
WISP Assignment 2 - USA T10 Chan Wen Yi Amy Tay Yun Xing Steffi Tee Weiling Zheng Xiaofang

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  • 1. WISP Assignment 2 - USA
    Chan Wen Yi Amy
    TayYun Xing Steffi
    Tee Weiling

2. Content
Section A
Instances of prejudice & discrimination in mid 1990s.
Case Study
Los Angeles Riot
Rodney King
3. Content
Other issues arising from:
Social inequality
Section B
Key similarities & differences
4. Content
Factors that give rise to social fractures & divisions
Differences in ideologies & systems
Section C
Possible Solutions
Problems & challenges
5. Identify the instances of prejudice and discrimination that existed in the USA in the mid 1990s.
6. Instances of prejudices & discriminations
Racial discrimination
Income discrimination
Political discrimination
7. Racial discrimination
Treated unfairly
In terms of:
Obtaininga housing loan
Educational opportunities
Substandard qualities in housing facilities
Job opportunities
8. Obtaining Housing Loans
9. Job Opportunities
Due to the lack of education that was provided
Difficult for the minorities to find a job
Not given opportunities to hold jobs with high authority, even if they are qualified
10. Prejudices and Discriminations
11. Income inequality
Extent to which income, most commonly measured by household or individual, is distributed in an uneven manner.
12. Income Inequality
* The percentage remained unchanged as at 1992.
13. Income Inequality
African Americans net wealth only accounted for 17.23% of that of a White family.
14. Political Discrimination
98% of the judges in US are whites
Insufficient education
Judges require specialize knowledge in law
High level of authority given
15. Political Discrimination
Large portion of the jail inmates are blacks
Results have shown that black youths are 6 times more likely to be jailed for their first offence when compared to white youths
White judges are unable to maintain an impartial attitude when passing on a verdict to a black
16. Case Study
Los Angeles Riot
Rodney King
Korean-American community
17. Los Angeles Riot
On 29 April 1992
Sparked off with the acquittal of four officers who were arrested for police brutality towards a Black; Rodney King
African Americans felt that the punishment on the police officers were too light
Bias judgment
Along with centuries of being oppressed by the whites
18. Triggers leading to LA Riot
Rodney Kings incident
Oppression faced by the Blacks
Economic situations
Discrimination due to citizenship related to Korean-American
19. Rodney Kings Profile
Part of the Blacks
Criminal record of robbing a store
Convicted 2 years imprisonment
20. Rodney King
On 3 March 1991
Speeding on the road
Drink driving
Spotted by 2 officer at Highway Patrol
5 officers from the Police Department tried to subdue him
Heavily beaten with batons
Kicked him in his head
21. Rodney King
Whole incident was videotaped
Video was circulated
Eventually transformed into a media sensation
Ignited the anger within African American (Blacks)
22. Rodney King
The police officers involved were acquitted
Blacks felt injustice
Within 30 minutes of the acquittal, more than 300 people gathered at the courthouse protesting the verdict.
24 officers tried to confront the crowd, but were severely outnumbered.
23. Rodney King
However, the police never appeared, saying it was for their own safety.
Gun fights between both parties began on that day.
24. Economic Situations
Since 1980s, there was an economic downturn which continued till the early 1990s.
Many citizens were affected
High unemployment rate
Reduction in standard of living
25. Economic Situations
Blacks formed the majority of the lower income group in USA
Hardest hit by the recession and suffered the most.
Insufficient cash to support their daily expenses
26. Economic Situations
Most Blacks were living in poverty/ were homeless
Unable to provide for their families
Resentment increases tremendously
One of the main catalyze for the L.A. Riots in 1992
27. Economic Situations Vicious cycle
28. Korean-American Community
* Therefore, they despise each other due to these prejudices
29. Korean-American Community
African American disliked Korean American as they felt that Korean merchants are:
Unwilling to hire them
Sells inferior products to African Americans at a high price
Failed to contribute back to the society with the money that they earned
Rude (Explanation in next slide)
30. Korean-American Community
Differences in cultural beliefs
31. Latasha Vs Soon Ja Du
13 days before Rodney Kings incident, an African American was killed by a Korean American merchant.
Thought that the African American was shoplifting when she punched and knocked her to the ground.
32. Latasha Vs Soon Ja Du
Reasonable homicide incident
Korean merchant, Soon Ja Du cleared all the charges
Released on probation for 5 years
33. Compare what you have learnt from the American situation with Singapore in 2010.
34. Learning Points
Discrimination & prejudice can lead to vast consequences
Racial issues is a very sensitive topic among the citizens
If it is not properly handled, it will lead to social issues
35. Section B
Highlight the key similarities and differences of prejudice and discrimination.
36. Similarities
1.Racial Issues
1.1 Majority Race
1.2 Acts of Racism
1.3 Education system
2.Citizenship rights
37. 1.1 Majority Race
38. 1.1 Majority Race
Majorities: Chinese, 74.2%
Minorities: Others, 3.2%
Majorities: Whites
Minorities: Blacks and others
39. 1.1 Majority Race
Both dominant races in USA & Singapore discriminates against the minorities in their respective country.
40. 1.2 Acts of Racism
41. 1.2 Acts of Racism
42. 1.3 Education System
USAs education system
Bias against the whites
Many Blacks do not get high chances to enter college & universities
Singapores education system
Focuses more on the needs of the majority race
SAP (Special Assistance Plan) School systems
Only catered to the Chinese students
Unavailable for the minority races
43. 2. Citizenship Rights
Stereotypes & prejudices against the foreign workers
44. Differences
1. Efforts placed in promoting a harmonious nation
2. Differences in social treatments
45. Efforts placed in promoting a harmonious nation
Housing Development Board
HDB Flats
Ethnic Quotas
Presence of Community Centers
Encourage the interaction between ethnic groups as they engage in activities held there.
46. Efforts placed in promoting a harmonious nation
Government did not place a strong emphasis
Focuses more on the economy instead
Since USA is the worlds superpower who is leading the global market.
47. Differences in social treatments
Everyone is given equal opportunities to receive medical treatments & obtaining loans.
Credibility & financial status are the key criteria in deciding whether a loan will be granted
Regardless of race & ethnic groups
48. Differences in social treatments
Minorities were denied of the opportunity to receive proper health care treatment
A study published in the American Journal of Public Health estimated that: over 886 000 deaths could have been prevented from 1991 to 2000 if African Americans had received the same care as the whites
49. Singapore 2061
* Singapore citizens includes Singaporeans & Permanent Residents.
50. Social fractures & divisions
Singapores education system
Disputes over citizenship rights
Encouragement by political communists to protest against the lack of jobs
51. Singapores education system
Education Hub
Comprehensive education system
Attracts foreign students to pursue their studies in Singapore
52. Singapores education system
Intensify competition in getting local universities
Local students faces huge pressure
Resentment increases
Strong hatred towards these foreign workers
53. Singapores educationsystem
Ultimately, this resentment builds up
Leading to riots & strikes
These foreign students will be the innocent party who suffered in the riots
54. Disputes over citizenship rights
Singapore faces ageing population
Attract more foreigners
Boost Singapores economy
Increase birth rate
55. Disputes over citizenship rights
High Influx of foreign workers
Intensify Singapores environment
Foreign immigrants are preferred
Willing to take up jobs at low wage
More hardworking
Willing to work for long hours
56. Disputes over citizenship rights
Singapore citizens felt that they were threatened
Citizens feel that priority should be given to them since they own the citizenship rights
Increase in tensions
57. Encouragement by political opportunists
Past Riots:

  • 1964 & 1969

58. Corrective actions were taken 59. Implementation of new laws & regulations