ta analysis

Target Audience Survey Analysis Question 6 to 10.

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Target Audience Survey AnalysisQuestion 6 to 10.

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6. Bands or Orchestra?

From this question, I had quite evident answers on my survey. 13 people said yes to bands, and 4 people said yes to orchestra. This portrays to me that more of my target audience is interested in bands, rather than an orchestra. This also displays that my genre may be more of a lower class, since orchestra’s are rather classy and wealthy. It also opens my thoughts now onto with strand of bands I could go forward woth, which was a previous question in my survey.

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7. Would you like the magazine to have a specific colour scheme?

From this question, I got some varied yet confused answers, and I feel as if this was because it was poorly worded, or hard to understand. For some people I got a simple yes or no, however for some people I got specific colours that they would like to see. I was initially wanting people to explain what colours they would prefer to see, but it my own fault for poorly wording it, so I will work with what I have got.6 People said yes, 7 people said no, and they other 4 people gave specific colours. These colours were blue, black and grey, red, and black. I feel like these colours can be worked with to portray my genre of bands and orchestra, and they can portray a wealthy and classy feel, if used well, and not looking tacky, and too bold. Maybe using subtle tones of these colours, or making the opacity higher so it’s more transparent.

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8. Dark or Light colours?

From this question, I established whether to use slightly transparent pastel tones of colours, or harsh deep tones of colours. From the survey, my target audience gave a close but workable opinion. 7 people voted for dark colours, but 9 people voted for light colours. This means I could use colours like silver, or gold in contrast to the previous colours I have been suggested in the previous question. It will hopefully bring a more classier feel to the magazine, and appeal to my target audience.

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9. What kinds of images do you like; for example, close up shots, long shots?

This question was also slightly poorly worded, and a little irrelevant or unnecessary. However, I did get some good quality results from this, which I can use to guide me on which images people would prefer. 5 people agreed they would prefer long shots, and 5 people also agreed on close up shots. 2 people voted for group shots, 1 person for medium shots and 1 person chose on location shots. 3 people who completed my survey chose either, which shows they are not opinionated on which shots are used, so whichever I do will attract them and appeal to their taste.

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10. What kinds of costumes do you like on images, for example, exposed, covered up, extravagant, basic?

For this question, I have found that 1 person would prefer an unusual costume, that may strike their eye and tempt other audiences into buying the magazine, 1 person voted for a covered up costume, which provides the model with layers and a covered body. 6 people voted for basic costumes, and 6 people voted for extravagant costumes. The fact that for a large number of my questions I have been getting similar numbers for different categories shows my target audiences like certain things, but may very to others. 3 people also agreed with either for their costume, which shows that anything will appeal to them.