t. p. l.tpput, alexander, · 2017-12-17 · for better work. 5th. ... daywas col. u. l. boyce, of...

POETICAL. In the Garden. She's fairer than a lily, And she's sweeter than a rose. And she knocks the neighbors elll j When she wields the garden how. She lifts her skirts from danger With her left hand, while her right Grasps the no»ta, and the stranger Gets a very pleasing 6ight. For she's always fresh and ro-y, And she seems so sweet and fair, As she sprinkles every posy With the most impartial care. The neighbors' eves all twinkle Anct their interest daily grows, For they like to see her sprinkle, And tboy like to see tbe hose. [From Otc Somercille Journal. MISCELLANEOUS. sowers." . ¦" Communicated. WnenEAS, In convention assembled In Storer College. Harper's Ferry, June S-7. 1889. we. the teachers of Pcabody Institute of West Vir¬ ginia, have been so profitably entertained and so well instructed, therefore. Bciolced. 1 A. That wo tender- our heartfelt thanks to B. 3. Morgan, State Superintendent, for the selection of the talented Miss M. E. Gibbs and the practical II. P. Montgomery, of Washington, D* C.. to couduct our institute. 2nd. That we recognise in our County Su¬ perintendent, Emanuel Schaeffer, a practical Instructor. 3rd. That we tender a vote of thanks to tbo faculty of Storer College for the use of Anthony Hall. 4th. That we will make a great effort to pre¬ pare ourselves to meet the increasing demand for better work. 5th. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the West Virginia Journal and to each of our county papers with the request that they he published. W. II. Bkli.. ?«IiPs Emii.y Carter, Miss E. V. Smith. W. n. Jenkins. W. A. Aktp.r, Committee. Testing His Whistle..In the train .Georgic, Georgic! mind, your hat will be blown off if you lean so far out of the carriage. Paterfamilias (quickly snatching the hat from the head of the refrac¬ tory youngster, and hiding it behind his back).There now, the hat has gone! Georgie sets up a howl. After a while, his father remarks: "Come, be quiet; if I whistle your hat will come back again." (Whistles and re¬ places hat on boy's head.) "There, it's back again, you see!" While the parents are engaged in conversation, Ceorgie throws his hat out of the window, and says : "1'a, whistle again!" Fra-ncisco Argonaut. (MP rOK TUB BLOOD, Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion and Biliousness, take BROWN S IRON BITTERS. It cures quickly. For sale by all dealers in niedieine. Get the genuine. The Washington correspondent of the Alexandria Gazette says: "Among the Virginians in the city Wednes¬ day was Col. U. L. Boyce, of Clarke oounty, Va., who has just returned from a visit to Richmond, where he went to examine the books in the State land oQice there for evidence of the validity of the claim of the Wol- oott heirs for a million and a half acres of land lying in Southwestern Virginia, in West Virginia and- in Kentucky. The lands were entered by Wolcott of Connecticut^ from 1775 to 1781. The Colonel 83ys he was entirely successful, and has es¬ tablished the validiey of the claim.. He says the claimants so far from in¬ tending to dispossess the settlers, will give them goed titles to the lands thoy have cleared and have improved, but will take possession of all wild fond, of which there are hundreds of thousands of acres, and upon which there is valuable timber." FOR DY8PEPSIA and hirer Complaint jcra have a printed guarantee on every bottln of Shlloh'b Vltalizer. It never faiU to cure. Sold by C. Frank Jones. The Virginia State prohibition par¬ te will meet in Lynchburg on July 17 next to nominate a full State ticket fbr Governor, lieutenant-governor and attorney-general. The Bbst Stock of Groceries, Qnccnsware. Glassware and Spices can be found at Beach- icj's, Hagerstowu. Ttu-y don't get undersold. Mcsnsa. UvDERWrAit..Ladies are invited to see Beachlcy's 6toek before tliev buy. Our Hambtirgs. Edgings and Insertions are es¬ pecially nice aud cheap. A Goon Si;IT or Clothes and a first-class fit can be had at Beaehlcy's for very little money. Xkw Parasols dircc. from New YorX.. Beacbley Son Lave just received their spring Parasols and San Umbrellas. Prices very low. Ybuji Spuing Clottiino..Don't buy them until you see Beaehlcy's stock. Tailors first- class. Stamped Muslin and Lixen. Splashers, Pillow Shams. Stand Scarf*, Tray Covers. <fce., just received at Beachlev's. Deft am. Competitors..Jlcachley & Son go right on. People say none sell cheaper. The Domestic Se.vino .MAcsisr is light running, noiseless and shuttle self-threading. H yon buy before yon see it you will be sorry. Beacbley & Son, ngcnM, Hagcratown. Hon. J. Randolph Tucker has been elected professor of law in Washing¬ ton and. Lee University, and he has accepted. "HACKMETACK," a laFting and fraijran Sorfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold l»j C. rank Jones. IS CENT PoultryPowders <&E AND PREVENT ^HpLERA GAPES, ROUP, L10E, EGG EATING, Laying of Soft Eggs, &c. Without Parallels En Producer. rnsrpAUED care ivr the Ticroa REMEDIES CO., Fmtowmck, Md. yoHr dcalar to -write m% for Clriralar® and fuller facts. A trial will prove our ruserUoua. For sole t»y 6. 8. I)ALGAKN. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. T. P. L.tppUt, DEALER IN Building* M aterials & Farm Implements Pl.axk, Flt.VMIKG, Siiixgi.es, Fi.ookino, Doors, Wisnows, Bi.isds, Mouldings, Brackets, &c. NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, LIME, IIAIR, RRICK, SAND, TAINTS, GLASS. Wood's BINDERS, Wood's MOWERS, Wood's HORSERAlvES, Old Hickory WAGONS, Champion WAGONS, Binder TWINE, Root PLOWS, Threshing MACHINES, Cultivators. Fork3 Shovels, Spades, Iloes. Rakes, Scoops, Brushes, Handles, &o., &c. Keeps in Stock everything needed for Building. Orders by letter or in person, receive prompt attention. JSfTelephono call No. 50. May 3, 1837. What is Castoria 1b Dr. Sam! Piiclier^ old, hamlens oadanlcls euro for Infaats* and Children's Complaints* Superior to Castor Oil, Parcgorio or Karoo tip Syrups. Children cry for Ca.vtoria. lions of Mothers bless Castor?.* Mil- CastorJa cures Colic, Constipation : Sour Stomach, I)iarrha»o, Eructation ; Gives healthy sloop ; also ai'ls digestion ; Without narcotic stupefaction* Tub Centaur Company, 77 Murray St., New York, " I rcoommccd Castoria for children's complaints, an superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Auchkr, M. D.. Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N.t HUMPHREYS' DK. HUMPHREYS' BOOK. Cloth & Cold Binding, 141 wltli Steel Engraving, BATI.P.U rVKE. Ad.lr.. r. <). Box 1*10, X.T. In use no years..'Trusted Prescriptions of an eminent Physician. &i?i:plc» Uafe and Sure. sos. A! 10 i V ::/i If ill CURES. I'BICK. FotcMi Congeatlfii, Inflanimallotu. *23 \\ nriiis, Worm Fever. Worm Colic.. .'2>1 Crying Colic, orTectulugo/Infants .:i."5 Din rrnoa of Children or A«lult*..... ,'Z7* Dysentery* Griping, Mlfoua Colli;.. .^."5 Cnolcrfi«>>orbui*« vcnUling .*115 1 i 1 <;o»K"t voiu, uruRi.mw Neurit(triii, Toothache. Foceaeho.... fleadncltr*, Sick Headache.VertlgO Dyspepsia, Wllous Olnniaoh Snpprensed or rniot'ul Period* Whites. t«K» Profuse Periods. Crono, OouKh, DlQlctdt Preathlne... Halt it benm, Erysipelas. Kmptiima 11heiitiiiilisiti, Rheumatic Pains... Fever and Affile* ChllU, Malaria... Piles, nitnd or itlcc.lltiK D:»bthiilfny» or Sure, or V.>okEye» Ram EOPATHic 11li'r h ."u ".7u"or.'T "iih ¦; 111 ii u <¦""/" Whooping Coucb. Violent Coughs As! hiiiit» nuppressod Hreutlihijc Knr Discbo vires, Impaired Hearing Scrcfnltr, Enlarged tilaad.n.Swclllng (jcnoral llebiiity.Phyaical Wcaknew Drop«y. and 8canty Secretions Sen.*ic?incHK,Sletne<i fron Hiding Kidney Disease Nervous flehilit v* Seminal Weak¬ ness, or Involuntary Discharge*. 1. Sore Mov.tli. Canker . Urinary WeakucMf WctfiugBcd . Pninfuf Periods, *rl(hftpH*ai *. Dispose-* uf Ilirarr. Palpitation... 1 .i Epilepsy, Spasm, St. V!fit»«f Dance.. .1j Diphtheria* Oiccntfod Sore Throat yiironie Cnnye^f 7f»ns fr Emotlona SO .10 g ijj 3!! 00 Ml »o » i S FECI FICS ..w..I wi ¦ ¦i.. Sold by Dni»1sr3, or sent root paid on receipt of price..Hl'SfilKfild' XlCOIt'lMC CM. ICS FoftonHt.5. T. SSHgsdPSRI h|UHPHRET8' VETERINARY SPECIFICS.. « IJaciI by all oivnerM ofIZonieand Cat* tit. A CompUmcntary copy of i>r. Humphreys' Veterinary ;«lamml (500 pages) on treatment- and rare of Ponp'stlr Anbnaw.Horw«>, CatLie, Sherp Hoif^ and Poultry Sent free. Hto?iu>ky*' Homeopathic Men. Co., I0t> Fulton St., N. Y. Dccomber IS. 1888.ly. IVIfidam Itoxhl's SCHOOL FOR MUSIC. MADAM BUHL wishes to announce that she will begin her Music Clans Bkptem- BBR 3, 18*8. at her Music Room in Lee Hall Building. Will teach Vocal nnd Instrumental Music; also Theory and Harmony. Where pupils take both Vocal and Instru¬ mental Mn^ic no charge will be made for Gen¬ eral Class or what id called the Chorus Class. Madam Kuhl's reputation as a musician and teacher is known all through the South, she having had twenty-five years experience as music teacher In some of the largest schools aud private classes. Wiil also teach Vocal and Instrumental Mu¬ sic at Stephenson Female Seminary. Thanking her friends for past favors, she re¬ spectfully solicits a liberal share of patronage for the coming session. See circulars for further information. July 24, 1SS8.ti. C£0. T. LIGHT, DEALER IN Drugs, IVIeclicines, TAINTS, SCHOOL BOOKS. STATION'KUY. TOBAC- COK8. CIGARS, «tC., TAKES this Opportunity of thanking his pa¬ trons for their most liberal patronage fur the last year, and hopes by strict attention aud fairdcaliug to merit a continuance of the same. I sell firxt rate goods always: do not sell coim- terfeit or cheapgoirds for the forsf. Warrant every¬ thing sold.to be returned if not as guaranteed. It is my desire, and also pleasure, to sell my patrons THE BEST QUALITY GF 300DS always, but will, if compelled, sell them Laud¬ anum for 0 cts.. Syrup for o eta. and Cologne for 25 cts. per pint: but at the same time, let ! me inform you. ttiat according to the United States Pltarmacopea, you can't make Laud¬ anum for less than 10 ct^. by the wholesale. A much cheaper plan is to buy your goods uir.e, and add the icata- yourself. CIGARS.best in town. March 3* 1880. PRO. T. LIGHT. Tho BDYICRS' GTJIDE is issued March and Sept., *eaoh year. It is an ency- Jclopedia of useful infor- ? motion for all who pur¬ chase the luxuries or tho necessities of life. "We can clothe you and furnish you with all tho noccssary and unnecessary appliances to rido, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and in various sizos, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is roqulrod to do all those things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimato of tho valuo of the BUYERS' GXJIDI3, which will bo sent upon receipt of lO cents to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenuo, Chicago, 111. September 11. 1SSS. Notice. Ovricr. or Cnjkulestown Gas and) Water Company, i rpm: price of Gas has been reduced to $3.35 X. per tbrusand foct, to take effect from Oct. 1st. 18S8. A discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed on all monthly bills, paid at the oillce of the! Treasurer of the Company, on or before the 5th day of each month, but not after that. date. DAVID HOWELL. Treasurer. October 30.1SSS. tK^SSS\ ».'<* iWwaurTizTthV world! I IPerfect timekeeper. War-X rawMaoiMM |Uuntln* Cuu. Both Udlea' lend grata' sizM, with work* and cue* of equal vala^ i One Penon In eachlo* caltly can tecure ono free, ither with oar larg* andval- uaolo lino of Hooaehold Samples* The«» MaaplM, n well at the watch, send ¦ ¦¦¦¦._ »V«e, «ad afler yoa have kept In yoot homo tor 9 tnontbe and shown them to thoeo whomay ba*o called, lh»r beeoma yoar oww property- Tfcoie who write at oace can bo euro of receiving the Wateh December ^5, 1888.ly. IlliSH line of Extracts, at F Due. 11. 18S«.' MKKC1IANT'S. 10,000 Agents Wanted 4 T onco to sell the only Authentic, Com- /\. plete nnd Graphic History of the JOHNSTOWN FLOOD, Profusely Illustratratcd with views of all sorts connected with the terrible scenes of the mighty Inundation. 13 mo.. 400 pnees. Price *l.r>0. Liberal Terms. Thousands Want" It. Demand is Increasing. Send qnicklj 35c. for Hut Jit to J. W. Keclcr & Co., 5c£3 Chestnut Street. I lul- adclphia. Pa. Bank Notice. TnE Bank of Cbarlcstown will 1)0 closed on Thuj«SI>*t, Jnly 4th. 1SS9. GEO. A. rOKTERHEI.D. June 18, 1889. Catliier. FARMERS, ATTENTION! A. S. Crittenden, CUARLESTOWN. W. VA.. AGENT FOR \I70ULD state to the citizens of Charlcs- W town and Jefferson county, that in ad¬ dition to his repair department of Watches. Clocks, *fcc.. lie has now all the facilities for Manufacturing RINGS, BREAST PINS. COLLAR BUTTONS, CUFF BUTTONS, and in fact almost anything in his lino from old lirol«en up jewelry or fragment.* of gold or silver. A trial job i? solicited, and if eat.lsfac- lion is not given nr> charge* will be made. I also handle the Scth Thomas and other leading American Watches. May U. 1889; ZS2SI TVhen T 6ay Ctjw I dr» not mean merely to stop them for .1 time, and then have them re¬ turn again. 1 mkan A RADICAL CUIUS. I have mcdo tlxe disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FAXXIK'Gr SICKNESS, A life-long 6ti-;!y. I watirakt my remedy to Cure the worst ri-i'.i. llccauso others havo failed la no ruason [or not now Qecoivrag: acuro. Send at once for a trpntipc nnd a Free hottlb of mv iNFAi.t.mLK ukxedt. Givo Kxprons and Pout omoc. It routs yon nothing lor a trial, nnd it will euro jmt. Address H.C.ROOT, M.G., I S3 PEX.il ST., ttlfl YjRK October 3. 1888.ly. WALTER A. WOOD'S CELEBRATED Self - Binders, lowers, Harvesters and Horse- Rakes. The feature of this year's .Self-Binder 1* the Single Canras ln*tead of three, as used here¬ tofore. The Horse-Rake is a self-dnmp with steel wheels, and can be worked by a child b years of age. Give ino a call before, purcbadlng. I also handle all trades of BICYCIiE8r TBICYCLKS and VE¬ LOCIPEDES. New Wheels guaranteed a- ainst breakage for one year. My territory for Bind¬ ers, Mowers. <fcc., is the part of Jefferson Co. lying south of the Main Com of b.^O.Railro,.l. c|iiTTBNDKN ifc-.- OfTlru :>.nil sales-room in Wclrlek Uulld- i"-. North Cliarles fired. May 11. 1S8!>.3in. "OKLEWIB, Watch RJlaker& Jeweler, S1IEPIIERD8TOYVN, W. VA., THE WEST END AHEAD! HENRY DUMM HAS Imp every nook and corner of hie store filled to overflowing with a larger and more Varied stock of CKGSCE GOODS than ever before, including Toys in Great Variety, and Novelties in great profusion. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES: FKL'it.S. FOK-EWN AND DOMESTIC; CON'FECTIONEliY -IMPORTED cc HOME¬ MADE; GIVfcAT VAllIETV OF NUTS; ALL KINDS OF CAKES, Crown people and children will find a beau¬ tiful and bountiful stocK from wbicli to select. He is thankful for past putronaire and will endeavor by generous dealing to merit a con¬ tinuance of the old custom and to win new pa¬ trons. January 10, 1868 MISCELLA NEOEjjS. JOHN W. RUSSELL, SUCCESSOR TO JAS. W. BUTT, keeps nothing but the best of OTferytliin!* In the line of Stores & Tinware, A SPECIALTY .or. Roofing and Spouting. I always use smaller size tin in Roofing.. Why do I use it ? It takes doable the work, double the solder and more tin to the square than larger sheets. Call and see ut my place of bnsine*&. All I ask is that the public will come and sec rny £oods, and I know they will buy ; for my stock is complete, my ijoods the best that can be had, and my prices arc as low as I can put them not to lose money. Articles in stock are too various to be enumerated, but Qall at my SALES-ROOMS, North Charles St.9 CIIARLESTOWN, W. VA., and I promise to please you. Verv respect- fully. JNO. W. RUSSELL. July 20, 1887.y. AND MACES Taos. C. F.akK8iia\v.] f It. Frank Rooi.kv. EARNS MAW & DOOLEY, (HUberte Building, Main Street.) CHARLE8TO WN*. \V. V.\., Dealers in COOKING STOVES, RANGES, BASE BUSKING AKD HEATINQ STOVES of all kind?, and Manufacturers of TIN, COPl'E11 Jb SHEET IRON WARE. Spccial Attention given to Roofingand Spouting. All Kinds of Repairing promptly done. HAVING purchased the stock of Machinery, Tools and Stoves of Messrs. Duke & Gal- laher. wc will Continue the Tin and Stove bus¬ iness in all it: various branches. We will keep on hand -x fnll stbelc of tinware of our own manufacture. and will makotQorderpropjptlv, any articlv iiamr ii'ne. being both practical tinners. ..'enicr having rerved l>-j .4f%- at the business, is ;i ^'usr :int»:e :*liut work entrusted to ns wiU be uroperly executed. We irjiarantee ail work at lowest juices, and ask a share of the public patron ae;*-. KAKNSI1ATV ** DOOLEY. February 20. 1SS3.v <J X1 Ali IjKSTOWN Marble Works, North CJeorgo Street, nnar the Grange Store. DiEHLT BRO., UPACTUilEHS OP Monuments, Tombs, HEAD ANI> FOOT STONES. MAN¬ TELS. STATUES, & CAHVJXG. in all its various branches, and all work their business. All orders promptly filled ut the low¬ est rate, and shortest notice, and nil work de¬ livered .nd put up. and guaranteed to &ut pur¬ chasers. If not. no sale. Please call and see. and j udge for yourselves before pure'^isin^ else¬ where. and patcdnizo Home Manufactures. DIRK J, k BRO. Char! stown. March 14, 1871. j /TV gZKF.SV CUn!KOT,frryk'«m. B JHr3 fclA K**-'WM»TUa«lA8 EAR C USHIONS Ul£-2 j (A Li Whlsp^ra h *ard «"*UneUjr. Comfort¬ able. roriHo<r*!l. IU».boos & proofj frae. A.ldrei«ur»Uoa ¥. M8COX. a.S3 Broadwfr/ff* f, * PAHKSS'S HASf? BALSAM Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. Never Fail; to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. Prevents Dandruff an-I hair f.illiiig A 5CH.\ an'l ? 1.u? I»ni^ri«?fs. ExhaustedVitality Untold miseries Resulting from the Errors of Yonth, Folly, Vice. Ig¬ norance, Ac., may bo cured at home without fail or exposure. Infallible and Confidential. Large Treatise, 3"o pa^es, only$l by mail, sealed, postpaid. Small book, with endoracments of the press free. Send now. Address the Peabody Medical Institute, or Dr. W.II.Parker, No.4 Bulflnch S u, Boston,Mas & _ NiMDERCORNS. Thoonlriraro Curo for Corns. Stops all nafn. IJnsnrefl comfort to the feet. 15c. at Druggists. Iii8Cox&Co..N.Y. "^YOTT OONSU88PTBVE PARKER''gVlNQeW Vo the worut car-o< nn«f is tTiu b.->t remedy for all ilia ari>iui? from defective nutrition. Take in tune. 60c. and Sl.oa DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES, Mado of 8te*J, lighter, stronger."cheaper,' more power, everlasting ami competition distanced! For proof order on trial, to keopithe. best aifffl 45S»%ijr ?thcr alongside if vou can? BevertibU Jruli Circa lidt Presses; aU sizes. AdJrtn for . . .- elmilan and location of*- 3^1/ Wettern and S«etlwrn V A 5r<rsr^X'a wo&^sgss^&s?* CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS SIS 02C3S lUKSfiO BBA»TD. OrWnaJ. f:»t, nmlr rmntar am reliable pill for *olu. Stmr Kail Auk for Chichester'i J5n<'hji Diamond Brand, rrd n>« talfie boxi .. i^alfrtw'rth bluerifc- boo. At Drngclrt*. Aetryt no other. All puis In pnstH. CV ouk enuulMfcft Srn 1 4e .X //J particular# and "Keltof for I.tvMrW >¦. f. ..,«««¦. bj return mall. 1< ,t)Ol> trail- monlttln fiotr. I ABIES whobava used tboa. N'.ui e Paper. Chlchestcr Chemical Ct)03IadisuafS«i. June 16. isj>i».iff. P»?«r. PhUa.,Pa. PAiNTSWG I t THF mudcr.-i:rued would bear nc»u! ¦: to the people of Jefft that lie is prepared fr» Contract for 1 lave to an- on Count}',; all kinds of HOUSE PAiSmHD. PAFER KANGiNS, GLAZJHO, &C., upon rcnjonalilo terms. Alt work eptniftwt to 1IIC will receive prompt attention, slid ?atisfne- tJon gimrantccil. .hare of the Mibltepatron- ngc solicited. RcspeeUnlly. J. J. RUSSELL. April 4. 1SS3.y. Cliarlw-UtwnTi^". Va. I) |h*i OAK FENCH'iG for snle by Apr. ZK. T. P. LIF MISCELLANEOUS.' CO One 25c. Package makes 5 gallons of a most Delicious. Sparkling:. Temperance Beverage.. Strengthens and purifies the blood. Its purity aud delicacy of flavor commend it to all. Sold everywhere. TRY IT. If vour Drtigarlsfc or Grocer should not have it in etorc, ask them to get it, for 3*0:1. or send 25c. to tlic Manufacturer and you will receive it by mail. CHARLES E. HIKES. 117 it 119 Arch st., Phila., Pa. April 2. 1S89.<»m. Jos. II. Eastehday.") f Wm. P. Eastbbday. EASTERDAY & CO. \X7"E have entered in a partnership to carrj- T V 011 the Plumbing. Gas and Steam Fitting- and Hot Water Heating, together with the Tin, Sheet-Iron, Roofing, Spouting and Stove bus¬ iness. STOVES! STOVES!! All grades in stock. A full assortment of Tin and Sbeei-lrpil Ware always on band, and will be sold low. Those who may want Roofing and Spouting done will tlnd it to their advant¬ age to give us a call, as wo use Large Tiu, for it is the Best. Why? Because the less scauis the fewer leaks. Rcspcctfullv. <vc.. 'EASTERDAY & CO.. Cor. Washington and Charles Sts.. Nov. <». JSSS. Charlestown, W. Va. New and Attractive Qoods at the Store of GUST AY BROWN. GRAND display of TO VS. sucll as Dolls. Games. Books, Toilet Sets, Vase?. Cups COWFECTaOf^ERY, Unadulterated :is initial. will be fonnd at my ttjjre. Whitman'# .Superior ConfecflouH. Mob Bona and ChocokitiM. Several different kinds 11I Freneti and Hfain Mixtures. Sunday Feliool.- nre invited to :;et price* before fraying eiee- where: Fruits and Wuts. Just received a large supply, nil fresh and fine, and sold at prices to suit the times. C A K IC S . Plain and Ornamental Cakes always on hand. Oystern, Oystei*s, Rocclvod dally, larger than over. Have al waya on hand two kinds. Solid mcasnre and cheap. L^avo your orders. An early inspection Is ktndly rCqnested. Thankful for past patronage, uud hoping to merit a continuance. I an: Rcspcctfullv. GtfSTAV BROWN. January 10. 1888. Patapsco Guano Company I AM now offering to the farmers of JeiTcr- son county. iho'Old Reliable and well estab¬ lished goods manufactured I»3* this; Company.-! The following Brands for sale : Grange Mixture. IktUimorc Soluble Phosphate. Special Wheat Compound, 4 Half and Half," warrauted to have not less than 1,000 ths. Dis- solved Animal Bone in each ton. This article contains all the elements necessary for Wheat. Pure Dissolved Animal Pone. Pure Dissolved South Carolina Pone. Besides which I also offer FJloro Phillips' Goods, used in the county for years with Hue. effect. Soluble Sea Island and other Brands, manufactured bv RasinCo.. Baltimore, Aid. " TORN A DO," by the Maryland Co. We guarantee these goods in fine condition to drill. * DAVID HOWELL. August 12. 1SS4.tf. April 9. 1889.26t. Jefferson Steam Saw fiiiil Charlestons, West Va. JOHN KflcKNZCHT, PROPRIETOR. "VXJTILL pay the Highest Market Price for Walnut, and all kinds of Hard Timber, delivered at his Mill or on the ground. KcepH on hand for sale FEXCIXG JPLAXK. HAILING. POSTS. and all kinds of nard Lumber. Also. Spo kes, Handles, Sleigh Run¬ ners, Rims, &c., for sale in large or small qnantities. CUSTOM SAWING done at Reasonable Rates. Thanking yon for past patronage, by strict attention to business I hope for a eontinanee of the same. May 13. 188-1.ly. INSURANCE BUSINESS. Washington & Alexander, Insurance Agency, Office Gibson Building, Charlestown. Representing the following Companies: Jefferson .ounty Mutual Fire Insurance Company. iETNA, OF HARTFORD, the largest and most popular Fire Insurance Co. in America. Equitable Life Assurance Society of U. S. Aetna Life of Hartford. Peabody, of Wheeling. Jefferson, of Wheeling. German, of Wheeling. Phcenix, of Hartford. Continental, of Now York. Liverpool and London and Globe, of England, tho largest foreign Company doing business in Amorica. A GENTS : J. S. FLEMING. Sbepherdstown; C. L. BARNIIART. Dutfields : JAS. W. LEAGUE. Middleway. CIIAS. H. TRAIL. Harper's Ferry. A sworn statement of the conditions of all Foreign Insurance Companies represented in this Agcucy will be found at the Clerk's Oil]ce. in compliance with State laws. All losses promptly adjusted and paid at our office. Respectfully. WASHINGTON «fe ALEXANDER. April 16, ISSfl.odJan3(VS3-y. Agents. The Jefferson County MUTUAL Fii'e Insurance Company. Eslabli&hfd 1S7S. R. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. Office, Gibson Building. Court-House Yard. Charlestown. OFFERS to the people of Jefferson County Insurance in a safe Company at the actual cost of insurance, which is much cheaper than the rates usually charged, and keeps the money at home. Good risks from responsible parties are invited. Executive Committee meets every Friday. Directors.Jos. Trapnell, Henry B. I/aven- port, J. Garland Hurst. John W. Rider. W. II. T. Lewis, R. Preston Chew. Win. L. Wilson. EugeneBaker.S. W. Wa3hingibu,H. L. Snyder, Charles F. Wilson. John 11. Zittle. Jacob S. Melvin, E. G. W. Hcrr, Isaac II. Stridcr. COL. R. P. CHEW .* President. II. B. DAVENPORT Treasurer. Executive Committee.J. G. Hurst. Win. n. T. Lewis. Euirenc Baker. Iauac II. Strider, R. P. Chew. S. W. Washington. Local Agents..Middlowuy.J. G. Shirley ; Harper's Ferry.Chas. II. Trail: Shepherds- town.J. S. Fieminir; Duffle'ds.C. L. Baro- hart; Charlestown.^Washington A Alexander. April 10. 188'.).odn 12.79. HOLIDAY GOODS LADIES' AND GENTS* GOLD WATCHES. DIAMOND. PRECIOUS STONE AND PLAIN KINGS. A complete line of Cuff and Collar Buttons" Watch Chain.*. Charms. Earrings. Luce Pine. Ornamental, useful aud durable WeddingPres¬ ents in «IX^~JL2R. "W-A-Xtlil. You arc cordinlly invited to inspect our stock. Very respectfully, C. W. BROWN, Jeweler. Washington St., Cbarlestown, W. Va. Dcccmlicr if, 1888. OF PURE GOO LIVER OIL HYPOFHOSPniTES Almost as Pataiahio as K2Uk. So dlsgnlxcri that it con bo talicn, ami nsnimilp.tc*d by f!»e moHt rentliivo atoinach, when the plain oil cannot 1>© tolerated; nnd t»y the com¬ bination oftho oil T7lth ah© hypophoi- phlteo le much »orc eClcacions. BemarSsWo as a fiesi. prodccer. Peiti)H3 gala rapidly trlillo taJitag it. SCOTT'S EjITjr.fjlON is aoinnwlctlged by Physiciaua to bo the Fiuest ar.rl 1' 't prept> ration in the vrorld £or the i lu t and euro ci COH 3 U 53 PT JO F}, SCSCFW?.A, GENERAL, DE3IUTY, WAST J HQ DISEASES, EMACIATION, COL-DiS unci OHKOJilC COUCt-iS. 2A« rjreat rrmtdy for Cnn.mr.ptian, and JVaslirj in ChVilrcr. S-'ld 1-iJ all Dniqqists. Ootobcr 1SSS.lv. FERTILIZERS. "IXTE have converted our Funkstown Mill, * V with its immense Water Power. into a first-class Hone Mill and Fertilising manufac¬ turing establishment. By grinding with water power we can beat the St»t<; for economical work. Our power ample, and we are pro¬ ducing a Bone Meal that contains double the Flour of Bone produced bv any other mill in the county, fn offering to the Farmer goods we guarantee them a.? rep retexited in every respect. I'rices. p<-M- Ton : Pure B'tjfrtlo Bunt. Jfent, Pure Domestic " " 1'ure Dissolved ' " Our ¥38.00 36.00 3S.00 35.00 33.00 25.00 goods lmmohiaial Bone J1hos- phate, the hulk of which is Dissolved Bone, On> Excelsior Phosphate. The highest 'iro.de of South Carol hin. Dissolved Bone, Farmers can rely upon any » i th being at> represented. If they should be found adulterated we will forfeit the go<*ls. The above priccs are as low as honest goods can be sold. Beware of goods offered at Tower prices. We buy in 100 ton lots for cash, and have the lowest freight rates, and will give the farmers these goods at a small margin. Our mill is al¬ ways open to your inspection. Give us a call before you buy. We will show you just what you are getting. J. W. STONEBRAKER A CO. Address J. E. STONEBRAKER. Aug. a I. L*>30. llagerstown. Md. kotsce! Furniture Repair Shop Removed. rpHK undersigned ha? rcinorcd hia Furniture JL Repair Shop to his residence on Congress street, near Georjre. Cbarlestown. where lie in¬ tends to Repair all kinds of Furniture, as here¬ tofore.Mattresses. S»;fas. and Spring-Seat Chairs Re-Upholstered in the very fust style. Persons wanting work of this kind done at their Residences will give him notice, and he will be right there, flenviil also do small jobs of Carpenter Work, and will be giad to see all his old customers. If persons having Household Furniture to dispose of win send it to me. I will sell it for tbcui. on a Terr low Commission. April 10.1SS3. T. G. RUST. A FEW Shouts wanted, by the pound. CY March 10, 1880. C. F. WALL. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Schedule in effect May 12th, 1SS9. NORTHWARD. 430 413 440 440 448 l as*. Pass. Mx'd. .Mx'd. Mrt Lc.ro A. M. A. M. A. M. A. il. N«in Lexington ,i 00 Daily Staunton 73.) ox.SuJn. Harnsonbg 8 43 6 20 12 00 alt. Jackson D 46 S 15 l 40 .Woodstock Daily 10 18 9 13 340 Slrusbnrq ex Snn. 10 41 10 41 6 50 4 06 Capon Koad A. M. 10 49 11 13 7 00 4S5 VV inchcstor 6 00 lisii 1 40 9 00 6 40 Stephenson r.fe 11 46 3 10 9 15 7 or! Charlcstoicn 6 45 12 24 3 35 10 20 8 31 ArUar.Ferry 7 05 12 49 4 43 1100 9 83 Additional train* Northward pass Charles- t°*1' a' V. If., arrive at Harper's Ferry at 1.36 P. M.j Sunday train (Mixed) at 9.50 P. M., arriving at Harper's Ferry at 10.30 P M SOUTHWARD. 445 417 447 419 449 Mx'd. Pass. Mx'd. Pass. Mx'ii A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. Daily Daily Daily Sond'v . Leave ex.Sun. ex.Sun. ex.Snn. onlr Harper's Fcr. 7 15 1 10 1 45 7 45 7 15 Charlestown 8 13 1 84 3 30 8 08 8 01 Stcphensous 10 00 3 10 4 13 8 46 9 10 Winchester 1100 2 24 5 00 8 56 9 32 Capon Road 12 45 3 04 6 23 10 40 Strasburg 1 00 8 13 6 S<t 10 51 Woodstock 2 42 3 41 S10 1151 Mt. Jackson 3 40 4 OS 9 16 12 40 Hnrrifonliurg 5 SO 5 14 11 00 3 15 Staunton 613 Arr Lexington. 8 00 Additional mixed trains Southward pass Charleston u al 2.15 A. M.. (arriving at Staun¬ ton at 10.35 A. M..1 ami 3.59 A. M , (arriving at Straslmrg at 6.05 A. M.) For tickcls and further information applv to U' ,. Agents or to 11. F. BoNt*. Pass. Anent, Baltimore. C. E. Dcdkow, Travelling Pa.-s Agent. Staunton, Va. P' Pallleu sleeping ears are run through to Cincinnati. St. Louis, Chicago and Piltsbur- on all express trains. - . o ~ A%?5\COLE- Gen'l Ticket Agt. CHAS. O. SCULL. Gen'l Pass. Agt. CLEMENTS, General Manager. May 21. 1889. Cumberland Valley R. R. Time Table in effect Slay 19, 18S9. X. V. Mail. Ex. JAcc. + Ex. . , A-M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Lv. I liarlcstonn, SV3JR 9.S5 3 14 o,4« Hagerstown 8.20 13.30 4.20 10 B0 Green castle 8.46 13.54 4.45 11.10 Chambershurg 9.15 j.so 5 16 1132 Shippcnsburg 9.88 1.42 .V38 lllftO Ncwvlllo 9.57 2.06 fl.00 12.08 Carlisle 10.20 2.H0 6 24 12:29 Meehauicsburg 10.50 2 55 0.50 12.48 Ar. Harrisburg 11.10 8.15 7.10 1.05 A.M p.m. p.m. A.M. Philadelphia 3.15 6.50 10.55 4 25 Baltimore 2 60 6 45 10 40 5 15 P.M. I'.M. P.M. A.M. Fast Ex. Mail. Lo.Ex. Lino , . P- M. A M. A.M. A.M. Lv. Baltimore ......11.20 4.85 9 10 10 45 Philadelphia 11.20 4.30 N no 11 so . . , A.M. A.M. l'.M. P.M. I.y. UnrrisbUrg Jl.ST. T.45 12;20 13.45 Meehunicsburg '.53 8.C>9 12.39 4 07 Carlisle 5.14 p.ro 1.02 4.35 Xewv llle 5.: 5 n.00 1.25 r> (10 Slilppenshnrg 5.55 0 22 114 530 Chamliersbiirg 6.20 9.50 3.O8 5.48 Grecncnstle (i.42 10.14 '.V>1 15.11 Hagcrstown 7.05 10.45 2 5". 6.85 Ar. Cliarlestown, SVltlt 8.87 ; {rj A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. .Run daily. All others dnilv except Sunday. 11 , j1;.BO YD, Superintendent. II. A. RmiH.E, (icn'l Pass. Agent. June 4. ISSil. WINCHESTER CAi?DS. BOOK BINDING-! c3 z o z B !0 The place to get. your Century*, Harpers, Sheet Mu¬ sic, Low Books, and all kinds of BOOK BINDING done, and done rvell, i.« at the WINCHESTER 03 O o J* CI BOOK BINDING g A VI) : mm |g Paper Box Factory, o «KO. M. WIIITlir PROPRIETOR. Also, BLANK BOOKS manufactured to or- tier for Banks. Courts. Merchants, Ac East¬ ern work ami prices duplicated. Prices (moled on application. Correspondence «oliclted. . KKFEBENCES..Shenandoah Volley Nat'l Hunk. I niou Bank. Holmes Conrad. E»<i.. Har- ton & Boyd. F. IV. M. Hollldav. K. A. t;ralclien an.l the people of WlticheMi r generally Hemciiiher the name and place GEO. M. WIIITF -March 13. 1S88. Winchester, Va. BOOK BINDING! And Don't You Forget It! THAT J0HH VILWIG, WINCIIK8TEll, VA.. Carries the largest stock and manufactures the greatest amount of F U II N ITUR E "{ any establishment in the Valley of Virginia. 1 he latest and most improvcrl patterns alwirvs on band, and any desired article mad" to ord' r upon the shortest notice. All articles sold or manufactured at prices that will conn.etc w ith ttie lowest sold an v where. Tie- most petent wnrkiira employed, anil uouu but the best ma- teri.il used. UNDERTAKING conducted in the verv best manner, ami satisfaction always given lu every ease. J November 7. 18*53.tf. JN0. B. HAINES, Manufacturer of Cigars, And dealer in SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO, SNUFF. PIPES, AO. Main St.,opposite Win. Jenkins'store and saloon WINCHESTER, VA. October 2. 1SS3. Important to Builders. rpIJK undersigned is giving his sole attention X to the .LUMBER BUSINESS, Roadside. Rockingham Comity. Virginia, and has facilities for filling order® of any ex¬ tent and great variety. Pic i'o»imand» forests of growing timber of the very hast quality, and milling capacity to meet the"m</-t extravagant demands of this section. Orders for Lumber for Building Piii'posGN, cut in size and length to meet the demands of Builders or others, filled promptly upon termr- with which no other per.-on hi the Yitlleyof Virginia ran compete succcssfnlly. 'ihe snbscriljer has in former 3"car« enpplied very many persons In thh- section with Lumber, and in returning thanks for pa^tpatronage.and In soliciting the orders of old customers and new. promises a careful personal supervision, so that orders may be satisfactoril v filled Ad¬ dress, Dr S. P. H. MILtER. H^^idside, Rockingham Co.. Nov. 19, 1378.y. Virginia, J ro-.di wherr tht e*n\,i than, wewiiiMmJfpeetooM 1*.° >*.*** loemUtr^be rrry l*»t «ewfnr-m«chine dm in Win *1*, free . loZSZZ J l,M of «W CO*tly tnd Ttliuble art j«nple«. In morn we uk (hat yc* .bow what Mid. to ikoi« who may call at jronr boxn«. and ailr S 1 month! all ahal! become joxmt own made after the *in«r jmeou. which hare run out ±bcfon patenta mm Btritta. Those wh 'ST ftawtliac of worfcj of bicti aztanr thi XBVEdECOnBos 740, A>otcuiuct zioto.jy. s^-sresnin; A LET11I8 Cordial, Celerioa. Wine of Coco > all(! Acker s English Kcmcdlca. Sold hv January 10, 188S. G. T. LIGUT RAILROAD TIME TABLES. :3» Shenandoah Valley R. R. S. F. TYLER. Receiver. Time Table in effect May 19th, 18S9. J Daily SOUTHWARD. daily. Except Suuday (Standard Time. Exp. Exp. Lo. Ac. 75th Mcredlan.) No. S. No. 1. No. 3. A. M. P. M. P. M. Le. Hagctfitown.. 7.35 3.00 3.50 Antletain 7.5S1 3.80 4.20 Sbcpherdstown... 8.08 3.87 Shcuandoah Juuc. 8.23 3.50 Charlestown 8.37 4.02 Rivcrton 9.46 5.08 6.07 Lurav .*. 10.55 6.10 7.40 Milne* 11.43 0.55 Elkton 11.55 7.07 P. M. Grottoes 12.31 7.59 Waynesboro June. 1.15 8.30 Natural Bridge... 3.25 10.30 Buchanan 4.00 11.05 Ar. Roanoke 5.00 12.00 fifghft*. Ar. Bristol 10.45pm 10.00 a.ni. Chattanooga 5.50 am 6.45 p.m. Memphis 7.30pm 6.10a.m. Mobile 10.00 pm 1.55 p.m-. Atlanta 6.10 pm 7.10 a.m. Montgomery 6.05 pm 7.10 a.m. New Orleans 7.00 am 7.20 p.m. No. 3 ha* Pullman Buffet Sleeper New York to Clevelaud. Chattanooga and point* South without change, via Harriaburg, Hagerfc- own and Roanoke ; also has conncctiou ntlla- gerstown with fast mall from Baltimore. Alsd makes close connection at Waynesboro Junc¬ tion with C. it O. Hallway west-bound trains. No. 1 has through connection from Philadel¬ phia via IlarrUburg and C. V. Railroad, and from Baltimore via W. M. H. R. No. 5 lias connection from Baltimore and Washington at Shenandoah Junction via B. & O. R. K. CONNECTIONS. At lla^erstown. Md.. with the Western Ma- rylaud Railroad to aud from Baltimore. Fred¬ erick. Emmlttsburg. Gettysburg, Penmar> Waynesboro. Pa., and point* ou the Westcrtl Maryland Railroad and branches. With the Cumberland Valley railroad to ariv from Harrisburg. Carlisle, Shippcnsbttrg, Chambcrsburg. Mercersburg, Martinsbnrg, and points on the Cumberland Valley Railroad and branches. Also to and from Pittsburg and the West and Northwest, and Boston. New York, Phila¬ delphia and the North and Eust. At Shenandoah Junction. W. Va., with main line of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and from the West. ^ Waynesboro Junction with C. O. Rv. East and West hound trains. At Locli Laird with Lexington branch of Richmond and Alleghany Railroad. At Buchanan with Main Lii.c «»f Richmoml and Alleghany Railroad. At Roanoke with Norfolk and Western Railroad. STAGE CONNECTIONS. At. Boyce. fur Millwood and Winchester, Ya. At Trout.ville for Finfcastle. Dallv NORTHWARD. iuilt. fclci^t Sunday ("Standard Time. Exp. Fxp. L«». An. 75th Meridian.) No. 4. No. 2. No. 6. P. M. A. M. I.e. Roanoke 1.55 7.00 Buclumnn 2.54 7..r»5 Natural,Bridge... 8.25 b.80 Loch Laird 3 53 0.00 Waynesboro .limb. 5.J10 10.45 Grottoes 6.11 11.16 Elkton 6.44 11.55 P. M. P. Af. Milncs:..... 7.00 12.27 6.40 Lnrav 7 40 1.05 7.20 Hi vert on 8.41 2 08 8.25 BcrrvriUe 0.20 2.48 0.07 Chaflestotrn 0.46 :U4 9.S5 Shenandoah June. 0.57 3.25 0.55 Sheplterdstown... 10.00 3.37 10 10 Autlctam 10.15 3.44 10.16 Ar. Uagert-tou ii. . 10.45 . 4.15 10 45 P. M. A. M. Ar. Washington. 6.50 11.4/1 ii. & a. it. it. p.m. Baltimore.... 8.30 1.00 B.&O. R. R. Baltimore.... 7.17 W. M. 11. R. P. M. P. M. P. M. Lc. Hagerstowh.. 10 50 4.20 12.30 A. M. I Ar. TIarrlsburg... 1.05 7.1(1 3.15 C. V. R. R. 41 Philadelphia. 4.25 10.55 6.50 P. R. R. *' New York... 7.10 0.35 No 4 has Pullman Buffet Sleeper from Cfiut* tanooira and Cleveland, and points South to New York without change, \iu Roauoku, Ha- gcrstown aud llarrlphurg. No. 2 make* through connection via Shenan¬ doah Junction mid B. tV: O. R. It. fot Wash- | ingtoti and Baltimore, and at ritigcrrtown-w'.tli Western Maryland. Railroad for Baltimore, and C. V. Railroad for HarrlAhurii afid Philadelphia No. 6 makes close connection at Shcuandoah Junction with B. *fc O. R. R. for Washingto^ and Baltimore. O. HOWARD ROYER, Gen. Pups. and Ticket Agent. DAVID W. KLICKWIR. Gen. Superintendent, Roanoke, Ya. CIIA8. M. FUTTFRKR. Pa*s. Agent, flagcr^town, >fd. June 4. 1880. Western Maryland RTR?1 Connecting with Jf. P. It. R. at Shlppen*- burir. Shenainioah Valley and B A* O. Hall- roads nt IlagcrstoWn i Peiina. R. R. at Fred* crick Junction. and P. W. 11.. N. C. and B. «fc P. Railroads ui Union Station, Balti¬ more. Md. MAIN LINE AND CONNECTIONS. Schedule tufcing effect June ifi, J&Hl. Stations. p. M. P. M. A. M. Le. WilllHinsfiort.. .,.. 1 45 7 i.% llagcrMown 2 00 *4 25 7 32 Ctirwsvllle 16 7 45 Smithsbnrg 2 25 7 52 gdgemout 2 35 4 47 8 02 Pen-Mar 2 45 8 10 Ilighfuld 2 53 8 17 Fairfield 3 25 8 47 dtvsburg 3 55 0 Off Ar. llanover 4 3810 07 } BJup HldgC 2 54 4 58 H 18 Meelmniestowii 3 26 5 18 8 41 Rocky Ridge 3 38 8 .'5 Frederick Jtmefjpfl 3 52 5 36 0 07 C/nlon Bridge 4 06 5 43 0 16 New Windsor 4 18 5 51 0 26 Westminster..... 4 J2 6 05 0 43 Ar. Baltimore 6 20 7 17 11 11 .. Washington h 10 0 12 142 .. Philadelphia 1100 1100 2 'Mi .* New York 4ft0 P. M. P. M P. M. Station-. P. M. A. M. A. M. Le. New York *0 <K» 12 15 8 30 Philadelphia 1159 3 50 11 lj^ 'Washington 6 35 2 lP A. M. A. M. P. M. I.e. Baltimore 4 10 8 05 4 00 Westminster 510 9 50 5 42 New Windsor 5 32 10 08 6 00 Union Bridge 5 40 10 20 6 12 Frederick Junction,... 10 20 623 Rocky llidge 10 40 6 36 Mechanicstown 6 03 10 53 6 47 Blue Ridge 6 30 11 21 7 l.W Le. Hanover 0 35 5 2.'. Gettysburg 10 20 6 00 Fail field 10 51 6 40 Hhrh field 6 31 1128 7 20 Pen-Mar 11 32 7 24 Kdgemont 6 43 11 45 7 35 Smithsburg 1151 7 41 Chcwsvillc 11 50 7 49 Hagcrstown 7 12 12 15 8 05 Ar. Williainsport...... 12 30 8 20 A. M. P. Jf. P. y\. Waynesboro, Chambcrsburg. Sbippensbnrgand Intermediate Point#-. A. M. A. M. P. M. ' Lc. WUllamsport 5 55 10 55 6 45 *. ffagerstown. ...... 6 10 11 10 7 (Hf 44 Smithsburg....... 6 34 11 32 7 24 IV M. Ar. Wavnesboro 7 02 12 02 753 .' Chumbcrsburg .... 7 43 12 39 8 3*J " Shlppen*burg 8 10 106 9 00 [Le. Shippcrftbtirg 6 32 1 0?l 3 20 Chambersbnrg.... 7 02 1 39 3 52 Waynesboro 7 37 2 13 4 27 Ar. 8initlwl.nr^ 8 08 2 41 4 M HaircretowTi 8 32 3 05 5 19 Williamsport 8 47 3 20 6 3T, Le. Williarnsj»ort for Hngerstown. 5 55, 7 15, 10 55. A. M.. 1 45 and 6 45 P. M. Lc. Hagerstown for Willlatosport. 8 32 A. M., 12 15. 3 05. 6 20 and 8 05, P. M. Lc. Rocky Rldgr for Ernmittsbarg. 10 40, A. M., 3 43 and 6 36 P. M. Le. Einniitt^burg for Rocky Ridge, 8 20 A. M., 3 05 and 5 45 P. M. Le. Frederick Jnnction for Frederick, 10 32 A. M.. and 4 51 P. M. Lc. Frederick Junction for Taneytowo, Co-, lurnbia and York. 9 58 A. M. and 3 42 P. M. H. & P. R. R. Trains leave Shinpcnsburg, 8 00'. A. M. and 1 10 P. M. II. A: P. R. R. Train* arrive at Sbippenaliqrg, 11 15 A. M. and 7 00. P. M * Daily. All others Daily. Except Sunday. J. M. IIOOD. Prcst. and Gen'l Manager."' B. H. GRISWOLD, Gen'l Pas#. Agent- July 2. 1889. Boarding. F.VERAL Gentlemen can ba accommodate^ with Board by MRS. J, O, TVTWJLER. Marrh 13. 1858.tf. ' S

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Page 1: T. P. L.tppUt, Alexander, · 2017-12-17 · for better work. 5th. ... daywas Col. U. L. Boyce, of Clarke oounty, Va., who has just returned from avisit to Richmond, where he went


In the Garden.She's fairer than a lily,And she's sweeter than a rose.

And she knocks the neighbors ellljWhen she wields the garden how.

She lifts her skirts from dangerWith her left hand, while her right

Grasps the no»ta, and the strangerGets a very pleasing 6ight.

For she's always fresh and ro-y,And she seems so sweet and fair,

As she sprinkles every posyWith the most impartial care.

The neighbors' eves all twinkleAnct their interest daily grows,

For they like to see her sprinkle,And tboy like to see tbe hose.

[From Otc Somercille Journal.

MISCELLANEOUS.sowers." . ¦"

Communicated.WnenEAS, In convention assembled In Storer

College. Harper's Ferry, June S-7. 1889. we.the teachers of Pcabody Institute of West Vir¬ginia, have been so profitably entertained andso well instructed, therefore.

Bciolced. 1A. That wo tender- our heartfeltthanks to B. 3. Morgan, State Superintendent,for the selection of the talented Miss M. E.Gibbs and the practical II. P. Montgomery, ofWashington, D* C.. to couduct our institute.2nd. That we recognise in our County Su¬

perintendent, Emanuel Schaeffer, a practicalInstructor.3rd. That we tender a vote of thanks to tbo

faculty of Storer College for the use of AnthonyHall.

4th. That we will make a great effort to pre¬pare ourselves to meet the increasing demandfor better work.

5th. That a copy of these resolutions be sentto the West Virginia Journal and to each ofour county papers with the request that theyhe published. W. II. Bkli..

?«IiPs Emii.y Carter,Miss E. V. Smith.W. n. Jenkins.W. A. Aktp.r,


Testing His Whistle..In the train.Georgic, Georgic! mind, your hatwill be blown off if you lean so farout of the carriage.

Paterfamilias (quickly snatchingthe hat from the head of the refrac¬tory youngster, and hiding it behindhis back).There now, the hat hasgone!

Georgie sets up a howl. After a

while, his father remarks: "Come,be quiet; if I whistle your hat willcome back again." (Whistles and re¬

places hat on boy's head.) "There,it's back again, you see!"

While the parents are engaged inconversation, Ceorgie throws his hatout of the window, and says : "1'a,whistle again!"

Fra-ncisco Argonaut.(MP rOK TUB BLOOD,Weakness, Malaria, Indigestion andBiliousness, take

BROWN S IRON BITTERS.It cures quickly. For sale by all dealers inniedieine. Get the genuine.

The Washington correspondent ofthe Alexandria Gazette says: "Amongthe Virginians in the city Wednes¬day was Col. U. L. Boyce, of Clarkeoounty, Va., who has just returnedfrom a visit to Richmond, where hewent to examine the books in theState land oQice there for evidence ofthe validity of the claim of the Wol-oott heirs for a million and a halfacres of land lying in SouthwesternVirginia, in West Virginia and- inKentucky. The lands were enteredby Wolcott of Connecticut^ from1775 to 1781. The Colonel 83ys hewas entirely successful, and has es¬tablished the validiey of the claim..He says the claimants so far from in¬tending to dispossess the settlers,will give them goed titles to the landsthoy have cleared and have improved,but will take possession of all wildfond, of which there are hundreds ofthousands of acres, and upon whichthere is valuable timber."FOR DY8PEPSIA and hirer Complaint jcrahave a printed guarantee on every bottln of

Shlloh'b Vltalizer. It never faiU to cure. Soldby C. Frank Jones.

The Virginia State prohibition par¬te will meet in Lynchburg on July 17next to nominate a full State ticketfbr Governor, lieutenant-governor andattorney-general.The Bbst Stock of Groceries, Qnccnsware.

Glassware and Spices can be found at Beach-icj's, Hagerstowu. Ttu-y don't get undersold.Mcsnsa. UvDERWrAit..Ladies are invited

to see Beachlcy's 6toek before tliev buy. OurHambtirgs. Edgings and Insertions are es¬pecially nice aud cheap.A Goon Si;IT or Clothes and a first-class fit

can be had at Beaehlcy's for very little money.Xkw Parasols dircc. from New YorX..

Beacbley Son Lave just received theirspringParasols and San Umbrellas. Prices very low.Ybuji Spuing Clottiino..Don't buy them

until you see Beaehlcy's stock. Tailors first-class.Stamped Muslin and Lixen. Splashers,Pillow Shams. Stand Scarf*, Tray Covers. <fce.,

just received at Beachlev's.Deft am. Competitors..Jlcachley & Son

go right on. People say none sell cheaper.The Domestic Se.vino .MAcsisr is lightrunning, noiseless and shuttle self-threading.H yon buy before yon see it you will be sorry.Beacbley & Son, ngcnM, Hagcratown.Hon. J. RandolphTucker has been

elected professor of law in Washing¬ton and. Lee University, and he hasaccepted."HACKMETACK," a laFting and fraijran

Sorfume. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold l»j C.rank Jones.



Laying of Soft Eggs, &c.

WithoutParallels En Producer.rnsrpAUED care ivr the

Ticroa REMEDIES CO., Fmtowmck, Md.yoHr dcalar to -write m% for Clriralar® andfuller facts. A trial will prove our ruserUoua.

For sole t»y 6. 8. I)ALGAKN.



Building*M aterials&Farm ImplementsPl.axk,Flt.VMIKG,Siiixgi.es,Fi.ookino,Doors,Wisnows,Bi.isds,Mouldings,Brackets, &c.


Wood's BINDERS,Wood's MOWERS,Wood's HORSERAlvES,Old Hickory WAGONS,Champion WAGONS,Binder TWINE,Root PLOWS,Threshing MACHINES,Cultivators.

Fork3Shovels,Spades,Iloes.Rakes,Scoops,Brushes,Handles,&o., &c.

Keeps in Stock everything needed for Building. Orders by letter or inperson, receive prompt attention. JSfTelephono call No. 50.May 3, 1837.

What is

Castoria 1b Dr. Sam! Piiclier^ old, hamlens oadanlcls euro forInfaats* and Children's Complaints* Superior to Castor Oil,Parcgorio or Karootip Syrups. Children cry for Ca.vtoria.lions of Mothers bless Castor?.*


CastorJa cures Colic, Constipation :Sour Stomach, I)iarrha»o, Eructation ;Gives healthy sloop ; also ai'ls digestion ;Without narcotic stupefaction*

Tub Centaur Company, 77 Murray St., New York,

" I rcoommccd Castoria for children'scomplaints, an superior toany prescriptionknown to me." II. A. Auchkr, M. D..

Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N.t


141 wltli Steel Engraving,BATI.P.U rVKE.

Ad.lr.. r. <). Box 1*10, X.T.

In use no years..'Trusted Prescriptions of aneminent Physician. &i?i:plc» Uafe and Sure.sos.


10i V::/iIfill

CURES. I'BICK.FotcMi Congeatlfii, Inflanimallotu. *23\\ nriiis, Worm Fever. Worm Colic.. .'2>1Crying Colic, orTectulugo/Infants .:i."5Din rrnoa of Children or A«lult*..... ,'Z7*Dysentery* Griping, Mlfoua Colli;.. .^."5Cnolcrfi«>>orbui*« vcnUling .*115


<;o»K"t voiu, uruRi.mwNeurit(triii, Toothache. Foceaeho....fleadncltr*, Sick Headache.VertlgODyspepsia, Wllous OlnniaohSnpprensed or rniot'ul Period*Whites. t«K» Profuse Periods.Crono, OouKh, DlQlctdt Preathlne...Halt it benm, Erysipelas. Kmptiima11heiitiiiilisiti, Rheumatic Pains...Fever and Affile* ChllU, Malaria...Piles, nitnd or itlcc.lltiKD:»bthiilfny» or Sure, or V.>okEye»

RamEOPATHic11li'r h ."u ".7u"or.'T "iih ¦; 111 ii u <¦""/"

Whooping Coucb. Violent CoughsAs! hiiiit» nuppressod HreutlihijcKnr Discbo vires, Impaired HearingScrcfnltr, Enlarged tilaad.n.Swclllng(jcnoral llebiiity.Phyaical WcaknewDrop«y. and 8canty SecretionsSen.*ic?incHK,Sletne<i fron HidingKidney DiseaseNervous flehilit v* Seminal Weak¬

ness, or Involuntary Discharge*. 1.Sore Mov.tli. Canker .

Urinary WeakucMf WctfiugBcd .

Pninfuf Periods, *rl(hftpH*ai *.

Dispose-* uf Ilirarr. Palpitation... 1 .iEpilepsy, Spasm, St. V!fit»«f Dance.. .1jDiphtheria* Oiccntfod Sore Throatyiironie Cnnye^f 7f»ns fr Emotlona




..w..I wi !¦ ¦ ¦i..

Sold by Dni»1sr3, orsent root paid on receipt ofprice..Hl'SfilKfild' XlCOIt'lMC CM. ICS FoftonHt.5. T.


« IJaciI by all oivnerM ofIZonieand Cat*tit. A CompUmcntary copy of i>r. Humphreys'Veterinary ;«lamml (500 pages) on treatment- andrare of Ponp'stlr Anbnaw.Horw«>, CatLie, SherpHoif^ and Poultry Sent free. Hto?iu>ky*'Homeopathic Men. Co., I0t> Fulton St., N. Y.

Dccomber IS. 1888.ly.

IVIfidam Itoxhl'sSCHOOL FOR MUSIC.MADAM BUHL wishes to announce that

she will begin her Music Clans Bkptem-BBR 3, 18*8. at her Music Room in Lee HallBuilding. Will teach Vocal nnd InstrumentalMusic; also Theory and Harmony.Where pupils take both Vocal and Instru¬

mental Mn^ic no charge will be made for Gen¬eral Class or what id called the Chorus Class.Madam Kuhl's reputation as a musician and

teacher is known all through the South, shehaving had twenty-five years experience asmusic teacher In some of the largest schoolsaud private classes.

Wiil also teach Vocal and Instrumental Mu¬sic at Stephenson Female Seminary.Thanking her friends for past favors, she re¬

spectfully solicits a liberal share of patronagefor the coming session.See circulars for further information.July 24, 1SS8.ti.


Drugs, IVIeclicines,TAINTS,


TAKES this Opportunity of thanking his pa¬trons for their most liberal patronage fur

the last year, and hopes by strict attention audfairdcaliug to merit a continuanceof the same.I sell firxt rate goods always: do not sell coim-terfeit or cheapgoirds for the forsf. Warrantevery¬thing sold.to be returned if not as guaranteed.It is my desire, and also pleasure, to sell mypatrons

THE BEST QUALITY GF 300DSalways, but will, if compelled, sell them Laud¬anum for 0 cts.. Syrup for o eta. and Colognefor 25 cts. per pint: but at the same time, let

! me inform you. ttiat according to the UnitedStates Pltarmacopea, you can't make Laud¬anum for less than 10 ct^. by the wholesale. Amuch cheaper plan is to buy your goodsuir.e, and add the icata- yourself.CIGARS.best in town.March 3* 1880. PRO. T. LIGHT.

Tho BDYICRS' GTJIDE isissued March and Sept.,*eaoh year. It is an ency-Jclopedia of useful infor-

? motion for all who pur¬chase the luxuries or thonecessities of life. "We

can clothe you and furnish you withall tho noccssary and unnecessaryappliances to rido, walk, dance, sleep,eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church,or stay at homo, and in various sizos,styles and quantities. Just figure outwhat is roqulrod to do all those thingsCOMFORTABLY, and you can make a fairestimato of tho valuo of the BUYERS'GXJIDI3, which will bo sent uponreceipt of lO cents to pay postage,MONTGOMERY WARD & CO.111-114 Michigan Avenuo, Chicago, 111.September 11. 1SSS.

Notice.Ovricr. or Cnjkulestown Gas and)

Water Company, irpm: price of Gas has been reduced to $3.35X. per tbrusand foct, to take effect from Oct.1st. 18S8.A discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed on

all monthly bills, paid at the oillce of the!Treasurer of the Company, on or before the5th day of each month, but not after that. date.

DAVID HOWELL. Treasurer.October 30.1SSS.

tK^SSS\ ».'<* iWwaurTizTthV world! IIPerfect timekeeper. War-XrawMaoiMM |Uuntln* Cuu. Both Udlea'lend grata' sizM,with work*

and cue* of equal vala^iOnePenon Ineachlo*caltly can tecure ono free,ither with oar larg* andval-

uaolo lino of HooaeholdSamples* The«» MaaplM, nwell at the watch, w» send

¦ ¦¦¦¦._ »V«e, «ad afler yoa have keptIn yoot homo tor 9 tnontbe and shown them to thoeowho may ba*o called, lh»r beeoma yoar oww property- Tfcoiewho write at oace can bo euro of receiving the Wateh

December ^5, 1888.ly.IlliSH line of Extracts, atF Due. 11. 18S«.' MKKC1IANT'S.

10,000 Agents Wanted4 T onco to sell the only Authentic, Com-/\. plete nnd Graphic History of the

JOHNSTOWN FLOOD,Profusely Illustratratcd with views of all sortsconnected with the terrible scenes of the mightyInundation. 13 mo.. 400 pnees. Price *l.r>0.Liberal Terms. Thousands Want" It. Demandis Increasing. Send qnicklj 35c. for Hut Jit toJ. W. Keclcr & Co., 5c£3 Chestnut Street. I lul-adclphia. Pa.

Bank Notice.TnE Bank of Cbarlcstown will 1)0 closed on

Thuj«SI>*t, Jnly 4th. 1SS9.GEO. A. rOKTERHEI.D.

June 18, 1889. Catliier.



\I70ULD state to the citizens of Charlcs-W town and Jefferson county, that in ad¬dition to his repair department of Watches.Clocks, *fcc.. lie has now all the facilities forManufacturingRINGS, BREAST PINS. COLLARBUTTONS, CUFF BUTTONS,

and in fact almost anything in his lino fromold lirol«en up jewelry or fragment.* of gold orsilver. A trial job i? solicited, and if eat.lsfac-lion is not given nr> charge* will be made.

I also handle the Scth Thomas and otherleading American Watches.May U. 1889;


TVhen T 6ay Ctjw I dr» not mean merely tostop them for .1 time, and then have them re¬turn again. 1 mkan A RADICAL CUIUS.I have mcdo tlxe disease of


A life-long 6ti-;!y. I watirakt my remedy toCure the worst ri-i'.i. llccauso others havofailed la no ruason [or notnow Qecoivrag: acuro.Send at once for a trpntipc nnd a Free hottlbof mv iNFAi.t.mLK ukxedt. Givo Kxpronsand Pout omoc. It routs yon nothing lor atrial, nnd it will euro jmt. AddressH.C.ROOT, M.G., I S3 PEX.il ST., ttlflYjRK

October 3. 1888.ly.


Self - Binders, lowers,Harvesters and Horse-

Rakes.The feature of this year's .Self-Binder 1* theSingle Canras ln*tead of three, as used here¬tofore. The Horse-Rake is a self-dnmp withsteel wheels, and can be worked by a child byears of age. Give ino a call before, purcbadlng.

I also handle alltrades of BICYCIiE8rTBICYCLKS and VE¬LOCIPEDES. NewWheels guaranteed a-ainstbreakage for one

year.My territory for Bind¬

ers, Mowers. <fcc., is thepart of Jefferson Co.lying south of theMain

Com of b.^O.Railro,.l.c|iiTTBNDKN

ifc-.- OfTlru :>.nil sales-room in Wclrlek Uulld-i"-. North Cliarles fired.May 11. 1S8!>.3in.

"OKLEWIB,Watch RJlaker& Jeweler,



HENRY DUMMHAS Imp every nook and corner of hie store

filled to overflowing with a larger andmore Varied stock of

CKGSCE GOODSthan ever before, including

Toys in Great Variety,and Novelties in great profusion.STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES:



Crown people and children will find a beau¬tiful and bountiful stocK from wbicli to select.He is thankful for past putronaire and will

endeavor by generous dealing to merit a con¬tinuance of the old custom and to win new pa¬trons.January 10, 1868


SUCCESSOR TO JAS. W. BUTT,keeps nothing but the best of OTferytliin!* In

the line of

Stores & Tinware,


Roofing and Spouting.I always use smaller size tin in Roofing..Why do I use it ? It takes doable the work,

double the solder and more tin to the squarethan larger sheets.Call and see ut my place of bnsine*&.All I ask is that the public will come and sec

rny £oods, and I know they will buy ; for mystock is complete, my ijoods the best that canbe had, and my prices arc as low as I can putthem not to lose money. Articles in stock aretoo various to be enumerated, but Qall at my


and I promise to please you. Verv respect-fully. JNO. W. RUSSELL.July 20, 1887.y.


Taos. C. F.akK8iia\v.] f It. Frank Rooi.kv.

EARNSMAW & DOOLEY,(HUberte Building, Main Street.)CHARLE8TOWN*. \V. V.\.,

Dealers in


of all kind?, and Manufacturers of


Spccial Attention given to

Roofingand Spouting.All Kinds of Repairing promptly done.

HAVING purchased the stock of Machinery,Tools and Stoves of Messrs. Duke & Gal-

laher. wc will Continue the Tin and Stove bus¬iness in all it: various branches. We will keepon hand -x fnll stbelc of tinware of our ownmanufacture. and will makotQorderpropjptlv,any articlv iiamr ii'ne. being both practicaltinners. ..'enicr having rerved l>-j .4f%- at thebusiness, is ;i ^'usr :int»:e :*liut work entrusted tons wiU be uroperly executed. We irjiaranteeail work at lowest juices, and ask a share ofthe public patron ae;*-.

KAKNSI1ATV ** DOOLEY.February 20. 1SS3.v


Marble Works,North CJeorgo Street, nnar the Grange Store.



in all its various branches, and all work theirbusiness. All orders promptly filled ut the low¬est rate, and shortest notice, and nil work de¬livered .nd put up. and guaranteed to &ut pur¬chasers. If not. no sale. Please call and see.and j udge for yourselves before pure'^isin^ else¬where. and patcdnizo Home Manufactures.

DIRK J, k BRO.Char! stown. March 14, 1871. j

/TV gZKF.SV CUn!KOT,frryk'«m.B JHr3 fclA K**-'WM»TUa«lA8 EAR C USHIONS

Ul£-2 j (A Li Whlsp^ra h *ard «"*UneUjr. Comfort¬able. roriHo<r*!l. IU».boos & proofjfrae. A.ldrei«ur»Uoa ¥. M8COX. a.S3 Broadwfr/ff* f,



Cleanses and beautifies the hair.Promotes a luxuriant growth.Never Fail; to Restore GrayHair to its Youthful Color.

Prevents Dandruff an-I hair f.illiiigA 5CH.\ an'l ? 1.f» u? I»ni^ri«?fs.

ExhaustedVitalityUntold miseries

Resulting from the Errors of Yonth, Folly, Vice. Ig¬norance, Ac., may bo cured at home without fail orexposure. Infallible and Confidential. LargeTreatise, 3"o pa^es, only$l by mail, sealed, postpaid.Small book, with endoracments of the press free.Send now. Address the Peabody Medical Institute,or Dr. W.II.Parker, No.4 Bulflnch Su,Boston,Mas&


Thoonlriraro Curo for Corns. Stops all nafn. IJnsnreflcomfort to the feet. 15c. at Druggists. Iii8Cox&Co..N.Y.

"^YOTT OONSU88PTBVEPARKER''gVlNQeW Vothe worut car-o< nn«f is tTiu b.->t remedy for all ilia ari>iui?from defective nutrition. Take in tune. 60c. and Sl.oa

DEDERICK'S HAY PRESSES,Mado of 8te*J, lighter, stronger."cheaper,' morepower, everlasting ami competition distanced!For proof order on trial, to keopithe. best aifffl45S»%ijr ?thcr alongside if vou can? BevertibUJruliCirca lidt Presses; aU sizes.

AdJrtn for . ..-

elmilan and location of *-3^1/ Wettern and S«etlwrn V A5r<rsr^X'awo&^sgss^&s?*


PENNYROYAL PILLSSIS 02C3S lUKSfiO BBA»TD.OrWnaJ. f:»t, nmlr rmntar amreliable pill for *olu. Stmr KailAuk for Chichester'i J5n<'hjiDiamond Brand, rrd n>«talfie boxi .. i^alfrtw'rth bluerifc-boo. At Drngclrt*. Aetrytno other. All puis In pnstH.

CV ouk enuulMfcft Srn 1 4e.X //J particular# and "Keltof for I.tvMrW>¦. f. ..,«««¦. bj return mall. 1< ,t)Ol> trail-

monlttln fiotr. IABIES whobava used tboa. N'.ui e Paper.Chlchestcr Chemical Ct)03IadisuafS«i.June 16. isj>i».iff.



THF mudcr.-i:rued would bearnc»u! ¦: to the people of Jefft

that lie is prepared fr» Contract for

1 lave to an-on Count}',;all kinds of


upon rcnjonalilo terms. Alt work eptniftwt to1IIC will receive prompt attention, slid ?atisfne-tJon gimrantccil. .hare of the Mibltepatron-ngc solicited. RcspeeUnlly.

J. J. RUSSELL.April 4. 1SS3.y. Cliarlw-UtwnTi^". Va.

I)|h*i OAK FENCH'iG for snle byApr. ZK. T. P. LIF



One 25c. Package makes 5 gallons of a mostDelicious. Sparkling:. Temperance Beverage..Strengthens and purifies the blood. Its purityaud delicacy of flavor commend it to all. Soldeverywhere.

TRY IT.If vour Drtigarlsfc or Grocer should not have

it in etorc, ask them to get it, for 3*0:1. or send25c. to tlic Manufacturer and you will receiveit by mail. CHARLES E. HIKES.

117 it 119 Arch st., Phila., Pa.April 2. 1S89.<»m.

Jos. II. Eastehday.") f Wm. P. Eastbbday.

EASTERDAY & CO.\X7"E have entered in a partnership to carrj-T V 011 the Plumbing. Gas and Steam Fitting-and Hot Water Heating, together with the Tin,

Sheet-Iron, Roofing, Spouting and Stove bus¬iness.

STOVES! STOVES!!All grades in stock. A full assortment of Tinand Sbeei-lrpil Ware always on band, and willbe sold low. Those who may want Roofingand Spouting done will tlnd it to their advant¬age to give us a call, as wo use Large Tiu, forit is the Best. Why? Because the less scauisthe fewer leaks.

Rcspcctfullv. <vc..'EASTERDAY & CO..

Cor. Washington and Charles Sts..Nov. <». JSSS. Charlestown, W. Va.

New and Attractive Qoodsat the Store of

GUSTAY BROWN.GRAND display of TOVS. sucll as Dolls.Games. Books, Toilet Sets, Vase?. Cups

COWFECTaOf^ERY,Unadulterated :is initial. will be fonnd at myttjjre. Whitman'# .Superior ConfecflouH. MobBona and ChocokitiM. Several different kinds11I Freneti and Hfain Mixtures. Sunday Feliool.-nre invited to :;et price* before fraying eiee-where:

Fruits and Wuts.Just received a large supply, nil fresh and

fine, and sold at prices to suit the times.

C A K IC S .

Plain and Ornamental Cakes always onhand.Oystern, Oystei*s,

Rocclvod dally, larger than over. Have al wayaon hand two kinds. Solid mcasnre and cheap.L^avo your orders.An early inspection Is ktndly rCqnested.Thankful for past patronage, uud hoping to

merit a continuance.I an: Rcspcctfullv.GtfSTAV BROWN.

January 10. 1888.

Patapsco Guano CompanyI AM now offering to the farmers of JeiTcr-

son county. iho'Old Reliable and well estab¬lished goods manufactured I»3* this; Company.-!The following Brands for sale :

Grange Mixture.IktUimorc Soluble Phosphate.

Special Wheat Compound,4 Half and Half,"

warrauted to have not less than 1,000 ths. Dis-solved Animal Bone in each ton. This articlecontains all the elements necessary for Wheat.

Pure Dissolved Animal Pone.Pure Dissolved South Carolina Pone.

Besides which I also offer

FJloro Phillips' Goods,used in the county for years with Hue. effect.

Soluble Sea Islandand other Brands, manufactured bv RasinCo..

Baltimore, Aid." TORNA DO,"

by the Maryland Co.We guarantee these goods in fine condition

to drill.*

DAVID HOWELL.August 12. 1SS4.tf.

April 9. 1889.26t.

Jefferson Steam Saw fiiiilCharlestons, West Va.


"VXJTILL pay the Highest Market Price for

Walnut,and all kinds of Hard Timber, delivered at hisMill or on the ground. KcepH on hand for saleFEXCIXG JPLAXK. HAILING. POSTS.

and all kinds of nard Lumber. Also.

Spo kes, Handles, Sleigh Run¬ners, Rims, &c.,

for sale in large or small qnantities. CUSTOMSAWING done at Reasonable Rates.Thanking yon for past patronage, by strict

attention to business I hope for a eontinaneeof the same.May 13. 188-1.ly.


Washington & Alexander,Insurance Agency,

Office Gibson Building, Charlestown.

Representing the following Companies:Jefferson .ounty Mutual

Fire Insurance Company.iETNA, OF HARTFORD,

the largest and most popular Fire InsuranceCo. in America.

Equitable Life Assurance Society of U. S.Aetna Life of Hartford.Peabody, of Wheeling.Jefferson, of Wheeling.German, of Wheeling.Phcenix, of Hartford.

Continental, of Now York.Liverpool and London and Globe, of England,tho largest foreign Company doing business in

Amorica.A GENTS :

J. S. FLEMING. Sbepherdstown;C. L. BARNIIART. Dutfields :

JAS. W. LEAGUE. Middleway.CIIAS. H. TRAIL. Harper's Ferry.

A sworn statement of the conditions of allForeign Insurance Companies represented inthis Agcucy will be found at the Clerk's Oil]ce.in compliance with State laws. All lossespromptly adjusted and paid at our office.


April 16, ISSfl.odJan3(VS3-y. Agents.The Jefferson County

MUTUALFii'e Insurance Company.

Eslabli&hfd 1S7S.R. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary.

Office, Gibson Building. Court-House Yard.Charlestown.

OFFERS to the people of Jefferson CountyInsurance in a safe Company atthe actualcost of insurance, which is much cheaper thanthe rates usually charged, and keeps the moneyat home. Good risks from responsible partiesare invited.Executive Committee meets every Friday.Directors.Jos. Trapnell, Henry B. I/aven-

port, J. Garland Hurst. John W. Rider. W. II.T. Lewis, R. Preston Chew. Win. L. Wilson.EugeneBaker.S. W. Wa3hingibu,H. L. Snyder,Charles F. Wilson. John 11. Zittle. Jacob S.Melvin, E. G. W. Hcrr, Isaac II. Stridcr.COL. R. P. CHEW .* President.II. B. DAVENPORT Treasurer.Executive Committee.J. G. Hurst. Win.

n. T. Lewis. Euirenc Baker. Iauac II. Strider,R. P. Chew. S. W. Washington.Local Agents..Middlowuy.J. G. Shirley ;

Harper's Ferry.Chas. II. Trail: Shepherds-town.J. S. Fieminir; Duffle'ds.C. L. Baro-hart; Charlestown.^Washington A Alexander.

April 10. 188'.).odn 12.79.



PLAIN KINGS.A complete line of Cuff and Collar Buttons"Watch Chain.*. Charms. Earrings. Luce Pine.Ornamental, useful aud durable WeddingPres¬ents in«IX^~JL2R. "W-A-Xtlil.You arc cordinlly invited to inspect our stock.

Very respectfully,C. W. BROWN,

Jeweler.Washington St., Cbarlestown, W. Va.

Dcccmlicr if, 1888.


Almost as Pataiahio as K2Uk.So dlsgnlxcri that it con bo talicn,

ami nsnimilp.tc*d by f!»e moHtrentliivo atoinach, when the plain oilcannot 1>© tolerated; nnd t»y the com¬bination oftho oil T7lth ah© hypophoi-phlteo le much »orc eClcacions.

BemarSsWo as a fiesi. prodccer.Peiti)H3 gala rapidly trlillo taJitag it.

SCOTT'S EjITjr.fjlON is aoinnwlctlgedbyPhysiciaua to bo the Fiuest ar.rl 1' 't prept>ration in the vrorld £or the i lu t and euro ciCOH 3U 53PTJO F}, SCSCFW?.A,


COL-DiS unci OHKOJilC COUCt-iS.2A« rjreat rrmtdy for Cnn.mr.ptian, and

JVaslirj in ChVilrcr. S-'ld 1-iJ all Dniqqists.Ootobcr 1SSS.lv.

FERTILIZERS."IXTE have converted our Funkstown Mill,

* V with its immense Water Power. into afirst-class Hone Mill and Fertilising manufac¬turing establishment. By grinding with waterpower we can beat the St»t<; for economicalwork. Our power ample, and we are pro¬ducing a Bone Meal that contains double theFlour of Bone produced bv any other mill inthe county, fn offering to the Farmergoods we guarantee them a.? repretexited inevery respect.

I'rices. p<-M- Ton :Pure B'tjfrtlo Bunt. Jfent,Pure Domestic " "

1'ure Dissolved ' "





lmmohiaial Bone J1hos-phate, the hulk of which isDissolved Bone,

On> Excelsior Phosphate.The highest 'iro.de of South

Carolhin. Dissolved Bone,Farmers can rely upon any » i th

being at> represented. If they should be foundadulterated we will forfeit the go<*ls.The above priccs are as low as honest goods

can be sold. Beware of goods offered atTowerprices.We buy in 100 ton lots for cash, and have the

lowest freight rates, and will give the farmersthese goods at a small margin. Our mill is al¬ways open to your inspection. Give us a callbefore you buy. We will show you just whatyou are getting.


Aug. a I. L*>30. llagerstown. Md.

kotsce!Furniture Repair Shop Removed.

rpHK undersigned ha? rcinorcd hia FurnitureJL Repair Shop to his residence on Congress

street, near Georjre. Cbarlestown. where lie in¬tends to Repair all kinds of Furniture, as here¬tofore.Mattresses. S»;fas. and Spring-SeatChairs Re-Upholstered in the very fust style.Persons wanting work of this kind done attheir Residences will give him notice, and hewill be right there, flenviil also do small jobsof Carpenter Work, and will be giad to see allhis old customers.

If persons having Household Furniture todispose of win send it to me. I will sell it fortbcui. on a Terr low Commission.

April 10.1SS3. T. G. RUST.A FEW Shouts wanted, by the pound.CY March 10, 1880. C. F. WALL.


Baltimore & Ohio R. R.Schedule in effect May 12th, 1SS9.

NORTHWARD.430 413 440 440 448l as*. Pass. Mx'd. .Mx'd. Mrt

Lc.ro A. M. A. M. A. M. A. il. N«inLexington ,i 00 DailyStaunton 73.) ox.SuJn.Harnsonbg 8 43 6 20 12 00alt. Jackson D 46 S 15 l 40.Woodstock Daily 10 18 9 13 340Slrusbnrq ex Snn. 10 41 10 41 6 50 4 06Capon Koad A. M. 10 49 11 13 7 00 4S5VV inchcstor 6 00 lisii 1 40 9 00 6 40Stephenson r.fe 11 46 3 10 9 15 7 or!Charlcstoicn 6 45 12 24 3 35 10 20 8 31ArUar.Ferry 7 05 12 49 4 43 1100 9 83

Additional train* Northward pass Charles-t°*1' a' V. If., arrive at Harper's Ferryat 1.36 P. M.j Sunday train (Mixed) at 9.50 P.M., arriving at Harper's Ferry at 10.30 P M

SOUTHWARD.445 417 447 419 449Mx'd. Pass. Mx'd. Pass. Mx'iiA. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M.

Daily Daily Daily Sond'v. Leave ex.Sun. ex.Sun. ex.Snn. onlrHarper's Fcr. 7 15 1 10 1 45 7 45 7 15Charlestown 8 13 1 84 3 30 8 08 8 01Stcphensous 10 00 3 10 4 13 8 46 9 10Winchester 1100 2 24 5 00 8 56 9 32Capon Road 12 45 3 04 6 23 10 40Strasburg 1 00 8 13 6 S<t 10 51Woodstock 2 42 3 41 S10 1151Mt. Jackson 3 40 4 OS 9 16 12 40Hnrrifonliurg 5 SO 5 14 11 00 3 15Staunton 613Arr Lexington. 8 00Additional mixed trains Southward pass

Charleston u al 2.15 A. M.. (arriving at Staun¬ton at 10.35 A. M..1 ami 3.59 A. M , (arrivingat Straslmrg at 6.05 A. M.)For tickcls and further information applv to

U' ,. Agents or to 11. F. BoNt*. Pass. Anent,Baltimore. C. E. Dcdkow, Travelling Pa.-sAgent. Staunton, Va.

P' Pallleu sleeping ears are run throughto Cincinnati. St. Louis, Chicago and Piltsbur-on all express trains.


. o ~ A%?5\COLE- Gen'l Ticket Agt.CHAS. O. SCULL. Gen'l Pass. Agt.CLEMENTS, General Manager.

May 21. 1889.

Cumberland Valley R. R.Time Table in effect Slay 19, 18S9.

X. V.Mail. Ex. JAcc. + Ex.

. ,A-M. A.M. P.M. P.M.

Lv. I liarlcstonn, SV3JR 9.S5 3 14 o,4«Hagerstown 8.20 13.30 4.20 10 B0Greencastle 8.46 13.54 4.45 11.10Chambershurg 9.15 j.so 5 16 1132Shippcnsburg 9.88 1.42 .V38 lllftONcwvlllo 9.57 2.06 fl.00 12.08Carlisle 10.20 2.H0 6 24 12:29Meehauicsburg 10.50 2 55 0.50 12.48Ar. Harrisburg 11.10 8.15 7.10 1.05

A.M p.m. p.m. A.M.Philadelphia 3.15 6.50 10.55 4 25Baltimore 2 60 6 45 10 40 5 15

P.M. I'.M. P.M. A.M.Fast

Ex. Mail. Lo.Ex. Lino, .

P- M. A M. A.M. A.M.Lv. Baltimore ......11.20 4.85 9 10 10 45Philadelphia 11.20 4.30 N no 11 so

. . ,A.M. A.M. l'.M. P.M.

I.y. UnrrisbUrg Jl.ST. T.45 12;20 13.45Meehunicsburg '.53 8.C>9 12.39 4 07Carlisle 5.14 p.ro 1.02 4.35Xewv llle 5.: 5 n.00 1.25 r> (10Slilppenshnrg 5.55 0 22 114 530Chamliersbiirg 6.20 9.50 3.O8 5.48Grecncnstle (i.42 10.14 '.V>1 15.11Hagcrstown 7.05 10.45 2 5". 6.85Ar. Cliarlestown, SVltlt 8.87 ; {rj

A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M..Run daily. All others dnilv except Sunday.11 , j1;.BOYD, Superintendent.II. A. RmiH.E, (icn'l Pass. Agent.June 4. ISSil.



The place to get. yourCentury*, Harpers, Sheet Mu¬

sic, Low Books,and all kinds of BOOK BINDING

done, and done rvell, i.« at the





|g Paper Box Factory, o«KO. M. WIIITlir

PROPRIETOR.Also, BLANK BOOKS manufactured to or-

tier for Banks. Courts. Merchants, Ac East¬ern work ami prices duplicated. Prices (moledon application. Correspondence «oliclted..KKFEBENCES..Shenandoah Volley Nat'l

Hunk. I niou Bank. Holmes Conrad. E»<i.. Har-ton & Boyd. F. IV. M. Hollldav. K. A. t;ralclienan.l the people of WlticheMi r generallyHemciiiher the name and placeGEO. M. WIIITF-March 13. 1S88. Winchester, Va.

BOOK BINDING!And Don't You Forget It!



Carries the largest stock and manufactures thegreatest amount of

FU II N ITUR E"{ any establishment in the Valley of Virginia.1 he latest and most improvcrl patterns alwirvson band, and any desired article mad" to ord' rupon the shortest notice. All articles sold ormanufactured at prices that will conn.etc w ithttie lowest sold an v where. Tie- most petentwnrkiira employed, anil uouu but the best ma-teri.il used.UNDERTAKING conducted in the verv best

manner, ami satisfaction always given lu everyease.


November 7. 18*53.tf.

JN0. B. HAINES,Manufacturer of Cigars,

And dealer in


Main St.,opposite Win. Jenkins'store and saloon

WINCHESTER, VA.October 2. 1SS3.

Important to Builders.rpIJK undersigned is giving his sole attentionX to the

.LUMBER BUSINESS,Roadside. Rockingham Comity. Virginia,

and has facilities for filling order® of any ex¬tent and great variety. Pic i'o»imand» forestsof growing timber of the very hast quality, andmilling capacity to meet the"m</-t extravagantdemands of this section. Orders for Lumber for

Building Piii'posGN,cut in size and length to meet the demands ofBuilders or others, filled promptly upon termr-with which no other per.-on hi the YitlleyofVirginia ran compete succcssfnlly.

'ihe snbscriljer has in former 3"car« enppliedvery many persons In thh- section with Lumber,and in returning thanks for pa^tpatronage.andIn soliciting the orders of old customers andnew. promises a careful personal supervision,so that orders may be satisfactoril v filled Ad¬dress, Dr S. P. H. MILtER.

H^^idside,Rockingham Co..

Nov. 19, 1378.y. Virginia,

J ro-.di wherr tht e*n\,ithan, wewiiiMmJfpeetooM1*.° >*.*** loemUtr^be rrryl*»t «ewfnr-m«chine dm in

W« Win *1*, free . loZSZZ Jl,M of«W CO*tly tnd Ttliuble artj«nple«. In morn we uk (hat yc*.bow what w« Mid. to ikoi« whomay call at jronr boxn«. and ailr S1 month! all ahal! become joxmt own

made after the *in«r jmeou.which hare run out±bcfon patenta

mmBtritta. Those wh'ST

ftawtliac of worfcj of bicti aztanr thiXBVEdECOnBos 740,A>otcuiuct zioto.jy.


ALET11I8 Cordial, Celerioa. Wine of Coco> all(! Acker s English Kcmcdlca. Sold hvJanuary 10, 188S. G. T. LIGUT



Shenandoah Valley R. R.S. F. TYLER. Receiver.

Time Table in effect May 19th, 18S9. JDaily

SOUTHWARD. daily. ExceptSuuday(Standard Time. Exp. Exp. Lo. Ac.75th Mcredlan.) No. S. No. 1. No. 3.

A. M. P. M. P. M.Le. Hagctfitown.. 7.35 3.00 3.50Antletain 7.5S1 3.80 4.20Sbcpherdstown... 8.08 3.87Shcuandoah Juuc. 8.23 3.50Charlestown 8.37 4.02Rivcrton 9.46 5.08 6.07Lurav .*. 10.55 6.10 7.40Milne* 11.43 0.55Elkton 11.55 7.07

P. M.Grottoes 12.31 7.59WaynesboroJune. 1.15 8.30Natural Bridge... 3.25 10.30Buchanan 4.00 11.05Ar. Roanoke 5.00 12.00 fifghft*.Ar. Bristol 10.45pm 10.00 a.ni.Chattanooga 5.50am 6.45 p.m.Memphis 7.30pm 6.10a.m.Mobile 10.00 pm 1.55 p.m-.Atlanta 6.10pm 7.10 a.m.Montgomery 6.05pm 7.10 a.m.New Orleans 7.00am 7.20 p.m.No. 3 ha* Pullman Buffet Sleeper NewYork to Clevelaud. Chattanooga and point*South without change, via Harriaburg, Hagerfc-own and Roanoke ; also has conncctiou ntlla-gerstown with fast mall from Baltimore. Alsdmakes close connection at Waynesboro Junc¬tion with C. it O. Hallway west-bound trains.No. 1 has through connection from Philadel¬

phia via IlarrUburg and C. V. Railroad, andfrom Baltimore via W. M. H. R.No. 5 lias connection from Baltimore and

Washington at Shenandoah Junction via B. &O. R. K.

CONNECTIONS.At lla^erstown. Md.. with the Western Ma-

rylaud Railroad to aud from Baltimore. Fred¬erick. Emmlttsburg. Gettysburg, Penmar>Waynesboro. Pa., and point* ou the WestcrtlMaryland Railroad and branches.With the Cumberland Valley railroad to ariv

from Harrisburg. Carlisle, Shippcnsbttrg,Chambcrsburg. Mercersburg, Martinsbnrg,and points on the Cumberland Valley Railroadand branches.Also to and from Pittsburg and the West

and Northwest, and Boston. New York, Phila¬delphia and the North and Eust.At Shenandoah Junction. W. Va., with

main line of Baltimore and Ohio Railroad t«and from the West. ^Waynesboro Junction with C. O. Rv. East

and West hound trains.At Locli Laird with Lexington branch of

Richmond and Alleghany Railroad.At Buchanan with Main Lii.c «»f Richmoml

and Alleghany Railroad.At Roanoke with Norfolk and Western


At. Boyce. fur Millwood and Winchester, Ya.At Trout.ville for Finfcastle.

DallvNORTHWARD. iuilt. fclci^t

Sunday("Standard Time. Exp. Fxp. L«». An.75th Meridian.) No. 4. No. 2. No. 6.

P. M. A. M.I.e. Roanoke 1.55 7.00Buclumnn 2.54 7..r»5Natural,Bridge... 8.25 b.80Loch Laird 3 53 0.00Waynesboro .limb. 5.J10 10.45Grottoes 6.11 11.16Elkton 6.44 11.55

P. M. P. Af.Milncs:..... 7.00 12.27 6.40Lnrav 7 40 1.05 7.20Hi vert on 8.41 2 08 8.25BcrrvriUe 0.20 2.48 0.07Chaflestotrn 0.46 :U4 9.S5Shenandoah June. 0.57 3.25 0.55Sheplterdstown... 10.00 3.37 10 10Autlctam 10.15 3.44 10.16Ar. Uagert-tou ii. . 10.45 . 4.15 10 45

P. M. A. M.Ar. Washington. 6.50 11.4/1

ii. & a. it. it. p.m.Baltimore.... 8.30 1.00B.&O. R. R.

Baltimore.... 7.17W. M. 11. R.

P. M. P. M. P. M.Lc. Hagerstowh.. 10 50 4.20 12.30

A. M.I Ar. TIarrlsburg... 1.05 7.1(1 3.15

C. V. R. R.41 Philadelphia. 4.25 10.55 6.50

P. R. R.*' New York... 7.10 0.35No 4 has Pullman Buffet Sleeper from Cfiut*

tanooira and Cleveland, and points South toNew York without change, \iu Roauoku, Ha-gcrstown aud llarrlphurg.No. 2 make* through connection via Shenan¬

doah Junction mid B. tV: O. R. It. fot Wash-| ingtoti and Baltimore, and at ritigcrrtown-w'.tliWestern Maryland. Railroad for Baltimore, andC. V. Railroad for HarrlAhurii afid PhiladelphiaNo. 6 makes close connection at ShcuandoahJunction with B. *fc O. R. R. for Washingto^and Baltimore.

O. HOWARD ROYER,Gen. Pups. and Ticket Agent.DAVID W. KLICKWIR.

Gen. Superintendent, Roanoke, Ya.CIIA8. M. FUTTFRKR.

Pa*s. Agent, flagcr^town, >fd.June 4. 1880.

Western Maryland RTR?1Connecting with Jf. P. It. R. at Shlppen*-burir. Shenainioah Valley and B A* O. Hall-roads nt IlagcrstoWn i Peiina. R. R. at Fred*crick Junction. and P. W. 11.. N. C. andB. «fc P. Railroads ui Union Station, Balti¬more. Md.

MAIN LINE AND CONNECTIONS.Schedule tufcing effect June ifi, J&Hl.

Stations. p. M. P. M. A. M.Le. WilllHinsfiort.. .,.. 1 45 7 i.%llagcrMown 2 00 *4 25 7 32Ctirwsvllle i» 16745Smithsbnrg 2 257 52gdgemout 2 35 4 47 8 02Pen-Mar 2 45810Ilighfuld 2 53817Fairfield 3 25847dtvsburg 3 55 0 OffAr. llanover 4 381007

} BJup HldgC 2 54 4 58 H 18Meelmniestowii 3 26 5 18 8 41Rocky Ridge 3 38 8 .'5Frederick Jtmefjpfl 3 52 5 36 0 07C/nlon Bridge 4 06 5 43 0 16New Windsor 4 18 5 51 0 26Westminster..... 4 J2 6 05 0 43Ar. Baltimore 6 20 7 17 11 11

.. Washington h 10 0 12 142

.. Philadelphia 1100 1100 2 'Mi

.* New York 4ft0P. M. P. M P. M.

Station-. P. M. A. M. A. M.Le. New York *0 <K» 12 15 8 30Philadelphia 1159 3 50 11 lj^'Washington 6 35 2 lP

A. M. A. M. P. M.I.e. Baltimore 4 10 8 05 4 00Westminster 510 9 50 5 42New Windsor 5 32 10 08 6 00Union Bridge 5 40 10 20 6 12Frederick Junction,... 10 20 623Rocky llidge 10 40 6 36Mechanicstown 6 03 10 53 6 47Blue Ridge 6 30 11 21 7 l.WLe. Hanover 0 35 5 2.'.Gettysburg 1020 6 00Fail field 10 51 6 40Hhrh field 6 31 1128 7 20Pen-Mar 11 32 7 24Kdgemont 6 43 11 45 7 35Smithsburg 1151 7 41Chcwsvillc 11 50 7 49Hagcrstown 7 12 12 15 8 05Ar. Williainsport...... 12 30 8 20

A. M. P. Jf. P. y\.

Waynesboro, Chambcrsburg. SbippensbnrgandIntermediate Point#-.A. M. A. M. P. M. '

Lc. WUllamsport 5 55 10 55 6 45*. ffagerstown. ...... 6 10 11 10 7 (Hf44 Smithsburg....... 6 34 11 32 7 24

IV M.Ar. Wavnesboro 7 02 12 02 753.' Chumbcrsburg .... 7 43 12 39 8 3*J" Shlppen*burg 8 10 106 9 00

[Le. Shippcrftbtirg 6 32 1 0?l 3 20Chambersbnrg.... 7 02 1 39 3 52Waynesboro 7 37 2 13 4 27

Ar. 8initlwl.nr^ 8 08 2 41 4 MHaircretowTi 8 32 3 05 5 19Williamsport 8 47 3 20 6 3T,

Le. Williarnsj»ort for Hngerstown. 5 55, 7 15,10 55. A. M.. 1 45 and 6 45 P. M.Lc. Hagerstown for Willlatosport. 8 32 A. M.,

12 15. 3 05. 6 20 and 8 05, P. M.Lc. Rocky Rldgr for Ernmittsbarg. 10 40, A.

M., 3 43 and 6 36 P. M.Le. Einniitt^burg for Rocky Ridge, 8 20 A. M.,3 05 and 5 45 P. M.Le. Frederick Jnnction for Frederick, 10 32 A.

M.. and 4 51 P. M.Lc. Frederick Junction for Taneytowo, Co-,lurnbia and York. 9 58 A. M. and 3 42 P. M.H. & P. R. R. Trains leave Shinpcnsburg, 8 00'.

A. M. and 1 10 P. M.II. A: P. R. R. Train* arrive at Sbippenaliqrg,11 15 A. M. and 7 00. P. M* Daily. All others Daily. Except Sunday.J. M. IIOOD. Prcst. and Gen'l Manager."'B. H. GRISWOLD, Gen'l Pas#. Agent-July 2. 1889.

Boarding.F.VERAL Gentlemen can ba accommodate^with Board by

MRS. J, O, TVTWJLER.Marrh 13. 1858.tf. '