest, boston, Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen¬ tres. MW The GULF STREAM ls appointed to sall from Brown's wharf ou THURSDAY, December 14th, at 6 o'olock P. M. MW The VIRGINIA win follow next week. For particulars of Freight arrangements, apply to WM. A. COURTENAY. Union Wharves. W. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, Ne. 12 Sooth Dela- ware Avenue. Philadelphia. dccll-mtntha JpOR LIVERPOOL, VIA QjDEENSTOWN. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN 4ÍVSS> STEAM COMPANY Will dispatch ooo of their first -class, full powei Iron Screw Steamships from PIER No. 4S N. R., EVERY WEDNESDAY, AB FOLLOWS: WISCONSIN, Capt! WILLIAMS, Dec 18, at 180AM' NEVADA Capt. FORSYTH.Deo. 30, at 1 P M W YOMING.Capt. WHINNBKAY.Dec. 27, at 2.30 P M MINNESOTA, Capt. a organ.Jan. 8, at- IDAHO, capt. PRIOR.Jan. 10, at -- Cabin Passage $80, gold. Steerage Passage (Office No. 30 Broadway) $80, oarrencj. For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. S3 Wah street, N. T. N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool issued by the Charleston and New York Steamers, which make close connection with the above Une. For particulars and rato.of Freight apply to JAMES ADGER 4 00., WAGNER, HUGER A 00., mays Or WM. A. COURTENAY. pACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP OOMPF8 TSROOeH UKI TO CALIFORNIA, CR IN A AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above une leave Pier ^MBa tte. 42. North Rivtr, foot or CanalSaJBB a troc:. Krw York, at IS o'clock boon, ot the 16tr ned aoth of every month (except when these latea fallon Sunday, then tho Saturday precoü Jiff. i All departures connect at Panama with steam- .rs for nootb Pactilo and Centrai American pons. Departure of 16th touches at Kingston. Jamaica. For Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran deco first or every month, except when lt falls OD Sunday ; then on the day preceding. No california steamers touch at Havana, but go dlreçt from New York to AspinwalL one hundred poundsoaggage free to each adult, Medicine and attendance free. For Paasage Tickets or other Information app.y *t tho COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the wharf foot of Oana] street, North River, Kew fork. F. B, BABY, Agent. Jaly26-lyr pACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE OF LIME, FOB COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED. PRICE-$26 CASH, WITH USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIME. This article ls prepared under the superintend¬ ence of Dr. ST. JULIAN RAVEN EL, expressly for Composting with Cotton Seed. It wad Introduced by this Company two years ago, and Its use has fully attested Its value. 200 to 26S pounds of this article per acre, properly composted with the same weight of cotton seed, furnishes the planter wltn a Fertilizer of the high¬ est excellence at the smallest eosr. A Compost prepared with thia article, as by prlnte4 direc¬ tions tarnished, contains ail the elements of fer- tliiry that can enter into a First 0 ans Fertilizer, while its economy must commend its llnoral ate to planters. For supplies and printed directions, for Composting, apply to J. N. HOBSON, Agent Patine Goano Company, Nos. 03 East Bay end 1 and 2 uiantlo Wharf. Charleston, S. C. ¿NO. S. REESE A CO., General Agents. b 'jv27-3mosn*q_ O L U B LE PACIFIC GUANO. PRICE, $46 CASH, WITH USUAL ADVANCE FOR TIME. Experience lu the ase or this GUANO for the past six years m this State, for Calton and Corn, han so far established tts character for excellence as to render comment unnecessary. in accordance with the established policy of the Company to famish the best Concentrated Ferti¬ lizer at the lowest cost to consumers, this Guano ls pot into market this season at the above re¬ uced price, which the Comp my ls enabled to do by reason o Its large facilities atu the reduced cost of manufacture. The supplies pnt Into market this ¿eason are, as heretorore, prepared under the personal superin¬ tendence of Dr. St. Julian Ra vene i, (merni st of the Company, at Charleston. S. 0., Ivjnce planters may rest assured ti at Its quality and c mposlilon ls precisely the same as that heretofore sold. At the present low prioe. every acre planted can be fertilised with 200 pounds Guano at a cost not exceeding the prese t value of 80 pounds of cotton, while experience has shown that under favorable condition of season and cultivation, the crop ls increased by the ap Ucatlon from two to three fold the natural capacity of the soil, hence under no condition could ita application fall to compensate for the outlay. Apply to J. N. ROBSON, Agent Pacific Guan» Company, Koa. 68 East Bay and 1 and 2 Atlantic Wnarr. Charleston, s. c. JOHN s. REESE A CO., General Agents. nov/r-omosD*c _ Sinpftfiç. _ Jp OR GARDNER'S BLUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS OK THE PEEDEE RIVER VIA GEORGETOWN. The steamer PLA NT F R, Captain H. 8. Cordes, ls now receiving Freight.__ at Accommodation Wharf, and will leave on WEDNESDAY? HOSKING, the 13th inst., ats o'clock. Freight and Wharfage mast he prepaid. For Freight or Passage, having good state-room accommodations, apply to the Captain on board, orto RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., decll-a No. 177 East Bay. F OE FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH, TWICE A WEEK, The splendid Steamers DICTATOR, _ «^pa*^ Captain L. M. Coxetter, and OITi aaawaasaBC POINT, Captain Ooo. E. McMLlan, win aaU as loi- lows: The Die ator will leave Charleston every Tens- DAT EVEN INO, at S o'clock, and City Point every FRIDAY EVENING, at 8 O clock, for Fernandina, Jacksonville, P&latka, and all Landings on St. John's River. These Steamers connect with rail¬ road at Tocol for St. Augustine, and at Pataika with steamers for Enterprise. Close connection ls also made with steamships at Cedar Keys for New Orleans and Havana and shipman can rely on no detention of freights to New Orleans, and at low rates. For Freight or Passage, having first-class ac¬ commodations, apply to RAVENEL A CO., Agents, Corner Vanderhorst's wharf and Fast Bay. Through Bills of Lading given to New Orleans. nove _ ^TEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH, GA, AND SEMI-WEEKLY TO BEAUFORT, S. 0. The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain w. T. MCNKLVY, Will leave Accommodation Wharf « JU***** every MOND tv MORN VG, at 8 o'clock, JBtSmmmm for savannah. Beaufort, Hilton Head and span- lsh Wells. Returning will kuve Savannah eve.; TUESDAY MORNING. Will leave for Beaufort, Pacido and Ohtsolra's Landings every THURSDAY MORNING at 8 o'clock. Returning will leave Beaufort every FRIDAY MORNING. Freight received WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS. Must be prepaid to Way Landings. Goods consigned to care of Agents will be for¬ warded free of storage or commission. For Freight or Passage, apply to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., novl No. 177 East Bay. ?p OR FORT SUMTER, BATTERY WIDENER, FORT MOULTRIE, AND ALL OTHER INTERESTING POINTS AROUND THE HARBOR. The fast, safe and comfortably appointed .üu Yacht ELEANOR will leave Southern wharf U SYSKY DAY, at 10 o'clock morning, and 8 o'clock afternoon. For arrangements, apply to CAPTAIN THOMAS YOUNG, nov 16 On Board. tailoring. N EW FASHIONS MENKE & MULLER, MERCHANT TAILORS* NO. 325 Kl NC STREET, Invite attention to their large and splendid STOCK OF CLOTH, O LOTHIN GJ-, FURNISHING GOODS, &C. READY MADE SUITS for sn ages, from the smallest boy to the largest man. Dress and Business suit* or all descriptions. Elegant overcoats, Pea Jackets, Derby and Plain Sack Stilts, Fine English Walking coats and Saitu or all colors, single and Double Breasted Black Frock feats. Black Doeskin aud Fancy eas si mere Dress P.< ut«, Velvet a HlkS, Cloth, Castor -Beaver sad Oassimere Vests, manufacturei under our own observation. We are therefore sure of a good flt and durable work. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is auaplied with the finest selection or BROAD¬ CLOTHS, Doeskins, Castor Beavers, Chinchilla Diagonals, Meltons, and all styles or C assumer ea for BuBinea Snits. Velvets, SIIKB, Plush and Cash¬ mere Vestings. And a variety of handsome Pan¬ taloon patterns, which we make up to order by measure at the shortest notice, and guarantee first class and proper workmanship. FURNISHING G00D8. This Department ls supplied with the celebrated STAB SBIRT8, Imported and Domestic Merino Shaker Flannel, Ad-Wool Underwear Goods, Half Hose, suspenders. Handkerchiefs, Linen and Pape''Coffs and Collars, Imperial, Alexander and Conrvolslcr's Kid Gloves and a fa 1 assortment of Buckskin, Dogskin. Beaver and Gass. Gloves. And a very large assortment of Silk, Alpaca and Scotch Ginu ham water-Proof [HO] Umbrellas. Our Stock has been selected with the greatest care, and price ra irked very low in plain figures. Our motto ls quick sales and small profits, fair dealings. Gooda may be returned if not satisfac¬ tory. Buyers In our llue wul find lt to their ad¬ vantage to give os a calL octl9-3mos JXtm pubücallena. JMPORTATION OF FOREIGN BOOKS. By special arrangements we are prepared to ex¬ ecute o.ders for ENGLISH AND FOREIGN BOOKS. Purtles en'rusting their orders to me may depend upon the utmost dispatch and atten¬ tion to their delivery. FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. J9-WE ARE NOW OPENISG A GREAT VA- VA KIETT" OP FANCY ARTICLES, oESKS, WORK BOXE:-, WRITING CASES. PORTFOLIOS, AC, AO. SCHOOL BOOKS, AND ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL STATIONERY. NEW CATALOGUE-NO. 19. JOWETTS "DIALOGUES OF PLATO," (a Monu¬ ment of Modern Scholarship ) Translated Into EngllBh, with Analysis and Introductions, by B. Jowett., M. A. M .star «f Balliol College, Oxford, and Regina Professor of Greek, 4 Vols, Crown, 8 vo., $12. Americanisms; The English of the New World, by M. Scheie DeVere, L.L. D., $3. The invasion of France In 1814, by Erokmann Chatraln, paper 60c; cloth 00c. The Early Years of Christianity, by E. DePrén¬ sense, o. D.. Illustrated, by Annie Harwood, The Martys and Apologists," $1 76. A Critical Greek and English Concordance of the New Testament, prepared by Charles F. Hod¬ son, under the direction of -Horace L. Hastings, revised and completed by Ezra Abbot. L.L. I>, Assistant Librarian of Harvard University, 2d edition, revised, $2 6ÍU. i Mountain Adventurer In Various Parts of the World: sketches selected from the narratives of celebrated travellers, with Introduction by Head¬ ley, 41 Illustrations, (Library or Wonders,) *160. Ron tl edge's Every Boys' Annual for 187s, with numerous Illustrations. 13. '».JUVENILE BOOKS FOR THE HOLID.' 9.- We nave given especia; a-te nt lon to this depart¬ ment. Y< e have all the New Books of the season, together with à large stock of the old favorites. The prices are much reduced from former prices. Our Village, by Mary Russell Mitford, New Edi¬ tion, 2 Vols, $3 SO Travels In the Air. by James Glaisher, F. R. S, Camille Flammarion, w. De Foavlile, and Gaston TTsean iier. Edited by James Glaisher, with one honored and twenty-five lllus;ratk>ns. A Second Edition, glvtag an account of the use of the Balloon daring the Siege or Paris, 810. tar Persons residing In the country wul please sear In mind that by sending their orders to ni ror any books published In America, they will be charged only the price of the book. We pay tor rho postage or express, gar* Address FOGARTIB'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, Jo. seo King street, (in the Band.) Charleston, S. O oetsirtotas WAVERLY ~HOT7S3B, No. 256 KINO STREET, (IN THE BEND,) CHARLESTON, S. C. Mrs. A. J. KENNEDY begs te announce that "The Waverly" has not been closed during the preval¬ ence or therever.bat has been renovated and paint¬ ed throughout. The location or "The Waverly» la the best or any hotel in charleston, being in the lm eiiate vicinity or the leading retail stores and public p-omenade, making lt a pleasant place tor strangers to atop while in Charleston. The rooms are large, well furnished and exceedingly well ventilated, and the table all that the most fastidious could desire, commercial travellers will find this bouse a home. The proprietress would moat respectfully so.iclt a share of that patronage which bas heretofore been so liberally bestowed. Mas. A J. KENNEDY, nov 15-winn mo Proprietress. _grg <S>oob~f »c. iRWif^Billli:, No. 944 King street, Exhibit this week tbe COEAFEST OOODS FOB TBE SEA-ON, lnall departments._ FÜRfBtMT,BElBllT&(!0, No. 944 King street. DRESS OOODS DEPARTMENT. Examine oar SILE VELOURS and JAPANESE P PLI NS. at 90 cen ta Japanese Robes, fall Dresses, only $8 fio sus Velvet, 30 in. wide, only $0, worth. $10 Velveteens reduced from $l 60 to $126 one ease Black alpaca, 4-4, only 2& cents One oase Colored Alpaca, 2o cents Alt other Dress Geoda, Cloaks and Shawls, greatly reduced._ FIJBmCrOTT, BBNBlHfiT ttfil, No. 944 King street., THE CHEAPEST AND NICEST. HOLIDAY PRESENTS OAK BE BOUGHT AT *. FLTRCHGOTT, BENEDICT j CO.'S. FÜBM,B1EDUT&C0., No. 944 King street. FÜR DEPARTMENT. We received 200 more of those nice SETS (CAPE AND MUFF) OF FURS for $3 only Children's SetB Cape and Mud, $2 only Minks, Irmine and Sable Fara. Also Jackets, very i. heap._ FURWTT, BENEDÏCT & CO., No. 944 King street. For Sash Ribbons and Cloth Department, SEE BUSINESS NOTICE. FURCHIJOTTJ BENEDICTtSt CO.. No. 944 King street BSCEIVBO. OPEXHD AND READY ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 11TH, AT LOW raices, A FULL LDÍB.O? DOMESTICS Handkerchiefs Collars Household Goods Hos lery, Sdi rta Blanker*,Gloves. _Flannels, Ribbone, Bows. FCBCÖGOTT, BENEDICT & CO., No. 944 King street. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! CARPETS 1 BRUSSELS RHOS Body Brussels Mats Ingrains Matting Three Ply s Druggets. AU at reduced prices._ -, IWfiWfT BENEDICTA CO., No. 944 King street. A large lot Of UNTRIMMED HATS, to be closed out cheap. Milliners wilt do well to calL novio PRESENTS ; POS THE HOLIDAYS M LADIES* BAZAtR. THOMAS & LANNEAU, No. 989 King, street, Opposite the Vow Masonic Temple. AK ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF JE WELBY, PLATED WABE, AND FANCY GOODS,! Kow opening, Including WATCHES, CLOCK«, BRONZE«, PARIANS, CUTLERY, ,T. FINK CHINA, and j J OUT GLASS SETS, Ali of the Latest and most Beautiful styles. ALSO, A LABOE ASSORTMENT OF FRENCH CHINA AND GRANITE DIN¬ NER, TEA AND CHAMBER 8ETS, Decorated and Plaut. .novlS CHRiSTMÁSÍ CHOICE ARTICLES i jr STERLING SILVER, PUT UP IS CASES, SPEC SUITABLE FOR I A L LT HOLIDAY PRESENTS! FINE WATCHES A SPECIALTY, At JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. decO-etuthcmos Jg ALL, BLACK k CO., NOS. 666 and 667 BROADWAY, N. T., oner for the HOLIDAYS the most complete and best selected assortment of the follow.ng Goods to be found m Ute elly: DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRV Watches for Ladles and GenHernia Sterling Sliver Table Ware Bronzes, Antique and Modern Marble and Bronze Clocks Marole Statuary. FANCY GOODS GENERALLY julvis-ivr_ TJENZINE, DOUBLE DISTILL! D. FOR CLEANING CLOTHET* For sale wholesale and retail by Dr. H.BAER, No. 131 Meeung stree: Jmrnigrotion kssoriation. jy 0 N'T LE TT HB * GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY SLIP! POSITO ii DRIWINGr, JAN. 8, 1872. THE SOUTH CAROUH A. LAND AID IMMIGRATION GIFT CO.VCKHTS _ WW take placo ^ WITHOUT FAIL On the day appointed. SECURE TOUR TICKETS AT ONCE ! «-All Orden Strictly 'ConfldentiaL-6* 2405 Gifts, amountingto.§ÖOO,OOQ ./- r ï .. ?<>".? < Tbs chancea ar» u c usually good-one ticket In every s ix ty tw o ts sure to draw a prise.. Orders for Ticket* reoelved up to the fith of Jan¬ uary, after which time'no more Tickets win be sold. . SINGLE TICKJETS $0 EACH. NO POSTPONEMENT ! .- *>" ComS-IOITKBa ASS SOTBBtlSOBS OF DBAWIKA : General A. R. WRIGHT, or Georgia. General BRADLEY T.JêRNSON. of Virginia. Colonel B. H. RUTLEDGE, ol South Carolina. Hon. ROGER A. PRYOR, ot New York. Great inducement end redaction In price of Tickets to Clubs. 'Remittances can be made to us, and the ticket« wm be sent by return mail by ^ BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., Charleston, S. C., or oar Agent«. ?.. >? General M. C. Ben. SB. JOHN CHAD wier. v General M. w. GABT. Tlekeis can be procured of E. SE BRING A CO., and I. L. MOsES, General Agent«, No. 84 Broad street. « ^aiTJ.gTÍ>c gljgtribpl on, rjinririo RLE S TO N CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION FOB THB easBFrr OF THB FREE SCH 00 L FUND, Incorporated by let et Asiembiy, 1870. Approved .. if March sta, 1871. SECOND GRAND SINGLE NUMBER RAFFLE AND J) íSTRIl¿OTK)$ OF ¿WARDS. Free School Fund, wm take place on a&, U BATtrBDJT, DECEMBER ¿3, 1171, At No. 147 Meeting street, Charleston, S.O., at 1 o'clock, PVm.¿ln public.- :' CERTIFICATE SHARES ONE DOLLA*. SCBB: CLE OF AWARDS ,. One Award or aaet or D.a»ondJ^.Blngir -, and Breastpin-the diamonds are laTge and or me purest water ALo a large Solitaire Diamond mag ann a pair of very heavy Gold Bracelets, With Tassels (desígnatelas No. lin the awards,) val- ... oed ac.....$2,500 One Award of one. set of Diamond Ear-Rlngs and Breastpin; large and pure bril lan ts, richly set ( i esl mated as No. 2 tn the awarua,) valued at.1,250 One Award or outset of Dla mond Far-Rings and BTea tpln. large 'BrtlMattte, (desi* nated aa No a In tue awards,) valued ac 1,000 One Award pf one »et or Diamond Ear RI ogs Sou Breas:pm, (deslgnat-d as No. 4 tn .') *? tue awards.) valued at.......... LOM One award .or onejarge Diamond cross Breastpin, large diamonds, (designated jv as No. 4 in the »ward--«,) valued st. %W One Award or one rich Cluster Diamond Ring, (designated aa No. 0 In the awards) velmdat.,..i... 400 One .Award of one Custer Diamond sing, act oval, '(designated aa No. 7 in the awards,) valued et,.. 800 One Award of a Gentleman's Diamond Clos* ter Breastpin, large diam on t m centre, (designated as No. 8 In the awards.) va ¬ ned at.ii 700 One Award or a stacie stone Diamond Ring, (designated as No. 8 In the awards,) vat- ned at. '........7Z,.... 100 One Award of a Lady's «esl Watch, with splendid Gold Bpera Chain ano Tassels, (designated as No. 10 in the awards,) valued-at...................* 400 One Awarii of a Lady's Gold ¡Fetch andr,, heavy Gold Opera Chain,, (dès mated as No. ll in the a wards, ) Veined et..; KO One Award, ot a Lady's Gold Watch and large Go d Ohaln,¿sith Tassel*, (desi?, neted aa No. U in. the awards.) valued at........."...-.:r.... 200 One Award or a Lady's Gold Watch and large Opera Chain faesellea. (designated as No. 18 la the awards,) valued it.'...,. .00 One Award of a Gentleman's Gold Watdfl, rem winder« timing arm a^d quarter, seconds, made by Jerggensdn, one of the best timing watones m the United States, with massive Gold Chain, (dasig. .dated ss No. 14 in the awards,) valued 'Bt....... 700 one Award of k Gemieaiene.tfcad. J*atoivu-, stem winder, with large Gold Chain, (de¬ signated as No. 18' In the' awards.) val' ned at...7:..:....-ft;.'.. 300 One Award or a Gentleman'* Go d Watch, stem winder, and massive. Gold Chain, (designated as No.* 10 tn the awards,) . vaheo at.Kt.t..' 800 One Award of a Gentleman's large Gold naming Watch, made by Tobias, with massive Gold chain, (designated aa Ne. 17 in the awares,) valued at. SCO One Award or a Gentleman's Cold Watch,' stem winder, wttn. heavy Geld Chain, designated .as No. 18 la -jue awards,) valued at..v............. 300 One award or one vet br Sen d ver' sp oona y and Forks, (designated as No. 18 lu the awards,) valued at.e.... SOO One Award of one triple plated Tea Set on White MëlaT, UWTOtefl Walter, one pair of Frai: Stands,'and one pair Cake Baskets, (designated as No. go In the awa.da,) vajaedat,.¡Vf.V...'.'.. 200 Twemy Award?, each of a $50 United States J Gold Bonn,, new issn e, valued at...)...... 1,0» Sixty Awards, each, cf one-fuur;h of a $100 QM Bond, Cm ti c 'St ate«, n ew issue, - val ned escn at iv... ^1..al.......... LKW AU the above awards caa be examined sVt oe office or the Association. No. 147 Meenngtetreet, charleston, s. C. a ll -ia* diamonds aie u/.the -purest quality, and are large and mounted in the latest siyle, and bavi been expressly imported by Messrs. Larmonr A 00. Jewellers, Rainmore, Maryland, for the .isolation and the vaines named are Jost ai market prices Tne ladles of Char eaton are respectfully reqne-ted io call and esemine thete h«eutuni gooda. 0 , * Remeaibe'., every Award must be distributed on the day or the Mame to the certificate Holders; Tue- above Awards to be dist rt ou ted ia. Gold Bonus. Diamonds, Watchem, Jewelry. Ac, m con¬ formity to law. ' .. v For ail orders, address CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION. 147 Meeting street,Charleston, S.O. DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS. P. P. TOALE, Manufacturer and Dealer, Has removed his Office to and o*»ned hu prin¬ cipal SALESROOMS at SO. to HA-JB STREET and No. S3 PIN CRN KY STREET, where he takes pleasure in offering to the while a rnUstockot his own manufacture orDOORS,SA>HES.Bl(fiiD3 MOULDINGS. NEWELS, BALUSTERS, AC. Y-* WOOD TURNING in all Its branches._ A specialty mad« or FRENCH and AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS, at WHOLESALE and RETAIL. esr Orders tor atocle of irregular sine workre- cetvert eltner ar. tho Salesroom*. So. 20 HAYNS STREET,or at the FACTORY on Horlbeck's whart. augt6-tathssmos

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Clrmmats.nee-The Orange.

It rlpen'd by the river bunks.Where, mast and moonlight aiding,

Don Joans play their pretty pranks,Dark Donnas serenading.

By Moorish damsel lt vas piuck'd,Bec ea 'i the golden day there:-

By awain 'twas then in London sacVd,Who flang the peel away there.

He conld not know In Pimlico,as little she ID Seville,

That I should t upon that peel,And wish them at the devil I


Exporta.BABCBLOKA-Per Spanish brig ifanuel-360 bales

upland cotton._Vite Charleston cotton. Rice and N aval


MONDAY EVENING, December IL 1871. jCOTTON.-Thia staple showed a Armer charac

at tba opening; when the dispatches came to

hand tl as»urned a steadily hardening and active

tendency, with an advance of an v@Vc V m.

Closing with a strong ard bnoyant feeling on the

rut ofsellers. The transactions were about 1000

bales, say 4 at 16X. l at 17X. 16at lix, 1 at 17X, 26at 18, 21 at ISM, 1« at IS*. 139 at 18 V. TS at 18*.288 at 18X, so at is,',', 271 et if, 9 at 19 vc. We


Ordinary to good ordinarr.IT @18XLow middling.18X©- ?

[email protected] @19V

Rica-Thc transactions were fair, with a Arm

market. Sales lit tierces of clean Carolina, say

70 tierces at TXc 60 at TX. 60 at TX. 40 at TXc ftts. We quote common to fair at e*@7 *c, good7X9TXvNAVAL STORES.-The market to-day showed a

little mee activity, and the following sales were

made : le» bbl* low No l at |6, so bbls extra No

2 a. $5, and 147 bb s No 3 to extra No 2 at $4 is®15. No sales of spirits.I'EB ia HTS.-To Liverpool, by steam airee t, non: l-

naloL uplands, nominal on sea islands; via New

York, Xd on uplands, ld on sea islands; by sall,T-lsd'bn rolands, on asa Islands nominal. To

Havr ; lc on uplands. Coastwise-to Kew York bysteam Ko so uplands and lc on sea islands; $2 *

Mr.rce JU rice; by eal! Xo oe cotton;- n tierce

va rice; 40c il barrel on rosin ; $7@s «koa lam*

ber; $9@io 9 M on timber. To Bolton, by sail

Xo V lb on upland cotton. To Providence, byaaU $s f, Mon boards, Xo* lb on cotton;bysteam (l f bale on New York rates. To Phila¬

delphia, by steam xo V lb on uplands; by san, $7

9 M on boards; $9 on timber; 18 per ton en clay.Md f8a$8 60 en phosphates. To Baltimore, by.veam vc ? rb by sail, $6 50@7 * Mon boards;$S£* 26 <p t n on phosphate rook. Vessels are in

demand by oar merchants to takelamber freightsfrom Georgetown, S. C , Derlen ead Satilia River,

Ga, and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports,and «10912 ft M are the rates on lumber andboards.EXCHANGE.-Sterling 00 day billa [email protected] EXCHANGE.-The banks are pur-

chasing sight checks at X off, ead sell et per.Gonn-oxtsiQM.

Marketa by Telegrmpn.MONBT MARKETS.

LONDON. December ll-Keon_Console 91%.Bonds 92V-Evening.-Consols 92. Prince of Waïea'a death

has been discounted.FaANxroBT, December ll-Koon.-Bone's 97X-Palm, December îi-Noon.-Rentes 66f 60cEvening.-Rentes 66f T6c.Kaw You. December ll-Noon. - Freights

dan. Stocks dall and heavy. Gold heavy at 9*a9X. Governments unsei'led. Five-twenties or1887 very strong. Money arm at T. Exr,auge, long9, short »X-Evening,-Money closed stringent at T, curren¬

cy to gold worth 1-16 to a commission. The cat-flow of currency c ntlnnes. Sterling 9. GoldSK i9X- Governments steady; sixty twos iori.States steady. Freights doll.Nsw ORLEANS, December ll.-Sterling

SightX discount. Gold «X-COTTON MABXXT8.

LivKRp. OL,December ll-Koon.-Cotton opened 1strong; uplands 9%d, Orleans lcato-'d; nearlydoafrom New Orleans oxd; shipping at New Or.'seana ind.Later.-Cotton active and armer; uplands »Vd

Orleans lexdt eeles 80,000 ba c Bpecnlatton andexport 7OOO;shipping at Savannah or Charleston9j¿d; nearly due from Charleston or Savannah9Xd.Evening.-Cotton cloded active and Armer: op

land* 9Vd. Orleans 10Vd.Niw YOBX. December ll-Noon.- Cotton Arm;

salea loco balea: spéculation T 0, part In transitSaturday availing; apianda 19X* ; Orleans 2o^cSalee of intores saturday evening 12.550 balee, asfollows: December 19 T-1S, ie v. l9*c: January19*. 19 9- S, I9X; f bruary 19X; March »X*1»X;Aprtl 20al916-16; May 20c.


Bveatog.-Uutsoa Arm; sales 6T63 bales; up-lands 20c, Orleans icy c. Sales cotton intares to¬day I9,e001 ales, as follows: December 19*. io*.19 9-16 19V. 19 18-16; January IP j.. 19 is-le, 20.1» u-ie, ivx; FBbfoaTy i9X. 19 ls-is, 19X. 20;March 2b. 20 US, 20V. 20X- 19 1616; Aprü 20,*)X» 18 8 18. 18* ; Moy 20*, 20X-BOSTON, December IL-Cotton. slong; mid-

dllnds 20tia20WC.net recelpis 66 bales; gross 2223:sale* 609; stock 7600; exports to oreat umala lalbajeaPHILADELPHIA, December IL-Colton veryStrong; middilsgfl 20c.

BALTIMORE, December 11_Cotton active andteodlna op; uplanda I9*ai9*c: net receiPt;J soi;groes S60: exports coastwise 437; tales 695; stock-SSM be ea

NORFOLK, December ll-Cotton Arm and hold¬ers asking higher prices; low mldniings 18.waJ8XC; ari receipts 2591;'exports coastwise 2520;«alea »«0; stock 7048 bales. 1

WiLMtsoTON, December ll.-Cotton firm; mid¬dlings ls* cu: net receipts 273 bales; exportscoauwise 636; sal»fl 115; stook 1744.SAVANS' 4H lecemher ll.-cotton bnoyant. ac¬

tive ene excited; middlings 19* eta; net receipts4053 b.M; exports to Havre 2620, coastwise 2611;eales 2000: sroek «5.245.AUGUSTA, Deco "ber IL-Cotton Arm and in rah*

deman : midi Tings lax CIB; receipts loco bales;Bülös 800. ¡Ms

MavrBis, December lt-Cotton active and ex-cited, middlings 19vc ; receipts 3526 bales.MOBILE, Deco ber ll.-Cort n active and ex¬

cite», nd aeonrate quotations cannot be given;* middlings i9*e: net receipts 3676 bales; exports

to Great Bri'am 720; sales 600; stock 41,802,NTT ORLEANS. December ll -Cotton strong;

mtddlln< a I9*al9*c; net receipts 7630 balea,groas 9077; exports to Great Britain 11,201, Havre18,378; Adie* 8000; stock 118,038. '


LIVEHPOOL, December 11-Evening.-Camber-land cut 658. Bt er *ea for One Western prime.Tallow 48s 9d.NEW YoKjr, Decemb r ll-Noon.-Flour steady.

Wheat Arm- Corn shade Armer, Perk Arm; mess|r8 60. Lard steady; steam OXaOXc. TurpentineArin at 66a66c. Rosin very Arm; strained $4 95*6.Evening.-Flour-Southern unchanged; com¬

mon io.fair extra IS 80*7 35; go <d tn choice 17 40a918. Whiskey lower. When very quiet; winterred Western $1 Wal 60. Coin cl sed dall; 77a79c.Rice 8Va9c Pork Armer at ns «0*13 70. Beer,

Slam, $9*11. Lard A m ; kettle 9* e. Naval storesrm. Ta'low anchanced.BALTIMORE, December ll_Flour unchanged.

wbeat dud. Com firmer; white 'e7a72c; yellow70a73. Rye oocall. Pork $14 25. Bacon veryquiet: shoulders 7*c. Whiskey 99ca$l. ,

WILMINGTON, December ll.-Spirit* turpentineArm at eic Rosta Arm at $415 for strained, f5for low NO 1. $4 60 for No 2, 14 26 rcr low No 2.Crude turpentine steady at $3 60 for hard, $5 26lor yellow d ip, $5 35 for virgin. Tar, no eales.LOUISVILLE, December ll.-Bagging heavy and

week -tienne. Provisions quiet and Arm. Whis¬key 92a93c.CINCINNATI, December H.-Floor and corn nn-

changed Pork tn speculative demand and high¬er at $18 7a> lard, 9Vc asked. Bacon lu lightdemand and Arm. Shouldeis 7,vc; sides 7*a7*.Whisker dedtmo.. at 950.Kiw ORLEANS, December ll.-P.our Arm; super¬

fine 16 76; dobbie $7 26; treble $7 75. Corn scarceand firmer; white 82*a85c Bacon quiet; shoul¬ders, ci>-ar nb 7*c; clear 7*asc Lard, choice lademand: poor dall; tierce 9a9Xc. Sogar coredhams dull at Muse Sugar firmer; inferior 6*a6Xc; fair to folly fair 8a8Xc: prime 9vasx- Mo¬lasses active and advancing: in fer.or 20326c;common 30a32c; ralr a4a38c; prime 89a40c: strict¬ly prime to choice 41a44c. Whiskey, rectified 95ca$102*. Coffee 16VS20C.

Wilmington Market.

WILMINGTON, December 9.-SPIRITS TOBF-EN-TINE.--ale« of 66 casks at OOo per gallon forSouthern casks.Ro-iN -1322 bbis sold at $4 16 for strained,

$4 25 for No 2. 14 60 fdr extra No 2,15 for low Kol, 16 75 for low pale.TURPENTINE.-Sales of 121 bbls at 13 60 ror

hard, $5 26Tor yellow dip and $6 35 ror virgin, per280 lbs.TAB -86 bbls sold at $2 60 per bbl.COTTON.-sales or 168 bales as roUows: 40 at nx.

141 at 18, 8 at 18*. and 9 at 16 Vc per lb.

Charlea a. Barton's Cort >n Report, for

the Week Kadina; December 8.NEW YORK. D comber 9 - HI MAVKBT.-In

oar lest rep-rt tne market closed quiet and steadyet 19c for middlings. Saturday, the marget was

quiet und Arm; sui es 2440; middlings 19c. Mondar, with favorable foreign art vice*, the marketwas filmer and prit ci a i-nade nlgbcr; holders

offend a moderate -mount of stock, and In faceof Ugh receipts at the ports were unwilling fli¬ers tt quotations; buyers, however, were n<t anx¬

ious auu operated sparingly; sales 1703; middlings

119.SÍC. Tuesday, there was & go d demand forspinning «nd export at unchanged prices; sales4265. Wednesday, the demand contloued andprices were advanced *c on all gtade". TheotTei inga were moderate and of a poor selection ;sales 3952; middlings 19*¿. Thursday, the mar¬ket waa linn et unchanged prices; sales 8586.Yesterday, the market was more active and pricesfirmer; the demand from exporters was princi¬pally lor cjtton in tranalt; sales 6772; middlingslOXc

Upland and Mool e New Texas.Florida. O leaos.

Ordinary.16* 16* 17* 17VGood ordinary...18* 18* 18* 18*Low middling....18* 19* 19* io*MKnUlng.19* 19* au* 20*Sates of the week 22,673 bales-Including 6703

to spinners, 1289 to speculators, and 14,852 toto exporters.; Gross receipts at this port for the week 21,0S6bales. Since 1st Septemoer 266.602 bales, against352,162 last year..STATISTICAL POSITION- 1871. 1870.

Stock m bivcrnuu..halos...445,OOO 37. ,750Afloat from India.100,000 83,oooAfloat from America.174,000 276,000Stock m London.150.086 61,466Afloat for London.148,009 17,000Stock m Havre.137.670 70,800Afloat for Havre. bi.ooo 2.047stock in Bremen..... 14.000 7,250Afloat for Bremen. 6.976 6.600Stock in United »Utes ports.410.6:9 434.531Stock in lu laud towns. 66,329 95,788

TOtal.1.703,108 1,414,221Excess m visible supply ascompared with 1870 . 288,887

Stock of cotton held by Man¬chester spinners at the mills. 300,00) 125,000

Price of middling Orleans mLiverpool. 10 M6d 8%d

Price ut middling Orleans mNew York. 20*c 16c

Price of gold. 10IO*

Haran« BEarktt.HAVANA December 2_SroABS-Clayed.-The

demand for lots or the present stock has beenmoe erarte during the whole week, owing to tue

exiguity of available and desirable lots and theadvance of prices exacted by sel er-. The fewsales reported add about 4000 box-s, for which thefollowing prices were paid: 9S'a 9s rs , Nos. 6*and 9; loaios' r ? Noa. 10 and io*; 10*al0* rs.,No. ll, and li* rs.. No. IA The market closesquiet, but Arm, at 10* r-, arrobe No 12, as quo¬ted last wees, for which rea*on I abstain fromreproducing the Asures then given. Many h ldersare asking io* ra, but no sales have been re¬

ported above 10* e. No. 12.There ls a continued active movement In con¬

tracte for partial and foll crops for future deliv¬ery, and prices rule high. For clayed sugars there1- little doing, enly one sale oelug repotted for awhole crop of Derosne's process, Nos. 10 to 14, at

10% rs. for No. 12 as a b sis, wltn sn advance of$12,000. The following ls the business done thisweek In othei- sorts:Centrifugal-1000 linds at 10*r?; 10.000 boxes

Nos. 11-13 and another crop at lo*rs; 60O0.to eooodo. same numner-. and 4000 o do do, at l0*rs;2'joo do do do at 9*ra; a full crop at io*rs, with$:0,000 advance; 6000 boxea Nos 11-12 at 10*ra;SOO hhds No 11-18 on private terms, suppostdtobe at 10*M for No 12; lOOO hhds No 16, largegram, at ll * rs, and several parcels on termswhich have not be* n published.Muscovadoes-2200 hhds Inferior to common re-

Anlnlng at 8rs; 500 hhds good do, 600 do do, 603do do, and 800 do do at 8*ra; 1000 do fair to gooddo at 8*rs; 2000 do do at 8*rs, and 400 dr., con¬centrated, at 5* rs.

Nothing has been done In molasses sugar of thestock available or for fmure delivery.The receipts o1 sugar in the warehouses of the

Sort since January l to date amount to 953/88oxes and 87.002 h.'ds, against 1.292 521 boxes

and 47,536 hhds in 1370. The deliveries sameperiod were 699,534 boxes and 37,011 brid*,against 1.295.967 boxes and 49.772 hhds In 1870.Stock thi- morning, 72,445 boxes and 617 hhds,against 48,745 boxes and 229 hhds in 1870. Stocklo Matanzas, 4565 boxes and 77 hhds, against1804 boxes and 39* hhds In 1670.There were no hhds cleared ibis week, against

831 last week, and 131 same week tn ls70, ah fromHavana.Several more estates have commenced g tnd-

lng, with favorable weather, but no new sugar onthe market as yet.MOLASSXS.-No salea of actual stock nor par-

chases by shippers for future delivery; but con¬

tracts between dealers and planters continue ona large neate at high, though liregaar prices, ac¬

cording to time and place of dellveiy.CoFFEX-Becoming scarce, and cl »sci steady at

$17*al7* per qtl lor first quail y.TOBACCO.-Lnrge sales for New York md Eu¬

rope at very high prices, ranging from ti > te $68er qtl for Vu Ita Abajo, according to quality.

1 >ealer8 are very busy, baling as fast aa they caa.The sal a inls and last week exceed 13,000 bales.FBKIOHTS.-The demand la duU, with very little

doing lor he United States, and nothing for Eu¬rope. QootattO'is close aa follow.»: Catted States75890c per b< x for sugar, and nominal for hhds doand molasses, Falmouth85s nerton.EXCUA.SGK.-Kates have continued to advance

nm-er a lively demand, prudioad by the local dis¬turbances at the commencement of the week a dscarcity of all foreign billa Rates close as fol-!nwi>: London, sixty days, £3*a23* per cent pre¬mium; Parla do 5*a6 per cent premium; Ham¬borg 89 sh per dollar; Spain, etxty days, 1 :*al3per cent premium; United states, sixty days, cur¬

rency. Kal ¿er cent premium do gold 10*all percent premium; short sight, currency, 2*a3percent premium; dj gold I2*al3 p r cent p> erbium.

Receipts per Railroad, December ll.SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD.

1247 bales cotton. 88 bales goods, 130 casks ofclay. 1 car atock. To Railroad Agent, Pelzer,Rodgers A co. Geo W Williams A co, G H WalterA co. W W Smith, A J Salmas, A B MulUjan. J AQuaokenbusb, Frost, Adger .* co. Wis's A co. Sloana Selgnlous. Trenn Im A Sou.W C Bee A co, A SSmith. Witte Bros, Pringle A Son, Mowry A Son,Kinsman A Howell, Murdaugh A Mathews, WPDowling A co, W C Courtney A co, Reeder A Davis. Gr ieser A Harmon, W B Williams A toa, GFollhi, L D DeSaassure, Warrener A Weekly, i B PAlley, caldwell A Son, W B Smith A co, Steffens,Werner A Ducker.


389 bales upland and 20 bags sea Island cotton,536 bbls na al stores, esra lumber, wood, roughrice, tobacco, mdse, Ac. To G W William» A co,W U Courtenay A co, W K Ryan.TP Smith, Aj -alina?, Reeder A Davis. Geo* H Walter A co,A s smith. J R Pringle A Son, GA renholm A'Son, ca Ul A ell A Son, J C M allouée. Barden A Par¬ker, E Welling. W C Bee A co. U C Hudgtna, F LMeyer, Raveuel A co. Howard A Bro, stoney ALowndes, J C H Claussen, Witts Bro*. Wagoner AWeekly, Dowling A co, H Bolwinkle, Front. AdgerA co, T L Webb. Gaillard A Mlnotr, E Wills, L DDe -amaure, C Emery, Wageuer A, Monsees, Rail¬road Agent and Order.


Last Qaarter. 5th. 1 hour, 25 minutes, morriu gNew Hoon 11th, io hours 42 minutes, even tc g.First Quarter. IS tn. 3 hours. 21 run; ur e.,. eve ni: g.Full Moon, 26th, 4 hours, 15 minutes, evening.




«..548. 646..558. 566. 686.. 578 58


4. 524. 684. .634. id4 .ft4. 54.4 64

MOOS"a. a s

sets5. 306..Í67..458.. 56

10.. 4H.. 8


Tl. 68.. 38.. 569..5110..45ll..37morn


Lat 32 deg 46 min83 sec. | Lon 7»deg57 mm27 s< c

ARRIVED YESTERDAY.Steamship Gulf'Stream, McCrery, Philadelphia,

left - mst- Mdse. To W A Courtenay; RailroadAgents. C P Poppenhelm, Hart A co, E Perrv, P JCoogan, C L Eornahreas, S R Marshall A co, "w pPaddon, JeUords A co, J M Greer A son, Walker,Evans A Cogswell, L Chapín, A Johnson, Byrne AFogariles Manioue A co,' C Clacos. M O'Brien, J FTaylor A cb, B Boyd. Bollmaun Bros, P Walsh, S<A 0 Railroad co, m E Railroad co. w H Chafee Aoo. Macqueen A Blecke, C W Wi.liams A co. Jas RPringle A Son, B Feld rt ann A co, havened A co,Kinsman Bros, Capt G W Brudley. J N Schede, LElias, H W Knete, M Greenland, Dr H Baer, H ADoc J A Blake, J G Ul nor A co, Chase A Cuttino.T M Bristoll A co, FogHrtle's Book Depot, Holmes1Book Depot, J A Wltner, Crane, Bt.jlsion A co. FL O'Neill, J C Og- lxaaan. C D hranke, Knobel. chA Small, Pani. W elch A Brandes. S T Souder, J BDuval A Son, A W Eckel A co, Johnston, Crews Aco, H Bischoff A co, 0 F Wietera, WH Welch, J UGraver A co, Steffens. Werner A Ducker, Gat« coJ E Adger A Cu, D F Gleason, J G Slater, WagenerA Mon-eea, J A Quactenbusb, L Drucker, OrderW Butcher A son, G J Lunn, Cameron, Barkley Aco, a TiefeuthaL L Neumeyer. L F Robertson, s HWilson A Bro. U Blatte A co, Adams, Damon ACO, T K Ghupeln, Jno W Linley, E E Bedford, T llCater, Thomas A Linnean, C F Panknln, Geo WA mat, and others.Merchants' Line sehr Myrover. vrown, New

York, - days. Mdse. To W Roach A co* Adams,Damon A co, J E Adger A co, T W Bliss. H CoblaA c\ Bollmann Bree, H Bischoff A co. J C Brandt,G W Bradley, W C Bee A co, D Buiwinkle, Wm UChafo A co, A F Chevreau, C Berbusse, C Ciaclus,E R Cowpertiiwait. L Dunueman, U A One. Jas MEat< n A Bro, Howie. Moise A Dari , H Gerdts Aco, D F Fleming A CO. Goodrich. Wlneman A co, JH Grav-r A co, J Gorham, R Gannon, J S Dyer. JHurkamp A co, J U Hillen, Burt A co, KanapacxA Gonzalez, C Kerrison, Jr, A co, H Klatte A co, JP Kiep, Klii:ck, Wickenbetg A co. P- Kressel. Jr. cL Korna'irens, C l.lllt-nihal A co, P B Lalane A co.J W Linley, Mantone A co. A McLelsh, U Crlnch,C L Mcciennahan, S R Marshall A co. B O'Neill, BK Neufvll e, J F O'Neill. D Paul A co, J A Quackenbunti, S C Railroad co, W Shepherd A co. Jno IIVoller», Stttlen«, Werner A Ducker, K Th .mun¬son A co, J H Wuhrmann, E K White, Wagener AMonsees, W G W.uuden, O W Williams A CJ, W LWebb, Otto F v leters, J N Robson. ¿ium A Miller,order and r-th»:<».Sehr Loretto Fish, willey, Ph ladelpbla-8 cays,

Coal. To H -' Baker A co.Sehr Emma BUKT, Rumley. Georgetown, s C.

23<;o bushels rough rice. To J R Priagl. A Sou.

Scar Southerner,-. Georgetown, S O. locobnshel i roagb rice. To J R Pringle A Son.Scbr Anns Deas, Garbear,l. Weet Point MUL 46

tiercee rice, ioffu Bee & co, and Frost, AdgerA co.Coast survey sloop steadfast, from Baltimore

for st Augustine.Boat from John's Island. 8 bags Bea island cot¬

ton. To R Roper.Received from Chlsolm's Min. 83 tes rice. To


Spanish brig Manuel, Pares, Barcelona-Jos AEnslo w A- co.

SAILED YESTERDAY.Ship Nautilus, Spencer, Liverpool.British bark Lucy. Griffiths, Liverpool.Brig J L Bowen, Taylor, Liverpool.Sehr L S Davis, Bishop, Wilmington, M C.

FHOM THIS PORT.Steamship Georgia, Holmes, at New York, 11th

DQC t* tnbcr«Sehr J H Stickney, Fooks, at Baltimore, Decem¬

ber 9.sehr E B Everman, Corson, at Philadelphia, 8th


Sehr Henrietta, Burnett, at Cardin*, Wales, 2lstNovember.Sehr Bowdoln, Randall, at Baltimore, Decem¬

ber 9.Sehr Louise Crockett, Flanders, at Baltimore,


Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull at New Tork,DGC6m t) £ r 9Ship Albert Edward, McKinney, at Savannah,

9th December.

MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH.Nsw YORK, December IL-Arrived, steamships

City of Paris, Columbia and Atlantic Arrivedoat, the Daclan and Virginia.



Br ship Mascongus, Groves, sailed.Nov ssBr bark Colonist, BasBrud, cleared.Nov 24Br ship Magdala, Black,up.Oct 24Br bark BelMste, Williams, sailed.Oct 16'he soeskummeren, Westergaard, sl'd.oct ITThe Windermere, Yeoman. saUed.Oct ITThe Hamlrja, Birkland, sailed.Oct 26


Tüe Preso, Jenkins, salieJ.Sept 29BRISTOL, ESO.

Br bark Architect, Doddridge, sailed.Oct ITFLIKTWOOD, XXQ.

Ship John Sidney, Bartlett, sailed.Oct 18SARD1PP.

The Little Fred, Dear, sailed.Nov ITBr bark Perseverance, Cook, cleared.< etsiSehr Henrietta, Barnett,up.Nov 21

ANTWRBP.Br bark Celeste, Fullerton,up.Oct 21


Spanbtlg Joven Carmelita, Anye, sailed...Nov26HAYAOURZ, P. R.

Sehr Old Chad, -,up.Nov ie


Brig Minnie Abbie, Harding,up.Nov 24

Brig Ida L Ray,-, up.Nov 28Sehr s V W Williams, Slumona, up.Nov 29Sehr J H Han<»ok, Croweu,ap.Nov 80Sehr Lizzie Maul, Babier, ap.Dec 4

raw TORR.

Brig Georgia, Swan, up. .Nov 18sehr Guy R Phelps, Shailer, cleared.Deo 6Sehr 0 A Bentley, Palenberg, up.Dec 4Sehr Florence Rogers, Shepherd, up..Dec 4


sehr Robert 8 Graham. Smith, up.Nov 27Sehr Opeo Sea, Coombs,cleared.Dec 2

BALTIMORE.Sehr Matoaka. Fooks, cleared.Dec 6Sehr Bowdoln, Randall,up.Dec 9Sehr Louise Crockett, Flanders, up.Dec 9

SAVANNAH.Ship Albeit Edward, McKinney, cleared.. .Dec 9

Shep, ©ooùs, e?f.



















One and two Battons, $l, $l 25 and8l 60.





















J. R. READ'S,0Ct27-tu:;iS6m0S No. 263 KING ST.

_pipping.Jp O E BALTIMORE.






The floe Steamship FALCON, Havnie, Com¬mander, will sall for Baltimore, ou SATURDAY,loth December, at IO o'clock A. M.MW Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that

etty by railroad from Baltimore without addi¬tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am¬ple time to sample and sell their Gooda from theRailroad Depot in Philadelphia.

For Freight or Passage apply toPAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent,

decl2-S_ No. 3 Union Wharves.




The splendid Side-Wheel Steamship CHARLES¬TON, JANIS Bntar, Commander, will (all fromAdger's sooth Wharf on iCTSDAY, the 13th In¬stant, at 8 o'clock P. M.MW insurance by this line half per cent.MW Through Bills of Lading given on Conon r

Liverpool, Boston, Providence and tho New Eng.and maenfacrnring towns.For Freight or Passage, apply todecll-2 JAMES ADOBE A 00.. Agents.



VIRGINIA, Captain Hanter,Are now regularly on the Line, insuring a first-class sea connection between Philadelphia andCharleston, and In alliance with Railroad Com¬panies at both termini, afford rapid transportationto and from all points in the Cotton States, andto and from Cincinnati, st. Loma, Chicago andthe principal cities of the Northwest, boston,Providence and the Eastern Manufacturing Cen¬tres.MWTheGULF STREAM ls appointed to sall from

Brown's wharf ou THURSDAY, December 14th,at 6 o'olock P. M.MW The VIRGINIA win follow next week.For particulars of Freight arrangements, apply

to WM. A. COURTENAY. Union Wharves.W. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, Ne. 12 Sooth Dela-

ware Avenue. Philadelphia. dccll-mtntha



4ÍVSS> STEAM COMPANYWill dispatch ooo of their first -class, full poweiIron Screw Steamships from


WISCONSIN, Capt! WILLIAMS, Dec 18, at 180AM'NEVADA Capt. FORSYTH.Deo. 30, at 1 P MWYOMING.Capt. WHINNBKAY.Dec. 27, at 2.30 PMMINNESOTA, Capt. a organ.Jan. 8,at-IDAHO, capt. PRIOR.Jan. 10, at--Cabin Passage $80, gold.Steerage Passage (Office No. 30 Broadway) $80,

oarrencj.For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to

WILLIAMS A GUION,No. S3 Wah street, N. T.

N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool issuedby the Charleston and New York Steamers, whichmake close connection with the above Une.For particulars and rato.of Freight apply to






Steamers of the above une leave Pier^MBatte. 42. North Rivtr, foot or CanalSaJBBa troc:. Krw York, at IS o'clock boon, ot the 16trned aoth of every month (except when theselatea fallon Sunday, then tho Saturday precoüJiff. i

All departures connect at Panama with steam-.rs for nootb Pactilo and Centrai American pons.Departure of 16th touches at Kingston. Jamaica.For Japan and China, steamers leave San Frandeco first or every month, except when lt falls OD

Sunday ; then on the day preceding.No california steamers touch at Havana, but

go dlreçt from New York to AspinwalLone hundred poundsoaggage free to each adult,

Medicine and attendance free.For Paasage Tickets or other Information app.y

*t tho COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on thewharf foot of Oana] street, North River, Kewfork. F. B, BABY, Agent.





This article ls prepared under the superintend¬ence of Dr. ST. JULIAN RAVEN EL, expressly forComposting with Cotton Seed.

It wad Introduced by this Company two yearsago, and Its use has fully attested Its value. 200to 26S pounds of this article per acre, properlycomposted with the same weight of cotton seed,furnishes the planter wltn a Fertilizer of the high¬est excellence at the smallest eosr. A Compostprepared with thia article, as by prlnte4 direc¬tions tarnished, contains ail the elements of fer-tliiry that can enter into a First 0 ans Fertilizer,while its economy must commend its llnoral ateto planters. For supplies and printed directions,for Composting, apply to J. N. HOBSON,

Agent Patine Goano Company,Nos. 03 East Bay end 1 and 2 uiantlo Wharf.

Charleston, S. C.¿NO. S. REESE A CO., General Agents.b 'jv27-3mosn*q_O L U B L E



Experience lu the ase or this GUANO for thepast six years m this State, for Calton and Corn,han so far established tts character for excellenceas to render comment unnecessary.in accordance with the established policy of the

Company to famish the best Concentrated Ferti¬lizer at the lowest cost to consumers, this Guanols pot into market this season at the above re¬tí uced price, which the Comp my ls enabled to doby reason o Its large facilities atu the reducedcost of manufacture.The supplies pnt Into market this ¿eason are, as

heretorore, prepared under the personal superin¬tendence of Dr. St. Julian Ravene i, (merni st ofthe Company, at Charleston. S. 0., Ivjnce plantersmay rest assured ti at Its quality and c mposlilonls precisely the same as that heretofore sold.At the present low prioe. every acre planted

can be fertilised with 200 pounds Guano at a costnot exceeding the prese t value of 80 pounds ofcotton, while experience has shown that underfavorable condition of season and cultivation, thecrop ls increased by the ap Ucatlon from two tothree fold the natural capacity of the soil, henceunder no condition could ita application fall tocompensate for the outlay.

Apply to J. N. ROBSON,Agent Pacific Guan» Company,

Koa. 68 East Bay and 1 and 2 Atlantic Wnarr.Charleston, s. c.

JOHN s. REESE A CO., General Agents.nov/r-omosD*c





The steamerPLANTFR,Captain H.8. Cordes, ls now receiving Freight.__at Accommodation Wharf, and will leave onWEDNESDAY? HOSKING, the 13th inst., ats o'clock.Freight and Wharfage mast he prepaid.For Freight or Passage, having good state-room

accommodations, apply to the Captain on board,orto RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO.,decll-a No. 177 East Bay.


The splendid Steamers DICTATOR, _ «^pa*^Captain L. M. Coxetter, and OITi aaawaasaBCPOINT, Captain Ooo. E. McMLlan, win aaU as loi-lows:The Die ator will leave Charleston every Tens-

DAT EVEN INO, at S o'clock, and City Point everyFRIDAY EVENING, at 8 O clock, for Fernandina,Jacksonville, P&latka, and all Landings on St.John's River. These Steamers connect with rail¬road at Tocol for St. Augustine, and at Pataikawith steamers for Enterprise.Close connection ls also made with steamships

at Cedar Keys for New Orleans and Havana andshipman can rely on no detention of freights toNew Orleans, and at low rates.For Freight or Passage, having first-class ac¬

commodations, apply toRAVENEL A CO., Agents,

Corner Vanderhorst's wharf and Fast Bay.Through Bills of Lading given to New Orleans.nove




The SteamerPILOT BOY,

Captain w. T. MCNKLVY,Will leave Accommodation Wharf « JU*****

every MOND tv MORN VG, at 8 o'clock, JBtSmmmmfor savannah. Beaufort, Hilton Head and span-lsh Wells. Returning will kuve Savannah eve.;TUESDAY MORNING.

Will leave for Beaufort, Pacido and Ohtsolra'sLandings every THURSDAY MORNING at 8 o'clock.Returning will leave Beaufort every FRIDAYMORNING.Freight received WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS.

Must be prepaid to Way Landings.Goods consigned to care of Agents will be for¬

warded free of storage or commission.For Freight or Passage, apply to

RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO.,novl No. 177 East Bay.



The fast, safe and comfortably appointed .üuYacht ELEANOR will leave Southern wharfUSYSKY DAY, at 10 o'clock morning, and 8 o'clockafternoon. For arrangements, apply to


tailoring.N EW FASHIONS


NO. 325 Kl NC STREET,Invite attention to their large and splendid



READY MADE SUITS for sn ages, from thesmallest boy to the largest man.Dress and Business suit* or all descriptions.Elegant overcoats, Pea Jackets, Derby and

Plain Sack Stilts, Fine English Walking coats andSaitu or all colors, single and Double BreastedBlack Frock feats. Black Doeskin aud Fancy eassi mere Dress P.< ut«, Velveta HlkS, Cloth, Castor-Beaver sad Oassimere Vests, manufactureiunder our own observation. We are thereforesure of a good flt and durable work.



Is auaplied with the finest selection or BROAD¬CLOTHS, Doeskins, Castor Beavers, ChinchillaDiagonals, Meltons, and all styles or Cassumer eafor BuBinea Snits. Velvets, SIIKB, Plush and Cash¬mere Vestings. And a variety of handsome Pan¬taloon patterns, which we make up to order bymeasure at the shortest notice, and guaranteefirst class and proper workmanship.

FURNISHING G00D8.This Department ls supplied with the celebrated

STAB SBIRT8, Imported and Domestic MerinoShaker Flannel, Ad-Wool Underwear Goods, HalfHose, suspenders. Handkerchiefs, Linen andPape''Coffs and Collars, Imperial, Alexander andConrvolslcr's Kid Gloves and a fa 1 assortmentof Buckskin, Dogskin. Beaver and Gass. Gloves.And a very large assortment of Silk, Alpaca andScotch Ginu ham water-Proof [HO] Umbrellas.Our Stock has been selected with the greatest

care, and price ra irked very low in plain figures.Our motto ls quick sales and small profits, fair

dealings. Gooda may be returned if not satisfac¬tory. Buyers In our llue wul find lt to their ad¬vantage to give os a calL octl9-3mos

JXtm pubücallena.


By special arrangements we are prepared to ex¬ecute o.ders for ENGLISH AND FOREIGNBOOKS. Purtles en'rusting their orders to memay depend upon the utmost dispatch and atten¬tion to their delivery.FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY.J9-WE ARE NOW OPENISG A GREAT VA-



ment of Modern Scholarship ) Translated IntoEngllBh, with Analysis and Introductions, by B.Jowett., M. A. M .star «f Balliol College, Oxford,and Regina Professor of Greek, 4 Vols, Crown, 8vo., $12.Americanisms; The English of the New World,

by M. Scheie DeVere, L.L. D., $3.The invasion of France In 1814, by Erokmann

Chatraln, paper 60c; cloth 00c.The Early Years of Christianity, by E. DePrén¬

sense, o. D.. Illustrated, by Annie Harwood, TheMartys and Apologists," $1 76.A Critical Greek and English Concordance of

the New Testament, prepared by Charles F. Hod¬son, under the direction of -Horace L. Hastings,revised and completed by Ezra Abbot. L.L. I>,Assistant Librarian of Harvard University, 2dedition, revised, $2 6ÍU. iMountain Adventurer In Various Parts of the

World: sketches selected from the narratives ofcelebrated travellers, with Introduction by Head¬ley, 41 Illustrations, (Library or Wonders,) *160.Ron tledge's Every Boys' Annual for 187s, with

numerous Illustrations. 13.'».JUVENILE BOOKS FOR THE HOLID.' 9.-

We nave given especia; a-te nt lon to this depart¬ment. Y< e have all the New Books of the season,together with à large stock of the old favorites.The prices are much reduced from former prices.Our Village, by Mary Russell Mitford, New Edi¬tion, 2 Vols, $3 SOTravels In the Air. by James Glaisher, F. R.

S, Camille Flammarion, w. De Foavlile, andGaston TTsean iier. Edited by James Glaisher,with one honored and twenty-five lllus;ratk>ns.A Second Edition, glvtag an account of the useof the Balloon daring the Siege or Paris, 810.tar Persons residing In the country wul please

sear In mind that by sending their orders to niror any books published In America, they will becharged only the price of the book. We pay torrho postage or express,


Jo. seo King street, (in the Band.) Charleston, S. Ooetsirtotas



Mrs. A. J. KENNEDY begs te announce that "TheWaverly" has not been closed during the preval¬ence or therever.bat has been renovated and paint¬ed throughout. The location or "The Waverly»la the best or any hotel in charleston, being in thelm eiiate vicinity or the leading retail storesand public p-omenade, making lt a pleasant placetor strangers to atop while in Charleston. Therooms are large, well furnished and exceedinglywell ventilated, and the table all that the mostfastidious could desire, commercial travellerswill find this bouse a home. The proprietresswould moat respectfully so.iclt a share of thatpatronage which bas heretofore been so liberallybestowed. Mas. A J. KENNEDY,nov 15-winn mo Proprietress.

_grg <S>oob~f »c.

iRWif^Billli:,No. 944 King street,

Exhibit this week tbe COEAFEST OOODS FOBTBE SEA-ON, lnall departments._

FÜRfBtMT,BElBllT&(!0,No. 944 King street.


P PLI NS. at 90 cen taJapanese Robes, fall Dresses, only $8 fiosus Velvet, 30 in. wide, only $0, worth. $10Velveteens reduced from $l 60 to $126one ease Black alpaca, 4-4, only 2& centsOne oase Colored Alpaca, 2o centsAlt other Dress Geoda, Cloaks and Shawls, greatly


FIJBmCrOTT, BBNBlHfiT ttfil,No. 944 King street.,THE CHEAPEST AND NICEST.



FÜBM,B1EDUT&C0.,No. 944 King street.

FÜR DEPARTMENT.We received 200 more of those nice SETS (CAPE

AND MUFF) OF FURS for $3 onlyChildren's SetB Cape and Mud, $2 onlyMinks, Irmine and Sable Fara.Also Jackets, very i. heap._

FURWTT, BENEDÏCT & CO.,No. 944 King street.

For Sash Ribbons and ClothDepartment,






CollarsHousehold Goods

Hos lery, Sdi rtaBlanker*,Gloves.

_Flannels, Ribbone, Bows.

FCBCÖGOTT, BENEDICT & CO.,No. 944 King street.


Body Brussels MatsIngrains MattingThree Plys Druggets.

AU at reduced prices._ -,

IWfiWfT BENEDICTA CO.,No. 944 King street.

A large lot Of UNTRIMMED HATS, to be closedout cheap. Milliners wilt do well to calL novio



THOMAS & LANNEAU,No. 989 King, street,

Opposite the Vow Masonic Temple.



FANCY GOODS,!Kow opening, Including




OUT GLASS SETS,Ali of the Latest and most Beautiful styles.



NER, TEA AND CHAMBER 8ETS,Decorated and Plaut. .novlS








JAMES ALLAN'S,No. 307 KING STREET.decO-etuthcmos


NOS. 666 and 667 BROADWAY, N. T.,

oner for the HOLIDAYS the most complete andbest selected assortment of the follow.ng Goodsto be found m Ute elly:

DIAMOND AND GOLD JEWELRVWatches for Ladles and GenHerniaSterling Sliver Table WareBronzes, Antique and ModernMarble and Bronze ClocksMarole Statuary.


FOR CLEANING CLOTHET*For sale wholesale and retail by

Dr. H.BAER,No. 131 Meeung stree:

Jmrnigrotion kssoriation.

jy 0 N'T LE TT HB *


POSITO ii DRIWINGr, JAN. 8, 1872.


WW take placo ^


On the day appointed.


«-All Orden Strictly 'ConfldentiaL-6*

2405 Gifts, amountingto.§ÖOO,OOQ

./- r ï .. ?<>".? <Tbs chancea ar» u c usually good-one ticket In

every sixty two ts sure to draw a prise..Orders for Ticket* reoelved up to the fith of Jan¬

uary, after which time'no more Tickets win besold. .




General A. R. WRIGHT, or Georgia.General BRADLEYT.JêRNSON. of Virginia.Colonel B. H. RUTLEDGE, olSouth Carolina.Hon. ROGER A. PRYOR, ot New York.

Great inducement end redaction In price ofTickets to Clubs.'Remittances can be made to us, and the ticket«wm be sent by return mail by ^BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO.,

Charleston, S. C., or oar Agent«. ?.. >?

General M. C. Ben. SB. JOHN CHADwier.v General M. w. GABT.Tlekeis can be procured of E. SEBRING A CO.,

and I. L. MOsES, General Agent«, No. 84 Broadstreet. «

^aiTJ.gTÍ>c gljgtribpl on,



Incorporated by let et Asiembiy, 1870. Approved.. if March sta, 1871.


Free School Fund, wm take place on a&,U BATtrBDJT, DECEMBER ¿3, 1171,

At No. 147 Meeting street, Charleston, S.O., at 1o'clock, PVm.¿ln public.- :'



One Award or aaet or D.a»ondJ^.Blngir -,and Breastpin-the diamonds are laTgeand or me purest water ALo a largeSolitaire Diamond mag ann a pair ofvery heavy Gold Bracelets, With Tassels(desígnatelas No. lin the awards,) val- ...

oed ac.....$2,500One Award of one. set of Diamond Ear-Rlngs

and Breastpin; large and pure bril lan ts,richly set ( i esl mated as No. 2 tn theawarua,) valued at.1,250

One Award or outset of Dla mond Far-Ringsand BTea tpln. large 'BrtlMattte, (desi*nated aa No a In tue awards,) valued ac 1,000

One Award pfone »et or Diamond Ear RI ogsSou Breas:pm, (deslgnat-d as No. 4 tn .') *?

tue awards.) valued at.......... LOMOne award .or onejarge Diamond cross

Breastpin, large diamonds, (designated jvas No. 4 in the »ward--«,) valuedst. %W

One Award or one rich Cluster DiamondRing, (designated aa No. 0 In theawards)velmdat.,..i... 400

One .Award of one Custer Diamond sing,act oval, '(designated aa No. 7 in theawards,) valued et,.. 800

One Award of a Gentleman's Diamond Clos*ter Breastpin, large diam on t m centre,(designated as No. 8 In the awards.) va ¬

nedat.ii 700OneAward or a stacie stone Diamond Ring,

(designated as No. 8 In the awards,) vat-nedat. '........7Z,.... 100

One Award of a Lady's «esl Watch, withsplendid Gold Bpera Chain ano Tassels,(designated as No. 10 in the awards,)valued-at...................* 400

One Awarii of a Lady's Gold ¡Fetch andr,,heavy Gold OperaChain,, (dès mated asNo. ll in the awards, ) Veined et..; KO

One Award, ot a Lady's Gold Watch andlarge Go d Ohaln,¿sith Tassel*, (desi?,neted aa No. U in. the awards.) valuedat........."...-.:r.... 200

One Award or a Lady's Gold Watch andlarge Opera Chain faesellea. (designatedas No. 18 la the awards,) valued it.'...,. .00

One Award of a Gentleman's Gold Watdfl,rem winder« timing arm a^d quarter,seconds, made by Jerggensdn, one of thebest timing watones m the UnitedStates, with massive Gold Chain, (dasig..dated ss No. 14 in the awards,) valued

'Bt....... 700one Award of k Gemieaiene.tfcad.J*atoivu-,

stem winder, with large Gold Chain, (de¬signated as No. 18' In the' awards.) val'ned at...7:..:....-ft;.'..300

One Award or a Gentleman'* Go d Watch,stem winder, and massive. Gold Chain,(designated as No.* 10 tn the awards,)

. vaheoat.Kt.t..' 800One Award of a Gentleman's large Gold

naming Watch, made by Tobias, withmassive Gold chain, (designated aa Ne.17 in the awares,) valued at. SCO

One Award or a Gentleman's Cold Watch,'stem winder, wttn. heavy Geld Chain,designated .as No. 18 la -jue awards,)valued at..v............. 300

One award or one vet br Send M¡ ver' spoonay and Forks, (designated as No. 18 lu theawards,) valuedat.e.... SOO

One Award of one triple plated Tea Set onWhite MëlaT, UWTOtefl Walter, onepair of Frai: Stands,'and one pair CakeBaskets, (designated as No. go In theawa.da,) vajaedat,.¡Vf.V...'.'.. 200

Twemy Award?, each of a $50 United StatesJ Gold Bonn,, new issn e, valued at...)...... 1,0»

Sixty Awards, each, cf one-fuur;h of a $100QM Bond, Cm tic 'State«, new issue,

- val ned escn at iv... ^1..al.......... LKWAU the above awards caa be examined sVt oe

office or the Association. No. 147 Meenngtetreet,charleston, s. C. a ll -ia* diamonds aie u/.the-purest quality, and are large and mounted in thelatest siyle, and bavi been expressly imported byMessrs. Larmonr A 00. Jewellers, Rainmore,Maryland, for the .isolation and the vainesnamed are Jost ai market prices Tne ladles ofChar eaton are respectfully reqne-ted io call andesemine thete h«eutuni gooda. 0, * Remeaibe'., every Award must be distributed onthe day or the Mame to the certificate Holders;Tue- above Awards to be dist rtou ted ia. Gold

Bonus. Diamonds, Watchem, Jewelry. Ac, m con¬

formity to law. ' .. vFor ail orders, address



P. P. TOALE,Manufacturer and Dealer,Has removed his Office to and o*»ned hu prin¬

cipal SALESROOMS at SO. to HA-JB STREETand No. S3 PIN CRN KY STREET, where he takespleasure in offering to the while a rnUstockothis own manufacture orDOORS,SA>HES.Bl(fiiD3MOULDINGS. NEWELS, BALUSTERS, AC. Y-*WOOD TURNING in all Its branches._A specialty mad« or FRENCH and AMERICAN

WINDOW GLASS, at WHOLESALE and RETAIL.esr Orders tor atocle of irregular sine workre-

cetvert eltner ar. tho Salesroom*. So. 20 HAYNSSTREET,or at the FACTORY on Horlbeck's whart.augt6-tathssmos