t m a*aa m f f uti a* if i ha i b en at owl* i mio a aee ... · air thrill thru' ami...

A 1RJKD AM) WKvKY SOl'L Cent* thy puNaUoo*. *i» thou heart of mine; 8«*. all thjr effort# at life's Jove iw ai vain; Rod all thy loofiD tr hu*t> ibo*e aigb* ol thin*. Or cli>D(r lh«c«J<QM *4 to r !•*/*’* kmi a ram ; Too Met), to i full, o*i ii-i-i, tr« alt Any «n#a*or**. Too high. too deep tby rne'odi** do nog; Tr.ua sorrow# ri»« >oi|«a I uf ifp r I (or p'eatar**. And all thy a»DC leave* but « painful aling. R -traca thy fight from ratirna of tha *obhni*. For troth. no longer d«lv« tbra down *o ilwp While dwelling yrl 'millet M an of erdtitne. Nor try to ci irn •> von tn •nnidn grand, y-t urap; No. aoar not blfl), nor yet dih down b»n»ilh, Rot be coolant—tn llna k « r with lh» throng, N<*r aver think a rarer air to breathe. For know—to tier* to think and do la wrong. Yea, case# to 'a , or Wing. oram tn <la>a To be thyae'f, and In thyawlf be true. II Utoa <luMi wi»h lb* J) t » of Ilf* t • eStra, Awl t)—* not rili aluar, Id-’* i‘ aioti I - parwa. for danaa to obey *i*rti datr'* call Wm TJ - -m — t . a i a a* -»iw«w. »«—, , For Error **alk» *Iu<g ib id ooa and aP. itrl thoa a*aa <*[*•■ d)a*rd, IrMrittt ai/iia If thoo (or right. lot Trqiti duewt dirr to tlaaJ, Orrcloaleg «rrore, wrong*. wriererer found. How many thro will iscol a balling nm-dT Ay*, thoa «i.o*t walk alone ua ooulwi ground. For eee, tby friend*. tJoe* ataonru and tro», ar» palaad, IVblla I i * m wlro bat preim J, grvw cm IJ A* iby fair lama by alatxl'rooa tongue ta auiord, And bidden foe# than dar* 1) grow aaur* boil. *Tta pain, ye* pain, to lire* and all of thin*, fo do* to differ from urn'a waya, and atnr* To raua* tha ligit nf lor* ‘a .ng men to atilaw, Aud tlma nr mg pru*. tb"* Jo*tlce to revive. Tti*a cioa* tbr I'tva, recall Ibi Marching tn'.nd. N» lunger try to lore tnenkr.J in Iwl Nor try a belnr lor human «ow to find. Nor bow to meet and fill the eorld'a great peel. And pet bow mean — to know and not to dare; To Iral the wrong*, ret meekly to endore; To bar* no aim, to know no higher care T'raa—bow our bed and raiment to procure Idle without aim—ignoble I blank indeed I A reavei ao»' — * «o • «#•, rat dare not di! Uaa* coward I ablrk* to air* a * -ol in need. And dare nut walk «bera justice bide imu no I * A Cowan pa DORS NATURE TELL THE TKUTH* mow scootm t a lanurirna. I’refeaaor Han* Trltgln, a nanalt-lan of New York, propoonda the norel theory that plaota lure ma*lc. do raya:— I bare coma to aee r'aarly that pfaote lore uiaalr aa wall aa •unatune, that they grow more Ini* inanity Is a aicdio where there la movie, end that the lender bada break m an •iubkly into hl'aeeoin* than tuey do In lUnro or In a dlecoril of eoooda. A lloeum mualcian t tnuw.aaya when he playa liartno- nloa lit* toBOH lew plant open* and etr*trh*e abroad, drtakmg In the niosl*, but with a discord the Plant tramhle* and liua-a. Ifarm-inluoa vibration* of tha air thrill thru' ami thro' the flbra# of pianta, atlrrtng the aiucgirfi j4li*a in the *aiti* t***1 tn^e •*!' Die hloel uf i'ie animal Pig'Wt'er rod nobler lmpolar*. Tn* editor of Nr# Thong'd I leal .u,nm nt# thoa — Priir*»or Tri'giti la* aril spoken. for * A only ># the *wu*itl«e plant eer* »u«cep!it#l* toli/W bartnuinee *n<l diecodn of mode. b it mai>f other plant* We li*<l In our yard a cornucopia—a *;»•«*• *4 *tra'"oUi- utn ealpra'id to pwrfe lion fur 11*0 W atty ol it* d I rr* which h<V.ni at night. It • eery ragrant. but it 11* alaa aueoentlhte to oidn'l• 1 have often i o icr*i the , large WH atiap*d f it* quiver and tremble when tire wM*tle at tii# niachne rii»[ia <4* «, especially I hr ear- ly * I o'clock tli'»llr and f I art e *n ihrn, ra n rite* plucked and placed It) »a*r*. oyti out and appear to tie rented by the eeaud of Uiiet. Mr# Sample I* on the right 'rack when *he atndi-e Nat'ire"* fl'ier lo'Cee. N rrr *1*11 I forgrt my emo- tion* whan I flr*t learned that ta» charactrr tour* ul th- ml or took form m tlie atroo p.err a* '-og , -oini* o !! iaer* ae «« a-e ac'uat-d by leellaga of lo»e. I.ale, etc, —that aci**ace ha I J«nai)‘U d * I VtlWact^b latrtnr an exceedlo*Iy a*aa Hr.- C’ «> epmn * p'rjl'jrw i «h *>• r»j .M ^ VSvgjrtA**Cmr*"** f f Uti a* If I ha I b e n at owl* I m io a aee uuiver**, I W ' hI I ba*w often wondered alar*, why Ib. ii|aifrantr Of tb<a <Vctoo*iiat*d trntb I# t ot more widely Oooiii! er*d and 4rt*d opvo Plea** r*o# nbrr. It I* he (•#!- IPf. th* l bought hehied Uie tine ol the *pokeo word thet prolorw the ( rm>, lovely o* lokUiwae*. Traoee who rottenly and earntwtly a Irocate aocial frerdom are ecC ja rl of Immorality, of bring *el(tab, I animal in their porpore. I would <ik« to w* tbi* mat* I ter lea ted. Nature wootd not lie. 1 would hka to bar# f a *c *r* or two of lb* aarumt men and women who ar* agitatiog tn# qaeatron of « at I# called frealove—I would like to bar* tb# tihratl *n* of their Tolcea a* lb*y ta'k upon tbka aubjact, taken a* abore atatad. Thao I woa*J hare tha *au«e te«| appl *1 to an equal dumber of t tOa* WOO adrucatr tha |wr|)Wtael;on of the preaent legal marriage ey*tem. I would like tn ere wb^ch allowed the moat firwera, and which the UKMl bag*, woroi• and ether d *agrre»h.e thing*. Ilnng Nature fnt* the court of arieac* and taka her leniutuoy. It will he reliable. knottier taut I woulJ ao much like, ooulJ, if be bad, towit.. a photograph ol toe einretluoa of my iouo** leeliag agaiaat the eruoge mated oat to woman, while putting the ooc lrmaed article fa type, for I did out wrtteM, theo fur coapariaou, a pbotu of Ibe vibra- tion* that went out from the team of th* voice ol Ally. Coabtnao while making hi* plea before th* >««rt aaalnit Maul* i'vnhulloe and myaetf* Sat pereonel taatl*r*.aaid*. I would Ilk# '.be aatoe teat applied to lb* bigb loued public aumau and doen thru' each nad* tu th# ioe#*t dreg*, and al*o tn the man wttu run tbeai. W# abou d hav* eoma korpn* • mg pkrturea I'm tblnk'Dg, aad w ne of ti e word where leaat et pec tel. Will not Mine arientiat lnv«# tigatela tbla diracliaa, and tbu* help u* to aolva th* apfilna-rid'lla *1 cl*ili**'»on. tb* aortal evil. Yea, U acience lavaatlvwla tha rbeuiiatry of human eel III*; let tb* pictured vibration* from all grade*— from lb# tat aterveling tu th* **( aurlelied be given In Hi* world, Koch knowledge would do mot* beard saving the ran*, more toward purifying It from "all j nr leaini a**" than can all lb* blood ol all tb* ear lour* that avar have, or aver can aalat. Hear in mlud Uiat **< la tb* Kouotain of IJft—ol Au Live— rns for*ru«I How then, can tb* gr**e> b- pave while the foon a*n i* continually potwovd by k>e. imp re thought I R niealcvr—it la tha iboagbt, ti,e idea iba1 give* the feeling *h< b vends into tb* *'. m apb-rv the form* of lb- beautifal, the loalSf aaaeot tfw terrible. Sai i* lb* auurc* ol an. life—Jao’t lorgst tb.* for a moment—c* ueeqaeotly, e* a logical and :c- 'V table r-*o t, eex i* the eonree of m power, pro- d o ng g'jod ur evil a* yoo revereoc* or drfila it in tba tlwiagbu I am not glviag yoa a my ao, but aciantiftc- all, drama trated trclb. Y u o n s et goderttaoJ how form eaa be iavlatbf*, you *a T Y«w, i* a little hard to oodervtand at flrat thought, but ibe ndrroacupe rtteal* wondar.ul forma that the unaided eye cannot fee. The eenwtlva* chemically iwetored dim enable* the camera to reveal thme other ton..a. hut they are there or they ooM not be pbo’x - graphed Tbeee form* ar* mandevtaliofts of our let*, f -»>*, and what more reaaooabl* Dan to bellvve that , luve-viOrat'OO* will give to the flowers a fairer bee, to i be *c**s** ■1 Ui* bird* a sweeter a o t^ a n d that U m < vthralfjaaaf enea- ' W*^_kJS 5*1 t'-e »*ewv «!W| *—e-•*■ ». *l!by.x* - *• ' at d lb* I meet **M , why ooc Barely t we ha** reeeoa to inter all Uni bean tb* ■« Dial a* Of oere—lly affect Ho order* ol I.'* Ye'o- u*. and If flo**r* teat th* aeeet vibration* of r :« k , why should not tb* atcioapbe** of lot* teaks tbaa more fragrant, mors heaatlfalT Freedom In tore station*—fer there wo'J be no eth* er were woman really free from all oota.de pemtur* a* 'reelover* demaad—now think of all tb* Imaged form* produced by tb* di*gu*t, fear, hatred, ang*r. etc., tanaad by onwitling mi relation*—think ef oil thee* be. rg removed from If* ala-.O'phere. think of tb* aattual* representing tb# k»U»e»n*e and tb* erne! pertahiogur becoming docile t>r lark of *urb of perrer - leo Ido force aa now flow* from our u t a l i r o d w i *» :alien* and you w.ll get *ooe idea of what tov»fr*o> dotn mean*. Nature due* not lie; aba baild* tb-ongb the feminise, and with tb* material provide!. Think ties, of tb* material provide! lot woman to baild with—thlok of "marital i m "«• law and rail* gtvn demaad* ol woman, t<ewit., utxl*tired hot dati* Ini asbmlatloai—thlok of tbo vibration* going out from pr.eon*. aaylnma, deo* of proatitnilen. and rnoro— all tb* r**ult of tb* poor material provided woman for tb* he* IId Ieg and tb* poor rendition* under vide* it* mo*t build—think of all thl*. and then think of tb* pO'Ptt, the pren*, and what am called pengveaalm plallortB*, salting to aopprean the opnn dlvrwamou of tbla moat Important of nil (object*. Tiink of tba bind red thousand minUtar* daily asking (ior! to mm jve th* evlla that core* a*, and of tb* ‘mat* of Hpiiltealwta with their Kev *, lavotlcg the Eternal Spirit and tb* "higher angel*** lor aid. yet both tacitly evnanoting <o a law th* parpoae of which ta to shot from tb* mall* whatever tend* tu tbrvw light npoa tb# toueUlnollif*. Well. II yon prefer darker** l* light, II yva•Iam- bi* yen m att reap tba couarqneace*. Nature • troa to bar own law; as# will not encourage you by mak- ing fir* grow on ibiailm. ! £ 4ff~ I thought I wr old mail *ingly tide time and not watt fur two N-'g, but it «o*t# to» mock. No a, II and IS will b# milled iSelatt ul d*pt* uh*r.

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Page 1: t m a*aa m f f Uti a* If I ha I b en at owl* I mio a aee ... · air thrill thru' ami thro' the flbra# of pianta, atlrrtng. the aiucgirfi j4li*a in the *aiti* t***1 tn^e •*!' Die

A 1R JK D A M ) W K vK Y S O l'LC ent* th y puNaUoo*. *i» thou h e a rt of m ine;8«*. a ll thjr effort# a t life 's Jove iw a i v a in ;Rod all thy lo o f iD tr hu*t> ibo*e aigb* ol th in * .O r cli>D (r lh«c«J<QM *4 t o r !•*/*’* k m i a r a m ; Too Met), to i full, o*i i i - i - i , t r « a lt Any «n#a*or**. Too h igh . too deep tby rne'odi** do n o g ;Tr.ua sorrow# r i»« >oi|«a I uf i f p r I (or p 'ea ta r** . And all th y a»DC leave* b u t « painful a ling .R -traca th y f ig h t from ratirna of th a *obhni*.F o r tr o th . no longer d«lv« tb r a down *o ilw p W hile dw elling y r l 'm ille t M a n of e rd titn e .Nor try to ci i rn •> von tn •n n id n grand, y - t u r a p ; No. aoar no t b lf l) , nor yet d ih down b »n» ilh ,R ot be co o lan t—tn llna k « r w ith lh» throng,N<*r aver th in k a ra re r a ir to b rea the .F or know —to tier* to th in k and do la wrong.Yea, case# to ' a , o r W ing. o ram tn <la>a To be th y ae 'f , and In thyawlf be true.II Utoa <luMi wi»h lb* J)t» of Ilf* t • eS tra ,A w l t ) —* no t r i l i a lu a r , Id - ’* i ‘ a i o t i I - p a rw a . f o r d a n a a to obey *i*rti d a tr '* call

Wm TJ - -m — — t . a i a a* -»iw«w. »«—,, For E rro r **alk» *Iu<g ib id ooa and aP.

itrl th o a a*aa <*[*•■ d )a * rd , IrMrittt a i / i iaIf th o o (or righ t. lo t T rqiti duewt d i r r to t la a J , O rrcloaleg «rrore, wrong*. w riererer found.How m any th ro will iscol a b a ll in g nm-dT Ay*, th o a «i.o*t walk alone ua o o u lw i ground.For eee, tby friend*. tJoe* a tao n ru and tro» , ar»

p a laa d ,IV blla I i* m wlro b a t p re im J , grvw cmIJA* iby fair lam a by alatxl'rooa tongue ta a u io rd ,A nd b idden foe# than dar* 1) grow aaur* bo il.*Tta pain, ye* p a in , to lire* and all of th in*, fo d o * to differ from u r n 'a waya, and a tn r*To raua* th a l ig i t nf lor* ‘a .ng m en to atilaw,Aud tlm a nr mg p r u * . tb"* Jo*tlce to revive.Tti*a cioa* tb r I'tva, recall I b i M arching tn'.nd.N» lunger try to lo re tn e n k r .J in Iw l Nor try a belnr lo r hum an « o w to find.Nor bow to m eet an d fill th e eo rld 'a great p ee l.And pet bow m ean — to know and no t to d a re ;T o Iral th e wrong*, re t m eekly to en d o re ;To b a r* no a im , to know no h igher ca re T 'ra a —bow our b e d and ra im en t to procure Id le w ithout a im —ignoble I b lank indeed I

A re a v e i ao»' — * «o • «#•, r a t dare not d i !Uaa* cow ard I ablrk* to a ir* a * -ol in need.And d a re n u t w alk « b e ra ju stice bide im u no I

* A Cowan pa

DORS N A T U R E T E L L T H E T K U T H *mow s c o o t m t a l a n u r i r n a .

I’refeaaor Han* T rltg ln , a nanalt-lan of New York, propoonda the norel theory th a t plaota lure ma*lc. d o raya:— I b a re coma to aee r 'aa rly th a t pfaote lore u iaa lr aa wall aa •unatune , th a t they grow more Ini* in a n ity Is a a icd io w here th e re la movie, end th a t

th e len d e r bada break m a n •iubkly into hl'aeeoin* th a n tuey do In lU nro or In a dlecoril of eoooda. A lloeum m ualcian t tn u w .a a y a when he playa liartno- nloa lit* to BOH lew plant open* and etr*trh*e abroad, d r ta k m g In th e n io s l* , but w ith a discord the Plant tram hle* and liua-a. Ifarm -inluoa vibration* of tha a ir th r ill th ru ' ami th ro ' th e flbra# of p ianta, atlrrtng

the aiucgirfi j4li*a in th e *aiti* t***1 tn^e •*!' Die h loel uf i 'ie anim al P ig 'W t'e r rod nobler lmpolar*.

Tn* ed ito r of N r# T hong'd I leal .u,nm nt# thoa — Priir*»or T ri 'g iti la* a r i l spoken. for * A only >#

th e *wu*itl«e plant eer* »u«cep!it#l* toli/W bartnuinee *n<l d iecodn of m ode. b i t mai>f o ther plant* We li*<l In our yard a cornucopia—a *;»•«*• *4 *tra'"oUi- utn e a lp r a 'id to pwrfe lion fur 11*0 W atty ol it* d

I rr* w hich h<V.ni a t n ight. It • eery ragrant. bu t it 11* alaa aueoentlhte to o id n 'l• 1 have often i o icr*i the, large WH atiap*d f i t * quiver and trem ble when tire

wM*tle at tii# n iach n e rii»[ia <4* « , especially I h r ea r­ly * I o'clock t l i '» l l r and f I art e *n ih rn , r a n rite* plucked and placed It) »a*r*. o y t i out and appear to tie r e n te d by th e eeaud of U iie t.

Mr# Sample I* on th e right 'rack when *he atndi-e Nat'ire"* fl'ier lo'Cee. N r r r *1*11 I forgrt my em o­tion* whan I flr*t learned th a t ta» charactrr tour* ul th - m l or took form m tlie atroo p .e r r a* '-og , -oini* o !! iaer* ae «« a-e a c 'u a t-d by leellaga of lo»e. I.ale, etc, —th a t aci**ace h a I J « n a i) ‘U d * I VtlWact^b latrtnr an exceedlo*Iy a * a a Hr.- C’ «> epmn

* p 'r j l ' j r w i «h *>• r » j .M ^ V S v g jr tA * * C m r* "* * f f U t i a* If I h a I b e n a t owl* I m io a a e e u u iv e r* * ,I W'hI I ba*w often wondered alar*, why Ib. i i |a i f r a n t r

Of tb<a <Vctoo*iiat*d trn tb I# t ot more widely Oooiii! er*d and 4rt*d opvo Plea** r*o# n b rr . It I* he (•#!- IPf. th* l bought hehied Uie tin e ol the *pokeo word th e t p ro lo rw th e ( rm>, lovely o* lokU iw ae*.

Traoee who ro tten ly and earntwtly a Irocate aocial frerdom a r e ecC j a r l of Im morality, of bring *el(tab,

I anim al in th e ir porpore. I would <ik« to w* tbi* mat*I ter lea ted. N ature wootd not lie. 1 would hka to bar# f a *c *r* or two of lb* aarum t men and women who ar* agitatiog tn# qaeatron of « at I# called frealove—I would like to bar* tb# tihratl *n* of the ir Tolcea a* lb*y ta 'k upon tbka aubjact, taken a* ab o re atatad. Thao I woa*J h a re tha *au«e te« | appl *1 to an equal dum ber of t tOa* WOO ad ru ca tr th a |wr|)Wtael;on of the preaent legal m arriage ey*tem. I would like tn ere wb^ch allowed th e moat firwera, and which th e UKMl bag*, woroi• and e th e r d *agrre»h.e thing*.

Ilnng N ature fnt* th e court of arieac* and taka her len iu tuoy . It will he reliable.

kno ttie r taut I woulJ ao much like, ooulJ, if be bad, to w it .. a photograph ol toe einretluoa of m y iouo** leeliag agaiaat th e eruoge mated o a t to woman, while pu tting th e ooc lrm aed article fa type, for I did out wrtteM , theo fur coapariaou , a pbotu of Ibe v ibra­tion* th a t went ou t from the te am of th* voice ol A lly. Coabtnao while making hi* plea before th* >««rt a aa ln it M aul* i'vnhulloe and myaetf*

S a t pereonel taatl*r*.aaid*. I would Ilk# '.be aatoe teat applied to lb* bigb loued public aum au and doen th ru ' each n a d * tu th# ioe#*t dreg*, and al*o tn the m an wttu r u n tb ea i. W# abou d hav* eoma korpn*• mg pkrturea I 'm tb lnk 'D g, aad w n e of ti e w ord where leaat e t pec te l . Will not Mine arientiat lnv«# tig a te la tb la d irac liaa , and tbu* help u* to aolva th* apfilna-rid 'lla *1 cl*ili**'»on. tb* aortal evil.

Yea, U acience lavaatlvwla th a rbeuiiatry of hum an e e l III*; le t tb* pictured vibration* from all grade*— from lb# t a t aterveling tu th* **( aurlelied be given In Hi* world, Koch knowledge would do mot* b e a r d saving th e ran*, m ore tow ard purifying It from "a ll j n r leaini a**" th an can all lb* blood ol all tb* ear lour* th a t avar have, or aver can aala t.

Hear in m lud Uiat **< la tb* Kouotain of I J f t—ol

A u Live— rn s fo r * r u « I How then, can tb* g r**e> b- pave while the foon a*n i* continually potwovd by k>e. im p re thought I R niealcvr—it la tha iboagbt, ti,e idea ib a 1 give* th e feeling * h < b vends into tb* *'. m apb-rv the form* of lb - beautifal, th e loalSf aaaeot tfw terrible. S a i i* lb* auurc* ol a n . life—Jao’t lorgst tb.* for a m om ent—c* ueeqaeotly, e* a logical and :c- 'V table r-*o t , eex i* the eonree of m power, pro- d o ng g'jod ur evil a* yoo revereoc* or drfila i t in tba tlwiagbu I am not glviag yoa a m y ao, but aciantiftc- a ll, d ram a trated tr c lb .

Y u o n s et goderttaoJ how form eaa be iavlatbf*,you *a T

Y«w, i* a little hard to oodervtand a t flrat thought, but ibe ndrroacupe rttea l* wondar.ul forma th a t th e unaided eye cannot fee. The eenwtlva* chemically iwetored dim enable* the camera to reveal thm e other to n ..a. hut they are there or they o o M not be pbo’x - graphed Tbeee form* ar* mandevtaliofts of our let*, f -»>*, and what more reaaooabl* D an to bellvve th a t

, luve-viOrat'OO* will give to th e flowers a fairer bee, to i be *c**s** ■ 1 Ui* bird* a sweeter a o t ^ a n d that Um

< vth ra lfja a a f enea-' W*^_kJS 5*1 t'-e »*ewv «!W| *—e-•*■ ». *l!by.x* - *•' at d lb* I m ee t * * M , why o o c

Barely t we ha** reeeoa to inter all U ni bean tb*■« Dial a* Of oere—lly affect H o order* ol I.'* Y e'o- u*. and If flo**r* teat th* aeeet vibration* of r :«k , why should not tb* atcioapbe** of lot* teaks tb a a more fragrant, mors heaatlfalT

Freedom In to r e sta tio n * —fer there wo'J be no eth* er were woman really free from all oota.de pemtur* a* 'reelover* dem aad—now think of all tb* Imaged form* produced by tb* di*gu*t, fear, hatred, ang*r. etc., tanaad by onwitling m i relation*—think ef oil thee* be. rg removed from If* ala-.O'phere. th ink of tb* aattual* representing tb# k»U»e»n*e and tb* erne! pertahiogur becoming docile t>r lark of *urb of perrer - leo Ido force aa now flow* from our u t a l i r o d w i *» :alien* and you w.ll get *ooe idea of what tov»fr*o> dotn mean*. Nature due* not lie; aba baild* tb-ongb the fem inise, and with tb* material provide!.

Think t i e s , of tb* material provide! lot woman to baild w ith—th lok of "m arita l i m "«• law and rail* gtvn demaad* ol woman, t<ewit., utxl*tired hot dati* Ini asbmlatloai—thlok of tbo vibration* going out from pr.eon*. aaylnma, deo* of proatitnilen. and rnoro— all tb* r**ult of tb* poor material provided woman for tb* he* I Id I eg and tb* poor rendition* under vide* i t* mo*t build—th in k of all thl*. and then think of tb* pO'Ptt, the pren*, and what am called pengveaalm plallortB*, sa lting to aopprean the opnn dlvrwamou of tbla moat Im portan t of nil (object*.

T iin k of tba b in d red thousand minUtar* daily asking (ior! to mm jve th* evlla that core* a*, and of tb* ‘mat* of Hpiiltealwta with their Kev *, lavo tlcg the E ternal Spirit and tb* "higher angel*** lor aid. yet both tacitly evnanoting <o a law th* parpoae of which ta to sho t from tb* mall* whatever tend* tu tbrvw ligh t npoa tb# to u eU ln o llif* .

Well. II yon prefer darker** l* light, II yva•Iam ­bi* yen m a tt reap tba couarqneace*. Nature • troa to bar own law ; as# will no t encourage you by m ak­ing fir* grow on ibiailm .


£ 4ff~ I th o u g h t I wr old m ail *ingly tide tim e an d no t w att fur two N -'g, bu t i t «o*t# to» m ock. No a, I I and IS will b# m illed iS e la t t ul d*pt* u h * r.

Page 2: t m a*aa m f f Uti a* If I ha I b en at owl* I mio a aee ... · air thrill thru' ami thro' the flbra# of pianta, atlrrtng. the aiucgirfi j4li*a in the *aiti* t***1 tn^e •*!' Die


CLOTHED WITH THE SUN.Formerly Fovvdatiox Paiw ciruii.

x moxtui.t jocasAt. oav.rrso to t b i r m - DOH OF WOMAN

h u r t 50 cxwvs a r u i .Lola wAtaaaoocaa, -ditor and publisher.

All communications addressed to the editor at Home, Pierce Co. W»ah.

Xml ia # r r ■ p p ea ttd a t r« * t w ra d s r Id M i n , * a n a u io ih t-1 a lia Ik* au a . t a S Iba m oon ao 4 « r bar fret.

e la tio n a i l , I.

In alt the p u t. connected with all relial xia ajratenia, there hare been tboet e h o h a re scored and avmbol- lard the deeper truth* ol life—hare •ymbohied, bnt bare nut undant-jod the deeper B e n in ) that lima and experience can alone reveal, and ol none i* it more u n e than of the riaion or armbol from which the name of thi* paper la taken—Cothed IVith The Son—the symbol of direct power. Woman aill not alwaya thine by reflected t *ht. She will assert heraalt and pnl the moon of aubjection under her feet.

Plea«e (end ailveror pottoffice order when remittir.it tor aobacrlptlon or books

Thoee who receive a aampiaoopy of thia paper will pleaae cooiider it an invitation to •ubscrlbe.

Thoee who receive more than one copy will plaaae band the extraa toother*.

If yoo want prirate information on any eobtect. en- cloee not leae than one dollar for reply The .Vautilua.

And Clothed With Tba Hon say* the l i n t Une of th e leeaone tb* public needa to (earn la that an edi- to r 'a time la worth something *a well ae a lawyer’*.


“ Dear Madam:In your iaaneofJtiDe I found eever-

a l ideal tha t interested me after becoming aocus- tooled to your aomewhat etartling manner o! calt- *ng a apade a spade I t would p*rbaps be lest forci­b le but nicer to call i t something elec. Alter read, lug two aapisx o! 70u r publication I could not tell ju s t w bal you're trying to do. I* it to aboliab mar riagef That teem* to be a great undertaking; eho’d a colony of a n u w!.ah to remove a b-use they m utt wait u n til it crumbled to pieces, bu t, “ ten tboot* and yaara V th a t i t torely a long time If yoored- •torial friend realised what the socialists will do a- ions th a t line if successful, I th ink lie would bate given you ball th a t tim e, making you ao much 'ess lonely. I have no doubt tb * t we can do w ith­o u t thk m ariiage law in the next life, but thia m a­terial old world will always need the borne tie to kold it together. Do you th ink you will be happier when you look dt wn fire thousand years from now to d find tba borne destroyed?

Very trn ly , 8. D. B.f.a H abra, Cal.

I will t ty first, tb a t when an ti can build a house they will not have to wait till i t crum bles beforo removing It if tbey to desire. The marriage insti­tu tion—tb a t wbicb makes a woman's person the property o th e r hoabend. th a t gives him a divoro* and tu rn s her ou t of hm home if tbe refutes him . it •f hum an origin and when H um anity becomes wise enough to understand woman's true position, a id institution will pass away, hut not tbe Home. The following poem was w ritten tom e forty years •go, and I have tbe same (eeiiug still.


Oh, come, let us gather ‘Round the hearth-stone to-night;

We hoed not tbe weather W hen tbe fire b u rn tth bright,

And loved ones hasten To bask in tbe light

T b a t beams from the hearth Aud the heart, and the heart.

Here's a tea t for tbe father.Who ao kindly as bef

And one for tbe m other

W ith her babe on her knee.While sister and brother

W ith innocent glee Add light to the hearth

And the heart, and tbe heart.Tbe father i t smiling

Upon the loved throng, ,* The mother beguiling Her babe with a eong.

And loviugly chocking E tch movement of wroog.

Thus guarding tbe hearth And the heart, and tbe heart.

The light of the heartl’ston*.The warmth of tu t lore

That gather# around it,Oh may It e'er prove

A lamp to our feet If we're tempted to rove

From tb a t love-given home Of the lieatt, of tbe heart,

l a the original it read “God-given," but if love ta God, its all the same, and I like the word 'love' the beat. Indeed, the term , 'God' is so miauted I have come to dislike it.

Tnat which make* tbe home I have painted i* no t due to legality hu t to love. Any and every couple who would separate If not legally bound, ought to separate. Discordant note* do not make sweet m uce. Hxtmonloue children are no t be­gotten of disoordant parents.

I demand freedom for woman as woman, and that all the institution* ol society be adjusted to such freedom, and I demand a home for woman. Did you ever stop to think that woman is homeless?

That which another pnotrola is not mine. I t is m an’s home, aud the children are bis. True, th ru ' earnest agitation, there are some exceptions, but, as a rule, the above is true. Man says th a t wom­an's sphere is the home. Well, let her bare a home then: one lo which she ceo-adm it whom she pleaeea, and abut out each as she can not harmonise with. Adjust economic condi­tions to woman’s freedom see to it tba t she ia not hindered from securing a home, and there will he home* before which tueb a* we have now would blush. No, woman cau not be free under present economic conditions. They m ust be made to con­tribute to toe beet good of the race ioatead of to the agrand sem ent, but tbe moral and rpiritoal in ­jury, of the few, and tbe povetty of the many.

Do you expect woman to secure a home without m an's aid?

I demand condition* th a t will enable her to do eo if (he m ust, but (be will not need to. Creative love has so constituted man th a t, even under pree- ont false condition*, he loves to d s tor the woman he loves, feels h u rt il she docs not accept bis offered service. This is natural and right, right because ilia natural. lo freedom m an will no t show him ­self tbe selfish bring he now so often does under this system of erx commercialism. Yes, I mean just tbat,com m ercialism . Whatever the leeliuga o! the contracting parties, no m atter how puie their love, ao lar as the law iseoncerned, legal m«rriage is sim­ply a sale of tex for life for a support. II he fails to support her she is entitled lo a d iv o ro ; if she rrfosee to satisfy his sexual want* he can get one, and if tb a t is not commercialism 1 do not know wnat is. And yet, because I claimed th a t the wo­man who ooosumates her love w ithout l« gal sale •l<«« not sin. twelve “good and true m en," as the l-w counts true, declsie me guilty of sending “ob- ••--no" literature through the mails, and a fine of $100, tbe penalty for telling th r-tru lh .

• N ot so much in the language u»ed a- in tbe I -a suggested.” Must im portant tunh* hekep t ■ k because impure minds will think impurely?

\od wnat more im portant than to und «i <nd tha t A Mirn'a standard of purity cannot he v> -t-d with

unity; nevertheless, i t will conlinu ••• I f vio- ■1 ao long as woman is subject i* ' ’< io tbe

marriage relation No, no, my friend, the removal of tbe legal bond from tbe love relation need cot, and will not destroy tb a home.

C O N D E N S E D IN F A M Y ..

1 an find no other term to fit the ca*s. Is LzeUtt <4 date M*r Stb. I* an article taken from tb* C ev*lac-3 Free* denoancin ao outrage which is perpetrated tw ail ritie*. a t follows:

A Cleveland police court officer goes to the polK* di­rector and rays: “ Our police coon food is deplete! Bo good enoogtj to raid tbe Teodarloin. to tbat w-.tb tb* money as—see-1 (by thejbonorable coart apoa (be sr> mero of sbarn*, police salaries can be paid." Tbe offi­cer doesn't bee;late to admit that police reart lands have been and are maintained bv such means

Tbe meanest, vi.cwi iiuog lhal e u o te i—* siis e s s y day aud p-owls io tbe alleys by night is the crealcrc shaped like a man who lives on the shame of women Thi* least is called a pander, and it it a title that eov • e-» more infamy tban any other that naage has ieg tl- ma t xed for tbe expression of baaeneet and merit*! contempt. There may be sympathy and pity lor toe woman. There it nothing save loathing, hatred and contempt for the thing la male attire tbat l«avee ns alimy trail in bar dark life and would befoul bell iteeif.

Wbat better tban each it tbe city that takes tb* Tenderloin woman's money to pay tbe ealar.ee of its officers of justice)?)

The lodge upon tbe bench, tbe prosecutor and tbe clerk are paid thro' tbe rrtarns from prostituiioa.

Tbit it a pretty hard question and a pretty bold statement. Bat they fit tbe case- Think of it!

The man upon the jadidal tench, p i t there to de­cide tbe freedom or imprisonment of men, women and children, cannot get his salary until lbs clerk runs out and persuades tbe high police authorities to pull la tbe fallen women eo the coart can take, for bis pay, part of tbe proceeds of their sin. Tbe presecotor and clerk, no matter bow just and honorable men tbey may be, are in tbe same boat. Their pay ia a matter of the division of the spoilt retaking from the "has.- n--»“ of shame.

How can tbe judge and prosecutor b* just, tenor- able impartial, merciful, toward tbe s n o t s arraign'd alien they m att look upon her and her badeeai a* tb* source of their own pay?

Does no! the system tend toward making panders of tba officer* of jostice? Trettv strong lanfutg*. but it is tbe naked truth, and it ia high time that the naked

truth, ermed e ith a two edged *word, an^oivocal, ami merciless, mowed a swath through police court affair*.

Have a care, Comrade Treat; the “ naked truth” is aa dangerous a t-ed rags before enraged bulls. tb a t* jot*, been fined a hundred dollar* for telling troth that, il iivwd, woo Id do away with “ Tenderloin’* reve­nue for police courts, or lor political porpo»a» a troth tba t 1 will maintain in spite of fine# or impris­onment. a troth I a**ert every time I demand “Tbe un­qualified freedom of woman a* woman, and tha t all the Institutions of society be adjusted tosucb freedom" —e troth tbat enforces itself in tbe fact,—a fact con­firmed by physicians, tbat were tbare none bat “ mu­tual and loving *»x relation*'' there would be no such thing ss sex disease Is it ‘'obscene*' to say there is “ no sin" loeoch relation* “ legal or IllegalT”

What item ? Ia It a violation ol m ac's statutes or ef nature's laws, wbkcb? Nature needs no ’‘evert* of Justice."and her testimony has long sine* beta girea again*; ell sex relations xxcxrr such ae are mutual and loving.

•‘Does not tbe system tend to m ak* panders ol the officers of joslioe?" .

Yas. Mr ' Vr*»e,' it doae. and of every one else who accept* tbe man and coasts tb* woman fallen. I here repeat what l said ia the condemned article: “ There are no fallen women in tbe sense tb* worif nnder- stands tb a t term ; tbey have been knocked down.”

g # * Rape is considered, and is, a beniouecrime. We understand by the term the forcible poes-eioo of a woman's person; but there other kinds ol fores than tbe physical, therefore I name the following, which is continually beiug duplicated by those ia power everywher*:

ECONOMIC B A T EThe boe* >at lastly in hi* chair and called out

the girls *iogly. Condescendingly he pushed th e n the mouey, their meagre wag*, which waa wrapped in a small paper. At tbe same time be critically

Page 3: t m a*aa m f f Uti a* If I ha I b en at owl* I mio a aee ... · air thrill thru' ami thro' the flbra# of pianta, atlrrtng. the aiucgirfi j4li*a in the *aiti* t***1 tn^e •*!' Die

c l o t h e d w it h t h e s u n .

examined tbeir U ll lo rm i with the fiinCM of ao expert. But nooeeeeraed to a a it him to-day. H a g ­gard form* and aharp facet upon which tha dey’a d u t teemed to lie, appeared before h im ; fatigue tormented hum an being*, whom the stifling factory air had robbed ol ail ebarffi, all freshness.

Sullenly he hurried w ith the paying.•'Ah, fiually tbe laat one—Sjtaoy!" he called a-

Irtud. “ Frieda Sehey!—ab, th a t i* aom etbiog—a new one”

A tall form, a clear face, freih a* an apple bio*- tom, blood-red lips,,ligbt lock* on her (orabead and a heart—a heart.

Hie hand quivered lightly , a* he puehed her the money. “ How old are you then"” he asked at the aim * lime, aaaumad ind.fleruaco in hie tone.

“Next m onth I'll be seventeen" aha answered. •'Seventeen' 8>—«c— 1 only aaked on account of

the aick benefit fund”Frieda turned around to go.••Wait a m inu te .”She looked eomewhat aurprieed a t the (actoty

owner; her friend waa waiting for her ontaide."Scher . . . Schey . . . D on’t we have eome one

elte here,” continued the young m an; “ who ia that there in the packing room, ia th a t your— ?"

"Y«e, ’tie my father," the girl aaid quickly. “Quite right; and the boy, th a t Fred— th a t per-

hap* ia your brother?”“Yea."A paute envied. 8 sm eihlng fearful term ed to

paia th ro1 the room, inexprer*ive,—and now the young man ieaned forward a little and aaid in a low, uaeren voice: “ Would you not eome to my residence tin* evening— now. w hat tim e wo’d it nmt me beet—at m o t—yea?"The girl sta'U ed— me had understood. A second

the ttood helpleea, apeechler—then ah* stammered palnlully:

"B ut, Mr. Rei*, 1 cannot do th a ll No, no, you eanuot expect th a t from me— I—1—”

"So-o-o-o,” interrupted the hoaa in a draw), and then in a tharp to n ., “and why not?"

“ But *urely I cannot doaneh a th ine ,” now whit- l>rred Frieda as if to herself, “ no, no,— I m int not.”

A bluib rove to her face and her cheek* burned. "Very well, then let it go.”Tbem a*ter rote from b it easy chair and la id th is

with cold brutality .Frieda looked a t tbe floor. Confuted tbo’te flut­

tered in her bead—bnt th e voice of her master quickly aroused her.

“ Aye. eye,” he la id , “ what I wanted to a d d - how oid ie your father?"

Frieda drew a long breath; d ie felt be reelf al­ready halt relieved. " In November be will be fifty- two." ebe eaid quickly.”

“ Abe!" and an unconcealed titte r of trium ph broke forth o u t of thie exclam ation, “ he need not come any more— pleeeo tell him , [above tbe regu­lation age]—and your brother, tbe damned boy,— ye«tcrday he did everything wrong again at the custom house."

T hat had its effect—Frieda stood epeechle*e in the middle of th e apartm en t—*he had become datbly pale, and her be«d sank to her breast.

“ Well then a t ninel You know now—child, be reasonable." . . . .

No, the factory owner* do o j t usually pay the girl* theniMlvea—this one did no t only when he wuhed to select a riotim . Toe men knew tbi*, vo when on th a t Saturday n igh t ne told the foreman he Mould pay the girls, he looked »t the clerk end they winked end smiled. W here v a i tbeir manhood? And where waa Frieda's p rotection?

On bow tow m oootn b . ’O’net Disrespect for the act m at gave them life make* brute* of those who indulge the feeling. I ationtd a* soon th ink of ridi­culing tlio memory of my father, or ol .p ittin g up­on the grave of my m other as to th ink im purely of aez—sox th a t ex ill* or degrade* ua a t we hoour o ’ d-grade i t in th mght.

The above article and 'Condeaaed Infam y" so fitin together th a t I republiah the latter from laat is­sue. W hen tbe youog bos* ie tired of the girl he be* tha* forced to bi* arm* there ie oo place for her but iu the ranks of pro«titutioo while the beast in shape ol man who forced—raped—th a t aweet, in ­nocent girl in to the highway to hell goe* unecatb’d, perhaps to oar legislative ball*. Ye*, be may be helping to make law* to regulate "fallen" women while she 1* being arraingtrl in a police eourt and fioed, as I have bsen for daring to Ull the eternal tru th th a t only love can sanctify tire relation of the saxes—that lo w —Oed—it above man made law.

And now come* word th a t I am wanted a t a Spiritualist C im pm eetiog but I m u lt confine my- •ell to Bplritualism—must not talk of these wrong* from tb* platform, and yet they will *;*nd op and invoke tbe aid of the angela, W oet kind of an- grla will be pleased with *uob a course?

Well, no m atter; no eociety, no governm ent can atop my work. They may destroy tbe body, bu t the sp irit i t Inviacibte. I hare sworn by MrtSLr tha t I will not leave this planet till it Is a fit place for wxw and womkm to live in. My body may be dost, bu t I-M msur shall be here-

THE ANARCHY BILL.From tbe Southern Mecca r>

With all tbe fierce shrieking of the plutocratic impe­rial press and th* lurid lightnings of ooogreeaional or­atory—not 1c a(«ak of the lice maaofactoed by police men and detectives to terrify tbe iDDocente—in spite of all this, and more, the Anarchy hill did not get en­acted into law doling the session of Congress joat adjourned.

The thing was too thin; the object aimed at, which waa the eupreealon of a free preee, was too transpar- eat. Tbe malignant* overstepped the modesty of e s­ta te . and thetr bantling died.

Hsd the bill paased, it would have proven to tbe densest intellect and tbe muddiest brain that Ibe gov­ernment of America ie the most absolute and despotic eo earth. Indeed, it ie just that very thing as it is, but the paveege of tbe Anarchy hill would hare con­vinced the thick «*t-headed fool of the fact.

George Brandev. on* of the gr«at»*t of living critic* and so avowed Anarchist, lives in peace iu Denmark Reclus, the great scientist and member of the Insti­tute, another profee*ed Anarchist, le honored by all the great scholars of France, and lives tree from mo­lestation or in tu it at Pans. Malatesta, the bead of the Anarchiate.* Uvea op. nly at London witboot fear of police lies or inuriereoc*. Prince Kropotkin, the heat known of all Anarchist*.baa been traveling open­ly and under hi* own name le France, and is now on a visit to Russia to see Tolstoi. Not even the Haitian police dream ol Interfering with him, lying •in him, or making it in anyway uncomfortable tor him. Nooe of theoe distinguished men would, andvr tbe proposed Anarchy law, bo allowod to com* to the United btetes tinder paio of the ball sod chain and penitentiary, or at the risk ol the ' lire* from the re­port* ol p-rjurol sod hired deUctire*.

We boast of be.eg the most enlgbUned nation on earth, while In fact we are the most ignorant in the average mate of any people claiming to be dvll-ced. Tbe press the politic an. the preacher, and especially the public schools, hat* been the central luminance which have rayed oat this darkness, "m irk darker* that may be felt."

Corrupted by the Sunday papers, flattered by the politicians, m ad. ignorant b'gots by the pulpit, believ­ing. Mke the idiot* tbev ere, the commercial editorials ia the great ilail e* to be gospel truth, and kneaded by the puplic schools Into shape for baking by the plu­tocracy. tb* avereg* American of to dey stand* below the peasant of 'he tenth century in politic*, ia e th ­ic*. end in eoeiolugv. ; rather extravagant.] So besot­ted ere the average tnaee they do not know bow to vo;* for their own intervals at etertioo, bat are the fool* and tool* of lb* matter* who a>e oo their back*. L -t tbe cry ol "Aaarchy" bo raised end the idiot* take up tbe who P and vote Ibemevlve* into deeper slavery. »he» do nut know whet Anarchy meant. Thor bare n-en td d it m»*n* a***-lnaion and ilyna- mit», and tb« sill** hehev* it Yerllv. a* Shillar m -k-e Talho' aav 1—' Agaioat stupidity tbe goda them- reive- fight In vain”

* A. arcblet* acknowledge no head.

FROM THE KANSAS GIRL.Thank God—[Woman}—there are men who are ese-

in tbe lm eet tease of the word, and every hour is lew- toning lb* posrer of a veneer courteeey. and giving in iu place a respect for self and others that make* ■ isealt to woman impoealble. Tb* vote* tha t has spo­ken to woman baa aleo spoken to man, and they a n answering in every au to in our land, and the two tan work aid* by side with perfect confidence and frost.

Mother irruedy baa learned that a lady has tom none of tb* insttncU of her high position whes lata pnU her fl-igert over e type-wrIUr and *b* ehoene* Ic earn her living rather then lot* her tool.

Moth*' Grundy will not die lor tom* tim e—a t .mo-. • e will not hope that she will. Tbe Bachelor girl *» ' the boy who ha* grown up beside her and it eo neasly a man already, will leecb ber much tha t sbecawwotaf- ford to die and mis# knowing. She need* to know that eome people can manage tbeir affair* without ber ar- •tetence that men and women can aaeociat* together without contUot ewrreillanc*—that there ie a code of honor o' ehirb she bat ao conception—a t yet.

duet dow she ta spoil, ng prop rely with a capita) I and lamenting that the modern girl tt eo destitute#! womanly Instinct* as to decline marriage when (be can marry a hank account without any trouble at a. . and won Jer.ng what to do with tbe girl who hum i them wretched idea* ol independence and yet it *0 *• ver anxious to marry that ab* deguate the banka count! What la to broom* of us aben there aron* more homer, no tender romance* to watch b e t a . closed ebutrerv—for tb* considerate old tea l la cot a all particular bow the a«cor*w her in fo rcabec- te gay weddings to talk about, no divorce to gloat over no excitement et ail 1

Sb* is being shocked now lor these lndepeod* young people have pot ••propriety” ia very small and apparently seldom look at it. but after Dr. Yiv*- livenees be* earned ber through the worm of the par­oxysm, ebe will urn th a t tbe Bachelor Girl ia oc: a mannish woman, although the baa sound jodgaun and good ooomoo arcs*—will see that ahe dams to a* right as aba eeoe i t ; that ahe ia not a man-hater, boa a Irteod that a really worthy man may trust ail h a i k and from whom be ia csrtatc of sympathy and rmpwr •-he w'll **» that b« **•«* himtelf eor-v-cr*.*'/ the*, her confidence la him may not be destroyed, that ne honors her for tha t fine reserve with which she keep* within beneii the sentiment which more r - ‘~Ti e t ire* sene:bl* women would ex p re ss . that sh* never frars him because there are ao maunders taad-rgv about tbeir relation; that they are centredv*. a e - tally, socially—no more.

When the Frioce come*, as he doe* eo m etises, >* find* s woman who** heart ha* been kept for b i s e lone; whose mind respond* to hie; whose lip* ere sweeter because they here spoken tender word* ol comfort; whoee eyre lefiect tbe otmoet bappiemw wbee they look into hie. Foe face* ber new lit* knew ■ tog mocb of iU responsibilities, and bene* it weff * quipped for the journey. 8ho keeps ber old tnesde. end as her womanhood ripens, it of even greater tw ­elve to them. Io her now homo she is herself, wleer grown and leader**, 'craoee to a woman, after a*L bom* ia tbe dearest place on earth if tt be a tro t one— the dearest pi*.* la imaglnetloo, if it must bean ideal one; and a woman’s arm* are newer quite file* until they bold a child of ber own; her eye* here or* *r expressed all her bapptnea* anti, they hue* looted from those of ber lover-hesbaad to her babe—sod back again. * * * * *

Jee'.oasy and eelfishnem are making war oo lot*. One army draw* it* Inspiration from the past and the other from the fa tar* ta d the p retest is the beyfie- groued. Tb# caL' for voinnteer* come* from the bosses where little children are erring forjlore; when* mea and women are praying for the happtoas* that the honey mono promieed. I t it the o u st remarkable s.1- uation in the anna’s of history-----

I have space for no more. My dear little friend gtee* a beaUful picture of bom* love iu the re ear that she read at the celebration of tbe fib , where she took the leading part as The Kansas Girl. She haa beta I'ta’t up to read and hear the most radical utterances ao lb s sex qaeatioo, yet none tree likely to take a false step than she. Inspector Wayiand told me that my erti- d* was practically telling yoang girl* “ to go In,’* a vulgar iooendo to ear tb* I asl and be mad* another remark to a c onrade that I will not put on panrr.

Oh, woman I wake up to the wrong* that cr J*h yen

Page 4: t m a*aa m f f Uti a* If I ha I b en at owl* I mio a aee ... · air thrill thru' ami thro' the flbra# of pianta, atlrrtng. the aiucgirfi j4li*a in the *aiti* t***1 tn^e •*!' Die

^ 6 9 CLOTHED w i t h t h e SH.V.


T H E FA IREST 6 1 0 HT.

Voa u c me of th* faireat Right T hat ever I have **«>n

A * w a n d r 'in g o re r m ountain b ig h tOf thro* the r«ll»y» green—

I he (a irett eight Uiat * \rr vet Min# eye# have looked np>q.

Thrilled thro* my tool on# n m iu e r day

J it- t at tbe act ol *oo.An aged iran with stiver hair,

An I brow all wrinkled o'#r,Ind children** children (porting

'roundL’p jn th# cottage ft tor,

Seated hi* he* I a p n th* kn*»Ol her h# chore (or wl(#

|y>ng year* before, (tending erect la manhood'* pride ol life.

And »he with g»otle. loving grace, Still threadol oa 'ran d oo’r

Tlios# d iver I-«cki with flng-r*He h a l c-'arped eo long before.

Or r e d e l the n in love’* car***Upon that aged brow,

And thin, of all tbe aighta I 'm •*«□, War th* f*ir#rxV)oe. I trow.

For th e faithfnl lore of hoary hair* !* lovlier far. to m*.

Than *park|ing eye or roey ebeelr. O r yontbfql vow* can be.

L. W.

h are been eo applied- The u m « I* true of the#orJ*l quawtlon; a thousand do l­lar* wo'd not cover th# c o d to ooreeives to d tbe comrade* elsewhere in onr be* h a 'f daring the t**t tw enty month#, and all b#ran*e we are not aoderrtooi]. It*# th#o!d #tory o! th# water In tbe mill- pand. People h t<J the ir Jd#a* ad ju ited to tb# fltt ea rth tbaury and reaaoued from that. They knew t( a di*h of w ater waa turned over the water wo'd b> eplU'.l and It tbe world turned over why ebo'd not the #«>ne th ing happen to tb e m id­pond? Yee, why not?

T here’e one little difference th e m ill­pond man failed lo note The w ater in the upw tvop wo'd (all toward th* earth , but If tbe w«t*r to the tndlp n J waa •p IleJ it m id go from tb* e ir tn v a t

A S IN T ER E STIN G L E T T E R . Mr*. W .labrookcr

D ear I . * d y I h a r e before me a o o p y o l C lothed W ith T he S en , I like it #j well I w rite yon a t ooce an I enclose 50 cent# for anbecriptioti. Som e of y o a r utterance* are ao new an d , to tne, eo ra d ­ical, they give me a h a lf fr ig h ten ed , yet glad feeling. I t ieada roe to «Je*ire move and fa tter oom prehenaioo of w hat yon advocate.

For year# I b a re been eo eogroaavd w ith tb e rare# Of a fam ily, and lim ited mean*. th a t I 'v e read b a t little and been abroad atili le**, bu t 1 have done aonie th inking, and y o o rh im e in tb e pa-

ue/ore me on "w o rn .: ." and **fr»e-■ docj" And a rv.»p.»o*ive echo la me.

When a child I wae a m em ber of tb e

j t s r f L E i .A M o r m r J o r k s a t

Pab ltahad a t IW o tn , C al., a n d ed it# i O u r i* i Sarcr*an.

Term *. 50 cent* a year.C m utriow o r W o#** dr I V i a e o r M a s .


T h e B e s t

io to th* A(tn*ipb*r». Tu* people of . . . . ^. . . . • . , . . . * P r t« re ta u e LtcaqIb in CfciCA*o. l U r td i? lcn«w nothing of t ’i<* c n V i ' i i _ . . . . . \ __ .. „L . . . . tl . . * a r ec o lle c ilo G o /A i t « 0 d io * a m ^ t t B c w u b

piw er th a t h >11* at th . ig r open t b e _______________vr.. w . _______ ____a - .


Anarchy a* a philosophy o( life will be accepted t.y all good men and wo­men when once nnderetood. (n Free -viciety of July 0, there appeared a prix* 4-aaay on the “ Origin and Creed of An­archism , w ritten by Albert S tic k le r , a i r e m te ro f tbe Jaolor •!■** in tbe cl*«* ralco-ireeof the I'blledelpbia Central

HHrb rwbnni, and lor which Mr. S trict- lor rwoalveil th e I n i pr.ta, .g o ld meilal.

no'piw er th a t b d earth to ft* carfare.

And there i* aqotber thing th a t the people of thi* age have not vet ro rerog- n lied a# lo apply the principle involved, to-wlt . th* tu to r# of th e power tha t *o a ttrac 'aa ll thing* upon tb * ea rth toward it* center. T hat power ie the fem inine.I# whet In tb e boinan i* called woman.

The feminine te al cay* N a ig re 'i bull- . * ,det. The feminine a ttra c ts , attraction. uwhen *trong enough to bold in p la c e t, love. Tb - power, then , th a t bol l* the earth and th* thing* upon it in plac*. it love .* manifest in m atter. I t refreelor#.There are no e ite rn a l bond..

my m otbnr a t w b icoaM r* lVai*l>r<x>ker spoke, and 1 ao wonder If you are the la d»? Tb* ta lk inipreeeeU m * t-ecaa** of tb# ex trem e earnvetovw* of tb# apeak- e r .a u d i«v*a*e eh#aw akened new id#*e I co 'd no t aoire, nnd which 1 lacked tb e & . Z 5 S Z L Z i ™ *oonAdeocw to go to my m other w ith an d u»or*«*» r< w n V rr4 u iw -« M it» •»«

. . . O n r « a - e o w a i a a i c r a i #.1*1*• j t b e * n a u n -w J a t # . c n « lt* * o 4 ' t r r e r l l ' e l r w r " w . S . ( t r e e :

H ad I th# m e a n . I w o o * « » d n l ooce ~K ( » *» r ire * * * ro -irv »i>* r , , r— la ’ re

' 77 p e l- . K »~w it a n at* • I S — V a k i r l adverti#ed ; aa U It, I will te n d tor them u . e - . < o r r j o . » .v - -t.k t a- a cewt r* '

• a n tog . t» ee . t# « e m i -3. r - »WI h i , - < e r > t l i t S e ile r l* « » h t«a M laacv - f • -» !•** a r t p e— «c*r» a - # havet r i i »* i eea b f op* »l Teye P u p > a t

one a t a tim e a# It bc«t>mee poeaible. Yuara to u i* aenrru for u m ti.

J . E . C .Port Angel**. W a.b .

T H E D ESTR U C TIO N 50,000 L IV E S .

O l'

Aa yoa ar* k in to , garden 10 .utnrr-ar yoo arepon an an t bill, yoa cra«b It and there you hare duplicated the terribl# cata«tn>pl># in th* lakand oi U u P O iqa* .

__ If yod lerk down »o viartinxyj* IrvvwIn Free -SxMCy at ja ly 20. U># editor lb* b # ig n of a bnodred atllee. orI I J I )<M. TUicAOO oi Ml r#l*»

t i l an t kill. ABd th# JUuutBr'TiiifltMAv Billion At lliia liru« u u * ___. ,* _____ _____ ___ . . . .

^ — ng--------------------- WOtled B 9 ( f A A t # r tb A O tCIAl W tjich

Mrs. Waisbrooker’s Books.

MY C E N T U R Y P L A N T —

i b f* r*ndT i U T* U H • t f A# h«M>) Tb* M i*rw4 It U b - |* •!'*#•« 4<*>t b*«1 B o o t pom vWM. 6 * 4 CKIAM STW | tb # lb # fr#H >X Krt»i T . OJ Tb • B 'v t #♦!■??•• • It--' *f<J 9m<w* f * •!<# I#2l* Of V b T «*•# 15 .«# I U t #U^n» (lb -• «w O *d I 'l l '# ) S3 P* • • «k b c ̂ *crt' |» i o *o-9 s>f «r#W #11 II l lb M t' 4 t« m tb U p * # f» t .u

m ta iia y a u x m co . m e a if t .N #9 T o r t


tin* time uu \m< #arb circntnatsoee#, and appreciated

• ] highly by #ucb wall known frlendr of popslar education a* Jndge Hanna, who preeented tb# medal, and Dr. R K Th«m|>#on, preaident nf th* High School. de*#rve# p*rtc#n*nt racrgnitlon from ell tro th em>klng American* in tbeir country, inatitnttona a n i tb* llfo-work ofeom eof ita moat noted thinker*, re- lortner# and acholarr.

“ To tbt* end the Cb cavr Phlluaophi-• al Society will have the eaaay pqbliihwd in pam phlet form with a am iable in ­troduction by aonie well known «tad*nt of Aoarcbiam.

“ It i* only (air to aay th a t all tb e beat and paaalon, et/lfe, threat* pereecu- lion, i-rieou fentenc**, law* eoactekl an-l law« iont*inplai»d are bat tb e reflwt-on of tbi* f**t growing t h o i ; and ln-t*wl of t id in g lo r*ta« mocey every little wbkl# to d«l#nd th* victim# of tin* igno­rant#. th e lr>#nd* of freedom and prog- rve* ebon Id con-idrr It a aacrwd duly to deal more with cate*, and th# #if«ct will car# for Iteelf.

“ Till# ran be attended to lo no better nay than by having th#e***y pahllahed

fallow* the c.rele** walk in yuar gardaa path.

W hat a tiny and fragile tiling i* man . how *>>*o!aUdy a t tb# mercy of nature'* force#— yet. In tim e, t** will regulat# wb- •olately Ibi# (m ail { anet which la giv­en tb Um.

H# will control ita volcano** a* b# now cootrol# ita waterfall* and nvera. lie w lllcontrol itaatorm a, it* rainfall and It* heat

Many eenturint from now, hnndrada of centttrl#*, or even thoaeande, perliai# th* lava th a t boried tb* victlts* oi M ar­tinique will b# dug ewav by a rac# in ­conceivably different from oar#.

InDrtetii'-g ko»wi*dg# will b# ga)r*-l by tto#e who **c*v*te the ban ed city la that d i-iant day. foterwatmg com­ment will he w ritten on tb# fact tb# tn#n of tha t tim e—>•' our tlm -—ha t ao b ill# ront-ol of th e world th a t they war# Unable e irri to regulat# on* of lla tiny eafety valve*, and andefalood not even the mo>t elmpl* law* (or torewewirg and providing agaiaat tb* natu ra l expaotiou of tbe e a itb ’#croat

— E ditorial N. Y. Jou rL al.

r a p e te a k O nl* Tbit h O ' I t * Ov»vtw a -l ic l , i n*t*e«1 r-ngee vv t h e b eet t h a ' lh w # Ad #• • • • • P P R f *. iMp«Sf|*IWM i » t-n Colo* >d p late*] 2tfl rewtpwa. and a ll for $ t.

H -oo o rd e r# to th i# office.

l i a r - a > e # i* m e t w i th p o q tn r a p r v o v n l . So Called bccauae au tuucb io n d v a u c # n . , t , e i * v * la*v work, T H E C Y

of tb* age th a t o n ly T h in k e r# will ap- C f .O rE d l A. arlR d a H-e » ■ * T H F p»W .tc . I ' r . o e l l . t.H E A »>T W o .......... . tb ,

T H E OCCULT FO RCES O F S E X ——O at of p i.n t-

T IIE FOUNTAIN OF L IF E , or TbeThreefold Tower o! S rx . p » t* f , Price 50 ceot* The l* » o l# * x trea ted ecieti- tiCcnlly and aplrttnally .

PE R FE C T MOTHERHOOD, or M* bvl Key m ood’* Keeolve. C iotb, P r.ce f l

Thi* bock doe# not enter tb* epbere ol tb# pbyaK-ian bu t abow* t>ow th e pre*

en t a trucinre of eoviety Inter'erew w ith th e ikipruvrnient of the rarw by (allloa

to provide gwrl cooditiona (or Diotlwr- hood.

A Kei K avolution. Paper. 25 cent*.

!* » * * » # » # a n » ^ c - v > v # a » a.# » |

A d e p t s W a n t e d - S E N D IO C E N T S A N D G E T f

’ T h e T e m p e ra n c e F o lly , o r l W h o * tbo W orw tJ" *1 w ith te rm s to a^e t-ta . ji a a a t a a r a a a t * * * * * * # * » * * # <

Thi* pam phie t waa w ritten w ltb the • ip re a * parpoa# o f being so ld am o n g

Tbt* book doe* not trea t o« *e« aa au rb U * —loon*. O u r T em p era up . W o rk er* b u t i t a n w t o . p o rtio n of the M M to ^ th# cohvKjerwd tRmwer.

give woman n ebanew to try bee Land at — . ,gaged in tbe ino r traffic a* a b -oele-r* ractifylng tb # wrong- , . . ^ , .

e.AN o f iicner« f«jr v IkMH i t i t o o tTb# W h#relora In v e .t lg .t ln r Com pn ^ tb M g h t, «o th a t tb# t r a f

ay. A fin* economic Hiory. P ap er. 50 • *" ^fto i# f e r t r n tn ) . I have rev # r y e t hearda T em pararoe W o rk e r eapreae an y anxiety a* to the fate « f th. «p i h a a

cent#.Helen Ilarlow 'a Vow. A S tory th a t

internal* all who read It. Pape*. S5 cl*A Spirit Physician'* Advice in Fam ily

M atter#, tbla, with G randm other'# Ad­vice, 2S cent#.

buatueae they w ould thu* d e s tro y .lV > w w ho condem n the traffic and

y e t a n a ta ln lan d tn nopoly, inU r*a^

'a pam phlet form, and II io«#ibl#. lb#••m e anhfect w huli r#c#lr*d honorable Ther#’# oe# th ing man doe# to day th a t naolion, and then mailing on* copy to th# man of ib# lo ttor# will no t baab l# tb# president, tb# metnbar# of hi* e#bi- to do—b eran n o t rot# ovee woman, nor net, aemtore. eo-igretuneti. etate legiala- over hi* fellow men. lie will kbow twt- tore, state and federal lodge*, and Ui all te r than to try . Anarchy—sell govern- th# t»ach#re and profeaaora of tb# Uni- ui*nl will ili-n l* lived. t#d S tat*#." “ Ob, people will Iw ready lor It tb«n,

The lile# le # good on# an I tho* It wo'd **•* d w on't do now. ”

Lite fasnee, or Sex E xperience , in tb e r*n l r,u‘Aetrai, |0 ct*. » e n it.to tbe b«»ine*«. S at help ing to— -■ — — prvpat# tb* victim *, and thu* a r* aa

NAME KKADI n o . bad o r wor*« than tb<r*e tbay o m d e ig a .I t U claim ed now a day* th a t tb# r# it W e w ant to *ho* th* aaln»o-m«n

character m eaning In tb# U tter# of one'* , ^ , t w r r r ^ a r d tbcm a* b ro thers tongU din tk# m«#be* n f a f»U* w v i 'in t ic a .

mat money, I am not ear# tha t what th# tom rede# li*v# bad to pay on a u n n i t o( tb e pr#v#iltcg Igoorabce upon lliia gu*«- lion, wo'd not covet tb# e ip tO N co'd it

Mother, may I go o a t to awlrn?till ye#, my darling daughter.

llangyuU r clothe* upon • lim b, Uni don ' go near the w ater.

oan ,e I know som eth ing of th i# '*ec< •tic*.*' and if any of roy rewdei# deeir- lo i##t it ami will send id# M) ren te I w tl do my W et lor them . Tb# oaual pn«» ie I I , Imt I #m not a p ro firien t, A n>#• ill pl#a*«> eem ' hi# ro-dher'e o en .e W (or# m arriage, and a wouien • i l l plea- give her ina>deq nam e and th a t of b- m other. Full name# required . I.. W.

they in o*ie w ey and we in ano ther, ac>4 to •*\ them lo th ink ing on a I me th a t w ill enab le tb -m to help then a ive# and a* <>ut o f the## taugie#. W bo ■ I kelp ue by tak in g A d d and aa lita f tb# >,lr.;di!ei1 Addrea* tbia vdbim