:t=- s cb q s t-.tc,tq ex-tc s lt* · a) eor r1, r0, f3 b) mla r4, r3, r7, r8 cicmp r0, r1 d) add...

:t=- S evr'lV" CB Q S t-.tc,tq zo \1 Ex-Tc e*3 / s lt* T3125 I T0517 MICROCONTROLLERS AND APPLICATIONS Q.P. Code:587902 ( 3 Hours ) [Total N{arks : 80 N.B. i. Questiotr No. l" is compulsory 2. Attentpr any 3 quesrions from Q.2 to Q6. 3. Figures ro the right in the bracket indicate {u11 rnarks 4. Assume suitable data if necessary Q1 A) Explain program status register of 8051 Microcontroller Q1 B) Explain features of ARM 7 Q1 C) Explain concept of Cortex-A,Cortex-R and Cortex-M Q1 D) Explain SCON register of 8051 microcontroller Q2 A) Draw and explain internal memory organization of 8051 microcontroller Q2 B) Explain addressing modes of ARMT processor with examples. Q3 A) Draw and explain architecture of ARMT processor. Q3 B) Explain timer modes of operation of 8051 microcontroller Q4 A) Explain digitalcanrera as an example of embedded svstem. Q4 8) Design a 8051 based system with follovying specifications i) 32KB EPROM using 8KB devices, ii) 16(8 RAM using 8KB devices. Q5 A) [xplain ARM instructions a) EOR R1, R0, f3 b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8 cICMP R0, R1 d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1 e) MVN R0,ll4 Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO and port3 of 8051 microcontroller. Q6 \{rite short notes on [Any Fourl a) Conrpare features of 89C51, 89C52,89C2051 and 89C2052 b) Operating modes of ARMT processor. c) Design metrices of embedded systern. d) Addressing nrodes of 8051 rnicrocontroller. e) lnterrupt structure of 8051 mlcrocontroller. [s M] ts tritl ts Ml tS rinl [10M] {1oMl l10Mj u0M] [10MJ {10MJ uoMl [s lvll [s M] [s M] [5 r'"'1] Is f*l ll.l I 695 B2()li-l:ll i jilr0-ii ll I i S55 I 196(

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Page 1: :t=- S CB Q S t-.tc,tq Ex-Tc s lt* · a) EOR R1, R0, f3 b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8 cICMP R0, R1 d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1 e) MVN R0,ll4 Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO

:t=- S evr'lV" CB Q S t-.tc,tq zo \1 Ex-Tc e*3 / s lt*T3125 I T0517 MICROCONTROLLERS AND APPLICATIONS

Q.P. Code:587902

( 3 Hours ) [Total N{arks : 80

N.B.i. Questiotr No. l" is compulsory2. Attentpr any 3 quesrions from Q.2 to Q6.3. Figures ro the right in the bracket indicate {u11 rnarks4. Assume suitable data if necessary

Q1 A) Explain program status register of 8051 Microcontroller

Q1 B) Explain features of ARM 7

Q1 C) Explain concept of Cortex-A,Cortex-R and Cortex-M

Q1 D) Explain SCON register of 8051 microcontroller

Q2 A) Draw and explain internal memory organization of 8051 microcontroller

Q2 B) Explain addressing modes of ARMT processor with examples.

Q3 A) Draw and explain architecture of ARMT processor.

Q3 B) Explain timer modes of operation of 8051 microcontroller

Q4 A) Explain digitalcanrera as an example of embedded svstem.

Q4 8) Design a 8051 based system with follovying specifications

i) 32KB EPROM using 8KB devices,

ii) 16(8 RAM using 8KB devices.

Q5 A) [xplain ARM instructions

a) EOR R1, R0, f3

b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8

cICMP R0, R1

d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1

e) MVN R0,ll4

Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO and port3 of 8051 microcontroller.

Q6 \{rite short notes on [Any Fourl

a) Conrpare features of 89C51, 89C52,89C2051 and 89C2052

b) Operating modes of ARMT processor.

c) Design metrices of embedded systern.

d) Addressing nrodes of 8051 rnicrocontroller.

e) lnterrupt structure of 8051 mlcrocontroller.

[s M]

ts tritl

ts Ml

tS rinl








[s lvll

[s M]

[s M]

[5 r'"'1]

Is f*l

ll.l I 695 B2()li-l:ll i jilr0-ii ll I i S55 I 196(

Page 2: :t=- S CB Q S t-.tc,tq Ex-Tc s lt* · a) EOR R1, R0, f3 b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8 cICMP R0, R1 d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1 e) MVN R0,ll4 Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO

N.B. : (1)




unwanted sideband.

T3125 / TO519 ANALOG COMMLINNICATIONS,r.::'.:;.;;., 1;:": r..! 1i,:,1;:; ;rr.r.;r; "r,,!,";.1,,,:.; :ir! ... i ' 'j i-'

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Q.P. Code ;;"5'8,8i01 .'' ;;'1..,|ti',,;:!'r,r,.'::;-i,

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signal? Also draw the spectrum of the AM wave. .

(b) Explain with neat block cliagram any one method for suppression of l0

3. (u) What are different methods of FM genemtion? Sketch the cipuit and explainthe principle of reactance modulator?

(b) State and prove sampling theorem for band limited signal. What is aliasingeffect?

(a) Explain with neat block diagam working ofAdaptive delta rnodulator. Whatare the drawbacks of delta modulator?

(b) What is signal multiplexing? Explain FDM in detail.

(a) Explain with neat block diagram and waveform ofAM Super- heterodynet. .

raolo recerver.

(b) Explain operation of Foster Seeley discriminator with the help of circuitand phasor diagram.










O 9 2EF 8E I 7 7 DD9 6EBE27 9 CFD 3 C 5 FE7 78 B



(e) What is

of the


Page 3: :t=- S CB Q S t-.tc,tq Ex-Tc s lt* · a) EOR R1, R0, f3 b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8 cICMP R0, R1 d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1 e) MVN R0,ll4 Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO


Q.P. Code ;r



O92EF8E 1 77DD9 6EBE27 9 CFD3 C 5FE77BB

(d) Amplitude limiting and thresholdinsin FM., ::

, . ,!. . ,. .., , i. , .,.. ."1.

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Page 4: :t=- S CB Q S t-.tc,tq Ex-Tc s lt* · a) EOR R1, R0, f3 b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8 cICMP R0, R1 d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1 e) MVN R0,ll4 Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO

N.B: (l)(2)(3)(4)





2. (a)



Derive 10over a


3. (a) With the help of- 1 neat diagram, input and output waveforms and voltage transfercharacteristics explain the working of an inverting Schmitt trigger. Derive the expressionsfor the upper & Iower threshold levels. Explain how these,lpr.IS-.u, be varied.(b) With the help of a neat diagram and waveforms at appropriate points in the circuit explainthe working of a square and triangular wavelorm g.n.ruto, ,.ing op ,rnfr. Explain howthe duty cycle of the square and triangurar wavefonir .un be variei.

r I -'

(a) Draw the functional block diagram of lC 723 voltage regulator and explain its working asa basic low voltage regulator. Design the same for

-an oritput of 5 V and load cunent ulto

200 mA.(b) With the help of a neat functional block diagram explain the working of IC LT 1070

Monolithic Switching regulator.







(a) Draw the diagram of a monostable multivibrator using timer IC 555. With the help of l0*ur,"lo"T at the trigger input, across the charging capacitor and at the output explain itsworking. Design the same for a pulse width of I I ms.

(b) lvit! the help of neat circuit diagrams explain the working of a universal shift register IC 1074194 as a ring counter and twisted ring


Write short notes on any four 20(a) IC 74181Arithmetic Logic Unit(b) IC 74169 4-bit up/down binary counrer(c)IC 74164 serial input parallel output shift register(d) IC XR2206 waveform generaror(e) IC 534 multiplier

F9 7BF 8 CF4 9 4 AE2EI 8F 297 D C3 42F 5 802 4

ofR &

Page 5: :t=- S CB Q S t-.tc,tq Ex-Tc s lt* · a) EOR R1, R0, f3 b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8 cICMP R0, R1 d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1 e) MVN R0,ll4 Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO

1" , f s r * Exre f ffrrnn.91 ls lt+

,ti / ct4t1s /-/ /


(3 Hours)./'11/ . \'? .':-

!.] ,


d) Find the gain of an antenna when physiqal apertulg is f .m 2 at 2 GHz with effi ciency 7 1ok;

2. a) Designacomposithighpassfilterbyimageparametermethodwiththefollorvingspeci

R"- 75 O. q:50 MHz, f_:48 MHz,.o ,Jrsrrc JvLarttL,La TUrYUtz,

b) Design a LPF whose input and output p"qrti,p?e.matpnea toSOc-timpedance wiih cut offfrequency of3 GHz, equi ripple qf0.5 dB andr.ejectipp.ofatleas(40 ctB ar approx twice rhe cur"i "..,,- -; ... \ +- {\:_1:1}' j...i', .. ,..: ^.

N.B. I ) Question No.l is Compulsory.

2) Solve any three questions from the remaining.

3) Assume suitable data wherever necessary and justify the,aisnmption./.\ T)rq-r, o'riro}'l^,'l;^-.,-".,,,L^*^.,^..-^^,,:*^l : l4\ Draw suitable diagranrs rvherever required.

1. a) CornpareBinornalfilterandchebyshevfilter. . .

b) Whatis reactivenearfield. Explainitsic) Compare Broadside and Endfire array. , , ,,

-l- ' :

3. a) Dsrivefriss

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4. a) , Find the r














c) RF behavior ofresisror and capacitor

d) Helical antemra

.,\(r lr 0.,\ 5 9 I) S I'07 I B Cl 7 5 : F7 D t 7 ti 6 E S 9 5 D E E

is fed


frequency. The system

:,1-;--I.',o<,: t'l:'' .a-: i".] {2:. :

.*.. .,\.".::,,.q.

I 7dB gain and antenna

,,'- ,\ .]iwith same amplitude and opposite

i- i-t'

different feeding methods.

Discuss use of loop antenna in radio direction

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-- ri, 1' 1'.' .-:lit- yi,/r\(.,

Page 6: :t=- S CB Q S t-.tc,tq Ex-Tc s lt* · a) EOR R1, R0, f3 b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8 cICMP R0, R1 d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1 e) MVN R0,ll4 Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO






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.q 6 L'.UA 5.r D8 I' u 7 I llL 7 5 I lj i D r 7 ii 6 E u9 5 I ) LF.

l-."-":ji.ihfu),'iii'1. .': -(J l'.-:."it . i^,:--r"r.',.

(a) 0.5 dB

Page 7: :t=- S CB Q S t-.tc,tq Ex-Tc s lt* · a) EOR R1, R0, f3 b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8 cICMP R0, R1 d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1 e) MVN R0,ll4 Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO

Iel tvm-u loszs)ornlLx,rr I ,nny-rx

9og.'- Rs 4.

qr"ll I"l;"s.iiri.I],:

l) Qucsti*n idnm[:er I is Cumpu]roq"3 ) Attrn: pf nnl: "Xlh rer qr.rc r l!* us frunr {}x r*;lair;i,r:g Iiivc qr.rri*1i.ni::+

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Q.P- Code.: 587801

"Ii"rtntr }vtarks: S{J

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a1!'::$1-r{}rrrl'l:rlliitt {l:'r.tu rr.r! irrllt}i-ilritfr!lri an*J 1,X'I .r,1tslorii jrlpul** r'r]t1!r!rrr(:.

r'i1;lr\ funitiitlri *nd "-urnul;uil.s r{:{(ait}rltit{)il fuStiiqir:r fE;r .tr.

{} li l ''.\"1 i ;r.lrrl il .\ itutl } lrt: irrilar,lrij,r!rJ{'r}I lh*ir c}rri'rt ltdl-infiliit,f*r*rilrriirrrl irl1irff s1f .1';rrr,1 1.

I'il 11'r'rtc:t t1.rlr ilt, tltL. \l;t,L'irr,;.lr;rirtr.

3:ti Il*lltic r'rr;if Ii.xl:laii: tlirrtflLitrl qtr,{r'tiinq l'rtrriatirtr,t iir r.ls.l.;riL

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ltr'ritE tur.rt* ili: hirih nr:tt drut} qu*uing rn*rirls,

suruplt r;r'*ri rtil} [t t'i{[riu {1,5 flf thx pi:;:r:l;rr}r:rn rni:*tr,

b rilt l u:r d [r r$r q {i}r 3 I!g11;l :l - k{,f fl rr} [(r f t]r' t r]rr ltf i.:, tr

Sti:lr **d :prrrr* Il*!'r,:r lhe*rtnr,

{ii -{istr trnt,thxle prtiprr{i*t of puller *,Fri.ctrll drrrdt1,.{ii1 If tlte sprelr:rldcurltr rrf a \t5t f}r(lcr":is ir giyrn hr

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lrturnrxllinteg*rxru,rhlh.:rt$:.!tl,*S.rS-l :rnd/i.v*1,|*flrifk*grirc.t..in*Iit,\-t.[.ili"S:{.\n.L{.|}l-t:r tr:i" *;rri,t1, r'rtrt l'J. r*r,{.\". }"1, *rrri tr:.


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Page 8: :t=- S CB Q S t-.tc,tq Ex-Tc s lt* · a) EOR R1, R0, f3 b) MLA R4, R3, R7, R8 cICMP R0, R1 d) ADD R0, R2, R3, tSL F1 e) MVN R0,ll4 Q5 B) Draw and explain internal structure of portO


trl ['rur,r tlr:nt if iupu! Lii't r-1-rfrnr ir ]t$ ltrtlu*lilut 15pi56\]'5,$. l\'tr:tt is*t$Ltriir:It'i'rr{'.\$t Iil '-,i1 . '

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11.]rln r {r Iri ta {l !i I

:i i- ii ti rr -lF ilrsl llrt lirrri(irrii Frlh:rtrilitlrl"

An inl*:rmatiern nqyrs.i jirirlflrnt*r rymfoolr. ut ra*dsm froen a faur tcttrr a lphabe t {s, b, r, d} uritl'r probabtlitie:;

rr{*J = 111, trfEl = H *rrr1 F{r} , F{d'l = e/s" A cerling:rherni. encc:di.r tlrr:le ryrrrb*l* irltg birrlry sndei as {sl]ous.;









tel # hr: thr: r;n$nm vlriabl* ri*notil-,6 ihe lcnglh of thc rodc, ic. thr ri*mbtr af binary symbols.

i) lUtrlt is tlre rlrn6e *l Xfiil Sketr!: the rdf f ,[x) oix, and spe;lfyt]re type of .I.ii;) Find I'(X.l1i, f'(1<X-<t), ft{}11 & li(I5Ys2).

\\ r iir: t,<,ltr,'rtr tl:t fllltr* irri.::

{l Mtith {!l:!g,'r}il1 ';rtrd *tpllnlriir'rl'! lltstflt}r J( rrrulliIl* rcrr r:r'qut'ullt*. $}}tefi}iit :\l,r:Ull,'+ quruinp rlrlrr*

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