t1s the daily bulletin - university of hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · losses promptly adjustod and...

m inr-f.'r- wi T1S THE DAILY BULLETIN mmcnannni Von. VL No. 820. HONOLULU, II. J THURSDAY EVIUNMNG, Stil'TtiMBER 25, 1881. CO 0ENT8 OUDQCniPTION PER MONTH S $ ? pv m TFE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PMNTINQ orFICC. lPf - - - - iipi'ii Htrpot, oppotlto Wcnt'a Cftrrlngo 1'nctory. );cr!pUon. - 60 conts por Month. All business communications to bond. tlr3C(l. Manager Dully Bulletin, Post 'leu Hox No. Li. Telephone 200. Dan Looan, Editor Wit vv TAY1.0U, Local Reporter .Ias. O. Ci.r.viou, Mnmgcr WHAT IS THIS DISEASE THAT IS COMING UPON US? Like u thief nt night It steals 111 upon us unawares. Many persons have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes in tho back. They feel dull and sleepy j the mouth has a bad taste, especially iu In tho morning. A soit of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite Is poor. There is n feeling like a heavy lotd on tho stomach; sometimes n faint e sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes arc sunken, the hands and foot become cold and feel clammy. After a while a cough sets in at Hist dty, but after a few months It is attended with a greenish coloured expectoration. The afflicted one feels tired all tho while, and sleep does not seem to afford tiny rct. After a time ho becomes nervous, Irrita- ble, and gloomy, and has evil fore- bodings. There is a giddiness, u sou of whirling sensation In the head when rising up suddenly. The bowels become rostivo; the skin is dry rind hot at times; the blood becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of tho eyes become tinged w 1th yellow, tho urine is scanty and high-coloure- depositing a sediment after standing. There is frequently a spitting up of thefood, sometimes with a Four taste, and sometimes with a sweetish taste: this is frcnucntlv attended with palpitation of the heart; the lsIon becomes impaired with spots before tho eC3; there is a feeling of great piostrn-tio- n and weakness. All of thc3c symp toms are lu turn present. It is thought that nearly one-thir- d of our population has this disease in some of Its varied forms. It has been found tli.it medical men hao mistaken the nature of this disease. Some have trenled it for a liver complaint, others for kidney disease, etc., but nouo of the various kinds of treat- ment have been nttended with success, because the lemcdy should bo such as to act harmoniously upon each one of these oigaus, and upon the stomach as well; for in Dyspepsia (for this is ically what the disease is) nil of theso organs partako of this disease and require a remedy that will act upon all at the same time. Seigel's Curative Syiup acts like a charm in tills class of complaints, giving almost inimcdlated relief. The following letters from chemists of standing in the com- munity wheic they live show In what estimation the article is held. John Archer, llarthill, near Shcllleld: I can confidently lccommcnd it to all who may be suffering from liver or stomach complaints, having tho testi- mony of my customers, w ho have derived great benefit from the Syrup and Pills. Tho salo is increasing wonderfully. Geo. A. Webb, 141, York Street, Belfast; I havo sold a largo quantity, and the parties have testillcd to its being what you represent it. J. S. Metcalfe, 55, Highgate, Kendal: I have always great pleasure in recom- mending the 'Curative- Syrup, for I have never known ti case iu which it has not lellovcd or cuicd, and 1 have sold many grosses. Robt. G. Gould, 127, High Street, Andovcr: I have always tako a great intcicst in your medicines and I have recommended them, as I have found numcious cases of cure from their use. Thomas Chapman, West Auckland : J find that the trade bteadily increases. I soil more of your medicines than any other kind. N. D.urdil, Chin, Salop: All who buy It arc pleased, and recommend it. Jos. Balkwlll, A. P. S., Klngsbiidgc: The public seem to appreciate their great value. A. Armstead, Market Street, Dalton-ln-Purncs- It Is needless for me to say that your valuable medicines havo great sale in this district greater than any other I know of, giving great satis faction. Kobt. Laine, Mclksham: I can well recommend the Curative Syrup from having proved its cflicacy for indigestion myself. Frlockhcim, Arbioath, Forfarshire, Sent. 2U. 1832. Dear Sir, Last year I sent you a letter recommending Mother Seigel's Syrup. I have very much pleasure In still bearing testimony to the very satisfactory results of the famed Syrup and Pills. Most patent medicines die out with me, but Mother Scigcl has had a steady sale ever sluco I com- menced, and Is still In as great demand as when I first began to sell the mcdl-cine- . The cures which have come under my notice are chiefly those of liver complaint and general debility. A certain minister In my neighbour-hoo- d says it is tho only thing wkich has benefited him nnd restored him to Ida normal condition of health after being unable to preach for a consldoiablo icngth of time. I could mention also a trroat nianv other cases, but space would not allow. A near friend of mine, who Is very much addicted to costivencss, or constipation, finds that Mother Seigel's Pills aro tho only pills which Biilt his complaint. All other pills cause u reaction which is very annoying. Mother Seigel's Pills do not leave a had niter-effec- I have much pleasure In commending again to buffering human-it- y Mother Seigel's medicines, which are- no sham. It this letter Is of nny service you can publish It. Yours vcrv trulv. (Signed) William S. Glass, Chemist. A. J. Whlto, Esq. lDth August, 18SJ. Dear Sir, I wiilo to toll j on that Mr. Henry llilller, of Yntesbury, Wilts, mo that ho suffered from a severe-to- i m of Indigestion forupwnids of four years, and took no end ol doctor's mcdl-cin- e without tho slightest benefit, and declares Mother Seigel's Syrup which ho got from me lias saved his life. Yours truly, (Signed) N. Webb, $Ir, White. Chemist, Calne. 705 ly 3 B. F. EHLERS & Go., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Rocoivod by ovory steamer FORT STREET. Ifa 1 04 Fort Street, To Secure iS SSJllSllKii) (SUCCESSOR TO A. M. MELLIS.) ffiLAST CHANCERS! a few more Bargains! WILL BE REGARDLESS OF To make room for a large invoice to surive per Mariposa. Positive tarn can lie wed liy Galling; early. UNION FEED 0 Hay, Grain and Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Ifclopliouc X't'S. , iNlnml ortlorH Holii'ltod, mill cooiIh delivered promptly. I X The of on COMPANY Chicken Feed. THE- - L CLEARANCE SALE ! SELLING BELOW COST! AT Great now Store, Corner Nuuanu and Queon Sis. J. E. WISEMAN Camloll'H Bloclr, IMeroluml Sdrool, Telephone, 172. P. 0. Bov, 315. REAL ESTATE .A. O-3- E 1ST 1 Employment Agont, Custom Houso Broker, and Lifo Insurance Agent, and General Business Agent The only General Agent In the Hawaiian CSO ly Orders of KimJ nnd Nnture Solicited from the Islands. 11. M. BENSON', O. W. BENSON, SMITH & CO.. & 113 & 116 FORT 8TREET,. balance stock, hand, New Fire Business Islands. Every Various SMITH, I). M'CAHT.M'.Y, .III. 1 .HONOLULU, Depot for Booricko & Sohreok's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Sense Nursing nottles, And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. Honolulu. SOLD COST w: ILLIAM auld, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Kona, Island of Oahu. at tho office of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu mm street. 18! .1 JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agcut to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. 1 TX7" O. AKANA, T T iChincso and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of tho nbovt languages made with accuracy and tlla patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 II. S. TREQLOAN, TAILOR, 204 FORT ST. CHR. Gertz, No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,! Importer and Dealer m Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots shoes and slippers. ITRITZ WILHELM, CARPENTER & BUILDER, Shop on King street, In rear of New Odd Fellow's Hall King street. Telephone 112 529 Cm O. ROWE, ED- - HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, l'Al'KK llAXUEU, etc., No. 107 KiNoSTiir.ivr, Honolulu. 525 Telephone, 111. ly BROWN & PHILLIPS, Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. ST Houso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 J.M. OAT .V CO., NAIl.lIAUKHH, Loft In A. F. Cookes Now Fire Proof lluildlng, foot of Nuuanu Street. nonoiuin, n. i. Flags of all descriptions made and repaired. ly 1) IIOLLISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., 507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf 1 ft-f- HONOLULU IRON WORKS, x3afeSteam engines, sugar mills, holl- ers, coolers; iron, hiuss and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe. cutcd at short notice. 1 Prussian National Insurance Comp'y USTAllLISIIUD 1815, Capital, 9,000,000 Rolchsmarks, rpiIE undersigned, having been up X pqtntcd agent of the uboyc Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept ilsks, against Fire, on Ruildiugs, Furnituro,McichandiBc, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Favorable Terms. Losses Promptly Adjustod and Payable in Honolulu. II. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, 070 ly b at Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS, .GRAZIERS and all whom It may concern. Cppr.w m Tho undersigned having lo alterations, additions, 'Z3awBMBHul improvements m ins MiUAfcul soAl FACTOItY, is now prepared to glvo Tho Highest Cash Value for nny quantity of rXlL.3L.O'W, And will furnish containers for the same free of cost to any ono who may desire. TIIOS. W. KAWONS, Honolulu Soap Works. Ofilco In llrlck lluildlng, Klnjr street, Lcleo. 483 1 Commission Moroliaiits CTBREWEtt (Limited) St COMPANY, UENEIIAIj Meiicaniilu and Commission Agents. Lisrot'omcEUs: P. C. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. OuiTUii. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary lHUI.CTOUi: Hon. 0. 11. Hhiioin Hon. II. A. P. CAnTF.u 15.13 ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. H. It. Macfarlane. A 0. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MElt- - CHANTS and lani Sufja)' Factors, Fire-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. to AOKNTB for The Walkopu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, JL The llccla Sugar Plantation, Oahu, i:i lluelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlccs, Watson & Co's Sugar Mnchln cry, Glasgow, Glasgow aud Honolulu Lino of Packets. 185 J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEY. LYON8 & LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen si., Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Slock, Real Estate aud General Merchandise promptly at- tended and to. Solo Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. U18 M.; S. GRINBAUM St CO., Importers of General Mer chandise aud Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & OO , Commission Merchants, 124 California street, Snu Francisco, Cal. Clana bl'rcckcls. Vm. a. Irwin. W. G. IRWIN & COMPANY. Sucrar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 As. cleghorn & oo. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers In General Merchan- dise, Queen and Knahumanu sis., Hono-lul- 78 M. GONSALVE8 Si GO , No. 57 Hotel Stiect. Honolulu. Importers and Dealers in Dry nnd Fancy Goods, Inlaid AVork, Embroidery, 289 &c, &c, &c. JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Mercuanuise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 BROWN Ss CO., AVholcsale Wine and Spirit Merchants. No. 1 1 Merchant St., Honolulu. 330 S.N. Castle. J. U. Athcrton. CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping nnd Commission Merchants. Importcis and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 WING WO TAI & GO , and General Dealers In English, American and Chinese Pro- visions. Plantation Teas and General Supplies. Also, White & Colored Con- tract Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 2-- Nuuniiu btrcct. opposito Mr. C. Afong's. C2S Cm Wolfe & Edwards Grocery and Feed Store, Corner King and Nuuanu streets. Fiesh Groceries nndjl'rovislons received ny every htcamcr. P.O. Box 130, Telephone 349. 501 flm WM. McUAXULUSS, No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Ilccf, Vcnl, Mutton, Ac, air. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Llvo stock furnished to vessels nt short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. IU0 ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. Eastern JL'iuu Sugrnr KcgN, In Shooks or Set up, also Eastern Pino Barrels for Molasses. Hoops Iron f, tf, lin.,2xl.lO,SxK, ax a.io. For Salo by GSO !)m b J. 11. IHIUNS, Senior. Water Notice. OlUco Sun't Water Works. Honolulu, July !), 188'J. persons having Water Privileges ALL notified that their Water Rates aro payable semi-annuall- In advance, nt tno odlco of the Superintendent of Water Works, foot of Nuuauu street, upon the 1st dav of January and July of each vcar. OlIAS. H. WILSON, Sun't Waterworks 3. K. Kaai, Miulater of Interior. 204 Professionals. 1 M GROSSMAN, DiSNTlST, Has opened his ofilco in Hotel St., next to tho Y. M. 0. A. building, where lid is prepared to perform all operations hi dentistry. 3mC01.?t DK. EMERSON, Residence nnd consultation rooms at No, '2 Kukul St., comer of Fort. Tolepnono no. hii. 59 2m J.M DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GO! No. 18 Kaahuinanu street. ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Aud Notary Public, Ofilco with the Attorney General, Aliio Hale, Honolulu. 312 ly JOHN RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofllce, on Merchant street, (next door Dr. Stangenwald.) 405 ly THlRANCIS M. HATCH Attorney at Law, 15 Kaahuinanu st RICHARD P. BICKERTON, and Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Ofllce, No. 41 Merchant st. 1 CECIL, BROWN, and Counsellor at Law. Notary Public, and Agent for tuklng Ac knowledgmcuts of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 ICualiumauu st Honolulu. 1 JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public. Real Estate in nny part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotiii ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 100 c.- - Berqer, KAAHUMANU STKKKT. General Agent for ' Tho N. Y. Llfo Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(llmltd Macnwilc & Urban Safes, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machlnu Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance &, Co. 238 Itobctt Lcors, U. K. Cooke. L EWERS Be COOKE, (successors to Lew era & Dickson,) Importers and Dealers iu Lumber nnd all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu. 1 WILDER St CO., Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt aud lluildlng Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. i Beaver j4. Siiloon The Bost Lunch in Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours Tho finest Brands of Cigars and Tobacco, always on hand. THE CASINO AT TIlU 1'AllK IS OPEN EVERY DAY. QTTho only sca-sid- resort lu the Kingdom. H.J.NOLTE, Proprietor. PASTUltAGE. GOOD PASTURE for' Horses in KnlihlVnllcv !0 acres in one paddock 'yHfei nil fenced, with an 'nbundnnco of fresh grass, a living Btreani of wnter running through the land. Horses called for aiul delivered at GO cents per head, if so desired. Reasonable good euro taken of stjOck but no responsibility from acci- dent. Positively none but healthy ani- mals taken. Address or enquire of ALLEN HERBERT, Ofilco on Queen street, with Hamilton Johnson. 7G4 tf A Good Pasture for Horses, NEAR TOWN. lef Inquire to A. A. MONTANO. C77 Cm A. 'JL JSaVIOEK, iioitsr, Docnm Will cure SIck or Lamo Horses. IVpC!.l IS'o Cure, No Itvy. furnish nil medjclnc. m "Send orders to Capt Cluncy's stables Queen & Punchbowl sts. viv ly Telephone No. 300. II. BAKER, M. R. C. V. S. London, Follow Royal V. M. Association, (as per Diploma In my ofllce.) Treats all Diseases oftHorscs, Mules nnd Homed Cattle. tSTOfllco over Turner's Jewelry shop, King Street. 71'J tl Jmf G. II. ROBERTSON, g4WllM- - Drayman best teams. In town. Ofllce, Queen st. is '9 41 .M m iiWlMJit mi iiiii

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Page 1: T1S THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Losses Promptly Adjustod and Payable in Honolulu. II. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, 070 ly b at Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS,.GRAZIERS


inr-f.'r- wi T1S










lPf - - - - iipi'ii Htrpot,oppotlto Wcnt'a Cftrrlngo 1'nctory.

);cr!pUon. - 60 conts por Month.

All business communications to bond.tlr3C(l. Manager Dully Bulletin, Post'leu Hox No. Li. Telephone 200.

Dan Looan, EditorWit vv TAY1.0U, Local Reporter.Ias. O. Ci.r.viou, Mnmgcr


Like u thief nt night It steals 111 uponus unawares. Many persons have painsabout the chest and sides, and sometimesin tho back. They feel dull and sleepy j

the mouth has a bad taste, especially iuIn tho morning. A soit of sticky slimecollects about the teeth. The appetite Ispoor. There is n feeling like a heavylotd on tho stomach; sometimes n faint

e sensation at the pit of thestomach which food does not satisfy.The eyes arc sunken, the hands and footbecome cold and feel clammy. After awhile a cough sets in at Hist dty, butafter a few months It is attended with agreenish coloured expectoration. Theafflicted one feels tired all tho while, andsleep does not seem to afford tiny rct.After a time ho becomes nervous, Irrita-ble, and gloomy, and has evil fore-bodings. There is a giddiness, u sou ofwhirling sensation In the head whenrising up suddenly. The bowels becomerostivo; the skin is dry rind hot at times;the blood becomes thick and stagnant;the whites of tho eyes become tingedw 1th yellow, tho urine is scanty and high-coloure-

depositing a sediment afterstanding. There is frequently a spittingup of thefood, sometimes with a Fourtaste, and sometimes with a sweetishtaste: this is frcnucntlv attended withpalpitation of the heart; the lsIonbecomes impaired with spots before thoeC3; there is a feeling of great piostrn-tio- n

and weakness. All of thc3c symptoms are lu turn present. It is thoughtthat nearly one-thir- d of our populationhas this disease in some of Its variedforms. It has been found tli.it medicalmen hao mistaken the nature of thisdisease. Some have trenled it for a livercomplaint, others for kidney disease, etc.,but nouo of the various kinds of treat-ment have been nttended with success,because the lemcdy should bo such as toact harmoniously upon each one of theseoigaus, and upon the stomach as well;for in Dyspepsia (for this is ically whatthe disease is) nil of theso organs partakoof this disease and require a remedythat will act upon all at the same time.Seigel's Curative Syiup acts like a charmin tills class of complaints, giving almostinimcdlated relief. The following lettersfrom chemists of standing in the com-munity wheic they live show In whatestimation the article is held.

John Archer, llarthill, near Shcllleld:I can confidently lccommcnd it to all

who may be suffering from liver orstomach complaints, having tho testi-mony of my customers, w ho have derivedgreat benefit from the Syrup and Pills.Tho salo is increasing wonderfully.

Geo. A. Webb, 141, York Street,Belfast; I havo sold a largo quantity,and the parties have testillcd to its beingwhat you represent it.

J. S. Metcalfe, 55, Highgate, Kendal:I have always great pleasure in recom-

mending the 'Curative- Syrup, for I havenever known ti case iu which it has notlellovcd or cuicd, and 1 have sold manygrosses.

Robt. G. Gould, 127, High Street,Andovcr: I have always tako a greatintcicst in your medicines and I haverecommended them, as I have foundnumcious cases of cure from their use.

Thomas Chapman, West Auckland :

J find that the trade bteadily increases.I soil more of your medicines than anyother kind.

N. D.urdil, Chin, Salop: All who buyIt arc pleased, and recommend it.

Jos. Balkwlll, A. P. S., Klngsbiidgc:The public seem to appreciate their

great value.A. Armstead, Market Street, Dalton-ln-Purncs-

It Is needless for me to saythat your valuable medicines havo greatsale in this district greater than anyother I know of, giving great satisfaction.

Kobt. Laine, Mclksham: I can wellrecommend the Curative Syrup fromhaving proved its cflicacy for indigestionmyself.

Frlockhcim, Arbioath, Forfarshire,Sent. 2U. 1832. Dear Sir, Last year Isent you a letter recommending MotherSeigel's Syrup. I have very muchpleasure In still bearing testimony to thevery satisfactory results of the famedSyrup and Pills. Most patent medicinesdie out with me, but Mother Scigcl hashad a steady sale ever sluco I com-menced, and Is still In as great demandas when I first began to sell the mcdl-cine- .

The cures which have come undermy notice are chiefly those of livercomplaint and general debility.

A certain minister In my neighbour-hoo- d

says it is tho only thing wkich hasbenefited him nnd restored him to Idanormal condition of health after beingunable to preach for a consldoiabloicngth of time. I could mention also atrroat nianv other cases, but space wouldnot allow. A near friend of mine, whoIs very much addicted to costivencss, orconstipation, finds that Mother Seigel'sPills aro tho only pills which Biilt hiscomplaint. All other pills cause u

reaction which is very annoying.Mother Seigel's Pills do not leave a hadniter-effec- I have much pleasure Incommending again to buffering human-it- y

Mother Seigel's medicines, whichare- no sham. It this letter Is of nnyservice you can publish It.

Yours vcrv trulv.(Signed) William S. Glass, Chemist.

A. J. Whlto, Esq.

lDth August, 18SJ.

Dear Sir, I wiilo to toll j on that Mr.Henry llilller, of Yntesbury, Wilts,

mo that ho suffered from a severe-to- i

m of Indigestion forupwnids of fouryears, and took no end ol doctor's mcdl-cin- e

without tho slightest benefit, anddeclares Mother Seigel's Syrup which hogot from me lias saved his life.

Yours truly,(Signed) N. Webb,

$Ir, White. Chemist, Calne.705 ly 3

B. F. EHLERS & Go.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Rocoivod by ovory steamer FORT STREET.

Ifa1 04 Fort Street,

To Secure



a few more Bargains!


To make room for a large invoice to surive per Mariposa.

Positive tarn can lie wed liy Galling; early.


Hay, Grain and

Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsIfclopliouc X't'S. ,

iNlnml ortlorH Holii'ltod, mill cooiIh delivered promptly.


The of on


Chicken Feed.

THE- -








Corner Nuuanu and Queon Sis.

J. E. WISEMANCamloll'H Bloclr, IMeroluml Sdrool,

Telephone, 172. P. 0. Bov, 315.

REAL ESTATE .A. O-3- E 1ST 1Employment Agont, Custom Houso Broker,

and Lifo Insurance Agent,and General Business Agent

The only General Agent In the HawaiianCSO ly Orders of KimJ nnd Nnture Solicited from the Islands.

11. M. BENSON', O. W.


113 & 116 FORT 8TREET,.

balance stock, hand,



Business Islands.Every Various




Depot for Booricko & Sohreok's

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Sense Nursing nottles,

And Allaire Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.



w:ILLIAM auld,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu. at tho office ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuumm street. 18! .1

JOHN A. HASSINQER,Agcut to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu. 1

TX7" O. AKANA,T T iChincso and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of tho nbovtlanguages made with accuracy and tllapatch, and on reasonable terms. 209


204 FORT ST.

CHR. Gertz,No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,!

Importer and Dealer m Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots shoes and slippers.


Shop on King street, In rear of NewOdd Fellow's Hall King street.

Telephone 112 529 Cm



No. 107 KiNoSTiir.ivr, Honolulu.525 Telephone, 111. ly

BROWN & PHILLIPS,Plumbeis, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. ST Houso and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

J.M. OAT .V CO., NAIl.lIAUKHH,Loft In A. F. Cookes Now Fire Proof

lluildlng, foot of Nuuanu Street.nonoiuin, n. i.

Flags of all descriptions made andrepaired. ly 1)


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,507 Fort and Merchant streets, tf 1

ft-f- HONOLULU IRON WORKS,x3afeSteam engines, sugar mills, holl-

ers, coolers; iron, hiuss and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe.cutcd at short notice. 1

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital, 9,000,000 Rolchsmarks,

rpiIE undersigned, having been upX pqtntcd agent of the uboyc Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept ilsks, against Fire, on Ruildiugs,Furnituro,McichandiBc, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Favorable Terms.

Losses Promptly Adjustod and Payable in


070 ly b at Wilder & Co's.


and all whom It may concern.Cppr.w m Tho undersigned having

lo alterations, additions,'Z3awBMBHul improvements m insMiUAfcul soAl FACTOItY,is now prepared to glvo

Tho Highest Cash Valuefor nny quantity of

rXlL.3L.O'W,And will furnish containers for the samefree of cost to any ono who may desire.

TIIOS. W. KAWONS,Honolulu Soap Works.

Ofilco In llrlck lluildlng,Klnjr street, Lcleo. 483 1

Commission Moroliaiits


UENEIIAIj Meiicaniilu andCommission Agents.

Lisrot'omcEUs:P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. OuiTUii. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. 0. 11. Hhiioin Hon. II. A. P. CAnTF.u15.13 ly

Geo. W. Macfarlane. H. It. Macfarlane.A0. W. MACFARLANE & Co.


CHANTS and lani

Sufja)' Factors,Fire-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I. toAOKNTB for

The Walkopu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, JLThe llccla Sugar Plantation, Oahu, i:illuelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlccs, Watson & Co's Sugar Mnchln

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow aud Honolulu Lino of Packets.



LYON8 & LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen si., Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Slock, Real Estateaud General Merchandise promptly at-


to.Solo Agents for American and Euro-

pean merchandise. U18

M.;S. GRINBAUM St CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise aud Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & OO ,Commission Merchants,

124 California street,Snu Francisco, Cal.

Clana bl'rcckcls. Vm. a. Irwin.

W. G. IRWIN & COMPANY.Sucrar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

As. cleghorn & oo.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers In General Merchan-dise, Queen and Knahumanu sis., Hono-lul-


M. GONSALVE8 Si GO ,No. 57 Hotel Stiect. Honolulu.

Importers and Dealers in Dry nnd FancyGoods, Inlaid AVork, Embroidery,

289 &c, &c, &c.

JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Mercuanuise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

BROWN Ss CO.,AVholcsale Wine and Spirit

Merchants. No. 1 1 Merchant St.,Honolulu. 330

S.N. Castle. J. U. Athcrton.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping nnd Commission

Merchants. Importcis and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1


and General DealersIn English, American and Chinese Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and GeneralSupplies. Also, White & Colored Con-tract Matting, all qualities and prices.

No. 2-- Nuuniiu btrcct. opposito Mr. C.Afong's. C2S Cm

Wolfe & EdwardsGrocery and Feed Store,

Corner King and Nuuanu streets.Fiesh Groceries nndjl'rovislons received

ny every htcamcr.P.O. Box 130, Telephone 349.

501 flm

WM. McUAXULUSS,No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIlccf, Vcnl, Mutton, Ac, air.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Llvo stock furnished tovessels nt short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. IU0 ly



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Pastry Cook and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.

Eastern JL'iuu Sugrnr KcgN,In Shooks or Set up, also

Eastern Pino Barrels forMolasses.

Hoops Iron f, tf, lin.,2xl.lO,SxK,a x a.io.

For Salo byGSO !)m b J. 11. IHIUNS, Senior.

Water Notice.OlUco Sun't Water Works.

Honolulu, July !), 188'J.

persons having Water PrivilegesALL notified that their Water Ratesaro payable semi-annuall- In advance,nt tno odlco of the Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuauu street,upon the 1st dav of January and July ofeach vcar. OlIAS. H. WILSON,

Sun't Waterworks3. K. Kaai, Miulater of Interior. 204




Has opened his ofilco in Hotel St., nextto tho Y. M. 0. A. building, where lid isprepared to perform all operations hidentistry. 3mC01.?t

DK. EMERSON,Residence nnd consultation rooms

at No, '2 Kukul St., comer of Fort.Tolepnono no. hii. 59 2m


GO! No. 18 Kaahuinanu street.


Aud Notary Public,Ofilco with the Attorney General, Aliio

Hale, Honolulu. 312 ly


Ofllce, on Merchant street, (next doorDr. Stangenwald.) 405 ly

THlRANCIS M. HATCHAttorney at Law,

15 Kaahuinanu st

RICHARD P. BICKERTON,and Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Ofllce, No. 41 Merchant st. 1

CECIL, BROWN,and Counsellor at Law.

Notary Public, and Agent for tuklng Acknowledgmcuts of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 ICualiumauu stHonolulu. 1


Notary Public. Real Estate in nnypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotiiited, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 100


General Agent for '

Tho N. Y. Llfo Insurance Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(llmltdMacnwilc & Urban Safes,

Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machlnu

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance &, Co.238

Itobctt Lcors, U. K. Cooke.

LEWERS Be COOKE,(successors to Lew era & Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers iu Lumber nnd allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu. 1

WILDER St CO.,Dealers In Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt aud lluildlng Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. i

Beaver j4. Siiloon

The Bost Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursTho finest Brands of Cigars and

Tobacco, always on hand.


IS OPEN EVERY DAY.QTTho only sca-sid- resort lu the

Kingdom. H.J.NOLTE,Proprietor.

PASTUltAGE.GOOD PASTURE for'Horses in KnlihlVnllcv!0 acres in one paddock'yHfei nil fenced, with an'nbundnnco of fresh

grass, a living Btreani of wnter runningthrough the land. Horses called foraiul delivered at GO cents per head, if sodesired. Reasonable good euro taken ofstjOck but no responsibility from acci-dent. Positively none but healthy ani-mals taken. Address or enquire of

ALLEN HERBERT,Ofilco on Queen street, with HamiltonJohnson. 7G4 tf

A Good Pasture for Horses,NEAR TOWN.lef Inquire to


A. 'JL JSaVIOEK,iioitsr, Docnm

Will cure SIck orLamo Horses.

IVpC!.l IS'o Cure, No Itvy.furnish nil medjclnc.

m "Send orders to Capt Cluncy's stablesQueen & Punchbowl sts. viv ly

Telephone No. 300.

II. BAKER,M. R. C. V. S. London,

Follow Royal V. M. Association,

(as per Diploma In my ofllce.)

Treats all Diseases oftHorscs, Mules nndHomed Cattle.

tSTOfllco over Turner's Jewelry shop,King Street. 71'J tl

Jmf G. II. ROBERTSON,g4WllM- - Drayman best teams.

In town. Ofllce, Queen st. is



iiWlMJitmi iiiii

Page 2: T1S THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Losses Promptly Adjustod and Payable in Honolulu. II. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, 070 ly b at Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS,.GRAZIERS







BISHOP & Co., BANKERSIloiiulllltl, Hawaiian IMninK

Draw Exchange on tin- -

Manic ol' C'uIH'oiMila. S. lAnd their agents In


Mews. X. M. Rothschild &Snn, London.Tim Commercial It ink Co.. of S.xdne.v,

Loudon.Tho Commercial ll.ink Co., or Sidney,

Sydney.Tho Hunk of Nov Zetland: Auckland,

Chrlstchiiich, mid Wellington.Thiv Hank of Billlsh Cohimliln, Vic

lorln, It ('. and Poitland, Or.and e

Transact u General Banking Business,Ml) 1v h

NOTICE.From and after this date Mr. A. M.

.Mellls will lake ehaigc of the entiledistribution of the D.xil.x III l.l.KTl.s for

the City ami ubiubs. All

will he payable to him from September1st. 18SI.

13?" Sub-erHic- r- changing their icsl-den-

will plea-- o notify Mr. MellU. In

writ hi;.C6f .Suh-eilhe- of this p.ipei will

please take notice that their papei will

be left wheie it'ipieMcd and under noclreum-tane- e will the papers he de-

livered to an hod.v in the Mieet.

JJn.i.hiiN Olllee. 1

September 15th. 188 1. J

Tin-- : daily iiUMJ'rixcan bo had fiom

J. M. O it, .lr & Co Merchant st.T. G. Tliruni Merchant st.And from the Paper diners,


n sDnUjj uUdinPlodge.1 t3 neither Sect nor Party.Bat aitiblUhsl fir the benefit of all.

THURSDAY, SKIM'. :. 1881.


Kami, Hawaiian Hotel, 7:H0.r. .,.:,. i ,i.. "v.. T.ori.UV3UU liULim--i HU. -- iOW.


MORNINO.Regular Cash Sale, at Sales Room

of Lyons & Levey at 10 o'clock.AFTERNOON

Ladies' Prayer Meeting. Fort St.Church, at .'1 o'clock.


When thcic is true hcioisni in anation, times of great danger ordistress will lning it to the front.King llumbeit of Italy has shownhimself to he the stutf of, whichhcioes aie made, hy his conduct in

presence of the choleia plague.AVIion the awful ncouige entciedNaples, the nobility and wealthypeople took llight, and left thosewho could not get away to cope withthe disease as best they might. Theusual panic seized the populace, andthey dropped off like sheep. TheKing entered the city and did all hecould to allay the popular tenor,institute. lneaxuios to htax the plague,and relieve the disticss attending it.The royal example shamed at least a

portion of the nobility into leaiiiningtheir manhood. They letuincd tothe city and went vigoiously to workto quell the excitement, check thoepidemic ami feed the thousands ofpeople who wcie staiving on accountof the general sponsion of busi-

ness. Ladies of the highest nobility,the latest accounts sn1, are workinglike slaves in the ambulance serviceof the Red Cross Society and in

nursing the hick under the directionof the Sanitary Commission. When-

ever the King shown himself andhe has been making daily l omuls ofthe slums the whole populationturns out to do him honor, and oldresidents state that the enthusiasmexceeds that manifested when f!aii-bal- di

cnteied Naples and was hailedas the savior of Italy.


The Advertiser disclaims speakingfor the Ministry every time it is

taken up in shielding the Ministry.Unless, however, the Ministry re-

pudiates its defender, theie is no' just reason why the Ministry should

not bo attacked upon the grounds ofdefence .set up' for it. As to theviolence atttibuted to our leccnt"attack" upon the Ministry, al-

though gentleness of treatment mightbe inconsonant with faithfulness,yet the violence of language was notrcmaikablc provided its btfulcn was

just. If the best apology for thefailure of the Ministers is that Uicie

is so much antagonism to them in

the body politic as to hamper theiradministration, their only dignifiedcourse is to retire from tho hopeless

task. Possibly the country mightf.uc worse at the hands of theirsucecssots, but if the latter have anexample before their eyes of theimpossibility of a comfortable tenureof power while at vat lance withpublic sentiment, they would likelystiive to win the nation's favor bygiving it better government. Again,if the Government's gtcatcst dilll-cult- y

at this juncluie is want ofmoney, it does not imply hattedof " Gibson "as our contemporaryputs it to enquire how it comesthat the country has been broughtto baukiuptcy, from (he position ofhaving a surplus in the trcasuiy In

which the picscnt Ministry found it.And if a leply be given to such anenquiry which is prejudicial to theGovernment, and the Advertiser re-

mains silent as to the met its of thecase, its silence is more damaging tothe Ministry than the most violentattacks of its opponents. We gave,in biicf, the causes that led to theimpoverishment of the nationaltreasury, yet the only rebuttal ven-tiuc- d

is a complaint that we indulgedin a violent attack upon the Minis-

ters. If that is the best defencethat can be made for it, the Ministryis as bankrupt in character as it is i'n



A funny freak of in is

exhibited in the Governor of 's

quarantining of the HealthInspector sent by the Italian HomeOlllee.

A conference of the three Euro-

pean ICmperors of Germany, Hus-si- a

and Austria was to have beenheld on Monday week. Tho occa-

sion is deemed ominous in view ofthe general jealousy on the conti-

nent toward England.

If it was not inconsistent for theAdvert her to deny to the opponentsof the Government the credit ofdefeating the bank charter, and afew days afterward to attack themfor having produced an agitation thatkilled the measure, then the diction-

aries should be revised to put ameaning on the word "inconsistent"which would be inconsistent with itsprcent general acceptation.

The Democrats make a good pointwhen they siy that under Repub-lican rule the public lands whichshould be a safety valve for laborout of employment in seasons ofdepression have been cut up intoprincipalities for millionaires. "Theland for the people" is beyonddoubt the true doctrine for youngcountries hat have lands in thekeeping of their Governments. Itis surprising that in this respect theUnited Stales and Canada havelargely ignored the lessons affordedthem in the bitter experience of oldcountries.

At the annual meeting of thoPlanters' Association, which will beheld in about two weeks, the bestthought of the planting interest willbe given to the labor question. Untilthen, we do not see much profit intaking the advice of the Advertiserto discuss the matter. To letuinthe compliment, however, we wouldadvise our contemporary not toMatter the (ioxcrnment xvtth any en-

couragement that the planters canbe beguiled into replenishing thetreasury without adequate asstuaneethat the labor supply would be madea first chaigc on the funds. If theplanters should consider no assur-ance from the present Ministry to beadequate, so much" the worse for theMinistry. And if the money has tocome out of the planters' pockets, itis possible they may picfer to payfor immigration diicct, lather thanmake an investment in Governmentbonds, the proceeds of which, aslikely as not, might go to paying oldGovernment debts on immigrationand other accounts.


Ci.i icpondeneo is solicited on the top.ic of the day, or what may become so.

We li-cr-xa the light to excise puielypciMinal matter.

Wo do not hold omsches icsponsihlcfor the opinions expressed hv our


ANTISHAMUS ON SHAMS.KniToit Uin.i.inx: My name is

Antishauius, and, as my name indi-

cates, 1 am against all sham andhumbug and bunkum. You sayyour columns are open to every

body. If everybody keeps withinproper bounds. 1 am glad of it,for that gives me a chance, and I

will try to keep within properbounds. If 1 don't, you can shutmo out. that's all. You are aneditor, and know everything; 1 amnot, and know nothing; but do aheap of looking on and thinking. 1

think and sec many things which I

never see in the papers, and 1 secsome things in the papers which I

think ought not to be there. Huteverybody docs not think and secalike. A knowledge of this makesme tolerant of much that I dislike.Perhaps, if I am allowed. I shall besaying things that others dislike,and they may not be o lenienttowards inc. I am not troubledabout that; for I am a wild Arab ofthe desert and care nothing for thegood or bad opinions of mankind,as long as 1 possess the consciousness of being on the side of truth.

Well. I was going to say aboutpapers, that I rend them and getconfused. This may be owing to anatural lightness in my upperstory. One paper tells ine onething, and the next contradicts it.There is something wiong some-

where: they can't both be right.One paper says the country is allbiokcn up, the other says it's O. K.There must be some falsifying orshamming on one side or the other.What is it? Perhaps a little onboth. I am inclined to think so.Then I am against both. Longyears ago, when I was making dirtpics in the sandy desert. I heard astorv about two travellers meetingfrom opposite directions, and justwhere they met there was a shieldhanging on a tree. One travellersaid it was made of gold, the otherswore it was pure silver. After abig squabble they discovered it washalf-and-ha- lf one side gold and theother silver. So they were bothright ; they were both wrong, andneither was wrong: they were half-and-ha- lf.

That may be the casewith the newspapers. Everybodyknows that the best intention can-

not always discover the exact truth,and that in many matters the dimi-

nutive mind of man is incompetentto judge between truth and error.But if the newspapers cannot be areilex of absolute truth, let themapproximate as near to it as theyknow how, carefully avoiding allpartisan coloring as they would thedread Simoom of llendahir.

That's not all. It is not enoughthat newspapers abstain from sham-

ming: they should take the lead inexposing and opposing all shams,of all kinds and colors. The manwho has the courage to lift up hisvoice against the sham and bunkumlying around loose in this perverseworld, is my friend and brother. I

feel deep yearning within me to beof service in that line myself, andwould like you, Mr. Editor, to pub-

lish a collection of Arabian talcswhich 1 have preserved with greatcare; also some scattered but l arefragments of Egyptian Chronicles,written by a learned captain whoflourished man' centuries prior tothe granite formation; and thatcelebrated book, "Agamemnon'sDiscourses," an Alexandrian copj',discovered in the ancient ruins ofWailuku by a classical native ofthat city. In these faithful recordsof the past there is to be found,ready to hand, a paiaphrase ofevery species of humbug, impos-

ture, corruption and villany whichhas ever astonished or disgusted theworld, from the first conviction forswindling before Mr. Justice Adamdown to the Hank Charter and theappearance of small fish in the har-

bor. I propose to send you thesevaluable MSS. as occasion may offeror inclination prompt.

Aniishajii'.s.Honolulu, Sept. lo, 1884.


The late Secretary Folger was bornon the island of Nantucket, wheicthe first of the name settled morethan two hundred years ago. Ben-

jamin Franklin's mother was HannahFolger; and, singularly enough, hermother Franklin's grandmotherwas brought from England under theemigrant system which then pre-

vailed, and purchased by her futureliusband for 20. The Secretarywas probably a distant connection oftho great printer-philosophe- r.

Tammauy Ilnll has decided by avotcoff87Q to 87 to support the

Democratic ticket for the Presidency.All John Kelly's influence has thusgone for naught except in the dis-

affection it may have ctcatcd whichthis action of Tammany is too lateto remove.

The Republican nnjoiity for Gov-

ernor of the State of Maine is abouttwenty thousand.

The Pope of Koine has given aboutSI 2,000 in diffcicnt donations forthe relief of the cholera sufferers.

Fifteen thousand persons attendedthe funeral of the Fenian Duggan atDublin, Ireland, Sept. Hth.

Senator Anthony, a veteran jour-

nalist and an of RhodeIsland, is dead.

At Y. M. C. A. HALL,

TI I U It SI)A V evEmsa ,September 2."ith, at 7. V, o'clock.

(STThlsouteitainnicnt Is for n "PianorimilF," Tickets fiO eeuls. Tor Mile at Y.M. C. A. ltooms 82(5 tt

NOTICE.ri"0 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.X All accounts owing to the under-signe- d

for the quarter ending June HO,

1881. If not paid by Ort-ibe- r lQth, willhe til irc-i- l In the luinils f a collector.

HENRY MAY it CO.Sept. a.", 1831. 320 tf

Special Xotice.IIoNoi.ci.ti, Sept. 23, 1881,

C O. liuwiuii, Esq.,Agent City of London and Sputh Uri-tls- h

nud National Fire Insurance Co.Dear Sir: 1 beg lo oiler my beat

thanks for tin prompt settlement of lossI sustained through the dlsaslious lirewhich occurred in my store on the 2!Julof Aiicust.

The total amount of insurance I heldIn the dilleient eomnanic.s vo'i ieinccntwas 8,000, the receipt of which Mini Ibeg to acknowledge herewith. f

I remain. Dear Sir,Yours respectfully,

820 lw P. A. DIAS

FOK IjKASK.rpiIOSE SPACIOUS STOKES nowJL occupied by Win. G. It win & Co.,

will he leised for a term of year.Po.scsiou given the 1st .llin'y, 18Sj.

For lei ins, applv to82.j aw "JNO. II. PATY.


M or eiuiuhe olllee of the81!llw DAILY BULLETIN.

WAXTK1)Y A YOUNG MAN a SITUATIONJL as Clerk Address B. B. this of- -

lice. 8211 It

QUARTERLY BILLS,Books and Accounts and Cus-

tom House Business prompt-

ly, carefully and accuratelyattended to.


General Business Agent, Merchant St.

Telephone 172 P- - 0. Box 315.


(If I


12v Ucccnl jVn-ival-

Westphalia Hams,PiUcncr Beer, in quarts and pintsSuperior Clnrets, as Chateau Latour,

Lnlltto, Medoc.Champagnes, of Clias. Kane, Carte

Rlauchc, Le Bum Fie'te it Co.,Carte d'Or

Bcbt Schiedam Gin, in stone and iluss,Brandies of all kinds,Supeiior Port and Sheny,Malaga Wine, Madciia,Benedictine, Mniasquine,Curasao, Outage Bittei.s,Crcine i'u Pralines, Orc'inc de Cacao,Empty Demijohns, )A, 1, 15 ami o galls.,Al-- Best Portland" Cement, ot Steh.

man & Liefninu,Patent Steel Baib AVire, at gieat.

), reduced prices,Sugar, 'Rico and Paddy Bugs,Pianos of diHerent makers.

'' For Sale bvEd. HOFFSCHLAEUER is Co..

822 2v Queen Slicct.

Boots t Sloes

L. ADLE RBEGS lo inform the public that ho has


pjr Maiipoa, an elegant assortment ofGents', Ladies', and Chlldicn's


813 lm

WILLIAM MILLEROsi-- l i ne1:iiil:oi

And Upholsterer,,No. Oil Hotel itrcct,

Opposite Iiiteri.atioual Hotel,

Canos and Walking Sticks,.Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtain Polei, Ac,,

mndo ot the latest designs.

THE FOUNTAI!Adjoining IJoddV,


The long lookrd for opening of thisnloro will bo on Moiiday, Befit. 15th,with a full stock of


Soda Walor,


HOBT. DONNOLLY, iiinnufueturorof Soda Water, Ginger Ilccr, Kont Heerand Spruce Uecr, will oiler to the publicon jionuav, cooling iiriiu nhiwiiui mniiy in the Hawaiian Mumls. 'I hedilnk9 mentioned nhove arc manufac-tured nt mv Soda Works, hack of llojeCottage. One trial of my Arctic Sodawill pronounce it the best In the city.My syrups are imported from London,comprise the choicest of English fruits,namely Gooseberry, Cherry, Pear,ltaspuerry, Strawberry, Lemon, KcdCurrant, Ulaek Currant and Pine Apple,Sarsuparllla, Ginger, Orange and anllla. Any of these fiults at

. cts pei Olsiss.i.. ,Tir.itn I j ( nUn n Kinirrlor article

even If It cost 'more, and thereby ensurespeedy sales.

With mv GINGER IIEEH, ItOOTBEER anil SPRUCE BEER, 1 havebeen at a heavy expense experimentingon them, to as to give the public drinksthat will be both strengthening andlefreshlng In this ellinat-.'- . I guaranteethem strictly VEGETABLE, no MINK-KAL- S

employed. I use of thellncst medicinal herbs that grow In theSlates. The public wants a drink withsonio nutriment in it, tills you find In

my beers that stieiigtfitn Hie body aswell as dilute the blood for purposes ofn more easv How through the system.Tliey can be taken by any one as theymo absolutely pure. They arc the mostenjoyable thlist quenchers ever Intro-duce-

I will tell them nt prices to suitone and all.Superior Gcngcr Beer, 10c. per bottle.Donnolly's Root Beer, " " "

Donnolly's Spruce Beer, " " "

Candies for the MillionOn Satuiday, at Hie Founlain. My as-

sortment Is dl the llnc't and puicst dcs.cription and will he sold at the lowestpossible price. Don't forget and nilearly to insure a packet of these tarecaiullei for tholoed ones at home. I

have also an assortment of Bou Bons,Cloves and Nuts of all descriptions.


Smokers' Ai tides a speciality at theFountain, all descriptions of home an 1

foreign Cignis, to suit the most fasti-dious. Best brands of Tobacco andCigarettes. Hoping to get a share ofpublic patronage by supplying u goodarticle, I remain,

Yours respectfully,81 1 :tin ROBERT DONNOLLY.

CHARLES HUTACEHas just rccclxed per Mariposa,

Old Virginia Sweet andSour Pickles,

Something nice, prepared and put up bya Lady in San Francisco.


( I tinlillil. Hoiy

Maple Syiup, Apples,Star Hams, Bacon,

' Potatoes, Onions,

and a Geiioud Assoitmcnt of ,

GROCERIESWhich will be sold as low as the Ion est.

CHAS. HUSTACE,Telephone 110. King Street.

S12 -

Cospplitai Kestauraiit,

62 Hotel Street.is great competition in the

Restaurant business at the pusenttime, xvo shall ItEDUCE THE PRICEOF BOARD TO

$450 per weekFrom tl.U date.

Honolulu, Sept. 8, 168-1- . 811 lm

TO LET.A Large and CommodiousHOUSE, centrally located,nuxxly papered swl painted.

Largu yaid, stables, ifce. Possessiongix'cu immediately. For furlhei

enquire ofJNO. S. McGREW,

813J Hotel sir, bet. Fort and Alakea

OFFICE TO liKT.ONE SIDE of J. E. Wiseman's beau,

olllco to rent, with line ollleefurniture, chaudclieis, consultationloom, use of telephone, iio. To a suit-able paily reasonable terms xvlll begiven. Apply lo

. J. E. WISEMAN,Geneial Business Agent, Campbell's

815 tf Block, Merchant st.

Furnished ltooms.IOR GENTLEMEN ONLY. Apply

MRS. TURNER, 82 King Street,nearly opposlto the Windsor Restaurant,

COO ly h

TO liKT.

A LARGE BED ROOM and Hitting-Roo-

furnished. Apply nt thisOlllco. 814 2v


A SUIT OF FRONT ROO.MS, nicelyfurnished. Apply at No. 8 Kukul

1 street. 770 tf


!f'r" on



M mii in 'nn r

Ready for Active Work Again.

rpHE Biisliic Community and myX Patrons geneinlly throughout the

Islands will pleato lake notice that Ihave lcturncd from my trip to Iho Coastand wilh Improved facilities for con.dueling my General Olllee Business. I

most respectfully solicit In the futurethe patronage heretofore extended tomo during my business engagement In

the Klimuom for the past live yeais.In addition lo my various depart,

ments, I have been appointed pole Agentfor the SU .lo it Hannibal and the .Bur-lington and Qulncy Rail Roads, alio,soliciting Agent for tho San FranciscoIlluminating Card Advertisement Com-pany. Orders for Goods, Wares andMerchandise of evciy kind and naturesent to the Coast, and satisfactionguaranteed and on the most leasonableterms.

In my Real Estate Department, I hnxualways on hand choice piopcrty to selland lIoues, Rooms and Olllces to leaseand let. 1 collect lentf, pay and

taxes, insurance mid older neces-sary repairs when required. Landlord"and Owners will llnd that It will be totheir advantage to place their Real Es-

tate Interests in my hands, ns I willcarefully attend to this branch of mybusiness lo their entire satisfaction.

Custom House Entries executed atfchort notice.

Books and Accounts kept and adjust-ed, and Quarterly Bills distributed andcollected accurately and promptly.

Soliciting Agent for the Mutual LifeInsurance Co. of New Yoik, also FireInsurance Agent.

Don't forget Unit I do business on'business principles. Give me a call.

J. 13. WEWIS2HA.IV,The only iccognized General Busiucs

Agent In tho Kingdom.Olllces, 28 Merchant Street, Campbell's

Klrc J'roor iJiocu, iionoiiiiu.P. O. Box :ilC Telephone 171!.

815 3m

House and Furniture to Let.


On the Plains, llftecu miuuttswalk fiom the Palace, Bore.Inula stiect. near KiiMin.-ml.--

stieet. Lot ICOx.'OO. Collage contains1 rooms, wide front xerandah. Stablesuitable for threo hones. Storeroom,kitchen; paddock; chicken coop: bath;shade tiees; huge bed of ferns. Furni-ture consists of one black xvnlnut set,wnrdiobe, marble top stand, Pianoworth $300; cliiindclicis, silver xvnie,crockery, stove and utensils; rugs,chairs, molting, curtains, pictures,Ac. &c.

Avill rent for $30 a month ; or sell furnlture for $750 cash. No children al-

lowed. Apply or address.1. E. WISEMAN,

General Business Agent, Merchant at.,815 Honolulu. tf

Hawaiian CrtieMfiCo.



Second Growth Ash and OakFor sale at lowest market rates.

Also a complete stock of

Carriaeo & Wagon Materialconstantly kept on hand, and

for sale. 3m

W. H. PAGE,w

Sm-JBBh- QK mbl


NOS. 138 and 1110, FORT STREET

(opposite Pantheon Stables)


Carriage Manufacturer,Wheelwright and

General Blacksmith.The Manufactory contains 11 complete

Carilage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, PaintShop, and Trimming Shop.






Made to Order on most favoi able termsand all work guaranteed.Tlu-- UlONCNt Attention jjlvcii to r.pair work or nil kind.Having been in biiblncss on thefont number of years employing 11,,,"

but the most Skillful of Mechanic andusing only Al Material, I ca.SSSrf!00 "0,"K U'nv,,IB '"' a'n'"

Givo mo a call before purchasingelsewhere.

Don't forget the nlncc128 and 130 POUT STREET.

OIT03UT. 1)01)1)' 8 BTAHI.ia.

W. H. Page,504 Oin FnOPIllETOR.

fc, SUWSf - 'JksWw JHnV .1'V'. ini & 'jfr'iiwrt'ft vV'V W' w3bmuntfM&l i , .,;




Page 3: T1S THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Losses Promptly Adjustod and Payable in Honolulu. II. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, 070 ly b at Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS,.GRAZIERS





All tltiii from noun nf y. Siit.S."h in.

sun-Se- t r r:i.Sun Jties 17 :,o.Moon Sets 10 'J,'.High Tltlo (small) SCO.High Titlu (large) 20 00.

WISH AMI WEATIIEItllpcntd liom noon of jcstculiiy:

Atsca'lvul. Ilicimoniflur llnln.I 4li oil 22h ij 3h Oli I Isl, l.to 1CI 1W.IH B0.0S I :iO.10O 78. I 77, 0(l0Wind, i:.i: light ; Sk . llnoj 8imi mhooIIi.


Dliimnml Head, Sept. 2 :tp.jiLight N. :. wind.

oceanic s. s. cq,


Alameda,... Leaves Honolulu. Oct. 1stMariposa Leaves Hsniolulu, Oct. 1(5



SlinrZcalandla On. 1


Stmr Cliy of Sydney Sept. 28

ARRIVALS.September 25.

Schr Haleakala from Pcpeekeo

'departures. 'September 2."i.

Stmr Kllauea lion for Wlndwaul PortsSchr Wallole for MnllkoSchr Caturlna for llannlclSchr Mary Foster for Walmea

vessels leavingStmr .fas Makce for Kntiai

VESSELS IN PORT.II 1 .1 M Tsukuba, ArldjiS S Alameda. MorsoShip El Dorado, HuinplirlfMJlktnu Eiuekn, LeoBark C Jt Bishop, WolteisBgtne C'onsuclo, Cousins

PASSecER&From Kauai via Walalua and Wnln-na- e,

per .las JIakcc, Sept 24 J LDcllanux, L Knldhauui.

For Kauai, per Iwalanl, Sept 21 H STownsend, 3lhs Alloc McBrldc, .MissAnnie IcBrlde, 1L Bcrtclniann, FrankWilhelm, W I) Schmidt, J W llahn. I)McBiide, E Ilartmanu.

SHIPPING NOTES.The bgtno Hazard is expected next

mouth from the South Sea Islands.Tho stmr .las Mnkec palls

at 10 a in for Walanae, AValalua andKaul.

The hull of the, Khukal has been re-painted.

The schr Haleakala brought 8C."i bagsof sugar, the last of the crop of Pepee-ke- o

Plantation.The schr Khukal is lying near the

Fish Market, having her main-ma- st putIn. She will bo hove down next weekto be rccoppered and to have her keelrepaired. She will be ready for sea litabout 4 weeks.


Lyons & Levey will hold their re-

gular cash sale morningat 10 o'clock.

Hon. A. S. Clcghorn, actingGovernor, visited the Japanese man-of-w- ar


Bex Butler accepts more nomina-

tions and gets less ofllces than anyman in the business.

Bisiioi- - Willis has resumed hold-

ing services at tho Branch Hospital atMCakaako every Sunday morning.

A btock of Picture andCornice mouldings, new styles, atKing Bros. 821 3t

Tin: regular monthly meeting of

St. Andrews Guild will be held thisevening at the usual time and place.

Cabinet Photographs perDozen, photograph Cards SI. 00 perDozen at the New Gallery, King

fctrect, near Alakca street. 823 lw

Camnlt Photos $3 per doz, cards

SI per doz at Sun Pearl Gallery,corner of King and Fort streets, for-

merly A. A. Montnno's. 820 tf

Yesteiiday, Mr. W. W. Hall was

appointed ndministrato of the

estate of the late David McCartney,jr.

Tiiuki: will be a meeting of Hono-

lulu Commandery No. 1, KnightsTemplars, this evening at 7.30 o'clockat the usual place.

I'm: Amateur Musical Society

meets for practice even-

ing at Y. M. C. A. Hall at the usual

time. Every member is expected to

bo present.

Tin: yacht Lurlino, owned 'by

Messrs. A. B. and J. D. Spreckels,

came in first in a yacht race in San

Francisco recently. The committe,however, awarded her second place

on account of going tho wrong side

of a stake boat. Mr. A. B. Spreckels

was so dissatisfied with the rulingthat he has resigned his membership

and withdrawn the Lurlino from tho

San Francisco Yacht Club Fleet.

MmnonnTin: Honolulu Wiles will try and

elect a ncrond Lieutenant next Tues-

day evening.

Tin: Pt'pcckco Mill will undergoextensive repairs, preparatory tothe coining nop.

Foi'u-isc- ii water pipes nie beinglaid on the new street neaily oppo-site the Police Station.

Am, accounts owing Henry May& Co. must be paid before OctoberlGth, or they will be placed in thehniuls of a collector.

Mil. Mason will deliver a lecturetills evening at the Y. M. C. A. Hallon the "Elements of success." Theproceeds will be devoted to the pur-chase of a new piano.

. - - .

Foundations are being put in fora new building for Love's bakery,on the site of the old buildingrecently burned down. Mr. E. B.Thomas is the contractor.

Tin: band concert at the Hotelthis evening promises to be a grandaffair, and a largo crowd is expected.The programme to be played by thohand contains seven numbers, every-one new.

Tin: Japanese sailors evidentlybelieve that " Cleanliness is next togodliness," for as soon as they getashore they make their way up toKapcna falls for a swim. A largonumber weic up there yesterday.

As Robert doesn't live any Moreon Nutianu street, we shall have toask Dr. Bull if lie does uot think thatthe trees in front of his residenceought to be trimmed. In afow moredays some of the branches will besweeping the load.

In the Police Court this morningthere were two more drunks, a whiteman and a native woman. Both werefined Sr and costs. In the case ofChas. Fox, charged with assault andbattery on Annie Paliupuu, the pro-

secution was abandoned.

The members of the congregationof the Chinese Church will tender thisevening at half-pa- st seven o'clock,a reception to Mr. and Mrs. FrankDamon, who arrived by the Alamedafrom China. It will be held in theChinese Church on Fort street.

The total amount of insuranceheld by Mr. P. A. Dias (whosestore was recently burned), in thedifferent companies of which Mr. C.O. Bergcr is agent, lias beenpromptly paid. The amount wasS8.C00.

Tin: Aldcn Fruit and Taro Com-

pany has the thanks of our staff fora box of dried bananas, from theirfactory at Wailuku, Maui. This isa rare delicacy, a sweetmeat thatmany will doubtless prefer to driedfigs. The enterprise that places sucha luscious native cdiblo in the marketis commendable and deserves suc-


Secketaky Mason of the Y. M.C. A. objects to newspapers adver-

tising the business of those engagedin the sale of liquors. Wo wouldcall his attention to the Friend, thelast page of which is edited by theY. M. C. A., while the precedingpage contains an advertisement ofthe Hawaiian Hotel which has abar-roo-

The new Missionary SteamerMorning Star was to be all finishedby September 10th, and soon aftersail from Boston for Honolulu witha cargo. One of her passengerswill be Arthur Logan, son of theRev. R. W. Logan who recently leftHonolulu for the South Sea Islandsin the schooner Jennie Walker.

Keanu, the murderer, whose sen-

tence of death was recently com-

muted to imprisonment for life, is

at tho present time suffering from aslight attack of fever. After ho has

fully recovered we understand howill be inoculated with the germs of

leprosy by Dr. Arning. The pri-

soner does not object at al to it.

Science will benefit by such an ope-


OrriOEit Mehrtcns went over to

Kaneohe early Monday morning for

the purpose of looking for an escap-

ed piisoner. While there he made araid on a Chinese gambling den, andarrested two Chinamen, Ah Keo and

Ah Chow, for having opium in pos-

session. They were taken beforo Jus-

tice Kaulukou Tuesday morning and

Um jni

sentenced to one month's imprison-

ment nnd to pay a NftV of SCO. Auappeal was noted to the Intermediarycourt, which came up this morningnnd was continued for a month.

J. Ainiirn Kamaioha, one of theHawaiian boys abtoad, in charge ofManlcy Hopkins, Consul-Gener- al

for Hawaii in England, has latelysaved two men's lives from drown-

ing at Glasgow. The men werecarrying loads over a plank fromthe wharf to a ship, when theymissed their footing and were bothprecipitated into the water.

caught one by the hand and

dragged him to the wharf, and soonafter rescued the other. He nevertold anyone of the act of braveryhe had committed.

Mn. J. S. Cim.Eit, of Ohio, com-

bines a very excellent business witha sojourn in this country for hishealth. He is intioducing certainstandard books to our people, andlias just begun a canvass for " TheLiquor Problem of All Ages." Themost cursory glance shows thiswork to be an indispensiblc adjunctto the library of every temperanceworker. It is remarkably com-

prehensive, treating of liquor,the history of tho temperancereformation and the biography of itschampions. Withal it is highly en-

tertaining and profusely illustrated,and calculated to be a literarytreasure in households as well as oneof the most popular educators. Mr.Cutler's head-qiiartc- is are lit theY. M. C. A. rooms.


The Hand will give a concert atthe Itoyal Hawaiian Hotel this even-

ing. Following is the programme:1'AIIT I.

March The Serenade, new PerielOverture Tho Coint Conceit, new...

AuberChorus Norali, new HansenMedley The Black Brigade, new-Beye- r

l'AUT II.Selection All In Mask, new.. .PedrottlWalt Vienna lion-lion- s, new. StraussDance The Aborigines, ncw....Thlcie

Kleile and Hawaii Ponoi.

Tho San Francisco Examinersays freckles have become fashion-

able and ladies who arc without thenatural article have imitation spotspainted on their faces.


ABOUT 100 HEAD OF CATTLE,ages and sics, and including

Milking Cows, Calves, Heifers andSteers. Will sell iu lots to suit intend-in- g

purchasers, but prefers to sell all iuone lot. Also several good horses. Ap-

ply to MRS. COSTA.822 tf Kallhl Valley.

House and Furniture to Let.

ON THE PLAINS, comer of Btrcta-nl- a

and Kuamnuka Streets, frontson three blreets, known as the Bradleypremises. House is 2 story, contains "J

rooms, choice stvbles, both gnidcnnndfchrubbcry, furnished suitably. Rental

!30 per month. Applv or address to.1. E. WISEMAN.

tJcneral Business Agent, Merchant St.815 tf



ON Alakea street, betweenKing and Hotel streets, a com-fortable house; contains eight

rooms, furnished suitably. Rent $5)0 amonth, five room now renting coveringthe rental. Will sell furniture through-out for S375 cash.

Apply to J. E. WISEMAN,821 lw General Business Agent.


rr'0 OK THREE FURNISHEDX ROOMS, quiet neighborhood,

about 5 minutes walk from the Host.Ofllce, also stabling. Applv at thisOffice. . 817 lm



Corner ofMerchant & Nuuanu Stroots.ISvery Ijuxury or L1ioHuhoiiAll kinds of Foreign Food,

Tea, Collce, Iced Dilnkt-- , etc.

FIhIi of all kind & I'oi malicby native.

Meals at all hours, iu good btyle.

G. W. Keaweamahi, Prop'tor.810 :2w



DRESSMAKER, business.having returned'

Feathers Cleaned, Oycd and Cm led Innil the now est Ehudcs.

Comer of King and Richard Streets.795 3m

J. M. OAT Jr. &Co.Dealers In all kinds of

STATIONERY,The Latest Foreign Papers always, onhand at tho Cuicttc Jioet, MerchantStreet ly b


Have on hand New Foreign and HomoMade Jewelry.

Watchc9, Bracelets, Ncoklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

Ami Ornament of nil kind?.Silver and Gold Plate.

Elegant Solid Silver Tea SetsSuitable for Presentation.

r.ii;i'iilii; mill Xnle JewelryA Specialty.

Repairing in alt its branches.EJTSolo Agontslor King's Eyo Prosorvors.

817 0m


BILLIARD AL I70 Hotel Street.

CJ. McCAETHY Prop'tor.

Bost Manila, Havana and AmoricanCigars on Hand.

Fresh Vanity Fair, Little Beauties, HoldBar, Three Kings and the Vet

Cigarettes.Chewing and Smoking Tobacco,

Cut Foil and Plug.The Billiard Tables of this establish-

ment hao been recovered andleveled, which makes them

the best In town.

Ginger Ale and Soda Water on Ico.(ST fall and tee inc. "ia


Stallions at ltolild !

" BAZAAR,."(Thoroughbred.)

By Jack Ma lone, he by Lexington.1st dam, Ivy Leaf, br imported Austra-lian; 2nd dam, Bay Flower, by Lexing-ton; ilrd duui, B.iy Leaf, by 'importedYorksli'nc; 4th iliuii, Imported MariaBlnek, by Plillo dn Pul-ili- , etc., etc.

Ituzimr uns bred at the great Wood-bu- m

Farm, near I.eslnglon, Ivy., by thelulu R. A. Alex wider, and was sold toW. L. Prltclmrd, ol Suciauiento, Cil.,for ."i,00i. lie -- t.uuls in,i hands,veighs 1, 0(1" lbs., mid is a blight chest-

nut color. Duri'ig Ills racing career hedowned many a favorite, and won manya hatful of money for his owners, anilproed himiclt one of the greatest ofhorses over a distance, most of his racesbeing at two and four miles. Ho hasalready sired (.evcral colts iu Californiathat are winners, among which MireLizzie Dunbar. Young Bazaar, Sophia,and another called tho Bazaar MinervaColt, ho being out of Minerva by Im-poit-

Leamington, tho sire of Paroleand Iroquois. Lizzie Dunbar greatlydistinguished herself last year in her

d form by defeating ono ofthe largest fields ot two.ycar.olds thatever started in California, nmons: whichwciothe two beautiful (lilies broughthere last Spring by Mr. Agnew, distance

mile; time, 1.0 the fastest time onrecord for at the distance.This year she has won several importantevents, and has proved herself to be acrack three-year.ol-

Jtny.tiur has now been brought backto Honolulu, and will remain lierc thebalance of this year, and breeders, horseowners and stock raisers should availthemselves of the opportunity to obtainhis services while they have the chance.Tci-m- Payable at time ofservice

The tmporte'd Clydesdalo StallionDonald 1 initio, Jr., will stand ntthe same time and place at $30 for thoseason, lie was bred iu Canada, siredby Imported Donald Dlnnic, and out ofan imported Clydesdale mure. He is a.

beautiful dapple grey, 10 hands high,and weighs 1,400 lbs.: is very active,and as line a large horse as could bofound anywhere.

Also, the line large Imported Ken-tucky Jack Sampson. This is onoof the largest Jacks that wo could llndiu California, and U au animal of im-mense bone; is a very sure breeder, andshould be liberally patronized, as ho isone of tho very best animals of hiskind. Terms, it'M) for the season.

The public arc cordially invited tocall and inspect the above animals.

MXLU'S UKO.S.Proprietors.

Mttrehfleld, Sept. 15, 1881. 818 tf


ment on the Kith lust.0. AFONO.

Honolulu, Sept. ltl, tS-3- 8171m

NOTICE.to the Hawaiian Bell

Telephone Co. are hereby notilledthat on and after the 1st day of Octobernext, the rates for instruments will beas follows:

Privato Residences, $ 2 per month.

Business Houses, $ 3 por month.

Connections out ol town... $10 por month.


Honolulu, Sept. 15, 1831. 817 lw


JOHN A. VAIiMIiltWill attend to tliu collection of

hills, rents, & Kccij) accounts,diaw legal documents. Lcasuandsell propel ly. Kent rooms, andtransact general business. Ho willaUo attend to orders and oommis.ftions of every sort from thu otherHands. Patronage solicited.

Olllco;No. GO Hotel Street, Honolulu.

Telephone, 293. P. 0. Box, 97.783

Hull !

NKW DESIGNS, Just received fromFrancisco, at The Daily 13ul- -

I lktin Olllce

0Grand and Successful Opening



Opposite the New Bank Building, Fort St.M

iThe general public aro invited to Rive ns a call anil inspect,

at our opening, our ami select stock of Dry Gooils,

Fancy Goods; Ladies', Children's, and Infant's Wear,Millinery, Clothing, Clouts' Furnishing Goods, Traveling

Trunks, Valises, House Furnishing Goods, and an Klegant

and complete stock of Ladies'. Gent's, Misses', Children's,and Infantb' Shoes. i


DILLINGHAM & Co.Importers & Dealers Hardware & Agricultural Implements,

Steel Plows.


CIs., Etc.. Etc.





Etc., Etc.


eflSHfeai!9SrSBfiFeneo "Wire and Staples, Kerosene Oil u Knccsinlty.

Paints, Varnishes, Turpentine,House Furnish ing: Goods, Plated Ware, &e., &c.

Selling at Cost for 30 Days !

To make room for I.arce Htock of

New Goods to Arrive SoonFrom London, New York, nnd Snn Francisco.

All stock on hand tho next 30 days will be sold for cash,consisting m part of

Pianos, Organs, Accordeons, Guitars,AND ALL KINDS OF MUSIC GOODS.

Parlor Sets, Bedroom Sets, Centre Tables,

Chairs, Lounges, Paintings, Engravings, Chromos, JLarge Variety of Fancy Goods. $

725 1m


n ltnnniioFamily li).Jiibt Received

Eastern in andAmi a full liuu ol JrocerieK.

Island Telephone No. 210. P. O. Box 207.


&23 Xitunmi


&AN- D-

Commission Merchants,


At tli Market ltutoslarae and well bclecltd stock of

tliolChoiccst and Favoriteof






&c, ic, &c,

All Goods Guaranteed.

nnd orders Illled promptly.

Tclephono 40. P. 0. Box 0C0.103 Om.














&CO.) "3

Rl ?. fill Untol f(x llUlUi m

Grains, Pears, Puns. Psacles, Apples anil Celery.

Oysters shell.Stunle


Freeth Peacock,Mtrvt't.







ex S S Alameda,


Lane Assortment


While & Colored Matting


At tho Lowest Prices

at A. S. Clcghorn &

731 lm

t- -





CtUI Uu 01.






NOTICE.SEH WO TAI & Co. (composed of Ho

Ho Pa Ynt, Ho On and MingWa) having bought from Lo Sam Singtho Klco Plantation, with the house, cat-ti- c

nnd Implement;, at Walmalu, Ewa,Island of Oahu, which tho said I.o SamSing bought from the Sam Hop Com.pany (composed of T.o Kau Fook andAll Chun), hereby givo notlco that allclaims against tho fald Plantation todate arc to bo settled by tho said Lo SamSing. All persons arc warned ngalnst .cutting trees on thu estato at tho follow-- ,Ing Lands:. Knulu, Alnn Lolj Knhalaa,Aina Lolj Kaumluini, Alna Lol; Paa-kca-l-

he Piiuono Loco; and ICnpou-wcl-

Alna Kolu.SEE WO TAI & CO.

Walmalu, August 27th, 1881.800 lm

To Kent.A SMALL unfurnished Cottage, In

the centro of town, suitable for a u.young man. Address "Cottage" Bullctin OQlce. tf

M&& M. &

ju , .. J&J!i&&. ,fflfaMtoJ

Page 4: T1S THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Losses Promptly Adjustod and Payable in Honolulu. II. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, 070 ly b at Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS,.GRAZIERS

,f rwwww"WMvw wnspwHWRf mmwm. r, ' ' TV''' " ' ' ""' rf''f''fm fvpmrfffj

Iijp g.nUi) ulUtiiu

f THURSDAY, SKIT. 2fi, 1881.



Tlic disease commences ivitli n slightderangement of the stomach, lint, Ifneglected, ll lti lltni! involves llic wholeframe, enibiaolng tho kidneys, liver,pancreas, ami, in iiici, luci'iuirugitumu-ln- r

system, and the afflicted drags out umiserable, existence until death givesrelief from suffering. The disease Isoften mistaken for other complaints;but If the reader will asked hlimelf thefollowing questions, he Mill he able todetermine whether ho himself is one ofnllllctcd: Have I dUtrepaiii, or dllll-r.ult- y

In breathing after eating? U theren dull, heavy feeling attended by drow-siness? Have the eye? a yellow tinge?Does a thick, sticky, mucous gatherabout the gums and teeth In the mornlugs, accompanied by a dlsiigiccublctaste? Is tho (unguis coated? Is theicpains In tho side and back? Is (here afulness about thu light side as If the.liver wero enlarging? U llieio costive-ness- ?

Is there vertigo or illr.lnoss whenrising suddenly ftoin a horizontal poiHon? Aro the secretions Irom tho kid.ncys scanty nnd hlghlv coloured, with adeposit after standing? Does food ferment, soon after eating, accompanied byllatulenee or a belching of gas from thestomach? Is (hero frequent palpitationof tho heart? These various symptomsmay not he picicnf nt one time, butthevtorment IhoMiU'eicr intitin as the dicadful dWeac progioises. If thu esse beonu of long standing, thero will lie a dry,hacking couli, attended after a time byexpectoration. In very advanced stagestho skin assumes a dlity brownish ap-

pearance, and thu hands and feet arccovered by a cold, sticky perspiiatlon.As (he liver and kidneys become moreand more dNeascd, rheumatic pains ap.pear, and the usual treatment proves en.tircly unavailing against this latter ago.nlztng disorder. Thu origin of this mala,dy is indigestion nrdyspcpda.aiidnsmallquantity of the proper medicine willremove the disease It taken ju its iuol.plencv. It Is most Important that thedisease thould be promptly and pioperlytreated In IU first stages, when a littlemedicine will effect a cure and evenwhen It has obtained a strong hold thocorrect remedy should be pcrscrved inuntil every vcitigc of tho disease Iseradicated, until the appctilo has

and thu digestive organs restoredto a healthy condition. Tho surest andmost effectual remedy for thisdlstrejslngcomplaints Is "SelgeVs Curative Syrup,"a vegetable preparation sold by allChcmistsnnd Medicine Vendors through-out tho world, and by the proprietors, A..1. White Limited, 17, Faringdon Kosul,London, E. 0. Tills Syrupstiikcsnt thevery foundation of the disease, anddrives It, root and branch, out of thesystem.

Maiket I'lace, Pooklington, York,October and, 1S82.

Sir, Ueing a sulleror for yeais withdyspepsia In all its worst tonus, andalter, spending pounds in medicine., Iwas at last persuaded lo try MotherSeigel's Ouratlve Syrup, and am thank-ful to say have derived more benefit fromit than any other medlciuu I ever took,niul would advise any onu suffering fromthe same complaint to give it a trial, theresults they would soon. Hud out forthemselves-.- If you like lo make use ofthis testimonial you are quite at libertyto do so.

Yours respectfully,(Signed) R. Tuuxim.

Seigur.s Operating Pills are thu bestfamily physic that Ins ever been dis-covered. Tliev cleanse tho bowelsfrom all irritating substances, and leavethem in a healthy condition. They eurocoitlvcness.

St. Miiry-atrco- l, Pclcihoiougli, )

November JJJIth, 18S1. j

Sir, -- It gives mu gieat pleasuru to in.form you of the benefit I have receivedfrom Sei gel's Syrup. 1 have beentroubled lor years with dyspepsia; butafter a few doses of thu Syrup, I foundrelief, and after taking two bottles ofit I fell quite cured.

Iain, Sir, yours truly,Mr. A. .1. White. William Uih:st.

Heiislnghain, Whitehaven, Oct. 10th, 'Si.Mr. A. J. White. Dear Sir, 1 was

for some time allliutcd with piles, midwas advised to give Mother Seigel'sSyrup a trial, which I did. I mil nowhappy to state that it has restored me tocomplete health. I remain, yours

(Signed)John II. Lwinroor.

loth August, 18S;i.

Dear Sir, 1 writu to tell you that Mr.Henry Ilillier, of Yate3burg, Wilts, in-

forms mo that he suticrcd from n severeform of indigestion for upwards of fouryears, and took no end ot doctor's medi-cine without the slightest benefit, anddeclares Mothor'Scigol's Syrup which hegot from mo ha- - saved his life.

Yours trulv,(Signed) N. Wi:nu,

Mr. White. Chemist, Calne.

September 8th, 182a.

Dear Sir, I II ml the sale of Seigel'sSyrup steading increasing. All who havetried It speak very highly of its medi-cinal virtues; one customer describes itas a "Godsend to dyspeptic people." Inlways recommend It with cpntldunce.

Faithfully yours,(Signed) ViNcnxrA. Wills,

Uhcmist-Dcntis- t.

To. Mr. A. J. White. MerthvrTvdvll.

Preston, Sept. 21st 188a.

My Dear Sir, Your Syiup and l'lllsarobtlll very popular with my customers,many' saying they are tho best familymedicines possible

The other day a customer camo for twobottles of Syrup and said "MotherSolgol" had saved tho life of his wife,nnd ho added, "onu of these bottles I amsending llfteeu miles away to a friendwho is very ill. I have much faith inIt."

The bale keeps up wonderfully, in fact,one would fancy almost that the peoplewero beginning to breakfast, dine, andsup on Mother Seigel's Syi up, tho demandis bo constant and tho satisfaction sogreat. I am dear Sir, yours faithfully,

(Signed) W. Bowkeii,To A. J. White, lisp. 705 ly 1.


Tho American Ainbasndor at Vienna,.Mr. lutsHin, has lately fonuuded to hisGovernmental! Interesting uccuunlolalemaikablu surgical operation latelypel formed by Piofcssor Billroth, ofVienna, which, wonderful to tell, con-

sisted in the lemoval of a portionof tho human stomach, Involvingnearly one-thli- of the organ and.strange to say, the patient lecovered

the only siucessful operation of thekind ever performed. The disease forwhich this operation wns performedWas canccrof tlie stomach, attended withthe following symptoms: Thu appetiteis quite poor. There Is a peculiar hides.cilunlilutlUttc.il in the stonnch, a feel,lug that has been described as u faint"till gone" sensation; a sticky slime col.Jeets about the teein, especially in memornlmr, accompanied by an unpleasanttaste. Food falls to satisfy this peculiarfaint senatloii; but, on the contrary, It

appears to aggravate the feeling. Theeyes are sunken, tinged with yellow; thehands and feel become cold nnd stickya cold perspiration. The sufferers ledtireil all the time, and sleep docs notseem to give rest. Aflera time the pa-tlc-

becomes nervous and Irritable,gloomy, his mind tilled with evil foreboding". When rising suddenly froma leciimbeut position thcieis a dizziness,a whistling sensation, and he Is obligedto grasp something firm to keep fromfalling. The bowels costive, the skindry and hot at limes; the blood becom.Ing thick and stagnant, and does notcliculito properly. After a time thepatient spits up lood soon nfter eating,sometimes in a sour and fermented con.ditloii, sometimes sweetish to the taste.Oftentimes there Is a palpitation of theheart, and the patient fears he may haveheart disease. Towards the last thepatient Is unable lo retain any foodwhatever, as the opening in the lutes,lines becomes closed, or neaily so. Al.though this disease 1 indeed alarming,suil'urcrs with the above named symp-toms should not feel nervous, for ninehundred nnd ninety-nin- e eases out of athousand have no cancer, but simplydyspepsia, a disease easily lcmoved iftreated In a proper manner. The safestand best lemedv for the disease isSeigel's Curative Syrup, a vegetable n

sold by all chemists and medl-cin- e

vendors tlirougliout the world, andby the proprietors, A. J. White (Limit-ed)- ,

17, Farringdou.ioad, London, E. 0.This Syrup strikes at tho very founda-tio-

of the disease, and drives It, rootand lnancli, out of the system.

St. Mary-slrce- t, l'etcrlioiough,November, 20th, 1881.

Sir, It gives mo great pleasure tovon of the benellt 1 have received

from Seigel's Syrup. 1 have been troub-le- d

foryeais with dyspepsia; but aftera few doses of the syrup, I found relief,and after taking two bottles of it I feelquite cured.

1 am, Sir, yours truly,.Mr. A. .1. White. William Brent.

September Sth, 1S33.Dear Sir, 1 find the sale of Seigel's

Syrup steadily Increasing. All who havetried it speak very highly of Its inedl.cinal villous: one' customer describes itas a "(iod-sen- to dyspeptic people." Ialways recommend ft with confidence.

Faithfully yours,(Signed) Vincent A. Wills,

('licmisUlcntiM, Merthvr Tvdvll.To Mr. A. .1. White,

Seigel's Operating Pills aie the bestfamily physic that has ever been

'They cleanse the bowels fromall Irritating substances, and leave themin a healthy condition. They cure eos.ti veil ess.

Spanish Town, Jamaica, West Indies,Oct. 21, 1SS:.Dear Sir,- 1 write lo inform you that

I have derived great bcnetlt from"Seigel's Syrup." For some years I havesuffered from liver complaint, with itsmany and varied concomitant evils, sothat my life was a perpetual misery.Twelve months ago I was induced to trySeigel's Syrup, and although rathersceptical, having tried so many reputedinfallible remedies, 1 determined to giveit at ieast a fair trial. In two or tfirccdays 1 fcit considerably better, and nowat "the end of twelve months (havingcontinued taking It) I am glad to saythat I am a dillerent being altogether.It is said of certain pens that they "comeas a boon and a blessing to men" and 1

have no reason to doubt the truthfulnessof the statement. I can truly say, how-eve-r,

that Seigel's Syrup has come as a"boon and n blessing" to me. I have

it to several fellow-suffcrcr- s

from this distressing complaint, andtheir testimony Is quite in accoidaucewith my own. Gratitude for the benelltI have derived from the excellent pre.partition, prompts me to furnish youwith this unsolicited testimonial.

I am dear Sir,Yours ever guilefully,

(Signed) Caiey 15. Iterrv,A. J. White, Esq. Baptist Missionary.

Preston, Sept. 21st, 18S:i.My Dear Sli, Your Syrup and Pills

aie still very popular with my customers,many saying they are the best familymedicines possible.

Tho other day a customer came fortwo bottles of Syrup and said "MotherSelgol" had saved tho lifo of his wife,niul he added, "one of these bottles 1

am sending fifteen miles away to a friendwho is very III. I have much fath in it."

Thesalu keeps up wonderfully, In fact,one would fancy almost thai the peoplewere beginning to breakfast, dine, andsup on Mother Seigel's Syrup, the de-

mand Is so constant and the satisfactionso great.

1 tun, dear Sir, yours faithfully,(Signed) W. llowkcr.

To A. J. White, Esq.,

llenslnghani, Whitehaven, Oct. 1(1, 1882Mr. A. J. White. Dear Sir, I was

for some time, nllllctcd with piles, amiwas advised to give Mother Seigel'sSyrup a trial, which I did. I am nowhappy to slate that It has lestored moto comnlctu health. I icmaln. vonrs


705 ly !1



and Builder,Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Window Frames, Ullnds,Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-in- g,

Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from tho other is


SPECIAL NOTICE.rpiIE Undersigned Proprietor of thu



desires to inform lilspaliousnuilthepitliHe generally that notwithstanding therecent DISASTROUS PIKE, has erected


On a much more Extensive Scale whichIs now in Full Orim.nioN, and whichwill be In complete working oilier by anEnrly Arrival of now Machinery nndTools; and Is now again prepared to



and will always have on hand his dell-clou- s

Fresh Made



CREAM qANDlES of great variety oktMARSH-MALLOW- S.

Gum Drops, and Guin FruitBon Bona

Of all descriptions. All those HomeMade Fresh and Pure Confections, I sellat r,0 cents 1'EH POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf the Finest Flavor, in all sizes always

on hand anil ornamented in thumost artistic style.

always fresh, as also

Home Made Mince Meatfor sale at CO cents per pound.

Will receive per Consuclo the balanceof my new machinery of the newest

for manufacturing nil descriptionsof plain Candles; thanking the publicfor previous liberal patronage and so-

liciting n continuance of same.

Very respectfully,P. IIOItN,

Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cook.

Till? old stand. 71 Hotel street

P. O. Box No. 75;. . . No. 74572 ly

"Wilson Brothers,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horse Shoeing n specialty

A first-cla- man being specially engagedfor that work.

Ship and "Wagon work faithfullyattcfidcd to.

Shop on the Esplannde, op. Hopper's.204


(Successor to C. P. Ward.)

All orders for cartugc'prompllyto, at the lowest rates. Also for

sale:Kuknnko Mult,

Flr Wood,White unit Itlnck Kniiil

iii quantities to suit, at lowest prices.0(53 ly

8. M. CAUTP.Il. S. V. 0 11 A HAM

S. M. GARTER & 00.RETAIL Deai.eus in

Fire "Wood,Coal and Feed.

May and. Oats,PKEB 2313IL.XVI3K,Y

to all parts of (he city.

Remember, 82 King; street,578 JSTAnd Telephone No. 187.

Charcoal.ilJAVA WOOD CHARCOAL, in any

J quantity, from 1 to 100 bags,FOR SALE BY

Frank Hustaee,704 Queen Street.


II. Cavenagh, Proprietor.

HKAIjS MKAIiSCook'dtoord'rSsS'At all hour?.

Oysters, Celery, Salmon, and FruitBeceived by every steamer. 001

GEO. E. SHERMAN.No. 8 31aunaki:a St.

Trees and Saddles of nil kinds made toorder nnd repairing Harness, etc., donuin bhort notice. All orders promptly nttended to. 593 ly



Manufacturer.Book Illndlng of all description neatly

nnd promptly executed.Gazette Building - Merchant street

722 ly

f I.1' i ' f r tiV.


"WIIDER'S S. S. CO.i.ttnitfii.

,Stotiinor Kin a litKIiil'. Commander.

I iinvnq nnnll M1nnHfIn.V lit4 p.m., touching nt Lnhalna, Mnu-Inc- a

Hay, Mukoim, Mnliulconu, e,

Lnupnlioelioe mid illlo.Hcturnitig, will touch nl nil tho

nlovp ports, urrlvlng tit Honolulueach Sattmmy afternoon.


To the Volcano and Back.0

JIiiLci'-IhIuih- I S. X. Co.THHOUGH TICKETS to tho Volcano.nnd return, can now be had at the ollleeof the llnler-Islan- d S. N. Co. Touristsleaving Honolulu per tlmu table of the" PLANTEU," will he landed at Puna,luu, thence by llnllroad to Pahala, whereHorses and Guides will be In attendance.

By this rout. Tourists can make theround trip in 7 dajs, giving 1 duys tovisit tho Volcano.

TICKETS FOB THE BOUND TIUP,Including Horses, Guide, Board andLodging, .?G0.

For further particulars enquire at thooffice of the

Iutci'-lHlaii- il S. X, Co.,Honolulu,

or .f. F. JORDAN, Volcano House.714 tf



The Clipper SchoonerWAIMALTJ,

P. Kibbling, ... - Master,

Will run regularly to the ports ofKOLOA, HANAPEPE & WAIMEA,KAUAT. For freight or passage apply-t-o

the Captain on board, or to thePacific Navioation Co.,

732 nm Cor. Nuuanu & Queen sts.


jttfTjJ Schooner Waiohuwill run icgularly

TO WAIALUA EVEBY MONDAY,Bcturnlng on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage npply to the

Captain on board, or toPacific Navigation Co.,

181 AJ!i"is

LAIR8E & CO.Have a Largo Stock of the

VERY BEST HAY.O-rain- , Etc.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND

Delivered Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual Lifo Insurance Co.


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

Commissioner of Deeds for CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700

Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii.

IS NOW OPEN for Travelers, whereFirst class accomodation can be had

at all Times. The climate of Honuapois recommended for invalids.

HOUSES AND GUIDESProvided for the Volcano.

Terms, etc., See CARDS atHotels and Streets.

.1. W. SMITHIES,573 ly Proprietor.





BEVERAGE,According to tho highest and best medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 13Lillha Sli

P.O. Box, 379. Telephone, 281.USyAll orders recolvo prompt attention.

Queen Street,

Bill Heads


Ball Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'ins

Draft Hooks

Delivery Books


Hand Bills

luvolres- .er' T


m :'$4&mtemmm. of :.- - ,


Offer for Sale tho Cargo of tho




Light Express Wagons,Ex Top Carriages.

STEAM C OAL.Cumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chairs,


Fine Molasics Sliooks,Bosln, Soap,

Ico Chests, Nos, 2, 3, and 15,

Hoc Handles,Lobsters, lib tns; Beans, 31b,tns

spruce 1'iaiiK.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.

Aslo Grease,Falrbank's Scales, Nos. 7,8,10&11

Leather Belting,Centrifugal Lining, 14 Inch;

Comp. Nails, 1J(J, inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordage, Assorted:Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanized Fence Staples,


Sisal Hope, Assorted,Ash 1'hinlc, '

Dump Barrows,Ames,' Shovels,

Y. jSLETAL sheathing10, 18, 10, J2, 24 nnd 20 oz. j

Hair Mattresses !Grindstones, Bubber Hose,

Hide Poison, BarbedWire, Refined Iron,

ANNEALED FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Screws and Washers.



ROPE MARKET!Yes, and wc sell

Y DLv sis llic LowcHt I

and don't anybody forget it.We sell New Bedford Rope, and any

retailer knows how it will hold out innet weight.

We also have the mo?t varied assort-ment of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house this side of tho RockyMountains, such as

Hemp and Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artesian "Well Boring Bopes,Manila Hawscra, Wire Bope,Cotton nnd Hemp Duck nnd Twine,Galvanized Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz,Copper Paint (Tarr & "Wonsln's)"Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, nil kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

Terry Duvin' P?iin Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which wo will sell at tho

Lowest Bates.890 ly A. W. Felrce & Co.

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copuor and Sheet Iron Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof nil kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,7? Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.


Letter Headings


Law Bcports

Note Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping Reee'ts



'0l Visiting Card s



IHIIt?'&mruTl,.... TT ll TT 1 'taiEHft; -




Business DirectoryAuctioneer

E. P. Adams W h,1

Lyons & Levey, U"-- ' "'iilmlery.

Alvln II. Raseinann.... Gazette BuildingllniiUoiH.

Bishop & Co., Merchant st

W. McCandless Fish Mai kitHoot nnd NIioch.

Chr. Gcrtz, ....lortstIXLStore Nuuanu st

Clothlnc i

Garteiibcrg I X L. Store Nuuaiiu Bt

P. A. Dlas King stGonsalvcs tc Bo Hotel si

Cabinet Maltci-N- .

W. Miller Hotel stCrowley is Co King HLycan&Co Eoilst

Cai-i-lnc- e MnUortt.W. It. Page,"" Fort stHawaiian Carriage Co., Queen st

UlearH nnd Tobneco,Hurt, Bros. Old Corner Queen stNoltcs Beaver Saloon, Fort st

Cider,Fisher's Champagne Cider,. ...Llllha'sl

Candy Factory nnd Ilnkcry.P. Horn Hotel st

Cariipntci'N nnd ltulldci-H- .

F. Wllhelm, King stG. Lucas Fun st

Wry and Fnncy UooiIm.

N.S. Sachs Fort ttJ. T. "Watcrhouse, Queen stJ. T. Watcrhouse, Klg t.1. T. Watcrhouse, Fort st1 X L. Store, Nuuanu stB. F. Elders & Co., Fort stM. A. Gonsalvcs & Co Hotel stP. A. Dlas King St

DrilKRlHtH.Benson, Smith & Co., Fort stHolllster & Co Nuuanu stIIollistcr& Co Foitst

OontiHtH.M. Grossman Hotel st

Drayace nnd Cartnec.S. M.Carter & Co., King stFrank Hustaee, Queen stG. Robinson, Queen st

FiirnlNhcd ItorniN.Mrs. Turner, King st

Fire IiiHiirnnce Agcntx.H. Rlcmenschneldcr,. .at "Wilder & Co's.C. O. Bcrgcr, Merchant st

(icnt'H FurnlHliliis OoodK.Elders & Co., FortstN. S. Sachs, FortstI XL. Store, Nuuanu stGonsalvcs & Co Hotel stP. A. Dlas Klngst

liroccrlCM nnd rroviNloiiH.A. S. Clcghorn & Co., Queen stKennedy & Co. Hotel stWolfe & Ed wards,.. .Fort & Nuuanu stt

Horne HhocliiK Nlions.Wilson Bros Fort st

liny nml-Fcici- l Htores.Wolfe & Edwnrds....Kln; & Nuuanu sisS. M. Carter & Co., KlngstUnion Feed Co Queen btLalne & Co, Fort st

UarneM .Milker i

G. E. Sherman, KlngstIlnrdwurc.

Dillingham & Co., FortstJ. T. Watcrhouse , Queen st

Importer JL Com.MrrclinntH.G. W. Macfarlane it Co Fort stC. Brewer & Co Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen stm. S. Grinbaum & Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin & Co FortstA. S. Clcghorn & Co. Queen stJ. T. Watcrhouse, Queen stF. T. Lcnehan & Co., Nuuanu stCastlo& Cooke, King stWing Wo Tal it Co., Nuuanu stC. O. Bcrgcr Merchant stHyman Bros., Merchant st

J.nbor Agents.W. Auld Water Works Oilier.J. A. Hasslngcr, Interior OillcoW. O. Akana KlngstS. M. Carter, Klnget

liUiiibcr Dealers.Lowers & Cooke, Fort stWilder is Co Fortst

Millinery and Di-ck- linking.Mrs. A. M. Mollis Fortst

Medical.Dr. Emerson, . ., Kukul st

XcwH DealcrH.J. Mi Oat Ji. & Co Merchant st

number nnd I'nlntcrH.E. C. Bowe,.... King stBrown & Phillips KlngstJ. Nott, Kaahiimnnu stMax Kolim, Fort st

I'liotogrnulicrH.Williams & Co FortstA. A. Montana Fort st

Tuning & MilMloal IiiHtriiuientH.Lycan & Co., Fort st

JtcNtaurniitH.Hart, Bros. Old Comer, Queen stNoltcs Beaver Saloon Fort stWindsor Restaurant, King stCasino, Knplolaiil ParkTourist's Retreat,. Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii

Ileal KHtati; Agt'iitH.J. E. Wiseman, Merchant st

HolIcltoi'H. 'A. S. Ilurtwell, over BankJ. M. Davidson Kanhuinuuu siA. Bosa Gov't BuildingW. A. Whiting Knahumanii stJ. Russell Merchant stS. B. Dole, Knahumanii .stF. M. Hatch, Kaiihumauu stIt. F. Bickerlon, Merchant stCecil Brown, ... .Merchant stJ. M. Monsarrat Merchant st

Honp Factory.T. W. Rawlins; Klngst, Lelco

Htatlonci'M.Oat Jr. & Co., Merchant st

Hall MukcrH.J. M. Oat & Co., Queen st

Hlili Cliuudlery. r

Plerco'ifc Co., Queeli stTIllNUlltllN.

.T. Nolt, Kaahiimnnu stTllllOl'M.

If, S. Tregloan Fort stTravel.

Intcr.IslandS. N. Co., EsplanadeWllder's 8. S. Co Fort & QuemstsO. S. S. Co., Foil & Queen stPaelflo Navigation Co., Queen st

Wood nnd Coal Dealt-i'M- ,

Frank Hustaee Queen stS. M. Carter Co Klngst

WIiich and HplrltN,'G. W. Mncfnrlano & Co.t.Kanhmniinn itFrceth & Peacoek Nuuanu stBrown & Co Merchant st

AVntcli Maker.Wenner & Co Fort st



