t1 c j4 iii 1 the i m evening worlds home...

l 4 T y P f r i J J4 IIi c Jill L7 r r iIIIIj T1 c 1 7 > I < M y THE I EVENING WORLDS HOME MAGAZINE t3ATURDAYLVCt4iQ4 MAY 10 1303 tj n I J The Runaways Marks a Step in the Crusade to Free Chorus Girls from the Hideous Despotism of Tights I tJ P uf HE MESSRS SHUBERT were so very Wnd as to Invito me to a prl 4 I vote view of the costumes worn In The Runaways but dearly as i I doto on frocks and much as I should like to fill this page with millinery the editor has other views Runway- s Moreover In spite of Its stupidity as an entertainment It deserves t large wreath for Its Influence In furthering the emancipation of the chorus Clrl from the hideous despotism of tights Slowly but surely tho conviction Is forcing itself upon the English I speaking peoples that a pair of legs surmounted by a trunk trussed up in < corsets not only falls short of the alluring qualities once attributed to the combination but is positively the most ungainly Inartistic and ludlcrouf spectacle In the world How the chorus lady of the tlghtsandcoraets post ever made her repu- tation as a winner and how the glided youth of stagedoor and greenroom t ever was attracted to her in her stage trappings as deep a mystery as the Hottentot ladys delusion concerning the becoming effect of a wishbone thrust through the nose x The new order of things has produced a new order of chorus girl- y Judging from The Runaways she Is chosen no longer for the ctmnklnees of her extremities but for her ability to wear a fashionable gown with an i air of being used to it w I The young women In The Runaways carry this air very successfully Moreover they are pretty and discreet and when it comes to roguery they t have the ti htsandoorsets article hopelessly faded U Jt JI J < St jS 4 Jt diminutive Arthur Dunn whose principal function In The Run ¬ THE Is to distribute unctuous kisses among the chorus ladles Is an amusing creature who seems to have studied some of James T POWCTSB stock methods but at the same time has a good deal of quiet cook sure originality- If x to the private view of frocks the Messrs Shubert had added an exhibit of the mechanism by the aid of which those marvellous automata known as tho Hengler sisters go through their pretty motions my cuti- celty could not havo withstood tho temptation- To see those Interesting figures with phonograph attachment per ¬ forming a Spanish danoe for instance Is one of the marvels of the age No wires can be detected and each movement is absolutely lifelike Afl for the atmosphere well there pahaps Otoro would have the advantage The marvellous H nglra In spite ot their precision dont Quito suggest the Andalusloa fury of garlic and tabasco Jl J < JI st dl JI Jl I time Ive been wondering why Miss Dorothy Dorr re ¬ I FIminded me of a Mother Goose rhyme When I heard her robust t The Runaways came over mo like a Rash Dorothy Dorothy Dorr Lets out a terrible roar Of hilarious laughter That shakes every rafter J Dorothy Dorothy Dorr k KATE CAREW- I L I 15he I A Story of I 34ca t Gold Piracy and W 0 I s 1 Wreckers- Will begin in The Evening World Home Magazine on Monday and Will end Saturday i r < t J- 1tS r11 14 kMii q aAr su Y 4 rKj 4 r lf t le- ts + Ir ONLY ONE NEW PLAY NEXT WEEK JI The ratner hasty withdrawal of Skipper Co Is responsible for the only now offering of next week On Thursday night Henry E Dlxoy will appear at the Gnrrlck In Facing the Muile a farco Which though- new to tide country has been played for a year In Australia and two rea- sons In London and the provinces While the authorship and locate of tho piece are English It Is credited with having French sprIghtliness and Is said to afford Mr Ddxcy excellent oppor- tunities ¬ for light comedy- The three acts transpire In the fore- noon ¬ In an apartment house whore there Is general confusion because of the residence there of two married men preMntMlon OperaHouse MIsvMartha Dorothy ninth he would kill you DunnWhy dont you leave marry halfThe Runaways both bearing the timehonored name The mixup the gmtlem and Elis mistaken Identities of their wives to the persons who know the former but not the latter furnish amus- ing situation Mr Dlxeya support Include John Haabn T Newton Llndo Ralph Del I more Henry Norman Grey Grace Hover Adella Darker and Ger- trude Gheen The taro will by a one act raiser entitled A WeJsh Rarebit- In Mr Dlxey will appear and at NEW YORK PLAYS NUTSHELL LADY PEGGY corES TOWN Eevenlng publishes lameMy ActloniLonflon TImeReIgn m Principal PlotLady Kcnnuston Do highway- man discovered reconciliation act use discipline comforting lie sir ret ThoUl1twell eon was mountains of near Ot Magazine of far went the l sometimes schoolhouse was log there ne the mysterious favcmatlon of Its con- stellations the Bible excepting the also been especially It as of Its way Imagination moUntaln and honeytree was It that was just wild or twodtantwhere the uf performed earlly- translaf4dInto the Ti new the he Is the author Tide will be its first Miller for a week nt the The Taming- of Helen production bo the same aj tbe run at the Wal dron who from the to tho position of lat week at the Savoy will be Mr chief assistant Meredith by Paul Leicester Ford will be presented at the Murray Hill with V Donnelly Included the cast A Love a new comedy DorrIf my husband here I j and Arthur a u u him and meand make h it nine 1 of Smith In ¬ will Kathcrine ¬ be preceded Trhlcih drama by Hal Reid will have its production at the Theatre The occasion will mark tho return of Miss Lillian member- of the stock company who has been 111 for play React of Maryland with llIsaAlmo Maryland be the attraction at West End Miss Alice In her llv ly Mrs Jack be at the Me tropolls The the ner will be the at Star IN A MY TO Hn ANY people have not time to attend all the plays that come to New York ell but at tho time time like to know what sucfo plays ar about For the 1 of euch readers Tho World too salient fea- tures of a few of these In a Today play Is Lady Peggy to Town Author Prances Ajmor Mathews Theatre > Place of and vicinity of George Character Peggy Burgoyne Cecil Spooner Peggy nurgoyne Castle Eng quarrels with her toter Sir Percy do Bohtin over his supposed attentions to Lady Diana In London Dohun leaves her vowing to go to London and the devil follows him to and her brothero clothes meets with many adventures Sir Percy saves her from bring hanged as a Her Is and a with and lover Most Dramatic Situation Fencing seen In second Bright Lines the a If you cant a woman 7 Tla hear so Ill believe- No more of love for me Ill take marriage Id trust a rapier than a womans tongue What Is the proper study of man Peggy In I1tUreA pox on you for a libeller Sir Percy I Jo a throw back In your teeth the you have uttered And 1et me tell you that before you ever eyes on her Lady Peggy heart was my her eyes were my eyes her lips were my lips and her kisses were my kisses- I thought you said you never set eyes on Sir Percy again never wash your time thinking where a woman Is cerned Shes always time to think after shes acted CHILD LIFE SIXTY AGO The editors early boyhood pawed In one such district In the Vermont the source of the er Creek says Harpers The chil dren a few living apart to school during summtr month through woods where bears were The built of yet It was that had our nut glimpse of a celestial glob and we vividly recall quaintly Itemed Already the only book Watti Hymns In home a log house read such portions of were dramatic or poetic Interest nid had had wonderful with the Soya mingling naturally with the- glid scenery Now Then a and tccme1 to us It In uch a wlllsr nee that John the Baptist fed on locusts and honey The stream a mile sometime rite was was sacred Jordan > tJ zest to tho story of prophet Elliha and the rolling children rf y jj i which public Henry returns Grand In Richard larding Davis comedy The will prac- tlcJIv during Savoy Theatre jumped ranks leading lady during the Millers Janice Henry In Mother was Initial American Bayer a popular some months David Belascoa The Kruger In the role of Calvert will the Theatre Flasher suc- cess ¬ will Little Church Around Cor ¬ attraction the benefit ¬ plays nutshell Cornea Lady of Surrey Wcston Peggy London In ¬ Identity father occurs Whats of being man rather Woman boys For heart would YEARS ¬ families caught ¬ had found FRECKLES LIVER SPOTSA- nd H all the complexion and destroy the beauty of the akin vofltlvely and safely removed Hi aclantlfle trtalintnti ntfar falll Ttilrtr lure practical ip rlaaea- RNo obarst for cnotultatlftn and took JOHN H WOODBURY D I 22 Wet 23d Strut N Y Amuscrilent- CRSi NO- TO 4 LAY piitNCEtll uayJth tSl0MatrdrhenIC- eepa aullrnra lauihll all tTtnlox llaral- dlivant A Hopper THERE AND PACK ED Worldlit a L NEW GROUPS CIND ATOORA nUSDIL May Dar CIMrallom Itjitorloua etc f iIt r IIo fot 1J A Working GIrls Wrongs a new melodrama by Hal ReM will be dls doted at the Third Avenue Bob Monchcsttra Vanity Fall Ex- travaganza ¬ Company will be at the Dewey The Royal Lilliputian with their droll nlortoliimcnt In Po terland will be Do you know a good photographer Yes theres a fine one lust around the corner lie took a picture of 1 father that was so natural mother wouldnt hive it around the house I The Runaways v the attraction at Proctors Fiftyeighth Street Theatre- VAUDEVILLE BILL Marie Drearier will be the headliner at the Circle Other entertainers will be Thomas J Ryan and Mary lUchfleld In Mal Haegcrtyi Father Press El drldge and Bella and Arthur jugglers nine Fay will give her songs and spe- claltles at Keiths while Nick Long and Idalene Cotton will present the chief sketch Managerial Troubles Llzgle Evans and company in A Country Dance and Howard Russell Edwartis and Whiting The Four Em- peror of Music will be prominent at Pastor Proctors theatres Joseph Arthur play On the Wabash with Florence u nnu r LordHave you friends 1 u Silly Gould No relatlvesThe Runaways Reed and Paul McAllister in the leading roles will be presented at the Fifth avenue Mr and lIre Gene Hughes In A Matrimonial Substitute and Julian Rose Our Hebrew Friend will be COLORED WAITER PROBLEM servant girl problem Isnt In THE with the question of getting waiters said a woman who keeps a fashionable boarding house near Central Park You know- It would never do to have waitresses In a largo boardinghouse and so we must have men What Is the objection to waitresses 7 Well thats a question that couldnt be explained In III fow words In a general- way however I would say that wait- resses ¬ are Inclined to illutract tho ftt- tentlon of the men boarders More- over ¬ the women boarders nail at them constantly I dont know wh do It but It Is a fact that tho fair wait- resses ¬ whom I tried wore run away from the house bv the women But It was long long ago that I gave ip trying to have waitresses just aa ivory other boardinghouse keeper has lone When we gave them up wo urned to colored help Now a colored Is decidedly a hard proposition to deal with Unless he takes a per- sonal Interest In his surroundings few of them doIts a settled fact hat he wont stay long I had a waiter a few yenrs ago who thought tlmt our household could not xj t without him Why he took more ntereet In the welfare af my boarders than I myself did He would be on lialtd every morning promptly at < Amusements CUITUIUOft T1IBAT1US Sway A Nth t- IABT MATINEE 2 15 LAST NIGHT 830 i CHARLES HAWTREY A nCSSAOC- PROn nARS OAnitlCK TlllCATltD jju IU flea LAST MATINEE J1S U8T Moll I- 5KIPPUR JO Ie CO WALL STRBUT Mal IlHenry n Dlur In Ptelnt lh Muile uGW SAVOY TliKVTHi 3ttht nw r- Erp 8IS Mttl Todir A WWaedar 316 EZRA KENDALL THBBgVagAR- OAIIUKN TIIliATHE 27th I6a MidUon IT- sso LAST MAT EVERYMAN LAe- r MOIIT I M > IV11SUN SQ TIIEA llth it nut Uwir i FYII 830 Ma1g nd r t Thuridir S 30 I Otutait fhe II D4hullt Corned A FOOL AND ms MONEYI ytte Tdr d E1tA 1I GRACE GEl11lGF In lIU1 EGG I KMCKCIinOCICBll Then nw iy t hate but Mil Today H yet Tim < t S I BLUE BEARD cOIlrrodueUoo1fJ i nwar BEST SHOW IN TOWS KEITHS and I J > ORCVT ACTJ3- lllh 3U WUCEi 35c sad too I j tn bW among the performers at the Twenty third street theatre The SUIT Alarm will be revived at the One Hundred and Twentyfifth street house with Adelaide Kelm and Carl Smith Hearts In tho principal parts Mme Redan and com- pany ¬ will otter a novelty at the New- ark ¬ house Among the entertainers at Hurtir- Beamona will be Jules and Ella Garrison In Burlesque Drama and Tragedy- and Bellman and Moore In heaters Promise May party pictures ot children In the parks will be shown at the IDJon Muaee Mascot the Talking horse and the Jjxly Sprinters will bo in the race for nut honors at Hubtrs- ATTRACTIONS WHICH REIN Remaining at leading theatres will be The Runaways Casino The Wizard of Oz Majratlc Blanche hater In The Darling of the Gods BeloscoB Theatre Ezra Kendall In the Vlnesar Buyer Savoy A Fool Money Mndlscm Square Grace George- In Pretty Peggy Square Bui Helen no only 1 walter rk TonllM tan of Sulu Vnllncke The Prince of Pllsen Broadway Frank Daniels In I Mist Simplicity Academy of Music Dave Vartleld In The Auctioneer Victoria Cecil fipooner In My bady- Joes Peggy to Town Dalys Law THE I oclock and would break his neck see- ing ¬ that every one got Impartial treat ¬ ment at meal time Of course he got tips but they didnt seem to bother lilin much One of the boarders finally took him away to Europe and there was much weeping on his part when he left My next waiter was a Bouthern negro Aa aoon oa he got his first weeks Wages he went out and gambled there away and then he came to ms and begged for a Uttle advance He was ISO grief stricken over his plight that I gave him something The next morning he didnt report for work until 10 oclock I couldnt dis- charge him because he owed me money but I did domand an explanation for his tardiness and the excuse he gavel was such a unique one that I didnt have the heart to be angry with him I Lt was this way bout my not comln he told me with great serious- ness ¬ When I woke up this mornln- my feet was swelled so that I couldnt set my shoes on Of course there wasnt nothing for me to do but to wait till the swelling went down an that took till after 9 oclock Yes the question of getting colored waiters Is a perplexing one for the boarding houle keepers of New York and we have worried over It till we are black In the face Amusements ACADEMY FRANK DANlELSSiiLI- JJ SUBS SIUPZ1C1T Prlcaa K M is SI Hat eat 1 KT 8tS- MAJESTlconAND CLiWedySit2 WIZARD OF OZ Mt 8slurdll- with tLOo Montgomery A Stone Matinn llO- Op IRe L E lOib 12l- sna KOSOHAH 3 MORTON5 Jwt Coulboul S Do Lucai AllStar ac- tvEWEYIIMATINEE T Y- EI Brad OD Sr ylORlUS 0 aY TUMRW NIUIIT nJt AND CONCERT 15 MI GRAND Alice Fischer la MRS JACK NnWkhenry illlltr TM Taming ot hum BIJOUIMARIE CAHILL Tonirht Into NANCY BROWN V ntnni AU ft io7th > t Mat Tod U A DESPERATE OUNCE IV U UlIV X wIILllti Cturoh Around Gores om r V I ronce DOrzay In The Earl of Paw- tucket Manhattan the Four Cohans In Running for Offlce Fourteenth street TheatreBROOKLYNTHEATRE8 Valerie Uercere will appear as Clear cite In Under Two Flap at the Co some r Is Mount Clemens a to go for rheumatism Yes I got mine therelThe Runaways Ij- f lumbla- A Romance of Coon Hollow will be the attraction at the Park- A to Those Coitnrae > In The Evening World of May 1J In A NEW SENSATION English Royal Relish Mustard c GL1 Sauce ron > MEATS- RAREBIT5 u uQ SANDWICHCS U dC PISH BTC pgniremaW r At jour Grocer s 15c PER POT fluid for this ibis Amusements HUBERS MUSEUM JAMES lANDr Iron SlUll VODCE- Lme MASCOT MIDO BUH LADY BTJUNTBRJJ nulrg fee Sa- promul IA Uur ulbU wonde- ryGinA11tZepalag 8umm S uon Iallor tnd MxlIU Stoddud and Let lit Lol ilrldiM Sliten Real Carroll era Marklni Edith Wilson John J shan J W Beanie loon pleura- sBftORDWflYEl g Matti Nee St2 IL W Snags pftwtiU Ui Nw Musical Comedy PRINCE OF PILSfiN Special ntd Mat Pile 80c to II- WALLACKS THEATRE 30lh it xvghls Mat T47A Wedlf5 llcnrr W Cants prtuntl UEO ADK3 lilt SULTAN F SULU I D S4 ar PASTORS ore SO CENTS Shtnxo 8r De Forrnt Jun t Ear Garrison Caner D < Hari Trio Tho LlltlMitld- aSrl RNTlID SHOW TOPVV- DTtltWa fiEI7SCO THElTRE LUI 111 seek DAVID nrLUCO In TILE DARLLVQ BLAVCHE BATE3 I OP THE OOIXS VICTORIA 4d d 1 UA 7 ntol otW ar T DAVID HELASCO ICIU- rrt nta InTHB AUCTIONEER Tttnhnilnn A 20 11 SNd St St Sl THE EARL OF PAWTUCKET AMERICAN 3dCowdedWeek Mote afore RESURRECTIONs c 13 SU CECIL SPOO 1 1 IN WYLOY coin TO TOWN reODY Mil TUBA Icon Ar a4d S- tJjATIMCK U Y KVI51IV DAV IIc- flhc stoops to Conquer tisrlcrm IPll IfFrfHJnlJ laUTod t Rip Va Wlntl- r tIWC Nlrb nrvuJ noticing the Casinos new play Tbi 1 Runaways complimentary notice was made of the costumes and the well known Mrs Osborn was called upo r In the article to bear tvltnesi a thsll gorgeousness By reader this bee been construed that she was the ceO signer end Reno No IS Flnhavi nue thinks It should be clearly under- stood that he atone Is resoonalbl foe t whatever merit there may be In hUll gowns Amusements t WhyNotProctorWSSrajfc Reserved Every All A BvsFall Orrbtftra- n7H 01 CONTINUOUS VADDCVILLT Wtao- rtT 4 Watiifcoir = Bra- tUU a fiery Oli 1 Talbot Rogers 35hie AcS DROWN t Ftonae fla8 51 II lilUIFrederic- WHO Don Vaoirrllla ud All Coatlawa Suck 1 I U 81h SI1NELLIE WHEMRY 10 MUSS ISaI 1251 Ii II 81 All FACEm StockHPmYOAtun TltH herd I 14th St Theatre hats de 1 THE 4 COHANS roIa = METROPOLIS Cyltl815W1I wee Sale DEFENDING HER HONOR iuj su tad 3d ATI Nut wwkMlu Mire nihtr IDisle JACK I WEST END MR LOUIS acAiar AH on eat of BM- a3D < t lY dal OAitX5DTORX 3m vxt WkA Working Girls WiQaK Brooklyn Amusements i iJ SINNS rot ONTAUK OLTT A DE WOLFHOPPEJtMr Excursions i OPENING TRIP OF THE SEASON STEAMER GRAND REPUBLIC- To J West Iolnt and neironiVt 11 SUNDAY SLY 1TTII- LMT BaJttrr Landlix 980 A U Wttt UW St 1030 A M i FARE itouxn TRIP See ORAMD BUaY KXCUJUIOX N bartr tat re- turn on rut Iron itatmarTliMnaa Patter Oant flattery 9e A at wait ISth it5 JO Wilt 3301 t 1000 nnurnlnc iHTat Kiwtnri JOO arrtrw- vw York 700 Tlci ta 60e FeD aUrlnt Dial Summer Resorts i Hotels and Boarding OD Long Island TERRITORY SWEPT BY Tilt PREVAILING COOL GUMMBR f t4 SOUTH WINDS ROM THE OCEANTHE IDEAL L LACtt FOR HEALTHIEST ANDLBEC REATION T r Lh 1 k StMllKn ItoitW s bookie ititMit- taitt IUd bnrJInilioum In epee latlna at L I IL It ticket oBmb Braes 130 921 BaiU Dorms llw reiort Unrtiul 1331 WorM Vagetes t isle 1533 and 1101 yell and gtptep un llorau Hroailnr 51h are rt toot New Ctumtxra I- twillwts a e Vtrlii ot- atanlpt stet HOWARD M- ainitr ItITII t Acanl JU I R atyeI I + t- e RINsi

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Page 1: T1 c J4 IIi 1 THE I M EVENING WORLDS HOME MAGAZINEchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1903-05-16/ed-1/seq-9.pdfl 4 T y P f r i J4 J iIIIIj IIi c Jill L7 rr T1 c 1 7 >

l 4 Ty P f r



J4 IIi c Jill L7 r riIIIIj T1 c

1 7 > I< My


MAY 10 1303 tjn


The Runaways Marks a Step in the Crusade to Free Chorus

Girls from the Hideous Despotism of Tights


tJ P uf HE MESSRS SHUBERT were so very Wnd as to Invito me to a prl4 I vote view of the costumes worn In The Runaways but dearly as

i I doto on frocks and much as I should like to fill this page withmillinery the editor has other viewsRunway-sMoreover In spite of Its stupidity as an entertainment It deserves tlarge wreath for Its Influence In furthering the emancipation of the chorusClrl from the hideous despotism of tights

Slowly but surely tho conviction Is forcing itself upon the EnglishI speaking peoples that a pair of legs surmounted by a trunk trussed up in< corsets not only falls short of the alluring qualities once attributed to the

combination but is positively the most ungainly Inartistic and ludlcroufspectacle In the world

How the chorus lady of the tlghtsandcoraets post ever made her repu-

tation as a winner and how the glided youth of stagedoor and greenroomt ever was attracted to her in her stage trappings as deep a mystery as the

Hottentot ladys delusion concerning the becoming effect of a wishbonethrust through the nose


The new order of things has produced a new order of chorus girl-y Judging from The Runaways she Is chosen no longer for the ctmnklnees

of her extremities but for her ability to wear a fashionable gown with an

i air of being used to it w

I The young women In The Runaways carry this air very successfullyMoreover they are pretty and discreet and when it comes to roguery they

thave the ti htsandoorsets article hopelessly faded

U Jt JI J< St jS 4 Jtdiminutive Arthur Dunn whose principal function In The Run ¬

THE Is to distribute unctuous kisses among the chorus ladles Is

an amusing creature who seems to have studied some of James TPOWCTSB stock methods but at the same time has a good deal of quiet cooksure originality-


to the private view of frocks the Messrs Shubert had added anexhibit of the mechanism by the aid of which those marvellous automataknown as tho Hengler sisters go through their pretty motions my cuti-celty could not havo withstood tho temptation-

To see those Interesting figures with phonograph attachment per ¬

forming a Spanish danoe for instance Is one of the marvels of the ageNo wires can be detected and each movement is absolutely lifelike

Afl for the atmosphere well there pahaps Otoro would have theadvantage The marvellous H nglra In spite ot their precision dontQuito suggest the Andalusloa fury of garlic and tabasco

Jl J< JI st dl JI JlI

time Ive been wondering why Miss Dorothy Dorr re¬

I FIminded me of a Mother Goose rhyme When I heard her robustt The Runaways came over mo like a Rash

Dorothy Dorothy DorrLets out a terrible roar

Of hilarious laughterThat shakes every rafter

J Dorothy Dorothy DorrkKATE CAREW-



15he I A Story ofI34ca t Gold Piracy and

W0I s 1 Wreckers-

Will begin in The Evening WorldHome Magazine on Monday andWill end Saturdayi r <t J-

1tSr11 14 kMii q aAr suY 4 rKj 4 r lf t le-

ts +


The ratner hasty withdrawal ofSkipper Co Is responsible for the

only now offering of next weekOn Thursday night Henry E Dlxoy

will appear at the Gnrrlck In Facingthe Muile a farco Which though-new to tide country has been playedfor a year In Australia and two rea-

sons In London and the provincesWhile the authorship and locate of thopiece are English It Is credited withhaving French sprIghtliness and Is saidto afford Mr Ddxcy excellent oppor-tunities


for light comedy-The three acts transpire In the fore-


In an apartment house whore thereIs general confusion because of theresidence there of two married men




Dorothy ninth he would kill youDunnWhy dont you leave marry

halfThe Runaways

both bearing the timehonored nameThe mixup the gmtlem

and Elis mistaken Identities of theirwives to the persons who know theformer but not the latter furnish amus-ing situation

Mr Dlxeya support Include JohnHaabn T Newton Llndo Ralph Del

I more Henry Norman GreyGrace Hover Adella Darker and Ger-trude Gheen

The taro will by a oneact raiser entitled A WeJsh Rarebit-In Mr Dlxey will appear and at


Eevenlng publishes


ActloniLonflonTImeReIgn mPrincipalPlotLady Kcnnuston


highway-man discovered reconciliation

actuse discipline


lie sirret

ThoUl1twell eon

wasmountains of

near OtMagazine

of farwent the l

sometimes schoolhouse waslog there ne

the mysteriousfavcmatlon of Its con-

stellations the Bibleexcepting thealso been

especially It asof

Its wayImagination

moUntaln andhoneytree was It

that was just

wild ortwodtantwhere the uf

performed earlly-translaf4dInto the Ti


he Is the author Tide will be itsfirst

Miller for a week ntthe

The Taming-

of Helen production bothe same aj tbe run at

the Waldron who from the totho position oflat week at the Savoy will be Mr

chief assistantMeredith by Paul Leicester

Ford will be presented at the MurrayHill with V Donnelly Included

the castA Love a new comedy

DorrIf my husband here

I jand


u u

him and meand make


it nine1

ofSmith In




be preceded


drama by Hal Reid will have itsproduction at the TheatreThe occasion will mark tho return ofMiss Lillian member-of the stock company who has been 111

forplay React of

Maryland with llIsaAlmoMaryland be

the attraction at West EndMiss Alice In her llv ly

Mrs Jack be at the Metropolls

The thener will be the at Star


Hn ANY people have not time to attend all the plays that come to New Yorkell but at tho time time like to know what sucfo plays ar about For the

1 of euch readers Tho World too salient fea-tures of a few of these In a Today play Is

Lady Peggy to TownAuthor Prances Ajmor MathewsTheatre>

Place of and vicinityof George

Character Peggy Burgoyne Cecil SpoonerPeggy nurgoyne Castle Eng quarrels

with her toter Sir Percy do Bohtin over his supposed attentions to LadyDiana In London Dohun leaves her vowing to go to London andthe devil follows him to and her brothero clothes meetswith many adventures Sir Percy saves her from bring hanged as a

Her Is and a with and lover

Most Dramatic Situation Fencing seen In secondBright Lines the a If you cant a

woman 7

Tla hear so Ill believe-No more of love for me Ill take marriageId trust a rapier than a womans tongueWhat Is the proper study of man

Peggy In I1tUreA pox on you for a libeller Sir Percy I Jo athrow back In your teeth the you have uttered And 1et me tell youthat before you ever eyes on her Lady Peggy heart was my hereyes were my eyes her lips were my lips and her kisses were my kisses-

I thought you said you never set eyes on Sir Percy againnever wash your time thinking where a woman Is

cerned Shes always time to think after shes acted

CHILD LIFE SIXTY AGOThe editors early boyhood pawed

In one such district In theVermont the source of the erCreek says Harpers The children a few living apart

to school during summtrmonth through woods where bears were

Thebuilt of yet It was thathad our nut glimpse of a celestial globand we vividly recall

quaintly ItemedAlready the only

book Watti Hymns Inhome a log house read

such portions of weredramatic or poetic Interest nid had

had wonderful with the Soyamingling naturally with the-

glid scenery Now Thena and tccme1to us It In uch a wlllsrnee that John the Baptist fed on locustsand honey The stream a mile

sometime ritewas was

sacred Jordan > tJ

zest to tho storyof prophet Elliha and the rollingchildren

rf y jj i


Henry returnsGrand In Richard

larding Davis comedyThe will prac-

tlcJIv duringSavoy Theatre

jumped ranksleading lady during the






Bayer a popular

some monthsDavid Belascoa The

Kruger Inthe role of Calvert will

the TheatreFlasher suc-



Little Church Around Cor ¬

attraction the

benefit ¬

plays nutshellCornea

Ladyof Surrey

WcstonPeggy London In


Identity fatheroccurs

Whats of being man


boys For











ndH allthe complexion and destroy thebeauty of the akin vofltlvely

and safely removedHi aclantlfle trtalintnti ntfar falllTtilrtr lure practical ip rlaaea-

RNo obarst for cnotultatlftn and tookJOHN H WOODBURY D I

22 Wet 23d Strut N Y




piitNCEtll uayJth tSl0MatrdrhenIC-eepa aullrnra lauihll all tTtnlox llaral-dlivant A Hopper THERE AND PACK


nUSDIL May Dar CIMrallom Itjitorloua etcf

iIt r IIo fot 1J

A Working GIrls Wrongs a newmelodrama by Hal ReM will be dlsdoted at the Third Avenue

Bob Monchcsttra Vanity Fall Ex-


Company will be at theDewey

The Royal Lilliputian with their drollnlortoliimcnt In Po terland will be

Do you know a good photographerYes theres a fine one lust around the corner lie took a picture of1

father that was so natural mother wouldnt hive it around the house

IThe Runaways

vthe attraction at Proctors FiftyeighthStreet Theatre-VAUDEVILLE BILL

Marie Drearier will be the headliner atthe Circle Other entertainers will beThomas J Ryan and Mary lUchfleld InMal Haegcrtyi Father Press El

drldge and Bella and Arthur jugglersnine Fay will give her songs and spe-

claltles at Keiths while Nick Long andIdalene Cotton will present the chiefsketch Managerial Troubles

Llzgle Evans and company in ACountry Dance and Howard RussellEdwartis and Whiting The Four Em-

peror of Music will be prominent atPastor

Proctors theatres Joseph Arthurplay On the Wabash with Florence

u nnurLordHave you friends


Silly Gould No relatlvesThe Runaways

Reed and Paul McAllister in the leadingroles will be presented at the Fifthavenue Mr and lIre Gene Hughes In

A Matrimonial Substitute and JulianRose Our Hebrew Friend will be

COLORED WAITER PROBLEMservant girl problem Isnt In

THE with the question of gettingwaiters said a woman

who keeps a fashionable boardinghouse near Central Park You know-It would never do to have waitresses Ina largo boardinghouse and so we musthave men

What Is the objection to waitresses 7

Well thats a question that couldnt beexplained In III fow words In a general-way however I would say that wait-resses


are Inclined to illutract tho ftt-

tentlon of the men boarders More-


the women boarders nail at themconstantly I dont know wh do

It but It Is a fact that tho fair wait-resses


whom I tried wore run awayfrom the house bv the women

But It was long long ago that I gaveip trying to have waitresses just aaivory other boardinghouse keeper haslone When we gave them up wourned to colored help Now a colored

Is decidedly a hard propositionto deal with Unless he takes a per-sonal Interest In his surroundings

few of them doIts a settled facthat he wont stay long

I had a waiter a few yenrs ago whothought tlmt our household could notxj t without him Why he took morentereet In the welfare af my boarders

than I myself did He would be onlialtd every morning promptly at <





OAnitlCK TlllCATltD jju IU fleaLAST MATINEE J1S U8T Moll I-


Ie CO WALL STRBUTMal IlHenry n Dlur In Ptelnt lh Muile

uGW SAVOY TliKVTHi 3ttht nw r-

Erp 8IS Mttl Todir A WWaedar 316




>IV11SUN SQ TIIEA llth it nut Uwir i

FYII 830 Ma1g nd r t Thuridir S 30 I

Otutaitfhe II D4hullt

CornedA FOOL AND ms


ytte Tdr dE1tA1IGRACE GEl11lGF In lIU1 EGG


KMCKCIinOCICBll Then nw iy t hate

but Mil Today H yet Tim < t S I

BLUE BEARDcOIlrrodueUoo1fJi


lllh 3U WUCEi 35c sad too

I j tn bW

among the performers at the Twentythird street theatre The SUIT Alarmwill be revived at the One Hundred andTwentyfifth street house with AdelaideKelm and Carl Smith Hearts In thoprincipal parts Mme Redan and com-


will otter a novelty at the New-ark



Among the entertainers at Hurtir-Beamona will be Jules and Ella GarrisonIn Burlesque Drama and Tragedy-and Bellman and Moore In heatersPromise

May party pictures ot children In theparks will be shown at the IDJon Muaee

Mascot the Talking horse and theJjxly Sprinters will bo in the race fornut honors at Hubtrs-

ATTRACTIONS WHICH REINRemaining at leading theatres will be

The Runaways Casino The Wizardof Oz Majratlc Blanche hater In

The Darling of the Gods BeloscoBTheatre Ezra Kendall In the VlnesarBuyer Savoy A FoolMoney Mndlscm Square Grace George-In Pretty Peggy Square Bui

Helen noonly 1




tan of Sulu Vnllncke The Prince ofPllsen Broadway Frank Daniels In

I Mist Simplicity Academy of MusicDave Vartleld In The AuctioneerVictoria Cecil fipooner In My bady-

JoesPeggy to Town Dalys Law


oclock and would break his neck see-ing


that every one got Impartial treat ¬

ment at meal time Of course he gottips but they didnt seem to botherlilin much One of the boarders finallytook him away to Europe and therewas much weeping on his part when heleft

My next waiter was a Bouthernnegro Aa aoon oa he got his first weeksWages he went out and gambled thereaway and then he came to ms andbegged for a Uttle advance He was ISO

grief stricken over his plight that I gavehim something

The next morning he didnt report forwork until 10 oclock I couldnt dis-

charge him because he owed me moneybut I did domand an explanation forhis tardiness and the excuse he gavelwas such a unique one that I didnthave the heart to be angry with him I

Lt was this way bout my notcomln he told me with great serious-ness


When I woke up this mornln-my feet was swelled so that I couldntset my shoes on Of course therewasnt nothing for me to do but towait till the swelling went down anthat took till after 9 oclock

Yes the question of getting coloredwaiters Is a perplexing one for theboarding houle keepers of New Yorkand we have worried over It till we areblack In the face




Prlcaa K M is SI Hat eat 1 KT 8tS-




Montgomery A Stone Matinn llO-

Op IRe L E lOib 12l-snaKOSOHAH 3 MORTON5

Jwt Coulboul S Do Lucai AllStar ac-



ODSr ylORlUS 0 aY


GRAND Alice Fischerla MRS JACK

NnWkhenry illlltr TM Taming ot hum

BIJOUIMARIE CAHILLTonirht Into NANCY BROWNV ntnni AU ft io7th > t Mat TodU A DESPERATE OUNCEIV U UlIV X wIILllti Cturoh Around Gores

om r V


ronce DOrzay In The Earl of Paw-tucket Manhattan the Four Cohans In

Running for Offlce Fourteenth streetTheatreBROOKLYNTHEATRE8

Valerie Uercere will appear as Clearcite In Under Two Flap at the Co some

r Is Mount Clemens a to go for rheumatismYes I got mine therelThe Runaways Ij-


lumbla-A Romance of Coon Hollow will be

the attraction at the Park-

A to Those Coitnrae >

In The Evening World of May 1J In


Royal RelishMustard

c GL1 Sauceron >



pgniremaW r At jour Grocer s

15c PER POTfluid for this ibis





promul IA Uur ulbU wonde-ryGinA11tZepalag 8umm S uonIallor tnd MxlIU Stoddud and Letlit Lol ilrldiM Sliten Real Carrollera Marklni Edith Wilson John Jshan J W Beanie loon pleura-

sBftORDWflYEl g Matti Nee St2IL W Snags pftwtiU Ui Nw Musical Comedy


ntd MatPile

80c to II-

WALLACKS THEATRE 30lh itxvghls Mat T47A Wedlf5llcnrr W Cants prtuntl UEO ADK3 lilt



Shtnxo 8r De Forrnt Jun t Ear GarrisonCaner D < Hari Trio Tho LlltlMitld-






Tttnhnilnn A 2011

SNd StSt Sl


AMERICAN 3dCowdedWeekMote afore






flhc stoops to Conquertisrlcrm IPll IfFrfHJnlJ laUTod t

Rip Va Wlntl-r tIWC Nlrb nrvuJ

noticing the Casinos new play Tbi 1Runaways complimentary notice wasmade of the costumes and the wellknown Mrs Osborn was called upo rIn the article to bear tvltnesi a thsllgorgeousness By reader this bee

been construed that she was the ceOsigner end Reno No IS Flnhavinue thinks It should be clearly under-stood that he atone Is resoonalbl foe twhatever merit there may be In hUllgowns

Amusements t

WhyNotProctorWSSrajfcReserved Every All A BvsFall Orrbtftra-n7H 01 CONTINUOUS VADDCVILLT Wtao-

rtT4 Watiifcoir = Bra-tUU

a fieryOli 1 Talbot Rogers 35hie AcS

DROWN t Ftonae fla851 II lilUIFrederic-


Vaoirrlllaud All

CoatlawaSuck 1



1251IiII 81



TltH herdI

14th St Theatre hats de 1THE 4 COHANS roIa =METROPOLIS Cyltl815W1I wee Sale

DEFENDING HER HONORiuj su tad 3d ATINut wwkMlu Mire nihtr IDisle JACK I

WEST END MR LOUIS acAiarAH on eat of BM-



t lY dal OAitX5DTORX 3mvxt WkA Working Girls WiQaK

Brooklyn Amusements i



DE WOLFHOPPEJtMrExcursions i



JWest Iolnt and neironiVt 11

SUNDAY SLY 1TTII-LMT BaJttrr Landlix 980 A U Wttt UW

St 1030 A M i

FARE itouxn TRIP SeeORAMD BUaY KXCUJUIOX N bartr tat re-

turn on rut Iron itatmarTliMnaa Patter Oantflattery 9e A at wait ISth it5 JO Wilt 3301

t 1000 nnurnlnc iHTat Kiwtnri JOO arrtrw-vw York 700 Tlci ta 60e FeD aUrlnt Dial

Summer Resorts i

Hotels and BoardingOD Long Island


StMllKn ItoitW s bookie ititMit-taitt IUd bnrJInilioum In epeelatlna at L I IL It ticket oBmbBraes 130 921 BaiU Dorms llwreiort Unrtiul 1331 WorM Vagetes tisle 1533 and 1101 yell and gtptepun llorau Hroailnr 51h are rt

toot New Ctumtxra I-twillwts a e Vtrlii ot-atanlpt


ainitrItITII t

Acanl JU I R atyeI I+ t-
