ta' gurdan walk


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Post on 14-Mar-2016




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Walking along the route one will discover how the islandÕs rich history, traditions and geographical features intertwine with nature and local folklore. Hiking on the cliffs one can observe the rugged coastline of the Maltese Islands, where panaromic views show how secluded valleys full of life are found among the hills. Old farming methods are gradually being replaced by modern farming.


Page 1: Ta' Gurdan Walk


Ta’ Gurdan Walk


Page 2: Ta' Gurdan Walk


This circular walk starts and ends in

the village square of Gharb. Taking

the left hand road skirting the side

of the church leads to open

countryside visiting ‘St. Dimitri

Chapel’and affording a good view

of ‘Ta’Gurdan Lighthouse’and ‘Ta’

Pinu Sanctuary’. ‘Wied il-Mielah’ is

reached via an old paved road next

to ‘St. Dimitri Chapel’. The hilly

features of the island and the view

of the vast expanse of sea

stretching beyond the steep cliffs

can be best enjoyed from the top

of Ta’Gurdan hill.

This walk leads on to the

magnificent valley of ‘Wied il-

Ghasri’ ensconced between sheer

cliffs followed by ‘Ta’Gurdan Lighthouse’. This imposing

landmark affords a bird’s-eye view of most of the island.

Eventually the walk leads to the ‘Ta’ Pinu Sanctuary’, a

centre of religious devotion and ex-voto offerings.By

following the road that bisects the fields behind the

sanctuary, you will get back to the village core,where

the walk began.

A route map found in the centre pages of this

booklet, together with several direction signs

located along this route, will help you to follow

the walk more easily. Sticking to the set route

affords a fascinating cross-section of the Gozitan

countryside, folklore and traditions.

Distance:12 km

Time: 4 1/2 hrs

The French daffodil

A traditional donkey-drawn cart

Page 3: Ta' Gurdan Walk

The walk

This walk starts from Pj a z za t a z- Zj a ra

tal-Madonna in the pict u re s q u e

v i l l a ge of Gharb. The quaint a n d

p a rt i c u l a r fe e l of t h e s q u a re i s

e n h a n ce d by t h e p a r i s h c h u rc h

d e d i c ated to our Lady’s Vi s i t at i o n .

The churc h , b u i l t in 167 9 , is one of

the best re p re s e nt ations of baro q u e

a rc h i t e ct u re in the Maltese islands.

One of its t wo belfries displays in

bold letters the message ‘Ibni ghozz

iz-zmien’ (Cherish time, my son).The

co n c ave façade is adorned with

i nt r i c at e s c u l p t u re a n d c a rve d

a ro u n d t h e m a i n d o o r a re t h e

symbols of Faith,Hope and Charity.

In front of the parish church there is

a stone plinth supporting a cro s s .

The year 1783 can be clearly seen

notched on the column.


Breathtaking views of the Gozitan landscape

Gharb’s village square


Page 4: Ta' Gurdan Walk

An imposing old building located on

the same side as the cross houses a

Fo l k l o re M u s e u m , ex h i b i t i n g

specimens of Gozo ’s fo l k l o re and

h e r i t a ge. From the village square ,

fo l l o w t h e r o a d

c a l l e d Tr i q M a d o n n a

t a l -Vi rt u ’ f l a n k i n g

t h e l e ft- h a n d s i d e

o f t h e c h u r c h .

Going dow n h i l l yo u

w i l l n o t i c e t h e

fa ç a d e s of re ce nt l y

b u i l t h o u s e s ,

e s p e c i a l l y t h o s e

b e a r i n g t h e n a m e s

of fo reign co u nt r i e s

and cities, s u c h a s

A u s t ra l i a o r t h e

U n i t e d S t at e s of

A m e r i c a . T h e s e a re

ow n e d by re t u r n e d

m i g ra nts who h a d

l e ft t h e M a l t e s e

i s l a n d s i n s e a rc h

of a b e t t e r l i fe i n

l a n d s o f g re a t

o p p o rt u n i t y. T h e

s t r i k i n g va r i e t y of

b a l c o n i e s a n d

t e r ra ce s i s wo rt hy

of observation.

Tr i q M a d o n n a t a l -

Vi rt u ’ l evels out at a

c ro s s ro a d s . Our wa l k

co nt i n u e s s t ra i g ht

a h e a d a l o n g Triq Birbuba. B e fo re

walking up to Triq Birbuba the uphill

l e ft turn off the cro s s roads leads

to a chapel known as Il-Madonna

t a z- Ze j t (Our Lady of the Oil) t h at


Gharb’s Folklore Museum

Page 5: Ta' Gurdan Walk

Legend has it that a poor and pious peasant,

who eked out a miserable livelihood from

weaving, devotedly visited this chapel every

day. She used to pray to the Madonna,

imploring the Virgin to help her gain enough

money to buy oil to replenish the chapel’s oil

lamp. During May she would take a bunch of

wild flowers as an offering. One day when she

did not feel well,a beautiful lady appeared in

front of her and bid her make her way to the

chapel and take an earthenware jug with her.

The peasant dutifully complied and when she

approached the churchyard she saw liquid

oozing out of a crack in the wall. To her joy, she

realised that it was pure oil.This was the reply

to her constant prayer: more oil to offer to the

Blessed Virgin. Filled with unrestrained excitement,she

rushed to break the news to the priest,who was

dumbstruck.The news of this miraculous happening soon

spread like wildfire throughout Gozo and soon enough,

everyone was flocking to take oil for free.

Unfortunately, greed lost no time in turning this

miraculous event into a commercial opportunity, as large

containers of oil were taken away by people with an eye

for a quick profit. Legend has it that as a sign of divine

disapproval, tongues of flame replaced the blessed oil.

However, after some time,a water spring substituted the

fire and kept running for many years in the watercourse

next to the churchyard. However, once more,a dispute

over this water spring that led to a bitter fight between

two families incurred divine wrath and this time the

spring dried up for good.


The old chapel known as ‘Il-Kapella tal-

Madonna taz-Zejt’

A stone sculpture representing Holy Souls


Page 6: Ta' Gurdan Walk

s e rved as the parish church of Gharb

f rom 1679 to 1729.

Re t racing your steps, you will re t u r n

to the cro s s roads and walk along

Triq Birbuba t h at winds uphill and

n a r rows gra d u a l l y. On the left s i d e

of the ro a d , you can observe a ve ry

old niche. Triq Birbuba leads on to

Triq San Dimitri. H e re , you will pass

by s o m e t a s t e f u l l y co nve rt e d

farmhouses and old village houses.

Triq San Dimitri gives way to open

co u nt ryside where t e r ra ced fields

are mostly dry-farmed.

Reaching a junction you now t a ke

the road on your right. P ro ce e d i n g

along the route, you will start seeing

the distant ‘ Ta ’ G u rdan Light h o u s e ’

towe r i n g a b ove t h e u n d u l at i n g

l a n d s c a p e. A fo o t p ath on the left


Ta’ Pinu Church and T’Ghammar hill

Distant views of Ta’Gurdan

Page 7: Ta' Gurdan Walk



leads to a firewo r ks fa cto ry. A re d

flag at full mast indicates that work

is in pro g re s s . I t is advisable not to

loiter too close to the factory in such

a case.

A few m e t re s away f ro m t h e

f i rewo r ks fa cto ry, the road plunge s

abruptly to the left. However, before

t h i s l e ft t u r n i s t a ke n , i t i s

wo rt hwhile to walk up a side lane

on the right t h at leads to San

Dimitri Chapel. This chapel dat e s

back to the fift e e nth ce nt u ry. T h e

a l t a r p i e ce re p re s e nt s S t. D e m e t r i u s

on horseback. The highrise on which

The Legends of San Dimitri

One of the legends of San Dimitri starts with a surprise attack by Turkish corsairs

on this part of Gozo. A young lad, the only son of a peasant who lived close to

the chapel, was captured and led into captivity. His desperate mother rushed to

the chapel and passionately implored St. Dimitri to redeem her son from slavery.

The woman made a solemn vow that she would provide oil for the chapel’s lamp

every single day of her life. Miraculously the images of the saint and his horse

came to life from the chapel’s altarpiece,and rushed out after the Turkish slave

ship, saved the boy from the terrified corsairs and rode back to the chapel,

delivering the lad safe and sound to his delighted mother. After this miraculous

sally, St. Dimitri returned to his original position in the picture. Local people insist

that his horse left his hoof marks on the rocks around the chapel.

The other two legends relate how a massive earthquake drove the land on which

the old chapel stood into the sea.However, the chapel miraculously did not

crumble and the oil lamp continued to burn in the depths.The legend claims that

fishermen sometimes see the oil lamp still flickering down on the seabed.

A similar legend narrates how t wo sailors, who dived from a ship anchored nearby

to t ry to free their blocked anchor, came up to narrate how t h ey had seen a chapel

in which an oil lamp was burning! The pre s e nt chapel built b e t ween 1736 and 1809

is well looked after by the members of a lay religious society based in Gharb.

San Dimitri’s Chapel

Page 8: Ta' Gurdan Walk


the chapel stands provides a

b re at htaking view of Gharb, ‘ Ta ’ Pi n u

S a n ct u a ry ’, ‘ Ta ’ G u rdan Light h o u s e ’,

Zebbug and other parts of the island.

Going back to the cro s s ro a d s, yo u

should t a ke the road t h at turns to

the left. N o t far in the distance , yo u

c a n o b s e rve a c i rc u l a r row of

megaliths set on a plateau.

Fo l l owing the fo o t p aths you will

a r r i ve at a T- j u n ct i o n . At this point ,

the fo o t p ath on the right is to be

t a ke n . This path then t a kes a left

d ownhill turn and runs along heav i l y

e ro d e d ye l l ow i s h g l o b i ge r i n a

l i m e s tone and clay. H oweve r, a fter a

s h o rt s t re t c h , an old paved road is

e n co u nt e re d . The footsteps dug in

the barren rock surfa ce are of

notable support to the hike r. At t h e

e n d of t h i s ro a d , a l e ft t u r n

eve ntually leads stra i g ht to Wied il-


Along this route you may notice

Common Poppy

The beauty of the Gozitan landscape

Page 9: Ta' Gurdan Walk

caper plants growing from cra c ks in

the wa l l s . Caper picking is ve ry

common in Gozo. Caper flower buds

a re harvested in early spring right

up to mid-summer; after which they

a re i m m e r s e d i n v i n e ga r a n d

preserved in jars.The hardy endemic

Maltese salt t ree can also be seen

g rowing along the sides of t h e

rubble walls.

‘ Ta ’ G u rd a n L i g ht h o u s e ’ towe r s

ahead as the valley dips on your left-

hand side. ‘ Ta ’ Pinu Sanct u a ry ’ c a n

also be seen in the distance. T h e

walk proceeds close to the sheer cliff

that leads straight down to the open

sea and co ntinues until the head of

the go rge at Wied il-Mielah is


T h e n at u ra l rock fo r m ation of a

m a s s i ve window in the cliff wa s

o n ce a small crack in the rock t h at

became increasingly wider due to

the combined actions of ra i n , wave

a ction and erosion until it a s s u m e d

the curre nt shape of a large nat u ra l


The massive window of ‘Wied il-Mielah’

The delicate flower of the caper plant


Page 10: Ta' Gurdan Walk

window. The process of erosion is an

o n going one and inevitably the to p

layer of this rock formation is bound

to fall off.

The path to the right p rov i d e s

b re at htaking views of the cliffs

pockmarked with huge caverns even

at water leve l . These caverns are

favourite haunts of local diving

s c h o o l s . The t e r rain in this are a

a b ove the cliffs t h at is full of holes,

c ra c ks, f i s s u res and sharp points is

called a karst. Karst is formed by the

a ction of acid rain on the upper

co ra l l i n e l i m e s to n e. W h e n t h e

c a r b o n d i ox i d e d i s s o l ve s i n t h e

ra i nwat e r, i t forms a mild acid t h at

causes erosion along the fissures of

the bedro c k . S i n ce rock is co m p o s e d

of diffe re nt m i n e ra l s, i t does not

e rode eve n l y, thus giving rise to t h e

typical karst landscape.

If an area is composed only of t h e

s oft g l o b i gerina limestone it e ro d e s

eve n l y to fo r m s m o o t h p l a n e s

usually full of fo s s i l s . B u t if some

upper co ralline limestone (a hard e r

type of sediment a ry rock) is fo u n d

on the globige r i n a , the part t h at i s

cove red erodes more slowly t h a n

the other part s . This gives rise to

structures that resemble tables with

an upper co ralline limestone to p

The scarletpimpernel


The rugged Gozitan northwestern coastline


Page 11: Ta' Gurdan Walk


and a globige r i n a l i m e s to n e l e g. T h e s t re t c h e s

of globigerina limestone visible to the left side of

this road clearly illustrate this.

One may notice that this type of landscape slowlys t a rts to give way to a new type of habitat , t h ero c ky steppe. This type of habitat is formed whenan area is composed mainly of the hard lowe rco ra l l i n e l i m e s to n e a n d o n l y t h e c a l c i u mc a r b o n ate found in it d i s s o l ve s . The re m a i n i n gm i n e rals form the red soil t h at can be seen in t h ecracks.Where the pockets of soil are deep enough,typical plants start g row i n g. If the conditions arefavo u rable enough, the ka r s t s l owly turns into asteppe. Due to several environmental factors, suchas lack of water, that particularly affect the steppedue to shallow soil pocke t s, only a few plants areadapted to live here. T h e fo l l ow i n g a re t h etypical flora of a coastal steppe:M e d i t e r ra n e a n s t e p p e g ra s s, go at – g rass and sea

The rocky coastline steppe

Some rocks can endure

erosion more than others


Many different species of

grasshoppers live in these habits


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s q u i l l . The main shrub is t h eM e d i t e r ranean t hyme sometimesh e avily bord e red by the para s i t i cplant,the dodder. This site also hostsce rtain endemic species grow i n gonly on Gozo such as the Malteses t a l ks a n d t h e G o zo hyo s e r i s .Some orchids can also be ident i f i e dby the discerning eye.

This area is ve ry rich in fa u n a ,among which one finds molluscs,i n s e ct s, beetles and re p t i l e s . If t h i swalk is t a ken early in the morning,one may even spot the co m m o nBlack snake.

This area is littered with fo s s i l sembedded in the ro c k . These fo s s i l sare the remains of ancient creaturest h at used to live in the sea andp rovide ev i d e n ce t h at the Maltese

islands are made of sediment a ryrock t h at had formed under the seaabout 25 million years ago.

The effe ct of erosion on the cliffs,caused by the elements, can be seeni n t h e va r i e t y of s h a p e s a n dco ntours t h at the surrounding cliffsand hills have assumed. The villageof Ze b b u g, standing on the plat e a u ,can be seen from this area.


The fossil of a sea urchin conserved in globigerina

The parasitic Dodder on its preferred host

Page 15: Ta' Gurdan Walk

By fo l l owing the path downhill one

a r r i ves at another va l l ey, Wied il-

G h a s r i . P r i c k l y p e a r s a n d c a p e r s

clamber on and over the rubble

wa l l s . During late spring t h e a re a

becomes a carpet of red poppies.

As you leave Wied il-Ghasri, the road

fo l l ows a stra i g ht p ath until it ve e r s

l e ft , w h e re it passes by a re s to re d

fa r m h o u s e. The pigeon loft can be

s e e n o n t h e f i r s t f l o o r of t h e

fa r m h o u s e. Walking slightly uphill,

past this farmhouse, you turn to the

r i g ht and co ntinue walking stra i g ht

a h e a d u nt i l a s q u a re e nt i re l y

d evoted to Gozo ’s oldest b a s i l i c a

and a statue of Our Lady is re a c h e d .

This churc h , standing along t h e

valley on the ruins of an earlier one,

was built in 1739 and dedicated to

the Pat ro n a ge of Our Lady, t h e

Madonna t a l - Pat ro ç i n j u . Sixty ye a r s

l ater the church was placed dire ct l y

under the authority of the Arc h -

Basilica of San Giovanni in Lat e ra n o


The edible snail

The endemic Gozo hyoseris flower


Page 16: Ta' Gurdan Walk

of Ro m e. The wat e rcourse of t h e

va l l ey runs by the basilica. G o i n g

up s t ream past the Statue of Our Lady,

you will notice another stone cro s s .

Beside the cro s s, a row of white and

pink flowe red oleanders border t h e

road on the side of the stream bed.

At the end of the row of 0leanders,

you will see a bridge. Walk to t h e

r i g ht w h e re the oleanders give way

to a large elder. Then, the road turns

l e ft and uphill into Triq il-Gonna.

Along this route you will pass by a

l a rge live s tock farm t h at stands on

the right hand side. This road joins

another road called Triq t’Ghammar.

Our walk co ntinues towa rds t h e

h a m l e t of Ghammar. H oweve r,

b e fo re leaving this pict u re s q u e

h a m l e t , y o u m ay t a k e t h e

opportunity to climb Ta’ Gurdan hill,

see the lighthouse and view t h e


After leaving Triq il-Gonna, our t ra i l

co nt i n u e s s t ra i g ht o n w i t h o u t

taking any turns. Eventually you will

arrive in Triq il-Fanal that leads on to

‘Ta’Gurdan Lighthouse’.

This high va nt a ge point offe r s

magnificent views of the island.The

North coast and much of the rest of

the island can be seen clearly. O n

d ays of optimum visibility, one can

also observe the outline of t h e14

A characteristic Gozitan farmhouse

Stonework on the basilica’s exterior

Tal-Patroçinju:Gozo’s oldestbasilica

Page 17: Ta' Gurdan Walk

island of Sicily. The now dilapidated rooms close

to the lighthouse used to serve as an RAF base

during World War II . T h e re was also an

o b s e rvato ry post manned by t h ree Sco u t s i n

t h i s b a s e. T h e keen observer may notice t h e

red colour of the cliffs along the ro a d . T h ey are


‘Ta’ Gurdan Lighthouse’

The construction of the lighthouse started in June

1852. Originally it was lit by means of a large oil

lantern and revolving reflector. This system was

changed to one using kerosene lamps and lenses,

later replaced by a more sophisticated system,

installed by the firm Barbier Bernard of Turenne in

France and which is still in use until the present day.

‘Ta’Gurdan Lighthouse’

The pink oleander flower

Detail from the stone cross at Tal-Patroçinju


Page 18: Ta' Gurdan Walk


View of the northern coast of Gozo

The small flower of grey birdsfoottrefoil

composed of sandsto n e , one of t h e

oldest sedimentary rocks present on

the island.

The route t a kes you back dow n h i l l ,

to the point where the asphalt road,

Triq t’G h a m m a r, runs into Triq il-

Fanal, some metres before the point

w h e re Tr i q i l - G o n n a j o i n s Tr i q

t’G h a m m a r. This road is the main

road linking Ghasri to Ta ’ Pi n u . T h i s

ro a d p a s s e s t h ro u g h G h a m m a r

h a m l e t a n d p ro ce e d s towa rd s

G h a r b. T h e m a j e s t i c Ta ’ Pi n u

S a n ct u a ry is now quite close and

you may visit this church which is

open daily for worship and visiting.

A black beetle

Page 19: Ta' Gurdan Walk


The Ghammar plateau is dire ct l y

a h e a d , c rowned by a statue in fro nt

of t h e s a n ct u a ry. T h e t h i rt e e n

s t atues of the Way of the Cross can

be seen along a steep, uphill road.

To co ntinue with the ro u t e , re t ra ce

your steps and pro ceed to Triq t a s -

S d i e r i , w h i c h r u n s b e l ow t h e

s a n ct u a ry down the va l l ey b r i d ge.

B e fo re the bridge spanning Wi e d

Q s a jjem is re a c h e d , on the right-

hand side, you will see a

w h i t ewashed small ro o m , bearing a

plaque ‘Ta’ Pinu Borehole’. This room

houses a bore h o l e , a d m i n i s t e red by

the Water Serv i ces Co r p o rat i o n

Ta’ Pinu Church

Ta’ Pinu Church was built by public subscription

following a miracle in 1883 involving a spinster,

Karmni Grima,and a small chapel located on the

site. The foundation stone was laid in 1916 and the

consecration by Bishop Gonzi took place in 1931. A

year later Pope Pius XI elevated it to the status of a

Basilica.The precision and intricate elegance of the

splendid stone work especially on the inside of the

church are admirable. Ta’ Pinu is visited by large

numbers of pilgrims as well as tourists.The sacristy is

full of ex-voto offerings.The 16th century chapel is

still preserved inside the Basilica as is the original

Madonna Ta’ Pinu painting (1619) by Bartolomeo

Amadeo Perugino.

Statue from the Via Crucis at T’Ghammar

‘Ta’Pinu Sanctuary’


Page 20: Ta' Gurdan Walk

which manages the gro u n d water re s o u rces of the Maltese Islands. S i m i l a r

b o reholes are commonly found along other va l l eys in Gozo, Comino and


Soon the bridge over Wied Qsajjem is reached where you can observe t h e

orchards nestled in spent stone quarries by the valley. The stones that were

used to build Ta ’ Pinu we re ex t ra cted and refined in these former q u a r r i e s .

B e fo re pro ce e d i n g uphill, you should have a last look at the sanctuary and its

imposing belfry towe r.

Tr i q t a s -Sdieri co nt i n u e s

uphill until you re a c h t h e

o u t s k i rt s of Gharb

v i l l a g e . T h e w a l k

co ntinues along Triq il-

B l ata on yo u r l e ft ,

w h e re the va r i o u s

d e s i g n s o f s t o n e

b a l conies - old and new -


Triq tas-Sdieri

Bird’s eye view of ‘Ta’Pinu Sanctuary’

Page 21: Ta' Gurdan Walk

Stone balcony displaying excellent craftsmanship

Gharb village core

as we l l a s t h e t y p i c a l

a rc h i t e ct u ral fe at u res of old

v i l l a ge d we l l i n g s offe r a

q u a i nt , unique sce n e. S o o n

the road passes by the side of

the parish church and ent e r s

i nto the village square fro m

w h e re t h i s wa l k i n g to u r




Page 22: Ta' Gurdan Walk

Fa cts about the ro u t e

• The route is suitable for hike s,horse rides and pedal bike s .

• M o s t of the route isa ccessible to small ve h i c l e s .

• One should check the localbus timetable if one ist ravelling by bus to the route starting point.

• The local we ather fo re c a s t should be checked befo re setting offas t h e re is hardly any shelter from adverse we ather co n d i t i o n salong the ro u t e. A ra i n co at can come in ve ry handy in ra i nyco n d i t i o n s .

• As most of the walk is over open co u nt rys i d e , i t is advisable toc a r ry a packed lunch. I t is possible to buy food at Gharb orG h a s r i .

• A dire ction s ign at Gharb vi llage square indicates the ro u t es t a rting point . This route is co l o u r-coded in ora n ge. A numberof smal ler dire ction signs, made of wood and numericallym a r ked in ascending ord e r, a re found along the route to showthe right d i re ction in the absence of clear landmarks .

• Public co nve n i e n ces are available at Triq t a ’ Pinu and Triq it-Tr u xin Gharb.

• If one looks carefully at the map, one may see t h at the walk canbe bro ken down into smaller laps. One can go to ‘ Ta ’ G u rd a nL i g ht h o u s e ’ if one starts the walk from near ‘ Ta ’ Pinu Sanct u a ry ’.

• Some fields are marked with white blotches of paint and t h eletters RTO indicate t h at the area is out of bounds for the visito rs i n ce it is privately ow n e d . Piles of small stones stacked on eachother are also a t raditional ‘ n o -e nt ry ’ s i g n .

• B i rd t rapping and bird shooting are pra ctised in the co u nt rys i d e.T h e re are , h owever strict re g u l ations determining areas wheresuch activities are permitted and times of year where no sucha ctivities are allowe d . Note also t h at b i rd shooting is pro h i b i t e df rom 1.00pm onwa rds on Sundays and public hol idayst h ro u g h o u t the ye a r.


A typical oil skink basking in the sun

Page 23: Ta' Gurdan Walk

Tips for the road

• Hikers are advised to follow the set route.

S h o rt cuts are to be avoided since many

fields are privately owned.

• Hikers should not climb over rubble walls

to avoid damaging them.

• H i kers should avoid co l l e cting wildlife

specimen, including flowers or plants.

• H i kers are advised to t read care f u l l y

along the trails to avoid trampling on the

sparse vegetation.

• The t h rowing of stones or other object s

i nto va l l eys or other fre s hwater sites is

strictly prohibited.

• Walking or cycling close to the cliff edges

is to be avoided.

• I t is advisable to fo l l ow this route in bro a d

d ay l i g ht , giving due allowa n ces for t i m e

allotted to inevitable sto p s, re s t i n g, t a k i n g

of photo g raphs and observing nat u re.

Useful telephone numbers

Emergency and rescue:112

Ambulance: 196

Police Station: 191

Telephone Enquiries:1182

Ministry for Gozo: 21 56 14 82

website: http://www.gozo.gov.mt

Malta Tourism Authority: 22 91 50 00

website: http://www.visitmalta.com

Gozo Tourism Association: 21 56 51 71

Gharb local council: 21 56 05 56

website: http://www.gozo.com/gharb

Ghasri local council:21 55 86 86

website: http://www.gozodirect.com/ghasri

Other useful information

All rights re s e rve d . No part of t h i sp u b l i c ation may be re p ro d u ce d ,s o rted in a re t r i eval sys t e m , o rt ra n s m i t t e d , in any form or by anym e a n s, e l e ct ro n i c , m e c h a n i c a l ,p h o to co py i n g , re co rd i n g o ro t h e rw i s e , w i t h o u t t h e p r i o rwritten co n s e nt of the co py r i g hth o l d e r. D i re ct enquiries may befo rwa rded to the Ministry of Gozoor the Malta Tourism Authority.

Date of Publication:May 2002

Text Prepared by:Joseph Borg, Marita Sultana.

Photos and Map by:Etienne Micallef

Natural forces at play

Page 24: Ta' Gurdan Walk

Ta’ Gurdan Walk

Walking along the route one will discover how the island’s rich history, traditions and

geographical features intertwine with nature and local folklore. Hiking on the cliffs one

can observe the rugged coastline of the Maltese Islands, where panaromic views show

how secluded valleys full of life are found among the hills. Old farming methods are

gradually being replaced by modern farming.

Dahlet Qorrot Walk

Passing through: Nadur - Dahlet Qorrot Bay

Ta’Grejgel Valley - Qala

Saltpan Walk

Passing through: Victoria - Sara Valley

Ghasri - Ghasri Valley

Reqqa Point - Xwejni

Lunzjata Valley Walk

Passing through: Victoria - Lunzjata Valley

Santa Luçija Hamlet

Ghajn Abdul

Other walks in the series

Ramla Bay Walk

Passing through: Nadur - Wied Bingemma

Ramla Bay - Ta’ Óamet

Price Lm1.00

Gozo Countryside Walks is a partnership project of the:

Ministry for Gozo, Ministry of Tourism,The Malta Tourism Authority and the Gozo Tourism Association

The project is being launched in 2002, the World TourismOrganisation’s International Year of Ecotourism.