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Page 1: TABLE OF · A.4.2 The expected Course Outcomes of Basic Oral Medicine: Oral Mucosal Diseases ... Oral Pathology: Clinical


Page 2: TABLE OF · A.4.2 The expected Course Outcomes of Basic Oral Medicine: Oral Mucosal Diseases ... Oral Pathology: Clinical



A. SEMESTER LEARNING ACTIVITY PLAN 4 A.1 COURSE IDENTITY 4 A.2 COURSE TOPIC 6 A.3 COURSE PROGRAM 7 A.4 MAPPING OF LEARNING OUTCOMES – COURSE OUTCOMES 11 A.4.1 The expected Learning Outcomes of Dental Medicine Program graduates 11 A.4.2 The expected Course Outcomes of Basic Oral Medicine: Oral Mucosal Diseases

of Local Origin 11

A.4.3 Mapping of Learning Outcomes – Course Outcomes 11 B. COURSE ASSESSMENT 11 B.1 ASSESMENT RUBRIC 11 B.2 ASSESMENT SYSTEM 13 C. COURSE DEVELOPMENT 14 C.1 ACADEMIC YEAR 2016/2017 RESULT 14 C.2 PROBLEM ANALYSIS 14 C.3 SOLUTIVE STRATEGY 14 D. APPENDICES 15 D.1 DOCUMENT OF COURSE ACTIVITY 15 D.1.1. Sample of students’ attendance form 15 D.1.2. Sampe of statement of examination official report 16 D.2 SAMPLE OF STUDENT WORK 17 D.2.1. Sample of test paper 17 D.2.2. Sample of student work 20 D.2.3. Sample of student assignment 21 D.3. RECAPITULATION OF ASSESMENT 22 D.3.1. Item Analysis 22 D.3.2. Sample of evaluation method 23 D.3.3. Academic Year 2017/2018 result 25 D.3.4. Problem / Solution analysis 26

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Module Name & Code module Ilmu Penyakit Mulut I (Basic Oral Medicine: Oral Mucosal Disease of Local Origin)/KGD 301

Module Level Undergraduate program Abbreviation, if applicable IPM I (KGD 301) Semester/term VI/Third year Module coordinator(s) Nurina Febriyanti Ayuningtyas, drg., M.Kes., PhD Lecturer(s) 1. Prof. Dr. Diah Savitri Ernawati., drg., MSi., Sp.PM.

2. Adiastuti Endah Parmadianti, drg., MKes., Sp.PM. 3. Dr. Desiana Radithia, drg., Sp.PM. 4. Nurina Febriyanti Ayuningtyas, drg., M.Kes., PhD. 5. Saka Winias, drg., M.Kes., Sp.PM. 6. Fatma Yasmin Mahdani, drg., M.Kes

Language Bahasa Classification within the curriculum

a. Compulsory course b. Specific Scientific Skill c. Clinical dental science

Learning Models Undergraduate Program: Lectures, Discussion, PBL Tutorials, Assigment

Teaching format/class hours per week during the semester

Lectures, PBL Tutorials & Discussion • IPM I : 170 minutes lectures,

10 lecture classes & 4 PBL tutorials/semester Workload • IPM I : Total 42 hours a semester Credit Points • IPM I : 1 points Requirements - Learning goal/competencies • IPM I: Be able to understand the concept of oral mucosal disease of local

origin and it’s management

Content • IPM I: Horizon of oral medicine; Anatomy,physiology and immunology of oral cavity; Oral primary & secondary lesion; Oral normal variance; Management of non infectious disease; Management of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis; Management of Orofacial Pain; Nutrition Role in Oral Mucosal; Management of Endogenous and Exogenous Pigmented Lesion; Management of Premalignant Lesion; Saliva and management of saliva disturbance; Management of disease of the lips.

Study/exam achievements IPM I : PBL : Individual Score 1 : Presence Criteria : 1. On time : 100 2. 15 minutes late : 55

3. Not Present : 0 Individual Score 2 : Activity Criteria :

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1. Active, creative in accordance with competence : 75 2. Less active : 55 3. Passive : 45

Individual Score 3 : Communication/ Attitude Criteria :

1. Really appreciate others and can interact in the group: 75 - 100 2. Appreciate the opinions of others , but are not able to interact in a

group: 55 – 74 3. No respect the opinions of others, but can interact in the group: 55 -

74 4. No respect to the opinions of others and do not interfere in a group:

0 – 54 Individual Score 4 : Relevance Criteria : 1. Strong relevance to the tasks assigned : 75 2. Has to do with assigned tasks: 55 3. Discussion outside a task assigned : 45 Individual Score 5: Knowledge Criteria : 1. Adequate : 75 2. not complete : 60 3. Not knowing : 40

Individual Scores (PBL) = Scores (Presence + Activity+ Attitude+ Relevance+ Knowledge) / 5 FINAL ASSESSMENT : Score of midterm examination = 30% Score of Final Examination = 40% Individual Score =20% Paper Score = 10 % Final index for undergraduate program defined as follow : A : 100 ≥ FI ≥75 AB : 75 > FI ≥ 70 B : 70 > FI ≥ 65 BC : 65 > FI ≥ 60 C : 60 > FI ≥ 55 D : 55 > FI ≥ 50 E : 50 < FI

Forms of media Multimedia (Laptop & LCD)/ Internet/ Books, Journal Literature 1. Glick, M 2015, Burket’s Oral Medicine, Diagnosis & Treatment. 12th

ed. Hamilton: BC Decker Inc.

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2. Scully, C 2013, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine: The Basis of Diagnosis and Treatment, 3rd ed, Churchill Livingstone.

3. Regezi, JA, Sciubba, JJ & Jordan, RCK 2012, Oral Pathology: Clinical Pathologic Correlations, 6th ed, Saunders.

4. Laskaris, G 2003, Color Atlas of Oral Diseases, 3rd ed (Revised and Expanded Edition), Thieme

5. Field, A., Longman, L., Tyldesley, W.R. 2003. Tyldesley’s Oral Medicine. 5th ed. New York: Oxford University Press Inc.


This course is delivered by Lecture and Student Centered Learning Method consisting topics: Horizon of oral medicine; Anatomy,physiology and immunology of oral cavity; Oral primary & secondary lesion; Oral normal variance; Management of non infectious disease; Management of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis; Management of Orofacial Pain; Nutrition Role in Oral Mucosal; Management of Endogenous and Exogenous Pigmented Lesion; Management of Premalignant Lesion; Saliva and management of saliva disturbance; Management of disease of the lips. A.3. COURSE PROGRAM (the following page)

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Module Learning

Goal /Competenci



Forms of media


format /class hours

per week

Students’ learning


Indicator and Assesment

Criteria (hard and soft skills)





ence code

1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10

1 Able to explain horizon of oral medicine

1. Definition 2. Scale 3. Role as a bridge

between medical science and dentistry

Lecture and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand the concept of horizon of oral medicine

Correct and comprehensive answers in midterm examination, good communication ability during discussion

6% 1, 6

2 Able to explain anatomy, physiology and humoral oral mucosal immunity

1. Anatomy and physiology oral mucosal and tongue

2. Humoral immunity in oral cavity(mucosal integrity, saliva, GCF, and lymphnode)

Lecture and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand the concept of anatomy, physiology and humoral oral mucosal immunity

Correct and comprehensive answers in midterm examination, good communication ability during discussion

6% 1, 2, 4

3 Able to explain cellular oral mucosal immunity.

Cellular oral mucosal immunity

Lecture and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand the concept of cellular oral mucosal immunity.

Correct and comprehensive answers in midterm examination, good communication ability during discussion

6% 1, 2, 4

4. Able to explain primary and secondary lesion

1. Primary lesion (macula, papula, plaque, nodula, vesicle, bula, pustula, wheals)

2. Lesi Sekunder (desquamation, erosion,

Lecture and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand the concept of primary and secondary lesion

Correct and comprehensive answers in midterm examination, good communication


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ulceration, fissura, sikatriks, pseudomembrane, crust)

ability during discussion

5. Able to explain oral normal variance

Definition, clinical appearance, biogenesis, examination and therapy of oral normal varians: ankyloglossia, bifid tongue, crenated tongue, duct stenoni prominen, exostosis, fissured tongue, fordyce’s spot, geographic tongue, linea alba, leukoedema, makro/mikroglossia, median rhomboid glossitis, papila cirkumvalata dan foliata prominen, torus palatinus dan mandibularis, white sponge nevus, hairy tongue (white), coated tongue and halitosis, lingual varices.

Lecture and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand the concept of oral normal varians

Correct and comprehensive answers in midterm examination, good communication ability during discussion

8% 6

6. Able to explain management of non infection oral mucosal disease

1. Ulkus traumatic, chemical burn, thermal burn

2. Fibroma/fibroepithelial

3. Friksional keratosis 4. Morsicatio

buccarum 5. Stomatitis nikotina 6. Ulkus


7. Drug induced hiperplasia gingiva

Lecture and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand the concept of management of non infection oral mucosal disease

Correct and comprehensive answers in midterm examination, good communication ability during discussion

8% 1, 3, 5, 6

7. Able to explain management of RAS

1. Definition RAS 2. Epidemiologi 3. Imunopatogenesis 4. Predisposing

factor 5. Pathogenesis RAS 6. Clinical

appearance (3 tipe) & differential diagnosis

7. Therapy

Lecture and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand the concept of RAS management

Correct and comprehensive answers in midterm examination, good communication ability during discussion

6% 1, 6

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8. Midterm examination

Topics week no 1 until 7

Writing test MCQ

1 x 50 minutes

Able to analyze topics week no 1 until 7

Able to answer writing test MCQ

9. Able to explain management of orofacial pain

1. Pain 2. Pain mechanism 3. Management

- Bell’s palsy - Burning mouth

syndrome - Glossodinia

/glossopirosis - Trigeminal

neuralgia - Post herpetic


Lecture and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand the concept of management of orofacial pain

Correct and comprehensive answers in final examination, good communication ability during discussion

8% 1, 3, 5

10. Able to explain the role of nutrition in oral mucosal

1. Nutrition role in supporting management of oral mucosal disease

2. Nutrition deficiency effect in oral mucosal

Lecture and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand the concept of the role of nutrition in oral mucosal

Correct and comprehensive answers in final examination, good communication ability during discussion

6% 1, 2, 3

11. Able to explain management of endogenous pigmented oral lesion

Definition and variation of endogenous pigmented lesion

a. Hairy tongue (black)

b. Hemangioma c. Oral

melanoma d. Physiologyc

Pigmentation e. Addison’s

disease f. Peutz Jegher

syndrome g. Petechiae/ecc


Group presentatio

n and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand, able to explain and answer question regarding the concept of management of endogenous pigmented oral lesion

Correct and comprehensive explanation in presentation, good communication ability and accuration during discussion and answering question

8% 1, 2, 6

12. Able to explain management of exogenous pigmented oral lesion

Definition and variation of exogenous pigmented lesion

a. Heavy metal poisoning

b. Drug induced pigmentation

c. Amalgam tattoo

d. Ornamental tattoo

Group presentatio

n and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand, able to explain and answer question regarding the concept of management of endogenous

Correct and comprehensive explanation in presentation, good communication ability and accuration during discussion and

8% 1, 2, 6

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e. Smoker’s melanosis

pigmented oral lesion

answering question

13. Able to explain management of precancer lesion & condition

Management of precancer lesion & condition Leukoplakia

a. Erythroplakia b. Oral submucous

fibrosis c. Lichen planus d. Carcinoma in


Group presentatio

n and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand, able to explain and answer question regarding the concept of management of precancer lesion & condition

Correct and comprehensive explanation in presentation, good communication ability and accuration during discussion and answering question

8% 1, 3, 4, 5

14. Able to explain management of saliva dan salivary gland disorder.

1. Saliva component and function

2. Salivary gland physiology

3. Salivary gland disorder

a. Salivary gland cyst (ranula, mucocele)

b. Viral sialadenitis (MUMPS parotitis), bacterial sialadenitis

c. Xerostomia vs Sialorrhoea

d. Sindroma Sjrogen

Group presentatio

n and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand, able to explain and answer question regarding the concept of saliva dan salivary gland disorder.

Correct and comprehensive explanation in presentation, good communication ability and accuration during discussion and answering question

8% 1, 2, 3

15. Able to explain management disorder of the lips .

Management disorder of the lips

a. Cheilosis b. Exfoliative

cheilitis c. Actinic

cheilitis d. Angular


Group presentatio

n and discussion

1 x 50 minutes

Understand, able to explain and answer question regarding the concept of management disorder of the lips

Correct and comprehensive explanation in presentation, good communication ability and accuration during discussion and answering question

8% 1, 3, 6

16. Final examination

Topics week no ke 9 - 13

Writing test MCQ

90 minutes

Able to analyze Topics week no ke 9 - 13

Able to answer writing test MCQ

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A.4. MAPPING OF LEARNING OUTCOMES – COURSE OUTCOMES A.4.1 The expected Learning Outcomes of Dental Medicine Program graduates LO 1 : Able to understand the basic principles and applied basic medical science and basic

social science to support dentistry LO 2 : Able to apply basic medical science, clinical medicine, basic dental science, and

clinical dental science to solve problems on dental cases LO 3 : Able to demonstrate general physical examination and stomatognathic system

examination, establishing diagnosis, and formulating treatment plans in order to achieve excellent oral and dental health through promotive actions, preventive actions, curative actions, and rehabilitative actions towards mannequin or simulation patient

LO 4 : Able to perform dental research as the application of scientific methods and disseminate the results according to the rules of science

LO 5 : Able to perform general physical examination and stomatognathic system examination, establishing diagnosis, and formulating treatment plans in order to achieve excellent oral and dental health through promotive actions, preventive actions, curative actions, and rehabilitative actions towards patient

LO 6 : Able to perform procedures and series of steps to restore the function of stomatognathic system in dental hospital

LO 7 : Able to demonstrate procedural knowledge and step series to restore the functions of stomatognathic system in environmental community

LO 8 : Able to perform dental practices based on relevant areas of expertise, accountability principles, partnership, ethics, and law

A.4.2. The expected Course Outcomes of Basic Oral Medicine: Oral Mucosal Diseases of Local

Origin CO 1 : Able to apply basic medical science, clinical medicine, basic dental science, and clinical

dental science in the horizon of Oral Medicine CO 2 : Able to demonstrate management of oral mucosal disease of local origin in

pharmacological and non-surgical aspect A.4.3. Mapping of Learning Outcomes – Course Outcomes

LO 1 LO 2 LO 3 LO 4 LO 5 LO 6 LO 7 LO 8 CO 1 * CO 2 * *

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B. COURSE ASSESSMENT B.1 ASSESMENT RUBRIC Cognitive Criteria: 1. The ability to give answers correctly 2. The ability to provide argumentation according to theory 3. The ability to provide systematic explanations 4. Ability to solve problems comprehensively Soft Skills : Individual Score 1 : Presence Criteria: 1. On time : 100 2. 1 – 14 minutes late : 56 – 99 2. 15 minutes late : 55 3. Absent : 0 Individual Score 2 : Activity Criteria: 1. Active, creative in accordance with competence : 75 – 100 2. Less active : 55 3. Passive : 45 Individual Score 3 : Communication/ Attitude Criteria : 1. Really appreciate others and can interact in the group : 75 - 100 2. Appreciate the opinions of others , but are not able to interact in a group : 65 – 74 3. No respect the opinions of others, but can interact in the group : 55 - 64 4. No respect to the opinions of others and do not interfere in a group : 0 – 54 Individual Score 4 : Relevance Criteria : 1. Strong relevance to the tasks assigned : 75 2. Has to do with assigned tasks : 55 3. Discussion outside a task assigned : 45 Individual Score 5: Knowledge Criteria : 1. Adequate : 75 2. not complete : 60 3. Not knowing : 40

Individual Scores (Soft skills) = Scores (Presence + Activity+ Attitude+ Relevance+ Knowledge) / 5

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B.2 ASSESMENT SYSTEM FINAL ASSESSMENT : Score of midterm examination : 30% Score of final examination : 40% Individual score : 20% Paper score : 10% Final index for undergraduate program defined as follow : A : 100 ≥ FI ≥75 AB : 75 > FI ≥ 70 B : 70 > FI ≥ 65 BC : 65 > FI ≥ 60 C : 60 > FI ≥ 55 D : 55 > FI ≥ 50 E : 50 < FI

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Parameter ∑ of persons Percentage Number or students taking this subject 174 100 % Number of students who pass at first attempt (>BC) 62 35.63 % Number of students who must take remedial (<B) 112 64.37% Number of failed students after remedial (D & E) 7 4.02%

C.2. PROBLEM ANALYSIS The high percentage of failed students showed that most students found this coursework difficult. Teaching method using teacher-centered learning might be the reason. Paper-based test and paperwork assignment might also seem “boring” for students of this era. C.3. SOLUTIVE STRATEGY Students were given a special coaching session before remedial. New methods should be developed for next academic year, consisting of:

- transition from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning to induce more active learning behaviour

- transition from paper-based test to internet-based test for quiz activity - transition from paperwork assignment to a more interesting activity that is able to

stimulate students’ creativity in using multimedia.

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D. APPENDICES D.1. DOCUMENT OF COURSE ACTIVITY D.1.1. Sample of students’ attendance form

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D.1.2. Sampe of statement of examination official report

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D.2. SAMPLE OF STUDENT WORK D.2.1. Sample of test paper

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D.2.2. Sample of student work

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D.2.3. Sample of student assignment

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D.3.2. Sample of evaluation method

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D.3.3. Academic Year 2017/2018 result

Parameter ∑ of persons Percentage

Number or students taking this subject 166 100 % Number of students who pass at first attempt 148 89.16 % Number of students who must take remedial 18 10.84 % Number of failed students after remedial (D & E) 1 0.60 %

D.3.4. Problem / Solution analysis New methods developed during Academic Year 2017/2018 is proven to be effective to increase passing grade and should be retained for next academic year:

- Many topics delivered with student-centered learning method is proven effective to induce more active learning behaviour

- Transition from paper-based test to internet-based test for quiz activity is able to provoke challenge

- Assignment to create a infographic flyer containing information of certain diseases can stimulate students’ creativity in using latest multimedia digital technology.

- Special coaching session before remedial helped students to map their weakness and induce them to strengthen the area.








Number or studentstaking this subject

Number of students whopass at first attempt

Number of students whomust take remedial

Number of failed studentsafter remedial

Percentage Year 2016/2017 Percentage Year 2017/2018